Andrew C. Wallace

February 3, 2023

This disaster will occur by either stopping payments completely, or by printing depreciated money that is mostly worthless. The result is the same: no income or medical care for half of the population. But this effect will also drag down the whole country, resulting in the worst depression in our history! I must read extensively to remain current in my writing, and I can’t find even one legitimate Economist to take issue with this prediction.

It is a recipe for disaster when fifty percent of the population is totally dependent on the government for income and medical care. Economically, this situation is exacerbated by the millions who refuse to work and produce goods or services, making inflation much worse. Unfortunately, most of these people, regardless of education, are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” and are as ignorant as a box of rocks. They will only be receptive to the truth when they are starving.

Some examples from other Economists follow:

Bob Livingston reported in his January 26, 2023, letter, “A currency collapse is progressing every day with each new dollar that is printed. The stark reality is that the public has no clue until a collapse arrives and completely destroys their assets and their lives. There are no exceptions. For paper money to work, its issue must be equal to the production of goods and services.”

Charles Hugh Smith reported in Lew Rockwell on January 26, 2023. “One of the great fictions about money is that it is neutral. It isn’t. It’s either designed for the elites or for the citizenry. The only way a currency can be “as good as gold” is if it can be converted to gold. The US currently holds 261,500,000 ounces (8,133 tons)of gold in reserve [not verified!]. The gold reserves are not large enough at the current price. Arbitrarily set the value of gold in coins at $20,000 an ounce. Thus a coin containing 1/100th of an ounce is stamped with a value of $200. The value of a coin containing 1/1,000th of an ounce is set at $20.”

Brandon Smith reported in Lew Rockwell on January 26, 2023: “The consequences of the loss of currency reserve status will be devastating to the US economy. It is the only glue holding our system together.”

What these Economists and others say is devastating, means an end to our prosperity and way of life. It is difficult for people to understand why everything the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), ‘woke’ corporations and government do is designed to destroy and impoverish us. The answer is simple: bribed government minions in both parties must destroy us to make way for the New World Order, the Great Reset. When you hear leaders at the World Economic Forum say they are superior and chosen to rule, they mean it and believe it.

It is a proven fact that we have the greatest Constitution in the world. But our usurping rulers consist of the scum of the earth with only a few honest but ineffective people.

People must accept the absolute fact that a majority of federal laws are unconstitutional usurpations of powers that are reserved by and for the states. It is a power-grab designed to concentrate power, money laundering, and theft in the federal government, controlled by the PSRRC and their ‘woke’ corporations.

All attempts to return government to its constitutional format using the courts have failed because of a compromised judiciary. I have been assured by experts in Constitutional law that any justice administered through the courts is an impossibility. It is a shame to think that Revolutionary Courts may be the only way to seek justice. Elections could save us, but that is a remote possibility when the Communists have unlimited funds, Antifa Enforcers, cheat like hell, and both parties are paid off by the ‘woke’ corporations.

When all else fails, it is up to the people to stop the communists from ruling us other than in a Constitutional and legal manner. You do that by refusing to obey unconstitutional laws that are outside the Limited and Enumerated Powers given to the federal government in the Constitution. For the most part, the federal government, as it is now constituted, is a fraud with little legal or moral relationship to our Constitution.

Those millions of illegal border invaders are mostly of military age, with no loyalty to the United States. Government is feeding, housing and giving them medical care which is unconstitutional and treasonous! There is a possibility that the federal government usurpers plan to use these invaders as a military militia to force unhappy citizens to accept the cutoff of government “services”.

Medicaid enrollment was increased during the so-called Pandemic, but will now be reduced by 5 to 14 million dollars due to reduction in funding. Some of these recipients may not be deserving, but they are certainly more deserving than the invaders or foreign aid, etc. (which are unconstitutional!).

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (the wealthy families) and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are the personification of real evil, with the blood of innocents on their hands! They are responsible for the destruction of entire countries and the murder of countless millions, second only to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, combined. They even sacrificed your children, used your money and in your name, without informed consent, waged wars for only their profit and power. To add insult to injury, our incompetent and corrupt Military Flag Officers didn’t win even one of those wars in 75 years. They have been bleeding us all this time, which is why the people’s assets and standard of living keep declining. Soon, you won’t have a pot to pee in.

The most important thing for you to learn from this paper is that your support by government and all economic activity is rapidly declining to next to nothing (maybe overnight). You have only two choices. Sit on your ass and starve forever as a slave, or get a backbone and resist these usurping traitors in a lawful and Constitutional manner! That is the only way to return to real prosperity and justice. The usurpers will hurt resisters, if they can.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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