By Lex Greene

June 20, 2024

For all who were never properly taught, and have lived under a blanket of lies their entire lives…

Not all that long ago, every American understood the concept of “liberty and justice for all.” A 247-year-old guarantee unlike any nation around the globe, under the “supreme law of the land,” the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The United States guarantees maximum individual liberty and equal justice under the law, for ALL, regardless of race, creed, political views, personal preferences, or color.

But somewhere along the way, a society distracted by daily life itself, forgot to remain “forever vigilant” in the defense thereof, and politicians who refuse to abide by their Oaths to the same, allowed this most basic foundation for life in America to collapse under the weight of partisan agendas and purposeful deep and fatal divisions in the electorate.

There are just a few key ingredients necessary to create and protect Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, equal justice under the law for all, and national sovereignty and security.

  • ONE NATION – as in, one people, E Pluribus Unum, Latin for “Out of many, One”. A society must be ONE, united on foundational principles, values, and political precepts…because if it isn’t, every house divided against itself shall fall.
  • UNDER GOD – which means, not under the authority of any human being. As established by our nation’s Founders long ago, our freedoms do not come from man, but rather, they are “endowed by our Creator.”
  • INDIVISIBLE – United in cause, because divided, we will fall.

“With Liberty, and Justice for All….”

Contrary to popular belief, no one in America has “constitutional rights.” That’s because our Rights are not from man, they are “endowed by our Creator.” Every American is born free, with “inalienable” Natural Rights, and those Rights are protected and preserved by our Charters of Freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

NATURAL RIGHTS“Natural rights, also known as human rights or inalienable rights, are those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government. They are considered universal, fundamental, and inalienable, meaning they cannot be repealed by human laws.”

You see, for anyone to be free, everyone must be free. For me to have liberty, I must protect your liberty as well, and you must protect mine, otherwise, no one will have an ounce of personal liberty or freedom.

We must be “indivisible” and totally united in this regard, or we’re all in deep trouble. When it comes to the basics of freedom, liberty and justice, we must be united, one nation, one voice.

In terms of self-governance, there are only two choices…

  • We exist to serve government (bondage, involuntary servitude)
  • Or government exists to serve us (freedom)

Now, if you can explain to me how this is a partisan issue, I’m anxious to hear your story.

The United States of America is NOT a “democracy.” It never was, and never should be. Everyone who calls our form of government a “democracy” is a liar, out of intent, or ignorance. No exceptions!

But this requires everyone to understand the difference between a “democracy” which our Founders rejected as mere “mob rule,” and the “Constitutional Republic” that our Founders established in our Charters of Freedom.

In a “democracy,” the biggest mob rules. 50.1% of the people can rule over the other 49.9% of the people against their will, by simple majority, with no restraints. Everything is decided by “majority mob” decisions. This cannot produce “freedom and liberty for all.” It is only a stepping stone back into bondage for everyone, under tyrannical government rule by a 50.1% mandate.

In a “Constitutional Republic,” the government is created “of, by and for the people,” to serve the overall interest of every citizen equally, without any regard for picking favorites. The government is created and empowered by the people via the Constitution, with certain limited powers, and only so long as that government performs in strict accordance with Constitutionally granted authorities.

The government is further restricted on a number of key issues, as defined in the Bill of Rights.

In other words, a Republican form of government which is itself governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, cannot infringe upon the Natural Rights of any citizen, no matter race, creed, color or political leanings.


“One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all….”

That which was endowed by our Creator, is inalienable to any man, woman, or governmental body.

“to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;”

It’s entirely irrelevant who you think God, or the Creator is, or even if you believe in no such thing at all. Whether you believe in a God or Creator or not, you are protected by the same foundational protections afforded to all who do believe… No matter your views on a higher power, this comes down to your faith in mankind, especially those who seek power over you, verses your trust in no man to hold power over you.

The issue is universal in nature. The United States is built upon a foundational principle that ALL MANKIND is created equal, and free. That these things are not derived from man, but rather a higher authority than mere man.

To put a fine factual point on this matter, those who want the USA to become a “democracy,” seek unlimited power over all of us. Today, the Democrat Party is the most undemocratic organization in the USA, and this fact is easily demonstrated over and over again. Those who seek to uphold, defend and enforce a Constitutional Republic in our country, are the only true American patriots

In closing, it is unlikely that these historical and critical facts will reach those who need them most, as truth is being silenced at every turn today. Our government does not want Americans to know this anymore, as they work feverishly to meld the USA into a global Marxist commune in the ongoing maniacal “global reset” created by pure nazis.

They told you directly, if they are successful in taking down America in 2024, you will own nothing and be happy,” according to their definition of your happiness, of course.

So, if by chance this piece hits home for you, please make sure you share it far and wide from now until November, as the 2024 elections are for all the marbles, WINNER TAKE ALL…


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