By Sidney Secular

February 25, 2025

DRONING ON WITH NON-ANSWERS TO THE DRONE MYSTERY: The official Administration answer to the drone mystery was another of those “Nothing to see here, move on” typically facile and phony GovMint non-explanations to phenomena that cry out for a real explanation, let alone an explication. They were explained as playthings/hobby things like airplane model kits, a sort of hobby horse explanation. That at least some of these “toys” are the size of SUVs seems quite beside the point! However, once thusly said, further official exploration and explanation is for practical purposes dead or relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory”.

If one is a UFO aficionado or is familiar with the characteristics of many UFOs, which have filled the skies in large numbers since the late 1940s, one could easily identify the drones as yet another iteration of the airborne objects that defy explanation since they have capabilities that no conventional – or indeed, any known aircraft can compete with. To say they are anomalies – a common description – just means that they are likely the norm in some other dimension or realm with which we are unfamiliar. Many local and federal officials and law enforcement personnel have seen them and can attest to their otherworldly characteristics. Drones or UFOs as long as 3 football fields have been seen and have been characterized as motherships accompanied by lesser craft of the “flying saucer” description. They can suddenly go dark and then disappear at otherworldly speeds of thousands of miles per hour, especially when spotted. Parenthetically, such maneuvers would kill any human being within them if there were not some unknown technologies protecting the craft’s occupants! Many seem able to change shapes like amoebas. They are usually silent but can engage in a sort of mimicry so as to sound like a plane thus toying with our imaginations and patience. They can make 90 degree turns or zig zag in an instant. Many are undetectable on radar.

There is a subset of UFOs called USOs (Underwater Submerged Objects) that come straight up out of oceans and waterways as if they have bases under ocean floors. Drones are sometimes accompanied by “orbs”, described as bright balls of energy. It suddenly comes out now that the drones haven’t been limited to the skies over New Jersey or the US, but have been seen elsewhere, especially near military bases in Britain and Germany. An especially noteworthy flock of drones engaging in a flurry of unaccounted for flights occurred over Langley Air force Base in Virginia for several days in December 2022. The drone phenomenon is so common and has caused no real harm so that the military can make light of them as nothing to get excited over now. (“Nothing to see here!”) There are all kinds of conjectures about the drones, such as they are advanced American products produced with deep state or “black budget” money, are the result of a collaboration with extra-terrestrials, are reverse-engineered products derived from crashed UFOs, or are advanced Chinese craft flying around with impunity such as the recent “weather balloon” that traversed the US spying on military bases.

DEATHS AMONG YOUNG ADULT AMERICANS ARE SPIKING TO HISTORIC HIGHS: Deaths of Americans aged 25 to 44 spiked to 70% above the expected rate in 2023. Researchers realize that the high death rate is somewhat caused by drug overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism, but that there must be other factors involved. A peer reviewed study published by the JAMA examined over 33 million deaths of Americans aged 25-44 between 1999 and 2023. There were 2 distinct trends in the mortality. Deaths increased sharply from 2011 to 2019, then skyrocketed between 2020 and 2023. Drug poisonings have apparently been a potent factor in these increases; however, except for Covid-19 (or claims related to this mild form of flu!), most of the leading causes of death in young adults were not health related. Compared to trends before 2011, deaths from most causes were significantly higher by 2023 than would be expected. Despite the so-called pandemic by now being long over, deaths have not significantly decreased, which suggests many more deaths than otherwise be expected will be forthcoming in the future as the aforesaid young adults age into midlife and beyond. Other causes of the aforesaid sharp increases in deaths among young adults have been suggested. These include dislocations caused by the economic crash of 2008, “deaths from despair”, and lengthening work hours leading to unhealthy lifestyles.

Some perceptive researchers see that the elephant in the room is being overlooked; that is the likely import of the Covid mRNA “vaccines”. Dr. Pierre Kory, a leading researcher has written extensively on that subject. Kory alludes to data on deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Kory also noted the “inexplicable” and unprecedented rises in group term life insurance claims among young people 25-44, which occurred suddenly in the 3rd quarter of 2021, when mandates were all the rage of the regime. The temporal relationship between the vaccine rollouts and the excess mortality that was occurring wasn’t addressed in the predominant research going on. It is now being noted that deaths are still surging among those that received the Covid mRNA vaccinations rolled out in 2021.

Also, the data show that the excess deaths for children 1-14 have surged higher EACH YEAR since the Covid mRNA vaxxes were rolled out. The excess deaths in this age group spiked by a staggering 22% in 2023, the last year for which full data is available. Although the data for 2024 are not all in yet, the official figures show that the death rates keep surging, yet, in the UK at least, officials keep claiming that circulatory diseases and diabetes are behind the significant increases in deaths.

SURGEONS SURGING AHEAD ON ORGAN REMOVAL PLAN IN CANADA: Canadian doctors, apparently okay with the country’s assisted suicide program called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), (or death “maid” to order), are now considering whether to harvest organs from euthanasia patients before they die. The doctors reason that organs are normally removed from euthanasia donors as soon as possible before death to ensure they are in the best possible condition for transplant. Why wait? If organs were removed from a live person, they would be in even better condition. If a person is about to die anyway, what’s the big deal in killing him to take his organs? The country’s socialized healthcare system has a chronic organ shortage, anyway. Also, there’s big money to be made in both MAiD and in organ trafficking on the world market. Also, think of the money that will be saved in not having to provide healthcare or even normal living expenses while waiting for a person to die. Remember, we in the West – including Canada – have China to thank for their “advanced” position on the harvesting of organs from their own “useless eaters!” And so, here we are in the 21st Century, still considering Western nations as “civilized!” Live and learn, I guess – or rather DIE and learn.

EVs NOT VIABLE WITHOUT VOLUMINOUS GOVMINT HANDOUTS – AND PROBABLY NOT EVEN THEN: A recent press release announced that EV manufacturer Rivian had received a 46.6 BILLION loan from the Dept. of Energy to continue producing EVs on our “dime”. The document stated that continued EV production by Rivian “would provide an important boost to the US automotive industrial base, enabling significant job creation and investment that is important in order for the US to maintain its leadership as electric vehicles become a strategically important industry”. This “picture” is delusional as customer are increasingly rejecting EVs as too expensive and as only viable in urban or crowded areas – when they’re not exploding like assault weapons. Between 2016 and 2024, Rivian tore through nearly $2,4 billion in subsidies and still had to cancel expansion plans and lay off workers due to missed production and sales targets. The GovMint solution to any problem is to throw masses of money at it though it’s already obvious that the only thing that will solve the problem is to end the nonsense of electric cars.

HAS CHINA’S DEEPSEEK AI TECHNOLOGY ALREADY SANK US AI MODELS?  Probably yes, while costing a small fraction of the costs associated with the US models. President Trump has announced a $500 billion investment in AI to counter this threat and secure US dominance in the industry —  but it sounds like the horse has already left the barn. Just why the US has to be #1 in everything sure costs us much moolah. We know that anything Globohomo gets involved with in a big way is going to become a big-time boondoggle or bust. The Chinese, communist or not, do things with a minimum of waste, or so it seemingly seems. In any event, they have made unbelievable economic progress in the last 40 years and there is little reason the progress won’t continue. They may have rigorous regulation but minimal taxation. They have become the capitalists with an overlay of leftover socialism while we have become the fascists or socialists, or maybe a nasty and fairly useless mix of both. Unlike most American students, and especially the woke weirdos who take courses that reinforce their radicalism, many of the kids who take STEM courses in the US are actually from China and return there to provide China with many happy returns. In 2020, the Chinese had 3.57 million STEM graduates while the US only had 820,000. Okay, the Chinese do steal our technology, but nearly every entity in the modern world advances by building upon what has already been achieved whether by others or ourselves, since secrets don’t remain that way for very long due to our interconnected, globalist milieu. We will play the one-up game with the Chinese   for a spell, but we have along way to go to even get back in the game, but the Chinese assets spell a second-rate rating for us “going forward.”

HOW ABOUT GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS vice GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT? The small Himalayan nation of Bhutan intends to hold on to its traditional values to avoid getting caught up in the web of the modern global materialist morass. So, the Government there issues an annual questionnaire to measure its residents’ “Gross Social happiness” a/k/a “Gross National Happiness”. The government has declared that its most important objective is to ensure that the population is happy, and asks residents whether they are lacking anything offering them an opportunity to suggest changes that would serve the collective “happiness.” To help define this happiness, the Bhutanese “Ministry of Information and Communication” has declared that happiness does not mean entertainment, excitement or thrills but rather a deep form of contentedness that lies within the individual person and of which there is no direct and identifiable external source. Of course, that is not entirely true as external matters obviously influence personal satisfaction or dissatisfaction and can even lead to despair! Yet, obviously, there is something in that small, isolated nation that permits its people to find contentment and happiness absent all the “bells and whistles” of modern “culture.”

THE DARK SITUATION IN FORMERLY WHITE COUNTRIES. White governments throughout the West bend the knee to and emphasize the rights of non-white immigrant invaders over the rights of their ethnic citizens. This has proceeded to the point that the right to free speech is abrogated if the invaders or their self-assigned protectors find any speech offensive or off-putting. The media are not permitted to mention race or immigrant status when reporting crimes even when to do so would help identify or help apprehend the culprit. The crime of rape, so common a practice of the invader hordes upon white women, when reported to the police becomes a “hate crime” if thus brought up to the authorities. The rapists, invariably immigrants, are rarely arrested, much less punished. The feminists have completely gone silent on this issue in contrast to their usual loud-mouthed stridency on all issues pertaining to “toxic masculinity!” Being called a “racist” competes with “antisemite’ as the worst of crimes, whereas the crime of rape causes hardly a ripple anymore.

Elon Musk, with the clout that comes when “money talks” has brought the issue to the forefront when he recently reiterated the issue of the British government and police remaining silent as the invaders held a quarter million white girls in sexual bondage, a practice called “grooming”. Instead, the white parents who complained about it were arrested. Whites, indoctrinated to believe they all are racists, lack the self-respect or the courage to protect themselves and their children. The few who have brought the subject up have been fired from their jobs, arrested, and imprisoned. The upstart political parties who have started to represent the white ethnic peoples have had their leaders demonized as Nazis and arrested on false indictments and imprisoned. When these parties make any headway and are about to become major forces or come close to winning elections, they are being threatened with dissolution and the results of democratically conducted elections overturned. The Marxist-socialist world view has wormed its way to the top and must be countered now or our protestations against it will be of no account.

“GREEN” GURUS GAMBLE WITH THE GLOBE’S FUTURE: The periodic and idiotic international climate summits continue their mission against the emission of greenhouse gases for the chicken-little goal of bringing down the earth’s temperature and the earth with it. The predictable results are now to be seen in a worsening electricity and fuel crisis, especially in Europe due to the takedown of coal and nuclear generating stations, the buildup of unreliable solar and wind, and the deregulation of energy prices. This is creating an inevitable food emergency. Farmers in Europe can neither afford nor obtain reliable fuel for machinery or for drying crops. With the rising price of fuel, the large concentration of the once vaunted high-yield Dutch greenhouses can’t afford electricity. In what is becoming a world-wide disaster, rising fuel prices have also hit nitrogen fertilizer production. Its feedstock is natural gas whose price has soared and whose future cost is uncertain so that fertilizer manufacturers have cut back on production. Farmers can’t afford or obtain the fertilizer essential for good yields of corn and wheat.

Yet even more devastating than the impact of the energy crisis is the “green” agenda for farming. It is an attack on modern agricultural technology seemingly designed to ruin farmers and ranchers outright. In September 2020, the UK enacted its new “Agricultural Law” which set forth the unprecedented demand that the main function of farmers will be the enhancement of the environment rather than feeding the population, something that is now a secondary consideration. The UK Government has measures in place to reward or penalize farmers accordingly. Despite a world population that is nearing 8 billion, it is possible to provide an abundance of food for all and also protect the environment. The present “crisis” is the result of catering to the cartel system and its war against food production systems.

SANITY IS ON A ROLL AS THE WOKE JOKE IS ROLLED BACK: President Trump has been a major catalyst in reversing some of the prominent and farcical practices associated with the Far Left, the social misfits, the malcontents, and the social engineers who have had a field day for 4 years in going for broke under Biden. The following are some examples of this abrupt change in direction:

  • Meta’s founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook, Instagram, and other Meta platforms will be ending their “fact-checking” programs. Zuckerberg said the move would dramatically reduce the amount of censorship on its platforms “which were too politically biased and have destroyed much trust.” Zuckerberg also directed the removal of the ridiculous tampons from the men’s restrooms at the Meta offices. Whether the gentleman has changed his politics or has allowed his natural intelligence to have sway over is unclear. However, we can hope that he has seen the light of reason. Nonetheless, Mr. Zuckerberg and his ilk are the most dangerous of those on the Left as they are smart enough to melt into the shadows against the time when the Left regains power. And for the same reason, many of the guileless on the Right – who never seem to learn! – will misunderstand the gentleman’s seeming “new outlook” and trust where trust is not the smart thing to do!
  • McDonald’s joined a growing list of major corporations that have rolled back their DEI strategies, which include Walmart, Target, and Ford. These are corporations and they are motivated by profit. On the whole, that’s not a bad thing under the circumstances.
  • West Virginia Governor Patrick Morrisey immediately banned all DEI initiatives at all public institutions in the state on his second day in office. A believer and NOT a convert and that’s good.
  • President Trump has signed an executive order banning the creation and issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency in the US. Nothing new here. Trump is openly anti-anti-American.
  • Every major US bank has withdrawn from the Net-Zero Banking Alliance which required its members to prioritize a radical climate agenda over customer and investor interests. And while one may look upon the “banking industry” with mistrust, at least those involved seem to be relatively intelligent!

COVID-19 VAXXES HAVE KILLED MORE AMERICANS THAN ALL OF THE 20TH CENTURY WARS PUT TOGETHER: The estimate is 3.8 million based on an extrapolation from the VAERS system data. In WWI, the war that was supposedly the one to end all wars, the figure is 116,516 military deaths. For WWII, there were about 405,400 military deaths, for Korea 37,000 deaths, and for Vietnam the figure was 58,220 military deaths, for a total of about 617,135 military deaths. Of course, this doesn’t account for the deaths in all of the wars mentioned of non-combatants, a considerably higher figure, I’m sure! The deaths from the Covid shots would be much higher – the VAERS statistics only capture acute cases early on. The people eventually dying as a result of receiving the vaxxes from cancer, heart disease, etc. are not reported at all. We already see this with the people we know. Imagine the disconnect if a related death occurs a decade later.

The only way to adequately measure the full devastation of the bioweapon injection on humanity is to conduct a comprehensive study of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated and compare all-cause mortality of each group as well as the prevalence of diseases and disorders in each group for at least a decade. There is a limited window of time within which to do such a study. Then again, more people will be injured by the newly found matter of shedding. Will the victims of the biowarfare campaign be recognized as casualties of war? Not likely. With 75% of TV advertising coming from Big Pharma, the silence is likely to remain deafening. The distilled data demonstrates that 8 million Americans have suffered heart damage due to the injections. It appears the elite are “dead set” on killing us. And now, a mass media marketing campaign is underway to pump up the bird flu scare, an obvious indication that our elites are prepared for “round two” in this war against us useless eaters. Already, a vaccine has been created in record time and is being administered to chickens, sort of an indirect way to get at us. No one will be brave enough to tell us not to eat chicken — they will be too chicken to do that.

UFO SIGHTINGS WERE OUT OF SIGHT IN 2024: The past year was one of revelation, wonder and anticipation with regards to UFO and UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) sightings over North America and around the world, capped and culminating with the mysterious drone incursions over practically every continent – with the occasional balloon thrown in. To complement this, the Pentagon released more “unclassified information” on the phenomenal phenomena as Congress has continued to push for more disclosure on the subject – anything to get the American people from looking more closely at the behavior of its government!

However, the GovMint is still adhering to its long-time stonewalling position that we’re still alone in the universe and this may be the case as there are those who “identify” these “unworldly beings” as more Biblical than Sci-fi! However, little bits of contrary information leak out to the public, which are but the tip of the iceberg. During February 2024, legislation was enacted requiring the Archivist of the United States to begin collecting and publishing records that “pertain to unidentified anomalous phenomena, technologies of unknown origin, and non-human intelligence.” During April, during a hearing of the US House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Rob Wittman revealed observations made at Langley AFB in Virginia in December 2023 that a large number of unmanned craft or drones appeared in that airspace, sufficiently large for the base to shut down for a period of time. In late May, Karl Nell, retired US Army Colonel and Deputy Chief of Staff for the US Africa Command startled the staid military by stating, “non-human intelligence exists and has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing”. That jaw-dropper came from an impeccable source.

On August 20, Harald Malmgren, a global leader and advisor to several presidents released a statement, to wit, “recurring sightings of luminous spheroids traveling at extreme velocities, then abruptly resuming stationary positions have been documented.” Back in September, Donald Trump indicated he was in favor of releasing any information being held back on UAPs. Moving into October, journalist Michael Shellenberger revealed that a whistleblower has alleged that the Pentagon and the CIA are illegally hiding a secret UFO/UAP crash retrieval program called “Immaculate Constellation!” Matt Gaetz has also made the same allegation with the question arising, could it be he was pressured to resign from Congress over this revelation? In late November and December, the drones started showing up in earnest.

Needless to say, the world waits with bated breath for accurate, provable information and answers. Independent media is going crazy with theories, while the legacy media, of course, is pretty much ignoring the story altogether.

MEXICO SEEKS TO BANKRUPT THE AMERICAN ARMS INDUSTRY:  On March 4, 2025, the US Supreme Court will hear the case, “Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc, et al v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos.” The high court will consider whether American firearms manufacturers will have to pay Mexico $10 Billion on the theory that legally made and sold products in America are responsible for harming Mexican citizens – and not, for example, the narco-terrorist drug cartels in Mexico or the cancerous, corrupt leaders of Mexico. Even though the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act protects gun makers and sellers from exactly this type of frivolous legal attack, a court in Massachusetts dismissed it. However, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit reversed the dismissal, but now the Supreme Court has decided to hear the case. Mexico has extinguished its constitutional arms right and now seeks to extinguish America’s and to that end, Mexico seeks to bankrupt the American firearms industry by holding lawful firearms manufacturers liable for violence committed by Mexican drug cartels in Mexico despite alleging no affirmative misconduct by these manufacturers, intent of these manufacturers to incite violence, or lack of any concrete nexus between the manufacturers and the cartels.

Mexico doesn’t just want $10 billion in damages, a sum that would bankrupt American gun companies, it is also arguing that US courts should impose new gun control measures in the US, a matter that is blatantly unconstitutional! This frivolous suit would provide cover for Mexican officials who have failed to reign in the cartels by blaming US gun companies for the carnage. The Mexicans cannot pounce on its own gun industry since it doesn’t have one – there is only one gun store in all of Mexico – although, if I remember correctly, Obama’s Attorney General sent a lot of American guns to that nation also in hopes of destroying America’s gun industry!

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