Greg Holt

“I remember getting hit in the head with a snowball; yeah it hurt.  So what?  Next day we did it all over again with a parental admonishment not to aim at anyone’s head (which we ignored).”    (True Conservative Pundit)

Yes folks you did read that right, a city in Wisconsin has actually banned throwing snowballs.  After all, public safety is at risk here.  I have to ask, how is it that anyone can be this ignorant, or more to the point, blatantly stupid?

So – since throwing snowballs is illegal now in Wausau, what is the next thing to be banned by these idiots?

  • Crossing the street – you may get hit by a car
  • Driving – you might have an accident
  • Baseball – the ball might hit you
  • Golf – your back may be thrown out of whack
  • Walking in winter – you might slip and fall
  • Riding a bike – you may take a spill and/or fall off

Seriously?  Who doesn’t remember growing up and throwing snowballs at one another?  Could someone get hurt, well in a word, yes.  But as I demonstrated above, there are a lot of things that could cause injury.  That in no way means that these things should be banned.

I remember getting hit in the head with a snowball; yeah it hurt.  So what?  Next day we did it all over again with a parental admonishment not to aim at anyone’s head (which we ignored).  I came home one day literally covered in blood – I had been racing around a corner (on a gravel road) and lost control of my bike and wiped out in the gravel.  Cuts and bruises everywhere.  Should my mom have banned me from riding a bike ever again?  Of course not.

I once climbed a tree, and got stuck at the top.  The neighbor had to climb up and help me get down.  I kept climbing trees.  I survived.

My brother and I used to tie each other up in chains, rope etc. and see how long (and IF we could escape) it would take for each of us to escape.  We had a blast.  Today the idiots on the Left would scream CHILD ABUSE!!!!

According to Breitbart News, Wausau’s new municipal ordnance states under the weapons section no less (snowballs are weapons now?  Please get serious!):

“’No person shall throw or shoot any object, arrow, stone, snowball or other missile or projectile, by hand or by any other means, at any other person,’ says the Wausau municipal code, under the ‘Weapons’ heading in the section dealing with ‘Peace, Safety, and Morals.’”

Now remember kids, if you throw a snowball, that it is now a crime.


“’It’s really in the interest of public safety,’ Wausau Mayor Robert B. Mielke told WCCO.

‘A lot of it is just consideration and common sense. You don’t throw stuff at people, period.’”

Well Mr. Mielke, as a parent, and having once been a kid that grew up throwing snowballs, playing “King of the Hill” etc., I have to say that this is completely asinine and foolhardy.

What this ultimately boils down to is yet another ridiculous attempt to legislate our rights away by removing our God-given right to make choices.

Just as you cannot legislate morals, you cannot legislate a citizen’s every move and expect that such action is going to work. One also cannot reasonably dismiss the prospect of serious blowback from enacting such frivolous and highly questionable “laws.”

The Wausau City Council along with the mayor’s office would be better off spending time solving Wausau’s many problems and taking care of day-to-day business, not outlawing an American past-time.

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