By Andrew Wallace

July 14, 2024

Your enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), consisting of wealthy families and individuals.

They rule the world through their control of corporations, media, Congress and bureaucrats in the administrative state. The PSRRC is also supported by the judiciary who think they are the law, and do not honor their Oath to the Constitution.

The PSRRC has always been with us, but they took total control in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-Free Foundations, and the Income Tax.

Until 1913, the federal government was totally financed with tariffs, which also protected jobs of American workers.

Income taxes and the Federal Reserve was required for the PSRRC to finance wars and to allow the transfer of the people’s wealth directly into the hands of the PSRRC by printing fiat money to finance the government, which causes inflation and facilitates wealth transfer…to them!

Our Constitution requires the use of gold for money because it is stable and inflation-proof, and cannot be printed to finance wars and social programs not specifically enumerated in our Constitution. Government does not use gold for money in violation of the Constitution

The government can now spend whatever it pleases to finance wars for profit and other Unconstitutional programs, because it can sell bonds to the Federal Reserve Bank which in turn prints fiat money out of thin air. But printed money (without corresponding production) causes an inflation tax that is impoverishing our people. The resulting inflation has killed the American Dream, increased government debt, increased government interest payments, and will very soon bankrupt the government and destroy the currency. Half of the population, one way or another, is supported by the government…and they would starve.

None of this has to happen. Simply return to the gold standard, tariffs and the Constitution, as originally set forth by our educated founders. Our federal government has become mostly a criminal enterprise, usurping powers and creating controls and agencies never contemplated or authorized by our founding document.

Numbers don’t lie. In simple terms, government income is five trillion dollars. Approximately one trillion goes for defense and one trillion for interest, leaving three trillion for everything else. It is estimated that foreign immigration invaders will cost another trillion. But government expenditures are approximately seven trillion dollars, requiring two trillion in newly-printed money from the Federal Reserve, imposing a severe inflation tax on our citizens.

It is estimated that more than half of government expenditures are unconstitutional. Examples include all federal support to the states, foreign aid, Departments such as Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education and Transportation, etc.

Our Government is hated by the world because it has killed millions of innocents and destroyed entire countries without just cause. Since the end of World War Two we have been in 30 conflicts, killing 108,866 American service men and women. We lost every war. But the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC made a lot of blood money at our expense.

The costs of these wars for profits never ends. The Veterans Administration budget for 2024 is $328.1 billion. But the loss to our veterans can’t be calculated. The PSRRC and their minions in Congress are responsible and should be punished!

The PSRRC spent 8 years vilifying, framing and doing everything to destroy President Trump to the point that most Democrats hate Trump. With millions of Democrats hating Trump, there had to be one nutcase to try to assassinate him. I feel that this was the ultimate objective of the PSRRC because they can’t afford to have President Trump continue his work to return manufacturing jobs to America, stop the wars, close the borders, and reduce inflation, etc. Not to mention prosecuting these traitors for their crimes.

The once-proud Secret Service allowed President Trump to be shot through their incompetence (read “woke” DEI agendas!) or outright complicity.

In simple terms, the PSRRC was responsible for the ‘Rust Belt’ that impoverished thousands of cities and millions of workers.

President Trump, in his first term, made significant progress in returning manufacturing to the United States and ending wars for profit, which cost the PSRRC billions of dollars.

President Trump represents the People’s only hope for a return to the Constitution without a Civil War. He has proven his ability in the past. He has initiated his desire to end the income tax and return to tariffs to finance the government.

The millions of innocent worldwide victims of our 30 losing conflicts since World War Two demand punishment of Congress and the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class. These traitorous warmongers are slime deserving punishment and the hatred of all decent people.

This is but an overview, and if you are interested in the details, you may find them in the fifty articles I wrote for in 2023

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