A few months ago, God laid it upon my heart to launch a Blue Lives Matter Celebration tour to dispel the evil myth that America’s cops murder blacks. This insidious lie is spread by the Left (Hillary, the Obama Administration, democrats, Hollywood and mainstream media). In essence, they have painted a bright red target on the backs of our brave men and women in blue who lay their lives on the line for us every day.
Stats confirm that blacks pose the largest threat to black lives, killing each other in consistently-growing epidemic record breaking numbers. Ironically, stats prove that cops are the biggest defenders of black lives. However, we seem to be living in a time in which facts and truth no longer matter in America; only narrative and political spin for evil political gain. Screw the consequences and toll on human lives.
Our launch Blue Lives Matter event was top-shelf, a great production at the Ocean Convention Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. The mayor proclaimed it “Celebrate The Blue Day” in Daytona.
However, I must confess that I was extremely disappointed. In my mind, encouraging cops and pushing back against lies causing them to be assassinated was a no-brainer issue which everyone would rally behind.
Man, was I wrong. Shockingly, numerous powerful conservative media associates shied away from me. Local Republican, tea party and christian groups which I have had great relationships did not support my efforts for police. Being the overly responsible first born that I am, I took my colleagues’ rejection personal. Despite sending a zillion press releases, not one media outlet showed to cover our event. Though it was a struggle, thank God we raised $5000 to cover the cost of the event. Attendance for the debut event launching our Blues Lives Matter tour was low.
As I was leaving the convention center after packing up everything after the show (set pieces and a banner I painted), an elderly security guard scolded me, “You should have advertised young man! I saw nothing in the newspapers.” I smiled and got into my car.
Did I miss-read God’s leading, telling me to launch a Blue Lives Matter tour? Instantly, I thought, “Stop doubting. You read God correctly.” I thought about Noah who God told to build an ark on dry land. Just because God tells you to do something does not mean everyone is going to rally behind you.
Weeks later, I continued scratching my head wondering why so few seemed interested in supporting police.
Then, I learned of democrat sleaze operative, Bob Creamer’s Leftist tactical handbook, “Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.” The book exposes how the Left floods the airways with lies to discourage and demonize conservative thought; convincing conservatives that they are the weirdo minority. So, this why so many are afraid to publicly support police.
Dispute the Left’s insidious evil con-game, I am extremely about this recent poll sighting a surge in Americans’ respect for police.
“Three in four Americans (76%) say they have “a great deal” of respect for police in their area, up 12 percentage points from last year.”
I am thankful that God blessed me with a great team of volunteers, speakers and entertainers who made our Blue Lives Matter tour launch a first-class event. They are pumped and ready to go to other states.
With the presidential election in a few weeks, I decided to focus on getting Trump elected. Then, we will plan our next Blue Lives event.
Joe “Super Cop” Sanchez sent me the following: NYPD/FDNY Retirees for Donald Trump.
“With the anti-cop “Blacks Lives Matter” movement and cop-basher Al Sharpton supporting Hillary Clinton for President, a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Al Sharpton and the anti-cop “Black Lives Matter” movement.”
Folks, I am fully committed to continuing God’s call to spread the truth about our heroes, America’s police. However, if there was any doubt about the dire-need for what I am doing, check out these attacks on police just in the last few months by shooters who boldly proclaim they “want to kill police officers.” I must remind you that Black Lives Matter has sent out a clarion call to their minions proclaiming it “open season” on killing police and white people.
July 10, 2016: “White Cop Gets Ambushed, Shot During Routine Traffic Stop…”
July 18 2016: “Ballwin Police Officer Ambushed During Traffic Stop is Paralyzed…”
August 26, 2016: “Maryville Police Officer Killed in ‘Ambush’…”
September 7, 2016: “Widow of Ambushed Baton Rouge Cop Reveals She’s Pregnant…”
September 17, 2016: “Suspect Shoots Philly Cop Several Times” – Leaves a note saying he was targeting Philadelphia police officers.
October 6, 2016 (St Louis): “Police Officer Ambushed and Killed…” – 33 years old, leaves behind wife and 2-year-old son.
October 8, 2016: “Three More Cops Ambushed in California…”
October 13, 2016: “11 Cops Ambushed and Shot, 2 in Critical Condition…”
October 17, 2016: “Cops Ambushed in Vallejo”
After the presidential election, we will resume our Blue Lives Matter tour. My wife Mary and I have decided to purchase a state-of-the-art sound system to cut down the cost of our events. We will drive to as many cities as possible; fly when necessary. Please help fund our tour at my website.
As Burke said, “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman – CampaignToDefeatObama.com
© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved