The recently reported:

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said last week that illegal immigrants — who are not eligible to vote in elections — will be a part of Democrats’ promised “blue wave” in this November’s midterm elections.

Just listen:

“The thing of it is, the blue wave is African American. It is white. It is Latino. It is Asian-Pacific Islander. It is disabled, it is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said.

“It is made up of those who’ve been told that they are not worthy of being here. It is comprised of those who are documented and undocumented,” she added.

Undocumented? Isn’t that another way of saying illegal?

Perhaps she is referring to what many of the lawless in America are calling the undocumented “productive” citizens…well…except they aren’t citizens?

So just what kind of movement is this “blue wave?”

You see, until the illegal immigrant is an American, by legal definition they have broken the laws of the land, making them a criminal, and thereby forfeiting their rights to liberty in America.

But criminally entering America is not their only crime.  Before any illegal alien receives his/her first paycheck or cash payment the potential of at least 28 crimes will be committed by him/her.

For example:

  1. Conspiring to cross the border illegally. (1 count)
  2. Hiring a coyote or a drug cartel for guided passage into the USA. (1 count)
  3. Crossing the border with a coyote and in many cases smuggling drugs. (1 count)
  4. Traveling, illegally, to their destination or to a destination determined by their “smuggler.” (1 count)
  5. Obtaining fraudulent documents via identity theft or manufactured documents….driver’s license, green card, social security card, birth certificate (each count a felony). (4 counts)
  6. Look for work using these documents. (1 count)
  7. Fill out work documents falsely, i.e., federal and state IRS forms, SSN forms, immigration forms, workers comp forms (each a separate felony). (6 counts)
  8. Driving on our roads without a legal license, registration, and insurance. (3 counts)
  9. Getting paid via check or under the table, thus conspiring with the employer to defraud the government via the use of false documents. (2 counts)
  10. Opening bank accounts via the use of false documents in violation of federal law and the Patriot Act. (2 counts)
  11. Obtaining housing via the use of false documents. (1 count)
  12. Obtaining a car or truck via the use of false documents. (1 count)
  13. Obtaining healthcare via the use of false documents. (1 count)
  14. Securing public service benefits via the use of false documents – food, housing, healthcare, etc. (3 + counts)

Rather than simply breaking the law by crossing the border illegally, illegal aliens of the “Blue Wave” may be guilty of multiple misdemeanors and criminal acts.  In a relatively short period of time they proliferate their violations of identity theft, conspiracy, obtaining false documents, making false statements, fraud, violation of federal and state and local laws, and perjury.

This  blue wave is sounding to me like a crime wave. This is not American and it is not “productive.”

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