Decision Time

In November 2020, polls be damned we’ll learn what Americans think or if we care.  But it’s probably going to take much more than a simple vote to fix fundamentally transformed America.  No matter the outcome, my worldview will not shift.  God is first, Family is next, and Country brings up the rear.  If it’s God’s Plan for American renewal and survival it’ll happen.

Both political parties and upper echelons of federal civil service are damaged beyond repair their decisions influenced by wild ideologies and outside forces and not forgotten Americans – Washington’s perceived serfdom.  Human frailty and fallibility too often succumb to cultural pressure tilting dangerously away from what’s good and necessary. Unless there’s a deep cleansing of all branches of our government including senior career civil servants, the problem will not resolve.  The 2020 choice is between America as founded, freedom those who’ve never stood up for it take for granted, and the evolving socialist, progressive, communist push.

The Democrats

Surprisingly maybe, but I have some very good liberal friends and was raised in Yellow-dog Democrat country.  For my liberal friends and die-hard Democrats:  You are no longer the party of classic liberalism.  You know, liberty therefore liberal.  You’ve become instead the party of identity politics, social justice and racism, the party of big government freedom robbing socialism, progressivism, and communism and with your newly anointed death to America squad you can add Israel hating Islamism.  I’m not so sure this is such a new face for the Democrat party or one now exposed with the aid of the arrogance and ignorance of a few and a complicit media.  So, there’s your choice as plain as I can make it.  The American Ideal or that.  We’ll keep the light on for you.

The Republicans

Republicans?  You are the epitome of status-quo establishment Republicanism your ranks filled with see-no-do-no-hear-no neo cons.  And the con label is apropos.  Remember?  Give us the House and we’ll fix this.  Give us the Senate and we’ll fix it.  Give us the Presidency and we’ll damn sure fix it.  Americans did all of that including a President promising to fix it.  Wanting to fix it.  Turns out you either didn’t want to fix anything, you’re spineless, or so compromised that cover your behind and the status-quo is the best you can do.  You leave us with the same choice.  The American Ideal or your continued ineptitude.  We’ll keep the light on for you too, but the oil in your lamp is getting low.

Citizens of the World – It’s about our Culture

If you’ll pardon my tone, I don’t recall a time in my life where snobassity, pomposity, arrogance, pure judgmental hatred and other noteworthy qualities were so prevalent in such a tiny yet vocal minority.  The uber wealthy, professional athletes, Hollywood, career politicians, media types et al live in their own ecosphere.  A world 99 percent of Americans, or the world for that matter, will never experience.  Aboard their high horses and from inside their glass houses they cast judgmental stones at anyone and everyone outside their orbit who does not accept their worldview.  They push ideologies into our schools and onto our children who are not equipped to make life altering decisions about sexuality or anything.  They celebrate legislation allowing murder of babies up to the date of delivery and beyond for any surviving an abortion attempt.  Shielded by wealth and means from the ultimate downside, or so they believe, they demand open borders.  For any apposing their wild-eyed concepts, they have labels.  At their core, their labels are more projection than not.  Nazi, fascist, racist, xenophobe, homophobe, deplorable, irredeemable, garbage ….  They turn American patriotism into white nationalism.  For you self-loathing little “a” americans, American patriotism comes in all shades, all religions and all sexual persuasions.  It’s much larger than the constructed media and social media images of our country.  It’s why people want to come here.

America has always welcomed legal immigrants.  More so than most any country on the planet.  People who want to be here and part of the American ideal, contribute rather than take, learn our history and language, respect our laws, assimilate.  The great melting pot.  Remember?  People who embrace the distinct American culture of God, Family, and Country and individual liberty rejecting the failed cultures they escaped.

Life takes us in different directions.  Humbleness is one pathway.  It’s rare these days.  We, even the Godless, are children of God and one day every knee will bow.  We are were we are because God allowed us to get there.  If I may be so forward as to leave you citizens of the world with the best guide for life I know: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV) Oh, and love your neighbor as yourself.  Even if your neighbor is a conservative, Christian, American patriot.

Death to America Squad

It bothers me to dignify a cluster of short on substance malcontents by labeling them a squad without a pertinent precursor.  A life driven by hatred must be a miserable existence.  The words coming out of their mouths are not words of endearment toward America.  They wish for the death of America, with a seemingly special hatred for white skin tones, and apparently Israel too.  What is more concerning to me than their ignorance braced rhetoric is the lack of pushback from Washington’s cowardly politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, and the support they get from an equally ignorant and wholly supportive progressive media cabal.  A cabal linked hand-in-hand with America’s great addiction to social media that’s become the most destructive force on this planet.  Go to most search engines and type in a negative, anti-Semitic, or racist comment made by a member of the death to America squad and it’s likely the first twenty responses are fact checkers from who the hell knows where claiming the statements false or taken out of context.  Out of context?  Most of us accept what all knowing Google and Bing puts up there.  Go to entry 3000 and you may find a scintilla of facts.  But just a scrap or two.  This is what disinformation looks like.

Our, and theirs as well, President has been called everything but a child of God and worse than that by a woman who bragged of telling her 15-year-old son that she was going to Washington to impeach the Mother…….  I’m unsure if she said it before or after she wrapped herself in the Palestinian flag.  “A lot of my strength comes from being Palestinian.”  Not American, not one declaring allegiance to our country, Constitution, or people, but to Palestine.  Tlaib explicitly supports the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel and its replacement of a unitary Palestinian state.”  An anti-Semite, racist, and anti-American foul-mouthed bigot.  Maybe she’d do well to go fix what was once the richest city in America, Detroit, where her Congressional district rests.  Where she was a state legislator until term limited.  A once great American city destroyed by progressivism.  Or just go to where her declared allegiance lies.  Palestine.  Maybe she can convince Palestinian mothers that having their children blow themselves up is not a good idea.  Unless she believes it is a good idea.

Ocasio-Cortez is a media made oxymoron, Democratic Socialist.  She and the others are the new face of the Democrat party.  When right out of the box they label you with initials, (FDR, JFK, UBL, AOC) I suppose your destined for fame. At least in some circles.  Infamous in others.  Or maybe you’ll just be exposed for who you are and what you represent.  From the insanity of the fascist, communist Green New Deal, to concentration camps on our borders Cortez demonstrates ignorance and the likelihood that she’s  little more than a script reading empty vessel.  Apparently, this poor girl from the Bronx, is a ghost in her district.  Her Chief of Staff handler, as she does, says of moderate leaning Democrats, “Instead of ‘fiscally conservative but social liberal, let’s call the New Democrats and Blue Dog Caucus the ‘New Southern Democrats.’ They certainly seem hell bent to do to black and brown people today what the old Southern Democrats did in the 40s.” Doesn’t seem to matter your political party, if you don’t embrace their racist supremist views then that makes you a racist.  A Communist method.  Project your despicable personality onto others. Cortez, or maybe her script writer, believes America is garbage“”One perfect example, I think a perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working-class Americans against brown and black working-class Americans in order to just screw over all working-class Americans, is Reaganism in the ’80s when he started talking about welfare queens,” Ocaiso-Cortez said. “So you think about this image of welfare queens and what he was really trying to talk about was … this like really resentful vision of essentially black women who were doing nothing that were ‘sucks’ on our country.”  Regan hated communism and fought it from Hollywood to the Whitehouse.  Lovely people Communists.  Legacy of gulags, poverty, homelessness, concentration camps, and mass murder.  Typically, that’s the end state of failed socialist/Marxist states. You know, Venezuela and San Francisco.

Ilhan Omar is singularly focused.  She’s an Israel hating anti-Semite.  She makes no bones about it, and has yet to be rebuked by cowardly Democratic leadership.  “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.”  She is a strong advocate of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement.  In her resolution to Congress she compared it to boycotting Nazi Germany, and the actions of the Boston Tea PartyIn an interview with Al-Jazeera, she declared, “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men [than radical Islamic terrorism] across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country.”  She’s a real gem.  There’s not much more to say about Omar, except she has some personal issues.  An ethics complaint filed by Judicial Watch, “Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud.”   But we all know what becomes of Congressional ethics complaints.  Nothing.  Hopefully, the same will come of her political career.

Aryanna Pressley.  A racist calling the kettle black. “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice,” Pressley said, seemingly taking a stab at the Congressional Black Caucus, which is allied with Pelosi. “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”  Spare me the spin of what she really meant was, or it’s taken out of context.  Nope, it’s none of that. What it is, is one of the most racist expressions I’ve heard south of Louis Farrakhan.  What else is there to add to this woman’s profile?  Nothing.  With one statement she defined herself.  Boldly racist.

The New Face of Politics

I predicted some time ago that the election of Donald Trump to the presidency would change the face of politics in America.  What I envisioned was establishment Republicrats running for the hills.  Following Paul Ryan out the door that’s exactly what some did.  With their abandonment, they forfeited the House to Pelosi and her out of control, Nadler/Schiff Trump’s a Russian clown show and everyone’s a white nationalist racist who don’t like us because we are women of color Death to America Squad.  There was a time when such a racist implication would shut down disagreement.  For the weak-kneed, it still does but there is a new player in town.  He’s angered everyone at least once.  He’s hated by establishment Washington and their media puppies.  He’s especially hated by the far left, the face of which we see in the four horsewomen of the coming apocalypse (Communism, Progressivism, Socialism, Racism).  The left is accustomed to labeling, name-calling, and disparaging America with little or no pushback and knowing the media runs with their false narratives.

Trump’s America first and now love it or leave it has had an affect I did not see coming.  Historically, Democrats trend toward the center and sometimes even a little right of center in their campaign approach because if they try to sell the true extent of their radicalism, they’d never get a vote.  Even the illegal immigrants may give their illegal votes to someone else.  What’s happening now is the four horsewomen of the coming apocalypse has the party following them so far leftward that, according to Hank Johnson, they may flip the planet over.

I’m no political prophet or prognosticator, but it may turn out this way.  With establishment Republicrats drop-kicked through the goal post of life and many members of the Democratic party following the progressive, socialist, communist wing we may see the shattering of both parties and something good for the country come of it.  That’s when Suzie-Q slapped me and I woke up mumbling I know, lipstick on a pig.

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