Kelleigh Nelson
The propaganda of communism possesses a language which every people can understand. Its elements are simply hunger, envy, death. —Heinrich Heine, German poet
Scientists do not collect data randomly and utterly comprehensively. The data they collect are only those that they consider *relevant* to some hypothesis or theory. —J. David Lewis-Williams, South African archeologist
In dealing with the Communists, remember that in their mind what is secret is serious, and what is public is merely propaganda. —Charles E. Bohlen, U.S. Diplomat
Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self-interest. —Napoleon Bonaparte
Our entire nation has been shut down by hysteria and fear. If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken. It’s all about getting a Democrat back in the White House.
Americans have complied, with wearing masks, social distancing and sheltering at home. Our country is destroyed and our debt is impossible to repay. Christian churches were not allowed to open, (like China). People are arrested for not wearing masks, staying 6 feet apart, or opening their businesses in a still locked down state. That’s not freedom! That is communism!
In North Carolina a federal judge said unequivocally that, “There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution of the United States or the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.” Yet throughout the country, we are seeing fascist tactics instituted by those in power.
The only way we get rid of this virus is with immunity. Only those with compromised immune systems or the elderly should have been sheltered, the rest of the economy, businesses, schools, restaurants, etc. should have remained open. The media won’t report that 98 percent of those who contract this Chinese bioweapon disease recover, and that cheap drugs are available to Americans who get Covid-19.
Remember, those selling the panic are the same ones selling the vaccine. Bill Gates, Fauci, Birx and other New World Order globalists all have interests in promoting a vaccine and drugs that will increase their billions and to hell with saving American lives. Senator Rand Paul rightfully claims Fauci’s policies have emasculated the medical care system and ruined the economy.
Dr. Paul is right. Fauci and his globalist friends promoted “national suicide” hoping to bring America down to the level of other third world countries.
Anthony Fauci was photographed with a coterie of globalist elites in 2001 at the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy event. The unassuming government bureaucrat was present alongside such titans of globalism as Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, George Soros, and Bill Gates Sr. Records reveal that Gates Sr. was a board member of Planned Parenthood prior to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, and Bill Gates himself said in a video clip that his father was the “head of Planned Parenthood.”
How easily we have snowballed into a full-fledged Marxist/fascist nation, with political dictators releasing criminals from prison and imprisoning those who refuse lockdown orders.
Resistance to Tyranny
A Mississippi church fighting the lockdown order was burned to the ground and adisturbing message wasleft in the parking lot that made mention of the congregation’s fight to worship freely as the church fought a government-imposed stay-at-home order. “Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” the painted message said.
It is reported that at least 60 sheriffs in more than twelve states are publicly opposing unconstitutional orders issued by governors. That’s not enough, but most Americans are indoctrinated mental cripples who can’t think for themselves.
Of course, you will not see any feature stories about the “resistance” in America. To the contrary, major media and local governments are lambasting all such actions as ludicrous, short-sighted, selfish and harmful…….bah humbug! What the global governance crowd has accomplished in just a few short weeks is astounding. And too many fell for it.
Truth and Lies
In an important article by Dr. David Williams, he discusses the truth and lies about Covid-19. Although there is a central author, it is being written on behalf of multiple physicians in West Alabama and will be distributed through multiple medical offices. It should be read by every American.
LIES: Covid-19 is more dangerous than influenza. Yearly flus globally kill far more than Covid-19. We have slightly over 2 million confirmed Covid-19 cases globally. By comparison, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (Google Influenza Update-NCBI), influenza is responsible for up to a billion infections annually. Flu season is basically from the start of October until April. At the flu’s three-and-a-half-month mark, that works out to 583 million cases globally. Even accounting for the fact COVID-19 is under reported that is a huge difference.
The fact one doesn’t know they have it makes Covid-19 more dangerous. Influenza and other viruses also are infectious while asymptomatic.
We don’t know much about Covid-19. We vaccinate domestic animals from coronaviruses and there are four types of colds that are coronaviruses and sometimes they are deadly as with SARS and MERS.
Truth: The Chinese bioweapon, Covid-19, is an actual medical disease that will lead to tragic deaths. Respiratory failure is a terrible way to die. That is true if that death is due to asthma, COPD, pneumonia, influenza, and more. And it’s true that the virus is more dangerous to the elderly and immuno compromised, but everything is more dangerous to these individuals.
It is now almost impossible for anyone in the general public or general medical community to know the actual number of deaths from Covid-19. Numbers have been purposely inflated.
The media as a whole has grossly misrepresented this disease and used fear to hype the hysteria. This amounts to psychological warfare. Media will continue to fight reopening this country by stating “experts” predict a spike in deaths if we do so.
This is not a medical crisis, but a political crisis. Covid-19 has been treated as a world-ender and it’s not remotely close. The current policies instituted by our local, state, and national governments are causing greater health problems than the virus ever will. And that’s the key…the destruction of our economy is only part of it…totalitarian control and vanquishing our God-given civil liberties is the ultimate aim. (h/t Lucy)
Social Distancing
There’s a reason that “social distancing” wasn’t a buzzword common to the American lexicon prior to 2020. There’s very little science behind “social distancing” at all. Sadly only a few Americans had a gut feeling they were being manipulated.
Where in science does it say that keeping a distance of six-foot space between healthy people, even outdoors is based on scientific fact? It is an arbitrary suggestion and we all hopped to it and did as our totalitarian leaders told us to do. Stores have markings where you stand…we have been conditioned to accept without evidence. Some grocery aisles even have arrows that you can only enter one way, so you wouldn’t get close to anyone passing in the other direction! Yes, we’re programmed sheep.
“It turns out,” Julie Kelly writes at American Greatness, “as I wrote last month, “social distancing” is untested pseudo science particularly as it relates to halting the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. On its website, the CDC provides no links to any peer-reviewed social distancing studies that bolster its official guidance.”
There’s a reason for the lack of peer-reviewed studies on the CDC website. She continues, “The alarming reality is that social distancing never has been tested on a massive scale in the modern age; its current formula was conceived during George W. Bush’s administration and met with much-deserved skepticism.”
“People could not believe that the strategy would be effective or even feasible,” one scientist told the New York Times last month. A high school science project—no, I am not joking—added more weight to the concept.
“Social distancing” is very much a newfangled experiment, not settled science. And, Kelly writes, the results are suggesting that our “Great Social Distancing Experiment of 2020” will be “near the top of the list” of “bad experiments gone horribly wrong.” The history of science, sadly, is littered with bad experiments gone horribly wrong.
There will be plenty of soul searching after this crisis abates: demanding to know the scientific rationale for keeping us six feet apart when people needed each other most should be at the top of the list.
Face Masks, False Sense of Security?
If you are elderly, ill, or have a compromised immune system you might just want to shelter at home until there is immunity throughout America, just as you would do in flu season.
For others wearing masks, they represent indoctrination and subjugation. It is also the very elimination of your personhood, or individuality. The masked faces are making everyone into dehumanized objects…and afraid of everyone else. You’ve succumbed to control or as Dennis Prager states, “a dress rehearsal for a police state in the name of global warming.”
The lunatic CDC, which Dr. Birx says she doesn’t trust, is telling us that when schools open, every teacher must wear a mask. Forcing people to breathe their own CO2 is deleterious. Even the frauds in the WH press corps dump their masks when the cameras stop running. Sweden believes masks offer a false sense of security.
Dr. Russell Blaylock warns that not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but they also create serious health risks to the wearer. The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask.
We believed that this pandemic (media and government’s name for Covid-19) would act like other respiratory viruses in terms of its spread among communities. After months of studying the virus and how it behaves, Dr. Blaylock tells us there is little to change this perception.
Surgeon General Jerome Adams has doubled down on his advice against healthy people wearing face masks to protect themselves from coronavirus, saying that wearing one improperly can “actually increase your risk” of getting the disease. But pressure from above told him to change his story. The false narrative is sickening. Betsy McCaughey says our homemade masks aren’t doing squat.
Choose your poison, wear a mask or not. For me and mine, we breathe fresh air.
Contact Tracing
Most folks have seen H.R.6666, a perfect number for this despotic pile of dung. It was introduced by Bobby L. Rush (D-Il) on May 1st, 2020. (Years back, Rush formed the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party.) His bill calls for $100 billion in funding for 2020, and hiring thousands of government employees as the new “brown shirts.”
Alex Newman’s latest article in the New American regarding Contact Tracing states, “Under the guise of fighting the coronavirus, governments across the United States and beyond are partnering with shady organizations connected to the Clintons and George Soros (Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of Partners in Health) to deploy Orwellian “contact tracing” schemes involving technology and tens of thousands of new government workers to track everyone. Families may be forcibly separated. And military forces and war-like rhetoric are already being used as the effort to shred all vestiges of privacy advances. At least one world leader even suggested putting microchips under children’s skin to track them.”
Titled TRACE, “Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone,” it officially embeds the snitch culture. The bill states that the Secretary of Health and Human Services “may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for Covid–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts.” The bill goes on to explain that this will be accomplished by mobile health units and “testing individuals and providing individuals with services related to testing and quarantine at their residences.”
H.R.6666 would give government the authority, if a government official suspects that you have been exposed to Covid-19, to place you under house arrest or remove you from your home and place you in indefinite quarantine.
House Bill H.R.6666 and the corresponding Senate Bill S.3624 must be stopped.
The authoritarian police state is already here. Gov. Abbott of Texas has said he wants a total of 4,000 tracers for his state. Washington Governor Jay Inslee indicated that people who refuse to cooperate with contact tracers or refuse coronavirus testing won’t be allowed to leave their homes even to go to the grocery store or pharmacy. My so-called Christian conservative Governor Bill Lee is onboard with this insanity and believes he needs to hire 2,000 tracers.
What is your governor doing?
Keeping the economy open would have brought us total immunity throughout the country by now and the virus would be gone. America is paying heavily, but most politicians don’t care, and they’re now obfuscating the much higher collateral deaths and damage caused by the false narrative of the World Health Organization (WHO). Dying because of delayed surgeries, suicide because of loss, overwhelmed 911 calls because of domestic abuse, businesses going out-of-business and jobs that will never come back…we’re not “better safe than sorry.” We’re sorry!
The lockdown was radically ineffective and destructive, and it doubled the deaths of Americans. We must open everything up again and go back to normal, and not a “new normal.” Unfortunately, almost half of the shutdown-induced layoffs will be permanent.
This virus was not only planned and executed to destroy Trump’s economy, but there were ancillary plusses to destroying America and her elderly. Those elderly knew real freedom, unlike today’s youth whose education has been dumbed down since the 1880s.
Behind the mask of America’s freedom lie millions of Marxist/Leninist politicians. We’ve been sold the “snake oil” by WHO’s globalist comrades Fauci, Birx and Redfield, appointed by Coronavirus Task Force Chair, VP Mike Pence.
© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved
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