by Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson is demanding that the Pentagon protect America from Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs. I think the only “aliens” we should be concerned about are the illegal kind coming across the border. We have pictures of them, and they are not little green men who say “Take me to your leader.”

As our borders crumble, America and Israel are in retreat, as China Joe proves that Russia and Hamas can count on him, too.

First, Biden waived sanctions that would have made it more difficult to complete the Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline. Then, Biden pressured Israel into a cease-fire with the terrorist group Hamas.

On Capitol Hill, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a joint resolution blocking the recent sale of $735 million in weapons to Israel. The effort, backed by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Mark Pocan, D-Wis., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., may not pass. But as noted by the Institute for Policy Studies, “progressive social movements and a growing number of members of Congress” are turning against Israel.

“Tell your representatives in Congress to join Bernie Sanders and AOC in stopping a $735 million arms transfer to Israel!” declares Code Pink, a group that had the ear of Barack Hussein Obama. Meanwhile, the Party for Socialism and Liberation was among dozens of communist groups that claimed to have turned out millions of people around the world into the streets “in solidarity with Palestinians standing up to deadly Israeli brutality.” One of their fronts is the ANSWER Coalition.

It was this kind of pressure that led to Biden demanding Israel stop fighting the terrorists, who were using civilians as human shields, under the guise of a “ceasefire.” It’s the same kind of pressure that led to Biden approving a gas pipeline that puts Europe under Russia’s thumb and gives Vladimir Putin energy coercion over some of our “allies.”

If any member of Congress should be under NSA surveillance as a foreign agent, it should be Sanders. Documents show that during the 1980s he collaborated with Soviet and East German “peace committees” to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe, in order to counter a massive Soviet strategic nuclear advantage. Sanders had openly joined the Soviets’ “nuclear freeze” campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.

The name of Bernie Sanders, then identified as former mayor of Burlington, Vermont, even shows up on a list of speakers at a 1989 U.S. Peace Council event to “end the Cold War” and “fund human needs.” Other speakers at the U.S. Peace Council event included Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat from Michigan; Gunther Dreifahl of the East German “Peace Council;” Jesse Jackson aide Jack O’Dell; and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official Zehdi Terzi.

The U.S. Peace Council was a Communist Party front.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understands what Israel is facing. “The true backer of much of this aggression is Iran,” he said, in regard to the attacks from Hamas. In fact, it’s Russia and China but Netanyahu doesn’t want to go that far in public. Netanyahu is too knowledgeable about the roots of international terrorism not to grasp that Israel’s real enemies are in Moscow and Beijing and that Washington under Biden/Harris/Sanders/AOC is emerging as another adversary.

Putin is a former Soviet KGB colonel and his regime is based on the remnants of the old Soviet Union, including its military and intelligence establishment. In a very real sense, Russia is the Soviet Union. Our report, Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB, notes that since the days of Lenin, the Russians considered Muslims of the world to be included in the “oppressed peoples” capable of being incited toward world revolution.

In the same way that the communists are backing Iran, the communists and Islamists in the Democratic Party are pressuring Biden to abandon Israel.

James Hodgkinson, the gunman who shot House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and three other people in 2017, was a Bernie Sanders supporter motivated by Marxist jargon who had employment and personal problems that he blamed on the rich.

Yet, the FBI spent months searching for a motive behind the Hodgkinson shooting spree. Eventually, the FBI said the shooter sought “suicide by cop.” In other words, Hodgkinson wanted to die by provoking gunfire against himself. The claim was preposterous.

In the Hodgkinson case, as I wrote at the time, we had pictures of him marching against the rich and glorifying Bernie Sanders. We had his Facebook posts devoted to liberal causes like global warming, “likes” of various far-left groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, and an addiction to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, which was obsessed with Donald Trump and Russia. Hodgkinson swallowed it hook, line, and sinker, concluding that Trump and other Republicans had to be “terminated” for treason.

It was big news that Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch, recently told lawmakers “if it were to happen today, we would open this as a domestic terrorism case.”

If it were to happen today?

The FBI clearly does not understand domestic terrorism.

It’s easy to understand Hodgkinson’s motive. The Marxist theory of hatred drives people like Hodgkinson to kill Republicans. It’s this same philosophy which motivates China, Russia, and Iran to target the United States and Israel.

Hodgkinson had openly proclaimed his hatred of Republicans on the Internet, and belonged to or liked a whole network of left-wing organizations. He had a support apparatus that still exists and which may even now be producing more would-be shooters.

To get a taste of what’s to come, look at the communist-inspired pro-Palestinian mobs attacking Jewish diners in Los Angeles on May 18 and in New York City on May 20.

A “ceasefire” in the Middle East, declared a victory by Hamas, will only embolden those seeking the destruction of Israel. Democrats who stand in the way will be targeted.

Remember it was Sirhan Sirhan, a fanatical Palestinian, who killed Democrat Robert F. Kennedy because Kennedy was a supporter of Israel. The assassination occurred on the first anniversary of the Six Day War in which Israel defeated the armies of its Arab neighbors.

Sirhan’s diaries include the repeated phrases, “RFK must die,” and “long live communism.”

Tucker Carlson should be less interested in UFOs, which are by nature unidentified, and more interested in identifying the communists driving the foreign policy of the Biden regime.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

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