Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D

I just got off the phone with a high up and trusted, military source I know. He  comfirmed a few things for me.

Regarding, the speculation/confusion as to whether President Trump signed the Insurrection Act or not,  he did.  He signed it on Jan 14th, 2021.   The act of signing it immediately gave him 2 more months as President according to the very directives of the Act itself.  I was then told that the military  gave him 2 more months as President.  The second extension was over on May 20th and most likely extended again by the military who is now in control per the signed Insurrection Act.

Now, with Manhattan Attorney Cy Vance convening a Grand Jury against President Trump, regarding his taxes and business practices, the Trump which hunt continues.  The only problem they may have is that they cannot arrest a sitting President and I am assured that he still is President.  Once again, the liberal, legal crazies are desperately trying all they can to stop Trump.

It was confirmed today that many Generals approached Trump to run for office to take out the deep state, criminal cabal.  They have been making arrests since the Biden – fake inauguration. The military support is all around Trump and continues under the Insurrection Act.

I was told that the military goes through the FISA court and already did their own investigation, determining that there was international and domestic voter fraud They have long known the real election and voting numbers and have acted accordingly.

Our military is bound by the constitution, their duty and the signed insurrection act to be in control, do what they have to do, make arrests and make things right.  They are supporting a new election in August and the return of President Trump .  I am told he will be returning very soon.

My source shared much more with me that gave me real hope that justice was unfolding in a big way and the truth would soon come out in spite of the sellout media and ego-laden politicians.

Hold on to your hat.  Pray for President Trump and our military as the truth really comes out.

God bless America.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

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