By Karen Schoen

Recently General (Ret) Mc Gregor said, ” When there is no accountability, there is no performance.” Our leaders desire to destroy America proved that statement.  We have NO – Zero accountability in Afghanistan and therefore we had NO performance. But that was the plan all along. From 2009 until today millions have been educated on the sinister plan to destroy America, called Agenda 21. The idea of this plan was crafted in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio DeJanero, Brazil. This plan was a continuation of the Rockefeller “Unfinished Agenda” addressing government control of human behavior and activity in order to “stop man made Global warming, cooling or actual climate.”  Science was tossed because this group wanted the power and control that putting these plans in place gave them.  Without being read, or even written, this idea took and the plan was to be implemented ASAP.  The plan was pushed through the US Senate, by then Pres.George Bush 41, under the name of Bio-Diversity done in preparation for the “NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO).” [YouTube Video]  Due to the actions of one scientist, Dr, Michael Coffman, and his famous map showing the desire to force most land into conservation while pushing people into mega cities the Senate said, “NO.”  Map: But that didn’t matter. Under new names of sustainability and conservation the plan is being implemented today.  Under the name of conservation, the UN controls massive sections of America, the Florida Everglades is one site, thank you Jeb Bush.   One thing to remember, whatever is said by any NWO pusher, think the opposite. They lie. How do you control millions of people, you lie to them.

The Agenda never changed although it keeps getting renamed every time we expose it’s tentacles. Today we have Agenda 21/2030, Green New Deal, Biden 30/30, the Great Reset.  They all mean exactly the same. They are United Nations (UN) policies that will bring massive riches to those connected and abject poverty to those who don’t. According to the Agenda, NGO’s will form regional councils (eliminating elected officials) to implement their Agenda.  Does your community answer to a “water district” that jumps counties or states?  That’s how it works. The government controls every aspect of live in our 700 sq ft  government apartment, while social credits instead of currency control our activity.  Section from George’s speech,  “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea – a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children’s future. Really George!

We must remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random. Everything has a plan. All plans are based on lies. This group of Globalists are only interested in MONEY, POWER, CONTROL.  They are only interested in helping you when they benefit in some sort of wealth distribution. Their behavior is that of a Psychopath: The true definition of a psychopath in psychiatry is antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), explains Dr. Prakash Masand, a psychiatrist and the founder of the Centers of Psychiatric Excellence. ASPD describes an individual who shows patterns of manipulation and violation to others. Psychopath and sociopath are often used interchangeably,

Just remember, they hate you. You are in the way of their desire to control everything.

Agenda 21 et al, connects ALL the dots involving any form of human activity: invention, creation, patents, production and distribution for all goods and services.   They connect with their 3 E’s but I say there are 4.  Equity, Economy and Environment must be connected. All sectors must work towards sustainability (what ever they decide that is). I say nothing works without education to provide the glue by indoctrinating the kids to grow up believing the lies and implementing them. Example: Teacher instructs students to pledge allegiance to gay pride flag after she removed American flag from classroom because it made her ‘uncomfortable’.  In the meantime, American troops lose their lives to keep her safe.  What country would she be comfortable in?

While the Globalists are intertwining all aspects of human activity – nothing will work without the other, the media divides the narrative into sound bites so you will never see the connection. By calling Americans “domestic terrorists” the FBI can collaborate with the CIA, DHS, etc. to dream up cases against Americans who do not follow the Hate America narrative.

Equity is Critical Race Theory (CRT) or some other fancy word meaning the same thing: inclusion, diversity, equity, social justice, woke, etc. You can see the forced connection whenever you listen to some department head explain how this training will be throughout all industry and government organization.  Equity or Equal Outcome means that American industry and departments will no longer be serviced by the brightest and best. Merit is replaced by feelings.  America will now be serviced by the person with the right skin color.  Look at the extreme failures of the Biden administration. Diversity is embracing mediocrity. Why? To insure that America will NEVER be a superpower again. You can’t have other people in the world wanting what American’s have like air conditioning or cars. Doesn’t look good for the rest of the planet. How dare they…  We the new domestic terrorists will be stripped of our personal private property. Homes, land, businesses, children whatever, MUST be controlled by the government to “Make it equitable.”  See how that works?  Once you control healthcare, people fall in line.

Economy is easy.  With the Federal Reserve mismanaging the dollar, America is now trillions of dollars in debt.   Inflation is off the charts and will get worse.  As soon as possible America will lose its standing as the DOLLAR is no longer the reserve currency for the world.  The goal of the globalists – make America meek.  No shining example, no American dream.  America must be the same as the other countries and will look like Venezuela and Cuba  or perhaps I should say San Francisco and Portland. Not to worry, Wall street will be pumped up for a while in order to fool those domestic terrorists into investing. Then the “bubble” that was created will burst and the Hedge Funds will come in and buy your foreclosed neighborhood. No more single family house for you. You will “rent and be happy.” said Klaus Schwab, the Nazi from the World Economic Forum. Since we get all our goods from China, you won’t worry about the high prices there just won’t be any goods from which to choose. Once you control entitlements, and energy people fall in line.

Environment is a disaster with only a few more years left for survival according to AOC and her followers.  Make no mistake, it is your fault that the planet is being destroyed. Everything you do and touch that is not controlled by the government will lead to a disaster. You must give up ownership of anything to save the planet. Nothing is based on science. NOTHING humans do will control the weather. Their charts go back less than 200 years.  The earth is a living, breathing planet that is 4.5 Billion Years old.  Human civilization is about 5000 years old. Globalists would have us believe that there were NO catastrophic incidents on the earth before humans. No earthquakes, no volcanoes, no hurricanes, no tornadoes, rain storms, fires, NOTHING until humans created  the problem. IMPOSSIBLE. Climate changes constantly. Our SUN dictates our climate. The moon influences gravity causing the oceans to rise and fall. The Ocean water is constantly evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms. Humans control???? Let us not confuse pollution with environment.  Humans used to pollute a lot but as people learned the harm of poor air quality they invented new technology to decrease pollutants. No more gas for your car fulfills their desire to keep you stationary and easier to control.  Not enough social credits, you get blackouts, No air conditioning, no food. Once you scare people, they fall in line.

Education: In order for humans to buy into the Globalist lies, indoctrination was started early, in  kindergarten. The media reinforced the narrative but using most programs to promote some piece about humans destroying the planet.  The Nazi’s learned that by blaming the Jews for crop failure, people joined together to save the planet. Now we have a worldwide plan blaming humans. “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

By using the lies and avoiding science, the people were scared into believing it was their fault and they could “fix” it. By using the environment they never had to explain their silent goal – depopulation. No people, no problems.

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” — Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

United Nations climate VP, Christiana Figueres, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

She even restated that goal ensuring it was not a mistake: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

Schools today now teach inferior curricula – can’t have smart Americans who will use science and math to disprove the narrative. In 1989, the change was made. According to Shirley McCune from the McRel Foundation:

1. Schools will no longer teach individualism, they will teach collectivism.

2. Schools will no longer educate. The purpose of schools will be for training.  The Human Capital MUST work for the state.

3. Replace Fact with Value

The feeling is, Smart people require more from their government. Keep America Dumb.

Today we face a war between Nationalists and Globalists.

You will have to decide. Is America worth saving?

© 2021 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

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