By Cliff Kincaid

January 15, 2022

While liberals and “conservatives” portray Martin Luther King, Jr., as a moderate, the left-wingers and “progressives” know better.

The Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCADI) says King’s global ministry “was birthed during Africa’s decolonization period” and that King’s “transnational advocacy” helped “to elevate the Black American Civil Rights Movement and globalize the international human rights movement against racism, colonization, and war.” These are code words for anti-Americanism.

King was an internationalist aligned with the communist movement.

As I have said previously, the sad truth about Martin Luther King, Jr. is that his original mission of equal rights for black Americans changed later in life when he was surrounded by pro-Moscow communist advisers who turned him against the Vietnam War. A noble effort to save South Vietnam from communism was eventually defeated, not by the communist enemy on the military battlefield but by a Democratic Party-controlled Congress which terminated assistance to the government in Saigon. Vietnam became, and remains, a communist dictatorship.

The CCADI adds, “In Dr. King’s speeches, essays, and interviews he consistently drew lines between the struggles on the motherland and the ones endured by African descendant brothers and sisters in South America and the Caribbean. Dr. King boldly embraced his African heritage and even encouraged Black Americans to immigrate to Africa to assist in her development.”

That’s a fascinating revelation.

A different point of view came from former Washington Post reporter Keith Richburg, author of the book, Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, who said he was lucky that his ancestors came to America, even though they came as slaves.

The Highlander Center

The Highlander Center, once known as the Highlander Folk School, says it is unfortunate that “the mainstream representation of Dr. King leaves us with a commodified and more conservative version that portrays him as the voice of ‘moderation’ in the Black community.” The Center says, “It omits his beginning as a far more radical leader, especially on matters of labor, poverty, anticolonialism, and economic justice, than we remember.”

We must remember these inconvenient facts.

According to the King Institute, “On 2 September 1957, Martin Luther King joined with the staff and the participants of a leadership training conference at Highlander Folk School to celebrate its 25th anniversary. In his closing address to the conference, King praised Highlander for its ‘noble purpose and creative work,’ and contribution to the South of ‘some of its most responsible leaders in this great period of transition.”

This is the group that became the Highlander Research and Education Center. It confirms that King delivered a keynote address at the 25th anniversary of Highlander in September 1957 at Monteagle, Tennessee. A photograph exists of his participation in what is called a “Communist training school.” Such a description has been termed a smear.

In his famous speech opposing a national holiday in honor of King, Senator Jesse Helms noted, “Shown in the photograph sitting adjacent to King are Abner Berry, a correspondent for the Communist Party newspaper, the Daily Worker; Aubrey Williams, identified as a member of the CPUSA and President of SCEF [the Southern Conference Educational Fund]; and Myles Horton, a founder and director of the Highlander Folk School. Although Myles Horton was not identified as a member of the Communist Party, a witness before SISS [Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security] in 1954 and a former member for seventeen years and a former official and organizer for the Party, Paul Crouch, testified that he had solicited Horton to join the Party…”

Horton replied, “I’m doing you just as much good now as I would if I were a member of the Communist Party. I am often asked if I am a Communist Party member and I always say no. I feel much safer in having no fear that evidence might be uncovered to link me with the Communist Party, and therefore I prefer not to become a member of the Communist Party.”

Helms noted that the Southern Conference Educational Fund was itself dominated by the Communist Party through the Party members who ran it.

Conservatives don’t want to face these and other facts.

Catholic Conservative Has a Conversion

Except for one notable exception: Conservative Catholic writer Vic Biorseth, who has concluded that MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech turned out to be a communist mass disillusion.

“Few speeches have stirred the soul as deeply as MLK’s famous I Have A Dream speech of August 28 1963,” Biorseth wrote. “I was profoundly moved by it, and actually put it on a par with Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and held it to be more motivating to positive action than even Churchill’s famous We Will Fight Them on The Beeches speech. They were wonderful words, enlightened and enlightening.”

But he is honest about the facts and acknowledges the work I have done, in bringing “the whole MLK association with immorality and Communism into the light where I had to seriously look at it, and see it for what it was.”

A Vietnam veteran, he explains, “That MLK could have been a commie was a very hard pill for me to swallow. But, looking back, I remember having a hard time reconciling his rigid anti-war stand during the Vietnam War. It just didn’t make any sense. That war was lost here in America, not over there, and MLK was instrumental in helping that cause.”

There is no direct evidence of King being a Communist Party member. But he knowingly associated with them and advocated their causes. He broke a promise to John and Bobby Kennedy to break with the communists. In addition, despite his reputation as a moderate, King, Jr. paid tribute to W.E.B. Du Bois, who himself joined the CPUSA in 1961, at an event sponsored by the Chinese- and Russian-funded magazine Freedomways in New York City.

The Kennedys knew about his association with communists because they ordered the FBI to conduct surveillance of King and his associates. Those tapes, sealed for 50 years, also revealed evidence of sex orgies, as disclosed in an FBI report accidentally released.

To take Biorseth’s point one step further, the “communist mass disillusion” of civil rights for all turned out to be the basis for “special rights” for blacks, homosexuals and transgenders as well as anti-white discrimination and reverse racism, even in such matters as COVID relief.

The “dream” turned into a nightmare. That’s what the communists intended.

Reds and Blacks

It is extremely significant that his memorial statue in Washington, D.C. was built in Communist China.

Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

For those unfamiliar with Marxist jargon, this means that communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state.

Honest conservatives like Biorseth have to look even deeper. Communists have targeted black Americans for exploitation almost since the time of the Russian revolution in 1917. The article, “Black Liberation and the Communist International,” describes a Soviet campaign, launched shortly after the Russian revolution, to exploit the “Negro question” in the U.S. and manipulate blacks and members of other minority groups for communist purposes.

It’s still on track, as we see with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. We can only defeat this insidious campaign if we begin to recognize the truth about King and acknowledge that many blacks have followed him to the communist plantation.

One notable example, Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL), was exposed by Jeremy Segal in a video showing him being honored at the Communist Party’s headquarters in Chicago for a lifetime of “inspiring leadership.”

More examples are available, and many are involved with the national Democratic Party.

In addition to America’s first black President, Barack Hussein Obama, who was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, a black communist, we could point to the first Muslim member of Congress, Keith Ellison, who was an official of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), cited as a Communist Party front organization by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. It remains the U.S. affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the old Soviet front. In that capacity, Ellison had been a vocal supporter — and attended a fundraiser for — Sara Jane Olson, a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), an off-shoot of the Weather Underground that is probably best known for kidnapping Patricia Hearst.

Then-Rep. Ellison even penned an article in the CPUSA’s People’s World published on August 29, 2014 discussing the rise of “people’s movements” in the United States. One photograph showed him distributing the Final Call newspaper of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, which believes white people were created by a scientist named Yakub and constitute an inferior race.

Ellison won the race for Attorney General in Minnesota in 2018, after allegations of abuse from an ex-girlfriend.

Nancy Pelosi Praises Red

We released FBI documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request about the Soviet connections of Carlton Goodlett, a major black figure, and his influence in the California Democratic Party. Goodlett had a long record of involvement in communist causes, including membership on the presidium of the World Peace Council, a Kremlin front, and being a Lenin Peace Prize winner.

Yet, House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi once praised Dr. Carlton Goodlett as just a civil rights activist.

In this way, thanks in part to the success the communists had in manipulating Martin Luther King, Jr., communist influence in America and on the Congress has grown exponentially. They have insidiously used “civil rights” to advance the communist cause.

However, if “conservatives” and Republicans issue platitudes about King on his holiday, Monday, January 17, ignoring his pro-communist orientation, you will know that the Democrats still hold the upper hand.

It is this kind of surrender that enables Pelosi to run a partisan committee investigating January 6 and put Republicans on the constant defensive.

Only one Republican member of Congress, Rep. Steve King, ever supported our call for creation of a House Internal Security Committee to investigate communist influence on the Congress. If Republicans had followed his advice, they might not be in the minority in Congress today and depending on “moderate” Democrats, the Senate filibuster, and a fickle Supreme Court to save America from the Biden regime.

But King was eventually forced out of Congress by current House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy because King was outspoken in support of saving Western civilization and opposing open borders and multiculturalism. McCarthy is now trying to accede to Democratic Party demands to censor and even expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Trump supporters.

The danger today is this strange version of “McCarthyism.” These Republicans are willing to ignore the actual Reds under the bed, in this case those surrounding Martin Luther King, Jr., when he was engaging in sex orgies and possibly being blackmailed to do the bidding of the communists.

It is one of the scandals, like the communist plot to murder JFK, that remains one of America’s most closely-guarded secrets.

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

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