By Glynn Adams
March 6, 2023
Despite the fact that America was the best experiment for liberty and freedom this world has ever seen and we were still the best nation until the late 1800s. By then certain powerful American elites, with vast sums of wealth and power, begin to influence this nation toward the demonic occults and the New World Order. This spirit of antichrist begin working to change America and her citizens to conform to the ways of Satan and no longer to the ways of God.
In the early eighties I was pastoring a Baptist Church and I was seeing things in the church, in our government, and throughout our nation that were not lining up with the Word of God. Them I met a pastor from the Church of Christ in my town and in one month, he had explained to me what was going on in this nation and I begin to connect the dots of what was going on in this nation. It was clear to me how Satan had moved into our nation and God was being pushed out!!! The revelations that I received in those early 80s and constantly studying world history and the Word of God has prepared me for the end times that we are in today.
I read an article, “America’s Setting Sun”. “Men, like nations, think they are eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously that he will live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it is harder to hide from reality, as you lose friends and relatives. Nations also have seasons. Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the near East, thinking, “This will endure forever.” Forever was about 500 years. Not bad but gone!
France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslin Ummah. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sun never set on the British Empire. Now the white cliffs of Albion exists in perpetual twilight. In the 1980s, Japan seemed poised to buy the world. Business schools taught Japanese management techniques. Today, its low birth rate and its aging population, an industry exists to remove the remains of the elderly who die alone.
In 1945 at the midpoint of the 20th century, America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the “Greatest Generation” we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to ruble and put the “rising sun” to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity. We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and sent rockets to the moon. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.
But where is the glory that once was America’s? We have moved from a relatively free economy to socialism, which has worked so well nowhere in the world. We’ve gone from a republican government guided by our Constitution to a regime of revolting elites. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming “reign of terror”, the cancel culture is everywhere. We traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.” (Author unknown)
Today, America is a weak nation, not because we have a weak leader, we don’t defend our borders, our cities have become dangerous playgrounds, we are a nation of dependent on our government, our education systems are a joke, our leaders and citizens do not know our history, or anything about our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Crime abounds, we cut police budgets, our culture is like people in a mental institution, the media tell us what they want us to know and hold back what we need to know. The Federal Government has become too powerful and we love it so…..we can get “stuff” from the government and our politicians have destroyed our manufacturing base by moving our businesses to China and Mexico and we love it so because we get cheap products that we charge on our large debt system of credit cards.
American Citizens and Christians don’t blame the crooked politicians; the blame is on every Citizen and every Christian in this nation. Christians have allowed the demonic occults and Satanic Elites to rule this nation because we have forsaken the ways of God and we are blatantly disobedient to God. WE REFUSE TO RESIST EVIL when God commands us to do so!!!!! WE REFUSE TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST EVIL when God gave us weapons to stand. In our churches, our false pastors are too busy building their kingdoms of man and not the Kingdom of God. Christians want pastors who are pleasant to look at, who feed you on baby food, you don’t want pastors who will challenge because you are not committed.
Religious people want to be entertained, their ears tickled, and everything positive while they live and love the negative world system of Satan because they have allowed and tolerated evil and their father Satan to overtake this nation. Most so-called Christians are an abomination to God and when the antichrist comes, they will be easily deceived by him and will take the mark and end up in hell with Nimrod and company.
And don’t forget the average citizens we have in this nation. They are like little children being led to the polls to vote for the one who will give them the most “stuff.” They reelect House Members and Senators who are crooks, who are owned by China and big corporations, and the New World Order. We do not know our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and we have let our State Legislatures get away with not fulfilling their purpose the Constitution gave them to protect us from big government.
Because we do not know what we are to know as citizens, we have allowed and today still tolerate the greatest deception and attack on our Republic ever fostered upon a people – namely of the INCORRECT NOTION THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS THE SUPREME BOSS OVER THE STATES!!!! That is a lie from the pits of hell and citizens in this nation support that lie every day because of their ignorance. In truth, it was not the Federal Government but the States who were intended to retain the most power in our Republic.
Our Founding Fathers looked on States as Sovereign States just like Great Britain, France, and Spain. Our Declaration of Independence not only equates each new State with Great Britain in title but also in POWER, AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIILITY. As free and Independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do. Our States existed prior to the Federal Government is also vital in understanding the nature of the Constitution and consequently, its proper application.
To say the least, our Founding Fathers, as imperfect as they were, gave us a government where WE THE PEOPLE had the liberty, power, and authority to control the Federal Government not the federal government having the power to control WE THE PEOPLE. But today because of our ignorance and apathy, we have elected rulers over us and they use the illegitimate power of the federal government to control us.
Again, I want to address these false pastors and false so-called “Christians” in this nation. You are an abomination to the Living God. You talk about being free in Christ when you are in bondage to your father Satan. You don’t care about the things of Jesus Christ – you care about your forms of godliness, your false religions, and your occult-like places of Satanic worship.
When the Founders thought of liberty they thought of a people with liberty to govern themselves with freedom from repression and tyranny. “Our Founders knew that Liberty is a combination of two equally important parts – it is FREEDOM UNDER THE CONSTRAINTS OF A SHARED MORALITY.” They knew that Liberty cannot survive where there is pure freedom. Pure freedom is man doing whatever is right in his own mind regardless of what it does to others, cheat, lie, steal, murder. Pure freedom is chaos. At the same time, Liberty cannot survive with moral law alone. Moral law not mingled with freedom is theocracy. Theocracy in the hands of men is tyranny in the name of religion.
Hey Church in America – because you do not represent the law of God and the ways of God plus Church in America, you don’t even have a moral compass for Americans. Every man does what seems right in his own eyes in church today. Hey Church in America, you allowed the Bible, prayer, and the Ten Commandments to be taken out of our schools and culture nor have you EVER made an effort or fight the good fight of faith, to get them restored back in our culture and schools. This is why you are an abomination to God. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. You say you are following God but your fruit says you are following Satan!!!
Ever since I found out in the early 80s that it was the citizens, churches, and pastors who were allowing the demonic elites and New World Order to destroy this nation and that the church had the power to resist this evil but refused to do so. So I put my life on the line to warn America who the real enemy is in this nation. I was fired from several churches because I was warning America that certain men and demonic occults were working behind our backs in secret to systemically destroy our nation. The churches fired me and put my wife and two small children on the streets. They said I was giving the church a bad reputation taking about politics and evil.
I did not complain then and at 85, I am not complaining now. I am praising God because Jesus promised He would send us out as lambs among wolves and we would be hated because they hated Him. Who am I to complain for it was the religious people that had Jesus crucified. It was the religious leaders and government elites that killed Paul, Peter, and the disciples and many, many other followers of Christ since the First Century.
There is a Remnant in America that has not bowed a knee to the religious and their false pastors. My warning to you is that if you are still in an institutional religious system, that you come out from among them. The Scriptures are clear in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Baal? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God and they shall be My people.” We are royal priests of God, we are sons of God, we are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and we are His disciples (leaners of the things and ways of God) The Remnant has work to do restoring the Kingdom of God and the ways of God back to America!!!! That is our mandate from God and His Word!!!
My prayer for America that God will awaken us to remember that through the Word of God and our Constitution we have a nation worth fighting for and today we are still free to defend self, our property, and our Liberty. But we must never forget there are occult demonic despots and false pastors and false religious among us who use the name of Jesus but do not follow His Word nor do they bring forth the fruit of Jesus.
When you encounter religious people and their pastors, be kind but tell them the truth. If they want to argue, then shake the dust off your feet and move on. Jesus spend no quality time with religious Pharisees and Scribes. He corrected their wrong beliefs, told them who their father was, and warned His disciples about the leaven – the sin – of the Pharisees. He referred to them as a brood of vipers – poisonous and deadly. Remember that when you go to that institutional, Luciferian religious system and they will prepare you to receive their father and the mark of the antichrist and his new world religious system!!! Today their deception is strong but not nearly as strong when the master of deception – the antichrist comes. If you stay in these religious systems too long, that spirit will not allow you to leave their institution.
We must always remember that both the religious and the demonic elites, even now, are trying to destroy the sacred Word of God and our sacred documents and if they do, our foundations will be destroyed. “What can the righteous do if our foundations are destroyed?” (Psalms 11:3) We must work to rebuild our Godly foundations while we still have freedom and liberty. Today is the day to start.
Find you a group to pray, study the Word, and fellowship. We don’t have to have fancy music in worship. When we show up in the Name of God, the Holy Spirit will show up. Just don’t show up at the living room at some house, make sure your faith has works. Visit people, feed the poor, minister to the lost, confront and challenge others to join with your group to strengthen our foundations.
When you get twelve, split off and start another group. Make it your purpose to contact every person in your town or city and invite them to Christ and into groups. Ministry is done in the group wherever you meet but the goal is to do the works of Jesus in the community or city. Don’t believe the religious people that we are not to work. We don’t work to get saved but saved, we work. Faith without works is dead religion. God says we can make a difference but we must get out of our comfort zones and into the battle grounds. If we remain silent, I can assure you those FEMA Camps the occult elites are preparing for you won’t be comfortable!!!!! Fighting this war will be no picnic and will be dangerous for we are in perilous times but joy will come to us when we stand against evil knowing we are doing the will of God. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:10-13, “Many will fall away and will betray one another, and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” ‘HATH GOD REALLY SAID? Yes Sir, we just read it in the Word of God!!! To us it is not come Lord Jesus but GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD and God will save us!!!!!
God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman Glynn Adams (Thanks to KrisAnne Hall and her book, Sovereign Duty, the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer, the late David Wilkerson, the late Jerry Falwell, the late D; James Kennedy and all the brave Pastors, Citizens, and Christians who are resisting evil in this nation)
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