By Shirley Edwards
March 13, 2023
(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)
Many people will know the painful experience of what it is like to be micro-managed in their workplace, school, and even home. They will know it because it is unquestionably proven that ‘un-necessary’ micro management has a debilitating effect on their confidence and well-being.
Being micro-managed has the potential to stifle your creativeness, bravery, sense of wonderment, and the ability to learn, explore and discover. It can leave people feeling inadequate and demoralized. It is cruel; and where it is totally not needed, it is usually carried out in the upper echelons by uncaring or insecure people, who do not wish you to fulfill your own unique place in this world. They do not respect your freedom. They care only about their own self-aggrandizing ideas.
These last few years we have obviously witnessed the excessive and un-necessary exercise in micro-managing people on a grand scale. However, it has been surprising to me to see the number of people who also like it? There are people who regimentally carry out an order with little to no question on the logic or the motives of the one who is supervising their lives, and similarly, within those ranks, they have also enjoyed implementing and passing on the rules regardless of the pain or misery it does to others.
One cannot help wondering if they knew what the greater good actually meant by their leaders, would they still be so sub-servient?
How do you respond to such evil doings when they hide behind such a false image of ethical and moral superiority that they think they know what is best for your life?
In Oxford, in the UK which is known for its prestigious Universities, and is labelled the City of Dreaming Spires, there has been much anguish over the implementation of something called 15 minutes cities and the impact this will have upon residents and the businesses who pay local council taxes to the City Council.
Oxford City Council which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and Green Party are dividing Oxford into 6, 15-minute districts, called zones, where residents will not have to use their cars because everything, they need in life will be within 15 minutes walking distance. Residents will be allowed passes if they need to travel out of their zone and can be fined if they exceed the limit of the number of passes afforded them. Zones are blocked off, so that if you need to drive to another zone you have to go a much longer route and use one of your passes.
Thousands of demonstrators recently came together to protest in Oxford. Friends who attended, reported that the atmosphere was peaceful and uplifting, and most were aware of Agenda 2030, and the plans for a One World Order.
The City of London already has LTN (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) which was implemented by London mayor, Sadiq Khan. It is reported that LTN’s have crippled local businesses and have created more pollution in time spent driving to avoid blockades for the residents, visitors, taxi services, and emergency services then it’s purpose of providing cleaner air or easing traffic congestion has.
Additionally, in his implementation of ULEZ zones (Ultra Low Emission Zones) in central London, which charge certain car drivers every day they use them, he has now expanded ULEZ zones to cover the circular roads outside of the city. It is now being expanded to cover all 32 boroughs of London at great expense to the tax payer.
Despite massive objections and negatives responses to the consultancy process, Sadiq Khan has unashamedly carried on with his plans of building the utopian paradise of his masters.
Sadiq Khan is taking Londoners for a ride – spiked (
Below is Sadiq Khan’s response when recently confronted by people objecting to the expansion of ULEZ zones. They are met with the type of name-calling reflective of the arrogant dictators we have all witnessed across the world, who show no consideration to the people that they are meant to be ‘serving’
Sadiq Khan’s ‘NEW LOW’ as London Mayor calls ULEZ protestors far right – YouTube
The 15-minute city plan in Oxford, and which is due to spread to other cities, is based on the same principles of LTN and ULEZ zones and it is not an independent idea which has been created and implemented by Oxford City Council.
C40 is a network of 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities working to deliver what they call ‘urgent’ action to confront the climate crisis. Mayors of C40 cities claim they are committed to using science based and people focused approach to limit global heating.
A list of major funders and partners for C40 cities include
The UK British Government, American Express, Google, Fed Ex, Ikea
And The World Bank, to name but a few.
Funders & Partners – C40 Cities
C40 appear to be connected to The World Economic Forum’s plan for Climate Resilient Cities. In their August 2022 Report on Delivering Climate Resilient Cities, the WEF cite Case Study 12, which is Bristol City in the UK who declared they would be carbon neutral by 2030. This goal was set by the Mayor, Martin Rees after he declared a climate crisis. The One City Approach was then developed. Bristol City Council are reportedly now looking at ‘liveable’ neighbourhoods to reduce heavy traffic, improve air quality, and promote pedestrian and cyclist safety.
The One City Approach could be construed to be an arm of the One World Control system!
The One City Approach – Bristol One City
WEF_C4IR_GFC_on_Cities_Climate_Resilience_2022.pdf (
A search on Google, on 15-minute cities, unsurprisingly list almost every single reference to the 15-minute city as being a conspiracy theory and a case study in paranoia or quackery to anyone who objects. They are of course major funders for C40. In the same vein that any reasonable question has ever been raised over the last few years in their micro-managed life for Covid 19, there is no balanced debate or consideration for any rational concern or scientific data being expressed in opposition. From a personal point of view, based on the facts of how decisions are being made and implemented in our government and local councils, I do not believe that they care at all about the welfare of others or value our opinions. It is not about making money. Plans are going ahead whether we like it or not.
Total control, keeping people poor and dependent, and micro-managing the planet is the driving force behind this scheme. The evidence of the destruction which has been created both physically and mentally these last three years, together with their ability to silence free speech through name calling, are the only qualifications which these decision makers carry.
We live in a slave system under the illusion of living in freedom. Everyone should be aware now of the lies and the deception which is being carried out upon them. It is time to wake up.
12-year-old Justine who recently spoke at the demonstration in Oxford, sums it all up impeccably. She speaks for her generation.
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Romans 13:11
© 2023 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Shirley Edwards:
Sadiq Khan is taking Londoners for a ride – spiked (
Funders & Partners – C40 Cities
The One City Approach – Bristol One City
WEF_C4IR_GFC_on_Cities_Climate_Resilience_2022.pdf (
Massive Protest in Oxford Against 15-Minute Cities – YouTube