By Glynn Adams

May 19, 2024

The Body of Christ in this nation is so out of touch with spiritual reality it is amazing and yet so tragic.   As a pastor of churches many years ago, I made my mistakes but not like we are doing today.  We are not paying attention to what the Word of God is saying and we are not listening to the Spirit of God as He shouts to us today – Here is what the Spirit is shouting at the Body of Christ in this nation – “The Body of Christ has lost the Kingdom of God Message that Jesus preached.

Many preachers today preach Jesus but they do not preach what Jesus preached – the Kingdom of God Message.  Life simply will not work except in God’s way and God’s way is Christ’s and Christ’s way is the gospel of the Kingdom of God.  The whole New Testament is the Kingdom of God Message.  Are we hearing God?  No!!!!!  The Body of Christ is not listening and are “hell bent” on doing things “their way” which is not effective nor is it influencing and changing the culture in this nation.  Until we repent and “Seek first the Kingdom of God”, nothing is going to change in this nation except for the worse – and it is getting worse.  Do not be deceived at what you see today; it is the things working underneath our spiritual foundations that are working toward our destruction.

John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness saying, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 3:1-2)  Jesus begin His ministry, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17) So, the best and wisest and most powerful man who ever lived – Jesus – made the Kingdom of God His message.  He called it the Good News – the Gospel of the Kingdom.  It is the only thing He called the gospel.  “He went out preaching the gospel of the Kingdom.” (Matthew 4:23)  He sent out His disciples to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 10:1-15)

Jesus used the phrase, “the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven” or its equivalent a hundred times. Jesus summed up His life purpose in these words: “I must give the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, for that is what I was sent to do.” (Luke 4:43).   He made it the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer.  “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.”  The second phrase explains the first, the coming of the Kingdom is doing the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.

After the resurrection, Jesus spent forty days talking to His disciples, not about the resurrection or the cross, but about the Kingdom of God. (Acts 1:3)  Citizens of the Kingdom are to manage and occupy this earth until Jesus returns and we are to operate this earth like it is in heaven.  Christians are to take the Kingdom of God Message and replace the Kingdom of Satan message in the hearts of men, women, and children and in our nation.

Shame on the Body of Christ in America.  The Kingdom of God is not expanding in this nation – Satan’s kingdom is the one expanding and influencing this nation.  When Christians have something other than the Kingdom of God as the center, then we are on one side and the Kingdom of God is on the other and the choice has to be made.  The imperative is this: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things  will be added unto you”  Seek first something other than the Kingdom of God and everything else will be subtracted from you.  This is exactly what is happening in America today.  The blessings we once had from God are now being subtracted from us.  American Culture Christianity does not have the Kingdom of God as the center of our message.  We no longer seek first the Kingdom of God.

The wonder is that Jesus did not merely preach this Kingdom, He was the illustration of what the Kingdom is.  Jesus is the revelation in the flesh of what God is like and of what the Kingdom of God is like.  In Jesus, we see God’s character and we see it in operation in human relationships, under the storms and stress of those relationships being lived out.  Everything must fall on that character that falls on us.  We must see His motives and actions and reactions, and then we will know what God is like in character.  And we have seen it – “He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father.”

Then God is Christlike.  He is a good God and is trustable.  But one thing remains:  What is the nature of the Kingdom of God?   After God’s personal character, nothing is more important than the nature and character of God’s reign – His Kingdom.  His kingdom must be by its very nature a total Kingdom for God is not a half-god ruling over a half realm, ruling over the personal but not over the social, or ruling over the social and not over the personal.  He must be God of all or not God at all.

And His Kingdom must be a total Kingdom or no Kingdom.  So, the Kingdom of God is the total answer to man’s total need.  One gospel for all men and for the total man and his total environment – his culture environment, his social environment, his government environment, his political environment, his economic environment and his personal Christian environment.  A gospel that does not reverse or subtract anything but regenerates and adds everything.

Every alternative to Jesus and His Kingdom has broken down, is breaking down, and will break down.  The ages and the present say so.  Every revolt against Jesus and His Kingdom has turned out badly and sadly, this is in the individual and in the collective and that includes the church in America. There is a way to live and Jesus and His Kingdom is that way, and we have missed the Way and hence our present chaos and confusion.  So let not our cry be, “Save the Church,” but “Seek the Kingdom first, last and always and “all these things will be added unto you,” including the Church, redeemed and reoriented and single-pointed – the Kingdom of God.

But if the Church concentrates its endeavors in saving itself it will lose itself, for it will break a law of the Kingdom:  “He that saves his life shall lose it and he that loses his life for My sake shall find it.”  The Kingdom has the last word – now and always.  We have no alternatives left but to repent and return to the Kingdom of God Message.  Jesus shows us what God is like and also shows us what the Kingdom of God is like in operation.  This is true Christianity and anything less is false Christianity

What we have in America is a crippled and false Christianity going across America leaving a crippled result.  For years know, due to the loss of the Kingdom in America, our nation has declined, our culture corrupted, our values assaulted, our country invaded, our nation cursed with unpayable debt, drugs, sickness, diseases, violence, divorce, division, sexual perversion, suicides, deception, apathy, and destruction.  While the Body of Christ should be bringing forth the fruit of the Kingdom, we are allowing Satan’s fruit to come forth and millions of lives are being destroyed or seriously hurt.

While the Body of Christ in our nation has been mandated to change our culture and to influence our nation, we have been disobedient to the Word of God and Satan now rules America rather than God ruling America.  Socialism is slowly replacing the Constitution in our nation.  Christians in America must reverse this by forsaking their foolish ineffective religious ways, fulfilling their spiritual responsibilities to this nation and the only way possible is repentance and return back to Jesus and His Kingdom of God Message.

The Kingdom was taken away from Israel not only because it refused to put it in operation but also because it was trying to put into operation something other and something different from what Jesus was revealing in his own Person.  “The Kingdom of God shall be taken away from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” (Matthew 21:43)   Note here: “bringing forth the fruits thereof.”  The test of possessing the Kingdom was to bring forth the fruits thereof.  That lifted the Kingdom out of identification with any existing nation and any existing church or movement and placed it in the hands of those who bring forth the fruits thereof.  This universalized the Kingdom.

The test of possessing the Kingdom was to bring forth the fruits thereof.  Our Kingdom mandate and will is to change our culture to reflect the ways of God.  But in the last 60 years, the Marxists and their demonic New World Order elites have made more disciples of Satan than we have made of God.  They have changed our culture to the ways of Satan while we should have changed our culture to the ways of God.  That is of the highest order of an insult and disobedience to our King and if we don’t repent and change our ways, we shall continue to suffer the extreme consequences from God!!!

The Kingdom is offered to all and yet identified with none, none except those who brought forth the fruits of the Kingdom.  To say you are a Christian in the Kingdom of God is dangerous if you are not bringing forth Kingdom fruit. “The Kingdom of God is a culture in itself and its purpose is to change the culture around it.  The Kingdom of God was never intended to submit to a culture” (Ron Carpenter of Redemption Church).  That is exactly what the Body of Christ has allowed to happen in our nation.

The Body of Christ in America has developed their own culture of an easy belief system with no spiritual responsibilities and waiting and wishing for the rapture, neglecting the Kingdom Message while the Word of God says we are to be prepared, be ready, and to maintain our culture under the Kingdom of God (the rule of God) until He comes again.  Throughout the Scriptures, Old and New, there have always been serious consequences when God’s People submit to the culture around them rather than challenging and changing that culture.

Many members in the Body of Christ in this nation want a form of godliness but God requires we preach the Kingdom of God Message.  Many denominations in this nation refuse to preach this Kingdom Message because it conflicts with their denominational religious beliefs, traditions of men, denominational doctrines, their religious creeds, their form of godliness or the Jesus in their image.  We keep this religious foolishness up and God will subtract our freedoms and replace them with bondage; He will subtract our plush way of life with pain, want, and misery.

Because the Body of Christ in this nation is not seeking first the Kingdom of God and its Message, our nation is breaking down.  Because we bear no fruit of the Kingdom of God Message, our families are being destroyed, our government, our economic system, our children are embracing Satan’s Kingdom – Socialism.  If we don’t repent and return to the Kingdom of God Message in the Body of Christ in this nation, we shall be overcome with more Satanic evil and our nation destroyed.

How much more chaos, pain, misery, suffering, deception, violence, bondage, and tyranny are we prepared to suffer and endure in this nation?  All because the Body of Christ in America want it their way and not God’s Kingdom Way.  Well, your way is not working and this nation has the Socialists way of Klaus Schwab and his New World Order demonic elites and demonic fruit to prove it.  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Ron Carpenter and Dr. E. Stanley Jones for their insight to the Kingdom of God)

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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