By Glynn Adams

July 7, 2024

I am a simple man who proclaims the gospel of the Kingdom of God.  But I have lost my understanding of some roles of the players in America today.  I understand the role of Satan.  I understand the role of God the Father, Jesus the Word, and the Holy Spirit as I have not learned these from man but from the Word of God.

I even understand the role the Democrats are playing in America.  According to the Word of God, the Democrats have become pawns and instruments of Satan.  The Democrats role as instruments of Satan is to bring the Kingdom of Darkness to America in the form of a totalitarian government.  They train their disciples of Satan to use every tool available to accomplish Satan’s purpose.  They can lie, deceive, kill, rob, and destroy and they have no boundaries.  As the disciples of Satan, the Democrats have available to them the doctrine of demons, evil spirits, demonic strongholds, powers, principalities, high places, demonic angels of light, false religious prophets, the media, and Satan himself to influence, promote, and expand Satan’s Kingdom in America.

I understand the role of the Muslims are playing in America.  From the beginning, the Muslims in following Allah, have always been pawns of Satan.  I understand their process of Islamization.  They have multiple wives, have many children, they refuse to assimilate into any culture because they do not want to be influenced by any culture that would weaken their ideology.  They too have no boundaries and can deceive and lie to infidels to conceal their purpose of overthrowing any culture and nation they are in.  The Muslims in purpose are united and are a very talented people.  They are faithful, obedient, and are more than willing to die for their ideology.

I understand the role of the Republicans.  They are in politics to get rich and pay little attention to the American People.  Both of my Senators from Texas are on the Judicial Committee and neither has held anyone accountable for the J6ers and local citizens who have been harassed by the FBI in School Board Meetings.

The role I do not understand is the role that Christians are playing in America.  We are to expand the Kingdom of God Jesus instituted when He came to earth as a man by making disciples of Christ.  The purpose of His Kingdom of God was to give us an alternative to the Kingdom of Satan.  In this world system of Satan, which is enemy territory for us who have been born from above so Christians are citizens of another Kingdom not this world system on this earth.  We have been given all authority, all power, the Name of Jesus, the mighty weapons of God, and the Word of God.

We are to make disciples of Christ using the laws and principles of heaven.  Jesus lived out these laws and principles while on this earth and explained these laws and principles very clearly, especially in Matthew 5, 6, and 7.  Jesus is our leader and the Holy Spirit is our teacher.  Jesus is our Sovereign King of His Kingdom and is to have our total obedience, commitment, submission, faithfulness, and allegiance.  Christianity is a relationship with a person – that person is the LORD Jesus Christ and Him only.  Those who have been born from above who assemble in the Name of Jesus are called the ekklesia.  We are the temple of God where the Holy Spirit lives, a chosen race, and the holy priest of God.

But today, as Christians, we are not presenting ourselves in the image and likeness of our LORD Jesus in our nation but as a people in many ways – contrary to the ways of God.   Jesus says Christians are to love those who are our enemy, who deceive us, insult us, and spitefully use us. Jesus said what good are we if we only love those who love us back – Jesus said even the world does that?  We are to love those who do not love us back.   I want to remind everyone that we all fall short of the glory of God, are all flawed, and sin.  Jesus loved us when we were unlovable and sinful, when we were hostile to Him, when we did awful things in our bodies, were unlovable, and could care less how God felt or thought of what we were doing.

So now the Democrats have indignation to Christians and Christians have distaste and indignation to the Democrats.  Who is going to stop this madness?   It falls on those who name the name of Christ who are to stop this immediately as our LORD Jesus Christ commands.  We are to truly love the Democrats, pray for them, and treat them as Jesus treated us when we were pawns and unlovable.  Who is going to help the Democrats remove themselves as pawns and instruments of Satan if we don’t?  We are their hope.

The enemies of Jesus Christ beat Him, insulted Him, made fun of Him but in spite of all the humiliation, He allowed Himself to be crucified by His enemies so they could be born from above as did the disciples in the First Century so many could be saved by their sacrificial love.  That is the Kingdom of God that Jesus left us so we are to live and love as He lives and loves.  What role are you playing as a Christian?  If you can’t forgive the Democrats and love them as Jesus loves you, then you are in the flesh and are just like the Democrats.

The flesh is hostile to the Word of God and cannot obey it.  When we are in the Spirit, we can obey God’s laws and precepts of love and forgiveness.  “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)   For years now we have cussed the darkness while we had the Light to disperse it but did nothing with our Light but hid it in our safe zones.

Folks, I do not have all the answers.   We have men and women in the Body of Christ in this nation that are a lot smarter than me who can better lead us forward.  But we must get on track – get organized and come up with a game plan while the opportunity is available to us.    Whether we realize it or not, time is running out on once-righteous America.  Every one of us is doing somethings but are we doing the right things?

Take abortion.  There is no worst crime against humans than aborting a baby in the womb.  After all the rulings, we still have abortions and we spend a lot of man-hours picketing abortion clinics.  In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul is talking spiritual warfare.  He says in verse 12, “that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

For generations now we have struggled at picketing abortion clinics which is in fact flesh and blood and we have not even attempted to bring down the rulers, the powers, the world forces of darkness, or the spiritual forces of wickedness that is protecting and financing abortions in this nation – Planned Parenthood.   Bring this demonic stronghold down and we will be well on our way to defeating abortion in this nation!!!  But at the same time, we have to bring back righteousness and morality in our nation.  UNRIGHTEOUS AND IMMORAL PEOPLE ABORT BABIES!!!

I can honestly say I do not know of one place in our culture where the Kingdom of God “rules” in America.  This must change.  We must “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” if we ever hope to see God rule in our nation.  All authority and power are in the Kingdom and we have not been very effective in exercising God’s authority and power against these New World Order demonic elites.

Forget these denominations and mega church who have made Jesus in their image.  Jesus did not spend much time with religious people who had it all worked out their way.  If some want to repent and change their wicked ways, they are welcome to come aboard and join the Remnant.  But in the meantime, we must get the Remnant organized, in one accord to do His will.   We need leadership!!!!

We must get organized and some leaders step up.  We are so busy spending our time on seminars, conferences, and other types of “get togethers” and we are too busy to get organized.  This must stop until we get organized.  We are so busy fellowshipping with the choir and teaching the choir that we leave the weigher things undone.  I don’t have all the answers but I offer these suggestions for all to consider.

We are winning a few court cases and a victory here and there but our nation is still captured by Satan and America has become a dwelling place for demons and evil spirits, and we are still being ruled by Satan!!!  We have to go to the people in America and tell them the truth to convince them to forsake the demonic world of Satan and embrace and turn to the LORD Jesus Christ.   One thing I am pretty sure of – if we continue the way we are now, we will see this nation continue under the judgment of God and we will witness the destruction of our Constitution and Republic!!

I am praying for courage for myself and the Remnant of God.  My hope is we can soon launch a full- frontal assault against all the powers of darkness in this nation.  It is time we get outside of our safe zones and church buildings to do the work of the resisting evil, making disciples, and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded.

The fields in America and the nations are white unto harvest and people will respond to the truth to be set free if God’s  People show them the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

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