By Reverend Glynn Adams

April 14, 2024

I don’t know about you but most of the religious systems in America that are falsely representing Jesus Christ are corrupt and have divided the Body of Christ. As a result, many people are leaving these religious systems. The worst are the mega churches and the denominational religious systems along with their pastors.

There is no doubt we have a divided and corrupted religious system in this nation as evidenced by our nation has been taken over by Satan and the powers of darkness. We have become a nation that leads the world in demonic strongholds and principalities and the fierce Chaldean demonic spirits have gathered in this nation to attack the faithful followers of Jesus Christ!!! As Jewish Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has said that the gods of Egypt and Babylon have gathered in this nation to reap their demonic destruction on this nation.

I now believe Habakkuk 1:5-7 is coming true in America, “Look among the nations!! Observe!! Be astonished!! Wonder!! Because I am doing something in your days—you would not believe if you were told. For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that fierce and impetuous people who march throughout the earth, to seize dwelling places which are not theirs. They are dreaded and feared. Their justice and authority originate with themselves.”

Christian America, can you explain something to me? Jesus Christ who was perfect in all His ways and is the Word of God, the Faithful One who came to earth to die for our sins and while on this earth performed many healing miracles – healing the sick, blind eyes were opened, leopards were healed, crooked legs were made straight and they walked instantly and He made disciples.

And at the end He ascended up into heaven and He sent back the Holy Spirit that would guide the disciples in all truth and 120 (Acts 1:15) of those disciples gathered in the Upper Room to receive the Holy Spirit. You mean to tell me that Jesus spent 3 years on this earth and He only had 120 disciples to show for it. And the answer is Yes – not everyone He invited to be a disciple did not accept. Why? To be His disciple was too demanding as He challenged and tested everyone.

Count the cost He advised them and take up your cross or you cannot be My disciple. “Enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)

He also promised them they would be brought up before the judge, you will be persecuted, called names, I will send you out as lambs among wolves and give up everything to follow Me, deny yourself and you can be my disciple. Look at these disciples in the Book of Acts. They turned the known world of the Roman Empire upside down with their sharing of the gospel of the Kingdom, and their faithfulness of making disciples and planting churches.

Look at our divided denominational churches today. Even worse, look at our mega churches!!! Most mega churches have reached 3000 to 12000 members in three years and what do they have? Are they making disciples that follow Christ or the pastor? Do they abide in Christ and in His Word? Are the Mega Churches and their celebrity pastors turning their city and our nation upside down for Christ? No!!! As a matter of fact, they are allowing demons and New World Order Elites to rule over our nation instead of God. Can you name me just one Mega Church and pastor where God rules over their city? No!!!! Our Mega Church and their people claim to follow Jesus but we see very little fruit in their lives. You will know them by their fruit!!!

There are a few good pastors and churches in America today but they have little influence because of the corrupted churches and members and their bad testimonies. It was Paul who said in Galatians 5:9, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.” It does not take many to corrupt the whole Christian movement in this nation!!!

The Remnant of God is going to have to come out of these dead churches unless God specifically tells you to stay and assist in their recovery back to Christ. We need to have fellowship and teaching meetings in homes. I challenge you to find any Biblical basis for our current concept of the “pastor” in our churches today. I’ll save you the time – go back to the Third Century and it was Constantine who gave us “church” as we do it today. God bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams

Mario Murillo April 9, 2024

Is God doing a secret work in you? Many Christians are fed up with the world system—especially the way it operates in the church. Leaving church they think, “this is not it, there’s something wrong here.” They can’t stomach the glitzy entertainment centers anymore. Many of them are angry at ego-centric pastors with grandiose, expensive and carnal visions. They accuse them of being distracted—even derailed from their first love.

God hungry people are abandoning attraction churches—something revolutionary is happening inside them. Many say “I am tired of going to a service that feels like a rock concert capped off by a TED talk.

Many honest Pastors are also in divine turmoil. The enemy condemned them for having a smaller church. After years of blood sweat and tears their churches were battered, broken and diminished because they can’t compete with mega-mania.

A secret work has started in them.

And why can’t they compete? It’s because they keep their integrity! When they see large crowds and big money pour effortlessly into churches that either hide or pervert the Gospel…it’s easy to feel like a fool for staying true.

The Bible describes them: “Surely, I have cleansed my heart in vain, And washed my hands in innocence. For all day long I have been plagued, and chastened every morning.” Psalm 73:13, 14.

However, our friend in Psalm 73 came to a great revelation. After being bull-dozed by the success of the wicked he took action “16 When I thought how to understand this, It was too painful for me—17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end.”

When he entered the sanctuary exhausted and discouraged, the greatness of God overtook him. He saw that evil always loses.

This is a part of the secret work God is doing in pastors!

A growing number of hungry hearts agree—with all its money and crowds—the compromised church did nothing to rebuke America’s sin. The seeker model was a house of cards against the onslaught on the unborn and marriage. While men slept, we had millions of abortions and marriage was destroyed.

Charles Finney said, “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it.

He went even further: “If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

Deep, deep in my soul where the real knowing happens—I know God is doing something new. Every atom of my being tells me that God is doing a secret work in His people.

God is finished with hirelings. He is drawing a remnant out of corruption and into a special, supernatural nearness to Him. They will empty themselves of everything, every ambition will be burned out but one…to love and please Christ.

Is God doing a secret work in you? Has God closed you in and stripped you of all enjoyment of lesser things?

Are you in divine frustration because you are going to be a part of something only God can do?

What if millions of Americans get so miserable that they cry out to God in total desperation? What if their cry is too deep and their hunger is too great to ever be happy in a lukewarm church?

This is why the Holy Spirit is recruiting a new breed…a breed that can be trusted in an awakening.

God is doing a secret work! He is pulling a remnant to Himself. He is taking a special core and communing with them—training them—empowering them—preparing them for one last mighty blast of power.

The Holy Spirit sees that our nation hangs by a thread. The death-rattle is in America’s throat. Before God allows destruction—He is going to do one last massive miracle. What will that look like?

People no one’s ever heard of will come to the forefront. They will arrive with awesome power and piercing messages. Not all of them will be regular ministers. In fact, the majority will not leave their secular careers as God is using them. Some will be children!

-Strange locations will house massive outpourings. Churches that have been small for years will become ground zero of God’s presence. People will flock in from everywhere to these centers of fire and glory. Stunning signs and wonders will rock entire communities. These churches will be forced to stay open 24 hours a day.

God is doing a secret work in you. He is making you miserable to make you into a miracle. The secret work will not be a secret for long!

Mario Murillo

Thank you, Mario – for that great word. Next week I will be doing an article on “Dying to your flesh” God bless, Glynn

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