By Steven Yates

April 6, 2024

Introducing John Porter: Ordinary Concerned American and Trump Supporter

Once again, an item written by someone other than myself came my way this past week and struck me as worth republishing: another “ordinary” guy and not a so-called expert. I don’t know him. What I’ve gradually learned over the years, though, is that “ordinary” guys (and sometimes gals) have more wisdom than we think. Typically they’ve worked in the real world, which is more than you can say for the average politician or, more and more these days, the average corporate bigwig who took his corporation public. The item, an emailed missive, comes courtesy of a correspondent, a fellow writer named W.H. Lamb who writes for The Times-Examiner based in Greenville, South Carolina, where I lived for a while.

Here is what Mr. Lamb sent out:

Greetings, Patriots:

I’m sending you this insightful, and disturbing, message from John Porter, part of our Patriot Readers Group. In a sense, at least possibly as it applies to some Americans, it is a condemnation of the confused and totally unfair attacks on a man, Donald Trump, who served for four years as our POTUS, and who appears to have earned the disgusting enmity of a large part of our “American” electorate, courtesy of the evil propaganda and outright lies told about him in the Marxist-controlled mainstream media and from the “kept whores” of Academia, government bureaucrats, multi-national and “woke” corporate leaders who often despise America, anti-American lobbyists for un-American companies, the Marxists / collectivists / globalists who inhabit the “Klan of New Bolsheviks” (a.k.a. Demoncrat Party), and the Chinese Communist Party, which has its tyrannical tentacles wrapped around far too many of the so-called “American” entities just mentioned!

One does not have to be a supporter of former President Trump to know in one’s heart that the treatment being meted out to him by the scumbags mentioned above is totally unfair — totally un-American — totally un-Christian. WHY have Americans allowed “politics” to DEGENERATE in this manner? For that matter, IF this is now to be the permanent state of “politics” in America, why should any of us subscribe to this “Bovine Scat” any longer?

In any case, please read John Porter’s cogent words — reflect upon them, and determine whether or not they might apply to anyone you know. OR to YOU!

    1. H. LAMB

Commentary Writer &

Local Columnist

The Times Examiner

Steven again. I don’t know John Porter. We’ve never been introduced. But what he says makes perfect sense. I’ve removed the identity of the list where this was sent and everything that could be used to trace him to his location. Mr. Porter, you have the floor (very light editing for grammar).

——– Original Message ———-

From: John Porter

To: undisclosed-recipients@********.***

Date: 03/28/2024 7:15 AM EDT

Subject: WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?

From: John Porter

To: Americans everywhere

March 28, 2024

I offer no apology for what I am here expressing to you, for this is truly how I feel.

I have lived through Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, and have studied the lives of the rest of them.

Every one of them had some of their policies not liked and criticized, as it should be. Every one of them performed in ways not popular by some, as it should be. Every one of them lived through some trying times with some of the American people, as it should be. After all, they are all human beings whom we have hired to work for us.

But, in my lifetime or before I have never witnessed or heard of a President while in office, or after leaving, being scrutinized over every word he speaks, every action he takes, humiliated daily by the public news media, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied about, charged with almost 91 various crimes by an Attorney General appointed Federal prosecutors, some state, and even local COUNTY prosecutors, hounded by the head of our own Department of Justice, had his private home raided in the early morning hours by more than 30 FBI agents, had many of his private possessions impounded, arrested and mugshot by a LOCAL COUNTY SHERIFF, had his name removed from some state presidential primary election ballots, ordered to post almost half a billion dollar cash bond or his property will be confiscated, had his wife, as well as his children, threatened, insulted and humiliated.

It is nothing less than a shame and a disgrace in the life span of our nation as a Constitutional Republic. I am ashamed of the ruthless, cruel, violent, and evil Trump-hating people both of the general public, and those who are supposed to be serving us in government. Do they have no morals? For many of them, their hatred of Donald Trump has become greater than their love of our country. I am ashamed of the reporters and the several news media organizations who feel they have the right to carry on with lies and fake stories and say the things they do for a good story even though they know are not factual.

Other Presidents took the oath of office and were mostly left alone while serving in the job and after leaving office. Even those who stood for re-election, weren’t on the news 24 hours a day seven days a week, their every word and action being misinterpreted, ridiculed and lambasted, found guilty, and punished, of crimes, by four members of a state Supreme Court and a state Secretary of State all without a trial.

Folks, we all know that politics in America have always been rough and tumble since the founding of the nation. It’s the way we do it.

Definition of rough and tumble:

“A situation in which there is a lot of arguing or competition and people do not worry about upsetting others; Rowdy, disorderly, and boisterous; marked by scuffles or infighting.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this is far more than rough and tumble politics. That can be accepted. This goes beyond the pale. Definition of beyond the pale; “outside the bounds of acceptable behavior.”

It absolutely begs the question, and it must be answered so the rest of the American people can be warned of this danger if one exists. WHAT ON THIS EARTH ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE SO SCARED TO DEATH OF IN THIS MAN, Donald Trump????

Unless someone can let me know the danger this man has demonstrated while he was our president for four years, or otherwise, I must confess, it strengthens my resolve to help him be re-elected come November 5 this year.

Thank you …. John Porter….   [Location withheld.]

I’m back. I think I can help him with his all-caps rhetorical question.

This is not about Trump, folks.

It’s about what he represents.

His rise 2015-16 came in the wake of systemic narrative collapse, I call it. What, precisely, does this mean?

Collapse here means: loss of credibility outside the enclaves of out-of-touch and unaccountable elites who inhabit Beltway and big city echo chambers. These narratives have collapsed:

  • Globalization will make us all prosperous.
  • Numbers (e.g., GDP, the Dow and NASDAQ) tell the story of the economy.
  • American foreign policy is making the world safe for democracy.
  • The Exceptional Nation’s obligation is to police the world.
  • Diversity is our strength.

There may be others, but these seem key. Trump didn’t collapse these narratives. He just walked into the political vacuum that narrative collapse opened.

Details aside, the first as an economic ideology has destroyed much of the American middle class. Nearly every professional economist seems also to believe in the second, enabling them to paper over the increasingly precarious situation common people face by talking about Wall Street, or tech and hedge fund billionaires, or a “low” U-3 “unemployment rate.”

The third and the fourth, favored by neocons, have started wars, gotten thousands of Americans killed or maimed for life, displaced countless native populations, and caused the mass migrations we’re seeing now everywhere in the West.

Belief in the fifth has almost ruined higher education, captured corporations and professions, harmed the military, and conceivably placed us in grave danger at the hands of migrants from countries that consider America their enemy.

What wasn’t obvious to the pseudo-pundits at CNN, MSNBC, etc., inside the Beltway, and in Silicon Valley, was visible to tens of millions of ordinary Americans getting stuck with the bills. They were powerless to prevent their jobs from being outsourced to cheap labor countries, or to avoid having their lives shattered when their sons and daughters returned from Afghanistan or Iraq in boxes draped over in flags.

They lacked a voice until Trump came along and became the only voice they had — even if flawed.

The power elites are scared to death of Trump 2.0!

Nowhere near as naïve as he was in 2017, he conceivably represents a massive disruption, if not the actual end, to everything they’ve been working on for decades now: a globalist superstructure that puts Americans last.

In short, he represents the potential end of an era, and the arrival of a new period of genuine freedom.

Hence their desperate efforts to brand him an authoritarian, a fascist, a “threat to democracy” (or to “democratic institutions” or to the “rule of law”), as they brand others around the world who speak for their people instead of those who want to rule the entire planet.

Hence their efforts to malign and destroy movements such as MAGA, which have counterparts in Europe and in countries like Brazil where substantial fractions of populations have figured out what is going on.

Here’s a thought: suppose these efforts succeed? Suppose the elite-controlled legal system, operating through folks like Letitia James, Fani/ Willis, Jack Smith, others, manage not just to stop a Trump 2.0 but put the man in jail, having destroyed him politically, professionally, and personally.

What happens next?

The following seems to me a plausible scenario … even though it assumes the Establishment is able to circumvent, or put down, massive civil unrest in the meantime.

This, I submit, then becomes a plausible scenario, which I’d look for no later than the mid-2030s, possibly much sooner.

A new “populist” voice emerges. He is younger than Trump, has money, but is more focused and less apt to post every passing thought on social media. Possibly the product of a home destroyed by the techno-feudalist economy or by having lost relatives in one of the elite-sponsored wars, he’ll be angrier and more radical.

Being as charismatic as Trump was (maybe more), he’ll do just as well at attracting a following of the like-minded. He’ll have a knack for channeling much greater frustration than existed in 2016, or 2020, or 2024 — because his supporters will be poorer, more damaged, more desperate, and just as angry. While the political and corporate superelite classes will be that much richer.

In short, this fellow and his base of support really will be everything today’s political and corporate media elites says Trump and MAGA are now.

The Establishment will mobilize accordingly. Even so, they’ll have a potential American edition of the Storming of the Bastille on their hands that will make January 6, 2021 look like an elementary school cafeteria food fight by comparison.

Add to this mix CBDCs to which the new generation of dissidents will have figured out how to avoid by forming an extensive unregulated underground economy. Maybe the tech-savviest among them will have invented technology they can use to “cloak” themselves and their activities.

As CBDCs are rolled out globally (expect this in the next 12 to 24 months), only a fool will fail to recognize what I’ve described as the real battle of the near future: between that sociopathic minority that wants to rule the world and “transcend humanity” (“transhumanism”) versus the hundreds of millions of ordinary people(s) everywhere who just want to be left alone.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Steven Yates is a (still recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored more than 20 articles, book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself. In 2021 he moved to Chile. He is married to a Chilean national.

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

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