By Pastor Glynn Adams

July 21, 2023

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)

We need to start a conversation in this nation about the church and its role in America.  We are losing our spiritual foundations in this nation; who is responsible?  We are getting excited in the religious community in this nation over the States of Louisiana and Tennessee passing a law to post the Ten Commandments in the classrooms.  Is that God’s plan?

When I was a boy in a small town in Louisiana in the 1950s, the church taught the gospel to the parents and to observe all that I commanded you,  (Matthew 28:18-19)  Parents in turn, loving God with all their mind, body, and soul and their neighbor as themselves saw to it that their children acted right in school, at the neighbor’s house, and out in public and if they did not, they got a belt across their backside.  There were no Ten Commandments posted in our school!!!!

I can assure you that having lived in Louisiana and pastored in Tennessee you will see that it is mostly the parents, both Christian and non-Christian, who are lawless today in those states and they grow lawless children.  The only way to stop the carnage and lawlessness in our schools and culture is with the gospel that changes the heart in the parents and children!!!   A set of laws means nothing to them today.

I will remind you it was the church that allowed prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments in the 1960s to be removed from our schools and culture, and the church has made no effort to get them back into our schools.  It is the politicians who passed the legislation in Tennessee and Louisiana and not the church.   What is so sad, even less will talk about the judgments of God, our spiritual bankruptcy, repentance, or welcoming God back into America.    Principle: “You reap what you sow and more!!!”

When did we forget that the Living God is the restrainer of evil in a nation?  When a nation welcomes God, its citizens enjoy the fruit of God which is wisdom, divine protection, Godly leaders, wealth, peace, love, joy, self-control, blessings and many others.  It’s like heaven on earth!!  But as God is systematically being pushed out of a nation, a huge vacuum takes place immediately within its culture.  It is the unintended consequences that occur as God’s fruit exists a society, Satan immediately begins to fill the vacuum with his fruit which is ungodly leaders, immorality, brutality, drugs, curses, diseases, poverty, tyranny, abortion, perversion, sickness, terror, murder, lies, and many others.

These demonic activities will increase exponentially as Satan’s fruit, having been restrained by the Restrainer, suddenly has a free reign in the culture.  Do I have to remind you that without restraints there are no limits to what man can or will do.  History has recorded the evil deeds of evil men since the beginning of time.   Men like Stalin and Hitler who tortured or murdered millions to name a couple!!!  Principle: “When the righteous rule, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.” (Proverbs 29:2) There is not much rejoicing in America these days but a lot of mourning and sadly, there is much more to come because we will not repent and change our wicked religious ways!!!!

Can we walk back the evil we have accepted, embraced, and even exported since we declared God as an unwelcomed guest in our nation?  As of now, I see no evidence that God will ever again be totally welcomed in our nation.  Collectively, I suspect we have crossed the line with God and the windows of opportunity to return have nearly closed or have already closed.  I realize God is sovereign and does what He wants in spite of us.

Had the American Culture Church in America acknowledged the judgments God has sent our way and warned this nation about the consequences of forsaking God and the resulting demonic activity now operating in our nation, I would be more inclined to believe there was yet hope for America.  The American Culture Church has not done this and is still passive and will not repent!!!

Folks, if the church in this nation was aggressively on national TV, if we had booths at all state fairs, at all gun shows, at all movie houses, if we were running ads in all newspapers and magazines warning the people.  If we were at the entrances of all sporting events, in town squares, at town hall meetings, in state capitals, in Washington DC, and in our schools – everywhere the masses assemble or travel – warning the people, I would have hope for America to return to God.  We are passive and not doing nothing!!!

The American Culture Church has no sense of the signs of the times, the urgency of the hour or the depth of our spiritual bankruptcy in this nation.  Seriously now, think about this – we are in the last days of perilous and difficult times.   Men are lovers of self, lovers of money, without self-control, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, many are headed for an eternity in hell – Jesus is at the door ready to return, the anti-Christ will soon be revealed, the great tribulation is before us and the church in America is in no way prepared for these coming events when we have been commanded to be on the alert and ready.

The American Culture Church who has the responsibility to prepare its people and be a watchman is sound asleep.   And while this nation is in a spiritual freefall, the American Church is still doing business as usual – preaching happy and positive sermonettes and worshipping its religious systems and the god of money and numbers.  The American Church is simply not serious about this hour in our nation.

This modern-day false religious system in America is not ready to die for their faith, to be rejected and hated by men, called extreme, troublemakers, and all kind of names by the world and anti- God forces like Jesus and many believers throughout history were.  These churches do not live in the reality of the Scriptures and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, are divided into too many factions and has not demonstrated that it has the leadership, courage, or the spiritual discernment to fight the good fight of faith.

I make no bones about it – the Church in America has been given all power and authority and if they would have used it in the Name of Jesus, they could have stopped the anti-God forces from removing God from our nation easily in 1962 and perhaps as late as the 1980s, and thus averting most of the mess and the tragedies we see today.  I was in a group of faithful men and women in the 80s warning America and the churches mocked us and demonized us as out of the mainstream of Christianity   If only the American Church would have taken a stand, God would have defeated the attempted enemy takeover of this nation but they choose to oppose us!!!

I’m not talking about politics here but obedience to the Living Word of God.  Why?  Because God is stronger than any atheist, Communists, Marxists, humanists, progressive, liberal, or any other anti-God forces of Satan.  However, to attempt it today will be a blood bath.  Why?   Because the American Church won’t fight to receive back that which was stolen from us and our enemies will fight to keep what they have gained!!!

We are in deep, deep trouble.  Because we have totally disobeyed the Great Commission Jesus set forth in Matthew 28:19, we don’t have the right people nor are we currently producing the right people.  You can’t tell the church from the world today.  While playing our religious games for years now, we made church members instead of disciples of Christ.  These church members are more faithful to their denominational religious systems than to Christ and they obey the traditions of men rather than the Word of God.

They will defend their religious systems but not a nation.  These religious folks understand church speak but not the ways of God.  Simply put – today the average church member does not see themselves as functioning as the Body of Christ on this earth and therefore, is not totally committed to obeying the Head – the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is the sole reason why the church and our nation are in the mess we are in today:  Principle:  When the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?

As it has been from the beginning, the Kingdom of God is not looking for religious people but true disciples of Christ – men and women who are totally committed to the Lordship of Christ – who have a daily intimate relationship with Him – who hear Him – radical men and women for radical times – who obey God rather than man – who fear God more than man.  Discerning men and women who are full of the Holy Spirit of Christ and have understanding and wisdom based on the Living Word of God.

Anointed men and women who have died to self, counted the cost, and are not afraid to stand up for holiness and righteousness, are not afraid to speak the truth, to be ridiculed for it, rejected by men, and to suffer and sacrifice for the sake of Christ.  Sanctified men and women who have died to the present world system and their flesh, who are prepared to confront evil, to expose the unfruitful works of darkness and if needed, to die for the faith.

This is the only type of disciples of Christ and not the average church member who would have any chance in heaven of leading our beloved America back to God.  Nothing less will get the job done!!!!!  Perhaps now you can understand why we are in such deep, deep spiritual trouble.   We have squandered our time for decades on making faithful church members to a religious system rather than disciples faithful and obedient only to the LORD Jesus Christ!!!

We must have a conversation about the church and its role in America!!!  Our lives and nation depend on it.  We were once a nation that accepted the true God and built our foundation on the cornerstone of just men acting in agreement with the moral and spiritual guidance of a just God.  This obedience to the spiritual principles and laws of God and not some man or ideology, was what was necessary to keep evil in chains in this nation and to be blessed by God.

We have since abandoned our spiritual foundations and when we did, not only did we then accept but we invited evil into our lives and our nation.  It is truly a grave thing what we have done – to forsake the foundations of the living God and to permit the perversion of our core spirituality by a humanists and socialists, Marxists ideology that is now replacing or redefining our spiritual values in our culture.

Without a fight, this nation is being led to embrace the very evil that it embodies within the ideology of humanism and socialism.  Will America recover from such spiritual neglect?    Not until we repent of our false religious ways and not until we realize that our problems began when we declared God as an unwelcomed guest in our nation and opened ourselves to the coexistence with evil.  Unless we wake up and get serious about spiritual things in the Word of God, man can never begin to repair the damage caused by years of spiritual defilement.

It is truly a time for truth.  We are down to our last hope.  We must now depend on a Sovereign God that we have abandoned to act on our behalf.   We must have a conversation concerning the church and its role in America.  Our lives and nation depend on it.  We must also have a conversation with the Remnant of God in America.  We desperately need to organize and come up with a game plan to restore this nation and to resist the evil overtaking this nation.

But we are too busy with our seminars, and preaching to one another.  We don’t have time and commitment to organize and put a game plan in place to get more people involved against the evil in this nation under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

We are well aware that Klaus Schwab and the WEF are well organized many years out and the Remnant in this nation must get organized also.  Many people in the Remnant are isolated and need instruction and where they are needed in the Body of Christ.

We have lived in paradise for years in comfort, abundance, and safety.  We are on the verge of losing it all!!!!   Through our incredible stupidity, neglect, arrogance, and disobedience to God, we have almost lost this nation to absolute evil.  We are deceived if we think a new president and congress will satisfy God.  We are way past political solutions to our problems.

God wants us to forsake our false religious ways and return to His way.  Never have so many in our churches been misled and deceived by false pastors.   If we remain silent and do not get involved in the affairs of this nation, God will not hear our plea.  Each of us are in America for a reason.  Each of us has a destiny.  We are not only living in difficult times but also historic times.  The Body of Christ in America in obedience to the LORD Jesus Christ is the only way that can put America back on the straight and narrow path back to God.  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do.” (Psalm 11:3)

“The Kings of the earth take their stand; and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed.” (Psalm 2:2)

As I am finishing this article, I just heard about the attempted assassination of former President Trump.  This looks like God intervened and saved his life.  Surely someone close to him will present the gospel to former President Trump!!  A lot of questions need to be answered and as in times past, they will slow walk this and we may never know the real motive behind this shooting.  I suspect hate had a lot to do with it!!!!  I am also praying this will move the Body of Christ in America to get more involved in the war against Christians and our Republic!!!  Blessings Glynn

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