Kelleigh Nelson
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. —Voltaire
It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them. —Adolf Hitler
The people want wholesome dread. They want to fear something. They want someone to frighten them and make them shudderingly submissive. —Ernst Rohm, Hitler’s chief of the SA (Storm Trooper)
The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it. —Joseph Mengele, MD, “Angel of Death” at Auschwitz
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. —Thomas Jefferson
How quickly we forget that in January President Trump restricted traffic from China, and Dr. Fauci was not pleased. Fauci opposed eliminating flights from China. He disagreed and then ultimately, he agreed. That’s newsworthy.
Fauci also doesn’t believe the virus came from the Wuhan lab, despite the fact that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) “expert” shelled out a total of $7.4 million to the Wuhan biolab for this research. Fauci and other medical experts on the White House coronavirus task force are “Hillary Clinton sympathizers” with a vendetta against President Donald Trump and his supporters.
Time has proven that locking down the entire country for a virus that kills and hospitalizes less than seasonal flu has been a huge mistake promoted by VP Mike Pence and his unvetted Task Force globalists. Both Fauci and Birx are tightly bound to WHO Director Tedros, a Marxist-Leninist apologist for China. Funds for their activities come from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which wants to vaccinate us all, just as they did in Africa with devastating results. President Trump agrees to restore partial funding to WHO, run by a Marxist-Leninist. Why?
Gates is a population reduction aficionado as are Anthony Fauci and George Soros. Gates’ goal is not life, but death and the reduction of world population.
Inflating Statistics
A week ago, Dr. Birx said, “There is nothing from the (Center for Disease Control) CDC I can trust.” She has expressed doubts about the CDC Control statistics’ reports and believes the CDC has dramatically inflated the numbers by at least 25 percent. Birx and others reportedly feared that the CDC Control and Prevention’s data-tracking system was inflating coronavirus death rates and case numbers statistics. Falsified death records are common.
Physicians throughout America have complained about being forced to falsely label the cause of death as Covid-19. Dr. Scott Jensen, Republican member of the Minnesota Senate spoke to Laura Ingraham about the actual infection rates.
Birx is still claiming that the “shelter-in-place” directive was saving lives, but now we know that’s not true either. Over 36 million, or nearly 22 percent of Americans are without work; the economy continues going down the drain and many people have lost everything.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo came forth and acknowledged that new hospitalizations caused by COVID-19 are from individuals who did, in fact, stay home. Fox News confirmed that the percentage of new coronavirus patients who listened to the government and stayed home is at 66%.
What Michael Smith of Wells, Maine wrote in the WSJ is absolutely true, “We have torched the house to rid it of spiders.” He went on to say that the governments’ response will kill us if the virus doesn’t. If unemployment hits 32 percent, some 77,000 Americans are likely to die from suicide and drug overdoses as a result of layoffs. Deaths of despair.
We can’t open now, says Chinese mouthpiece Dr. Tedros for the World Health Organization, not for five years. “It could take up to five years before the coronavirus pandemic is under control.” And WHO friend, Dr. Fauci, is not going to authorize reopening if the virus is not under control.
First, we had to flatten the curve, then we had to follow the data of gigantically flawed models, and now we need more testing, which only shows you how many more people have gotten this virus. It’s not enough. Now we need antibody testing. That doesn’t mean anything anymore. Now we need a vaccine.
Flu vaccines rarely cover the exact type of seasonal flu, and in any given year, a flu shot is only about 40-60 percent effective. The CDC reported that the 2020 flu vaccine was 45% effective against type B and 37% effective against type A. It’s doubtful a Covid-19 vaccine would be any better, and we certainly don’t want it mandated.
President Trump said in an interview last week that he is gung-ho to distribute a coronavirus vaccine as soon as it is developed. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly,” the president said in an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo.
If a flu vaccine is only 40 – 60 percent effective, why would a Covid-19 vaccine be any better. No one has ever come up with a vaccine for the common cold virus or even for HIV-AIDS. No thanks, I don’t want the speedily made vaccine that will inject my body with foreign elements that could well make me sick or shorten my life.
Oh, those lovely vaccines! The 1960s polio vaccine that gave everyone soft tissue cancer was grown on monkey kidneys. The cancer-causing SV-40 monkey virus is genetically passed to your descendants. And guess what? The Daily Post is reporting that Bill Gates offered Nigeria’s House of Representatives $10 million if they passed a compulsory vaccine bill.
A Digital “Snapshot” for Every Injection
On May 12th, PRNewswire reported that ApiJect Systems America, Inc., a public benefit corporation based in Stamford, CT, announced that it has been awarded an HHS-DOD Title 3, Data Processing Agreement (DPA) contract valued up to $138 million to accelerate the building of a new U.S.-based, high-speed, population-scale emergency drug injection capability with prefilled syringes from its subsidiary RAPID USA Inc. RAPID USA’s emergency program, “Project Jumpstart” is being initiated to supply 500 million prefilled syringes by year-end. Jumpstart will develop the capability to manufacture a minimum of 30 million prefilled syringes per month once therapeutic drugs and vaccines become available.
If coronavirus vaccines were planned to be optional – respecting the vaccine choices of individuals, not more than 100 million doses would be needed. The fact that 500 million doses are being manufactured is an admission that the DoD and HHS plan to make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory. The DoD awarded a $238 million contract enabling prefilled syringes for the future Covid-19 vaccine.
The ApiJect syringes come with an optional RFID device enabling health care workers to track the GPS location of the syringes and record the identity of those being injected according to the company’s website.
Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and “tap” the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the Near Field Communication (NFC) tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time. The app then uploads the data to a government-selected cloud database. Aggregated injection data provides health administrators an evolving real-time “injection-map.” No thanks big brother!
Remdesivir v. Hydroxychloroquine
Dr. Fauci has never backed the very cheap 60-year-old drug, hydroxychloroquine. In fact, he has criticized its usage. Yet around the world, including within the U.S., this cheap drug has had excellent results, especially when given early in a Covid-19 diagnosis. There is little money to be made with this drug and the accompanying antibiotic, Azithromycin.
Dr. Stephen Smith calledhydroxychloroquine a “game changer” in the fight against Covid-19. He had been treating his Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine with a 100% cure rate. He believed that the fight against the virus was over, but he underestimated the nefarious forces in the medical establishment and how much money was to be made.
Ivette Lozano is a Dallas doctor who is treating her coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine and the recovery success rate of her patients is 100%. In the following video she explains how Texas has passed a bill that disallows prescribing hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin without giving a diagnosis to the pharmacist. They’ve eliminated the privacy of the HIPPA law because this drug is successful and cheap and obviously, they don’t want it used.
A recent Gateway Pundit article, brilliantly researched by Joe Hoft, exposed the connections with remdesivir. The very first case of Covid-19 was in Washington state and the clinic where the patient was treated for declining health happened to have samples of the drug to give him intravenously. He recovered. By mid-February a Chinese company was mass producing remdesivir, despite studies showing a lack of benefit.
The drug is from Gilead Sciences and the clinical trials are being done by Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Fauci is behind the promotion of Gilead’s remdesivir and has worked with Gilead for years.
Gilead is partnered with Wuxi AppTec, an international pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical device company located in China and owned in part by George Soros.
Gilead has endorsed and is engaged with a drug purchasing group, Unitaid which is an outgrowth of the United Nations, Millennium Declaration of 2000, which is now the U.N. Global Compact (sustainability via UN Agenda 2030).
Despotic States
Governor Wolf of Pennsylvania, (GOP Rep. Scott Perry called out Governor Wolf for killing elderly Pennsylvanians in nursing homes.) Governor Cuomo of New York and other states had ordered nursing homes to take Covid-19 patients resulting in thousands of fatalities to elderly and immune compromised patients within these facilities. Long Island is now calling for a federal probe into more than 5,000 nursing home deaths.
If you thought the drones were bad telling us to keep our distance from each other, how about the Darpa Robot enlisted by police to enforce distancing. The robots are able to scan anyone walking on the sidewalks, record license plates, use infrared vision, and one of the scariest uses of this technology is the capability to detect cellphone serial numbers within a designated patrolling area.According to CBS, the devices are actively being used and can be seen in 16 states including New York at the Lefrak City Apartments in Queens and LaGuardia Airport.
In Kentucky, now run by Democratic Governor Andy Beshear rather than Republican Governor Bevin, authorities have ordered Louisville residents who have been exposed to the flu virus, but won’t self-quarantine, to wear a tracking device to ensure they don’t leave the house.
In Tennessee, a 39-year-old homeless person who tested positive for the virus and was incarcerated at the local Nashville fair grounds, escaped and fled. He was stopped and arrested by Metro Nashville Parks police two miles from where he had been quarantined. Metro Parks has charged the man with a single count of escape from a penal institution, a class A misdemeanor. The statute that defines this crime makes no mention of it being used to enforce quarantine orders. And our Governor Bill Lee claims to be a constitutional conservative.
Senate hopeful Bill Hagerty’s stint as Tennessee’s Department of Economic & Community Development Commissioner ended with the Volunteer State becoming the “most dependent state in America for trade with China.” He was appointed by ‘Never Trumper’ Republican Gov. Bill Haslam in 2011. Haslam proudly stated he did not vote for Trump. At the expense of American workers, Hagerty’s first-choice candidate in the 2016 Republican primary was Jeb Bush. And even after Jeb’s candidacy flamed out, he shifted to supporting pro-amnesty Marco Rubio.
In Ventura County California, Dr. Robert Levin, director of Ventura County Public Health spoke before the board of supervisors about a plan to hire up to 50 new “contact tracing investigators” to “find people who have COVID-19 and immediately isolate them, find every one of their contacts, make sure they stay quarantined and check in with them every day.” He said they would be physically removed from their homes and isolated. He had to walk it back!
The despotic Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island has told people to “social shame” those who refuse to wear masks. Those with compromised immune systems should wear protection, but for healthy people, wearing masks actually can make them more susceptible to the virus.
And Amtrak now requires masks for all passengers.
Open Economy
Had we sheltered the compromised and elderly and allowed the economy to remain open, we may have had a higher number of deaths, but the immunity would have spread throughout the nation saving us from the debacle of debt, inflation, job loss, suicides, alcoholism, drug addiction, and domestic violence which has outnumbered the deaths from this virus. We’ve been sold another lie; dumbed down Americans don their masks to go out into public. I’m ashamed of my fellow citizens and how easily they were brainwashed with lies and propaganda.
Republican Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia celebrated the state’s lowest number of hospitalized coronavirus patients and the fewest number of COVID-19 patients on ventilators on Saturday, 15 days since he loosened lockdown restrictions in the face of persistent attacks from the mainstream media and the public disapproval of President Trump.Currently, 995 people out of a population of 10.62 million, have died from Covid-19 in Georgia, according to the model, and it projects that number could climb to 4,691 by August 4. But it hasn’t.
Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida ripped into the media for their failing, dire predictions of his coronavirus response. He said to mainstream media, “You were all wrong about my state, we’re in better shape without draconian lockdown.”He’s right.
Dr. Scott Atlas’ recent article in The Hill gives five facts as to why we need to reopen our economy, stop the panic and end the total isolation.
A Seattle police officer sacrificed his job to speak the truth on the abuse of power by the government. Greg Anderson is married with children, but he could not continue to follow orders he knew were against the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
A federal judge blocked Governor Beshear’s (D-KY) temporary ban on mass gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic from applying to religious services.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halted a coronavirus testing program promoted by billionaire Bill Gates and Seattle health officials pending reviews.
The Texas Supreme Court halts expansion of mail-in voting during pandemic.
The Hill reports that legal challenges to the stay-at-home orders are gaining momentum. The Wisconsin Supreme Court invalidated the state’s coronavirus health order, a decision that’s already generating momentum behind similar challenges across the country.
Atwater, California has declared itself a sanctuary city for businesses!
Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer lost a fight to force a 77-year-old barber out of business. Despite moving to sustain his livelihood and remain economically afloat, the Michigan governor pulled strings and issued a cease-and-desist order against Manke.
Ultimately, a Michigan judge ruled for Manke when the state’s Attorney General failed to make the bogus case that Manke posed “imminent danger to public health.” The repressive fascistic Governor plans to keep the state closed until a vaccine is available.
And Michigan protesters plan “Operation Haircut” demonstration to push back against state’s ‘tyrannical’ stay-at-home order by Whitmer.
Democrat Gov. Whitmer listed abortion as a non-elective procedure during Covid’s lockdown. She even decided to categorize it as “life-sustaining.” This woman is a murderer in so many ways…unborn babies, her constituents, and the survival of Michigan businesses. She is the epitome of evil.
Are Americans waking up to the attack on our country? They better, or these power-hungry neo-Nazi autocrats will strengthen the control over their constituents and we can kiss freedom good-bye.
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