By Kat Stansell

July 29, 2023

If you remember, there once was a Membership Club called “ERIC”, which stands for the Electronic Registration Information Center. States paid to join, in order to keep their voter rolls clean, in spite of the fact that every member state had grossly bloated rolls, 50% of which were above statistical impossibility, per the records of the USEAC (US Election Assistance Commission) ERIC was never about accuracy, but rather, about gathering data on every resident of member states. We now know more about how that information is being used, thanks to an election integrity expert in Florida, named Kris Jurski.

Technically, ERIC still exists, but without 1/3 of its former member states. They have “resigned” over the last few months.

ERIC was designed by an avowed “conservative hater” named David Becker, in 2012, after Obama had lost both houses of Congress in the 2010 midterm. It had long been the goal of the feds to control our elections, and they thought they had been closing in, with the 1993 “motor voter act”, and the 2001 National Voter Registration Act. They had thought they would make more progress with Obama in office. However, the 2010 results caused concern on the Left that they might be losing control of our vote. So, ERIC was born, and sold to gullible state officials as a voter roll maintenance system which would keep their voter records clean and up to date.

The real reason behind installing ERIC in as many states as possible, I believe, was to gather the personal data of everyone in each member state. This data stays within the ERIC AI system and is never returned to the state, even upon resignation. Let me say it again…


I am convinced that these “resignations” were for show, and were orchestrated by ERIC’s daddy, David Becker, himself, with national election officials at a NASS meeting this winter.

After the February, 2023, meeting of the National Assn. of Secretaries of State (NASS) in DC, during which there were several closed sessions, several states, pretty much in unison, announced that they were resigning from ERIC. Various reasons were given, all containing the generic excuse that “Gosh, we didn’t realize how crooked it might be”. Spare me. Those who, just weeks before, had spoken out about how they “loved” the “godsend” ERIC, now suddenly withdrew.

Cord Byrd, Secretary of State of Florida had told citizens to their face, that “Florida LOVES ERIC”, and “just uses it a little differently” . . . that Florida would never resign.” This was said directly to a conservative activist; disregard what has been written about DeSantis’s deciding to pull out in 2022. Tallahassee was NOT planning to resign.

Paul Pate, SOS of Iowa, called ERIC a “godsend.” Yet, Florida and Iowa were among the first to announce they were quitting ERIC, just days after those utterances. FL and IA joined AL, whose newly elected Secretary of State, Wes Allen, had taken AL out of ERIC on the first day of his term, as per campaign promise.

Louisiana’s Kyle Ardoin had pulled out the previous year, in coordination with a suit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, but has since spoken of questioning the 2020 election as “conspiracy theory”. In April of this year, he announced that he is NOT running again. Pressure from citizen activists is attributed as the cause of his move.

As of today, eleven states (an even 1/3 of the membership) have quit ERIC, including TX, WV, VA, OH, MO, FL, IA, LA, AL, AK and WI.

Before we dig further, please let me just say that any election administrator of ANY ERIC member state who didn’t know and understand the real ERIC system (all data gathering, NO mandated roll maintenance) is not worthy of holding office. I believe that they KNEW and spent taxpayer $$ for ERIC memberships and the execution of mandates, to make their jobs easier, pretending to take care of business, while ignoring (or using!) the bloated rolls. This makes each of them worthy of being voted out of office, even as they made sure that our votes wouldn’t count. Job security. See the ugly circle?

This is the important point here: if you ever lived in and/or voted from these states, YOUR information is in the system. Voter records in AL, AK, AZ, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, MO, NV, NM, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, IL, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, AND the DISTRICT are subject to the kind of manipulation outlined by Kris Jurski, below. Keep reading.

SO…back to ERIC losing some of his friends. There are two possible scenarios to explain how and why some states left the “club”.

The first is that the Left grew worried that ERIC was being exposed. This had been expressed by some conservative media outlets, which had been in the lead exposing the ERIC system. I personally had been writing about ERIC for over a year and would love that to be so. Frankly, however, I don’t believe this explanation, although it was the one put forth by every source which addressed the subject. Ah, yes. Wouldn’t it be lovely to think that they were worried about truth damaging their efforts?

A far more plausible explanation to me is that ERIC’s data base had all the names it needed for the next several election cycles, to manipulate voter records at will – and after that, it will not matter. We will have lost our free country.

So, why not make it appear as if ERIC had been weakened by the resignations? That MIGHT provide a “chill pill” for those “conspiracy theorists” who worried about secure elections. You know, “Step away, children. Don’t bother to get involved in election integrity. Your bogey man, ERIC, is gone, so you can go back to your sandboxes, freed of any need to dig for truth.”

Directly after that NASS meeting, I had said that those sudden, orchestrated resignations were NOT what they seemed. A recent post by Bill Gates about AI and elections, may have helped to show us what is really going down.

In a July 11, 2023, blog post, Bill Gates, the evil Microsoft multi-billionaire stated that “artificial intelligence technologies could aid in manipulating elections and ‘tip’ results in close races.” That headline caught my attention.

“Deepfakes and misinformation generated by AI could undermine elections and democracy…AI-generated deepfakes could be used to try to tilt an election”. Gates continues on, steering the concept to the creation of fake imagery: for example, an AI picture of a prominent candidate robbing a bank or hugging and kissing, an unpopular figure.

We know that DeSantis’s campaign just did this with an image of Fauci and Trump embracing to “suggest a close relationship. Gates’ concern seems to be the occurrence of AI deepfakes, such as images appearing on the morning of a major election. Whether in the months or days before an election, his message is that AI will have an impact. I agree, only not that faked imagery will be the culprit.

I believe that the millions of voter records held in the ERIC AI system are what are undermining elections. ERIC’s information can and WILL be voted to change election results as needed to produce the “desired results”. Thus…”misinformation generated by AI could undermine elections and democracy.” Thanks, Bill. Intentional or not, I appreciate your confirmation that AI will play a part in our elections.

Actually, this has already been proven. The illegitimate use of voter records, planted and grown in the ERIC AI farm, seem to be turning up in Florida. Election Integrity specialist, Kris Jurski, has once again proven the manipulation of voter information to impact results. Over 433,000 voter records in the state of Florida were 1)reactivated, 2) reinserted or 3) deleted in a period of a few months.

In the last eight months, Jurski has examined over 140 million voter records in his state, and found incredible manipulations therein. The way he describes it is, as if one could watch a big dashboard of the election, to learn ahead of time, how many votes might be needed to win. Then, as voting occurred, the exact right amount of votes were created to get the candidate across the finish line.

The same voter name was found to have changed addresses, middle initials, apartment numbers, etc., then reappeared in the original location after the mail-in ballot was requested and voted. Some voters from the 1960’s, who hadn’t voted for years, and may well be deceased, suddenly reappeared on the rolls, just as they were to vote, by mail of course. They then disappeared after the election.

The most shocking of all, was the deletions. Thousands of names were removed from the rolls after voting, then added back at different addresses, or with slightly different names, a short time later. Names on the voter records were being moved from address to address, county to county and even state to state. Then, back again. See this short video to understand what Kris has found.

This massive accumulation of voter records, turned to phantoms (illegitimate voters), by alteration of information, is enough to tip the scales across the country. If this is happening in Florida, you can be assured that it is happening elsewhere. Other states just aren’t lucky enough to have a Kris Jurski to prove it. Of course, as Kris points out, it would be VR systems, the platform itself, which uses the ERIC AI data, not little ERIC himself. ERIC data just feeds another beast.

From its own website, VR Systems says that they “design technology to support modern elections – from electronic poll books and online training systems to comprehensive software platforms.” They feature former FL SOS, Kurt Browning praising VR Systems, saying that “they provide the best quality of service because they want their customers to be successful.” I fear that definition of success varies widely, in today’s election climate.

VR Systems was started and is headquartered in Tallahassee FL. It’s the first website I’ve found that lists its staff with a sketch, a title, and by first name only. It now does business in the District of Columbia, NY, IL, IN, NC, TX and FL.

PLEASE, go to to learn more of what Kris has found.

I think ERIC is very much alive and well, and stealing our free and fair elections just as much as ever, possibly more. But then, I’m kind of a conspiracy FACTIST.

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