UFO Second-Hand Hearing: Another Distraction?

I’ve been to Roswell, NM; made a relax time stop during one of my many road trips.  Visited the Roswell UFO Museum and Research Center out of curiosity as I am, by nature, a curious person.  Really nice people, true believers.  I learned nothing new at the museum nor did it change my mind.

By |2023-07-31T00:25:14-04:00July 31st, 2023|

Compounding Errors in Favor of Religious Liberty

Our judicial system today works like a bad case of the game “telephone”. You probably remember that game from grammar school. The teacher would whisper something into one child’s ear, who would then whisper it into the next child’s ear, and on and on until the message got all the way around the room.

By |2023-07-31T00:16:52-04:00July 31st, 2023|

Live Life On Your Own Terms

Exercise daily to blow off excess energy in the body to release your mind to express itself. Eat healthy foods to maintain a lean frame. That, in turn, allows you emotional balance that originates with your relationship with friends, families and co-workers. For your mental well-being, read books, take classes and express yourself through journaling, painting, sculpting or other art forms.

By |2023-07-31T00:26:02-04:00July 31st, 2023|

Religion? Jesus Is the Only Way; Not Religion!

When people who are in these institutional churches in America under these false pastors and have shut down their belief systems and have a demonic stronghold, they will in the last days when the antichrist speaks, their corrupted belief system will link up with the ideas of the antichrist and in their deception, they will take the mark of the beast.

By |2023-07-30T00:18:16-04:00July 30th, 2023|

Count It All Joy

I pray that God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.  He accomplishes His will through people — but the souls of His children must be tested, our characters cleansed and it’s through hardship and persecution that we grow closer to Him in sanctification.

By |2023-07-30T00:19:10-04:00July 30th, 2023|

Another Look at ERIC: What Ever happened to Becker’s Bad Boy?

ERIC was designed by an avowed “conservative hater” named David Becker, in 2012, after Obama had lost both houses of Congress in the 2010 midterm. It had long been the goal of the feds to control our elections, and they thought they had been closing in, with the 1993 “motor voter act”, and the 2001 National Voter Registration Act.

By |2023-07-29T00:06:34-04:00July 29th, 2023|

Prism of America’s Education

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don't give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINO'S out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.  Doing nothing is complying.

By |2023-07-29T00:05:50-04:00July 29th, 2023|

Could Globalists Fake an Alien Invasion?

Nevertheless, the restlessness continues. The “plandemic” has receded, and people are asking questions. MAGA Republicans, meanwhile, are unimpressed by the allegations against Trump, which they consider the work of a politicized Justice Department driven by abject terror of a second Trump presidency.

By |2023-07-28T01:14:59-04:00July 28th, 2023|

Scaring the Myth right out of you

The Global Elite are going to use this tool, scaremongering, to the max now that they have seen how effective it is and how many people had been dumbed-down enough in our educational system to make them easy targets. Scare the ‘you-know-what’ out of them and they will do anything; anything except stand up and fight back. The ideal communist citizens.

By |2023-07-28T01:14:25-04:00July 28th, 2023|

Iran’s Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage

The intentional destruction of cultural heritage is a global issue that has persisted throughout history. Iran's regime, like ISIS and the Taliban, has contributed to this destruction by deliberately targeting historical antiquities. The severe impacts of such actions on communities, particularly minority groups, cannot be overstated.

By |2023-07-28T01:11:46-04:00July 28th, 2023|

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Republicans will not save this nation. Democrats will not save us either. As long as we are content with telling and teaching lies, we will never escape out of “the snare of the Devil” Here is the good news. Millions are awakening every day.

By |2023-07-27T01:51:17-04:00July 27th, 2023|

Chicoms to Rewrite the Bible

The Chinese Communist Party has a ten-year-plan to completely rewrite the Bible. We are unable to confirm or refute reports that “devout Catholics” Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have already signed up to receive their copies.

By |2023-07-27T01:43:07-04:00July 27th, 2023|

The Voluptuousness of Living

You face multiple challenges in your life. Thank goodness for that opportunity. Utopian worlds only exist in novels by the likes of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. If you recall that brilliant story, a couple enjoyed unlimited physical and emotional perfection. They worked faultless jobs for their intellectual inclinations. Did they love it?

By |2023-07-27T01:41:55-04:00July 27th, 2023|

IRS Whistleblower Hearings: Scabs on Full Display

The campfire is becoming a bon fire and the next week or so will be quite telling.  Nixon fell on his sword proclaiming his purity to the end.  Joe Biden has no connection with reality and you can be sure, the puppet masters are busy plotting right now how to remove him that will cause the least hurt to their agenda.

By |2023-07-26T00:12:09-04:00July 26th, 2023|

Wretched Way Out Weirdness and A Woke Color Agenda

Generally speaking, much of the unhappiness, dysfunction, retarded development and discontent is the result of forcibly mixing groups in carefully created toxic situations. There is nothing wrong with small amounts of such “mixing” when the conditions allow but what is happening here is neither benign nor accidental. It is an intentional strategy to bring about the breakdown of the social order.

By |2023-07-26T00:11:01-04:00July 26th, 2023|

A Lesson From Tbilisi As How To Stop The Criminal Sodomite Agenda

In Tbilisi Georgia (Georgia is a country in the Caucasus region, on the coast of the Black Sea. Sometimes considered a transcontinental country, it is located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and is today generally regarded as part of Europe), the Orthodox Church rose up in opposition by protesting these sodomites.

By |2023-07-26T00:10:05-04:00July 26th, 2023|

Vaccines, SV40 and the Cancer Epidemic

There is abundant evidence of a variety of simian viruses found in the human blood supply.   The DNA from SV-40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors.  Former virologist, John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.”  This vaccine was given to millions of American and European children.

By |2023-07-25T00:12:31-04:00July 25th, 2023|

Critical Theory: Sowing Hatred and Division in the Name of Unity

The apostles were told to stop speaking in politically incorrect, unapproved, and disruptive ways. They answered that they feared God rather than man and faced the human consequences. Where are the people today who allow God to govern their thoughts and are willing to call evil evil and good good? Where are the preachers who still believe God’s Word defines good and evil?

By |2023-07-25T00:10:58-04:00July 25th, 2023|

Racism, By Any Other Name, is Just as Perverse

Racism, both systemic and societal, has been a problem in this country for centuries. In many ways it was societal racism, the general belief in the inferiority of certain races, that led to many of the racist laws or systemic racism. To me, this leads to a Catch-22. How do you get rid of one without getting rid of the other? While we have gotten rid of many of the racist laws in our country, racist ideas are still around, and they have led to other racist laws.

By |2023-07-25T00:10:04-04:00July 25th, 2023|

Can Banks Dump the Fed?

Changing banks is always a hassle – especially if your mortgage and vehicle payment is auto deduct like mine.  But, I would never have any account at JP Morgan Chase, B of A, Wells Fargo or any of those big names who think nothing of canceling out someone’s account for purely political bias.  Not to mention globalists at the highest levels who really don’t give a damn about you.

By |2023-07-24T00:11:12-04:00July 24th, 2023|

The Ongoing Iranian Revolution

The brave Iranian women and men are not stopping, nor will they soon. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime—time for the mullahs to pack up and leave. It is not a matter of if but when this regime falls.

By |2023-07-24T00:09:41-04:00July 24th, 2023|

Ascending The Spiraling Staircase of Your Life

One of the things I discovered as I traveled through my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s---once you engage fully with life, you live an eternity with each event whether work or play, good times or otherwise.  Your eternity equals your lifespan.  It’s endless as long as you continue breathing and ambulating.

By |2023-07-24T00:08:17-04:00July 24th, 2023|

Emotionally Entangled

The real you reading this should be grasping the fact that you no longer need to function from the malevolent spirit implanted in language; the silent cognition of what you are reading here is sufficient to begin lifting the burden.

By |2023-07-23T01:28:27-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

The New World Will Be Good and Stay Good

Joshua, whom God used to victoriously lead Israel into their inheritance in the Promised Land, was careful all his days to encourage Israel to be faithful to God. As long as the people of Israel were obedient to God they experienced victory on the battlefield, freedom, prosperity, and protection from their enemies.

By |2023-07-23T00:39:34-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

America’s Education System Is Under Attack

America used to have a stellular education that was 2nd to none in the world.  Today we have 3rd World countries that have better education systems than we have. The 3rd world nation concentrates on math, literature, writing, and all the other important thing in life whereas our system concentrates on pro-nouns and political correctness, and gender studies.

By |2023-07-23T01:39:23-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

What is it Going to Take?

These hell holes we call public school and universities have but one purpose – to redirect, mold, and nurture our children – replacing the moral framework that families may be instilling in their children.  I hate to be so blunt, parents, but sending your children to the public schools and universities today is like, as in the days of Israel in the Old Testament of sacrificing your children to the god Moleck.

By |2023-07-23T01:31:30-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

There Prescient Novels Predicted Our Cowardly “Brave New World”

The technical gulag of the Brave New World will have encompassed the entire world. We have reached an era in which total tyranny is possible simply because we have created the means and technology to run it. And with the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence) we just might have “thought” ourselves into enslavement not by men, but by man’s creations.

By |2023-07-22T00:32:14-04:00July 22nd, 2023|

The Ongoing Iranian Revolution

The brave Iranian women and men are not stopping, nor will they soon. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime—time for the mullahs to pack up and leave. It is not a matter of if but when this regime falls.

By |2023-07-22T00:30:56-04:00July 22nd, 2023|

Heroes Among Us

We will always face agenda-driven activists, socialists, Marxists, progressives and irresponsible pleasure-seekers who incessantly complain while believing more government is the answer. However, history coupled with reality provides a clearer warning. Therefore, our Liberty requires our involvement, boldness and diligence.

By |2023-07-22T00:29:12-04:00July 22nd, 2023|

Solar Flares, Blowing Out Satellites, Massive Infrastructure Damage

Not just from a terrorist attack which a lot of people are very concerned about right now.  Top of the list would be a false flag event to blame MAGA supporters and all of us conservative constitutionalists working to stop the forces of evil.  At this point in time, nothing is off the table for these madmen determined to destroy this country and all she’s stood for since the Revolutionary War.

By |2023-07-22T00:37:05-04:00July 21st, 2023|

The Church, Inc. Has Become a Business

Here is a suggestion.  Find a ministry that is fighting in the culture war.  Support them financially.  Street fighters need our support.  They have no congregation and they certainly are not getting rich.  Stop funding million-dollar ministries.

By |2023-07-21T00:40:42-04:00July 21st, 2023|

Millenials: ‘Misgendering’ Is a Crime

Getting back to the poll, we cannot help but wonder whom they polled, and where.  I’m guessing the faculty lounge at Che Guevara Community College. It would be distressing to believe our education establishment has succeeded so brilliantly in turning half a generation into a pack of Red Guards.

By |2023-07-20T00:07:46-04:00July 20th, 2023|

God Laughs in Flowers

The night before, we slept in the pines along the road on the Lewis & Clark Trail in Montana. We left the main highway on a dirt road that looked very little traveled. Gorgeous scenery everywhere we looked! The night sky featured millions of stars, a full moon, and meteors slashing across the ink-black of space.

By |2023-07-20T00:06:43-04:00July 20th, 2023|

The Role of the Presidency

Rather than a king, like so many people seem to treat him, we see that the President is supposed to be a servant to the states. Executing the laws and powers of the United States, working with the representatives of the states in Congress to make treaties and appoint officers, and accepting foreign dignitaries is all done in service to the union of states. Does that sound like the most powerful man in the world?

By |2023-07-19T00:42:45-04:00July 19th, 2023|

The Overwhelming Evil of the Global Slave Market

The latest Jim Caviezel movie, Sound of Freedom, is absolutely riveting.  Everyone should see it.  Brilliantly done.  Stay thru the credits as Jim then speaks to the audience. He tells us, once you know it is happening, you must work to stop the evil.  Jim asks the audience, “Can we love God’s children more than we fear evil?”

By |2023-07-24T21:33:25-04:00July 18th, 2023|

The Sound of  Freedom and Islam’s Approval of Pedophilia and Rape

The 2021 Global Estimates indicate a total of 6.3 million people are in situations of forced commercial sexual exploitation on any given day. This number includes 1.7 million children in commercial sexual exploitation, about a quarter of the total. Gender is a critical determining factor – nearly four out of every five of those trapped in forced commercial exploitation are girls or women.

By |2023-07-18T09:50:10-04:00July 18th, 2023|

Evil in the White House

The Roman Catholic Church had a role -- and still has a major role -- in facilitating the foreign invasion of the U.S. Indeed, in the face of declining membership, new immigrants arriving in the United States, including many Catholics from Latin America, provide new members and priests. Catholic Charities is among the NGO's which facilitate the migration of illegal aliens into the interior of the country.

By |2023-07-18T00:03:20-04:00July 18th, 2023|

Critical Theory: Bringing Forth the Revolution

Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It has created a vocabulary around victimhood and redefined the rules of life. The problem is when unreality has a collision with reality, reality always wins. Equality can be labeled freedom, but the people in Cuba are still slaves — they have equal wages, fair housing, free healthcare, etc., but they are slaves, with travel outside their borders restricted.

By |2023-07-17T01:02:26-04:00July 17th, 2023|

Central Bank Digital Currency Fight Heats Up

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) remains a hot topic as the push for CBDC is accelerating.  I’m speculating way more than half the adult population in America have zero knowledge of what CBDC is other than “bank business”.  Or, they’ve heard it’s a new, wonderful way to instantly make your transactions.  Hooray!  With CBDC one doesn’t even need a bank!

By |2023-07-17T01:43:51-04:00July 17th, 2023|

What Dream Has Your Name on It?

As a veteran touring rider, and also a day rider—when I travel on my bike, I may stop at an overlook, sit by a river…or simply rest on a patch of grass. I may lay on my back in the grass and look up to the clouds skidding across the sky. They make me dream!

By |2023-07-17T00:15:43-04:00July 17th, 2023|

What Qualifies Islam as a Religion?

Warning to free men and women: remain a spectator at your peril. It is imperative that you take a stand and do your part in denouncing the fraud of Islam and do all you can to prevent the Islamic fire from devouring our civilized democratic system.

By |2023-07-16T00:20:48-04:00July 16th, 2023|

Alternative Energy Is Not The Answer, Part 3

This is how liberals set the basis for control. Create the problem, then claim to have a solution to the problem. More proof as to why democrats should never be allowed to be in charge of anything. This is the path they want us on. Our votes must reverse this trend.

By |2023-07-16T00:18:54-04:00July 16th, 2023|

Declaration of Independence; Massachusetts Bay Colony year 1636

Yes I have this massive 2 volume history of Massachusetts Bay colony in my library… My primary interest was that both my mothers Crocker and fathers Brackett families were 1630s settlers. My Mothers ancestor is actually briefly mentioned in the record! Reading on that era, I came across this Declaration of independence and codification of laws declared by the inhabitants.

By |2023-07-16T00:14:46-04:00July 16th, 2023|

Farmland Lost is Farmland Lost Forever

Small, independent farmers are facing extinction. Their replacement will be powerful corporations that will no longer cater to consumers. Instead consumers will have to accept what the big corporations decide to provide – fake meat and all. Americans must stand up to save and protect farmland because American Farmland lost, is America lost forever.

By |2023-07-14T00:48:43-04:00July 14th, 2023|

Freedom of Speech in Colorado

Freedom of speech has been under attack in this country, and Colorado has been a big part of it. First, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop has spent ten years trying to defend his right to not be compelled to create custom cakes with messages which violate his beliefs.

By |2023-07-14T00:38:48-04:00July 14th, 2023|

The Silly Season

A group in Oregon wants to set up segregated hiking trails in the state forests so that Cherished Minority hikers won’t have to face the risk of running into “prejudiced” people while shambling around in the deep woods.

By |2023-07-13T00:43:55-04:00July 13th, 2023|

Bicycling Through the Avenue of the Giants

For every bicycle touring rider that pedals the magnificent wonders of the West Coast, perhaps the most stunning, if not peaceful moment occurs when you enter into the Prairie Creek Redwoods…and later, into the magnificent “Avenue of the Giants” of Northern California on Route 101.

By |2023-07-13T00:41:57-04:00July 13th, 2023|

While Evils are Sufferable

For the last two years I have been showing you how much our current government in Washington, D.C. is acting exactly as King George III did back in the 18th century. While King George’s actions led the colonies to declare independence, the states have not shown themselves as willing to defend their rights and those of their citizens now. Why is that?

By |2023-07-11T00:18:51-04:00July 11th, 2023|

Do We Want to Stop Judicial Tyranny?

The herds of useful fools on what is called the left, but in reality, are disciples of Marxist ideology, continue screeching about the U.S. Supreme Court whenever those nine robes issue an opinion on a case they don’t like. Stack the court! they bellow.

By |2023-07-10T00:41:01-04:00July 10th, 2023|

America’s Marijuana Army

It is entertaining to watch Republicans getting facetime by sniffing around the Hunter Biden scandal. But even if Hunter is finally sent to prison, which is unlikely, the Democrats continue to expand their ranks of voters with endless handouts, including promises of cheap dope.

By |2023-07-10T00:36:45-04:00July 10th, 2023|

Closer to God Through Prayer & Works

We live in troubled times.  Things have changed.  Satan, his demons and his minions among humanity have fundamentally transformed our world into a hideous thing that our forefathers wouldn’t recognize.  Troubled times, indeed.  Perilous times have come.

By |2023-07-09T00:12:56-04:00July 9th, 2023|

A Simple Gift

The problem was not with him, you see, it was that I was not mature enough to receive such kindness without becoming beholden to the giver. Such dependency is amplified by terrible insecurities, fears and a sense of worthlessness established in childhood.

By |2023-07-09T00:10:07-04:00July 9th, 2023|

Alternative Energy Is Not The Answer, Part 2

Back in the ‘60s a guy developed a car that ran on hydrogen, water. Just a few days before he was going to release his findings he was killed and the government removed his test vehicle and all of his notes. Something happened to Tesla. Who’s trying to keep what from the public?

By |2023-07-09T00:07:45-04:00July 9th, 2023|

The True King Will Depose All Usurpers

The first book published in this series, and likely the best known, was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950). It tells the story of four English sibling children, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, who are magically transported to Narnia via a wardrobe in a large country house where they were staying during the Blitz of 1940.

By |2023-07-09T00:06:44-04:00July 9th, 2023|

The Left’s Scorched-Earth War Against Sacred Sexuality

Those messages were given the weight of professorial documentation in the 1940s and ’50s, starting with Alfred C. Kinsey and Wardell B. Pomeroy. They co-authored the books Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Their books have had an enormous impact on sex education professionals, to such a degree that we can accurately state...

By |2023-07-08T01:08:37-04:00July 8th, 2023|

Probabilities and Brutal Reality, Based upon Experience and History

Illegal invaders who speak no English, have no skills or education and bring only diseases, crimes, and dependence, represent a dangerous element to our society. Citizens already resent them for their superior claim on scarce resources and government largess. I can imagine blood in the streets when invaders are fighting citizens over almost non-existent food supplies. Can’t you?

By |2023-07-08T00:00:12-04:00July 8th, 2023|

DeGovernor Shows His True Colors; Not My Kind of Guy

When you think of Ron DeSantis, think of him as the governor who has gone missing in action from his elected office, deceives his people and supports the vile actions of the Coup. If you like that kind of stuff, you're free to vote for him. I don't and won't.

By |2023-07-07T00:56:32-04:00July 7th, 2023|

The Worm is Turning

But here is where the rubber meets the road.  Will the American “church” rise to the occasion?  Will Christians see the opportunity to “restore righteousness” as an expected standard in our nation?  This could be the American church’s finest hour.

By |2023-07-07T00:27:05-04:00July 7th, 2023|

America: There Will Be Blood

Islam is a belief in blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be an animal, an enemy, or even its own blood. Unless our government sees the handwriting on the wall and deals with it accordingly, before very long, America will have to turn its deed over to the new Muslim invaders or rebel and fight block by block, city by city. That’s when There Will Be Blood.

By |2023-07-07T01:10:14-04:00July 7th, 2023|

So What’s With the Movies?

In our area most of the movie houses are no more. They were palaces, once upon a time. My grandmother took me to the RKO Theater in New Brunswick, and the magnificence of the place just blew my mind.

By |2023-07-06T01:05:44-04:00July 6th, 2023|

Bikes in Bloom Across America

How about everyone reading this column all across America create a “Bikes in Bloom” in your own cities, towns and hamlets?  I already introduced the idea to my Golden, Colorado city council. I presented photographic examples on an overhead projector like you see attached to this column.  They loved it.

By |2023-07-06T00:37:10-04:00July 6th, 2023|

What Price Liberty? A Family Answers the Call

Almost one hundred years after Garrett landed on American soil, his descendent joined others in a great struggle to overthrow the oppressive rule of the King of Great Britain. The growing DeWeese family found themselves heavily involved as some served in the militias, while others served in the Continental army and navy.

By |2023-07-05T00:14:02-04:00July 5th, 2023|

Pulpits Promoting Critical Theory Destroy Hope

In future articles we will investigate more about Critical Theory and how it has been normalized in our culture. We will also explore more about the linguistic revolution we are all experiencing, no matter where we reside in the world. During times of change, there is great opportunity for Truth to be heard. 

By |2023-07-07T20:49:56-04:00July 4th, 2023|

July 4, 1776 and 2023—America Then and Now

Indeed, on this Independence Day, July 4, 2023, we Americans must search our souls and answer the question:  Are we Americans willing to fight, to sacrifice, and to give our lives if necessary, in defense of American freedom now, as the Americans of the Founding Fathers generation did then, on July 4, 1776?

By |2023-07-04T00:13:12-04:00July 4th, 2023|

The Supreme Court Won’t Save Us

On July 4, in Philadelphia, communists are planning a rally, “America Is Nothing To Celebrate.” The sponsor, a Maoist group by the name of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), is in the middle of a $100,000.00 fundraising drive and reports that about three-quarters of that amount has come in so far. The fundraising is conducted through YouTube videos.

By |2023-07-03T00:27:45-04:00July 3rd, 2023|

Independence Day & the Second Amendment

Have you had enough of this fight that should never even be an issue? Are you ready for a sensible, cold revolution by getting boots on the ground at your state capitols? Haven't you sent enough money to gun groups to fight for the Second Amendment and look where we are?

By |2023-07-03T00:42:19-04:00July 3rd, 2023|

Stealth Camping: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

One evening on the Lewis & Clark Trail in eastern Washington State, we ran into twilight without finding a reasonable spit of land to camp.  Fences, pastures and cows pretty much wouldn’t let up.  At one point, it was either find camp or ride in the dark.  I hate riding in the dark.

By |2023-07-03T00:43:14-04:00July 3rd, 2023|

Alternative Energy Is Not The Answer, Part 1

I do not know if you have been paying attention to the conversations about what alternative energy as of late but it is kind of scary. These supposedly educated people  have yet to figure out that our alternative sources, solar and wind is simply not enough to reliably replace fossil flues.  One thing you must keep in mind is the fact that fossil fuels are stored energy wind and solar are not.

By |2023-07-02T00:40:18-04:00July 2nd, 2023|

Praise God With Reverence and Awe

Things have changed rapidly over the past couple of years and those who serve as watchmen have been sounding the warning to “repent!” “Seek God.” “Choose who you will serve and if it be God, then get serious about your service to Him and the commission He’s called you to.”  But few have listened.

By |2023-07-02T00:16:47-04:00July 2nd, 2023|

Stargates: Portals of the Nephilim & Seraphim

Perhaps that is why Babylon was recently rebuilt? One notable ancient portal site is where the Europeans built the large Hadron Collider in Cern Switzerland. These insane deluded people are hoping to reopen this ancient portal despite its dangers. Some biblical notes on ancient portals Isaiah 13 and Rev 9 under the river Euphrates.

By |2023-07-02T00:41:40-04:00July 2nd, 2023|

Islamic Subversion in America

I believe the jihadist ideology in the 21st century represents a far greater threat to Western democracies than the communist ideology expressed in the 20th century.  The link between the two ideologies is that both are totalitarian and subversive.

By |2023-07-01T00:47:38-04:00July 1st, 2023|

Wheat Among Tares

This means try as the darkness may, it cannot achieve the takeover of the earth.  It can only take what it is given.  [And let’s be clear about this, it accomplishes this through deceit.  Yes, people yield to the darkness because they are blind, ignorant and/or deceived.  But we are children of the Light, and we merely have to resist the darkness and it has to flee.]  (James 4:7)

By |2023-06-30T23:54:08-04:00June 30th, 2023|
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