by Kat Stansell

July 7, 2023

Ron DeSantis has declared his intent to run for President of the United States. That’s “old news”. In so doing, however, he has shown the world who he really is. THAT may be new information for some, but everyone needs to know, so let’s review.

First, Ron DeSantis is NOT a man of his word. In the run-up to his 2022 re-election as Florida’s Governor, he vowed that he would serve the citizens of his state for his full term if elected. He accepted millions of dollars donated to help him become Governor of Florida then served exactly 8.3% of that term before he broke that promise. He took the rest of his donations to the gubernatorial campaign, and put them in his POTUS war chest.

Most of those 4 months as Governor were spent preparing to ditch his constituents, jockeying with the Legislature to get the law changed so he could abdicate the governorship while keeping the office if he had to return to it. Several other bills were also passed at his behest, that allowed the Governor to seal all of his travel and visitor records (ala Obama), and make machine voting mandatory. Knowing as we all do, the inaccuracy/fraudulency of machine voting, why would anyone do this? He also gutted the citizens’ medical freedom bill to render it meaningless. WHY? Hint, none of this has anything to do with integrity.

So much for DeSantis’ promises. Why would anyone believe what he says he will do for the country if elected, when he doesn’t stand by his word to Florida?

Second, his endorsements and funding further define him. Ron DeSantis is openly endorsed by Jeb! Bush, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and scores of other RINO’s. Most of his Florida state legislature has fallen in line, despite only five sitting US Representatives having indicated their support: Bob Good, (VA), Laurel Lee (FL), Thomas Massie (KY), Rich McCormick (GA) and Chip Roy (TX). The Insider on June 18, 2023, gives us a hint as to why so man FL elected representatives voice their support. Apparently, “many in Tallahassee are ‘terrified’ of DeSantis and his team.” He has “no inner circle because they just chop off heads and move on.” Easy to do with the Republican “supermajority” that came with that engineered “red wave” in 2022. Guess now we know why George Soros dubbed him “shrewd, ruthless and ambitious.”

That brings me to the third revelation as to the man and “integrity”, this time in the arena of elections.

It is no secret that there are massive amounts of inaccuracies in the Florida voter rolls; they have been proven repeatedly. First, The state was a member of ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center, the infamous repository for phantom voters and bad addresses in its member states. In 2020, the US government’s own numbers had Florida with 101.6% of all possible eligible citizens of voting age on its rolls. The rest of the ERIC members (32 states) had similarly inflated numbers. Fifty percent of them had voter registration lists, like Florida, in the realm of statistical impossibility; Alaska led the pack with 126%. The remaining ERIC members were in the high 90’s, and ALL were higher than any non-ERIC member state.

Florida, however, “loves ERIC”, as citizens were told directly by the Sec. Of State, Cord Byrd. “We just use it a little differently” Byrd said with a dismissive chuckle, right before the Midterm “red wave” occurred. Prior to the 2022 election, thousand of ballots had been sent to KNOWN undeliverable addresses, then returned, voted and signed. Those ballots were stacked in offices of county Supervisors of Elections prior to Nov., 2022. Conservatives who discovered this and tried to report it to authorities were harshly ignored. They were very concerned that these phantom ballots were the doing of the opposition, and that Charlie Crist was set up to steal the election from DeSantis. After that “red wave”, which catapulted the Governor onto the national stage, however, it seemed apparent that the way that “we use it differently” had been further defined.

Since the midterms, additional massive manipulation of voter records has come to light, as reported by Kris Jurski on his This is an ongoing controversy involving the election integrity of the state of Florida. DeSantis has ignored the real issue, and tried to cover it up by touting his “Election Crimes Unit” in Tallahassee, which has made a few meaningless public arrests but ignored the real problems. In recent legislation, DeSantis refused to strengthen that Unit’s role.

Remember, Florida controls 11% or 30 of the 270 electoral votes in the US. Therefore this is a big deal wherever you live.

Florida is actually Trump Country, and its citizens are NOT happy with the governor who has gone “MIA”, ignoring them to run against him. To make matters worse, an ex DeSantis staffer, from Ron’s time in the US House, (2013 – 2018) told the Washington Post that Rep.

DeSantis used to joke about Trump; “Ron always said this guy (DJT) was just an idiot.” Shortly thereafter, on the verge of losing the governorship in 2018, DeSantis accepted Donald Trump’s help to win in a squeaker – by four tenths of one percent over a gender dysphoric drug user Democrat, Andrew Gillum. That is how popular DeSantis was NOT without hitching his wagon to the power of the Trump Force.

On the 2024 campaign trail, Ron has spoken against Donald Trump repeatedly. He has said that he would refuse to occupy the same debate state as Trump, and would not support Trump should DJT be the 2024 Republican nominee. Does DeSantis realize (or care?) just how small this makes him look? Gratitude requires honesty, and if you don’t have that, you don’t worry about it, I guess.

Last, and definitely not least, RON DESANTIS SUPPORTS THE HIDEOUS TREATMENT OF THE J6 PRISONERS. In Jan, 2021, he said that they jailings were “deserved” and never changed that tune. “I am glad to see some of these people being arrested from the DC thing because I think the prosecutions will really make a difference.” For 2 ½ years, he ignored all 103 J6 families in his state, as they came to him for help.

After he declared his POTUS run, he immediately said he would free them all. Oh, gag me.

When you think of Ron DeSantis, think of him as the governor who has gone missing in action from his elected office, deceives his people and supports the vile actions of the Coup. If you like that kind of stuff, you’re free to vote for him. I don’t and won’t.

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