About Roy Masters

Roy Masters who in his 80s continues to broadcast the longest-running counseling show in talk radio history, his internationally syndicated daily radio program Advice Line, grew up in pre-WWII England. He started his journey toward understanding human nature when as a teen he saw a stage hypnotist at a vaudeville show in Brighton. The hypnotist easily put volunteer subjects in a spell and made them do outlandish things, like dancing with a broom and forgetting their own names. Puzzled by the hypnotist's mysterious power, Roy distinctly remembers pondering the question: "Why can't hypnotism be used to make people act sensibly, rather than foolishly?" Inspired by the idea of harnessing this baffling force for good, he later pursued the art of hypnotism and established a successful hypnotherapy practice. After several years of practice, Masters made his central and pivotal discovery about the root of people's emotional problems, addictions and complexes. He realized that people did not need hypnosis, because their core problem was that they are already hypnotized not by a clever stage performer, but by the stresses, pressures and seductions of daily life. He used his knowledge to discover a way to help us become de-hypnotized, and discovered that the root of the power of negative suggestion lay in our wrong emotional response, that of resentment. Masters' remarkably effective exercise, a simple observation technique called Be Still and Know is at the core of his unmatched track record in helping people overcome even the most serious mental-emotional problems, and is the centerpiece of a successful program within the U.S. military community (Patriot Outreach) that is helping thousands of military personnel and their families cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Highway Of Faith

Armageddon is coming soon. The good people of all races, colors, and creeds are being called out to line up against the bad. The world is beginning to polarize along the dividing line between good and evil. As it has been in the past, the catalyst will be the now-reborn nation of Israel. I cannot tell you more.

By |2025-02-22T21:21:05-05:00February 22nd, 2025|

Understanding Sexuality: Prince Charming

Occasionally, a woman comes along who seems to have been left out of Eve’s secret, who is relatively guileless, and yet manages to attract a man by the sheer beauty of her body. Starry-eyed and romantic, she sees her own ego need as a large white canvas on which her man will paint a stunningly beautiful picture, warm and rich in exquisite detail.

By |2025-01-11T22:06:19-05:00January 11th, 2025|

Pride and Hero Worship

Men, in their pride, elect all kinds of saints, gods, champions and heroes, then identify with them and share in their glories and experiences. Such leaders are really vicious tempters, and encourage the weakness of the masses for the power they get from them.

By |2025-01-03T23:57:50-05:00January 3rd, 2025|

Slave of The Illusion

As you pick up the surface behavior, you also take on the more secret evil and its purpose. In turn, the conflict you feel inside makes the psychopath seem more attractive and compels you to look up to him even more—to the end that he will glorify you again.

By |2024-11-23T20:26:17-05:00November 23rd, 2024|

The Door To Your Emotions

"Every emotion that is turned on by the outside makes you into a beast, subject to the control and the mood of the outside, with less and less control within your own self. "

By |2024-08-23T00:09:39-04:00August 23rd, 2024|

Forcing A Flower

"It is lust for power, greed, selfishness, and impatience that will destroy all of you. We must change our approach to one another. We must discover the true meaning of grace and love."

By |2024-08-14T00:09:44-04:00August 14th, 2024|

Prisoners Of Past Traumas

A selfish man’s weakness draws to him what sucks him to death, and that, he perceives in his deluded mind as loving and being loved. Man is born in sin, and sin is trauma, a fail­ing of every father’s, transmitted through every mother since Eve.

By |2024-06-30T00:13:09-04:00June 30th, 2024|

Your Mind is Stressing You to Death

Strong emotions stir up vivid thoughts that can hold your attention so captive that you fail to see where you are going, and when you can’t see where you are going, you have accidents.

By |2024-06-02T01:29:45-04:00June 2nd, 2024|

Romantic Lies

We die fondling romantic lies that re-arouse the sensuous nature, and we milk those old love-hate feelings and thoughts for all they are worth in order to forget what old and miserable failures we have become.

By |2024-04-21T00:26:07-04:00April 21st, 2024|

A Way Of Life That Leads To Death

But if you meet life with anger, jealousy, hate, hostility and hurt feelings, your guilt will grow through the years. Worsening, you become angry with yourself and your sickness.

By |2024-01-21T00:21:04-05:00January 21st, 2024|

The Mad Director

You cannot overcome your environmental subjectivity, from which your fears and inferiorities rise, until you let yourself realize the root cause: making THINGS too important in order to feed your ego a sense of security and importance.

By |2023-12-25T01:01:59-05:00December 25th, 2023|

The Dark Power of Doubt

If there was indeed a first being, Adam, who began to live backwards by responding, it must have been because he doubted God and believed Satan. Only doubt could have separated him from his maker. Our response to demands and pres­sures is all the evidence we need that the doubt principle is still alive and well in us today.

By |2023-10-15T00:16:52-04:00October 15th, 2023|

The Light Of Reality

A drink often has a clearing effect on the mind, but the person who is dependent on a drink for this effect is not able to handle what he sees, so he only becomes more upset than he was before.

By |2023-10-01T00:17:26-04:00October 1st, 2023|

The Learning Trap

Resentment traps us into a bleak and depressing existence that nothing can cure except this simple truth that will set you free—repent and no longer resent. Knowing what cruel impatience has done to you, and lest you pass it on to the next generation, you must drop your frustrations toward your own broken teachers and parents.

By |2023-09-24T00:18:46-04:00September 24th, 2023|

Artificial Pacifiers for Grownups

In order to hang onto the feeling of being “saved,” the user must give himself over to the drug increasingly. Soon he centers his whole existence around the drug, the source of his “salvation,” and he will do anything to maintain his relationship with it.

By |2023-09-10T00:20:59-04:00September 10th, 2023|

Emotionally Entangled

The real you reading this should be grasping the fact that you no longer need to function from the malevolent spirit implanted in language; the silent cognition of what you are reading here is sufficient to begin lifting the burden.

By |2023-07-23T01:28:27-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

A Simple Gift

The problem was not with him, you see, it was that I was not mature enough to receive such kindness without becoming beholden to the giver. Such dependency is amplified by terrible insecurities, fears and a sense of worthlessness established in childhood.

By |2023-07-09T00:10:07-04:00July 9th, 2023|

Death Wish

The urge for liberation, or release, is so prevalent in our devolving society that psychologists had to give it a name. They call it the “death wish” or “death instinct.” Unfortunately, they have never come up with a satisfactory explanation for it. Why should people will their own death?

By |2023-05-28T01:24:13-04:00May 28th, 2023|

Emotional Time Bombs

When we blow off steam, we pass our emotional problems on to our children. And if we implode, instead of exploding, we make a mess of our own psyches. Soon we may find ourselves spending so much time and money on our efforts to repair the damage, that we cannot relate properly to the members of our family.

By |2023-05-14T02:11:44-04:00May 14th, 2023|

Sinking In Your Thinking

People without true identity think without reason and control. What they feel like doing seems right, and what they do not feel like doing seems wrong. All of us are driven by self-made fear, anxiety and excuses for their actions.

By |2023-05-07T01:13:01-04:00May 7th, 2023|

One Life Leads To Life, The Other To Death

If you love what is good, you will champion this cause—fearlessly, and regardless of consequences. Your love of Truth will create unpleasant, often dangerous conditions; but fortunately, you will find the growing strength with which to meet those problems successfully.

By |2023-02-12T00:10:33-05:00February 12th, 2023|

Affliction Of The Soul

Mankind has fallen victim to the mercy of nature, lured there by something subnatural and unreal. Man has been created differently from all other creatures. He needs a master, a source of meaning and direction in his life.

By |2022-12-18T13:29:41-05:00December 18th, 2022|

Danger And Courage

Cruel and unthinking people are giving you the opportunity to accomplish now what you failed to do before. The situations that once made you upset, guilty and afraid will become the very things to give you happiness and well-being from now on.

By |2022-10-01T23:51:11-04:00October 1st, 2022|

A Man In A Swamp

The less we modify our emotions and reactions, the less we can modify them. Struggling like a man in a swamp, we are left to our own insufficient devices.

By |2022-06-26T01:38:17-04:00June 26th, 2022|

Anger Is A Lack of Love

When a situation is not met with the delicate timing of Truth, then you are seen as unjust. When you lack the understanding to meet a situation, you will excite the animal nature of others to rise up and give you greater pain – that you are powerless to meet.

By |2022-05-08T01:03:02-04:00May 8th, 2022|

The Journey of Self Destruction

The more we deny God to be god (always right, never wrong), the more deeply we will involve ourselves with the people, places, pleasures, and intrigues that will surely kill us in the end.

By |2022-04-17T01:12:15-04:00April 17th, 2022|

Resisting Negative Suggestions

Inasmuch as we all enter the world as products of original sin, we tend to put our faith in the people we find around us, and as a result, we wind up misled, betrayed, and disillusioned.

By |2022-03-20T02:07:29-04:00March 20th, 2022|

Truth: The Ultimate Stress

The animal hardens itself against environment by growing stronger than the stress. The human being must reverse this process, and not harden himself against the stress of the Truth; instead he must allow himself to be absorbed by that Truth, progressively responding to it.

By |2021-12-19T00:14:18-05:00December 19th, 2021|

Using Anger To Control People

Therefore, the solution lies in the present moment. If you discover the way to stop reacting to the present as the extension of your past, a wonderful thing happens. It is the present reaction of resentment that builds upon the original implanted event and reinforces all aberrant behaviors.

By |2021-09-05T00:08:39-04:00September 5th, 2021|
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