By Steven Yates

July 28, 2023

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”   —H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature (1945)

“I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.” – Klaatu, The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

“It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.”  —Eric Hoffer, The Passionate State of Mind (1955)

“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”  —Henry Kissinger, quoted in The New York Times, October 28, 1973

“Imagine North Korea in 2030, when every citizen has to wear a biometric bracelet 24 hours a day. If you listen to a speech by the Great Leader and the bracelet picks up the tell-tale signs of anger, you are done for.” —Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020)

“Time’s up.” —David Levinson, Independence Day (1996)

At first glance, the idea sounds totally left field: bonkers, nuts, loony, completely out to lunch. But could the globalists fake an invasion by aliens — not the illegal kind but the extraterrestrial kind?

The idea is being bandied about on alternative media platforms.

First: since last year, UFOs have had a higher profile in mainstream publications than ever before — although the preferred acronym seems now to be UAPs — Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The U.S. military suddenly reversed 80 years of course and claimed there’s something up there its best and brightest can’t explain.

Articles on the subject have moved from the National Enquirer to Popular Mechanics and The Atlantic Monthly. The latter is as Establishment as it gets.

Is someone directing a priming of the pump, trying to acclimate the public to the idea of something unknown in our skies, perchance watching and waiting?

Second: the covid debacle failed to quiet the restless natives. Trump is on track for winning the GOP nomination despite the intensifying lawfare. Biden’s presidency, moreover, is in free fall despite belligerent denials. Under Bidenista watch the country is in a shambles. Infrastructure is falling apart while hundreds of millions go to Ukraine. Inflation may have receded a little but remains unacceptably high.

And without his teleprompter Biden doesn’t seem to recall if Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine or Iraq. Here, appearing before a union group last Thursday, is Sleepy Joe’s latest lapse into word salad:

“I often say, and I mean this sincerely, Wall Street — good folks down there — but they didn’t build the middle class. They didn’t build America. The middle class was built by the middle class.”


Does anyone in his right mind believe this man ought to be reelected? Or should have been (s)elected in the first place?

Yet, third: if we learned anything from 2020-22, it is that the natives can be locked indoors, compelled to obtain permission from “their” government to go out for food, wear masks, and be forced to go along with such tyrannical measures via 24/7 scare tactics.

Corporate media could be counted on to comply, and terrified control freaks amidst the general public would do the bulk of the policing.

As I’ve noted countless times, fear works!

Nevertheless, the restlessness continues. The “plandemic” has receded, and people are asking questions. MAGA Republicans, meanwhile, are unimpressed by the allegations against Trump, which they consider the work of a politicized Justice Department driven by abject terror of a second Trump presidency. (Fear works both ways!)

Americans aren’t alone. Europe is also restless. The government of the Netherlands recently resigned. And although it hasn’t been much publicized on our side of the Atlantic, France has fallen into near-chaos. A cop in a Paris suburb shot an immigrant. His fellow immigrants took to the streets and pulled a BLM/Antifa number on that country, looting, burning, and smashing things in multiple French cities. Macron has had his hands full. His globalist, open borders presidency is also in a shambles.

NATO, finally, continues poking the Russian bear, announcing that when “conditions” are met, Ukraine’s joining the alliance will be green-lighted.

This puts Putin in the worst possible bind. If he allows Ukraine to join NATO, he shows himself to be the ultimate weakling. But what does he do? Continue smashing Ukraine as the U.S./NATO Empire continues to funnel arms there? Threaten to use tactical nukes? Then what?

So:  many of us are wondering when the next shoe is going to drop, and what that shoe will look like.

A friend of mine whose wife works for a Big Pharma corporation tells me she received an emailed notification of a new vax for a new and deadlier variant of coronavirus that hasn’t been rel—  I, uh, mean, identified yet. It could turn up at any time! The official narrative will be that existing “boosters” will be useless against it.

Did you get that? A dead giveaway that Pharma knows about these things in advance?

Or could the next shoe to drop be the cyberattack I’ve suggested could shut down large parts of the grid for months?

Or could it be … an invasion by extraterrestrials!

Or so we peasants will be told by “our” government and its compliant media!

The other day, dissident psychotherapist Dr. Joseph Sansone published this on his Substack.

I recommend giving it a close read.

Some of us are old enough to recall seeing that classic black-and-white science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) when we were kids. It starred the underrated Michael Rennie as Klaatu, visitor from another world, whose spaceship had touched down in Washington and whose artificially intelligent (before that phrase had been coined) robot Gort used high-intensity death rays against violent humans who had tried to breach the ship.

In the climactic scene, Klaatu delivered a pointed warning to the peoples of Planet Earth. Scrap your nuclear arsenals, Earthlings. Don’t even think about bringing your violent tendencies into space. If you do, we’ll obliterate you where you stand.

It was a powerful message, and if I recall correctly from a more recent viewing, one of the ending scenes showed rows of flags of nations uniting into a single body.

I, as a somewhat precocious second-grader, watching back then with my parents, could have become a globalist. Gasp!

My dad talked me out of it the following morning at the breakfast table (families shared meals together back in those days). I’d asked something like, “Couldn’t we stop war if we just got everybody together and united as one world?”

“Nope!” he responded. “Won’t happen. People in different places are just too different from one another.”

That wasn’t the exact conversation, of course, but that was the gist of it, and it was enough.

The idea has persisted, though. Warnings of doom from the sky if we don’t change our ways have continued as an undercurrent in science fiction.

The year 2008 saw a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, this time with Keanu Reeves in the lead role. The issue now was climate change.

Stop destroying your own climate, dumb Earthlings, or we’ll destroy you.

Now, the U.S. federal government has all but pronounced UFOs to be real.

Add a fourth factor to those above, therefore.

Probably most people (even many educated Christians) believe odds are good that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist out there somewhere. The apparent discovery of over 4,000 exoplanets now lends this idea credence and psychological support … even if very, very few of those worlds seem at all Earthlike.

If just a few alien civilizations are advanced enough to have developed technology able to cross light years of space between their worlds and ours—

Well, do the math.

The idea sounds plausible, even if there’s no scientific proof that such civilizations exist or could get here if they did. And while much alien-invasion sci-fi depicts aliens as monstrosities, more thoughtful novels and films, like The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Contact, portray them as benign if nearly inscrutable (because they are so far ahead of us both technologically and sociologically).

Dr. Sansone thus invites us on a harrowing thought experiment:

Imagine holograms projected into the sky with ships the size of cities. Followed by reports of communications and directives for humans to follow to avoid destruction. Do you hold it past heads of state to participate in such a scam? Would people fall for it?

Expanding on this: we awaken one morning and learn to our horror that gigantic craft of unknown origin appeared out of nowhere above every major city in the world.

Think of another flawed but intriguing film: Independence Day (1996).

Initially, as in that movie, there is no communication, and our attempts to communicate meet with no response. The ships hover silently. A couple of days go by.

Military-scrambled jet fighters then cautiously approach. They are blown out of the sky by unknown weaponry.

Then comes the first communiqué from “the aliens” simultaneously to every city, using our own hijacked technology, in each recipient’s native language.

The message just happens to be: unite the planet under a single global body, or perish!

The message continues: this alone will end the two biggest existential threats to your civilization: nuclear war and climate change.

The solution to the second just happens to be exactly what globalists insist on: ending burning fossil fuels for energy. In practice this will mean: curtailing energy usage since no form of alternative energy generation so far yields fossil fuels’ results. It will mean less mobility than we enjoy now (15-minute cities, anyone?), and a lower standard of living. Perhaps even eating bugs.

It would be fake, of course.

But The Science would speak! Benign beings from the sky have at last arrived, to save us from ourselves!

Think it’s fake? You’re peddling baseless conspiracy theories!

For most terrified populations, that would take care of it!

How would anyone accomplish such a feat?

What H.P. Lovecraft said: fear of the unknown. Unknown to the peasants, at any rate. (Doubtless reports would be circulating of nutcases claiming to have met the aliens.)

Drones could project images of the craft, which would look like solid structures. AI* could coordinate their near-simultaneous appearance everywhere, produce accurate translations of their directives in multiple languages, and deliver them to the peoples of the world through hacked smartphones and social media. With everything now wired into everything else, this would not be that hard.

Advanced AI-controlled weaponry** could be deployed aboard a drone to destroy anyone who approaches.

“Our” governments would already have locked us indoors “for our safety.”

Compliance with directives of “the aliens” would be ordered.

A few would resist. They’d organize and open fire. An AI-controlled drone would appear above them — perhaps 500 feet overhead — and fry them with microwaves as they ran screaming.

Nearly all resistance would stop with the abruptness of a faucet being turned off.

Since an invasion by extraterrestrials could be portrayed as far scarier than any virus, most would already have complied without question.

Hierarchical groups would likely form spontaneously, from regional governments down to neighborhood groups. Proven compliance with directives on energy use, etc., would be a condition for being allowed out and readmitted into the post-“invasion” economy (so much for privacy).

Even if this means wearing bracelets or even allowing implants inserted into our bodies able to monitor emotional responses and detect resentment or anger. In which case: as Klaus Schwab put it, you’re done for.


Suppose I’d asked you, back in the happy and carefree 2010s, whether the world’s masses would comply with government-mandated lockdowns, ostensibly to protect from a virus that had evolved in a bat and jumped to humans in a Chinese wet market.

That they’d “voluntarily” stay indoors and “wait for a vaccine.”

Suppose you’d replied, this would destroy businesses and disrupt supply lines the world over. The answer: “So? It’s our health that counts, right? It’s all for the greater good!

Based on such reasoning, Melbourne, Australia, and Shanghai, China remained locked down for months, with no end in sight!

If I’d told you this back in, say, 2015, would you have believed me?

Are we getting this?

Dr. Sansone wasn’t making a prediction, and neither am I. I’m not in the prediction business, I’m in the scenario business.

I’ve no idea whether those with real power would have the guts to try a stunt like this.

But nothing I’ve read recently on the subject rules it out.

Dr. Sansone’s scenario places “the invasion” in 2024. I think it reasonable to say that whichever shoe drops, will drop before Election Day next November.

To be sure, if the Democrat Party and others in the Establishment are sure they’ve stopped Trump, or acting behind the scenes has secured a replacement for the frail and failing Joe Biden (probably Gavin Newsom), nothing may happen.

But such securings are never guarantees.

Trump was not supposed to win in 2016.

Hence scenarios like this one.

The globalists have the technology. They could maintain such an illusion indefinitely. And they’d have their world government.

* I think the real danger of AI is not that it will “turn sentient,” like Skynet in the Terminator movies, or the machines in The Matrix, but that it will enable globalists to take a quantum leap in advancing their goals for the world.

** There have long been rumors of advanced death-ray technology that has never been publicly revealed. What, after all, was genius inventor Nikola Tesla working on when JP Morgan killed his funding all those decades ago, and when the U.S. government raided his laboratory, confiscated and classified whatever it was they found? Tesla’s lab notes remain classified to this day. What was going on at the HAARP facility in Alaska all those years, moreover? What is really happening at Area 51? I’ve never bought the line that it has anything to do with extraterrestrial spaceships or aliens.

© 2023 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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In 2021 I published my book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. Here, in three parts, are reasons you should think about reading the book if you’ve interest in the role worldviews play in civilization, and in shaping our lives:

Part I. Part II. Part III.

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