By Reverend Glynn Adams
April 7, 2024
Jesus said in John 17:11b, “That they (that is all Christians) may be one, even as We are.”
But the Spirit explicitly says in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. (1 Timothy 2:1)
I really don’t know what else anyone can do to wake up the pastors, church members, and citizens in this nation. We are a captured nation, a deceived nation, we are ruled by Satan and no longer God and we have become the home of the gods of Babylon and Egypt and we are the largest habitation of demons the world has ever witnessed. Also, we have divided the Body of Christ into denominations!!
Our pastors, church members, and citizens refuse to openly engage the powers of darkness in our nation. Some are faithful in resisting evil but we are few. It will take more obedience and commitment to rid this nation of Satan and his powers of darkness.
Our nation is being destroyed, our children are being destroyed, and the ability to reproduce children are being destroyed. With this illegal immigration flooding our nation and when we are no longer able to produce enough children to maintain our nation, our citizens will be replaced by the aliens of this world system. Jeremiah saw the reason for it all, “For My people are foolish. They know me not; they are stupid children and they have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil but to do good they do not know.” (Jeremiah 4:22)
Our nation is being taken over by evil spirits, doctrine of demons, demonic strongholds, powers, principalities, rulers, world forces of the darkness, spiritual forces of wickedness, demonic high places, and authorities of an unseen world and the Body of Christ cannot discern them. Our world as we know it in America is breaking apart and the ones created by the “new birth” called the Body of Christ are paralyzed in our current religious systems.
In our deception, on the surface we see that things are looking up or it seems that way – we have hope that a new president will save us, the stock market is climbing to all- time highs each day, we have food, water, and money. But in our deception and lack of understanding, what we can’t see are the spiritual forces of evil that are working, some openly, but most are working in secret to destroy this nation. And again, in our deception, we can’t see that we are so much further down the road to destruction than we realize. If the Body of Christ would just engage the enemy on the battlefield and fight the evil before us, God would give us victory. But we refuse!!
Jesus made it perfectly clear the seriousness of our division, He said in Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:28-30, and Luke 11:17-22, “Any Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” No wonder our nation is overtaken by evil and our families are being destroyed by divorce!!! I have written articles and have attempted to gather pastors together and talk about our divisions in the Body of Christ and what destruction denominations are having and they won’t even talk about this!!!
When are we American Christians going to recognize our spiritual mess and see ourselves as the world sees us – pitiful and spiritually dysfunctional? When are we going to repent of our arrogance, pride, and being the world’s greatest hypocrites? We spend millions upon millions on television to spread “our brand” all over this world while evil spirits and demonic forces are overtaking our nation and we are so divided, we can’t even function as the Body of Christ in our own nation.
Hell is operating in America and the disobedient and disengaged who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ are in for a terrifying rude awakening. Your false pastor and denomination won’t tell you about this Scripture in Hebrews 10:26-31. “For if you go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment, and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment do you think
he will deserve who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of Grace? For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” And again, “The LORD will judge His people.” It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and MANY are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life and FEW are those who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. We stopped teaching history in this nation years ago and there is a reason for that. Do you know why we stop teaching the history of this nation and why we are tearing down statues, name calling, racists overtones, why God is being dethroned, our heroes defiled, our culture polluted, our values assaulted, our nation invaded, citizens demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to beliefs Americans have held for generations, our children are being brainwashed in our public schools and being destroyed with drugs and immorality?
Do you know why we have wide open borders, looting and burning, skyrocketing crime, violence, killings, rapes in our cities, mandates, masks, the loss of our freedoms, totalitarian leaders, while most of our politicians are useless, being owned by China, big tech, corporations, and the banking families they are to oversee and regulate? Our God is a God of justice so our disobedience, apathy, and our sin against the grace of Jesus Christ has resulted in our defaulting to God’s judgment and a demonic curse on our nation!!! The Communists/Marxists/Socialists/Globalists ideology calls for no history. Without history, a nation has nothing to bond them together and will become divided and unorganized!!! That’s why!!! But we just disregard all this, ignore it, and refuse to face our reality!!!
Are we so spiritually naïve and dumb downed to think the Progressive Democrats have the power and knowledge to do what they do? Our Democratic citizens and politicians today are being used as useful idiots and are being bankrolled and guided by multiple demonic New World Order occult elites, and satanic strongholds whose history goes back to the days of Nimrod in Babylon. Evidence abounds and many books written that it was these same Rothschild banking families also known as the illuminati, and other super “capitalists” banking families in Great Britain and Wall Street, the Rockefellers, partners of J.P. Morgan, and other wealthy elites who secretly financed the bloody Bolshevik Russian revolution, Hitler’s national socialists Nazi takeover of Germany, the French Revolution, and the revolutions in Cuba,
and Venezuela and are the same Occult elites who are behind the counter culture movement here in America that begin in the 60s,70s, and continues to this very day. They are the same elites, who through their evil and deceptive ways who have successfully overthrown many nations and we ignore them!!!!! Are we stupid or what? We have lost our mind to ignore these powerful elite occultists and at the same time to ignore God and His ways!!!! We are going down if we don’t wake up and take a hard stand against these evil cabals and quickly!!!
These elites have put America in grave danger and we are further down the road than any citizen or Christian can imagine. Since the 60s we have been dumb-down, lied to, and deceived and millions of Americans have bought into their deceit and lies, including too many pastors and Christians today. The ultimate game plan of these occult secret societies is to create anarchy, chaos, violence, immorality and total despair in order to manipulate enough collective, useful idiots into their ideology to bring down this nation. History shows that is when the killings and imprisonment begin.
This is why Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Globalism at their core are an antichrist religion. This is not a good time to forget God and His ways!!! This is not the same as the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation who is a world charismatic leader indwelt by Satan. This spirit of antichrist is a powerful demonic spirit known as the Chaldeans which enter a nation and seeks to destroy anything that is of the Bible, God, Jesus Christ and anyone else that opposes the Marxists ideology that is being used to change our minds and ways and we are disregarding it, ignoring it, and tolerating it rather than resisting this deadly demonic spirit!!!
This is why one does not have to be very intelligent or have much spiritual discernment to recognize that most Christians are deceived and have been dumb down spiritually because we are ignoring these elites and at the same time, refusing to get involved in this spiritual demonic revolution going on in this nation. We have been brainwashed by multiple means and our seminaries are producing pastors that are religious, cowards, hirelings, and do not know the Word of God or the Kingdom Message Jesus preached and taught while on this earth…….and at the same time – we refuse to take a stand and fight for our Republic. We are truly deceived and are in grave danger!!!!
Christians have been given the power and authority to defeat these demonic occults and bring down the satanic strongholds whose goal is to destroy us and they are tenaciously fighting a revolution against us and we ignore them and refuse to get engaged against them. We are truly deceived and stupid as well as disobedient to His will. Many, many church-goers are in grave danger today and have a horrible rude awakening coming.
Jesus is clear in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8, “When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Do not be deceived here – Jesus is the Word – the gospel here is the good news of the Word coming to earth and as Lord, we are to be obedient to Him and to His Word; living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Paul McGuire, and many others in their warnings to America today)
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