As a Disabled 90-Year-Old Legally-Blind Veteran, I had an Epiphany at the VA

By Andrew Wallace

January 22, 2025

I was waiting for a therapy nurse to assist me in the use of a walker, and was feeling a little down because I had been needing help for months. Then I saw a veteran who, with great effort, was using a walker with two prosthetic legs, guided by a nurse. This is when I realized two things: (1) that I was fortunate, and (2) that our real problem was to destroy the Criminal Enterprise in our government that ordered and profited from the death and maiming of our military and millions of innocents for profit and power.

The United States has been involved in and lost 30 armed conflicts in the last 79 years without a single Declaration of War. None of these wars had anything to do with National Security.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) established, controls, and profits from the Criminal Enterprise. They control what some call The Swamp (the establishment) and a majority of our government, which is a criminal enterprise. This criminal enterprise has no legal right to exist or function. It can only prevail with the support of the corrupt traitors in Congress and the apathy of the ignorant masses.

I have no doubt that President Trump will keep his promises, which are of critical importance to our survival in the short run; the alternative was revolution.


To return to a Constitutional Republic. President Trump would have to enforce the Constitution in its entirety, which would gut the PSRRC’s Criminal enterprise which controls a majority of our government.

It would have been politically impossible for President Trump to campaign on a promise to obey the Constitution and end the criminal enterprise in government. To do so would have resulted in the termination of at least 50% of federal employees (voters) and a lost election.

President Trump has proposed to establish The Department of Efficiency (DOGE) to reduce government expenditures, etc. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are tapped to lead the effort. Government employees and others affected by changes will fight them tooth and nail.

However, a superior way to reinstate our Constitutional Republic in all its glory would be to just follow the Constitution to the letter. Of course, we would not be in this mess if the blood-sucking whores and traitors in Congress honored their oaths of office. When the 50% to 75% of government employees are terminated, they will have no legal right to challenge or complain because they can’t question the absolute authority of the Constitution!

The simple Economic Reality is that many employees must lose their jobs now, or everybody will be unemployed by the Greatest of all Depressions in the near term.

Anyone who questions the preceding Economic Reality is not familiar with the overwhelming opinion of Economists and the lessons of history.

If we insisted on a lawful government as dictated by our Constitution, prosperity would be everywhere and most people would be comfortable in the middle-class.

Money spent on Foreign Aid for bribes and kickbacks, wars for profit, useless “education”, unlawful departments and functions, federal “charity” (this is a state function), etc, would be terminated. The result would be the American Dream and unlimited prosperity. Women who wanted to have families and care for them could do so; we have not seen much of the American Dream since the Seventies.

There are countless benefits from operating under the Constitution: We would have gold and silver money which retains its value and makes inflation and wars difficult. Tariffs could replace income taxes allowing states to fund themselves as originally intended. The unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank would be terminated. There would be no wars without a Declaration of War, required for national security. Most federal departments that interact with citizens would be terminated. Remaining bureaucrats of the Administrative State could no longer write laws and regulations (only Congress can pass laws).

It has been 112 years since the serious start of our takeover by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and conversion of a major part of our government into a Criminal Enterprise. We mark 1913 as the year of infamy when we were burdened with income taxes, a private Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-free foundations and a government no longer financed with tariffs. This allowed the federal government to usurp power of the states to control them and the people.

I welcome comments from my readers. I write my articles to be informative and to give the readers something to pass on to their elected officials. Most elected officials have demonstrated their contempt for you and the Constitution; their only interest is power and blood money. Let them know with this article how we feel about them.

May God Bless You and the Republic

© 2025 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Can Save the Republic and the Economy, While Draining the Swamp Without Legislation

By Andrew Wallace

January 8, 2025

In simple terms, President Trump has the Constitutional power to terminate all unconstitutional programs and functions without any legislation whatsoever.

To date, President Trump has not promised to follow the Constitution to the letter. If he doesn’t do this, a majority of unconstitutional programs and functions will remain with no possibility of Draining the Swamp and eliminating the greatest of all future depressions.

Just some of these unconstitutional departments/functions are the Federal Reserve Bank, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of Health and Human Services, and Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, etc.

Except for the Federal Reserve Bank, all of these departments are powers retained by the states and usurped by the federal government. The Federal Reserve Bank is non-constitutional and privately-owned. Trump can eliminate it with a stroke of his pen, without Congress. Congress could not and will not terminate these departments because their Swamp paymasters would not allow it.

Trump could eliminate most of the inflation and all of the unconstitutional wars for profit by returning to the gold/silver standard, as required by the Constitution. To finance wars, they must print money…and they can’t print gold.

Trump can return all 250,000 of our military from 150 countries because there has been no Declaration of War and there is no threat to national security from foreign enemy invasion. INVASION IS IMPOSSIBLE. Our foreign-based troops can’t prevent a nuclear attack on our country. Trump can also terminate all unconstitutional Foreign Aid and spend the money on our people.

God gave us a country that can’t be invaded, so there is no national security requirement to project force and invade foreign countries for no lawful reason. The only reason to invade foreign countries is to enrich the Military Industrial Complex of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their traitors in the Swamp.

Trump is hated by the PSRRC and Congress because of his use of tariffs to return manufacturing to our country, protect our workers, equalize trade, and prevent our participation in wars. In other words Trump will eliminate much of the PSRRC’s ill-gotten gains at the People’s expense.

Foreign manufacturing, wars for profit, and foreign aid for kickbacks are major sources of income for PSRRC and bribes for Congress. All of which has impoverished the people.

The Democrats/Communists can only survive with other people’s money (unconstitutional), and they think Trump is going to stop their blood money. If Trump follows the Constitution the non- working (though able-bodied) Democrat/Communists would starve. The PSRRC, Administrative State, Educational Establishment and their media have defamed, framed, and convinced almost half of the country to hate Trump to the extent that at least two people have tried to assassinate him. (We may find out later that the administrative state, ie. FBI and CIA, etc. were involved in these assassination attempts…and much more).

If president Trump has the courage to follow the Constitution to the letter, he will solve all of our major problems and be the greatest president of all time, anywhere. But the PSRRC and their minions will do EVERYTHING to stop him. President Trump is the only President where the circumstances exist to return this country to a Constitutional Republic and the courage to make America be independent with the support of a willing people.

President Trump could not have been elected without monetary support from the so-called Jewish/Zionist lobby and others with big money. It is reported that the Jewish/Zionist lobby controls our foreign policy and if true it must end; It is not anti-Semitic to refuse foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel and all foreign countries. In fact the Constitution demands it.

The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, and not one has been declared for the last 30 conflicts during the last 79 years. But during this period, we lost over 100,000 military dead and millions of dead innocents. I estimate that the money spent without sufficient cause would have put every able-bodied working citizen into a home with prosperity.

How prosperous would you be without the burden of an income tax? Prior to 1913, the federal government was financed totally with tariffs and excise taxes. There were no income taxes or Federal Reserve Bank to print money to finance wars for profit and to impoverish the people with inflation. President Trump has the power to use tariffs, but will require Congress to terminate the income tax.

Again, I have written a paper covering only a few major points (of many) with minimum details to increase readership. I have not attempted to cover most of the unconstitutional functions of our government (which is a criminal enterprise). I doubt that many politicians understand or would appreciate the message, so please pass my articles on to them.

I welcome your comments

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Federal Government has No Legal Right to Function as a Criminal Enterprise

By Andrew Wallace

January 3, 2025

Remember, our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and the only legal basis for Government. The majority of our so-called government and its laws are part of a Criminal Enterprise operating to rob and enslave the people in CONTRAVENTION of our Constitution.

Citizens living in the states are not legally subject to Presidential Executive Orders or directives written by Bureaucrats in the Administrative State. Only Congress can pass laws (although a majority of which are unconstitutional!).

Congress is mostly rogue and a criminal enterprise without the lawful authority for a majority of their laws. Congress has only the very limited and specific authority given it by the states in the constitution. The federal government is responsible for defense, counterfeiting, foreign relations, currency, piracy, treason, etc. States are responsible for everything else, including police powers, and welfare of the people, etc.

The Swamp exists as a Criminal Enterprise because both parties in Congress are bribed, allowing the federal government to centralize power by usurping state functions (major federal departments are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers!).

We must not forget those who profit from the more than 100,000 deaths of our military and millions of innocents since WW two. I refer to those who control all of this theft, murder and treason as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). They are the billionaire families and individuals who direct and control the corporate paymasters and the Swamp.

The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, but Congress did not declare even one for the 30 armed conflicts since WW two. Congress does not have power to override the constitution, which they do constantly. These wars had nothing to do with national security, but everything to do with profits and the funding of bribes. Congress has more blood on their hands than the rest of the world combined. Most members of Congress are the lowest form of life with ironclad reservations in hell.

Our Founding Fathers wrote our constitution with the understanding that FEW federal laws would affect the people, so they directed that laws of the union would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. But Congress changed this by usurping state functions and establishing countless unconstitutional federal laws and regulatory agencies (Administrative State) writing “laws”. Remember that police powers are state functions. Our supreme law (Constitution) put most domestic power in the hands of the states. In other words, the PSRRC has taken over our government as a criminal enterprise with no legal rights to do so!

You have every legal right to ignore unconstitutional laws passed by Congress and all orders initiated by bureaucrats in the administrative state. Presidential Executive Orders also have no authority in the states. They affect only government employees and contractors. If you do stand up for your rights, be prepared to be framed or worse. So have a good lawyer (not many available) as you may have difficulty in locating a lawyer since most are Democrats or are afraid to confront the criminal enterprise (PSRRC) and the majority of government.

The Administrative State consists of unelected, hard-to-fire bureaucrats who act as if they are royalty and resist any policy (of either party) that might reduce their power. The only way to get rid of them is to terminate the offices they occupy. Destruction of the Republic by the Administrative State is equal to the crimes of Congress.

In simple terms, our government has an approximate income of $5 trillion dollars but spends $7 trillion dollars. They must borrow an amount equal to 40% of income ($2 trillion dollars), which effectively defines bankruptcy. At any time, the government will be forced to repudiate the debt or inflate the currency to zero value. Either action will result in the greatest of all depressions, much worse than the Great Depression. The only solution is to follow the Constitution to the letter, which is guaranteed to solve all financial problems.

A depression of this magnitude would result in death of those really sick, and instant poverty of those on Social Security. Money would be worthless. People would lose homes and farms. Most people in the cities would be homeless, without government checks and services. It would be impossible to deliver food to the cities, resulting in mass starvation. Criminal gangs would roam the streets, robbing, killing, and burning. Cities will not protect the people or allow them to use firearms to protect themselves.

My best guess is that at least 50% of federal employees must be terminated now to reverse this situation. But only 6% report for work anyway, so no great loss. We must also deport 10 to 20 million illegal invaders. Invader gangs make it even more important that you have an AR15 or better, with plenty of ammunition to protect your family.

The PSRRC and their subordinates in corporations, Congress and the swamp profit greatly from wars. But the people have to pay for the wars, bury their dead and support the wounded for a lifetime.

Since we can’t be invaded, our National Security does not require 250,000 members of our military in 150 countries or the substantial additional expense of a military that can project force. Only the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC, Congress and the swamp profit from these expenditures and the deaths of millions.

In a few words, President Trump has the constitutional power to reinstate the Republic in all its glory without the help of Congress or anyone else. But President Trump has not indicated that he will do it. His present plans will not drain swamp or avoid a catastrophic economic decline. More on this in the next article.

God Bless You and The Republic

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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250,000 Military in 150 Countries are at Risk of Dying for Profits

By Andrew Wallace

December 14, 2024

How can you say that our military dead were not killed defending our country? They in fact died thinking they were defending America, and this is what they were told. This was a damned lie. This fact in no way demeans their sacrifice and heroism or our appreciation of their service.

As previously noted, EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT in the last 79 years was for Corporate Profit and had nothing to do with National Security. We lost all of these conflicts, and in the process suffered the deaths of over 100,000 of our military. We also killed millions of innocents while destroying entire countries. For this we are justifiably hated around the world.

Many people with good reasons believe that we should not have been involved in WW One or WW Two (we could not be invaded, so national security was not a reason). The evidence is there for all to see, if they look.

It is a damned shame that we can learn more of the truth from our enemies than from our own government. I am referring to Tucker Carlson’s interviews of Russia’s Putin and Lavrov. I say this because I know a little history and the Russians told mostly the truth, while our government mostly lied.

Again the simple truth is that due to our geographic location, we cannot be attacked from within or by nuclear warfare. We would also need our armed forces on American soil to repel an unlikely invasion, and to defend us from the Democrat/Communist Army of Invaders. Therefore our ability to project force worldwide is only to blackmail other countries and generate profit for the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), which they will share with Congress as bribes and payoffs.

President Trump needs to enforce the Constitution to the letter to return to a Constitutional Republic. If he continues to ignore the Supreme Law of the Land, it will be impossible to “Drain the Swamp” or prevent the Greatest of all Depressions.

The federal government was totally funded by tariffs and excise taxes until 1913. Income taxes and the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank replaced tariffs so they could print money required for wars and related thefts. Eventually, they got rid of gold and silver currency because they couldn’t print it. Constitutionally-required Gold/silver money would hold down inflation, prevent wars for profit, and reduce theft of the people’s money/assets.

We should replace armed conflicts with tariffs (much more effective). There is no need to kill members of our armed forces and bankrupt the people, just to enrich the PSRRC and bribe traitorous members of Congress.

We must all agree that most members of Congress, Bureaucrats of the Administrative State (executive branch), and many judges are corrupt to the point of treason (criminal enterprise). These are the people with blood on their hands who commit our armed forces to foreign wars that have nothing to do with national security and everything to do with profits for them.

God Bless You and our Republic

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Congressmen Who Vote For Unconstitutional Laws Are Traitors!

By Andrew Wallace

November 30, 2024

Congress continues to operate as a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE by ignoring the Constitution and financing invaders, which is also Constitutional Treason. Congress continues to fund countless unconstitutional departments and functions of the federal government to centralize power and impoverish the people.

Those members of Congress (the majority) who vote for Unconstitutional laws should be indicted tried and put in prison. Guilty members of Congress should also be removed from office for violation of their oath to the Constitution. These criminals have no redeeming qualities, They lie and cheat by passing laws benefiting those who bribe them (the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class, PSRRC).

Remember that Congress controls the money and can stop any program by denying funding, regardless of who is President.

Some of their specific major crimes are as follows:

1. Allowing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank to exist.

2. Allowing Fiat Currency to exist, rather than Constitutional gold and silver money which would stop wars for profit and inflation, etc.

3. Allowing unconstitutional FEMA to exist, when its functions are a proper responsibility of the states.

4. Allowing corrupt FBI to exist when the Constitution specifies that the Militia of the Several States is to enforce laws of the union. (Congress passed the unconstitutional Dick Act to convert the Militia into the National Guard.)

5. No law passed by Congress can override the Constitution (as does the Dick Act and countless “laws”).

6. The Biden administration spent billions of dollars (contrary to law) for transportation, housing, food, and medical care for illegal invaders, while our own needy citizens did without. Money spent on invaders was not authorized by Congress and was stolen from other programs. Much of the money was stolen from the FEMA budget, which then denied services to disaster victims. Everything about FEMA is unconstitutional, and support of invaders is also Constitutional Treason. But who will charge these traitors and put them in jail? Very few people have the millions of dollars required to prosecute the criminals in government, much less face severe retribution up to death (think J.F.Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Trump).

7. Trump’s promises will save us from almost immediate destruction, but not for long. Trump’s announced actions near term will not drain the swamp or prevent devaluation and a Great Depression much worse than in the thirties because our fiat currency would be valueless. If Trump would follow the Constitution in every detail he could save the Republic! Now we have the expense of deporting all invaders, which will be substantial but less than allowing them to remain. Our country has no need for invaders with no education, no skills, don’t speak English and bring only disease and crime. Unless President Trump enforces the Constitution in every detail, his deficit will exceed two to three trillion dollars!

8. Congress has the blood of over 100,000 American service members and millions of innocents on their hands in wars for profit that had nothing to do with national security. These deaths occurred in 30 conflicts after World War Two. Congress funded these wars so the military industrial complex and Congress could profit. More than one hundred thousand Military members died and many more were wounded so members of Congress and others could get blood money. No other reason.

9. Russia invaded Ukraine because of our broken promises. We promised that if Russia would leave East Germany, we would not extend our influence further East. We lied, as usual. The CIA initiated a coup replacing the Ukrainian president who was favorable to Russia. Under new “leadership”, Ukraine attacked its own people in Donbas region, blaming the Russians (false flag). Putin can’t allow NATO in Ukraine any more than we could have Russian missiles in Cuba. This almost caused Nuclear War, and the same thing is happening in Ukraine. Everything the government and media tell you about Ukraine is a damn lie! There has been no peace because wars make money for the military industrial complex. Putin is right not to trust our government because they are damn serial killers. England and the United States opposed peace in Ukraine. “Our” government is deliberately attempting to cause a Nuclear War by giving missiles (with their operators) to Ukraine to attack Russia. Congress could stop this trip to nuclear war by not funding it. Congress can stop any federal action by refusing to fund it and by jailing officials who spend money not authorized by Congress.

10. Most members of Congress, bureaucrats of the Administrative State (US government), and the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class are enemies of the Republic. These are collectively known as The Swamp, a criminal enterprise.

11. Anyone old enough to remember the founding of Israel in 1948 and its history of Palestinian abuse and theft of land or have read about it knows why the Arabs hate Israel. Hamas made a brutal attack on Israel knowing that Israel would use it as an excuse to decimate the Palestinians and take their land as is their wont. Israel did not disappoint. The result will be enduring hatred of Israel resulting in its eventual destruction. The United States is also guilty of genocide for giving Israel the weapons and money required (foreign aid is unconstitutional). Israel can only survive as long as we give them money and military support. It is not in the best interest of the United States to support Israel genocide.

12. Congress continues to fund unconstitutional wars for profit and to fund unconstitutional foreign aid. The United States can only be defeated from within or by nuclear weapons (this is an accepted fact). So why do we pay for offensive conventional forces such as aircraft carriers which are not needed to protect our country but to project power? It has been said that with modern weapons, aircraft carriers are floating caskets that are not needed to defend the United States.

13. Congress should terminate the CIA and FBI for being corrupt since their founding and are a danger to the Republic.

14. Newsmax reported on November 3, 2024, that the United States had 250,000 troops stationed in 150 countries. The residents in most countries don’t want our military in their countries. When there is a problem, we can’t defend those troops. Again Congress has failed in their oversight responsibilities and in funding these troops.

You will notice that to encourage readership that I deliberately leave many details out of my writing that are not required for understanding. Supporting facts are readily available.

God Bless You and the Republic

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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It is Impossible for Trump to Drain the Swamp Unless He Obeys the Constitution!

By Andrew Wallace

November 20, 2024

To save the economy from hyperinflation, a worthless currency, and a great depression, the federal budget must be reduced by about two trillion dollars, requiring also a return to Constitutional Law!

I support President Trump because his promises will stop the destruction of the Republic, TEMPORARILY. But near-term survival requires reducing the budget by at least two trillion dollars a year, which can be easily accomplished by following the mandates of the Constitution. Now, a majority of the federal government is unconstitutional and is a functioning criminal enterprise. We all should agree.

Following are only some of the changes that must be made to return to Constitutional government and economic survival:

1. Terminate unconstitutional departments such as Education, Agriculture, Labor, Transportation, Energy, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development. The Constitution limits these functions to the states, and definitely NOT to the federal government. It should be required that some income taxes collected by the federal government in a state be returned back to that state. Federal government can make up the difference with tariffs and by elimination of unconstitutional departments and functions, as the creators intended.

2. Terminate the private, unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank and return to gold and silver currency as required by the Constitution. We have fiat money because swamp can’t print gold to finance wars for profit or boondoggles, and to enable them to rob the people with inflation. The Great Depression was caused by the Federal Reserve Bank inflating and deflating fiat currency, allowing the wealthy to buy property for pennies on the dollar. The Federal government was financed 100% by tariffs and excise taxes until 1913, when unconstitutional fiat money and the income tax replaced tariffs. Remember, you can’t print gold or control its quantity to finance wars, etc.

3. The Federal Government should return to funding its functions by tariffs and excise taxes (as it was until 1913). Tariffs protect industry, jobs and wages. Tariffs are not a sales tax on the people, as proclaimed by the Communists. Tariffs should be more than adequate if Trump obeys the Constitution. This also assumes that the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank is abolished and we have returned to Constitutionally-mandated gold and silver money. This will stop wars for profit, Inflation, and support economic stability (the return to this country of many factories). Most negative factors in our country were caused by the Deep State for their benefit alone.

4. The Constitution specifies that the Federal Government can’t spend money on the states or for foreign aid. Social Security and Medicare are legal insurance programs without any reserves; Congress spent the money elsewhere.

5. Climate change is a fact, but we can’t control it. Government efforts to tax people to control climate is a scam. We all know this.

6. Democrat voters are supporting Communists and don’t know it. Most Democrats support the family, free enterprise, the Constitution, and religion, but Communists who control the Democrat party do not!

7. Only Congress can pass laws. Therefore, Presidential Executive Orders and orders from bureaucrats in the administrative state have no power over the general population.

The federal government has no power unless Constitution gives it to them. See Article 1, Section 8: ( That is why there can be no federal law on abortion or why the government can’t order production of electric vehicles or anything else except in wartime. But our government is mostly unconstitutional and operated as a criminal enterprise doing what they please.

8. Terminate unconstitutional FEMA and return its functions to the states, as is Constitutional. The legitimate power of the federal government is limited by what the states gave to it in the Constitution. To the extent that the federal government operates without Constitutional authority, Congress, the president and participating outsiders are functioning as a criminal enterprise. It is accepted fact that all important federal officials are being bribed by a specific economic group to act in their private interest rather than that of the People, in violation of their Constitutional Oath of Office.

9. Financial aid to Israel and Ukraine or to any other country Is unconstitutional! Many people believe that the support for Israel aid for genocide is a result of an outside political power that controls our government (through bribery/blackmail). I refuse to name this purported political power because I don’t want to be vilified, slandered, indicted, attacked or murdered as is their wont. But you can surely guess!

10…Remember that any support given by government or anyone to invaders is Constitutional treason.

In Conclusion, let me say again, it would have been impossible for President Trump to win the election without the financial support of the Israeli Lobby.

Let me also state that it will be impossible for Trump to drain the swamp or avoid devaluation and a great depression unless he follows the Constitution in all respects. I will support President Trump as long as he takes this unique and rare opportunity (first time in history) to return to a Constitutional government and economic stability. Trump, like all men is less than perfect but he is the only man with the courage, following, and opportunity to return a prosperous Republic to the People by following the Constitution, as his Oath requires. But he has not indicated that he will do this. If he violates his qualifying Oath, he vacates his office.

But remember no governor, congressman or administrative state bureaucrat obeys the Constitution, they obey the deep state (money).

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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You Must Know Your Enemy – Most Don’t

By Andrew Wallace

July 14, 2024

Your enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), consisting of wealthy families and individuals.

They rule the world through their control of corporations, media, Congress and bureaucrats in the administrative state. The PSRRC is also supported by the judiciary who think they are the law, and do not honor their Oath to the Constitution.

The PSRRC has always been with us, but they took total control in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-Free Foundations, and the Income Tax.

Until 1913, the federal government was totally financed with tariffs, which also protected jobs of American workers.

Income taxes and the Federal Reserve was required for the PSRRC to finance wars and to allow the transfer of the people’s wealth directly into the hands of the PSRRC by printing fiat money to finance the government, which causes inflation and facilitates wealth transfer…to them!

Our Constitution requires the use of gold for money because it is stable and inflation-proof, and cannot be printed to finance wars and social programs not specifically enumerated in our Constitution. Government does not use gold for money in violation of the Constitution

The government can now spend whatever it pleases to finance wars for profit and other Unconstitutional programs, because it can sell bonds to the Federal Reserve Bank which in turn prints fiat money out of thin air. But printed money (without corresponding production) causes an inflation tax that is impoverishing our people. The resulting inflation has killed the American Dream, increased government debt, increased government interest payments, and will very soon bankrupt the government and destroy the currency. Half of the population, one way or another, is supported by the government…and they would starve.

None of this has to happen. Simply return to the gold standard, tariffs and the Constitution, as originally set forth by our educated founders. Our federal government has become mostly a criminal enterprise, usurping powers and creating controls and agencies never contemplated or authorized by our founding document.

Numbers don’t lie. In simple terms, government income is five trillion dollars. Approximately one trillion goes for defense and one trillion for interest, leaving three trillion for everything else. It is estimated that foreign immigration invaders will cost another trillion. But government expenditures are approximately seven trillion dollars, requiring two trillion in newly-printed money from the Federal Reserve, imposing a severe inflation tax on our citizens.

It is estimated that more than half of government expenditures are unconstitutional. Examples include all federal support to the states, foreign aid, Departments such as Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education and Transportation, etc.

Our Government is hated by the world because it has killed millions of innocents and destroyed entire countries without just cause. Since the end of World War Two we have been in 30 conflicts, killing 108,866 American service men and women. We lost every war. But the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC made a lot of blood money at our expense.

The costs of these wars for profits never ends. The Veterans Administration budget for 2024 is $328.1 billion. But the loss to our veterans can’t be calculated. The PSRRC and their minions in Congress are responsible and should be punished!

The PSRRC spent 8 years vilifying, framing and doing everything to destroy President Trump to the point that most Democrats hate Trump. With millions of Democrats hating Trump, there had to be one nutcase to try to assassinate him. I feel that this was the ultimate objective of the PSRRC because they can’t afford to have President Trump continue his work to return manufacturing jobs to America, stop the wars, close the borders, and reduce inflation, etc. Not to mention prosecuting these traitors for their crimes.

The once-proud Secret Service allowed President Trump to be shot through their incompetence (read “woke” DEI agendas!) or outright complicity.

In simple terms, the PSRRC was responsible for the ‘Rust Belt’ that impoverished thousands of cities and millions of workers.

President Trump, in his first term, made significant progress in returning manufacturing to the United States and ending wars for profit, which cost the PSRRC billions of dollars.

President Trump represents the People’s only hope for a return to the Constitution without a Civil War. He has proven his ability in the past. He has initiated his desire to end the income tax and return to tariffs to finance the government.

The millions of innocent worldwide victims of our 30 losing conflicts since World War Two demand punishment of Congress and the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class. These traitorous warmongers are slime deserving punishment and the hatred of all decent people.

This is but an overview, and if you are interested in the details, you may find them in the fifty articles I wrote for in 2023

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Should Traitors in Congress Be Charged With Treason and All Manner of Crimes?

By Andrew Wallace

December 9, 2023

Individually, a majority of both parties in Congress are guilty of all manner of crimes, including Treason.

This paper will call them out and charge them for just a few of their countless crimes.

It is the responsibility and duty of all Citizens to demand a return to Constitutional Government in the loudest and most effective manner possible.  Those who don’t are effectively perceived as the enemy.

I have written articles almost weekly in NewsWithViews on various aspects of this subject in depth. My article last week covers this problem in more depth from a different viewpoint.


A majority of Congress is charged with Treason for giving aid and comfort to enemy invaders by allowing open borders, failing to deport them, and paying to support invaders at the expense of Americans. All of which is unconstitutional.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

In addition to the charge of Treason, federal funds may not lawfully be used for anything except to carry out their limited and delegated Enumerated Powers.

Invaders are being cared for at a higher level than many of our own needy citizens. In addition to favorable treatment, the invaders are depriving Citizens of food, housing, and police protection.

In New York City alone, $100 million was deducted from the police budget to support invaders, leaving the poor at the mercy of criminals. Open hostility between the invaders and the poor is building, due to this conflict over government benefits.

This reminds me of French Queen Marie Antoinette, who purportedly said of the poor, “Let them eat cake”, which brought on the French Reign of Terror. We are rapidly approaching similar initiating circumstances in the United States.


The federal government’s powers are limited to the Enumerated Powers listed in the Constitution. All other powers are reserved to the states or the people. The federal government can ONLY enact laws and spend money on subjects relating to the Enumerated Powers.

Some of the Enumerated Powers are taxation, borrowing money, paying debts, regulating commerce, coining money, post offices, patents and copyrights, lower courts, immigration, declaring war and maintaining a military. You can find others in the Constitution.

As with their Oaths to the Constitution, a majority in Congress ignore the Enumerated Powers and use “The People’s” money as their personal piggy bank. This results in multiple crimes against The People.


A majority of our legislators are minions of the largest Criminal Enterprise in the world, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). These criminals don’t honor their Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution and are guilty of all manner of crimes against “The People”, including the murder of millions and the destruction of entire countries in Wars for Profit (transferring “the People’s” money to the PSRRC). Congress is awash in the blood of innocents.

Following are listed only a very few of the major crimes committed by a majority of Congress (these are mostly violations of the  Constitution, the Supreme Law of The land). These points are an outline for legal charges and complaints to Congress. I did my job, now you must do yours!

Every American who participates in unconstitutional federal programs is ignoring the existing constitutional limits on federal power. (per Joanna Martin, JD)

  1. Unconstitutional formation and funding of the Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, et al.
  2. Failure to use tariffs to protect workers, industries, and fund government. Thousands of industries have been off-shored and millions have lost their jobs. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of The People.
  3. Funding Wars for Profit that did not have any relationship to national security without a Declaration of War. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people
  4. Allowed the unconstitutional privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank to continue to impoverish “The People” and enrich the wealthy. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to welfare of the people.
  5. Allowed unconstitutional fiat dollars to remain, rather than using gold and silver as required by the Constitution, which would reduce inflation and make Wars for Profit very difficult. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  6. Unconstitutional funding of federal welfare programs (a state responsibility), foreign aid, and funding for illegal invaders.
  7. Continuing to fund the FBI, the most corrupt police organization in the world. The Constitution stipulates that the Militia of the Several States will enforce laws of the union (Officers would be appointed by the states, which makes law enforcement more difficult to corrupt.) I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  8. Allowing un-elected bureaucrats (the Administrative State) to make laws in violation of Constitution. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  9. Allowing deprivation of Citizen’s rights to Due Process of the Law (two-tier justice system).
  10. Allowing Tax-Free Foundations to continue protecting the money and power of the wealthy forever. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  11. Allowing ESG and DOE ‘woke’ programs to continue to violate The People’s Rights and degrade their standard of living.
  12. Allowing courts or government to refuse to hear a case or petition for “Lack of Standing”, which undermines a Citizen’s Constitutional rights. This is not per se a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  13. Continuing to enact unconstitutional laws and failing its oversight responsibilities of the Executive Branch..
  14. Allowing replacement of fiat dollars with unconstitutional fiat digital currency (CBDC). Government would know and control all expenditures and income. There would be no money in your pocket, and when electricity is out, you can’t buy anything. This is slavery.

You will note from these factual charges that Congress ignores the Constitution and does whatever the big donors, PSRRC, bribes them to do.

Note also that when Congress fails to comply with the Constitution, it is violating The Supreme Law of The Land and therefore has no legal basis for their actions or existence.

It is a Citizen’s responsibility and duty as specified in the Founding Documents to do everything possible and lawful to return to a Constitutional Republic. I will admit that I don’t know how to effectively bring charges or petition the government when the FBI is corrupt and the courts are complicit. I pray that someone out there has the smarts, courage, and resources to do it.

Some think, with good cause,  that President Trump (warts and all) could return us to prosperity and a Constitutional Republic. If elections can change things, he is the only man who could do it. All others would owe their elections and loyalty to the big donor’s money. But remember what they did to President Kennedy when he got in their way.

However, if enough citizens read this paper and demanded action by Congress, we could prevail anyway. The big donors (criminal enterprise, PSRRC, swamp, establishment, etc.), through their bribed legislators and owned media, will fight any change until it destroys us.

This is not a call to arms, far from it. That would be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Just remember that everything being done by the criminal enterprise and their minions in Congress is designed to destroy us to make way for their New World Order. Some believe that blood must be spilled to return to a Constitutional Republic, but I don’t ascribe to that theory.

I believe that the rulers want a revolt (real or promoted by government, like January 6). Rep. Clay Higgins reported on Newsmax that Jan 6 was a government operation (false flag) with 200 embedded FBI agitators. Government believes they can crush any revolt. I would like to remind the ‘rulers’ that a revolt would mean Guerrilla Warfare, and no determined Guerrilla force has ever been defeated in the field, and certainly not now with our flag officers and demoralized military. They lost the last 30 conflicts.

In closing, the following quote from Joanna Martin JD is more than appropriate:  “Americans need to understand that the federal government would never have become so huge and intrusive without the participation of State & local governments and the American People in unconstitutional federal programs.  They willingly sold their retained Rights and Powers to the federal government—like Esau, they sold their Heritage for handouts.”

God Bless You and The Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Can We Return to “The American Dream” and a Constitutional Republic Without a Revolution?

By Andrew Wallace

December 2, 2023

This paper is premised upon our determination and ability to separate Congress and the Judiciary from Big Donor Money and Control. If this is impossible, a revolution is guaranteed.

For the purposes of this paper, let’s assume that we can separate Congress and the Judiciary from the Big Donors, aka The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, academia, military flag officers, et al.

My associates will think I am insane to even consider that it is remotely possible to separate Congress and the Judiciary from Big Donor Money.

Most think it would take a bloody revolution similar to the French Reign of Terror. But I like to think positive, even though it is improbable that we could educate the brainwashed, ignorant, and apathetic, which would be required  in order to prevent a civil war.

A depression or other major event like the war now brewing could cause an internal civil war. Anarchy, at the very least, is guaranteed if government can no longer pay its obligations that support half of the people.

Most legitimate Economists forecast a major economic collapse if government does not change its ways very soon.

The Enumerated Powers in the Constitution LIMITS the Federal Government’s powers to the following:

Taxation, borrowing money, paying debts, regulating commerce, coining money, post offices, patents and copyrights, lower courts, immigration, declaring war and maintaining a military.

The federal government has no power to legislate or spend money on anything not included in the Enumerated powers!, period

If the Federal Government was operating under its founding documents, and restricting its legislation and expenditures to its Enumerated Powers, we would be living in the Land of Milk and Honey in a Constitutional Republic, with a viable and attainable American dream.

The simple absolute truth is that if government was to comply with the Enumerated Powers as dictated by our Constitution, everything would be great again as follows:

  1. There would be no Income taxes, as it was until 1913 (The Year of Infamy).
  2. Tariffs would finance government and return middle-class jobs (as it was prior to 1913).
  3. Wars for Profit would not be possible without income tax to finance them..
  4. Terminate the unconstitutional Privately-Owned Federal Reserve Bank.
  5. Replace the Fiat Dollar and CBDC digital currency with Gold and Silver to control inflation.
  6. Terminate all Federal Welfare payments, as they are unconstitutional. Welfare is responsibility of the states.
  7. Terminate all Foreign Aid payments, which are also unconstitutional.
  8. Return all of our military from foreign countries (estimated at more than 150 countries!).
  9. Military may only be used overseas for disaster relief and under a declaration of war as required to protect our national security. This would have prevented the thirty conflicts that cost us 108,866 military lives since WW2. We lost every conflict, killed millions, and destroyed entire countries. This is why we are hated around the world.
  10. Terminate all support of illegal Invaders, which is both unconstitutional and Constitutional Treason.
  11. Terminate the unconstitutional legislation and funding for the Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development
  12. With no foreign Wars for Profit, there is no need to “Project Military Force”, which will reduce military spending by about 50%.
  13. Presently, federal income is reported to be $5 Trillion, Expenditures are $6.5 Trillion, Deficit is $1.5 Trillion. Debt is $ 33 Trillion and interest on the debt is $1 Trillion and rising, which equals projected military spending of $1 Trillion.
  14. Lawfully complying with Enumerated Powers should cut federal spending by 50% and increase revenue, allowing for a reduction in debt and interest expense. All of this is possible when you are not transferring the People’s wealth to the PSRRC through Wars for Profit and Federal Reserve Bank actions.
  15. The FBI is the most corrupt police organization in the world. It must be terminated and replaced with the Militia of the Several States, as specified in our Constitution.
  16. Many federal judges can be eliminated because there will be fewer federal laws to litigate.
  17. A majority of federal laws will be retracted by Congress because they are created without Constitutional Authority.
  18. Constitution only gives Congress the power to make laws. The bureaucrats (Administrative State) can no longer write laws. Presidential Executive orders have no authority over the states, and no authority over any people who are not their employees, none.
  19. Powerful people of both parties who commit crimes will get lawful due process and prison.
  20. Tax-free Foundations allow the wealthy to protect and use their wealth and power through eternity, and must be eliminated.
  21. The destructive, racist, and uneconomic concepts of ESG and DOE are forbidden.

The preceding is by no way a comprehensive list of all the benefits generated by the government begrudgingly adhering to its Limited Enumerated Powers. It probably won’t happen until the Citizens demand these changes and nullify all the unconstitutional actions. Remember, NULLIFICATION is the original right of self- defense, and is a natural right.

Our only impediments to unlimited prosperity and justice in America are the ignorant, apathetic and indolent who believe in a free lunch without work, and a government usurped by the corrupt, murderous and incompetent for money and power. Costs of corruption, mass murder and Marxist indolence are exorbitant. Returning to the Constitutional Republic will restore our rights and more than double our prosperity.

God Bless You and The Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Corruption Of Congress: UAW Forces Us Into Stack and Pack Housing Without Autos

By Andrew Wallace

November 29, 2023

Congress, UAW Leadership and Auto Companies have proven by their actions to be Enemies of the people and a Criminal Enterprise.


They are demanding that Americans buy expensive electric vehicles (EV) that most can’t afford (even with the government subsidies). If the people could afford them we lack the capacity to produce and deliver the electricity required. EV sales promote imports from China that has the raw materials for the batteries. EVs have limited use.

The end result of forcing Americans to buy EVs which most don’t want and can’t afford would be to totally destroy the American Dream of home ownership and private transportation.

It would also destroy the American automobile Industry. These criminals want to force us to live in dangerous and dirty Stack and Pack Public Housing like they now have in Communist Democrat cities. No wonder that people now living in Stack and Pack public housing spend a good bit of their time in looting, shooting and crime.

As an aside, the new CBDC digital currency will not allow you to carry pocket cash ( it won’t exist) and when electricity goes off you can’t buy anything. We can’t allow this instant slavery Unless the people really stand up quickly the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) , which is the largest and most powerful criminal enterprise in the world will have enslaved us.

Many refer to it as the deep state, swamp, establishment etc. But I prefer to use a more descriptive definition of this criminal enterprise as the” Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class “(PSRRC). It consists of the wealthiest families who own stock that controls corporate directors who in turn order corporate officers to bribe everyone else to do their bidding. Subservient Minions to the PSRRC are of course woke corporations, government, academia, military flag officers and anyone subject to their power and money. Remember the minions are only well bribed followers of the PSRRC.

Companies like Black Rock, State Street, et al. are maybe the most powerful examples of the PSRRC. The Tax Free Foundations are also part of the PSRRC. Effectively, these families and organizations control the world. There is nothing mysterious about it.

Those in the PSRRC are the “New World Order” people who say “we should own nothing and be happy” and they will rule the world.

In order to do this they must subjugate and impoverish the people. They have done a damn fine job of destroying us by usurping our Constitutional Republic It has been a gradual process, like the frog in water. The beginning of the end of the Republic was in 1913, “the Year of Infamy”. This is when they passed legislation for Income Taxes, Tax Free Foundations and the unconstitutional privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.

A majority of federal government legislation and actions are unconstitutional.

This means that they are mostly ruling with no legal basis for much of what they do. Our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and it is mostly ignored by the PSRRC and their minions in both parties.

Congress is elected by the people and the UAW Officers are elected by their members and there is little doubt that both have sold out there constituents.

How else could they refuse Tariff protection that would have kept well paid jobs in the United States? And now they are going to allow the layoff of 117,000 workers to produce EVs that will move us into dirty and dangerous Stack and Pack public housing using public transportation and no cars of any kind. They know that since China has the required raw materials America will soon produce no EVs

You ask why the American auto industry would commit suicide?

The officers and directors have a fiduciary responsibility to the stockholders but they take orders from the directors elected by key stockholders who don’t give a damn about the company. But there has been some justice, officers that followed woke polices that reduced stock prices and income are being sued by stock holders.

There are two major woke concepts that are contrary to our Constitution and have resulted in starvation when fully implemented.

They are ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and DOE ( Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) They have also forced these concepts on our military with devastating results. Because of this social engineering the military can’t get enough qualified recruits and may have to resort to the draft.

The Constitution absolutely does not give the Federal Government the power or authority to force automobile manufacturers to build specific cars or to require them to function with specified MPG (miles per Gallon)

There is no authority in Constitution for federal government to protect the environment, none.

The Federal government’s powers are severally limited to those specified in the Enumerated Powers which they violate on a massive basis. In other words it is mostly a criminal enterprise to transfer the peoples wealth to the PSRRC and there minions.

Much of what federal government does is unconstitutional and therefore in violation of the Supreme Law of the Land.

Why did Congress, UAW Leaders and Automobile Companies allow government to take away the American dream of home ownership, private transportation and force us to live in dangerous stack and pack public housing in the near term? Twenty five percent of all housing units are owned and rented by corporations. I think there is only one conclusion. they are all minions of the PSRRC, money is their God and to hell with the people and the Republic.

When I write on serious Constitutional Issues I ask Joanna Martin JD a nationally known expert on Constitutional Law for her opinion. ( visit her blog: Publius Huldah Blog) Following is her unedited response. I’ll ask you.

Cite Article, Section, and Clause of the US Constitution which authorizes the federal government to involve itself in environmental protection.

There was a role for a Department of the Interior to manage the territories described at Article IV, Section 3, clause 2; but “territories” does NOT include lands illegally held by the federal gov’t for national parks, national forests, oil fields, etc.

When the Constitution was drafted, the “territory belonging to the United States” was the NorthWest Territory which the United States acquired as a result of our War for Independence. but that NW Territory has been long since divided up into States.

Pursuant to Article I, Sec. 8, next to last clause, the US may legally hold the federal lands purchased by them with the Consent of the States to carry out the enumerated powers. e.g., the fed gov’t. may own post offices, dock yards, military bases, federal courthouses, land for the US Mint, etc.; and they have constitutional authority to exercise general legislative powers over those specific areas.

What Article, Section & clause authorize the federal government to set mileage requirements for cars?

What Article, Section, and Clause authorize the federal gov’t. to require that automobiles be EVs?

Surely you know that the fed gov’t’s authority over the Country at Large is limited to the enumerated powers listed in our Constitution!”

May God Bless You and the Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Demand Change Now Before Government Collapses and You Starve in a Civil War

By Andrew Wallace

November 25, 2023

There are many crimes by the “rulers” that could start a Civil War right now, but again I guarantee a Civil War when the government collapses (as it soon must) without dramatic changes!

I guarantee a Civil War because 50% of the people are supported by the government, one way or another. When the checks stop, these people will be deprived of the money to live, and we will have instant Anarchy and bloodshed. Most of these people are apathetic and ignorant of reality, due to the media that is owned by the enemy and their programmed-propaganda educational system, etc.

Those getting their government checks don’t want to rock the boat, not realizing that if they don’t act now, the government will soon collapse and they will lose Social

Security, Medicare, VA and all such “Benefits”.

Of course stores will be empty, fiat dollars will be next to useless, public services will cease, and those requiring expensive medical care will die. The only real money will be based on gold and silver, but most transactions and exchanges will be based on barter. We can’t function as an industrialized economy based on barter. Period.

Regular readers can attest to the fact that I have covered many different aspects and ramifications of this critical subject in great detail, almost weekly. Trying to inform and motivate people on such an important subject is the most daunting task in my 89 years. I pray that God will give me the words I need to succeed.

Unless “The People” demand that Congress obey the Constitution, the economy of the United States will collapse.

This is not just my opinion; it is the opinion of every Economist I know except for Biden’s stooges. The result will be a Civil War.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), who are the ultimate “rulers”, want you fearful, Hungry, without adequate police protection and unable to defend yourself. Seconds count when you and your family are in danger, and the police are minutes away…or not at all. I can pretty much assure you that in periods of anarchy, there will be no police protection for you.

The Communists in government have allowed millions of military-age invaders into our country who don’t share our values, and they can attack us with countless Nine-Elevens.

Destruction of the United States is, after all, the Communist objective to make way for the New World Order.

My best advice is have a 12 gauge or an AR15 with plenty of ammunition, survival foods and medical supplies…and don’t advertise it.
When mobs are hungry, history teaches us that they always kill for food. If you live in a large Democrat (Communist) city, move out if you can. These Marxist enclaves are already deadly killing fields without proper law enforcement, and will be intolerable without deliveries of food and utilities.

Members of Congress, Bureaucrats, Judges and Military Flag Officers must decide if they are to remain enemies of the people or sworn Representatives of “The People”. They either honor their oaths to the Constitution, or they are despicable traitors. It is that simple. Demonstrably by their actions they are mostly traitors. Any student of history knows what is going to happen to these people.

Most of the federal government does not comply with the Constitution. Many of their agents and policies deprive people of their Constitutional rights “Under the Color of Law” (USC Title 18, Section 242). See the recent NWV article by Lex Greene.

Urgent: Now you can expect multiple 9/11- scale attacks from the millions of illegal Invaders and the many migrants from countries that find our beliefs and lifestyle to be repugnant. They came primarily for the welfare. This is evident by their substantial protests of our support of Israel. Hamas attacked Israel in such a brutal manner that Israel is forced to respond in kind. Hamas was willing to sacrifice itself and all the Palestinians to cause a worldwide Jihad against Israel and the United States, which will result if Israel destroys the Palestinians with our help. It was a brilliant but venal move by Hamas who obviously could see no other alternative..

Congress is responsible for all of our problems and, short of Civil War, they are the ones who can restore our Republic.

Governors of Red (Free) States have the Constitutional powers to rein in the federal government by kicking the unconstitutional federal departments and agencies out of the states, etc.

Any governor who refuses to follow the Constitution is a paid minion of the PSRRC.

One example is the corrupt FBI that has destroyed the people’s confidence in law enforcement and justice. By the FBI’s actions, people are in fear of being framed by them.

The FBI is a construct of the PSRRC that was formed so federal law enforcement could be controlled by them. The Constitution clearly states that the laws of the Union are to be enforced by The Militia of The Several States (Militia). Congress abolished the Militia with the unconstitutional Dick Act and authorized the FBI. The federal government has no police powers in the states, none, but that did not stop Congress from passing unconstitutional laws giving it jurisdiction in the states.

The federal government plans to make it impossible for you to have cash in your pockets, to know what you buy, to control what you can buy, and thereby convert you into a slave.

It is called the CBDC digital currency. When your bank closes or the electricity goes off, you will have no way to purchase anything, not even an ice cream cone. This is as dangerous as taking away our firearms. Remember, established retailers can’t do business using barter as payment.

I pray for the people who live in Democrat/Communist cities. These people are underfed, under-employed, under-educated, dependent, victims and perpetrators of crime, brainwashed, and self-inflicted casualties of a corrupt and incompetent Marxist government that is unconstitutionally financed by taxes from the Red (free) states. They are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” with no hope of changing their status or “leaders”. These people know not why they are losers nor how to change their station in life.

Short of action by congress or a Civil War, the only answer is in the Constitution of the United States under Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”

May God Bless You and the Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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We are Turkeys Waiting for Thanksgiving!

By Andrew Wallace

November 18, 2023

You may prefer the analogy of a frog in water waiting to be slowly boiled alive. If conditions continue as they are, our future is certainly that of the turkey or the frog.

Too many of our people are timid, fragile snowflakes, having never experienced danger or hardship. They expect a prosperous life, free of conflict, where they can remain safe, uninvolved, ignorant and apathetic. Being brainwashed, they can’t accept the fact that the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their subservient Fascist/Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, military brass, et al., control everything.

These are vicious blood-thirsty people who are responsible for killing millions and destroying entire countries for profits and power. They will kill you if required to remain in power unless you find your balls and get off your ass.

There is damn little about our government that is Constitutional, which means it is a criminal enterprise. A majority of passed legislation is unconstitutional. Most members of Congress are unquestionably traitors, based solely upon their actions. Most judges, bureaucrats, flag officers, ‘woke’ corporate officials, academics, et al., are also complicit…for money. The Bible calls it ‘the root of all evil’ for good cause.

This leaves us in a very precarious position;  either we change our government in compliance with the Founding Documents,  or we die.

Only the fortunate will die a quick death from a nuclear war caused by our war-mongering Congress, paid off by the PSRRC. In a steady process, the rest of us will continue to suffer a decline in wealth, remuneration, standard of living, medical care, freedom, and finally die of starvation or deprivation in a federal prison. The dead will be fortunate; they will not be required to live in Stack-and-Pack Public Housing Projects with only public transportation, and no private autos. Also remember you will not be allowed to have money of any kind in your pockets (new CBDC digital currency).

Note: that our founders left Europe to escape life in dangerous cities. Now our cities are worse than Europe ever was. The people who can are deserting Communist/Democrat cities in record numbers for safety. Police protection is inadequate and declining, as no one wants the job. As the tax base declines, so do public services.  Be advised also that federal welfare and other payments will decline in purchasing power as inflation increases and ultimately stops because currency becomes valueless. This is when we have a barter economy and regular retailing would stop, which makes little difference because deliveries to stores would be impossible. Anarchy results in crime and bloodshed. Miscreants from the inner cities will find that looting in suburban and rural areas will be difficult and dangerous…to them.

Our military can no longer protect us as in the past because they gave their ammunition to Ukraine and no one wants to serve under brainwashed officers. Their only option is the draft.

Prepare to live or die on your terms, not those of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class and their Fascist/Communist Minions.

God Bless You and the Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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To Hell On a Mortar Board

By Andrew Wallace

November 4, 2023

Over a quarter-century ago when I was an assistant professor, I wrote a paper for Florida Trend titled “To Hell On A Mortar Board.” I pointed out many of the shortcomings in higher education, to which my faculty associates took serious exception. This sequel will point out much more serious problems with higher education, of a different nature.

Prior to World War Two, most college students were either self-selected and motivated, or the children of wealthy parents. Some students majored in subjects that prepared them for career employment, such as engineering, accounting, and education.

Others majored in Liberal Arts which was, and still is, the best education, but only cost-effective for really bright students. When I use the word ‘liberal’, I am using it as intended, not in today’s hijacked Communist version.

After the Second World War until the late seventies, there was an influx of older motivated veterans educated on the GI Bill. At this time there were ample employment opportunities for graduates with any degree. The American Dream was alive; families could own a home and an automobile, the wife could remain at home and take care of the family. To me, this was the best period in our history.

It was during this period that many parents became convinced that their children must get a college education to experience the good life. Almost anyone with a degree could get a job during this period. That is not true today, when only those who majored in fields required by industry, or the small percentage of really bright or talented students, were employable.

But the heyday of employing people with just any degree is over.

The universities took advantage of this trend by increasing tuition costs and fees, supported by student loans.

Universities also added all manner of worthless majors and promoted Communism. I am not saying there is no value in a college education. There is. But the Economic Opportunity Cost is exorbitant for all but the really talented and those with high IQs. The student-loan debt and the bankrupting of the parent’s retirements is obscene.

The end result too often is that college graduates are living with their parents, and student-loan debts preclude home ownership. Surprise, this is one of Communism’s main goals, in harmony with “You will have nothing and be happy”.

In simple terms, there are two types of majors. One is the major degree in fields such as accounting, education, and nursing which prepare the student for professional employment. Most of the others purport to prepare a student to be the top dog in a field.

There are two things wrong with this supposition. First, the student lacks the basic skills and experience to work their way up the ladder, and, most importantly, they lack the IQ required (upper 2%–IQ of 130).  I am in no way denigrating those with lower IQs. They have other abilities that the high-IQ people do not posses. This is not supposition; I seldom had more than one really bright student that was capable of functioning at the level for which the course was projected.

It is now apparent that there is more security in employment that does not require an expensive college degree. Just looking at the problem, one must arrive at the conclusion that more than 50% of government funds for universities should be transferred to the trades. The public should not pay for a mostly worthless education, fun and games, and a lifetime of debt.

Following are just a few of the worthless majors offered by a major university best known for its Communist indoctrination:

theater production, advertising, African- American studies, communications, dance, information systems, interdisciplinary studies, international studies, journalism, public relations, art history, art, and music.

Some of these courses would have value to highly-gifted students who have the talents required. You either have an exceptional  talent for dance, art, and music, or you are wasting your time and the public’s money. To profit from many majors that don’t require talent, you need a high IQ of 130 or more.

Many managers require college degrees to enhance their own positions and reduce competition. Many advanced degrees are an acknowledgment that high school and college were inadequate. There is a policy of collecting advanced degrees (like Boy Scouts collect merit badges) for higher pay. This is wrong and counterproductive.

The universities are riding a wave that disappeared years ago. Greed and arrogance got the better of them, and the public pays for it. Knowing a little bit about colleges, I doubt that they have the knowledge, ability and desire to reform on their own. Their lifestyle and commitment to Communism precludes their ability to reform. Our country can no longer afford the luxury of most college programs, which are a farce. At the very least 50% of college majors should be terminated as being useless or not cost- effective. In simple terms, society can no longer afford to waste its resources in this manner. We are supporting too much of the wrong kind of education and ignoring the education we need as a society.

God Bless You and The Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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A Macro View of Growth, Corruption, Subjugation, and Renewal of the Republic

By Andrew Wallace

November 1, 2023

Tariffs were responsible for the rapid growth and prosperity of United States, while funding up to 95% of the government without income taxes until 1913 (“The Year of Infamy”), the beginning of the end of the Republic.

There are two primary Economic concepts regarding tariffs, which are

“Infant Industries” and “Comparative Advantage”. Prior to the Revolutionary War, the English made it difficult for the Colonies to produce value-added products; they only wanted our raw materials, and England would profit from manufacturing. After the revolutionary war, America had very limited manufacturing capacity and had to protect its fledgling industry from foreign competition with tariffs, based on the ‘Infant Industry’ theory. “Comparative Advantage” was the theory that each country would produce what it did most economically for trade, and everyone would benefit. We used tariffs to build our industries, protect our workers from cheaper foreign wages, and to finance government without income taxes until 1913.

We continued to use tariffs to the present day, but we used the Comparative Advantage theory in later years to the extent that we de-industrialized the United States to benefit the PSRRC, cause widespread unemployment, and destroy the economies of thousands of American cities.

From 1790 to 1860, tariffs went from 20% to 60%, but declined later back to 20%. From 1861 to 1933, tariffs increased to 50% for some time. After 1934, tariffs declined to 5% (during the Great Depression).

President Lincoln learned, during the Civil War between 1861 and 1865, that tariffs were not enough to fund a war, and he financed a majority of the war with excise taxes. The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) at that time caused the Civil War by putting excessive tariffs on cheaper but superior English products. The objective was to force the South to sell their output to the North at lower prices, and buy inferior products from the North at higher prices. This was accomplished by a perfectly Constitutional tariff called “The Tariff of Abominations” by the Southern states. The civil war, like all wars, was all about money and had nothing to do with slavery.

Then as now, the PSRRC was the root cause of the civil war and all of our “wars”. The military death toll for the Civil War was 620,000. None of the 30 military conflicts since 1945 (after WW 2) have had anything to do with the security of the United States; every damn one of them was lost for the profit of the PSRRC at great expense to the People.

The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until World War Two in Europe in the late thirties. The Depression was blamed on the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, which was 20%. But the depression was in effect prior to Smoot-Hawley’s inception. The tariff of 1930 did make things more difficult for other countries during the depression. Some other countries also retaliated with their own tariffs. The real cause was the Federal Reserve Bank, by inflating and then reducing the money supply. The depression lasted here for years longer than in Europe, and was justly blamed on the socialist policies of President Roosevelt.

You now have a basic understanding of the history of tariffs, which is about all anyone wants to know.

Now we get down to the cold, hard facts of how the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) has destroyed the Republic along with The People’s wealth and God-given Constitutionally-protected Rights. The “American Dream is dead, thanks to the PSRRC and their fellow travelers at Black Rock, State Street, et al.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) elect the directors of ‘woke’ corporations (based on numbers of shares of stock ownership), who in turn order corporate officers to bribe government officials of both parties to do their bidding. Make no mistake, the PSRRC familes (or whatever you call them) are the ultimate rulers in our country, and everyone else working for them and their evil agenda is but a paid subservient minion.

The year 1913 will go down in history as “The Year of Infamy”, the beginning of the end for the Constitutional Republic. It is the year when government replaced tariffs with the Income Tax, Federal Reserve Bank, and Tax-Free Foundations, which allowed the wealthy (PSRRC) to suck the life-blood from citizens.

These three actions are an abomination that must be reversed! Without the income tax, the PSRRC could not steal The People’s wealth by using wars for profit. Without tax-free foundations, assets of the wealthy could be protected thru eternity to do all manner of mischief, including control of corporations and elections. Nothing about the Federal Reserve Bank and fiat money are beneficial or Constitutional.

Now hear this: If our government operated Constitutionally, tariffs would be more than adequate to fund the government without income taxes. Yes, this is absolutely correct, as proven by our own government from its founding until 1913.

The only reason for income taxes is to finance wars with The People’s money, so it can be transferred to the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC. Another reason is to finance Communist programs in Democrat cities, which are unconstitutional. Just a reminder, it is both unconstitutional and Constitutional Treason to spend public money on illegal invaders!

Remember, if we use tariffs with a “Constitutional government” there is no need for income taxes. NONE. The majority of our manufacturing was moved to foreign countries by our ‘woke’ corporations for profits on orders of the PSRRC. Congress has been well-paid for their treason to destroy the United States. If we had used tariffs, we would not have lost the “American Dream” and unlimited prosperity. It would have been impossible for any foreign country to take away our business with their lower wages. So what if our domestic prices and wages were the highest in the world if our economy was also the highest? We could be an island of prosperity, a land of milk and honey without wars.

Some really smart people have observed a simple truth that it is IMPOSSIBLE for our country to be invaded by a foreign power. We therefore have no need to project military force except for profits of the Military Industrial Complex, and to incur the hatred of the world for our killing millions of innocents and destroying entire countries.

This is the “Fortress America” concept. Since we cannot be invaded, we can cut our armed forces by 50% because we don’t need to project force. We don’t need aircraft carriers, which are said to be obsolete floating coffins for 5,000 men and women, due to new technology in weaponry. Only a nuclear war can defeat us.

President Trump was using tariffs to return jobs to the United States and to end wars. No other President in my lifetime had the balls to attack the these major income sources for the PSRRC. This is why the PSRRC, who owns the media and government, has been doing everything to destroy him. FYI, the Federal Reserve Bank and its financial manipulations are also major sources of income for the PSRRC.
So you can now understand why I don’t care how President Trump walks and talks, nor how he has succumbed to the powers of some women, to which all straight men are subject.

Remember 1913, “The Year Of Infamy” the beginning of the end for the Republic which the people will not accept.

May God Bless You and The Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Police Can’t Protect You! Citizens Must Secure ‘You Loot, We Shoot’ Legislation

By Andrew Wallace

October 28, 2023

No one has the right to deprive another of  safety, life, or property. Criminals are now doing this with impunity, and the prosecuting attorneys are setting them free, and woe be to the victim who defends himself and harms a criminal in the act.

These criminals are also dependent victims of the Democrat/Communist Plantations (our disintegrating cities) where there are few fathers, schools are a joke, little police protection,  corrupt and incompetent public officials, plenty of fornicating, no religious or other teachings of right and wrong, no guidance of the young, etc.

You might grieve for the young mother when her boy is shot for looting or arson, but there will be deaths and gang shooting. Most importantly, once citizens start protecting themselves using deadly force, the crimes will subside! Because they know that with new legislation, hardworking citizens will shoot criminals in the act, on sight to protect their lives and property. I know this to be possible, for I was a State Trooper in the fifties. Troopers were taught to kill the people with kindness, or if necessary, to kill them to protect life.

The young mothers and non-existent fathers failed to give their young the guidance needed for a good and honest life. With a moderate amount of proper guidance, most children, with a few hiccups, will become good citizens.

If a mother chooses a life of dependency on welfare, that is not the fault of others, and is no excuse for their children to commit crimes and refuse to work.

If you want to blame someone, blame Congress for destroying families by paying young girls to have babies as long as there is no father in the home. (No family and no religion and creating a dysfunctional society is the dream of all Communists!)

But there is a much bigger problem, which is that the Democrat/Communist cities are “Functioning Marxist Enclaves” with a well-paid “army” on call of 50 Million (43 Million able- bodied on welfare, and 7 Million illegal invaders).  Note that I had a problem with the available estimates, as different sources use different estimates for the numbers I am using. As an example, the most conservative estimates I found would estimate a Communist “army” of 36 million. Regardless, this is a conservative estimate because I didn’t include the millions of Lenin’s ‘Useful Idiots’ that would be involved. Frankly, you could cut the number in half and it would make little difference in the outcome.

These Marxist Enclaves in the United States are unconstitutionally financed by federal taxpayers in the red (free) states).

The Communist goals have been mostly achieved, and federal taxpayers are paying for their own demise…all of it.

Contrary to the Constitution, federal taxpayers  are paying for 43 million able-bodied indolent welfare recipients (cost $.91 Trillion) and the millions of illegal invaders (estimated cost $1Trillon).

This is a violation of Article1, clause 9, section 9 and Article 3, section 1 and Article 1, section 8.


It is quite possible that we are financing a 50- million-man Communist “army” to take over our country (U.S. military is only 1.2 Million). How is this different from the Chinese who execute someone and bill the family for the bullet? This Communist “army” is dependent on unconstitutional welfare paid by federal taxpayers. If this Communist mob conflicts with well-armed patriots, it would be a blood bath eclipsing the civil war.

People wonder why the rulers are allowing about 7 million illegal invaders into our country at such great cost.

The answer is simple: to bankrupt citizens, destroy the country, and have an army of insurrection totaling 50 million. Government income is $5 trillion, subtract about $2 trillion (cost per citizen is $ 6,039) for able-bodied welfare and illegal invaders comprising the Communist army for insurrection.

Both expenditures are blatantly unconstitutional, thanks to a crooked Congress and courts.

It is as simple as it is stark reality…either you get state legislation to use deadly force to protect your family and property from everyday criminals and Communist gangs, or you have a high probability of being dead.

In the meantime, arm yourself with an AR 15 or 12 Gauge to protect yourself, do everything possible to stop unconstitutional federal funding of the Communist army, and avoid the Marxist cities.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) will lose trillions of dollars if our Republic is restored. They have killed millions and committed all manner of heinous crimes to maintain and continue their crime syndicate. May they burn in hell.

Remember that we live in a Republic, and we need to get it back. We don’t live in a Democracy which always fails and is nothing but mob rule. Democracy in America only means the right to vote in a Republic.

God Bless You and the Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Failure to Use Constitutional Tariffs to Protect Wages, Jobs and Industry is Criminal

By Andrew Wallace

October 21, 2023

The United States experienced exponential growth using tariffs until 1913 to finance government (no income tax!), and protect American wages and industry.

The ending of tariffs in 1913 and the introduction of the Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-Free Foundations, and Income Tax was the beginning of the end for our Republic.

What could we accomplish today with no income tax? Where would we be if the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) had not moved most of our manufacturing and middle-income jobs overseas for profits? The use of tariffs doesn’t ban importation of foreign products; it should only equalize the price with American products. In simple terms, if the labor cost of a foreign product is $100 and the labor cost of a comparable American product is $150, we impose a tariff of $50. It would not matter how cheap the foreign labor was. Americans could compete in America, and our factories stay in the United States. Most importantly, labor unions could protect their workers as tariffs could protect wage differentials, ceteris paribus.

It should be pointed out that the only real foreign demand for American products is for superior cutting-edge technologies or for commodities like food, none of which would be good candidates for foreign tariffs.

There is no legitimate reason for the United States not to have the freest and most prosperous economy in the world. Our problem is that our Constitutional Republic was usurped by the greedy traitors and criminals of PSRRC, starting in 1913, with the aid of our corrupt Congress of Killers.

Remember that the PSRRC has two major goals for power and profits. These are no tariffs to stop off-shore manufacturing, and no-win wars for profit.

Our traitors have not felt the wrath of the people because most are brainwashed by a lifetime of fake media and programmed education. The result is that so many people are ignorant, apathetic, lazy, and dependent on government, and many are Lenin’s ‘Useful Idiots’ (Communists) and don’t know it. You can’t identify a Communist by his level of education.

All federal payments (except wages) of any kind to people in the states is clearly unconstitutional. Federal government is unconstitutionally financing our Communist cities.

For the benefit of my relatives, et al, this means that government is unlawfully stealing our money and property and Rights.

It is in violation of the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution to support indolent Communists, illegal Invaders, or foreign countries.

It is also Constitutional Treason to give aid and comfort to invaders. Most members of Congress in both parties are guilty of Constitutional Treason, and more. I pray that we don’t have to wait for a revolutionary court to convict them, for God knows that most federal law enforcement and courts are corrupt.

We could avoid the destruction of this country with a strong president who is independent of the big donors. One who could close borders, deport invaders, end unconstitutional government, end wars for profit, re-institute tariffs, return to Constitutional money, terminate unconstitutional expenditures, terminate the Federal Reserve Bank and FBI, end income tax, end tax-free foundations, etc

A return to tariffs and the Constitution would reduce government expenditures by at least 50%, and double the living standard of the people bringing peace to the world.

Of course, this would not apply to those who could work but who refuse; they would starve or be in prison.

May God Bless You and the Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Definition of Congress: Venal Traitors, Second only to Judas Iscariot

By Andrew Wallace

October 14, 2023

I charge members of the United States Congress, with few exceptions, of being a Criminal Enterprise and guilty of Treason!

Bribed members of Congress are responsible for all violations of our God-Given and Constitutionally-protected Rights, and only Congress can restore them without a revolution.

Congress is bribed by the big donors (Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class–PSRRC) to murder millions of innocents and tens of thousands of our military, destroy entire countries, enact unconstitutional laws, and transfer The People’s money to elites and to themselves. They routinely ignore the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution (which limits their powers), unconstitutionally usurp state powers, unconstitutionally fund Ukraine and other countries, unconstitutionally fund Welfare and other programs, lose 30 wars-for-profit in last 77 years, etc.

This process accelerated in 1913, when Congress replaced Tariffs with the Income Tax,  the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, and Tax-Free Foundations. Then the blood-sucking treason began in earnest. But always remember that Congress follows the orders of the PSRRC, not the voters.

The following charges can’t be refuted by anyone because they only contain facts which can’t be questioned.

CHARGE: Congress funded 30 wars without the required declaration of war or oversight since 1945, resulting in the death of millions of innocents and 108,866 of our military. Entire countries were devastated, and not a single conflict was to protect our national security! We lost every war. These wars for corporate profit allowed the wealth of the American people to be transferred to the Military Industrial Complex and members of Congress. See the Constitution at Article I, section 8 and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress totally ignores the Enumerated Powers of the Constitution that specifies the scope and limits of federal powers. Remember that the States created the Federal government, which is subservient to its creator.

Congress enacted laws establishing the following unconstitutional departments (usurping state powers): Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. These departments should be terminated at once because they are an unconstitutional usurpation of state powers. Congress funds the unlawful departments unconstitutionally. See the Constitution at Article 1, section 8 and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress funds open borders and subsidizes illegal Invaders; this is both Unconstitutional and Treason, as specified in the Constitution. See the Constitution at Article 3, and Article 1, section 9  and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress unconstitutionally spends federal funds in the States, such as for welfare which supports Communism. Congress also spends funds for countless projects in the States, all of which are Unconstitutional. Congress spends money on Foreign Aid which is Unconstitutional. See the Constitution at Article 1, section 8, and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress failed in its oversight responsibilities by allowing funding to rogue departments such as the FBI, Justice, Internal Revenue, Judiciary, etc. See the Constitution at Article 1, section 8, and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress continues to enact Unconstitutional laws to benefit their Big Donors and themselves, without regard to the Enumerated Powers. Article 1, section 8, and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress allows the Executive branch and the President to enact Unconstitutional laws. Only Congress can enact laws. See the Constitution  Article 1, section 8 and Article 6..

CHARGE: Congress, by funding the IRS and not promoting tariffs, has de-industrialized the United States, impoverished its people and enriched the elites and themselves. See the Constitution at Article 1, section 8, and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress has failed to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank and return the country to constitutionally-authorized money, which is gold and silver. Congress must vote against the CBDC digital currency or face a possibility of civil war. See the Constitution at Article 1, section 8, and Article 6.

CHARGE: Congress has failed in its oversight of the Armed Forces by allowing a gigantic bureaucracy with 4 times as many four-star flag officers as required, when compared to WW2 when we had a force almost 10 times larger. It has been charged that too many of these flag officers are politicians and not warriors, as evidenced by losing every war for last 77 years. It is clear that Congress has allowed the ‘woke’ flag officers to degrade and demoralize the military. See the Constitution at Article 1, section 8, and Article 6.

CHARGE: Our constitution stipulates that the Laws of the Union would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. Congress unconstitutionally made the Militia part of the National Guard with the Dick Act of 1903. The federal government has no police powers in the states, none. Therefore,  Congress allowed the FBI to start as an investigative unit, sort of a sneaky entry into law enforcement. Then Congress proceeded to pass Unconstitutional laws for the FBI to enforce laws in the States where they had no Constitutionally-authorized  police powers. If the FBI was an honest and effective organization, the federal government would not be as corrupt as it is. But the FBI is considered by many to be the most dangerous and corrupt part of the government, and a real enemy of the People. Congress must obey the Constitution by defunding the FBI and using the Militia of the Several States in its place, as specified in the Constitution at Article 1, section 8, and Article 6 and Article 4.

CHARGE: Congress doesn’t represent The People and never can, as long as they take bribe money from big donors, which should be prohibited. Representatives have relatively small districts and this should be no problem for them. Senators represent States, which are more difficult, but could be resolved by returning to directives of the  original Constitution. See the Constitution at Article 6 and Article 1, section 8.

CONCLUSION: You have been given the facts, and now it is opinion time again. We the People have one choice, and that is to convince Congress that we know the truth and will remove them from office if they don’t act in our best interests and not those of the big donors (PSRRC).

You may find what Davy Crockett had to say on the subject to be of singular interest.

The criminals and traitors in Congress should be advised that their actions have a high probability of causing a civil war, if not a world war. Their compromised federal law enforcement and courts would then be replaced by either Military Tribunals or Revolutionary Courts, neither of which would favor them. See the Constitution at Article 2, section 2, clause 1.

Most citizens hold Congress in contempt and despise them. Now you must tell them how you feel, and demand they follow the Constitution as outlined above. Their violations of their solemn Oath of Office voids their required Oath and disqualifies them from their office! Demand their obedience or their resignation!

Your other alternative is to keep your apathetic mouth shut, continue watching TV or whatever, until the economy and government collapses and you lose everything in the near future anyway.

You really have no choice, if you have a brain and like to eat and live. I do a lot of reading, and I have learned that every major Economist that I know believes that, unless changes are made soon, the government and all their programs will collapse. This would cause a Civil War. It is just simple Economic facts. We are talking about our slipping into a third-world economy based only on barter and real money, gold and silver. This would result in an instant Civil War, when millions would die at the hands of Communist thugs and of starvation and deprivation.

God Bless You and the Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Politicians that Take Big Donor Money Will Not Get Our Vote, It’s A Matter of Loyalty

By Andrew Wallace

October 7, 2023

The simple fact is that any politician who takes money from big donors no longer represents you. They are whores. (Defined as “a person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain”.)

Politicians who take money from big donors are whores for the “Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class” (PSRRC), billionaire families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, universities, and military flag officers (some flag officers are in fact warriors and not politicians, even though they lost every war in the last 77 years).

Every big donor has influence over elections greater than that of thousands of voters, effectively giving them control over the politicians in both parties.

A simple rule for voters is not to vote for any politician who accepts money from big donors. Politicians who accept money from big donors are owned by them, and the people can go to hell.

The actions of the Mainstream Media (aka Fake News) will always tell you who is owned and promoted by the big donors (PSRRC).

They do this by giving face time to their choice, denigrating the competition, failing to allow information to be released that is not favorable to their whores (one example is the Biden Laptop scandal). You will also notice that all of fake news will simultaneously release the same talking points. Fake news reports are  “Narratives” about political events, not the real news. A few ‘woke’ corporations own most of the fake news outlets.

Our founders knew how important a free press was to a Democratic Republic. Ours is not free; it is controlled by the people’s enemy, the PSRRC and their Communist minions.

Fake News continuously reports and promotes actions that are detrimental to “We The People” through brainwashing and indoctrination.

Some examples are the Climate Scam, Electric Vehicles, Open Borders, Wind and Solar Power, Green Energy, promotion of no-win wars for profit, ignoring benefits of Tariffs, ignoring unconstitutional and criminal acts of elites, etc.

It is safe to say that the primary purpose of Fake News is to promote the Communist Objectives of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

One glaring example of the effectiveness of this Nazi-like media is its relentless attack on President Trump because of his promotion of the use of tariffs to return industry and jobs to America, and secondly, his opposition to no-win wars for profits.

Both of these actions would seriously erode the major profits of the PSRRC, but greatly benefit the people. As payback for attempting to thwart their schemes, their fake news has denigrated, smeared, insulted, and framed President Trump for a decade, effectively convincing their audience to hate him. He is no saint, nor is he the only man to succumb to the power of women. I don’t care how he walks or talks, he is the only person with demonstrated ability to save us, and doesn’t owe his soul to the PSRRC’s big donors, who fear and hate him.

Everything, and I mean everything, that fake news, Congress and the government have told you about the Ukraine war is a damn lie!

Our government provoked that war, promoted it, unconstitutionally financed it, and refused to allow peace. These facts can be verified by the words of Caitlin Johnstone, Col. Douglas Macgregor, and many others.

The unconscionable slaughter of soldiers and civilians on both sides is the responsibility of the United States Congress, no one else.

Why were the whores in Congress so eager to commit to the murder of innocent people, using our money and in our name? There was no way that Ukraine was a threat to our national security. Nor were any of the 31 unconstitutional conflicts our military lost in the last 77 years, none a threat to national security.  The answer is simple, but damning. Congress funded this war, unconstitutionally with the people’s money, so wealth could be transferred to the PSRRC’s Military Industrial Complex (the big donors), with a fair share of the blood money for bribing Congress.

In the process, Congress destroyed the economies of both Europe and the United States. I can’t begin to tell you how much I loathe and despise the whores in Congress and our judiciary for their treason!

We must all stand up to be counted and vociferously demand that Congress follow the Constitution. If you don’t effectively and vehemently convince Congress to do right, you will be supporting a dictatorship and/or a Civil War, similar to the French Reign of Terror, and it will be your fault, simple as that.

Your cowardly failure to even voice your objection to tyranny effectively will not be forgiven by those who fought for this country, or by your progeny who will live in slavery, if at all.

God Bless You and Our Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Are UAW and Auto Companies Ignorant or Corrupt for Refusing Tariff Protection?

By Andrew Wallace

September 30, 2023

There is no excuse for low wages for auto workers or anyone in manufacturing unless the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) refuses to allow protection with tariffs. I say the PSRRC because they control the ‘woke’ corporations who bribe the government not to use tariffs. The really sick part of this is that the PSRRC doesn’t own the ‘woke’ corporations. They only control them, and most of the bribe money comes from the public stockholders equity. The Mafia has nothing on the PSRRC crime syndicate.

The government only needs to put sufficient tariffs on imports to allow a living wage to American workers. But the PSRRC will not allow tariffs because it would reduce the profitability of their foreign factories. The PSRRC and their controlled ‘woke’ corporations destroyed the economies of hundreds of cities and unemployed thousands of Americans by shipping their manufacturing overseas. For this to happen, management of unions and companies had to be corrupt for not insisting on tariffs to protect workers and their corporations. Pray to God that we get honest politicians to reverse this horrific trend and rebuild our manufacturing base. There is no honorable or lawful reason for unions and company officials not to insist on tariff protection. People in control are obviously bribed.

Government has No Power to Mandate Production of Electric Vehicles (EVs).

The federal government has no lawful power to order anyone in the states to produce anything. Powers of the federal government are severely limited by the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. Presidential Executive Orders have no authority or power whatsoever in the states, save for federal employees and federally-chartered corporate entities. Also, administrative “laws” written by bureaucrats are null and void. Only the legislative Congress can pass laws. Most of the laws passed by Congress are unconstitutional, and therefore null and void. In other words, the auto industry is ‘woke’ and part of the PSRRC, who must destroy the United States to rule the world.

Impossible for Electric Vehicles (EVs) to Replace all Fossil Fuel Vehicles (FFVs)

It is simply impossible to replace all fossil- fuel vehicles with EVs, as we have no capacity to produce and deliver electricity in the necessary amount. It would be impossible to routinely use EVs in emergencies or in rural areas, or for long-distance travel.

Electric Vehicles Use More Fossil Fuel to produce Electricity than Fossil-Fuel Vehicles Use!

Numerous writers have stated that there is no saving in using EVs. There is no reduction in fossil fuels required. The cost of producing and delivering electricity for this market is prohibitive. The purchase cost of EVs is prohibitive.

We Don’t Have Critical Raw Materials to Produce Electric Vehicles, but China Does.

Is someone in government a traitor for promoting China? My answer: there has to be traitors in government and industry. China has the rare-earth materials required to produce EVs; we don’t.

We Don’t Have Capacity to Produce Required Electricity if All Vehicles were EVs, and
If We Did, We Don’t Have Ability to Distribute It.

We don’t have capacity to produce electricity to power an all-electric fleet of vehicles, nor do we have the ability to deliver it economically. EVs make good golf carts and autos for limited distances, but are another disaster in emergencies or rural areas. Owners of EVs have been warned against parking in garages, due to fires and explosions. If all vehicles were EVs, new parking garages would be required due to the extra weight of the batteries. The lifespan of an EV is around half that for a fossil-fueled vehicle. When the battery system goes, you can junk the EV.

Batteries degrade over time, and also during hot and cold weather. Cooling or heating the EV further reduces your range. EVs do not have spare tires because of the weight.

The average citizen can’t afford an EV, even with government subsidies. The only purpose for EVs is to impoverish the people and ultimately to force them to use public transportation and public housing, like the poor slobs in the Communist Democrat Cities.

God Bless You and The Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Millions Died From Shots, Blood Clots, Masks That Didn’t Work, Now They’re Doing It Again?

By Andrew Wallace

September 23, 2023

The “Scamdemic” was the largest and most deadly power grab in history. It initiated a CONTINUING DEPOPULATION BY MURDERING MILLIONS and causing all manner of deadly and painful side-effects. It was designed as the ultimate power-grab and depopulation tool. It made politicians and the pharmaceutical industry insanely rich by stealing our money, health and lives. It was designed as a giant first step in depopulation and control.

The purpose of this article is to warn you, in as few words as possible, that they are trying to do it again!

If you want all the details, you should read articles by Devvy Kidd and Kelleigh Nelson at

A quick review of the process follows. The United States funded Chinese gain-of-function research (contrary to American Laws) to develop and release a bio-weapon.

There are serious questions if Covid 19 even exists; some think it was a hoax, merely replacing the flu.

The purpose was for power, control and to bankrupt small-business competitors. Government-mandated unconstitutional vaccine shots, lockdowns, masking, and distancing were counterproductive. These actions failed to destroy all the small- business competitors in the Democrat/Communist cities. ‘Woke’ corporations paid Antifa and BLM to burn them out, while state and city politicians were complicit. Many of the rioters were given cash rewards by government.

The vaccines were the real killers by murdering and debilitating millions worldwide.

Governments along with ‘woke’ corporations UNCONSTITUTIONALLY demanded that employees get the deadly shot or be fired. Doctors, health care and research scientists who expressed opposition to these bio-weapon “vaccines” were fired.

All major healthcare arms of the government, CDC, NIH, USPHS, etc., backed the unconstitutional actions. Proven treatments for Covid were denied in favor of the “vaccine” and ventilators. Eighty percent of those on ventilators died.

Interestingly, Blacks were not as eager as others to take the shot because they remembered the Tuskegee Experiment by the USPHS from 1932-1972. Government pretended to treat Blacks for syphilis, but only recorded their suffering. I hope that others in the future will have as good a memory regarding the Scamdemic.

The status and prestige of the medical profession has been forever tarnished and downgraded in the eyes of the public. Doctors, by their deceit and cowardice in refusing to honor their oath to do no harm, won’t regain lost respect in their lifetimes.

It has been stated that most of the dead died with Covid, not from Covid. It has been said that if you died from a gunshot or car wreck, hospitals would report you as dead from Covid for the extra money from government.

Anyone who got the shots…and 270 million Americans did…will suffer a reduced life- span and be subject to 80 different symptoms. Each additional shot reduces your lifespan and makes you susceptible to more side-effects. One million women and 750,000 men were disabled in the United States alone.  Shots killed one of one thousand. Injuries get worse over time, shots did not work, and made people more likely to be infected again. People with the shots keep shedding, affecting others. The Covid and Vaccine Scamdemic is the worst in history, killing 13 Million worldwide…so far. Some of these statistics are courtesy of Chuck Baldwin.

Among those 80 problems are Myocarditis, Blood clots, Autoimmune Disorders, Fertility problems, Female Disorders, Reduction of the Immune system, and accelerated Cancer. This paper does not purport to cover even most of damage done by this vaccine. At my age, I would be dead if I got the shot because it would harm my immune system.

In no way was any part of the Scamdemic and vaccine program legal and Constitutional; it was raw dictatorial power at its worst.

The real crime is that not one of the criminals who developed and unconstitutionally forced this scam on us is being prosecuted, because they control the government. I refer to them as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, universities, and military flag officers.

God Bless You and this Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Get Off Your Butt and Demand Your Rights Before Your Family Starves

By Andrew Wallace

September 20, 2023

Patriots Must Demand Their Rights From Congress! Those Who Don’t Must Realize that They are Effectively Freeloading Dependent Communists.

Many don’t think they are Communists and resent being described as such, but their apathy certainly gives them the status of “Lenin’s Useful Idiots”. Real Patriots get off their asses constantly, to be loudly heard by their elected representatives. Most of Congress is bribed by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), billionaire families and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, universities, and many military flag officers.

A dreadful Economic Collapse is forecast in the near term by every Economist I know.
There are countless reasons for justifying their pronouncements. See my recent articles for ample details. People must realize that the government will collapse by their actions, and take the people with them. So it is imperative that we get government to reform, which is highly improbable in the short term.

Failing any changes, without adequate police protection you damn sure must prepare with a 12 Gauge or AR 15, ammunition, rations that last 25 years, and medical supplies.

Inflation, as we used to calculate it, is 17.3%, so most people are screwed and the ability to feed your family is in question. If you live in the Democrat/Communist cities, you must defend your family against the looting, burning, and murders by the Communist thugs.

If you live in the Democrat cities you are doomed, because it will be impossible to supply these cities when Anarchy prevails.

The able-bodied among welfare recipients and the invaders (Biden’s Curse) will loot, burn, and maim, as is their way. If you are an ignorant snowflake without firearms, give your soul to God because you have a high probability of dying prematurely.

History teaches us that it is always a small group that institutes revolts, as was the case in our war for independence from England.

I can guarantee you that out of the millions of disaffected, sooner or later, one or more will use deadly force against the ‘rulers’ for violating the rights they swore to uphold.

The rulers will always retaliate with overwhelming force, which exacerbates the conflict from a guerrilla war to a civil war.

There are a number of circumstances that could trigger such a confrontation:

1. Government’s inability to fund the 50% of the population that is dependent. This is highly probable. Most Economists agree that we are heading for a Great Depression much worse than in the thirties, caused by the Federal Reserve Bank…again.
2. Restricting ownership of firearms guarantees ignition of conflicts.
3. Instituting unconstitutional digital currency (CBDC), which is instant slavery.
4. A major depression.
5. There is growing friction between Invaders and citizens which will explode when we are in a depression (or sooner), fighting over scarce resources.
6. Failure to elect Donald Trump as president, with another crooked election or for certain if he is assassinated Like President John F Kennedy and his brother.

I am aware that many people, like ‘woke’ college-educated women, don’t like President Trump because of how he talks, his many foibles, and the PSRRC’s continuous vilification, framing and smearing by the media and the corrupt justice department.

But, the simple fact is that millions of people believe that President Trump is the only man who can save this country from destruction and civil war. I concur.

He has proven courage and knowledge. Most importantly, he is not owned by the enemies of our country, the PSRRC -donors who finance and own the other candidates. He is the only man who is independent and has proven that he has guts and knows how to save this country, so I don’t give a damn how he talks, walks, or what he calls his opponents.

I can only say that from an economic point of view, he did more for America and its workers than all the presidents in the last 100 years. Like him or not, that is the truth.

If you still have reservations, read some history and legitimate articles while ignoring the lies from media and government. Sad, but true.

Remember the rulers want you to “have nothing and be happy”.

You will note that I am only asking you to exercise your Constitutionally-protected rights in a legal manner.

Demand that Congress function in accordance with the Constitution, which they have not done for more than a century, costing the people dearly.
You must scream and holler at congress until they do what is right, and honor their oaths of office.

You don’t have to be polite to these slick lying criminals; let them know what you really think. Get some balls.

The corrupt in Congress have gotten rich, facilitated the transfer of untold Trillions to the PSRRC, impoverished our people, killed 108,866 of our military in 31 no- win wars for corporate profit, murdered millions of civilians, destroyed entire countries, and spent half of our federal expenditures unconstitutionally and needlessly, etc. All in our name at our expense. The alternative to this can certainly be civil war which must be avoided, but not by sacrificing your restoration of God-given rights protected by the Constitution.

I don’t advocate civil war because, as a disabled legally-blind 89-year-old veteran, I could not participate in a wheelchair, and I expect any conflict to be similar to the horrible “French Reign of Terror.” Read about it in history.

Old men who can’t or won’t participate should not send others in harm’s way, especially applicable to the “Senate Nursing Home for War Mongers”.

God Bless You and The Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Bribed Congress Enacts Unconstitutional Laws and Spends Trillions Unlawfully

By Andrew Wallace

September 16, 2023

Characterizing those in Congress as whores is an insult to honest working girls!

Most Congressmen are corrupt and getting rich for enacting unconstitutional laws and from bribes, money laundering, and insider trading. They have no honor, integrity or love of country. These enemies of the Republic are committing Treason and belong in jail…or worse, but the corrupt FBI and complicit courts won’t prosecute. Those in administrative/executive power and the courts of justice ignore Organic Law, the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.

In return for bribes, Congress passes one unconstitutional law after another, knowingly and repeatedly lies to the people, and spends our money unconstitutionally to benefit their bribers, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), aka elites, establishment, swamp, deep state, etc. ‘Woke’ corporations, government, courts, universities, etc., are mere minions of the PSRRC.

Following are some results and examples of Unconstitutional Laws and Expenditures that are destroying our country and impoverishing “The People”, including the government:

1. All federal welfare expenditures are unconstitutional, and there are 80 programs at a cost of $1.3 Trillion. There are 59 million people on welfare, 70% (43 million) are able-bodied and refuse to work, costing $.91 trillion. Article 1, section 9, clause 7.

2. Allowing open borders, facilitating invasion of illegal invaders and paying them $2,200 a month plus transportation, housing, food, medical, education, etc., is Constitutional treason. Costs to the United States for Invaders are estimated at a minimum of $1 Trillion. The average American on SS only gets $1,400 a month, and many needy get nothing. Disaster victims don’t get $2,200 a month. Government is not “America First”. Article 3 section 1 and Article 1, section 8.

3. We lost 31 Unconstitutional wars for profits of the PSRRC since 1945, at a cost of many Trillions of Dollars and the deaths of 108,866 Americans and many millions of civilians. This is nothing but cold-blooded murder for profit of the PSRRC by Congress (War Crimes). Articles IX and VI.

4. Non-Government Organizations (NGO), and Corporations, etc., are not real people, and therefore not citizens, and have no right to vote or support elections. Amendments 14, 15, 17, 19 and 24.

5. Tax-Free Foundations, second only to the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, are the most dangerous and harmful organizations in society. They protect assets of the wealthy, tax-free into perpetuity, finance depopulation, and all manner of wacko insidious schemes. They are responsible for funding and advancing Communism in America. They must be eliminated. Harvard University Foundation has $49.44 Billion, and is used to feather the nests of the faculty and administration only. (During the Pandemic, greedy Harvard forced students to pay full tuition for off- campus learning.)

6. Corporations are not real people, and should not be allowed to finance or support politicians in any way. Wealthy individuals should not be allowed to donate more than $1,000 to any campaign, and then only to those they can vote for.

7. Advocating Tariffs to the PSRRC is like putting a cross in front of the devil, because tariffs would return middle-class jobs to America and close many of their foreign factories. Failure to use tariffs is due to the PSRRC’s whores in Congress. Trump used tariffs, and this is one of the main reasons why the PSRRC is and has been doing everything to destroy him. Use tariffs to return good-paying middle-class jobs to America!

8. Foreign aid is not only unconstitutional, but it is kickback scheme. End it now! We can’t afford it.

9. Terminate the unconstitutional departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. These are bold in-your-face violations of the Enumerated Powers in Article1, section 8 of the Constitution.

10. Our monetary system absolutely must be corrected by disbanding the unconstitutional privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank and returning our money to gold and silver, as required by the Constitution.

We must stop the Government from instituting unconstitutional digital money (CBDC ) which would result in instant slavery and civil war! Period.

I could continue, but I think you get the picture. You are being screwed out of life, liberty, property, freedom, rights and everything of value, including the Republic, because you refuse to speak out! You could be living in the land of milk and honey if these few subjects beneficial to the PSRRC were eliminated:

Welfare for the able-bodied $.91Trillion.
Welfare for Invaders $1.0 Trillion.
Foreign Aid -$.094 Trillion.
Ukraine war -$.5 Trillion.
Unlawful workers -$.48Trillion
International policing -$.5 Trillion.

Total savings from the budget of $ 6.5 Trillion is estimated to be $ 3.524 Trillion, for a 50% reduction in the federal budget.

Some may disagree with my estimates, but I don’t think the bottom line is too far off.

Some writers estimate that for the last 100 years, 70% of federal laws were unconstitutional. The bottom line is simply that most members of both parties in congress are whores and traitors who sold out the people. The courts are not much better.

May God Bless You and the Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Military Dead 108,866, Wealth Looted, Freedoms Denied By Parasitic Rulers

By Andrew Wallace

September 9, 2023

Our enemy is the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), billionaire families and their minions in woke corporations and government.

Many identify the PSRRC as the swamp, deep state, establishment, etc. Not to be confused with their minions in woke corporations and government,

The PSRRC makes its money by initiating wars for profit and in prohibiting tariffs. They Will do anything to protect these objectives.

The PSRRC has promoted 31 wars or incidents for profits in the last 77years ( the period after WW2). We suffered 108,866 military dead, 203,005 wounded, millions of innocent civilians murdered and entire countries devastated solely for PSRRC profits.

We lost every war and none had anything to do with the national security of the United States, they were for profit of the PSRRC.

The military industrial complex of the PSRRC counts their blood money, we count our dead, and the decline in our purchasing power required to finance the wars for profit and care for the disabled. Of course our losses are the PSRRC’s gain.

All of these wars were justified by False Flag events, remember “the Bay of Tonkin” that justified the killing of 58,000 Americans and the killing of 2,000,000 Viet Names civilians. There were countless others, “Weapons of Mass Destruction” for Iraq or” 911” for Afghanistan, our longest war.

The PSRRC’s really ruthless greed, perfidy, duplicity and blood thirsty actions to start a war in Ukraine are unequaled

The Ukraine Nazis attacked the Russians in the breakaway provinces and blamed it on the Russians, another false flag Everything said about Ukraine by government and media is a damn lie. The two faced greedy politicians support the war in Ukraine because their donors want it for the profits.

Make no mistake, Trillions of dollars are at stake and the PSRRC will ruthlessly smear, frame, attack and murder anyone who stands in their way, like President John F Kennedy and his brother. President Donald Trump is getting the same treatment and more that the Nazis gave Jews. The PSRRC financed the arson and looting of their small business competitors in major Democrat cities by Antila and BLM..

The PSRRC (Donors) can’t tolerate President Trump’s efforts to (!.) stop wars for profit and (2.) Use tariffs that would return jobs to America. Both actions reduce PSRRC’s profits.

Col. Douglas McGreger Phd reported some facts in an interview with Tucker Carlson.:

“400,000 Ukraine Dead, 50,000 Russian Dead.
Our equipment is decades old.
1.4 million have left Ukraine.
It is a no win situation, Russians have 750,000 troops in reserve.
Cost to US is $1.4 Trillion.
US military has no meaningful advantages in future conflicts.
We are short of material and ammunition and the Russians have capacity to produce and we don’t. Our military posts all over the world give us no advantage and can’t be defended.
Effectiveness of our military has severely declined.
We now have 43 admirals and generals with four stars which is a massive waste. They are politicians not warriors. Our active duty military is 1.12 million. During WW-2 we had 12.2 million under arms and only 7 flag officers with 4 stars.”

Russia is stronger now economically than before the war and the US and Europe are much weaker on the verge of depression

Most are simply whores without any ethics, morals or patriotism; they do what the Donors pay them to do. For the last 100 years, 70% of enacted laws were unconstitutional. Legislators are below contempt.

Our demise as a Constitutional Republic started in 1913 with the income tax and the Federal Reserve Bank, along with failure to use tariffs properly.

These changes allowed government to finance wars and all manner of unconstitutional programs. Of course the income tax replaced tariffs that protected workers and kept factories in the United States. This is when the PSRRC got what it wanted (1.) the ability to finance and profit from wars and (2 ) the ability to profit from moving factories off shore (lack of tariffs).

Our founders gave us a Republic because they knew that a democracy was mob rule and always failed. They didn’t give us Communism which has taken over our government.

Communism has been accelerated by the rot in schools and the greed of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in woke corporations, government and universities

I have covered only a small part of the story in this paper because I believe that too many words discourages readership and understanding.

History teaches us that our ignorant, apathetic and dependent people will leave action to the few with courage. It has always been so.

God Bless You and The Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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We Have Been Given the Royal Communist Shaft With Barbwire Clusters

By Andrew Wallace

September 2, 2023

Most people are ignorant of how really close we are to a Great Depression, which will result in the bankruptcy of government and many citizens, widespread suffering, and anarchy.

Government would no longer be able to honor its obligations to its dependent people, resulting in Civil War.

All of this is the result of the people being financially bled to death by the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, and universities. When the suffering starts, these criminals will fly off in their jets with their ill-gotten gains.

In this paper, I will expose you to only a FEW of the available facts that may not be readily found in the enemy media.

My primary objective is to give you some of the information I use, so you can draw your own conclusions and show your politicians that you know more than they do.

Also, you can’t fail to see where the economy is going, based upon the sheer weight of the varied information provided.

Economic Factors

The Money Supply has fallen by $2.8 trillion or 15% since April 2022. This is the largest fall since the Great Depression, which was caused by a similar action by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank…which is doing it again.

Individual bankruptcies are up 68%.

Yield on treasury bonds is the highest in 20 years, causing bank failures, etc.

State and local tax revenues are falling.

Credit card debt is delinquent by more than one billion dollars.

Commercial real estate has collapsed. Sales of existing homes has also collapsed because of interest rates and inflation.

The Dollar is valued at four cents, compared to 1930 when gold was $20.67 an ounce (and is now about $2,000 an ounce).

Gold and silver is the only money allowed by the Constitution because it retains value, does not cause inflation, nor promote wars, nor facilitate transfer of the peoples’ wealth to the PSRRC.

United States Debt is $ 32.7 trillion.

Demand for trucking down 8-9%.

UPS and Fed-X package deliveries are way down.

Two years of negative real wages.

Household income down 9.1%.

Government spent about $100 billion on Ukraine, but makes our own people suffer in disasters.

Unconstitutional foreign aid in 2019 was $.094 Trillion. See the Constitution, Article 1 section 8 clause 1.

In 2022, $1.19 trillion was spent on 80 different unconstitutional federal welfare programs. Article1 section 9 clause 7.This is 20% of federal spending, 25% of tax revenues or $9,000 per household.

Domestic and global health expenses were 29% of the federal budget.

Federal income in 2022 was $5 trillion, or $15,098 per person.

Interest on the federal debt $.663 trillion in 2023.

Federal government spent $6.5 trillion in 2022, which was 28.7% more than they collected, or a $1.45 trillion deficit.

There has been a 27.4% drop in shipments to the NE United States.

United States lost 585,000 full time jobs last month, and unemployment claims were 248,000.

Every dime spent on illegal invaders by federal government is unconstitutional and treason! See Article 3 section 1 and Article 1 section 8 clause 1. Cost is estimated to be $.15 Trillion.

One simple conclusion to be drawn from the preceding is that you could reduce income taxes by 32%, or have no deficit by:

1. Eliminating unconstitutional federal welfare payments to those who could work, but refuse, $.91 Trillion. Article1 section 9 clause7.

2. Eliminate half of the federal employees who work for unconstitutional departments and agencies, $.48 Trillion. Article 1 section 8.

3. Eliminate unconstitutional foreign aid, $.094 Trillion. Article1 section 8 clause1.

4. Eliminate unconstitutional payments to foreign invaders, estimated to be $.15 Trillion. Article 1 section 8.

Just by eliminating these four UNCONSTITUTIONAL expenditures, you would save $1.63 Trillion, which eliminates the deficit or reduces income taxes by 32%.This reinforces what you already knew: that most in Congress, from both parties, are dirty, rotten crooks and worse.


P. J. O’Rourke said it best: “It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”

It is a fact that about 50% of the people are dependent, to some degree, on the government. This, of course, supports the government, but it is a civil war waiting to happen if the checks stop, which is expected.

Welfare Factors

Fifty-nine million are on welfare, 30% are under 18, and 43 million (or 70%) could work, but don’t.

Only 12% of the population is black, but 40% of welfare recipients are black. The communist goal of dependency is succeeding in this cultural community.

Unconstitutional federal welfare costs $1.3 trillion, and increases inflation because of the goods and services not produced by the 43 million worthless slackers who could work but refuse to do so. Article I section 9 clause 7.


There are 143.8 million workers earning $9.7 trillion. Eleven million work for governments.

7.6 million Illegal invaders work.

The American Dream is Dead

It was killed by greedy corporations and others who outbid citizens so they could rent the homes out at exorbitant prices.

This has deprived citizens of the American Dream, lower cost of living, pride of home ownership, and earned equity for old age.

Remember that every negative fact in this paper is attributed to the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.


Those in Congress of both parties are too well paid by the PSRRC to correct these problems, but they must be corrected one way or another.

People must demand that all three branches of government obey the Constitution and:

1. Use tariffs sufficient to protect American workers from cheaper foreign wages and to finance government in place of income tax, as was done prior to 1913.

2. No wars without a declaration of war by Congress that is required to protect the national security of the United States. Every war for the last 77 years has been lost, was for profit of the PSRRC, and had nothing to do with our national security.

3. The FBI is beyond redemption and must be disbanded and replaced by a reconstituted Militia of the Several States as specified in the Constitution. We can never have a Constitutional Republic and “equal justice” with the existing FBI. Anyone who works for the corrupt FBI should never be allowed to work for government. The Constitution gives all police powers to the states, and they can handle it.

4. There are two things that could start a revolution. One is the new CBDC digital currency and the resulting instant slavery, and the other is restricting firearms.

There are many more important elements and I have covered many of them in my past articles. I am certain that every number I have used can be questioned; it is the nature of these types of statistics. But they were obtained from reliable sources.

Don’t forget to spend a good part of your political donations to sue the pants off of the government.

After all, the politicians take your money and do what the PSRRC tells them to do with it. The PSRRC is interested in power and two things, wars for profit and no tariffs. These are the two major causes of your impoverishment and profits for the PSRRC. It is also why President Trump’s character was assassinated like no other man in history other than Judas, but with no proof.

Remember, nullification is the original right of self defense; it is a natural right. Nullify all UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS by not obeying them and suing government. Find your balls and let the enemy hear from you before it is too late!

May God Bless You and the Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Want to Save America? Short of Revolt, We Have to Play Hardball!

By Andrew Wallace

July 24, 2023

I will not ask you to do anything that I am not doing. I agree that if you exercise your First Amendment Rights to Freedom of Speech and Assembly, there is a possibility that the corrupt FBI will try to frame you…as they have a habit of doing.

As an active Patriot writer, I live with this reality every day. If you are doing your duty as a Patriot, so would you.

Exercising your Constitutionally-protected rights to persuade elected representatives and courts to obey the Constitution is your responsibility as a citizen.

Apathetic fence-sitters who don’t do their share are gutless freeloaders, not worthy of Constitutional protections and will not get them.

The powerful truth is that if Patriots make their feelings effectively known to legislators, sue them and ignore their fake laws, it will then become impossible for the Criminal Enterprise masquerading as a legitimate Government to exist.

If you have written the truth, and not advocated unlawful acts or performed criminal acts, they have no lawful basis to molest you (not always a deterrent).

In any case, the FBI has no police powers in the States other than for violations of the few federal laws that are Constitutional.

There are three categories of laws that are fake and can be ignored:

  1. Unconstitutional laws passed by Congress that are not authorized by the Enumerated Powers (which is the majority of them!).
  2. All laws, rules, and regulations initiated by ANY agency, department, or entity of the executive branch (administrative state), such as ATF, IRS, FBI, etc.
  3. Ordinary Citizens in the States can ignore all Executive Orders of the President, for they have no authority in the States, none. They apply only to creations and employees of the federal government!

Circumstances are so serious and deteriorating so rapidly that if you don’t participate effectively now, it will soon be too late. Most patriots talk a good game, but do nothing.

I think the criminal “rulers” will soon take the steps that will guarantee a guerrilla war by instituting CBDC currency, and threatening to take our guns. Either violation of the Constitution would lead to instant slavery and civil war.

Our Criminal Rulers, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are facilitating the unlawful entry of an army of illegal invaders. Giving any aid to invaders is specified as Treason in the Constitution, with the appropriate penalty. The PSRRC is subsidizing the invaders and the Communist city populations with federal tax money. It is unconstitutional to spend federal tax dollars on illegals, or for any kind of welfare for anyone!

Many writers refer to the Democrat and Republican parties as the Uniparty because they both take their orders from the PSRRC aka The Establishment aka The Swamp, etc. This is why you must play hardball and sue (petition) the government for your Rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution gives you this Right. If you are a citizen seeking your Rights under the Constitution, and the court or government says you have “No Standing”, you know it is a BS dodge.

Use most of your political donations to sue the pants off of the government for your Rights. Swamp them in suits. The lawyers could not do worse than the politicians.

If you want to hit these criminals where it hurts, file law suits demanding that all unconstitutional governmental departments be terminated. They cannot lawfully exist, anyway!  All expenditures supporting illegals must be terminated, borders must be closed, Illegals must be deported, federal welfare must be terminated and returned to states, the FBI must be terminated, the Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated.

If you want middle-class jobs back, you institute tariffs again sufficient to protect American workers from cheaper foreign labor. It is that simple.

If you want to stop drugs, you increase tariffs on Mexico and China until it stops. It is that simple.

If you want a Magic Bullet, a Blockbuster that solves most problems at one time, you sue the government to repeal all laws that don’t comply with Enumerated Powers and are unconstitutional. It is that simple.

If you want to stop inflation, wars for profit, and theft of your money, you sue government to return to Constitutional Money, which is gold and silver. It is that simple.

If you want government to spend more money on its people, you sue government to stop foreign aid, which is unconstitutional. It is that simple.

If you want justice, you sue government to follow the Constitution and use Militia of the  several States to enforce laws of the Union (as specified in the Constitution) and prosecute all of the politicians who should be in jail. It is impossible to have a Constitutional Republic as long as the corrupt FBI exists!

When unconstitutional departments and laws are terminated, there will be no need for most of the 600-700 federal district judges. Half of income tax collected in a state can and should be returned to that state.

When the federal government is operating in accordance with the Constitution, the income tax can be terminated. Remember that all welfare payments by federal government are unconstitutional. Tariffs can again finance government and protect middle-class jobs.

Political donations must be restricted to those real people authorized to vote for their candidate. Corporations can’t be allowed to support politicians in any way. Wealthy donors are restricted to the same maximum donation as average voters. Such donations, together with the bribery of lobbyists, have destroyed the concept of a representative Republic.

In this article, I didn’t bury you in details because I only wanted to point you in the right direction. During the last 18 months, I have written 65 articles covering these subjects in great detail. You can access them at

Nothing I have asked you to do is a violation of the laws. But if you should otherwise violate some federal law, remind your attorney that if the law is unconstitutional (as a majority of them are) or if it was written by a federal agency, it is unconstitutional. Presidential Executive Orders are null and void in the states.

Most lawyers were not taught Organic Law,  the Supreme Law of the Land, in law school and should consult a Constitutional Law expert like Dr. Publius Hulda or Dr. Edwin Viera Jr. They also write for

I still have confidence that many Americans are not lazy, apathetic, free-loading victims.

God Bless You and Our Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Lazy Wimps & Freeloaders Want A Free Ride From Patriots

By Andrew Wallace

August 12, 2023

My objective is to wake up the dependent ignorant, indolent and brainwashed fence sitting freeloaders .

Fence sitters are lazy apathetic cowards and union members would call them freeladers who expect a free ride from patriots which they are not going to get.

First, fence sitters are of no value to the Republic contributing nothing to their own survival or that of others. They refuse to actively support the Republic or sacrifice and stock up on arms, ammunition, emergency rations and supplies. These people are not real contributing members of society and can expect to suffer and starve when government dependency ends

Fence Sitters have no claims on working patriots nor should they.

It is difficult to have any sympathy for the many residents of the Communist inner-city plantations who only loot, burn, main and fornicate. They continue to elect corrupt leaders from their own group that insures them of a second class education, no skills, no employment, no police protection and dependence on a communist government as long as it lasts.

In truth the problem started in 1964 with the “Democrat Civil Rights Act” ( with help of Republicans). This gave teen age girls the opportunity to have independence, babies and a government check so long as they didn’t keep the father around.

The result was predictable, 64% of blacks had single mothers, three times that of whites. Prior to this families of blacks and whites were similar.
Government programs from conception to resurrection and affirmative action have had a negative impact on minorities.

Residents of the inner-city plantations must somehow vote their incompetent and corrupt leaders out of office notwithstanding power, propaganda and brainwashing.
Without some catastrophic event, like a Great Depression, and one is on the way, I think change in the Democrat cities is impossible.

Inadequate education ( brainwashing ) in government schools (K-12) and crime are the most serious root problems for the poor in Democrat cities. But the Marxist universities are even worse when it comes to teaching Communism to students who can read and write, but not think. College students are not stupid but they are brainwashed, ignorant of reality, history and the Republic. I don’t have figures to prove it but I think affirmative action had a very negative long lasting negative affect on meritocracy even in the Supreme Court.

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their minions in woke corporations and government are responsible for the existing plight of the inner-city victims.

The PSRRC did this by violating these three major Constitutional laws, and others.

1… The PSRRC is subsidizing the Communist goal of dependency by funding all manner of unconstitutional welfare programs See Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of our Constitution: “To pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States

2… The PSRRC using Unconstitutional laws is spending money from the treasury on illegal expenditures in the states. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of our Constitution states “No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.”

3… Only the legislature can enact laws, even the unconstitutional ones. See Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of Constitution “The Congress shall have powers to make all laws”.

It would be improper for me to write a paper on this topic without discussing a sensitive subject that many think is the root problem.

Common law is based upon the bible and precedents which are in turn God’s Laws in the Bible. Communists detest religion as do their many acolytes in the inner-city plantations. Without exposure to God’s Laws they don’t know the Common law or right from wrong, or don’t give a damn. This is why many people are writing off this generation of young people under Communist control.

It is important that people know the difference between Common Law and Organic Law (Supreme Law of The Land, our Constitution et al).

Many people feel that lawyers are not really taught Organic Law in Law Schools. All of their education is on Common Law. When you observe the total failure of attorneys and judges to enforce Organic Law allowing the Republic to circle the drain you must agree. Either that or a large percentage of the legal profession are cowards or corrupt.

May God Bless You And Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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The Constitution and the Criminal Enterprise

By Andrew Wallace

August 5, 2023

Based upon the actions of the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and its minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government, you must agree that most are either crooks, cowards, incompetents, or all three.

No honest person can question this statement of absolute demonstrable fact. Only a brainwashed and ignorant Communist “Useful Idiot” could take exception.

Now let’s discuss a few irrefutable and clear acts of Treason that have transformed most of our Constitutional Republic into a big Blood- Sucking Machine aka a Criminal Enterprise aka PSRRC.

This criminal enterprise benefits the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government, commonly called the Deep State, Establishment, etc.

This is not a book, so I can only highlight a few of the unconstitutional treasonous acts of our rulers.

The following numbered items and citations are given to remind the reader of critical items in the Constitution.

1. Only the legislature can enact laws, and they can’t delegate that power to other government administrative and executive agencies like the ATF, IRS, FBI, et al. Article 1, Section 8 of Constitution.
2. Executive orders of the President involving the states are a scam, and are not valid in the states. Article 1, Section 8 and Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution.
3. The Legislative Branch can’t enact laws or spend money unless authorized by the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8 of Constitution.
4. The Federal government has no police powers in the states. See Enumerated Powers in the Constitution.
5. The Federal government has no Constitutional power to pay welfare of any kind in the states; that is a responsibility of the states. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution.
6. Foreign Aid is unconstitutional, as are all wars not declared by Congress. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of Constitution.
7. Many departments, agencies and expenditures of federal government are unconstitutional, including….Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, etc, etc Article 1, Section 8 of Constitution.
8. Giving aid and comfort to enemy invaders is treason! Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1. Spending federal funds on invaders is also in violation of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of Constitution and Article 4, Section 4.
9. The People have a right to free speech, to petition government for grievances, and to assemble. First Amendment to Constitution.
10. Congress makes rules for the military, not the President. Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1.
11. The Militia of Several States is to enforce laws of the union (the FBI is not authorized by the Constitution) Article 1, Section 8, Clause 14.

Our Constitution is the Supreme law of The Land, known as the Organic Law. Any faux government that does not comply with Organic Law has no legal or lawful justification for its existence and operation!

Research indicates that most of the federal government’s laws, actions, and expenditures are unconstitutional violations of the Enumerated Powers.

The majority of government is therefore a criminal enterprise.

The mostly unlawful part of our government has no legal or lawful right to govern; they are a scam on the people to enrich the PSRRC and their minions while impoverishing the people.

We must remove the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank, which is unconstitutional.

Since its inception in 1913, it has caused, among other things, the Great Depression, financed wars, and has been responsible for the loss of family equity in favor of the PSRRC.

We must return to gold and silver money. It is the only money that is not fiat and is constitutional.

This would defeat inflation, curtail wars for profit, and allow growth of family equity rather than increase wealth of PSRRC.

The greed and corruption of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class is nothing less than treason.

The PSRRC has destroyed the middle class. Untold numbers of cities and towns have been economically destroyed, along with thousands of middle-class jobs.

This was started in 1913, when they replaced tariffs with the income tax. Negative results were not massively recognized until the 1970s, because of World War Two.

Tariffs had financed the government without income taxes, and protected American middle-class workers from cheaper foreign labor.

Without tariffs to protect workers, greedy Anti-American ‘woke’ corporations moved their manufacturing to cheap labor countries.

President Trump was smeared and vilified more than anyone in history because he was re-instituting tariffs that would have forced ‘woke’ corporations to return manufacturing to the United States!

This country is circling the drain.

This is because of lack of manufacturing, interest on the debt, rapidly depreciating fiat currency, people paid not to work, inflation, inadequate tariffs, foreign aid, wars for profit, illegal invaders, overpriced inadequate education, bloated corrupt Communist government, Democrat cities, majority of government unconstitutional, crooked elections and officials, two-tier justice system, etc, etc, etc……

PSRRC and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are directly responsible for illegal invaders, shortage of fossil fuels, offshore manufacturing, and more. In a few words, I can declare that they are responsible for our decline in status, standard of living, quality of life, security, and our God-given and Constitutionally-protected Rights.

In specific terms, officials are bankrupting Social Security and other government programs by facilitating the treasonous invasion through open borders.

Invaders speak no English, have no education or skills and only bring disease, dependence and crime. The cost to deport the invaders will be high, but less than allowing them to remain. Otherwise, we will end up like France and most of Europe. If invaders remain until the widely-predicted Great Depression, there will be blood in the streets and fighting over food.

The PSRRC, aka The Criminal Enterprise, aka The Big Blood-Sucking Machine, are responsible for all kinds of evil to destroy the Republic, steal the people’s wealth, and gain unlimited power.

China and the Administration of the United States developed the Covid bio-weapon.

The Covid “vaccine” was a lie to enrich the developers and depopulate the world. The “vaccine” didn’t work as promised; in fact it made a person more susceptible. It has harmed and killed millions. Not one person has been punished for the unconstitutional actions of the government and their minions!

Serious patriots who want to see the future and are willing to learn from history should study events in France as follows:

1720: France was bankrupted by similar events to those today in the United States.

1793-1794: French Reign Of Terror Revolution, caused by events similar to those developing in the United States today.

2023, today: riots by French immigrants are similar to illegal invaders in Chicago, demanding government support. This is only the start of an inevitable conflict between citizens and invaders over scarce resources. Invaders must be deported; the cost is too high for them to remain.

It is impossible for these Communist Usurpers to govern under existing circumstances without the barrel of a gun supporting them!

People just have no confidence in the government; we are in a precarious position on the precipice. More than half the people hate the Communists and the rest are too apathetic, dependent, brainwashed and ignorant to learn the truth.

God Bless You and our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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A Patriot’s View of Root Causes of Tyranny and How to Defeat Them

By Andrew Wallace

July 15, 2023

There are only a few root causes for the replacement of our Constitutional Republic by an Unlawful Criminal Enterprise comprising most of the three branches of federal government, which has no legal standing whatsoever.

We only need to expunge these few criminal activities that have no legal standing, in order to regain our rights from God and our Constitution.

Our public-service law firms are quite happy to litigate the results, but never the root causes of tyranny, for it means lifetime employment for them to fight never-ending criminality.

In writing this article, I am cognizant of the fact that Constitutional references are required, but also that too many words reduce readership and comprehension.

First, we must know the Enemy, and it is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.

We must further accept the cold, hard fact that most elected officials and bureaucrats in all three branches of government are bribed by the ‘woke’ corporations (for the PSRRC) to do their bidding to the detriment of citizens and the world.

The Enemy’s objectives are as simple as they are evil: complete destruction of the Republic, impoverishment and enslavement of the people, depopulation, and total world power.

All of this has been proven by their actions.

Everything that has been done by the PSRRC, in conjunction with their minions in government, was accelerated in 1913, when they replaced tariffs with the income tax and Federal Reserve Bank. It was done to gain power and wealth at the expense of the people.

Evidence is now surfacing that World War Two was caused by the United States and its allies for power and profit.

Since World War Two, we have fought one war after another for the last 77 years, all for profits of the PSRRC, and not one war had anything to do with the national security of the United States! All were “justified” by False Flags.

Our Flag Officers did not win even one of these wars for profit, but they did kill millions of innocent people and destroyed entire countries with our money and in our name..

The Ukraine War is a scam based on False Flags for power and to steal the peoples’ wealth just like all of the lost wars in the last 77 years.

The public treasury is not a piggy bank for the PSRRC’s Criminal Enterprise!

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of our Constitution states “No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.”

The non-government organizations (NGO), government officials and employees, etc., who spend government money on illegal invaders should be aware of the preceding and the following.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: “Treason is adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Illegal Invaders are enemies of the Republic and its citizens!

These last two quotes from the Constitution indicate that we need to put a lot of people in jail. And hang those responsible for framing those who were prosecuted after January 6.

Our ‘courts’ may not do their duty, but revolutionary courts would administer justice!

I am well-aware that a Civil War would end the evil of the PSRRC and their minions, but at great cost and bloodshed, like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I want to do everything I can to prevent a Civil War because it would be like the no-holds-barred “French Reign of Terror” for many of the same reasons.

I think we are on “borrowed time” to prevent a guerrilla war, because it only takes one person out of disaffected millions to attack rulers, and their response would galvanize opposition.

As an Economist, I am convinced that in the near future the government will be unable to support the 50% of the people living off the government, and these dependent people will revolt…just more proof that Communism always fails.

But enough pessimism. Let’s look at some positive solutions.

Remember that we need to correct only a few basic problems that are the root causes for most of our problems with the Criminal Enterprise that rules over us, contrary to the Constitution, Organic Law, Supreme Law of the Land.

In simple terms, the majority of our laws and expenditures are unconstitutional because they don’t have lawful authority derived from the “Enumerated Powers” in our Constitution, or are made by unelected bureaucrats of the Administrative state.

Only the legislature can enact laws, even the unconstitutional ones. See Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of Constitution “The Congress shall have powers to make all laws”. This means also that unelected bureaucrats in the Administrative State can’t modify or write enforceable laws, ie. the ATF and IRS.

The Federal Government has no authority in the states, and can’t spend money in the states!

So they unlawfully usurped power of the states and enacted unconstitutional federal departments to spend money unlawfully in the states. See Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of our Constitution: “To pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States”.

Today, this money is mostly used to promote dependency on government, single-mother families, and Communist programs in inner- city plantations.

It has been reported that 50% of babies in inner – city plantations are aborted, and most that survive will be brainwashed criminals with little education or skills and nothing positive to offer society. Because of this the major Democrat cities are dangerous, filthy hell-holes with major out-migration.

Our major goal is to stop enactments of unconstitutional laws and to revoke those already unlawfully enacted! This will at once eliminate these unconstitutional departments and expenditures: Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, etc, etc.

We would then be able to shut down the unconstitutional, privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank as the most dangerous part of the criminal establishment of the PSRRC. The FBI is the most corrupt part of the government, and must be disbanded, with no employee allowed to work for government again. IRS can be severely downsized. A majority of federal courts can be closed. Foreign Aid would be terminated. American military would not remain on foreign soil without a related declaration of war by Congress.

The only primary powers granted to the federal government (by the States) in the Constitution are for Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Commerce, Treasury, Indian affairs, Currency, and misc.

The powers of the states are almost unlimited, while the federal government’s powers are severely limited by our Country’s creation documents. Think about that.

The present situation could have been prevented if only the courts had not been compromised and refused to hear cases, or by saying “No Standing”.

As a current example of a related problem, SCOTUS recently reversed itself on Abortion and Affirmative Action because there was nothing in the Constitution to justify it. Now the ignorant and venal members of Congress are trying to pass a law supporting abortion, with no authority from the Constitution! Another illegal law in the making…

The courts can still redeem themselves by hearing every case presented to them that question the constitutionality of laws. Proper findings would stop the criminal enterprises dead. Is there any easier solution?

If the courts continue to refuse to act, a Constitutional amendment could quickly solve the problem.

Simply by requiring SCOTUS to rule on the constitutionality of all laws, past and present. This would be a good time politically to pass an amendment. I say this based on a report by Michael Snyder in Lew Rockwell’s site on July 8, 2023. He stated that “one party controls entire legislatures in all but two states”.

Article 5 of our Constitution states that 2/3 of state legislators can call for an amendment but 3/4 have to approve it.

I am under no illusions. The Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their minions will do everything in their power (threats and bribes) to stop it. Remember what they did and are doing to President Trump because be wanted to use tariffs to protect middle-class workers and replace the income tax. This would dramatically impact profitability of PSRRC overseas plants. I hope that these faux rulers who have no support for their actions in the Constitution realize their vulnerability if they force us into a Civil or Guerrilla War.

I want to leave you with one thought: elections alone will not solve the problem. You know the root causes of our deprivations. Demand lawful obedience to our Constitution!

God Bless You and Our Republic

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Was it Payoffs or Cowardice by Union Leaders Who Didn’t Use Tariffs to Protect Workers?

Andrew Wallace

July 12, 2023

When effective tariffs are used, it is impossible for a foreign manufacturer with cheaper labor costs to compete with an American company in the United States.

You need only look at our history of rapid growth until 1913, when tariffs were being used to protect American workers and to finance the government without income taxes. Period.

Union leaders were not the only ones involved in destroying American manufacturing and middle class jobs.

But the leaders were directly responsible for protecting the workers who elected them, and they failed. Because of this failure, millions of middle-class workers were fired, and thousands of American cities and towns and businesses were decimated.

I say this because the ultimate power and enemy of the People is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families.

The PSRRC controls the ‘woke’ corporations that benefit from off-shoring their manufacturing. They did this with full knowledge that they were impoverishing the people and the American workers…and they didn’t give a damn!

We can pretty much write off both parties in Congress for any good works for the people they supposedly represent, because they will do what the PSRRC pays (read bribe or blackmail!) them to do!

It is easy to understand the agenda of the PSRRC and their ‘woke’ corporations, because power and money is their only motivation and there is not a patriotic bone in any of them!

Both parties in Congress are mostly cowards or are corrupt, with no loyalty to the people who elected them to protect their rights. They are serial liars.

Most legislation is unconstitutional, which is why the majority of the federal government is fake, and is the major criminal enterprise on the planet!

For absolute proof of this statement, I refer you to the “Enumerated Powers” in Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

When you compare labor leaders to the rest of the power structure, you wonder why they don’t perform to the full extent of the power that they were expected to exercise. It is obvious they are not using their position to the maximum advantage of their members. Labor leaders should be in close contact with their members and fight for their rights, as none of the other power centers have that advantage. Labor leaders can strike, boycott, and combine their power to deny business to the opposition. Labor unions should grow and demonstrate their awesome powers, publicly and continuously.

Unions have continued to lose membership because they allowed most of their middle- income jobs to go overseas. If they don’t have members, they don’t have the delegated powers they are given to protect their members.

The PSRRC and their ‘woke’ corporations using the ‘authority’ of fake federal agencies have enormous power (even through much is unconstitutional). Note their unconstitutional actions during the Covid scam, FBI’s habit of framing those who oppose their crimes, the assassination of President Kennedy, etc, etc.

Even through much of federal government is a criminal enterprise, it still has the power and the guns.

But I maintain that Unions can be a more powerful adversary than the other players when American jobs are at stake. Politicians never do anything good for anyone, but the union represents food on the table. This gives the union real power. When I was a State Trooper,  I remember the coal miners strikes in Eastern Kentucky; those people were not sissies and they got the fair treatment they wanted and deserved.

Maybe too many Union Leaders are now college graduates (snowflakes) and don’t know how to fight for their people.

Union people seem to think that the Democrat party is the same one my grandfather supported…it is not! Unions can trust neither party. It is possible that Union Leaders are now just as corrupted by the ‘woke’ corporations as those in Congress.

Labor leaders have the power to save this country, if they are patriots and have balls!

Labor leaders have no excuse for allowing ‘woke’ corporations to manufacture overseas, taking away the livelihood of American workers.

If I were a younger man, I would work for a union because that is the future solution to many of today’s problems. I would organize it down to the last member. There would be constant interaction with members, and recruiting would be objective number one. We would have a modern office specializing in public relations. We would have investigators to keep the government as honest as possible, or, failing that, an eye for an eye.

God Bless You and Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Probabilities and Brutal Reality, Based upon Experience and History

Andrew Wallace

July 8, 2023

People with a modicum of education and knowledge would agree that our present situation is similar to the fall of Rome.

The similarities are frightening: currency was debased, military was weakened, people were on the dole, corruption was rampant, crime was uncontrolled, citizenship had no value, enemies were at the gates, and people abandoned the cities.

Our founders learned from Rome that a Democracy always fails; it is mob rule.  As a result, we are believed to be living in a Republic, where democracy only means the right to vote in fair elections, with the benefits and protection of our Constitution.

We don’t live in a Democracy (MOB RULE) and never did!

We know, from our own revolutionary war and history in general, that it is always a small group of agitators that instigate initial confrontations that provoke the rulers to retaliate, which in turn unites the larger group to action.

Our population is divided into two basic groups. One group believes in our Constitution and the Rule of Law, while the other is brainwashed and ignorant of its contents, and lives off the government dole or crime. But 50% of the population, comprising both groups, are supported by government, one way or another.

Among other things, Communism requires an ignorant, dependent population without religion, education, or families. This is an apt description of our inner-city populations in Democrat-controlled cities, is it not?

Our founders left Europe to escape their cities; now our Democrat cities are worse than historic European cities ever were, and a mass exodus is now in progress.

The United States is a land of dichotomies, the most important being that half the population wants to be free, and the other half is content to be dependent, ignorant slaves molded by propaganda.

It is difficult to get a dependent population to demand its rights from the rulers, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), but if for any reason the government can no longer support them, these people WILL revolt.

This is a real and dangerous reality predicted for the near future.

Our Constitution is the ONLY lawful justification for all government, but a majority of our federal government has no legal authority or support in our Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.

In other words, a majority of government is fake and a criminal enterprise!

If you need proof, simply compare the present structure, actions, and expenditures of the federal government to the lawful “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution in Article 1 Section 8.

In simple terms, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) are wealthy billionaire families who control the directors of ‘woke’ corporations to create cultural conflicts and bribe every member of government in both parties in all three branches.

Their objective is simple: the destruction of the United States to make way for their New World Order and Great Reset.

Most of us pray for a fair election that will turn things around, but we know that is IMPOSSIBLE unless we elect representatives that are NOT DEPENDENT on the PSRRC for campaign money and bribes.

President Trump is the only man who fits the bill with proven ability, and is certainly not dependent; in fact he is HATED by the PSRRC because he will expose and destroy their criminal enterprises!

Some people don’t like him because his language is plain spoken and of the common people. The PSRRC and their wholly-owned media have smeared and framed Trump longer and more aggressively than any other man in history, causing the ignorant, dependent  Democrats to hate him.

I have been a Patriot writer for 15 years and I have never been able to convert even one brainwashed Democrat…not even family members!

Mostly, these deceived minions won’t even talk to you. They will only be receptive to the truth when they are starving, and experts forecast that, too, in the near term.

In the meantime, it is total stupidity to give them resources to destroy you!

Don’t invest in or buy from ‘woke’ corporations that advocate BS such as the ‘Trans’ garbage, white racism, DEI (Diversity-Equity-Inclusion), and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). These corporations don’t support you or the Republic, and do not deserve your patronage!

The PSRRC and its Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations are doing everything to impoverish the people and to destroy everything…and I do mean everything! Think food production, monetary system, Social Security,  Medicare, Medicaid, criminal justice system, police protection, city-state-federal services, and etc, etc.

Illegal invaders who speak no English, have no skills or education and bring only diseases, crimes, and dependence, represent a dangerous element to our society. Citizens already resent them for their superior claim on scarce resources and government largess. I can imagine blood in the streets when invaders are fighting citizens over almost non-existent food supplies. Can’t you?

Your only option is to pray for the election of an INDEPENDENT President and become as independent of the system as possible with defensive weapons and ammunition (shotguns and AR-15s), food, medications, and emergency supplies.

Many people maintain that God is our only salvation, if we do our part, and I agree with them.

GOD Bless You and Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Income Taxes Replaced Tariffs to Screw the People and Destroy Millions for Profits

By Andrew Wallace

July 5, 2023

Tariffs financed a rapidly-growing and prosperous country…until they were replaced by Income Taxes, assisted by the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
Starting in 1913, we were on the road to hell, controlled by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families.

Millions lost their jobs without the protection of tariffs. We suffered a Great Depression due to Federal Reserve Bank actions, with the transfer of the people’s resources to the wealthy. Millions of people in foreign countries were killed, or lost everything, due to our wars- for-profit of the PSRRC. Our currency was debased from gold to fiat paper, promoting inflation and to finance wars-for-profit. Powers of the states were usurped by federal government to better steal peoples assets. Most laws (actions and expenditures) of federal government agencies are unconstitutional, as are Federal expenditures in states and for foreign aid. Schools, universities, and media have the primary function of brainwashing the public. Many (if not most) elections are fraudulent, and both parties in all three branches of government have been bribed. “We the People” no longer have representation in government and our Rights are not protected. We have a two-tier “justice” system, with “justice” only for the criminal bureaucrats and their minions. Millions of criminal invaders are being imported and supported at the expense of citizens, etc, etc, etc. Treason is found at every level of government.

Do I have to tell anyone that all of the preceding is unconstitutional-unlawful, and has been done contrary to the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution?

In other words, the criminals that did and are doing these things have no legal right to do them; they only have the barrels of many guns and control all three branches of government (the majority of which is fake).

Our ignorant ‘rulers’, the PSRRC, threaten the people with F-16s as if the people would confront the military directly.

Americans are armed to the teeth and would use guerrilla warfare on a massive scale if it came to that. No military has ever defeated a determined guerrilla force in the field.

Income taxes don’t benefit Americans…they only allow the PSRRC to wage no-win wars for profit, and manipulate the fiat dollar to enrich the PSRRC at the expense of the people.

Military flag officers have not won a war in 75 years, and not one war was fought to protect the vital security interests of the United States. The result of these ‘wars’ was that the PSRRC made a lot of money, millions of people were killed, and countries destroyed. These wars, like the Ukraine war, were ‘justified’ only by False Flag events and fake news (propaganda).

The truth about World War Two is now being revealed, revealing that we and our allies were at fault for starting it. Who is surprised by this?

Overwhelming proof of the preceding is contained in “America Has Suffered A Coup” by Paul Craig Roberts in on June 15, 2023. His article refers to research and writings by Ron Unz, David Irving, A.J.P Taylor and Harry Elmer Barnes. Read this and learn the real truth about WW Two.

It is imperative that you understand why tariffs are so important to our freedoms and prosperity.

They keep jobs in the country at the middle- income wage level, and they finance government. Income taxes only finance Communist activities by Government, corruption, and wars for profit, etc.

Our real enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), using fake government functions and authority to suck the blood from Americans!

Their dirty work is carried out by the ‘woke’ corporations and bribed officials in both parties in all three branches of government.

We have the greatest Constitution in history, but those in government do not follow it. They are ruling us with zero authority and raw power, the result of generations of mis-education and propaganda.

I pity those who live in the filth, degradation, and danger of the Democrat-controlled cities. But they could move away…

May God Bless You and Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Why are Woke Corporations Not Acting to Benefit the People, or this Republic?

Andrew Wallace

June 23, 2023

No—-Corporations are not the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).
However, they are the paymasters for government officials, based on orders from the Establishment, aka the PSRRC.

‘Woke’ corporations are controlled by directors elected by the PSRRC to do their dirty work. Don’t forget that their stock is also owned by pension funds, 401Ks, and individual private investors.

The Establishment’s ‘Woke’ corporations are, never the less, Enemies of the People!

‘Woke’ Corporations are run by incompetents, crooks, and cowards with no loyalty to their stockholders, to the public, or to the Republic. In simple terms, they have repudiated the free enterprise concepts of a corporation that allows them to function in a republic. Corporate officers and directors have a fiduciary duty and responsibility to their corporation…and to their shareholders!

Their primary objective must be to increase corporate value and profits for shareholders. What other motive would encourage investors?

If a minority of shareholders with another agenda resembling a ‘death wish’ gains control of a corporation through its directors, it is the responsibility of the corporate officers to refuse to follow the director’s orders. Otherwise, the officers should be liable for damages to shareholders, as they had breached their fiduciary duties to represent the best interests of their shareholders.

Corporate conduct such as buying back their own stock, financing Antifa and BLM to burn and loot, support of political parties, bribing officials of both parties, and promoting destruction of the Republic by funding insane concepts such as the ‘Trans’ garbage, DEI (Diversity-Equity-Inclusion), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), white racism, Critical Race Theory, are anti-American and have a very negative effect on profits, our standard of living, and stock value.

These expenditures are theft from the corporation, its minority stockholders, and its customers.

The ‘woke’ narrative is that 10-20% of population are experiencing ‘gender dysphoria’…it is actually only ½ of 1% who are so diagnosed! Promoting ‘trans’ material has alienated 99.5 % of the population. In surveys, college students believe, because of brainwashing, that 50% of population is black when it is only 13%. Some companies that have learned the hard way are L.L.Bean, Bud Light, Starbucks, Nike, Chick-Fil-A, Addidas, Kohls, Disney, Fox, etc.

L.L.Bean is different as it is private, not a public corporation, owned by descendants of the founders. It proves how privilege and money corrupts the recipients to destroy the founder’s dreams, while giving them a feeling of superiority over average people. Promotion of ‘Trans’ products has besmirched the brand that their founders spent a lifetime building. The brand now has a negative connotation for much of the public. I, for one, will never publicly display the L.L.Bean brand!

“GO WOKE-GO BROKE” also brings on the wrath of stockholders who are looking to be compensated for their losses by the corporate officers and directors who are responsible.

The following announcement by America First Legal says it all.

America First Legal Demands Target Corporation Produce its Books and Records Regarding its Reckless LGBT Political Agenda and the Corporation’s $12 Billion Loss in Market Valuation.

‘Woke’ corporations are getting much of their anti-American, anti-business directions through pressure by these three super-pension-fund consolidators: Black Rock, State Street, and Vanguard.

These three firms control ¼ of global domestic product, about 25 trillion. Black Rock is the world’s largest asset manager. Some red states refuse to do business with them because of their anti-business attitude. I would not do business with any of them.
These funds promote ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) programs, which are supposed to be sustainable investments. That is pure BS.

All they have done is put farmers and small companies out of business, causing starvation and revolution. It is similar to the green-energy and climate-change scams that have only diminished our standard of living. It is clear that this was the objective all along.

The way things are today, you should consider a Gold IRA, with advice from your CPA, to replace 401Ks, some stocks, and bank deposits. The gold should be in your possession. No one can forecast when an event occurs, but needless to say a collapse is expected, and could happen tomorrow. This is not just my opinion, it is the judgment of most reputable non-political economists.

In conclusion, this is a very complex subject, but it is imperative that you know the enemy, which I correctly and descriptively label as the “Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class” (PSRRC).

It is also referred to as the Swamp, Deep State, Establishment, etc, which could be anyone or no one. The “PSRRC” designation describes them best, as they are comprised of wealthy billionaire families who will do anything for power, money, and to control the world. To accomplish their ‘New World Order’ and the ‘Great Reset’ they must destroy the United States so they can continue to profit from the murder of millions.
They use their stock in ‘woke’ corporations to elect corporate directors who order the corporate officers to spend the corporation’s money to bribe, loot, burn, cheat on elections, and promote anti-social programs, etc. Remember that their goal requires destruction of our Republic.

Corporate money is used to bribe every member of government in both parties from all three branches of government that are required for total control. These criminals are protected by a two-tier criminal justice system (why do you think they call it that??), and there can be no justice or remedy allowed for dissenters to access. You know this is true: there is NO JUSTICE!

May God Bless You and Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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San Francisco Is Destroyed! To be Followed by New York, Chicago, Etc.

By Andrew Wallace

June 10, 2023

San Francisco used to be a unique and beautiful city…until it was taken over by Democrats and their Communist associates.

Now it is a destroyed city, paved with human waste, degradation, drug addicts, crime, illegal invaders, homeless tents, and clueless commissars (officials of the communist party) who know not what they have wrought or how to reverse it…even if they so desired.

Since destruction of America is the obvious objective of the Establishment Machine, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), then the commissars are doing their jobs to perfection.

My description of San Francisco applies to New York, Chicago, Portland, and all large Democratic, Communist cities. San Francisco is just slightly further along in the process of destruction.

A large dose of law and order with zero tolerance for violations, along with moving the human debris to camps, could help to solve the problems they have wrought.

But those in charge would not allow it. The stupid snowflakes in these cities will wring their hands until they are in the face of death at the hands of the monsters they created.

In simple terms, these cities are in a Death Spiral that can’t be reversed for decades, if at all. Let’s look at the facts.

Millions of people are deserting these cities, depleting their tax base, and reducing the production of goods and services. Federal funds paid to non-producers increases inflation.

Most importantly, their anti-police and pro- criminal actions have deprived citizens of protection, and forced retailers to leave the cities. These idiots want to use social workers rather than police to solve family disputes, which is one of the most dangerous assignments in police work.

These Democrat, Communist cities have deprived their people of a proper and useful education, and brainwashed them to be dependent and lawless Communists.

The problem with a dependent population is that the funding comes from federal government taxes on working Americans, which is unconstitutional and unlawful, and can be terminated by congress or the courts.

Families and religion are the keys to prosperity. But the Communists are solidly against both, which is why 70% of the mothers are single, and 50% of the babies are aborted.

The result is a high level of unemployment, with most young people hopelessly dependent on the government and crime.

Then we unlawfully add millions of illegal invaders who don’t speak English, have no education or skills, and bring only diseases and crime.

Being almost totally dependent, they are bankrupting hospitals, school districts and cities. In New York, they are given hotel rooms which they trash, three meals a day, medical care, and are now replacing Americans on the organ transplant list. Reports are that many invaders are dangerous people and citizens are fearful of them.. Do not forget that the invaders are also degrading all federal programs including welfare, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare.

Tourism used to be an important source of income for the major cities, but no more. Hotels, gyms, and every available space is now being used to shelter and feed illegal invaders. Is this not treason?

Who wants to visit an ugly, dangerous hell- hole to be attacked by “entitled” criminals where, if you defend yourself, YOU go to jail?

Money is not the solution, but without money there is no solution. No one in their right mind would invest in the Democrat cities. The tax base is rapidly eroding. Vacant buildings are a liability. Public services can’t be adequately funded. Police protection does not exist for large areas. Police professionals are moving to Red states for decent working conditions, safety, and more money. Cities are financed by taxes, fees and the federal government. But Federal Government expenditures in the cities and states are unconstitutional, and subject to termination at any time.

The loss of federal welfare would convert a large percentage of the city into a starving and homeless population.

Even if there were jobs, most of these people don’t want to work…and never have.

When I was teaching, I had a project to teach the unemployed to sell appliances.

They all did a good job in class, and I got them employment. But they all failed because they wouldn’t get up to go to work!

To be viable, a city must have honest and intelligent elected officials, an educated population that wants to work, businesses that hire people, a tax base, and a safe place to live with proper services and police protection.

None of this will be possible in less than twenty or thirty years, and then only if the children are properly educated, and have religion and families. Today’s young people in the cities are mostly beyond redemption.

We should finance the federal government with tariffs that would generate good middle-class jobs (as in the past) and eliminate need for income tax. If we retained the income tax, we should give it to the states to compensate them for performing the state functions unlawfully and unconstitutionally usurped by the federal government.

May God Bless You And Our Republic

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

To Vote for a President Who Can’t Prove His Independence from “The Establishment” is Voting for Civil War!

By Andrew Wallace

June 3, 2023

It is imperative that voters understand the critical importance of electing a president who is independent of “The Establishment”, what I refer to in more descriptive terms as the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class,(PSRRC).

I will explain this problem by comparing the circumstances of Governor Ron DeSantis to those of President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was the only president in more than 100 years to be independent of the PSRRC.

Because he was independent and could not be controlled, he was hated by the PSRRC and their minions in government, who did everything to destroy him. No man in history was so continually vilified, smeared and framed for years in every possible way in all media, so that the average Democrat sees him as Satan. His presidency was crippled by BOTH political parties, military flag officers, and government employees who were loyal to the PSRRC and not to the Republic!

The reason for this hatred was simple. Most of the people in the federal government are in the pocket of the PSRRC, which hated President Trump because he was ending their reign of theft, power, and impoverishment of the people, for the first time in over 100 years.

President Trump had the knowledge, education, and balls to do what had to be done to return the Republic to the people at the expense of the PSRRC.

President Trump was no saint, but neither was he corrupt. He speaks the language of men. As a wealthy man, he was a magnet for the wiles of women.

The proven keys to our prosperity and the viability of our Constitutional Republic are:

  1. Return to constitutional tariffs that would replace income tax and protect American wages at any level from imports of foreign products.
  2. Close borders and deport all illegal invaders.
  3. End wars for profit of the PSRRC.
  4. End the climate scam.
  5. End the “green energy” scam and promote the sensibility of fossil fuels.
  6. End all unconstitutional federal departments, and return usurped functions back to the states.
  7. Terminate the unconstitutional privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank.
  8. Force the federal government to function and spend in compliance with its Enumerated Powers under the Constitution.
  9. The federal government must terminate ALL expenditures in the states, as they are unconstitutional.
  10. Terminate the corrupt and lawless FBI.
  11. Return to gold and silver money as specified in the Constitution, to end inflation and financial corruption.
  12. Congress must cease passing laws that don’t comply with the Enumerated Powers, and terminate existing non-compliant laws.

Now let’s look at Governor Ron DeSantis, a most popular Florida governor who has done many good things to benefit the people. None of his actions, except perhaps his tiff with Disney, should cause the PSRRC any concern. As a governor he could take no actions on most of the key points that the PSRRC would find objectionable. But he certainly could promise to take action when elected, and he has not. Such actions would reduce his financial support by the PSRRC. Many of us have noticed that the left-wing media has supported and promoted every move that he has taken for years. Most importantly, he has failed to kick the unconstitutional federal departments out of his state. Nor has he promised to terminate these fake federal departments if elected president. These departments represent a significant power base for the PSRRC. Where is he getting his funding? Where do you think!

I doubt that Governor DeSantis can prove his independence from The Establishment, the PSRRC. So a vote for him would be a vote for civil war, as his election would change nothing, and millions of people would be counting on his election as a last hope to restore lawful government. When the People have lost hope, they have nothing left to lose…and the Founding Documents will dictate future conduct. Who can doubt this scenario?

The information in this paper is as correct and truthful as I could make it. But it will have been a waste of time if readers don’t use it to hold any candidate’s feet to the fire. Please forward to your friends. Our survival as a nation depends on this understanding, and taking the appropriate actions.

In simple terms, if any political candidates will not agree to take the required actions, then don’t vote for them! For if you do, you are voting for Civil War. The logic is pure and simple.

May God Bless You and Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Enforcing Constitutional “Enumerated Powers” Will End Major Government Crimes!

Andrew Wallace

May 27, 2023

A majority of our federal government and its actions are unconstitutional. PERIOD.

There are a multitude of legal organizations that make their living from donations for fighting the many “results” of government’s failure to comply with the Enumerated Powers set forth in Article 1 Section 8. Of course, if they were effective in enforcing the “Enumerated Powers”, they could no longer make a living on the countless results of government’s unlawful non-compliance.

Make no mistake, a legal and legitimate federal government must comply with the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.

In the case of the United States, we know that a majority of the federal government is fake, and operates outside of our Constitution with no authority other than the barrel of a gun.

I can see no way for a return to a Constitutional Republic while our entire government consists of corrupt and cowardly employees, while the people remain dependent.

Economic reality dictates that the people will remain in need, but the government’s ability to control them by continued handouts for all purposes, including Social Security, will cease.

If the “checks and balances” built into the federal system would have functioned to the minimal extent of an honest federal police and judiciary, this usurpation of our Republic would not have been possible.

The primary cause of the destruction of our Republic is the failure to restrict federal government powers to those specified in the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.

The only primary powers granted to the federal government (by the States) in the Constitution are Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Commerce, Treasury, Indian affairs, Currency, and misc.

But the federal government ignores these restrictions to the extent that the majority of the federal government is unlawful and fake.

As an example, the following federal departments and related agencies are unconstitutional and fake: Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. This is the tip of the iceberg.

In simple terms, the federal government can lawfully pass no law or spend a dime that does not comply with the Enumerated Powers. Of course, they ignore this Constitutional requirement. There would be no “debt-ceiling” crisis to deal with if they lawfully complied.

Every patriot I know has been trying to solve this problem without success. They have attempted every legal recourse available in the Constitution without satisfaction. I misspoke… there are other approved, even recommended, options under the founding documents to be used as a last resort.

You need only look at the major Democrat cities to observe the rapid decline in public safety and quality of life to determine that the end is near. The cost of millions of illegal invaders to the cities is the final straw for the cities. When you combine the existing crime with the predicted major depression, it is impossible for the Democratic cities to remain viable. And it will trickle down to affect us all.

A major depression and currency debasement will destroy the federal government’s ability to unconstitutionally subsidize the Communist cities with taxes from working Americans.

The ultimate cause and beneficiary of the destruction of the United States is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, and education.

Make no mistake, these people who constructed a Big Machine to suck out your life’s blood are the enemy!

May God Bless You And Our Constitutional Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Both Parties in Congress are Hopelessly Corrupt, Unlawfully Spending Our Money

By Andrew Wallace

May 16, 2023

Brutal words, I know, but absolutely true! With very few exceptions, our elected officials have been bribed to destroy the American People and our Culture.

They do this by transferring the peoples’ hard- earned wages to the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.

To give you a visceral understanding of the Enemy, let me quote the following from Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary:

“The arrest of Trump has the single purpose of establishing for all time that the American Elite who rule will not tolerate a President who represents the people and not themselves.”

President Trump is far from perfect. But he is certainly not the man falsely-portrayed by left-wing media, vilified, lied about, framed and constantly persecuted with bogus charges. Is it any wonder that the ignorant masses have been brainwashed to hate him?

President Trump (warts and all) is the first and only President with the knowledge, courage and proven ability to return us to prosperity and our Constitutional Republic.

Trump was returning our country to the use of tariffs (which increases jobs and eliminates need for income tax), stopped wars for profit, closed the borders, was bringing the troops home, increased living standards of the people, was returning us to Constitutional Law, etc. The Communists should be well-aware that we patriots know these facts!

To accomplish total domination, the PSRRC has constructed a “Big Blood-Sucking Machine” to rule us by the barrel of a gun, without any connection to our Constitution.

Remember, the Constitution is the “Supreme Law Of The Land.” How are they screwing us? Let me elaborate on the major treason that allows them to rob us blind and murder millions. Yes, I know that the Constitution specifies that you can only be charged with treason for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. But I maintain that our elected officials and bureaucrats have done more than that.

First, Congress passed unconstitutional laws to form unlawful departments, agencies and organizations, concentrating power in an unlawful “Big Blood-Sucking Machine” funded unlawfully with taxes, with no lawful authority for its existence.

The best known of these fake government organizations are Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and, of course, the most destructive of all, the Federal Reserve Bank.

These fake laws, departments, agencies, etc., allowed the PSRRC to concentrate power, unlawfully fund their Communist plantations with taxes from working Americans, launder money unlawfully, murder millions and impoverish the people. If this is not treason , what is?

But another evil and insidious part of the fake government is that Congress unconstitutionally gave these un-elected bureaucrats (the Administrative State) the power to make and enforce edicts with the power of law.

The Constitution (which is the only lawful authority) states that the federal government can only spend money that is authorized by the Enumerated Powers. Maybe only 20-30% of public expenditures is spent lawfully!

The “Enumerated Powers” restricts them to expenditures and actions related ONLY to Defense, Immigration, Foreign Relations, Commerce, Post Office, Post Roads, Indian Affairs, Currency and misc.

The Big Blood-Sucking Machine consisting of all the illegal departments and unlawful employees is not a part of our constitutional (lawful) government and has no authorization to spend your money! I call this treason!

The Federal Government can’t lawfully spend your money on foreign aid, undeclared wars, state responsibilities such as welfare, medical care, housing, policing etc, and financial support of illegal invaders or legal immigrants, etc., etc.

Note that the Constitutional restrictions of the Enumerated Powers prohibit the federal government from spending money in the states!

Otherwise, the federal government could control the states with money, as it mostly does now because governors are bribed to ignore their Constitutional Responsibilities.

Presidential Executive orders have no authority in the states and must also comply with the Enumerated Powers! Executive Orders apply ONLY to federal employees and agencies. The president and the courts have no lawful authority to make laws.

Only the legislature can pass laws. Publius Hulda, one of my favorite Constitutional Experts said the following in her Blog:

“Furthermore, all pretended regulations made by the ATF are also unconstitutional as in violation of Art. I, Sec. 1, U.S. Constitution, which vests ALL legislative powers granted by the Constitution in CONGRESS. Executive agencies have no lawful authority whatsoever to make rules or regulations of general application to The People!”

If you apply what Publius Hulda just said to all the unconstitutional laws, the unlawful departments listed above, the unlawful actions taken against citizens, the unlawful expenditures, you must correctly determine that an estimated 70-80% of the Beast that rules over us is but an “Unconstitutional Big Blood-Sucking Machine”. The worker robots are just ignorant and unlawful employees. The bureaucrats and those in Congress who voted for the unlawful departments and unlawfully funded them are simply guilty of treason. These are the same people who will be rewarded by the PSRRC for their treason.

Congress continues to enact unconstitutional laws and spend our money to unlawfully enrich the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.

When anyone brings these actions to the Supreme Court (SCOTUS), many times the response is to refuse to hear the case because of “Lack of Standing”.

I have been told that a majority of lawyers and judges are democrats who have no knowledge of Organic law, little about legislative law and were only taught common law (case Law) which is based on the Bible.

I was admonished in my early days as a trooper never to refer to the Constitution (Organic Law) before a judge unless I wanted to be laughed out of court.

What I am pointing out is that many lawyers and the judiciary have little respect for, or knowledge of the organic laws. To them law is what the judge says it is. Which, of course, is false.

Since most of the money for bribes comes from our ‘woke’ corporations, a little explanation is required.

Our large corporations are ‘woke’ because their stock is controlled by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class, the wealthy families who care not a whit for the success of the corporation or the country. If this was not so, they would not have fought against tariffs that would have allowed them to continue manufacturing in the United States, with a viable middle class of consumers. They would not have promoted LGBT or Transgenderism with negative results for corporate sales (ie. Bud Light, Hershey, Jack Daniels). They would not have participated in Financialization, which weakens the corporations and requires government bailouts in lean times. Not to mention their massive support of the Communist BLM and Antifa thugs who burned and looted our cities. I must also remind you that the small retail competitors that were not burned out were closed while the big box stores remained open during the Scamdemic.
God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Your Life Will Be Destroyed When Government Can’t Borrow or Print Money With Value!

By Andrew Wallace

May 23, 2023

Half of the population, one way or another, is being supported by the government. But that must stop when government can no longer borrow or print money that has any value.

Those two circumstances can happen at any time, and when they do, we will sink into a worldwide depression of starvation and destruction of terrible proportions. Which, of course, is the objective of the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families, to make way for their Great Reset and New World Order.

The PSRRC wants to rule us as slaves, or dead (Covid Vaccine and Depopulation).

They really don’t care if we are slaves or dead.

One of the few advantages of being 89 years old is that you don’t have to rely on questionable reports by serial liars in academia, government, or media for their interpretation of recent history, because you have lived it!

When I left the military in the fifties, we had a middle class; a couple could buy a home and a car, and the wife would not have to work.

You could buy a new car for $2,000, and you were safe with adequate law enforcement. Our cities were not dangerous, ugly hell-holes ruled by Communists, and are now populated by some decent people, terrorized by ignorant thugs, dependent on the government, with inadequate police protection.

As a State Trooper in the fifties, my orders were to kill the people with kindness, but if necessary to protect my life or the lives of others, to kill the perpetrators.

There is no substitute for Law and Order with Equal Justice, which we don’t have in the Communist cities or with the federal government (most of which is fake and unconstitutional). The cities will not be safe until they shoot looters on sight; the same goes for invaders at the border.

For many people to understand the serious nature of our problem, I need to relate a little history and economics.

Remember, you are broke if you have no money, or if the money you have is worthless.

In December of 1957, I could buy an ounce of gold for $344; gold now sells for about $2,000 an ounce, which makes it a store of value (also it is Constitutional money). If I purchased a product for $1 in 1957, that same product would cost me $30.49 today, an increase of 2,948.8%. Please understand that the “purchasing power” of gold remains relatively stable, but the price of gold in dollars fluctuates. In simple terms, you lose $1 in purchasing power out of every $6 you earn, due to inflation.

Inflation and taxes are impoverishing you and transferring much of your wealth to the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

This has been going on for more than 70 years, and explains why your families had accumulated little to pass on to you. The PSRRC has taken it.

Lenin said to raise prices by “increasing money supply inflation”, which would destroy economic freedom.

If the Communists in power can destroy the currency, they will destroy the basis of society. DESTRUCTION OF THE COUNTRY IS THE ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE OF THE PSRRC.
Alexander Tyler said that “Democracy can exist until the people discover that they can live off of the government”. Of course, this is what is happening in the Communist cities, where they are being unconstitutionally funded with tax money from those who work.

We are a Republic, and “democracy” only means the right to vote. Otherwise, democracy alone is mob rule, and fails every time. Just like Communism always results in dictatorship.

As an Economist and student of the Constitution, I am well aware of the treason being committed against the United States by the PSRRC, ‘woke’ corporations, elected officials, bureaucrats of the administrative state, judges, military flag officers, and all good communists in the education system.

The Constitution says that treason is giving aid to the enemy. Hell, these people ARE the enemy, and should be dealt with accordingly!

We must have a middle-class again, with a living wage. That can be done quickly by re-instituting tariffs (as Trump started) that protect the wages of American workers, and replace the income tax.

Tariffs make it impossible for imports to undersell American- made products. It is not now being done because of the greedy anti-Americans in the PSRRC and in their ‘woke’ corporations.

Of course, the millions of illegal invaders must be quickly deported at any cost; few speak English, most have no education or skills, and bring only crime, disease, and dependence.

It is unconstitutional…and treason!…to spend tax money to support illegal invaders!

When everything goes to hell in a hand basket, the millions of illegal invaders will be fighting Americans in the streets over scarce resources. There will be blood in the streets. Did the Democrats open the borders for voters, or for an opposition army, or both?

If you live in the states, tell Biden and his fellow travelers to stuff their executive orders, for they have absolutely no authority in the states. Executive Orders apply only to federal government employees and contractors!

It is time for people to stand up for themselves and the Constitution!

If that was not enough, the straw that breaks the back of our economy is the following: A group of ignorant, greedy SOBs in government decided to cause a war in Ukraine.

This is insane, as Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe, and Russia has largest supply of nuclear weapons in the world. The PSRRC in DC is pushing this war so they can get richer. Then, they foolishly decided to put economic controls on Russia and freeze their assets.

The result was that Russia’s economy increased and ours decreased (both Europe and the United States). The imbeciles in our government are as ignorant as a box of rocks.

These actions caused a cascade of negative events for our economy. What little trust that other countries had was eroded, and they formed other economic unions in opposition to our world currency. In simple terms, others will not buy our government debt to absorb some of our “money” printed out of thin air.

This reduces government’s ability to fund no- win wars for profit, and unlawful welfare programs for votes. It also lowers our standard of living.

The icing on the cake is that this causes stock and bond prices to decline, which causes banks to fail. The FDIC is a joke; they shot their wad on only two bank failures, and violated the law when they did it.

In other words, the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank can either print more money, causing our currency to be worthless, or it can reduce the interest rate. But it can’t win, because of money coming home from other countries, thanks to government’s stupidity with Russia.

I don’t ask anyone to violate the few laws that are legitimate; I only beg you to obey the Constitution and to ignore and refute the many unconstitutional laws!

You must also demand that your government officials do the same. History teaches that, otherwise, you could have a French Reign of Terror. We are well into the conditions that brought on the French Reign of Terror.

You must know your Enemy. And your real Enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families who direct the ‘woke’ corporations to take anti-American actions to the detriment of the people and our republic.

‘Woke’ corporations bribe our officials, promote wars for profit, pay Antifa and BLM to burn our cities and their competitors, destroyed our middle-class by outsourcing, opened borders for cheap labor, promoted anti-God and anti-American propaganda with transgenderism, and manipulated fiat money to impoverish the people.  [Read the 125 year old history book “The Coming Battle” predicting how large corporations will enslave the American people, published in 1899.]

To the extent possible, you should not invest in, buy from, work for, or associate with ‘woke’ corporations, or those who do! ‘Woke’ corporations are the Enemy.

God Bless You And the Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Cities are Incubators for the Ignorant and Violent Communists

By Andrew Wallace

May 6, 2023

It is unconstitutional and unlawful for the federal government to use our tax money (distributed through their unlawful departments) to fund the indolent and violent Communists in the cities!

States can lawfully fund their Communist cities if they have the money, but it is unconstitutional for the federal government to do so.

The major Democratic cities are now dangerous, ugly Communist Hell-Holes with no redeeming value to America.

Even if these cities had value to the country, which they don’t, it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to fund them. Communism will soon run out of other people’s  tax money by bankrupting Americans who work in other states, if we don’t stop them.

Communism will not permit private property rights, freedom, religion, or families.

Communists want everyone to live in cramped and dangerous high-rise apartments, use public transportation, own nothing, and be totally dependent on them. This is exactly what is being done in the Communist-ruled cities.

It makes my blood boil when I see thousands of young black people (called “teens”!) destroying cities, looting, burning and attacking people with no reason or penalty!

Only the ignorant would visit these cities where, if attacked, they will put you in jail for defending yourself. Major food and chain stores can’t afford to remain in the cities, so where will the people get food?

When the expected Economic Collapse occurs, there will be no way to get anything into the cities.

This is the result of inadequate schools, brainwashing, no ethics or morals, no guidance from a family, no sense of responsibility. But what else can be expected when 70% of inner-city blacks have single mothers (many only 15 years old) who have babies for government checks and independence .  Black men are obliging, since they pay for nothing and believe that if girls are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed. It has become their culture. Anyway, 50% of black babies are aborted. Now you know why the Democrats want legal abortion to satisfy those who act as their lab rats.

Is it any wonder that blacks comprise only 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes?

It is simply because many live under Communism and have no knowledge of right and wrong, which doesn’t forgive their conduct. It is why you see mostly black faces in the riots.

If whites made up the majority in the Communist cities, we would be describing them in a similar manner, but as “white trash”.

Make no mistake: I am talking only about the blacks who are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”; some of my best and most-talented friends are black.

The Communist ‘woke’ corporations funded the BLM and Antifa terrorists to riot, loot and burn down their small-business competitors, and to affect the elections! The evidence is overwhelming.

It has been reported that San Francisco lost 49% of its small businesses. Permanently. All of this is part of the plan to impoverish everyone and concentrate control with the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families, their minions in ‘woke’ corporations, and government.

The working people of this country must refuse to allow the government to use unlawful fake departments to unlawfully fund the indolent and despicable Communists in the cities with taxes from all working Americans.

Everyone should know that the federal government can only enact laws and spend money that is allowed by the “Enumerated Powers(Article 1 Section 8).

It is a violation of the United States Constitution for the federal government to spend money in the states. Only the states can spend money in their cities.

Cities are self-proclaimed sanctuaries, and it is unlawful for federal government to fund their legal or illegal immigrants.

States can spend money on illegals if they choose, but the federal government can’t. Federal government can’t spend money on foreign aid. Federal government can’t spend money to finance the fake unconstitutional departments. It is unlawful for Federal government to finance the Ukraine war or commit our troops to combat without a Declaration of War, etc, etc, etc.

As we speak, all of our traitorous members of Congress continue to enact unconstitutional laws and spend our money for purposes not allowed by the Constitution.

The purpose is to enrich themselves and the PSRRC. At some point in the very near future, our economy and government will have to collapse from this unlawful behavior, and government will not be able to stop it. Then our cowardly legislators should run like hell before an honest court tries them for treason.

The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah were Saints compared to the ignorant, violent, brainwashed, and useless criminals in the Communist Inner-City Plantations.

Government officials are ALL traitors and cowards. They should all be prosecuted and deprived of their bribe money and benefits; they are a disgrace!

There is no hope for the Democrat cities because their ignorant residents continue to elect racist Communist demagogues who line their own pockets.

The people continue to kill one another, including the innocent, and destroy the infrastructure.

Red-State Americans can’t stop the lawlessness or the killing in Communist cities, but we damn sure don’t have to pay for it, because it is unconstitutional!

If the Democrat states want an operating Communist government, they should finance it on their own dime. But, as good Communists, they can’t do it without the working people’s money.

Demand that your Governors take back state powers usurped by federal government, and kick unconstitutional federal “fake” departments out of the state and nullify their actions!

If governors refuse, it is because they are bribed.

For details of what federal laws and expenditures are allowed by the ‘Enumerated Powers’ under the Constitution, see my recent articles.

God Bless You and Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Only Fools, Cowards, and Duped Obey the Blood-Sucking Fake Government

By Andrew Wallace

May 2, 2023

Note: I am advocating that people refuse to obey orders from the unlawful and unconstitutional fake government that I call the Blood-Sucking Machine (Machine).

 I am certainly not advocating any negative actions against the little portion of lawful Constitutional Government that still exists.

For the benefit of new readers, I am restating the following:

1- The Blood-Sucking Machine (Machine) was unlawfully constructed by our Enemies, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class, wealthy families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government. The unlawful fake government consists of the following unlawful fake departments, agencies, and their employees, etc:

2- Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and the worst of all, the Federal Reserve Bank.

3- All legitimate federal government “actions and expenditures” are limited by the Enumerated Powers under Article 1 Section 8.

4- All “actions and expenditures” by the fake departments of the Blood-Sucking Machine (Machine) are unlawful and unconstitutional, and should be ignored.

The most serious crime is using these fake departments to unlawfully transfer tax money from those who work to support communist programs and agendas in the cities for the benefit of the mostly-indolent voters!

In simple terms, only Fools, Cowards and the Duped  will support a Machine (fake government) that is impoverishing them as they are walking them down the path to abject slavery and total control.

Thomas Jefferson made this statement that applies to our world even more today: “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

How can people suffer every imaginable ignominy and continue to support the Machine (fake government) that is destroying them and their culture?

Lenin referred to them as “Useful Idiots” for supporting their own enslavement through the  “benefits” of Communism.

I am not asking you to take up arms, but I am asking you to ignore unconstitutional orders from that part of the ruling establishment that is fake, The Machine.

The corrupt FBI won’t like it, but they can go pound sand. It is time that you showed your balls, for I am going to tell you some of the consequences if you don’t.

Based upon what I read (and I read a lot!), it is the consensus of most serious Economists that the Economy is collapsing and MUST TOTALLY COLLAPSE in the near future, and the government is powerless to stop it. The following unlawful and unconstitutional government actions are some of the cause:

Open Borders, Green-energy scam, Climate Scam, Printing Fiat Money (Unconstitutional money rather than gold and silver), Destroying the Oil Industry, Paying able-bodied not to work, Ukraine false Flag, Financing wars to profit the Military Industrial Complex, Democrat cities being destroyed, Usurped State powers concentrated in DC, Electric Vehicle scam, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Reminder: On March 11, 2023, I wroteAll media and government reports on Ukraine are damn lies”.

This has now been totally substantiated with the arrest of Airman Jack Teixeira for releasing classified documents reporting that Ukraine is losing and that NATO troops are fighting on the front lines. Teixeira exposed the truth proving that our government and pentagon officials are bald-faced serial liars, and for that they will hang Airman Teixeira!

I know that most people want to be left alone and do nothing, but that is not a viable option.

You must quickly stand up now and repudiate the Machine (fake government, not the legitimate government!). There is no way that this is a violation of the law, unless you resort to violence or destruction. Put pressure on your governor to use his power to kick the Machine out of your state. Contact your members of Congress and demand that they terminate the Unconstitutional Departments and Agencies that comprise The Machine.

Urgency is required because The Machine is rapidly destroying our economy, our country, and our God-given Rights to a point of no return!

Those who do nothing are de facto supporters of the Machine (fake government). There is no free lunch. History indicates that their situation could be similar to the tens of thousands who remained loyal to King George during and after the Revolutionary war; it was not pretty.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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The Aftermath when “The Machine” (Fake Government) is Gone

By Andrew Wallace

April 28, 2023

I must assume that The Machine (fake government) will be removed by Congress, demands of the people, governors, elections, economic collapse, revolt, or a combination.

Again, this paper is only pointing out obvious methods for removal of The Machine, which consists of the unconstitutional Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and the worst of all, the Federal Reserve Bank. This is the tip of the iceberg.

You will note that I did not include federal law enforcement and the courts as an option to remove the Machine, because they are so corrupt. Even the Supreme Court is complicit.

This is a very complex subject with many ramifications, so let’s concentrate on the “guaranteed economic collapse” over which the government now has no control.

The collapse will result in a Revolt. Noted Economists agree that a collapse is eminent.

Half of the population is supported directly or indirectly by the government (fake and real).

This is both the government’s greatest protection against revolt…and its biggest nightmare.

I say this because if the government fails to deliver effective purchasing power, there will be an instant revolt by their communist supporters, Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”, in the inner-city plantations and universities.

The MAGA Patriots would lose any reservations they might have had, and will defend themselves with deadly force against expected looting and crimes by Communist thugs from the cities. At this point there would be no effective police protection because there is no way to pay them. It is the Wild West, ruled by vigilante enforcers of Law and Righteousness.

Government has no power to stop the inevitable, because they have no ability to stop the total collapse of the economy.

The cupboard is bare; the government is bankrupt. Only the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) still has their ill-gotten gains.

Government officials are viewed with contempt and distrust, and have mostly gone into hiding or have left the country. Remember the fate of supporters of King George during and after the Revolutionary War.

Communities will develop militia units for self- defense, and will attempt to live by the Constitution and God’s laws.

They will form Revolutionary Courts to mete out justice to which actors and officials of The Machine would no longer be immune, as they are now.

Most citizens in “flyover country” are armed to the teeth with ammunition and emergency food.

Without a viable currency, it will be impossible to ship food or anything else into the cities.

Urban populations will attempt to move into rural areas, but will be resisted because they are feared, have nothing positive to offer, and will be perceived as dangerous parasites.

Americans have seen the constant and violent criminal activity of city residents, and they would not be welcome in rural areas. I suggest that they would even be violently opposed.

Only the ignorant and those with no choice had remained in the cities before the collapse.

I am painting a dark picture of life after collapse of the economy and the government, because it will be a disaster of unimaginable magnitude. Commerce will be reduced to gold, silver, and barter. There will be zero government services. Complex medical care and medicines will not be available. Stores and banks will close. There will be little travel. Cell phones and communication may not exist. There will be no food available at any price. Money will be next to worthless, thanks to the Federal Reserve Bank. Credit and debit cards will be useless.

The Communist cities will be killing fields dominated by thugs, burning and looting. These cities would be worse than active war zones.

Nothing will remain but smoking and stripped buildings of no value.

One of the major causes of the economic collapse are the financial conglomerates that produce nothing and have destroyed the American Dream (home ownership and equity) for average Americans. They caused a housing bubble by buying homes and apartments, then leaving them empty for the appreciation they generated.

The Machine (fake government) has the upper-hand only so long as it can continue to pay people off, but that is going to end soon. It is impossible for government to change its course…its agenda is to destroy this country.

In other words, the sooner that The Machine is out of business, the better, for the longer they remain in power, the more economic destruction takes place.

Put another way, “The Warfare-Welfare-Fiat Currency-Communist-Racket” is ending in a disaster of gigantic proportions.

 For a better understanding of the process you should read about the fall of Rome. The similarities of the factors contributing to the collapse of a mature civilization is eye-opening!

Again, I have sacrificed a boatload of details in the favor of brevity and readership. But, I am satisfied that I have given you an accurate presentation of reality.  You can fill in the blanks and modify the forecast as it applies to your local conditions.

God Bless You and Our Constitutional Republic!

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Our Constitution is Unique, Highly Valued and our Most Powerful Asset

By Andrew Wallace

April 15, 2023

Our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, the sole final and ultimate legal authority for all government in the United States. Getting this fact to the American people is the primary purpose of this paper.

It is the greatest document ever written, second only to the Holy Bible. We are the only country in the world to be blessed with the protection of such a document. But we must protect it from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

The Constitution protects our right to keep and bear arms; otherwise we would be slaves like Canadians and Australians, who recently gave up their firearms.

After giving up firearms, they immediately found themselves in a dictatorship. People came to America to escape the wretched life in European cities, and now our cities are more dystopian than in Europe!

Our Constitution protecting the people is despised and hated by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families, and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, and government.

Why? Because they want to rule the world with the “Great Reset”, the New World Order where average people are slaves of the self- proclaimed nobility, as in the past and in other countries.

It is imperative that you understand that our Constitution is the ONLY LEGAL BASIS for government in the United States of America.

The PSRRC, elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, and military flag officers have created a counterfeit façade of our Republic.

I call it the Big Dictatorial Blood-Sucking Machine constructed of all the unlawful actions by courts, elected officials and bureaucrats, of which there are many.

Those who oppose the traitors have every legal right under the founding documents to do so. If only there was an honest law-enforcement agency who could arrest the criminals and an honest court to hear the cases!

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) constructed a completely fake government .

It consisted of unelected law-making bureaucrats (the Administrative State), unconstitutional laws, open borders, two-tier system of justice, unlawful executive orders applied to the states, unlawful expenditure of government funds, unlawful Federal Reserve Bank and currency, wars for profit without Declaration of War, foreign aid, etc, etc, etc.

Concentration of power was the ultimate objective so they could fund countless unlawful activities, steal and control the Communist indolent with money from WORKING Americans.

This was accomplished by constructing unlawful federal departments to transfer money to the PSRRC and the Communists. The most important of these fake departments are: Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. Most people assume that these departments are legitimate and constitutionally-authorized; they are not!

These faux departments are unlawful usurpations of state powers that bribed or cowardly governors refuse to nullify when  they have the power to do so!

It is estimated that 70-80% of federal government is unconstitutional and is sucking the life-blood out of the people to finance wars for profit of the PSRRC.

Most Economists agree that the excesses of the government are on the verge of destroying the economy, productivity, government and related benefits in a “Depression of Soup-Line Magnitude.” Our Communist dictatorship can only survive by stealing from productive workers as long as they exist!

Our current economic situation is rapidly deteriorating to a point where the government can do nothing to prevent absolute and total collapse.

My objective in writing is to make people more aware of the power of the Constitution and how they are being screwed. No one likes to read long articles so I try to keep my writing succinct and interesting. I hope that my writing motivates people to read the work of scholars of the Constitution to learn more details and specifics as a method to survive the coming times. Your Courage, the Constitution and God are the keys to survival! I don’t believe that you can sit on your hands and pray for God to do the heavy lifting without your involvement. Victory requires much more knowledge of the Constitution, and a commitment to enforce it!

I highly recommend the following scholars who write for Publius Huldah, Lex Green, Paul Engel, Devvy Kidd, Edwin Vieira Jr., Jeff Dover, Cliff Kincaid. If you read some of their papers you will be well-prepared to confront our traitors and the ignorant graduates of our brainwashing educational system.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Stop Using Workers’ Taxes to Unlawfully Support the Indolent

By Andrew Wallace

April 8, 2023

Working people are paying income taxes to unconstitutionally support the indolent and thugs in Communist  inner-city plantations.

These Communists include the thugs in Antifa and BLM who riot, burn, loot and kill for the Democratic party and are protected by the faux government. Their motto seems to be if they are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed; half of their babies are of course aborted like good Democrat Communists.

It must be stated that these people are victims of a corrupt system that brainwashed them with fake media, inadequate schools, and employment.

With government welfare handouts, and without moral and ethical education by families and churches, these outcomes were predictable.

All of this is possible because of the “Enemy of the People”, wealthy families known as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

They have usurped and perverted our government into a “Big Dictatorial Blood- Sucking Machine”.

They are unconstitutionally taking income taxes from working people all over the United States, and using it to support their indolent Communists.

This includes the Democratic thugs in Antifa and BLM and other able-bodied people who refuse to work in the Communist cities and elsewhere.

This unconstitutional process is administered by one or more of the  faux unlawful departments that were conjured up out of thin air and are part of the “Huge Dictatorial Blood- Sucking Machine” that has replaced our Republic.

 These departments are fake, without any Constitutional backing: Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. All of these faux departments represent usurped state functions (see the Enumerated Powers in the Federal Constitution).

People in the working (Red) states have been enraged for years over this Democrat practice.

In a few words, the Democrats have been using income taxes and faux government departments and laws as a means to support the indolent, thugs, and “victims” in the Communist cities. I repeat, the taxes are from working Americans. Remember Communism works until it runs out of other people’s money. You must give the Communists credit for being able to concentrate power, by constructing fake and unlawful departments out of thin air, funded with our taxes, that were accepted as legitimate by the public. And of course our elected whores said nothing.

Expenditure of federal funds in the cities using faux departments and laws is unconstitutional, as are most government expenditures.

States have the Constitutional Power to nullify all unconstitutional federal departments, agencies, and laws…unless the governors are bribed or cowards.

 So far only Tennessee has plans to do so. The states could also secede from the nonexistent Union, but that would not be a good choice. Elected officials could sit on their hands and wait for citizens to bring about change, but this would not be an optimal choice either.

Most economists will tell you that we will soon be in a period of severe Economic Depression. It has already started.

Resources required to live will be in short supply, if at all. It is at this point when normally compliant people are enraged and turn against  government and those responsible for the suffering. It is also the time when Democrat thugs will loot and burn, as they have in the past.

Seceding from the government could be fatal because it would separate you from the Constitution, which I don’t think could be duplicated today.

Even though we are effectively ruled by the barrel of a gun and not our Constitution, it is still the supreme law of the land and the only lawful authority!

Part of the ultimate solution is to replace the income tax (which is unconstitutional in its manner of application) with tariffs, which we used until 1913. At this point, states would perform their lawful Constitutional functions in place of the usurping federal government.

I must point out again that most federal government expenditures are unconstitutional.

A few examples are foreign aid, welfare, medical care, education (state functions), wars without declaration of war by Congress, support of illegal invaders, support of wars between other countries, etc, etc, etc.

A Huge Blood-Sucking Machine was built with the fake unlawful departments using fake laws by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families.

This “Machine” and all its supporters and beneficiaries are enemies of the people and guilty of treason and corruption, may they burn in hell. Retribution may be slow, but it will be certain.

When I see most elected officials and bureaucrats of both parties in the dock for treason, misfeasance, malfeasance, incompetence, and cowardice, I will think it is a good start.

May God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Wake up! Double Your Income by Taking Back our Constitutional Republic from the Blood Suckers!

By Andrew Wallace

April 1, 2023

The title is no exaggeration. I can prove every word.

You must first know your enemy, and they are the Blood-Sucking Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families and their Communist minions who have been the enemies of the Republic since its founding.

The PSRRC could not have destroyed our Republic without an apathetic population, brainwashed by the corrupt media and schools under the direction of criminal elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, and military flag officers, etc.

I am enraged, as are most people, when public officials lie to our faces on TV. They know they are lying and they know that we know they are lying.

These people are, for the most part, traitors. They are beyond contempt, and we can’t have a Constitutional Republic until they are out of office.
But they will never be arrested or prosecuted because they control the levers of justice!

Most knowledgeable people will agree that a majority of these officials are bribed by the PSRRC, or are just cowards and not worthy of trust or respect.

Most of the laws they pass are unconstitutional and responsible for constructing a “Huge Dictatorial Machine” to replace the Republic, concentrate power, suck out our life’s blood, murder millions, and destroy entire countries for profit, etc.

The ancestors of the PSRRC, wealthy families and bankers, have been doing this to us for centuries.

It is a sad fact that most everything done by our usurped government is unconstitutional and designed to transfer the people’s wealth and prosperity to the PSRRC and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.

Their ultimate objective is to concentrate power, enslave the people, and destroy the country.

One example is open borders and subsidizing of illegal invaders, most of whom don’t speak English, have no education, no skills, and bring only diseases. They will overload and destroy the healthcare and benefit programs for citizens. Government must unconstitutionally support these people or they will turn to crime. If they are not deported, it will be costly, but much less costly than allowing them to remain. Borders must be closed using deadly force if required!

Only the legislature has the power to pass laws.

Executive orders, department and agency orders and judicial opinions do not have the force of law!

To double our income, at a minimum, return to equal justice, regain our God-given and constitutionally-protected rights, we only need to do the following:

Terminate the Unconstitutional Private Federal Reserve Bank and return to Constitutional money, which is gold and silver.

By doing this, you eliminate wars for profit, deficit spending, inflation, and most government boondoggles, lessen economic changes, and—most importantly—you reduce the ability of the PSRRC to manipulate the money system in their favor. Don’t forget that foreign aid and giving support to illegal invaders is unconstitutional.

Institute tariffs sufficient to offset any cost advantages for cheaper foreign labor.

This guarantees the return of American manufacturing for sales in the United States with a viable middle class.

Save billions by eliminating the following usurped unconstitutional federal departments:

Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

Paul Engel has written a comprehensive and well-documented article on the State of Tennessee’s plan to nullify these unconstitutional federal departments:  Terminate the FBI, which has been unconstitutional and corrupt since its founding in 1908. The Constitution states that the Militia of the Several States will enforce the laws of the union.

But the Militia was made part of the National Guard by the unconstitutional Dick Act in 1903, because the officers would be appointed by the states. We must be able to punish corrupt officials, but even with the militia how do we get honest courts? It is impossible to have a Constitutional Republic with the FBI in existence, and until punishment for corrupt officials is swift and certain.

January 6 was a false-flag led by the FBI, consistent with their usual criminal conduct.

January 6 was not an insurrection, it was a false flag event. January 6 is a dark stain on our judicial system where more than a thousand patriots were framed, arrested, jailed and denied their Constitutional rights to this very day. Government withheld evidence that would exonerate them. Only a government in fear of its citizens or one trying to start a revolution would do such a thing. May the elected officials who did nothing or lied about this event burn in hell.

With these changes there is no need for an income tax when it is replaced by tariffs.

The income tax would only continue to enrich the PSRRC, impoverish the people, fund no-win wars for profit, and kill more millions of people.

Now is the time to bring our military home and only use them in wars to protect vital interests of the United States as declared by Congress, rather than the PSRRC.

I have stated before that everything reported by the fake media and the government about the False-Flag Ukraine War is a damn lie. Here is the unvarnished proof as reported by Jeffery Dover: Many of you will be shocked to read the truth for the first time.

I can guarantee that when these few recommendations are followed, it will be Christmas every day for the people, not so much for the PSRRC. Real incomes for most people will more than double and the American Dream will be alive again.

The income tax would be gone, replaced by tariffs. Federal government would no longer subsidize our Communist states at the expense of the working states. Without income tax distributions, the Communists would have to actually work, and the federal government would be reduced by at least 50%. The people will no longer be forced to finance wars for profit and bury the resulting dead. Manufacturing will return with a middle-class earning living wages, while gold and silver money will mostly eliminate inflation.

These recommendations would correct only a few of the countless unlawful deviations from our Constitution, but they will generate unlimited prosperity for those who work, while protecting benefits for the elderly and disabled.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Can We Arrest, Prosecute, and Jail Criminal Officials?

Andrew Wallace

March 25, 2023

It is now impossible to prosecute the criminal officials who usurped our Republic, because they rule us by the barrel of a gun—not by Law or the Constitution!—and control the system of “justice”.

There are only two possible ways to punish “officials” committing criminal acts. One is to remove all criminal officials from power by Constitutional Elections, and the second is to try them in Revolutionary Courts for their crimes. Both avenues have dubious potential.

Note to the corrupt FBI: I am advocating nothing; I am only stating facts available to everyone.

Ours is truly a sad state of affairs. About fifty percent of the people get their livelihood and medical care from the federal government and can’t afford to jeopardize their ‘benefits’ by complaining about the corruption and fraud. This is how ‘government’ quells dissent.

The Communist Manifesto states that the government controls these people through the use of ‘benefits’. These people, many of whom are “educated” (read “indoctrinated and brainwashed”), though many are not, all are ignorant and apathetic.

People must learn that if they don’t stand up now, the government will soon collapse along with all their government benefits, resulting in a Revolution. The only way to protect your benefits long-term is to return to a  Constitutional Government ASAP!

Does anyone doubt that those who are denied benefits would soon revolt? What choice would the able-bodied have, other than to actually have to go to work, which is anathema to them? It is much easier to hurl bricks and burn buildings and demand to be given everything for free.

I must say again that there is no need for an income tax if you use tariffs to finance government as we did until 1913.

Without an income tax, states could perform their proper Constitutional functions, and the federal government could not murder millions and wage wars for profits for the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

It has been hypothesized that the millions of illegal-alien invaders of military age could be recruited by the government to control and subdue Americans who would be rioting over loss of government “benefits”.

When there is an economic collapse, invaders will be in serious contentious conflicts with our citizens over scarce resources.

The next question is how do you convince the ignorant half of the population to stand up and be counted before they lose everything and end up starving? I think it is next to impossible. But major economic events could change that.

Make no mistake, all indications are for a major Economic Collapse, not just a Recession but a “Full Blown Soup-Line Depression”.

Our fiat currency has lost 98% of its value, commercial and residential real estate are declining in value, 25% percent of the workforce refuses to work (thanks to government handouts), government and media have no credibility due to their lies and corruption, food is becoming too expensive due to inflation and shortages, air travel is becoming less safe, banks are failing, Illegal invaders are overwhelming our welfare and medical-care systems, all of which will deprive our citizens of these benefits for themselves.

The subject of this paper is the major concern of every patriot writer I know.

I have studied this problem for years, and consulted many experts who assure me that every possibility for correction has been attempted and failed. There is only one conclusion: it is impossible to get justice from the existing Ruling Class. We have the greatest Constitution in the history of the world but the government has been taken over by criminals, who deny us our rights from God and the Constitution, ruling us by the barrel of a gun. This is the simple truth.

 And what always happens to a society deprived of basic justice?

The majority of our state and federal elected officials of both parties, bureaucrats, military flag officers, judges et al., are bribed or threatened into committing acts of treason by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

The result is a “Huge Corrupt Machine” with no relationship to the Constitution, that deprives us of our rights and sucks out our very life’s blood for the benefit of the PSRRC and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government agencies.

We are being ruled by the barrel of a gun and dictatorial executive orders that have no Constitutional authority whatsoever over people living in the states!

Only executive orders by King George ever had authority over our people and we know the result of that. History does repeat. Again, Executive Orders today apply ONLY to governmental employees and the corporations created under their authority. Not to the People in the states.!

The primary results of the takeover of our government by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions has been impoverishment of the people, economic destruction of the country, transfer of wealth to the PSRRC, murder of millions and destruction of entire countries in un-winnable wars for profits for the PSRRC.

None of these false-flag wars for profit had anything to do with security of the United States. Our incompetent flag officers lost every one of these wars for the last 75 years.

I can’t write a paper without reminding readers that the PSRRC has also added faux departments and agencies to the federal government, giving them ‘authority’ that is not authorized by the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution.

These fake and fraudulent departments with no legal authority are:  Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

 I know this is hard for citizens to believe, but it is absolute Constitutional fact. Read Article 1 Section 8 for yourselves.

One thing is certain. It is a rare occasion when either the media or government reports the truth about anything. This is why many of our people are brainwashed, apathetic, ignorant and believe in the fairy tale of Communism.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Tariffs are a Benefit Second Only to God

By Andrew Wallace

March 18, 2023

This is not an exaggeration, it is the absolute well-hidden truth. Tariffs are second only to God in what they can do for the People. Tariffs are the proven solutions for major problems.

Tariffs are to the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) what a Christian Cross is to the Devil, because it stops their theft and the impoverishment of the people.

Tariffs benefit the people in countless ways. Our Founders were Masters of History, and knew this well. Let me relate a few of these benefits.

Mexico can either stop their illegal invaders and Fentanyl, or suffer major weekly increases in tariffs.

Fentanyl is killing thousands of Americans, and the Invaders bringing it in are destroying our healthcare system, bankrupting our social programs, and taking jobs from poor citizens (kiss your Social Security and Medicare Programs goodbye). Invaders don’t speak English, have no education, have no marketable skills, and can only survive on our welfare or crime against our People. The only thing they bring to us are diseases. Everybody knows this! It is unlawful and unconstitutional to support Invaders with tax dollars. It is Constitutional Treason to give aid and support to Invaders. When we have the economic collapse, there will be a bounty on Invaders. Does anyone doubt this?

China, or any country producing precursors for Fentanyl, can cease, or suffer major weekly increases in tariffs.

China and the PSRRC are ENEMIES OF THE WORLD. They cooperated in the development of the Covid Bio-Weapon that killed millions.  Then the PSRRC and their minions forced the people to get faux vaccine shots that killed more millions, and is an ongoing attempt at depopulation while making them more wealthy. China and other governments must not be allowed to own land, corporations or buildings in the United States. Foreign students should not be allowed to replace Americans in our universities.

Tariffs put on imports would be sufficient to offset the advantages of cheap foreign labor, allowing middle-class Americans to earn a living wage.

Our middle-class was wiped out when the PSRRC moved manufacturing off-shore to take advantage of low slave wages. This can be stopped by putting tariffs on foreign goods sufficient to offset that cost advantage. American workers can then produce those same products competitively for Americans at a living wage. Both domestic and foreign products would sell at higher prices than before tariffs, but now Americans would have the extra money to buy them.

Tariffs can replace the income tax.

But, most importantly, the income tax could be terminated. Tariffs financed our country until 1913 without an income tax. 1913 is the year when the PSRRC really got their power with the creation of their private Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-Free Foundations, and the Income tax. America was not founded to enrich the PSRRC by impoverishing our people with no-win wars for profit, while murdering millions and destroying entire countries around the world.

Tariffs will force the return of manufacturing to the United States.

Tariffs are guaranteed to return manufacturing to the United States, as President Trump demonstrated to the horror of the PSRRC, which has major investments in foreign manufacturing.

Tariffs will make most lower manufacturing and labor costs in foreign countries be unprofitable for American companies.

Tariffs used by President Donald Trump were the primary reason that he was hated, vilified and framed by the PSRRC and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, media, academia, et al. If President Trump could have continued his agenda, he would have ended the income tax, no-win wars for profit of the PSRRC, and returned manufacturing and prosperity to the United States. Brainwashed wimps graduating from college may not understand President Trump, for he speaks the plain language of men and those in “Flyover Country”, and we understand him perfectly.

Tariffs, by replacing the income tax, will stop the financing of no-win wars for profit of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) using taxpayer money. Without income taxes, the war in Ukraine would be impossible. Tariffs will be there to save the lives of millions of people and prevent the destruction of entire countries for profit.

Putin is not my hero, but he is a Saint compared to the murderous SOBs running our government. It is impossible to finance no-win wars (using taxpayer money that the PSRRC will skim and launder) without an income tax and an unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank. Our Constitution requires gold and silver money, which would make inflation almost impossible, and why our crooked government uses Fiat Dollars. In simple terms, the PSRRC has modified our government into a machine to suck prosperity out of the people.

Tariffs would be a windfall for the people, but we would still have major problems.

 A majority of our federal establishment is unconstitutional. It has blatantly usurped state powers in violation of  “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.

Therefore, a majority of federal government is unconstitutional. As an example, the following departments are unconstitutional:  Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

All of these departments are fake and fraudulent with no lawful authority whatsoever. This unconstitutional concentration of power is designed to expedite theft, money laundering, and power.

Any governor who doesn’t exercise his Constitutional power to kick these unlawful federal departments out of his state is owned and controlled by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class.!!!!

Regular readers know that I break down complex subjects into one or more articles. My primary purpose in writing is to give Patriots information they can use. I make no attempt to inform Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” of anything, because they will not be receptive to such insights until they are starving.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Are the “Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class” the Terminal Enemies of the People?

By Andrew Wallace

March 11, 2023

Somehow you must understand that The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class( PSRRC) are the ULTIMATE architects and engineers of the “Final Solution” for your demise by degradation and starvation…or you will perish!

This has been true for centuries.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) consists of wealthy families and billionaires who are above the law. They create and manipulate the law, control the police powers and the judiciary, and always have.

They use their money to control the outcome of elections and bribe elected officials. They are and have been the ultimate and perennial Enemy of the People for centuries!

The Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, military, academia, and media, et al., are despicable foot soldiers of the PSRRC who sold you out for 30 pieces of silver.

Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” and other supporters of Communism and their own destruction are stupid and greedy people, who in their ignorance accept handouts and fairy tales.

How do I demonstrate to you that this is for all the marbles, without reruns? Either you resist and survive, or you lose forever. Forever is a long time.

I have prayed for years for the Lord to give me the words that would inform and resonate with you; only you can tell me if he answered my prayers. Your actions will be your response.

Anyone who supports war in Ukraine believes the propaganda (LIES), or is the recipient of bribes.

The basis for the war were false-flag attacks on their own people by Ukrainians, blamed on the Russians. The PSRRC (United States), not Russia, promoted the war for their own profit. Sanctions against Russia actually raised their economy, and reduced ours and Europe’s!

 All media and government reports on Ukraine are lies.

Our incompetent Military Flag Officers have waged “No-Win Wars For Profit” for more than 75 years, and lost every one of them… but generated huge wealth for the PSRRC.

Not one single conflict was to protect the vital security interests of the United States! American people paid for the wars, buried their dead, elected officials were bribed, and the PSRRC profited. Does this sink in yet?

The PSRRC and their Communist minions of the period have been attempting to destroy our Republic since its founding.

The turning point in PSRRC’s  favor came in 1913 when they replaced constitutional tariffs with the Income Tax, Federal Reserve Bank, and Tax- Free Foundations. This must be reversed.

It is little understood, but the use of tariffs would facilitate the return of manufacturing, and allow middle-class American workers to earn living wages, instead of competing with slave wages anywhere in the world.

Tariffs are to the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class the same as a Cross is to the Devil. Tariffs bring back a prosperous and independent middle-class with the power to negotiate.

Tariffs terminate income taxes and force manufacturing to return to America.

Without income taxes and a Federal Reserve Bank, it is impossible to finance no-win wars for profit with bribed officials.

The Federal Government is on the verge of either outright default or inflating away the debt which has the same result: loss of all government benefits, Social Security, Medicare, Retirement, savings, et al. To put off the inevitable and to ENSLAVE everyone, government will attempt the use of another unconstitutional “money” known as digital currency.

A number of states not wishing to be destroyed to protect those in free-spending Communist cities and states have promoted the use of constitutionally-mandated gold coins in payment of debts.

They may be able to set up a parallel system of finance to protect their citizens. None of this should be necessary if the Federal government is divested of its privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank and the unconstitutional usurped functions that are the cause of this mess (federal government is ignoring Enumerated Powers limitations on its delegated powers under Article 1, Section 8).

The next best thing to taking away the funding of the PSRRC and their corporate minions would be to restrict them from controlling elections with their money.

You must refuse to vote for any politician who accepts funding from the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class, for they have sold you out…or soon will! You should also refuse to support any state governor who doesn’t have the guts and patriotism to kick the following UNCONSTITUTIONAL USURPED federal departments out of his or her state.

These Departments have no legal standing whatsoever; they are fakes and frauds with no support in the Enumerated Powers, and are  designed to transfer the people’s money to the PSRRC:

Department of Labor,
Department of Agriculture,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Department of Education,
Department of Energy,
Department of Transportation,
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

We Can Return to Prosperity without Income Taxes

By Andrew Wallace

March 4, 2023

Proven by America’s Rapid and Prosperous Growth until 1913

America grew and prospered with a small and Constitutional federal government AND a middle class financed by TARIFFS with NO INCOME TAX. But in 1913, this all changed when the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist Minions in corporations and government were able to institute Income Tax, the Federal Reserve Bank (privately-owned), and Tax- Free Foundations. This resulted in the American people being Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed! Everything has been downhill for the people afterwards, but not for the PSRRC that effectively usurped our government for its sole benefit. Let me tell you how.

The Income Tax is not needed by a government that complies with the Constitution. But our government does not comply with the Constitution. The Income Tax allows Government to unconstitutionally print Fiat Money to benefit the PSRRC and impoverish the people with inflation. Income Tax allows Government to wage no-win wars for profit of the PSRRC, unlimited graft, money laundering, increasing power and size of government, bribing state and federal officials, Foreign aid, a multitude of unconstitutional expenditures, etc. A “Constitutional Republic” absolutely does not need an income tax, as America demonstrated prior to 1913 when its limited functions were financed with tariffs.

The Federal Reserve Bank is an unconstitutional creation owned by private banks, both domestic and foreign. It is destroying America by looting the assets of the people and creating a permanent inflation that is bankrupting the government and the people. The fiat dollar is unconstitutional and the new digital money would be more than ample justification for a Civil War because it is GUARANTEED SLAVERY. We must return to gold- and silver-backed currency as required by the Constitution, which would end inflation and most government boondoggles. The unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated!

Tax-Free Foundations are the most evil and harmful institutions in our country. They allow the PSRRC to park their assets tax-free forever. The foundations can then control the ‘woke’ corporations and the world. They can and do fund crazy schemes such as depopulation, etc. Collectively, they are independent of any government and more powerful than most. Tax-Free Foundations must be terminated!

Prosperity and freedom are guaranteed if we terminate the Income Tax and fund limited Constitutional government with TARIFFS. Most people will find it hard to believe, but tariffs will return manufacturing to the United States and guarantee living wages to the middle-class. This is so because tariffs will make American workers competitive at any wage with slave labor anywhere and force the return of manufacturing to the United States. PSRRC won’t like any of this because it will end their monopoly of power, and the Labor Unions can again keep them honest when tariffs are in place. Of course, all of this is also predicated upon a proper Constitutional Republic functioning as intended by the Founders. Not a bad idea, easy to do, a proven concept, painless for all but the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class and their Communist Minions in corporations and government.

When we return to a Constitutional Government without an income tax, the federal government will be forced to return their unconstitutional usurped state functions to the states. The people would prosper because they would be retaining all of their income without income taxes. We would have a growing middle-class with living wages due to tariffs. The PSRRC would have much less money to bribe government officials of both parties and could not finance wars for profit.

“If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the “poor”; No American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or “fast-track”; no arrogant federal judges usurping states’ rights; no attacks on private property; no income tax. We could get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited.” —Congressman Ron Paul (1998)

I must mention another subject that is of real concern. and that is the rise of Anti-Semitism. It is very well-known that Jewish Bankers and Business People are highly visible, if not the leaders among the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class that is doing everything to destroy our country to make way for a New World Order, aka “The Great Reset”. I would like to point out that all of them are not Jews, and even if they were, it is wrong to stigmatize the vast majority of hard-working Jews that are innocent and so important to our country.

The media power of the Jewish Elite is almost absolute, making it impossible for rational discussions and debates. I am in awe of the power and effectiveness of their propaganda, which effectively eliminates any non-Jewish voices of reason or criticism. If the vast majority of Jews don’t moderate and disavow their elites, we will all suffer, and ordinary Jews will suffer the most because they will be associated with their elites who are destroying the country. I know it is impossible to moderate the greed of the elites, so ordinary Jews must publicly dis-associate from them. Jews have suffered for centuries because of the actions of their elites.

Politicians are not stupid, even if they are the lowest form of life with no loyalty to the Constitution or the people who elected them. Their only subservience is to those who bribe both parties to betray the people.

Only one politician, President Donald Trump, (warts, loud mouth and all) had the economic knowledge and the real courage to stand against the PSRRC and the Communists in government. Remember, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated for attempting to return government to a Constitutional format without no-win wars for profit of the PSRRC and their minions in corporations and government.

As an Economist, I can assure you that President Trump attempted to do what no other president had the knowledge or balls to do. He attempted to return us to Tariffs to replace Income Tax and rebuild the Middle-Class with a living wage, made us Energy Independent, maintained our borders, did away with Climate and Green Energy Scams, attempted to end no-win wars for profit, etc. President Trump’s efforts would have stopped the PSRRC and their Communist minions from beggaring the American people into slavery. I am surprised that they didn’t assassinate him as they did President Kennedy.

When the PSRRC and their Communist minions usurped our government through crooked elections, they reversed everything that President Trump had done and unconstitutionally proceeded to destroy our country with the Barrel of a Gun.

If you really want to resist Unconstitutional Usurpation of our Repubic go here

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Resist Tyranny Effectively, Legally, and Safely…Which I Did

By Andrew C. Wallace

March 1, 2023

The primary concern of Patriots is how they can resist tyranny in an effective, legal, and safe manner. In my last article.  I explained how to do it, making it as easy as possible by including a boilerplate of all required information. It was also necessary that I inform readers of the Constitutional legality and jurisdiction of various departments, laws, orders, edicts, etc. I felt like I was back in college teaching what students had never before been taught.

Citizens must demand proof of jurisdiction of the specified nine unconstitutional departments (not a complete list). I have listed them with names, addresses, and a form letter to use. If enough citizens call them out for having no authority under the Constitution of the United States, they can’t rule even with the barrel of a gun! Citizens who are too lazy and cheap to call out nine unconstitutional departments that are sucking the life out of us are not Patriots, or deserving of the benefits of freedom. Freedom is not free, and the capable who sit on their asses won’t get it, nor will they deserve it.

The preceding is only the tip of a gigantic fraud that started before the founding of our country. The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy Families then and now, have been systematically raping the people of their income and wealth. The PSRRC does this by concentrating all power in the federal government, in direct contradiction of The Constitution, The Supreme Law of The Land.

Most of our Elected Officials are being bribed and controlled by the ‘woke’ corporations taking orders from the PSRRC. They impoverish us by using our money to wage no-win wars for profit, murdering millions of innocents, and destroying entire countries. They print fiat money to finance wars and to rob the people even more with inflation. This is exacerbated by paying 30% of the labor force not to work.

Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” actually believe that government can and will pay them a living wage for doing nothing, which is economically impossible. The truth is that the PSRRC and their Communist minions have already laid the groundwork for them to starve and die. Read about Stalin, Mao and even China today.

Elected officials are only effective at graft, selling out the people, lying, and money laundering. Our elected officials are the lowest form of life; they are greedy, corrupt, contemptible, traitorous, lying SOBs, but some are just ineffective or ignorant cowards. I think you get the message—half of the people know the truth and detest them.

Our incompetent Military Flag Officers have not won a war in 75 years. Who answers for the needless dead and catastrophically wounded? Not the politicians nor the Military Industrial Complex (PSRRC) who profit from the wars that reduce our standard of living but enrich the PSRRC. The people bury their dead and care for the wounded while deciding between the purchase of food or fuel or medical care.

Our greedy government wants total control of you and your money, restricting what you can spend your money on. Government could cut off your money supply at any time (even now, banks can take your deposits when they deem it needed!). Our present system is unconstitutional, and the new plan for digital money would be more unconstitutional! If you have a choice between Civil War and the “Total Slavery of Digital Money”, you would be far better off with Civil War. No, FBI, I am not advocating Civil War. The People will one day decide.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations are the epitome of the unlimited evil wrought by Tax-Free Foundations.

These organizations were promoted by the PSRRC as a tax-free haven to protect and grow their wealth forever, giving them TOTAL POWER. Certainly, some small foundations do good work, but their efforts are dwarfed by the massive evil of the leaders. Tax-Free Foundations are the greatest threat to our freedoms, and if allowed to remain, have demonstrated the willingness to kill us all in depopulation programs. Tax-Free Foundations must be terminated!

Our Federal Judicial system is a compromised, complicit disgrace, period. One saving grace is that when the federal government is reduced to its Constitutional functions, as outlined by the Enumerated Powers, there will be no need for most of these courts. The powerful can violate any law with impunity, but they will throw away the key on ordinary citizens. Our Republic will not return until the powerful criminals are in prison and the FBI is terminated!

In my next article, I will explain how we can prosper with living wages for all, in accordance with our Constitution, without an income tax. No pie-in-the-sky, just proven facts from our history. Hint: Love him or hate him, President Donald Trump was bringing on this level of prosperity for the people in the face of total opposition and hatred by the PSRRC and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government. The people, not the PSRRC, would prosper and rule again under the Constitution.

My purpose in writing is to give patriots the knowledge and ability they need to LEGALLY RESIST the unlawful usurpers of our Republic who rule by the barrel of a gun and not by the Constitution. I have long since learned that it is impossible to inform Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”; they can only learn by starving, and history reports that they will soon get that opportunity.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic!

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

States Have More Constitutional Power than the Faux Federal Government

By Andrew Wallace

February 25, 2023

States are the Only Means to Regain Our Republic, Short of Civil War

This title is absolutely true in all respects. The States are our only hope; they are Sovereign with far-superior Constitutional powers than the Federal Establishment, which is a creature (creation!) of the states, and is limited to only a few Enumerated Powers in the Constitution, the Supreme Law of The Land. It is reported that 75% of the federal laws passed since 1913 are unconstitutional, which means the federal government is mostly lawless!

The State Governors are our only hope to save our Republic, short of a civil war. But Governors are just like legislators in that they refuse to honor their oaths of office, ignore their Constitutional Oaths,  and accept financial support from the Parasitic Super – Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). Governors live in deadly fear of the PSRRC’s ability to remove them from office, or suffer the fate of President John F. Kennedy.

Today, probably the most popular governor is Ron DeSantis of Florida. The PSRRC media has been promoting him for years, which makes me suspicious. He has gotten national coverage on everything he has done for Florida, which is also suspicious. Don’t get me wrong! He has done many good things that please the people of Florida. But he has done nothing to antagonize or challenge  the PSRRC, except his actions against Disney, which he is now backtracking on. I wonder why? You must give Governor DeSantis credit for being the best at public relations.

I think Governor DeSantis may be the best of the worst, because neither he nor any other governor will exercise the superior sovereign power of the states to force the federal establishment to return all of the usurped powers to the states. Border Governors could and should use deadly force to repel invaders that are destroying our Country. Anyone who gives aid and comfort to invaders is guilty of Constitutional Treason!

Recently Governor DeSantis stated that the Federal Government was concentrating too much power in Washington, and that departments should be moved to other parts of the country!  I take serious exception to this statement because either he doesn’t know that a majority of federal departments are in fact unconstitutional usurpations of state powers, or he is supporting the interests of the PSRRC.

Neither Governor DeSantis or any Governor has the balls and independence to kick the unconstitutional federal departments out of their states. Governors who fail to take back what are Constitutionally state powers are not qualified for state or higher office!

I challenge Governor DeSantis to obey his Constitutional Oath and kick the following unconstitutional departments out of his state and the federal government:

1- Secretary Marty Walsh, Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210

2- Secretary Tom Vilsack, Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20250

3- Secretary Xavier Beccerra, Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20201

4- Secretary Miguel Cardona, Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington DC 20202

5- Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20585

6- Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, Washington DC 20003

7- Secretary Marcia Fudge, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th ST. SW, Washington DC 20410

If Governor DeSantis really wants to demonstrate his knowledge and that he supports the people and doesn’t owe his allegiance to the PSRRC,  he would work to replace income tax with tariffs, which would return factories to America and guarantee everyone a living wage.

If Governor DeSantis could do these things he would have proven himself to be a great governor qualified for any position in our Republic.

Every other avenue to regain our freedom and our Republic has failed. Our elections are corrupt and ignored by the complicit courts, the corrupt Department of Justice, FBI, Legislators and most federal agencies. The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government own the media and their Antifa Brown Shirts that burn our cities and kill people. Most of our legislators are fat, dumb and happy in their bribed condition, ignore their oaths of office, and are a useless disgrace to the Republic. As you can see, the PSRRC and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are usurpers of our Republic and Enemies of the People, ruling

by the barrel of a gun and not by the Constitution. Usurpers have no legal standing whatsoever!

The problem is how to expel these miscreants before the people have nothing more to lose, and rebel in a killing fury like in the French Reign of Terror. Conditions in America are rapidly approaching those that caused the Blood Bath in France.

A really great Governor could save this country from Civil War

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

How Patriots Can Effectively Resist Tyranny Without Direct Confrontation, Threats, or Danger

By Andrew C. Wallace

February 18, 2023

The duty of all citizens is to resist unconstitutional government in a legal manner that is effective, and ideally does not put the citizen at risk. I guarantee that all who read this paper can do their duty to resist actions even under the “Color of Law”, and if you are harmed, it will be because we are already in a Civil War!

Face it, most people are victims of a very effective Communist education system and a Communist media (modeled after Adolf Hitler), controlled by Enemies of the People. Pity these victims who are ignorant of simple Economic and Constitutional facts. They will remain ignorant and loyal Communists until faced with starvation. Lenin called them his “Useful Idiots”; who else would support their own destruction?

Most people only have a vague idea of their true Enemy’s identity. The Enemy of the people in the United States and indeed the world is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), the wealthy families who control the ‘woke’ corporations that bribe our government officials in both parties. Since 2020, the top 1% got two-thirds of all new wealth. Their motto for the rest of us is that “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Before you can RESIST Unconstitutional laws, Administrative Laws and Presidential Executive Orders you must understand their Jurisdiction…or lack of it.

1. Administrative laws and regulations are written by un-elected bureaucrats with no authority to enact legislation. Books are written on abuses of the “Administrative State” which is responsible for much of our sad state of affairs.

2. Presidential Executive Orders are binding on federal employees while at the job. Executive orders have no authority over citizens in the states. Executive orders do have power over people residing in DC, property owned by the government, the possessions and territories of the United States. Executive orders must in all cases comply with the Constitution (most don’t).

3. Constitutional Laws in the states are THOSE FEW enacted by the legislature and signed by the president that are Constitutionally authorized by the “Enumerated Powers”. Simply stated these are Foreign Relations, Defense, Immigration, Commerce, Post Office, Census, Courts, The Mint, Patents, Copyrights, etc. Unless you are counterfeiting or an illegal Invader, it is hard to see many citizens violating federal laws that are Constitutional. You can’t question the legality of these enumerated departments.

4. Unconstitutional laws in the states are passed by the legislature and signed by the president, but do not comply with the “Enumerated Powers” so they have no legitimate authority in the states. But they do have authority in DC, possessions and property owned by the federal government. A majority of our laws are unconstitutional having no legitimate jurisdiction in the states. Many of these laws are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers to concentrate theft and money laundering in Washington.

RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! Many Americans have been prosecuted, are in prison or lost everything for violating a “law” that is not a law. We can never forget the political prisoners of January 6th who were denied all Constitutionally-protected rights and framed by the FBI. The FBI does only two things well: the framing of citizens, and public relations. The FBI must be abolished because it will be impossible to have a Constitutional Republic as long as they exist.

The most corrupt and despicable people in the country are our legislators who pass one unconstitutional law after the other to impoverish citizens, use our money to enrich the Military Industrial complex with no-win wars for profit, while killing millions of innocent people. Our state Governors are just as corrupt because they allow the federal government to usurp state powers for profit.

I want to make this clear. I am not advocating the use of force against faux government authority even when it acts “Under the Color of Law”. I am a firm advocate of peaceful resistance as the best way to overwhelm the faux government so it can’t persecute us as it is now doing. I also strongly believe that failure to RESIST will lead to Civil War, for I have no faith in the court system and even less in the election process.

Many people, mostly women, both religious and not, do not believe in self- defense with firearms, even knowing that for most people, effective police protection does not exist. They don’t even realize that “gun-free zones” are killing fields! I want to quote the following for these future victims:

Luke 22:35-39

King James Version

35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.

36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

These are future victims who refuse to defend themselves against criminals, and are ignoring the teaching of Jesus Christ and our Founding Fathers. They live in a ‘utopia’ that doesn’t exist. This does not directly relate to the subject-matter of this article, but it was too important to ignore.

Paul Engel recently reported in newswithviews that there were 108 federal agencies operating in the states, with only 12 of them authorized by the Constitution and another 15 that may be Constitutional. This is where it becomes obvious that most federal agencies and their related edicts are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers!

Here are some obvious Unconstitutional Agencies for which you could have conflicts. You should write all of them requesting proof of Constitutional Jurisdiction (they have none!). If enough citizens question them and expose them, you take away their faux power to govern.

1. Director Rochelle Walensky, Centers for Disease Control,291 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga 30329
2. Secretary Marty Walsh, Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210
3. Secretary Tom Vilsack, Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20250
4. Secretary Xavier Beccerra, Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20201
5. Secretary Miguel Cardona, Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington DC 20202
6. Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20585
7. Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, Washington DC 20003
8. Secretary Marcia Fudge, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th ST. SW, Washington DC 20410
9. Chairman Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve Bank, 20th St. and Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20551

Remember that the Federal Government is forbidden in the Constitution from exercising or supervising police powers in the states. Police powers are defined as Health, Education, Welfare, Family Affairs, Police Protection and damn near everything else. Legitimate powers of Federal Government are very limited by “Enumerated Powers”.

If you are truly a Patriot, you can afford 9 stamps and the time to send form letters to the Secretaries of each department. You should never contact anyone but the Secretaries, or top official.

If a department initiates a (complaint) letter to you or contact of a personal nature (not associated with this effort) respond with identical form letter, but send it certified. If the secretary’s response does not absolve you of their initial complaint, contact an attorney.

Every initial letter you send, regardless of circumstance, should be identical to the letter in the addendum.

If enough Patriots get off their asses, send these 9 letters and encourage others to do the same, it will have a powerful effect on the usurpers ruling our country. Note that I gave you the addresses.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.


Thomas Paine, Flyover Country, USA
February 9, 2023
Secretary Marty Walsh, Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210

Re. Request for proof of Jurisdiction.

Dear Secretary Walsh,

This is a demand pursuant to federal law, Title 4 US Code, Section 72,[1] and the Enumerated Powers set forth in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.

4 USC 72 clearly stipulates such power/authority must be granted you and your agency pursuant to a law passed by Congress that complies with the Enumerated powers of the Constitution. Therefore, again this is a request for your written proof of said jurisdiction to exercise any and all authority within the 50 states of the Union and upon the state citizens therein.

I am aware of the legislative and Enumerated Powers requirements for your department to have jurisdiction in the states, which I find that you don’t now possess and can never have without an amendment to the United States Constitution.

Jurisdiction, once challenged, requires jurisdiction to be proven,[2] Your jurisdiction is hereby and herein “challenged”.

Realizing that your schedule is quite busy, I shall afford you thirty (30 days), holidays excepted, to reply. If you require additional time to reply, please request in writing to establish a record.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:


[2] “The law requires proof of jurisdiction to appear on the record of the administrative agency and all administrative proceedings” [Hagans v. Lavine, 415 U.S. 528]

“… Federal jurisdiction cannot be assumed, but must be clearly shown.”

Will the Government Stop Income and Medical Care for Half the Population?

Andrew C. Wallace

February 3, 2023

This disaster will occur by either stopping payments completely, or by printing depreciated money that is mostly worthless. The result is the same: no income or medical care for half of the population. But this effect will also drag down the whole country, resulting in the worst depression in our history! I must read extensively to remain current in my writing, and I can’t find even one legitimate Economist to take issue with this prediction.

It is a recipe for disaster when fifty percent of the population is totally dependent on the government for income and medical care. Economically, this situation is exacerbated by the millions who refuse to work and produce goods or services, making inflation much worse. Unfortunately, most of these people, regardless of education, are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” and are as ignorant as a box of rocks. They will only be receptive to the truth when they are starving.

Some examples from other Economists follow:

Bob Livingston reported in his January 26, 2023, letter, “A currency collapse is progressing every day with each new dollar that is printed. The stark reality is that the public has no clue until a collapse arrives and completely destroys their assets and their lives. There are no exceptions. For paper money to work, its issue must be equal to the production of goods and services.”

Charles Hugh Smith reported in Lew Rockwell on January 26, 2023. “One of the great fictions about money is that it is neutral. It isn’t. It’s either designed for the elites or for the citizenry. The only way a currency can be “as good as gold” is if it can be converted to gold. The US currently holds 261,500,000 ounces (8,133 tons)of gold in reserve [not verified!]. The gold reserves are not large enough at the current price. Arbitrarily set the value of gold in coins at $20,000 an ounce. Thus a coin containing 1/100th of an ounce is stamped with a value of $200. The value of a coin containing 1/1,000th of an ounce is set at $20.”

Brandon Smith reported in Lew Rockwell on January 26, 2023: “The consequences of the loss of currency reserve status will be devastating to the US economy. It is the only glue holding our system together.”

What these Economists and others say is devastating, means an end to our prosperity and way of life. It is difficult for people to understand why everything the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), ‘woke’ corporations and government do is designed to destroy and impoverish us. The answer is simple: bribed government minions in both parties must destroy us to make way for the New World Order, the Great Reset. When you hear leaders at the World Economic Forum say they are superior and chosen to rule, they mean it and believe it.

It is a proven fact that we have the greatest Constitution in the world. But our usurping rulers consist of the scum of the earth with only a few honest but ineffective people.

People must accept the absolute fact that a majority of federal laws are unconstitutional usurpations of powers that are reserved by and for the states. It is a power-grab designed to concentrate power, money laundering, and theft in the federal government, controlled by the PSRRC and their ‘woke’ corporations.

All attempts to return government to its constitutional format using the courts have failed because of a compromised judiciary. I have been assured by experts in Constitutional law that any justice administered through the courts is an impossibility. It is a shame to think that Revolutionary Courts may be the only way to seek justice. Elections could save us, but that is a remote possibility when the Communists have unlimited funds, Antifa Enforcers, cheat like hell, and both parties are paid off by the ‘woke’ corporations.

When all else fails, it is up to the people to stop the communists from ruling us other than in a Constitutional and legal manner. You do that by refusing to obey unconstitutional laws that are outside the Limited and Enumerated Powers given to the federal government in the Constitution. For the most part, the federal government, as it is now constituted, is a fraud with little legal or moral relationship to our Constitution.

Those millions of illegal border invaders are mostly of military age, with no loyalty to the United States. Government is feeding, housing and giving them medical care which is unconstitutional and treasonous! There is a possibility that the federal government usurpers plan to use these invaders as a military militia to force unhappy citizens to accept the cutoff of government “services”.

Medicaid enrollment was increased during the so-called Pandemic, but will now be reduced by 5 to 14 million dollars due to reduction in funding. Some of these recipients may not be deserving, but they are certainly more deserving than the invaders or foreign aid, etc. (which are unconstitutional!).

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (the wealthy families) and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are the personification of real evil, with the blood of innocents on their hands! They are responsible for the destruction of entire countries and the murder of countless millions, second only to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, combined. They even sacrificed your children, used your money and in your name, without informed consent, waged wars for only their profit and power. To add insult to injury, our incompetent and corrupt Military Flag Officers didn’t win even one of those wars in 75 years. They have been bleeding us all this time, which is why the people’s assets and standard of living keep declining. Soon, you won’t have a pot to pee in.

The most important thing for you to learn from this paper is that your support by government and all economic activity is rapidly declining to next to nothing (maybe overnight). You have only two choices. Sit on your ass and starve forever as a slave, or get a backbone and resist these usurping traitors in a lawful and Constitutional manner! That is the only way to return to real prosperity and justice. The usurpers will hurt resisters, if they can.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Weapons Government Traitors Use: Big Lies, False Flags, and Projection

Andrew C. Wallace

January 28, 2023

Truth is the greatest enemy of this Communist government!

I refuse to watch arrogant media or government representatives who lie to my face! I don’t believe or trust ANYTHING from the Communist media or government! I refuse to accept them as a source for any information, because it is mostly lies!

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) control the ‘woke’ corporations that in turn control our Communist government and most everything else.

It is estimated that about half of our population is brainwashed and under control of the PSRRC, ‘woke’ corporations and government. These are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” who are ignorant (regardless of education) and will only learn the truth when they are starving. They believe the fairy tale of Communism which has always failed and expect to be supported for life without working!

Our rulers are students of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, his Minister of Information, where they learned the art of the “Big Lie”, “False Flags” and “Projection”. Projection is the technique of accusing others of doing what you are in fact doing. This is a primary tool of the Democrat party.

If you tell a really big and outrageous lie, and repeat it often enough, people will believe it.

Most Big Lies are also “False Flags” because they are designed to blame others for the incident and justify a war or other punitive action.

Hitler  burned the Reichstag Building as a False Flag so he could blame the Communists. Then he covertly attacked his own people  (False Flag) and blamed it on Poland, which “justified” his invasion of Poland. This is just one example of a False Flag used to justify a war.

The PSRRC and our Military Flag Officers have not won a war in 75 years, but as students of Adolf Hitler, they killed millions of innocent people and destroyed entire countries (no wonder we are hated around the world!). Their objective was to share in trillions of dollars of taxpayer money spent on no-win wars. All of the killing and money-laundering was possible by justifying one war after the other with False Flags and Big Lies.

Some other examples are in order.

The Gulf Of Tonkin” false flag justified our massive involvement in Viet Nam which murdered over 3 million Vietnamese, killed 57,539 Americans and made the PSRRC richer. Viet Nam was never a threat to the United States; it was all for profit. The same can be said for all of our Wars-for-Profit by the PSRRC in the last 75 years.

Nine-Eleven” was the false flag that got us into the 20-year Afghanistan war, all for nothing but money for the PSRRC and their Military Flag Officers. What a disgrace!

Weapons Of Mass Destruction in Iraq” was the false flag used to invade Iraq. Millions were killed for the profits of the PSRRC. Iraq was never a threat to the United States, nor were there any weapons of mass destruction!

Covid Pandemic and Faux Vaccine” was a Big Lie and False Flag. It was also the most heinous, comprehensive and destructive crime ever committed against humanity. Millions have died and been injured. it is predicted that many more millions (perhaps billions!) will die, and much infrastructure was destroyed. The Big Lie was that Covid was an accident and that the faux vaccine (a bioweapon of depopulation) would protect you. It was a “Big Lie” and “False Flag” to control, depopulate, and destroy the world. The PSRRC in conjunction with the government and a corrupt medical profession withheld proven life-saving drugs and protocols. Hospitals were paid a bonus to cause and report Covid deaths. May the perpetrators burn in hell for eternity! This proves without doubt that the PSRRC, ‘woke’ corporations, government and many in the medical profession have no respect for the lives of our citizens.

January 6” False Flag was based upon the Big Lie that there was an insurrection. There was not! But the FBI and Democrats promoted it as such with active and undercover agents. The purpose was to destroy the Republican party, cover up the crooked election and keep Trump from running again. This Democrat Jan. 6 False Flag resulting in deprivation of rights, torture and conviction in “kangaroo courts” of innocent citizens will forever remain a dark stain on our history.

“The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy” was the most dastardly of all “False Flags”. Jacob G. Hornberger states that JFK’s different direction for America got him killed “Our federal government had been converted from a limited-government republic to a national-security state. That’s when the federal government — or, to be more precise — the national-security branch of the government — acquired omnipotent, totalitarian-like powers, such as assassination, torture, and indefinite detention. The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA are the principal parts of the national-security establishment.

President Kennedy challenged the existing paradigm which infuriated the national-security establishment”

President Kennedy paid the price with his life for daring to question the PSRRC and their associates in the National Security Establishment. President Kennedy tried to return us to a Constitutional Republic based upon peace and prosperity. This is only a taste of the Hornberger article which will really enlighten you.

My readers and other writers that I know are most concerned about what patriots can do to defeat the traitorous usurpers of our Republic short of Civil War. There is no easy way without risk because power and billions of dollars are at stake and the PSRRC and their minions will kill to protect it, as history shows.

Patriots who are at risk of losing everything because they violated one of the unconstitutional laws not based on the Enumerated Powers can take action with legal help. There is still great risk because the traitors in the courts and justice system are compromised and ignore the Constitution.

We must realize that 50% of the population is supported  by income and health care from the government and they fear losing it. Citizens must learn that it is ECONOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the government to continue these programs in the manner they are now functioning.

The only viable solution is to return to our Constitutional Government before everything is destroyed as planned. This means pegging the dollar to a specific weight in gold, replacing income taxes with tariffs, closing borders and deporting invaders (destined to be mostly criminals or those on welfare), terminating FBI and CIA, returning to energy independence, terminating all unconstitutional federal laws not in accordance with Enumerated Powers (the majority of them), terminating green energy and climate-change scams, terminating the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank, and terminating foreign aid and support of invaders, which is unconstitutional.

Our choice is simple now, resist in a lawful Constitutional manner and subject to penalties of pain and suffering by the usurpers, or fight and starve later when everything is destroyed and people requiring medical care will just die.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Refuse to Comply With Unconstitutional Laws

Andrew C. Wallace

January 17, 2023

I have never advocated the use of force to overthrow a government, even this one, which is neither legitimate nor Constitutional. I have nothing but contempt for most Legislators and “officials”, as they have sold out The People and destroyed our Republic.

There is but one way to stop this madness, short of revolution, and that is for the people to grow some balls and refuse to comply with all the unconstitutional laws! If you refuse to obey, they can’t govern. It is that simple. Remember, they rule with the barrel of a gun, so it will be scary. But the alternative is either a bloody civil war or a lifetime of poverty and servitude.

You must know that your Enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in ‘Woke’ Corporations, Education, Government, and Military Flag Officers. They control everything, and own most of it. They are responsible for the murder of millions of innocent people in the last 75 years in no-win wars for profit, and they used your money to do it! These are brutal people with no conscience.

If you refuse to obey unconstitutional laws, our Founding Documents will support your actions. The criminals in government acting under the “color of law” have no such lawful backing, but they do have the guns. But we have many times more!

You must know that the Federal Government has no powers in the states, unless they are included in the Limited and Enumerated Powers in our Constitution under Article 1, Section 8. These Enumerated Powers are Defense, Immigration, Commerce , Money, Foreign Relations, Uniform Commercial System, and Post Office.

You should immediately see that a majority of Federal Laws are unconstitutional in the states, and many are usurpation of state powers. This federal concentration of powers started with President Lincoln, resulting in more power and graft for the PSRRC of those times.

Where in the Constitution do you find Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Transportation, Federal Reserve Bank, Labor, Insurance, Health and Human Services, FBI, etc? You don’t, and this is the tip of the iceberg.

Some of you uppity people in the cities and universities don’t like President Trump’s plain talk, but he talks in the language of ‘flyover country’, and we understand him quite well. We have heard too many of the snobbish, polished lies of the Ivy League. Frankly, I was surprised that the PSRRC did not assassinate President Trump because of all the great things he was doing for the people that would affect them negatively. Let me list just a few things that President Trump did that no other president had the courage to do.

1. Used tariffs to replace income tax and bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States
2. Secured our borders and deport invaders
3. Stopped the Climate Scam
4. Gave us Energy independence
5. Stopped no-win wars for profit

Only God could have done more, in spite of the PSRRC and their minions attacking and framing him in every possible way. The PSRRC is dedicated to their profit and power at any price, and to hell with the People.

I expect most people to sit on their hands and do nothing, expecting things to continue unchanged, and they will not! Economic reality dictates a major shift to poverty unless we can change direction of our government in a major way.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Will Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” Be Ignorant Forever?

Andrew C. Wallace

January 11, 2023

You can’t say that people living in Democratic Inner- City “Plantations” are stupid, but they certainly are ignorant of the facts. One must pity the people that are so thoroughly brainwashed by schools and media to love the Democrats who enslaved them, and continue to put them down while blaming others.

Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” (brainwashed supporters of Communism) do not understand that the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) control the ‘woke’ corporations and government that send jobs overseas and give their jobs here to Foreign Invaders. Government then uses our tax money to support these Invaders, because no one else could live on the wages offered the Invaders! It is not bad enough that ‘woke’ corporations send employment overseas, but then they get our government to subsidize the employment of Invaders. Our poor people don’t know that their Medicaid was also (unconstitutionally!) cut to finance foreign aid to Ukraine!

In fact, this is only a drop in the bucket of corruption. All government programs, including Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, etc., must be reduced because of the cost to support Invaders and the Ukraine war, all of which is unconstitutional! The purpose for both expenditures is to make money available for illegal transfer to the Democrats while our country is bankrupt. In the near economic future, our dollar will be approaching worthless.

You will not want to hear this truth, but the Ukraine war was necessary to replace profits lost by the Military Industrial Complex when they left Afghanistan, together with the money laundering that benefited the PSRRC.

Private military experts take serious exception to the lies told by media and government officials about Ukraine. These experts maintain that Ukraine is not even a Democracy, and is the most corrupt country in Europe. They further maintain that the United States was responsible for the war, to enrich the Defense Contractors and enable copious amounts for money laundering. This should be no surprise, because they have been doing this for 75 years.

Our legislators in both parties voted to support Ukraine because they were bribed to do so, and not for the good of the people.

Economists will also tell you that efforts to destroy Russia economically have backfired. Russia is doing better, while Europe and the United States are suffering a severe decline.

Any news about Ukraine from the media or government sources is usually a damn lie. I don’t admire Putin, but I wish our officials had his brains and courage. One good thing about Putin is that he is standing against the New World Order and our corrupt ‘officials’ are supporting it, while destroying our country!

When the government support system for people who don’t want to work finally ends, so will the support of government by Lenin’s Useful Idiots in the inner city plantations. Government will then replace Lenin’s Useful Idiots when they riot over the cutoff of ‘free stuff’. Foreign Invaders who have no loyalty to the United State will then kill Lenin’s Useful Idiots (Democrats) in return for food. Please understand that government will have no choice but to cut all such programs in the predicted total Economic Collapse caused by the unconstitutional actions of the government.

I will never understand why the poor and Blacks continue to support the Communist Democrats when they continue to screw them, over and over again. They don’t know that Democrats are now the party of the wealthy who spend roughly twice as much money on elections as do Republicans. Democrats are great at projecting their evils on Republicans. In reality both parties take orders from the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), and they are destroying our country and impoverishing everybody.

Educated people who support Communism are truly evil, because they know the truth!

The really sad thing is that the people who would benefit the most from this information will not read it. Even though Communism has never worked, these people will only learn from starvation, because their brainwashing is so effective.

As an Economist, I can GUARANTEE you that if we were to return to a Constitutional Government that we would have Unlimited Prosperity. It is that simple. Two examples are: Return to gold and silver- backed money, and you end inflation and the ability to wage no-win wars for profit. Implement Constitutional Tariffs and you eliminate the income tax, and make American workers competitive. The only problem is that the PSRRC will not allow their bought-and-paid-for Legislators to do it.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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There is No Hope for Lazy, Cowardly People

Andrew C. Wallace

January 6, 2023

A Message to MAGA People

I am the first to admit that it takes a degree of courage to challenge the Federal Government, even though most of its functions are unconstitutional. The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), major owners of corporate America, and their puppet minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, and military flag officers control both political parties; they are the usurped government and our Enemy!

The PSRRC is indeed the Enemy, controlling us with the barrel of a gun, using unconstitutional FBI storm troopers, et al., acting under the “Color of Law” and False-Flag Operations such as the fake insurrection on January Six, resulting in mostly false charges against patriots. People have not forgotten Bundy Ranch, Waco, 9/11, Ruby Ridge, Malheur Refuge, etc., and are growing angrier by the day!

Justice for the common citizen no longer exists in the United States. Most lawyers and judges are complicit to protect their positions, and do not practice law as directed in the Constitution; they are the enemy also. Have you ever heard of citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights to petition the government who were not dismissed by for “Lack of Standing”? The same applies to meaningful court cases that average citizens can’t afford.

I am not so foolish as to advocate the use of force. If The People are forced to the edge when there is no lawful remedy, it will be a natural result of rebelling against tyranny, as reported throughout history.

When your Enemy controls everything (the courts, the schools, federal police, military, and currency), armed resistance by the citizenry would lead quickly to guerrilla warfare, with no mercy or end in sight. No dedicated guerrilla force has ever been defeated in the field, and certainly not by our Flag Officers, who have not won a war in 75 years.

The PSRRC has managed, with the assistance of a totally corrupt legislature, to form 81 unconstitutional departments or agencies out of a total of 108. To the extent possible, you must refuse to comply with the unconstitutional laws in a polite and peaceful manner, giving them no excuse to attack you. These representatives and minions of the Enemy may not even know that their actions and employment are unconstitutional. You must educate them, as their Oaths REQUIRE obedience to the Constitutions.

You can determine which agencies are unconstitutional by looking at the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution under Article 1, Section 8. If the function in question can’t be supported by the Limited and Enumerated Powers, it is unconstitutional. Generally speaking, federal powers are limited to Defense, Immigration, Foreign Relations, Commerce, Post Office and Currency.

Where do you find Departments of Education, Welfare, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and etc? All of these are powers usurped from the states to centralize power and corruption in the federal government! They are only a few of the multitude of unconstitutional “laws” that have destroyed thousands of people financially, and unjustly put many in prison for violating them.

Also, the Constitution prohibits government from spending anything not for the DIRECT benefit of American people. Foreign aid and financial support of foreign invaders is unconstitutional and immoral! Why are the responsible “officials” not in prison? Because our justice system and courts are corrupt, that’s why!

If you want to save yourself from a bloody destructive Civil War, you must convince the ignorant minions of the usurping government that you will not comply with unconstitutional orders, as they are acting under the Color of Law. Do not argue with these people, just refer them to the Enumerated Powers. It is impossible to convince the brainwashed citizenry of anything contrary to their indoctrination! If you live in a Democrat city you are screwed. Your best bet is to call the local police, sheriff or state police for assistance, and hope to hell that these men in blue are aware of their Oaths to limit the Feds to the Enumerated Powers. In my entire police career and afterwards, I have never talked to a police officer who didn’t detest the FBI and their federal ilk.

The average person doesn’t know a thing about the Enumerated Powers and that the federal government has usurped state powers unconstitutionally to concentrate power and corruption in Washington DC. None of this would have been possible if state governors were not on the take or were cowards, afraid of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class.

If you want to defeat the Enemy without bloodshed you must educate your local and state governments, especially the police and National Guard. Then as a citizen you must refuse to comply with all unconstitutional orders in a polite and civil manner.

If confronted by the FBI (most corrupt in the world!) or their ilk, refuse to let them in your house or car, refuse to talk with them (refer them to your lawyer!), and call your police for assistance. Your local Sheriff has absolute police power in your county, and can rightfully refuse any federal agency attempting to enforce their private laws against the citizens.

It’s simple. If the usurped government can’t get citizen compliance with unconstitutional orders, they can’t govern. This is your responsibility! Act now and suffer in the short run, or do nothing and suffer forever.

God Bless our Constitutional Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Most Governors are Cowards, Liars and Corrupt

Andrew C. Wallace

December 27, 2022

I have been told that my writing about foreign invaders ignores too much of the brutal truth, and that I am too polite. I intend to correct that criticism with this article.

State Governors have the Constitutional authority, obligation and military power to save the United States by using DEADLY FORCE to repel foreign invaders, and they refuse to do it. This is Constitutional Treason!

They should arrest these invaders (they call them “refugees”!) on sight and put them in chain gangs as a deterrent to others. They should arrest and punish those who give any assistance or employment to invaders, as that is Constitutional Treason. The Constitution does not allow government expenditures for health care, education, food, housing, transportation, or anything else for these invaders. Again, it is Treason against our country!

Open Borders is another deliberate regime policy along with Green Energy, Climate Change, and Digital Currency, etc., by the Ruling Class to destroy this country and make way for the New World Order, aka “Great Reset.” This, also is Treason against our country.

Note that most of these invaders are young men of military age with no loyalty to the United States; they are the “Communist Army of Occupation”. Most invaders have nothing to offer this country; they speak no English, have no skills or education, and carry diseases. They can only live off the taxpayers and crime while destroying our country. Can’t you see that our federal and state officials are committing Treason for money and power? And if not, it’s a matter of pure cowardice.

Governors must show balls by closing their borders with DEADLY FORCE, if necessary, and deporting and arresting all invaders! If the Governors remain in the pockets of the Ruling Class, along with federal officials, citizens will have no choice but to prepare for the worst.

We are talking about the worst of all possibilities. Inflation, while supporting millions of invaders will, by itself, degrade all government benefits, Social Security, Medicare, etc. People getting Medicaid have been cancelled so money could be sent to Ukraine and kicked back to Democrats. In simple terms, experts agree that our Economy will soon tank to levels far below those of the Great Depression (or any yet experienced in the United States). We are talking about widespread looting, riots, starvation in cities, anarchy, etc. Conditions would be perfect for a French-style Reign of Terror, and ultimately a horrific Civil War.

God didn’t give our Governors loyalty, honesty or courage. They are mostly gutless, godless hacks with their hands out, just like their federal associates.  There can be no other reasons. If this were not true, they would solve the foreign invader problem and take back all the “powers” usurped by the federal government, which constitutes a majority of the federal establishment agencies. See Enumerated Powers in the US Constitution (in Article 1 Section 8). 81 of 108 federal agencies are unconstitutional, and most are usurpation of state powers! Let that fact sink in.

Assuming that, as usual, you don’t have the courage or energy to demand that your Governor perform his Constitutional duties, then you are screwed. Your only option is to stay out of the cities, buy 12 gauges and AR-15s, plenty of ammunition, food that lasts 25 years, medications and prescriptions, and other necessities to defend your home. Procure goods for barter, to use when money is worthless.

You will not be able to rely on the police for protection, even though most police officers are dedicated to serving the public. In the Communist Democrat cities, police rightly refuse to go where it is not safe for them. These officers are leaving these cities in droves. Only fools would put their lives at risk for people who would harm them. Only in suburbia, small cities, and rural areas can you expect support from police, sheriff’s deputies, and state police. But they will be pared thin, offering less prevention and more investigation. Your safety is still in your hands!

A last word to old duffers like me: You must accept the fact that the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class and their Communist minions consider us to be ‘Useless Eaters’ to be exterminated as soon as possible, by any means possible. We saw that recently when they killed us off in nursing homes. In Canada, they will give you a pill to die and encourage you to take it! But honestly, they hate everyone but themselves. Otherwise they would not be killing millions with the man-made virus and poisonous fake vaccines. This is nothing less than a genocidal crime against humanity, mass murder, and depopulation. If you need a blood transfusion, demand unvaccinated blood or you will have the poison in your body for the rest of your short life (remember AIDS)!

It would be helpful if you sent a copy of this paper to your Governor.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Open Borders, Promoting and Caring For Invaders is Constitutional Treason

Andrew C. Wallace

December 22, 2022

Nothing so harmful and destructive has ever been done to our country and its people before, not even the 2 World Wars…nothing! America’s borders must be closed and the invaders deported, or the country as we knew it is over. All of the sacrifices and deaths for the Republic since its founding will have been in vain. Only a citizen revolt or cataclysm of epic proportions could return it.

Any government official or private citizen giving employment or assistance to invaders is a traitor under the Constitution and subject to Death penalty. These traitors can be compared to Judas Escariot and Benedict Arnold!

Make no mistake—we can’t survive economically or as a nation with these invaders sucking the lifeblood and culture from our country! In the near term, an Economic Collapse of biblical proportions is expected by experts. The people will then vent their anger in the streets on the invaders and their sponsors. This will happen because the people have no other way to seek remedy and justice when their government is corrupt. People will surely blame these foreign invaders and their sponsors for their suffering.

The present relative peace before the coming storm is because 50% of the people live off government “benefits”, 50% of people are ignorant or brainwashed by schools and the media, 50% of people believe in the impossible lie of guaranteed income by the Communists, etc. These percentages are estimated and based on recent elections. This will change quickly when all government programs fail, and the people are under attack by criminals and are starving, especially in Democrat cities. This is only way the ignorant masses, regardless of their programmed “education”, will learn in the short run. They will be getting what they richly deserve.

The picture I have painted is not only possible, it is guaranteed by the failure of our Economy and its Fiat Currency. The only thing that could reverse this Economic Disaster is a return to gold and silver money, as required by the Constitution.

Securing the border is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government, and they are guilty of treason! State governors also have the power but no balls, and they are also complicit.

I can remember a time when the fear of Deadly Force was sufficient to prevent invasions, or even looting. We must use deadly force again to protect our Republic from looters and invaders! Once it has been used, it will seldom be required. Criminals at all levels are accustomed to lack of prosecution for their crimes, especially in Democratic-run cities, and this will surely have to change!

Millions of military-age invaders are being brought into our country to form a Communist Democrat Army of Occupation, bankrupting government benefits for our own citizens, providing inexpensive servants for the wealthy, and ultimately destroying our culture and economy and our country. In the process, invaders will reduce wages for poor blacks and take their jobs. Throughout history, Democrats have especially hated Blacks, and virtually all citizens, but use the ignorant population known as “Lenin’s Useful Idiots” to further their goals.

Most Invaders are uneducated, unskilled, and don’t even speak our language. Many are criminals and spread diseases. The only way they can survive is with government handouts (which we can’t afford) and crime. Every reader KNOWS this is true!
Following is an outline of a press release by Fairus:

Leading Fight to Stop Illegal Immigration | Federation for American Immigration Reform (

1. States spend $11 billion to $22 billion for invader welfare.
2. $22 billion is spent on food assistance to invaders.
3. $2.2 billion is spent on Medicaid for invaders.
4. $12 billion is spent on education for invaders.
5. $17 billion is spent on American-born children of invaders.
6. $3 million is spent a day to incarcerate invaders.
7. 30% of all federal inmates are invaders.
8. $80 billion is the cost of welfare and social services for invaders.
9. American wages are suppressed $200 billion by invaders.
10. Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by invaders.
11. $338.3 billion is the total cost of invaders, or $2,500 of each citizens taxes!

Shamefully, all of these amounts are expected to double in the next year. Fairus adequately documented all 11 statements in their press release.

There is no way to forgive or forget the recent coup d’etat instituted by the Super Rich Ruling Class (major owners of corporate America) and their puppet minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, and military flag officers. These Communists intend to hold on to their wealth and power at any cost to “WE The People” whom they despise and impoverish. The feeling is mutual. The ultimate objective of these Usurpers is the total destruction of the United States and its people to make way for the Great Reset, aka The New World Order. If the rulers were pro-American (and Constitutional!) they would replace the income tax with tariffs, which would give our citizens unlimited employment and a living wage.

Efforts by the government to remove adequate police protection, protect criminals, take away our firearms and institute digital currency (the ultimate control mechanism) are Acts of War against “WE The People” and will NOT be tolerated!

God Bless The Constitutional Republic and may the usurpers rot in hell

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Open Letter To Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (SCOTUS)

Andrew C. Wallace

December 20, 2022

Greetings, Justice Thomas,

Our state and federal governments ignore the Constitution and do as they please for money, election, and power. Many of these officials are cowards, corrupt, and outright traitors as defined in the Constitution. But SCOTUS is unique; they are appointed to office for life.  I understand that SCOTUS, for the most part, can’t act on its own without legal requests from others. But they could certainly be more responsive to requests they do receive and indicate willingness to adjudicate other critical issues like I have listed here. Some would say that such risk aversion is cowardice by SCOTUS.

I have great respect for you, but not so much for the Court, which has failed the Republic because of the inability of the people to finance litigation or wait for it to be resolved. This is a problem the court could solve if it wanted to.  I am a Patriot, 88 years old, legally blind and a disabled veteran with a modicum of education in Economics and the Constitution. Based upon performance by most lawyers and lower court judges, I think I might know more about the Constitution than many of them, or maybe the problem is that their greed and cowardice prevents them from honoring their sacred oaths.

The supreme Court, by failing to act to protect the Rights of the People for whatever reason, has allowed the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. Listed below are just some of the failings of SCOTUS of which I am aware. I know that you are aware of all of them, and more.

  1. It is true that the American people failed to overcome the multi-billions of dollars spent by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class,(PSRRC, vote fraud, and other schemes to rig elections, and SCOTUS failed to act.
  2. It is true that out of 108 federal departments, 81 are Unconstitutional usurpations in violation of the Enumerated Powers. All of the laws relating to the 81 departments are unconstitutional and SCOTUS failed to act.
  3. It is almost impossible to petition government and seek redress without being told that you lack standing, and SCOTUS failed to act.
  4. Our money is not gold and silver as required by the Constitution, which allowed millions of innocent people to be murdered in wars for profit while transferring the Peoples’ assets to the wealthy. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  5. The Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank (owned by private banks) has transferred the Peoples’ wealth to the elite, supported wars for profit, government boondoggles, depressions, destroying our country with inflation, etc. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  6. Congress terminated the Constitutional Militia of the several States with the Dick Act and authorized the FBI (for which I can find no support in any of the Enumerated Powers). The Federal government has no police powers in the states, but congress gave some to them unconstitutionally. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  7. Congress enacts all manner of Unconstitutional acts that are not authorized by the Enumerated Powers, such as laws relating to education, housing, charity, energy, agriculture, medical, et al, which are only some of the organic powers usurped from the states States. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  8. The administration spends the Peoples’ money on many things that are unconstitutional, such as foreign aid, troops based in foreign countries without a declaration of war, etc. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  9. It is Treason, as specified in the Constitution, to give aid and comfort to enemy invaders with supporting benefits and unprotected borders. There is no way to arrest and prosecute traitors with our corrupt system. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  10. Our federal income tax, as it is now administered, is unconstitutional. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  11. Congress is only Constitutionally-authorized to pay only for government debts, Defense and the General Welfare. It can’t spend money on subjects not related to the Enumerated Powers. I can see no Constitutional authority to fund Ukraine or give them military equipment, leaving our military without weapons for our defense. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  12. Power of the vote has been transferred from the citizens to the wealthy and their controlled ‘woke’ corporations with unlimited funding to buy, rig, and control elections. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  13. The corrupt FBI with no Constitutional authority is terrorizing people in the states, acting under Color of Law with or without support of the courts. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  14. Americans have been jailed and tortured in solitary confinement without due process of law under the False-Flag of an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, promoted by the government. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  15. Government violates the Fourth Amendment right to privacy by hacking private information without a warrant. And SCOTUS failed to act.
  16. One must not forget that ALL Americans have been impoverished by the 81 unconstitutional Federal agencies and their related laws. But thousands of people have been totally destroyed financially and put in jail for violating these unconstitutional laws. This is mostly a result of the concentration of federal power obtained by usurpation of state powers.

In Conclusion: Justice Thomas, I know you to be a good, even great, man and I know you are one of the few who have the position, intellect and courage to save our country from total ruin. We are close to a Major Economic Collapse of a magnitude never seen in America, which will leave us devastated. If history is any guide, conditions in America would be very close to those in France that brought on the Reign of Terror. We must prevent such a catastrophe! Please tell me how SCOTUS (our last hope) can save the country before a Civil War, not why it is not possible. If SCOTUS can conjure up a Constitutional justification for abortion or rewrite Obama’s Health Care Bill, it should certainly be able to do something on its own volition, sua sponte, about clear violations of the Constitution. Otherwise, it is superfluous to the Union. When the court wants to do something it finds a way. SCOTUS may be the only hope to save our Republic!

I would gladly initiate litigation if I could afford it, and it could be fast tracked to save our country before it is destroyed and I die.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

We are Ruled by the Barrel of a Gun, Not our Constitution

Andrew C. Wallace

December 13, 2022

We are ruled by the barrel of a gun, with total contempt for the Supreme Law of the Land. Our “Rulers” therefore have no Constitutional authority, and are subject to provisions of the Declaration of Independence.

As I have said in previous articles, we must GUT the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), the wealthy one-half of one-percent, who are the effective government by using their controlled WOKE corporations to bribe officials to impoverish and enslave us. We must take away their power over us, or, as God is my witness, both sides of the issue will experience total destruction, suffering and death.

“We the People” must realize that whether we bow down and KISS ASS or NOT, we will suffer in the short run. But if we accept Communism, we will suffer FOREVER. History is replete with examples of those who drank the Kool Aid (Cuba, Russia, China, etc). We must pity the Canadians, French and Australians who recently lost their freedoms for lack of firearms and courage. That will not happen in America WHEN our tolerance level is exceeded!

I am not now, nor have I ever, advocated violence to regain our Republic when alternatives exist, because I am a student of history. But conditions in the United States today mimic those in France, which brought on the terrible Reign of Terror. I am not naive, I know that time is rapidly running out to resolve these issues peacefully.

The PSRRC and their Communist minions in corporations, government, etc., have the most to lose, so I don’t expect them to capitulate without one hell of a fight with no-holds-barred. History teaches that they will destroy anyone and anything in the “Chinese style” that stands in the way of their power and money. This means that murder, rape, and pillage at a horrendous level can be expected, based upon the millions of people the PSRRC have slaughtered in our name in Wars for Profits. Ask your ancestors in the South how the PSRRC destroyed the South during the Civil War, without mercy, for money and power. Slavery had nothing to do with it. The PSRRC and Communists have been scheming to take over America for more than 200 years. They will not give up, without serious bloodshed, their ability to continue stealing billions from you!

I have been told that during the Revolutionary War, two-thirds of Americans were on the fence or supported the British. We now have over 50% of the people supporting the Constitution, which is more than enough to prevail. King George was a piker when compared to evils of the PSRRC and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.

I will say this in the plain language of Flyover Country: Any State or Federal Elected Officials, Bureaucrats, Judges or Military Flag Officers, et al.,  SUPPORTING UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTS ARE TRAITORS. PERIOD.

Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, Unconstitutional Fiat Currency (paper or digital, Unconstitutional Tax Free Foundations.  These are the primary tools used by our Domestic Enemies for the destruction of our Republic, looting of the people, wars for profit, depressions, democide, and all things evil.

The Federal Reserve Bank is owned by private banks and is one of the Big-Three Looters that make it possible for the PSRRC (upper one-half of one-percent) to impoverish and enslave the people. Every time they print more money, it reduces the wealth and purchasing power of the people while benefiting the wealthy. It also allows the government to wage wars for profit, finance foreign governments, and finance boondoggles. But the really dark side to the runaway printing presses is that soon the dollar will be worthless, interest on the debt will exceed revenues, refinancing will be impossible, and there will be no money for government programs or anything else, like food and energy.

Unconstitutional Fiat Currency (either paper or digital) allows the excesses of government at the sacrifice of the people.   Our Constitution specifies and mandates the use of only gold and silver as money.  Constitutional money makes inflation, wars for profit, foreign aid, boondoggles, most money laundering and theft, etc., very difficult.

Tax-Fee Foundations are the ultimate devil’s gift to the PSRRC (upper one-half of one-percent) because it allows them to park their money in a foundation, tax-free forever, while the people pay their share of taxes. Donors to tax-free foundations appoint themselves directors and spend the tax-free income FOREVER in many evil crazy ways, many to the detriment of the people. The bottom line is that these enemies of the people use stock owned by the foundations, parked in foreign banks or in their own names, to direct the ‘woke’ corporations to bribe and control government officials.

The Constitution Says it is Treason to have open borders and give aid and comfort to invaders, contrary to law!

This means that most officials and bureaucrats of all three branches of federal and state government are guilty of treason! People who hire invaders or give them any assistance are also traitors. Our country is being destroyed by invaders who have no education, skills, or even speak our language. They can only survive on the dole, or by crime. Invaders must be stopped at the border with deadly force by either STATE or FEDERAL officials (both have the authority and responsibility). Those that are already here must be deported forthwith.  Regardless of the cost, deportation is by far the less costly alternative. Then we must prosecute the traitors in our Woke Courts (JOKE), otherwise wait for revolutionary courts (NO JOKE).

The Wealthy thru Woke Corporations and 17th Amendment Buy all Elections.

The PSRRC ( wealthy elites) passed the 17th Amendment, which transferred appointment of senators from the legislatures to a popular vote. This allowed the wealthy thru their woke corporations to buy every election (and not just the senate!).  Open Secrets reports that $215,414,816 was raised in Georgia, $140,024,635 in Pennsylvania, and a total of five states raised over $100,000,000 for senate races.  PSRRC and ‘woke’ corporations gave the Democrats roughly double the money received by Republicans. Maybe someday Democrat voters will realize that their party is of and by the wealthy Communist-Democrat corporations. It is also reported that George Soros bought 75 prosecutors who have destroyed our larger cities with un-prosecuted crimes. The only solution is to restrict all political contributions to individual citizens who can vote for the politician who gets the money. The size of the donation must be a restricted amount. This is also the primary cause of centralization of power in the federal government contrary to the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. Blame the cowardly governors, all of them.

Most Media is Owned by the Enemy; It Lies like Hell, Withholds and Distorts the News, and Smears People.

Any purported media firm so described should lose its license to broadcast or do business because it is a corrupt fraud. Our Founders knew we could not function as a Constitutional Republic unless the people had access to the truth. Most people in the inner-city plantations get a poor education, fake media, and brainwashing. Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc., must be subject to the same laws as publishers. Read about Operation Mockingbird to see how the CIA uses the media to control propaganda.

60% of Government is Unconstitutional

There are 108 agencies in the federal government, and only 12 are Constitutionally-authorized, with another 15 that may be Constitutional.

Simply stated, only 27 agencies (12+15) are Constitutional, and 81 agencies (a majority!) are not.

The legitimate 27 agencies have a budget of $4.8 trillion and the 81 unconstitutional agencies have a budget of $6.5 Trillion.

The preceding details were in Paul Engels article The cost of constitutional illiteracy

Conclusion: 60% or a majority of federal budget is an unconstitutional fraud on the people. The legitimate agencies spend no more than government revenue, with no deficit. If our worthless, ineffective, corrupt, cowardly and despised officials in state and federal government followed the Constitution, we could end the income tax and return to tariffs.

There is no problem that could not be solved by putting most of our despised state and federal officials in jail for cowardice, theft, or treason, etc.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Criminal Legislators Enact Mostly Unconstitutional Laws to Enrich Donors & Impoverish “We The People”

Andrew C. Wallace

December 6, 2022

All of these Unconstitutional “Laws” have one thing in common: they were enacted by well-bribed Treasonous Legislators (criminals!) to give control and wealth to the ENEMY and impoverish the people. When I talk about “the Enemy”, I am referring to the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy Families, elites, establishment, etc., and their bribed minions in corporations, education, media, government, etc. Referring to these miscreants as Enemies of the People is certainly accurate and proper.

The elected scumbags have enacted so many unconstitutional laws that there is now little resemblance to the Republic of our Founders. There have been thousands of unlawful actions by the faux federal government, but I will only address some of the most outrageous political repressions of our God-given Rights as follows:

1. The Federal Reserve Bank (privately owned) is Unconstitutional and must be terminated! It is responsible for runaway inflation, the Great Depression, impoverishing and depressing the people, no-win wars for corporate profit, government boondoggles, etc. We can never have freedom and prosperity as long as the Federal Reserve Bank exists!

2. Our money must be returned to the “Constitutional Gold and Silver Standard” as it is the only way to prevent inflation and most transfers of the peoples’ assets to the wealthy and faux government.

3. Faux government must be stopped from instituting a “Fiat Digital Currency” which would be nothing less than a DECLARATION OF CIVIL WAR against “We The People”. This would be a provocation equivalent to taking away our guns, and would guarantee serious resistance.
Executive Order 14067 requires government to explore Digital Currency (Biden Bucks). This would result in “legal” government surveillance, control of your bank accounts, your financial transactions, and to silence your opposition. Welcome to the Country-Wide Prison in which you will be a convict with no rights, no nothing…but pain and suffering!

4. Income Tax in its present form is Unconstitutional and must be replaced with tariffs to fund the government and return jobs to Americans. Government was funded by tariffs alone, until replaced by income tax in 1913 to funds wars for profit and facilitate theft.

5. Tax-Free Foundations are the most evil and dangerous of all creations, by and for the benefit of the wealthy. Money and stock put into these foundations is protected FOREVER from taxes and is used for all kinds of evil and insane schemes such as depopulation, depriving people of the use of land, propaganda, promoting genocide, climate scams, green energy scams, politics, etc. (much of the money in these foundations was scammed from the people and government). Note that the wealthy can ‘park’ stock in these foundations forever, just like in off- shore banks, to control corporations.

6. All federal agencies, departments, laws, etc., not authorized by the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution, must be abolished! The States themselves can handle all administrative functions locally. With these reductions, tariffs will be more than adequate to fund Constitutional federal government.

7. Funding of politicians for elections must be restricted to a limited amount by individual citizens (who can vote for the politician getting the money). Lobbying politicians to sway votes must also be abolished! Legislators are OUR representatives, not the servant of corporate interests!

8. All foreign aid must be terminated for as long as we have a budget deficit, a national debt, and needy domestic people.

9. American military to be withdrawn from all foreign bases and never used in combat, without a declaration of war or a direct attack on the United States.

10. Open borders and any assistance to invaders is TREASON as specified in the Constitution, and should be so charged. Those who employ invaders or allow them to remain are also traitors. These traitors must be prosecuted, but how? All branches of government are corrupt. (Invaders are mostly men of military age recruited by the Communists for an army of occupation!).

11. Foreign ownership of property, land or corporations must be forbidden. Foreign students can’t be allowed to attend any institution that benefits from funding by any government. To do otherwise is to force Americans to fund foreign students and deprive American students.

12. The American Dream must be reinstated by restricting ownership of single-family homes to individuals for personal use. Greedy corporate officials who are buying single-family homes to rent should go to hell.

13. No corporation or individual can be allowed to withhold true news or prevent anyone from expressing their views. Media who report narratives rather than the news, or report the news in a negative manner designed to disparage the subject, should lose their license to broadcast.

14. The FBI must be terminated for criminality and ineffectiveness. I can find nothing in the Constitution to support or justify the FBI’s existence. When the federal government is reduced to its proper Constitutional size and functions, there will be no need for a majority of the federal government, most of the federal judges and the FBI (as intended by our founders).

15. Lawyers, Judges, Department of Justice, Supreme Court, and Federal Police Agencies must follow the Constitution, which most of them refuse to obey! Their Oaths of Office actually qualify them for office, and their breach of Oath disqualifies them automatically!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some things are almost impossible for most people to understand and believe, so I refer you to Publius Huldah, a noted Constitutional expert who can adequately simplify the complex in a few words, as follows:

“So, Congress’ criminal jurisdiction over private citizens under all Amendments is limited to those who keep slaves or don’t pay “income” taxes (whatever “income” meant when the Amendment was adopted). Estate and gift taxes are not authorized by the Constitution.

2. So! Much of the federal criminal code of today consists of “laws” which are mere usurpations and deserve to be treated as such. They are not “laws”, because they are outside the legislative powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. Excepting members of the military, and outside the tiny geographical areas (the District of Columbia, military bases, dock-yards, etc., and any Territories) where Congress has “exclusive legislation”; Congress has no general authority to pass criminal laws. Thus, laws which purport to be of general application throughout the several States criminalizing acts respecting firearms, ammunition, hate crimes, environmental crimes, economic crimes, banking crimes, computer crimes, murder, kidnapping, narcotics, arson, extortion, etc. etc., etc., etc., etc., are all unconstitutional usurpations.

End of Quotation.

If you read the quotation by Publius Huldah you now know more about the constitution than most of the population. Our criminal legislators, officials, judges, etc., are not ignorant of the Constitution; they just hate it for impeding their ability for corruption.

If the American people ever learn the truth, as reported here by Publius Huldah, there will be hell to pay! Think of the thousands of people who have been unconstitutionally jailed, fined, destroyed financially, humiliated, etc., by government minions of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

It took 100 years to brainwash Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” to believe in economic fairy tales that have never worked, and to support the wealthy and their Communist minions in corporations and government. In the short run, they can only learn from starvation and death (a high probability in our near-term economy).

History reports that corrupt legislators and other officials will only honor their Oaths to the Constitution when the cowards believe their careers are at risk. Our task is to convince them that they are despised and must do Right (without the pitchforks)! I pray that it can be accomplished, for the alternative is too terrible to contemplate.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Communists Are Now in Charge, Can We Win Back This Republic?

Andrew C. Wallace

November 26, 2022

There can be no doubt that our Constitutional Republic exists in name only, having been replaced by Communist Rule by force (The Enemy). I am convinced that we will win back the Republic, but at great cost, because the Parasitic Super Rich Ruing Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions (THE ENEMY) will not go down without a fight. To hell with abstract terms, the Enemy of the people is the Enemy. Period. Remember, they have been attempting to take over our country for more than 200 years.

To address the problem we must make the following assumptions:

1.The Enemy has taken over total control of the government and is ruling by the barrel of a gun in complete contravention of the Constitution, without any legality whatsoever.

2. Equal Justice does not exist in the faux federal government. There is no safety or justice in large Democrat/Communist cities or states.

3. The Majority of all federal legislation is unconstitutional, as it does not comport with the Enumerated Powers in our Constitution.

4. More than half the population is dependent directly or indirectly on income from the federal government. This of course is a big plus for the Enemy. But this advantage will be short-lived, because the printed money will soon be worthless and people will turn on the government. (It is impossible to change this situation without returning to Constitutional gold money, which the Enemy does not want to do because they would lose control.)

5. About half of our population supports the Enemy because of handouts, brainwashing by teachers and media, and just plain ignorance. But mostly its just the free money. The fools don’t know that this is economically impossible in the long run. Remember the fall of Rome.

6. The people of this country live in fear of the FBI and other rogue federal agencies acting under “the color of law”. The people know their Constitutional Rights and that the Enemy has none, which is a disaster waiting to happen. This could and likely will trigger a massive upheaval.

7. At the present time the Enemy (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, wealthy families, elites, big money, corporations, government officials, etc) control everything and everybody with money and the barrel of a gun.

8. Leaders of both political parties are subservient minions of the Enemy for money and power.

9. It is impossible to win national elections due to corruption, fraud and a complicit Supreme Court. In the short run, you can’t inform the brainwashed, but you must live in the short run. With cowardly and corrupt governors, complicit courts and a compromised Department of Justice, you have no remedy about unfair elections.

We are going to suffer for years, through many levels, before we regain our freedom. I predict that some levels will be fraught with destruction and bloodshed. I am predicting the following levels:

1. We are at the starting gate, where everyone is hoping that the recent election will result in a slowdown in the destruction of the country. But when faced with the barrels of guns by totally corrupt usurpers, little or no progress will be made. We can’t forget that long-term elected officials are under control of the Enemy (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, Elites, Big Money, Establishment, Wealthy Families, etc). Please note, I just call them what they are: The Enemy!

2. We could experience some real hell in the period before the next election, if borders are not closed, inflation continues unabated, open-ended funding of the Ukraine War continues, FBI continues “Color of Law” attacks, etc. The real danger comes from citizen resistance to unlawful attacks by government. If the feds then respond even harder, it will precipitate severe and escalating blowback. Frankly, it will be a miracle if we get to the 2024 elections without a major confrontation and over-reaction on both sides.

3. The 2024 elections are our last, best chance to prevent a civil war. The “America First Republicans”, a minority of the Republican legislators, must force fair and Constitutional elections. If they fail, the people will lose their only opportunity to regain their Constitutional Republic without destruction and bloodshed, resulting in a civil war (not my recommendation, but a reality).

Our only hope is President Trump, who has demonstrated his patriotism and capability in the face of The Enemy to do the right things. I don’t care how many crooked politicians he calls pigs or worse, because they are pigs. The Enemy hates his guts because he interfered with their theft and degradation of the American people and our Constitution. Every major media outlet, including Fox News, will smear and vilify him because his election would result in a return to prosperity of the People at the expense of The Enemy (PSRRC, etc.).

President Trump speaks the plain, unvarnished language of the people and not the phony polished words of the Enemy (the “upper crust” and “woke” crowd).

The Election of 2024 will be a contest between the informed working -class, former middle-class (MAGA voters) and the wealthy, self-proclaimed elite Democrat/Communists (The Enemy), government, media, corporations and their brainwashed free-loaders in the inner-city plantations. The Democrat Party is not the party of your grandfather! It is the party of the wealthy, The Enemy.

Anyone who thinks that a government that produces nothing can support people who do nothing is as dumb as a box of rocks.

Let’s look at the numbers (I have little confidence in the absolute accuracy of these numbers, however.). National debt is $31 Trillion, GDP is $24 trillion, Revenue is $3.6 trillion, Federal Budget is estimated to be $5.8 Trillion, Every citizen owes $92,772 of the debt. Interest on the debt will soon exceed total revenue. It is economically impossible for federal government to continue funding most of its “unconstitutional “ expenditures that produce a $2 trillion or more deficit a year. (Say Goodby to Social Security, Medicare, Pensions and all government benefits!) It has been reported that 40 million able-bodied people refuse to work because they are paid not to work by government, resulting in inflation and shortages. If we don’t return to a government of “constitutional size”, we will continue as bankrupt, and everything we cherish will be gone. Period.

4. Assume we managed to take back control of all three branches of government in 2024, while replacing the old guard of the Republican Party with “America First” Republicans. Now we can make our federal government comply with the Constitution 100%, and our prosperity will soar. But if we fail, I can see nothing but destruction and bloodshed for years to come as Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” learn the truth by starvation and experience (the only way they will learn in the short run).

5. I want to make clear that,win or lose the 2024 election, drastic changes will take place over which no one has control. All creditable experts say that we will soon be in a massive, long and enduring economic depression with the dollar in free-fall. If we terminate all “unconstitutional” parts of the federal government, return usurped powers back to the states, put the able- bodied back to work, etc., we can return the Republic to the People with all its benefits. If we can’t do this, we will suffer a civil war and sink into economic oblivion until we again fund government with tariffs, rather than the income tax.

CRITICAL WARNING: If The Enemy, through the government, again violates the Constitution and instigates instant and comprehensive slavery known as DIGITAL MONEY, it is an immediate DECLARATION OF CIVIL WAR. You would be like a Chinese serf with no God-given Rights, no property, no nothing. You would be a convict in a “country-wide prison”.

Anyone who questions this truth is an idiot.

I am a Patriot and an 88 year old, legally-blind disabled veteran with a modicum of education and experience. My writing is based upon this, and my knowledge of History, Economics and The Constitution. At my age, I don’t have time for BS, so I call a spade a spade. I am not advocating any course of action because I can’t participate. I report circumstances as I see them.

God Bless the Constitutional Republic.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

No Governor Honors his Constitutional Oath; DeSantis may be Best But He’s NOT Ready for Presidency!

Andrew C. Wallace

November 19, 2022

Governors, like all members of Congress, officials, judges, and military flag officers refuse to obey their sacred Oaths to the Constitution. Simply stated, this failure makes their positions untenable and without legitimacy, while doing great harm to “We The People”.

Our Governors are Cowards and well-funded Minions of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families, elites, big money, establishment, etc. If only our governors were independent, obeyed their Constitutions, were honest, and had courage, then your life could be great! Our states have the Constitutional power, and Governors must use it as follows:

1. The borders must be closed! Governors have the Constitutional power to stop invasion with deadly force, and they refuse to do it. Everyone who allows or supports invaders is a “Constitutional traitor” and should be so charged (Government spends $338.3 Billion on invaders, costing $2500 per taxpayer!).
2. Tariffs could replace income tax (as in the past up to 1913), which would also bring jobs back to America.
3. Return to Constitutional gold and silver money which ends inflation, wars for profit, and government boondoggles.
4. End Tax-Free Foundations which protect the resources of the wealthy forever, while allowing them to do all kinds of crazy things to our detriment.
5. Kick the FBI and every unconstitutional federal agency out of the state (a majority of federal agencies).
6. Repeal 17th Amendment to take back Senators from control by the PSRRC and corporations.
7. Round up all illegal invaders and deport them before they destroy this country financially and by crime. (The only reason for open borders is to destroy poor Blacks, poor Whites, and the country!).

NOTE: The preceding actions have a chance of mitigating a massive and prolonged Depression. Very soon the government will not be able to fund anything or anybody. Fiat dollars and new fiat digital dollars will be worthless!

The preceding objectives will give power back to the people and make us healthy, wealthy, and happy again .

Governor DeSantis may be the best of the worst, but he has not demonstrated his dedication to the Constitution or the courage to take back powers usurped by the federal administration. And he has had four years to do it! DeSantis has made many good decisions, but not one of them was in real opposition to the PSRRC’s graft and money laundering. Until he has the courage to oppose them by taking back usurped state powers, I must assume he is just another well-financed minion of big money (PSRRC).

Governor DeSantis seems to be highly-supported by the PSRRC, big money and their corporate minions. I could never vote for anyone who was under their control!

Governor DeSantis knows that President Trump did not have support of the PSRRC. In fact, both political parties smeared and framed him constantly for four years because he was giving the country back to the people (reducing PSRRC profits). President Trump closed the border, gave us energy independence, started tariffs for government income and to bring back jobs, ended wars for profit, reduced red tape, etc. President Trump did all of this while the corporate minions in government and media did everything to destroy him. I don’t care how he walks and talks or how many banks he beat at their own game. Nothing changes the fact that he did more for American people than all the presidents in the last 100 years, combined.

Reminder, Fox News has been promoting Governor DeSantis for years only because he is no threat to Big Money (PSRRC). You will note that Fox News Anchors criticize the Government just enough to keep their MAGA audience happy, but not enough to expose the harm being done to the people. Fox is even advertising the Faux Covid Vaccine! Fox News is owned by the ‘Left’.

By his failures to date, Governor DeSantis has demonstrated that he can’t match President Trump’s ability to get elected without support of big money, or accomplish what President Trump did in the face of massive contrived opposition and vilification.

Governor DeSantis has the rare opportunity to be another President George Washington if he has the courage and ability to take Florida and then the country back from the PSRRC and their Communist Minions in the government and media.

In a political matchup today , Governor DeSantis has little substance when compared to President Trump, but he can eclipse President Trump if he honors the Constitution in Florida and refuses funding and control by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). I would really like to help Governor DeSantis, but that is impossible for me as a common citizen. His staff has refused to answer my supportive letters and e-mails for years.

The games are over.

Disclaimer: I am a Patriot Writer from Flyover Country Florida, as such my words are primitive and direct, lacking the polish and obfuscation of the Ivy League. I pity the brainwashed Communists among us, for they know not what they believe, and will starve and die at the hands of their own.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Our Constitution, Rule of Law and GOD are Supreme

By Andrew Wallace

November 16, 2022

The Establishment, consisting of the Most Wealthy Family’s controlling Corporations, Banks, Media, Judges, Elected and Appointed Officials, Law Enforcement, Medical Care and all Educational Institutions are an Unconstitutional Cabal. This Establishment and the people associated with it are guilty of Treason against the Republic and its Citizens; they are guilty of the Deaths, and unspeakable crimes suffered by Tens of Thousands of Americans. The Establishment, contrary to law is also bringing millions of Muslims and illegal’s into the country as future voters and criminals while we are paying for it.

Facts specified in our Constitution, by the Rule of Law and by God, will guide us in terminating the power and control that the Establishment and its minions in government may try to use to defeat us.

There is also no doubt that this president, and the last several have done their best, contrary to the Constitution, to enrich themselves and sell out our country to foreign interests while thousands in our Armed Forces in combat are killed by improper Rules of Engagement and shortages.

Even more of our citizens are being raped, robbed, molested, and murdered by illegal’s and Muslims for the profit of the Democrat and Republican Establishments. None of this would be possible without the full support and direction of the traitors in all three branches of government who are  guilty in the Deaths of Thousands of Americans for profit and power.

If the Establishment Media had not lied and generally covered up these Unconstitutional atrocities by government the people would have long since removed the traitors from office with extreme prejudice.

I am not here to cry about what these dirty rotten SOBs have done to our beloved Republic, nor am I advocating that we shoot them, unless they shoot at us first. The Founders gave us guns for self defense not for hunting. The FBI has a bad habit of killing citizens if they don’t do what they want them to do. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Burns Oregon et. al. You should be legally armed with a handgun and a semi auto 308 rifle which is what was  used to shoot the Oregon Rancher in the back. All of this was caused because the Ranchers were protesting the Federal Governments Unconstitutional control of the state’s land to profit from it. Read Art.1, Sec.8, Clause 17 of our Constitution. Just because the Rabid Environmentalists and their Fellow Travelers the Socialists/Progressives/Democrats/Republicans/Communists would like the land for power and profit contrary to the Constitution will not make it so.

As a retired Economist and student of History I can guarantee you a robust economy with plenty of jobs within about 18 months after we do just a few things. Eliminate the income tax and don’t replace it with any other tax. Terminate the private Federal Reserve Bank. Replace unconstitutional paper money with gold and silver. Terminate all unconstitutional federal programs prior to federal bankruptcy and transfer to states who wish to handle them. Return to people the right to petition directly to a Grand Jury. Force Judges to allow juries the right to be told their powers. Use a tariff system that will force American companies to return to this country.

The former chairman of the Federal Reserve said in a speech that they caused the great Depression. This means that if you had hard working relatives in this country around 1913 they should have left you some money if not for the Federal Reserve. Of course the great depression was a big benefit to the Establishment who took advantage of the people.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Our Great Constitution Is Used As A Front For Traitors?

By Andrew C Wallace

November 7, 2022

If you read our Declaration of Independence and compare it with current conditions you will think that we were better off under King George.

All of our rights from God and our Constitution are being denied us through the barrel of a gun.

Our legislatures pass Unconstitutional laws, ignore the Constitution and legitimate laws. Those who do this are guilty of Treason.

Our people can’t petition the government or courts for relief without being told that they have “NO STANDING”. We have a two tier Justice System. There can be no equal justice until at least a  few hundred Officials and bureaucrats are in jail.

I will say again that a Majority of Federal Laws are an unconstitutional concentration of usurped powers by the federal government contrary to the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.  This is for the benefit of the Parasitc Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) who control the corporations that bribe politicians in both parties.

None of this would be possible without corrupt government agencies like the FBI and DOJ. Of course the Supreme court is in the tank along with all the other traitors. There is a consensus among patriots that the FBI must be terminated and its employees should never be allowed to work for government again.

None of this treason would be possible if a majority of our Elected Officials, Bureaucrats, Judges,  Flag Officers et al. were not corrupt, cowardly or both

Average citizens can’t understand why our federal government is keeping an open border allowing invaders and drugs access to our country. Majority of the invaders are young men who don’t speak English, have no skills or education, many are criminals.  In Europe this resulted in rape and crime. Contrary to law, government funds are supporting the invaders, when it stops, we will have millions of criminals that must be incarcerated or deported. The border must be closed with deadly force if necessary

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) has made our country a PIRANHA  AMONG NATIONS  by waging war on country after country for 75 years. The only reason was for profit and power. Wars also transfer our peoples wealth into the hands of the PSRRC. Wars for profit would not be possible if we were on a Constitutional Gold standard.

It must be stated that our Flag Officers have not won a single war in over 75 years Our military is reported to be in poor condition to defend us They are short of bullets and everything else because it was left in Afghanistan  or given to Ukraine. Military is also dependent on China for equipment.

I don’t care for Putin. But there is ample evidence that the Ukrainian government is no kind of democracy and was responsible for attacks on Eastern Ukraine that were blamed on the Russians. The only ones to profit from this war is our very own PSRRC. There is a consensus that we destroyed the Russian pipeline because otherwise the Germans had to make a deal to save their country. But know this, Ukrainian war has increased Russian’s Economy and destroyed ours and Europe’s. I don’t believe a word that the fake media  reports on Ukraine. or anything else.

Our Constitution calls for a Free Press, but our press is not free. Our last election was proof that our press was in no way free. The press is controlled by corporations and government agencies like the FBI

If you want Middle Class Manufacturing Jobs, Innovation, The American Dream, End of Inflation, Real Money, Stable  Retirement, Good Schools and Medical Care, Safe Streets et al. You must demand return of tariffs, termination of Federal Reserve Bank, return to a gold and silver backed currency and termination of federal income tax. Tariffs finance government and make manufacturing in our country competitive here. Income tax and fiat currency are only required if you want to steal from the government and wage no win wars to profit the PSRRC

Most large corporations have no loyalty to the country  or its people. Their only loyalty is to the PSRRC, the controlling stockholders. Corporations export jobs if labor is cheaper elsewhere and import the cheap labor they can’t export. The only way to control them is by using tariffs that fund the government and make Americans competitive with anyone.

Another note to the FBI. Based on your corrupt actions I don’t believe that you understand what I am writing. So I will tell you that I am only exercising my rights to freedom of speech by reporting the facts as I see them. I never advocate violence or unlawful behavior. Based upon what I hear, the Constitution means nothing to the FBI


My Message To The Traitors, I WILL NOT COMPLY   

I WILL NOT COMPLY with any Presidential Executive Orders, for they have no Constitutional authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Common Law unless it has Constitutional compliance with my Protected Rights.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Judicial rulings at any level that attempt to make law, as this is the role of the Legislative Branch.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with laws made by unelected bureaucrats who have no authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with a majority of Federal Laws that are unconstitutional because they are beyond the scope of the Limited and Enumerated Powers in our Constitution.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with unconstitutional edicts requiring me to submit to faux vaccine injections or other protocols.

I WILL NOT COMPLY if unconstitutionally ordered to surrender my firearms, nor will I relinquish the right to use deadly force in defense of life and property.


© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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“We The People” Are Mostly Sheep, Ruled By Unconstitutional Officials

Andrew C Wallace

November 3, 2022

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I say “Mostly Cowards” because only a very small percentage will fight, which is validated by history. Not to worry, there will be more than enough to prevail in Guerilla Warfare. No determined Guerilla force has ever been defeated in the field. I am advocating nothing, just stating facts.

I have learned from the last 15 years writing for NewsWithViews that it is impossible to inform the brainwashed left of anything. They will die as Communists from starvation or violence. My only objective is to give MAGA readers information they can use. I have pointed out important major issues and left out details that are not critical..

Most elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, FBI, DOJ, media, corporate officials, flag officers, etc are as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. All of these corrupt people are bribed minions of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families who control the corporations that pay them

The objective of the PSRRC is to enrich themselves, impoverish “We The People” and destroy the Constitutional Republic to make way for the One World Order ( Great Reset). How are they doing this? Let me list some of the schemes.

The major turning point was in 1913 with the inception of the Income Tax, Federal Reserve Bank, Tax Free Foundations and direct election of Senators (depriving states and The People of power and wealth). Every one of these actions was designed to empower and enrich the PSRRC while impoverishing “We the People”.

Most importantly the PSRRC works to concentrate all powers in the federal government contrary to our Constitution. This started in earnest with President Lincoln who started and fought a Civil War for centralization of power and it had “not a damn thing to do with freeing the slaves”. It had everything to do with power and money for the PSRRC of the period.

At the present time a majority of the federal government is Unconstitutional because they have Usurped most of their powers from the states contrary to the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.

The legal system in our country no longer functions for the average citizen. The DOJ, FBI, judges and most government agencies are ant-American to the point of being criminal while ignoring the Constitution. The federal government operates under unconstitutional Administrative law. Judges follow made up case law and ignore the Constitution. A favorite ploy of the courts is to refuse to hear your case because of “Lack of Standing”. Americans are being deprived of all their rights from God and our Founding Documents.

Prior to 1913 our government was financed by tariffs, therefore no taxes. Tariffs also allow protection of American workers from cheap foreign labor, but ant-American corporations don’t give a damn about American workers.

When President Trump used tariffs again to return manufacturing jobs to the United States, the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) tried to frame and destroy him. President Trump did more for the American people than all the presidents combined in the last 100 years. He closed our border, made us energy independent, allowed food in the stores, ended foreign wars, instituted tariffs to return manufacturing jobs to America, etc. So I don’t care how President Trump talks or walks. Nor do I care if he beat some banks at their own game. I only care about what he did for our country.

The smooth talking charismatic presidents enriched themselves and the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) while impoverishing “We The People” and killing our young in wars for profit ( along with millions of innocents).

Our government is pretty much hated around the world for waging no win wars killing millions of people for profit of the PSRRC (Military Industrial Complex).

Putin may be a dictator, but he is ruthless in defense of Russia, The Ukraine war was caused by our government and fake media. Period! “We The People”, here and in Europe are being rapidly impoverished by the war. Millions are dying and the PSRRC is laughing all the way to the bank. Make no mistake, everything about the Ukraine War is fake (Based on False Flags and propaganda), except for the death and destruction.  Putin has every reason to defend Russia against NATO, the Great Reset (One World Order) and our corrupt government. If only our Government would defend the United States like Putin defends Russia. Before you take exception to my writing about Ukraine war you must avail yourself of the facts, and not from our lying government or media.

Our Military Flag Officers have not won a war in 75 years while the PSRRC profits, “We the People” pay for the wars that impoverish us and we bury our dead. So far as I know not one war in the last 75 years had anything to do with our national security, they were mass murder for PSRRC profits and power. Can you see how a “French Style Reign of Terror” could result as retribution?

Everything about Climate Change and Green Energy ( EVs, solar and wind power, etc)) are impossible fairy tales designed to impoverish “We the People”.

As one example, Electric vehicles (EVs) require more materials to produce than gas powered vehicles ( materials America does not have), EVs require fossil fuels to generate electricity, we don’t have generating capacity for an all EV fleet., or the capability to deliver the electricity. Most people can’t afford to buy EVs much less discard them when battery dies. These scams are simply designed  to destroy “We the People” and the Republic, there can be no other reason.

There is now no question that the Chinese and American governments collaborated in development of the Covid Virus. The so called vaccine ( it was not a vaccine) not only didn’t protect you from the virus, but it made you more susceptible to it with all kinds of deadly side effects. Masking, Social Distancing, Lockdowns, etc didn’t work and had very negative effects. Wearing a mask is only a sign of obedience, ignorance and cowardice or a damn Communist advertising his stupidity…

Latest reports are that the faux vaccines killed 200 million people and harmed another two billion. Death rates are soaring. This is only the beginning of a full scale effort at depopulation. The perpetrators should be hunted down, divested of their ill gotten gains, executed or sent to prison for life. How many more people have to die before there is serious retribution?  Reports are that it is a great devise for permanent birth control. If you are elderly and alive, thank God, chances are that you didn’t take the so called vaccine, if you got the shot it’s a miracle. There is no known way to restore your damaged immune system or get the poison out of your system, you can only pray.

Our government officials are following the Communist Manifesto, not our Constitution. Communists are anti-family, anti -religion, want you to live in apartments, abort babies, use public transportation, use digital money, hate “American Dream”, own nothing ,and be happy. FYI, more than half of black babies are aborted.

Democrat Communists are turning our cities into crime infested hell holes to destroy our Republic. No one should reside in, or visit a Democrat city unless you must, and can carry a firearm. But, if you should harm an attacker you will be the one in jail, so the prudent action is to stay out of all Democrat cities and let them kill and maim their own.

If the election in November gives power to the Republicans, it will only slow down the PSRRC and their Communist minions in corporations and government, because both parties are in the tank (corrupt).

Our Republic can only be returned to “We The People” when a majority of the federal government is disbanded in compliance with the Constitution. This will require a strong leader , a civil war or both.

God Bless America.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Patriots Want Work & Freedom, Socialists Want Guaranteed Income For Not Working

By Andrew Wallace

October 29, 2022

We know that Patriots will fight for freedom and the right to work,  Would Be Communists will fight to sit on their asses waiting to be fed by the labor of others.

Unfortunately for the stupid indolent would be Communists it does not work that way and never has. The reasons are obvious and tautological ( true by logic of use ) as follows:

1. Patriots are not slaves and will fight before they allow their labor to feed the wealthy and would be Communists who don’t want to work..

2. Not to worry, either the fiat money runs out or inflation makes the fiat money handouts worthless. Only a return to gold standard can stop this crime against the people and the wealthy will fight this tooth and nail.

3. We could return to the Constitutional Gold Standard which would put an end to inflation and prolific government spending on wars and handouts in excess of revenue.

4. We could finance the government with Tariffs as we did in the past, and following the Constitution terminate the Income Tax and Federal Reserve Bank. Tariffs would also return manufacturing to the United States.

5. Supreme Court  could force Federal Establishment to return a majority of their usurped functions to the states which would end federal no work welfare in all its forms.

6. The old people referred to as “Useless Eaters” by the Communists will refuse to participate in euthanasia to make funds available to feed the indolent who could work, but refuse.

7. We could terminate the income tax which is only needed to fund no win wars for profits of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) .Tax also transfers wealth of the people to the rich and funds the idle looters and arsonists in Inner City Plantations

8. Those with 401Ks should be prepared for major losses when stock market collapses ( hedge with gold IRAs) . Those on Social Security, fixed income, or government benefits will suffer a major loss in purchasing power due to hyper inflation.( return to gold standard would stop this) Notice , I did not say if, I said when, which will be soon. I know of no noted Economist that would disagree with me.

9. It is imperative you know that most major corporations are controlled by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), the wealthy families. These corporations bribe government officials and have no loyalty to the country or the people whatsoever. If they did we would not have lost our manufacturing jobs to China. In simple terms our corporations destroyed the American Dream.

10. The Communists are destroying our country with Open Borders, Green Energy, and the Climate Scam. I guarantee that these programs will impoverish the people and enrich the PSRRC.

You will note that I referred to “Would Be Communists”, for only the PSRRC, (wealthy Families) , the corporations they control and the minions they bribe in government are card carrying Communists. Their followers in the Inner City Plantations are only expendable dupes without a clue (Linen’s Useful Idiots) .They will be done away with when no longer needed or tolerated. The only question is who will kill them first, the Patriots in a civil war, the Communists to consolidate power or starvation.

Some of my associates maintain that our people are too soft and no longer have the courage to defend the Republic as they did in the past. After studying history I maintain that there is little difference. It is reported that only 3% of our people fought during the Revolutionary War while two thirds were on the fence or supported the English. I maintain that 3% of the people would constitute approximately 750,000 , an unbeatable Guerilla Force. I know that no determined Guerilla Force has ever been defeated in the field.

The Communist numerical strength is in the inner city plantations with  countless Useful Idiots that are no better than paid mercenaries with little knowledge of what is at stake. They are good at arson, destruction, looting and murder, but little else. They murder more babies than are born. in a Civil War it will be impossible to feed them and fiat money will be worthless.

We should all pray that we elect Patriots in the next election who can reverse the destruction by the current administration.  If we fail, I see nothing but bloodshed and chaos.

The Patriot side will consist of 15 million or more veterans, and most everybody not living in the Communist cities. Communist supporters will include professors, college educated women, entertainers, government bureaucrats, media, corporate officials and cannon fodder from the inner city plantations. et al.

There is ABSOLLUTELY no possibility of converting those on the Communist side, they refuse to interact with the exception of name calling and projection. They will die as Communists. Since most of the Communists got the faux killer vaccine many are going to be dead or disabled.

Most everybody on the patriot side will be able to tell you why they support the Republic. They are also armed to the teeth. Those on the Communist side can only practice projection and slander. Most of those on the Communist side refuse to touch a gun except for those in the inner city plantations of course who have made a habit of killing each other.

Based upon a modicum of experience teaching Economics I have learned that repetition in different ways is more effective than a single approach. That is why my articles approach the problem from different angles. In this paper “I did not amplify details” because I want the reader to explore the multiple ramifications. Like Economics this is a complex and dismal subject.

Experience is by far the best teacher but the tuition in bloodshed and destruction from confrontation is too exorbitant to contemplate, so lets not go to war and settle this in a fair and Constitutional Election. If it is not fair it will be our last election.


© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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How to Interact With the Corrupt FBI

Andrew C. Wallace

October 25, 2022

First of all you must shun the FBI as a monumental disgrace to law enforcement and the Republic. There would be little corruption in the federal government if the FBI was not the most corrupt of all.

The FBI is an abortion and has as much support in the Constitution as Roe V Wade.

1. Never, ever voluntarily open the door to your house or car to  FBI agents who lie, cheat, steal and frame citizens..

2. Never talk to an FBI agent, speaking your name is too much and can be used to frame you.

3. Only your lawyer should talk to FBI agents.

4. Under no circumstances should you agree to a plea agreement when you are innocent. or framed…

5. When the so called FBI agents show up at your door call your Sheriff for protection from home invaders masquerading as FBI agents acting under the “Color of Law”.

6. Your Sheriff is the supreme law enforcement official in your county and can arrest rogue FBI agents acting under the “color of law”.

7. Demand that your Governor remove the Sheriff if he refuses to give you written assurance of protection from rogue FBI agents acting under the “color of law”.

8. I am not advocating armed confrontation, let the Sheriff act in your defense.

The FBI is famous for framing people and the rogue DOJ leaves them to rot in jail without trial, due process. or Constitutional rights..

Well known politicians are immune from all laws.

Cooperation with the FBI is dangerous. Look no further than the framed political prisoners from the January 6 event who were held without bond or trial in terrible conditions contrary to the Constitution!

The Communists defunded and destroyed police in Democrat cities so people would become desperate and willing to accept the FBI as a national police force , contrary to the Constitution.

The Parasitic Suoer Rich Ruling Class ( PSRRC) and their brbed minions in corporations and governments have been working hard to concentrate all power in Washington and the most important power is Police Power.

FBI was founded in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation. This was after the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Dick Act of 1903 made the Militia of the Several States part of the National Guard. Under the Constitution, the Militia has the responsibility for enforcing laws of the Union.

I could find nothing in the Constitution to authorize federal laws to legalize the use of federal law enforcement within the Several States, except on the delegated federal territory needed to carry out its enumerated duties. The only possible exception I can see is the use of federal force for actual counter terrorism,  protection of officials and currency violations etc..

Laws giving the FBI police powers in the states are UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND  DELIBERATE ACTIONS TO GIVE THE FBI AN EXCUSE FOR ACTING UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW TO PUNISH PATRIOTS. I could find nothing in the Constitution to support the laws which allow the FBI to arrest kidnappers, felony killing of state law-enforcement officers, committing violent crimes against interstate travelers, serial killers, bank robbers, etc. IN FACT I COULD FIND NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUITION THAT EVEN SUPPORTS THE EXISTANCE OF THE FBI. THEY HAVE NO POLICE POWER IN THE STATES, ABSOLUTELY NONE

If our judges followed the Constitution many FBI agents and government officials would be in jail and sued for their last dime. Many innocent American victims of Unconstitutional laws will seek compensation. It will be many victims because a majority of federal laws are unconstitutional.

The FBIs incompetence on 9-11 is well-known by any person alive at the time.

I maintain that the organization and management of the FBI is so corrupt and dysfunctional that it is impossible for it to function effectively and honestly.. To prove my point you only need to read “Classified Woman” a 333-page book by Sibel Edmonds.

The FBI has a terrible history of promoting crimes,

There is no fix for the FBI, it must be disbanded and its employees fired, never to work for government again.

There can be no question that the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021, was an FBI frame-up and false-flag

A book you must read is titled: “The Terror Factory, Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism” by Trevor Aaronson. It is 281-pages plus an index of purported facts.

I have made no attempt to list all of the FBIs crimes because they are too numerous, and well known.

God Bless America.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Demand Your Legislators Obey The Constitution, Or Else

By Andrew C. Wallace

October 22, 2022

You must get in their faces and Demand that they obey the Constitution or you will find one honest judge and charge them with treason at the very least. Yes, treason because all of our federal elected officials from both parties are mostly ignorant, bribed and cowardly. Those few who are not corrupt are ineffectual.

Following is absolute proof of just some of the treason by officials, may they rot in hell for eternity. They are the real enemies of the Republic. If they would correct the Constitutional issues listed below we would have almost instant return of our Constitutional Republic with all its benefits, I guarantee it. I defy anyone to question a single statement.

Returning our American Dream, Prosperity and Freedoms is very simple, but requires real courage and patriotism. It is simple ( I did not say easy) because we know what has to be done from past experience, and we know the enemy.

Our primary enemy is the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), our wealthiest families, the corporations they control and the traitorous minions they bribe in government for total control.

The PSRRC are determined to destroy our Republic, impoverish and enslave us in order to rule us in New World order. Period.

I am only going to write about the most important issues that will break the back of the traitorous PSRRC, otherwise a book would be required that you would not take the time to read.

1. The most important thing we can do is break the financial back of the PSRRC by returning to tariffs so our manufacturing will return to the United States along with our middle class jobs. The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) will use the FBI and any other corrupt government agency to stop imposition of tariffs. Just look what they did to President Trump. Tariffs will finance government and allow termination of income tax.

2. We must make it unlawful for Financial whores like Black Rock to use fiat dollars generated by the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank to buy single family homes to rent, thereby denying families from participating in the “American Dream” ( home ownership and accumulation of wealth).

3. The border must be closed using deadly force and all invaders deported forthwith. If the federal government won’t do it, then the states have to. Otherwise we are another destroyed Europe with millions of anti-American criminals where women can’t walk the streets. Officials and NGOs who assist invaders are guilty of Constitutional Treason and must be charged accordingly.

4. To prevent inflation, no win wars for profit and transfer of the peoples wealth to the PSRRC we must terminate the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank and return to the gold standard. This will absolutely raise the living standard of every man woman and child in the United States while putting an end to all kinds of government and corporate theft. Without fiat money it will put an end to 75 years of no win wars for profit.

5. We must end all foreign deployments of our military except by declaration of war when the security of the country is at risk. That is not now the case anywhere in the world. We must also end all foreign aid and take care of our own people.

6. The FBI must be disbanded at once. Corrupt officials must be prosecuted. There can never be a Constitutional Republic with the FBI intact.

7. The Federal government must end its usurpation of state powers and limit its functions to the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. This will allow the government to reduce its size and expenditures by about half supported by tariffs. This would end PSRRCs plan that started with Lincoln to concentrate all power in the federal government so they could better profit and control us.

8. Any legislator who votes for an unconstitutional law should be charged with treason. A majority of Federal laws are unconstitutional because they do not comply with Enumerated Powers in the Constitution.

9. Remember major corporations under the control of the PSRRC are anti American and financed the burning, looting, and destruction of American cities ( which included their small business competitors). Democrat officials ignored the chaos or were complicit.

10. We must have a free press. Media must report all the facts without embellishment. They can’t be allowed to report narratives.

11. The Supreme Court is a major failure because it failed to declare countless acts to be unconstitutional, made decisions based on politics and refused to hear cases involving clear violations of election laws. Court also dodges issues by claiming citizens have “no standing”.. Could part of the problem be that most of the Justices have Harvard law degrees?

12. Donations to politicians must only come from “private constituents” in limited amounts to be specified

13. Foreign ownership of property, land or corporations must be prohibited. Foreign students must be prohibited if the institution receives any government funding. The abuses that this would correct are endless.

Legislators work for you. Either you know this, and get in their face and demand they obey the Constitution or you are a cowardly ignorant apathetic slob who deserves to starve, and are a disgrace to those who died to give you this Republic.

Just a reminder if you don’t do your duty there is a strong possibility of a French style “Reign of Terror and a Revolt” with copious destruction and bloodshed .

God Bless America

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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DeSantis can be President by Demanding a Return of Tariffs, Ending the Income Tax

By Andrew C. Wallace

October 8, 2022

Florida Governor DeSantis has taken a number of actions favorable to the people, but like all the other State Governors, has failed to get the Feds out of state functions unconstitutionally usurped by the Feds. [Usurped: take illegally or by force] This failure by our Governors can only be for one or all of the following reasons:

They are minions of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families who use their corporations to bribe and/or coerce most everyone in Government.  Or the governors and legislators are mostly ignorant, corrupt or cowardly, and they have no balls at all.

A majority of Federal Laws are unconstitutional  usurpations of state powers in direct violation of the limited “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution. Honest and courageous governors, were they not on the take, would kick Feds out of their states.

Honest Governors would demand a termination of the income tax, with a RETURN to Tariffs . Tariff income would be divided among the states according to population. States would then fund the federal government in accordance with the Constitution. Tariffs  funded our government quite well until 1913. The income tax and privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank were started at this time so the PSRRC could rob, cheat, steal, and kill millions in wars for profit. Anyone who takes exception to these facts is just plain ignorant.

Governors should replace any sheriff who refuses to protect citizens from rogue federal agencies like the FBI. Sheriffs have Superior Constitutional power, and should have the courage and independence to arrest FBI agents or other rogue elements of the federal government acting under “Color of Law”. The media is replete with examples of these criminal acts of Treason by the FBI and FEMA and IRS and DOJ and other such agencies.

Another important question: How many good and honest citizens are in prison or have lost everything for violating an Unconstitutional Federal Law  which is no law at all? Elected officials, FBI, DOJ, Bureaucrats, Judges, Media, et al, are responsible for these unjust crimes against our citizens. But our Governors are also responsible for their failure to honor their solemn and sacred Oaths of Office to honor and comply with their State and Federal Constitutions. This Oath qualifies the affiant for his Office, and when he violates his Oath, he is automatically disqualified from that Office, and all his acts are VOID from inception. Got that?

A majority of all Federal Laws are Scams and Unconstitutional because they are not authorized by the “Enumerated Powers”, which are National Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Currency, Commerce, Census, and  the Post Office. Therefore, a majority of all federal laws are Unconstitutional, which means that most federal elected officials, bureaucrats, and judges are all corrupt, cowardly, or both. Also a majority of federal employees in all the unconstitutional  agencies will not be needed. We should terminate the employment of cowardly federal government employees and prosecute the corrupt ones!

At some point very soon, people confronted with unconstitutional laws are going to tell the Feds  and rogue FBI agents acting under the “COLOR OF LAW” to stuff it.  History is replete with examples of this phenomena. Dictators escalate, and people retaliate. The result is always death and destruction, for there is no effective mechanism for an equal system of justice. The rogue representatives of an unconstitutional government have no legal authority for their treason, and the people have no easy alternatives except to resist. At this stage, it is impossible for the dictators to govern except through the barrel of a gun, which will not be viable long term in this country because the people are armed to the teeth. But dictators don’t back down, because they know that if they do they are kaput.

The preceding analysis is bad enough but it will be magnitudes worse, because our economy is being rapidly destroyed in every possible way by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and the corporations they control that bribe and coerce their minions in government. Europeans are suffering first; they are the canaries in the coal mine.

Hyper-inflation will put everyone who depends on a government check, retirement plan, or investments on the street to starve to death. This is deliberate theft, murder and destruction by the unconstitutional “Privately- Owned” Federal Reserve Bank printing unconstitutional FIAT currency to benefit the PSRRC.

Many Americans are buying gold coins to protect their savings from inflation. But, the damned banks are holding the gold price down by selling gold short (that they don’t even own).This is another scam that needs to be corrected.

History predicts that residents of the inner city plantations who have been promised a guaranteed income by the Communist Democrats will riot, loot and burn when it stops. Communists will then put them down, after they have served their purpose, just as Hitler did in the “Night of the Long Knives”.

Let’s not forget the current “Depopulation Agenda” of MASS MURDER that  has already killed millions. It is predicted to murder and harm untold millions more, FOREVER. People are dying and suffering from side effects of the Covid and the much more deadly KILLER Faux “Vaccines”.

What can you do? Resist, buy an AR15 or 12 gauge, stock up on ammunition and food that lasts 25 years, and Pray.

Note to the corrupt FBI: I am not advocating violence or unlawful behavior; I am only stating what is  obvious reality.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic, may it and those people with courage yet survive. The ignorant and spineless are mostly doomed.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Government That Doesn’t Comply With the Constitution is Illegitimate

by Andrew C. Wallace

September 29, 2022

Every elected official, bureaucrat, flag officer, or judge now employed by Federal Establishment is either a criminal , a coward, or both.  Oh, there are a few among the miscreant Fellow Travelers who protest the criminality, but they are mostly ineffectual.

If you learn nothing else from this paper, know that the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), the wealthy families, control the large corporations that bribe their government minions to screw the people for power and profit.

Every man, woman and child in this country is being deprived of their God-Given and Constitutionally-Protected Rights that were established and defended by the ultimate sacrifice of patriots for centuries.

Contrary to the Constitution, all political power has been concentrated in the Federal Government for the benefit of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). This treason was accomplished due to the coerced complicity and cowardice of State Governors and elected officials. This was done for power and profit. Those elected to congress from both parties may be wealthy from bribes by the PSRRC, but they are still only minions. A majority of the Federal Government’s powers are usurped and must be returned to the states in compliance with the Constitutional “Enumerated Powers”.

Since a majority of the Federal Government operates Unconstitutionally it is not practical for me to list everything that is unlawful and must be changed. Following are just some of the most critical actions that must be addressed.

1. Terminate the unconstitutional (private!) Federal Reserve Bank which facilitates inflation, wars for profit, depressions and all kinds of skullduggery

2. Return to Constitutional money (which must lawfully be only gold and silver) to stop inflation and reduce theft. Only Congress, not the Federal Reserve Bank, has the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof! Don’t under any circumstances allow the supplanting of digital currency which will control and enslave us.

3. Invaders must be rapidly deported. “Benefits” to Invaders are costing each American $2500 a year in taxes. The cost of deportation will always be less than cost of allowing them to remain. We have no jobs for them because most Invaders don’t speak English and have no education or skills, which is a recipe for a new criminal class. Thirty percent of federal inmates are immigrants.

4. Federal Income tax must be replaced by tariffs which financed our country until 1913. This will allow states to perform proper functions that have been usurped by the Federal Establishment which pretends to be our lawful government.

5. We must take all money out of politics, except for small donations by individuals who can vote for the politicians. The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and corporations must be prohibited from supporting (and influencing and coercing) politicians in any way

6. Governors must guarantee people that they can use force, even deadly force. to protect life and property without being prosecuted. The only way to stop looting and arson is to allow the use of deadly force. Policing must be increased, cash bail retained, and criminals kept in jail.

7. Corporations, media or anyone else cannot be allowed to stop truthful information from reaching the public.

8. Profiting from any market by nefarious means, such as selling a commodity or stock short that you don’t own, must stop.

9. Any elected official who votes for an unconstitutional act or accepts support from anyone other than individual constituents is a criminal, and must be removed from office and prosecuted. Any official violating his solemn Oath to protect and defend our Constitution is automatically removed from office, as performance under that Oath is a non-negotiable qualification to hold that office!

10. Any individual, corporation or organization giving financial or other support to domestic terrorist organizations like Antifa or BLM are to be prosecuted for any theft of organization funds and related criminal acts. It was no accident that this support resulted in the destruction of small business competitors of the large corporate retailers.

11. Any judge who uses the excuse (political or otherwise) of “Lack of Standing” to deny a citizen the right to be heard on violations of any Constitutional issue is to be impeached.

12. Open borders are contrary to law. All government expenditures supporting invaders is legal treason and theft. Everyone associated with using government funds to support invaders is guilty of theft and treason. They should be prosecuted and every dime they own returned to the treasury.

13. We know that majority of federal government agencies are corrupt, and that a majority are also unconstitutional. The FBI is the most corrupt of all, and most citizens know this and fear it, with good cause. But, most importantly, the FBI has caused people to lose all faith and trust in the federal government. The FBI must be terminated. Anyone who willingly works for such a corrupted organization should not be allowed to work in government again.  Nothing in the Constitution supports existence of the FBI. Our Constitution gives the Federal Government no police powers in the states, none!

14. It is treason and fraud to mislead the ignorant among us to believe that they will never have to work again under the new Communist Democratic party.

15. All unconstitutional handouts and benefit programs must be transferred to the states, except for Social Security and Medicare which are paid for by recipients.

16. The American Dream must be retained by restricting sale of single-family homes to only citizens and legal residents for personal use.

17. Foreign students must not be allowed to replace any Americans in educational institutions benefiting in any way from government funds.

18. Treasonous American and Chinese officials jointly developed the SARS19  Bio-Weapon and promoted the faux “Vaccine”. This was the most deadly and effective mass attack on human life in the history of the world. The result was destruction and death on an unheard-of scale, with 750,000 deaths in the United States alone, with many more to follow, FOREVER. I thank God that I didn’t take the JAB, or in my condition, I would be dead from side effects and loss of immune system. Those responsible should be tried for mass murder and divested of their billions of ill-gotten wealth. If you really want to know the whole truth you can get it where I did, from Devvy Kidd at Facts: experimental covid injections and sads

19. Purchase of land, property, or corporations by foreigners must be forbidden. It is past time to protect our country! Other nations have the sense to maintain their national integrity and sovereignty.

20. Climate Control, and Renewable Energy are illogical and impossible scams designed to impoverish and control the people, and must be terminated.

To the best of my ability, I have been very careful to be certain that everything I say in this article is truthful and verifiable in accordance with the law. If the FBI should come for me, it will be just another bogus example of the politicized FBI acting under  “Color of Law” with no lawful jurisdiction or authority.

God Bless America.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

My Message to the Traitors – I Will Not Comply

Andrew C. Wallace.

September 23, 2022

We must resist this unconstitutional occupation by a private, foreign corporate entity pretending to be our National Government in every LAWFUL way! The following is what I am doing. I pray that American Citizens have the courage to emulate me. Our failure to resist will lead to destruction of all we hold dear, and will result in massive bloodshed, as History has proven.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with any Presidential Executive Orders, for they have no Constitutional authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Common Law unless it has Constitutional compliance with my Protected Rights.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Judicial rulings at any level that attempt to make law, as this is the role of the Legislative Branch.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with laws made by unelected bureaucrats who have no authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with a majority of Federal Laws that are unconstitutional because they are beyond the scope of the Limited and Enumerated Powers in our Constitution.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with unconstitutional edicts requiring me to submit to faux vaccine injections or other protocols.

I WILL NOT COMPLY if unconstitutionally ordered to surrender my firearms, nor will I relinquish the right to use deadly force in defense of life and property.



© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Is There a Way To Save Our Republic From the Traitorous Usurpers?

By Andrew C Wallace

September 3, 2022

The French Reign of Terror was only one example in history that was caused by circumstances very similar to ours, so should you not expect the same outcome now? Our Founding Documents demand involvement of the people to retain their Republic. The criminals who usurped our government for profit and power are traitors. Their other objectives for their Unconstitutional actions are the total destruction of the Republic, starvation, enslavement and impoverishment of our people. Is this not painfully obvious to all?

Politicians from both parties, judges, and government bureaucrats get their bribes and orders from the major corporations. Corporate Directors in turn take their orders from the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC, wealthy families you never see) whose stock holdings control the corporations and most everything else.

Under the “Enumerated Powers” of our federal Constitution (created by the several States), the federal establishment was granted only very limited powers, and certainly not the expansive powers of a legitimate organic national government. Those powers are reserved for the states, which are independent Republics. The federal establishment has unconstitutionally usurped most of its powers from the states, which is why a majority of its laws are unconstitutional. The FBI should take notice that the federal establishment has no police powers in the states, none. Its private rules and codes apply only to its corporate employees and its own property, which is very limited. The Private Federal Reserve Bank is unconstitutional (as is our money) because it is not gold and silver. Our founders learned from history that inflation was impossible with gold and silver money and made theft by government very difficult. This is but a taste of the corruption. Remember, the United States and its founding documents were created specifically to protect our Rights!

People who support the Constitution and fight the traitors are patriots, not terrorists. They are fighting the usurpers, not the legitimate government. The traitors who rule this country with the barrel of a gun should be on notice that our Founding Documents give legal standing to the patriots who oppose them. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution giving legal standing, rights, protection or support to usurping traitors ruling our country with the barrel of a gun. The traitors must suffer the wrath of the people alone, naked of any protected rights or legal support from our Constitution, which does not apply to them as usurpers.

Our Democrat (Communist) Cities and States are cultivating many lawless and useless people for crime and government dependence. This is facilitated by a lifetime of indoctrinating and brainwashing by faux schools and media. Most of these people are also victims who were never taught right from wrong, have no morals or ethics, no since of responsibility, no family, no church, no skills, no loyalty, no nothing. Government imports illegals to take the few jobs they are qualified to perform that could not be exported, to hell with Americans. Citizens see the brutality, burning, looting, and destruction by residents of inner-city plantations and identify them as the new criminal class. History teaches that these people will revolt when they don’t get what they want and the government will be forced to kill them. Anyone who believes faux government ever really supported Blacks and the poor is indoctrinated or brain dead.

Much of what is taught in our schools about the Civil War and Slavery is a Damn Lie. The war was not fought to free the slaves, it was fought to enrich the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) of that era in the North. Abraham Lincoln had no concern for slaves, he wanted to send them back to Africa. Lincoln’s ultimate objective was the concentration of power in the central government for benefit of the PSRRC of that era. Is this not still the objective today?

Based upon Economic reality it is impossible for America to escape a major depression much worse than the Great Depression of 1929. The Private Federal Reserve Bank admitted to causing the last one and they are doing it again, bankrupting the middle class to enrich the wealthy. It will soon be impossible to live on Social Security or any government handout. But even if you could, there would be no food to purchase. This could happen in the near future, maybe overnight. There is no solution short of a return to Constitutionally-mandated gold and silver money which would stop the inflation that is impoverishing the people as planned.

Europe is now the model for our future. It is rapidly collapsing Economically and in every possible way, people are going to freeze this winter and starve. This is our immediate future with the Usurping Traitors in charge. This was caused by the PSRRC to destroy Europe to make way for the Great Reset. This was brought about by conversion to Renewable Energy, practicing faux Climate Change and attempting to destroy Russia. Most media won’t tell you, but Russia is winning the war in Ukraine and prospering economically at our expense.

We have world-wide murder, depopulation and destruction on an unheard-of scale for the first time in history. All of this death, physical harm and destruction by the virus and faux vaccines was planned and implemented by the PSRRC and their “governments” on a massive scale. This violates the Nuremberg Codes and criminal laws and requires that the perpetrators be hung! We now know without doubt that the objective of the PSRRC is to depopulate the world, as demonstrated by the Covid fraud and fake dangerous vaccines. Covid was developed in a joint venture between the American and Chinese governments. The faux vaccines did not work and made people more susceptible to the virus while killing and damaging millions. By all accounts the faux vaccine is more lethal than the virus. Infected people were denied treatment even though proven drugs were available. As a result the medical profession has lost any creditable support by knowledgeable people.

Another Holocaust is possible based upon the negative information available everywhere concerning the conduct of some Jewish leaders in banking, finance and government for many years. It is true that Jews were also instrumental in founding and funding Communism and are very active in supporting it and the Great Reset in this country. However, most Jews may benefit our country more than any other group, many are beneficial professionals. It is my contention that Jews must also do their part in calling out the bad conduct of the few for the benefit of mankind and their own survival. It is wrong to condemn all Jews for the actions of a minority, which is now the reality. But the Jews will have a problem so long as many people think that Anti-Semitism means the same thing as Anti-Communism. Only the Jews have the resources to call out the miscreants among them.

The corrupt usurping traitors who control our federal establishment with the barrel of a gun will not appreciate what I said here. But I have only exercised my rights to freedom of speech, and I have not advocated violence or the overthrow of Constitutional government, nor have I committed federal crimes. If the FBI should come for me it would be based on trumped-up bogus charges as is Standard Operating Procedure with them. Any warrant would have to be signed by a crooked judge. Neither federal judges nor FBI have any Constitutional authority or jurisdiction over me because of my lack of interaction with the federal establishment. Whatever they try to do to me and other patriots under similar circumstances is “Acting Under The Color of Law” and would be just more unlawful actions. Again, a majority of federal laws are unconstitutional usurpation of state laws as specified by the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution and have no legal authority whatsoever in the states.

God Bless our Constitutional Republic

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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“Under The Color of Law”

By Andrew C Wallace

June 21, 2022

Title 18 USC Sec. 241 and 242

Majority Of Federal  Elected Officials, Bureaucrats and Judges Exercise Power “UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW” in Violation of ENUMERATED POWERS IN THE CONSTITUTION


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death

My objective as a patriot writer is to inform people of the truth that is not readily available in the schools or media. In the process I hope to help preclude armed revolt like the French Reign of Terror which many think is a near term certainty if nothing changes.

Elected Officials, Bureaucrats and Judges are enforcing laws that are unconstitutional  because they are not authorized by the “Enumerated Powers” of the Constitution. They are ruling unlawfully “Under the Color of Law”.

The Constitution under the “Enumerated Powers” allows federal government to ONLY pass laws related to Immigration, Defense, Foreign Relations, Post Office, Commerce, Currency and some house keeping functions. This means that a majority of federal departments, agencies and related laws are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers and their enforcement is “Under the Color of Law”.

Our Constitution gave the federal government no police powers in the states, absolutely none. Constitution specifies that “federal laws” are to be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. But  elected officials abolished the Militia with the unconstitutional Dick Act. So we are left with the costly, corrupt, incompetent FBI, Justice Department and Judiciary.

In November 2021 the FBI raided the homes of Project Veritas Journalists based upon a warrant issued by a federal judge for theft which is a state crime over which the FBI and Federal Judges have no  authority. This is but one example of countless deprivations of our Constitutional Rights by rogue members of our government. These reporters made at least three mistakes, they allowed entry to their homes, talked to agents without a lawyer being present and didn’t bring charges against the agents.

The federal government is spending twice as much as it gets in taxes with the Private Federal Reserve Bank printing the balance. The resulting inflation is destroying the average citizen but enriching the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). Our economy is being destroyed along with the value of our money. At this rate those on Social Security, fixed income and government charity will STARVE.

It is my opinion, and that of many others that starvation and death are the only things that will convert the ignorant from a lifetime of Communist indoctrination..

The thought of starving gangs of Communists who think the world owes them a living, roaming the streets looting, burning and killing is really scary. Many patriotic Americans would die, but most of the Communists will be dead. This is not a wild forecast; we have already seen it done, financed by the large corporations. and protected by corrupt officials.

Everyone wants to know what can be done when federal law enforcement and the courts are corrupt? The ultimate answer is Guerrilla Warfare, but I certainly am not advocating this bloody solution. There must be other ways. You could charge federal officials with operating “Under the Color of law” when they do it. But what corrupt federal law enforcement official would arrest them and what corrupt judge would try them.

The answer may be in using  the Militia of the Several States. The most comprehensive and authoritative information  on the Militia of the Several states can be found in the extensive writings of Dr. Edwin Vieira Jr.

We know that the PSRRC  is destroying our country to  make way for the New World Order, nothing else makes any since.

We can’t give the PSRRC what they want . If you get nothing else from this paper I want you to know who controls everything, most people don’t have a clue. The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC)  own the stock controlling the large corporations which,in turn, control government, media, banks and most everything else. Nothing changes because both parties are paid by the PSRRC.

The PSRRC existed before our founding and  was called the nobility in Europe. When the French faced a situation similar to the one we will soon face, their solution was the “French Reign of Terror” when they cut off the heads of all the nobility they could find.

God Bless Our Constitution

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

I For One Refuse To Comply With Federal Laws That Are Blatantly Unconstitutional!

By Andrew C Wallace

May 27, 2022

What I am reporting in this paper is God’s Truth based on our Constitution, “THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND”. I challenge any traitorous politician, bureaucrat, judge, academic, Communist or member of The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class to attack a single word using Constitutional Facts.

A MAJORITY of all federal departments, agencies and related laws are Unconstitutional and designed to enrich the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their political followers while enslaving The People.

The Constitution reserves ALL powers to the states and to The People, except for the “ENUMERATED POWERS” delegated to the federal establishment for Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Currency, Post Office, Commerce, and some household functions. Federal establishment has these ENUMERATED POWERS ONLY. States are SOVEREIGN governments while the federal administration is but a creation of the states without the required powers of a lawful government created by the People. A created entity cannot possess more power or authority than its creator, and its creator cannot be subservient to its creation! Period.

We have been blessed with the greatest Constitution in history, but its objectives have been eroded over time by the PSRRC and their servants, our greedy and traitorous politicians. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote our Constitution based on their negative experiences in the hell hole that was Europe, which the United States has now become.

Our Constitution says that laws of the union are to be enforced by The “Militia of the Several States”, so the PSRRC did away with the Militia using the unconstitutional Dick Act. The Militia was replaced by corrupt and incompetent unconstitutional federal agencies that the PSRRC controlled, led by the most corrupt of all, the FBI.

Most people don’t know that the government, the schools, the economy, energy, health, and all things corrupt are controlled with corporate money upon orders from the controlling stockholders (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class) of our largest corporations.

Almost everything the federal government is doing is unconstitutional for the purpose of enriching the PSRRC at the expense of the people resulting in hunger, poverty, and deprivation of Constitutional Rights. In simple terms, the federal administration has no JURISDICTION whatsoever unless specified by the ENUMERATED POWERS in the Constitution. Translated, this means that a majority of federal departments, agencies and their related “laws” are unconstitutional and lack jurisdiction over the people. All unconstitutional statutes, codes, rules, and “laws” apply only to their federal employees for the administration of their functions. The People are not subject to their private, foreign jurisdiction unless they knowingly and willingly volunteer into “contract” to receive “benefits”, and abrogate their protected Rights.

Patriot writers continue to write about the countless criminal RESULTS of the government’s unconstitutional and unlawful actions. I think we should concentrate on a few major actions that will take away the government’s ability to steal, waste our money, wage wars for profit, and rob us through inflation.

There is a simple way to accomplish much of this: follow the Constitution and return to the gold standard as required by the Constitution (as Russia and China are doing). Fiat money based upon debt is being replaced by commodity based money. Eliminate the unconstitutional PRIVATELY- OWNED Federal Reserve Bank. The PSRRC and politicians will scream like stuck pigs, but the people will prosper without inflation and the government will no longer be able to spend twice as much as it receives in taxes.

Most importantly, you can also refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws, which is a majority of them. The federal government has no authority over education, health, energy, transportation or anything not authorized by the” ENUMERATED POWERS” of the Constitution.

Everything I have reported in this paper is lawful and based upon the Constitution. I defy anyone to prove me wrong with facts from the Constitution.

God Bless Our Constitution!


It is my opinion based on observation, study and history that the PSRRC, politicians, bureaucrats, judges, academics and large corporations are destroying this country and its people. History teaches us that when you take everything away from people and they have nothing to lose, that the people will revolt until only ashes remain. I can find nothing in the Constitution that would support the unconstitutional actions of the usurpers of our Republic. The French Reign of Terror is but one example. Guerilla warfare is the obvious response, and no guerilla force has ever been defeated in the field. I pray that the evil ones with the most to lose will take note.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Patriot’s Agenda for Return of Constitutional Republic

By Andrew C. Wallace

January 22, 2022

Be assured that we are going to take back our Constitutional Republic from the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their commie minions. There are only two ways to take back the Republic, and the PSRRC will determine by their actions which one is taken.

The preferred method is to elect patriotic officials who are dedicated to protecting the Rights of the People, and who will force the Federal Establishment to conform to all original specifications of the Constitution. The only other option is Guerilla Warfare and resistance to all unconstitutional laws. Be aware that the majority of all federal laws are unlawful and unconstitutional. The destruction and bloodshed would be similar to the “French Reign of Terror”, as always results when the People are oppressed, suffering and  enraged.

We don’t advocate violence, but history teaches that dictators don’t back down, and this is especially true of Communists. Therefore, we predict bloodshed if the PSRRC and their commie minions continue their destruction and refuse to allow fair Constitutional elections. After years of study and writing on the subject, We have developed the “Patriot’s Agenda” as a possible solution.  If enough people use it there will be an earthquake of change.



Voters must refuse to elect any Official who accepts money or any support from the PSRRC corporations or their commie minions. Elected Officials of BOTH parties now support the SAME anti-American pro- Crony Capitalist (Corporate Welfare) programs that impoverish the people, but enrich the PSRRC and their commie minions.

Remember, the PSRRC owns the controlling interest of the corporations that finance BLM, Antifa, media, elected officials, campaigns, bureaucrats, et al.

2)… The unconstitutional Privately-Owned Federal Reserve Bank and unconstitutional currency system must be abolished.

American people are being impoverished by an unconstitutional fiat money system. We must return to stable Constitutional money that is a store of value. The dollar should be backed by Gold and Silver as specified in the Constitution. If our currency was backed by gold, it is estimated that it would require $15,000  to exchange for one ounce of gold! The present “manipulated” price of gold is only about $1,800. Shocking, I know, but the fiat dollar isn’t worth a Continental. This would end the major source of  impoverishment of the people, no- win wars for profit, boondoggles, inflation and much graft, etc. For more information read article by Andrew Wallace titled “The Truth about the Privately-Owned Federal Reserve Bank”, Oct.26th

3)… Tax-Free Foundations are a major cause of the continued impoverishment of the American People and must be eliminated.

See article by Andrew Wallace titled “Tax-Free Foundations are the Parasitic Whores in Sheep’s Clothing”. Oct. 30th

4)… Plans of the Unconstitutional Privately-Owned Federal Reserve Bank (and most Central Banks) to institute an unconstitutional digital currency for total control of the people must be stopped.

The PSRRC (and most Central Banks) want to institute digital money, just like China, which would further impoverish the people and give them TOTAL control of the people. Like the Fiat Dollar, it would be unconstitutional. We must stop it.

5)… The Federal Establishment must be stopped from enacting laws that are not allowed by the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.

Congress is empowered to only pass laws that relate to the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution. That is why about 75% of Federal laws are unconstitutional USURPATIONS of powers belonging to and retained by the states. For additional information read article by Andrew Wallace titled “Powers and Related Laws Usurped From States are Unconstitutional Attempts to Centralize all Power”, Nov 13th,

6)… We must prosecute elected officials, bureaucrats, and others associated with the federal establishment who violate all manner of laws for profit or favor.

We don’t have Equal Justice. In our memory, no important politician of either party, accused of crimes, has ever been even charged. Thousands of Federal Employees are guilty of violating immigration laws, and many are guilty of TREASON as specified in our constitution. The DOJ and FBI are corrupt , but the FBI is beyond redemption and must be disbanded and replaced by the “Militia of the Several States” as specified in the Constitution.

7)… The FBI is so corrupt that it is beyond redemption and must be disbanded. Without zero tolerance of official corruption there can be no Constitutional Republic.

Failure of the FBI to enforce the law and stop terrorism in a competent, fair, lawful, and  equal basis without resorting to illegal tactics is a major cause of our present dilemma. Our Constitution stipulates that the Militia of the Several States will enforce the laws of the Union, and the unconstitutional 1903 Dick Act to destroy the Militia can’t change that. Neither Congress nor the Supreme Court has the authority to override the Constitution!

8)… Social Security and Medicare must  remain as a function of the Federal Establishment, but funds in these programs could not be spent on any other programs or variations not based on funding by recipients. Social Security payments must be based on taxes paid.

9)… Equipment and services purchased by Federal Establishment must be produced in the United States. Exceptions , not to exceed a total of 20% can be made for purchases from Europe and other allies, excluding China.

10)… Our military can only be based in 10 foreign countries and we should no longer subsidize  NATO or fund foreign governments.

11)… Retired Flag Officers can no longer be allowed to accept employment with corporations or foundations. Any officer who does so would lose all rank, retirement income, and benefits.

12)… Sufficient tariffs must be placed on all imports so that American labor can be competitive.

13)… Single family homes must only be allowed to be purchased by American Citizens for their own use. This is the “American Dream” which allows for reduced  housing costs and asset accumulation.

Corporate and foreign purchases of single family homes must be  forbidden. We have nothing but contempt for the anti-American corporations and individuals who take advantage of the unconstitutional fiat monetary system to destroy the “American Dream”. We must also restrict the sale of our land and businesses to foreigners.

14)… Foreign students must be prohibited from attending American Universities that accept public funding.  Every foreign student deprives an American of an education and many are spies! Citizens who do not attend Universities should not pay for those who do.

15)Borders must be closed and all illegal invaders deported. Anyone supporting this invasion is in violation of the law. Those giving aid and comfort to invaders are guilty of treason as specified in the Constitution and must be prosecuted! Either the government gets rid of the invaders, or the people will…and it will not be pretty. In the meantime, prosecute those who hire illegal invaders.

16)… Only Citizens are to be allowed to donate or support candidates for whom they can vote. Donations or support from any other source would be illegal.

We have learned from the recent elections in New Jersey and Virginia that candidates can win elections even when they don’t spend the most money.

17)… Benefits for elected officials and government employees (excepting military and first responders) will be restricted to medical insurance, vacations, and 401K benefits.

18)… Members of Congress will be restricted to a total of six years in office and the Senate to a total of twelve years in office with benefits no greater than for other government employees.

19)… Prohibit federal establishment from issuing any mandates requiring shots, wearing of masks, controlling travel or assembly, CRT, etc. Federal establishment has no constitutional authority over your health decisions. A MAJORITY of all federal laws are unconstitutional and therefore VOID!

20)… Media and internet companies must be prohibited from reporting news in a negative manner (like they did with President Trump) rather than just the facts. Media and Internet corporations must not be allowed to report only one side of the news and refuse to report news they don’t like. Clearly they must be charged with Sherman Anti- Trust violations.

21)… Congress must terminate all unconstitutional departments, agencies and related laws while strictly enforcing Constitutional Laws.

The Federal Establishment should return to the states 50% of tax revenues collected in their states to finance additional functions no longer to be financed by the Federal Establishment. It is wrong, and may be unconstitutional, for red states to finance blue states through the federal system.

22)… Judges who refuse to acknowledge authority of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land in their courts, are to be terminated and prosecuted for violation of their sacred Oaths! 

23)… Terminate  unconstitutional expenditures supporting invaders, subsidizing EVs, solar and wind power, Green New Deal, and phony climate change, etc. I can find nothing in the “Enumerated Powers” to justify these or many other expenditures that benefit the PSRRC.


If your candidate doesn’t agree in writing to comply with the “PATRIOTS AGENDA”, you have voted for another greedy, corrupt, anti-American coward on the PSRRC payroll, and nothing good will happen. But, you do have a viable option: refuse to donate or vote for them if they don’t sign up! Politicians who refuse to sign are on the PSRRC payroll, and you should call them  out.

Politician’s Signiture agreeing to comply with Patriot’s Agenda


God Bless America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Sheriff Has the Power and is Your Last Best Defense

by Andrew C Wallace

December 17, 2021

The following letter was mailed to my Sheriff to advise him of my concerns and to elicit the extent of his commitment to protect me from unconstitutional actions by rogue federal government actors.  You may want to modify this letter for your own use. Not all Sheriffs have the same powers.

Dear Sheriff Chronister,

Every citizen in the United States is in real fear for their lives and freedoms from a lawless unconstitutional federal government; it has usurped powers of the states to the extent that a MAJORITY of “federal laws” are unconstitutional. Powers of the Federal Government are Enumerated in the Constitution, and apply ONLY to Immigration, Foreign Relations, Commerce, Currency, Post Office, and Defense. After the overthrow of Government by the Election Insurrection on November 6, 2020, it has no constitutional authority at all, and equal justice under the law no longer exists with the faux federal establishment!

The Supreme Court of the United States, being compromised, refused to even hear election cases involving clear violations of the Constitution. If we have a civil war, the blood will be on the hands of the Supreme Court…and those who refuse to honor their sacred Oath to protect and defend the Constitution

I assure you that every word in this letter is as factual as I could make it. I have been a writer with Newswithviews. com for 15 years. Enclosed are several of my articles that will further substantiate my words. .

The Democrat Communists and the FBI on January 5, 2021, manufactured a False Flag Insurrection for political purposes. The FBI then proceeded to arrest people for all manner of questionable crimes and to incarcerate them in solitary confinement, in terrible conditions, without medical care, bail or a speedy trial with proper council. This is not our Constitutional System of Justice and it scares the hell out of me and every person I know. The fact that it took 9 months for a handful of elected officials to visit the political prisoners is disheartening.

But, all of this was no surprise after the FBI, Democrat Governors, Mayors, and Prosecutors  allowed BLM and Antifa to burn down their cities for political advantage, and to eliminate small business competitors of large corporations who financed the destruction. These arsonists are not in jail; some were even bailed out by Kamala Harris and Democrats!

I must congratulate you and your officers for stopping the arson of our small business last year. Under our Florida Constitution the people could have prevented arson by exercising their rights to protect life and property; but they were constrained by actions of compromised prosecutors who have charged people for harming the criminals! The most heinous example of lawless prosecutorial misconduct is the attempted framing of Kyle Rittenhouse. The evidence is clear that he acted in self-defense to defend himself against criminals who the police ignored and allowed to burn down the city.

Sheriff Chronister, you are an elected constitutional official of the State of Florida, and Chief Executive officer and Conservator of the Peace, and the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the county. As such, your lawful authority is greater than any other law enforcement officer, including State and Federal officers. You took an oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution. I am asking you to give me your assurance that you can do, so even in the face of opposition from big-money donors who support the Democrat Communists.

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) control everything and their objective is to destroy our country, impoverish the people and install a New World Order Dictatorship.

As I have demonstrated, the PSRRC and their Communist minions in government and corporations have ignored the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. They have then usurped powers reserved by the states to the extent that a MAJORITY of all federal laws are unconstitutional.

I am aware that I am making powerful allegations, but they are all based upon Constitutional facts that anyone can read and understand.

The unconstitutional laws passed by Congress, usurping powers of the states, are proof positive that all of our elected officials are corrupt or cowardly. This Concentration of power in hands of federal government is dangerous and unlawful. This usurpation of state powers is just the tip of the iceberg; there are countless other unconstitutional federal efforts at centralization and control, such as Private Federal Reserve Bank, Unconstitutional Money, OSHA, CDC, etc.

People who are not ignorant, apathetic, or Lenin’s “useful idiots” know that we are no longer protected by the Constitution of the United States and are, in fact, in grave danger from the traitors who insurrected our federal structure. Communists rule with brutality, fear and the barrel of a gun.  But, by the Grace of God, we remain citizens of a more powerful Sovereign State, which the so-called Federal government is not.

Centralization of police power is the next most important goal of the PSRRC and their Communist minions in government. You surely noticed how the Democrat mayors tried to destroy their police forces while at the same time crying for help to justify a federal police force. Our Constitution stipulates that the Militia of the Several States will enforce laws of the Union (not state laws). In 1903 the Militia was made part of the National Guard by the Unconstitutional Dick Act. The FBI was formed as the Bureau of Investigation in 1908.THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION THAT GIVES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT POLICE POWERS IN THE STATES. Congress keeps passing UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws giving FBI jurisdiction for specific crimes in the states, and they are getting their foot in the door by also offering their manpower to help local law enforcement. States should kick out unconstitutional federal agencies.

Now to my personal concerns, and that of millions of other patriotic citizens.

The Communists running our faux government take serious exception to letters like this one, or any of my writings exposing their criminal unconstitutional acts. I exercise my freedom of speech by speaking the truth. I don’t advocate violence or unlawful conduct. I don’t want the FBI coming to my house before dawn with a swat team, as they have been doing to others who are also speaking the truth.

Based upon my research the FBI has absolutely no authority to arrest me because they don’t appreciate the truth in my writing, if they even know the truth. Based on everything I know, the FBI is the most corrupt and incompetent so-called police force in the world.

What I must know for peace of mind is that if I call you to protect me from unlawful arrest that you will do so, even if it means you must arrest FBI agents for exercising authority they don’t posses. Even if the FBI has a warrant from a questionable judge, they don’t have authority to serve it. IS THIS NOT TRUE?

I served in the Armed Forces during the Korean Conflict and was a State Trooper in Kentucky for three years, so I have the utmost respect for the law. But, the FBI is a disgrace to the country and to all of law enforcement. The FBI should be disbanded.

I have great respect for you and your department. Unlike many of the dispirited police officers in Communist cities, your officers are always polite, neat, helpful and professional. I mean no disrespect by this letter. If you take exception to anything in the letter please tell me. I have researched these matters for decades, and know them to be true. I ask merely that you assure me that you also know them to be true, and that you intend to honor your Sacred Oath and protect the Unalienable Rights of myself and all other citizens of our county by not allowing ANY federal agency to perform unconstitutional “law enforcement” functions in your county.

If you want a professional in depth dissertation of the subject I refer you to “What Criminal Laws are Congress Authorized to Make” written by Publius Huldah a most distinguished Constitutional Scholar. You will find it on the Publius Huldah Blog.

God Bless America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Enclosures from

Powers and Related Laws Usurped From States are Unconstitutional Attempts to Centralize All Power.

Should Blatant In-Your-Face Treason Be Ignored?


Follow Up Letter To Sheriff

“Except for first sentence this is possibly the most effective message I  have ever written. You may want to use it”

Dear Sheriff Chronister,

I want to thank you for the consideration  given me by Brenda and your staff.

I think it would have been proper, and in everyone’s best interest for you to state that your department would protect me or anyone else from any unconstitutional  actions  by the FBI or any government official.

A majority of the people know that the FBI is corrupt and are scared to death of them. What most people, even those in law enforcement don’t know is that the federal government has almost no power in the states as determined by “Enumerated Powers” in our Constitution.

Attached is a paper by Publius Huldah, a noted Scholar with documentation  from our Constitution that is absolute proof of my position on Enumerated Powers.

With all due respect, I don’t see any downside if you were to give people assurances of your protection against unconstitutional actions by the FBI and others. You would be addressing the growing acknowledgement of lawless behavior in the federal establishment.

Yours truly,

You Loot or Burn, We Shoot To Protect Our Lives and Property

Andrew C Wallace

December 3, 2021

Honest working citizens have a Constitutional right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Criminals have NO right to destroy citizen’s hard earned livelihoods by looting and burning.


I am 87 and old enough to remember when citizens and criminals alike knew the law and acted accordingly. Of course there was crime, but criminals obeyed “STOP or I  SHOOT,” because they knew the citizen would indeed shoot them for theft of their hard earned possessions..


The only people to benefit from this stupidity and cowardice by the ignorant, apathetic, and Lenin’s useful idiots (all naïve snowflakes ) are the commie governors, mayors, prosecutors, anti -American corporations and the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) These commies are destroying  the United States and impoverishing  the people for  a commie Dictatorial New World Order. Anyone that doubts this is as ignorant as a box of rocks.

In my November 26th paper, titled “Commie Politicians Deny Your Right To Self Defense” I included a passage of the Florida Constitution giving people the right to defend life and property. The problem is that people have a justified fear that compromised prosecutors will frame them if a criminal is harmed (Rittenhouse Trial,  et al.). I don’t advocate the shooting of looters and arsonists until legislatures  enact laws to protect people who exercise their Constitutional rights with deadly force. Once enacted and recognized there will be little need for confrontations with deadly force.

Its not that I don’t have some sympathy and understanding of the plight of the mostly Black looters ( as seen on TV). They are the result of living under full blown Communism in the commie Democrat controlled inner city plantations: having been indoctrinated since birth by fake schools and fake media. Commies teach hatred of families, marriage, religion, capitalism and our Constitution etc. With single teen mothers, the children are mostly doomed (blind leading the blind). Almost everything done by the politicians  destroyed Black families and pride subverting it  into victimhood.

People who work and object to supporting those who do not want to work are not racists even though they elected a Black racist as president twice.

The sad thing that history teaches us is that when the commies no longer need minorities they will kill them. This is why Lenin referred to supporters of Communism as Useful Idiots.

I remember graduating  from the Kentucky State Police Academy in the fifties when Governor Happy Chandler  addressed us and said “ You are of real value to society so don’t put yourself in undue jeopardy to prevent harm to a criminal”. ( Meaning is exact, words are not). There was real mutual respect between the people and the Kentucky State Police. Citizens knew that Troopers would kill them with kindness, or if threatened kill them. If Troopers needed help citizens would back them up. This mutual respect was the basis for a mostly peaceful existence. Organized  criminal populations  that exist today in commie Democrat cities could not exist.


Our founders came to America to escape all aspects of life in  European cities, now our commie Democrat cities are worse than Europe ever was and city residents are leaving if they can.

Our federal “establishment “is not a legitimate government, but our states remain independent sovereign states. Before the election INSURRECTION about 75% of federal laws were unconstitutional usurpations under the “Enumerated Powers” of the United States Constitution, now it is all unconstitutional. Verify it yourself.

I can say without any reservations whatsoever that those pretending to represent us in a federal establishment ( note I didn’t say government) have no Constitutional authority  to do so and their conduct is the most lawless in history. Most of the people in the federal establishment are being paid by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) to serve them. Most federal officials and bureaucrats are corrupt or cowards. Most are criminals and many are guilty of treason as defined in the Constitution.

On October 13th I wrote an article titled “Militia of the Several States to Replace FBI and Judiciary?” This article explored the  Constitutional power of the Militia of the Several States to possibly  give us honest law enforcement and courts because we don’t have any now. Accomplishing that, if it were possible would require Constitutional scholars. Based upon the total failure of the compromised Supreme Court of the United States to even hear election cases, and the fact that no important politician or official has ever been arrested and convicted for known crimes is proof positive that equal justice does not exist.


Following is the most powerful poem you can read written for a different time but describes perfectly circumstances today. Poem is attributed to Rudyard Kipling.

The Wrath of The Awakened Saxon.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait.
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show.
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud.
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date.
That the Saxon began to hate.

Bertolt Brecht is reported to have said “When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty”.

I welcome all reader comments and respond to most of them. Negative remarks are welcome if supported by facts, not name-calling or talking-points.

God Bless America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Commie Politicians Deny Your Right To Self-Defense

Andrew C Wallace

November 26, 2021

There is a lot to be learned from the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial and ALL of the compromised prosecutors in communist (commie) cities. This is one of the canaries in the coal mine. If the commies should deny us the right to self-defense and police protection, you can expect them to try and ban firearms next.

Kyle Ritterhouse should never have been charged in the first place (prior to investigations), much less tried in court. This could only happen under commie rule by ignoring the Constitution.

In the middle of a commie-ruled state, under constant media threats, prosecutorial misconduct, misinformation, lies, and unconstitutional statements, the jury had the courage to find Kyle Ritterhouse not guilty of all charges. They effectively repudiated  the unconstitutional conduct of the prosecutor, and all levels of commie government, including Biden, “THE USURPER” and the narrative of fake media. Those Jurors are modern day Heroes with real courage.

When it happened, fake media reported this event as a “Mostly Peaceful Protest”, when in fact it was a riot with burning, looting, and destruction.

At the time of the riots that destroyed Kenosha, the Governor, Mayor and Prosecutor did nothing to stop it for political purposes (To hell with the people and our Constitution!). Under the Constitution, these commie officials and supporting anti-American corporate officials should have been jailed.

The Kenosha police were nowhere to be seen. Police maintain that they didn’t have the manpower to stop the destruction. That is a damn lie!  With proper police power, they could have stopped it quickly, but political superiors wanted the destruction for political and business objectives. A few rioters might have been sacrificed to save the city, a fair trade. Remember  that the large anti-American corporations were paying the thugs to burn out their small business competitors.

This crime and destruction will continue in commie cities until such time as the people feel empowered, without any reservations,, to shoot criminals on sight who threaten their lives and property. This mindset was effective for thousands of years until the onset of the ignorant, gutless, and privileged snowflakes, who profited from the courage of our honored dead.

I addressed this issue of unleashing the power of the people in an “open letter article” in August, 2020, titled: Fl. Gov. DeSantis Allowing Denial of Florida Constitutional Rights. (published by The issue in this article was to empower people to exercise Constitutional rights to PREVENT riots when the authorities could only STOP them AFTER the looting, burning, and destruction. In this article, I also pointed out several cases of commie prosecutorial misconduct around the country.

In Florida, the Constitution gives people the right to defend themselves and their property, but people are afraid to exercise that right because the compromised prosecutors will charge them for not submitting to physical harm or hurting  the criminal, (just like Kyle Ritterhouse). Following are relevant words from the Florida State Constitution:

Article One, Section Two of the Florida Constitution states: ”Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property.”

I will not travel to commie cities because it is neither safe nor prudent. If attacked, and you defend yourself and harm a criminal, you will be charged and financially destroyed by a mostly-corrupt commie political system. There is a damn good reason why people are leaving commie cities in droves.

I also wrote about this probability in July, 2020, titled: French Style Reign of Terror has Started in America (published by This article draws comparisons between America and the conditions in France that led to the “Reign of Terror” in the French Revolution. Those conditions are being replicated in America and the results may be worse. First the French killed the Nobles ( Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, PSRRC), then they killed those they didn’t like, and finally they killed each other in an epic bloodbath. Stalin and Mao followed the same procedure, resulting in 100 to 140 million dead, and I expect “our” commies to do the same.

Communism was a deadly failure for our Pilgrims and has failed throughout history. So far it is destroying all  of our cities ruled by commie Democrats. During the fifties when I was in the service, we referred to California as the “Land of Fruits and Nuts”; that was heaven compared to today, when it is a third world commie “Hellhole”.

The commie plan is to intimidate the people to stop resistance, but they went too far resulting in a massive backlash. I am a strong believer that if you confront a man who has nothing to lose, he will fight to the death. Threatened loss of the Constitutional Republic would put many patriots in a similar position of having nothing to lose. Incarceration and torture by faux federal officials after a framed arrest is now considered a death sentence by many who therefore have nothing to lose by resisting. I maintain that ANY small percentage of the more than 50% of the population who are patriots is more than sufficient to carry the day. Remember, a determined Guerilla Force has NEVER been defeated in the field.

I can think of no situation more dangerous than the one we are in right now. We are in this situation because of the greed and failure of so many officials at all levels of government to honor their oaths to the Constitution, culminating in the failure of the United States Supreme Court to even hear the relevant cases.

“America’s Reign of Terror” is at our front door.

God Bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Facts to Help You Survive the Planned Economic Collapse

by Andrew C. Wallace

November 23, 2021

I am an Economist, but I never believed as others did that the Calculus could be used to accurately mimic Economic activity. I believe in reality, Economic laws and what history has taught us that never changes. Most importantly we must never overlook the greedy treasonous plans of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in government and the large anti-American corporations.

Everything that is being done to destroy us is illogical until you realize that the PSRRC has one objective, which is the complete destruction of the United States and the impoverishment of the people to allow establishment of a Dictatorial Commnist New World Order. The PSRRC owns most of our wealth and controls everything.

Now you can look at your personal situation in the proper context. You must pity the ignorant, apathetic and Lenin’s useful idiots who refuse to be informed of the truth, many will die as looters and arsonists or from starvation.

Following are the facts to the best of my knowledge. My  comments on Economics appears to be in general agreement with other experts. I am attempting to stay out of the weeds as much as possible, which is difficult in the Dismal Science of Economics.

  • An economic collapse will occur at any time without apparent warning to most people. Once started, it will rapidly get worse, feeding on itself with little opportunity for small investors to salvage anything.
  • Prior to collapse (PTC), you should only have the minimum amount of money in banking institutions. The FDIC is a joke. Safety deposit boxes are not safe. If the bank goes bust, and they all will, they will exchange your deposits for worthless bank stock. Banks are just the worst places to have money during an economic decline.
  • PTC you must have a “minimum” amount of fiat dollars on hand. Also, if possible buy gold and silver coins with any excess money. Remember After Collapse (AC) fiat dollars will become worthless rather quickly.
  • There will be no food in the stores and no way of getting food into the cities. You must have a supply of 25 year emergency food on hand.
  • If possible have a supply of your medications on hand. Those who require constant medical care for dialysis, cancer, etc, should read their Bibles and make peace with God for they are going to die. Under Communism the elderly and infirm are known as Useless Eaters and not worth any care. This Communist concept is already underway as demonstrated by the deaths of thousands because of neglect and refusal to treat Covid patients with proven therapeutics.
  • China is in the process of instituting a digital currency which will give them total control of the people. Our Communist leaders in the United States want the same total control of the people, they have said so in public, and one greedy corporation is promoting it. The government would know where you spend every digital fiat dollar. Digital currency would be unconstitutional. You could not have digital money under your mattress or to pay the boy for cutting your grass. You would be totally screwed.
  • Increasing unconstitutional fiat dollars in circulation without corresponding increases in goods and services greatly dilutes the value of existing fiat dollars causing inflation which is a debilitating tax on the people..
  • Flooding the world with unconstitutional fiat dollars can only end one way, total collapse of the economy and the currency with an impoverished people and an even more wealthy PSRRC.
  • Generous government payments to everyone including those who don’t want to work gives people the expectation of a national income. This is impossible and causes inflation with shortages of everything because too many people are not working.
  • At some point the FRB must increase interest rates and reduce output of fiat dollars to curb inflation. When this happens the stock market and business investment will tank This will of course decimate retirement programs and stock investments. PSRRC are better insulated with computer programs and information to survive.
  • Our Constitution requires the use of gold and silver for our currency. The reason is simple, when precious metals are used as currency it forces the government to live within its means. No-win wars for profits, crazy social experiments, boondoggles, etc are impossible without the unlimited creation from thin air of unconstitutional fiat dollars or fiat digital dollars..
  • Of course our government is effectively insolvent, it has two choices, inflation to the point where fiat dollar has no value at all, or it can repudiate the debt. Both scenarios result in economic collapse and impoverishment of the people. In the process the PSRRC will own and control the world. There is a third option, return to gold and silver as required by our constitution which would end all manner of theft, corruption and wars for profit, etc.
  • Our government debt is so great that soon the interest rate must increase to the point where it consumes ever larger parts of government revenue thereby starving out essential functions.
  • It is difficult to explain the effects of printing trillions of unconstitutional fiat dollars. It impoverishes the people, enriches the wealthy, reduces value of currency (inflation), causes economic collapse and ultimately the end of government’s ability to function. The trillions of unconstitutional fiat dollars created by the FRB go mostly to the government and the big banks (not the little banks, small business be damned). A large portion of the banks share goes into the stock market. Hypothetically, if you visualize the people owning 100 billion fiat dollars and the FRB prints another 100 billion then the people have lost 50% of their purchasing power. The PSRRC take the almost interest free fiat money and profit from it, then understanding the decreasing value of the currency invest it in inflation hedges like precious metals and real estate. But that is only the tip of the iceberg because the hedge funds and stock market manipulators use the money to further screw the people in more ways than you can count. One example is buying single family homes to rent, which increases the cost of housing denying families wealth accumulation and the American Dream
  • Most importantly you are not going to survive the crime and civil unrest if you are an ignorant naive snowflake or pansy who will not touch a firearm. It is a fact that the Democrat Governors, Mayors and prosecutors allowed their cities to be destroyed, looted and burned for political purposes. The Communist thugs looted, burned and destroyed the small business competitors of the large anti-American corporations who paid them. Police forces in Democrat cities have been reduced or destroyed. You have two choices if you live in a democrat city, move at once , or be capable of defending yourself. Regardless of where you live you must have a 12gage or AR15 with plenty of ammunition. When I was in service we used to say “The only good Commie is a dead Commie” and that has not changed. If you can’t tolerate or accept these facts you probably will not survive
  • Just so you know, as an average citizen you live in accordance with Capitalism, but the large PSRRC controlled anti-American corporations operate under Crony Capitalization (AKA Government Welfare) with the objective of a Communist New World Order. To the best of my knowledge, every member of congress is paid by corporations to pass legislation beneficial to them in every possible way and to hell with the people.

CONCLUSION: It is critical that you know your enemy to have a chance at survival. In a few words, the ENEMY of The People is the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC ), ¼ of 1%, owners of stock, who control large mostly anti-American corporations, that in turn control government, media and BOTH political parties with money. Democrats are now Communists and the party of big money anti-American corporations, who paid the thugs to loot, burn and destroy your cities for political and business advantage. I only trust the FEW Republicans who are “America First Republicans with courage of their convictions” All other politicians of BOTH parties are corrupt or cowardly.

I welcome all reader comments. Negative remarks are welcome if supported by facts, not name calling or talking points.

God Bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Powers and Related Laws Usurped from States are Unconstitutional Attempts to Centralize All Power

Andrew C. Wallace

November 13, 2021

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions have unconstitutionally usurped the power of the states to concentrate all power in the so- called federal government, which they control.

The Constitution reserves ALL powers to the States and to The People, except for Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Currency, Post Office, Commerce and some housekeeping functions. Federal government has these ENUMERATED POWERS ONLY. States are sovereign governments while the federal administration is but a construct (creation) of the States for the purpose of carrying out those specific and mutually-beneficial duties.

“Usurpation” is defined as a taking of power or rights illegally or by force, supplanting or replacing the original authority.


At some point in time people who have been arrested or suffered grievous losses from unconstitutional laws will demand some form of compensation.

Most people don’t understand that the only possible reason for every single negative action taken by the PSRRC and their Communist minions is the complete destruction of the United States and impoverishment of the people. Because we are the only thing that stands in their way to total world dominance with their One World Order objective.

Until that happens they plan on ruling us ruthlessly at the barrel of a gun, as good Communists always do. Look no further than the framed political prisoners from the January 6 event who are held without bond or trial in terrible conditions contrary to the Constitution! On November 3, Attorney Joe McBride reported the appalling facts about these political prisoners on Fox News. They were charged with all manner of crimes, including use of weapons when there were none! Prisoners are poor and can’t afford effective legal counsel. Communist-controlled funding sources refused to allow them to be used for their legal expenses. Many of their appointed lawyers are avowed Communists. Prisoners are abused, beaten, denied medical care, bail, proper food, and forced to live in filthy, dangerous quarters. They are denied all Constitutional rights. This is the treatment that all of us can expect if we allow the Communists to remain in power!

It is seldom mentioned, but why did the Democrat governors, mayors and prosecutors refuse to stop the Democrat Storm Troopers (BLM and Antifa) from burning their cities? It was for political reasons and to burn small business competitors of large PSRRC firms out of business. They defunded and destroyed police in Democrat cities so people would become desperate and   willing to accept a national police force and communism, contrary to the Constitution. People living in Chicago, New York City and other Democrat cities are living in crime-infested hell-holes made deliberately more difficult by Democrat Covid mandates and destruction of police forces. The incompetent Mayor of Chicago, murder capital of the world, screams for help…now she wants a federal police force, as do all the Democrat officials. Why?

I have stated that only a SMALL part of the activities of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of the federal establishment are lawful and Constitutional. I think the Mafia has more integrity than most politicians in either party. Major federal agencies are ALL corrupt, incompetent and cowardly. Those who are giving aid and comfort to the illegal invaders are also traitors under the Constitution and the leaders should be tried and hung!

The PSRRC and their Communist minions in government and corporations have been working hard to concentrate all power in Washington and the most important power is Police Power. PSRRC has used every trick in the book to accomplish this goal. Let me talk about the FBI, which I believe is the most incompetent, ruthless, corrupt and cowardly part of the federal government.

My first experience with the FBI (when I learned to detest them) was in the 1950s when I served as a State Trooper after military service. FBI agents were arrogant, knew nothing about police work, and would take credit for people we put in jail. FBI is really good at only one thing: Public Relations.

FBI was founded in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation. This was after the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Dick Act of 1903 made the Militia of the Several States part of the National Guard. Under the Constitution, the Militia has the responsibility for enforcing laws of the Union. If the Federal Government had not unlawfully usurped so many powers of the States, there would have been no need for a large FBI organization of 35,000 employees, together with untold numbers of judges and prosecutors.

I could find nothing in the Constitution to authorize any authority to legalize the use of federal law enforcement within the Several States, except on the delegated federal territory (within each State) needed to carry out its enumerated duties. The only exception I can see is the use of FBI for counter terrorism and the Secret Service for protection of officials. and currency violations. Get rid of the unconstitutional and NON-constitutional laws and you can fire most of the FBI agents! The idea that the FBI can arrest me in my home for factual writing that advocates no crimes, or for speaking at a school board meeting is ludicrous and unlawful. FBI doesn’t have that authority by any stretch of the imagination or unconstitutional laws.

The FBI is doing all it can to get its foot in the states as a national police force. Again, I could find nothing in the Constitution to support the laws which allow the FBI to arrest kidnappers, felony killing of state law-enforcement officers, commit violent crimes against interstate travelers, serial killers, bank robbers, etc. With modern communications, state and local agencies could certainly handle these crimes as federal agencies are no damn good at police work…and they have no Lawful Authority within the Several States!

The FBIs incompetence on 9-11 is well-known by any person alive at the time. The FBI could never connect the dots when they had multiple opportunities to do so. They  could have prevented the 9-11 tragedies which resulted in a war and the loss of thousands of lives. If they were not corrupt and arrested the real criminals in government, we would not be on the verge of a civil war. Even if the FBI was free we can’t afford them. As an economist would say the ”Economic Opportunity Cost” is exorbitant.

I maintain that the organization and management of the FBI is so corrupt and dysfunctional that it is impossible for it to function effectively. To prove my point you only need to read “Classified Woman” a 333-page book by Sibel Edmonds. When you read this, you will think it is fiction because it describes a puzzle-palace in great detail, exposing people lacking in dedication, knowledge, expertise or patriotism…a joke that is not funny.

The FBI also has a terrible history of promoting crimes, using their own agents or informants to assist and encourage crimes so they can get good press . FBI instigators (if discovered) are always un-indicted co-conspirators at the most.

On October 8, 2020, the FBI arrested 13 men for a plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor. The FBI had undercover agents and informants involved for some time prior to the arrests. Some allege this was another FBI-staged event for political support of the Democrats. Many such events have been staged in this manner for political reasons.

There can be no question that the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021, was an FBI frame-up and false-flag to support the Democrat Communists. There have been numerous reports and a major expose by Fox News proving that the FBI had countless undercover agents and informants in the crowd urging them forward, etc. Another big giveaway was the government’s refusal to release tapes showing the peaceful crowds just walking through the capitol building. All of this is in stark contrast to the refusal of the FBI and Democrat authorities to prosecute BLM and Antifa thugs (funded by corporations) for burning down Democrat cities.

A book you must read is titled: “The Terror Factory, Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism” by Trevor Aaronson. It is 281-pages plus an index of purported facts. In the first sentence the author says a “specific named individual” became a government-manufactured terrorist. Aaronson further reported  how the U.S. Government was putting people forward to the public who seemed to  have become terrorists only as a result of prodding and inducements by federal agents and informants. This book is replete with countless occurrences, supporting what most of us already suspect.

Failure of the FBI to charge even one IMPORTANT member of either the Democrat or Republican party is proof-positive of the FBI’s corruption. National media has reported major crimes by numerous officials of both parties. The FBI must be disbanded; they are a disgrace to the country and to all law-enforcement officers.

The playbook being used by the  PSRRC and their minions in government and corporations to destroy us is not new. It is Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Playbook. One of our most respected  writers , Kelleigh Nelson just wrote a great article for titled: “The Gathering Storm and its Historic Precedent, Part One Nazi Germany.” Read this article and you will see how the CORPORATIONS  financed Hitler just as they are financing Communism today.

We have the greatest Constitution in the history of the world, but we must force our elected officials, bureaucrats, and corporations to obey the Constitution rather than taking orders from the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class The federal establishment, must terminate all powers unlawfully and fraudulently usurped from the States.

The People MUST have remedies for wrongful and unlawful acts. Failure to allow The People reasonable Constitutional methods of correcting unconstitutional acts is suicidal.

Our Constitution was premised on God’s Law and it MUST remain intact and operative! God Bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Should Blatant In-Your-Face Treason be Ignored?

Andrew C. Wallace

Biden, “THE USURPER” and his faux administration who are giving aid, support and encouragement to the illegal invaders are guilty of TREASON as specified in our Constitution.



There can be only one purpose for open borders and that is the complete destruction of the United States to allow for the One World Order Dictatorship. The illegal invaders are uneducated, unskilled, useless, arrogant, don’t speak English, and many are criminals and disease carriers, etc.

Biden, “THE USURPER, and every employee of the federal government who gives or obeys unlawful orders to allow and support the invasion of illegals is guilty of Treason. But how do you arrest and charge the traitors when every part of the faux federal government is corrupt, cowardly and compromised by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions?

I am certain that being terminated for failing to obey an unlawful order would be preferable to committing treason. Remember the Nuremberg Code; there is no excuse for following unlawful orders.

Individuals and corporations who hire illegal invaders are guilty of violating the law.  Too many Americans refuse to work because the government is paying them not to work, which is destroying our economy and causing inflation. Workers who object to supporting those who don’t want to work are not racists. Americans are not racists even though we elected a Black racist as president, twice.

The worthless and demanding hordes of illegal invaders can contribute nothing to the country but disease, crime and the destruction of Medicare, Social Security, Government Benefits, Sovereignty, etc. Illegals continue to be a terrible financial burden on the government.

The border must be closed and all illegals deported. Failure to do so will impoverish every man, woman, and child and destroy our Republic…while starting a Civil War. But the PSRRC would accomplish their goal of a One World Order and Great Reset while stealing our people’s freedoms and accumulated wealth.

The Governors (TX, NM, AZ, CA) must use the National Guard to close the border with deadly force if required. Volunteers would gladly assist the National Guard. If Communist California should refuse to repel invaders, then other states should set up checkpoints to apprehend invaders at borders with California. The border must be closed at all costs to protect our people from the Communist plan to destroy us and our Constitutional Republic. If the criminal invaders refuse to stop, the guard should shoot over their heads, and if they continue forward, they should be fired upon until they retreat. These invaders deserve NO MERCY. It is too bad if the effete and ignorant Snowflakes among us do not understand that everything must be done to protect American lives and prosperity from criminal invaders. Unlike many veterans, these “Freeloading Americans in Name Only” have no concept of brutal reality.

The cost of allowing the invaders already in the country to remain is too great a financial burden to contemplate. Whatever it costs to round them up and deport them would be peanuts compared to the costs if they remain. Again, the states would have to use the National Guard to remove illegals Otherwise at some point people will feel the pain caused by invaders, and vigilantes will take over and a blood bath will ensue. At that time cowardly and compromised government officials would also experience the people’s wrath.

Publius Huldah, a very well known and respected Constitutional Scholar reported the following in her blog on August 21, 2020:

“Let’s look at Migration (immigration) in the context of the hordes of aliens storming thru our Southern Border. What does our Constitution say about it?

Art. I, § 9, clause 1, delegates power over Migration (immigration) to Congress. So Congress is to make the immigration laws; & the President, as Chief Executive, is to put Congress’ laws into effect.

Art. IV, § 4 REQUIRES the United States to protect each of the States against Invasion.

Art. I, § 8, clauses 15 & 16, authorize the calling up of the Militia for 3 purposes: to execute the Laws of the Union; to suppress Insurrections; and repel Invasions.

Art. II, § 3 authorizes the President to recommend to Congress such measures as he deems necessary and expedient; to convene Congress on extraordinary occasions; and requires him to take care that the laws be faithfully executed (that includes the immigration laws.)” (End of Publius quotation.)

The Militia of the Several States was converted into the National Guard with the Dick Act of 1903. This was another Unconstitutional effort to centralize all power in the Federal Government. Also, it must be assumed that the PSRRC did not want the Militia enforcing laws of the union as specified in the Constitution because they would have less control.

Let us not forget the poor people and the Blacks who have entry-level and low-paid jobs, who will be paid less or lose their jobs to illegal invaders. All of this courtesy of the Democrat Communist “Fake Friends of Former Slaves”, who instituted slavery and KKK in the South and still support it today in inner-city plantations. The fact that poor Blacks and minorities still vote for the Democrats who despise and put them down is unfortunate and a testament to the effectiveness of fake news and fake schools.

Ann Manetas reviewed a book by Roy Beck of Numbers USA in an email on October 26. She said, “the book makes it clear that flooding the job market with millions of additional foreign workers will only create more inequality and push many African Americans further down the lower rungs of the jobs ladder.”

CONCLUSION: There can absolutely be no question that TREASON as defined in our CONSTITUTION is being committed by Biden, “THE USURPER”, and by government employees who give and take orders to aid and comfort illegal invaders. But how do you prosecute the treason when all three branches of the federal government are compromised and unconstitutional? Failure to allow the people reasonable Constitutional methods of correcting unconstitutional acts is suicidal.

God Bless America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Are Tax-Free Foundations Parasitic Whores in Sheep’s Clothing?

By Andrew C. Wallace

October 30, 2021

You Would Never Suspect for All Manner of Crimes

This is a definitive, yet succinct, explanation of how and why our Constitutional Republic has been destroyed from before its Founding to the present day.

Communists and the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) are attacking us with Deceit, Deception and Destruction using the Income Tax (TAX), Private Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), and Tax-Free Foundations (TFF).

Due to the failure of our Communist schools and media to teach the truth, I must put all of this into proper context…which will be a surprise to most people.

Few people realize that the Communists and the PSRRC have been attempting to take over our country since before its founding. Members of PSRRC at the time caused and profited from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and all other wars. When the PSRRC and their minions failed in their early efforts to take over our country, they put their efforts into concentrating all power in the Federal government (controlled by the PSRRC) by unconstitutionally usurping Supreme Powers of the states. The federal government has constitutional power ONLY over Currency, Foreign Relations, Post Office, and Immigration; unrelated federal laws are unconstitutional, as is the government until we have a fair Constitutional election.

Again, the PSRRC and the Communists were not happy with just bleeding us dry, which they were doing; they wanted total control over all of the people’s resources. They were able to accomplish this with the Revenue Act of 1913 which authorized the “Private” Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), Income Tax (TAX), and Tax-Free Foundations (TFF). These are the three pillars of our absolute destruction. The FRB and the TAX gave Communists and the PSRRC access to unlimited amounts of fiat money (not possible with Constitutional money). This funded Communist social programs, no-win wars, boondoggles, graft, etc., and in the process was impoverishing the people.

The greed, sense of entitlement and avarice of the PSRRC and their minions has no limits as demonstrated by their use of Tax-Free Foundations (TFF). In simple terms TFFs are funding Communist professors and students, Critical Race Theory, Reverse Discrimination, Racism, control of corporations, government, politics, social programs, climate change, anti- family, anti-religion, anti-Constitution, population control, etc.

But, most importantly TFFs allow the PSRRC to control trillions of dollars” forever” without paying taxes, while the American people support and defend them. With this tax-free money each TFF can own 20% of the voting stock of a corporation, effectively controlling and directing it to support the burning of cities and the firing of employees for failure to get a toxic shot. As you would expect, TFF profits from corporations are not taxable. Of course PSRRC family members call the shots and their progeny can be employed by the TFF and enjoy corporate jets and first-class accommodations forever, tax-free. Not only can they steal the money, they can keep it forever, tax-free, while controlling the corporations which rule the government. Of course, this is a free translation of how it is done.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest TFF with $50 Billion in assets. Some of their expenditures were $4 billion for Covid vaccines in poor countries, 20,000 scholarships for low-income students of color, $54 billion in grants to 135 countries, largest private donor to World Health Organization, etc. With only two of their programs, they sent $58 billion tax-free to foreign countries, which does our country no good. They practice reverse discrimination in their scholarship program.

The Ford Foundation gave grants totaling $656,159,375 in 2021. Some grants were for gender, racial and ethnic justice, civic engagement and government, natural resources, and climate change.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Funded 3,730 grants totaling $2,075,933,869. Grants were for higher education and public policy, etc.

If you want to know where Communism is being supported and promoted you need look no further than the Tax-Free Foundations that are funding Communist professors and students.

You can’t ignore the so-called endowments of the academic whores of higher education, especially the “Ivy League Colleges of Indoctrination”. Endowments for Harvard are $42 billion, Yale $31 billion and Princeton $25 billion. These private schools have an average tuition of $56,000.When Harvard would not allow students to attend classes they still required them to pay full tuition. Many foreign students receive scholarships with tax-free funds. Mike King’s article in on Oct 18th stated that annual appreciation alone would pay for tuition, room and board for Harvard students as their endowment is $3 million per student.. The Ivy League is the primary source of minions for the PSRRC. One example, 8 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices came from Harvard and Yale, so it was no surprise that they were compromised and refused to follow the Constitution and hear the cases on election fraud.

TFFs should not be confused with honest charities. As long as the Income Tax (TAX), Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) and Tax-Free Foundations (TFF) exist, we are screwed. The income tax is not needed if the Federal Government would obey the Constitution, ignore Communist programs and not wage no-win wars for private profit.

Somehow the American People must learn that the FRB generates funding out of thin air that allows the PSRRC to confiscate the Peoples wealth; while the TFFs hoard the money without taxes, promote Communism, fund unpopular and useless programs, etc., and take care of trust-fund babies, in style, forever.

A major objective of the PSRRC is to deny us the ownership of property, ANY property. If you can’t own property, you are dependent on the state for everything and you are a slave. A major tenet of Marxism is to make people dependent, then they own them. PSRRC corporations already own 600,000 single-family homes, effectively denying the “American dream” to families.

The PSRRC, its minions in government and corporations in cooperation with the Chinese developed a Bio-Weapon (Covid-19), and released it into the world, an act of war to conquer the world, resulting in the deaths of millions. This was a crime against humanity. There is much evidence that the so-called vaccines have deadly results. Criminals who did this will do anything to further their causes.

Every single action, program or policy being taken by the PSRRC, their minions in corporations, government, education, etc., has one major objective: the complete destruction of the United States so they can rule the world. They call this the “Great Reset” and the “One World Order”. The PSRRC and the Communists have fought to take over our country for at least 250 years and I doubt they will surrender now… but neither will the patriots. Under the circumstances I expect a Dystopian state for a time and then a Pyrrhic Victory. To survive you will need a supply of emergency food, medicine, 12 gauge, AR-15 and plenty of ammunition.

I can understand how some Christians could see a connection between “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse “ (Conquest, War, Famine, and Death) with Communism, TAX, FRB, and TFFs.

For hundreds of years the law-abiding American People have sacrificed and died defending this country, worked hard to build it, and provide for their families. All the while the Communist scumbags of the PSRRC and their minions in government have been stealing The People’s financial security, Constitutional rights, and the fruits of their labors, while living “High on the Hog” in luxury, disdainful of the people.

The tax-free money hidden in TFF must be confiscated and returned to the Treasury. Let the PSRRC minions and their children-of-privilege learn to appreciate The People by actually working to make a living. Terminating TFFs will stop most of the funding for Communist teaching and countless other anti-American schemes. Congress can quickly end TFF and the FRB. It will take longer to terminate the TAX, which is not needed if government is operating constitutionally.

I am perplexed as to why the PSRRC and their minions support common criminals, but the answer comes from an old saying, “sharks don’t bite lawyers because they have so much in common”.

This is such a powerful and complex subject that I could have written a book on it. But most people don’t read books on Economics so I wrote this article to inform as many people as possible as to the truth. If you want more information read one of the many available books on the subject. I also made a conscious effort to stay out of the weeds.
God Bless America.


Some readers may think my comments about the Tax-Free Foundations are too harsh and maybe even false, so I offer the following addendum as absolute proof of the validity of my words. Following is most of the introduction by Devvy Kidd, a most distinguished writer, who published it 20 years ago along with the Norman Dodd hearings that occured 44 years ago:

Excerpt from Devvy Kidd Article:

Think the term ‘American Soviet government’ is far-fetched? Better read these words: The following excerpt is from transcripts re: In 1978 the legislature of Illinois created a committee to study regional governance-one of the key mechanisms to erasing our sovereignty and bringing America into a Communist “New World Order.” There were three hearings, April 11, 1978, July 10, 1978 and September 26, 1978; the following statement is from the September 26, 1978 hearing.

This is the testimony of Norman Dodd, chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece, whose committee investigated tax-exempt foundations run by the biggest traitors in this nation. This investigation eventually narrowed down to about 10 foundations, those chief among them for Un-American activities were Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and the Rhodes Scholarship Fund.

Transcript of Public Hearing, Joint Committee on Regional Government, September 26, 1978, Edwardsville, Illinois, Norman Dodd, page 51, “Mr. Chairman. After listening to the very able descriptions of how complex the question that is before the Committee is, I have been thinking in terms of drawing on my own experiences that relate to the development of the proposal called ‘regional government’…As a result of that investigation [into tax exempt foundations], experiences began to accrue and one of them stemmed from the entity – or the head of the entity – responsible for the proposition which you all now face called regional government. This individual was the head of the Ford Foundation, and this experience took place back in 1953. It took the form of an invitation from the President of the Ford Foundation to me to visit the Foundation’s offices, all of which I did and on arrival, was greeted by the President of the Ford Foundation with this statement:

“Mr. Dodd, we have invited you to come to NY and stop in and see us in the hope that, off the record, you would tell us why the Congress of the U.S. should be interested in an operation such as ours.” Before I could think of just exactly how I would reply, Mr. Gaither volunteered the following information, and these are practically in his exact words: “Mr. Dodd, we operate here under directives which emanate from the White House. Would you like to know what the substance of these directives is?” I said, “Indeed, I would, Mr. Gaither.”

“Whereupon he then said the following: “We here, operate and control our grant making policies in harmony with the directives, the substance of which is as follows: We shall use our grant making power so to alter life in the U.S. that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”

Page 53: “Now, the second experience that I would like to share with you, oh, and incidentally, it is the Ford Foundation’s grants which are responsible for the formulation of this idea of regional government, and also the idea that given regional government, we must, in turn, develop and accept and agree to a totally New Constitution which has already been drawn up, as was mentioned just a few minutes ago.”

[Editorial note: Let me leave Mr. Dodd’s testimony for a moment. I have a copy of the New States Constitution, developed many, many years ago and refined in 1978 by the Center for Democratic Studies, a Rockefeller funded operation. This New States Constitution is to replace ours. Ask former Senatorette Nancy Kassenbaum, now married to Howard Baker – she helped draft this document. However, first a Constitutional Convention must be called and the globalists are desperate to pull a con-con.

They tried and failed in 1994, they will try again. Did you notice during the 105th Congress, each session these people continued to call for a Constitutional Amendment for virtually every major piece of legislation, i.e. a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, a balanced budget amendment [another meaningless, phony ploy], an amendment to the Constitution for school prayer, for victim’s rights, to fix the IRS? This is unprecedented in this century.

The last Constitutional Convention was in 1787. We’ve passed 16 Amendments to the Constitution without a con-con, so why all of a sudden do we need one for all the legislation listed above? We don’t, but it’s the only way they can throw out our Constitution and replace it with this Communist doctrine called a New States Constitution.]

Back to Mr. Dodd’s testimony beginning on pg. 53, Mr. Dodd is speaking about looking at the minutes and records of the Carnegie Endowment:

“Mr. Dodd, we have received your letter. We can answer all the questions, but it will be a great deal of trouble. The reason it will be a great deal of trouble is because, with the ratification by the Senate of the U.S. of the United Nations Treaty, our job was finished, we bundled up our records, spanning, roughly speaking, fifty years and put them in the warehouse.”

“I did send a member of my staff to NY to read the minute books of this organization since it’s inception in 1908. Now, we are back in the period of 1908, ad these minutes reported the following: The Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment bring up a single question, namely, if it is desirable to alter the life of an entire people, is there any means more efficient than war to gain that end? And they discuss this very question at a very high academic and scholarly level for a year, and they come up with an answer – there are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people.”

[Editorial note: Remember, Mr. Dodd is now quoting from the Carnegie Foundation’s own meeting minutes]

Page 55: “….oh, before that, the Trustees then answered the question of how to involve us in a war by saying, “We must control the diplomatic machinery of the U.S.”; and then that brings up the question of how to secure that control, and the answer is we must control the State Department. Now, at that point, research discloses a relationship between the effort to control the State Dept. and an entity which the Carnegie Endowment set up, namely the Council of Learned Societies.

[Editorial note: Later followed by the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]. And through that entity, are cleared all of the appointments – high appointments in the State Department and they have continued to be cleared that way since then.]

“Now, finally, we are in a war. Eventually the war is over, and the Trustees turn their attention, then, to seeing to it that life does not revert in this country to what it was prior to 1914; and they hit upon the idea that in order to prevent that reversion, they must control education in this country. They realized that this is a perfectly tremendous, really stupendous and complex task – much too great for them alone. So, they approached the Rockefeller Foundation, with the suggestion that the task be divided between the two of them.

“The Carnegie Endowment takes on that aspect of education which is a domestic in its relationship. These two run along in tandem that way, disciplined by a decision – namely, that the answer lies entirely in the changing of the teaching of the history of the U.S. They then approached five of the most prominent historians in this country with the proposition that they alter the manner of the teaching of the subject, and they get turned down flatly; so they realized then they must build their own stable of historians, so to speak.

“They approach the Guggenheim Foundation, which specializes in Fellowships, and suggests to them that when they locate a relatively young potential historian, will the Guggenheim Foundation give that person a Fellowship, merely on their say-so and the answer is, yes they will…..And that becomes the policy which if finally picked up and manifests itself in the expression of collectivism all along the line, of which the dividing of this country into regions, using all of the logic which supports the ultimate idea that in order that regional government, in turn, be effective, there must be a new Constitution of the United States.” End of quote.
Entire article is at:

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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The Truth About The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank

By Andrew C. Wallace

For more than one hundred years, since 1913, this  unconstitutional political construct has been transferring wealth from hardworking Americans to the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). This unlawful organization also allows government access to unlimited quantities of unconstitutional fiat money (no backing or store of value) to finance wars, theft and boondoggles. This unconstitutional and heinous activity is designed to reduce the people to poverty and slavery throughout eternity. That is what Communism and the PSRRC has always done. Remember, we have been fighting the Communists and the PSRRC since our founding.

I call these people parasitic whores who are enemies of the people because, unlike working girls, they give nothing and take everything without a conscience or any loyalty to America.

I write for ordinary Americans, the salt of the earth, who defend the country and work. I don’t attempt to communicate with the ignorant, apathetic, or Lenin’s useful idiots. It is impossible to inform most compromised effete snowflakes, professors, officials in government and corporations, media, flag officers, DOJ, SCOTUS, et al; they will die as anti-American Communists. I gave up trying years ago. My language is too unpolished, common, direct and plain-spoken for the so-called elites. To encourage readership, I also try to stay out of the weeds.

The combination of an unconstitutional Privately – Owned Federal Reserve Bank and Tax-Free Foundations is destroying our country and forcing the working people into poverty, while transferring unlimited wealth to the PSRRC unto eternity. In simple terms the Private Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) produces the fiat currency out of thin air to fund the various scams used to rule the world and impoverish the people throughout eternity. Every time they turn on the printing press your cost of living increases with inflation.

There have been many books written about the private FRB, but I think Eustace Mullins in “The Federal Reserve Conspiracy” was spot on. He said there was a conspiracy among the Rockefeller family, Benjamin Strong, Paul Warburg, J.B.Morgan,  Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson, Otto Kahn, and European and American bankers resulting in the FRB. Mullins said the FRB violates Article 1, Section B, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution.

Founders of the FRB listed by Mullins are also some of the members of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), 1/4 of 1%. There is nothing legal or Constitutional about the FRB or its Fiat Dollars.

Our founders knew from brutal experience throughout history that a proper currency was required to have a stable nation, equity, and a prosperous economy. Our constitution stipulates for damn good reasons that only Gold and Silver will be used for currency because it is a “Store of Value”, “Unit of Account”, and “Medium of Exchange”. Our dollar today is not a “Store of Value”; it is Fiat, subject to dramatic changes in purchasing power due to uncontrolled printing, without any backing by gold and silver as required by the Constitution.

As an important point of fact, the Communists (who called themselves progressives at the time) and the PSRRC passed the laws authorizing the “Income Tax”, “Private Federal Reserve Bank” and “Tax Free Foundations” in 1913. Many say that all three laws are unconstitutional and must be repealed for our survival.

A good way to demonstrate the Fiat Dollar’s lack of “Store of Value” is to compare the $35.00  price of an ounce of gold in 1934 to the average cost today of $1,800.00 an ounce. In other words the cost of gold in fiat dollars increased 50 times by 100%  during this period ( compute it any way you please). During the 1950s, I could have purchased a new VW for $1,300 or a new Chevrolet for $2,000. This proves that unconstitutional fiat dollars are not a “Store of Value” You can see that the “Value of Gold” is relatively stable, but its price in dollars is not, because the fiat dollar is not a “Store of Value”. The fiat dollar is a risky and dangerous unconstitutional currency being used to benefit the PSRRC and Communists in government with major theft of the people’s  real wealth.

To  reiterate, our Founders knew that a Constitutional currency (store of value with gold and silver) makes it difficult for the PSRRC and its government minions to increase the quantity of  currency required to wage no- win wars and steal us blind in so many ways.

For any degree of economic stability, long term growth and equity, there must be a reasonable correlation between changes in productivity and the money supply. But remember that the FRB is private and owned by banks, for the benefit of banks owned by the PSRRC. The motto of the FRB must be “To Hell With The People”.

The FRB admitted to causing the Great Depression of the thirties by its handling of the money supply causing massive transfers of wealth to the PSRRC. They are doing the same thing today in a slightly different way that will result in the greatest economic collapse in history. First, money was made available to the government, which flooded the country with money, causing many people not to work. This was responsible for a serious decline in goods and services resulting in serious inflation. In the process, people were led to falsely believe that this was a precursor to a national income ( which is impossible ). People who work and object to supporting those who do not want to work are not racists.

The primary concern of the FRB is Wall Street and the Stock Market, not Main Street. FRB loans huge amounts of fiat money at low interest rates which ends up in the hands of the government and the stock market. The stock market is run by and for the big professionals (PSRRC) to finance all kinds of blood-sucking scams that harm working people, small business, America and our economy. I would need to write a book to list all of the scams made possible by the FRB, but here are a few perpetrated in the stock market with fiat money from the FRB:

Long-established companies with quality products are taken over, downsized, or sold for short term gains, sacrificing  customers, debt holders, long term stock holders, retirement programs and employees. This would not be possible without the FRB and Fiat money.

These FRB whores  and market manipulators are also responsible for trying to end “The American Dream of Home Ownership” and for one of the few opportunities for a family to accumulate wealth. This anti-American activity is accomplished by corporations using FRB funds for stock market manipulation, to purchase single-family homes for rental income. They effectively outbid families which raises the cost of housing and also deprives families of accumulated wealth. Even the Chinese have taken exception to this practice.

Larry Getlen (Commercial Observer) reported some of these Blood Sucking Anti-Americans. The Blackstone Group is the largest holder of residential real-estate. Warren Buffett, B.W. Hughes, and The Carlyle Group are also big players, among many others. 300,000 homes are owned by these anti-American pigs.( I should use stronger terms to describe such despicable acts). This would not be possible without cheap fiat money from the FRB.

The FRB and the PSRRC’s government minions are planning on instituting “Digital Currency” which would totally destroy all Constitutional freedoms and leave the people with nothing but their chains. With digital money you would no longer be able to have even a fiat dollar in your possession to pay the boy for cutting your grass. It would mean total control of the people, which is why China is doing it. There are even greedy corporations promoting this scheme.

Conclusion:  The Private Federal Bank is the root of all evil, it is unconstitutional and owned by the PSRRC. The FRBs ability to print unlimited quantities of Fiat Dollars permits all types of stock market scams, transfers the peoples wealth to the PSRRC, finances unjustified wars for profits of the PSRRC’s Military Industrial Complex, allows graft from aide programs, subsidizes government boondoggles, etc. The FRB is not The Peoples Bank.  It is the fox in the hen house, and a criminal enterprise.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Too Many Governors are Corrupt, Incompetent and Cowardly

Andrew C. Wallace

Oh, yes they are. Every Damn Governor, both Democrat and Republican is totally compromised by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and Biden,”THE USURPER”

Every governor is the chief executive of a Sovereign State, which the federal government is not.

But cowardly and compromised governors have allowed the PSRRC to unconstitutionally centralize all power in Washington so they can control and impoverish the people. Most politicians at all levels are subservient to the PSRRC with the possible exception of a few “Authentic America First Republicans”.

Majority of federal laws are unconstitutional unless they relate to Defense, Currency, Post office, Immigration, or Foreign Relations. ( Only purpose of federal administration is to serve the states)

How in the hell can the American people obey unconstitutional laws or orders from criminals with no authority?

State Governors must kick the Federal Government out of the states as they are exercising unconstitutional powers usurped from the states and the people.

Some examples of unconstitutional federal laws are those in Education, Energy, Agriculture, Labor, Health, Housing, Urban development, Transportation, Law Enforcement, Welfare, et al. Of course after the Election Insurrection this is moot because the Federal Government its self now has no Constitutional Authority. none. However, our  Constitution remains as the Supreme Law of the Land and our states remain as powerful as ever. Governors must demand that federal government stay out of the states using powers reserved by the states.

Governors must refuse financial grants from the federal government and demand a return of at least 50% of taxes collected from their state.

Governors don’t have Constitutional power to deprive citizens of their rights and the faux federal government certainly does not. But governors do have the power under these Exigent Circumstances to do whatever is required to protect the people, if they are not compromised or too cowardly to act.

Neither state nor federal government has the authority to lock down business or people, demand people wear useless masks and get dangerous shots, prohibit peaceful demonstrations, restrict travel, meetings, and religious services, order people to be fired, control prescription authority of doctors, et al.

Presidential executive orders are only valid if legal and directed at federal government employees. Everyone else can tell Biden,”THE USURPER” to shove his Executive Orders.

Governors should exercise their Constitutional duties and responsibilities by using military force to close the borders and to apprehend and deport illegal invaders. Governors don’t stop and deport invaders now, because the PSRRC wants them here to destroy America to make way for the Communist One World Order Dictatorship.

The costs incurred by these invaders will cause starvation and death by destroying Social Security, Medicare, Retirement Programs, and all Government Benefits.

Citizens did not spend hundreds of years defending this country, building infrastructure, wiping out diseases, and educating the people, et al., just to have the American dream stolen by uneducated illegals and the PSRRC.

If governors continue to be gutless minions of the PSRRC and refuse to follow the Constitution they can expect the people to take action, and it will not be pretty.

These Compromised and cowardly governors can expect some version of pitchforks, tar and feathers.

Our Florida governor DeSantis is better than most, but that is very faint praise. I have written him numerous times without even a form letter response. I quoted the Florida Constitution in several letters to show him how to prevent our cities from being burned and to protect citizens from crooked prosecutors, no response. I have the impression that everything he does is for publicity and that he doesn’t give a damn for the people. Fox News is a stealthy associate of the PSRRC and they are promoting him, why is that not a surprise?

When our major Democrat cities were being burned to the ground last year the governors could have stopped it, but they did not. They did this for political reasons and to destroy small business competitors to large stores controlled by the PSRRC. Of course the fake media reported the lie of “Mostly Peaceful Demonstrations”.

Governors should but a stop to corporate purchases of single family homes which is pricing families out of the housing market and the American Dream.

California governor followed Obama’s lead and even outlawed zoning for single family homes. Communists want people to live in dangerous government housing projects in the cities using public transportation.

Governors need to use their power to protect the people from prosecutors financed by George Soros and other members of the PSRRC.

As I have written, our Constitution stipulates that the federal government has little or no authority in the states. Patriotic governors with courage would kick the usurping Federal Government interlopers out of the states, and arresting them if they persist. People don’t want a corrupt FBI (with no authority) arresting parents at school board meetings, and framing innocent Americans who object to Communism and Biden,”THE USURPER”. The Communists want a national police force, why else would they defund local police?

Governors  have incredible Power under the Constitution and if they don’t use it to protect and serve the people they are the modern versions of JUDAS ISCARIOT.

Our courts have failed us, even the Supreme Court. Governors have the power to protect the people and their Constitutional Rights, but so far they refuse to do so.

I refer to Biden, “THE USURPER” because it is descriptive, and the harm he inflicts reminds me of crimes done by Vlad,”THE IMPALER”

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Biden is Intensely Hated and Despised

By Andrew C. Wallace

I have determined that one possible way to help free us of Communists is to exercise my Freedom of Speech Rights to inform Biden,”THE USURPER” and his Insurrectionists of how much they are hated and despised by Americans. They are unlawfully ruling against the desires and best interests of the country. The resentment and hatred of the insurrectionists by citizens is so powerful that they can never win a fair Constitutional election. The Communists have exercised their only option for control, raw power and the barrel of a gun.

I believe that never before in our history, not even during our Revolutionary War and Civil War has the anger of the people been so inflamed. People are now so enraged because they feel they may have no other alternative but violence. All other options have been denied.

People actually hate and despise Biden (THE USURPER) and his Superiors, the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Chinese Communist partners.

People also despise actions of the corporations, media, banks, elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, military flag officers, and all compromised government employees, et al., controlled by the PSRRC.

My feelings are so intense that I can’t even tolerate seeing the PSRRC’s Loathsome Lying Corrupt Biden, (THE USURPER) on TV, without cursing him out loud.

Most men I know do the same thing. The Ignorant, Apathetic and Lenin’s Useful Idiots don’t know or feel anything, as they help the Communists lead them to their own destruction.

When The PSRRC and their puppet, Biden, “THE USURPER” had millions of workers fired , they created an army (lager than U.S, Military) who hate them for damn good reasons and are armed to the teeth. The USURPER went too far this time. If he wanted a backlash that he could attack, then he will get more than he can handle. The proper response to retaliation by THE USURPER would be guerilla actions that no military has ever been able to defeat, and certainly not with our compromised Flag Officers who have not won a war in 75 years. These same military officers with support of most politicians have been eager to sacrifice the lives of our Armed Forces to profit the Military Industrial Complex, when critical issues of National Security were not evident.

Administrators and many Faculty of our Universities are advocates of Communism, Critical Race Theory, Climate Change, Illegal Invaders, Green New Deal, A National Income, Reparations, et al. They advocate everything that will destroy the Republic. These are not stupid people, but they are venal, demonic and ignorant of reality. Academics think they are superior to the rest of us. Public funding of most non professional university programs is not justified, or in the public interest. Funding of fun, games and debauchery is unconscionable; when we are in need of infrastructure and many of our citizens are in dire need. The negative quality of education at all levels is driving the demand for “School Choice” which Biden, ‘THE USURPER’ is fighting.

Most Blacks are good people. But when it comes to slavery, many never seem to learn that Democrats were responsible for the institution of slavery in the South, and continue to support slavery to this day in the Democrat Inner City Plantations. This ignorance of many Blacks and poor people is the result of fake schools and fake media, also controlled by Democrat Communists who they voted into office.

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), 1/4 of 1%, and their “Richly Rewarded” and “Above the Law” Minions act as if they have the God Given “Divine Right of Kings”. This arrogance of attitude, superiority, and entitlement has earned these venal parasites the utter contempt of the people.

Chinese Communists in cooperation with our PSRRC controlled government and corporations declared war on the world with the Corona Virus, killing millions. This was the biggest “Crime Against Humanity” in history. It was used to beggar the people, destroy small business competitors, gain political advantage, and control the people with fear and brutal unconstitutional power. Every Faux authority involved in these crimes has lost all credibility and incurred wrath of the people.

Our military is very unhappy. It is being destroyed by Critical Race Theory, incompetent and anti-American Flag Officers ( who have not won a war in 75 years), forced vaccinations, reduced standards, Soviet style political officers, dangerous rules of engagement, et al. No one should want to serve or die in no win wars of no critical importance to the United States except for the profits of the PSRRC’s Military Industrial Complex.

American people are really enraged by Biden, THE USURPER’s open borders, support of illegal invaders, and efforts to take away our right to keep and bear firearms. Its simple, INVADERS are destroying Medicare, Social Security, American Dream, Voting Rights, all government benefits and increasing crime and diseases. There is no upside, none. We have no need for uneducated illegals, possessing no skills, who don’t speak English, many are criminals or diseased and we must support, or deport them, look at European experience. If we lose our right to keep and bear arms, we will be slaves overnight. Observe Canada, Australia and every Communist dictatorship.

The PSRRC has been sucking the life Blood out of our people since the inception of the Unconstitutional Private Federal Reserve Bank and Tax Free Foundations in 1913. Our dollar is unconstitutional Fiat, and unlimited printing is transferring the productivity and wealth of the working people to the wealthy and those who choose not to work. You are not a Racist or a Domestic Terrorist if you object to these Communist ideas which have failed every time they were tried. By definition, money is a store of value, our dollar is not. It was designed with no Constitutional backing so it could finance no win wars, transfer workers resources to the PSRRC and cause economic collapse on cue. Like the Chinese, the PSRRC want digital money for total control. Tax Free foundations have allowed the wealthy to control everything into eternity at the expense of the people.

Every part of the faux government is corrupt and controlled by the PSRRC and their Communist minions. We can never have a Constitutional Republic without the Constitution and “Rule of Law” being enforced, which is impossible so long as the rotten FBI exists.

Our founders came to America to escape life in European cities, now our cities are much, much worse than in Europe. Our citizens are enraged by this reality.

A majority of the Federal Government was unconstitutional before the Election Insurrection, now it is all unconstitutional and has no authority, none.

Citizens of both parties realize that Democrat and Republican elected officials are incompetent, corrupt and cowardly. BOTH parties are controlled by the PSRRC. People have heard about the old days when these criminals could expect pitchforks, tar and feathers. Now the people can see no alternative to violence because there are no other viable options.

I believe it is my Constitutional and Christian obligation, duty and right as a citizen to do everything possible to prevent the bloody destruction of my beloved country.

Those of us who have served our country and survived, will not allow our honored dead to have died in vain; we will fight the PSRRC and their Communist minions, which includes Biden,”THE USURPER”, until we die.

We would get the added Bonus of a return to Freedom and Prosperity when the PSRRC, Communists and Biden, “THE USURPER” are defeated.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Militia of the Several States to Replace Tyrannical Judiciary?

By Andrew C. Wallace

Our courts are so corrupt that after the Election Insurrection by Biden “THE USURPER”, they ignored the simple definitive words of the Constitution, or claimed lack of “Standing”, which was false. The courts invented “Standing”, as they have many things, so they could ignore the Constitution and do as they please. The concept of “Standing’ can be legitimate, but in too many cases it is used to ignore an issue.

One of the primary objectives of the Constitution was to protect the People from a mostly corrupt government (all governments are inherently corrupt). The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) own the government and Biden, ”THE USURPER”, lock, stock and barrel. The founders gave us our “Great Constitution” to guarantee our rights, which included “Firearms”, “The Militia of the Several States”, “Grand Juries”, and the right to “Petition” government to protest actions by government. All government officials everywhere are inherently corrupt, requiring citizen vigilance to keep them honest (this is true throughout history).  What could you expect when many are lawyers taught to be mendacious and obfuscate; many are graduates of Ivy League Indoctrination Centers like Harvard and Yale ( 8 of 9 Supreme Court Justices?). Most citizens (victims of propaganda) are ignorant and apathetic; they just don’t give a damn. But unfortunately for the traitors there are millions who do care, more than enough  to fight. If the PSRRC and their Communist minions including Biden”THE USURPER”persist, there will be bodies in the streets from coast to coast resulting from guerrilla warfare .

The right to keep and bear arms is the MOST important Constitutional right that we were given in the Constitution. The Communists and the PSRRC are doing everything to take away our firearms. We will not allow them to do so. We know what happened to Canadians and Australians after they took away their firearms. The British lost their right to own firearms and have been subservient to their PSRRC ever since. People living under dictatorships have no weapons; we may be the last free country in the world because of our firearms.

The Constitution gives citizens the right to Petition government for redress of wrongs. But the Constitution didn’t include a provision for enforcement, so no one gets any satisfaction from government minions of the PSRRC.

Then we have the Grand Jury which is supposed to protect citizens from false legal actions. But the Grand Jury has been taken over completely by judges and prosecutors for their own purposes. There can be no justice when prosecutors have been bought by the PSRRC and many judges think they make the law.

“Firearms” and “The militia of the Several States” (Militia) are the most important weapons that the founders gave us in the Constitution to protect us, and the Republic from criminals in government. Using the Militia to protect our rights is preferable to using firearms because then we have a bloody destructive Pyrrhic Victory. But, the choice is clear when the options are either freedom in our Constitutional Republic or degradation, brutality, fear and slavery in a Communist state run by the PSRRC.

It is common knowledge by anyone who is not as ignorant as a box of rocks that many in the DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, Military Flag Officers, Courts, et al, are guilty of treason, and the rest are cowards. Most of them ignored the Constitution and supported the insurrection of our Constitutional Republic by Biden, “THE USURPER”. If these Communist minions of the PSRRC had honored their oaths to the Constitution, the government overthrow would not have been possible. These fellow travelers are below contempt.

You can never control corruption because the FBI is the most corrupt, incompetent, and expensive so-called police force in the world. Even if we had effective law enforcement, we would still be at the mercy of the PSRRC because our courts are compromised. To get our country and freedoms back we must abolish the FBI and establish alternate courts until honest Constitutional courts can be reestablished.

Our Constitution stipulates that the “Militia of the Several States” (Militia) will enforce laws of the union. I think the FBI was brought into power by hook or crook (read how it was started and grew) because it could be controlled; whereas the Militia would be more difficult to control. Powers of the Militia seem to be very broad and would encompass oversight of officials and I think the ability to form alternate courts. Officers of the Militia are appointed by the states. I firmly believe that the FBI, Courts, Military Flag officers, et al, committed treason when they refused to support the Constitution and prevent the election insurrection. They must be replaced or we will be at war.

I am an Economist, not a legal scholar, so the details of the actions required must be researched by scholars of Constitutional Law.  Much of what I have learned about the Militia of the Several States was obtained by reading  the Constitution and comprehensive articles in by Edwin Vieira Jr., AB, MA, PhD, JD.

I hope that experts will take on the task of telling us how to use the Militia to oversee officials, replace the FBI and give us alternate courts.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Biden, ”The Usurper” Declared War on America

By Andrew C. Wallace

Just a few words.

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class has only one objective and that is the complete destruction of the United States of America. Without a viable America they can rule the world.

Biden, ‘THE USURPER” (Insurrectionist) HAS NO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY  OF ANY KIND, he has only the power from the barrel of a gun.

He has ordered the firing of millions of employees if they don’t take the shot, which doesn’t work, and has dangerous side effects. Hospitals can’t afford to lose Medicare payments, so they fire their employees and can no longer take care of all the sick. Other employers are also firing their unvaccinated employees because they are controlled by the PSRRC.

When you add together the number of employees fired, and those that are paid with Fiat dollars not to work, you have a serious decline in production of goods and services. This results in serious inflation, shortages, decline in value of the fiat dollar, economic and stock market collapse, et al. all of which can occur overnight. This is pretty much the consensus of economists.

Biden,”THE USURPER” and his masters, the PSRRC and their Communist minions had working citizens fired depriving them of the ability to provide food, housing, and medical care to their families They have created an Army of millions who hate their guts and are armed to the teeth. The Communists overplayed their hand and should run, not walk to China.

This is a sad day for America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Critical Mass

By Andrew C. Wallace

Consensus Before Critical Mass, Confrontation, and Freedom.


This paper is not an academic exercise, it is deadly serious, every word is critical, and chosen for its exact meaning. It is written as succinctly as possible.

First of all , we must accept the fact that we are at War with the PSRRC and their Communist minions including Biden,”THE USURPER”, who overthrew our Constitutional Government in an election insurrection.

Biden, “THE USURPER”, and his Faux Administration have absolutely no Constitutional Authority or Legitimate Power, none. The power they exercise is fake, but it can still harm you until we stop them.

Our Enemy is the “Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class” (PSRRC) who run this country by controlling everybody, including Biden, ”THE USURPER”, using money and power.
Elected officials, Bureaucrats, Corporate Officials, Judges, Military Flag Officers, Media, POTUS, SCOTUS, DOD, FBI, DOJ, CIA et al. take orders from the PSRRC. Remember these are minions who take orders from the few in the PSRRC; they do not call the shots.

People must realize that BOTH political parties also take orders from the PSRRC.
Members of BOTH parties are mostly corrupt Quislings. Democrats are Communists, and most Republicans, except for “America First” Republicans , are cowardly fellow travelers.


Social Security, Medical Care, Voting Rights, American Dream and all government benefits are being destroyed by open borders and illegal invaders. The Military must be used to close borders and deport every last illegal; otherwise, fed-up citizen militias will make a bloody mess of it.

2. “Green New Deal” is a scam causing the inability to heat and cool our homes. It is also increasing the cost of all consumer goods and services to an unattainable level.

3. “Climate Change” can’t be controlled and is a hoax designed to enrich the PSRRC at our expense.

4. Printing Fiat money is impoverishing us.
Unlimited distribution of Fiat money “in the short run” is misleading the public into expecting a national income program that is economically impossible, period. This flood of fiat money must end now as it is causing economic collapse and inflation.

5. The SCOTUS, DOD, DOJ, FBI, CIA, et al. could have prevented the overthrow of our Republic if they would have obeyed the Constitution, but they ignored their Oaths and were compromised. Most of the ranking officials should be charged, fired or impeached and the FBI should be disbanded.

6. COVID-19 and Related Shots, are the largest, Deliberate, Genocidal Global War on people ever attempted to gain power and control. This was a cooperative action by the Chinese Communists and our own National Institutes of Health. It is now clear that the horrendous loss of life and economic destruction was deliberate and expected. All related measures to control the people are unconstitutional.

7. Many of our so-called “Officials and Judges” will not comply with Constitutional requirements for elections, leaving citizens no other remedy or option, but confrontation.

8. Biden, “THE USURPER” and his associates committed treason when they issued unlawful orders to Border Patrol, NGOs and others to ignore existing laws. These unlawful directives ordered, among other things, that borders be open and that illegal invaders be allowed to inter America and be transported and cared for at government expense. Those who complied with these unlawful orders are also guilty of treason. (Research the Nuremberg Code for yourselves!)

9. It is impossible to prosecute Biden, “THE USURPER” and his fellow travelers for treason for giving aid and comfort to illegal invaders and overthrowing our Republic until we have an uncompromised, functual law enforcement and justice system.


CONFRONTATION is absolutely essential because it is the only action that can be effective with the “Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class”(PSRRC) and their Communist minions. Writing, speaking , demonstrations, parades, and protests have been to no avail and are almost a waste of time, and are an opportunity to be framed by the FBI.

Confrontation must be accomplished even though it is fraught with real danger for both parties. Communists and their greedy partners in the PSRRC are noted for their violence, and no crime is beneath them.

There will be conflict when compromised Federal Officials who have no Constitutional Authority (as a result of election insurrection) attempt to enforce some edict on a Citizen.

The Citizen has every RIGHT and DUTY to resist unlawful and criminal actions. Confrontations must occur; there is no lawful alternative available. Citizen’s actions of defiance are supported by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence because faux administration is unconstitutional. I would never say this if we had a legal and legitimate government. Whenever an elected official is required to make a solemn Oath to our Constitution, and fails to obey its mandates, he is disqualified from his Office and his actions are nullified. He is then a usurper operating under color of law, and has no power or authority.

Citizen actions of defiance will increase in number, and the Communist Administration, as they have done recently , will respond violently, while the FBI frames everyone involved, as is their SOP.

The people, not being forgiving, or stupid, will respond with guerrilla warfare while continuing face-to-face confrontations. I am not aware of any determined guerrilla force that was ever defeated in the field.

A blood bath can only be averted if the PSRRC and their Communist minions abandon their efforts to destroy our republic and resign from all public offices which they took by fraud, force, and insurrection.

Citizens have no option but to do whatever is required to restore their Constitutional Rights even though they may suffer for doing their duty in the short term. The only other option is oppression, degradation, cruelty, slavery and starvation.

Senior citizens, called “Useless Eaters” by Communists, will be the first to die due to destruction of Social Security, retirement programs and Medicare (mostly caused by illegals and excess fiat money).

It is my duty, obligation and right to exercise my freedom of speech to report my honest appraisal of circumstances. I pray that Donald Trump was not our last President. I welcome all comments except those calling me a racist for telling the truth. I am not a racist and neither is my country, even though it elected a Black racist as president, twice.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Majority of Government Was Fake, Now it’s all Fake

Andrew C. Wallace

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution remain as the Supreme law of the Land. In simple terms the only valid laws remaining in force are those of the states, and our founding documents. The Unconstitutional Election Insurrection effectively removed any authority or semblance of our Republic. The greatest Constitution in the world still exists, and its protections are binding on everyone in the United States, even if the Republic itself exists in name only.

Most of ‘government’ was without lawful authority before the Election Insurrection, which then ended all illusions of constitutional and lawful authority. The faux administration now only has the power of fear, blackmail, and the barrel of a gun…with no authority. The Constitution reserves ALL powers to the states and to the people, except for Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Currency, Post Office, and some household functions. Federal government has these enumerated powers ONLY. This means that MOST government departments, agencies and related laws are unconstitutional because they have usurped those unconstitutional powers from the states. The states have become mere political subdivisions of the “United States”, subject to its coercion and blackmail.

The Communists and Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) have been attempting to take over our country since its founding. They have been very successful in concentrating power in the federal government by unconstitutionally usurping state powers. Some examples of this usurpation are departments of Education, Energy, Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, et al. All laws relating to these departments are also bogus. Using these powers (and others) has made the PSRRC and their minions in government and the corporate world very wealthy, while impoverishing and enslaving the people. It is imperative that people know that their real enemy is the PSRRC, and that their corrupt minions have no lawful or constitutional authority to call the shots. To be even more specific, the minions are bribed government employees, elected officials, corporate officials, et al. of BOTH parties, excluding valid America First Republicans.

The Election Insurrection was a terrible tragedy and a costly treason, but it also gives us the greatest possible opportunity that we have ever had to return our government to what it was at the founding. The Communists and the PSRRC have made this possible by scaring the hell out of people, denying them constitutional rights and equal justice. The PSRRC has effectively forced the people to open their eyes and demand MAJOR reform and a return to our original Constitutional government.

Politicians should understand that they will not be welcome home or anywhere else, unless they support “The Requirements for Freedom and Liberation” listed below, among many others. I acknowledge that our corrupt politicians would never vote for these items unless we are involved in a major political and economic upheaval (which we now are) and they are dreaming of being on the receiving end of pitchforks, tar and feathers. Professionals must put these recommendations into proper form.

The Requirements for Freedom and Liberation

1. Stop all illegal immigration, give no amnesties, end chain migration, and deport every last illegal in the country. Any future immigration would be subject to the “Public Charge Doctrine” whereby they are no cost to the government.
2. Use anti -trust laws to break up major internet companies.
3. Media companies must be regulated to report honest news, not narratives.
4. Internet and media companies that block anyone from saying anything against the socialist narrative will no longer be immune from lawsuits.
5. Government officials who refuse to enforce the law will be prosecuted and removed from office, as their sacred Oath is a qualification for office.
6. Government Officials and judges who make their own laws will be charged with crimes and impeached.
7. Corporations will not be allowed to support political candidates with money or anything else of value.
8. Politicians can only accept money from constituents. Political donations to be limited.
9. Reinstate the draft as a deterrent to no-win wars and to educate our young people to defend themselves and the country.
10. Transfer all benefit programs to the states except for Social Security and Medicare.
11. Banks can’t be both investment and commercial.
12. Corporations can’t be sold without approval by 60% of employees.
13. Stock market must be fair for large and small investors alike.
14. If you don’t own the precious metal, stock or other securities, you can’t sell it short.
15. The Unconstitutional Private Federal Reserve Bank is impoverishing average citizens and enriching the wealthy by printing unlimited quantities of fiat money with no backing. The Federal Reserve bank is also causing rampant inflation, a falling dollar, and an economic collapse. It would be impossible to finance no win wars if the Federal Reserve could not print unlimited quantities of unconstitutional fiat money.

16. We must follow the Constitution, terminate the unconstitutional Private Federal Reserve Bank, and back our currency with gold and silver as required by the Constitution. It is the only way to rein in the government’s propensity to spend money and wage no- win wars for corporate profits.
17. FBI is the most corrupt, incompetent and expensive police force in the world, and it must be disbanded. The Constitution calls for the Militia of the Several States to enforce laws of the Union.
18. Senators should serve no more than 2 terms and representatives not more than 4 terms.
19. There should be no huge retirement benefits for elected officials, none. They can use 401Ks like everyone else, and be subject to all laws like everybody else.
20. Violations of federal laws by elected officials and government employees and others will be investigated, charged, and tried. Otherwise, responsible judicial and law enforcement officials will be charged for not doing so.

21. “The American Dream” must be safeguarded by making it unlawful for anyone but individual American citizens to purchase single family homes for their own personal use. Corporate stock manipulators can’t be allowed to use the Federal Reserve’s fiat money to price average Americans out of home ownership and the American Dream.
22. The draconian efforts by state and federal governments to force people to wear masks, maintain physical separation, quarantine, lock down, deny right of assembly and travel, and take life-threatening Covid shots are unconstitutional, and must be considered as “suggestions” only.
23. Federal government to transfer 50% of taxes back to the state governments to finance governmental functions that would now be performed by the states.
24. Federal government should not be involved in any social programs because they have no authority under the Constitution to do so.
25.Any federal expenditures to support legal and illegal immigrants are to be prohibited. That is the proper responsibility of charities.
26. States should give vouchers to parents so children can go to any desired school acceptable to the state.

27. Since a majority of college courses have little value in future employment, no employer should be permitted to require a degree, except in professional areas such as medicine, engineering, business, et al. Public funding of higher education which does not result in marketable skills is a fraud on taxpayers. Public has no responsibility to finance four years of fun, games and debauchery. Economists could say that the “Economic Opportunity Cost” of most higher education is exorbitant and not the best use of time and money.
28. We must follow the advice of our founders and bring our troops home from all over the world. Our troops should only be used when the security of the United States is at risk. When our troops are in combat their rules of engagement must not endanger them.
29. Pushing critical race theory in the military or anywhere else is a crime.
30. The days of useless no-win wars for profits of the PSRRC’s Military Industrial Complex must end. Many millions of innocent people have died for no good purpose except to enrich the PSRRC and impoverish our citizens. The people responsible are guilty of crimes against humanity and should be tried and hung.

31. There is never any excuse to give money to foreign governments for ANY reason (with or without kickbacks) . It is especially heinous when our own people are living in the streets, our infrastructure is falling apart and fiat money must be printed.
32. We must stop Financialization which temporarily increases stock price by investing growth capital in non-productive schemes like stock buybacks, high dividends and other areas which provide no benefit to the corporation other than temporarily increasing the price of the stock The money wasted is detrimental to the corporation, the employees and the long-term stockholders. This reduces employment and corporate viability.
33. All “Green New Deal” efforts to restrict fossil fuel energy production in favor of solar and wind must stop. Promotion of electric vehicles to replace ALL fossil fuel vehicles must also stop as there is an inadequate supply of electricity and the means to deliver it.
34. Stop the Climate Change scam. Climate change is natural, not man-made, and attempts to control it are a scam to impoverish the people for the benefit of the PSRRC.

I will not now support ANY political party, or vote for ANY existing candidates, as none are worthy. We must primary all politicians and elect patriots who will support “The Requirements for Freedom and Liberation” listed above.

Diabolical, is the best way to describe the fraudulent recall election in California. The PSRRC and their Communist minions have left the people of California no choice but to rebel. This is a simple fact.

I fear that the PSRRC and its minions will resist with all available force resulting in unlimited bloodshed and destruction. I don’t condone a conflict that will cause a total economic and social collapse and a Pyrrhic Victory for both sides. I don’t think that either the People or the PSRRC will compromise, so the die is cast. Prepare for the worst. But, know that after the hell, if we really fight hard, we could have our country and Original Constitutional Republic back with the PSRRC and their Communist minions under control, or gone.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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No Pity for the Ignorant and Apathetic

By Andrew C. Wallace

Those who don’t want to bother with the truth and refuse to support our Constitutional Republic are by definition ignorant and apathetic. This describes Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”, and all of those really stupid people who think that this faux administration, or any administration, can support the unemployed by increasing taxes and printing worthless fiat money forever. It is a proven economic impossibility. It just can’t be done, period.

In 1971, all Constitutional controls of our currency by gold were removed. The value of our dollar is now only four cents, a 96% decline since 1971. The PSRRC (The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class) controlling the government then printed fiat (faux) money to finance useless no-win wars (of no vital importance to the United States) for their profits (and stars for flag officers). The resulting inflation impoverished many of our people by transferring wealth to PSRRC and their minions. I could give you details, but that would take time and change nothing.

My career as an economist qualifies me to tell you with absolute certainty that you are being treated like stupid lab rats in all respects. They are promising people a guaranteed income and deceiving them with all kinds of benefits now, benefits that can’t continue, while at the same time stealing from these very same people with the increased prices (and inflation)  it causes. The inflation, of course, makes the PSRRC and their minions even richer at your expense and the destruction of the country. But I promise you, and challenge anyone to prove me wrong, that they will be stopped by well-established and proven economic laws. This is what they want: a total economic collapse resulting in the PSRRC being your absolute Communist dictators. I can further guarantee that under these circumstances it will be impossible to feed and protect the people (which include their most brainwashed Black supporters) in the communist inner city plantations. After burning and looting they will either starve or be killed by their Communist politicians.

Anyone who seeks further proof of our ongoing economic disaster from recognized experts should read the September 5, 2021 articles by Michael Snyder and David Stockman in Lew Rockwell. You would read about major factory shutdowns, encouragement to buy now while you can, GM closing most plants, Ford down 33%, supply chains failing, Christmas in ruins, economy seems to be in reverse…and this is but the beginning of the end.

If you can’t handle the truth stop reading now.

Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our major cities ARE Europe, and the Communists want all of America to be like our major cities. Not going to happen on my watch.  This is why we fight. We are Americans, and our traditional values and ethics and morals and culture define us!

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) control  this country with an iron fist, and own most of it. The PSRRC own and control government officials of both parties, CEOs, DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, Judges, Flag Officers and everyone with power. If they cannot control you through bribery or blackmail, you are not allowed to hold any influential position. These “elite officials” are not our rulers, they are the servants (minions) of the PSRRC. Government officials are supposed to be OUR servants. It is time to correct this upside-down world!

Senior Citizens, called “Useless Eaters” by the Communists, are going to be denied medical care and the proper purchasing power of the Social Security Program they paid into their entire lives. This is being done with malice by inflation and bankrupting the program by extending benefits to anyone who crosses the border (mostly illegally!). Guaranteed medical care for everyone means rationing, and then no one gets care. As an 87-year-old on a fixed income and requiring medical care, I would likely be dead of starvation or lack of medical care…and that is part of their plan.

Everything the PSRRC and their Communist minions want to do is ridiculous, impossible or designed out of malice to destroy our Constitutional Republic. They have Zero Constitutional Authority in our Republic now, and they will never get it. They control through the outright ‘owning’ of all politicians and corporate boards.

I think (from long experience) that it is impossible to inform ignorant and apathetic people of the truth. As a group, they are as dumb as a box of rocks. And they refuse to acknowledge any evidence to the contrary. Let me try one more time. Most of them didn’t take an oath to defend our Constitution, but many of us did, and we will . But I don’t think we will have any desire or obligation to defend lazy, ignorant would-be communist slaves, they just aren’t worth the effort, and deserve what they get.

The truth is there to see. If you are old, you are considered a “useless eater” and will die for lack of medical care and /or starvation.

If you are of working age you will own nothing, the American Dream will be dead. You will have no Constitutionally-protected rights. If you have no skills you will be lucky to work for starvation wages along with all the non-English-speaking illegals with no skills. If you have a skill you will be lucky to get Chinese-level pay, otherwise you work as farm labor. The PSRRC are destroying our country with illegals for cheap labor and votes.

The proceeding happy scenario can only come about if you live through the economic collapse with no food in the stores, no fuel, no government benefits, money is worthless, banks are closed, burning and looting are rampant, and you are in the middle of a civil war. If you can’t defend yourself you will probably be dead. It is impossible to feel any pity for the snowflakes and pus – – -s of either sex, who detest firearms and those who use them for self-defense. These useless, hopeless people will mostly die like sniveling dogs at the hands of Communist thugs.

Don’t you think it would be much better if people learned the truth, and helped take back your country from the parasitic super rich ruling class and their powerful Communist minions, before they kill you, and destroy everything we cherish?

Now do you know your real enemy?

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Why and How We Take Back Our Country

By Andrew C. Wallace

I believe in plain language. Damn few people know or understand who really rules our country with an iron fist, and own most of it . I correctly label them as the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC)  or whoever votes the controlling shares of stock in corporate America held in their name. This type of parasite and the Communists have been with us since our founding. These people are anti- American, despise our Constitution and citizens, are Communist would be dictators, and are totally corrupt traitors guilty of all manner of crimes. They have no legal Constitutional authority whatsoever, absolutely none.

Most people are under the false impression that government officials, politicians, corporate officials, military flag officers, judges, bureaucrats, et al. are the true rulers of our country. They are not, they are only the well bribed minions taking orders from the PSRRC which they dare not disobey for fear of dire consequences. Compliant minions or fellow travelers will be rewarded with great wealth for their treason at the expense of the people and will be protected when they violate the law..

Both political parties are well bribed minions of the PSRRC and protected with a two tier justice system. When was the last time that high ranking criminals of either party were even charged, much less convicted? President Donald Trump and those few loyal to him were not protected because they were fighting the PSRRC for benefit of the American people. President Trump did more for the American people than all the presidents in the last 100 years regardless of how he talked.. Only God could have done more than President Trump when most officials and bureaucrats were on the PSRRC  payroll or scared to comply with the Constitution. It is safe to say that most government officials, including elected officials and bureaucrats, excluding real workers are minions of the PSRRC, corrupt, cowards or incompetent..

As a veteran I have a deep and abiding hatred for the military industrial complex controlled by the PSRRC.

They Conducted no win wars for profit and stars for the flag officers. None of the wars had any connection to the vital interests of the United States. Many members of our military were killed or wounded.

Our country is now on the verge of civil war, total economic collapse, worthless currency, cessation of government services, empty stores, riots, arson, looting and starvation, et al. All of this could have been avoided if not for the treasonous usurpation of our government by the PSRRC- controlled minions including the DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, CIA, military flag officers, judges, corporate officials, et al. All for money and power.

Most major corporations are controlled by the PSRRC and were directed to pay the communist thugs of BLM millions of dollars to burn and loot our cities for political advantage. Democrat governors, mayors and prosecutors unconstitutionally aided and abetted the carnage. The PSRRC  also directed the fake media to smear President Trump for more than four years and to protect Biden from any negative information. Remember, both political parties, with the exception of “America First Republicans” are controlled by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, PSRRC ,who are brutal would be Communist dictators..

Everyone I know, and those who responded to my last article are more than just highly enraged by the conduct of this faux Communist administration. They are desperate to know how to remove this criminal enterprise before we are destroyed. The longer the PSRRC Communist minions control our country, the more costly it will be to remove them. Communists and the PSRRC types have been attempting to take over our country since its inception, so I doubt they will give up without a prolonged fight

Patriots  have all the major legal points and issues on their side in any conflict. Patriots would be fighting with the full legal support of the Supreme law of the Land, the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Religious patriots would also be fighting for God and Country, because the Communists hate God and try to destroy all religions. A majority of the American people believe in God so this would also turn into a religious war.

I can find no single instance in the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution and Declaration of Independence where the PSRRC or their minions running this country have even a single once of legitimacy. Total legal legitimacy is on the side of the patriot opposition, which should scare hell out of the PSRRC and its Communist minions.

Again,  I must say that our greatest  truth and strength is that the faux Communist administration and related fellow travelers are  guilty of treason for the unconstitutional election insurrection; they have absolutely no authority to govern, none. These insurrectionists have no legal authority to resist citizens who seek their removal. Most people would understand this to mean very simply that citizen efforts to defeat traitors would be legal even if they used deadly force and hung the survivors after a Nuremberg type trial. The Communists have no legal recourse. SCOTUS and other courts are compromised having forfeited any legitimate authority by their conduct relating to the insurrection and by results of the insurrection. They had the opportunity to stop this, but cowardly claimed “no standing” or refused to follow the Constitution. Most of these courts should be abolished anyway when government is reduced by 50-75% to its actual Constitutional powers.

I pray that the greedy communists and the parasitic super rich ruling class will recognize that this is a fight they can’t win. Any conflict would however result in a pyrrhic victory. The only silver lining is that this will bring about massive and drastic changes in government, corporations, politics, investments, military, wars and just about everything that otherwise would not have been possible. The PSRRC and their minions will be major losers. If there is major destruction and loss of life the people will most assuredly insist on Nuremberg type trials. To be absolutely clear, Patriots who stand up for the country will suffer if the traitors can see and catch them.

Conclusion, I don’t  advocate the violent overthrow of any legitimate Constitutional government. But it is my duty, obligation, and right to exercise my Constitutional responsibility to inform people of the truth as I see it, and to guarantee that our millions of honored dead will not have died in vain defending this great country. If the traitors don’t like this, s-*-w them.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Know at Least These Five Things to Survive

By Andrew C Wallace

First, you must know that our federal government is Faux and has absolutely no authority to govern after the unconstitutional election insurrection.

Many governors, mayors, prosecutors, flag officers, corporate officers, bureaucrats, other elected officials, et al. should be prosecuted and hung for treason.

Second, you must learn that even before this Communist usurpation, a majority of federal laws were unconstitutional because they were based on powers reserved by the states. A majority of federal executive departments and the related laws are unconstitutional, such as Agriculture, Education, Energy, Transportation, Labor, Health and Human Services, et al. Mostly the federal government’s authority is limited to subjects relating to defense, immigration, foreign relations, currency and post office. To gain power and wealth the parasitic super rich are concentrating unconstitutional power in Washington.

Third, you must know that our most deadly enemies are the parasitic super rich who are the real ruling class.

They tell corporate officers, bureaucrats, elected officials, DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, POTUS, CIA, military flag officers et al. exactly what to do or suffer severe consequences. They Own major equity in Corporate America and use our largest corporations as cash cows to influence members of the foregoing groups and to fund think tanks like Council on Foreign Relations and many others used to manipulate the people. Corporations for political reasons very actively supported the burning, looting and destruction of our cities by the Communist Democrat thugs of Antifa and BLM.

Fourth, you must learn that the parasitic super rich hate our Constitutional Republic and detest the average American.

This parasitic ruling class and the Communists have been attempting to take over our country since its founding. Using their monetary control of elected officials they have been robbing the people and our government blind. Everything done by government was designed to enrich the ruling class by impoverishing the people. Afghanistan is a perfect example of a 20 year money pit for the parasitic ruling class, a war that did not protect any vital security interests of America, military flag officers who have not won a war in more than 75 years, troops who fought valiantly and Americans who paid for the war and got their sons and daughters back in body bags.

Just a few additional examples of this treason are unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank, unconstitutional fiat currency, tax free foundations, useless wars for profit, donations to foreign countries with kickbacks, taking away American Dream of home ownership, stock market manipulation, replacing American workers with foreign workers here and overseas, a dual justice system, etc, etc, etc. But the biggest scam of all was the Great Depression of the thirties caused by private Federal Reserve Bank (which chairman admitted). Most everything of value owned by the people was then stolen by the ruling class.

As an Economist I can tell you with absolute certainty that the ruling class, has caused another great depression for their benefit, due any day, tomorrow morning would not surprise me. I know of no knowledgeable person who disagrees with this conclusion.

Fifth, everything this unconstitutional administration has done violates our laws, the constitution, morality, logic, and common sense.

Everything they have done and plan to do will destroy our Republic, the American Dream, our living standard, Constitutional Rights, freedom, equal protection under the law, et al. The Democrat Communists and ruling class have made us the laughing stock of the world.
Just one of these moronic and hair brained actions are Open Borders spreading diseases, drugs, crime, lowering wages and employment, destroying social security ,medical care and all government programs. But the most important result is the destruction of the sovereignty of our citizens. All of which is simple treason.

Green new deal is destroying energy independence thus raising the cost of everything with hyper inflation.

Electric cars to replace all gasoline powered cars. We don’t have capacity to produce electricity required to charge them or the means to distribute it.

Wind and solar power kills the birds and cannot power our cities without blackouts as in California and Texas.

Critical Race theory is contrary to federal laws on equal rights. This is not a racist society even though we elected a Black racist for two terms as President.

Large amounts of Fiat currency being put into the system in excess of productivity to initiate a Communist national income program is reducing employment and raising prices from severe inflation. Value of the dollar is dropping like a rock which will lead to a depression. The stock market and the wealthy parasitic ruling class will benefit while the people suffer inflation as long as they keep printing the fiat money. When the printing stops the market collapses in free fall. It is absolutely impossible for government to continue printing, raising taxes and spending without a total meltdown.

People on fixed incomes like Social Security will starve and die from lack of medical care. Blacks and the poor living in inner city plantations will have no way to get food so they will riot, burn and loot forcing their Communist politicians to use deadly force just like all dictators do. After all they are communists who rule by fear, brutality and the barrel of a gun.


I welcome anyone to take issue with my writing using facts and not name calling. Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our cities are Europe. Sadly, I don’t expect the Patriots, ruling class, minions of the ruling class or Lenin’s useful idiots to surrender or give quarter. So, you should be prepared for Economic Collapse, a French style Reign of Terror, Guerrilla Warfare and a Pyrrhic Victory. Nothing else is possible unless the compromised Supreme Court does its duty under the Constitution.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Why Does Fox News Report on Treason then Ignores the Traitors?

Andrew C Wallace

Of course neither Fox News, nor Tucker Carlson, or Mark Levin will answer that question. I know this because I have asked them several times in writing and gotten no response. I do give them credit for being the only major news outlet to report any Treason at all.

Fox News has an effective marketing plan to ingratiate themselves with the patriot base and leave the elites and useful idiots for the fake media. It is a brilliant strategy, not unlike the Marxist Black Lives Matter. None of this is a surprise to those of us in fly over country because we know that the Fox people are closely associated with the establishment. You could say they are “Establishment Lite” or “ Communist Lite” There is no middle road, you are either a patriot, coward, traitor, or pansy.

Fear and Money must be the driving force behind the failure of Fox News to tell people in plain language the whole truth. They are making a lot of money and they have very good reason to fear for their lives if they don’t protect the elites and  the super rich, who own and control everything. Communists have killed millions to protect their power and money. I expect them to continue killing without fear or compassion, for that is what Communists do.

Starting with the election insurrection, Fox and the Fake Media absolutely refused to tell people: POWER FROM INSURRECTION HAS NO AUTHORITY TO GOVERN, NONE. This needed to be said, but was not. This point is imperative, because in any conflict most people think the government has no authority.

Our major corporations are not victims of blackmail by BLM thugs, they willingly funded them to burn down our cities to gain total power. The directors and officers of these corporations take orders from the major stockholders, the super rich who want a one world order dictatorship. These people are anti American and feel superior to average Americans.

When our cities were being burned and looted why didn’t Fox News demand that the Complicit Governors, Mayors and Prosecutors be arrested for treason in accordance with the Constitution? Why didn’t Fox News demand that President Trump use Federal Troops to end the election insurrection? Why didn’t Fox News demand that the Supreme court at least hear the election cases in accordance with the Constitution?

The Communists, bankers and super rich have been concentrating  power in the federal government contrary to the Constitution since our founding. According to the Constitution the federal government only has authority over defense, foreign relations, post office, currency, and immigration . The departments of Education, Energy and Agriculture are some examples of unconstitutional federal departments. The unconstitutional privately owned Federal Reserve Bank Caused the great depression and they are doing it again.Translated this means that even without the insurrection most of federal government is unconstitutional.

It is impossible for me to believe that Fox News people don’t know these simple facts. I must presume they are protecting the super rich for money and because they justifiably fear for their very lives.

The people at Fox News are not ignorant. They know that most of the bureaucrats, elected officials, flag officers, judges et al. in the federal government are corrupt, traitors, and cowards. They are also minions of the super rich who control it all, which is why we have a two tier justice system.

I am saying that there is strong evidence to suggest that Fox News is in bed with the enemies of our country. The news they report may be uncomplimentary of the establishment for public relations  purposes but will not deter or harm the establishment.

It is time for Fox News to concentrate on those who cause our problems rather than bemoaning the results of the treason.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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French Style Reign of Terror has Started in America

By Andrew C Wallace

You should be afraid, very afraid because you could lose everything of value, your life, your freedom and the food to feed your family. Forget all government assistance, it will no longer exist. Since public schools and media in the inner city plantations  are worthless I must give those residents some historical  context.

Working people have always been exploited by the so called nobility. Today, they are the super rich who acquired their wealth by business genius, luck, inheritance or crime. Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our cities are Europe. The Bank of England and the nobility  tried to maintain  an economic advantage over the colonies just like they did over the English people. This led to American Revolution in 1775.

We defeated the British, but from that day forward we have been beset with Communists, bankers and the super rich; who have unconstitutionally concentrated powers  in the federal government that are powers reserved for the states.

Much of the wealth of the super rich has been stolen from the government and from the people using the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank, bribed elected officials and Tax Free Foundations et al.

The government is printing unlimited sums of fiat money, giving a small portion to the people and the rest to banks and for boondoggles. like the green new deal. Government is paying people not to work causing severe shortages, inflation  and an economic decline when the money is gone. Printing money without corresponding productivity is causing high inflation. In stores its Communism lite with limited and falling inventory. Very costly uncontrolled illegal immigration and money printing must destroy our economy. The private Federal Reserve Bank and our currency are unconstitutional.

Now to the real scary stuff. The French People wanted freedom and a decent living, but the nobles owned and controlled everything. Poor people paid all the taxes, nobles paid nothing, just like our super rich. The French wanted to get freedom and we want to keep ours.

The French saw America get freedom. The French Revolution was from 1789-1799. The Reign of Terror took place in 1793.There were 16,694 death sentences and 40,000 murders. First they killed the nobles, then they killed each other and anyone else they didn’t like. It was a terrible blood bath, they drowned people, shot cannons into tied up people, hung people, shot them and cut off heads. Food was rationed to 1/4 OZ of bread per day, people starved. I would expect similar problems in our inner city plantations. God bless those poor people of whatever color, who have been indoctrinated by media and schools to be useful idiots and live a life in fear and poverty.

I love women for their caring and nurturing. I will appreciate an attractive woman until I die. But some women have a really dark emotional fanatical side. Any policeman knows this. The French saw this in mobs of crazed blood thirsty women who killed. I don’t think it will be different here. You only need to observe some of the obscene and ignorant women in congress.

The super rich and their paid off minions in media, corporations, government, academia et al. were petrified when President Donald Trump ran on a platform of America first. The super rich went crazy when he was elected and kept his promises. The elites wanted open borders, he closed them. The elites were in bed with China for money, to hell with Americans, and President Trump put a stop to it. President Trump put a stop to funding the climate change scam. He made Europe pay their fair share for defense and treat us fairly in trade. He tried to bring our troops home and end wars of no importance to us. He rebuilt the military and gave them proper rules of engagement et al. President Trump promoted energy independence thereby raising the lifestyle of all Americans. The military industrial complex hated President Trump because he was reducing their profits from no win wars not vital to our security.

At present our Constitutional republic has been overthrown. The Communist pretenders must know that power from insurrection has no power to govern. Marxist thugs in the employ of corporate America have burned and looted Democrat cities. Democrat governors, mayors, and prosecutors were complicit and refused to stop it for political reasons. The DOJ and FBI did nothing, but what could you expect of the largest criminal organization in the world. They did arrest hundreds of Republicans for trespassing on January  6 ,putting many in solitary confinement . We now find out that the FBI had 20 people there who participated in the activity. It was a scam. No surprise, the FBI is known for using entrapment, whenever it is required to get people to violate the law so they can get headlines. The FBI is good at one thing, public relations. We would have no major problems  if the DOJ and FBI were not complicit and corrupt When  politicians lie to your face about everything like the green new deal you know they are ignorant, corrupt or both. Follow the Communist renewable energy scam and you end up with a shortage of electricity like in California and Texas. Large scale use of electric vehicles is impossible because we don’t have either the generating capacity or the distribution network.

With most everyone in government paid off and being either anti-American or a coward it was easy to frame President Trump and not follow his orders. The super rich and their minions are so scared of President Trump that they did everything to defeat him including an insurrection by an unconstitutional election with unlimited fraud.

This can only end one way, large scale bloodshed, mass destruction and the end of all government services. The military is useless because a determined guerrilla force can’t be defeated in the field. I would expect the super rich who control everything and have 85% of the money to be really nasty. They are Communists after all, Mao killed 100 million of his own people and Stalin killed 40 million. I would expect no less from our Communists. But when our people are pushed to the wall with nothing to lose that’s when you get a Reign of Terror.

Like the French, we have our share of compliant useful idiot pansies, but everyone else is armed to the teeth and dedicated to preserving freedom and Constitutional rights. Citizens in other countries do not have our birthright of freedom nor the weapons to defend it.

This  paper was written to inform both sides of the dire consequences  of Treason. I have a faint hope that the super rich, their minions and the Communists will return our Constitutional Republic to the people. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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It is Impossible to Violate Unconstitutional Federal Laws

By Andrew C. Wallace

The Federal government was mostly a scam and unconstitutional even before Biden; now it has no Constitutional authority at all. Biden’s usurpation of Power by insurrection does not give him any Constitutional authority to govern.

Get this straight, a majority of federal laws are not laws and not constitutional because only the states have the powers to enact them.

Once and for all you must accept the fact that both political parties are mostly corrupt and have sold out to the super rich before you were born.

We have the greatest country and Constitution in history. But our Constitution only allows the federal government to mostly control national defense, foreign relations, the post office, and currency. All of the other faux laws designed to concentrate power in the federal government and further benefit the super rich are unconstitutional. The real Constitutional power remains with the states and the people. The federal government unconstitutionally usurped power of the states.

None of this is a secret to over half of our citizens; based on these facts many actions citizens may take to fight overthrow of government are legal and justified. Read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

At some point in time, it could be today, an arrogant corrupt and cowardly FBI agent will try to arrest a citizen. The agent could charge the citizen for violating one of the many unconstitutional laws using the agent’s nonexistent authority. If the citizen is not a pansy or incapacitated he may resist with deadly force which could cause a bloody chain reaction. Not all of our citizens are ignorant of reality like those who reside in the universities and inner city plantations. The feds demonstrated at Ruby Ridge and Waco that they will kill those who don’t bow down and obey. Bombing of the Murrah Federal Building was one payback. This was done by only 2 men. Making war on the American people which is the largest armed population in the world is stupid on its face and doomed to failure

If the Supreme Court does not throw Biden out of office in accordance with the Constitution and the evidence the only recourse is a protracted and bloody guerilla war. To my knowledge no determined guerilla force has ever been defeated in the field.

The faux administration and their super rich handlers are doing everything to start a guerilla war; they refuse to accept the reality that damn few of them would survive a communist defeat.

Guerrilla war is easy to start but almost impossible to stop. Any conflict would cause economic collapse, initiate terrible inflation, close banks, empty food stores, end government benefits, end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, et al.

Illegals are presumed to be associated with Biden and will therefore suffer wrath of the people. When Biden is deposed illegal invaders will be rounded up by the military and deported in mass. First person reports say that illegals are arrogant and demanding; many have diseases and are criminals; they don’t speak English and have no education or skills. It is much cheaper to deport illegals rather than to allow them to remain.

Americans have worked for decades to build the American Dream and Ilegal invaders have no right to steal it; they have nothing to contribute to our country except disease, crime, lower wages, lower employment of our poor and increased government expenses. Contacts with illegals are unpleasant and dangerous, they are just nasty people. Citizens are learning from personal experience to strongly resent illegals. Greedy employers who hire them should be prosecuted.

The super rich control government, corporations and everything else in our country. Both political parties take orders from the super rich. They own 85% of all assets including your mortgage. They are positioned to take most remaining assets from the people during a certain financial collapse. The Private Federal Bank (owned by private banks) admitted that they were responsible for the great depression, and they are doing it again.

Our present dictators, the super rich and their government minions are following in the footsteps of Hitler, Stalin and Mao; ruling by fear, lies, brutality and naked power. No descent can be allowed. It is accepted practice of dictators to stop political enemies by killing them. Dictators know it is impossible to change a person’s mind after a life time of propaganda or strong convictions. This is also why it is futile and impossible for me or any patriot to disseminate truth to useful idiot supporters of Communism. Lenin called them useful idiots for supporting their own destruction with Communism.

All indications are that there will be a brutal French style revolution, not at all like our more civilized American revolution or war between the states. The barbarism of the French revolution was of epic proportions. It was the people against the nobility and then against each other. The fear, killing and hatred had no limits. I see an even more intense rage building now for many of the same reasons.

The French were fighting for a freedom they never knew; Americans will be fighting for their known birthright of freedom earned by the ultimate sacrifice of millions of patriots; Americans know what they are losing because of the greedy power mad super rich and their minions in government and corporations.

Those with obscene wealth control the government and everything else; they are not subject to our laws. These wealthy traitors because of business genius, luck, inheritance or crime have contempt for average people and think they are superior. Either they give us back our country or the people will take it back in ruins. I don’t think there is a snowball’s chance in hell that we will get our country back without a protracted conflict.

We are now experiencing ‘Communism Lite’ in our retail stores with limited and declining inventory along with skyrocketing prices. This is due to government policy and people who refuse to work. The government is paying people not to work with unemployment compensation and a variety of benefits for those capable of working but choose not to do so. This has to stop.

The Chinese Communists and their American collaborators in our government, corporations and among the super rich have made deliberate war on the world causing millions of deaths and economic decline.. But that is what dictators do. It is now quite clear that the Wuhan Virus was developed as a Bio Terrorist Weapon by the Communists with financial support from American traitors in our government to gain power and money by destroying economic competition worldwide. The Chinese did not allow residents of Wuhan to go anywhere in China but allowed them to go anywhere else in the world to spread the pandemic. No decent rational thinking person should support China in any way, or anyone who does business with them.

Criminal handling of the China Virus has forever destroyed any trust in government officials and bureaucrats responsible for the health and well being of Americans.

Giving the non vaccine to the young is a crime against humanity. It has been said, but not verified: Give the shot to your children, if you don’t want grandchildren.

As an Economist, with a modicum of education and 87 years of experience I predict an economic collapse of historic proportions and a French type guerrilla war resulting in mass destruction and death. Based on current events this could happen tomorrow or within a year or so.

My objective is to point out the dangers that face us with the faint hope that this information may modify behavior. I have only exercised my right to freedom of speech by reporting the results of my study and observations . My best advice is to stock up on survival food, medical supplies, at least an AR15 and plenty of ammunition. Good luck and God bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Dead or Alive, Communist Super Rich Dictators will Lose

by Andrew C. Wallace

The manner of their defeat is totally in the hands of the Cabal of Communist Super Rich dictators and their minions. These evil criminal traitors control everything and a faux government by insurrection. What this Communist Cabal of Traitors is doing to our country makes King George look like a piker and a genius by comparison.

No one can question that most of our politicians, elected officials, judges, and bureaucrats are compromised, corrupt, cowardly and incompetent.  The Cabal of the Communist Super Rich own and control these traitors and every bank, media outlet, Major Corporation, et al. If you have a mortgage they own it.

The FBI was run for 48 years by J. Edgar Hoover using fear, blackmail, propaganda, and a protection racket. The FBI has not changed. The FBI ignored the law to protect criminals in government and others, which allowed total corruption and federal centralization of power, not authorized by the Constitution. At least 10 of the 15 federal departments are unconstitutional.

What happens when people surmise that the FBI is part of an unconstitutional government and there for has no more legal authority than the Mafia. You can’t reform the FBI, it must be disbanded.

The people in this country are being deprived of all their Constitutional rights. Our cities have been burned; people have been killed and maimed by Marxist thugs without any effective response from Communist Governors, Mayors or Prosecutors. Authorities at all levels were complicit and did next to nothing to protect the people or punish the thugs. Corporations paid the Marxists millions to burn our cities, they were complicit, not victims of blackmail. Remember, the Marxists were burning down their small business competition. Authorities also did nothing when our country was insurrected by corrupt election officials while our cowardly and compromised judges looked the other way.

The Constitution required that the complicit Governors, Mayors , Prosecutors and corrupt election officials be arrested and charged with Treason. Upon conviction they should be hanged as a deterrent This is a minimum punishment when you consider the millions who have died in defense of our Constitutional Republic .  Our Constitution authorizes the use of Federal troops to protect the people and to stop insurrections. Why couldn’t President Trump use them?

Never before in our history have a few arrogant Super Rich Families (less than 1% of the population),  with 100%  of the power and 85% of the wealth attempted to destroy our Republic and impoverish the people. Having a lot of money due to genius, luck or inheritance does not make the rich superior to others. The Super Rich want to be Absolute Communist Dictators.

Every single action taken by this unconstitutional Communist government is contrary to the desires of the people and is impoverishing the population while destroying our country.

Illegal immigration alone is taking jobs away from the poor, reducing wages, reducing citizen’s benefits, increasing government expenses, increasing crime, increasing diseases, et al. But most importantly illegals will bankrupt Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Illegals are stealing our sovereignty dumbing  down  our population and stealing our prosperity.  Americans  worked hard for many lifetimes to educate the people and give them prosperity. Illegals have no right to steal the American dream. Biden should be charged with treason for this alone.

We have a terrible shortage of workers because the damn faux government is paying people not to work. This is a deliberate action to destroy our economy. The reduced productivity and free money is causing inflation which is a huge regressive tax on Americans. Add to this the government’s deliberate actions to increase the costs of gas, oil and electricity. People in Northern states will be cold and people in the South will be very hot. Of course this will also increase cost of all types of productivity reducing the standard of living.. Add to this the deliberate attempt of governments to bankrupt small business that used to represent 70% of our employment. All of this directly benefits large corporations owned by the super rich.

As an Economist I would predict that the combination  of actions taken by the faux Communist government are designed  to  bring about an Economic collapse. The resulting anarchy would be fertile ground for Communism as was the burning of our cities. This could be the first stage of a depression similar to the Great Depression of the thirties which the PRIVATELY OWNED BY THE SUPER RICH Federal Reserve bank admitted to causing.  The results would also be the same with the super rich taking what little remains in the hands of the people.

The Faux Communist Government will be deposed, one way or another.  Our Republic will be reborn with a renewed dedication to our Constitution and laws DUE TO OUR OWNERSHIP OF FIRE ARMS. The Communist Cabal of the Super Rich and their minions will be castrated for their many crimes against the people. We will prevent illegals from further destroying our country by deporting every last one of them. Deportation is cheaper than letting them remain.

This paper is an honest reflection of my observations and knowledge. I pray that the Communist rulers will realize that they have no chance of replacing our Republic with a Communist hell hole, and will resign from office without bloodshed. I am not advocating any course of action; at 87 I must leave that to younger smarter people. My objective was to point out salient facts and that the American people get more enraged by the day. People with any real knowledge have a visceral hatred of the would be rulers. If the treason of this Communist coup continues, someone from either side is going to fire the first shot initiating guerrilla warfare. To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever had a military large enough to defeat a determined gurrilla force in the field.  Communists may ignore this fact as they ignore most reality, but then the blood and destruction will be on their hands.

Urgent Last Minute Update: Fox News reported last night that the Communists have expanded their Red Flag scam to confiscate firearms by initiating home invasions. This is unlawful and unconstitutional on many levels. Judges can’t make laws or violate the Constitution. Shades of Nuremburg, we hanged Germans for following unlawful orders. The people damn well know that Red Flag gun confiscation is a criminal act and those who do it are criminals. If this continues, some ignorant cowardly pansies or incapacitated people will give up their firearms. But some patriots will lawfully defend themselves with deadly force resulting in civil war. The Communists are not stupid, I think they want war.

God Bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

No Tears, Only Cheers by The People for Demise of Communists

by Andrew C. Wallace

The purpose of this article is to report the real feelings of The People toward the Communist rulers who usurped our Constitutional Republic and are rapidly destroying our country. The ruling class minions consist of Communist media, academia, large corporations, banks, elected officials, government bureaucrats, actors, judges, military flag officers, stock market manipulators,  et a l. All of these traitors are controlled by the super rich. Most of their supporters live in the very undesirable inner city plantations subject to fake schools and fake media with little upward mobility. Lenin referred to these supporters of Communism as USEFUL IDIOTS and I agree with him. Useful idiots are not Communists and will never share in the wealth stolen by the Communists. Useful idiots are not stupid, but they are as ignorant of the truth as a box of rocks. Many useful idiots lacking morals and ethics are the thugs used to burn and loot Democrat cities to promote unrest.

I am not advocating anything in this article.  I am only trying to report the very strong feelings of “The People” who are not in the Communist cabal or are useful idiots. Based upon the last election we know that a majority of the people oppose this usurped faux government. Power by insurrection has no Constitutional authority to govern. Most importantly, patriots know this fact which undermines any claim of legitimacy by the Communists.

I can honestly say that every American I know hates Communism and the people who have usurped our Republic. Hate may be too mild a word to use; our people really detest and hold them in contempt. Our people will shed no tears over their demise, nor will they do anything to defend them.

Most people know that firearms are the only thing that stands between us and slavery. The rest of the world is a stark example of this assertion.

Wearing a mask is a sign of submission, cowardice and ignorance.  Ordinary masks are no protection from the virus, they only prevent you from sneezing or coughing on others. Mask wearing also has a negative effect on your health.

Many people feel that the Communists are doing everything possible to force people to revolt so they can crush the people. If this is their objective they are in for real trouble. The people are now on the verge of revolt and it will not take much to start it. Traitors must realize that the people know from experience and history that guerilla warfare is the proper course of action if required. President George Washington fought a superior force this way. History is replete with examples demonstrating how it is almost impossible to defeat a determined guerilla force.

I would estimate that at a minimum, more than 50% of the people would support a conflict with the illegitimate Communist rulers. I don’t know anyone personally who supports the Communist cabal. Based on history you could expect only 3-5% to take an active part in any conflict. This translates into millions more patriots than needed, which is also many times larger than the military. It is impossible for the Communists to prevail against the will and power of the people ,except for this short period.

The cabal of the super rich has 100% of the power, control everything and own 85% of the money. When they took away the Constitutional vote, they left the people with no recourse. In any conflict the people can only lose their chains, but the cabal can lose real money.

As I have said these are only my observations, but I feel they are correct because I can see people get more enraged by the day. I can only hope that the Communists abandon their plan to destroy our Constitutional Republic before it is too late. Any conflict would result in starvation, destruction and poverty. In fact you should be wary because almost overnight any limited guerilla activity could tank the economy, currency and markets instantly.

The Covid Virus was a deliberate  Chinese attack on the world in coordination with our super rich cabal of would be Communist dictators. Communist Democrats used the virus to destroy a presidency, our economy, deny Constitutional rights, burn our cities and usurp our Republic. Our Communist Democrats and their superiors among the super rich, et al. earned their label as dirty rotten traitors.

This paper is nothing if not an exercise of my Constitutional right to freedom of speech. I have not advocated the violent overthrow of the Constitutional government, nor could I because it no longer exists.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Super Rich Started Last Civil War and They are Doing it Again

Andrew C Wallace

The wealthy, self appointed rulers and their corrupt followers started the last civil war when 500,000 people died, and half of the country was destroyed. Now they are starting another civil war for the same reasons, power and money. This time the death toll will be many times higher due to starvation in the inner city plantations. No quarter will be asked, or given, as both sides are strongly committed. Patriots will not abandon their Constitution for Communism and the useful idiots supporting Communism don’t have a factual clue about anything. Useful idiots living in the inner city plantations are not stupid, but thanks to Democrat fake schools, and fake media they are as ignorant of the truth as a box of rocks.

Contrary to common knowledge, the primary cause of the last civil war was not to free the slaves. It was fought to enrich the wealthy in the Northeast and to unconstitutionally   centralize all power in the federal government over the states. Lincoln only freed the slaves in the Confederacy, not in Union territory for political and military considerations later in the war. He paid Black soldiers’ half of what he paid white soldiers. Starting with slavery the Democrats have done nothing positive for the Blacks.

The wealthy got a tariff law passed that prevented the South from buying and selling to Europe which forced the South to do business on very adverse terms with the wealthy in the North. Everything was done then, as it is now, to enrich the wealthy families, corrupt elected officials, judges, and bureaucrats.

Since the founding of our country, the wealthy have been parasites stealing everything they could from the government and the people. This was possible then. as it is now, because most elected officials, judges and bureaucrats are bribed and corrupt. Equal justice does not exist. There is no law for the wealthy and their minions, while the FBI frames average Americans. Every dollar given to other countries is subject to kickbacks. There is no better example of this corruption than VP Biden. I will never refer to Biden as president, he is a corrupt serial liar and traitor guilty of insurrection. The wealthy get even richer every time they send our military into no win wars that have little or nothing to do with our security. We pay the price with our dead and maimed military, while the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank with their blood money.

Our cities are overflowing with homeless, while borders are unlawfully wide open. Our faux government is paying for housing, medical care, education and other benefits for illegals . But, our own people, including veterans are suffering and ignored. These illegal’s are taking jobs and benefits away from poor citizens and reducing their wages. The Wealthy benefit from cheap labor that is subsidized by the faux government. People must also realize that illegals will destroy Medicare and Social Security. It is past time for people to realize that the wealthy hate them, and hate America. America was settled by people who left Europe for a better life, now life in our cities is like the Europe they escaped from.

Every single law, executive order or action taken by this Communist dictatorship will enrich the wealthy, destroy America and impoverish the people

We must face these facts:

Power by insurrection has no authority to govern. Patriots will be guided by this fact.

Bloody civil war or fair Constitutional elections are the only options.

There is nothing too unlawful or reprehensible that the wealthy won’t do and haven’t already done to unconstitutionally concentrate all power in the federal government, which they control with money. They have been doing this since the Constitution was signed.

The wealthy have 100% of the power and own 85% of all the assets in this country, including your mortgage. They just demonstrated this ruthless power by taking over the government 100% by insurrection. They have taken our capital away from the people and control it with the barrels of thousands of guns, fencing and barbed wire. These unlawful dictators are Chinese style Communists who rule with the barrel of a gun, fear and brutality. This was demonstrated when they burned and destroyed the Democrat cities. To hell with your Constitutional Rights, They will burn you out and kill you, while Democrat elected officials allowed or promoted it for political reasons. Make no mistake, the only reason patriots are not dead or in prison is our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to protect us from criminals and a corrupt government. Naïve pansies without at least an AR15, plenty of ammunition, and long term rations are a liability to us all, and can expect to be dead. Patriots will make no allowances for fence sitters or supporters of the wealthy, their minions and the Communist Democrats.

It is imperative you understand that the wealthy and their bribed followers among elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, et. al., have been unlawfully subverting our Constitution for at least 200 years. They have been following the Communist plan of centralizing all power, destroying the traditional family, destroying religion and denying us of our Constitutional rights. The wealthy are ignoring the legitimate Constitutional power of the people and the states. They have unlawfully usurped power and set up a Chinese Communist style dictatorship. We no longer have a Constitutional Republic.

In order for you to better understand the total treason perpetrated on the American people I have quoted below, exactly, the words of Publius Huldah. She is a well known and highly respected Constitutional Scholar.

“Fed gov’t of 3 branches: legislative, Executive & Judicial:

  1. Has lawful power only over these objects

(for the Country at large):

  • International trade & diplomacy
  • War—national defense
  • Make Treaties, but only on objects authorized by


  • Laws on naturalization & immigration
  • Certain civil rights ( in the Amendments)
  • Make & enforce only a few criminal laws
  • Federal courts for specific purposes only
  • Miscellaneous “housekeeping”: census, etc.
  • May borrow money & levy taxes, but only for purposes authorized by Constitution!
  1. God given rights secured by federal gov’t:
  • Life: military, pirates, traitors, secure borders
  • Property Rights: honest money, weights & measures, patents & copyrights, bankruptcy law
  • Limited & enumerated powers secure right to be left alone!
  • Fair trials in federal courts: Dt 1:16-17, Dt 19:15-20 & Mt 18: 16; Ex 18:13-26; don’t bear false witness, 5th-8th Amendments

The Fed gov’t & state gov’ts have different spheres of operation. The fed gov’t is supreme only in those few & enumerated powers delegated exclusively to it. The States or the People retain supremacy in all other matters. When the Fed Gov’t usurps powers retained by the States or the People, it becomes unlawful & illegitimate: Nullification  is the “rightful remedy”.

The wealthy and their cabal of traitors have been unlawfully expanding power of the federal government for about 200 years. This is obvious to anyone reading the previous outline  by Publius Huldah  and comparing them with only the 15 Executive Departments of the federal government. I believe that 10 of the 15 are unconstitutional or redundant. Some obvious examples are Education, Labor, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Agriculture. There is nothing in the Constitution, not a single word, giving the federal government any authority to usurp these functions from the states, or the people. Think of the money we could save if the federal government did only what it was supposed to do.

This brings us to the really dark side of government known as the Administrative State. What follows is a rough, free translation of what goes on in the belly of the beast. When a law is passed for the benefit of the wealthy paymasters it is then put into a form suitable for application by the bureaucrats. These bureaucrats are unelected, remain forever and answer to no one but the wealthy. Bureaucrats determine details of how law will be applied, the rules you must follow, your guilt or innocence, and penalties. There is absolutely nothing Constitutional or Democratic in the Administrative State. Under these circumstances only God could have accomplished more than President Trump.

We have judges who think they make the law, they don’t,  and that the Constitution changes with time, it doesn’t. During the recent insurrection by the wealthy and their cabal, the Supreme Court even refused to hear cases that were obvious violations of the Constitution. There can be little doubt that a majority of the court is as compromised as the FBI and DOJ.

As an 87 year old Economist with a modicum of experience and education I want to warn you about our Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank. They admitted to causing the great depression of the thirties by flooding the country with money and then constricting it. They are flooding the county with money again. I think this will lead to inflation and a terrible depression to coincide with a civil war in a year or so.

All veterans took the following oath and will keep it for life, I didn’t include the part that refers only to those on active duty.

I, Andrew Wallace, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same………

I am in no physical condition to honor my oath by taking up arms to defend my country, but as a man I will defend my home and family against the Communist thugs who burned and destroyed our cities. This is my right and obligation under State and Federal Constitutions.

The purpose of this paper is to better inform both sides in the hope that they can reach a peaceful resolution.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Are Civil War or Fair Elections the Only Options?

Andrew C Wallace

I don’t advocate a civil war, but the only alternative is fair Constitutional elections which now look impossible. You can’t have proper elections when the entire power structure is corrupt and compromised. From recent experience, we know absolutely, without question, that our election was a blatant unconstitutional and criminal insurrection. Corrupt and compromised FBI, DOJ, judges, politicians, Cabal of Democrat Communists and the wealthy made any justice impossible. After all the cabal owns 85% of the wealth and 100% of the power, but with no authority to govern.

The most important and sobering fact, known by patriots and Communist traitors alike, is that in any confrontation the faux federal employees have only usurped power and no authority, but patriots have clear Constitutional authority to fight for their country.

Our Constitution is clear that any actions taken by the corrupt FBI or any other faux federal government agency are unconstitutional and unlawful.

Patriots label the people in this faux administration as traitors with no authority to govern, period.

Every single action the Communist insurrectionists are taking is unconstitutional and contrary to the best interests and desires of the American people. This faux administration has enraged the people who now really hate and despise them. The hatred is building by the day.

These traitors know they are enraging the people with their actions. I think they want to force a backlash from the people so they can take our firearms and crush us with deadly force. They probably think patriots will pick a fight with the military. Wrong, millions of veterans are experienced in guerilla warfare and targeted assassinations. Patriots will never fight the military directly. Even if the military would support the traitors, which is doubtful it is too small to combat guerilla warfare. I f the damn traitors don’t allow an honest Constitutional election, they better plan on living in the capitol surrounded by a fence and thousands of troops. Those gutless Republican Rinos, neocons and never Trumpers who sided with the cabal of Communist Democrats and the wealthy should stay with their traitorous friends. We despise them.

This whole situation is turning into a mutual suicide pact. Patriots are not going to allow the wealthy and the Communists  to deprive them of their Constitutional rights. I don’t expect the traitors to resign and turn the government over to President Trump. It is a perfect storm. Any  conflict would be brutal, no quarter would be asked, or given, because convictions are so strong on both sides.

The Supreme Court could have prevented this if they could read the Constitution and were not compromised cowards. In fact they could still reverse the insurrection if they had the courage. The justices should be impeached. Any bloodshed will be on their hands. Read the following simple words from our Constitution that the justices ignored.

Article One, Section Four……The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each state by legislature thereof….

Article One, Section Eight…..To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions…..

Article Three, Section Four….The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and protect each of them against invasion, and against domestic violence.

Last year, President Donald Trump had the Constitutional duty and authority to use federal troops to protect the people, stop the burning and arrest the Democrat Communist governors, mayors and prosecutors who were complicit in the treason. President Trump should have also used federal troops to take over state and local governments and arrest the people involved in the destruction of cities and in election treason.

I have no proof, but I think there were two possible reasons why President Trump did not exercise his duty under the Constitution, to protect the people and stop the election fraud. First the military flag officers are compromised as part of the Military Industrial Complex and refused to use troops. Next, I think he had good reason to fear for his life and family. Remember we are dealing with brutal Communists who rule with the barrel of a gun, fear and brutality.

If the FBI and DOJ had not been compromised and corrupt, Democrat governors, mayors, prosecutors, arsonists, thugs, politicians of both parties, corporate officers, flag officers, corrupt bureaucrats, et al. would be in jail. It is impossible to have a Constitutional Republic as long as the FBI exists to protect the guilty and frame the opposition.

This paper is based upon facts and my observations in the hope that the Unconstitutional Usurpers will see the futility of their actions.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Power by Insurrection has No Constitutional Authority

by Andrew C Wallace

Don’t read this article if you can’t tolerate the plain spoken truth and anguish of a Patriot.

Patriots know we have a faux government put into power by an insurrection, which means it has no Constitutional authority to govern. The Constitutional requirements for voting were not followed, and every conceivable method of cheating was employed, resulting in an insurrection and a faux government.

These evil traitors have total and absolute power without Constitutional Authority. They are ruling against the needs and desires of the American people while implementing a ruthless Chinese Communist style dictatorship in conjunction with the cabal of the super wealthy Democrats and Communists.

But circumstances are much, much more dire and catastrophic than just stated.

The real horrible terrifying truth is that a few families and billionaires control the government and absolutely 100% of everything else in this country. These power mad people are anti-American and don’t give a damn about the people; they are sacrificing us for money and power. Every single thing they are doing is contrary to the best interests of the people. I defy anyone to question this fact.

You must understand that the greedy power mad establishment, elites, deep state, controllers, cabal or whatever you call them, own 85% of the equity in everything. This includes major corporations, banks, media corporations and everything else of value including your home mortgage. It goes without saying that most government officials are on their payroll. If we allow this to continue the Private Federal Reserve Bank will cause a depression worse than the Great Depression of the thirties by an order of magnitude. The wealthy would then take everything you own, courtesy of the Private Federal Reserve Bank as they did during the Great Depression. A federal Reserve chairman confirmed this is a speech.. People in the inner city plantations would be starved to death by actions of the very Communists they support. Blacks, and poor people are not stupid, but they are mostly more uninformed that a box of rocks due to fake media and fake schools which can only be corrected by giving people vouchers for use with  schools of their choice.

It is safe to say, obvious, and proven, that the majority of Americans did not vote for this treasonous take over by the cabal of Democrats, Communists and the super wealthy. Supporters of this insurrection are its most hapless brain washed victims. They live in dangerous sub standard inner city plantations, subject to fake schools and fake media. These poor people are mostly uninformed and brainwashed. The other major group of supporters are arrogant college professors. Most of them have spent their entire lives in an artificial and privileged life style teaching only 6-12 credit hours a week. Of course they brainwash students.  Lenin, one of the major founders of Communism referred to all supporters of Marxism as Useful Idiots.

After a life time of indoctrination by fake schools and fake media it is almost impossible to get Useful idiot victim supporters of Communist Democrats to even consider the historical facts of Marxism’s total failures sense its inception. It is safe to say, that in any conflict with Communism, conversion of either side is impossible.

Poor people and Blacks refuse to see that everything being done by the faux administration is designed to enslave and impoverish them. This faux administration is opening the borders, and also allowing corporations to bring in foreign workers to replace Americans. The greedy wealthy are also doing as much business as possible with our Chinese enemies to further deindustrialize and impoverish us. All of these actions reduce the number of jobs and wages for American workers. To add insult to injury this faux administration is subsidizing foreign workers with our tax dollars to replace Americans so corporations can pay them even less.

The Green New Deal is an impossible and insane pipe dream that would destroy our country. It will end reliable electric service, as in California. It will increase the cost of electricity, gas, heat and everything else to an unaffordable level. There would be rationing  You can’t operate electric cars or an economy on wind or solar power. Electric cars right now cost several times more to operate than gasoline powered cars. Electric cars are not a viable substitute for combustion energy vehicles. Using Fossil fuel is the only way to have prosperity and a decent life style. The faux Biden administration is forcing us to become a poverty stricken third world country of slaves to benefit the wealthy and Globalism.

First, the Democrat Communists, financed by their wealthy co-conspirators and the corporations they control, supported and financed the burning of our cities. Not one single Democrat or associated corporate sponsor said anything negative about the Black Lives Matter arsonists. Black Lives Matter is a self proclaimed Marxist organization that hates this country, religion, and families.

I fault President Donald Trump for not charging the Democrat governors, mayors and prosecutors for treason for their conduct during the burnings. They refused to protect the people and stop the destruction for political advantage.  Constitutional lawyers maintain that President Trump should have protected the people, stopped the burning, and the insurrection with federal troops. But, maybe the military Flag officers were as compromised by greed as most everyone else in DC. President Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex which of course is under control of the cabal.

President Trump was bringing our troops home, the first thing Biden did was to send them back. This is the reason that Flag officers and the Military Industrial Complex did not support President Trump. President Trump knew that no win foreign wars were expensive, wrong and counter productive

It is not enough, that these Wealthy Pigs own 85% of everything and control 100% of it. Now they are in the process of putting every small business competitor out of business that they didn’t burn out. This was done, and is being done by increasing the minimum wage and locking down, without justification the small firms, but allowing the big retailers to remain open.

If treason by the faux Biden administration was not enough, did you know that Large corporations and central banks are planning on implementing digital currencies. This would be the ultimate in control and depravation as the banks would charge you for every transaction. If we did not now have an unconstitutional fiat currency, not backed by gold and silver as required by our Constitution, there would be limits on government actions and corruption.

You must know your enemy and do everything in your power not to support them in any way, which is almost impossible because they control everything. Builtin, a tech company stated that the following companies supported the Marxist arsonists of Black Lives Matter. May their treasonous officers and directors rot in hell


  • Airbnb
  • A16z
  • Bumble
  • Cisco
  • Docusign
  • DoorDash
  • Eaze
  • Etsy
  • Grindr
  • Grubhub
  • IBM
  • Matchstick Ventures
  • Microsoft
  • Niantic
  • Peloton
  • Reddit
  • RobinHood
  • Salesforce
  • Shopify
  • Snap
  • Uber
  • Techtonic

Most large American corporations are controlled by the wealthy to make money for them, and they don’t give a damn about the country or anyone else  The wealthy have allied themselves with the Communist  Democrats and our Chinese enemies  to control and destroy our Democratic Republic along with our Constitutional rights. A small investor can still make money in the market, but only the crumbs are left for them. The wealthy control corporate directors who manipulate corporate policies to the determinate of the corporation its self, minority stock holders, employees, customers, America, et al.

Wall Street does perform a valuable function of providing funding for corporations. But much of what is done has no benefit to anyone but the cabal of wealthy manipulators. There is no benefit from hedge funds reducing a stock price for profit. There is no benefit in destroying a company by selling off parts of it for profit. Financialization is the routine  process of using company resources in an unproductive manner to artificially raise company stock prices for the profit of major shareholders. It is also common practice to raid pension funds, reduce contributions to pensions, medical care, and countless other ways to screw everyone connected to the corporations for the benefit of the major shareholders.

The stock market is not a level playing field as recently demonstrated. As an example, hedge funds sold the stock of Game Stop short and used a campaign of negative information to drive down the price. Small investors countered the hedge funds by buying the stock, costing the hedge funds billions. The corrupt brokerage firms then tried to protect the hedge funds by refusing to allow smaller investors  to buy the stock

I am 86 years old and I have never observed in my lifetime, such in your face, total treason. The cabal of the wealthy, Democrats and Communists has by using their total power deprived us of our Constitutional and God given rights. This faux administration has all the power, but absolutely no Constitutional authority to govern. This fact is well known by patriots. We cannot hope to remove these traitors by elections, we learned that last year with unconstitutional elections, a corrupt congress, and compromised courts. Of  course, the FBI and DOJ are compromised and corrupt. Seventy five to Eighty Million Patriots know what I have said in this paragraph, and so do the traitors, which is why they are surrounded by a tall fence and thousands of troops.

The faux Biden administration is doing everything possible to enrage Patriots . I think they are doing this to provoke violent responses as a justification to control the people with deadly force. Gun control would be the last straw. I pray this does not happen, but they are Communists after all. Marxists always use the barrel of a gun, fear and brutality to control people. This would cause a bloody civil war. I don’t advocate violence, but then I can’t locate anyone with an alternate solution.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Will The Treasonous 2020 Election Fraud Cause a Civil War?

By Andrew C. Wallace

1-  President Trump has a Constitutional Duty and obligation to invoke the Insurrection act to defeat the 2020 election fraud and the effort to destroy America’s Constitutional Republic. The Constitution provides for the Militia to execute the laws of the union and put down insurrections.

More than 75 million Americans will never accept a Communist/ Corporate government if forced on them by a corrupt unconstitutional insurrection, which was not an election.

2-  The Biden election was a well-planned insurrection which started with burning, looting and killing in cities controlled by Democrats to sow discontent.  Democrat governors, mayors  and prosecutors refused to protect the people and, in fact, supported the carnage by reducing police protection. Corporate, and wealthy supporters of China and Biden paid Antifa and Black Lives Matter to burn, loot and maim. This is treason. The entire power structure of the United States hates President Trump mostly because his primary policy was America First.  He brought China under control, which reduced the power and profits of so called elites, while increasing  jobs  and wages for Americans.

3-   Ron Ewart said,  “Don’t Tread On Me”, or “Get Your Cotton Pickin’ Hands Off My Money, My Property, My Health Care and My Life because I am a proud American and I don’t NEED or WANT your interference. You don’t own me.

The top Point One Percent, .1%, and their minions, big tech, big media, corporations , universities et al. contributed billions to elect Biden by whatever corrupt  means possible.  What they did was manifestly illegal, unconstitutional and the greatest fraud in the history of our elections.  Make no mistake, this was not an election, it was a well planed insurrection.  It was treason.

4-   We must order our Chinese enemies to remove their hundreds of thousands of students and espionage investments  from our universities, forthwith.

In plain words, you can truthfully generalize that, the Point One Percent, and their minions, big tech, big media, corporations, elected officials, federal bureaucrats et al. have all the power and money in America.  Their loyalty is to China, money and power. Our so-called elite traitors want to continue screwing the United States and its people.

5-   President Donald Trump proudly declared that America will never be a Socialist country. He was correct, the criminal traitors should leave the country, while they still can.

If Biden is inaugurated there will be a bloody civil war because there is no way that the American people will ever accept such a proven corrupt, incompetent compromised liar as president.  The people know the truth and they will exact a price from the corrupt anti-American supporters of the Biden insurrection.

6-   Millions of us served our country to preserve Constitutional and God given freedoms, we did not serve to protect mostly corrupt  cowardly officials and their financiers. We want all of these criminals in jail.

More than seventy five million patriots know the truth, and will not be denied.  “We the People” will never relinquish our freedoms for a Communist Corporate Dictatorship, ruled by the Point One Percent.  President Trump has the power and Constitutional duty to stop this insurrection by Biden.  He must fight fire with fire now while the cost is relatively minimal. If President Trump allows Biden to be inaugurated, the people will throw Biden out of office later, after much killing, and destruction during a civil war. The Point One Percent and their minions would represent unlimited soft target-rich opportunities for patriot guerillas.

7-   There will never be equal justice until the criminal associates of Obama, Biden, and Clinton are in jail.

We have the greatest Constitution in the world but most of the people running government are either corrupt, cowards or both. The American public has lost their freedoms, and equal justice does not exist.

8-   People must refuse to vote for any politician who does not support president Trump. They must also stop buying any imported products while boycotting  wealthy corporate supporters of the insurrection and China.

The industrial complex and elected officials destroyed our middle class by sending their jobs to China.  Now they have used unconstitutional lockdowns, arson, looting and murder to bankrupt small businesses to benefit large corporations, owned primarily by super-rich families, the top .1%.  The greed and corruption of these traitors is insatiable.  Now they want to bring in unlimited numbers of foreign workers to replace Americans at even lower wages.  Do you really think that people forced to lose their jobs, or business will not fight back.  You can bet on it, people with nothing to lose will fight back.

9-   All immigration should be halted for 25 years as was done in the past, except for long standing temporary farm worker programs. Foreign workers reduce wages and jobs for Americans while increasing  government spending on benefits to subsidize  foreign workers for corporate profits.

If the FBI and DOJ were not totally incompetent and corrupt, none of this would have been possible. The truth of this statement is obvious when you see their total failure to prosecute criminals and their ongoing cover-ups for criminals and themselves. The powerful are never prosecuted, average people have no justice, can’t afford legal costs and are too often framed.

10-   FBI and DOJ are a most corrupt disgrace and should be disbanded at once and replaced with a reconstituted Militia of the Several States as stipulated in the Constitution.

I don’t know a single person who trusts government officials, judges, et al. most people really hate them for their corruption and cowardice.

Let’s hope that President Trump will end the insurrection.  The American people are solidly behind him.  If he should fail, civil war will inevitably follow.  Stores will be empty, supply chains will be broken, there will be no Social Security, there will be no government checks, there will be no police protection, the seriously ill will die, there will be no banks or money and government workers will be unemployed et al.  Rogue bands of Communists will roam the countryside, burning, looting and killing.  People in the inner city plantations, having been brainwashed in fake  schools and by  fake media will starve. These poor people have a terrible life, soon to get much worse with Biden because of their lack of truthful information.

11-   Your only option is to have at least an AR15 with plenty of ammunition and an emergency food supply.All of this because our Supreme Court and judges are compromised and refuse to enforce Constitutional laws on elections.

If you live in any Democrat controlled city, you must leave at once, while it is still possible. Remember the Jews who remained in Germany after Hitler took power.  With Biden, things could get much worse than in Hitler’s Germany.  The Communists are, if anything, more ruthless and brutal, than Hitler’s Storm Troopers.  This plague is being visited upon us to satisfy the greed and avarice of the so called elites, our wealthiest families, with the unconditional support of corrupt  officials and judges.

12-   There is no question that the real power of “We the People” far exceeds that of the Point One Percent and all their money. We just need to use it.  We need responsible, pro-America leadership.

Any honest Economist will tell you that Biden’s proposals and those of his Communist cohort are impossible and stupid.  If Biden gains power, plan on a great depression like the nineteen thirties, not just a little recession.

13-   Our founders knew that we could not survive without a free press and ours is not free, it is owned by enemies of the people. Big tech and big media are monopolies  and must be broken up.

Democrat elected officials have turned their cities into dangerous crime ridden hellholes by defunding police and refusing to prosecute criminals.  To make matters even worse, the billionaire George Soros has funded the election of like- minded prosecutors around the country.  People are afraid to defend themselves from criminals because these prosecutors will charge them for any harm to the criminals.

14-   Let me put this in simple English, what the wealthy, their minions , and corrupt officials have done to our country is criminal treason, and we  really hate and detest them for it

Black Citizens are just like anyone else, and many are salt of the earth.  But, none can explain to me why the overwhelmingly majority of Blacks vote for the Democrat party that controlled and supported the slave owning South, the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow laws, Black codes, vagrancy laws et al. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican freed the slaves.  All that Democrats ever did was to move Blacks into inner city plantations with fake schools, fake news and little hope. Communists refer to people in the plantations who support them, as useful idiots because they have been brain washed with as much real knowledge as a box of rocks. Democrat destruction of families combined with reduction in religious learning has been devastating for Blacks while contributing to crime. So why do Blacks continue to support their oppressors who never did anything positive for them?

15-   Now comes again, the really fake climate control scam to make a few people very rich at the expense of the many. You can expect your heat and gas prices, along with everything else to more than double. Provided that what you need is even available.

“I am not afraid to die…I’m afraid to live on my knees in a world run by lesser men who control the destiny of my children.”  —Anonymous.

A great and simple truth by Bill Madden: Our politicians are both hypocrites and whores for preaching God and Country but serving only their financial benefactors.

The Chinese virus, COVID-19, was a deliberate and hostile act of war against the world by Chinese Communists.  Our medical bureaucrats then used it to enrich themselves by denigrating and opposing proven therapies that could have saved thousands, and did in other countries.  These same medical frauds then proceeded to develop therapies profitable for them, while thousands died needlessly.  The virus is also being used by Democrat politicians to ruthlessly oppress the people and to deny their Constitutional rights.

16-   The mask you wear and the lockdowns are not supported by science, and will not protect you from the virus. They are only  symbols of your subservience to unconstitutional government’s efforts to impoverish and inslave you.

Obama promoted the use of Communist death panels, where the elderly are referred to as useless eaters.  Democrat Governor Cuomo and other Democrat governors demonstrated this ruthless Communist policy when they killed thousands of the elderly by forcing infected people into their residences. Democrats now want to exclude the most vulnerable white elderly  people, from getting the vaccine in favor of people of color and prison inmates.

President Trump did more for American workers than the total contribution of presidents in the last 100 years.  Is it any wonder that President Trump’s plain talk and actions won the hearts and minds of the people in a landside?

17-   I love my country, but I have total contempt and loathing for all the corrupt officials and wealthy people who bribe them. I will never accept these criminals and traitors as my rulers. I will never cooperate with Democrat/Communists who are attempting to usurpe our Republic, much less support them in any way.

I proudly served my country, worked hard, raised a family and paid my taxes. I tried to write this paper in the manner of Thomas Paine for many similar reasons. I do not advocate violence or civil war. The primary purpose of this paper is to prevent civil war by exposing the facts to both sides. But, I still believe a civil war is inevitable, if President Trump does not honor his Constitutional duty to use the Militia if required to stop an insurrection.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Americans Are Being Steered Into Poverty and Communism

Andrew C. Wallace

First, you must accept the fact that most government bureaucrats and elected officials are either Useful Idiots, Communists, or Cowards, and many are Corrupt. The proof of this cannot be disputed in the face of overwhelming evidence of grand theft, corruption, and outright treason by the highest officials in government. Most of the media is Communist, and refuses to report these facts to the people.

Vladimir Lenin , a founder of Marxism, said that those who support Communism are Useful Idiots, I agree.

Communist Democrat Politicians have attempted to overthrow a lawfully elected President, with lies, smears, and no evidence. Now there is ample evidence that they plan to steal the next election.

There is an overwhelming abundance of proof that Democrat presidential candidates Clinton and Biden are corrupt to the point of Treason, garnering millions of dollars by selling us out. All of this was known, covered up, and ignored by the FBI. The FBI and DOJ have been exposed as totally corrupt. The FBI has existed by using fear, intimidation, and blackmail since its inception. The FBI refuses to do its job, and is so corrupt that it must be disbanded. Everyone in the DOJ should be fired.

The political Generals and Admirals oppose our President’s goal of ending foreign wars because it would reduce their power and future benefits from industry.

Most of our Media, Facebook, Twitter, et al , are smear machines and liars, not a free press. They refuse to allow any truth to surface that contradicts the Communist party line, and the interests of the super rich. These media corporations must somehow be corrected, or broken up, otherwise the Republic can’t exist.

We have the greatest Constitution and Bill of Rights in the world. But, our government is ultimately controlled by the Billionaires, Super Rich Families, et al. This has been the case since our founding, and throughout history.  By using their major ownership of large corporations, et al, and money, they control everything through their minions. This cabal of wealthy controllers, elites, or whatever you want to call them, must answer to The People, and they mean to change this fact. So the Cabal has made a deal with the Devil, aka Communists, to do away with our Constitution. Then, there will be no more elections. In return the Communists get to run a Chinese style dictatorship, so long as the Cabal has ultimate control. It would be their dream of a One World Order. To do this Communists have taken over the Democrat Party, and are destroying Democrat cities with paid Anarchists to win the election. Programs advocated by the Communist Democrats are simply wildly  IMPOSSIBLE and will result in the worst depression in history, combined with uncontrolled crime.

Democrat, I should say Communist Governors, Mayors, and Prosecutors are clearly guilty of Treason for refusing to protect the people from the Brutal Communist Insurrectionists. They in fact prosecute citizens who try to lawfully resist the Treason. I have included the relevant laws, word for word in my last two papers, and there can be NO question that these elected officials are guilty of Treason. These officials should be arrested.

President Trump is hated because he is limiting the profits and power of the corporations, et al. He is forcing them to return jobs to the United States, rather than in China or other countries. He is also deeply resented because he is trying to end the two tier justice system. There is little prosecution of high level officials. President Trump has done more for The People than any other president in my 86 years.

Only The People can PREVENT a city from being burned and destroyed by Antifa and Black lives Matter. In accordance with our Constitution. The People have a right to defend themselves and their property with deadly force, leaving bodies of the thugs where they fall, as an example to others. The only problem is that bought and paid for prosecutors will have The People arrested. Of course they refuse to prosecute their own people, the criminals. I wrote an article calling out Governor DeSantis  for not empowering The People, and wrote him three letters on this subject, with no response. Neither the Police or the National Guard can PREVENT a city from burning; they can only STOP more damage, if officials allow them to do so.

Most patriot commentators predict that there will be widespread bloodshed and destruction by Anarchists after the election, regardless of the outcome. Be Prepared. The Cabal and their Communist supporters in the Democratic party have too much invested in the destruction of the American Constitution to quit now. All  Americans REGARDLESS of party affiliation, must be ready, willing , and able, to defend their families with deadly force, if required. Antifa and Black Lives Matter don’t give a damn who you are, they just want to burn, maim, and destroy. In advance of an attack, you must know how you will defend your family, or that you are a naïve coward, and will run.

I have given you the whole truth in as few words as possible, my forecasts are subject to events. This was an outline of sorts, if you want a comprehensive  paper on the subject, you can read my articles at  If you take exception to anything  in this paper, please give your reasons, without calling me names.

Vote for Trump. Your life depends on it.

Go with God.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Force Required To Save Families From Murdering Marxists

Andrew C Wallace

AMERICAN FAMILIES ARE AT A HIGH RISK OF BEING MAIMED AND MURDERED BY COMMUNIST SAVAGES, DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. These viscous and ruthless Communist Democrats attack the weak without mercy. They will only stop an attack, if met by overwhelming force, and if you don’t have it, you and your family will be DEAD, with your home burned down around you.

THIS IS NOT PATTY CAKE, OR A PHONY MEDIA NARRATIVE, THIS IS BRUTAL REALITY.  When I was a young man, the people I knew were God fearing, hard working, law abiding, and ready, willing and able, to defend themselves and their family. These characteristics are in short supply today. Many of our young men and women are spoiled, lazy, cowardly, naïve wimps, living with parents. They are indoctrinated with lies about Marxism by teachers and the media, ignorant of reality, lack ethics, hate  guns, and think there is such a thing as gun free zones. Right now, guns are the ONLY thing that will keep us free.

ALL INDEPENDENT COMMENTATORS AND PATRIOTS PREDICT THAT THE INSURRECTIONS NOW UNDERWAY WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY GET A BLOODY CIVIL WAR TO REPLACE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC WITH COMMUNISM, OR PRESIDENT ARRESTS THEM FOR TREASON. Of course we must stop them before a Civil War. The Communist Democrat party wants a Chinese style dictatorship. No one wants to live in the Democrat Plantations, called inner city subsidized housing, but that is paradise compared to living under Communism. But, more importantly, under the Communists you would lose all Constitutional rights, and would be helpless slaves. To see the future under Biden and the Communists, you must look at the brutal murderous Communist dictatorship in China. The Communist Chinese killed millions of their own people, and our crazed Communists will kill millions of Americans, don’t doubt it.

IT IS TREASON FOR DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS, MAYORS, AND PROSECUTORS TO PROMOTE AND PROTECT INSURRECTIONISTS, WHO BURN , LOOT, MAIM, AND MURDER AMERICANS. We need to erect a gallows in the Capital to hang these Traitors as soon as possible, before more innocent lives and property are lost. If our President waits too long to enforce the law, we will lose our country to Communism. The laws on Treason are short, and simple to understand, I have copied them “exactly”, word for word, at the end of this paper. I defy anyone to read the laws, and tell me that the Democrat politicians don’t belong on the gallows.



SUPPORTERS OF COMMUNIST POLITICIANS, ARE USEFUL IDIOTS, BECAUSE IF WE DON’T STOP THEM, THE COMMUNISTS WILL ENSLAVE AND  MURDER THEM, AND US. Lenin, a founder of Communism labeled them as useful idiots. The problem for Patriots, is that after a lifetime of indoctrination by schools and a corrupt media, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get useful idiots to accept the truth, or even to hear it. JB Williams said it properly “They vote themselves into Tyranny”.

IF COMMUNISTS CAUSE A CIVIL WAR, MANY PATRIOTIC AMERICANS WILL DIE IN THE DEFENSE OF LIBERTY, BUT THE COMMUNISTS WILL ALL BE DEAD. Patriots mostly hate Communists. If we have a Civil War, you must realize that everything you need to maintain life, and a decent standard of living will cease to exist, EVERYTHING. Those who need ongoing medical care, like me, will die. Social Security and Medicare will no longer function. Communism is brutal to the elderly. Communists define the elderly as Useless Eaters. Obama was first with Communist Death Panels, he told a woman on TV that her elderly mother could have a pill rather than more expensive care. Six Democratic Governors have now murdered thousands in elder care facilities by forcing Covid- 19 infected people into their facilities. Food and energy of all types will be scarce. Roving bands of irregulars will loot, rape, murder, and burn. Your paper money will be worthless; failing banks will legally exchange your deposits for worthless bank stock. The FDIC has very limited funds to protect deposits. If you doubt me, read some history. You can now see why it is so important to put an end to Biden and his Communist insurrection, before it is too late.


“ When it has no power it poses as a benign beneficent system. As it approaches dominance it becomes more and more strident and violence prone. Once in power it eats up competition with regulations and lawsuits. Once in total control it murders all opponents, steals property and enslaves the minds of submissive drones. It is an anti-Christ belief system!” (

BURNING, LOOTING, AND DESTRUCTION CAUSED LARGEST INSURANCE LOSSES IN HISTORY, AND WILL INCREASE EVERYONE’S COST OF INSURANCE. The Democrat Governors, Mayors, Prosecutors and Financial Supporters are guilty of Raw Treason, and should be charged and sued. You must never forget the jobs, and lives that have been lost forever. Increased insurance costs will be a burden to all of us, and we can blame the insurrectionists. There is no way to forgive Treason, gallows is the only solution.

MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW WHO THE ENEMIES OF “THE PEOPLE” ARE, SO I WILL TELL YOU. First of all it is a sinister cabal dedicated to a single world government with dictatorial powers (no elections) in the hands of a few self proclaimed elites. These people either made the right decisions for profits with hard work, and were lucky in business, or they inherited the money. It is amazing how these so called elites then think they are superior to the average person, because of luck in business, or inheritance, and then attribute no value to the average person. This explanation is not easy, I must explain the various levels. At the very top are the decades old, super rich, who are very publicity adverse, below them are all of the minions, including even the major stock holders, related corporations, elected officials, most media, school and university employees, Face book, Twitter, YouTube, federal bureaucrats, both political parties (excluding Trump Republicans), et al.

MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS ARE THE GREATEST CAUSE  of job losses, destruction of our manufacturing base, H1b foreign workers replacing Americans, illegal’s replacing Americans, trade deals to benefit other countries, destruction of viable American companies, public subsidizing of education and medical care of foreign workers to benefit corporations, and since 1970, the impoverishment of 90% of the work force and destruction of the Middle Class. All of this, and much more harm has been done by the major stockholders who control actions of company officials through the board of directors. Financialization  will explain a good part of this activity.

FINANCIALIZATION DECIMATED MIDDLE CLASS BY INCREASING STOCK PRICES TO BENEFIT CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERYONE ELSE. Manufacturing and services were off shored, pension funds were raided, promised health care reduced, government subsidized illegal aliens and H1B visa workers replaced Americans, and growth capital was used for stock buybacks to increase stock prices. This resulted in benefits for corporate officers and profits for major shareholders with layoffs in lean times. Tax money was then used to bail out the corporations while the elites laughed all the way to the bank with your money, and jobs. Artificially increasing the stock   price is the primary objective, and the long term investors and employees be damned,. Overall, this also resulted in many more layoffs. Bill Madden, consulted with me on this paragraph, .

Corporate representatives write the laws for elected officials to pass which will benefit the corporations, to hell with the people.  President Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex, and its propensity for wars to benefit industry and military flag officers.

We have without doubt the greatest Constitution in the history of the world. But, many departments are Unconstitutional, as is the bureaucrat run “Administrative State”. Many of our judges want to make law, not interpret it, contrary to the Constitution. You could generalize that most government bureaucrats are overpaid Communists, and, or Useful Idiots, who support Communists rather than the People.

FAILURE AND CORRUPTION OF THE FBI IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL OUR PROBLEMS, ALONG WITH MOST OF THE DOJ. Very few cities would be burning, and looted if the FBI had arrested and prosecuted the perpetrators, supporting politicians, and those financing the insurrection. The ongoing and massive corruption by our elected officials would not be possible if the FBI was doing its job. It is widely accepted that the FBI is corrupt and in the tank for the Communists. All you need to verify this, is to look at their total failure to enforce the law resulting in great losses to the people. I call on the President to disband the FBI and to cut the DOJ by at least 50%. While the President is at it, he could disband the many unconstitutional departments, and save a bundle of money.

EQUAL JUSTICE DOES NOT EXIST FOR YOU AND ME, UNLESS WE ARE PART OF THE RULING CLASS. The laws don’t apply to high level associates of the old Republican or Democrat parties, they are immune. The political parties have changed. The Democrat party of Jim Crow, the Klu Klux Clan, and the little guy, is now the party of the SUPER RICH, Communists, and Urban Plantations. The old toothless Republican party consisting of Anti Trumpers, has been taken over by Trump’s new Republican party that supports the People, and is not backed by the super rich. The old Democrat party is now a ruthless Communist organization, that hates America, and is dedicated to the destruction of our Republic, regardless of the death and destruction required.

WHEN POLICE ARE ATTACKED IN A HARMFUL WAY, THEY MUST PROMPTLY USE DEADLY FORCE IN RESPONSE, WHICH HAS ALWAYS PUT AN END TO IT. Cowardice, and turning the other cheek, never works. This proven concept is simple, burning, looting, and rioting is treason, before you even consider the crime of harming a police officer. I am reminded of remarks by Gov. Happy Chandler at my graduation from the State Police Academy in the 1950s. He said in effect that we were to protect the public, but not to the extent that we were harmed, because we were of value to the state. I was taught to kill the people with kindness, or to kill them as required. In three years on the job, I never shot, abused. or cursed anyone. People expected protection, or firmness based upon their own conduct. That is not the case today.

THE ANSWER TO FAILING SCHOOLS IS TO GIVE VOUCHERS TO ALL PARENTS TO OBTAIN  QUALITY EDUCATIONS FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Many public schools are total failures that may improve if they are faced with competition for the first time. Good public schools would not be affected. Vouchers would be a simple thing to do, it may be the only thing to do. It is widely reported that many teachers are indoctrinating our children with lies, false history, race theory and anti American concepts, et al.. Many people know that the Economic Opportunity Cost of a college education is exorbitant, and unrealistic, as is their anti American indoctrination. The only answer is to take away their government funding, and end federal loans to students. Student loans allow universities to charge whatever they want. If their education is so great, colleges can loan the money to students. When I went to college the costs were bearable. Colleges like Harvard, with multibillion dollar endowments, are just greedy whores.




© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

  • 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088“.

  • 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088.

  • 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  • 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  • 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.                                                   

Insurrection Underway, Bloody Civil War to Follow

Andrew C Wallace

THIS IS STARK REALITY RIGHT NOW. Democrat Communist shock troops known as Black Lives Matter, Antifa, et al, have started an insurrection by burning, looting, killing and destroying our cities. Their objective is clear, to make life miserable for Americans so they will accept a Chinese Communist Type Dictatorship rather than freedom under our Constitution. If Biden wins, it will be clear sailing for the Communists, but if President Trump wins we have  a chance to keep our Republic without a Bloody Civil War. If Biden wins or loses, the Communists will continue the insurrection for they have too much invested to quit.

YOU MUST KNOW YOUR ENEMY. You must know who is directing and paying for this Treason with impunity. It is the elites who consider themselves entitled and superior to you and me. The elites consist of most of the following: major corporations, banks, teachers unions, trust funds, media, professional sports organizations and athletes, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Hollywood  personalities, federal bureaucrats, universities, military flag officers, et al.

YOU MUST KNOW WHY YOU AND PRESIDENT TRUMP ARE HATED. It is because we stand in the way of their absolute power to profit and enslave the people. President Trump is the only president in modern times to try to return our government to the people. He has ended policy, after policy, that enrich the elite while impoverishing the people. Trump has infuriated the elites by ending the export of manufacturing, replacement of American workers with cheaper foreign labor, restrictions on illegal migration, new trade deals, ending profit from needless wars. et al. He did all of this while working within a nest of vipers, liars,  and traitors who are well paid by the elites to resist his programs.

EQUAL JUSTICE DOES NOT EXIST. The DOJ mostly fights to protect political criminals, and is slow, to never, indicting them. The FBI has been shown to be a criminal organization and mostly useless in their total failure to indict those financing and promoting the insurrections. The country would have a chance at equal justice if the FBI was totally disbanded. It is evident to anyone who can read, that many of our Judges are corrupt, ignore the Constitution, and think the law is what they say it is.

THOSE WHO SUPPORT DEMOCRAT COMMUNISTS ARE USEFUL IDIOTS, so said Lenin, a founder of Marxism. Lenin was referring to those thugs in  the streets, or anywhere else. Anyone, who supports an impossible ideology, that always fails, while killing millions, is also ignorant. If these Useful Idiots read history they would know that if their revolution prevails, the Communists must, and will kill them. There are no exceptions to this fact. But, their probable fate is to die in a civil war at the hands of patriots, who hate them with a passion, for trying to destroy the greatest nation on earth, and everything that is dear to them

WHAT YOU LOSE IF COMMUNIST BIDEN WINS. You got a taste with Obama’s Death Panels, a pill rather than treatment for the elderly, who they called Useless Eaters. You saw the stark, horrible truth of communist  policy toward Useless Eaters, when six Democrat governors sentenced tens of thousands to death from the virus in homes for the elderly. It is impossible to maintain our present level of health care, retirement, or living standards under the Communists. The simple truth is that anyone who has earned, and is receiving health care in order to live, will die. There will be no money for anything, Social Security will be gone, and we will drop into a terrible economic depression because of the impossible communist programs.

WHAT YOU MUST DO NOW TO SURVIVE. You must vote without fail, and encourage others to vote, or this could be your last Democratic Election, if the Communists don’t steal it. The next most important thing you must do quickly, is to buy firearms, like the AR15, with a lot of ammunition. You can expect retail stores  to be depleted, so you must have a supply of emergency food. You must be capable of defending your home and family, the thugs will go to the suburbs when there is nothing left to loot and burn in the cities. If the thugs come for you, call 911, but be prepared to defend yourself, because in many cases, police will not come for various reasons. The alternative is to die, and see your house burned to the ground. This is no game, the Communists are ruthless, and they don’t give a damn about you.

PRESIDENT TRUMP DOES NOT NEED TROOPS TO STOP THE INSURRECTIONS, HE ONLY NEEDS THE COURAGE TO ARREST THE RESPONSIBLE DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS AND FINANCIAL BACKERS. These Communists have violated several parts of Chapter 115 of 18 USC, These are simple laws to understand. For your convince I have copied them below.


  • 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088“.

  • 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088.

  • 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  • 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  • 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of person.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

No Troops Required, Just, The People, and The Law

Andrew C. Wallace

I have the utmost respect for what President Donald Trump has accomplished, and what he will do for America in the future. But he must stop the burning, killing, destruction, and insurrections promoted by Communist (Democrat) Politicians.

President Trump could use troops, but it would be far better if he empowered the people, to defend themselves and their property in accordance with our Constitution. He should also charge the crooked politicians with obvious violations of federal law, 2383 and 2385 of 115 of 18 USC. See details below.

It is difficult for many of us to understand why the President does not arrest the Politicians who are obviously violating the laws of the Republic by promoting insurrection.

We understand the difficulty, when much of the DOJ is supporting the criminals, and the FBI is beyond any redemption for their criminal behavior. It is common, and accepted knowledge that Equal Justice does not exist as long as major politicians such as Obama, Biden, and Hillary, et al, remain free of charges. The people, absolutely do not believe that Equal Justice exists. Many people believe that elected politicians have no ethics or morals whatsoever.

I am advocating two courses of action that would stop the terror and burning of our cities, and the ongoing efforts at insurrections. I have no confidence that our politicians in either party will do anything unless they are pushed. Here are the two courses of action that will end the Communist Burning and Insurrection.

  1. Empower the people, in accordance with the Constitution to defend themselves and THEIR property with deadly force, if required, without fear of politically motivated and crooked prosecutors. I called out Gov. DeSantis of Florida on this very thing in my last polemic.

FL. Gov. DeSantis, Allowing Denial of Florida Constitutional Rights

Governor DeSantis, you have been a good governor, but you can’t overlook, or dodge this responsibility.  You will be harshly judged, if you fail to make it possible for citizens to exercise their rights, without fear, under the Florida Constitution, and a Civil War results. If you dodge your responsibility, like most weak politicians, odds are that you will turn over your state to new Communist Rulers…

  1. President Donald Trump does not need troops, he only needs the courage to arrest the Democrat politicians for their violations of several sections of  Chapter 115 of !8 USC. According to these simple laws, criminals could no longer hold public office.  I encourage you to read the simple laws I have copied  below.

I hope you agree, and can support me in this effort. I look forward to your comments.

Go with God.

  • 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088“.

  • 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088.

  • 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  • 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  • 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

FL. Gov. DeSantis, Allowing Denial of Florida Constitutional Rights

Andrew C Wallace

Yes, I am calling out Ron DeSantis, our Florida Governor for a Major Sin of Omission. He has failed to make our Constitutional Rights to defend ourselves and property useful and effective for the average citizen. Our major problem is the politically motivated prosecutors and judges who will not honor our Constitution. Gov. DeSantis is effectively denying us our basic rights under the Florida Constitution by his non action. He is a good governor, but this failure will eclipse his other accomplishments.  Governor Ron DeSantis must know that he has not, and cannot, protect the people of Florida from the Marxist Rioters, Looters, Arsonists, and Thugs associated with the now Communist Democrat Party. That is a simple proven fact. Only the Patriotic Citizens  of Florida can stop these criminals  dead. But, you must make our Constitutional Rights effective  so we can defend themselves and our property without  repercussions.

Before there was a police force, we defended ourselves; we must be able to do that again. I guarantee you that the people can put an end to this Treason. I am old enough at 86, to remember when people could, and did defend themselves. But the people can’t exercise their basic rights under the Constitution until you enact legislation giving people broad rights to use deadly force when threatened. This legislation must be written in broad way to prevent the politically motivated, and crooked prosecutors, from protecting criminals by charging citizens for exercising their Constitutional Rights.

Article One, Section Two of the Florida Constitution states: ”Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property”…….

You must put this into legislation, otherwise the many corrupt, or politically motivated prosecutors will put people in jail to defend the criminals, and promote a Communist Uprising. There are countless examples of this all over the country, even in Florida.

Recently in Florida, a man was thrown to the ground, he shot his assailant. The Sheriff refused to charge him, but the prosecutor indicted and convicted him.

In St. Louis this summer, Mark and Patricia McCloskey held off rioters at gunpoint and were charged with weapons violations and disarmed. They called police, but they refused to come. The prosecutor was a Democrat. This prosecutor is one of the many around the country who was reputedly funded by the same people who funded Antifa. The Missouri Governor  said the McCloskey’s were within their rights and he would pardon them.

In Atlanta this summer, Garrett  Rolfe, A Police Officer, shot and killed Rayshard Brooks. I saw it all on TV, and as a former Police Officer, it looked like it was justified. But, the Prosecutor promptly charged the Police Officer with murder, before the results of any investigations were available.

During the Baltimore Riots in2015, Mayor Stephanie Blake instructed police officers to allow protesters to express themselves, and that we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well. The States Attorney filed charges against six officers, none of the charges stuck. Compare these actions with the words of the Detroit Chief of Police.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig stated on Fox News: Our city isn’t overrun with riots because my officers will not back down. We are not going to tolerate this uptick in violence. That’s key.

Recently in Arlington, Va., Hamzeh Abushariah, while working in a small shop encountered three men stealing cash and merchandise, he shot one of them. The Commonwealth’s Attorney charged Hamzeh with malicious  wounding, and reckless handling of a firearm.

These were just a few examples. If you study the major Democratic cities, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis , Chicago, St.Louis, New York, et al,  you will note anti citizen actions by prosecutors that support and protect criminals. Many, many people, smarter than me, think all of this is to engineer a revolt that would allow a Communist takeover. They don’t give a damn how many people lose their lives and property, they only want power. These Useful Idiots are following the same takeover plan that Adolf Hitler used with his Brown Shirts, which was similar to the Chinese and Russian operations. These thugs must know that if the Communists win they must be sacrificed, just like Hitler killed his own Brown Shirts.

Gov. DeSantis, you may say that there have not been large scale major attacks on your  cities, but the communists can not overlook Florida. If we are attacked, and the Police don’t stop it, I know you will call out the National Guard, by then your cities are looted and burned. This would not happen if citizens and police were allowed to defend themselves and property, in accordance with the Constitution of Florida.

Governor DeSantis, you have been a good governor, but you can’t overlook, or dodge this responsibility.  You will be harshly judged, if you fail to make it possible for citizens to exercise their rights, without fear, under the Florida Constitution, and a Civil War results. If you dodge your responsibility, like most weak politicians, odds are that you will turn over your state to new Communist Rulers.

Governor DeSantis if you fail to act, and people die while Florida cities burn, it will be on you.

I have told you the brutal truth, but my forecasts are subject to events. God Bless America.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Convict And Jail Communist Leaders For Treason

Andrew C. Wallace

When I say Communist, I also mean most of the Democrat political leaders, who are Communists in charge of the jurisdictions, being destroyed by Marxist thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. These Democrat Communist political leaders actively stand behind the thugs and encourage them. Democrat political leaders encourage death, destruction, and anarchy in their communities. Then,  they can install Communism and gain absolute power and control.



The people who vote for Democrat Communist Politicians are not Communists themselves. But, they know next to nothing about our country and have been brainwashed for years by schools and the media. Vladimir Lenin, a well known Communist, referred to them as USEFUL IDIOTS.

The brutal thugs, who are terrorizing, burning, and looting our cities must know that what they do is Treason,  punishable by Death.The local Communist Authorities who support them, will not charge them,but the Feds certainly will.

Useful Idiots will never accept the truth, if they attack patriots it can only end one way. I refuse to accept Communism and the loss of all my Constitutional Freedoms. I refuse to live in a  Hell Hole, like  the Communist inner cities. Communists have been in charge of these cities for more than 50 years as they declined, and they did nothing to improve things. Residents are terrorized, live in slum conditions, with little employment, lousy schools, poor medical care, and now, reduced police protection. All of this while party leaders, super rich families, and CEOs of multi- national corporations benefit, call the shots, and  “ live High on the Hog”. To do this, your jobs had to be exported to make more money using Chinese Slave Labor. When jobs could not be exported, they brought the cheaper labor here to replace American workers. Disney  imported foreign workers to replace existing American workers. Why do you think Communists and corporations want open borders and free everything for illegal’s?

Make no mistake, the Communists are terrorizing, and burning down their own cities to condition the people to demand a Communist Utopia, that can never exist, and never did. Communism never works, it only kills millions. Our Pilgrims tried it for one year, and half of the people died.

Everyone, on the left, or right, must realize the consequences, if a Civil War is the result of this Treason. All benefits, Social Security, Medicare, Pensions, Payrolls , et al, will stop. Those who need expensive ongoing medical care will die. The body count will be in the millions.  We will enter the greatest depression of all time, with a worthless dollar. The super rich will own everything. Once the thugs, who are also Useful Idiots , have accomplished their objective of Anarchy, the Communist leadership must destroy them to satisfy the population. Poetic justice don’t you think?

The FBI and DOJ should be investigating and arresting those responsible for the carnage, and Treason. They should be going after the Democrat politicians and the large corporations who are funding the terrorists. The FBI sold out long ago to the Establishment, and the One World Order. The FBI consists of cowards and crooks; it should be terminated at once. If the FBI did its job many of our elected officials and their benefactors would be in jail. The Opportunity  Cost of the FBI is Exorbitant, it must go. The FBI should be replaced by the Militia of the Several States, which is charged in our Constitution   with enforcing the laws of the Republic. You could use Homeland Security while the Constitutional Militia is reconstituted.

Only people who were traitors themselves, could support a man like Biden, who by his own admission in a taped speech, bragged about his corrupt actions in the Ukraine. Biden’s son came away from an official trip to China with his father, carrying a check from the Chinese for more than one billion dollars. Biden made his family rich, while the taxpayers got the Royal Order of the Purple Shaft with Barbed Wire Clusters. Only a Useful Idiot, or a Communist could vote for this proven fraud.

I can only vote for President Donald Trump, because he is the only man who has demonstrated his ability to help us survive the Chinese Virus, Rebuild our country, protect the people, and defeat the Communist insurgency. There is no other choice, except slavery. I don’t give a damn what the Communist Media says Trump said, or did, he has done more for the people than any other President in my 86 years.

After years of observation and study, I feel very strongly about the contents of this polemic. I am a veteran who loves this country and hates Communism. I am not alone.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Prepare for the French Solution in November

Andrew C Wallace

I know not, who will fire the first shot after the election, much will depend on the result. People with a minimum knowledge and love of our Constitution are enraged by the ruthless destruction of life and property by Communist Democrat hit squads. This Death, Looting, Arson, and Destruction was visited on innocent Americans by Marxist Thugs, directed by, and paid by the Democrat Party, and  large corporations. Most of this carnage occurred in 20 cities controlled by Democrats for decades. For the most part, Democrat authorities allowed the carnage to continue, and in many cases supported it.

This is nothing short of Treason by the Communist Democratic Party, mainstream media, and major corporations. I doubt that any level of Government has the will to stop the Marxists from creating anarchy as a pretext for forcing us into a Communist government.


If the government fails to give people the legal right to protect themselves and their property, using deadly force as required, then the French solution will be automatic, and millions will die. At the present time, any citizen or police officer, who harms or threatens a thug performing a criminal act, will be framed, prosecuted, jailed, and ruined by corrupt prosecutors and judges. Citizens have very good reasons to believe that most officials are corrupt Communists. Fight, or Flight. Fair Weather Patriots, who desire to protect their families from Communist death and destruction, must arm themselves adequately before supplies are sold out, and quickly move out of Democratic jurisdictions.

Over !00,000 American Service members lost their lives fighting the damn Communists during my lifetime. Millions of veterans have a justified hatred of Communists. Then of course there was the Chinese virus attack, a deliberate Act of War by the Communists, that killed many thousands more, and devastated our economy.

If the Corrupt Governments at all levels will not stop this treason, many of us understand, because we know that the Super Rich International Families control the Deep State, which controls everything, major corporations, banks, foundations, governments, judges, prosecutors, education, elected officials, think tanks, et al. These people do everything possible to profit from trade with China and to import cheap foreign workers. All of this to the detriment of Americans.

The Deep State is preparing for another Great Depression when they will suck up what little wealth remains in the hands of the people. The Federal Reserve Bank admitted that they caused the last Great Depression. If the people have to resolve this, many of us will die, but few of them will survive.

I think the Communists have gone too far to turn back now, and will proceed to further attack patriotic Americans, burning, looting, and killing. That will be their downfall. What are they going to do? Attack us with the cowardly thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who only function in mobs. Or maybe they will have the Communist teachers attack us. In Florida the gutless teachers refused fire arms training to protect themselves and their students. Patriots are the most heavily armed people in the world.

The real shame of all this corruption, treason, death, and destruction, is that it should never have happened, if the FBI, DOJ, and certain Judges were not corrupt. These agencies have had years, and public knowledge, to prosecute the high ranking Democrat Criminals, instead they protect them. The FBI is an agency that we can’t afford. It is not just the cost in money, it is their total failure to enforce the laws of the Republic. Rather than framing innocent political opponents they should have been prosecuting elected officials, corporations and judges for wrong doing. By so doing we could have had a more honest government, rather than one peopled by wealthy criminals and cowards. President Trump has the authority  to terminate the FBI, and he should do it as soon as possible. The FBI adds nothing positive to our government, it  survives by intimidation and fear.

Honest government is impossible because there is no way to prosecute the evil doers when they control all elements of the justice system. This is the result of a corrupt DOJ, FBI and Judges.

If the Communists are allowed to prevail, or if Biden wins, all of us will lose everything, Social Security, Medicare, 401Ks, Pensions, Bank Accounts, et al. But, more importantly, you lose all Constitutional Freedoms, you will be told where to live and work, lose your cars, homes, and all property, you will live in terror. Everyone should pray that President Trump can fix it, because he is the only man who can save us.

This is a very dark polemic, but very true to the facts that I have observed and studied over many years. I am not advocating any course of action, except to reelect President Trump as our only hope to survive as a Free People.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Ruling Class Wants Your Face In The Dirt Begging For Handouts

Andrew C Wallace

I admit that the Ruling Class has the UNCONSTITUTIONAL power to force my face into the dirt, but I will not beg for handouts. I will retaliate in kind. They exercise most of their power without legal authority thru the UNLAWFUL  “Administrative State”. They think this criminal  USURPATION of power is justified by the “Prerogative of Kings”, because they are so superior to us common people. American people are not stupid as evidenced by the sale of guns and ammunition. Americans practice the Scout Motto: “Be prepared”.

All of our suffering is due to the Ruling Class super rich families, and their Lackeys: the mainstream media, senior management at large corporations, universities, banks, judicial system, military flag officers,  leadership of Democrat and Republican parties, most government employees and elected officials, influence-peddling think tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings, et al. The so called, Democrat party is the hard core Communist wing of the Ruling Class. Make no mistake, the Ruling Class sold us out to China, and is continuing to do so. They want to emulate China’s brutal and total power over the people. Most NON Trump Republican officials, like Democrats, are just corrupt and gutless prostitutes, for sale to the highest bidder.

People must learn that the Ruling Class, and their Lackeys, are a Ruthless Cabal, consisting of all the groups I just listed. Every action they take, gives them power and wealth at your expense. It is of no concern to them if you die as a result of their efforts to subjugate us.

You must see the Ruling Class, and all their Lackeys, as an organized group out to destroy our Republic and screw us to death, if we stand in their way.

President Donald Trump, and the few officials who support him, are the only hope that we have, short of a revolt, to remain free. To win, President Trump must fire at least 50% of government bureaucrats, end the Administrative State, disband the FBI, and the other unconstitutional departments. High ranking criminals from both parties must be swiftly prosecuted. Both political parties refuse to prosecute high ranking members of either party. Equal justice does not exist in America. We must return to Constitutional government.  If they are not “Trump Republicans” don’t vote for them. I will support only the small part of government that remains Constitutional.

Americans have lost most of their Constitutional Rights, and faux government, has lost the peoples loyalty, which without correction, will result in Anarchy, and the inability to govern resulting in Civil War.

The Ruling Class is doing everything possible to drag our country into a total state of bloody anarchy and destruction by exploiting the Chinese Virus. The Ruling Class is trying to destroy our Republic and replace it with a Communist government like China.  If allowed to continue, we will have a revolt that will kill a large multiple of the 500,000 lives lost in our Civil War. Signs of discontent by the people are everywhere, and increasing.

Facts are clear, the Ruling Class will kill those who do not bow down in poverty, slavery, and total submission to brutal Communism. In fact they have been taking out anyone who “Speaks Truth to Power” for years. Ask any of us who have spoken, or acted out, and survived. Democrat leaders, who are in fact Communists, are now loudly advocating wacko policies, that have failed every time. Our Pilgrims were the first to try Socialism in America. Socialism was responsible for the deaths of half of the pilgrims in the first year and was rejected.

I could write a book detailing the widespread and total corruption of the Ruling Class and all of their Lackeys, but those who read, already know the details, and the others never will. Those ignorant and apathetic followers of this Cabal, have been indoctrinated all their lives by schools and media. They can never be changed with facts. They will eagerly beg for handouts, and ignorantly line up for the slaughter.                                                                                            .

The Ruling class, thru its Democrat party is now open, and out front with its primary objective of destroying our country. They want to  force us into a brutal Chinese Communist type dictatorship, and a One World Order. They have plenty of support from their ignorant apathetic followers, media and wealthy members. The media has absolute power over their followers, as demonstrated by their ability, along with the help of schools, to convince Blacks that the “KKK and Jim Crow” were not part of the Democrat party. Also, the Civil War was not fought to free Slaves, it was caused by economic domination of the South, by the then Ruling Class of the North. The slavery issue was only brought up in later stages of the Civil War to gain public support. Lincoln freed slaves where the South remained in control, but not in conquered areas.

The most important thing we can do is to stop all immigration for 25 years, but members of Congress are well paid not to change laws that will greatly benefit the people. I would like to remind the crooked Congress that we drastically reduced immigration for 28 years under the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 to preserve homogeneity.  The all powerful Ruling Class is willing to pay vast sums to the Whores in Congress for cheap foreign labor used for voting and jobs. They don’t give a Damn about Americans. Our citizens will do any work, if properly paid, and government stops paying them not to work.

ChiComs Lie, You Die. The Chinese Virus was nothing less than a deliberate ACT of WAR. They kept its inception a secret, closed off Wuhan to the rest of China, but let their people go anywhere else in the world to spread the virus. The Chinese destroyed our economy with much loss of life. I pray that this does not end up in a shooting war. We can defeat them in other ways. First, by not allowing their students or tourists into the country, many of whom are spies, or potential spies. As citizens we should refuse to buy Chinese products. Our government could incentivize the movement of more critical production back into this country. Our biggest problem will be the simple fact that large companies are mostly controlled by people without morals, ethics or patriotism. Our financial people are mostly whores who destroy quality companies and their employees for a quick buck. If our major corporations had not used profits to buy back stock to enhance officer and stockholder compensation, they would not need government money. Super rich families of the Ruling Class, along with their Tax Free Foundations, own controlling interest in most of our large corporations. Crooked Congress gave them trillions that should have gone to small business.   Our billionaires are funding elections at all levels giving them control.

President Donald Trump saved our bacon by making early Heroic Decisions on immigration, and getting supplies and equipment to the states during the Pandemic. Leading federal medical bureaucrats, and media, Lackeys of the Ruling Class, promoted fear, theft, and destruction of our Republic. They scared hell out of the public with wild projections using faulty models. They are resisting efforts to save our economy by allowing everyone to work. except for the vulnerable. They refuse to accept Hydroxychloroquine (used for decades), as a treatment in the early stages of the virus for the 95% of patients without cardiac problems. Doctors using it reported an 80% survival rate without use of the ICU or ventilators

I believe this to be the most dangerous period in our history. My prediction is, if the Ruling Class does not release its control and stop destruction of everything in our country, then many people will die in a Civil War. My use of derogatory words to describe the Ruling Class and their Lackeys is more than justified. You can question my opinions, but not my facts. I am not advocating, or promoting any course of action other than educating yourselves for your own protection, and the preservation of what remains of our country.

Our country can’t long exist with half of the population working and the other able bodied people being paid by government not to work. Remember the Pilgrims.

God Bless America

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Death or Freedom are the Only Alternatives

Andrew C. Wallace

When anyone is  faced with the harsh realities of brutal incarceration by Jack Booted Thugs of the FBI, a corrupt trial, poor medical care, bankrupting legal costs, and a miserable death in captivity. Then death, is indeed, a viable option when there is no hope of justice from a corrupt system. This is certainly a valid generalization for two large population groups. Elderly people with  few remaining years are more willing  to gambol them for freedom. Secondly, are younger people who have nothing to lose, and have lost hope for the American Dream. Continuation of essential earned benefits is one of the few factors  supporting the existing system.

The problem is, we are being mostly ruled by a corrupt Unconstitutional “Administrative State” that is not our legal government. In this unlawful system the bureaucrats combine and exercise all  the separate powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches contrary to the Constitution.  Simply put, unelected bureaucrats write rules  (legislate), enforce them (executive), and exact punishments (judicial), which is unconstitutional. They also create unconstitutional departments such as Education and Energy that are clearly usurping  Constitutional rights of the states. These actions, and others,  allow the criminal bureaucrats and their associates to deny Americans all of their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms. Our Ruling Class has little authority from our Constitution, because by their use of new definitions and presidencies they are mostly functioning under a false illusion. The treason of Sanctuaries at the state and local level is another illusion of power.The Ruling Class believes they are superior to us common people, they justify their control by citing the faux “Prerogative of Kings’ as their authority. Their only objective is power and money, our Constitution and the people be damned. Minion judges at all levels ignore the Constitution. These criminals, along with the FBI, DOJ, courts, et al, are responsible for the suffering, and loss of thousands of jobs and lives . One can only grieve when you see veterans who can never recover from injuries sustained in wars for profit benefiting only the Ruling Class.

Greed, and the Incompetencies of the Ruling Class have no limitations as exhibited by their response to the Chinese Covid-19 Virus. Their clear objective is to impoverish our people, destroy our economy, and force us into anarchy  with cities in ruin, and blood in the streets, ready for a Communist takeover and inclusion in a “One World Order”. But, that takeover will not be easy, or bloodless. In spite of every effort to take our guns and freedoms, we hate communism, and will fight the Ruling Class Communists and their Fellow Travelers to a pyrrhic victory, if required.

To win, you must know your enemy. The Ruling Class, Deep State, Swamp, Elites, Establishment, or whatever you call them, are controlled by the super wealthy families and their tax free foundations. Their minions include most large corporations, banks, colleges, universities, government employees, media, et al. Not all government employees are active lawbreakers, but their failure to do anything to stop the criminal activity makes them cowardly anti-American Quisling Criminals just the same. As is well demonstrated, both political parties are minions of the Ruling Class and will protect each other from prosecution. The lack of swift justice for political criminals proves this, and has the most negative effect on public support.

“Chicoms Lie, You Die” is very well demonstrated when the intelligence agencies failed to discover the Chinese virus last year and timely report it to President Trump. These agencies, staffed with never Trumper minions are responsible for untold loss of life, and destruction of the greatest economy in the world.  This disaster was compounded by the early failure of the CDC, and the desire of medical bureaucrats in partnership with others to profit greatly. They proceeded to spend enormous sums for equipment, supplies, and research. To  justify this they had to disparage the decades long safety record and effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine. This proven drug is cheap and easy to make, drug stores can make it. When used early, in France and New York, 90% survived without intensive care or ventilators (factual reports on Laura Ingraham Show). It is reported that 80% of patients on ventilators die. Early indications are that California’s lower than expected number of deaths is due to Herd Immunity gained from the virus as early as last year. The models used to predict outcomes were flawed in most every way. Hospitals joined the fraud for money by reporting deaths by virus rather than deaths with the virus.

President Trump did everything he could to promote the use of Hydroxychloroquin, but his so called medical professionals and the media ridiculed him. In my opinion if this drug had been promoted for general use there would have been no need for a shutdown.

President Donald J. Trump has done more for the people than any President in my 86 years, and he is the only one who can save our country from the Ruling Class. He had to go to war with the bureaucrats he had, but it is past time to change most of these corrupt, and useless people. He should do away with the FBI, most of the DOJ, and activate the constitutionally mandated Militia of the Several States. President Trump’s only real shortcoming is his failure to promptly convict and punish the criminals. The most beneficial action President Trump could ever take would be to end all immigration for 25 years, which would reduce crime, diseases, government expenses, unemployment, and raise wages. To hell with cheap labor and new communist voters. Every illegal allowed into California increases  their allocated congressional representation, and their share of federal revenue, all at the expense of other states.

The Chinese, with support of the Ruling Class, continue to exploit Americans for money. Universities profit at  the expense of our students and taxpayers by accepting Chinese students, many of whom are reputed to be spies. Why do we subsidize the education of Chinese students when it also replaces American students? Universities want the money.

We know from the bitter Chinese experience that everything required for our health care and defense must be procured from the United States. It is now understood that greedy American Corporations, supported by corrupt politicians, were responsible for giving the Chinese our jobs and our manufacturing. When jobs were not sent overseas, the bribed legislators found another way to make Americans really hate them, by allowing corporations to import foreign workers to work here and replace Citizens.

Many people have very little knowledge of the Unconstitutional “Administrative State,” which represents almost the totality of our faux unlawful government. Its very existence is a threat to the Constitution and every American. It is based upon the arrogance of the Ruling Class who feel superior to ordinary people thereby justifying their  authority as the faux “Prerogative of kings.” Billionaire members of the Ruling Class should be prohibited from buying elections for Democrat congress people, local prosecutors, or any elected offices. You may read “Is Administrative Law Unlawful?” by Philip Hamburger for copious details and citations

This paper advocates nothing, but  strongly predicts the higher probability of certain outcomes based upon dramatic attitude changes observed over time. From experience, I can say, that after a lifetime of indoctrination, supporters of the left, mostly cannot be converted with facts. If you take exception to very much that is written here, then your apathy, lack of knowledge, and indoctrination are showing. Thank you for reading what some may call a polemic essay.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Democrats Are Communists Waging War On Our Republic

Andrew C. Wallace

Communists LIE—YOU DIE

Democrats are  determined Communists dedicated to the overthrow of our Republic, and the theft of all resources, leaving us as slaves. They are already very close to stealing everything. Under Communism, regardless of promises there will be no support for Social Security, Medicare, Real Money, Police Protection, Food, Jobs, and etc. People living  under Communism have no rights and there is no private property. Under our Constitution your rights are from God and your property is secure. We must quickly kick these Deadly enemies, and all of their supporters, out of government, into jail, or, out of our country. Make no mistake, we are very close to defeat, and the loss of everything dear to us, including our lives. Communists have killed many millions of their own people to retain power. If we do nothing to stop them now, millions will die on both sides.

American Patriots are in a red hot rage over the Communist war to replace our Constitution, and rule over us as if we were Chinese slaves. Our rulers continue milking us like cows, stealing  billions and destroying people.  Obama bought a home for 12-15 million while minorities are shot down like dogs in his Communist Sanctuaries. We have no intention of allowing this Treason to continue. We have the absolute Constitutional right, ability and imperative for self defense. So sorry, you Communist SOBs, who call yourselves Democrats, you failed to get our guns, so when you start a shooting war, we will kill you with no regrets.

The Communists by acts of War, already control by force, and subversion many of our cities, counties and states, which they call Sanctuaries.  There is little  protection by U.S. law in these conquered and rundown areas. Communists have also taken over The House of Representatives  as demonstrated by the Star Chamber Impeachment. The Communists are supported by traitors in all levels of education, media, the military industrial complex, big business and finance, federal management level employees in the Administrative State, RINOs, tax free foundations, and  the Establishment Families, who control everything. These gangsters also support Communist China and other enemies of our Republic. This treason is lowering our standard of living and defense, while increasing their power and theft. Their ultimate  objective is a One World Order, with the USA as a Communist Slave  State.

President Donald J. Trump will be recognized as our most effective president for making our country the greatest on earth. His major problem in draining the swamp, is that the government is run by mostly Communists (members of the Council on Foreign Relations and neocons ), who do everything to overthrow him.  President Trump should erect a public  gallows for  traitors in the capital to contemplate. Federal employees and others, who oppose our Constitution should as a minimum, lose their jobs and citizenship. The FBI, DOJ, IRS, and State Department are so Communist, and anti Constitutional, that they must be terminated  and replaced. There must be a quick return to equal justice for all citizens, not just the rulers, or the people will revolt.

The average American, who talks truth to power, or is accused of any transgression, has a high probability of being framed, prosecuted, jailed and destroyed by criminals in the FBI and DOJ. Average Americans just can’t afford an effective legal defense against this corrupt system. This is another example of a failure to follow our Constitution, which stipulated that laws of the Republic would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States, with Officers appointed by the States. Our Founders didn’t plan for us to live in fear of a corrupt system of Judges, Prosecutors, and Police. Most media talking heads, and others, who say that only the leadership of these organizations is corrupt, are either really ignorant of the facts, or afraid of retribution from them. The Nazi, Russian, and Chinese Secret Police would treat you no worse.

Our Founding Documents are the envy of the world, but most elected officials are criminals who ignore our Constitution. Elected officials have established an unconstitutional Administrative State, where unelected employees have the total power of the three branches. This effectively denies due process to all, but the rulers. There must be zero tolerance of law breaking by government employees, with swift and harsh justice for criminals.

A large percentage of our population has been indoctrinated and lied to constantly by most educational institutions and media about the truth of Communism and Capitalism. Educational institutions at all levels must be reformed or defunded. Commercial Media must be terminated if they do not report the whole truth with proper substantiation. Schools and Media are the major tools of Communism and the greatest threat to our Republic. The only alternative to reform of these Communist tools is a full scale, and bloody Civil War, which I do not advocate. Much of higher education is a fraud designed to make academics wealthy by destroying the lives of students under a mountain of debt. There could be adequate alternatives for all degrees.

Most of our people who have been indoctrinated by schools and Media to be hardcore supporters of Communism can’t be convinced otherwise. It is impossible for us to survive as a Free Country with Communists. There is nothing in our Constitution that says we must tolerate, or support the enemies within, who are actively trying to destroy our Republic.

The Communists want our Guns so we can’t defend ourselves against a Communist Takeover. They tell us constantly that Gun Free Zones are possible, and are not Killing Fields, which is a damn lie. It is also a proven fact that the only way to reduce carnage from mass shootings is to encourage more armed citizens to carry concealed.  I don’t shop where I can’t carry.

Millions  of Patriots have died defending this great country. Over one hundred thousand have died in my lifetime fighting Communism. It is my strong belief that if the Communist traitors involved in the ongoing takeovers of our government are not severely punished, and soon, that the people will be forced to defend themselves before they lose everything. Our enemies are promoting an increase in illegals and foreign workers, causing increased crime, drug addiction, lower wages,  unemployment, and more Communist representation. If we don’t allow these crimes, the Vulture Capitalists will destroy American companies for great profits, and move the jobs to another country. Man made climate change is another scam designed to make the criminals rich. There is nothing not to hate about the Communist enemies and fellow travelers within.

I could list all the insane actions and lies of the traitors in government and their Fellow Travelers, but it would be a waste of time because you know the truth. If you don’t know the truth, I must loathe you as a Communist, or a hopeless, and ignorant tool of those who intend to be our Marxist rulers, taking the food out of your mouths.

Communists, and their Associates are at war with us, and must be called out, defeated, prosecuted, and deported.

God Bless America

© 2019 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Declaration Of Independence From Unconstitutional Government

I  took an oath to the Republic specified in our great Constitution of the United States of America. But, I refuse to support any part of the Faux Government/Swamp, not authorized by our Constitution. I acknowledge the real dangers that all patriots face, caused by our words of loyalty to the Constitution, and our opposition to the ongoing Marxist Revolution by Pagans, AKA Communists, Democrats and many Republicans. Pagan is the word used for thousands of years to describe those who hate the major established religions because they might restrict evil anti social behavior by Pagans. But, our Founders knew that those without principles, religious or otherwise, would have a negative effect on society and the Republic.

Our Communist controlled government has allowed thousands of innocent citizens to be killed, raped, robbed, molested and tortured by illegal Barbarians brought into our country for cheap labor and votes.. Many more Americans have been gunned down, framed and jailed by Pagan Traitors in the FBI, DOJ, IRS, Courts, et al. I am concerned for my life and freedom, as are all patriots, in the absence of the Rule of Law and a Constitutional government. It is clear to Patriots that our Constitution and God Given Rights have been subverted by the Treason of Communism (modern word for Paganism), love of Money and Power. These corrupt bastards should cease their destruction of the Rule of Law, if for no other reason than to save their own miserable lives from the guaranteed retribution of “We The People”.

Anyone reading our Constitution, can understand the unconstitutional and criminal actions of our Pagan officials and judges. Our Constitution encourages and justifies retribution.

People in the Western States, like the Bundy Family, et al. ,have called out the government bureaucrats for the unconstitutional use of government power, and have been put down with every possible corrupt tool of power, including death. I commend these patriots for not firing “The Second Shot Heard Around the World”.  President Trump must stop this by terminating the DOJ. the FBI and firing all employees. Judges at all levels who refuse to obey constitution should also be fired.

Also, we must not forget the danger and evil of  Islam. Sidney Secular wrote on April 12, 2018 in NWV. That: “Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system of self-contained society. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components.” Like Communism/Paganism in our cities, Islam cannot peacefully co-exist with our Constitution, and has made war on Americans since our founding.

It was Barbarians, felicitated by Pagans, who destroyed Rome, and are now trying to destroy America. Barbarians who unlawfully enter our country are stealing our heritage and killing our people. We also have native born Pagans, who denigrate church going people because of their family life styles and mutual benefits. Pagans promote one night stands, orgies, prostitution, deviant life styles, drugs, and STDs, resulting in a shorter life. Men have a God given attraction to women for mutual benefit.  Pagan whores in Hollywood and Media offer sex to weak men for advantage over decent women. The whores will then come back in 10 to 20 years  for additional compensation when the bloom is off their rose.. The result is that many men now accept the fact that they can’t tell the difference between decent women and whores resulting in less legitimate  interaction.

Our major problem really starts with cowardly teachers who refuse to defend themselves and actively promote Communism/Paganism, Islam and deviant life styles to their students. After students are taught the lies of Communism in schools, at all levels, the Fake News Media reinforces it every day. Teachers and members of the fake Media who promote Communism every day are native born Pagans, and do more harm than those who kill us..

Teachers who refuse to protect themselves with firearms are cowardly and ignorant communists and should  be fired.  Only a moron believes that  gun free zones can exist without becoming killing fields.

When I served my country, I took an oath “To Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States against all Enemies, both foreign and domestic”. The only reason that the left leaning politicians, faux elites, and Communists/Pagans want to take away our God given Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is because they are afraid we will shoot them in self defense.

Everyone in the three branches of federal government, except for President Trump and his staff, most of the Military, First responders and a few others are criminal elites and outright traitors to our Constitution. These Traitors function as a faux government and are responsible for the deaths and impoverishment of millions of citizens. Criminal elites are mostly Communists/Pagans immune from prosecution and protected by the DOJ, FBI, IRS, Courts and others.  The faux government does not honor the  Rule of Law or Constitutional authority. The faux Government operates for the exclusive benefit of Super Rich Families, the Democrat/Republican Establishment, Business Round Table, K-Street Lobbyists, Chamber of Commerce, and Multi National Corporations et al. Faux government employees and leaders are bribed and protected from prosecution.

People taking serious exception to unconstitutional actions by Communists/Pagans in government can expect to be framed, jailed, or shot dead. For details read my last two papers for

None of what traitors do would be possible without support of Fake Media and Teachers at all levels who do their best to denigrate our Constitution and promote Communism/Paganism. Members of the fake media are propagandists and a dedicated hate America group. Communism is a deadly lie promoted by teachers who are not our brightest.  In 1968, I asked my Mother why teachers were so deficient. She replied, “ you could not expect more, when she knew from observation that for 50 years only the least capable students went into education”. Many also went into teaching to dodge the draft. Based upon real experience and simple math, this means that many of our teachers have been anti-American and inadequate pansies for at least 100 years. So it should be no surprise when Florida teachers refused to be trained to use a gun to defend students and their own lives in schools, which by law are killing fields. There is little money to pay for police guards. These teachers are mostly  just stupid inadequate  cowardly communists who don’t give a damn, but are otherwise  nice people. We can do without nice teachers unless they are also  patriots willing to shoot invaders and teach the truth. Too many  graduates turn out to be wimpy anti-American Communists/Pagans just like many of their teachers.

Being long in the tooth has given me the time to learn from a modicum of education, modified by more important life experiences such as service in the military and state police, flying as a commercial pilot, College teaching of Economics/Marketing, and operating a business.  I never was a hero, or did great things, but  I did confront unjust organizational  power directly with truth in the real world,  and was smacked down hard most every time by the Pagans. I mention some life experiences so that you can see how ridiculous it is for recent high school  students to give me, or any other experienced adult. advise on most anything.  Make no mistake,  criminal traitors in the DOJ and FBI, et al, will kill or frame anyone who endangers their attempted Communist takeover of our Constitutional Republic.

Even though I have done it in the ignorance of my youth, it is still difficult for me to understand the willingness of today’s military and first responders to protect those parasitic cowards who refuse to even defend themselves, but expect others to defend them.

The odds are that many don’t know the facts of our nation’s founding, nor the difference between Capitalism and Communism. Most don’t know the absurdity of putting  people in gun free zones that are really killing fields. Most don’t know that Communism has killed millions and always fails. Many don’t know that our founders gave us guns to protect us from a rogue government like this one. Without common sense, if you attended most any high school  or college and got your news from the fake media, then you are what Lenin called a Useful Idiot and my comments apply to you. I just heard that one school put a bucket of rocks in every room so students could throw rocks at killers with guns.  The only reasonable alternative is to arm teachers and hire professional guards. But, maybe public schools should be terminated and replaced with public money for other forms of education that support our Republic..

The hard reality for those who oppose President Donald J. Trump is that  President Trump is the only one among his supporters who does not want the opposition in jail, or gone. In the very near future those who oppose President Trump’s program for “ Making America Great Again” will either change sides, leave the country, or engage in open bloody revolt against the people, and die.

Our Federal Government and Courts are over run with Communists/Pagans attempting to overthrow a duly elected President. The DOJ and FBI are so corrupt that all employees must be fired and the department terminated. The FBI attained its present status with media promotion and blackmail under Hoover. The FBI should be replaced with the Militia of the Several States as specified in the Constitution. The IRS and Private Federal Reserve Bank are also beyond redemption and should be terminated. Income tax should be replaced with Tariffs that worked so well until 1913. Replace currency with gold and silver as specified in Constitution. The use of digital money in any form should be outlawed. The federal government controls 24% of all land contrary to the Constitution. Judges who make decisions on what they want the law to be rather that what the constitution says it is, should be terminated at once.  No legal document, much less the Constitution changes over time

Those in Congress are mostly corrupt Communist/Pagans who should pass no law without attaching a statement of authorization from the Constitution.

There are 15 unconstitutional departments.  Failure to terminate the Departments of Commerce, Transportation, Interior, Education, Agriculture, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor are acts of Treason to modify our Constitution

The Treasonous SOBs in Congress gave all departments the faux legal power of all three branches of government ( so much for separation of powers).This means that unelected Bureaucrats can (1) make a rule, (2) charge you with violating the rule,(3) find you guilty, and (4) determine your penalty. This unconstitutional procedure is called “The Administrative State”..

Except for President Trump, there is very little Constitutional Government.

There are no innocent employees of the DOJ and FBI, except for those few with the courage to loudly insist on enforcing the Rule of Law with zero tolerance. The DOJ and FBI, and all their employees must be terminated.

President Donald J. Trump is no saint, but he is a really smart warrior and the only man who can save our Constitutional Republic. “We The People” have his back against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

We The People will support President Trump’s efforts to reinstate our Constitutional Republic with Rule of Law, and remember: “We have the Guns.

© 2018 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Military Must Disarm And Disband FBI For High Treason

It is now common knowledge, that if President Trump should fail to disarm and disband  the 35,000 FBI employees, using the military,  you must prepare for civil war and a complete breakdown of government services. The FBI, members of DOJ, working with high ranking members of both parties,  media  and the communists have done everything possible to deny an elected president  his office. The FBI refuses to comply with constitutional oversight by congress and has long maintained its independence from any constitutional government control. There is only one solution, the FBI must be terminated, it can’t be fixed. Please read my article “God gave us a Warrior, not a Saint to fight Treason”. August 22, 2017, Newswithviews. Com. Use first link below. This article will give you countless reasons  and details for why the FBI must go.

President Ronald Reagan had a similar problem in 1981 with the 11.345 member Air Traffic Controllers Union who went on strike  grounding 7.000 planes. He fired all of them, with proviso that they could never work for the government again. I was a pilot at the time and it made things more difficult, but it was workable.

In America today, we have no functioning constitutional government, or Rule of Law.  Except for President Donald J. Trump, we are being ruled by traitors who are just as fake as our news media and communist schools.

That said, I will make no attempt in this paper to list, or describe the millions of needless criminal and unconstitutional actions allowed or taken by government that has impoverished and enraged the people.  Rather, I will predict. not advocate a few major actions that if taken  quickly, could prevent much of the treason that is provoking a civil war and destroying our armed forces.

Our Constitution does not permit forcing working people to   support the lazy useless idiots produced in our communist cities by  schools which indoctrinate with media support. Half of the pilgrims died in 1620 when they tried Communism. In the hundreds of years since 1620, all that the fairy tale of communism has done, is kill millions of people, and enrich dictators.

People in high tax states with Communist (Democrat) cities pay reduced federal taxes, these reductions are then paid for them by citizens in other states. Why should other states subsidize their communism?

If we returned to tariffs, which were used so effectively until 1913, no one would pay income taxes, there would be no need. The Communists could continue to pay high state and local taxes for communist services without our help, while they continue  a rush into bankruptcy, anarchy, and civil war.

Immigration, both legal and illegal, in all its forms,  is imposing a terrible cost on citizens, and must be terminated for at least 25 years, as it was in the past. Make no mistake, every citizen of the United States, regardless of background is furious that the wall has not been constructed, and every illegal deported, and that includes the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) who we’ve paid for in billions, and are now in their 20s and 30s.

There is no legitimate and effective law enforcement agency in the federal government. The FBI is mostly a criminal enterprise that has grown based upon its blackmail potential and propaganda. The FBI, and all its parts must be terminated, and replaced with the Militia of the Several States as dictated in the Constitution. State crimes are in no way a federal concern, and all federal law enforcement should be terminated in the states. Without  honest and effective enforcement of the Rule of Law we will continue to progress rapidly into civil war.

Except for hand out takers, and brain washed pansies, the people are enraged. We have also been cursed  with a loud stupid communist minority  who believe that  gun free zones are possible,  and are not killing fields.  In truth, all three branches of government, excepting President Donald J. Trump and his team, are mostly imposters and constitutional traitors, willing or not.

There are 15 cabinet level executive departments and many of them are what I call Unconstitutional Communist Departments, and must be terminated. Failure to terminate the Departments of Commerce, Transportation, Interior, Education, Agriculture, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor are acts of Treason. I refer to these departments as the unconstitutional Communist Departments because they are an unlawful attempt to modify our Constitution  by usurping  the rights of citizens and states for the benefit of Communism and its Criminal  Minions of the Establishment.  These are my words, but I derived many details from “The Constitution versus the Executive Branch Departments, July 12, 2012, by Lawrence M. Vance”. Another mentor  has been” Constitutional Scholar, Publius Hulda, “ The Regulation Freedom Amendment and Danial Webster” December 17, 2017, Publius Hulda’s Blog..

The private Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated as unconstitutional, while we replace the income tax with tariffs and return to a constitutional currency that is neither fiat, nor digital. By the way, the Great Depression was caused by the private Federal Reserve Bank, and not by tariffs.

Our Constitution is ignored by many people due to poor education, media propaganda, or criminal purposes. But many people do read the Constitution and are furious at those who do not comply with it. Judges ignore our Constitution all the time resulting in hatred by the people. States have not been given control of 24% of their land as stipulated in the Constitution resulting in ongoing armed resistance and death. Read my last two articles at for details. Link Link

Anyone who takes an oath to serve and protect our Constitution, and then proceeds to support the unconstitutional communist departments, in an attempt to usurp  our Constitution are nothing but criminal traitors. Democrat leaders are communists, and by definition are traitors. Islam/Cair  is not a religion of peace and by definition can’t support our Constitution. The establishment families and their minions: (government officials, judges, media, bankers, large corporations, educational institutions, et al.) are anti-Constitution.

Not only did Congress and our former presidents establish and fund unconstitutional communist departments with our money, they gave all  departments the legal power of all three branches of government (so much for separation of powers). This means that unelected bureaucrats can (1) make a rule,(2) charge you with violating the rule, (3) find you guilty, and (4) determine your penalty. Of course all of this is contrary to our Constitution, they call this unlawful and treasonous procedure: The Administrative State.

Having served in the United States Military, I have great respect for the troops, but I detest the pentagon brass who refuse to protect them. I will never forget the military judges who freed a combat deserter, but refused a trial with due process for an innocent officer and put him in prison. There are  admirals  who accepted whores and all kinds of bribes while their ships and planes were self destructing with many deaths. Then we have the admirals and generals who are willing to subject their young recruits to sick people who infect them with highly contagious terminal diseases which will cost the VA millions. Sending troops to war with inadequate equipment and training while using dangerous rules of engagement may be the least of pentagon sins.

Homosexuality  is a disease, that by its self  will cause an early death, people born with this affliction have my sympathy, but the predatory ones attack young recruits who will kill them for doing so. For this to happen high ranking military officers must be communists and have the disease.

Our military could stop the dangerous use of women in combat if they would use the draft for required manpower. You can’t mix unequal abilities and raging hormones in combat. Military training would be great for more young men, but the military could not tolerate the scrutiny of parents who vote, remember Viet Nam.

President Donald J. Trump is certainly no saint, but he is a genius warrior, who relates to the people, and has built the most  powerful  movement in history. President Trump  is the only man who can save our Republic by defeating any combination of Communists from  both parties in elections, or if the Republic is attacked, in civil war. President Trump is being attacked every day by the forces of evil, who are traitors,  who, I predict that he will defeat, or the people will put an end to them in elections or a civil war, especially if President Trump or the Republic is harmed.

Communists in both parties think they are above the law,  superior to common people by birth, and they will lie, cheat and smear President Trump to maintain their elite swamp status.

In a few words.  Stop the treason. Kick the communists in both parties out of government. Stop all immigration. Deport illegal’s. Terminate the FBI. Terminate the unconstitutional Departments of Government. End the private  Federal Reserve Bank. Replace income tax with tariffs. End the Administrative State. End the treason by judges. Reform corruption by generals and admirals.

© 2017 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Calls For Gun Control Are Screams Of Terror By Communists

The establishment families controlling our government are traitors who know they are guilty of all manner of crimes against the people and our Constitution. These elites are well aware that America’s founders gave us guns to defend ourselves against them and a rogue government. They are petrified of being shot dead as the people learn of their corruption and treason. I don’t advocate violence, but as the Rule of Law no longer exists in Washington DC, and increasing numbers of people learn the truth, history teaches that violence and revolution cannot be far behind.

The corrupt and unconstitutional establishment families control major corporations, banks, educational institutions, tax free foundations, judges, elected democrat and republican officials, appointed bureaucrats and officials, many high ranking military officers, other fellow travelers, et al. Many establishment families with unlimited wealth and power existing today, were the major cause and financial beneficiaries of our Civil War, which except for some propaganda late in the war, had not a damn thing to do with slavery. These establishment families have also initiated and benefited from every other military action by this country. The aristocracy and their fellow travelors swim in the blood and sweat of our people.

Even a cursory examination of our history from before the Civil War to the present will show anyone with an open mind how the American People have lost their lives, freedom, and property to enrich the criminal elite and their fellow travelers in the establishment families.

Just look at one year…1913, when the Private Federal Reserve Bank, income tax, direct election of senators, and tax-free foundations were created. These actions caused the Great Depression, unconstitutional money, and protected the wealthy from paying taxes, or losing control.

This is how a continuing aristocracy was founded, maintained and funded in America.  Without these actions, a hard working family here more than 100 years should have been in good financial shape, but most were robbed of their savings and constitutional rights in a number of ways by the establishment families during the Great Depression, and continuing to this very day.

Every single problem in our country can be eliminated by following the United States Constitution. Continued Failure to obey the Constitution, word for word, as written, will result in civil war, drugs, death, hunger, poverty and much suffering. The only bonus would be the people’s reaction, ending the blood sucking establishment traitors and their minions.

A large percentage of Americans are brain washed people in both parties, who have been effectively duped by communists (read democrats) and deadbeat criminals. People who have been indoctrinated by schools and misled by fake news media are useless idiots. Our constitution is not compatible with communism, socialism, or Islam. Our constitution is the greatest document ever written, second only to the Holy Bible.

It is impossible for our best writers to convince most of their own family members, much less the poor living in our communist cities of the truth.  Those who have been indoctrinated as communists by media and schools, are on a path to death and destruction. Communism and socialism have NEVER worked starting with the Mayflower Compact of the pilgrims at Cape Cod in 1620.

Kelleigh Nelson, a noted writer, told me that “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God, that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” Communism by its own words, does not, and cannot, tolerate family life based upon loving marriages between men and women as detailed in the Bible and our founding documents.  Communist, socialist, and democrat followers of the establishment promote a hedonistic “hook up” culture that results in tax funded chaos contrary to our constitution.

Like most men I was born with a God given attraction to women and an appreciation of beautiful women. But, unlike many in communist cities, I was also taught to respect women.

Greedy females have used their sex appeal for thousands of years to get what they want from men. All of God’s and man’s laws on common prostitution apply to both participants in the recent sex scandals. It is prostitution, when would be adult actresses and news readers, who are not threatened with force or loss of employment, give sexual favors to powerful men (Johns) in return for the opportunity to earn great wealth.

I find it difficult to accept that many Hollywood and media stars traded sexual favors for unfair advantage over other more principled women. Then, years later they sue the John when their star fades in public. Women who use their bodies to gain advantage over decent women are whores and cowards, certainly not role models for young girls and families.

Decent women, who have been directly denied the opportunity for wealth and fame by the actions of whores and Johns, now have the information to sue both parties. Woman  appreciate polite comments from men. They used to respond to unwanted disrespect by slapping the man hard, or giving him a knee to the groin. Contrary to popular opinion, women are competitive, and dress mostly for effect on other women.

Poor people living in our communist cities without the benefit of honest media, church teaching, decent schools, jobs, and families consisting of a husband and wife are doomed. This society is ruled by the dictum, “that if a girl is old enough to bleed, she is old enough to breed.” Fifteen-year-old or younger single mothers are little benefit to anyone.

MOST government departments are unconstitutional, and ALL OF THEM function contrary to the constitution using an unconstitutional concept called “ THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE.” Elected officials, appointed bureaucrats, and judges who allow this lawlessness are certainly traitors.

The information that follows is taken from “What is the Administrative State?” by Prof. Paul A. Rahe dated September 9, 2010.

Our Republic is based upon the doctrine of the separation of powers.  It is based on a functional division of governmental powers between the legislature which makes laws, the executive, which enforces them and the judiciary, which judges particular cases.

At the heart of the doctrine underpinning our Constitution is the principle that powers cannot be delegated—that the legislature cannot execute the laws or judge particular cases, that the executive cannot make laws or judge particular cases, and the judiciary cannot make or execute laws.

When I suggest that the administrative state be eliminated, I mean that we should return to constitutional government and the separation of powers…..

The Rahe article I just quoted above, is only one and one-half pages in length, and I strongly recommend that you read it. I can guarantee that no one can take legitimate exception to a single word written by Dr. Rahe.

Based upon the absolute truth of Dr. Rahe’s article alone, it is unquestionable fact that the officials of all three branches of government ( except for President Donald J. Trump and his team) are functioning unconstitutionally as traitors, and subverting our constitution for personal wealth and power.

Put another way, everything department officials do is done under the guise of the administrative state which is unconstitutional, making everyone in government a damn traitor. It is no consolation to the American people that they are being screwed unlawfully by officials who are establishment communist traitors and are above the law.

Government must obey every detail of the constitution if we wish to save our country, prosperity, and even our lives. Every single violation of our constitution by the criminal establishment brings us closer to destruction and civil war.

Democrats want illegal’s for low class voters, republicans want illegal’s for cheap labor resulting in lower wages, murders, drug deaths, and major increases in crime, et al.

Taxing the hell out of those who work to give to those who could work but don’t is not proper, nor is it viable long term.

Federal government handouts are so large that most recipients will not accept private employment, which causes real hardship for employers.

Judges who ignore the constitution and think they make the law must be terminated (otherwise they will be taken out by the revolt they helped to cause).

The FBI is corrupt, does not enforce the rule of law, and must be replaced with the militia of the several states as stipulated in our constitution ( Failure to terminate the FBI would be the major cause of a revolution).

End the income tax and IRS. Replace the lost revenue with tariffs as used so successfully in the past and by our founders.

Do not allow government to screw the people with digital money, bail-ins, confiscation of 401k’s, IRA’s, and bank deposits. End unjustified unlawful asset seisures.

Terminate the private Federal Reserve Bank and fiat currency, replace with real money as stipulated in our constitution.

Terminate unconstitutional use of the administrative state governance in all departments of government.

Terminate all unconstitutional departments of the federal government.

Many Muslims are decent people, but they must repudiate the evil parts of the Qur’an that are contrary to our constitution, as well as their call for Sharia Law, death to infidels, et al.  Until they join Americans in supporting our constitution, many will not trust them.

End all immigration for 25 years, deport all illegal’s, and end all government benefits for illegal’s. Our people will no longer tolerate the crimes and hardships caused by these criminals, who benefit both parties of the establishment.

I live my life in accordance with the rule of law, our constitution, and God’s laws. I have never advocated the use of force against the government or anyone else. But I do fear for my life if any of the really corrupt members of government perceive my writing to be a threat to their power.

© 2017 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

God Gave Us A Warrior, Not A Saint, To Fight Treason

My intent is to shock you with a few facts, that are impossible to dispute, with some predictions. Unlike the Establishment Traitors who control everything, I took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution in a legal manner, and I intend to do so until I am dead.

First, you must accept the ABSOLUTE FACTS that ESTABLISHMENT ELITES and their well paid Minions and Fellow Travelers control all branches of Government, Media, Business, Banking, Education, Courts and Entertainment, et al. The ESTABLISHMENT controls Democrats and Republicans, both of these criminal parties profit from Treason and are at WAR with our CONSTITUTION and PEOPLE. Leadership of the Democrat party is also Communist, who by definition and stated objectives can never support our Constitution. It is my firm conviction that if Donald J. Trump had not been elected President. or if he should be taken out, that the people would soon kill the Establishment Elites and their Minions. The election of President Trump has saved the lives of  the Establishment’s Deep State  Traitors for now, and possibly for as long as he is President.

The FBI is the single, most dangerous, ineffective, corrupt, and counterproductive Agency in the Federal Government and should be terminated. The reputed Homosexual J. Edgar Hoover used the FBI’s blackmail potential and ability to protect officials from prosecution to remain Director for 48 years. Recent actions by the FBI under former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey seem to have followed Hoover’s lead. There are some dedicated people in the FBI but they are not in management. The Bureau may have killed more people than they protected.

You can start with the 9-11 attack when about 3,000 people were murdered because the FBI ignored leads from their Agents.

At Ruby Ridge in 1992 an FBI sniper killed Randy Weaver’s Wife, his son was shot dead in the back and his dog was killed.

Waco came in 1993.when 76 men, women and children were shot and/or burned to death by the FBI because they would not turn over their weapons.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were Timothy McVeigh’s stated reason for the Oklahoma City Bombing that killed 168 people and injured 680 more.

Major FBI failures also include the Boston Marathon bombing where 3 people died and 250 were injured in 2013, the San Bernardino attack in 2015 which killed 13 and injured 22, and the Orlando attack which killed 49 people in 2016, et al.

The FBI has protected many more high level criminals in government than they have ever indicted, such as those involved in Fast & Furious where Border Patrolman Brian Terry was killed, the IRS Scandal which denied rights to Republicans, countless high level officials and all members of congress, for supporting and funding unlawful agencies, and the Unconstitutional Administrative government process.

FBI Executive Robert E Hanssen  was an active spy for the Russians for 22 years, responsible for the torture and death of who knows how many agents by the Russians. This man’s Treason alone probably offsets any favorable actions of the Bureau.

If you really want to know inside details of just how incompetent and corrupt the FBI organization is you must read “Classified Woman” published in 2012 by Sibel Edmonds who was hired as a translator after 9-11. Ms. Edmonds reported security breaches, cover-ups, and malpractice at many levels. Her book is well documented and has made many Patriots furious at the FBI

No police officer at any level of government has the authority to shoot up a car containing innocent people and a protester, who they shot dead using a long gun when he left the car. The FBi shot up the car and filed a false report. The State Police from Communist Oregon, working with the FBI killed Mr. Finicum. All of this because citizens demonstrated on State land controlled unconstitutionally by the Federal Government. Citizens in the Western States want retribution for the murder of LaVoy Finicum, and the return  of their land. The Federal government controls 24% of all land, but 84% of Nevada and 65% of Utah CONTRARY to US Constitution.

When any organization is  so rotten from the top down like the FBI, it is impossible to reform it,  you have no choice but to end its existence before it causes a Civil War.Our Constitution stipulates using the” Militia of the Several States” to enforce  laws of the Union, but this would reduce the ability of Establishment Elites to steal from the American people and stay out of jail.

It would also be helpful to return to citizens the Constitutional right  taken away from the people, to initiate Grand Juries to prosecute Government Criminals, et al.

Most of our problems are because of the Establishment’s Treasonous Refusal  to comply with the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence. A few additional examples of Treason follow.

The United States mostly prospered until 1913 using tariffs and excise taxes for income, with gold and silver as money with an intrinsic store of value. But, this did not give the Criminal Establishment sufficient  Economic control of the people so they could screw them completely and profit from wars, at will. So they instituted the income tax with tax free foundations to protect the wealthy, and the PRIVATE Federal Reserve Bank owned by PRIVATE banks, to issue a debt currency that is fiat. It is even called a Federal Reserve Note, that has no store of value, but gave them almost complete control. Ben Bernanke, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve confirmed in a Nov. 8, 2002 speech that the Federal Reserve Bank CAUSED the GREAT DEPRESSION which enriched the Establishment, and impoverished the people.

Our Constitution was written so that average working people had equal opportunity to earn and accumulate wealth over the years using a lawful currency that was a store of value. What you now have is an unlawful debt currency with no intrinsic value, contrary to the Constitution. How could it be much worse? Let me tell you just a few ways. Next, you will get forced use of Digital money as worthless as Federal Reserve Notes, but ending any control you might have. You must return to the barter system if you don’t want to pay the bank a fee for using digital money, you know, like credit cards. BAIL INS will soon allow bankers to use depositors money to keep them out of bankruptcy. Banks can now refuse to return your money. Governments can take your money for no legal reason. Pension funds are failing,  et al.

The Establishment is attempting to divide our people by promoting false reasons for the Civil War, which was over money and power. The war  was never ever about slavery, except for public relations in the North when Lincoln was losing. Lincoln did not give a damn about slaves. Media and Educational Institutions at all levels are teaching lies, if they teach anything about the Founding Principles and the Civil War. Democrat Officials and their Leaders were the KKK, and have been the primary oppressors of Black Americans since the Civil War. The average White man has never had the power or inclination to deny  rights for African Americans, they even elected Obama as an American Hating President. But, that could change due to Obama and the attacks on American Heritage, by the Communist/Democrat thugs to cover up their own KKK sins. The average Confederate Soldier owned no slaves and did not fight to keep slaves, nor did the Northern Soldiers fight to free slaves. Mayors of most cities of any size are Democrat/Communist, and are doing everything possible to remove Civil War Monuments to cover up the Truth about the real Democrat OPPRESSORS of Americans and especially African Americans.

The trouble in Charlottesville, Virginia is an indication of the average citizen’s GROWING anger with the lies about their Southern Heritage by the Establishment Media and Minions. President Trump very correctly named the well paid hate groups from the left and the few haters from the right who were determined to use violence to deny the honest citizens, with a permit, the right to peacefully protest removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Black Hate groups from the Communist left are paid to cause trouble and have been doing so for years..

Do not forget that both state and local Democrat/Communist Officials in Virginia directed police actions in ways that would not contain the riot that killed one, and injured countless others in Charlottesville.

President Lincoln wanted to return all slaves to Africa. His circular reasoning was: Slavery was an affront to human liberty, but ending slavery would supposedly be even worse. Read this and much more in “The Real Lincoln” by T. J. Dilorenzo. But, there is also a horrible Treason in Lincoln’s actions to start, and conduct a Civil War to benefit the Manufacturing  Establishment of the North, and to impoverish the Southern People..Lincoln was a two faced SOB responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and almost total destruction of the South. For more details that are not PC, read “The Uncivil War” by L.M.Scruggs. Now you know why people from the north are called Damn Yankees .in polite society and much worse by others.

Many people worship M.L King  because they only know the untrue PC version  of his actions. King did have some worthwhile things to say. His “ I had a dream speech” was written by another. His wife Discovered that much of his dissertation was plagiarized.  He was financed by the Communists, attended Communist training, and had Communists on his staff. He did promote violence, constantly. He used funds from his organization for booze and whores.

We must support President Trump as he is OUR ONLY HOPE to take back Constitutional Government from our enemies in the Establishment without a civil war. You can’t believe anything that is said about President Trump by members of the Establishment Media, Educational Establishments, et al..

The average Citizen should keep as little money as possible in Banks and investment accounts, Arm yourself, have a store of emergency food, and buy some gold or silver. Police will not protect you if they take orders from a Democrat/Communist mayor like we have in Tampa and most cities of any size.

We must stop the Establishment’s theft of our financial resources by  terminating the IRS, Income Tax, and Private Federal Reserve Bank, along with all Unconstitutional departments.We can then end income taxes and return to funding government with tariffs and excise taxes.

Many Judges at all levels say the law is what they want it to be. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrat leaders are nothing but Communists and most of their actions are contrary to our Constitution. Democrat/Communists do not follow, or believe in our Constitution, it is impossible for a Communist to support the values of God, Family, Justice, Equality, Freedom, et al.

All immigration, legal or not, should be ended for at least 25 years. Birth right citizenship should be ended unless one parent has permanent residence. Chain migration must end. There should be no public benefits for illegals or their children, including education and medical care.

I don’t deny rights to Homosexuals of any variety, but allowing these sick, and oftentimes predatory people into the Armed Forces is destroying our Military. From experience I can tell you that most straight males in the Military will attempt to kill a predatory Homosexual who attacks them. As long as Homosexuals are allowed in the Military I will do what I can to talk people out of serving. Any Military Officer who advocates Homosexuals in the Military does not have the best interests of the troops.

The Military has framed Service People without due process in Military Trials, and sent them to prison for properly questioning Obama’s qualifications. How can anyone serve when your superiors don’t have your back and there is no justice..

There is nothing that is PC in this article. If your knowledge of the subjects is only based upon what you learned from Media or Educational institutions, you must read more to agree with the truth. You must accept as absolute fact, that no true believer in Democrat/Communism, nor Islam can ever support and defend our Constitution.

© 2017 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Last chance for prosperity, without slavery, or revolution

The title of this article says it all. This is your last chance to keep the freedom, prosperity and life style you now enjoy, if Donald Trump is not elected you will become a slave and lose everything resulting in a revolution with much death and destruction.

I have listened to Donald Trump’s speeches very carefully and based upon my study he is 100% correct on his substantive issues, so I will not repeat what he has said. I will only list a few things that I don’t think he has said that are very important.

Trump’s major issue is his love for our Constitutional Government and Declaration of Independence. Anyone who opposes our Constitutional Government must also oppose Donald Trump and his followers. Leaders of the Liberal Progressive Communist Movement along with their ignorant brainwashed followers are enemies and traitors to this Republic. Most of the departments of the Government we see today are unconstitutional frauds and have been given unconstitutional powers by the traitorous officials in all three branches of the phony government. In 1913 the Progressives (Communists) gave us the Private Federal Reserve Bank, Income Tax, and Tax Free Foundations, among other things. To better perform Treason the “Administrative State” was implemented which allowed them to rule without the Constitution and gave us the Great Depression with another one well on the way today.

Under this Unconstitutional “Administrative Law” each department is run by an unelected bureaucrat with the full powers of an unconstitutional independent government, and the people have no rights under the rule of law or the Constitution. Did you ever try to have a Public Official arrested?

The Rule of law is dead. The elites can do whatever they please. If the people object they are often shot, arrested, and framed with the result that the people are enraged and on the verge of revolt.

The Media, Establishments of both Parties, Academic Elites, Banks, and Large Corporations want to stop Trump and continue to impoverish this Country. These corrupt enemies of the Republic might have a remote chance to stop Trump from saving the people but it would be a Pyrrhic Victory because they could lose everything for their Treason including their lives.

When Donald J. Trump is elected he can do much more than he promised. He can END FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. or any replacements for them. He can replace the tariffs that made us great which will force return of manufacturing jobs. Most Federal departments are unconstitutional and must be terminated. All federal programs not authorized in the Constitution must be terminated with the exception of SS and Medicare insurance. Block grants of Available funds can be given to states to fund terminated programs.

The men in this country love women except when they act like stupid fools by being so anxious to believe everything they are told by Sec. Clinton and the Media. In fact men should avoid these Ignorant Communist women supporters of Clinton at all costs because they are just too stupid to associate with anyone, if you are really in love with one of them,. It would be better to give her a house and run like hell.

I don’t think Donald Trump or any other man is perfect but I am convinced beyond any doubt that he can save this Country, your Family, your life and everything else of value to you. Doing away with the Income Tax alone will do wonders for your life style.

If you elect the witch with a capital B you will suffer and lose everything. The patriots among us have already said they would exercise their Constitutional rights to stop the Treason.

It is the people’s choice:
Prosperity —Slavery—Revolution

© 2016 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

Quick return to rule of law and unlimited prosperity

Most of you do not know, nor want to believe, what I am going to tell you even though most of it is based upon facts gained from more than 80 years of study and experience. What you think you know is mostly wrong because it is the result of Marxist indoctrination in schools and false information reported by the Establishment owned Media and government officials. Because of this propaganda you can be forgiven for being an ignorant Communist supporter of Criminal Traitors to our God Given Constitution provided you will learn the truth and become a patriot. It is an absolute fact that Marxism,( Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Liberalism) and Crony Capitalism (not to be confused with Capitalism) has failed, and is failing, in the United States and where ever it has been tried resulting in death and poverty for millions.

At my age I would not be surprised to die soon of natural causes. But, I am also under no illusion that writing the truth about Corrupt Establishment minions could also cause my death much quicker. Even the Media had to report recent assassinations of those reputed to have been associated with released emails that had a negative impact on Hillary.

Now is the time for The Donald to play his Trump Card ending all Income Tax payments by the people resulting in unlimited prosperity from the return of most manufacturing jobs by reversing the progressive action on tariffs. When Donald J. Trump also terminates unconstitutional government departments, such as Education, Health, Transportation and benefit programs there will be additional funding to reduce the debt. Service of the Public Debt will soon consume one third of all government income leaving little or nothing for anything but National Defense, Social Security and Medicare.

It is impossible for poor and working class people to have any degree of security unless they are armed and as one with the police, while their city is being run by Communists aka Democrats..

When Donald J. Trump wins this Presidential Election you can expect a return to full employment, the Rule of Law and a government ruled by the Constitution for the first time in years. President Trump will end Crony Capitalism aka Pay for Play (Theft from the people with support of the government) and perpetual theft from the people by the Establishment and its Minions in both parties for power and profit.

The Establishment, Democrat and Republican Parties, Universities, Elected Officials, Judges, Media, and their employees know that President Trump will deprive them of their unlawful power and ability to rob the people contrary to the Constitution. Based upon experience I expect Democrats to stir up their low information base with half truths, pay for votes, vote the dead and non-citizens many times, and then cheat on the vote counts. Most of the big money donors in the Establishment support Democrats while the few big donors on the Republican side withhold their backing of Donald Trump because they are afraid to lose their power and money if he is elected.

All benefit programs paid by the Federal Government except Social Security and Medicare (when funded by beneficiaries) are unconstitutional and subject to instant termination. Individual states could fund and continue any of these programs they wish.

We can’t continue to fund public k-12 Schools and Universities to indoctrinate our children in failed economic concepts such as the many variations of Marxism. Faculties refuse to teach Capitalism and our Constitution much less its benefits over Marxism. About half of our people were taught that they are entitled to live off of other people’s money and they plan on voting for Hillary Clinton the most corrupt person in the history of politics who will destroy our country.

Most of our cities are crumbling examples of a failed Communist experiment run by Democrat Officials, who, by the very definition of Communism, can’t support teachings of the Church which are required for Civilization, Families and Constitutional Rule of Law. Very soon the free stuff will end and without Rule of law, the mobs will rape and pillage until the Communist cities are nothing but piles of rubble. Communist Officials want individual attempts at building business to be destroyed by thugs to keep all the people at the same dependant poverty level. For proof see Ferguson, Mo., Baltimore, Md., Milwaukee, WI., et al. In all of these cases the Communist Officials running these cities wrongly threw their police under the bus. There will be no way of ending an uprising once it has started without major loss of life and property.

I blame all of the loss of life and property on the dirty rotten Communists/Democrats who run the cities and the corrupt Federal Justice Department with support of the Establishment and its minions in both parties.

There is only one way to stop these disasters in the near term. You must return to the proven principles of the Constitution, Religion and the Rule of Law. Don’t you dare tell me I don’t know what I am talking about, I was a Peace Officer in the Fifties and lived it. You must return to the Rule of Law where the lawless are shot dead in the streets when attacking people or property and refusing to obey the law. Long term solutions require a father and mother in the home, decent schools, churchs and employment opportunities.

Police can’t protect the people without support of the citizens. Police should arm and train honest residents to help protect themselves and their property from the thugs. From personal experience I can tell you that police officers are not attacked if thugs know for certain that attacking an Officer has one result, being shot dead. I must admit that citizens I protected, unlike today, were armed to the teeth as per the Constitution, many were poor, but none were Communists.

Police Officers in cities run by Communists must have support of the honest citizens because they are the only groups with anything in common. Police must arm and train honest Citizens so that combined they can defend each other. Recent events in Ferguson, Baltimore and Milwaukee, et al. have reinforced historical facts that public officials who are mostly communist will destroy police and citizens for exercising their Constitutional rights. Our Constitution gives us the right to keep and bear arms as a last ditch protection against a corrupt government, like the one run by the usurpers now in office.

Many will take exception to my comments and some will be Communist indoctrinated Police Officers. But my words come from experience as a Peace Officer in the fifties when I was taught to kill people with kindness or if required to kill them by gunshot, not by fighting, not by beating. I never cursed anyone and the people had my back if required. I am giving you a glance at police work under Common Law and the Constitution. I think you can see the result of today’s failure to follow the Rule of Law and our Constitution.

All failures in the Communist cities are due to the guaranteed failures of Communism and can’t be corrected by the police while under control of Marxist officials or others with no loyalty to our Constitution. Based upon unlawful orders given to police by superiors in rioting cities it is surprising that police did not arrest their own officials for Treason.

You must accept that, everything is controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT (also known as the Rulers), which is composed of the elite super rich families, and they control BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES, educational institutions, media, major corporations, elected officials, and judges. With few exceptions they comprise a criminal gang of thugs who control and steal everything for their own benefit while the people live in fear, suffer and die on the leftovers. Dreadful economic moves have been made by the Establishment to further line their pockets which will cause terrible hardship of the people igniting deadly retribution.

Both parties are a criminal part of the Ruling Establishment, but the Democrats are Crony Capitalists, Progressives, Liberals, and Marxists, with most of the money. Republicans are gutless Crony Capitalists with much less money. Anyone who opposes either party will be destroyed or killed, there is no Rule of Law for the Establishment, none, they do as they please.

After the first 13 states, all new states that were formed were given the public lands within their borders and if the Federal government wanted any of it they had to pay for it (see Article 1, section 8, clause 17 of Constitution). This would deprive the Establishment of ongoing profits and power of 840 million acres ( ¼ of land in 12 Western States) so they established unconstitutional government bureaucracies with dictatorial powers to control the State’s rights and those of ranchers, miners and lumbermen et. al. to make a living. As justification for Treason, the Self Ruling Bureaucratic Traitors pretend that the States were not Constitutionally given the land within their borders, and that the Supremacy Clause, Property Clause, and Government Authority over Public Lands still applies to lands now within a States boundaries. That is not what the Constitution says, but the corrupt lawyers and judges do not agree with me. Of course they also support their position with a lot of double talk. But, not once do they mention the Equal Footing Doctrine that mandates that all new states be treated the same as the original states. All of this is important because honest hardworking people (excepting some communist residents in cities) in the Western States are serial victims of framing and murder by the Federal Government. This is critical because people in the Western states hate those who are causing them so much pain.

These traitors have replaced our Constitution with so called Administrative Law based upon unlawful concepts from Progressivism, Liberalism, Marxism and Sharia. A majority of government departments, agencies and programs are unconstitutional, and all of them function contrary to the Constitution.

Elected Officials in Congress must continue to honor and fund constitutionally specified departments such as Departments of Defense, Justice, Treasury and State. But unconstitutional departments and activities without Constitutional authorization must be terminated. The people must be given back their ability to make presentments directly to Grand juries for indictments of criminal officials without intervention by criminal prosecutors or judges.

It has been starkly demonstrated repeatedly, and for years, that there is no way for lawful citizens to obtain justice in this country at the federal level. Donald J. Trump has promised justice for all when he is elected. If he can’t keep his promise I would expect the people to exercise their Constitutional rights to obtain justice.

It should now be obvious to everyone that the Establishment, both of its political parties, the media, and everything else it controls is out to stop Donald J. Trump from winning the election at any cost. As an Economist I can tell you that if Trump wins there will be unlimited prosperity and freedom growing to maximum proportions if Congress supports Trump.. If Trump is defeated we will have an Economic decline of major proportions and elected officials will suffer the ire of the people.

There is no Constitutional Rule of Law now in this country. There is no way to convict a member of the establishment, you can’t take a case before a Grand Jury or ask for help from the Militia of the Several States. Our Constitution has been replaced with an Unconstitutional Administrative Law Procedure and a majority of Federal Departments are unconstitutional and all of them are functioning in an unlawful manner. How can half or more of the Supreme court function contrary to their oath to the Constitution?

In a few words, the Establishment is using progressive, liberal, Marxist, and Sharia concepts to run our Republic which is nothing less than treason.

I must give you a strong warning. These Establishment members of both parties have everything to lose if you force them to return to the rule of law. There is nothing terrible that they won’t do to you to prevent losing trillions of dollars.

If Donald J. Trump is elected President he can return the country to prosperity and full employment with no income tax or Private Federal Reserve Bank within 18 months by using tariffs. Contrary to the Communists, tariffs did not put us into the Great Depression, that was done by the private Federal Reserve Bank (according to the Chairman).

There are many federal benefit programs payable to individuals who did not pay or perform service for the benefits. These programs should be sent to the States for termination or to be continued.

Social Security and Medicare should only be paid to those who paid into the funds.

I proudly served in the Military during the Korean War. The Military was never perfect, but it was honorable and I was proud that other members of my family served. That is not true today, there is no honor in the Officer Corps. You need only look at what the political ass kissers did to those at Centcom who refused to support the Obama lie about the war. They allow their troops to go to war with improper rules of engagement and poor equipment. Anyone who uses proper procedures to question actions that are not legal will be court martialed in a corrupt military court and put in prison.

Mr. Robert Quinn has reported at length how Army Lt.Colonel Terrence Lakin was put on military trial and was denied due process by not being allowed to introduce evidence that might embarrass Obama. about his qualifications. After 18 years of service Lt. Col. Lakin received a dishonorable discharge and time in prison. This is a Military that does not protect its people.

They allow the politicians to load up the Military with Sodomites who are subject to dangerous costly physical and mental illnesses. Sodomites make up less than 2% of the population but over time they will concentrate in the Military causing a major breakdown in recruiting and morale. Ask the Catholic Church. I woke up to an attack by a predatory Sodomite in the fifties when I was in the service, primal instincts instantly kicked in without any thought, and I tried to kill the SOB. I feel sorry for the Sodomites, I wish them no harm but I want no part of their sickness.

They have put women in combat, whether they want it or not and can survive or not, .most can’t, except for a few who can compete with men. Men don’t want women in combat and neither do their parents, only the communists and Femi- Nazis want women in combat. If women had the upper body strength of men weighing twice as much they would be on men’s sports teams. The military tested women and all but a hand- picked few failed, the military is putting them in combat for political reasons. Most men love women and know these actions by perverts of both genders is wrong and will result in the killing of even more men and women.

It is estimated that approximately thirty million illegals are in our country raping, killing, robbing, molesting and taking jobs from our own people while we pay for everything they need.. Several Presidents deported them, and so can we. Our corrupt politicians in both parties know the people want the wall built and the illegals deported but they won’t do it. The illegals are bringing all kinds of dangerous diseases into the country. There is one simple solution, deport all illegals and allow no further immigration of any kind for 25 years.

They take an estimated $ 50 Billion out of our economy and send it to their Home Countries. About one third of our prison population is illegal. The Medical and Education costs of illegals is unbearable. Contrary to popular opinion unless one parent is legal the baby is not a citizen. Democrats want the illegals for votes and Republicans want them for cheap labor. Legal minorities want the illegals deported.

Black Lives Matter has replaced the KKK as the strong arm of the Democrat party and after recent meetings with Obama has been given millions of dollars. From past experience you should expect them to use all manner of violence to disrupt the election process with full support of the communists in government.

All citizens must exercise their Constitutional Rights to keep and bear arms in a lawful manner. Do it right now before it is too late. Always let the criminals and traitors shoot first before you shoot them dead in self defense.

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