By Glynn Adams

December 25, 2022

As the coming of the LORD draws near, Satan’s operations will intensify. As 1 Timothy says, “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.” Since Satan is a liar, we must resist him through the truth of God’s Word (Ephesians 6:17). It was this sword that our Lord used when He defeated Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1) at the beginning of His ministry!!!

God gives life through His truth; Satan slays with his lies. But the Body of Christ in America is focused in these last days on the return of Jesus more than the truth of God God created man in His image and likeness but today too many pastors and church members who claim to be in the Body of Christ are serving the creature more than the Creator. Today, man is making God in his own image and ignoring His Word!!.

Today in America, evil is so prevalent in our nation and openly manifesting itself and millions of our children and citizens are being deceived and destroyed. Most of our pastors are not preaching the Kingdom of God and preparing the Body of Christ for the war that is raging in this nation. We are not in obedience to the LORD Jesus Christ nor are we seeking the truth of God. We are being deceived more and more each day and believing the lies of Satan rather than the truth of God. Our pastors are building their religious temples of man and the ways of man rather than the truth of God.

If you know you are saved by His grace, you should love and obey the truth and abandon these religious systems or you will receive the curse and your family will become like your teacher. If your pastor is making you feel comfortable rather than challenging and equipping you for war to resist evil in these last days but lulling you to sleep, you had better, for the sake of your family, get out of that religious system.

There can be no neutral ground; either we believe the truth or we believe a lie. To ignore or reject the truth means to receive the lie. Today, many pastors and church members are treading on dangerous ground. They are refusing to hear the voice of God to love the truth and obey the truth but instead they are ignoring the Spirit of God to come into obedience to Him and His Word.

Now let’s talk about once you are saved and what are your spiritual responsibilities. You do know you have spiritual responsibilities, don’t you? First, Jesus is our Lord and King. He is the Word and we are to live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God – that includes Old Testament and New Testament. We have no options, no opinions, and we have no personal interpretation. All we can do is obey His Word and do what He says. That is life under a Sovereign King

The Bible says we are royalty. All over the world, there is a protocol for royalty, high government officials, large corporations, business, and all must learn the protocol. There is a maturing process before responsibilities can be given. So it is in Christianity. “Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father.” (Galatians 4:1-2)

As sons of God, we are an heir and joint heir with Christ in His Kingdom. That is why it is so important for each new disciple of Christ have a guardian or mentor to help you mature. The Bible says we are a child in Christ so we need help in the maturity process. Many a man has died and left his son an estate of millions of dollars. That child is given a guardian or mentor for a reason. You don’t give millions of dollars to a child. You don’t give a loaded gun to a three year old. You don’t give dynamite to a six year old and you don’t give the power of the Holy Spirit to an immature Christian. You do not get the power of the Holy Spirit before you mature in Christ because that is God’s process for good reason.

Perhaps the best example of this is the prodigal son in Luke 15. He was the younger under the guardianship and protection of his father. So this young, immature son wanted to go out into this world with his inheritance away from the guardianship and protection of the father. . He had not learned the pitfalls of life and riches outside of the guardianship of his father. It was not long before his immaturity led him into deep trouble and his riches were gone and he is in the pigpen of riotous and immature living. When he came to his senses, he went back to the father to mature.

In Psalm 139:13-16, before you were in your mother’s womb, God knew you and in His Book He determined your days and purpose on this earth. Until you mature, you will not be able to fulfill the purpose God has for you. I am convinced that most of the Pastors and Body of Christ in this nation are immature and unable to fulfill God’s purpose and assume their spiritual responsibilities. Jesus said go out into the deep but we stay close to the shore in our comfort zones and listen to sermons. We want no guardian or mentor because we love the easy believism of religion and want no challenging work in our lives!!!

What we have today in America in our form of Christianity is a bunch of immature children in diapers who will never reach spiritual adulthood in their lifetime to become mature enough to fulfill the purpose God created for them. This is not what Jesus did with His disciples. Those who responded to Him in obedience He equipped them, trained them, and sent them out to do the works of God. That is what the Book of Acts is all about. Obedience to God by living out every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Not in a church building but out in this world system where the people are!!!!

But in the third century, Constantine became Emperor of Rome and believe it or not, he corrupted Christianity. In spite of the Reformation, we are still corrupted. We still use the building Constantine designed to have services in, the order of worship, and the pastor standing tall in his pulpit system with the people passively sitting there listening to the pastor telling the people what they want to hear.

And we inherited this spiritual mess in America when the Pilgrims and Puritans brought this religious system to America and it is so engrained in us that only a few pastors have even dared to change this religious system. Check out our history. We were never a Christian nation. Look at all the demonic design of Washington, D.C. The closest this nation has come to being Christian was in the late 40s and 50s when we had a Christian World View among the citizens.

I am almost 85, born in 1938, and I can remember how peaceful it was in America during the 50s. Children lived in peace, schools educated you to prepare you to become productive citizens, hardly no divorce, homosexuality was against the law and was in the deep closet. No cussing in movies and absolutely no sexual scenes at all. By the way the girls dressed modestly. Hollywood had a board that looked at every movie and made sure it was clean for the public. If you broke the law, you went to jail. Children did not act up at home or in public or you got a belt across your backside. Not everyone was Christian but our culture respected God and His ways –and…….. His laws!!

But look at us today!!!! Our current religious systems in America has over the years, stop taking a stand against evil and has refused to resist evil. As a result, we have become a captured nation, Satan is ruling over us and we have become a dwelling place for demons and the false gods of Egypt and from all over the world have gather in America for our destruction. Our house in America was at one time swept clean but now it is not and six times more demons have come to inhabit the people in America and to pervert the way of God.

We must get back to the true purpose of God for His Body. Folks, the system is corrupt. God never designed for the pastor to be our source for truth. He gave us His Word and the Holy Spirit to lead us to truth and it is our responsibility to search the Scriptures for truth. We learn the truth and then act on that truth in our lives and share that truth with others members of the Body and the lost. That is how you build the Kingdom of God and protect your culture!!! Truth leads you to resist anything that comes against truth.

This idea of pastors begging and trying to convince church members they are to read and study the Word of God is not in Scripture. Paul says we are to study to show ourselves approved but neither he nor God begs us. God gave you a Helper, the Holy Spirit to guide you for a reason. God is clear in Matthew 7:24-28, if you do not hear the Word and act on it then the storms that come will bring down your house. This is what is happening in America today.

Jesus in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, left the great multitudes standing on the seashore in their sin. He presents His message but does not beg anyone. It is your choice and you will face the consequences of your choice. Jesus left them because they refuse to see, hear, or understand!!!

We have been lied to in these false religious systems of Constantine and Babylon that you can come to church, sat passively and listen to the sermon, and leave and everything will turn out for your good!!! That is a lie and deception straight from the mouth of Satan and all his demons.

When a person is born again from above, they become a disciple of Christ. Disciple means learner. You become a learner and obedience to the Word of God and the ways of God. Jesus said in John 8: 31:32, “If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Get in a small group, get into the Word and learn from the Holy Spirit and one another the ways of God. If you will do this you will mature in Christ and you will fulfill your purpose that God gave to you before the foundations of this world as stated in Psalms 139:16.

Those who call themselves Christians in America had better wakeup and face our reality. Many lives are being destroyed because we have forsaken the ways of God. Jesus said in Matthew 7:16-17, “You will know them by their fruit. Every good tree bears good fruit but the bad tree bears bad fruit.” The way Christians produce good fruit is by obedience to the Word of God and faithfulness to the ways and laws of God. There are no shortcuts!! Only hard work in the Word of God!!!

Our bad fruit “of easy believism” of the gospel has produced illegitimate sons and daughters according to Hebrews 12:8 Our bad fruit has produced the “new America.” We are loaded with curses and no longer blessings, We have so many demonic strongholds, doctrine of demons, and evil spirits operating openly in our nation but we remain silent and passive. Our bad fruit has produced a nation that has turned away from God and is destroying our Republic!!

Our bad fruit is causing our children to walk through the fire in these hell holes we call public education. We allow these schools to teach our children evil, perverted sexual things that are beyond their comprehension that causes them frustration, agony, and doubt in dealing with them. We turn a blind eye to what our children are learning in this wicked and evil culture and we refuse to flood our school boards to demand they stop this evil immediately. We have become fearful and are cowards.

I warn you that Jesus said in Matthew 10:39 that whoever tries to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for My sake shall find it. Pastor you remain silent in an attempt to save your ministry and refuse to speak out, you will lose everything!! “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless.” That also goes for passive church members. We don’t have the privilege of sitting on the sidelines and ignore and tolerate evil in this nation.

Until we recognize what our false religion and false pastors are doing to us, our downfall will continue. The judgment of God is heavily upon us but there is no cry for repentance and return to God. Only the true ways of God can restore America. I don’t know about you, but I have taken a stand against Satan and his demonic strongholds regardless of the cost as many others in the Remnant are waking up and declaring to stand!!!

Many citizens in this nation are absolutely fed up with false cowardly pastors, this false destructive religion, and this evil perversion being celebrated in this nation mocking God and the pain it produces!!! Do not be deceived for God is not mocked. You sow to the wind you will reap the whirlwind of hell –pastor/pulpit/front row/back row/choir loft/deacon board/Sunday School teacher, corporate board, politician, Democrat or Republican,.

We are accepting the unacceptable in this nation and this has to stop!!! The sleeping giant is waking up and it is time for us to stand against the evil in our land and those who promote it!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman.

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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