By: Devvy

April 1, 2024

No April Fool’s joke. The shadow government’s plans are being shredded between deliberate, malicious prosecutions falling apart to Americans, regardless of skin color or ethnic background becoming more educated on critical issues while they struggle to put food on the table and gas in the tank to go to work.

In Part 1, I covered election fraud and what must be done precinct by precinct or there will be another fraudulent ‘win’ regardless of which useful puppet the DNC, a criminal syndicate, puts up as their nominee at their convention.  And what city will be hosting that event?  Why, the birthplace of vote fraud jokes for a century!

“Chicago is proof that our city and state’s policies deliver for American families, from a higher minimum wage to green energy production to voting rights and equality.  We can’t wait to welcome the 2024 Democratic National Convention to Chicago.  Because our future is created here.” August 19, 2024

Statistically, murders in Chicago are very high and becoming more violent since early 2023.  Chicago where Marxist Hussein Obama set up camp to spread his “transform America” destructive agenda.  Chicago, another city proclaiming to be the myth called a ‘sanctuary city’ with the mayor now begging crook Joe Biden for massive bux as they’re over run with illegal aliens.  Paid for by you and me with borrowed “dollars” from the “Fed”.

Higher minimum wage laws are already eliminating jobs in the fast-food industry.  Fast Food CEOs Warn Of Dire Consequences Coming over New $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage – “$20 an hour sounds great until you learn that you’ve been replaced by a kiosk’.  Those 500,000 fast food employees that Newsom so proudly talked about last month, well, when 2025 comes, we will be seeing a lot less of them.”  Kiosk’s don’t require workmen’s comp or health care insurance.

Trump has promised that on day one: Trump blames ‘Biden’s border invasion’ for Laken Riley murder, vows ‘largest deportation operation’ if elected – ICE confirms murder suspect is illegal immigrant previously arrested in NYC, February 26, 2024

Keep correcting anyone who calls the hordes immigrants, undocumented workers or migrants.  They are illegal aliens, period.  Laken was a 22-year-old nursing student whose life was snuffed out by an illegal alien from Venezuela, Jose Antonio Ibarra. That piece of human garbage beat Laken’s head so bad it cracked her skull.

Ibarra has been charged with felony murder, malice murder, aggravated assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment and a few other charges.  He got to the U.S. through Mexico.  And Americans just continue to buy vegetables and other stuff from Mexico and spend lots of money on vacations to hot spots.  Not me.  I should reward my enemy?  The corrupt Mexican government holds a great deal of responsibility for this human invasion and allowing drug cartels torun his country.  President Obrador crapped his pants after Trump’s announcement and now threatens us?

Video: Mexican president threatens to increase illegal immigration in US, March 25, 2024 – “Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador threatened that the “flow” of illegal immigrants into the United States “will continue” unless President Joe Biden’s administration agrees to his demands for the U.S. to provide billions of dollars to Latin American countries, remove sanctions on Venezuela, end the embargo of Cuba, and grant work visas to millions of illegal immigrants inside the U.S.”

So, how do those avocados, lettuce and tomatoes from Mexico taste while our country is being invaded while Americans are raped, robbed and murdered by illegal aliens aided by Mexico’s president?  And now America is supposed to bend over and kiss your corrupt ass president Obrador or you’ll continue to allow the hordes to invade OUR country?  I think not.

Take a look at this short video clip:  Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association annual meeting.  Ready to lawfully defend our constitutional republic under the Second Amendment:  A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

As president, Trump swears to uphold the laws of these united States of America and that means illegal aliens get rounded up and shipped out and calling up the militia:  Article II, Sec. 2 of the U.S. Constitution:  The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States;

I addressed this in the two-part series below and a president most certainly has the power and obligation under the Second Amendment to call forth the constitutional militia when we are being invaded.

Illegal Aliens: Can Trump’s Deportation Plan Work? – Part 1

Illegal Aliens: Can Trump’s Deportation Plan Work? – Part 2

Second, Trump is going to need Congress to immediately pass Dirty Harry Reid’s (Deceased corrupt DemonRat senator from NV) 76-page bill that will cause millions and millions of illegals to self-deport and Mexico’s president can make all the threats he wants. The Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351].  This is one of the reasons everyone must get out there and vote:  While Congress (both chambers) is infested with RINO’s, Trump can put enough pressure on them – as well as We the People, to get that bill passed into law.

A Bill: Stop All Public Welfare in Any Form for Illegal Aliens, August 24, 2014, my column and I made one recommendation here.

Yeah, ten years down the road and look at the tragedy and destruction from this human invasion that could have been avoided. Republicans held the majority in both chambers of Congress for 18 months and could have passed that bill, Trump signs it. Instead, they did nothing but blame Democrats.  Why? Because too many of them are owned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and take campaign donations from organizations that are pro-open borders for cheap labor.  Migrants exploiting border wall gaps contaminate crops, threaten nation’s food security, Arizona farmers say – “After shipping containers were removed from the border wall gaps, Arizona farmers raise concerns over food safety”

Abortion. Who would have ever thought electing a president or member of Congress was hinged on legalizing killing unborn human beings. Innocent babies.  THAT is why women voters who scream and yell about “protecting a woman’s reproduction rights voted for serial liar and crook, Joe Biden and that nitwit Legs-in-the-Air, Kamala Harris, who has no biological children of her own. Wonder if she’s had an abortion(s)?

Late term abortion.  How many states now allow abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth?  It’s murder.

Second Trimester, unborn baby. Second trimester is weeks 13-27.

For votes.

Abortion is still legal in too many states so why is Trump doing this?  Trump promotes abortion compromise as Democrats push issue in 2024 race – “Trump reportedly discussed 16-week abortion ban with advisers, March 17, 2024 – “Former President Trump weighed in on the abortion debate, which has been a politically fraught subject for Republicans.  Reports claim Trump has discussed having a ban on abortions after 16 weeks of pregnancy with three exceptions: rape, incest and the life of the mother.” Politics over life.

16 weeksBaby’s eyes move.  Fetal development 14 weeks after conception

“Sixteen weeks into your pregnancy, or 14 weeks after conception, your baby’s head is erect. His or her eyes can slowly move. The ears are close to reaching their final position. Your baby’s skin is getting thicker.

“Your baby’s limb movements are becoming coordinated and can be detected during ultrasound exams. However, these movements are still too slight to be felt by you.  By now your baby might be more than 4 1/2 inches (120 millimeters) long from crown to rump and weigh close to 4 ounces (110 grams).”

As I have written for decades:  No one is trying to deny women the right to reproduce.  What’s so barbaric is killing what you have reproduced; a beating heart heard at 18 days.  How many times have we watched screaming females bolstered by Hollywood stars ‘Our body, our right’.  Well, how about that living human being housed inside your body?  Here’s what happens during a ‘partial birth abortion’:

“After dilating the cervix, the physician will grab the fetus by its feet and pull the fetal body out of the uterus into the vaginal cavity. At this stage of development, the head is the largest part of the body…the head will be held inside the uterus by the woman’s cervix. While the fetus is stuck in this position, dangling partly out of the woman’s body, and just a few inches from a completed birth, the physician uses an instrument such as a pair of scissors to tear or perforate the skull. The physician will then either crush the skull or will use a vacuum to remove the brain and other intracranial contents from the fetal skull, collapse the fetus’ head, and pull the fetus from the uterus.”

Trump went on to say in the interview above:  “Pretty soon, I’m going to be making a decision. And I would like to see if we could do that at all. I would like to see if we could make both sides happy,” Trump said on “MediaBuzz” on Sunday.”  Make both sides happy about murdering a live human being?  An unborn baby does feel pain, that’s a proven fact.  But, the bottom line is the GOP used to stand for protecting the innocent.  Now it’s bargain time for when to kill that innocent life for votes.

I will vote for Trump in November because I know he personally is pro-life.  If you need help on this issue, this short 3:18 video is the one to watch (video 1).  So many women who’ve had an abortion have a difficult time mentally (grief, guilt) and serious medical problems.  There’s no shame in asking for help.

One of the biggest hoaxes ever:  Climate change.  Trump opposed most of the climate change cult’s legislation when president and he hasn’t changed his mind.  He withdrew the U.S. from the globalist’s destructive ‘Paris Agreement’.  The lying cheat now in the WH signed back up lickety-split.  The climate change hoax has and continues to destroy our nation’s energy industry and Trump intends to reverse that.

On issues like education, Trump has not changed his mind that parents should have more control over local schools.  In fact, as he said in 2016, he would like to see the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education abolished.  This would have to be done by Congress, not an Executive Order.  Crowd cheers as Trump calls for the abolition of the Department of Education (2022) –“Last month, former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who served in Trump’s administration, told a conservative education summit that the department she once led for four years should be abolished.

“I personally think the Department of Education should not exist,” said DeVos at the Moms for Liberty summit, per the Florida Phoenix.  DeVos argued that the federal department should be abolished to leave education policy decisions to state and local boards. According to the Florida Phoenix, this was also met with cheers.

“Indeed, the calls for abolishing the federal agency precede DeVos. Rep. Thomas Massie, backed by Reps. Last year, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Andy Biggs introduced a bill to abolish the US Department of Education.”

In 1980, Ronald Reagan promised that if elected, he would get that unconstitutional department abolished. That promise was abandoned after his election. While campaigning for his doomed-to-lose bid for the presidency, Bob Dole said on Sept. 9, 1996, while in Georgia, “We’re going to cut out the Department of Education.” At that time, the GOP presidential platform read, in part:

“Our formula is as simple as it is sweeping: The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the workplace. That is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning.

“We therefore call for prompt repeal of the Goals 2000 program and the School-To-Work Act of 1994, which put new federal controls, as well as unfunded mandates, on the States. We further urge that federal attempts to impose outcome- or performance-based education on local schools be ended.”

Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] introduces H.R. 899 every two years.  That bill still sitting in Congress this session has 30 co-sponsors, all Republicans.  PRIVATE teacher’s unions have and continue to destroy public education and they do it by buying the favors of state legislators and members of Congress and the American people keep voting back in the same miscreants every two years.

America’s school children have been cheated out of a real education for decades while dumbing them down and shoving “social justice” down their throats.

Keeping us out of wars.  There was already a sane withdrawal plan to leave Afghanistan under Trump.  Then the BIG steal and then the worst military blunder in our history which cost the lives of 13 of our service members and left thousands of Americans stranded thanks to lying incompetent cheat, China Joe in the WH.  Trump was very successful in his dealings with other heads of state and keeping us out of more wars.  I have no doubt he will be very effective on that issue.

The economy.  The constant lies vomited up by pedo Joe’s press secretary, brain dead sexual deviant, Karine Jean-Pierre, about our great economy is disgusting.  Americans are hurting so badly because of inflation while Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, another lying POS, tries to convince the American people all is well in la-la land.

The greatest (in scope) depression the world has ever known is underway and there’s no way to stop it before mass destruction of people’s lives.  Trump is a sharp, shrewd businessman and fully understands the problem with fiat currency and currency manipulation.  A few tax cuts will not make a dent because world governments – including ours – are broke.  Debt run up by both parties is killing us and the worst is yet to come, I’m sorry to say.

These are just three excellent articles I hope will help Americans understand just how dire the situation is.  Oh, I have dozens more saved, but these hopefully will help you plan for what’s underway.

Greyerz – This Global Collapse Will Be One For The History Books  //  Global Ponzi Scheme Quickly Approaching A Day Of Reckoning, Gerald Celente //  Central Banks And The Global Debt Catastrophe For Governments, Businesses, And Ordinary People,  Alasdair Macleod:

“The ineptitude of the monetary planners is now sharply focused by events in Argentina, whose new president has vowed to close the central bank and introduce a currency board for the peso backed by the US dollar. Far from being a maverick politician, President Milei is being well advised. Currency boards work, imposing an automatic discipline on government spending.  This opens up the debate between free banking without central banks under gold standards, and the fiat currency system which gives central banks the power of debasement.”

Former U.S. House Rep. Dr. Ron Paul introduced a bill in 2007 to abolish the EVIL, unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve Banking Act of 1913.  Not a single cosponsor.  The American people were torpedoed in 2008, despite warnings for over two years by economists who understand central banks and fiat currency.  For all the blather from Congress about spending by both parties, they went right back to their reckless spending, cheered on by close to half the country who now depend on mother government or for pet projects Congress has NO constitutional authority to fund.

How the US Federal Debt Has Gone ParabolicMarch 30, 2024 (Emphasis mine)– “The federal debt has been recently increasing by $1 trillion every 100 days. That’s $10 billion per day, $416 million per hour.  In fact, Uncle Sam’s debt has risen by $470 billion in the first two months of this year to $34.5 trillion and is on pace to surpass $35 trillion in a little over a month, $37 trillion well before year’s end, and $40 trillion some time in 2025. That’s about two years ahead of the current CBO (Congressional Budget Office) forecast.”

Art II of the U.S. Constitution specially defines what a president can do, period.  He can use the power of his office to persuade Congress this and this must get done, but Trump will only be able fulfill most of his campaign promises if Congress passes constitutional bills he can sign into law.  The use of Executive Orders must be curtailed in the near future.

We keep hearing ‘Biden’s budget’.  No where in Article II does it say the president submits a budget.  Section 3 of Article II:  “He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient;”

Trump is going to inherit a bankrupt government and a disastrous financial situation.  What can he do?  What he SHOULD do is call Dr. Edwin Vieira and stop listing to economists like Stephen Moore (Project 2025).  IMHO, no one in this country understands the issue of the Fed better than Dr. Vieira.  I’ve learned so much over the decades reading Edwin’s books, columns and watching his speeches.  Cure the cancer instead of more Band Aids:

The Road Not Taken, Nov. 8, 2011: “We must demand constitutional money. Even if redeemable in gold, the Federal Reserve Note is not constitutional money. It is not a “dollar”. It is not even “lawful money”, because according to the very statute defining it, it is to be “redeemed in lawful money”. Self-evidently, the thing to be redeemed and the thing that redeems it cannot be the very same thing.”

A Cross of Gold, May 10, 2011 and A Cross of Debt, February 10, 2012, also by Edwin are truly exceptional pieces Americans should read.  If people read one column a day (both are a series) they will fully understand just what we’re up against with all this massive spending and unpayable debt.  Do share this with family and friends because their very survival is going to depend on being prepared.

It broke my heart back in 2008 to see MILLIONS of Americans lose their homes, livelihoods and sanity.  CONgress never cured the cancer, they just kept kicking the can down the road.  However, many millions of Americans now understand the problem with debt, spending and central banks.  Americans need to understand Trump is going to be handed this monster sized disaster and hopefully he will take the right road but he will have to have Congress on his side – both parties.  I addressed this more fully in my last column.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

[Part 1], [Part 2]

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Mexico’s Socialist President Lopez Obrador Threatens to Interfere in American Elections – Announces Plan to Ensure “Not One Vote” Goes to Republicans, March 11, 2024

ICE Boston just apprehended 4 alleged child rąpists and an MS-13 gang member in one morning. Massachusetts didn’t detain these illegals because of sanctuary policies. The ICE Boston Director said he’s too underfunded to handle the crisis of illegals, March 29, 2024 // Illegal Alien Caught at Border Admits He is a Hezbollah Terrorist, Said “I’m Going to Try to Make a Bomb”, March 17, 2024

South Carolina Lawmaker at Trump Rally Highlights Story of 3-Year-Old Maddie Hines, Killed by Illegal Alien, Feb. 1, 2024 //  Florida deputy killed by illegal immigrant in hit-and-run before fleeing scene, sheriff says  //  Police: Illegal Alien Killed 76-Year-old Philanthropist in Drunk Driving Crash – Are you or one of your loved ones next?

Behind Massive Mail-in Ballot Push Is a Little-Noticed Executive Order, March 28, 2024 – “The federal government is using its vast resources and its largest agencies to register new voters and expand mail-in balloting, with the help of nonprofits…Other agencies, including the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, are also carrying out campaigns to sign up new voters. On Feb. 26, Vice President Kamala Harris lauded a federal plan to use work-study grants to pay students to register voters.”

Importing crime and violence which is increasing by the day.  It WILL come to your city and town, mark my words:

Texas has arrested an additional 70 illegals on rioting charges in connection with this March 21 assault at the US southern border in El Paso. Authorities confiscated knives and shanks from some of the illegals involved in the riot, March 29, 2024

ICE Boston just apprehended 4 alleged child rąpists and an MS-13 gang member in one morning. Massachusetts didn’t detain these illegals because of sanctuary policies. The ICE Boston Director said he’s too underfunded to handle the crisis of illegals, March 29, 2024

Robert Kennedy Chooses as VP – The World Economic Forum, March 30, 2024

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