The Church And Its Mission Today, Part 3

By Rev. Mike Spaulding

We often hear that “revival starts with the people of God.” That statement is true but often masks what must precede revival. Before God will bring revival in and upon His people, Christians must repent, confess, and turn from their evil ways. In other words, revival is necessary for a people that have wandered off the narrow path and have come under judgment.

The idea of revival in America has a long and storied history. From traveling evangelists to week long “tent meetings,” revival was a yearly occurrence in the lives of Christians throughout the 1940’s through 1970’s. Somewhere in the process of holding annual revival meetings, Christians made them more about evangelism than about personal repentance. This means that Christians did not do much self-reflection but instead focused on inviting friends, co-workers, and family members that they believed needed to hear the gospel.

Over the years the effectiveness of this type of outreach has waned dramatically. The need for revival in and upon the body of Christ has never been clearer though. A problem is that the modern version of Christianity has been so distorted by false teaching, so misconstrued by a heretical breed of motivational charlatans, by the ever growing cadre of name-it-claim-it, blab-it-grab-it, mantra chattering, demon oppressed celebrity “pastors,” that the body of Christ is in the miry swamplands of self-absorbed materialism, self-inflicted narcissism, and demon produced doctrines of flesh and misdirection. Sadly they do not even realize their precarious estate.

Adding to this deadly mixture of toxic modernity, today’s pastors point people increasingly to a social gospel of works. Christians today spend their time and finances to feed, clothe, and house thousands of people around the world while not once even thinking to tell people about the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. The only lifesaving message the world has ever been given is not important enough to be made available to the very ones who are perishing for a lack of knowledge. Apparently as long as Christians feel better about themselves by having contributed to a charity or by having participated in the feeding of homeless people at the local soup kitchen everything is fine.

Nowhere in the Scriptures will you find statements that tell us to win people over by loving them. In fact you cannot love someone into a saving relationship through faith in Christ. Anyone who comes to faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins will do so only because they recognize their tenuous unredeemed state before a holy God. Nothing else leads to true repentance that leads to true salvation.

Modern Christianity has invented the concept of relational or friendship evangelism. Christians are now told we have to “earn the right to be heard.” We are reminded that people “don’t care what you have to say until they see how much you care.” Here’s a newsflash folks – the greatest love ever demonstrated was by Jesus Christ when He willing endured a brutal beating by savage soldiers and death by crucifixion all the while being mocked, spit upon, and ridiculed. His response was, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”

The point I am making here friends is this – modern Christians don’t see any need for personal revival because they don’t see that God’s judgment is upon them and America for our obstinate refusal to bow our knee to God and confess our sin of throwing Him out of every aspect of our shared cultural life. And to further clarify the insanity that has gripped us, America now promotes Satanism and the occult in school clubs, television, movies, and government buildings in many state capitals. We live in a nation where God is not welcomed but Satan is welcomed and most Christians go about their daily affairs as if nothing is wrong with this.

Folks, the mission of the Church has become lost in America. In case you are wondering what that mission is I remind you that Christians are called to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). This calling means first of all that we must go to people everywhere with the message of Jesus Christ. This message is that He is the only way to salvation and through that same faith, eternal life. It means that this process of teaching people about Jesus is discipleship. We even have the parameters of this Gospel calling in Acts 1:8 – in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and outermost parts of the world. Our mission starts where we live and branches out from there as God leads.

Friends, the Church has lost its way today. The mission has been confused by a social gospel of good works. We must return to the simple message that Jesus saves. That must be our focus. When it is clarity will follow and we will see the fruit of the Gospel which is saved, redeemed, changed lives and a changed nation. We will not see revival until we see repentance and a turning from our wicked ways.

[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics.

E:Mail Mike Spaulding:]

Our Biblical Foundation In Politics, Part 9

In remembering what the Founders used to pick their leaders we need to analyze that philosophy a little.  They followed the guidelines of Exodus 18:21  Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness;.  Notice that God put an able man before a man that feared God.  Some would say they would rather have a man that feared God as his best characteristic but there are men who fear God but are completely incompetent. They are in positions that they are not qualified to handle.

We Americans have done that very thing.  Many have been God fearing people but grossly incompetent.  Obama was not God fearing, was not a Christian and was totally incompetent.  Bill Clinton was not God fearing and was out for personal power.  Jimmy Carter claimed to be a Christian but he hated Israel and was a complete phony.  FDR was God fearing but not capable of doing the job he was elected to do.  Woodrow Wilson was a racist dirt bag who segregated our military which hadn’t been segregated since the Civil War.

Ronald Reagan was touted by the left as a bad B movie actor.  He was the former governor of California and made great progress as governor. Gave the State a surplus when there was a deficit when he took office, cut welfare rolls by almost 50% and created an economy that created jobs.  When he proposed tax cuts as president he was mocked for saying the tax cuts would increase government income.  Some have said in increased government income 91%.  Real economic growth averaged 3.2 percent during the Reagan years versus 2.8 percent during the Ford-Carter years and 2.1 percent during the Bush-Clinton years.  Real median family income grew by $4,000 during the Reagan period after experiencing no growth in the pre-Reagan years; it experienced a loss of almost $1,500 in the post-Reagan years.  Interest rates, inflation, and unemployment fell faster under Reagan than they did immediately before or after his presidency.[1]

Jimmy Carter was supposed to be a wizard at economics.  But in his four years in office inflation went from 8.8% to 14% in 1980.[2] And interest rates went from around 10% to 21%.  His attempt to bring more money into the government by regulations and raising taxes did just the opposite, as it has done all through out our history.

These are the things that we need to pay close attention to when electing someone.  Reagan had a track record of creating a good economy, but media ignored it.  The people won that battle because we began paying attention again. This is what the Founders designed for us.  A system that will work IF it is worked correctly.  We see the same situation with Obama and Trump.  Obama was a community organizer.  Never worked for a paycheck and never had to do anything that supplied a paycheck to someone else.  He was totally clueless as to how an economy worked.  He initiated an average of 65 new regulations a day for every day he was in office.  This created a massive burden on businesses costing trillions of dollars.  Trump understands how businesses work and how the economy works.  He has removed, so far, 1.6 trillion in regulations which alone has spurred the economy to record heights.  This is what is meant by ‘able men’.  This is why we need to vet everyone from the dog catcher to the president.

I bring these points up because having a Christian vote doesn’t always mean anything if there is biblical illiteracy.  America is rife with biblical illiteracy. In the 2012 election we have the second highest evangelical voter turnout in the last 35 years, but we saw voter initiatives like homosexual marriage pass in 4 states, gambling passed in all states it was on the ballot, six states voted to legalize marijuana, assisted suicide passed in several states, defunding planned parenthood measures were voted down, some states even voted down the support of religious liberty!  This all happened because the Christians who voted were biblically illiterate.  Churches today, for the most part, won’t preach biblical principles because the preacher is afraid he’ll offend someone.  Preach against divorce and there will be those who will get offended.

George Barna has done thousands of polls over the years and states this: “Of the more than 70 moral behaviors we study, when we compare Christians to non-Christians, we rarely find substantial differences.” As an example, all we have to do is look at divorce rates.  Among born-again Christians it’s 27% but it’s only 21% among atheists and agnostics.  Here’s another one that will have you scratching your head, 250,000 born-again Christians get abortions every year! Among the active homosexuals, 27% are born-again Christians.  There is no difference in the percentage of born-again Christians and non-believers that deal with astrology, fortune telling and psychics.  People call themselves Christians but do not follow the principles laid out in scripture.  We are too busy with other things to study God’s precepts.  Churches won’t offend the sinner, so we have a nation ignorant of real biblical principles.

Our society has allowed God to be removed, secularism to be taught, religion to be mocked and even outlawed in some places all because we have failed to stay engaged in the civil arena and did not fight back when our rights were taken from us.  Our currant president has had nothing but opposition from both parties since he was elected.  He stood up for Christians, the Constitution and the rule of law and most people in office oppose him.[3]  This is how far we have come.  We have a long way to go to get back to any semblance of what our Founders gave us.  We have people in high offices that are engaged against our culture and way of life.  Fired FBI Director James Comey is being accused of working with ISIS members in a terror plot on American soil.

The lawyer representing the security guard shot in the 2015 terror attack on a community center in Garland, Texas is suing the FBI for allowing the attack to occur. According to the lawyer, the “FBI helped the terrorists obtain a weapon that was used in the attack by lifting a hold during a background check, incited the terrorist to attack the Garland event, and even sent an agent to accompany the terrorists as they carried out the attack,” reports The Washington Examiner. They are seeking over $8 million in damages.[4]

Now more than ever we have to be engaged in the political process and thoroughly vet the people we send to represent us.  The very existence of America depends on it.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Supplyside tax cuts truth about Reagan economic record
  3. More bias prosecutor assisting Mueller
  4. Comey sued for helping famous terror group

The “Evaluated” Life

This Friday I attended the Funeral of a true America has hero and patriot, John Baptist Kotmair, Jr., 83, of Westminster, Maryland. He passed from this world to the next on December 13, 2017. At the service I was reminded of Ecclesiastes 7:2, “It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.”

A funeral is a valuable reminder that one day we too will depart this world. It is a time to reflect not only on the life of a loved one, but also a time to think about our own departure from this world. It is a time to examine what we are living for, to ask ourselves serious questions that at other times are too easily brushed aside.

Many American patriots will remember John Kotmair’s unremitting efforts on their behalf. Most patriots will remember him as one of the strongest voices of the tax honesty movement, fearlessly striving to educate the public about the limited application of the federal income tax.  He and his wife Nancy took to the road for two and a half years, visiting patriots and recruiting for the Patriot Network and then for the National Patriot Association. In addition to founding Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, he was founder and fiduciary of Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship.

Video of the sermon

John’s passion was to educate the public about the Christian heritage and legacy of a Constitutionally limited government left for Americans by the founders of our nation.  He fervently desired that government at all levels be held to the confines of the Constitution.  He was no fair-weather patriot, but rather, as his hero, Samuel Adams, he desired to be a grand incendiary in the great cause of Liberty, understanding that it takes a, “tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men,” to prevail.

To that end, he was identified as an enemy of the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service, and they attacked him and the Fellowship without cause numerous times. In 1981, using a stacked jury, they convicted him of “failure to file” and sentenced him to two years in federal prison. In 1993, they raided the Fellowship and attempted to shut its doors and put him in prison once again. God, the Author of Liberty caused those attempts to come to naught; John and the members of the Fellowship prevailed.

After the raid, Mr. Kotmair and numerous Fellowship members set up Liberty Works Radio Network to inform Americans of their God-given heritage.

Despising Liberty and all those who exercise their rights secured by the First-Amendment, the Department of Justice sued in federal court to shut down Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, an action which —without the benefit of any trial on the facts — culminated in a permanent injunction in 2008 against Mr. Kotmair and some of the First-Amendment activities of the Fellowship. However, due to the faithfulness and dedication of fellow patriots, the Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship and the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship are still active. John has left a legacy.

When we evaluate our own lives one of the most important questions we can ask is based on what Jesus commanded in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” The evaluated life is the life worth living. The evaluated life asks am I seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness?

Give of your best to the Master;
Give of the strength of your youth.
Throw your soul
s fresh, glowing ardour
Into the battle for truth.
Jesus has set the example,
Dauntless was He, young and brave.
Give Him your loyal devotion;
Give Him the best that you have.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney:

A Year Of Spectacular Accomplishments For President Trump

By Joan Swirsky

It’s only weeks away from the day in January last year when Donald J. Trump ascended to the presidency and took his oath of office as the 45th President of the United States of America.

In only 12 months, it’s fair to say that he has already had an extraordinary presidency––more bold, courageous, and revolutionary than any American president since the Founding Fathers almost two-and-a-half centuries ago.

I use the adjectives spectacular and extraordinary not only to describe the sheer ebullience and optimism the president exhibits every day at his impossibly daunting job—and in spite of the non-stop vilification of the angry, bitter, jealous left––but mostly because his accomplishments in both domestic and foreign affairs have been so stupendous for the American people.

“Haven’t you been reading the papers and watching TV?” the pathetic Never Trumpers grouse. “If you had,” they insist, “you would have seen clearly that the president has had just about no accomplishments!”

Of course, if I depended on the media whores at CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Public Radio (NPR)––the list is long––I would be forced to believe the avalanche of fake news which consistently fails to give even passing mention to the president’s laudable achievements.

But one of the genius things candidate Trump accomplished before he was elected and entered the Oval Office was identifying the colossal phoniness of the so-called mainstream media.

Jim Hoft, proprietor of Gateway Pundit reports that according to Wikileaks, at least 65 mainstream-media reporters met and coordinated with top Hillary Clinton advisors during the 2016 presidential campaign. Below is only a tiny sampling of what a friend of mine calls partisan prostitutes:

All of these shills worked closely with the Clinton campaign, were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta and Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson, and in every case were given an “off-the-record” agenda which was blatantly and fawningly pro-Hillary. NOTE: significantly, no fair-and-balanced Fox News reporters made the list. 

It wasn’t only fake news that militated against candidate Trump. It was also the leftist polling companies that consistently reported “fake” numbers right up until 8 p.m. on election night.

But whaddaya know––in spite of a massive coordinated blitz of negative reporting, candidate Trump’s message resonated with the entire country, which promptly awarded him the presidency!


Last May, I wrote about “The Juggernaut and the Jerks” in which I described the formidable inroads the juggernaut president had made on behalf of America, as opposed to the drumbeat of negative “press” he received from the jerks in the media.

Three months later, covering President Trump’s second quarter in office, I wrote about “The Unstoppable Trump Train,” again cataloging how the chief executive was slashing the mountain of wasteful government spending, getting rid of strangulating regulations, establishing strong ties with foreign leaders, and initiating measures designed to improve American lives forever.

Now that the November 8th date has passed since Donald J. Trump’s historic upset election, and President Trump is approaching the one-year date of his inauguration on January 20th, 2018, it is fitting that I close out my assessment of his first year in office.


There is a very good reason why President Trump, long before he ever contemplated a run for the presidency, became a multi-billionaire in the real-estate industry and one of the most successful TV stars of the 20th century. It is simply because he’s smarter than most people––definitely than most politicians––and he has that X factor of charisma that is missing in most of the nearly eight-billion people on earth.

Brains and charisma, in his case, equal the ability to get Big Things accomplished, combined with the charm to convince even his rivals that what they originally thought was a bad idea is, in fact, a good idea. And this is not to omit President Trump’s ability to play the kind of hard ball that eclipses the NY Yankees’ 27 World Series championships!

Case in point. The President just proclaimed that Jerusalem was the official capital of Israel, after just about every president since 1948 campaigned on this promise and never delivered. Most people know this instinctively, since Jews have lived in the Holy Land for over 3,000 years and Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible over 600 times, in dramatic contrast to the Muslim’s holy book, the Koran, which mentions Jerusalem NOT ONCE!

Following the president’s pronouncement, 128 of the corrupt, tin-pot-dictators in the United Nations condemned the declaration. But unlike past presidents, especially the poseur “president” Barack Obama, who had a peculiar fetish for those anti-Semitic dictators, President Trump said, really? You don’t want to vote with the country that supports you to the tune of billions of dollars every year? Okay… it’ll cost you. Hard ball!

And sure enough, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley immediately negotiated a $285-million cut in the amount of money the United States would contribute to the U.N. budget––yes, only a 3.5% cut, but just watch the next vote––and if it’s again against America’s wishes, watch the next cut!

Meanwhile, within days, the president of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, announced that he would move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem. And shortly after, Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, Tzipi Hotovely, announced that at least 10 more countries joined the growing list of those who intend to move their embassies to Jerusalem.


Numerous pundits and websites have been keeping close track of Pres. Trump’s first-year accomplishments, including: the White House itself,, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, David P. Goldman of writer Katherine Rodriguez, David Prentice of American Thinker, blogger Don Surber, Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner,, Bruce Thornton of, Professor Ray Schneider,  blogger Jeff Dunetz  …on and on.

I credit each and every one of them with helping me compile the following list of President Trump’s mind-boggling first-year accomplishments. But because of space constraints, it is only possible for me to mention a tiny percentage of the smashing successes the president has brought about since his inauguration. Believe me, this is only the proverbial drop in the bucket!


In contrast to Breitbart writer John Nolte’s description of Mr. Obama’s “anti-growth policies and anti-free market rhetoric,” President Trump, he says, has taken “complete ownership of the American economy”––including:

  • The enactment of the massive tax cuts and jobs-creation law which eliminates the Obamacare mandate and provides “incentives for corporations to repatriate trillions stashed overseas to avoid America’s unnecessarily high tax rates” and consumers to have greater choice in healthcare options.
  • A Latino unemployment rate that is has hit a record low in the 45-year history of government tracking,
  • A black unemployment rate hitting a 17-year low––after nearly two decades of double-digit unemployment,
  • An unexpectedly high growth rate of 3.3 percent in the third quarter of 2017…with projections for the fourth quarter edging into the magic number of 4 percent,
  • The unemployment rate hitting a 17-year low, the lowest since 2000,
  • Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high,
  • Lowest gas prices in more than 12 years,
  • A boom in manufacturing jobs, with 171,000 having been created under President Trump, in stark contrast to the 16,000 manufacturing jobs lost in the poseur “president’s final year, and the manufacturing unemployment rate just 2.6 percent, the lowest in history.
  • In addition, a booming stock market, with a gain of more than $4 trillion in wealth, the DOW over 24,000, and for the first time ever, rising 5,000 Points in one year, and the S&P and NASDAQ setting all-time highs,
  • A decrease in the U.S. debt by $101-billion dollars! (In his first five months, the poseur “president” Barack Obama increased the U.S. debt by $771-billion dollars).
  • The president convinced companies such as Ford, Chrysler and Carrier Air Conditioners to manufacture and build plants in the United States and Corning announced it was investing $500 million in new U.S. production, creating 1,000 new jobs. Foxconn, the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer, which makes the iPhone, announced in July it was investing $10 billion in Wisconsin to build a factory that will employ 3,000 workers directly and up to 22,000 workers indirectly.
  • According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, international business editor of the London Telegraph, “American companies have stashed trillions of dollars overseas in what amounts to the greatest cash reserve in the world,” and President Trump, as part of his tax reform, is not bringing that money back to the U.S.
  • POTUS reversed the Dodd-Frank Act, financial-regulation legislation in which regulators were given too much power and big banks were given special treatment.
  • Refused his $400,000 a year salary as president, took just one dollar, and donated to the Park Service, Veterans Affairs.
  • Signed Executive Order for an Apprentice program to train skilled works to fill six-million open positions.
  • Reduced White House payroll by $22 million.


According to David Prentice of The American Thinker, “we’ve experienced a miracle in our day that a lot of us thought we might never see again.”

  • President Trump is destroying MS 13, and other illegal immigrant gangs.
  • He has reset an agenda for space exploration by NASA.
  • Exposed the national media for the leftist activism base it is.
  • Exposed the Democratic Party as corrupt, issueless, and powerless.
  • Exposed the fecklessness, and fraud of the GOP.
  • Exposed the deep state to public view.
  • Exposed the corruption of our bureaucracies by the Obama administration.

In addition, the president has:

Rolled back the roadblocks to coal mining, which cost the industry $81 million a year,

  • Ended the ban on oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), opening up more than a million acres to oil exploration, which will create an unprecedented job boom and total energy independence for the U.S.
  • Approved the Dakota Access Pipeline project and the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada, which are expected to create more than 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in earnings.
  • Rejected the Paris Climate Accords, which perpetuated the hoax of global warming, saving the U.S. billions in money-extorting regulations,
  • On immigration, submitted to Congress a 70-point proposal that calls for increased border security, enforcement of immigration laws, funding of “the wall” on our southern border, removing illegal aliens in “sanctuary cities,” and ending extended-family chain migration, et al.
  • Deported thousands of illegal aliens,
  • Appointed Constitution-abiding Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,
    Appointed like-minded judges to 12 Appellate Courts and had 73 conservative judges confirmed,
  • Added some 100 new immigration judges.
  • Canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned oppressive regulatory actions, eliminating 22 old regulations for every one new regulation––22-1!
  • Withdrawn from participation in the United Nations Global Compact on Migration, another significant departure from the global governance policies of the poseur president’s administration.
  • Withdrawn from the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) because of the agency’s “anti-Israel bias.” According to A.J. Caschetta, “UNESCO has become the tip of the spear in the UN’s assault on Israel and earned a more appropriate backronym: the UN Erasure, Slander, and Cover-up Organization.”
  • Created commission on child trafficking and voter fraud.
  • Declared a nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids and laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
  • Negotiated the release of six U.S. humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt.
  • Traveled to Poland for the annual. G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.
  • Launched the United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in February.
  • Prioritized women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.
  • Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
  • Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.


Bruce Thornton, of, notes that Pres. Trump “has begun to repair the damage to our international prestige wrought by” the poseur president’s “one-world, naïve internationalism favored by progressives, who want to diminish America’s global clout…” In that regard, POTUS has:

  • Increased the sanctions on Iran and refused to recertify Obama’s disastrous agreement with the nuke-hungry mullahs,
  • Bombed a Syrian airfield and destroyed a fifth of Assad’s jet fighters,
  • Took the gloves off our military and ended ISIS’s “caliphate,”
  • Rolled back Obama’s cringing concessions to Cuba,
  • Put Russia on notice by recommitting to the Magnitsky Act and increasing sanctions on regime oligarchs,
  • Unleashed U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on “the anti-American pygmy states infesting that ‘cockpit in the Tower of Babel’ (the United Nations),
  • Under Trump, Thornton says, “America seems to be getting its international mojo back.”
  • In addition, according to journalist and author Matthew Vadum, the president’s 11-day Asian trip––to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Tokyo, Japan; Seoul, South Korea; Beijing, the People’s Republic of China; Danang, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; and in Manila, the Philippines––succeeded in bolstering “resolve to combat North Korean nuclear adventurism and Islamic terrorism, and to promote his signature ‘America First’ trade policies… after eight years of pathetic servility, weakness, and apology tours” by the poseur president.
  • During the trip, Pres. Trump scuttled the Trans-Pacific Partnership, saying: “We will no longer enter into large agreements that tie our hands, surrender our sovereignty, make meaningful enforcement practically impossible,” and produce “unfair trade practices and enormous trade deficits for the United States.”
  • VP Mike Pence announced that the U.S. will quit funding refugee programs carried out by the United Nations, given its failure to protect Christian [and other] minorities “in the wake of genocide and the atrocities of terrorist groups.”


Pres. Trump removed the poseur president’s crushing Rules of Engagement in combat, which tied the hands of our military and resulted in both greater combat and civilian casualties. And he empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.

According to James Lewis of The American Thinker, when President Trump dropped the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) in Afghanistan…“a hundred or more of the worst human beings since Hitler died in one big explosion,” and both our allies and our enemies knew there was a powerful new sheriff in the United States. “Obama would never even name the enemy,” Lewis says, and he “never, ever seemed to get that basic point of morality, nor did Hillary, nor did any other Democrat. Trump and Mattis obviously understand it…”

Journalist Rick Moran reminds us that today, ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory and that now, fewer than 1,000 ISIS fighters remain in Iraq and Syria. And Fox News reports that number is down “from a peak of nearly 45,000 just two years ago. U.S. officials credit nearly 30,000 U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and regional partners on the ground for killing more than 70,000 jihadists.

In addition, President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2018, which approves one of the largest defense spending increases in the past 30 years. The NDAA does the following:

  • Increases the size of our forces for the first time in 7 years,
  • Authorizes funds for the continued defeat of ISIS and to cover critical missile defense capabilities to confront the threat posed by North Korea,
  • Takes concrete steps to rebuild U.S. military readiness
  • Approves a 2.4 percent pay raise for our troops—the largest in 8 years!


  • Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers,
  • Authorized $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program in healthcare; allowed private healthcare choices for veterans,
  • Launched an online “Access and Quality Tool” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data,


Conservatives like me knew one thing after observing the poseur president Obama after his very first month in office, i.e., that the worst was yet to come.

Sure enough, for eight long years we witnessed a remarkable avalanche of apologies for America, non-stop race baiting, the evisceration of our military, and a virtual devolution of everything positive America stood for.

[BIO: Joan Swirsky is a New York based journalist and author whose website is She can be reached at]

© 2017 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:

VA Blames Disabled Veterans For All VAs Problems

VA Lies – A Continuing Legal Fight

On October 7, 2017 I received a letter from Veterans Administration (VA) E. Douglas Bradshaw, Chief Counsel, Torts & Administrative Law dated October 16, 2015. This letter was a surprise for two reasons. First, Bradshaw’s letter appeared to be a response letter even though I had never written to Bradshaw and second, the letter was dated nearly two years before the date-stamp on the envelope (October 4, 2017) in which the letter arrived to my house.

In new letter from Bradshaw dated Dec 18, 2017 he claims to not understand how that happened and based on what he wrote and how he worded it, apparently, he is blaming me for the error. Is this just more of the VA’s continuing harassment to deny payments to disabled Veterans?

Following is a copy of my response to Bradshaw. CC: President Donald Trump, Dr. David J. Shulkin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Senator Jon Tester, Dr. Phil Show, Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS & numerous others.

In August 2013 I was in a vehicle accident. My VA doctor at that time was Digpal Chauhan (Picture) at McClellan VA Medical Hospital. He treated me for a cough for about four months after the accident with cough syrup and pills. The treatment lasted until the end of the year 2013.

Chauhan told me and my wife that he was a “lung expert” and went on to say he was also a “brain expert” and that I had mental problems, not physical ones.

Four (4) days after those comments in his office I died at home on January 13, 2014. My wife gave me CPR and brought me back to life. She then took me to the VA hospital at Mather, CA. It was found that I had blood clots in both lungs and heart failure which had been ongoing during the time Chauhan had been treating me for a cough. I developed a bleed from the IV blood thinners which covered the entire right side of my body and it was determined that I would require surgery to insert a blood filter.

The surgery could not be performed at Mather so I was put in an ambulance and transported to David Grant Hospital at Travis Air Force Base where I was operated on. I spent two weeks in the hospital where I almost died again. All because I had large blood clots in both lungs and heart failure. Not just the simple cough that I was being treated for.

There are four VA officials who have told me that Chauhan was forced to resign much later as a result of what he had done to me and to other Veterans.

My fight with VA Attorney Suzanne Will who denied my tort claim has been ongoing for years as she has lied to me several times and appearances clearly show she had been protecting Chauhan and that is provable. She like Chauhan has resigned from the VA, with the reason yet to be explained. In a letter I received from Will dated September 29, 2014 she states, “Our review did not find any negligent or wrongful act or omission on the part of a Department of VA employee acting within the scope of his or her employment that resulted in harm to you as a result of treatment by the VA Northern California Health Care System.”

There are other Veterans whose cases are similar to mine. One of those is that of 68 year old Vietnam Veteran John Porter when he accepted a settlement from the VA for $550,000 as a result of a VA doctor misdiagnosing his heart treatment three years earlier. This case is just one more case that the VA denies it was an error by a VA doctor.

The following letter was sent to E. Douglas Bradshaw by me on November 22, 2017.

Department of Veterans Affairs
Attention E. Douglas Bradshaw
Chief Counsel, Torts & Administrative Law
810 Vermont Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20420

RE: The letter received from your office dated, October 16, 2015 which arrived in an envelope with U.S.P.S. Mail date stamp of October 4th 2017, referencing the retired VA Secretary Bob McDonald, Suzanne Will and Mary Bell.

Dear Mr. Bradshaw:

I am writing to you at this time for your assistance. I am so weary of the numerous lies that VA Officials have created in my case. It has been asserted that there was an investigation into my submitted Tort claim but, Sir, there was never an investigation into my Tort claim and this fact is well beyond provable.

As a result of all of what follows, in the middle of August, 2017 I had a complete mental and physical breakdown. With my continual disgust and frustration of VA Attorney Suzanne Will, Ret (see photo below) of San Francisco who falsely stated that her office had completed a thorough investigation of my case (which was later change to a review) and the recent death of my service dog “Thatcher,” I was/am no longer able to deal with all of these issues. My desire for all the truth to be shown has become more than a very serious issue in what is left of my life. I am not willing to allow the lies and secrecy by VA personnel to continue. I feel that I have no choice but to continue my fight with the VA and to expose VA Attorney Suzanne Will (Ret) to prove she is a liar, perjurer and how her lies have impacted my life and that of my wife Julie who is also an Air Force Veteran with a 100% disability. We should not be going through all of this at a time where we should be living in peace.

I have spent part of my life as a deputy sheriff and in addition I was connected to federal law enforcement agencies in three countries, I have also been a private investigator for eight years; I have investigated medical malpractice and many cases involving drug dealers as an undercover operative. As a former police officer I know what an investigation is and any investigation includes interviewing witnesses. None of my witnesses were ever interviewed. Instead the lies prevail.

I died at home for five minutes. My wife gave me CPR and was successful in resuscitating me. This happened just four days after Dr. Digpal Chauhan (my primary care physician at the time) told my wife and myself that he was a “Lung Expert” and a “Brain Expert” and that I did not have anything physically wrong, but that I had a mental problem. I then spent two weeks in the hospital. It turned out I had blood clots in both lungs and heart failure.

I was in a wheelchair, a walker and on oxygen during the time you refer to in your letter and could not walk without a walker so I remember very little and I could not accomplish anything related to my Tort claim. To this day I still cannot walk properly and my PTSD is almost out of control as a result of my anger. Additionally, I was not advised that I had a right to file a Tort claim nor of the time deadline needed to file the Tort claim. Please find enclosed a copy of the narrative of these events written by my wife.

In the enclosed VA story, Dr. Phillip J. Eulie, Chief of Staff for the Northern California VA system told me in a legally recorded conversation during the first week of July 2015 in a VA public meeting when I asked him, “When are you going to do something about Chauhan?” The immediate response from Eulie was, “In two weeks you will be very happy, we listened to you regarding your complaint, we investigated the complaint and we have done something about it, you will be very, very happy with the results.” A second VA official at Mather VA Medical Center immediately substantiated the previous statement. Since then there are three additional VA personnel who have also told me that Dr. Chauhan was told he would be fired if he did not resign.

Immediately following those statements I received an email dated July 2, 2015 from Dr. Jane Addagatla, (Chauhan’s superior) where she said Chauhan was “retiring” his VA position effective July 19, 2015.

The current VA actions/inactions have been extremely devastating to my mental health and my PTSD is distressing to my wife and myself. I do have a lot planned in order to accomplish my goals and I am not going to quit. I am hoping for a national news story.

I am strongly requesting that you will re-evaluate my Tort claim and compensate me for all my pain and suffering as a result of Chauhan and I am gone. Please understand, I have had VA care for many years and until this happened I can only praise the help I have had and continue to have from VA doctors.

I have received over 1,000 Emails from other Veterans and many have the same story related to the VA. Sadly my case is but one of these stories and it reflects what others have stated. Thank you in advance for your attention to my situation.

Sincerely yours,

Barry R. Clausen

Cc: I sent a copy of this story to the following. I listed their phone numbers should anyone have the desire to interview them about what has been said in this article.

President Donald Trump (202) 456 1111
Dr. David J. Shulkin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs – 1 (800) 983 0937   1 (800) 827 1000
Dr. Phil Show
Senator Jon Tester, Ranking Member, Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. 1 (202) 224 2644
Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS & numerous others

Senator Jon Tester – “When I became Ranking Member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee in January [2017] promised to put politics aside and get things done for our veterans. Almost 12 months later, I’m very proud that our committee has become a case study”…

Clausen’s Literary History

As a result of my book Walking On The Edge, I was asked to testify at a Congressional Hearing on June 9, 1998 sponsored by the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime in the Matter of Ecoterrorism. I then wrote the book, “Burning Rage – The growing Anger Within My Country

Mr. Clausen’s new booklet: [Kindle Edition] is available at Amazon.Com. Clausen’s newest book will be released in 2018 “Last One Left Alive – Sharing CIA Secrets.” As a result of one of his investigations into the Unabomber (Theodore John “Ted” Kaczynski, an American anarchist and serial murderer) case Mr. Clausen has been a guest on over 250 U.S. and Canadian radio talk shows and TV news shows including ABC, CBS, NBC and repeatedly on FOX News.

He has been featured or quoted in over 800 books, magazines and news articles including the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, Vancouver Province, Canada’s B.C. Report, New York Times, Newsday, Seattle Times, Oregonian, Sacramento Bee, Christian Science Monitor, The Dallas Morning News and a lengthy article beginning on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Clausen’s information has been translated and used by publications in many foreign countries including Japan, Ireland, England, Turkey, Germany, France and Chile. A film crew from Danish TV-2 flew to Seattle to interview Mr. Clausen for a television documentary about international and U.S. extremist organizations. The documentary, A MAN IN THE RAINBOW, was subsequently aired in several European countries.

Another booklet is, VA Exposed –
Incompetent VA Officials
Wide Don’t Care About ill Veterans.
They Cover For Their Lack of Actions by
Ignoring Complaints and Telling Lies.

© 2017 Barry Clausen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Barry Clausen:

New Years Resolution, Eliminate The Tyranny Of Case Law

Most Americans assume that rulings and decisions handed down in cases that come before American courts are based on, and consistent with, the “rule of law”.

But, regrettably, this is not true.

In American courtrooms today, court rulings are not based on real law.  Rather, they are based on an imitation system which is commonly called “case law” or “the case law method”.

This phony “case law” method of understanding what law is and where law comes from is taught in virtually every law school in America today.

Indeed, a careful study reveals that the promotion of the “case law method” is the very reason that the modern law schools were established.

Let me briefly explain.

Prior to the 1880’s, those who desired to practice law studied under experienced attorneys.  Their apprenticeship included both the study of recognized legal scholars such as Blackstone, Montesquieu and Locke, as well as practical experience in writing briefs and memorandums and observing their masters in actual practice before the bar.

Undergirding that system was the universal understanding that law, like truth, is a fixed and certain thing because it is a part of God’s creation; and that the principles and precepts of law are found in God’s Word and in His Creative Order.

But the “case law” system replaces the wisdom of God’s Creative Order with the foolishness of men’s evolutionary imaginings.

Law students, who, of course, go on to become lawyers and judges and congressmen, are taught that the source of law is the mind of a judge, which is then changed by the opinion of another judge and then, well… you can tune in tomorrow to see what the law might be then…

William Blackstone could rightly be called the law professor for our Founders. In his Commentaries on the Laws of England, he concluded that “the laws of nature,” having been dictated by God Himself, is superior to all others and “binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times.” Therefore no human laws are of any validity if contrary to God’s law, and that no human laws have any authority except as derived from that higher law.

Our Founders clearly established a fixed standard of justice for our land; they spoke of an unchanging benchmark. They were not inventing anything new through the War for Independence; they were simply reasserting the ancient rights of Englishmen or more broadly the rights of all men as subjects of the Sovereign Creator of the Universe. So how did we shift off that fixed foundation to the legislative and judicial insanity of our day?

Something has led people who no longer hope to control the legislatures to look to the courts as expounders of the Constitution, and in some courts “new principles” have been discovered outside the Constitution.

Now, if the “new principles discovered” are actually “outside” the Constitution, are they not therefore unconstitutional? If there is no standard, if we the people no longer have a contract with the government we formed, who has betrayed us?

In the spirit of this up and coming New Year, let’s work to impeach those who have betrayed their Oath to the fixed truths of the Constitution.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

President Trump’s Amazing First Year Accomplishments

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. Leonardo da Vinci

Why the Left Hates Trump

We all know our President’s major accomplishments, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords, signing an executive order to withdraw from Obama’s 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership, repealing Obama’s government regulation of “net neutrality,” and passing and signing one of the largest tax reduction overhauls in over 30 years.  But there is so very much more, and I do believe this man is a gift from God.

Undoing the devastating Obama legacy of destruction has made our President the target of hatred from every leftist in politics, media and Hollywood. Many of the phony neo-conservative Trotskyite right are just as hateful and vengeful; think of McCain, Flake, Collins, Murkowski, Ryan, McConnell and others in the DC swamp.  Then there’s the likes of Bilderberger Bill Kristol whose father, Irving Kristol was literally a Trotskyite.  (For the millennials, Leon Trotsky was a Marxist who murdered only 3 million Russians as compared to the 85 to 100 million murdered by Lenin and Stalin.)

Trump has taken conservatives back to a different era, before William F. Buckley drove out the Birchers and when we truly had old right conservatism.   If you want to do a purity test, Reagan and Bush would not have passed on a lot of things. Trump truly changes the world on behalf of conservatives.

As for his supporters, the deplorables are thrilled with his accomplishments, and thankful that Hillary and Bill Clinton are not leading this nation into communist destruction, hiding all their corrupt activities, and soiling our White House with their presence.

Undoing Obama’s Legacy

Our great populist President even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Hussein Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax.  He also withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration; which Trump saw as a threat to borders.

Administrations typically tout their achievements broadly at the end of each year, but Trump listed jobs added, regulations killed, foreign policy victories won, and moves to help veterans and even drug addicts.

Saving Human Babies

And in a sign of support for the unborn, the White House also is highlighting achievements for the pro-life community.  Obama was probably one of the most pro-abortion Presidents to disgrace our country, even worse than Bill and Hillary Clinton.

President Trump has been the most pro-life president in modern history. Within days after his inauguration, Trump reinstated the “Mexico City Policy,” one that prohibits any non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive U.S. aid, from performing and promoting abortion overseas.  The Mexico City Policy blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.

In enacting the policy, Trump also expanded it by directing the Secretary of State to ensure the ban on taxpayer funds for overseas abortions is in place across most U.S. global health programs that provide assistance.

Our President also worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.

Protecting America’s Citizens

Pointing to the New York terror attempt, President Trump says that he will end the visa lottery and chain migration.  He has already ended the Obama era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants, and boosted their arrests inside the U.S.  He’s also cracked down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.  The best part is the fact that our President has added some 100 new immigration judges, and work for the southern wall still continues.  Build that wall!

The President has also nominated 73 federal judges, ordered a lobbying ban, and even called for an audit of the Pentagon.

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new police officers, worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 gang members, and has rounded up 800 of them, which is an 83 percent increase in one year.  The President even signed three EOs aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.

Veterans and our Military

Our veterans are very important to this President, and Trump has a shining new reverence for all of them.  Like our police, he loves our military men and women.  The Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act was signed into law in order for senior officials in the VA to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.

The President has signed $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program, he’s signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act,. The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, created a VA hotline, had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool” to provide vets with a way to access wait time and quality of care data, and has announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

We all know there are none in America more important than those who’ve volunteered for service.  Our veterans deserve the best, and Trump wants to see that they get the best.

Our President is rebuilding our military and working to increase defense spending, while empowering chosen military leaders to seize the initiative and win.  He’s imposed the travel bans, if the leftist judiciary would allow him to protect America’s citizens, directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies, pushed strong action against N Korea, and has seen ISIS lose virtually all of its territory, and far more.

So Much More

Trump is boosting U.S. energy dominance, has worked to bring companies and jobs back to America, has killed job stifling regulations, created 1.7 million new jobs, cut unemployment to 4.1 percent and nearly 1.5 million fewer Americans are on food stamps.  Yet, there’s so much more!

Confidence and respect has been restored to America.  His foreign travels to the middle east and Europe have built new relationships with leaders.  His historic 12-day trip through Asia won him new cooperative deals, and he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.  He even won the release of Americans held abroad, although the actions of these ingrates prove he should have let them rot in prison, but that’s not the actions of this president.

He bows to no foreign leader, they now bow to him, knowing his strength.  Respect for America and her President has been restored.

The Crown Jewel

But the crown jewel of our wonderful President’s first year in office is that he made good on his campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  In doing so, he called down blessings on America and on himself and his administration.  Why do I say that?  Because Genesis 12:1-3 is part of God’s unconditional Abrahamic Covenant to Israel.  Get that, it is unconditional and still in effect.  Here is what it says:

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

2- And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3- And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

We just celebrated the birth of Messiah Jesus, and Genesis 12:3 makes it clear that all families of the earth will be blessed by Israel, and we have been with a Savior from the Tribe of Judah.

The Lord has kept His promise throughout history.  He has blessed those who have blessed Israel, and He has cursed those who have cursed her, like for like.

And then there’s the frosting on the cake which should make every American patriot thrilled!  One hundred twenty eight (128) UN member nations voted against the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, nine voted with America, while 35 nations abstained from voting. After the vote, Ambassador Haley took strong action.

Twenty two percent of the funding of the United Nations, which is run by 200 tin horn third world dictator members, is funded by the United States of America.  These guys all have their anti-American votes, and then they stick us with the tab to fund them.

So, making good on Trump’s promise, Ambassador Nikki Haley has taken an axe to spending for the UN, and I say, HALLELUJAH!  In a press release, Haley’s office announced the United States was able to negotiate a $285 million cut in its contribution to the United Nations for next year.  Time to dump Rockefeller’s UN building in the Hudson River!

It really is a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  God has blessed us with a great President who wants to Make America Great Again and he is off to a very good start!  Bless him and pray for him.

P.S.  Thank you to all the folks who read NewsWithViews every day and who support us with monthly donations.  We cannot exist without you.  Our President is bringing the country back to greatness, and in doing so, we pray every American will have more money in their pockets.  Please help NWVs to remain in the black so we can keep bringing our readers the truth of what is happening in American politics.  Please donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

A New Year And A New Age

On January 20th, 2017 Donald J. Trump was formally sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America.  Despite certain public polls that indicate the president remains a very unpopular figure among most Americans especially females, our republic will rise again even though many Americans are ignorant of the truth.  In fact, I will call it a new American great awakening.  Of course, millennials will have to learn that the socialism they now prefer is not the road to real economic prosperity or justice as they like to call it.

The decades of poisoning American students against everything you can think of as good brought America alarmingly close to utter collapse during the election of 2017.  Had Mrs. Clinton been elected president, I submit to you that “We the People” would have to be concerned about everything ranging from major military invasions to the complete collapse of our America equal to what occurred in Venezuela.  Believe it or not, the honest reason why the dragon media has been on a seemingly endless attack on Trump is not because of his tweets or certain behavioral proclivities, though that is what they promote to an incurably ignorant mass of sovereign citizens.

The real problem with president Trump, is his attack against long standing institutions and customs that have been in place to bring about the gradual decline and wasting away of the United States of America.  Our republic is the one and only nation that stands in the way of the underhanded mission of the United Nations, other lefist organizations and cabals to plunge the world into a false sense of security then sudden collapse.  Venezuela is exhibit A for such a plot.  Trump understands that for a nation to remain great, her people must be economically prosperous, appreciative of the nation, have stable traditional families, faith in God and maintain high moral values.  That does not appeal to those who envision fundamentally changing America.

But fortunately, there is a growing remnant of Americans who love God, country and family.  We understand that if our republic is to be that shining city on a hill nation again, we must be willing to refocus America on the very principles that made her great.  It is not so much a revival that is needed, but rather an awakening.  For the first time in our nation’s history, over half of a generation is void of Christian values, knowledge and respect for our constitution and bill of rights or why it is important to protect our national sovereignty.  On the surface, one might say the situation looks hopeless and that America the beautiful is doomed to land on the ash heap of history.

But if one actually takes a look at history, there are numerous examples of various civilizations overcoming tremendous odds and avoiding the ultimate destruction of their society.  Our own republic was threatened with the possibility of being wiped out before the inauguration of our first president.  Then again in 1812 the British burned the presidential residence to the ground and attempted to grab the port of New Orleans, but our resolve to overcome was underestimated a second time.  When one considers that Great Britain was the super power of that time and rarely if ever lost military conflicts it was miraculous that the United States defeated the British Empire twice.

Perhaps we today can take a page from history and close ranks with those who are not willing to allow our republic to be driven into oblivion. I recommend that we reaffirm our faith in and relationship with the one who first shed his grace upon America long ago and seek his Providential guidance.  It was good enough for George Washington, George Patton, George W. Bush and recently, president Trump who called on Americans to pray to God for His Providential guidance and forgiveness for our individual and societal shortcomings.

As we embark upon a new year, we will also encounter a new era of American resurgence and leadership. I believe you will soon witness massive exposures in government and the taking down of the deep state, who’s swamp dwellers, like the British of old thought they were invincible.  If were not for the years of praying and seeking forgiveness for allowing America to fall so low that she would choose a snake like Obama for president, this nation would now be on the road to nowhere fast.  But wise American believers from all walks of life took the Biblical verse 2nd Chronicles 7:14 to heart.  It reads. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Dear reader, fasten your seatbelts because it is going to be a bumpy ride on the road to America’s recovery, but fear not because the swamp will be drained, and our republic will truly be the land of the free and home of the brave.  God Bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth weekday mornings via The Edwards Notebook on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada at 6:30 AM EST and throughout America it’s on or  The Edwards Notebook is also enjoyed overnight weekends on 60 radio stations in 28 states just after 4:30 AM EST, 1:30 AM PT also emanating nationwide from flagship station AM 860 WGUL  Tampa, Florida and everywhere else  at  Last but certainly not least, It is The Ron Edwards Experience talk show, every Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and worldwide, also and Spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards:

The Swamp Strikes Back: Destroys Roy Moore

I delayed any attempt to analyze the recent Alabama Senate race until most of the comments came in from the Republican leadership and conservative press. I was appalled at their unrelenting vitriolic language heaped on Judge Roy Moore. After reading many of these opinions I wondered exactly what race they were all analyzing! With few exceptions their reports had two glaring omissions:

  • Who was Judge Moore’s real opponent?
  • Who was responsible for his loss?

First, though his visible political opponent was Doug Jones, the Democrat, his real opponent was Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. This Alabama Senate seat is one of the safest in the country which is almost impossible to lose, unless the candidate was in daily defensive mode against the Republican Majority Leader and his own party’s intrigue, distracting him from running a normal and rather easy campaign against a far left Democrat?

Second, the most obvious omission of the Establishment and conservative press was the non-existent coverage of the real reason why Moore lost. The Establishment followed the repeated mantra that Moore was a “flawed or the heavily flawed candidate.” None seemed to mention the fact that Judge Moore could never overcome the McConnell/GOP Establishment’s defamation crusade involving the orchestration of slanderous accusations by false witnesses which in the end destroyed the chance of a Moore victory.

When a statewide race is lost by 1.5 percentage points, there are always dozens of things that could have been done differently to eke out a win. The same could be said for this race.

What was commonly understood was that the Judge was not a natural campaigner. He wasn’t a particularly polished interviewee. Neither was he an experienced fundraiser. However, those campaign abilities are not necessary for a Republican to win in conservative Alabama.

What the Judge has is an impeccable record of Christian character, his Viet Nam military service after a West point graduation, and a history of courageous stands for conservative and constitutional issues in his state. This was more than enough for a landslide victory.

However, putting the secondary what-ifs aside, the fact remains that if the Republican Establishment had not carried out their character assassination campaign against Judge Moore, he would have easily won, possibly by 10 plus points. Yet, both the liberal and conservative press in their analysis writes as if the GOP take-down against Moore never happened. The major news of the campaign, the GOP subterfuge, is now totally ignored.

In the end, the GOP smear against a good man was tremendously effective in suppressing the Republican turnout in Alabama. It was a vote that didn’t show. Postelection stats show that some 600,000 Republican voters declined to vote in comparison with other recent general elections.


The savage attack on Judge Roy Moore has all the making of a classic Karl Rove “seek and destroy mission.” Three days after the Washington Post hit piece, Roger Stone, long time conservative insider, in an interview stated the following:

“My sources tell me that the attacks against Judge Roy Moore which are almost 40 years ago. Listen these are not convictions but merely accusations, looking sketchier and sketchier the more they are examined.  I am told this was cooked up and packaged by the diabolical Karl Rove at the behest of Mitch McConnell.  This is the payback for the pasting of their handpicked candidate Luther Strange.  Ah, they are endangering a seat for the Senate and don’t seem to care.”

Then later in the campaign, it was revealed through series of published text messages that a Republican Establishment operative was involved in giving the scandalous disinformation on Moore to the Washington Post reporter, Beth Reinhard. The operative was Tim Miller, Jeb Bush’s 2016 communications director and co-founder of a Mitt Romney super PAC. Miller boasted to Charles C. Johnson of that he was responsible for the Washington Post hit piece on Moore.

What’s clear is the fact that the GOP leadership did not hide their dislike for Moore or their involvement to destroy his candidacy. They announced openly what they were going to do in case Moore won and how they were going to keep him out of the Senate. The GOP even had operatives in Montgomery the Monday before the election searching Moore’s previous financial disclosures for irregularities to be used against him if he won.

The whole GOP takedown of Judge Moore, a fellow Republican, is unprecedented in modern politics. In the 1964 presidential election when Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney and the GOP Establishment abandoned Barry Goldwater they didn’t stoop to planting false sexual assault charges against him but withdrew their support and let him die politically.

In the Alabama race, the D.C. Republican’s and Alabama’s other senator Richard Shelby did the unthinkable: worked to elect a liberal, socialist, pro-abortion Democrat over a solid conservative. They were willing to jeopardize the Supreme Court and the whole Trump agenda because they didn’t like Moore’s Christianity and brand of conservatism.  These RINO’s, (Republicans in Name Only) would be willing to put their nation at risk by losing the Senate majority thus handing the country over to the destructive policies of the Democratic Party than to have a true conservative patriot serve with them.

What the GOP did to Judge Roy Moore in Alabama and Republicans nationwide is nothing short of political treason.


What was unexpected and extremely disappointing was the widespread abandonment of Judge Moore by his fellow evangelical Christian leaders. Abandonment by a politician is one thing, but when it happens from those of a similar faith it is more difficult to accept. Many leaders stayed silent while others felt they had to add to the condemnation of Moore.

Christianity Today (which many now view as Christian publication co-opted by the left) published numerous articles with absurd conclusions.  The most ridiculous one was entitled “How Black Women in Alabama Saved Evangelicalism.”

The Christianity Today editor in chief Mark Galli in his article “The Biggest Loser in the Alabama Election” left the reader wondering what exactly was his religion.  His reasoning and conclusions strayed far from orthodox Christianity and its Bible.

The same could be said of three other prominent Judge Moore attackers: Rev. Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of WORLD Magazine.

Mohler and his close associate Russell Moore, both outspoken and unrepentant “Never-Trumpers”, piled on with the Establishment and attacked Moore.  Mohler stated, “I do find those charges credible…” Mohler added to his condemnation;

“On the other hand from a Christian worldview perspective, the election of Roy Moore would also have been a disaster; it would have been a moral disaster for the state of Alabama. A moral disaster that would have taken the form of having a United States senator, against whom such accusations had been made, but also when it comes to Roy Moore a candidate, and, if elected, a senator in the United States Senate who would’ve supported some of the most outlandish ideas far outside of any traditional pattern of American conservatism.”

Wow, what a statement revealing Dr. Mohlers compromised epistemology and Biblical worldview. What exactly is outlandish with Judge Moore’s honoring of Gods Law and his conviction to reign in a runaway judiciary? In Mohler we have a picture of a trained theologian who can’t seem to understand the basic Biblical requirement for the prosecution of the crime of sexual assault which requires both witnesses and evidence. Instead of defending Moore against the criminal act of slander found in the Ten Commandments, Mohler gives a pass to Moore’s false accusers.

When these men had a chance to support fellow conservative Christian leader Judge Roy Moore, they took the cowardly route and joined the Establishment in the defamation of the Judge.

If  Mohler, Russell Moore, and  Olasky could be transported back into Biblical times, they would have sided with Potiphar’s wife, defending her charge of sexual assault against Joseph as “credible allegations.” And the “innocent and helpless” Mrs. Potiphar had something better than a forged yearbook for evidence; she had a piece of Joseph’s clothing. Yes, the Mohlers, Russell Moores, and Olaskys would have declared Joseph’s release from prison a “moral disaster for Israel” and would have publicly demanded more prison time.

Our times call for fearless Christian leaders to aggressively engage in the defense of the faith, but many, for the sake of image and reputation, drawback and play it safe, while others defect and side with the Establishment. These type of men glory in Reformation past. Yet, if they had lived in that age, their timid spirits would have recoiled at a Luther, admonishing him for being uncharitable, harsh, and unchristian. These men cannot be relied on to take a courageous stand in times critical for Church and country.

If they were put in charge of the Bible they would bleach out a third of the names of the lineage of Christ for “unacceptable behavior” like Rahab the harlot and King David the adulterer. Their religious perfectionism blinds them to see how God sovereignly accomplishes His work through flawed and sinful men. At important times they fail to discern the bigger picture of the purposes of God, because their requirements of leadership are “higher and holier” than God’s.

The good news is that the advice of these “Never Trump” leaders like Mohler, Russell Moore, and Olasky were not embraced by rank and file evangelicals, who in 2016, voted overwhelmingly (81%) for Trump. The Donald Trump whom they routinely criticized has now become a champion for the Christian faith.

They have done an enormous disservice to the Church by attacking Judge Moore and unknowingly have paved the way for Establishment forces to continue their strategy to defame them and other Christian leaders using dishonest charges with impunity.

Rev. Mohler should, for the sake of Christian community, lay aside his daily diet of seven plus liberal newspapers and leave the commentary of culture and politics for those more competent and courageous and return to what he does well, running a seminary. For the others, the Church would greatly benefit from Marvin Olasky’s retirement from geo-political discussions and for the Southern Baptists to find a replacement for Russell Moore.

The current age in which we live is not made for weak Christian leaders who wear silk underwear.

McConnell’s War on Bannon

After a week of the GOP trashing Judge Moore, Mitch McConnell has moved on to

his great nemesis, Steve Bannon, mocking him with the comment “The political genius [Bannon] on display throwing away a seat in the reddest state in America is hard to ignore.”McConnell’s new tactic is inspired from the Joseph Goebbels school of disinformation, “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of.”

So if I have this correct, we have the Republicans of Alabama overwhelmingly voting for Judge Roy Moore in the primary to run for the U.S. Senate. McConnell doesn’t like Moore because he is too conservative so he does the unthinkable and works to de-fund Moore’s campaign and vilifies him with false witnesses. Moore looses, then McConnell blames the loss on Steve Bannon. Unbelievable!

McConnell’s new round of attacks on Bannon reveal the real battle of the Alabama special election. The battle of who will control the future of the Republican Party, the old GOP Establishment wing led by Rove, McConnell and Ryan or the new populist America First movement of Trump and Bannon.This Alabama race was all about McConnell destroying Moore to stop Bannon’s political momentum.

This race was one giant GOP Swamp psyop (psychological operations) on the people of Alabama which made a mockery of a functioning democracy where the people choose their representatives. Welcome to the GOP’s new brand of “Banana Republicanism.” Expect more of the same from McConnell in the 2018 Senate primaries battling Bannon over candidate recruitment with his plan of raising up more Establishment recruits of the likes of a McCain, Flake and Corker. Steve Bannon is one of the best things to happen to Republican politics in decades and McConnell is at war with him.

McConnell and the Republican Establishment have their political infrastructure, the House and Senate leadership, donor lists, D.C. offices, think tanks and friends in the press. They have all the necessary institutional structures to control a political constituency, but they lack one critical thing. It is the one thing that Trump and Bannon have and what propels the new populist conservative movement: THE PEOPLE.


Despite the pain felt by conservatives in the GOP’s defrauding of Judge Moore’s election, one election loss does not signify the end of a movement. On the contrary this should be a nation-wide teaching moment for the new populist conservative movement which is made up of evangelicals, Roman Catholics, and liberty constitutionalists who seek their country’s greatness, desire limited government and a restoration of the American republic.

The Trump phenomenon is ever growing as the president continues to deliver his campaign promises. Trump’s agenda and his alpha-male pro-America leadership have greatly increased his political base. Also, this Alabama election does not diminish the political leadership of Steve Bannon who remains the best conservative leader with the right ideas, vision, and courage to lead the movement into the future. The opposition toTrump and Bannon is the Republican Establishment who’s political vision is globalism and is driven by personal greed and lust for power. THESE MEN CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED.

The people know that the election was taken from them by the devious work of GOP operatives. Nationwide, conservatives are not happy and will not forget. The GOP Establishment won this battle but they have over-played their hand. Their victory will be short-lived, because they have created a nationwide resentment among their base. If an election was close to being fair and a candidate lost, supporters would accept it and move on. In this election, there is no moving on.

The Alabama loss was a painful defeat, but it will make the conservative base wiser, especially to the intrigue and Deep State operations within the Republican Party, who have abused their legitimate authority and influence by resorting to political thuggery and slander to force their way. The loss of the Alabama Senate seat by Judge Moore and the people of Alabama will not be forgotten.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Happy New Year: Colossal Dreams Take Colossal Actions

As the embers of 2017 fade, I thank you for reading my columns throughout the year.  I trust they made you think, and better yet, take action in your community, state and country.

My goal as a writer, thinker and futurist remains solid: I expect to help change the course of history for the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia—along with all countries being overrun by endless immigration.  I expect to create a national-international debate-discussion on where we want to take our civilizations.  Over a demographic cliff or toward a viable and sustainable future!  The choice remains ours! At some point, at current immigration rates, we no longer enjoy a choice.  That will occur within 10 years if we allow another 35 million people onto our shores.

Thus, I write to inform, educate and inspire you to action.

The one thing I’ve learned about a Constitutional Republic:  you must be a player not a spectator.  During 2018, I will write compelling, educational and encouraging columns that make you think and take action.  Otherwise, you simply remain a spectator as you watch your country degrade into a third world nightmare as you allow over 1.7 million legal and illegal immigrants overwhelm our borders in 2018 and beyond.

Together, let’s change that future to a positive one.  Let’s change course. Let’s create a national debate and solutions for our country, the United States of America.

This column follows our goals: Colossal Dreams Take Colossal Actions 

While moving through childhood, oftentimes parents ask their kids, “What are you going to be when you grow up?”

Like most children, you didn’t possess a clue.  You didn’t know what you faced when you grew up let alone what you might become as a human being.

Nonetheless, you blurted out, “I’m going to be a fireman or nurse or baseball player.”

Everyone smiled while you spoke your answer.  In reality, most people don’t possess an inkling about their life-purpose.  Many lose any chance of pursuing their dreams because they get caught up in life by getting married, raising children and working a job.  They chase their dreams after they retire.

What if you could live your dreams while living your life?   Any chance you could design your life around your dreams?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”

As you grow into your teens, 30s, 40s and older, explore your natural gifts.  You may be able to draw, sculpt or paint.  You may enjoy tremendous musical talent with a violin or guitar or French horn.  You may be a powerful athlete in swimming, tennis or triathlon.  You may be an exceptional teacher.

Take each gift, explore it and apply your time.  As you hone your gift, try to align it with your mental, emotional and spiritual power.  Explore it from different arenas.  For example, you may be able to paint exact replications of bodies in athletics. Or, you might love abstracts.  Attend an art museum with its multiple artists in every arena.  See what heightens your interest among the many.  Return home to apply your talents.

In that application, you may hit a “chord” in your nervous system, your heart and your intellect.  Once you hear the “chimes” flowing with your talents, pursue them with vigor.

During your pursuit of your dreams, avoid becoming the victim. “Oh, I can’t do that; I’m no good at that; I wish I could draw better, I wish I was more athletic,” you lament.

A big key to reaching your dreams stems from your sense of the “colossal calling of your life.”

  • Spend your time with affirmative thought and energy toward your dream.  Maintain a clarity of spirit and a sense of intention daily.
  • Move with purposeful work toward your dream. Everything takes effort over time.  There’s an old saying, “The harder one works, the luckier one gets.”
  • Affirm your worthiness every day with meditation, prayer or a daily walk.  You must accept and believe in yourself.
  • Affirm your newness in the world.  Break out of judgment into acceptance.  That single act creates a confidence in your mind that drives your dreams forward.
  • Speak to your inner self with positive ideas, thoughts and actions.
  • Affirm your dreams to yourself, your family, your mate, your friends and to the world.

Finally, assert your partnership with the “creative energy of the universe.”  Whatever your connection to the “Creator”, you may think, speak or co-partner with that entity.  Think of it “championing” you toward your destiny.

Accept that the energy that runs through the universe also runs through your body and co-partners with your imagination.   You harness that energy as a purposeful creative process that unfolds every single day of your life.

Along your path, stick your neck out.  Sniff the wind.   Harness your mind.  Call upon your muscles to engage.  Gaze upon the horizon with your eyes.  Remain alert to the creative process.

Your dream becomes your reality by your relentless, passionate and purposeful actions toward it.  Note: many of life’s failures were people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

As Henry Ford said, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t—you are correct.”

Always understand that “I can! I will! I am!”

Happy New Year 2018 from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge


FB page: Frosty Wooldridge
FB adventure page:  How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
FB poets page:  Bicycling Poets
FB adventure page:  Bicycle Touring Unique Moments

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Woolridge; Amazon and/or 1 888 280 7715

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Has Christians Become Too Nice?

Two weeks ago I officially qualified for Medicare.  I have no idea how I messed around and became this danged old.  It is a funny thing…age…they say it is a state of mind.  Why is it inside my head I still feel like I am 21?  I guess I am not really clear on which state my mind is currently passing through.

Am I the only one who finds himself looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection of a gray haired “Grampie” where a Greek God once stood?  Luckily my precious wife is aging right along side of me and her vision isn’t what it used to be.

But there are some good things that come along with getting order.  I call it the I-don’t-give-a-craps.  Earlier in my adulthood as I was forging my course in life I found myself biting my tongue a lot.  Climbing the ladder often required laryngitis and like so many others I had some young mouths to feed.  So I learned to “put a sock in it.”

But the older I get the more often that sock starts slipping out.  Now that I found myself on the downhill side of this thing we call life I have come to realize that it is much more desirable for me to be right than it is to be liked.  I hope people like me…but that is where the give-a-craps come into play.

I am tired of acting nice.  In fact, I am tired of “acting” in general and I have come to the conclusion that America is heading straight for the crapper because most of my Christian friends are still more interested in being liked than they are in speaking the Truth.

It’s not that I have ego problems.  I don’t mind being PROVEN wrong, but I am sick of the weenie Christian attitude that we are not supposed to be contentious.  Argumentative…I think that is what contentious means…and I cannot think of one human endeavor where you will be successful if you are not willing to fight.

That used to be a virtue…standing up for what you believe.  But in today’s snowflake world standing up for what you believe is not very Christian.  Christians are loving…and thoughtful…and pushovers…that’s why you never see the ACLU or SPLC attacking the Muslim faith.

When thinking of the average Muslim “kind” is not one of the first adjective’s to pop into an atheistic lawyer’s mind.  Christians are kind.  Muslims are…well you get the picture.  That’s why all of the pencil-necked lawyers chase the Christians out of the public square.  Christians “act” like Christians.  Christians think getting run over by the world is Christ-like.  In a face to face battle are you betting on the Muzzies or the Christians?  Your answer will speak volumes about the condition of the American church.

I warned you…I’m getting a serious case of the give-a-craps.  (Some of you are offended because I used the word “crap”).  That’s what I am talking about, Willis.  Save your holier-than-thou religious comments for someone else.

Now that we have made it through the love-fest masquerading as Christmas perhaps I could take this opportunity to open your eyes to the fact that, for the most part, American Christianity is worshipping a non-existent Jesus.  You heard me right.  Every time Christmas season rolls around we remake Jesus in our own image.

Just like you and me, Jesus made his way out of the crib.  He is no longer a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.  He is a risen Savior sitting at the Right Hand of God.  He is THE King of the Kings and THE Lord of the Lords.  Why do we fight so hard to make him seem so snowflakish?

I am beginning to think that all of this snowflakeism found its genesis in the nicer-than-Jesus evanjellyfish church.  “Who am I to Judge?”  Right?  Soft churches are full of soft men.

Aren’t the church and the snowflakes on college campuses tooting the same horn?  You know what I mean…the Gospel of Rodney King…why can’t we all just get along?  That would be fine except that isn’t the message that Jesus preached.

Can this creaked old bag of bones cut to the chase on you here?

Check out the Disciples of Jesus and you will find that they were not a bunch of non-offensive pretty boys.  Call me calloused but I can’t see the Apostle Paul wearing skinny jeans and puffy hair and being indifferent towards the slaughter of the pre-born.

John the Baptist was a pretty rough and tumble guy and I am pretty sure that he wasn’t very popular on the Synagogue speaking circuit.  He was about the most edgy and unpolished evangelist that the world had ever seen…unless you forget the Old Testament radicals Jeremiah, Isaiah, or Zeke.

In fact, did you know that Jesus is returning with blood dripping off of his garments and He is going to clean the place up?

Yes my friends, Jesus was born in a manager with no crib for a bed but that is merely where the story begins.  If you take the time to get your head out your Christmas copy of “Your Best Life Now” and back into the Bible you will find that Jesus is returning and He ain’t coming back in a baby stroller.

So, I am going to prepare for war.  It is time we stopped begging folks to “come to Jesus” as if we were inviting them to some multi-level marketing program.  The day of the Lord is a fearful day and it is time we cut all of the crap and start warning the wicked of the wrath to come.

It is time to stop “acting” like a Christian and time to start being one. If I am lucky I have 20 years left to live.  I’m going out fighting.  Who gives a crap what the Lord’s enemies think?  I’d rather be right than liked.  Do you care to join the fight?

Check us out at  We are training warriors for Christ.  It is time to get off of the Love Boat and onto the battleship.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Latest Lunacy From The Swedish Government

What Hath #MeToo Wrought?

How far is “#MeToo” going to go? Well, once you start trashing and redefining basic human institutions, like marriage, you really don’t know where you’re going to end up. But the latest lunacy from Sweden gives us a hint.

Under a new Swedish law that will go into effect in July, “prior verbal or written consent from both partners” must be obtained before anyone, including married couples, can have sex. The law doesn’t actually require written consent, but “in a potential rape allegation, it would be wiser to have the permission written down on paper.” Maybe the government could provide printed forms, to help with the paperwork.

Can you say “in the mood—not”?

This craziness, admit its sponsors, was “inspired by the #MeToo compaign.” So every man will be regarded as a potential racist. The one newspaper columnist who criticized the measure was promptly fired: no room for dissent in Diversity Land.

Sweden has had a lot of rapes committed recently, and the government refuses to release any information on the “ethnic background” of the rapists. They would rather turn what’s left of marriage upside-down than admit that their policy of massively importing angry young Muslim men, who say it’s a righteous act to rape an infidel woman, might not be working out all that well. Their intention seems to be “We’ll give you a multicultural society if it kills you.”

Meanwhile, to make our civilization still more vulnerable to disintegration from within, public and private efforts to de-sanctify Christmas shifted into high gear last week.

The Canadian government got into the act. An official government web site warned children “Santa is moving to the South Pole,” because, you see, Climate Change/Global Warming is going to melt the ice at the North Pole. So Santa had to sign “an agreement with the international community,” whoever that is, that “relocates individuals and corporations facing the impacts of Climate Change.” And he’d better hurry, or it’ll be into the drink with Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, workshop and all. They’ll have to rewrite a lot of the songs.

“You might as well shout, you might as well cry,/ You might as well weep, I’m tellin’ you why:/ Santa Claus is goin’ to drown!/ He’s goin’ down once, he’s goin’ down twice,/ along with his elves he’s goin’ down thrice:/ Santa Claus is goin’ to drown!”

Not a nice thing to tell the kiddies, is it? And never mind the fact that the North Polar ice cap is not actually melting. “Climate Change” has never been about truth.

These people want a world government so bad, they can taste it; and if they can seal the deal on Climate Change, they’ll scoop up all the marbles. Once you establish that everything you do is to Save The Planet, you can do just about anything. Just like when your government is fighting for survival in a world war: anything goes, no one can afford to worry about the niceties of law or liberty.

One of the things they’re willing to do, to make their point, is to mangle and erase whatever’s left of Christmas as a Christian holiday—which they want to do anyway, because no humanist world state can tolerate a religion that recognizes and serves as higher power than the state’s.

And private efforts to batter Christmas are in the news, too.

A few days ago a topless feminist loon belonging to a Ukrainian nut squad called “Femen” tried to steal the figure of the Baby Jesus out of a Nativity scene in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square. She jumped the barrier, shouting her slogan, “God is woman!” (which she had also scrawled across her back), and vowing “complete victory over patriarchy,” ho-hum, before the guards grabbed her. Well, she tried.

It’s more than bad enough that we have governments and individual wackos trying  so hard to overturn what’s left of Christian civilization.

It’s what they intend to replace it with that scares me.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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From Charles Manson To Sutherland Springs: How The Materialist West Is Killing Its Own

Charles Manson, who orchestrated of one of the past century’s most brutal mass murders, passed away mostly unmourned in prison last month. He was 83. Since he’d had brushes with the law going back into his childhood (was sent to reform school at age 8), and never spent a day outside prison following his arrest for the Tate / La Bianca murders in August 1969, most of Manson’s life was spent behind bars.

Which is doubtless just as well. For the influence he wielded can only be described as demonic. He’d not killed anyone himself, but directed others, the young girls of his “Family,” to do his bidding after supplying them with generous doses of LSD.

The would-be assassin of then-president Gerald Ford, a few years later, turned out to be a “Family” member: Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme.

Having read the article about Manson’s death, I found myself browsing the comments section out of curiosity. One comment brought me up short.

What it said, in essence: if the Manson killings happened today, in an environment following Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, Texas, they would get perhaps a week of news coverage before mass media went on to the next ghastly event.

My thought: what a statement on American society today, as opposed to 1969-70!

Back then, a mass murder on that level shocked us to the core. The country, especially its youth, still held to an idealism about human nature and what was socially possible. Today, in 2017, much of the secular-derived hope that existed then is gone, whether we know it or want to admit it or not.

The better elements of the youth movement of the late 1960s, united for civil rights and feminism understood as nondiscrimination and basic workplace fairness, and against an ill-advised and massively unpopular war in Southeast Asia, arguably were cosmic optimism’s last culturally viable gasp. Afterwards, the above movements were hijacked and turned divisive. Wars became popular again. We fell into confusion and justifiable doubt.

Some would trot out the technology revolution of the 1990s as a sign of cultural optimism, but its most popular fruits have been the self-absorption and self-indulgence represented by (what else?) selfies and Facebook. But no, technology has not saved us. However much we can use Skype and WhatsApp to communicate conveniently, sometimes across oceans, the Internet’s dark side reveals a world of trolls (some paid), hackers, scam artists, cyberbullies, and hard-core porn sites easily accessed by young teenagers. On the so-called dark web, not accessible through common search engines like Google, there is worse, or so I am told: kiddie porn sites done by and for pedophiles, Satanic rituals, and films of animals and humans being tortured to death.

While much went wrong in the 1970s, the seeds of destruction had been planted long before. Because for decades, materialism as a theory of reality (or metaphysics) had been taught as truth — substantiated by science or inferred by Enlightenment reason — and when not promoted in universities, assumed as a basis for educational policy (behaviorism in psychology, which sees children as little stimulus-response machines, is an application of materialism.) Everything else was rejected as superstition, unreason, pseudoscience, psychological aberration, fantasy, etc. A latent commitment to materialism — not a brand new reading of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause — stood behind such events as the removal of prayer from public schools and the effort to eliminate Christianity from the public square.

If we were talking about a mere philosophical abstraction, the matter wouldn’t be of much importance except for scholars. But materialism is not just an abstraction. It has important consequences, some of which I’ve discussed previously. For our purposes here, the most important consequence is that human life — our lives as persons — has no transcendent value or significance. Morality is, at best, a cultural artifact, a set of socially approved habits which bind a culture together via authority.

If this interpretation of morality and of the significance of individual human lives is assumed, then a cultural ethos in which moral rules are easily flaunted is increasingly acceptable, and becomes progressively easier as we “define deviancy down.”

At this point I could invoke abortion as a perfect example. Legal abortions have now taken the lives of roughly 61 million unborn babies since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. If an evaluation of the prevailing moral ethos of a civilization can be made by how it treats its most vulnerable members — and who is more vulnerable than an unborn baby? — then any honest evaluation of ours comes to look very bad! (I am not saying, incidentally, that we shouldn’t look at factors that tempt girls and women to end unwanted pregnancies, ranging from poverty to cultural hedonism and extramarital sex. We are talking about many overlapping systems here, but some of them are products of a materialist worldview.)

It also looks bad when we think of a civilizational ethos that seems to be producing more and more people able to plan cold-blooded mass murder of their fellow adult citizens, then pick up an assault weapon and carry out the plan, which is what happened in Sutherland Springs, Texas: before last month a town no one outside the area had heard of, as it is little more than a major intersection with a stoplight, a few homes, a few stores, and a certain First Baptist Church.

A person can only do this if he is a sociopath, or has been trained — or has trained himself — to depersonalize his “targets.” Such training is conducted as a matter of course in war. Few soldiers are sociopaths who can just pick up guns and kill strangers. They have to depersonalize the enemy. Those then slaughtered on battlefields are not seen as men like themselves, with families waiting anxiously for them back home. They are ciphers to be taken out before they take you out. Many of our returned Veterans never fully recover from this experience. As a college student in the 1970s I recall encountering Vietnam Veterans who were tormented by things they’d seen. Now we have Veterans from the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq suffering from PTSD, with recurring nightmares and unpredictable reactions to loud noises (there is even a heavy progressive rock song by an intelligent group, Dream Theater, the harsh edginess of which offers a surprisingly moving account of what some of these people are going through).

It is not normal to pick up a firearm and kill strangers without a very, very good reason!

(And lest I be asked, the Sutherland Springs saga is an embodiment of why more gun control is not the answer. First, existing laws should have prevented Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, from obtaining an assault weapon. He had been dishonorably discharged from the Air Force following a domestic violence conviction and period of incarceration. A bureaucrat neglected to enter this in the national database. Gun control laws cannot be made idiot-proof! Second, had a neighbor also with a gun not accessed the situation quickly and taken action, forcing Kelley to flee the scene, the death toll inside the church would have been much higher.

Incidentally, too, I’ve encountered nothing to suggest that the Sutherland Springs killings were anything other than what they appeared to be, and trust me, I was looking. Sometimes, as I often say, a cigar is just a cigar. The Vegas shootings are a different story. Here we have an official narrative full of unanswered questions, ranging from sightings suggestive of multiple shooters, queries why no one injured subsequently died of their wounds which given the numbers vastly stretches probability, the mystery of how the sheer quantity of guns and ammo found in Stephen Paddock’s suite got there in a building wired with secure-cams and no one reported anything suspicious, and what Paddock’s motive could possibly have been. But we need not deal with these to make the point I am interested in here: someone — maybe more than one someone — was willing to mass murder their fellow human beings, whatever the reason!)

Materialism has far less dramatic effects, obviously. It is hardly news that many millennials are turning from capitalism and trying to embrace socialism. For the first time last year, a man who called himself a democratic socialist posed a viable challenge to an establishment candidate. The superficial criticism of the Bernie Sanders millennials would be that the Soviet Union collapsed before they were born, and that the impoverishment of education and their own tech-induced myopia blinds them to the present realities of North Korea’s brutal prison camps or how Venezuelans, despite living in a resources-rich country, have been reduced by the insane policies of their socialist government to digging through garbage for scraps of food.

These snarky responses no longer seem to me especially fair. They miss the real question: why the relatively sudden (since 2008) hostility to capitalism by significant voices of a generation? A plausible answer is that the present neoliberal corporatist capitalism globalists have embraced sees one’s worth as a person as what one can contribute to the global economy. Do note that the elderly, the infirm, many disabled, not to mention “fetuses” (and for that matter, small children) cannot contribute. I have encountered Libertarians (many of whom are de facto materialists) who wouldn’t seem to have much of a problem with nonparticipants in the marketplace starving, although obviously they wouldn’t say so; they would point to charities, etc., etc., indicative of the need for institutions operating outside the marketplace, understood as economic space for exchanges of goods and services for money.

Neoliberal ideology, which now controls university administrations, has been described as “capitalism with the gloves off”: currently empowering the global billionaire ownership class — with more wealth than the entire bottom half of the world’s population — which has shrunk over the past couple of decades until it would fit comfortably into a high school auditorium.

I don’t think you have to be a socialist to see something wrong with this picture.

The problem is not socialism and it is not capitalism, it is the materialism that the most important incarnations of each one share. Materialism, again, as a theory of reality holds that God does not exist, that morality is a cultural artifact, that our lives have no transcendent significance, that death is the end of personal identity and consciousness after which your body is dropped in a hole and covered over, and that therefore there is nothing fundamentally wrong with amassing as much wealth you can by whatever means are available — including buying easily-corrupted political elites, treating your employees as expendable, and otherwise stepping on anyone in your way.

That’s our wonderful global corporate capitalist engine as it exists in the twenty-first century.

Small wonder some of our young people are “rediscovering” Marx!

Small wonder others, their brains addled by identity-politics, are turning “alt-right” and claiming for whites what the cultural left has foisted on over a dozen academic disciplines (several of which would not exist without identity politics).

The most visible response to our materialist moment has been the populist anger that put Donald Trump in the White House and empowered movements both “left” and “right” elsewhere in the world, from Arab Spring all across the Arab world and the Syriza Party in Greece prior to its being strongarmed and neutered by the EU central bank, to Brexit, to the current leadership in Poland and Hungary. What all have in common is a desire to live as they see fit, without the structural coercion globalist elitism entails. This includes rejecting open borders and incursions by unassimilable foreigners who commit violent crimes including rape and murder.

Most populist rage, whether of the “left” or the “right,” is inchoate and inarticulate. Were it to find a philosophically-informed expositor, the result might go something like this: If God does not exist and there is no transcendent morality and no life other than this material one, then if any of us are to get justice, however we define it, it has to be gotten in this world — by whatever means are necessary, including those other groups will define as unjust.

In this kind of ethos, groups politicized by identity are apt to fly at each other’s throats. I won’t wade into specifics because I am more interested in the unspoken commonality: my group has been shafted and we’re not going to tolerate it anymore!

Into this arena walks the occasional sociopath, or the man who simply “snaps” — or who is willing to kill other persons to advance a hidden agenda.

Into the same arena, of course, walk known sexual predators: the Bill Clintons, the Harvey Weinsteins, the Al Frankens, the Charlie Roses, who did what they did because in their reality, women are used for men’s sexual gratification and then rewarded with jobs or movie roles, for it’s just business, right? Sexual predation being a sanctionable “bad thing,” unproven and unprovable allegations can then be used in efforts to destroy those whose worldviews threaten the status quo, due process being expendable. Judge Roy Moore of Alabama comes to mind.

The enemy behind the headlines is materialism — which can be an abstraction, an obsession with wealth and possessions or power, or as the depersonalizing of persons that is possible when one sees them as evolved big-brained mammals or as objects existing for one’s profit or gratification, or as lumps of flesh in a womb.

Advancing civilizations have features that tempt them to materialism. Empirical science, which rightly focuses on physical reality, offers credible and useful explanations for many phenomena. Prosperity does result from technology turning raw materials into consumable ones, and from trade. Increased wealth does establish comfort levels enabling the comfortable to forget where they came from and just bask in their surroundings, and their children to grow up with, e.g., no idea that their food comes from anywhere except the grocery store.

Capitalism never lifted everyone equally, however, and it never will — for reasons too numerous to get into here. But socialism, invariably built on a capitalist base, will not even things out. These abstract ideologies are nowhere seen in their pure forms in any event. What we need to reflect on (millennials, I am talking to you if any of you are reading / listening):

The ideology of modernity, whether understood in capitalist terms or as something else (e.g., the “mixed economy”) cannot deliver on its progressive promise to bring paradise to Earth because human nature is inherently sinful (Rom. 3:23). Think about both the plusses and negatives of the Internet I cited earlier, and then tell me there is no such thing as sin. Think about our seeming inability to organize ourselves socially and economically in a way that does not screw somebody, and tell me there is no such thing as sin. Globalization and technology have conspicuously failed to lift the world’s masses out of poverty, although they have further empowered the billionaire ownership class (my term, in Four Cardinal Errors, is the superelite) that has orchestrated it.

If what has happened to the West is any guide, when materialism takes over a civilization, that civilization begins to self-destruct. Its rich grow richer, more corrupt, arrogant, and indifferent to those thrown under the bus by their policies. The latter grow increasingly irrational and destructive. They create a debt-fueled system to sustain spending in an economy in which the decent jobs have disappeared because no one really makes anything anymore. They initiate wars not from just causes but because war is profitable! Educational systems are ruined, because those in power can’t abide a population of critical thinkers. Entertainment is corrupted and turned increasingly tawdry. Just compare the comedians of long ago, such as Red Skelton and Jackie Gleason, to the talentless, foul-mouthed losers who dominate comedy today. Or compare the upbeat jazz and soulful black music of the 1960s-early 1970s (anyone recall the Temptations, or Diana Ross and the Supremes?) with the lewdness and violence of rap.

The materialist West is killing its own, and where once, long ago, the killings shocked us (Manson), today they result in a few days of coverage and then are remembered with yawns by all except neighbors and surviving family members whose lives have been permanently altered (Sutherland Springs). And it is killing itself. The West’s collective philosophical problem, like Camus’s (see his 1942 essay “The Myth of Sisyphys”), is suicide. The West is committing educational and cultural suicide. Even if it doesn’t go out with the horror of a nuclear war, it threatens ever-greater degrees of de facto totalitarianism — Trumpian populism notwithstanding — followed by long-term collapse (a process, not a singular event) as its institutions become unsustainable.

Maybe the test for the future is to see if we can overthrow materialism, not just globalism. For if we were to overthrow the latter and ignore the former, within a generation or so we’d be back where we started. It won’t be easy. Materialism is probably more deeply woven into the fabric of our civilization than the profit motive in global corporations or the power motive in governments. Formally educated men and women dismiss those of us who speak of the God of the Bible as irrational and backward, or as would-be theocrats: “dominionists” driven by a lust for power ourselves. There may, of course, be Christians who fall into this trap. Speaking just for myself, I have no interest in seeing a theocracy established, which I see as one more species of hierarchical, top-down power politics.  My interest is in promoting the only worldview and guide for life that might have some hope of sustaining bottom-up self-governance by providing a core of stable morals that apply to every area of life, from governance to personal finance to family and relationships, and containing the lust for power as much as is humanly possible. Separating ourselves, rather than trying to “take over the government,” might be the most viable long-term strategy at this point.

As against materialism, we must affirm both that God exists as the Creator of all things (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1), that we were created in His image (Gen 1:27) — and that He knows even the unborn (Jere. 1:5). God does not reject rightful knowledge-seeking (Hosea 4:6). What limited knowledge we have of the physical world, and what capacity we have to use its resources, are as they are because of this. We were indeed given “dominion” over the world (Gen. 1:28-30), where dominion means responsible stewardship. Morality is a provision of God’s (Micah 6:8), not commanded because He is some kind of cosmic tyrant, but because living according to His commands is, in the final analysis, the only means to a life at peace with oneself, in harmony with others, and with the world as it is. We may be fallen: we inhabit a fallen world, but we are redeemable through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior (John 3:16, Rom 3:23 and 6:23, Eph 2:8-9, and elsewhere).

Christian ideas are not to be forced on anyone. What may apply are the words Jesus had for the “lukewarm church” — perhaps helping us avoid the temptations to lukewarmness in ourselves: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20).

In this age of wanton killings and technological distractions, does anyone still hear His voice?

[Author’s Note: if you believe this article was worth your time, please consider supporting my writing with a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.

This is an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, to be marketed as the first serious novel of the Donald Trump era, which, so far as I know, it is. In it, a ex-Wall Street globalist technocrat defends his views on elitism and oligarchy before a community wracked by the effects of globalization in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — to be contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book, in my case, means the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work might make a contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I often criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below).

I’ve allowed myself (via a handful of reader emails) to be talked out of going into retirement at the end of this year, to give this at least one more year, but due to my own situation, that will be the best I can do.]

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

CNN’S “Useful Idiot” Jake Tapper Cheerleads Muslims To Serve In American Government

“Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine. . . . Far from being rivals or enemies, religion (Christian faith) and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other.” – James Wilson, U. S. Supreme Court Justice & signer of the Constitution

Before we get to the pith and the marrow of this important topic of countering revisionist and CNN “Useful Idiot” Jake Tapper concerning a “religious test,” we must first understand that the term “religion” to the Forefathers always fell underneath the umbrella of the Christian faith (Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Methodist, Wesleyan, Baptist etc… Not Hindu, Islam, Buddhist, etc.)

For example, if I were to go to India, I would expect them to rule according to their religious beliefs of Hinduism, and they do.

If I went to China, I would expect them to rule according to their religion of Buddhism, and they do.

If I went to a Muslim nation, I would expect that they would oppress through their religious totalitarian methods of Sharia law, and they do.

Furthermore, do you suppose for one minute that Barack Hussein Obama would have been elected president or given a pass to entertain America’s enemies within the people’s White House or to “fundamentally transform” America if he did not profess to be a Christian? No way.

So, in America, a Christian nation, it should come as no surprise to rule according to the Mosaic Institution, and so we do (Exodus 18:21).

[YouTube Video]

[Facebook/CNN Video]

As you can see, Jake Tapper questioned Roy Moore’s comment in which he stated that a “Muslim” should not be allowed to be a member of Congress, by asking why and under what Constitutional provision?

What are you saying Jake, that some representatives are to uphold our enumerated Laws and some are okay to transgress and destroy? Is that somehow permissible?

This is what he is clearly stating.  If there is no vow to serve “We the People” honestly, being held accountable before the One true God, then what will be the consequence?

“If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.” -Siraj Wahhaj

Countering this lunacy…

“And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without (Christian) religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious (Christian) principle.” – Charles Carrol, signer of the Declaration of Independence

Maybe, Muslim cheerleader Jake Tapper has mysteriously conjured up that those who mean to conquer and destroy this country have the freedom to do so.  Apparently, Mr. Tapper does not realize that his freedoms come from one God and His Son, Jesus Christ (John 8:36; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

According to many ignorant Americans, Freedom of Religion now means whatever they want it to mean, and that to their own demise (Proverbs 26:27), even when it runs antithetical to our Constitutional Republic, which is based upon the Mosaic institution called Common Law.

Though they may be afforded asylum here, those individuals that come to America should be processed into American society, by being properly vetted to assimilate to our ways of life before they serve anybody.

[YouTube Video]

Common sense does come into play here.

First, it is clear that our rights come from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Second, remember that our Right-Giver did not give us a right to transgress His law (1 John 3:4) and serve other gods (Exodus 20:3-5).

Furthermore, America is a self-professed Christian nation and to do otherwise will bring about war within the gates (Judges 5:8).

Jake Tapper then goes on to tell his guest, “You don’t actually have to swear in on a Christian Bible, You can swear in on anything really, I don’t know if you knew that?”

Did anything, or did someone bestow His blessing’s on this country? (Acts 14:17)

Just think of that.

This communicates to the people and those who represent them that we are not accountable nor obligated to uphold the laws of the Lawgiver, who saved us from our sins (Matthew 1:21) and maintains our freedoms, which feeds into a system of anarchy while giving power to the state.

Jake Tapper clearly has an evolutionary view of government.

Is this the example set before us by the American founders of this country? Absolutely not!

Here, in part, are some of the oaths of affirmation in America before one could serve.

Delaware Constitutional requirements for men in office:

“I do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, blessed forevermore…”

Pennsylvania’s Constitution:

“I do believe in One God, the Creator and Governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked…”

The Massachusetts Constitution is along the same lines.

North Carolina’s Constitution:

“No person who shall deny the being of God, or the truth of the {Christian} religion, or the divine authority whither of the Old or New Testaments, or who shall hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom and safety of the state, shall be capable of holding office, or place of trust or profit in the civil department, within the state.”

Every state in our American union starts out acknowledging, guess who? You got it!

[YouTube Video]

The Constitution

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. – Article 6, Section 3, US Constitution

Let’s tear down (Judges 6:25-32) the revisionists and their purposefully distorted version of what our Founders have clearly bestowed upon us.

[YouTube Video]

BTW, Wikipedia also has a No Religious Test Clause on their site in accordance with the lies of the American Civil Liberties Union. It stated:

This clause is cited by advocates of separation of church and state as an example of the “original intent” of the Framers of the Constitution to avoid any entanglement between church and state, or involving the government in any way as a determiner of religious beliefs or practices. This is significant because this clause represents the words of the original Framers, even prior to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Remember, founder of the ACLU Roger Baldwin said, “Communism is the goal.”

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

It comes to this:  These media outlets, useful idiots, and organizations clearly fly in the face of everything that we are.

Either we are one nation under God, or we are one nation gone under! (Psalm 33:12)

© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Will Trump’s Executive Order Seize George Soros Funds?

The Planetary War Against Evil And Corruption Is In Full Swing

This is truly a planetary war against the tyrannical globalist powers that be.  Leading the charge is Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the most powerful country in modern day history and the first leader to raise an international banner in the war against global tyranny, satanic evil and corruption; his battle is for goodness, righteousness, freedom and justice.

Over the last half century the silent forces of good throughout the world have been restrained by the controlling evil forces in authority.  But now that there is a champion for good to rally behind, as the people did in America at the voting booths, the people of the world are also demonstrating their staunch reserve in one resounding voice as they throw off the shackles of global tyranny and make their stand with Donald J. Trump.

The constant cry, “Globalism vs. Nationalism,” from the start of Trump’s campaign depicts the battle at hand today.  Nationalism is sovereignty; independence is self-government, a Constitutional Republic.  The exact opposite of nationalism is globalism, its subjugation, a suppression of the people, and it’s some international authority that rules the world with no accountability to the people.  Globalism is a New World Order that rules by global elite.

“No man escapes when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails; and they who cried ‘Appease, Appease!’  Are hanged by men they tried to please.”  Hiram Mann

According to Benjamin Fulford, “’December 17, 2017, the U.S. President Donald Trump spent the weekend at Camp David with his top generals to map out the exact strategy for decapitating the global mafia worldwide,’ say Pentagon sources.  ‘The Atlanta airport was shut down, while the Department of Defense refused to disclose the locations of 44,000 U.S. troops involved in terminating the cabal worldwide, a senior Pentagon source said.  There are now close to 10,000 sealed indictments as more and more of the international criminals give up evidence on their colleagues,’ the sources say.

“Trump declared a state of emergency and signed an executive order on December 20th freezing the assets of those accused of human rights abuses (adult and child sex trafficking) and corruption, a catch-all to bankrupt the Bushes, Clintons, Soros (Petition to Seize Assets of George Soros Gains 80k Signatures,) Obama, the Deep State Cabal, and the global mafia,” was how a Pentagon source summed up the situation.

“The national emergency allows Trump to seize assets and unleash the military to carry out mass arrests and adjudicate via military tribunals, effectively imposing martial law,” the source continues.


Even the brainwashed propaganda media is beginning to realize that something is going on when they see Hillary Clinton’s “surgical boot” (hiding a GPS ankle bracelet) staying on long after it should have been removed if the official excuse of a broken toe were true, Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe … – Daily Mail.  

No doubt some lame excuse will be given and the still-brainwashed segment of the population will accept it, just as they did after the photos were released of Sen. John McCain’s surgical boot (hiding his GPS ankle bracelet) was seen on his right foot and other photos showing the boot on his left foot. John McCain’s Walking Boot Mysteriously Swaps Sides Weeks After …

Are Hillary’s and John McCain’s orthopedic boots actually ankle bracelets?

“The Pentagon source also sent a copy of this photograph with the explanation,” Fulford continues, ‘Trump wears purple when unveiling his national security strategy on December 18th in a victory lap over the Soros/Hillary purple revolution, and drinks water with both hands to simulate handcuffs.”


Law & Justice

Issued on: December 21, 2017

See Trump’s Executive Order here.


Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), I hereby report that I have issued the enclosed Executive Order (the “order”) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world. In addition to taking action under IEEPA, the order implements the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”) and delegates certain of its authorities.

The order blocks the property and interests in property of persons listed in the Annex to the order. It also blocks the property and interests in property of any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:

(1) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have directly or indirectly engaged in, serious human rights abuse;

(2) to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in:

(a) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or

(b) the transfer or the facilitation of the transfer of the proceeds of corruption;

(3) to be or have been a leader or official of:

(a) an entity, including any government entity, that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, any of the activities described in (1), (2)(a), or (2)(b) above relating to the leader’s or official’s tenure; or

(b) an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to the order as a result of activities related to the leader’s or the official’s tenure; or

(4) to have attempted to engage in any of the activities described in (1), (2)(a), or (2)(b) above.

The order also blocks any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:

(5) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of:

(a) any activity described in (1), (2)(a), or (2)(b) above that is conducted by a foreign person;

(b) any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to the order; or

(c) any entity described in (3)(a) above where the activity is conducted by a foreign person;

(6) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to the order; or

(7) to have attempted to engage in any of the activities described in (5) or (6) above.

In addition, the order suspends entry into the United States of any alien listed in the Annex or determined to meet one or more of the criteria above.

I have delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury the authority, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to take such actions, including adopting rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to the President by IEEPA and the Act, as may be necessary to implement the order and relevant provisions of the Act. I have delegated to the Secretary of State the authority to take such actions, including adopting rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to the President by IEEPA and the Act, as may be necessary to implement the provisions of the order and the Act suspending entry into the United States of certain aliens. All executive departments and agencies are directed to take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement the order.


December 20, 2017.]

This article To be continued

Please read my book “The Master Plan,” by Al Duncan

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Obama Not Trump Colluded With Putin: Freed Hezbollah Terrorist For Iranians

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

[YouTube Video] <—- Video explaining Obama’s Deep State and Islam

In the midst of pushing a “false flag” — that President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians and President Vladimir Putin to steal the presidency from Hillary Clinton — members of the news media are purposely ignoring the real incidents of Russian collusion.

An already lawless President Barack Obama and his inner-circle allegedly protected members of a notorious and Islamist group based in Lebanon, Hezbollah, from prosecution to save the Iran nuclear deal, a well-researched and reliable report claims.

Under both Obama Attorneys General — Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch — their operatives in the Justice Department’s Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) had been working for almost a decade on an emerging narco-terrorism connection involving Hezbollah, the Taliban and Mexican Drug Cartels.

The DEA agents hoped to smash the Lebanon-based Shi’ite Islamic organization’s sophisticated billions-a-year drug ring. The DEA suspected Hezbollah funding its weapons purchases by sneaking large shipments of pure cocaine into the United States and laundering the profits by buying used cars stateside and shipping them to Africa for resale.

According to a news story by Jim Kouri appearing in a past edition of “Homeland Security U.S.” published by the Northeast Intelligence Network:

“For many years, Hezbollah was synonymous with terror, suicide bombings and kidnappings. In 1983, militants who went on to join Hezbollah’s ranks carried out a suicide bombing attack that killed 241 US marines in Beirut, which lead to President Ronald Reagan’s withdrawal order for all US military peacekeepers.

“In May 2000 — due to the success of the party’s military arm — one of its main aims was achieved. Israel’s military was forced to end almost 20 years of occupation in southern Labanon. Hezbollah now serves as an inspiration to Palestinian factions fighting to liberate more territory. The party has embraced the Palestinian cause and has said publicly that it is ready to open a second front against Israel in support of the intifada.

“Hezbollah’s political rhetoric’s central theme is the total annihilation of the state of Israel. Its definition of Israeli occupation has also encompassed the idea that the whole of Palestine is occupied Muslim land and it has argued that Israel has no right to exist. Hezbollah’s spiritual head Sheikh Fadlallah is close to Iranian government and is believed responsible for the vitriolic speeches of the Iranian president.”

Unfortunately for the DEA, the departments of Justice and Treasury delayed and rejected prosecution and sanctions requests from the team that had exposed the Iran-backed criminal network because the Obama White House feared “rocking the boat” with Hezbollah’s financial supporters in Iran, from whom the Obama team wished to get a nuclear agreement.

Now, Tea Partier Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is demanding an investigation into the Obama administration’s interference with the investigation into “Hezbollah’s illegal drug dealing, money laundering and arms running.”

In a statement, Pittenger said:

Now, it appears in order to secure his deeply flawed Iran Deal, President Obama and his administration shielded the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah from a major US multi-agency investigation targeting Hezbollah’s global criminal operation which included drug dealing, money laundering and arms running.

These revelations are shocking and infuriating.

While American soldiers were bravely fighting ISIS terrorists, with some paying the ultimate price, the Obama administration reportedly was protecting Hezbollah terrorists who were funding themselves by trafficking illegal drugs. No wonder President Obama couldn’t bring himself to call them “Radical Islamist Terrorists.”

This is the same administration that sent $1.7 billion in cash ransom to Iran.

The growing nexus between terrorist organizations and Latin American drug cartels poses a grave threat to our national security, especially considering the porous state of our southern border. Last month, I hosted a forum in Buenos Aires for 220 Members of Parliament and government officials from 15 South American countries with government and private sector experts to address the critical challenge of intercepting drug related funding of terrorism.

The letter, which was sent to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, was also provided to Independent Journal Review.

After explaining the severity of the issue at hand, Pittenger stated the following in the letter:

I respectfully request that the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:

  • Investigate this matter with haste;
  • Hold hearings on this matter open to the public; and
  • Make public any documents that are not classified for national security reasons.

Due to the severity of this matter and my engagement on these issues with our Latin American partners, I am happy to testify in front of your subcommittee to offer any expertise. Thank you again for your consideration.

Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, on which he works to strengthen America’s relationship with the Middle East and Europe to combat terrorism. He is also vice chairman of the Bipartisan Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing, on which terrorist financing is tracked and cut off.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Old School Parenting At Christmastime

Like millions of lower to middle income American families back in the day, my parents did an awesome job at Christmastime. With little money, they always found a way to give their kids happy Christmases. As the 9 year old eldest, I babysat my 4 siblings. I knew mom and dad did not have a lot of money. And yet, I never thought we were poor or felt shortchanged at Christmas. I don’t remember my 3 brothers and sister ever feeling shortchanged at Christmas. How awesome is that? Given their financial challenges, my parents had to be magicians to pull off that trick. Somehow, they performed their magic every year. I kind of took it for granted. Looking back, all I can say is, “Wow!”

The arrival of the Montgomery Wards catalog was a major exciting event. Each of us kids circled the toys we wanted for Christmas.

I remember, my Roy Roger’s pistol and holster. On Christmas day, I left my pistol outside for a moment. When I came back, it was gone. Mom was extremely annoyed at me.

I felt my Aunt Bummie and her 5 sons living on welfare were poor. Mom, dad, we 5 kids, Aunt Bummie and her 5 boys sat around a table, feasting on a mountain of fried chicken necks and backs. They were dirt cheap to buy. We laughed, joked and had a wonderful time. God has blessed me to travel the world, enjoying numerous five star dining experiences. I still love fried chicken necks and backs.

One Christmas when we were still living in the Baltimore government housing project, I found a used bicycle hidden deep in the closet. I knew the bike was my Christmas present. I was elated because I knew mom and dad could not afford it. Mom was disappointed that I saw the bike. I told her I was a big boy and wanted to help her and dad play Santa; setting up the gifts Christmas eve for my younger siblings. She said, “Okay”.

Then there was the Christmas we could have died. In 1952, the restriction of blacks being allowed to take the test to become Baltimore City firefighters ended. Dad became a firefighter. We moved out of the projects. My parents purchased a home in a small black suburban community; Pumphrey, Maryland. It was Christmas eve. Dad had to work the night shift at the fire house. Mom decided to paint a room with oil based paint. Dad came home 7am Christmas morning to find us all passed out. He rescued us by carrying us to the front porch. We recovered and opened presents.

My wife Mary said her parents were pretty awesome as well. They always found a way to make room and feed relatives in need. Mary’s immediate family consisted of her parents and 3 siblings. And yet, Mary recalls washing dishes for as many as 11 people living in their home. She has wonderful childhood Christmas memories. Although, she has been scared for life regarding washing dishes. Mary cooks and I wash the dishes. Our kitchen remodel will include a dishwasher.

Old school American parents were awesome. They were responsible early in their adulthood, doing whatever needed to be done. My baby-boomer generation seems to be pretty spoiled and self focused.

At 29 years old, my Dad fathered his 5 kids and tried to be a stand-in father/role model for my Aunt Bummie’s five boys. They loved my dad and envied me for having him.

I’m getting choked up.

Mom passed away 20 years ago. Our family’s 2017 annual Christmas Eve gathering was wonderful. Everyone shared a spirit of making merry. Last year, Dad declared me the new patriarch of the family. At this year’s gathering, I called for a round of applause for my late mom and 89 year old dad, thanking them for all the great Christmases.

I pray y’all had a Merry Christmas. Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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The Christmas Thing

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6, KJV, Handel’s Messiah

It’s Christmas, with all the joy and frenzy and shopping, and food, and family gathering, and it’s THE CELEBRATION OF OUR SAVIOUR’S BIRTH!  Can you say Hallelujah!  I love Christmas…I simply love it!


Most of you know I own a wholesale commercial bakery and I’m very busy this time of year.  In September I start baking Christmas cookies to be shipped all over the country.  It is the part of my business that I enjoy the most.  I love creating the cookies, buying the boxes, ribbon, and ornaments for packing, and sending them to all the folks that look forward to them every year.  It’s a labor of love, and I enjoy this part of the Christmas preparations the most.  That might sound crazy to some of you, but my great-great grandfather was a restaurateur, confectioner, and amazing baker in Philadelphia, PA.  He also owned an ice cream shop along with his three restaurants.  G. Byron Morse actually developed the pinafore bread that became the Hoagie bun.  So, the baking gene runs in my blood.  This, however, is not what Christmas is all about…yet, it too is a part of the joyous celebration and the joy of giving.

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards are special for me.  Every year, the local Christian bookstore runs a 60% off sale on Christmas cards the day after Christmas.  Since I’ve lived all over the country, we send out over 100 cards every year, and we want them to express the truth of why we celebrate the birth of Messiah.  So, I’m there at 7 a.m. the morning after Christmas.

My sweet friends in Florida sent us a beautiful Christmas card this year that I want to share with you.  Like the cards I choose, this one relays the essence of Christmas…it was the Christ child, born for us, to die on a cross for our sins, so we could approach the throne of God with the blood of Jesus having washed away our sins, gone, not just covered over, but gone.  This card was so lovely in its message, I simply had to share it.  So here it is:


Just a little donkey, but on my back I bore, The one and only Savior, the world was waiting for.

Just a little donkey, but I was strong and proud–I gladly carried Mary through the chaos of the crowd.

I brought her to a stable where she made a tiny bed…A place for Baby Jesus to lay His little head.

I pray the world remembers that special Christmas night, when just a little donkey carried Heaven’s Precious Light.   Rita S. Beer

I hope the sentiment in this card touches your heart as it touched mine. It is the story of the King of Glory who humbled Himself to come to earth as a baby, to die on the Cross for all of us.  The cards are special greetings to those we know and love who are brothers and sisters in the faith, and they are a part of Christmas, but not the full essence, just a part of the whole celebration of the King’s birth.


There are not many places in America bereft of Christmas decorations, except perhaps Dearborn, Michigan. Many of the yards and windows of homes are adorned with lights and wreaths put up around Thanksgiving.  Holley Gerth wrote about the wonderful Christmas Wreath:

“The Christmas wreath is more than just a decoration…it’s a special reminder of Jesus, the reason for our celebration.  The circle of a Christmas wreath is a never-ending ring, a reminder of eternal love from our Lord and King.  The Christmas wreath is a sign of welcome, inviting all to enter in…a reminder of Christ’s invitation for all to come to Him.  The middle of a Christmas wreath is a bare and empty space, a reminder of what life would be without Christ’s love and grace.  So, each time you see a Christmas wreath hanging from a door, may your heart rejoice in the One that Christmas is truly for!”

When I was a child, my mother and I would get on the train and go into Chicago to see the decorated store windows on State Street; Marshall Fields, Wieboldts, Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, Goldblatts, and so many more.  In the 1950s, there were amazing crèche displays in the store windows…and of course Santa and the reindeer.  The crowds were enormous.  Decorations were everywhere.

When I see all the homes alight with decorations, I think of them as candles on the Saviour’s birthday cake.  This is another part of the celebration of Messiah’s birth, and it speaks to believers and non-believers…”We have lighted up our homes to celebrate the birth of the Saviour of the World.”   


Then there’s the shopping.  Since I have owned my bakery for 23 years, my shopping has to be finished before Thanksgiving and ready to ship to out-of-town family the Monday after Thanksgiving.  I really don’t like to shop during December, especially on the weekends, and I don’t do Black Fridays…not ever.  Having said that, the joy of the celebration is in the majority of stores.  The time goes quickly for employees when it’s busy and they all seem to be smiling and happy and saying, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.  Of course, I prefer Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays is from the original, Happy Holy Days. So, when I’m wished “Happy Holidays,” I always answer them with, “Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holy Days!”  This is the south and we’re in the buckle of the Bible Belt, so everyone smiles!  Shopping is the part of Christmas where we buy gifts to give to our family, friends, and those less fortunate, to share the love of the Christ child whose birth we celebrate.

One of my wonderful Christian cyber buds sent me a short email of vast import.  When you’re out doing the hectic last-minute shopping thing, remember this story,

“Who Started This Christmas Stuff?”

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.

She was feeling what so many feel during the holiday season time of the year – overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally the elevator doors opened, and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed, she couldn’t take it anymore and she stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car, everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, “Don’t worry, we already crucified Him.”

For the rest of the trip down in the elevator, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. This year, don’t forget to keep “the One who started this whole Christmas thing” in your every thought, deed and words. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.

It’s not simply the baking and cooking, it’s not the cards, or the decorations, it’s not the shopping, or the family gatherings, it’s all of these things!  It’s because this is the month of the birthday celebration of the King of Glory, the Messiah.

Ahh, yes, the “Christmas thing.”  The “Christmas thing” is Christ.  The “Christmas thing” is the Saviour of the world, the “Christmas thing” is that He came and died for all of us, the “Christmas thing” is the joy in knowing that we have everlasting life because the perfect, sinless, creator of the world shed His blood for us, the “Christmas thing” is that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us.  The “Christmas thing” is that we are to celebrate His birth with joy, love, peace, kindness and gentleness.  And we’re to share our reason for that joy!

So, for the month of December…you might want to answer those who say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas with a resounding, “Happy Birthday Jesus!”   That’s the “Christmas thing!”

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Hold The Sky: What You Can Do About Personal Grief

During your journey on Earth, you face incredible moments of joy, challenges and discomfort.  You never know where those “moments” may originate or for how long.

(Frosty Wooldridge skiing hut to hut and summiting 13,209 foot Home Stake Peak in raging wind storm.)

In your life, you may face an accident, loss of a loved one, disintegration of a friendship or disease.  A famous philosopher said, “Life is a spiritual boot camp. You will be tested.  You must make good choices to thrive.”

As a former hospital medical tech, I met a child named Paula in the cancer ward enduring her chemotherapy sessions.

“How does it feel after your chemo treatment?” a family friend asked Paula.

“It feels like an earthquake inside my body,” she said.  “It shakes my bones and turns my stomach to vomit.”

“How do you deal with it?” the family member asked.

“I hold the sky,” said Paula.

A small child may be better prepared for life’s “boot camp” moments than adults. They don’t think so much about their predicament or feel sorry for themselves. They battle onward with their body, mind and spirit.

They gather around them family and friends. They feel love.  They give love. They forgive.  They watch the ground, but they look toward the future.

It’s been said that if you’re going to hell, don’t invite me, and remember never to stop for tea. Avoid feeling sorry for yourself.

As you grow into adulthood, you gain the power of consciousness.  You grow into understanding of how the world works and how you can choose to work in the world.

  • You may choose to keep your life simple, pure and unobstructed by maintaining positive thoughts, ignoring negative opinions, office chatter and petty politics.
  • You may keep an eye out for elegance such as authentic beauty and natural expression.  Sit under a mighty oak tree for peace.  Lounge by a gurgling brook.  Gaze at the wonder of a sunset. Hold hands with a friend.
  • You may create a renewed perception of life by embracing it, enjoying it and standing in its abundance.

I’m reminded of a man, who, at 65 lamented to his wife, “Back when I was 24, I was broke, lived in a crummy apartment and drove a junker, but I dated a hot chick and rode a motorcycle.”

His wife piped up, “I was that hot chick and you married me.”

“Yes dear, now, I’m living in a $500,000.00 home, drive a Lexus and ride a Harley,” he said.  “But no more hot chick.”

“Dear,” she said.  “If you want, you can date that hot chick again, but I’ll make sure you go back to living in a crummy apartment, driving a clunker and riding a bicycle.”

Moral of the story:  enjoy each moment of your life and celebrate its abundance.  It could change on you in ways you never imagined.  Your attitude and choices respond to the “Law of Attraction.”

One night over a beer, my friend John related his story of a wildly successful life that he gained and lost by his self-destructive actions.  He visited a preacher to ask for counseling.  He told the preacher that he was about to suffer his third divorce and lose his fourth business.

“How about your relationship with your mom?” asked the preacher.

“Always good,” John said.

“What about your dad?” the preacher asked.

“Not so good,” said John.

“Tell me,” said the preacher.

“Well, my dad used to get drunk and mean,” said John. “He knocked me around, but then, next day, he brought home gifts and apologized to me.  Then, he got drunk a few days later and smashed all my gifts.  It broke my heart because I couldn’t escape his anger.  I’d forgive him, but he repeated his vengeance.”

John started crying, “Oh my God!  I have built up businesses and marriages only to destroy them just like my dad cycled through his drunkenness, apologizes and gifts…he repeated his mistakes….”

The preacher noticed the weight of an emotional truck fall off John’s shoulders.  John rewound his life in those few moments. He decided to live by spiritual, intellectual and physical balance.   He decided to strive for happiness through conscious living and choices.

In the end, let your goal become a living relationship with yourself. That in turn will attract loving relationships with others.  Face the day with joy for being alive.  Live in the moment.  Breathe it into your being.

Life offers you a dance.  Pick your songs.  Make your move toward joy.  What about little Paula with chemotherapy causing an earthquake in her body?

Today, she holds up the sky as an artist who paints landscapes.  Live and paint in your own panoramas. Hold up the sky and inspire others to do the same.

Merry Christmas from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge


FB page:  How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

FB poets page:  Bicycling Poets

FB adventure page:  Bicycle Touring Unique Moments

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Woolridge; Amazon and/or 1 888 280 7715

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved


The American Crisis Then And Today, Addendum


The American Crisis Then And Today

Devvy Kidd
December 25, 2017

Sessions DOJ Wins First Round for Trump over DACA at Supreme Court

Twice Deported Criminal Alien Tagged in Texas Cold Case Murder

Delingpole – Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling: Trump Parks His Tanks on Sierra Club’s Lawn

No Drilling in ANWR – Blame the Republicans, my column several years ago

Meet some victims of the Trump tax plan

The Obamacare mandate doesn’t kick in until 2019 so Americans will continue to get raped in 2018 with astronomical premiums and fines by the Gestapo aka IRS. Also, the so-called tax breaks are not permanent. That’s right. Most of the taxpayer changes, not corporate, will expire in 2025.

Seven Myths About the GOP Tax Reform

Very detailed – to the right of title see slideshow pages to click. Simplified? What a crock. And remember where those taxes you sweat for go: 100% go to transfer payments and do not fund a single function of the federal government.

26 Ways the GOP’s Tax Reform Will Affect Your Wallet

In Updated Charts, What 8 Seniors’ Tax Bills Will Be With Tax Reform –  The bill to stop taxing seniors is still rotting in committee. Gee, how both parties really care about seniors. Seniors SS will still be taxed the same way as covered in this article. Oh, great. They tax you for the SS taxes and then when you retire your benefits are taxed again. Double taxation which the Republicans apparently decided is a good thing because stopping it is not in the so-called tax reform new law. That ‘simplified’ new reform. What bull.

The GOP tax overhaul kept this $1,300 break for seniors – Those deceitful thieves called CON-gress want seniors to be grateful for the crumbs.

Big List of 167 Trump accomplishments in 334 days

The Nuclear Option: Amid Anti-Trump Hysteria, Obama Treason Exposed

Deputy FBI Dir Delays Testimony After Reveal Fusion GPS Paid Official’s Wife

McCabe and Mr. Mueller

McCabe draws blank on Democrats’ funding of Trump dossier, new subpoenas planned

Russia Investigation Was ‘Insurance Policy’ Against A Trump Presidency? – Ousted FBI Agents Texts Are Smoking Gun Showing Mueller ‘Dream Team’ Totally Corrupted

“Trump Should Go F Himself” – Texts Leak From FBI Agents On Russia Probe, Hillary Emails Investigation

An Investigative Pattern Emerges

FBI Director Wray grilled by Republicans over ‘bias’ concerns in Russia, Clinton email cases

Five Things to Know About Anti-Trump FBI Agent Peter Strzok

FBI’s Peter Strzok’s ‘Insurance Policy’ Text Was Referring to Russia Probe– All of these players need to go to prison

FBI Edits To Clinton Exoneration Go Far Beyond What Was Previously Known; Comey, McCabe, Strzok Implicated

‘Over 10,000 texts’ between ex-Mueller team officials found, after discovery of anti-Trump messages

Fusion GPS admits DOJ official’s wife Nellie Ohr hired to probe Trump

FBI Plot Against Trump – Government skullduggery rears its ugly head at a congressional hearing

Rosenstein stands by Mueller probe as Republicans fume over ‘insider bias’ – He belongs in jail, too

‘Biggest Smoking Gun of All?’: Tom Fitton & Gregg Jarrett Explain Seriousness of Clinton Campaign Funding ‘Trump Dossier’

5th Circuit Decision is a 4th Amendment Win by Minns – I Know Michael. Not well, but he deserves so much more credit than he’s given but then the MSM including FOX don’t want you to know how badly he’s beat the IRS into the ground in big cases.

US Sailors Face Grim Diagnoses After Fukushima Mission

The Hepatitis A Outbreak In CA And Across The US – We Are Under BioWeapon Attack

Michigan’s Exploding Hepatitis A Outbreak – 20 Dead Already

Sweden’s coddling of Muslims is committing national suicide:

Mass Acquittal in Heinous Gang Rape Trial Ignites Public Fury In Sweden

Another gift from the illegitimate president, Obama. Trump needs to stop it now before they’re turned loose on the streets of America and kill more Americans.

Aussies sending hundreds of ‘mentally ill’ Muslim migrants to U.S. After car attack in Australia, more questions arise about ‘dumb deal

England Is Dying To Islam – Read It And Weep – We Are Next

Another ‘peaceful’ Muslim – former Marine who calls himself ‘ a slave of Allah’. What a fool.

FBI: Man planned Christmas terror attack for SF’s Pier 39, December 22, 2017

Swedish police retract safety advice to women despite 3rd gang rape in 1 month

French cities overwhelmed by refugee flow, govt must step in urgently – mayors

EU begins ‘nuclear option’ proceedings against Poland for resisting Islamization

Why Muslims will never assimilate in America

Hungary Rejects Europe’s ‘Limitless and Permanent Migrant Quota’

Virginia: Muslims Call For “Force” To Be Used Against “Infidels” To Accept The Koran

Islamic schools in Pakistan plagued by sex abuse of children

Merkel’s Germany: Animal Brothels Open in Germany as Migrant Population Hits 22 Percent – Muslims. They aren’t just pedophiles. And, yet, OUR CON-gress continues to allow our country to be flooded with these barbaric savages hiding behind their fake religion.

Public Overwhelmingly Reject ‘Soros Plan’ for Mass Migration to Europe

Ranchers defeat Big Brother in property rights fight

FCC Votes to End Net Neutrality and Restore a Free Market Internet

Lawmakers, Attorneys General Vow to Keep Fighting Following Net Neutrality Repeal

This company is providing jobs to military spouses across US

Chrome to block ads in February Sites will have to pay an ad coalition to evade a blockade by the world’s most popular browser

Since Feeding the Homeless is Now Illegal, A Group Carried AR15s to Give Out Food—It Worked

Missing $21 Trillion Means Federal Government Is Lawless – Dr. Mark Skidmore

Dr. Savage: Is it ‘very Christian’ to disregard truth?

Senate Parliamentarian Kills Efforts to Lift Rules Against Churches’ Political Speech

Another victory for the God-less Freedom From Religion Foundation:

IRS Must Stop Exempting Clergy Housing Allowance

Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months, New Study Reveals

There is ONE solution to fixing the VA once and for all which I describe in detail in my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions

 Illegal VA policy allows hiring since 2002 of medical workers with revoked licenses

Amazon, Verizon, and Goldman Sachs use Facebook ads to exclude older applicants, an investigation has found

12/17/2017 — Fresh lava rock washing ashore in Northwest California — HD Pictures

A Mysterious Blob of Hot Rock Is Building Up Under America’s Northeast – Vermont, New England

MSM Hiding Two Huge Vaccine Scandals

Drug, Alcohol Deaths At Workplaces Soar

Opioid epidemic burdening grandparents, foster care

The American Crisis Then And Today


Thomas Paine’s ‘The American Crisis N.o 1’ was published on December 19, 1776. What Paine wrote back then is so close to what’s happening today in our country with an ever-growing police surveillance state and the rot and corruption from the halls of Congress, appointed individuals in the various alphabet soup agencies right down to local offices in your town.

I hope you’ll take the time to read ‘The American Crisis No. 1’. If we don’t understand our past we cannot chart our future and destiny. At the bottom I have a comment and a gift to readers. There’s also an important Addendum at the bottom.

The American Crisis by Thomas Paine

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to tax) but “to bind us in all cases whatsoever,” and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.

Whether the independence of the continent was declared too soon, or delayed too long, I will not now enter into as an argument; my own simple opinion is, that had it been eight months earlier, it would have been much better. We did not make a proper use of last winter, neither could we, while we were in a dependent state. However, the fault, if it were one, was all our own[1]; we have none to blame but ourselves. But no great deal is lost yet. All that Howe has been doing for this month past, is rather a ravage than a conquest, which the spirit of the Jerseys, a year ago, would have quickly repulsed, and which time and a little resolution will soon recover.

I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. Neither have I so much of the infidel in me, as to suppose that He has relinquished the government of the world, and given us up to the care of devils; and as I do not, I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a house-breaker, has as good a pretence as he.

‘Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a country. All nations and ages have been subject to them. Britain has trembled like an ague at the report of a French fleet of flat-bottomed boats; and in the fourteenth [fifteenth] century the whole English army, after ravaging the kingdom of France, was driven back like men petrified with fear; and this brave exploit was performed by a few broken forces collected and headed by a woman, Joan of Arc. Would that heaven might inspire some Jersey maid to spirit up her countrymen, and save her fair fellow sufferers from ravage and ravishment! Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows through them, and acquires a firmer habit than before. But their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered. In fact, they have the same effect on secret traitors, which an imaginary apparition would have upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world. Many a disguised Tory has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which Howe arrived upon the Delaware.

As I was with the troops at Fort Lee, and marched with them to the edge of Pennsylvania, I am well acquainted with many circumstances, which those who live at a distance know but little or nothing of. Our situation there was exceedingly cramped, the place being a narrow neck of land between the North River and the Hackensack. Our force was inconsiderable, being not one-fourth so great as Howe could bring against us. We had no army at hand to have relieved the garrison, had we shut ourselves up and stood on our defence. Our ammunition, light artillery, and the best part of our stores, had been removed, on the apprehension that Howe would endeavor to penetrate the Jerseys, in which case Fort Lee could be of no use to us; for it must occur to every thinking man, whether in the army or not, that these kind of field forts are only for temporary purposes, and last in use no longer than the enemy directs his force against the particular object which such forts are raised to defend. Such was our situation and condition at Fort Lee on the morning of the 20th of November, when an officer arrived with information that the enemy with 200 boats had landed about seven miles above; Major General [Nathaniel] Green, who commanded the garrison, immediately ordered them under arms, and sent express to General Washington at the town of Hackensack, distant by the way of the ferry = six miles. Our first object was to secure the bridge over the Hackensack, which laid up the river between the enemy and us, about six miles from us, and three from them.

General Washington arrived in about three-quarters of an hour, and marched at the head of the troops towards the bridge, which place I expected we should have a brush for; however, they did not choose to dispute it with us, and the greatest part of our troops went over the bridge, the rest over the ferry, except some which passed at a mill on a small creek, between the bridge and the ferry, and made their way through some marshy grounds up to the town of Hackensack, and there passed the river. We brought off as much baggage as the wagons could contain, the rest was lost. The simple object was to bring off the garrison, and march them on till they could be strengthened by the Jersey or Pennsylvania militia, so as to be enabled to make a stand. We staid four days at Newark, collected our out-posts with some of the Jersey militia, and marched out twice to meet the enemy, on being informed that they were advancing, though our numbers were greatly inferior to theirs. Howe, in my little opinion, committed a great error in generalship in not throwing a body of forces off from Staten Island through Amboy, by which means he might have seized all our stores at Brunswick, and intercepted our march into Pennsylvania; but if we believe the power of hell to be limited, we must likewise believe that their agents are under some providential control.

I shall not now attempt to give all the particulars of our retreat to the Delaware; suffice it for the present to say, that both officers and men, though greatly harassed and fatigued, frequently without rest, covering, or provision, the inevitable consequences of a long retreat, bore it with a manly and martial spirit. All their wishes centred in one, which was, that the country would turn out and help them to drive the enemy back. Voltaire has remarked that King William never appeared to full advantage but in difficulties and in action; the same remark may be made on General Washington, for the character fits him. There is a natural firmness in some minds which cannot be unlocked by trifles, but which, when unlocked, discovers a cabinet of fortitude; and I reckon it among those kind of public blessings, which we do not immediately see, that God hath blessed him with uninterrupted health, and given him a mind that can even flourish upon care.

I shall conclude this paper with some miscellaneous remarks on the state of our affairs; and shall begin with asking the following question, Why is it that the enemy have left the New England provinces, and made these middle ones the seat of war? The answer is easy: New England is not infested with Tories, and we are. I have been tender in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless arguments to show them their danger, but it will not do to sacrifice a world either to their folly or their baseness. The period is now arrived, in which either they or we must change our sentiments, or one or both must fall. And what is a Tory? Good God! what is he? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave.

But, before the line of irrecoverable separation be drawn between us, let us reason the matter together: Your conduct is an invitation to the enemy, yet not one in a thousand of you has heart enough to join him. Howe is as much deceived by you as the American cause is injured by you. He expects you will all take up arms, and flock to his standard, with muskets on your shoulders. Your opinions are of no use to him, unless you support him personally, for ’tis soldiers, and not Tories, that he wants.

I once felt all that kind of anger, which a man ought to feel, against the mean principles that are held by the Tories: a noted one, who kept a tavern at Amboy, was standing at his door, with as pretty a child in his hand, about eight or nine years old, as I ever saw, and after speaking his mind as freely as he thought was prudent, finished with this unfatherly expression, “Well! give me peace in my day.” Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace;” and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty. Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America. Her situation is remote from all the wrangling world, and she has nothing to do but to trade with them. A man can distinguish himself between temper and principle, and I am as confident, as I am that God governs the world, that America will never be happy till she gets clear of foreign dominion. Wars, without ceasing, will break out till that period arrives, and the continent must in the end be conqueror; for though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine, the coal can never expire.

America did not, nor does not want force; but she wanted a proper application of that force. Wisdom is not the purchase of a day, and it is no wonder that we should err at the first setting off. From an excess of tenderness, we were unwilling to raise an army, and trusted our cause to the temporary defence of a well-meaning militia. A summer’s experience has now taught us better; yet with those troops, while they were collected, we were able to set bounds to the progress of the enemy, and, thank God! they are again assembling. I always considered militia as the best troops in the world for a sudden exertion, but they will not do for a long campaign. Howe, it is probable, will make an attempt on this city [Philadelphia]; should he fail on this side the Delaware, he is ruined. If he succeeds, our cause is not ruined. He stakes all on his side against a part on ours; admitting he succeeds, the consequence will be, that armies from both ends of the continent will march to assist their suffering friends in the middle states; for he cannot go everywhere, it is impossible. I consider Howe as the greatest enemy the Tories have; he is bringing a war into their country, which, had it not been for him and partly for themselves, they had been clear of. Should he now be expelled, I wish with all the devotion of a Christian, that the names of Whig and Tory may never more be mentioned; but should the Tories give him encouragement to come, or assistance if he come, I as sincerely wish that our next year’s arms may expel them from the continent, and the Congress appropriate their possessions to the relief of those who have suffered in well-doing. A single successful battle next year will settle the whole. America could carry on a two years’ war by the confiscation of the property of disaffected persons, and be made happy by their expulsion. Say not that this is revenge, call it rather the soft resentment of a suffering people, who, having no object in view but the good of all, have staked their own all upon a seemingly doubtful event. Yet it is folly to argue against determined hardness; eloquence may strike the ear, and the language of sorrow draw forth the tear of compassion, but nothing can reach the heart that is steeled with prejudice.

Quitting this class of men, I turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out: I call not upon a few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but “show your faith by your works,” that God may bless you. It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all. The far and the near, the home counties and the back, the rich and the poor, will suffer or rejoice alike. The heart that feels not now is dead; the blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.

My own line of reasoning is to myself as straight and clear as a ray of light. Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support an offensive war, for I think it murder; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and kills or threatens to kill me, or those that are in it, and to “bind me in all cases whatsoever” to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or a common man; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them? If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should punish in the one case and pardon in the other. Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man. I conceive likewise a horrid idea in receiving mercy from a being, who at the last day shall be shrieking to the rocks and mountains to cover him, and fleeing with terror from the orphan, the widow, and the slain of America.

There are cases which cannot be overdone by language, and this is one. There are persons, too, who see not the full extent of the evil which threatens them; they solace themselves with hopes that the enemy, if he succeed, will be merciful. It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf, and we ought to guard equally against both. Howe’s first object is, partly by threats and partly by promises, to terrify or seduce the people to deliver up their arms and receive mercy. The ministry recommended the same plan to Gage, and this is what the tories call making their peace, “a peace which passeth all understanding” indeed! A peace which would be the immediate forerunner of a worse ruin than any we have yet thought of. Ye men of Pennsylvania, do reason upon these things! Were the back counties to give up their arms, they would fall an easy prey to the Indians, who are all armed: this perhaps is what some Tories would not be sorry for. Were the home counties to deliver up their arms, they would be exposed to the resentment of the back counties who would then have it in their power to chastise their defection at pleasure. And were any one state to give up its arms, that state must be garrisoned by all Howe’s army of Britons and Hessians to preserve it from the anger of the rest. Mutual fear is the principal link in the chain of mutual love, and woe be to that state that breaks the compact. Howe is mercifully inviting you to barbarous destruction, and men must be either rogues or fools that will not see it. I dwell not upon the vapors of imagination; I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as A, B, C, hold up truth to your eyes.

I thank God, that I fear not. I see no real cause for fear. I know our situation well, and can see the way out of it. While our army was collected, Howe dared not risk a battle; and it is no credit to him that he decamped from the White Plains, and waited a mean opportunity to ravage the defenceless Jerseys; but it is great credit to us, that, with a handful of men, we sustained an orderly retreat for near an hundred miles, brought off our ammunition, all our field pieces, the greatest part of our stores, and had four rivers to pass. None can say that our retreat was precipitate, for we were near three weeks in performing it, that the country might have time to come in. Twice we marched back to meet the enemy, and remained out till dark. The sign of fear was not seen in our camp, and had not some of the cowardly and disaffected inhabitants spread false alarms through the country, the Jerseys had never been ravaged. Once more we are again collected and collecting; our new army at both ends of the continent is recruiting fast, and we shall be able to open the next campaign with sixty thousand men, well armed and clothed. This is our situation, and who will may know it. By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious issue; by cowardice and submission, the sad choice of a variety of evils- a ravaged country- a depopulated city- habitations without safety, and slavery without hope- our homes turned into barracks and bawdy-houses for Hessians, and a future race to provide for, whose fathers we shall doubt of. Look on this picture and weep over it! and if there yet remains one thoughtless wretch who believes it not, let him suffer it unlamented.

December 23, 1776.

* The present winter is worth an age, if rightly employed; but, if lost or neglected, the whole continent will partake of the evil; and there is no punishment that man does not deserve, be he who, or what, or where he will, that may be the means of sacrificing a season so precious and useful. *End* Paine’s entire collection of his American Crisis series can be found here.

If you have not watched this, please make time because it is the solution: The Power of the Sword and Power of the Purse Edwin Vieira

I know how time is in short supply for Americans. You grab a headline here and there while trying to take care of your children, work or finding a job and all the other things that just burn up a day. This Addendum is a slew of what I consider important articles and/or columns on a whole variety of issues you need to know about. Like the fact that the end of the Obamacare mandate does not take effect until 2019. That’s right. No more tax deduction for alimony payments. Do you really know all that was in the so-called tax reform bill signed into law by President Trump this past Friday?

Send the Addendum link to your email box and put it in a folder, Read Later. That way you can read any of the items on the long list at your own pace.

A gift for you. This 4:45 video is about as beautiful as it gets. It’s on You Tube. You can make it full screen simply by clicking on the box at the far right of the strip you see under the video that controls stop, start, volume, etc. Silent Night by Sissel. Turn up the sound!

Wishing you and yours a safe and blessed Christmas.


© 2017 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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Our Biblical Foundation In Politics, Part 8

In discovering the principles used by the Founders for choosing our leaders we understand that these men were men of high character and had been men of high character for a long period of time.  Benjamin Franklin noted that there were particular men that God chose to be His leaders among men and the describes them in this manner:

It is observable that God has often called men to places of dignity and honor when they have been busy in the honest employment of their vocation. Saul was seeking his father’s asses, and David keeping his father’s sheep when called to the kingdom. The shephards were feeding their flocks when they had the glorious revelation. God called the four apostles from their fishery, and Matthew from receipt of custom, Amos from the herdsmen of Tekoah; Moses from keeping Jethro’s sheep; Gideon from the threshing floor.  God never encourages idleness, and despised not persons in the lowliest employments.

The importance of education in the days of the Founders was made evident in the manner in which elections were done.  They were not operated as they are today.  We have names on the ballot, men/women announce that they are running for a particular office and we vote for them.  Sam Adams commented on those that would openly seek a particular office: “It bodes very ill to government when men are exalted to places of high trust through their own [seeking of the office].”  People, by their success in their vocation, would become known as upright and honest people.  On election day people would enter an election booth with a blank piece of paper and would write down who they wanted for each office.  These names would be counted and the one with the most votes would be asked if he would be willing to take that position.  They were men that were able to handle the position they were elected to.

We have people that don’t qualify as dog catchers that are running cities and States today.  The Founders voted for people who feared God, men that had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which insured that they were honest and men of integrity.  These men also loved truth and would not turn away from correction if necessary.  These men would also not use their position for personal gain as the politicians we have today do.  How can a person who makes $150,000 a year increase their net worth to millions of dollars in just a few years?  I knew a man a few years ago that worked in the office of Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois. He was in office from 1933 to 1969 in both Houses of Congress.  My associate said that his net worth the day he died was the same as it was when started serving in Congress.  That’s the sign of a true statesman.  Today’s politicians seem to think more of their pocket than the betterment of the American people.

The Founders did not believe in turning down an office they were chosen for.  Again, this is a position they did not seek but the people believed he would be the best to handle. Benjamin Rush stated “He [a citizen] must love private life, but he must decline no station, however public or responsible it may be, when called to it by the [votes] of his fellow citizens.”  The thought process behind that is that we are here to serve.  Romans 14:7 tells us “For none of us liveth to himself,” which means that our experience and knowledge is not just for us but for serving and helping others.  Benjamin Rush clarified this stating: “Remember . . . that ‘none liveth to himself’. Even our old age is not our own property.  All its fruits of wisdom and experience belong to the public.”

Exodus 18:20 and 21 we see the guideline for picking the leaders we have.  Exodus 18:20  And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.  (21)  Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: [1]1  There are a couple questions here that we have to ask.  Exodus 20 says “thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.” Who is supposed to do the teaching?  That is simple.  God was speaking to Moses, the spiritual leader and telling him that he is to teach the people put into places of authority what they are to do.

That means that the people that we are putting into office must come out of the church!  Then Moses is directed provide these leaders for the people to chose from.  In other words, the spiritual leader teaches those who will be leaders and then places them before the people and then the people chose.  This is the way our Founders did it.  They only chose men who were well educated in the principles of God because they knew that only those people would be able to rule in the manner that God has dictated.

What sense does it make to put an ungodly man or woman in office and then pray that they do godly things?  That is defeating the purpose.  We need to put godly men in office in the first place, then pray that he will not be influenced in the wrong things.  If he goes into office as pro-life, pro-family, pro-traditional marriage, you don’t have to worry where he stands on those issues.  If he is strong in his faith he won’t be swayed by the influences that would take him down the wrong path.

The church has failed on these issues for the last sixty years.  We have people in office like the mayor of New York City, Mayor DeBlasio, that is an avowed communist, Senator Bernie Sanders who is an avowed socialist.  These people will not govern according to God’s principles but according to the humanistic beliefs they live by leaving God out of the picture completely.

We became the greatest nation in the world governing according to God’s principles.  We will only stay the greatest nation by doing the same thing.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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[1] KJV

Alabama Election Fraud: Roy Moore Was Forsaken

It is one thing to be well, but far more significant to end well. Perhaps this is why Solomon, inspired by God, wrote, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” Ecclesiastes 7:8.

Finishing well is no mean feat. There are a multitude of diversions, temptations, endless detours to keep us from the finish line. Jesus taught us, “he that endureth to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22). Not he who starts well, or even he who runs the fastest, or put in the most entertaining performance, no, simply, “he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

So we must ask ourselves, as a disciple, am I in it for the long haul? Am I determined to cross the finish line? Will I endure to the end no matter what? In our series on the heroes of the Epistle to Philemon we have seen two heroes already who, in suffering for their faith, are great examples to us. Last week we met Aristarchus, who was willing to suffer for Christ, and then of course Onesimus who was ultimately martyred for following Christ.

Because we are in the spiritual battle field, the one thing we must never forget is the strategy of our enemy. Once we are in Christ he cannot take us to hell, but he wants to defeat us, to immobilize us, to cause us to give up the fight. We can learn how not to run the race, from the New Testament anti-hero, Demas.

Video of the sermon

Demas was a disciple who started well, but ended tragically. When Paul was imprisoned a second time at Rome just before his martyrdom, Demas forsook him (2 Timothy 4:9-10). At the end of the record, Demas was a spiritual washout.

Although we don’t know all the details, many scholars believe that Demas forsook Paul because he clearly saw the persecution to come as Nero enacted his Satanic policy against the church. Demas flinched. He worried what it would cost him to associate any longer with the Apostle Paul.

I see a similar response in the treatment of Chief Justice Roy Moore, by many who initially supported him. When the vile left came after him with lies and lander of the worst sort, many forsook him. It is hard to determine at this point the extent of the election fraud in Alabama’s special election, but what does appear is that many voters abandoned him as well. Why did they do so? I believe Paul’s explanation fits well in this day, “Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world.” We must not let that become our epitaph, but gladly stand for the truth of God’s Law in the midst of a culture awash in lies.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

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Santa’s Surprising Origins-A Christmas Classic Feature

MYRA – (Note To Readers: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, becoming a Holiday Tradition. Hallmark contacted the writer and asked him to appear in the Holiday movie, Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus, playing the Mall Santa that magically receives the gift of sign language. That movie is aired every year.)

He is loveable, congenial, giving and jolly. What’s more he knows everything, as any child will readily testify. He is a colorful old man, whose visits are eagerly awaited by millions of children each year and who, for a little while, makes the world a much happier place
Is Santa Claus a good influence on children, or a bad influence whose image merely commercializes Christmas and who takes the reason out of the season, as some charge?
Where did Santa come from? It will surprise many to learn that Santa Claus (as we know him today) came out of the church itself through the charity of a very devout and caring priest. Now bear in mind that this is a true, historically documented account.
Approximately 200 years after the birth of Christ, a meeting of the elders of a little church in Myra, Turkey had just been called to order. They needed to appoint a bishop but no fitting candidate could be found. So great was the need that they decided to pray.
Out at sea, a ship battled a raging storm. The crew valiantly fought to keep it afloat. Trunks were being thrown overboard to lighten the load as frightened passengers held onto whatever they could to keep from being swept overboard while others huddled in their cabins. The ravaging waves tore some wood from the sides of the ship.
“Nicholas…NICHOLAS!” someone yelled frantically. It had been noised about that a man named Nicholas, who was known to be a man of God, was on board. Out of a cabin, in response to the call, came a man with a long white beard. Holding on to the rail of the tossing ship, he began to pray for the storm to cease. As he prayed he lifted his hands heavenward. Miraculously, the storm calmed. The crippled ship drifted into the harbor of Myra.
The elders of the little church in Myra suddenly stopped in the midst of their intense prayer, opened their eyes and looked around at each other, startled at a message from God that had come to each of them in the form of a vision; they were to appoint as their bishop, the first man named Nicholas who would, within the hour, enter the church to pray.
As the leaning ship hobbled into the port and was docked, Nicholas disembarked and made his way into the village to seek a church. He wanted to give thanks to God for His intervention during the storm that could have killed everyone on board.
Finding the church, he eagerly approached it. The heads of the elders turned toward the door as it slowly opened. The stately man with the snow-white beard entered, and, focused on the altar, made his way down to the front and knelt in a prayer of thanksgiving. As he rose to leave the elders approached him. “What is your name?” asked one. “Nicholas.” was the reply.
“God has sent you to us to be our new bishop,” said another. The group joyfully fitted the surprised Nicholas with a long red priestly robe and miter. Nicholas quickly became known as, “The Bishop of Miracles,” because of so many spectacular answers to his prayers.
Unlike most priests, Bishop Nicholas was wealthy through family inheritance. In his mind, wealth came from God and belonged to God. The very reason for his existence was to serve God. And that is how he lived his life.
Nicholas became increasingly concerned about a custom in Turkey. If little girls did not have a dowry so that they could marry, they would be sold into slavery, which included prostitution. Bishop Nicholas had given away most of his own fortune so he went about and managed to collect gold from admirers.
On December 6th, under cover of darkness, he wrapped the gold coins in several little bags and visited each home that had a daughter without a dowry, dropping a bag of gold through the windows of each, which landed on the hearth where the little girl’s clothes would be drying. When the gold was discovered the next morning, the family rejoiced. Their little daughters were saved from slavery.
Nicholas continued what was to become an annual tradition. Nobody knew the identity of the mysterious benefactor who would slip around the village on that date each year. On one such night, as Nicholas put his arm through the window to drop the bag of gold, instead of it landing on the hearth, the bag fell into a stocking that was hanging in front of the fireplace to dry. It was found the next morning, to the delight of the family. Which, by the way, is how the custom of hanging up Christmas stockings came to be.
Shortly before Nicholas’s death, which occurred on December 6th, the date of his annual visit, it was learned that he was the individual who brought so much joy to so many families.
Five hundred years later, in the 9th Century, Nicholas was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, hence the name, Saint Nicholas. And since the celebration of Christmas came after the life of St. Nicholas, he actually preceded Christmas, as we know it today.
As the story of St. Nicholas spread, French nuns in the 12th Century began making annual night-time visits to poor families with children, leaving fruit and nuts, which these families could not afford.
The nuns made their gift-giving rounds on what became known as, “St. Nicholas Eve,” December 5th. The tradition spread throughout the Old World and across the ocean to the New. Many people to this day celebrate Christmas on December 6th.
St. Nicholas became the Patron Saint of many countries including Russia, becoming a major ingredient in the Russian Christmas celebration. England made St. Nicholas, “Father Christmas.” Germany picked up on that title, and in France he became known as “Papa Noel.”
As the various forms of Nicholas began to emerge in the secular world over the years, some unanticipated problems arose: protests which came out of…the church! Martin Luther pounded his pulpit proclaiming that the true Christmas message was being lost by the Saint Nicholas connection.
The Dutch came to the rescue and adopted what they believed to be a more religious view of Nicholas that would satisfy the critics. The Dutch-German Protestant Reform Movement brought with it the idea that the Christ child should be the standard bearer for Christmas. The German word for Christ child, “Christkindl,” evolved to, “Kris Kringle,” yet another version and another irritant for Luther.
In 1822, on the night before Christmas, which the world began to celebrate on December 24th, Clement Moore wrote a poem about the gift-giver for his six children. That poem, “The Night Before Christmas,” was published the following year in the Sentinel of Troy, New York. Up to that time, Nicholas had taken various forms. He was portrayed with a black beard, then a white beard. He was shown dressed in everything including buckskin.
Mr. Moore defined Nicholas once and for all and renamed him, Santa Claus. He had, no doubt, been influenced by the Dutch who named him, “Sinter (Saint) Klass (short for Nicholas) and that had become, “Sinterklass.”
Others who spoke broken English, knowing that gold had been found on the hearth by the fireplace, started a new legend. The gift-giver came down the chimney and would land in the cinders of burning embers, so they called him, “Cinder Klaussen,” which would in Moore’s hands become, Santa Claus.
Clement Moore’s poem made Santa famous. He even named the reindeer. Not only did he name them, he made them fly. He might have taken that idea from the poet, Washington Irving, who wrote a book in 1809 about a Dutch Colonist’s dream in which St. Nick came riding over the tops of trees in a wagon wherein he brings yearly presents to the children.
An artist named Thomas Nast, who was a Harper’s Weekly cartoonist, began to show what Santa looked like. He dressed him in red, which had been the official color of the priestly robes worn by St. Nicholas and went further by making Santa plump and jolly.

To show how much of a church connection to Santa there is, Clement Moore’s father was the Episcopal Bishop of New York, and, Clement Moore himself was Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary.
In 1897, a little girl named, Virginia Hanlon, had been told that there really was no Santa Claus. She was so disturbed about it that she wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Sun, whose name, by the way, was Francis P. Church…can’t get away from that connection. He responded with a story titled, “Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” And the world breathed a sigh of relief.
It is interesting to note that the clearest image of Santa came not from the church, or from a poet, but by, of all things, a soft drink company advertisement! That drawing, known as ‘the Coca Cola Santa,’ created and drawn by Haddon Sundblom, made him totally definable. And the elves? Well, they were first seen in Ireland as Leprechauns.
St. Nicholas has been replaced by the created, Santa, who does indeed delight millions of children. But maybe through the hustle and bustle we have lost the very core of what Christmas is and should be; a time of love and sharing with people in need (whether we know them or not), rather than an orgy of gift giving, receiving, and thinking of one’s personal wants. I would like to see the original idea of giving and charity, as set forth by the real St. Nick, with nothing expected in return, brought back.
As for the commercialization of Christmas, there still is a bright side. It is the one time in the year where we can hear songs proclaiming the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with others heralding the birth of The Holy Child, Jesus Christ our Savior coming through the loud speakers of the malls and shopping centers of the secular world (even though that is changing as the secular world is trying to strip all mention of Jesus Christ out of Christmas).
Homes are still decorated with lights to proclaim Him. And people are a little nicer to one another at least once a year. So maybe this commercialized version is better than having no celebration at all.
Extra Note: Since the first publication of this story, a Christmas war has been declared with the goal of making the word Christmas illegal. They are even trying to abolish Santa. 

Check the link below regarding the Christmas wars with a brief personal message from Santa that will help put it all in perspective.
[YouTube Video]
Photo Caption: St. Nicholas Bishop of Myra
Original Italian Drawing

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Tis The Day Before Christmas

Love.  Family.  Friends.  Children.  Santa Claus.  Giving and Receiving. Food.  Lights and other decorations.

To many people, these words define Christmas.   They are correct but miss the reason for the season.

To many, Christmas is about an infant born on a cold winter night and placed in a manger.  It is about Joseph and Mary and Jesus.  It’s about shepherds in a field who are frightened when they are visited by angels.  It is about three kings who traveled so far to give gifts to the newborn King (though Jesus was almost two years old when they arrived).

700 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah (9:6) tells us “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

As our society has become more secular, it is apparent that Christmas has become more of a people day than a God day.  Love, family, friends, children, Santa Claus, giving, food… all of these things should be part of our daily lives as Christians rather than something we celebrate for a day annually.  Instead, our government removes Christmas scenes from public property, totally reversing the meaning of our founders who limited government from involving itself in religion rather than governing how it should be celebrated.

Hallmark Christmas movies are a good example of the move towards secularism.  First, let me make clear that I love their holiday movies and, time permitting, have been known to watch them.  It is so nice to get away from the sex, violence and filthy language so much a part of Millennial entertainment!  Hallmark movies, however, portray Christmas as a season of miracles and romance (and it’s true that wherever there is hope, miracles happen) but there is little spiritual inference.

There is no doubt that Christmas is a time of miracles, but the great miracle we celebrate on December 25th has little to do with saving a romance.  It has to do with saving people from themselves.

A sermon I listened to yesterday asks a crowd of people a simple question:  “Do you believe human beings have dignity?”  Everyone raised their hands.  A second question followed:  “Are people born with dignity?”  Half of the hands were raised and the other half were not.  The Pastor was pointing out that though people tend to agree with one another on big issues, the devil is truly in the details.

He pointed out that atheists and Darwinists (most people do not realize that Charles Darwin was a Christian at the time of his death) believe they came from a big pool of mud in which a couple of cells got together by chance and over millions of years eventually produced a human being.  Atheists, he added, do not believe they are going anywhere after death… so they come from nothing and go nowhere.  He is right that there is not much “dignity” in that scenario.  So much for the idea of being born with it.  It is something we earn as we develop our character.

To put it into language anyone can understand, Christmas is God in a manger.

That massive power that created the world and a universe became a human baby.  He loved the human beings He had created in the beginning and saw that they needed help to understand what He expected of them if they were to share eternal life (heaven) with Him.

What is a baby born of a virgin?  It is Total Innocence.

Atheists (and often agnostics) point out how totally impossible it is for a virgin to become pregnant… yet have no problem accepting the idea that two cells in a huge puddle of mud once joined together and begin producing life.  There have been a lot of big, long-lived mud puddles since the beginning and it hasn’t happened again, but it is impossible to explain how some people think.

It has always puzzled me why people doubt the virgin birth.  Many of those people believe in God… believe He created the world and the universe, but think He lacks the ability to impregnate a woman via the Holy Spirit.  It strikes me as… almost funny it is so illogical.

So we have innocence and God, the only absolute eternal Truth, in a manger on Christmas Day.  That is God’s greatest gift to this world and those who populate it.  That is what we celebrate four days after the date of the winter solstice.

Since no one recorded the date of the birth of Jesus Christ, no one really knows the precise day we should celebrate.  Does it really matter?  What we celebrate is the birth of innocent Truth that will sacrifice His life so we can have eternal life – and that should be celebrated every day of our lives.  Our atheist and agnostic friends scoff at the December 25th date, pointing out to Christians that in the olden days it was the celebration of the winter solstice and they laughingly tell us we are so dumb we don’t know we are celebrating a heathen holiday.

The truth is, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th which happens to occur within less than a week of those who did (and may still) celebrate the winter solstice.  Further, Jonathan Cahn, author of the blockbuster book The Harbinger, has put out a video on You Tube that makes an excellent case for the birth date of our Lord and Savior as being April 1st.

If you are a /Christian, it matters not what day you celebrate His birth.  If you get a bee in your bonnet and want to celebrate His birthday again in July, go for it!

It all gets back to John 3:16:  “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life.”  That is what the greatest gift ever given was and it is the reason the celebration of Christ’s birth involves giving.  It is the reason it involves love, family and celebration.  All are symbolic of God’s greatest gift to His creations:  We, the people.

Our Christmas carols would have us believe that the night Jesus was born, life was quiet and peaceful.  It was not a “Silent Night” kind of world.  Very much like Washington, D.C. today, it was a tremendous time of turbulence in Jerusalem.  The Romans were not the kindest of rulers and their political system was corrupt – a bit like America today – and the angel’s message to shepherds in the field, “good will toward men” does not suggest that people should show good will to one another.  It tells us that God, through the birth of His Son, is showing good will towards men.  It says there will be peace to men of good will.  It does not say we should offer good will to those who would destroy us or our Christian way of life or to those who violate our laws.

There is a feeling of love in the air during the Christmas holidays.  People appear to forget that they are beings who not only need to be loved, but need to love, as well.  We seek love as a means of finding happiness.  The spirit of the season gives us hope… and perhaps that is the thing that gets less significance in defining Christmas than it deserves.

Christ signifies hope… for love, for a giving spirit, for kindness and happiness – and, most important, for the possibility of eternal life.  Christ is the only vehicle on which humankind can rely for the hope of eternal life.  (I realize the Jews will argue with me on this point.)  Without hope, it is all but impossible for love to exist, let alone thrive.  To receive love, we must also give it.

The same is true of kindness.  To even be able to find love, kindness, happiness, et al, you must first have hope of being able to find them and then you must be able to give them.  Every worthwhile thing in life is a two-way street.  You give and you get.  Without both, the result is merely an imitation of the real thing (or a selfish grabbing of these things for yourself without the ability to return them).

And that’s why I believe the key to understanding the meaning of Christmas is to understand hope – which means learning to understand the message of Jesus Christ – and to behave in a way that invites it not only into your life, but into the lives of all the people in your world.  With hope, anything is possible.  To have it, we must believe in it.

When you walk through the mall to return the necktie you don’t like or the scarf that is the wrong color for you, a worthwhile objective is to make three people – total strangers to you – smile.  Smiles and hope go together like white on rice.

It’s a great way, as Scrooge might say, to “keep Christmas in my heart every day of the year.”

God bless and Merry Christmas!  (And now please smile so I can meet my objective of three smiles from strangers every day!)

© 2017 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall:

God In Us

I learned of Jesus as a child and came to Christ at a very young age.  Like all new believers, I did not receive all knowlege of the truth right from the start;  my life has been a journey of discovery and revelation.  The longer I walk with Jesus, the better I come to understand and know Him, the more He reveals Himself to me and the more I come to comprehend spiritual things.  One thing I DO know is found in the first chapter of Philippians:  “He who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  I am constantly learning as I draw ever closer to the Lord.

But it’s strange that as Christians, we all read the same Book, yet few of us can agree on what it says.  We separate and divide ourselves up into little groups and then often condemn those outside our own little group as heretics and apostates.  I believe this is the sin of pride, as so often, so many boast that only THEY have the truth, and everyone else has it wrong.

Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying; there ARE many who claim the name of Christ in vain — there definitely ARE heretics, apostates, false teachers of all kinds, and the Bible warns us to turn away from such ravening wolves.  But today we have no less than 33,000 different fractured factions… 33,000 different “Christian” denominations and there is often great animosity between those of different churches.  How can this be when we all claim to follow the same Scriptures?  And how can we, as the Body of Christ impact the world if we cannot even speak to one another because of our pride?

Paul spoke of this to the Corinthians, saying, “Brothers, I was not able to speak to you as spiritual people but as people of the flesh, as babies in Christ.  I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, because you were not yet ready for it.  In fact, you are still not ready, because you are still fleshly. For since there is envy and strife among you, are you not fleshly and living like unbelievers?  For whenever someone says, ‘I follow Paul,’ and another, ‘I follow Apollos,’ are you not unspiritual people?  What, then, is Apollos?  And what is Paul?  They are servants through whom you believed, and each has the role the Lord has given.  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”

What did Paul mean when he said he was not able to speak to the Corinthians as “Spiritual people?”  It means they were walking in the flesh, not by the Spirit.  It means THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS NOT ALIVE AND ACTIVE IN THEM!   This is what I would like to discuss today, because one area of essential doctrine of our faith that has been very misunderstood and misrepresented is the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.  In the denomination I grew up in, the topic of the Holy Spirit was never explained or taught.  Yes, we did believe in the Trinity — one God in three Persons… but that third Person of the Trinity was never explained or talked about.

Indeed, many Christians seem to be fearful of this.  We hear words like “The Holy Spirit,” “The Holy Ghost,” and “Spirit-filled,” and many of us run for the hills.  We don’t understand it, and so we shy away from it; but in doing so, we are missing out on the fullness of God and the real blessings of the true Christian life.

I understand why people are afraid of this subject and I grieve when I see some groups make a mockery of the Holy Spirit.  To them, the manifestation of the Spirit involves outrageous, dramatic exhibitions of their own professed “holiness” — barking like dogs, “Holy laughter,” rolling and flopping on the floor, and losing control of their own bodies.  Make no mistake:  this is not of God.  This is not the true Holy Spirit at work.  This is fleshly, prideful man, seeking his own glory, not God’s.  But this has nothing to do with the Spirit of God.  I find no place in the Bible where the Holy Spirit caused people to put on any chaotic performance for the sake of being seen as “Holy” by others.

But know this:  the Holy Spirit absolutely DOES have a place in our Christian lives.  In fact, I don’t believe you can be a true Christian without the Spirit.  You can have RELIGION, but it is vain, powerless, CARNAL religion.  On the other hand, if you are truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you have the very POWER of GOD living inside you.  I don’t know how you can truly be a Christian without that.

The Holy Spirit was not some new thing that came about only on the Day of Pentecost.  As the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit was present even before the Creation of the universe.  Genesis 1, Verse 2 states, “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over face of the deep.  And the SPIRIT OF GOD was hovering over the face of the waters.”  There is no denying it, the Holy Spirit is absolutely real and co-equal with the Father and the Son!

In John, Chapter 14, Jesus explained this to His disciples:  “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.  And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.  He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him.  But you DO know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you.

“In a little while the world will see Me no longer, but you will see Me.  Because I live, you will live too.  In that day you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.  The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father.  I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him.”

“Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, ‘Lord, how is it You’re going to reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?’

“Jesus answered, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.  My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.  The one who doesn’t love Me will not keep My words.  The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me.

“I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you.  But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit — the Father will send Him in My name — will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”

Wow.  There is a lot of information here in this short section.  First of all, Jesus told His disciples, (and also US), THREE TIMES in this passage that those who are true followers of Christ are those who keep His commandments.  Jesus promised to ask His Father to send “another Counselor” to be with His people, because He knew He would soon be leaving this earth.  This “other Counselor” is the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit.

We also learn here that those who are not in Christ cannot receive the Holy Spirit, because they do not follow His commands.  But for those who DO love God, Jesus promised this Holy Spirit would be with us and IN us.  In other words, JESUS HIMSELF, though He would be leaving this earth soon to return to the Father, would also be IN His followers, in the form of the Holy Spirit.  And what would the Spirit do?  Jesus said, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.  My Father will love him, and WE will come to him and make OUR home with him.”  This Counselor, this Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in Jesus’ name, will “teach you all things and remind you of everything I told you,” Jesus said.

Who receives the Holy Spirit?  Those who follow Christ and obey His commands, those that love Jesus.  In Acts chapter 2, Peter proclaimed, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

I believe there are many professing Christians in our churches today who have gone to church all their lives and done many religious activities, but they are without the Holy Spirit in their lives, and do not even realize it.  OR, the Spirit may be present, but not ACTIVE in their lives because they have not acknowledged Him or hearkened to His voice.    And what a gift they are missing!

After studying this subject, I can now look back over the course of my life and realize that I had the Holy Spirit within me even as a young child, though I did not recognize or realize what it was.  The Lord speaks to me spiritually constantly, and now that I understand this is the Holy Spirit inside me, I know this is not just my own carnal “conscience” speaking, but God Himself, guiding me into all truth, ordering my steps.  It is this Holy Spirit within me that has taught me the things of God, helped me to understand the great wisdom of the Scriptures, and throughout my life, has reminded me of all Jesus’ words, at times when I needed them the most.

In Galatians 5, Paul admonished us to “walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”  I cannot count the number of times the Holy Spirit has guided me in my decision making.  There are so many lost and worldly people today who know nothing of God, and do not have the Holy Spirit inside them.  And so it is no wonder they live self-centered lives of carnality and lust.  They walk in the flesh and live to gratify the desires of the flesh.  But the Spirit-led person has the ability to say no to ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present age.

And though the Christian life is not one of ease and comfort, the Holy Spirit inside us is also called our “COMFORTER,” because the of the benefits — or the FRUIT — of the Holy Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Isaiah Chapter 11 talks about Jesus.  In verse 2 we read, “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”  Friends, the same Holy Spirit that was in Jesus Himself as He walked this earth is the same Holy Spirit that Jesus gave as a precious gift to US, as we become His children.  As true Christians, WE, TOO, have that  Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord.

It is only with the Holy Spirit inside us that we can be of any use to the Kingdom of God.  And it’s only with the Holy Spirit inside us that we can have eternal life.  As we read Jesus’ own words in Acts 1, we learn that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon us, so that we can be His witnesses.

What else happens when we receive the Holy Spirit?  God promised in Ezekiel 36, “I will give you a new heart and a new Spirit I will put within you.  And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes…”

There are many, though, who profess Christ but still try to live with one foot in the world.  This does not work.  You cannot serve two masters.  You cannot profess to be Godly in church but then be worldly when you step out the door.  This GRIEVES the Holy Spirit.    Luke said in Acts chapter 7, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit.  As your fathers did, so you do.”

Sadly, many profess Christ with their lips but their hearts are far from Him.  Thus the Spirit is quenched and grieved, and such a poor soul can only live a carnal existence on this earth.  They cannot live in the fullness of Godliness without the POWER, without the COUNSEL and without the BLESSING of the GIFT of the Holy Spirit.  Though they may call themselves “believers,” they are deceiving themselves; no better off than the unsaved person.  These are the spiritually shallow, the ones with itching ears who cannot accept the great and wonderful truths of the FULL COUNSEL of God.  The ones who will hear the Savior say, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you.”  “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are nonsense to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.”  (First Corinthians 2:14).

Friends, God has promised us the amazing gift of His very own Spirit.  With God Himself living inside us, giving us a new Spirit, a Spirit of life and the wisdom, counsel, guidance and the comfort of Christ, we truly become new creations.  We are transformed in the RENEWING of our hearts and minds, no longer seeking after worldly nonsense, but now living new lives as children of God.  God’s will then becomes OUR will.  This is what it MEANS to be “born again.”  Jesus came to earth to be “God WITH us.”  Then He promised the Holy Spirit to those who truly love Him so we can have “God IN us.”  We can’t be true Christians without the Holy Spirit.  So don’t resist the Holy Spirit.  Don’t quench the Spirit.  SEEK the Spirit, and listen to His voice.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 212.

© 2017 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Who Took The Christ Out Of Christmas?

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

Silent Night, Holy Night
All is Calm, All is Bright.

Last weekend I was snowed in, and it was wonderful.  Everywhere looked clean and pristine outside.   The sky was clear blue, the air was fresh, and there was a silence and warmth that seemed to permeate the whole atmosphere.

As the central heating got notched up a couple more degrees and the fire belted out a warm orange glow, I decided to go all Christmassy and put up a tree, decorate it, and string some lights around it.

After the finishing touch of a star on top of the tree, I stood back, observing my handiwork, and wondered about the strange tradition we have of putting a tree inside the house and hanging ornaments from it.   I had some pretty bizarre decorations!

Nonetheless, the twinkling lights against the backdrop of snow outside the window created a cosy atmosphere.   All was well.

The epic 1959 version of the movie Ben Hur, would be showing later in the afternoon on TV; there would also be tea and toasted crumpets.   What more could you ask for?

I looked out the window and saw my neighbour pulling his daughter on a sleigh up the hill.   You could hear each one of his steps crunching in the snow, as she sat back and safely relaxed.   They were the only people outside.   No traffic, no pollution; just small figures against a plain white silent canvas.

Very soon, I would probably see them whiz down the hill past my house together.

But my day of bliss was about to be infiltrated.   The world will always find you, even if you don’t go out your own front door.

Sometimes, it will paint up lies and seduce you by using the same twinkling lights and some good old fashioned sentiment of how things should be, to keep you thinking that all is really well in our world despite the obvious slush.   You have to be observant.

In the preceding 5 minutes whilst waiting for my movie to start I was treated to some Christmas adverts of the distorted kind.

A famous frozen food company advertising their oven chips, decided to tell me in a very gentle fashion what family really was.   It could be one mummy and daddy, two daddies, a long distance father, a single mother, or a sister from another mister who comes around for tea.   It then concluded with the statement ‘We are all Family’.   Hmmm, I thought, an oven chip was teaching me something.   That is certainly food for thought.

Next, a very large supermarket chain also decided a politically correct interpretation of Christmas was needed.   With the strap line of ‘Everyone’s Welcome’ the images depicted your typical Christmas gathering.   There was the Sikh family, the introduction of the Muslim family, which has created a certain amount of controversy here, and then the white family; who couldn’t quite get their oversized turkey in or out of the oven.

Well at least they hadn’t been too obvious by removing the Christ out of Christmas by calling it Xmas.    Yet, it was evident that the depiction of a Christian family was not welcome in its inclusive advert.

However, next came an in-depth and very scientific advert with diagrams for women’s sanitary protection, and thank goodness I was all alone.   Where do you look, and how quickly can you turn the television off in front of visitors when you are exposed to that which should really remain private.

And finally, came the infamous John Lewis department store advertisement, which we eagerly await each year for its innovative and very creative story lines, which have included ‘Man on the Moon’, Buster the Boxer, and this year, ‘Moz the Monster’, which features an oversized endearing monster that sleeps under the bed in a young boys room and comes out at night to play and care for the child.

Ironically, it had pretty much summed up the elephant in the room idiom, which no-one wanted to address in its adverts.   The commercialism of Christmas was being used to entice everyone into thinking we are one big happy family, without the need of a holy family.    Women can bleed, but never the Christ.

Moz the Monster had also reminded me of the very popular children’s film, Monsters Inc; in which monsters steal energy from children.   The portal is the bedroom door where the monster enters the child’s room and takes energy from the child’s screams of terror.   The monsters of course are very loveable, and you grow to like them.   One of the most popular characters is called Mike Wazowski, and is a green, one eyed monster!   If the devil is in the details, you really have to watch this film.

Suddenly, the fictional story of Judah Beh-Hur, who fights to restore honour to the family name, after being wrongly accused of treason by his adopted brother, appeared to be arriving at a very good time of the day.   Some restoration to principles that were truly noble was definitely needed.

Follow that Star

As the evening came, and it grew dark outside, I switched off the fairly lights and looked out again.  The stars were shining.  A few cars had managed to make it out and were moving very slowly outside.   The day had made me be still and slightly reflective in a positive way.

I thought of the scenes in Ben Hur, in which he searches for his mother and his sister, who he once thought were dead, and finds them in a leper colony; the scene where he is betrayed and finds himself being very cruelly treated, and the scene where he is given water by a stranger.   There is a moment where Christ is on a hillside surrounded by those who wish to listen, and you see Ben-Hur on the peripheral of the crowds walking past them in the distance, going in a different direction.   But the best part of the film in my mind is not the infamous chariot race of the movie, but the scene when the blood of the crucified Jesus runs into the rainwater and heals the relatives of Judah Ben Hur from their leprosy, after they had gone to hear his message.   You know those things can and do happen.

The reality of Christmas is it can be an extremely reflective and emotional time for many people, because so many families are really very broken.  They are trying to pretend everything is alright, just for one day.   Many people who sit down to eat together are really ready to kill each other.  When the day is over many children will wonder about the emptiness they still have inside, despite the numerous presents they have received.   They will wonder where their sense of wonderment has gone, now that the expectation of the day has passed.   It is the most honest observation they will make. The expectation of something that was not delivered

Yet, hope is not lost for those who focus on the real meaning of why Jesus came to earth, how he was born, how he lived, and why he was killed, and more importantly how you can be changed if you search for him.  You can find your real father and brother, and realize what family really is.   You can keep that warm glow, and a sense of peace, all year round.   Christmas is a good time to reflect on that.

Christianity is of course being pushed underground on purpose.   It seems to have been going on a very long time.  The advertisers are focused on making money and also creating division when people point out the obvious about their adverts.   Like champions for humanity they then come to the rescue accusing people of racism.  People need to be aware of this.

They will not win.  No contest.   On a silent holy night, calm and bright, Jesus Christ was born, the Saviour.   We remember his birth.

Happy Christmas Everyone

© 2017 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:

John Lewis Christmas ad 2017 meet moz the monster under the bed


♥Why do we have Christmas trees

Astonishing: Woman With A Touch Of Einstein Genius

Where are the Einstein’s of today is a lament we hear often, or an Alexander Graham Bell or a Thomas Edison? No such individuals are  visible today…at least that is the thinking of most. Anyone looking for such geniuses would of course be seeking a man who might fit the bill.

But how about a woman?? Yes, a woman! Why not a woman?


We have discovered just such a genius woman, a skilled engineer who designed and built a power monitor for the space shuttles’ computer power supply. This became part of the shuttles’ test platform. It automatically detected the sleep mode from the operating mode and adjusted the overload point accordingly, it was also self-testing which was a big plus to NASA.

After that Ms. Hart worked for a company as a contractor developing test system hardware and software for testing the radiation detectors used by the NASA deep space probe. She was then recruited by the Army Corps of Engineers. They sent her to Washington, D.C. to work on one of their projects, which was a vital machine that nobody….NOBODY…could fix. Liza COULD and DID. Within six months the machine was up and running. She designed a completely new control system and built it.

At the time, the company [that] the Army Corps of Engineers sent her to, said the machine was looking at variable densities for detection of Contraband. Liza, the female Einstein of our time, figured that machine might also work for explosives detection.

Her new idea combined spectroscopy, broad spectrum and x-rays, which was an entirely new idea. The company who had the machine brought in the bomb squad who tested it with live explosives. It worked.

There had also been a problem with the X-ray tubes that could not handle the high voltage (160.000 volts) which caused some of the tubes to blow up. Yet that high voltage was needed to produce the X-rays needed. A catch 22 if there ever was one. Instead of throwing up her hands, Ms. Hart simply shifted her genius brain in gear and went at it.

She came up with a new X-ray Tube Assembly Design. This resulted in a patent and that design is still used to this day and machines that came from that are in place at international airports.

This is only A SMALL PART of the various inventions created by Liza Hart who holds patents on them, many which have saved lives including medical devices while working with a heart doctor. Her inventions have been so significant to the world that she is now a part of history.

This columnist first met Liza Hart at the PTL (Praise the Lord) television studios in Charlotte, North Carolina over 30 years ago. Ms. Hart was an engineer for the TV program who was able to immediately fix any problems that arose regarding transmission, sound, camera dysfunctions, or any other gremlin that could possibly interfere with the smooth transmission of the program to the world.

Here is GREAT news for farmers, landscapers, gardeners and those who use a tractor lawn mower. This brilliant brainy woman has just created an invention just for you. Yes and it could indeed save your life.

Tractors, motorized lawn mowers can tip over, and many deaths have taken place during that tip over. Indeed, in one year alone, there were 34,000 rollovers and 401 people were killed as their vehicle turned while going up a slope and flipped over.

Ms. Hart designed a rollover/tip-over alarm that warns the driver that the laws of gravity are about to prove their effectiveness. However, before it gets to that point, the alarm goes off and the motor shuts off. And this is accomplished by a small device that is attached to the tractor or mower called a Tip Over Alarm. and it is not that expensive. This is to save lives and injuries,plus humiliation if your neighbors witness it.

Ms. Hart has just formed a company called, TipOver Solutions.  Here is the website for all information. (Don’t forget that dot after “Over”). This column does books, concert and film reviews and is reviewing a product for the first time, one that will prevent injuries and even death amongst people I especially love, since I am still a farm boy at heart.

You can also call Ms. Hart for further information. Her number is: 423-579-2786. This number is ONLY for business inquiries, not marriage proposals. Hear?

Readers can get further info and put in an order for the life-saving device which will be shipped out after the holidays, meaning January or February. Save this article.

A further note on this remarkable woman. She is highly respected by all the pastors in her area and is a certified prison chaplain, holding Bible classes for inmates. She has a tremendous positive effect on everyone she meets and deals with. We need more like her.


Photo Caption: Liza Hart-Woman of Einstein Genius

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Military Must Disarm And Disband FBI For High Treason

It is now common knowledge, that if President Trump should fail to disarm and disband  the 35,000 FBI employees, using the military,  you must prepare for civil war and a complete breakdown of government services. The FBI, members of DOJ, working with high ranking members of both parties,  media  and the communists have done everything possible to deny an elected president  his office. The FBI refuses to comply with constitutional oversight by congress and has long maintained its independence from any constitutional government control. There is only one solution, the FBI must be terminated, it can’t be fixed. Please read my article “God gave us a Warrior, not a Saint to fight Treason”. August 22, 2017, Newswithviews. Com. Use first link below. This article will give you countless reasons  and details for why the FBI must go.

President Ronald Reagan had a similar problem in 1981 with the 11.345 member Air Traffic Controllers Union who went on strike  grounding 7.000 planes. He fired all of them, with proviso that they could never work for the government again. I was a pilot at the time and it made things more difficult, but it was workable.

In America today, we have no functioning constitutional government, or Rule of Law.  Except for President Donald J. Trump, we are being ruled by traitors who are just as fake as our news media and communist schools.

That said, I will make no attempt in this paper to list, or describe the millions of needless criminal and unconstitutional actions allowed or taken by government that has impoverished and enraged the people.  Rather, I will predict. not advocate a few major actions that if taken  quickly, could prevent much of the treason that is provoking a civil war and destroying our armed forces.

Our Constitution does not permit forcing working people to   support the lazy useless idiots produced in our communist cities by  schools which indoctrinate with media support. Half of the pilgrims died in 1620 when they tried Communism. In the hundreds of years since 1620, all that the fairy tale of communism has done, is kill millions of people, and enrich dictators.

People in high tax states with Communist (Democrat) cities pay reduced federal taxes, these reductions are then paid for them by citizens in other states. Why should other states subsidize their communism?

If we returned to tariffs, which were used so effectively until 1913, no one would pay income taxes, there would be no need. The Communists could continue to pay high state and local taxes for communist services without our help, while they continue  a rush into bankruptcy, anarchy, and civil war.

Immigration, both legal and illegal, in all its forms,  is imposing a terrible cost on citizens, and must be terminated for at least 25 years, as it was in the past. Make no mistake, every citizen of the United States, regardless of background is furious that the wall has not been constructed, and every illegal deported, and that includes the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) who we’ve paid for in billions, and are now in their 20s and 30s.

There is no legitimate and effective law enforcement agency in the federal government. The FBI is mostly a criminal enterprise that has grown based upon its blackmail potential and propaganda. The FBI, and all its parts must be terminated, and replaced with the Militia of the Several States as dictated in the Constitution. State crimes are in no way a federal concern, and all federal law enforcement should be terminated in the states. Without  honest and effective enforcement of the Rule of Law we will continue to progress rapidly into civil war.

Except for hand out takers, and brain washed pansies, the people are enraged. We have also been cursed  with a loud stupid communist minority  who believe that  gun free zones are possible,  and are not killing fields.  In truth, all three branches of government, excepting President Donald J. Trump and his team, are mostly imposters and constitutional traitors, willing or not.

There are 15 cabinet level executive departments and many of them are what I call Unconstitutional Communist Departments, and must be terminated. Failure to terminate the Departments of Commerce, Transportation, Interior, Education, Agriculture, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor are acts of Treason. I refer to these departments as the unconstitutional Communist Departments because they are an unlawful attempt to modify our Constitution  by usurping  the rights of citizens and states for the benefit of Communism and its Criminal  Minions of the Establishment.  These are my words, but I derived many details from “The Constitution versus the Executive Branch Departments, July 12, 2012, by Lawrence M. Vance”. Another mentor  has been” Constitutional Scholar, Publius Hulda, “ The Regulation Freedom Amendment and Danial Webster” December 17, 2017, Publius Hulda’s Blog..

The private Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated as unconstitutional, while we replace the income tax with tariffs and return to a constitutional currency that is neither fiat, nor digital. By the way, the Great Depression was caused by the private Federal Reserve Bank, and not by tariffs.

Our Constitution is ignored by many people due to poor education, media propaganda, or criminal purposes. But many people do read the Constitution and are furious at those who do not comply with it. Judges ignore our Constitution all the time resulting in hatred by the people. States have not been given control of 24% of their land as stipulated in the Constitution resulting in ongoing armed resistance and death. Read my last two articles at for details. Link Link

Anyone who takes an oath to serve and protect our Constitution, and then proceeds to support the unconstitutional communist departments, in an attempt to usurp  our Constitution are nothing but criminal traitors. Democrat leaders are communists, and by definition are traitors. Islam/Cair  is not a religion of peace and by definition can’t support our Constitution. The establishment families and their minions: (government officials, judges, media, bankers, large corporations, educational institutions, et al.) are anti-Constitution.

Not only did Congress and our former presidents establish and fund unconstitutional communist departments with our money, they gave all  departments the legal power of all three branches of government (so much for separation of powers). This means that unelected bureaucrats can (1) make a rule,(2) charge you with violating the rule, (3) find you guilty, and (4) determine your penalty. Of course all of this is contrary to our Constitution, they call this unlawful and treasonous procedure: The Administrative State.

Having served in the United States Military, I have great respect for the troops, but I detest the pentagon brass who refuse to protect them. I will never forget the military judges who freed a combat deserter, but refused a trial with due process for an innocent officer and put him in prison. There are  admirals  who accepted whores and all kinds of bribes while their ships and planes were self destructing with many deaths. Then we have the admirals and generals who are willing to subject their young recruits to sick people who infect them with highly contagious terminal diseases which will cost the VA millions. Sending troops to war with inadequate equipment and training while using dangerous rules of engagement may be the least of pentagon sins.

Homosexuality  is a disease, that by its self  will cause an early death, people born with this affliction have my sympathy, but the predatory ones attack young recruits who will kill them for doing so. For this to happen high ranking military officers must be communists and have the disease.

Our military could stop the dangerous use of women in combat if they would use the draft for required manpower. You can’t mix unequal abilities and raging hormones in combat. Military training would be great for more young men, but the military could not tolerate the scrutiny of parents who vote, remember Viet Nam.

President Donald J. Trump is certainly no saint, but he is a genius warrior, who relates to the people, and has built the most  powerful  movement in history. President Trump  is the only man who can save our Republic by defeating any combination of Communists from  both parties in elections, or if the Republic is attacked, in civil war. President Trump is being attacked every day by the forces of evil, who are traitors,  who, I predict that he will defeat, or the people will put an end to them in elections or a civil war, especially if President Trump or the Republic is harmed.

Communists in both parties think they are above the law,  superior to common people by birth, and they will lie, cheat and smear President Trump to maintain their elite swamp status.

In a few words.  Stop the treason. Kick the communists in both parties out of government. Stop all immigration. Deport illegal’s. Terminate the FBI. Terminate the unconstitutional Departments of Government. End the private  Federal Reserve Bank. Replace income tax with tariffs. End the Administrative State. End the treason by judges. Reform corruption by generals and admirals.

© 2017 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

A Perfect Description Of The Evil Effort To Undermine President Trump

Actually, this weeks column is a reprint of the excellent analysis of the operation to destroy the Trump presidency brought forth by retired general Paul Vallely.

Career officials, managers and staff within the DOJ and FBI wanted to help ensure Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election.  Those people were ideologically aligned with President Obama and tried the goal of maintaining progressive advances as part of their motive.  A small group was formed within the DOJ and FBI to facilitate the goals.  The first goal was to remove Mrs. Clinton from the burden of the FBI investigation.  Once that goal was achieved, they move onto Clinton’s 2016 challenger.  By the time the 2016 GOP convention drew near, everyone accepted that challenger would be Donald Trump.

As such, the FBI “small group” began monitoring candidate Donald Trump in June/July 2016as part of a plan toward the benefit of candidate Hillary Clinton.  However, the FBI and DOJ officials also needed a reasonable basis, a legal justification for their behavior and the time they were spending.  The plan to justify that behavior was to create an official counterintelligence operation.  To get the counterintelligence operation going, they needed a reasonable basis for creating one.  That basis was the formative seeds of claims of Russian connections to the Trump Campaign.

To establish the basis the Russian elements needed for the operation; the DNC and Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to contract Christopher Steele to write a dossier that would form the legal grounding for the counterintelligence operation.  Fusion GPS hired DOJ Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, who was well versed in counterintelligence operations, CIA operations, and using tradecraft to create illusions.

Nellie Ohr worked with retired British M16 Agent Christopher Steele to manufacture the Steele Dossier.  The dossier would take innocuous connections between Trump and Russian people, enhance them, fabricate some nefarious appearance, and then be turned over to Bruce Ohr’s counterintelligence buddy in the FBI, Peter Strzok.  In essence, the Clinton’s created the Russian “angle” out of thin air; and the FBI and DOJ used that creation as the legal underpinning for the counterintelligence operation.  The cointel op was always just a ruse for wiretapping, surveillance and monitoring of Donald Trump campaign officials.

The FBI (Strzok) and DOJ (Ohr) dressed up the Steele Dossier to apply for FISA warrant (FBI) Attorney Lisa Page).  The surveillance was happening with or without FISA approval; but the FISA warrant would make the surveillance legal.  The initial application to the FISA Court was so sketchy (June/July 2016) it was actually denied.  Denials rarely happen.  One-in-a-thousand.  The Steele Dossier was dressed up some more.  More stuff was added, thanks to Christopher Steele and Nellie Ohr, to the second FISA application in Sept/October.  That FISA application again submitted by Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page.  That warrant was approved.  If Mrs. Clinton was elected, the entire counterintelligence operation just disappears into the ether.  No-one would ever know about it.  But Mrs. Clinton Didn’t win, Trump did.

Subsequently, the entire Trump Counterintelligence Operation was likely to be exposed.  So, the team behind the Cointel scheme, again “the small group”, had to make up for the Russian interference in the Election narrative, a larger narrative, to cover their tracks.  The manufactured basis for the FISA warrant, ‘Muh Russia’ now needed to become real; or at least have the appearance of being justified.   That’s why the goofy “Joint Analysis Report on Russian interference” was created.  Brennan (CIA), Clapper (ODN), Comey (FBI), and to a lesser extent the outsider Mike Rogers (NSA).  This became the  “17 intelligence agencies” blah..blah..blah.

Actually, it was never 17 intel agencies, just four.  Only three pushed it.  Mike Rogers said he had low/moderate confidence in the underlying intelligence within the report.  The report was created as evidence to enhance the cover.  Nothing more.  General Vallely believes that if you put the Steele Dossier together with the Joint Analysis Report, you will find 90% of the FISA application documentation.  Additionally, the entire crew, from the Obama Administration and current career people within the DOJ, FBI, etc., understood the larger scheme, needed ongoing people to continue ensuring the story was maintained.

That drove the need for a Special counsel investigation.  Mueller’s investigation was really just another way the players within the original scheme could keep a lid on the events in 2016.  That is why many of the FBI/DOJ “small group”, the crew who cleared Mrs. Clinton in the email investigation.  Controls were needed.  Inside Mueller’s dirty little group, the “small crew” essentially works to watch over what information the Trump officials or Congress could possibly be discovering under the auspices of investigating ‘Muh Russia’ etc.  If the “small group” comes across a risky trail being followed, they work to impede, block, delay or deflect anyone from that trail.

This a summary of the way things look from a researched perspective.  There is one guy at the heart of this operation who can blow the lid off of everything.  His name is the infamous Mr. Bill Priestap.  Priestap’s position in 2016 was director of Counterintelligence for the FBI.  There is still much to be discovered regarding the deep state, but this research put together by General Paul Vallely is more than a great start.  Too bad, the dragon media has not even begun to search for and report the truth.  By the way, I Blow away the Myths and Reveal the Truth weekday mornings via on The Edwards Notebook on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada at 6:30ish AM PT, 9:30ish AM EST and throughout America via or  The Edwards Notebook is also enjoyed overnight weekends on 60 radio stations in 28 states just after 4:30 AM EST, 1:30 AM  PT emanating from flagship station AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida and everywhere else via Last but certainly not least, it’s the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT on AM 1180 KCKQ, Reno, Nevada and worldwide, and Spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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A Christmas Story From Antarctica: A Moment Frozen In Time

“Great God, this is an awful place.” Robert Falcon Scott, 1912

During this “Season of the Heart”, my wife Sandi and I wish you and yours a gentle, peaceful and loving Merry Christmas.  May you celebrate the birth of Christ for which we celebrate the season.  While I write about all the ills occurring in the United States weekly as well as around the world, I try to make a difference in the direction of our country by alerting every citizen.  My mission: to educate Americans as to the consequences of endless immigration-overpopulation, and, to help each of you take action by joining the websites offered.  I hope you may enjoy collective empowerment with others who want America to change course toward a viable future for all citizens.  Right now, features 7,000,000 (million) Americans who feel the same way you feel.  We can and must stop mass immigration into our country.

In the end, I love writing books on adventures around the world.  My latest published in May, Living Your Spectacular Life, educates, inspires and encourages every reader at any age to live a “Spectacular” life as he or she chooses it.   It makes for a fabulous gift for anyone you may want to enhance his or her life.  Copies on and/or direct from publisher: 1 888 280 7715.

As a writer, I would rather be writing positive, energetic and inspiring works for all Americans. This Christmas, I share a story about meeting a family of Emperor penguins on the ice in Antarctica, where I worked for six months.  This Christmas story will warm your heart and give you hope that the world might sing and celebrate.

In the morning, a whiteout howled across McMurdo Station, Antarctica with 150 mile per hour winds and minus 80 degree temperatures.  I had been confined to my barracks for two days as a “Condition One” storm worked its way over the icepack before me.

By late evening, the weather turned placid but a biting minus 40-degree temperature kept most people inside.  I, however, bundled into my cold weather gear—insulated boots, heavy mittens, five Thermax layers, fleece, three hats, face protection, along with ski goggles—and headed out the door to ride my bicycle over the ice runway.

Yes, there were bicycles at the scientific station for me to ride.  Operations reported some emperor penguins on the ice.  I had to see them no matter what the cold.  I jumped on my bike looking like an overstuffed bear with all my cold weather gear on.  My breath vaporized as I pedaled toward the ice-covered ocean.  My lungs burned with each inhalation of polar cold.

About a mile around the cove, the setting sun glinted off the roof of Robert Falcon Scott’s Discovery Hut.  He had died 90 years ago on his last attempt to reach the South Pole.  The hut had stood on the point of McMurdo Sound since 1902.  It gave mute testimony to the courage those men displayed in their polar adventures.  This proved a cold, miserable place.

I rode along a path that led toward the ice pack in the sound.  It’s hard to describe pack-ice, however, it features a bunch of jumbled, broken ice chards being heaved and smashed into multiple shapes such as triangles, domes, squares, tubulars, and wedges—like an Erector Set gone crazy.  However, near the shore, it was reasonably smooth with a thin veneer of snow from the blizzard.

Above me, a gold and purple sky glowed brazenly in its final glory into the crevasses of the Royal Society Range across McMurdo Sound.  For once, a rare quiet softened the bitter edge of the crystal white desert before me.  One of the glaciers, more than ten miles across at its terminus, radiated liquid gold from the setting sun.  Stepping through some shallow snow drifts, I sank knee deep until I pulled through and gained the edge of the ice.  Even with polar weather gear protecting my body, the numbing cold crept through the air as if it were trying to find a way into my being.

The bike frame creaked at the cold and the tires made a popping sound on the snow.   The big boots I wore made it hard to keep on the pedals. But I persevered and kept moving forward.  Across the ice, I looked through the sunlight and saw four black figures approaching.  I shaded my eyes with my gloved hand.  They drew closer; their bodies were back-lit by the sun on the horizon.  A family Emperor penguins waddled toward me.  I dismounted from my bike.   From our survival classes, I learned to sit down so as not to frighten them.  By appearing smaller than them, they might find me interesting.

Slowly, I lowered myself into the snow cross-legged like an Indian chief.  Minute by minute, they waddled closer and closer.  Three big birds, about 80 pounds each kept moving dead-on in my direction.  The smallest followed behind them.

Another minute passed and they were within 30 feet of me.  The lead Emperor carried himself like a king.  His silky black head-color swept down the back of his body and through his tail.  A bright crayon yellow/orange streaked along his beak like a Nike logo.  Under his cheek, soft aspirin-white feathers poured downward glistening in lanolin.  His wings were black on the outside and mixed with black/white on the front.  He stood at least 40 inches tall and his enormous three-toed feet were a gray reptilian roughness with blunted talons sticking out.  He rolled his head.  He looked at me in a cockeyed fashion, as if I was the strangest creature he had ever seen.

I don’t know what made me do it, but I slipped my right hand out of the glove and moved it slowly toward him.  The rest of the penguins closed in.  The big guy stuck his beak across the palm of my hand and twisted his head, as if to scratch himself against my skin.  I felt glossy feathers against my hand.  He uttered a muffled coo.  The rest of the penguins cooed.  Their mucus membranes slid like liquid soap over their eyes every few seconds.  I stared back, wanting to say something to them, but realized I could not speak their language.  However, at that moment, we shared a consciousness of living.

My frozen breath vapors hung in the air briefly before descending as crystals toward the ground.  I battled to keep from bursting with excitement.  Within seconds, one of the other penguins pecked my new friend on the rump.  He drew back.  With that he turned and waddled away.  Following the elders, the little one gave one last look at me, as if he too wanted to scratch my hand, but was afraid, and turned with his friends.  As they retreated, their wings flailed outward, away from their bodies like children trying to catch the wind in their arms.  The baby Emperor departed as the last to go.

My hand turned numb so I stuck it back into the glove.  As I sat there, I remembered once when a hummingbird landed on my finger in the Rocky Mountains.  I remembered the sheer delicacy Nature shared with me that warm spring day in the wilderness.  Here, in this frozen wasteland beyond the borders of my imagination where humans do not belong, nature touched me again today with its pulsing heart and living warmth.  I only hope my species learns as much respect for our fellow travelers as they show toward us.

I stood up, tightened my hood and looked for the penguins.  They had vanished into the frozen white world in front of me.  Only the pack ice rumbled toward the horizon.  I turned to my bike.  It’s hard to believe that two rubber tires laced together with spokes and rims, and attached to a metal frame could carry me from the Amazon Jungle, to Death Valley and on to where the bolt goes into the bottom of the globe.

That simple machine lying in the frozen snow had taken me to far flung places on this planet and it had allowed me magical moments beyond description. That moment with the penguins probably was the best it had ever done by me.  I remounted it and turned toward the barracks.

The ride back didn’t seem so cold.

Merry Christmas from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge


FB page:  How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

FB poets page:  Bicycling Poets

FB adventure page:  Bicycle Touring Unique Moments

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Woolridge; Amazon and/or 1 888 280 7715


Excerpt from: Bicycling Around the World: Tire Tracks for Your Imagination, Amazon or 1 888 280 7715

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Romance Of Failure

It may seem paradoxical to say this of people who have taken control of so many big pieces of our country, but liberals love failure.

Think about it. What’s their favorite ideology? It’s either socialism or communism, both colossal failures. And go ahead, tell me they haven’t enjoyed their defeat by Donald Trump in the 2016 election. They’ve been reveling in a non-stop tantrum ever since: more fun, even, than winning. A delicious sundae of self-pity, a perpetual feast of outrage—even a spot of dinner theater, with the ongoing kabuki dance of Collusion With The Russians. What liberal could resist it?

In the run-up to Christmas this year, leftids are going right down to the wire, displaying their lust for failure. If they can just replace Christmas with something that’s a total wipe-out all around, something that makes nobody happy, they will have achieved one of their fondest dreams. Heck, any doofus can try to succeed! But it’s the pursuit of failure that separates the leftids from the normal people.

Here are two examples of their most recent work, this Christmas season.

A “theater historian” at Boston University made herself a public laughing-stock by proclaiming that “Jingle Bells” is—you guessed it—racist.  Well, all right, everything’s racist these days, the word has lost its punch; but she didn’t let that stop her. She blathered that the harmless Yuletide carol is “problematic,” it’s about “its role in the construction of blackness and whiteness in America,” and it also stinks because it expresses “elements” of male-ness. Oooh, that must be bad! This is all true because “Jingle Bells” was performed in blackface in 1857.

Throughout the social media, thousands of readers pronounced the professor an idiot, mucho laughs at her expense. She tried to pull back—“I didn’t say it’s racist now!”—but it was too late, she’d already gone over the falls.

Don’t bother to ask, “What earthly good did she expect to accomplish by doing this?” If liberals ever judged their actions by what early good they did, they’d have given up and gone home a hundred years ago. But they treasure the blessings of failure.

Then there’s the TV musical remake of the Jean Shepherd classic, “A Christmas Story.” You’ve probably seen the original: somewhere in Indiana, sometime in the 1940s, Ralphie wants a Red Rider air rifle for Christmas…

Apparently no one in the world liked the three-hour “dumpster fire” (as one viewer called it) of a remake. Everyone complained about its forced Diversity—which is always forced on us, so why was anyone surprised?—and its ham-fisted PC tone.

What they don’t understand is that leftids love to be rejected by normal people. That this “Christmas Story” remake instantly went down in history as the worst TV musical ever not only titillates them with the glamor of defeat. It establishes them, in their own minds, as wise and righteous, intrepid, committed Social Justice Warriors who will never, never hang back from an enterprise just because it will not work. Failure validates their actions. It helps them to identify with some of the more unfortunate fringes of the Democrat voting base.

Because this venture belly-flopped so badly, we can expect to see more like it. Wait’ll you see what they do to “Moby Dick,” as they seek new horizons of failure: Captain Gayhab and his Really Diverse crew hunt the White Privilege Whale… Robin Hood and his Mary men… A Tale of Two Cities, Sodom and Gomorrah—and so on.

Lest they bestow the crown of failure on our country, these are the people who have to be defeated.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit! A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

What Has Christmas Done To Christianity?

This is not what you think it is going to be.

This is not about the pagan origins of Christmas.   It is not about the placing of coniferous trees in your home.  It is not about the commercialization of the birth of Christ or even about the glorification of Santa and the lying to children about the jolly old elf.

Those are certainly bad enough and an argument can be made for how each of those examples is undermining the Incarnation of Christ.

But that is not what is destroying Christianity in America.

Permit me to be the first to say how much I enjoy the Christmas season.  My memory is flush with visions of sugarplums dancing in my head as a result of growing up in a large family in the sixties when things somehow seemed so much tamer.

Call it pagan if you like, but I have very warm and fuzzy images in my head of sitting around the Christmas tree and reading the Nativity story with our precious children as we explained to them the miracle of the virgin birth and God’s unique plan of salvation.

It is not the paganism that is undermining the Gospel, although it is, but rather the incomplete story of the birth of Christ.  Christ came to save us from our sins

This all came to a head last Sunday when I drove by our local porn shop only to discover that the building was covered with Christmas decorations…including reindeer on the front lawn.  Immediately the thought popped into my head “the light came into the world but the darkness perceived it not.”  There is something seriously wrong when the porn shop is joining in the celebration of the birth of the One who came to destroy sin.

How could both the church and the porno shop be celebrating the same thing?  Simple.  The American Church no longer teaches that we are to fear the Lord.

Statistics show that young Americans are leaving the church in droves.  The more we strive to make Christianity more relevant the more decadent the culture becomes.  Where have we gone wrong I found myself thinking as I drove past the slut shop all decorated in “gay apparel?”

Suddenly, it hit me.  The Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. 

That is the first image we place in the minds of our children when we introduce them to the King of Kings.  From their earliest days we inculcate our children with the image of the Savior of the World as a Babe lying in a manger.

When was the last time you ever heard of someone being afraid of a baby in a crib?

Stay with me here.

Looking for a clue I reread the popular manger story found in Luke and I was stunned by what leaped off of the page at me.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

The Glory of the Lord MADE THEM AFRAID!!  Despite what the Christmas Carols tell us, it wasn’t a Silent Night, Holy Night.  All wasn’t calm and all wasn’t bright.  The appearance of the King of Kings brought great fear to the Shepherds.

It wasn’t the cattle lowing…or the fact that the “Little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.”  The Christmas carols that we sing totally misrepresent the atmosphere on that night.  It was a night of awe punctuated by fear.  It was Holy, but it certainly wasn’t silent…at least not in the corridors of the doomed and the damned.  A deathly blow that night was delivered to the forces of darkness.

Although he may have been born in a stable the King of Kings was birthed on a battlefield.  Have you ever read the Nativity story in second chapter of Matthew?  What if this was the story that we taught to our children?  You would do well if you took time to read it.

Permit this synopsis.  From the moment Jesus was born in that manger the forces of darkness, led by King Herod, set forth to kill the Christ Child.  So real was the threat that an angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt.  When Herod could not find the location of the child he sent forth his soldiers to slaughter every male child under the age of two.  Matthew records:

In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.”

The kingdom of darkness responded to the birth of the King with unspeakable death, lamentation, weeping, and mourning.  The battle for the souls of man began in a barn.

What if that was the Christmas messaging that America Christians taught their children?  What if we spoke less of Ho Ho and more of hell?  What if we taught them that the battle between the two seeds was a violent one and that the followers of the Babe Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes should be prepared to fight to the death for the advancement of the Kingdom of Light?

Perhaps it was a Holy night.  Perhaps it was a silent night.  Perhaps His incarnation would eventually bring “peace on earth goodwill to men.”  But the silence of His birth was soon broken by the wail of heartbroken mothers. Like it or not the history since His birth has been filled with violence and death.

For most American Christians Jesus is still lying in a manger.  No wonder the porn shop celebrates Christmas.

Jesus is coming back and once again death will be following him.    He is returning as a Warrior King… and he won’t be wearing a diaper.

Ho! Ho! Ho! You won’t find that message coming down your chimney.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

To Resign With A Slap On The Hand Is NOT Enough! Prosecution Must Commence

“Regardless of what branch of government, office or party affiliation, the law applies to each and every one of us!”

Last week, I wrote that there must be consequences when it comes to false accusers, and this week I want to show you that there must be consequences when it comes to those who are guilty.

[YouTube Video]

We all must keep in scope that the purpose of government is to “restrain men from sin” (breaking the law), enforce God’s standard of “right and wrong” and to “maintain order.”  Knowing this, how does one accept what is happening in American Government in the present?

Recently, Al Franken (D-MN) simply chose to resign after being accused of inappropriately touching multiple women before and after he was a senator and photos are easily accessible.  An Ethics Committee investigation was already underway.

Facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) simply chose to resign as Congresses longest-serving member Tuesday, becoming the first lawmaker to step down as Capitol Hill grapples with allegations of inappropriate behavior by lawmakers.

Conyers, who represented the Detroit area for 52 years, yielded to mounting pressure from representatives to step aside as a growing number of female former aides accused him of unwanted advances and mistreatment. He has denied wrongdoing.

Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks announced in a statement Thursday night that he will simply resign from Congress at the end of January, after the House Ethics Committee said it would investigate allegations against him of sexual harassment.

Wow, they are uncovered (Luke 12:2) for their offences toward our laws and when found out, they simply choose to resign without fear of the consequences (Proverbs 29:15).

A mere slap on the hand is a signal of encouragement to the next violator of law in line to do the same in their criminal endeavors (Luke 22:48).

The last to resign amid a scandal was Sen. John Ensign (R-NV), in 2011, who quit during an investigation by the Ethics Committee into his affair with a former campaign staffer who was married to a Senate staffer.

Before that, Sen. Robert Packwood (R-OR) resigned after being recommended for expulsion amid accusations of sexual abuse in 1995.

Going even further back, Sen. Harrison Williams D-NJ) resigned in 1982 after being recommended for expulsion after a bribery conviction. This list of criminals is only the tip of the iceberg.

Here is a list of federal politicians convicted of crimes!

Where have the American people accepted the notion that public servants, who have been placed into public trust and have transgressed American laws, must simply resign after their criminal violations rather than face justice as to the laws they broke, as if to suggest that this will somehow appease the crime?  It only encourages more crime.

There is a higher trust placed in the individual that serves “We the People.”

Therefore, if they violate that trust by breaking the law, then there is a higher consequence that they must pay for their transgressions.

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. – Article 2, Section 4 US Constitution

Asking them to resign is like hiring a banker that turns out to be a bank robber, and then after their crimes are discovered, you ask the bank robber to simply return the money and go find another job. He will merely go to another bank and then repeat the crime all over again.

You do not ask for a resignation.  You fire him and call the police and have them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the crimes committed. We should be deterring the crime, not encouraging it (Proverbs 16:6).

Americans need to understand that where justice is left off, it will create repeat offenders and so it has and will continue to do so unless the remedy is applied (Isaiah 26:9).

[YouTube Video]

If this is not done, it will destroy this country, regardless of wh0 the guilty party is, for Justice guards American liberties (Isaiah 51:4).

[YouTube Video]

© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

America The Blessed From Ocean To Ocean

You can’t see freedom
You can only be free.
You can’t touch freedom,
It’s a phantom you see.

A phantom we hold
In our hearts and minds.
A fleeting memory we are told,
Should we it let slip away,
On the winds of time.

The Earth is but a tiny blue dot in an unimaginably large universe.  America is, or was, a bright star on that tiny blue dot.  That bright star is on the precipice of being snuffed out unless we re-ignite the energy of freedom behind that star.

Take a moment and close your eyes.  Now imagine what your life would be like if you could not see.   The Christmas tree, the smile of joy on your children’s faces when they open their presents, or a tender look from your spouse across the room that holds a world of meaning.  These would not be part of your sightless world.  You could not see the sky, or the trees, or the flowers, or the snow on the mountains, close up or far away.  You could not see the ocean, or a river, a lake, a waterfall, a desert, or the wind rustling leaves in a tree ….. or children playing.

You could not split wood, build a house, watch television, or drive a car, ride a bicycle, or go skiing, sailing, or snowmobiling, or so many other things we take for granted that the miracle of sight brings us.  In fact, your life would come with a set of chains that would take a way a portion of your freedom, the freedom of sight.

But there is one other very real part of our lives we should cherish above any of the five senses, or an arm, or a leg.  That very real part of our lives in America is the freedom of “choice”.  The freedom to choose to do what you want provided what you do hurts no one else.  That includes the freedom of movement, the freedom of what to buy, the freedom to spend your hard earned money as you see fit, the freedom of what to wear, the freedom of where to live, the freedom of where to work and the kind of work you want to do, the freedom to be different, the freedom to live on and use your land without undue government restriction, the freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches and the freedom from excessive taxation and regulation.

Unfortunately, we cannot see, feel, touch, smell, or taste the freedom of choice, we can only experience it.   But the freedom of choice is painfully fragile.   It can be taken away from us extremely easily, especially if we are not paying attention.

Just imagine that the joy that a young child’s innocence brings to each of us, is replaced with, well let’s just say, nothing.  Or imagine that innocence was taken away by force, or by a law that would be enforced by government.

Imagine a government that would have Christmas police roaming the streets looking for Christmas trees and colored lights, or a nativity scene, or a Menorah, or all the other things that the Christmas time of year means to our culture and then fine you or send you to jail for the violation.  You’d have to break the law, if you wanted to celebrate Christmas.  But you don’t have to imagine it, because this very thing is happening in other countries.

But it isn’t necessarily Christmas the police are taking away.  It is the right of choice they are taking away.  The right to wear what you want, within reason; the right to move about freely; the right of free speech; the right to be free of police search and seizures without a proper warrant; the right to worship as you see fit; the right to bear arms so that government won’t be so anxious to reach in and remove your freedoms for fear that you might strike back if they do; the right to privacy without government peering into your lives with surveillance cameras, listening devices, data bases and the like; the right to use your land the way you want, with the full protection of the 5th Amendment that requires due process and just compensation should government choose to take some or all of it from you.

Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Florida to Alaska and from Maine to Hawaii, this bright star called America is unique among all countries that have ever survived on this Earth.

Its mountains and valleys, its plains and swamps, its rivers and lakes, its deserts and canyons, provide unrivaled grandeur.

But more than that, its freedom and liberty have produced a culture of people steeped in productivity, prosperity, goodness and generosity, the likes of which have never before been seen in civilization’s rise out of the jungles and swamps of 40,000 years ago.

Long-dead cultures of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean toyed with freedom but could not hold on to it.  The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Ottomans rose and then fell into chaos as human avarice, greed and arrogance replaced, or never acknowledged human rights, dignity and individual liberty.

But 241 years ago, some ordinary men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a ‘blue print’ for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that ‘blue print’.

It is our firm belief that the group of individuals with the vision to start a government with its major precept being to identify, define, protect and defend the rights of individuals, may have been more than just a random happening.  In our opinion, this formation of our unique government ranks at the top of all major positive human happenings that have appeared on this Earth since the dawn of human civilization.

This country was designed and created by its forefathers to set up an environment in which an individual man or woman, left alone by his or her government, could struggle and prosper or struggle and fail, based upon his or her own individual abilities.  This country of individuals was created by people of vision, by people who were willing and free to take risks, by people who were willing to toil, by people who were willing to fend for themselves and take care of their own, by proud people and proud families.  What a concept!!

The basic premise behind this freedom was that individuals were to hold the rights, not the Government, and that all political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed.  The framers, in creating the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution had in their minds a method by which all peoples could save, protect and defend the rights of the individual.  They called these individual rights unalienable, as endowed by their creator.  All of these rights were bestowed upon and applied directly “TO” the individual, not “FROM” the government.  It was the government’s duty to defend and protect these individual rights by each officer swearing on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

We passionately love America.  We love its unique geography, sea to the mountains, to the shining sea again.

We love its small towns and rolling farmlands that are inhabited by gracious, productive and generous people.

We love its magnificent mountains and the vast grass plains.

We love its rivers and picturesque shorelines, where land meets ocean.  We love its varying and diverse cultures.  We love how generous we are as a nation.

But mostly what we love are the guiding principles under which America was formed.

We have a deep and abiding respect and awe for our Founding Fathers that crafted our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence under extreme circumstances.  We love that these guiding principles are what stand in the way of and shield us from socialism, communism, Marxism, a dictatorship, or an oligarchy of elite powerful men.

If we are to survive as a nation, we need to teach people, through every means possible, to exercise their right to individual expression and individual thought, whether or not that expression or thought is in the main stream.  Collectivism, the principle and religion of Progressives, is indentured servitude to the collective, not individual freedom.

Our true strength as a nation is in the strength of the individual.  We must not, as we have for the last four millennia, amalgamate, merge and level to some bell-shaped-curve average, the behavior of all individuals.

Most human achievement came as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society or a culture.  As a matter of fact, societies, cultures, religions and groups have stood in the way of most human achievements.  Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances in government, came about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others.  Because of American freedom and liberty, individuals more easily expressed their natural creativity, ingenuity, industriousness and generosity.  It is because of these individual achievers that America has spread its shining light over all other nations on Earth.

If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the achievers.  If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds, or what peril lays in front of them.  Intelligent men and woman of vision forged the Constitution of the United States.  Courageous, individual pioneers settled the west against all odds.  Now today, the individual spirit of tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, commence new businesses every day, risking their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small.  They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces, but also by government regulation and edict.  Who knows why they do it.  Perhaps if they knew what they were facing, they wouldn’t.

Efforts and achievement by individuals fuel the engine that keeps the wheels of our free economy turning.  Individuals running their own businesses create sixty to seventy percent of all jobs in the United States.  What a country we live in.  What a tribute to its resilient peoples.  We are still a people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise and compassion.  We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles.

America is a one-of-a-kind, precious jewel.  Defend and protect her as you would a precious jewel.  Because if this jewel becomes lost or broken, who will find her? Who will restore her?  And if we cannot find and restore her, how do we replace her, since she is one of a kind?  This jewel called America prays that we will rise up in her defense, because if America and her freedom are lost, to where will those who seek freedom run?

So during this Holiday Season and every other day, when you look up and see the American flag flying proudly in the wind as a gracious symbol of our freedom and liberty and our Judeo-Christian heritage, remember with reverence the price so many have paid to keep that flag flying high.  As an American you have every right to feel deep pride, honor and respect for a country that not only gave you life but gave birth to your freedom.  Let not any American take her for granted.

On this, our last article of 2017, allow us to wish each of you a very special, joyous and peaceful Christmas or Hanukkah celebration during this time of caring, giving and sharing.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:
E-Mail Ron Ewart:

The Political Significance Of Christmas

In their effort to make a point, those who discuss law and government and politics for a living often miss the most crucial – the most critical point of all. So, as we celebrate Christmas, this is a good time to take a deep breath and revisit first principles.

We should remember the political significance of Christmas. Now don’t get distracted by arguments that early Christians latched onto a pre-existing pagan holiday to establish the date of Christmas. That may be true, but it is a distraction from what’s truly important. The important thing is the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

The birth of the Savior is the most significant political event in human history. This bears repeating. The birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.

Why? Well, simply put, it is because liberty does not and cannot exist absent the acknowledgement of the Almighty, Omniscient, Living and Everlasting God of the Bible whose Son is Jesus Christ — Who created the world, entered His own creation and sacrificed His life to cover our sins and make us presentable before the Throne of Grace.

For liberty to exist in the world this acknowledgment of Christ’s authority must exist in the hearts of the people and it must be the operating principle of civil government.

If it is, then peace on earth will prevail. But to the extent that the hearts of the people are distracted and the civil government forgets that it is a ministry of Jesus Christ, then injustice, chaos, corruption and tyranny will prevail.

And the hearts of the people are, indeed, distracted from this truth; and this is no accident. It is the result of purposeful manipulation of the culture by those who control the major means of communication. The primary tool of this manipulation is the mantra of “Separation of Church and State.”

Through the ceaseless repetition of this voodoo mantra, the culture has been conditioned to consider any public prayer, or any private prayer in a public place, or any acknowledgement of the Lord Jesus Christ, as an inappropriate encroachment of the Church. But this is a word trick and a mind trick. A prayer is not a church. An acknowledgment of God’s authority over civil government in the form of a prayer before a legislative session, or a court session is not a church. It is rather an expression of a political philosophy. And this particular political philosophy is the American political philosophy.

It is contained in the Declaration of Independence which is the organic law of these united States.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong or illegal about such an expression. Indeed, the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Source of Law and Government is the very first presupposition of American government. Far from violating any law, worship of or acknowledgement of the authority of the Savior of the World through Christmas Nativity displays, public prayer, Ten Commandment displays and all other forms of Christian witness are consistent with and supportive of the American View of Law and Liberty and are the essence of American government.

Publicly celebrating the blessed birth of the Savior of the World is patriotic in the purest sense and ultimately politically correct.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

Was There Vote Fraud In Alabama Election?

Years ago, my brother David gave me a nugget of wisdom. He advised, “When faced with a crisis, stabilize your emotions before responding/acting.” Thus, I thought it best to wait a day or so before sharing my thoughts about Roy Moore losing in Alabama.

Moore’s loss simply does not make sense. Alabama is a red state. It is hard to believe Alabama voters chose Jones, a guy who supports killing babies even at the point of birth over 38 year old unproven sexual misconduct allegations against Moore. Yes, I smell the foul stench of democrat voter fraud in the Alabama senate race.

We’ve heard the term partial-birth abortion, but most folks don’t know what it is. The abortionist takes the entire baby out of its mother except for the head. He then shoves scissors into the baby’s brain to kill it.  Planned Parenthood is elated when abortionists can murder the baby without too much damage to the baby’s head. Intact heads sell for premium prices.  Jones supports this horrific evil.

Rather that believing Alabama voters knowingly chose a man who supports murdering babies and trafficking their body parts, I tend to believe fake news media successfully hid Jones’ hostility towards unborn innocent human life. Leftists celebrate Jones’ mindset because Leftists deem killing babies environmentally responsible; necessary to save the planet from too many humans.  Step on a spotted frog and Leftists are outraged at you!

Like nothing we’ve seen before, Leftists saturated the airwaves, social media and fake news media with 24/7 attacks on Moore, his wife and anyone supportive of him.

I want to thank Judge Moore for hanging in there when everyone and their brother on both sides of the political aisle demanded that he get out of the race. Moore said the allegations were untrue and he was not running away. I loved it; a real man with a steel backbone.

I realize we lost an important senate seat. But I am so sick of Republicans behaving like spineless wimps; allowing Leftists to dictate the rules of engagement; who we’re allowed to run, what is acceptable speech, what is racist, what is presidential and so on. When Leftists say, “Jump” the typical Republican response is, “How high?”

Folks, we throw our warriors under the bus far too quickly; reacting to Leftists’ and fake news media’s lies, distortions and smears. We have fallen for this Democrat and fake news media tag-team tactic far too many times.

We pray for courageous conservative Republican warriors who will fight on our behalf in Washington DC. When God sends us a hero, establishment elites, democrats, Hollywood and fake news media join together in a 24/7 campaign to brand our hero a kook, racist, sexist, mean-spirited, stupid and insane. Suddenly, folks on our side begin backing away, embarrassed to be associated with our brave conservative warrior. Folks, I have seen this happen with Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Judge Moore and others.

Meanwhile, democrats run candidates who are the scum of the earth; liars, con-artists, sexual predators and thieves. Leftists media promote democrat scoundrel candidates as our superiors with compassion for the little guy. We Conservative/Republicans abandon our candidates every time Leftists point out our candidate’s inability to walk on water.

It is amazing how effective Leftists media’s 24/7 relentless negative branding can be. Sarah Palin did an awesome job as governor of Alaska. When she became the Republican VP nominee, suddenly the woman is a complete idiot according to Leftists and fake news media. The American Left viciously and relentlessly politically spun, twisted and distorted every word out of Palin’s mouth to brand her stupid and crazy.

Wimpish Conservatives/Republicans began saying we must get rid of Palin because the media made her toxic. I was outraged. Is this how we treat our friends, our heroes, our warriors? I thought, “News flash, anyone we send to DC who is committed to fighting for our principles, values and best interest will be branded a wacko airhead by fake news media.” This is the tactic the American Left is using to get rid of Trump; branding him mean, dumb and unstable.

I have no problem with Trump being Trump; tweeting and so on. Leftist media will negatively spin whatever Trumps says. Therefore, I love Trump sticking it to them, not allowing Leftists to control him. I hate Republican’s typical fearful kowtowing to Leftists’ narratives and dictates.

Trump has made incredible headway in an extraordinary short time; unshackling us from the chains of political correctness and rolling back Obama’s punish-America agenda. God knew as an outsider Trump would be undeterred by fake news media’s dictates regarding acceptable Republican behavior. Trump’s fearlessness terrifies and enrages fake news media and their fellow Leftists. They are obsessed with getting Trump out of the White House.

After a week of intensely campaigning for Judge Moore, his loss was unexpected. But this was just one battle. All I know to do is trust God and continue faithfully fighting the good fight for my country; backing real-deal courageous conservative candidates; our warrior heroes.

My wife Mary and I will fly home and enjoy Christmas with our family.

Come next year, we’ll be back on the road fighting to keep Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer out of power. Please stand firm in your support for our president.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

Dear Juanita Broaddrick

I think Juanita Broaddrick is a brave and courageous lady, but Juanita is mistaken when she recently commented that I played “no role” in her appearance at the second Clinton-Trump debate, alongside the Clintons’ other best-known sex-crime victims.

I dedicated my book The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution to Juanita Broaddrick because I admire her courage and her grace.

Because I did not make the actual arrangements for Juanita and the other Clinton victims [Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Kathy Shelton (a Hillary victim)] to attend the debate, it is understandable that Juanita might be unclear about my role in bringing these ladies to the forefront of the national consciousness at a critical moment in the final weeks of the campaign, undoubtedly to Bill Clinton’s mortification, which he skillfully masked.

In short, I am a political strategist, not a campaign advance man. Regardless of who booked their travel and arranged for their admission to the debate, and the like, the idea of highlighting these female Clinton victims and, more importantly, of exposing Hillary’s role in bullying these women into silence, was a strategy I began pushing even before the Trump campaign’s formal launch in early 2015.

A full year before Steve Bannon even joined the Trump campaign, I was well underway in advocating for these women to be given a high profile, including their introduction to a national debate audience.  Prior to the Republican National Convention, I was urging this strategy to newly-installed Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, as well as to Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio.

Clearly Hillary Clinton’s plan was to capture a disproportionate percentage of women voters based on her specious claims that she is somehow a champion for women. I felt it essential to expose and highlight Hillary’s past as an abuser of women who would psychologically and emotionally rape Bill’s victim’s after he had raped them physically.

I have never claimed that I interfaced with Bill’s victims regarding the specifics of the debate appearances. During the Cleveland convention I discussed the matter over lunch with Breitbart reporter Aaron Klein, whose reporting on Broaddrick’s experience in several incredible interviews with NBC was absolutely stellar.

Both Klein and attorney Candice Jackson, who also wrote a compelling book about Bill’s history of sexual assault and how it impacted the lives of Broaddrick and the others, assured me that these women were willing to attend a debate to face down Bill and Hillary.

Adding to the confusion (or misinformation), David Bossie also erroneously told Fox News that the debate appearance idea was Steve Bannon’s. Given how long it took Bossie and Corey Lewandowski to finally produce their lightweight gossipy book about the Trump Campaign, long after I wrote and published the definitive account in the Making of the President 2016, I am surprised he even remembers what actually went down.

Regardless of these erroneous accounts about the origin and genesis of the Clinton victim debate showcase, I have already supplied an e-mail string that clearly shows how I handed the idea to Steve Bannon weeks ahead of the debate, as reported in The Wrap.

Although Klein is copied on this e-mail string he denies the idea as anyone’s but Bannon’s. Klein’s selective memory in unsurprising given his place on the Breitbart payroll.

Infowars reporter Dr. Jerome Corsi also covered this story, albeit far more thoroughly, in a longer piece that included other corroborating emails.

While this is all largely water under the bridge, it is nonetheless important that the record be set straight when there are those who have set out to muddy it and give credit where credit is most demonstrably NOT due.

© 2017 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Mueller’s Probe And Modern Justice

Justice prevails today in our court system like sunlight in a sewer. Today’s system is a travesty of judicial arrogance, prosecutorial suppression of evidence, attorney greed, and special interest cupidity. More and more the goal of justice is being replaced by simply “volume of convictions” achieved by any means in order to convey the appearance of effectiveness. Gold stars for one’s performance board have become everyone’s obsession. The sheer weight of numbers now rules our motives in the world that modernity has created for us.

The root cause of this travesty is our abandonment of an objective code of morality (via the teaching of MORAL RELATIVISM in our schools), which has turned our prosecutors, attorneys and judges into shameless Machiavellians rather than high-minded upholders of truth. Consequently our courts today have become Orwellian madhouses, dragging gullible victims through trials of ruthless expediency and irrationality, and pawning it all off as a “justice system.”

In their book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton dramatically expose how our present system has deteriorated. In a corresponding article to their book Roberts writes:

For centuries prosecutorial behavior was restrained by conscience and by the carefully inculcated ethic that the prosecutor’s duty is to serve justice by finding truth. The purpose of a trial was to weigh the evidence for and against the defendant, not to convict him at any cost. A prosecutor’s career and self-esteem did not depend on his conviction rate and the number of people he put behind bars, but, as Supreme Court Justices Robert Jackson and George Sutherland put it, on seeing that justice was done. A prosecutor who suborned perjury or withheld exculpatory evidence in order to win a case was seen as a shameful figure.[1]

Sadly this is no longer the case in America. “Crowded court dockets, bureaucracy, budgetary pressures, and careerism,” says Roberts, have “contributed to elevating ambition over justice.” [2]  Robert Merkle, Former U.S. Attorney in the Reagan administration, puts it quite frankly: Prosecution is “a result-oriented process today, fairness be damned.” Prosecutors, he tells us, are pressured to justify budgets with convictions, “and that causes them to prosecute absolutely bogus cases to get those statistics.” [3]

The fundamental principles of legal fairness and justice are cynically ignored by almost every prosecutor in the system today in a frenzied chase after gold stars for their performance boards – i.e., more convictions at any cost.

“Withholding exculpatory evidence has become routine,” states Roberts, “and suborned perjury is often the only ‘evidence’ in a case.” He continues:

Juries are unaware that in many cases the witness giving incriminating testimony is not only rehearsed in the role but also paid by the prosecutor with money or reduced prison time. In 1998 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette summed up its investigative reports of prosecutorial misconduct: “Hundreds of times during the past 10 years, federal agents and prosecutors have pursued justice by breaking the law. They lied, hid evidence, distorted facts, engaged in cover-ups, paid for perjury and set up innocent people in a relentless effort to win indictments, guilty pleas and convictions. Rarely were these federal officials punished for their misconduct.…Perjury has become the coin of the realm in federal law enforcement. People’s homes are invaded because of lies. People are arrested because of lies. People go to prison because of lies. People stay in prison because of lies and bad guys go free because of lies.”[4]

Answer to the Denials

Establishment defenders of the system are quick to deny validity to these claims. But the axe they are grinding clearly clouds their interpretations. In the past five decades, the number of cases surfacing of FBI and prosecutorial misconduct in which gross miscarriages of justice have taken place are legion. The FBI siege of Randy Weaver in Idaho, the Waco, Texas Siege, the Randall Dale Adams murder case in Dallas, the Clarence Chance and Benny Powell murder convictions in Los Angeles, the McMartin Pre-School molestation fiasco in Manhattan Beach, California, and others like them are just the tip of a monstrous iceberg.

Why we know it is an iceberg is because appellate court decisions rule only on those police and prosecutorial corruption cases that surface; and then publish only 10% of such surfaced cases. The rest never appear in any official legal books; they are merely sent to the litigants and are not widely known. Thus thousands of surfaced cases of misconduct and corruption go undetected by the public. But the real monstrosity of this problem is the tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of cases that never surface – i.e., all the perjuries, intimidations, suppressions, and frame-ups that government agents successfully pull off without detection. They remain totally below the water line.

Teaching Moral Relativism

Herein lies the downfall of America’s system of ordered freedom. Judges, prosecutors, and attorneys are moved by their ideological premises. If we teach MORAL RELATIVISM in the schools to flawed human beings (which we have been doing since the 1920s), it will not be just our arts and sexual habits that self-destruct. It will be our entire legal and political structures as well.

Where there once were numerous Frank Serpicos pursuing bad guys and great legal eagles seeking truth for all, we now have swarms of petty, unscrupulous “ladder climbers” impervious to principle and obsessed with ruthless careerism. We now have a morass of prosecutorial fanaticism and power-crazed judges concerned only with maintaining their social status amidst cushy connections and the material pleasures of life in the fast lane.

This corruption has taken over all court systems – local, state and federal. Most heinous and dangerous, however, is its cancerous development in the federal DOJ. We now have a DOJ and FBI that have become seriously degraded because they are frantically defending the Deep State’s control over American life. This is not just what Obama gave us; it is what George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush gave us. What we have are the initial stages of a police state. Powerful political partisans have corrupted the FBI to be used as the gestapo arm of the DOJ. This is what President Trump confronts as he tries to drain the swamp.

Criminalizing Trump

Enter the Russian-Trump collusion probe headed by Robert Mueller. The Deep State’s DOJ is moving via the Obama worm, Rod Rosenstein, to destroy President Trump by criminalizing his election if possible, and if not possible, criminalizing Trump himself via manufactured “obstruction of justice” charges.

In the Book of Revelation, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. In today’s Washington the “Four Horsemen of Anti-Justice” are Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weissmann, and Peter Strzok.

These four Washington power players represent the legal henchmen of the Deep State. They have built their careers feeding off a centralized government that has stultified freedom and brought America under the total control of Washington. They may not be the official ideologists of big government collectivism (our professors in the universities play that role); but the Mueller Gang members are the creatures that slither out from under the rocks to rise to elite status whenever tyrannical government overreach occurs. They thrive on the necessary deceit, intimidation and sophistries that sustain statist despotism. Their kind has been around for thousands of years, always feeding on amorality and ruthless governmentalism.

Robert Mueller is the leader of the coup d’etat now trying to defend the Deep State’s control over American politics from Donald Trump’s assault on its tyrannical vision. In the process Mueller also hopes to atone for the firing of his friend, James Comey. Unfortunately many conservatives cannot see that this man is not a “pillar of impartiality” as the media paint him. He is deeply committed to statist corruption.

Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Attorney General appointed by Obama and inexplicably left over to serve in Trump’s administration. This, of course, is why he was so insistent on appointing Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to investigate Trump for alleged collusion with the Russians. His agenda is preservation of the Deep State as is Mueller’s. He would have been much happier if Hillary had won. In fact he was surely expecting it.

Andrew Weissmann is the primary hatchet man of the Mueller team assembled to investigate Russian collusion. He is a notorious pit bull prosecutor with a record of suppressing exculpatory evidence in overreaching prosecutions that have been overturned by higher courts. He was an ardent Obama supporter. Known widely for bare knuckle tactics in flipping underlings to force testimony against the major target.

Peter Strzok was the leading FBI agent brought in by Mueller because of his experience in counterintelligence cases. An eager Clinton supporter and one of the agents who interviewed Hillary about the email scandal, which turned out to be a powder-puff interview. He also edited Comey’s Clinton investigation resolution by replacing the words “grossly negligent” with “extremely careless” because the former action can be prosecuted in the handling of classified information while the latter cannot.

Is this, as the media claims, an objective team of investigators committed to ferreting out the truth? Hardly. This is a coup d’etat to delegitimize the election of Donald Trump and find a means to impeach him, which Mueller and his cronies hope will discredit the “people’s revolution” against the Deep State that Trump has fashioned.

This horrendous nightmare is taking place because of the collectivist corruption of the DOJ and the FBI under Obama, Clinton and the two Bushes. Corruption in practice takes place in men’s institutions only after corruption of ethics and ideology takes place in their minds. Moral relativism (along with political collectivism) took over the minds of our professors, politicians and prosecutors in the aftermath of World War II and exploded throughout our culture from the 1960s to today. The chickens are now coming home to roost and usher in an authoritarian society.

To thwart this coup d’etat, we must hope that there are no activities in Trump’s background that Mueller can spin into “collusion” or “obstruction.” We must also hope that conservatives in Congress will show some backbone and counterattack against Hillary with an investigation of the egregious Uranium One deal in which she authorized the sale of 20% of America’s uranium to Russia, which brought tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation from Russian sources. The fingerprints of Mueller, Weissmann and Rosenstein are also on the Uranium One deal, for they worked assiduously to facilitate and protect its completion, knowing full well but not caring that it compromised American security. [5] Why? Because their stalwart political horse, Hillary Clinton, was benefiting. Thus the Deep State’s aggrandizement was benefiting.

What May Take Place

What I fear taking place is that the Mueller-Weissmann team, by holding a prison term over the heads of Flynn and Manafort, will induce them to “cooperate”, i.e., perjure themselves and claim that Trump urged them to solicit Russian help in the 2016 election. This is the way Weissmann operates (along with many other high powered prosecutors throughout the country). Of course, they won’t ask Flynn and Manafort to testify falsely. They’ll just say to them:

“Think back in your recollections over the last two years. Surely you can remember an instance when Trump urged you to solicit a Russian official to help him in the election. We need you to cooperate with us, and then we can drop the lying and tax evasion charges that hang over you. There’s no need for you to go to prison. Just think back in your recollections; we’re sure you can remember some instance in which Trump urged you to approach the Russians.”

What do you think Flynn and Manafort are going to do if this is what is presented to them? Will their lawyers stand strong and object if both Flynn and Manafort “suddenly do recollect” what Mueller-Weissmann are suggesting? Doubtful. All attorneys want to win cases. They want to get a good deal for their clients. They probably will let Flynn and Manafort make up their own mind whether to cooperate with the prosecution in the way it is suggesting.

The prosecutors will not care that (under GIGLIO v. United States) they have to divulge to the jury that Flynn and Manafort were promised a dropping of charges in return for their testimony. They will simply say to the jury that “Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort have agreed to cooperate in the interests of truth.” The word “perjure” is never mentioned in any discussions that Mueller-Weissmann have with Flynn and Manafort and their attorneys. The whole process is veiled in innocent language, but the message gets through clearly to both Flynn and Manafort that they need to “recollect better” and “cooperate” with the prosecution.

It will take an extremely strong patriot lawyer to try and talk Flynn and Manafort out of “cooperating.” Maybe they have such lawyers, but the odds are against it. Almost all attorneys today are corrupt also and merely go along with the prosecution’s game of defendant intimidation. Most attorneys urge their clients to plead out and “cooperate” to stay out of prison. In other words, they do not advise their clients truthfully or properly. It’s all part of the rigged game that comprises our Justice System. Attorneys are just as greedy and amoral as the prosecutors. Both of them subconsciously work together to feather their own nests, attorneys for more money, and prosecutors for more gold stars.

It should be noted here that prosecutors are also ultimately motivated by monetary rewards. If they can build up enough “gold stars”, i.e., convictions while acting as a prosecutor or U.S. Attorney, they can then, 8-10 years down the road, go into private practice and command a million dollar annual salary with any number of powerful and influential law firms. This is especially so in all the metropolitan areas, New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.

Mueller and Weissmann are as corrupt as they come. This kind of venality is what Weissmann has partaken in numerous times in the past, and of course why Mueller chose him to head up the team. He’s an unscrupulous pit bull devoid of conscience. What’s so exasperating is that naïve conservatives continue to parrot the line about Mueller being so high-minded. Mueller is no different than Weissmann persona-wise. He is the quintessential tyrannical bureaucrat – treacherous, unctuous, and ruthless.

I hope to God I’m wrong, but I doubt it.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Nelson Hultberg:


  1. Paul Craig Roberts, “From Blackstone to Bentham: Why Wrongful Conviction Is On the Rise,”, March 31, 2001.
  2. Ibid, p. 5.
  3. Ibid, pp. 5-6.
  4. Ibid, p. 6.
  5. Uranium one deal Obama administration complicit not just

Stop DACA Amnesty And All Chain Migration

In excess of 850,000 illegal alien, mostly Mexican children, now adults, make demands on our Congress to give them a free pass to citizenship.  Demographic experts predict that the number could jump by another 1,000,000 more of them who will apply for their DACA registration if Congress passes an amnesty.  With the past 30 years of illegal immigration not being stopped, no one knows how enormous the final tabulation of their numbers.

We Americans face HUGE consequences if DACA passes. Why? Once those 1 to 2 million illegal alien immigrants gain citizenship, they would chain-migrate up to eight family members each.  Potentially, that adds up to 12 million people, and more over the years.  And the costs?

$26 Billion Cost for DACA to American Taxpayers, Initially

“The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) released a report on the fiscal impact of the Dream Act of 2017(S.1615) introduced by Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). This process, known as a “scoring,” is done on almost every major bill introduced into committee by Congress. What the CBO found is that the DREAM Act would increase the federal deficit by $25.9 billion over a ten-year period. This is based on its estimation that approximately 2 million individuals will receive legal status and work authorization under the Dream Act. This number is more than double those who are currently benefiting from the extralegal DACA program,”  Eric Ruart of

The CBO said: “The bill would affect direct spending by conferring eligibility for federal benefits—health insurance subsidies and benefits under Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), among others—provided that those applicants met the other eligibility requirements for those programs.”

While our country drowns in $20 trillion in debts, Durban and Graham push all of our heads under water.  That means our kids pay extraordinary costs into the next four decades.  That amnesty means our schools suffer millions of immigrant kids, millions of free breakfasts and lunches and millions in medical care—all paid for by you, the American taxpayer.

Ironically, Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham led the charge against E-Verify for the past 15 years. They led the charge to give amnesty in the 2013 S744 bill that gave 20 million illegal immigrants a free pass, but jumped legal immigration from 1.2 million annually to 2 million annually.  They’ve done nothing to stop the 350,000 ‘anchor baby’ phenomenon annually, where pregnant mothers violate our borders to birth a child in our country—for bogus instant citizenship.  The kid gets a free ride while the mother gets a free house, food and medical care—paid for by you.  It’s been going on for 30 years at a cost of countless billions.

You might ask the question: “Who are those guys working for and why are they working against us when we pay their salaries to represent us and our best interests?”

While many feel that those children suffered an unfair practice of “being dragged across our borders by their lawless parents,” what about our unemployed citizens, our poor and our 13 million American children living below the poverty line?   What about our laws?  What about our astronomical national debt?

What does “chain-migration” look like.  Please watch this 30 second video to show you how their lawlessness ends up being a bonanza to them and Mexico: Mexico gets ride of its poorest and most unskilled citizens, but they send back $25 billion annually in cash transfers.

What chain-migration looks like: it’s like inviting someone you don’t know into your home—and then, you allow them to invite in as many unknown people from their families as they wish.  It’s exponential growth totally out of control:

What chain-migration looks like:

“The KEY FACTOR in immigration policy is choosing the right number of authorized immigrants for future years. To choose a lower number does not imply anything negative about the immigrants already here legally in this country.  “We’re talking about the future annual level of immigration that is best for both native-bornU.S. citizens and foreign‐born U.S. citizens alike.— Roy Beck, Founder & President

If you want to know more in-depth as to the onslaught of immigration, this 19-minute video shows you how our 535 Congressional reps mislead us and swamp us with jihadist chain-migrated and diversity immigrants:

We face unprecedented population growth with legal immigration at 1.2 million annually.  We  cannot sustain it as to water, energy and resources. We face being overrun by third world immigrants who cannot function nor are they prepared to work or co-exist within our country. They create parallel societies that live exclusively off our taxpayer dollars via welfare in housing, food, schooling, medical and dental care.  We’re being financially bled to death and sociologically destroyed as to our culture, language and way of life.

Call you senators and House members:

  1. Stop all diversity visas immediately to protect us from terrorists.
  2. Stop all anchor baby instant-citizenship births.
  3. Stop all chain-migration immediately as it cannot be sustained.
  4. Stop all immigration because we will not survive the projected 100,000,000 (million) more immigrants arriving in our country by 2045.

Nothing will have more impact on your childrens’ lives that immigration and the numbers. These videos explain what our future generations face:

Immigration, gumballs and poverty”:

Immigration off the Charts—what the USA will look like with 625 million

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Turning Red States Marxist Red

The Alabama win for Barack Obama’s candidate Doug Jones  confirms our thesis that Obama is running the Democratic Party and the anti-Trump resistance. Obama, who recently compared President Trump to Hitler,  recorded a robocall in support of the Alabama Democrat, calling him a “fighter for equality, for progress.” His notion of progress means suppressing the white vote and inciting black voters, who now believe by a margin of 72 percent that Trump should be impeached.

Reports indicate that Jones’ win was the result of a surge of Democrat voters statewide, “and specifically in African-American strongholds.” The grassroots of the Tea Party, evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics in Alabama couldn’t match the “Brown is the New White” strategy of Obama’s political strategist and operative Steve Phillips. Analyst Trevor Loudon discussed Phillips’ leftist background and association with Obama during his talk at our November 10 conference about Obama’s plan for a one-party socialist state.

We have studied Obama’s background, including his grooming by a hard-core communist, and his future plans, in our books, Comrade Obama Unmasked and Red Star Rising.

As America’s first Marxist president, his job isn’t done and he will not rest until a complete Marxist takeover is complete. His mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, taught Obama that blacks have a “reason to hate” white people. But other minorities and constituency groups will also have to be mobilized.  Looking at what happened in both Virginia and Alabama, where the Republicans were defeated with Obama’s help, the former president’s return to Marxist power politics has to be seen as a development that could not only result in the Democratic Party taking control of Congress, but impeaching Trump.

Going forward, two black Democrats, Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, have to be considered as presidential possibilities in 2020. Booker campaigned for Doug Jones and has praised the Phillips’s strategy of “increasing racial and cultural diversity” as the means to power. That means diluting and diminishing the white vote. What this entails, as conservative writer Vic Biorseth documents, is the socially-destructive political agenda of identity politics, in order to destroy the “original identity” of America, based on what used to be shared values and assimilation.

Booker has the added feature of appealing to the pothead vote, since he favors drug legalization on a nationwide basis. Sadly, there are literally millions of potheads in the U.S. today as  a result of Obama’s pro-marijuana policies. He ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to let the states legalize and market drugs in defiance of federal anti-drug laws.

According to government statistics, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug. The estimate is that 22.2 million people have used it in the past month. Assuming they can be mobilized and directed to the polls, the stoners are a potential major voting bloc.

As ridiculous as it may seem, the use of drugs in the “fundamental transformation” of America cannot be downplayed. Obama, a member of the marijuana-smoking “Choom Gang,” was the perfect politician to carry out the plan of hedge fund billionaire George Soros to turn America into a virtual narco-state. The next step, as Tina Trent outlined at our November 10 conference, is access to LSD and other mind-bending drugs, marketed as “medicine.” Heroin injection centers are being planned for liberal Seattle.

Many of the stoned voters are “progressive whites,” products of the Marxist Madrassas called colleges and universities. They damage their brains with drugs, graduate with useless degrees and big debt, and become cannon fodder for the revolution. The University of Maryland’s upcoming  “Trans(form)ing Queer” conference is another example of this trend. One topic, “Sex work and sexual economies,” suggests another constituency group for the Democratic Party – prostitutes. There is really no end to mobilizing disaffected and alienated groups of people for special recognition and benefits.

Having conquered Alabama, they are targeting Georgia and Texas. In fact, left-wing journalist John Nichols has written an article, “Can Our Revolution Build a Blue Texas?,” explaining how a “Revolutionize Texas” campaign can change the political nature of this Republican state.

On college campuses, not surprisingly, the brainwashing is well underway. The University of Texas in 2016 held its first annual international Black Studies conference, “Black Matters: The Futures of Black Scholarship and Activism,” featuring communist Angela Davis. Earlier this year Texas State University also hosted Davis. Houston Style Magazine said her audience consisted of “adoring students.”

If students at major Texas universities are giving a black communist a sympathetic or adoring reception, you know that “Red State” Texas may be turning not only blue but into a kind of “red” that conservative Republicans may not anticipate.

Remember that Trump won Texas in the 2016 presidential race by only nine points. He had won Alabama by about 28 points.

It seems clear that since Trump’s amazing victory, Obama has outsmarted Stephen Bannon and the Republican Party every step of the way.

Alarmed by political developments, former Republican House Speaker and Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich says the GOP is on the “edge of disaster” and that avoiding a Democratic wave election in 2018 “requires action now.”

But it may be too late for a strategy to derail Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s campaign to impeach Trump by charging him with obstruction of justice. Gingrich had praised Mueller’s appointment but now questions his fairness.

The new Gingrich book is titled Understanding Trump. It’s too bad he didn’t understand what Mueller was up to. Obama and his comrades in the Department of Justice surely do.

© 2017 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Hit By Hit, The Mueller Deep State Is Being Exposed

Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.   Karl Kraus

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.  Thomas Jefferson

Instead of a reported collusion between presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russia, the real collusion became obvious when Hillary’s Uranium One deal was finally exposed.  Clinton also illegally paid a foreign company (Fusion GPS) to compile opposition research and sell it as intelligence that was then dropped in the lap of former FBI Director James Comey, thanks to traitor John McCain.

Comey used the dossier to give the Obama administration cover for filing for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, signed off by an Obama crony judge, to conduct National Security Agency surveillance of certain American citizens like former foreign policy adviser, Carter Page and National Security Adviser, Michael FlynnLink

Fusion GPS has been an influential hidden hand in Washington, with entree into the city’s most powerful news bureaus.  Behind the scenes, the private intelligence firm run by former Wall Street Journal reporters was particularly active last year working to defeat Trump.  Fusion leader Glenn Simpson, who railed against sleazy opposition research as a reporter, harbored a strong desire to bring down the builder of hotels with his own nefarious research.

The real collusion lies with the Trump hating Mueller investigators and the FBI schemes to destroy Trump during the campaign and now during his presidency. It’s the Hillary loving leftists who meddled over and over again in the election.

So, where the hell is Jeff Sessions?  President Trump…it’s time to send your AG back to Alabama where he could have been helpful in the Senate and bring on Rudy Giuliani!  We need someone with chutzpah and teeth to go after the corruption!

Mueller’s Ultimate Goal

Robert Mueller is looking for an impeachment. Even the left has admitted this investigation is a charade.  Mueller assembled a team of rabid Trump haters, and   he is tight with Comey and Rosenstein, the latter of whom appointed him. Now Mueller is seeking revenge for his close friend, James Comey.  Here is the timeline of this attack on our President.

Hit by hit, we’re learning the truth and the entire Mueller crew is being exposed for their bias.  McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, and Mueller are all enemy combatants against our President.

Strzok’s Anti-Trump Text Messages

Last August we learned of Peter Strzok’s removal for bias against Trump, but now we are learning more about the texts he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page with whom he was having an adulterous affair. She also left the Mueller investigation last summer.  This is a bombshell story showing the Deep State’s attempt to derail President Trump, and support Hillary Clinton.  Strzok and Page were discussing some sort of action.

There’s a steady leak of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.  Besides the many “f” Trump texts, and the support Hillary texts, there is one that is more than likely the encore to the phony dossier paid for by the Hillary DNC and the FBI.  Strzok texted Lisa Page the following:

I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office (Andrew McCabe the FBI Deputy Director) that there’s no way he gets elected (Trump), but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.  It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.

Now if that doesn’t speak of a plan to go for the filthy phony dossier, I don’t know what does.  And these two were members of the Mueller investigation which was started by this phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton!

I believe the action discussed in Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe’s office led to the dossier that started this entire pile of Deep State shite. And, knowledge of the dossier project during the campaign extended into the highest levels of the Obama Justice Department.

Dobbs Interviews Jim Jordan

Lou Dobbs interviewed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) following Rod Rosenstein’s despicable performance and continuing cover up of the overwhelming corruption at the DOJ and FBI.

Dobbs asked him what his reaction was when he heard Rosenstein dismiss everything.  Jordan told Lou that he believes Strzok is the central player in the entire scheme, and that it’s quite obvious Strzok was planning something in case Trump did get elected.  Jordan said, “He’s the guy who ran the Clinton investigation, interviewed Cheryl Mills, interviewed Secretary Clinton, he’s the guy who took the exoneration letter and changed the term ‘gross negligence, which is a crime, to ‘extreme carelessness,’ which is not a crime. He’s the guy who ran the Russia investigation, he’s the guy who interviewed General Flynn without his own lawyer, and he’s picked by Mueller to be on his team and then kicked off for these text messages.”

Jordan Points out that Strzok, “is no different from Lois Lerner who thought that she had to go after conservatives because they’re having too much influence in politics. It’s the exact same mindset. But here we have the guy who I think took the dossier, the discredited, disproven dossier, fake news garbage dossier, took that document that the Clintons paid for, took that dossier, I think he dressed it all up and presented it to the FISA court.”

Jordan says when you boil it all down it’s really about two questions. Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele and, “Did they take his work product, the dossier, and present it as real intelligence and take it to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on people associated with Trump’s campaign?”

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is demanding documents related to all activities of Strzok. In a letter to FBI Director and Mueller crony Christopher Wray, Grassley wrote, “The communications between members of the Clinton email investigation team raise questions about the integrity of that investigation and about the objectivity of Mr. Strzok’s work for the special counsel and in the FBI’s investigation of Flynn.”  The reality is, Strzok, and countless others belong in Leavenworth.

Rosenstein was asked about the politics of the Mueller gang, and he said, “You can have a political persuasion, which doesn’t mean you have bias.”  What a bunch of horse hockey.

Bruce Ohr

Bruce Ohr wore two hats at Justice. He led a drug enforcement task force and was associate Deputy AG. As a close aide to Rosenstein, his office was only four doors down from the Deputy AG. He has relinquished the latter role.

Deputy AG Bruce Ohr has been demoted for highly suspicious meetings with British spy, Christopher Steele, the creator of the Clinton bought and paid for fake news, Russia propaganda, anti-Trump dossier and for a meeting with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.  Ohr knew Steele and had repeated contacts with him when Steele was working on the dossier.

In a statement last week, Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said, “Pursuant to the House Intelligence Committee’s prior subpoenas and information requests, the Department of Justice should have provided the committee with information on contacts that DOJ official Bruce Ohr had with Fusion GPS representatives and Christopher Steele. The committee will issue a subpoena to Bruce Ohr for information on this matter.”

Why aren’t these guys being fired?!

And now we learn that Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked at Fusion GPS last year when the firm was working for the Clinton presidential campaign compiling the anti-Trump fake Russian dossier. She was actually hired by Fusion GPS to get dirt on Donald Trump.  Nellie Ohr is listed as working for the CIA’s Open Source Works Department in a 2010 DOJ report.

With news of Ohr’s contacts with Steele and Simpson, Republicans on Capitol Hill, and perhaps some Democrats too, will wonder just how far the Obama Justice Department officials went in the effort to stop Trump.

Nellie Ohr applied for a ham radio license…why?  Because apparently the NSA doesn’t monitor short wave conversations.  Obviously, they wanted what they were discussing to be kept secret.  How many others have done the same?

And what about Aaron Zebley, Mueller’s right-hand man, who represented Information Technology (IT) staffer Justin Cooper, the man who destroyed Hillary Clinton’s blackberries for her.

Mueller’s Right-Hand Man, Aaron Zebley

PJ Media reported that Aaron Zebley served previously as Mueller’s chief of staff at the FBI and as a senior counselor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice. He also served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the National Security and Terrorism Unit in Alexandria, Virginia.

In 2015 when he was a lawyer, he represented Justin Cooper, the IT staffer who personally set up Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server in her Chappaqua home, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson revealed.  Cooper, it so happens, is also the aide who destroyed Clinton’s old Blackberries with a hammer.

Senate investigators were incensed that Zebley stonewalled their ability to interview Cooper.  In fact, Zebley telephoned Homeland Security Committee staff to inform them that Cooper had chosen to cancel the interview.

It should be extremely disturbing that the same attorney who played a defensive role for Hillary Clinton was tapped by Mueller in June to play an offensive role against Clinton opponent Trump.

Congress Questions Wray and Rosenstein

When Senator Grassley was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo, he told her he is moving Judicial Committee focus to the widespread DOJ corruption, and well he should.  Getting answers out of anyone in the DOJ seems next to impossible.

During FBI Director Wray’s testifying on capitol hill, Rep. Jim Jordan asked him,  “Director, did Peter Strzok help produce and present the application to the FISA court to secure a warrant to spy on Americans associated with the Trump campaign?”

Wray answered, “I’m not prepared to discuss anything about a FISA process in this setting.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray walked a tightrope on the so-called “Steele dossier.”  When it comes to the dossier, Wray said, “We are dealing with very, very dicey questions of sources and method, which is the lifeblood of foreign intelligence and for our liaison relationships with foreign partners.”

Don’t forget that Wray is a crony of Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein who should never have been nominated in the first place.

Like Rosenstein, who used the Inspector General’s investigation of the counsel to avoid answering direct questions from Rep. Ron DeSantis, Wray didn’t want to go there.  And when Rep. Steve King tried to question Deputy AG Rosenstein about how many people were present when they questioned Hillary Clinton, Rosenstein again invoked the DOJ Inspector General’s report as being a possible source that would provide the information but that he personally did not know the answer to the question.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is soon to testify behind closed doors of the House Intelligence Committee, and I’m afraid we’ll get the same non-answers from him.


Gregg Jarrett interviewed Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch who pointed out that there is still no underlying crime to support this whole ridiculous, anti-American charade. Jarrett observes that now that there are individuals who have been charged as a result of the process, its legitimacy can be challenged.  That means both Paul Manafort and General Michael T. Flynn.

Jarrett later confirmed that he’s read the applicable law and there is nothing that prevents AG Sessions from un-recusing himself for the express purpose of cleaning up Mueller’s mess by appointing a special counsel to investigate the special counsel. Link

Entities like Judicial Watch are uncovering documents that show the corrupt and criminal actions of these traitors. Due to diligent reporting from Dobbs, Hannity, Varney, Carlson, Gateway Pundit, Limbaugh and others, along with efforts of a few honest congressmen, the deep state is being shown for what it is.

FBI officials Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Aaron Zebley (and now agents Carl Ghattas and Joshua Skule, part of the McCabe cabal) had severe biases while being involved in the Trump and Michael Flynn investigations.  Don’t forget Andrew Weissman who attended the Clinton election night party.  And then there’s the obvious politicization with Mueller team member Jeannie Rhee, who represented not only Obama liar, and serial illegal unmasker Ben Rhodes, but the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation is dead, even if he does not yet realize it, and it stumbles onward with life support from the biased media. The viability of any criminal case Mueller could bring has been gutted thanks to the news reported by alternative media.

AG Sessions, shut this leftist DC dung down!  Do it now!

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Alleged Roy Moore Loss: Case For Vote Fraud Investigation

Every Republican vote in the Senate is crucial right now and in the next few years – think federal judges and U.S. Supreme Court. Do I believe all the accusations against Moore by females coming out of the woodwork some 40 years down the road? No, I don’t. I’ve been in the trenches now going on 29 years. I know how the shadow government plays their games.

While Roy Moore is quite flamboyant, he is and always has been a staunch defender of the Constitution and that’s why the unseen hand could not allow him to win that senate seat in Alabama. It was also to hype the hype Republicans are going to lose the majority in Congress next year!

Back in, I believe it was November of 2003, I attended a speaking engagement outside Annapolis, Maryland. A state representative now out of office, Don Dwyer, was kind enough to get me a seat very close to the stage. It was a ‘sold out’ event, standing room out the door. Moore gave one of the most amazing presentations on the Constitution I have ever seen next to Dr. Edwin Vieira’s powerful presentation. DO take the time to watch this video: The Power of the Sword and Power of the Purse Edwin Vieira

Remember Moore was elected nine times to various offices. Where were all those accusers? He was also, before being run out of there, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court – twice. Alabama is considered part of the ‘Bible Belt’. Moore’s opponent and alleged winner, Doug Jones, is a member of the Democratic/Communist Party USA.

Jones is a globalist who believes in the TOXIC job-destroying “free trade” dogma. He believes minors who are here illegally should be allowed to stay instead of deported. Illegal minors referred to as ‘Dreamers’ can blame their parents for smuggling them into this country but they need to be deported just like any other illegal. It’s their parent’s responsibility to find relatives in the country of origin and ship them out of here or the incentive to steal into OUR country means nothing. Keeping ‘Dreamers’ would cost taxpayers $26B over next 10 years, feds say – Remember: every penny will be borrowed debt slapped on our backs for people who have no legal right to be on U.S. soil.

Jones says he ‘stands with Planned Parenthood’ which means he supports murdering the unborn. A corporation now under investigation for harvesting and selling body parts of an unborn child. An organization created to support eugenics. Specifically to wipe out the black race.

Jones wants to ‘fix’ what cannot be fixed: The unconstitutional, disastrous Obamacare. Our good old boy from down in ‘Bama supports the Second Amendment because he hunts deer, birds and turkeys. Well, isn’t that just grand! Another blithering idiot who wouldn’t know the meaning of the Second Amendment if God himself stood in front of Jones and explained it to him in detail.

That’s the candidate the people of Alabama allegedly just elected? I don’t think so. A bunch of fools pulled a write in candidate option on their ballot. Nick Saban for Senate? Thousands cast write-in votes in Alabama race (University of Alabama football coach). Absolutely wasted votes.

Americans following that race for a senate seat under a law that doesn’t exist saw some of the ugliest most vile political hatchet jobs done on a candidate. There’s NO question the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was NOT ratified by enough states, therefore, the election by the masses for the U.S. Senate is nothing but fraud.

I proved beyond any legal standard that amendment was not ratified but the Texas Appeals Court shot me down basically saying it didn’t matter. Every one of those judges was too cowardly to take on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that was NOT legally ratified.

Oh, but it matters to those who control our puppet politicians or this would not have happened:

Lawsuit Filed: Seventeenth Amendment Not Ratified, 10-12-14

“Then, much to my shock right on the heels of finding that case, what else did I discover? Oh, you won’t believe this:

“On April 11, 2002, the State of Alabama decided out of the clear blue to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment – 89 years after the alleged ratification. Back in 1913, not all states were in session; some were out of session four years at a time. Others took no action on the amendment – Georgia specifically based on an investigation ordered by their governor at the time that the Seventeenth Amendment was not legally adopted by Congress before it was even sent to the states.

“On July 1, 2010, 97 years after the alleged ratification of that amendment, the State of Delaware ratified it. On April 1, 2012, 99 years after the alleged ratification, the State of Maryland voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment.

“How interesting that nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and after people like me have been pounding on this issue for close to two decades, three states just up and decided to vote on an old constitutional amendment.”

“Now you see why Dillon v Gloss is so important to my case as is the taxpayer ‘standing’ exception here in Texas.”

I filed my lawsuit September 22, 2014. There is a considerable movement out there to get the Seventeenth Amendment repealed. How do you repeal a law that doesn’t exist?

To Avoid Debacles Like Roy Moore, Repeal The 17th Amendment

Long time readers of my columns know I have been on the vote fraud issue since 1993. There are too many columns to list but these contain the most credible facts that vote fraud has been stealing our elections since 1963.

Will We Let Them Steal The Election Again?, 8-25-16
GOP Primaries: Shut Down The Farce, Stop The Fraud, 2-10-15
A Plethora of vote fraud incidents

Going back to the Roy Moore special election. It didn’t take long for what I see every two years and still the American people put up with being forced to use electronic machines for voting and counting. Slimy Doug Jones was declared the winner in the usual speed of lightening time even though no military votes had been counted.

Alabama Vote Fraud? Doug Jones Supporter Says “We Came From Different Parts of the Country” – Suspicious statement caught on camera
Roy Moore emails supporters, alleging voter fraud took place in Special Election

As was the case with three states voting for the Seventeenth Amendment nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification to the Constitution, rotten, corrupt judges have moved to destroy evidence in Moore’s race:

In final-hour order, court rules that Alabama can destroy digital voting records after all

“Merrill declined to comment directly on the case in a phone interview with Tuesday morning. “We don’t comment on pending litigation,” he said. <>But he did state that though the state does not preserve the digital ballot images, it does maintain the original paper ballots.  “The records for federal elections are required by law to be preserved for 22 months after the election occurs,” Merrill said. But Duncan said that “the paper ballots aren’t really what’s counted” unless there is a statewide recount, which would be “cost-prohibitive” if the state were ever to undertake one.

“The fact that none of their arguments makes any sense just makes you wonder what’s really at stake here. These machines are hack-able … That’s what worried us,” she said. “It’s just all about transparency. It’s like saying, ‘well, we don’t need a car because we have a horse and buggy.’”

Exactly the same way career criminal, now retired, Senator Dirty Harry Reid allegedly won his senate seat the first time. Court orders ballots destroyed.  Vote Fraud Underway – What Candidates Must Do, 11-4-2012 (Packed with data)

“November 13, 1998: Ensign v Reid (Nevada). Ensign allegedly lost by one tenth of one percent of almost a half million ballots cast. The original count on election day reported Ensign had lost this face for the U.S. Senate by 459 votes but, somehow, somewhere, another 193 votes suddenly showed up in Washoe County which brought the margin down to 401 votes. Additionally, about 3,200 absentee ballots that were mailed out remained unaccounted for yet the election results were certified November 25th by the Nevada Supreme Court, showing Reid winning by just 401 votes out of over 430.000 cast.

“Other bones of contention in Nevada: Failure of Washoe County election officials to verify the accuracy of the optical scanning system which failed at least four post-election tests. In one test, the system counted 304 votes for one of the candidates when only seven ballots had been cast. Failure of the Accuracy Certification Board to oversee the hand-counting of 6,000 ballots, some of which were counted by people pulled randomly off the street who weren’t registered to vote.

“The Conciliation Log indicates 71,734 votes were cast, but the Registrar’s Office has also reported a figure of 72,376 and the Secretary of State’s office has reported 71, 650. How about 393 “blank” votes in Washoe County that haven’t been verified?

“Questions about the printing and counting of the remaining 70,000 ballots cast that remain unresolved. To add injury to insult, according to John Byerly, a member of the Accuracy Certification Board, “…it was impossible to watch and verify the tallying process which took place in a number of rooms over a 28-hour period.” And, yet, the Nevada Supreme Court certified an incredible mess like this for a seat in the U.S. Senate.”

Now, Moore has not conceded. Good first step. He had a pretty good lead according to polls right up to voting day. Dem Doug Jones In Shock Senate Upset Over Roy Moore Whether he can get the state to pay for a recount doesn’t look good. At this time Moore is trying to raise funds via donations for what he’s calling his ‘election integrity fund’ so he can investigate vote fraud in his election.

Okay, but this isn’t just about a recount of the ballots. There must be a forensic investigation. Years ago, I vote about my interview with Richard Hayes Phillips, author of Witness To A Crime – A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election.

“The 2004 presidential “election” was another farce. An illusion to keep the herds believing their vote actually counted. It only counts when those who count the ballots put it in the desired win column. Phillips’ book is an absolute condemnation of vote fraud in the State of Ohio. Phillips and volunteers examined 126,00 ballots, 127 poll books and 141 voter signature books from 18 counties: “Thousands of ballots in heavily Democratic precincts were pre-punched for third-party candidates. Voting machines were rigged, tabulators were rigged, ballot boxes were stuffed, ballots were altered, ballots were sorted according to candidate, and ballots were destroyed.”

“I read the book. The amount of work put into that investigation is truly staggering. I would never vote for John Kerry, endorsed by the Communist Party USA (just like Barry Soetoro aka Obama), but the factual truth is Bush lost Ohio. Phillips’s book proves it beyond any doubt. This round the shoe is on the other party’s foot because despite the incredible media basis and outright propaganda, Soetoro does not have the support this round as he did in 2008.

“Here’s another thing most people don’t know: Electoral college delegates are based on population. The 2010 census was a fraud. The head of the U.S. Census bureau actively sought out illegal aliens and told them to fill out a census form so they would get their fair share of the pie. Steal from you to give to someone who lies and breaks the law to enter our country. This year, Ohio lost two electoral college votes as a result of redistricting based on the census. Down to 18 from 20. In 2004, Bush received 286 electoral college votes to Kerry’s 251. Take away the 20 from Ohio and Bush did lose the election 271 to 266, as Ohio is a winner take all state. The truth isn’t Democrat or Republican, but party hacks and millions of voters don’t care as long as their candidate gets elected.”

That’s what I mean by a forensic examination/audit. Not just the ballots, but poll books, number of registered voters from both parties, how many actually voted, absentee ballots, military votes and all the other ways to cross check for fraud. If this isn’t done, a recount will simply be a white wash.

Example: Over 1800 Electronic Ballots Lost in Hays County Texas, 6-5-2017:  “Delozier adds, “Why is the Hays County election office not answering concerned voters’ questions about how over 1,800 electronic Early Voting ballots went missing and were apparently never tallied in the final 2016 General Election results?” They did not count in the end.

Here’s the bottom line: If you live in Alabama you need to act now. Contact Moore’s campaign people and tell him you support an investigation but it can’t be just a recount, it has to be a forensic analysis.  Send him a short letter and use what you need from this column or just print this out and send it to him: Judge Roy Moore For Senate Committee, P.O. Box 5032, Montgomery, AL 36103. Network and get his attention on this. Maybe you know someone who knows Moore. Like a member of your state legislature or a U.S. House member.

The shadow government made damn sure Moore was allegedly defeated. Now only he can prove otherwise.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Important reads:

1 – Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
2 – WATCH: Shock Video Surfaces To Expose MASSIVE Voter Fraud – It’s WORSE Than We Thought, July 6, 2017: “A new undercover video is blowing the lid off the widespread voter fraud carried out by the Hillary Clinton’s election machine during the 2016 General Election. Insiders were caught on camera describing how they hired illegal aliens to vote for Hillary! This is disturbing.”

3 – More Than 7 Million Voter Registrations Are Duplicated in Multiple States
4 – Voter Fraud in Virginia Verified: THOUSANDS of Illegal Votes Counted
5 –  36 States Did Not Ratify 17th Amendment – What Will States Do?, 1.16.2012
6 – Republicans & Obama Against Roy Moore give America To The Socialists Permanently
7 – McConnell Should Resign for Helping to Defeat Judge Roy Moore
8 – The Unborn Took the Real Loss in Alabama Special Election

Anti-Trump Conspiracy: Judge And Legal Scholar Claims The FBI Has Lost Its Luster And Job Description

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Two of the nation’s leading criminal justice scholars believe that the once heralded federal law enforcement agency — the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) — appears to have lost its lustrous image and its upper-echelon officials have contributed to the agency’s extreme politicalization.

Within the last ten years, the FBI as well of other Justice Department (DOJ) agencies, including the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), have been used as White House goon squads to achieve solely political goals especially the goal to create an illusion of competency at the highest levels of government.

For example, former Bergen County, New Jersey, Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano, now a Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst, has stated point-blank that he believes FBI supervisors and special agents lost their way and they’ve forgotten that their job isn’t to decide who gets prosecuted but simply to present the evidence.

The 67-year-old said on-the-air that the more we learn about the shenanigans within the DoJ/FBI and other federal cops during the Obama years, it appears the FBI is due for a massive housecleaning including reiteration of their job descriptions.

“If you ask a first-year law student to define gross negligence, it’s defined as extreme carelessness. They are essentially the same thing. You’re attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public and for a while he succeeded,” said Judge Napolitano.

“Of course, Democratic Party lawmakers and their legions of so-called journalists will tell you the two terms are interchangeable, but that is being deceptive as well since ‘gross negligence’ is the language used in the legal statute as written,” said former criminal trial attorney and political strategist Michael Barker.

Investigate James Comey

Judge Napolitano also said on FNC, “Many of us have argued for 18 months now, since that came out on July 5th, 2016. Jim Comey was wrong on the facts, wrong on the law, and profoundly wrong to make that decision and to make it public as if it were made with finality.”

“The job of the FBI is not to decide whom to prosecute, but to present the evidence to professional prosecutors in the DOJ and let them make the decision. He took that away from them,” the judge added.

Newly released documents obtained by Fox News reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to water down the bureau’s findings considerably.

Also, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, issued a letter to the FBI on Thursday that addresses a number edits made to Comey’s highly scrutinized statement. Comey had written his statement before the FBI even spoke with Hillary Clinton and her minions.

“A number of documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch about the FBI under Comey’s leaderhip also has provided evidence of partisan agents who abused their FBI or Justice Department positions for political purposes during the Hillary Clinton email investigation and 2016 presidential campaign.

The man U.S. Rep. James Jordan, R-Ohio, jokingly called ‘James Bond’ FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, was ousted from the Mueller investigation after a Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (IG) investigation revealed profanity-laced text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that denigrated President Trump, according to Michael Baker.

“Imagine what would have occurred if FBI agents wrote messages using vulgarity and profanity about President Barack Hussein Obama! Does anyone believe it would be treated simply as a federal cop exercising his First Amendment rights? Baloney. He’d be fired on the spot,” Baker claims.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Our Biblical Foundation In Politics, Part 7

Last week we began to look at how the church was deeply involved in America’s education system.  Many have asked, why did the church become involved in the education system in the first place?  Simple, to ensure an education that was biblical based.  The Founders believed that God was the author of liberty and if the nation expected to remain free it had to be taught the foundation of that freedom, God.  The Bible could be likened to a comprehensive legal system, addressing every arena of life, from taxation to immigration, business operations to criminal justice, sexual behavior to the military. This should come as no surprise because 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that God’s Word is inspired or God breathed so that we may be “equipped for every good work.”

Because God’s Word provided such thorough guidance in so many areas (including which crimes required restitutions; marriage and family laws; abortion and the unborn; inheritance policies; agricultural practices; employment contracts; business loans and interest rates; etc.), citizens regularly went to ministers rather than just attorneys for guidance on laws. Early historian J.T. Headly explained: “The patriotic clergy of the revolution…were the soundest statesmen of the time.” Early American ministers not only expounded the laws but also were often regular participants in making them.

For example, the Revs. Joseph Montgomery, Hugh Williamson, James Manning, John Zubly, John Witherspoon, and many others were members of the Continental Congress. At the state level, Rev. Jacob Green helped draft New Jersey’s original state constitution and the Rev. Augustus Muhlenberg helped draft Pennsylvania’s constitution. The Revs. Samuel Stillman, Robert Treat Paine, and Gad Hitchcock helped draft Massachusetts’ 1780 constitution, that is still in use today. [1]

Our education system, because of the involvement of the church, was the best in the world but when government began to become involved things began to change and not for the better, as usual when government gets involved.  Where we used to have extensive knowledge of our government and how it works we have come to a point a point where the general public has very little if any knowledge.  When I was in school in the 1950’s and 60’s they still taught our Constitution and how our government worked.  Just a few years ago a group of adults who had spent their entire life in America were given some of the simplest questions off the test for immigrants to become citizens and 71% of these adults failed the easiest part of the immigration test.  Worse yet they gave this same test to elected officials and 78% of the elected officials failed the test.  In today’s bread and circuses world, it doesn’t surprise me one bit that Americans overwhelmingly fail a quiz on civics. What is slightly surprising is that our elected officials do even worse:

Are most people, including college graduates, civically illiterate? Do elected officials know even less than most citizens about civic topics such as history, government, and economics? The answer is yes on both counts according to a new study by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI). More than 2,500 randomly selected Americans took ISI’s basic 33 question test on civic literacy and more than 1,700 people failed, with the average score 49 percent, or an “F.” Elected officials scored even lower than the general public with an average score of 44 percent and only 0.8 percent (or 21) of all surveyed earned an “A.” Even more startling is the fact that over twice as many people know Paula Abdul was a judge on American Idol than know that the phrase “government of the people, by the people, for the people” comes from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. [2]

I have been advocating for the last ten years for the education system be taken out of the hands of the federal government and teachers unions and put it back in the hands of the people and the States.  The federal government states that it doesn’t set policies for courses it only devises the tests for graduation, SAT and others.  The problem with that is by setting the tests they are setting the courses as the schools must teach what is on the test. They think we’re all dumocrats and can’t figure out their end-run around the Constitution.

Our Founders used a very simple process for electing people that would be placed in authority and we have swayed from that guideline to the point where we have fools like Shelia Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Diane Finstein and Hank Johnson who was afraid that if we expanded our military base on Guam that it would become to heavy on one side, tip over and capsize. The island not the military base.  In a discussion regarding a planned military buildup on the Pacific island, Johnson expressed some concerns about the plans to Adm. Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet.

“My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,” Johnson said. Willard paused and replied, “We don’t anticipate that.” [3] I’m sorry but how do people this ignorant get elected? Shelia Jackson Lee thinks our astronauts placed a flag on Mars, thinks our Constitution is 400 years old and refers to herself as a freed slave.  Maxine Waters is afraid that if North Korea nukes us that President Trump will start a war.  People, this is stupid on steroids!  I’m afraid to say that these people are grossly ignorant but the people that vote them into office are no better.  The Founders used a principle from the book of Exodus to serve as a means of qualifying a person that was to be placed in a position of authority: Exodus 18:21  Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: [4]

The necessity of people in authority to men that fear God and men of truth is imperative for a nation to remain strong.  The afore mentioned people are all college graduates, which shows the pathetic condition of our colleges, yet they lack even common sense.  Education in biblical principles and thought produce people like those who wrote our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of independence, our States Constitutions and developed our judicial system, education system which crated the greatest nation the world has ever or will ever see in the shortest time ever in history.

If we do not return to this manner of picking our leaders we will continue the slide into decadence and will only be remembered as a once great nation whose folly brought her to nothingness.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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  1. Ministers were the experts of Americas laws
  2. Elected officials fail civics quiz
  3. Hank Johnson worries Guam could capsize after marine buildup
  4. KJV

Should You Be Free To Choose Who You Work For?

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in this season, we know that he came into this world to die on the cross. The shadow of the cross is seen even in the manger of Bethlehem. He came to die as our substitutionary atonement, to pay the full penalty for our sins.

Now when Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, do you recall how he made that declaration?   Matthew 16:24 “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” He didn’t invite you to relax in a lazy boy recliner. He didn’t say come follow me to the spa for a day of ease in the lap of luxury. He invited disciples to take up the cross, an instrument of torture and death. He never promised His disciples an easy road. So we should not be surprised when we encounter suffering on the road as we follow Christ. This is increasingly true in America.

Jack Phillips, the Christian baker, has experienced this because he simply refused to use his artistic skills for the celebration of a sodomite unmarriage ceremony. His case was heard before the Supreme Court this past Tuesday.

Video of the sermon

My friend Peter LaBarbera wrote, “the ADF lawyers for Jack Phillips are arguing that he should not be compelled to back the pro-gay-‘marriage’ cake due to his ‘artistic’ freedom. But what about non-artists–say, a woman who rents chairs for events, or bed-and-breakfast owners who don’t want to rent to homosexuals on their ‘honeymoon’? Do they LOSE their right to dissent from homosexuality-celebrating culture because they are not ‘artists’?” I agree.

What we see now is the destruction of freedom. Isn’t the Freedom of Contract an essential, God-given right? Shouldn’t you be free to choose who you will work for and who you will not? Unless you are a slave you cannot be compelled to work for someone you choose not to work for.

In Stuart White’s book, Freedom of Association and the Right to Exclude, White states, “Call it freedom of association, the right of association or the right of exclusion. It boils down to the same thing: it is a fundamental human right to decide who one deals with, works with, lives with or otherwise interacts with, provided the dances are voluntary. Waltzing into a cake shop is pretty voluntary. It’s high time the right of association asserted itself in American jurisprudence…”

The paganization of America was on full display this Tuesday at the U.S. Supreme Court. Consider what has happened regarding persecution of those who hold to the Biblical, moral standards.

First, the sodomites told us that they only wanted to be left alone. They proclaimed, “You do your thing we’ll do ours, just ignore us. You leave us alone and we will leave you alone. This was a lie, they had no intention of leaving our God-given rights undisturbed. This lie however was easily sold in America as keep your nose out of other people’s bedrooms.

The next stage was, “You must accept us as we are. You must not say what we do is sinful abomination, it must be called a lifestyle choice.”

Next it was, “You must declare our abomination legally protected activity for which no one can be prosecuted.”

Then came the so-called hate crimes – a legal demand that no words be used to in any way criticize or denigrate that abomination.

And now we have the legal demand that you must celebrate their perversity with them – and if you do not, legal punishments will follow. Punishments such as being driven out of business, required to take indoctrination/re-education courses, or ruinous fines imposed upon you. You are not permitted to choose not celebrate this abomination. By the way, Jack Phillips and his employees were forced into indoctrination classes by the government of Colorado.

How did they accomplish this destruction of morality in America so quickly? They told us in their manifesto, After the Ball. “At least at the outset,” say Kirk and Madsen, “we seek desensitization and nothing more. You can forget about trying up front to persuade folks that homosexuality is a good thing. But if you can get them to think that it is just another thing — meriting no more than a shrug of the shoulders — then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won.”

Far too many American’s who call themselves Christians have backed away from all of this because they don’t want to be attacked and vilified for upholding God’s Holy Standard of morality. They adopted the somodite’s language, rejecting what the Bible calls this abomination. They seem to lack the courage necessary, or perhaps they didn’t really hear what Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” But those who stand with God’s Holy Standard earn a great eternal reward.

We have examples in our day, a Jack Philips and a Chief Justice Roy Moore – willing to stand for what is right regardless of the cost to themselves. Biblically we have a multitude of examples as well.

We must never forget what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount…

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:10-12)

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

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FBI, Feminist, And Political Legacies


What is it?

It’s an inheritance… a heritage or a birthright.  We all leave one behind us when we depart this world.  Actually, we leave more than one legacy behind us.  There are personal legacies… what kind of friend have you been?  There are professional legacies… what kind of employee or employer have you been?  There are creative legacies… and parental legacies, marital legacies, etc.

This year as we approach Christmas and the Christian New Year, it is more important than usual to think of the legacies we leave behind.

Why is it more important than usual this year?  We are going through a generational change – and it is not pretty.

As power gets passed from my son’s and daughter’s generation (my generation passed the power baton to our children years ago), we are watching our failures as parents establish themselves as generational standards of behavior – or, in many cases, a lack of standard.  Equally, today’s generation (my kids and yours) can see what they did right as they watch their children assume political, social, familial, and professional responsibility for the world.  Unfortunately, it gives me the heebie-jeebies to think of Millennials running anything, let alone the world.

Legacies apply only to individuals, not groups.  If a group’s legacy is negative, it is because of the negativity of the individuals who rose to power within that group.  The group’s individual members enabled their success.  Legacies are the exclusive property of individuals.

For example, the legacy of those who have chosen to be Democrats for many years says, based on the achievements and objectives of that group, you support abortion through the 9th month.  I am glad that is your legacy and not mine.  You support socialism rather than capitalism.  You support the elimination of borders for our great nation… though any halfway intelligent person recognizes that borders define the nation and without them it cannot exist… and perhaps that is your objective.  You support sanctuary cities where those who enter our nation unlawfully are entitled to more consideration in our courts, our welfare offices, our schools and colleges, our health care system, than citizens who have worked their entire lives to support the building of those things.

That is your legacy if you are a Democrat… that and the open hatred you spew about the man who was elected by your fellow citizens to be President of the United States.  You see, the hatred doesn’t just hit Donald Trump.  It extends to those of us who voted for and still strongly support him.  You would rather destroy your nation than accept his victory over your crooked as a dog’s hind leg candidate, Hillary Clinton.

You accept and applaud the violence of mobs in the street when the violence is directed against President Trump and are so stupid that you do not realize when you destroy respect for the Office of the President you are destroying citizen respect for the nation… a nation on which you are dependent if  you are to have a good, happy and stable future.  Such naïve behavior can only exist when people reject the idea that their legacy is the result of their own choices.

Will the Millennials who are inheriting your mess remember what you have done with gratitude and affection and for the happy future you are providing in this nation?  Is it one in which they can take pride?   Or will they curse you for the debt, the immorality, the lost history and indoctrination rather than education?  It will take them years to learn the truth – but they will learn (eventually and whether or not they want to learn).

If you are a Republican, you have two choices:  You are an establishment Republican who, much like Democrats, willingly support any moral compromise that strengthens your own position of power at the expense of the average person you are supposed to be serving.  If names like Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Corey Gardiner (R-CO), Paul Ryan (R-WI), John Thune (R-SD), Bill Kristol (Publisher, Weekly Standard), and all of the others who went to opulent Sea Island to discuss ways they can make President Donald Trump fail come to mind, you understand what I’m saying.

Or, you’re a conservative Republican who supports our Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our populist President.  In that case, your political legacy is the Constitution, truth, and the Rule of Law.

The establishment Republicans are actually worse than the amoral Democrats and their legacy will be one of a small group which arrogantly believes their few biased minds know better than American voters what is good for the people.  They are worse because they are traitors to the very thing that has given them the opportunity to gain access to the power they so easily abuse.  They are disgusting and will one day pay a horrific penalty for their behavior.

Again, your actions are not taken just against the President.  Rather they are taken against all of us who support him… millions of us to a handful of you.  What arrogance you have – and how badly you wear it.

“But you don’t know this or that about Trump.  Because of who we are and do we know things… and you must believe we are doing what we think best for the nation.”  They may say something similar.  And, to a degree, they may be right.  They may know things we don’t know which might change our minds if we knew them.

That doesn’t change the fact that we, the voters of America, are entitled to enjoy our right decisions and pay the penalty for the wrong ones we make so we can learn from them.  All we need to do either is the truth.  Because of your duplicity, even if you know things we don’t know, we will not have that opportunity because you won’t tell us the truth.  What does that say about you?

A small group (by comparison to the total population) does not have the right to determine the best path for the millions who will have to pay for whatever outcome may result from your carelessness.  That is your legacy… a personal legacy for each of you.  Your names will always be affiliated with Sea Island and what many of us consider treasonous behavior.

That same principle applies to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA).  J. Edgar Hoover left a legacy, didn’t he?  It involved using the nation’s primary law enforcement agency to gather dirt on anyone and everyone who could influence the direction of the American government and did not hesitate to threaten them with it.  Look how that’s turned out.  That’s his legacy.

How sad to see the FBI lose the trust of the American people.  President Trump may tell the graduating class of FBI agents that he loves law enforcement and he’s got their back, but most of the people will have a bit of disagreement with him about his Justice Department and how well it is being run.  They also disagree with law enforcement’s abuse of power.

If I were writing a novel, I would have a Senator named Jeff who is part of the Never-Trump group of Republicans and I would assign him the responsibility of being the first United States Senator to come out and publicly support this populist non-politician.  I would assign him the task of becoming personally close to the candidate (who no one expects to win… I’d choose him because if the candidate doesn’t win the nomination he is such a popular Senator he won’t lose his seat just because he supported a losing presidential candidate).

When the candidate unexpectedly wins the nomination, then even more unexpectedly wins the presidential election, Jeff would be perfectly positioned to be appointed Attorney General.  In its aftermath, all of the elitists and insiders know the biggest risk of this entire election cycle is for someone who wants to clean the swamp to succeed at becoming President of the United States.

Going right along with the plot, during his Senate Confirmation Hearings, Jeff would swear to remove himself from any investigations involving charges made by the lying Democrats – those whose candidate was so bad even they had a hard time stomaching her.  That will be a major part of the Democrat/Liberal legacy:  the 2016 election campaign and all of the lies.

By recusing himself from having anything having to do with the investigation of possible presidential missteps involving Russia during the campaign, the Attorney General can avoid providing badly-needed support for his President.  He turns everything over to the Assistant Attorney General who supports the FBI’s senior management coup d’etat team.

My book plot would move forward by having the AAG appointed to handle all matters related to the Russia matter.  He would appoint a special prosecutor who is the best friend of the former FBI Director the President fired.  Surely this way they will be able to cover up all of the covert and indelicate, unlawful behavior of senior Bureau management members who are totally involved in trying to defeat the new President?  It is a devastating loss by the Democrat candidate whose power supports their corruption.  They are all sickened by her loss.  OMG!  They might even get caught red-handed.

Little by little, however, the new President finds ways to get the truth to the people.  The Attorney General looks ridiculous and incompetent, the Assistant Attorney General looks like a naïve fool who no American wants running the nation’s law enforcement, and all of the members of senior management look like traitors… including the special prosecutor.

What a book plot!  What a legacy these fictional characters are leaving their nation!  Are they fictional you ask?  Of course.  They must be.  No one could be so oblivious to reality as these characters are.

As I said, only individuals leave a legacy.  When their individual stupidity and arrogance enables the group’s objectives to depart from the group’s basic purpose for being, their individual legacy  suffers as does the group’s.  The rules are the same whether it’s the FBI, NOW, or the DNC.  They will forever be remembered for their treachery and lies.  Mostly, they will be remembered for disrespecting the American people and causing them to lose faith in their public servants’ ability to handle the power they were given.  Once lost, trust is never regained.

It will take time, Mr. President, for the people to forgive this grave violation of the public trust.  It will take time and tremendous dedication of those left to clean up the mess.

As for total support for law enforcement, as long as police departments and sheriff’s officers are pulling over people for no apparent violation but are removing from them their personal possessions (and never returning them without a court hearing which may or may not be either affordable or constitutional), I will not subscribe to your commitment to the thin blue line.   Again, the AG’s office should be taking action, but is not.

As the former editor of the National Peace Officer’s Magazine, as a former police officer’s wife (and a former Denver police department employee), I say those words with great sorrow but also with great respect for the rule of law so easily ignored by so many cities, counties and states.  It is unlawful and is a reflection of the sewer that made those who believe senior managers at the FBI should make political decisions on behalf of the American people.

Neither action is to be tolerated in a nation of laws and justice.  At the moment, we have neither.

I could go on and on about legacies left behind… the other one I will mention is feminism – which is anything but representative of most American females.  Their legacy will be to declare that we must believe women who lie about sexual encounters because women don’t lie about such things while… not even 40 years later.

That’s an interesting thought and it is being stated at the same time Los Angeles attorney Lisa Bloom admits that the women who have charged the President of inappropriate behavior towards them have been offered huge sums of money in return for their sudden memories.  It is rumored that Bloom’s law firm will take one-third of the amounts paid to her clients by – we don’t know who.  The amounts paid are, according to news stories, in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  I believe Bloom has denied much of this… I would, too — wouldn’t you?  That’s one woman I won’t believe.

That is the feminist legacy.  They forgot the charges made against the Duke lacrosse team in 2006.  The North Carolina Attorney General said at the time:  “The Duke lacrosse case has shown that our society has lost sight of the most fundamental principle of our legal system:  the presumption of innocence.”  Some things don’t change and this is one of them.

We are to believe them just because they are women.  It tosses in the trash the rule of law declaring that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, but feminists don’t care.  That’s part of their legacy:  Ignorance of the law and naiveté [perhaps gullibility is a better word].

Perhaps if female morality was more apparent, you might convince me, but probably not.  You wear skirts up to your private parts (without telling men this is the new norm, not an invitation to your bed… though that’s what it looks like to me), you sleep with just about anyone from the time you get to high school, you don’t understand that “choice” occurs at the moment you decide to have sex rather than when you get pregnant and so believe the killing of a baby in your uterus is an acceptable form of birth control… even through the ninth month.

Your group will not be remembered for standing up for the rights of women.  It will be remembered for one of your leaders, a Hollywood elite, wanting to blow up the White House.  It will be remembered for murdering many of God’s most innocent beings… babies in your own belly.

What you represent – your legacy – is that of liberal Democrat women who have no moral compass.  That is your legacy… a group of individuals with no moral compass.

Those are legacies.

And while you are thinking about this, remember that you, too, dear reader will leave a legacy… one either of meaning and positive purpose or of… what?  Or, the groups you belong to will leave a legacy for you.

Be careful whom you support… it will be part of your legacy personally.  And now you know why I resigned from the Republican Party.

© 2017 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

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The Truth About Profiling Is That Everyone Does It

My black brother who lives in Baltimore said something that has stuck with me. He said, “I am tired of having to show people (whites) that I am not like them (black thugs).” His comment was made to convince me that NFL players have valid reasons for protesting our country.

I told my brother it is not white America’s fault that blacks commit more crimes than any other race except whites.  Blacks are only 13% of the population.

White Americans did not burden my brother with having to constantly show he is not a thug, blacks did. Like our dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus, my brother is highly respected in his community; awarded for his service as commissioner of his county’s youth football league. However, my brother does dress urban style; causal attire typical of inner city blacks. No, he does not wear his pants below his butt.

I am a black artisan; singer, songwriter, fine artist and writer. My signature black hat and attire reflect my artistic nature. Nine times out of ten, a white person would be correct in assuming I am a liberal democrat. I am a Christian conservative Republican activist. Seeing my artistic appearance and the fact that most blacks are democrats, it is reasonable for people to assume I am a liberal democrat. Therefore, it is silly for me to be offended when people read my visual message incorrectly.

Years ago when I moved to Florida, I went to join the local Republican club. When I walked into the meeting room a sweet elderly white woman said, “The democrats meet down the hall.” I laughed and told her I was in the right place. Did her assumption make her a racist? No. That Republican club was extremely excited to have its second black member. The local democrat club was 90% black and Hispanic.

Leftists news media and despicable race-baiting democrat politicians have made everyone hypersensitive regarding race. Leftists demand that we abandon common sense.

For example. A middle-eastern neighbor was infuriated and in tears because her two brothers who are in their twenties were screened by TSA at the airport. She ranted about how America is riddled with racism. Well, given that 99.9% of terrorist attacks have been committed by middle-eastern men between the ages of 18-35, TSA did its job. Her brothers were not abused in any way.

Leftists call us evil racist “profilers” for using common sense, our life experiences and reading the message people send in the way they choose to dress. So much of Liberalism is emotion-driven idiocy.

A Hispanic buddy was mugged on the streets of Baltimore. He saw the group of thuggish dressed black guys approaching him. Typically, using his street smarts (profiling), he would have crossed to the other side of the street before the muggers got to him. Unfortunately, his mind was preoccupied elsewhere.

The idea that profiling is evil is absurd. The dirty little secret is we all profile because it is common sense. If you judged a person incorrectly based on their appearance, you are pleasantly surprised when proven wrong. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Since moving to West Virginia, two of my new neighbors looked like Central Casting gun toting racist rednecks. Both are great guys who helped me on home projects. Giving their appearance, it was wise for me to deal with them with caution before getting to know them.

Remember the book, “Dress For Success”? That book could be re-titled, “How to be Profiled a Winner”. Hookers dress to be profiled as women open for business.

Years ago in Maryland, a white resident saw two suspicious looking black guys walking around her upscale neighborhood. She did not call security for fear of being thought a racist profiler. The two thugs hijacked a white woman’s car and threw her toddler out the window.

I was raised in an all black suburban community. Whenever we saw white youths walking around, we knew they were there to buy drugs. Did that make us racist profilers or were we simply using common sense and our life experiences? Leftists refuse to allow people to tell the truth or use their brains.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

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© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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The Voice Of My Generation

By Isabella Aquino

I believe the concept of American exceptionalism and liberty was inspired by God. Unfortunately, I believe our younger generations are a target of an ungodly agenda and the education system is being used as a tool to support it. God has undoubtly shed his grace on America but it’s our responsibility to guard our children until they are able to stand on their own without the assistance of mom and dad.

My own personal experience is a testament to this fact. When I was in the 7th grade there was an Evolutionist teacher who greatly bullied me. This Evolutionist teacher was spreading lies into naïve children that believed anything they were taught. Children believe anything you tell them. It’s because they have that child-like faith. I knew what he was doing wasn’t right and every time I went into that classroom I knew it was wrong. I remember if anyone tried to question this teacher, they ended up looking like they were the idiot. He preached evolution and mocked any open dialogue. We were his clay in his sarcastic belittling and he used his position as teacher against us. He specifically targeted me because of my beliefs.

I decided to do something about it. I had already talked to my mom and they had a meeting with his boss and the teacher lied in the meeting to escape being fired. Now I called for a second meeting where I was in there. I’ll admit I was scared and I was a bit intimidated. He was my teacher. But that man just kept right on using his position and demeaning how feeble I was. He called my mom a bad parent to her face with me in the room and then said that I knew nothing.  Stories like mine sadly happen too often in our education system.

Parents watch out for this same thing working in the hands of teachers where you might of innocently mistaken school to be a comforting learning environment for your child.

Remember the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego story?  The king proclaimed that anyone in his kingdom who didn’t bow down to the idol would be thrown into the fire. He used his position as king to intimidate them. But, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were not like the rest who just blended in and bowed down. This is what they said (Daniel 3:16-17)“O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to answer you on this point. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up!”

Parents, the next generation is in the same position.

We have a choice. We can bow down and quiver under the king’s command or we can stand.

Young kids of my generation don’t let the position of them being in authority intimidate you. You are not tied to that. Respect them even if they don’t’ deserve respect but do not bow down to the idol of the culture. Do not bow down to this idol.

Ask yourself “Are you for God or for man? Are you for God’s approval or for people’s approval? Are you willing to look crazy even if the whole bows down?” Shadrach, Mechach, and Abendego refused to bow down to the king and it shined a light to others.

The decision is ours. We can blend in with the others. But, staying silent will only allow the anti-God culture to take more ground. May we have the courage to stand up. These students are future Einstein’s, lawyers, doctors, businessmen and world shakers. May our voices be heard and refuse to bow down to the knee of society. May my generation find its voice.

© 2017 Isabella Aquino – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Isabella Aquino:

[BIO: Born in Florida to a family that includes: a Vietnam War Veteran and Italian immigrants, Isabella Aquino discovered a passion early for America and the freedoms in which it was intended.  Isabella started college at age 14. She is now 16 and lives in Ohio. While she is praying about the future God has for her, currently wants to practice Constitutional Law one day.  Isabella loves to dance, write, and spend time with her family.  You can email her at

Would Jesus Approve Of Christmas?

Most of the Christian world will soon be celebrating the Christmas holiday.  Some, however, will not, and in what I view as a wrong and self-righteous spirit, will actually CONDEMN anyone who does as a heathen, pagan or heretic.  The debate over Christmas is one that has gone on for centuries.  Now, I understand, there ARE well-meaning, sincere and faithful Christians who choose to NOT observe the holiday because they believe it is wrong.  So let’s briefly investigate that as we ask the question: “would Jesus approve of Christmas?  Or does He hate it?”

Some say that Christmas began with the sun worshipers in the time of Nimrod at the Towel of Babel.  Later, it coincided with the Roman Feast of the Birth of Sol, the sun god.  Those who stand against Christmas will tell you the early church never celebrated the birth of the Savior, but that in the fifth century, it was made a “Christian” holiday by the apostate Church, as a way to make the church more appealing to the worldly.  We’re told even the name, Christmas, means a Roman Catholic “Mass of Christ.”

Other nay-sayers will bring up the idea of the Christmas tree, and quote Jeremiah 10, “Learn not the way of the Heathen . . . For the customs of that people are vain:  for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not…”  Does this describe a Christmas tree?

Still others will bring up the idea of giving gifts, and declare that they cannot, in good conscience, celebrate Christmas because at Christmas we give gifts to ONE ANOTHER, rather than to God.  So, they assert, this gift-giving is not honoring to the Lord.  Further, the commercialism of Christmas entices our selfishness, greed and lust.  So, they say,   Christmas could never be an acceptable way to worship the Lord.

And of course there are those who bring up the fact that Santa Claus is not real… but rather a fictional character derived from Saint Nicholas.  Some will even claim St. Nicholas is simply another name for Satan.

If you choose to abstain from Christmas, that is your choice, and you are free to do so.  The celebration of Christmas is NOT mentioned in Scripture, you’re right.  We are not commanded to observe it.  When it comes right down to it, in Romans 14 we read, “One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike.  Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”  Yes, God gives us that liberty, and as Christians, EVERY day should be holy as unto the Lord.

But what if we DO celebrate Christmas?  Does partaking in this holiday forever brand us as heathens and pagans?  Must we repent of years of merry-making at Christmas time?  Does the Lord, as some will loudly declare, truly despise Christmas and the celebration of it?  Let’s use some common sense.

First of all, Scripture makes it very clear that God looks first and foremost upon the heart, upon our intentions.  The vast majority of people I know are Christians, and the vast majority of them DO celebrate Christmas.  In doing so, not a single one of them does so to honor Nimrod or the sun god Sol.  Not one.

Further, while I do have some Catholic friends, most of my friends and all of my family are protestants… and we all celebrate Christmas.  Does this mean we are actually worshipping the Roman Papacy, as some accuse?  Of course not.  We worship with sincere hearts, in spirit and in truth, and our faith remains in Christ alone… not a sun god…. not Nimrod…. not the Pope.

What about the dreaded Christmas tree?  Isn’t THAT proof that Christmas is for heathens?  Read the Scripture.  It is talking about making for oneself an idol out of wood — not decorating a Christmas tree.  For goodness’ sake, the Lord Jesus had not even been born into this world yet, nor the thought of “Christmas” as a holiday even considered in the days that Jeremiah penned those words.

In my family, we decorate a Christmas tree every year.  We hang pretty things on it, including craft items our kids made in school and church while they were growing up.  Each ornament contains a family memory.  The lights of the tree, like the lights on homes, businesses and street corners are not symbols of satan.  They are lights, people.  They’re pretty.  They’re colorful and bright at a time of year that otherwise can be cold, lifeless and dull.  Yes, we have a tree.  It smells great.  It looks pretty, and yes, we put presents beneath it.  But in all my years, we’ve never yet bowed down to it to worship it as an idol.

And what about the giving of gifts to one another, rather than to God?  What would Jesus say about that?  Once again, as in all things, we need to look upon the heart, the intention behind all that we do.

Friends, I love Christmas.  I always have.  Certainly the holiday can — and has been —  corrupted in many ways.  For some today, it is purely a secular celebration, an overindulgence in materialism, gluttony and spending.   That’s sad.  But that is not the Christmas I know.

Whether it began this way or not, in our family, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Yes, we know He wasn’t born on December 25th.  But that’s the day we observe as Christmas.  In Titus we read, “But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.”    Indeed, Christians are great at fighting, accusing and demeaning one another, and that is a shame.  That is not how the Lord would have us to live as the Body of Christ.  Rather, let our hearts be pure and our intentions honorable.  Why must we forever argue and accuse over foolish things that only cause hurt and division within the body of Christ?

I love the songs about the birth of Jesus.  I think it would be great to sing them all year long!  But reserving the sacred hymns of Christmas for this time of year makes this time of year special, and more endearing.  I guess my favorite would have to be “O Holy Night.”  What a wonderful song of praise!

I love the lights and decorations around town, the smell of pine needles, the warmth of a glowing fire in the fireplace.  And I love taking time to think of each of my loved ones, one by one, considering what they would like… thinking of ways I can bless them.  If I don’t get a single present under the tree for myself, that’s fine with me.  I just love giving gifts and blessing others.   It blesses my heart far more than receiving things for myself.

And contrary to the thinking of those who would despise Christmas and dismiss it as pagan, in reality, today it is the PAGANS THEMSELVES who want to do away with Christmas.  It is the heathen that try to stamp it out.  It is the atheists who demand no one utter the words “Merry Christmas,” because to do so is so horribly offensive.  THEY are the ones trying to stop Christmas from coming…because, they argue, it is TOO CHRISTIAN, and though they say they do not believe in God, the truth is, they hate Him, and THAT is why they seek to silence any mention of Christmas!

But Christmas is here to stay, my friends.  And I am thankful that it is.  In a world where for 364 days of the year we are all so self-absorbed, so consumed with the worries and cares of this life, I thank the LORD for Christmas… for what it has come to stand for — the birth of our Savior — His gift of grace, mercy and lovingkindness, GOD WITH US…and for the joyous traditions we celebrate each year as we, too, show grace, mercy and lovingkindess one to another.

As a child growing up in my parents’ home, we always had Christmas.  We would decorate the tree as a family.  And I remember each year we’d get the Sears Wish Book catalog… filled with wonderful toys and fun things we could dream of.  I remember rehearsing for weeks for the Sunday School Christmas program, and then the night it finally came, after the program everyone would get a bag of Christmas candy and a popcorn ball, a gift from the church.   And what joy when the last day of school came before Christmas break.

My parents first had three girls and then three boys.  I’m number five… the middle child among the boys.  I don’t remember a time when my sisters lived at home… they had all moved out and lived in other towns by the time I came along.  But as a kid growing up, I recall the anticipation of having all my sisters — and their husbands — come home for Christmas.  My Mom was the best cook ever.  I know most people think that, but in my case it really was true!   We always had a wonderful feast, and of course, the Christmas cookies and treats, recipes no one could ever duplicate.  I remember going in to town and always finding a way to make my meager piggy-bank savings come out to equal a gift for everyone on my list.  Taking my treasures home, and wrapping them with eager anticipation, imagining how much my Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters would each love the simple gift I had chosen  for them.

Over the years, Christmas has changed.  Both my parents are gone now, and the old house is no longer our gathering place.  In fact, all of MY children are now grown and out on their own too… so MY house is where Christmas happens now.  It’s a beautiful time of year.  Its a time of giving, a time of sharing, a time of loving one another and of being together.  School, jobs, careers… these may take us far away from one another… but we can always return HOME at Christmas time.

It’s a wonderful blessing, Christmas.  It can also be a very sad time for those who have no family and few, or no loved ones left in the world.  And it is for ones such as this that Christians reach out and provide for even the least of these.  Christian organizations sponsor Christmas meals, gather gifts for poor children, comfort the widows and orphans, and even provide a special gathering place to celebrate, so that no one need be alone on Christmas.  Now, I ask you:  do you not think Jesus would approve?

Sometimes, I’m afraid, we simply take ourselves too seriously.  Now, I didn’t say we take SCRIPTURE too seriously, one could never do that.  But sometimes, in our desire to be accepted by God, we want to make sure we don’t do anything wrong… we want to be pleasing to Him, we want to make sure we take no missteps.  An admirable desire.  But friends, Christ came, as a humble human baby, born in a manger, He lived to minister, teach and serve, and He died to save mankind from death and hell.  Yes, we must strive to be Christlike in all we do.  We must live by the Word of God.  But we can never earn our way to heaven.  I fear that is what some are trying to do, who abstain from Christmas.  They want to suffer for the Lord, by not taking part in the celebration… choosing instead to perhaps just be silent, read Scripture alone, denying themselves any part of anything that resembles “fun.”  AND pointing the finger of doom toward any who dare worship the sun god or take part in a “Christ Mass.”

WHAT does that accomplish?  Who, I ask you, is blessed… by THAT?    What would Jesus do?  There are ways to observe Christmas that the Lord will honor and bless… and of course, as in all things, there are ways we can corrupt it.  It’s not about the stuff.  Its not about Black Friday.  Its not about getting… It is a time to come together, to come HOME again, to reunite with those we love.  Its about cherished relationships.  Its about giving and its about blessing others as Jesus has blessed us.  In this world of broken relationships, dysfunctional and fractured families, the Lord knows, we NEED this.    I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year…  May the Lord be ever present in your homes, and in your hearts this Christmas season, and for always.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 213.

Medina Story In London


Some 1500 years ago, the prophet Muhammad, with a handful of his followers, were barely able to skip Mecca ahead of a mob intent on lynching them. Where to go? To Medina, a city of a large accepting Jewish community that posed no threats to this band of refugees seeking safety and protection.

In no time at all, the prophet Muhammad and his gang started repaying the peaceful Jews for their kindness. You know the rest of the story.

Is history repeating itself? Are Muslims moving into the heart of a Jewish community in London?

History of Golders Green, Barnet

Golders Green is a predominantly Jewish area that hosts the largest Kosher food hub in the United Kingdom:

“After the First World War a large number of Jewish families began moving into the new housing from the crowded East End and synagogues were built to serve the community. Immigrant Jews fleeing Nazi persecution augmented the settlement during the 1930s. At the

same time, the builders Laing laid out the racetrack-shaped Golders Green estate in the south-west corner of the district. Cricklewood Aerodrome had occupied the site from 1916 to 1930. The 1930s also saw the erection of mansion blocks in central Golders Green.”

The famous Golders Green Hippodrome, built in 1913, was also once home to the BBC Concert Orchestra. In early 2007, the Christian group El Shaddai International Christian Centre purchased the Hippodrome for £5million. The building was sold in July 2014 at an auction for £5.2 million to a “Shiite Islamic Charity.” The buyers intended to turn the building into a Shiite mosque or a Shiite Islamic Center. The London-based charity named this venue The Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham or “Centre for Islamic Enlightening. (Arabic: Markaz – El -Tathgheef – El – Eslami), located in northwest London.

Shiite Islamic Charity

Ahmed Al-Kazemi, the charity’s public relations director told the London weekly newspaper Ham and High:

“This is truly a dream come true for us. To get such a wonderful building in a location like Golders Green, it is a huge change for the Shia community. We were based in a warehouse before, but now we have a proper building which we can use to hold conferences, seminars, and our community activities. The Islamic center hopes to open its doors for an initial Open Day in December.”

In September, the new owners engaged in their first Ashura commemoration at the Hippodrome in Golders Green, and thereby breached the original contract and intent of the building’s usage. The building was sold on with the intention to include cultural activities such as music, dance, theater and etc. not exclusively for religious rituals. On the wall, inside the enclosure, you see their late revered Ayatollah Mohammed al Shirazi who according to their promo video, “instructed them 30 years ago to go into the west where there were few of their congregants, in order to propagate their teachings.”

The Shirazi Dynasty

These Shirazi clergies are from Iranian clergy dynasty who for the past 150 years lived in both Iraq and Iran. The Marja al-Taqlid (source of emulation) of the new tenets of Golders Green is Grand Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi who was born in Iraq and currently resides and instructs in the Seminary of Qum and Shiraz, in Iran.

He and his followers practice a pure version of Shiism which is more in line with Iraqi Shiite than the Iranian type. There is, however, bad blood between Ayatollah Shirazi and Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This bickering goes back to the struggle for power between his brother, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad ibn Mahdi al-Hussaini al-Shirazi and leader of the Islamic revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini.  Al-Shirazi expected a greater role in the Islamic Revolution of Iran and he considered Khomeini as only a junior cleric. As the revolution progressed, Al-Shirazi fell out with Ayatollah Khomeini and particularly his successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Many of his followers blame Al Shirazi’s death on the Iranian Secret Service.

Ali Reza Pour Hassan provides analysis about this issue on Asr’e Abadan blog:

“Iranian Shiites blame the British government for continuously creating sectarian division and feuds within Islam and in particular, Shia Islam. They believe the followers of Ayatollah Shirazi are more extreme and a more traditional practitioner of Shi’ism. While making slogans about Imam Hossein, they are at the same time causing a larger gap between the Shia council and the Islamic system. In fact, it should be said that from a logical point of view, the commemoration of Imam Hossein’s slogans have been equated with bloodletting, beating themselves with chains, hitting themselves with the blunt end of swords to self-flagellating, walking on thorns, walking on hot coals and etc. on the day of Ashura. These extreme ceremonial testaments to their faith has been banned by the Iranian authorities and also most Shiite scholars have deemed it to be self-damaging and hence haram (forbidden). But,  Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi has issued a fatwa about this practice and has also advertised and promoted it on his satellite networks around the world.”

Just a few days ago, the BBC Persian  news reported:

“A site close to Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi, one of Shiite authorities (Marja Taqleed) complained against the monthly Journal of the ‘Mobaleghan,’ affiliated with the Qom Seminary, accused the publication of discriminating and insulting the non-governmental Shiite authorities.”

“The BBC also reports that according to Qum Seminary clergy, Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi supporters were compared with such groups as ISIS. Government officials in Iran assert that Ayatollah Shirazi’s Shiite followers are affiliated with the British government and their activities in Iran have been limited. Ayatollah Shirazi’s supporters are the direct critics of Khamenei’s leadership in Iran, and for years their activities have been transferred from Iran to Iraq.”

Notably, despite sharing the same Islamic ideology, there is no unity between Iraq (Arab) Shiites and Iranian Shiites.

“Members of the Jewish community who researched the Muslim charity — a largely Iraqi and Iranian Shiite congregation called Hussainiat Al-Rasool Al-Adham – found no ties to the Iranian regime or extremist incitement, an expert on Islamism who ran some of the checks told Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) on Tuesday.”

Where did the funding come from?

Some of it, apparently has come from their previous Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham converted warehouse and mosque that was sold for a £4.5 million in January 2017.

In July 2017, Haj Razi Mirkhalaf Zadeh,  discusses in Persian (with Arabic accent) the process of purchasing this building and making it into a Hussainiyat:

“With the blessing of God and Ahl al-Bayt, praise be to Allah, we bought this place and called it, Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham, S.A.W. for service to our religion and Shi’ism inshallah (God willing). As we owned Hussainiyat in the past and we served under difficult conditions, we sold the old one and God blessed us to purchase this new venue. We made a down payment, but we don’t have the keys in our hands yet. We have 10 days to come up with somewhere around £400K or half a million dollars. God willing, all the believers, our dear brothers and sisters, will give us a hand, donate and help us manage to finance this building, inshallah.”

Religious make up of Golders Green

“The religious makeup of Golders Green is 37.1% Jewish, 26.1% Christian, 12.2% Muslim, 9.9% No religion, 3.8% Hindu, 0.9% Buddhist, 0.2% Sikh, 0.1% Agnostic according to Golders Green Demographics (Barnet, England)

Objections to Mosque 

On October 23, 2017, a packed community meeting was held, led by attorney Gavin Boby about the discussion of the BBC Hippodrome being turned into a mega mosque.

Josephine Bacon, one of the activists who was present at the meeting said:

“It is very important to write to the local MPs (members of Parliament) who have influence over the city council. I have a degree in Arabic and have been in business with a Sunni Muslim for 12 years. One day, he accidently went to a Shia Muslim mosque to pray. Once the Shiites realized that he was a Sunni Muslim, they all tried to attack him physically and he had to run for his life. That’s the sort of people Shiites are. There are many sects in Islam, and Shiites are one of extremes. They ban music and when they claim they are Iraqis, they are not, they are Iranians and the money is coming from Kuwait. And furthermore, this particular sect has broadcast very inflammatory anti-Sunni messages and I have heard them.”

You can watch the entire video here.

There was also an ePetition that ran from October 4, 2017 to October 25, 2017 and has now finished. 5675 people signed this ePetition against the Golders Green Shia Centre /Mosque.

Shia Vs. Sunni

In order to understand the clerical rulers of Iran and Iraq, we need to learn about the genesis of their religious faith, Shi’a Islam, and the pivotal place of the Mahdi and Imam Hussein.

After the death of the Prophet, the Arab world followed by an elective process to nominate the next in line successor which started with Abu Bakr. This group is known as ahl alsunnah wa-l-jama’ah, “the people of custom and community,” or Sunnis. The imamate or “leadership” – in a non-elective manner would become what we know today as Shi’ism. Shiites say that succession must remain within the family of the Prophet, a blood-line – with Ali the first valid caliph. It should also be noted that this division occurred after the assassination of Imam Ali in Kufa by Ibn Muljim.

After the assassination of Imam Ali, his older son Imam Hassan became the rightful Shiite leader. Not long into his Imamate, Imam Hassan also became a victim to the Banu Umayyad family. Now, here is the defining moment for the entire Shiite division and especially leading to the Iranian version. After Imam Hussein inherited the Imamate, in a decisive battle with Yazid who was the son of Mu’awiya sealed the everlasting “fairy tales” of Shi’ism. It has been reported that Imam Hussein (who was outnumbered) was beheaded by Yazid’s Army in an unfair battle. Imam Hussein, like his father became a martyr, hence, the start of a new era of Shi’ism. Shiites believe the Battle of Karbala was between the forces of good and evil, with Hussain representing good and Yazid representing evil.

Up to this day, Iranians (and other Shiites around the world) mourn the first Imam and the third Imam, Ali ebn-e abi taaleb, and Hussein Ibn Ali, by having lavish mourning ceremonies, commemorating their deaths.

After Iranians were forced to become Shiite by Shah Ismail, the practice of mourning commemoration became prevalent and popular in the mosques and “Tekyeh and Hussainiya” and in many people’s homes. Especially in the Islamic month of Safar and Ramadan, they were devoted to the ceremonies of self-flagellation including (Sineh zani), beating themselves on the chest, (Zanjir zani), with metal chains, with rocks (Sang zani), and wounding themselves with poniards. These activities were conducted during the days of Ashura and Tasu’a, on the 9th and 10th of Mahram. Each year many people died as a result of self-inflicted wounds to the head.  And this is exactly the “extreme” version of this Shiite branch that has moved into the Golders Green Hippodrome.


Based on this investigation, this group is mostly Iraqi Shiites who speak Arabic and have ties to Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi, a non-governmental Iraqi clergyman who was born in Iraq and lives in the city of Qum, Iran. There are clear animosities between the supporters of Ayatollah Shirazi, and the Iranian regime. Shirazi has a list of Islamic centers and mosques with which he is associated, including the Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham in London

Allowing them to have a mega mosque in the heart of the Jewish community in London is a bad idea. Just imagine if it were the other way around, and Jews tried to build a mega synagogue in the middle of a predominantly Muslim population! The Barnet Council could quite clearly reject planning permission for a change of use to a mosque, but it would most likely be overruled by the Muslim Mayor of London.

Why Muslims want to have a mega mosque in the middle of a Jewish community with just over 12% Muslims living there to begin with and these are likely not Shiites? They want to because Muslims want to cleanse the area of all the Jews and eventually, force them to evacuate as was done in Medina during the reign of prophet Muhammad.

This is neither the place, nor is it necessary for the purpose of this essay to provide exhaustive documentation of the historical suffering of the Jewish people. But, sadly, the Jewish people have been used as scapegoats for many centuries by a variety of non-Jews. Regrettably, Muslims for their part, have adopted scapegoating as an article of faith. Muslims blame the Jews for all kinds of heinous things, dating back to the time of Muhammad himself. They say that the Jews of Medina betrayed the holy prophet by their treachery. They charged the poor exorbitant sums for their goods, did no productive work, yet made fortunes through money lending. To make matters worse, the Jews refused to embrace Muhammad’s religion, they say.

Like many places in Europe, the Jews do not feel safe and protected in Britain anymore. The future looks dark. Many Jews, if they are able, are buying homes in Israel and other safe places such as the United States in case they need to move.

 As long as there are Muslims who believe that the entire world rightfully belongs to them and all non-Muslims are usurper infidels, they shall do everything they can to claim the planet for Allah and cleanse it from unbelievers. Muslims are among original believers and practitioners of the abominable genocide of ethnic cleansing. So, a building here, a building there are no more than stepping stones for the ultimate prize. And, as long as non-Muslims remain complacent and even accommodating, the task for Muslims becomes easier.

Sadly, so-called progressives in the West are the greatest enablers and promoters of the Islamic scheme.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Restoring The Beaten Down American Standard Of Living

In the battle to restore the American economy, traditionally the attention of most lawmakers and sovereign citizens is geared toward the lowering of taxes.  In fact, lower taxes are one of the most important components of a thriving economy.  Without tax breaks, the incentive to grow existing businesses is practically null and void.  The eight years of the previous Obama regime was atrocious.  In addition to the lowering of taxes in America one of the biggest necessities for the starting a small business is the availability of low interest loans.  In recent years the Small Business Administration had been more of a hindrance than a help to those entrepreneurs hoping to land even a small loan to hang out their shingle.

The good news is that the pessimistic years of a flatline American economy are probably over for a substantial number of years.  So far, president Trump has eliminated well over 800 of the rights and economy inhibiting regulations that president Obama wrote into law. I believe that president Obama purposely used burdening regulations to stymie our ability to open and run small businesses. He was not interested in seeing Americans, particularly minorities prosper in the private sector.  His mission was to create a pessimistic atmosphere, where black Americans in particular would ignorantly blame American capitalism for their less than sterling lot in life.

I thank God almighty that many Americans refused to accept Obama’s downtrodden vision for our republic and despite ongoing scandals, both real and imagined, the economy is revving up.  Along with fewer regulations and lower taxes, one of the biggest stimulators of the economy is the growth in the number of small businesses.  One of the most prominent avenues small businesses have are small business loans.  I can honestly say that for small business owners, happy days are here again.  After eight years of going nowhere fast, the Small Business Administration is taking off big time in favor of Americans who dream of owning a successful business.

Thanks to new Small Business Administration administrator Linda McMahan there is over $30 billion dollars available to small business through it’s lending program.  In fact, there is now much greater funding for loans to veterans, women and emerging communities.  Minority lending has dramatically increased.  Now, more and more entrepreneurs are stepping out to take the risk of stating a business.

American veterans who want to open a business can now partake of the boots to business program. It not only provides loans for our military heroes but assistance if needed in transitioning from military life to the dream of becoming a civilian business owner.  One of the most stable aspects of American life is our middle class.  It has been a huge balancing force between the wealthy and those on the lower economic rungs who seek to climb up the ladder of success.  The beauty of the American middle class was that at one time it represented the highest standard of living for the greatest number of average citizens in the world.

Because of a relatively free society and economy, companies were founded and grew into the largest manufacturers in the world.  Through both tremendous growth and other developments, eventually Americans could get well paying jobs and afford to buy a home and even pay for their children’s college education.  For many years the American standard of living continued to improve.  But unfortunately, those who did not agree with a free market economy concept gained a major foothold government, education and even the American church world.  They were able to convince many from all walks of life that since everyone was not for example making $15 dollars per hour then society was evil.  In other words, the capitalist haters, promoted equal results as being better than equal opportunity.

The middle class and general American concept of equal opportunity meant a greater chance of success for a most people, as opposed to government forcing a non market based wage.  Ask those workers at Seattle restaurants who lost their jobs due to their workplaces being forced to pay $15 dollars an hour, how are they doing?  When you add America’s highest corporate tax in the industrialized world to the mix therein lies a major blow to the American middle class.  That tax alone has been a major inhibitor to new major corporate investment in America.  In fact, 50 United States corporations moved their headquarters to places like Ireland, Toronto, Ontario and elsewhere and took countless American middleclass jobs with them.

The restoration of the American middle class is not as complicated as some would have you to believe.  Already one can see the potential of a revived American economy. The gross domestic product having been above three percent is a good first start.  The improvement of international trade deals that will enable American manufacturers to sell their goods abroad as easily as other nations can sell their products in America is another avenue to help restore the middle class to a higher standard of living.  Government entitlement spending must by all means be reduced and a private sector method based upon economic growth must be developed for retirement and pension payments.  That’s just for starters, more in an upcoming column.  Enjoy be enlightened on a page from The Edwards Notebook daily at 6:30ish AM PT, 9:30 AM EST and the Ron Edwards Experience talk show 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST Fridays on AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and worldwide via, and spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Sessions’ Seat Goes To Democrat Doug Jones

But the framers were not visionaries. They knew that rules of government, however brilliantly calculated to cope with the imperfect nature of man, however carefully designed to avoid the pitfalls of power, would be no match for men who were determined to disregard them.  Barry M. GoldwaterConscience of a Conservative

The race between Roy Moore and Doug Jones was a close one, and Moore still has not conceded.  The current law in Alabama requires a mandatory recount when there is a half of a percent margin, but Moore remains 1.5 percent behind his opponent, Doug Jones, who was declared the winner with 99 percent in.  However, the military votes had yet to be counted. Moore is about 22,000 votes short, but it is uncertain whether the uncounted votes will tally up to that number.

The Roy Moore Loss

Drudge is reporting that Luther Strange would have won, and he’s probably right.  An establishment insider like Strange is far preferable to the globalist politicos than someone like Moore.  However, the only conservative candidate in the primary for this race for Sessions’ seat was Mo Brooks, and the electorate of Alabama made the mistake of not choosing him.

Like the presidential races of the past where Republican candidates such as Dole, McCain, and Romney are less than desirable choices, the same went for Moore.  Unfortunately, the American people as a whole may lose because of Alabama’s choice of Moore as the Republican nominee.  We needed Moore, if nothing else to vote against the baby murderers, to help our president’s agenda, and to keep the Senate at a 52 to 48 majority.

The Cost of Hubris

Moore has always been an abrasive oddball, and when the accusations of sexual misconduct with teenage girls hit the news, Moore’s hubris got the best of him.  Instead of simply stating that the accusations were false and that he’d sue, he agreed to an interview with Sean Hannity on his radio program.

Video of interview here:

When Sean asked Moore if he remembered dating young teens, Moore answered, “Not generally, no.”  Really?  What did that mean?

Moore should have had the counsel of a good attorney who told him to keep his mouth shut, to deny the allegations and to keep campaigning, but he didn’t.

As I explained in a previous article, Moore’s reputation for arrogance goes back to his law school days.   Guy Martin, Jr., a minister and former law professor who taught constitutional law to Roy Moore, had an op-ed in an Alabama newspaper speaking out against Moore’s candidacy. What he had to say about Moore was not the least bit surprising, both professors and fellow students found him illogically pigheaded and obdurate.

Establishment Republicans Crucify Moore

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and a host of other establishment globalist Republicans failed to support Moore and called for him to step down.  Senator Shelby (R-AL) actually told people to write in a candidate of their choice rather than voting for Moore, thus dividing the vote so Doug Jones would win.

It’s like Rush Limbaugh says all the time, the Republicans have the perfect opportunity to destroy the left, but they sit on their hands and refuse to go for the throat of the enemy and destroy them.  By now most knowledgeable Americans know why … the left and right have been in bed together with the same agenda for decades.

I’ve stated many times that Carroll Quigley’s 1966 book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time told the globalist plans. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 of his massive tome, he wrote this:

The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method…Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.


We needed Roy Moore, but he helped to destroy his own candidacy, the left bankrolled Democrat Doug Jones, and the Republicans never came to his defense until it was too late. Now the American public is stuck with a Schumer/Pelosi Democrat who believes in aborting human babies up to the very minute of their birth.

We’re now stuck with Doug Jones until 2020 when Jeff Sessions’ term is up.  One would hope that in two years, Alabama would choose conservative Mo Brooks as their candidate.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Predatory Presidents And Congressmen In Washington DC

Since the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal occurred this past autumn, the “house of cards” fell upon presidents both past and present. Not only presidents, but U.S. Congressmen face a barrage of sexual assault charges heretofore quieted by unknown pressures to keep women silent.

In a heartbeat, House Member John Conyers (MI), stepped down after 50 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.  No one knows how many women he sexually assaulted, but his lawyers got him off by paying huge money to victims.  All kept quiet, of course!  It’s amazing how money may be used to save sexual predators like the singer Michael Jackson who paid $12 million to save himself from prison.

Minnesota Senator Al Franken faced a barrage of assault charges, so devastating, and with pictures, that he resigned last week from the U.S. Senate.

Alabama Judge Roy Moore, accused of molesting teen girls while in his 30s, lost a U.S. Senate special election this past week.

However, the damning evidence sickens all Americans when they discovered that members of Congress enjoyed utilizing a $17 million slush fund, paid for by taxpayers, for paying off victims of sexual molestation charges for decades.

What does that tell you?  That’s a body of mostly 535 men who used taxpayer dollars to defend themselves against sexual charges and bad conduct.  If the media reports their names, perhaps a quarter or third of Congress must resign within a month.

Do we see the single greatest scandal developing in front of our eyes or what?  I remember the “Tidal Basin Bombshell” sex scandal with Wilbur Mills back in 1974.  It uncovered all sorts of sexual activity being paid for by Congressional critters.  Mills got caught!

But before him, President John F. Kennedy sexually molested, reportedly in the Lincoln Bedroom, a 19-year-old college coed.

Four days after arriving at the White House as a college intern in the summer of 1962, 19-year-old Rumson native Mimi Beardsley lost her virginity to the President of the United States. She told the tale in an explosive and salacious memoir, “Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy.” 

She described in her book some really “filthy” sexual escapades with John F. Kennedy.  So filthy that I would call the man a sexual pig.  A brute, a liar and a cheat against his wife, his kids and the citizens of the United States. Not only that, JFK and his brother Robert Kennedy reportedly enjoyed affairs with Marilyn Monroe and other women.

Brother Teddy Kennedy womanized his way into more of Washington DC’s women than a Playboy Mansion party.

And, the greatest sexual predator of them all, with the help of his wife Hillary for the past 45 years, President Bill Clinton faces 42 female accusers as to sexual molestation and rape.  Bill Clinton walked around with his zipper open and an instant release belt buckle!  His behavior with a 21-year-old girls named Monica Lewinski must be up there with the dumbest choices in American history. Brash! Arrogant! Stupid!  It changed the course of history because it defeated Al Gore.  Had Al Gore won the presidency, he would not have waged war on Iraq.  Thus, trillions of dollars saved and over 4,100 men would be alive today. Instead, Bush reached the White House and history tells the tale.

Oh, and what about George W. Bush?  First of all, a walking alcoholic from his college days right up to age 40 when his wife reportedly demanded he stop drinking or she would leave him.  Additionally, he used ample cocaine and other drugs during his playboy years.  It’ll be interesting to see which female accusers come out of the woodwork on Bush II.

And right now, President Donald Trump faces a firing squad of women trying to get him impeached for sexual molestation and rude conduct.  And my bet: he’s probably guilty as sin.

But what really bothers American taxpayers: that $17 million slush fund that paid for defense by an unknown quantity of Congressional sexual predators.

If that list of financial users of that slush fund comes out in the media, we may lose a great many senators and House members for lewd, crude, salacious, insalubrious and disgusting sexual conduct.

Ironically, Islamic men raped and pillaged women as property over the centuries, and even kill 20,000 of them annually as to Sharia Law, but never face any consequences.  It’s a hush hush subject even in America where “honor killings” occur in Detroit, Minneapolis, Miami and Los Angeles—or wherever Moslems grow large numbers so they can hide their honor killings.

What will happen with all this scandal?  A sitting president could be impeached.  Our Congress faces cement gridlock.  Many more leaders might find the door.  We need a whole new discussion on the treatment of women in America.  We need a new educational system that demands respect for women from school on day one.

Today, with cell phone cameras, video and recording devices everywhere, bad men better start acting good, or they will face consequences. And women need to step up to report rapes, beatings and other abuse at the moment it happens.

Finally, dear Lord, please help our country through this desperate time here in the United States of America.

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Is It Ever OK For A Christian to Lie?

That is a question that I was asked on my internet show this week.  The knee jerk reaction of most people I talk to is a without-hesitation “no.”

Please permit this shameless plug.  The show I broadcast five days a week is worth a listen.  It lasts an hour and is a powerful interactive show with audience participation.  We discuss all of the tough issues from a Christian perspective and have found that “in the multitude of many counselors is great wisdom.”  All of our shows are free and archived

Is it ever OK to lie?  That is a topic that we dealt with this week in regards to the Alabama senate race and particularly how it relates to Judge Roy Moore.

Stop!  This commentary is not about Judge Moore.  I am appealing to you, the reader, to weigh in on this issue because it is worthy of debate.  Many Christians of good conscience could not vote for Roy Moore because they felt he had not been honest about his past.  Without rearguing the situation in Alabama I am appealing to you for help.

Is it ever OK to tell a lie?

Whether we realize it or not, Christian values WON in Alabama on Tuesday.  The vote was not a rejection of values but an upholding of them. However, the Christian community was divided about whether or not Judge Moore was worthy of their vote.  Cast aside the arguments about his guilt or innocence…his right to the presumption of innocence…the political tactics involved in the accusations.  Christian values carried the day.  Those who voted for Judge Moore did it to advance the Kingdom.  Christians who didn’t vote for him believed they were advancing the Kingdom by demanding honesty.

I personally believe Judge Moore.  He said the accusations were bogus and I believe him.  Others did not.  But the Christian community was divided over which Christian value was most important…presumption of innocence or lying.  Evidently a whole gaggle of Christians who constantly tell us that we are not supposed “to judge” had no trouble passing judgment on Judge Moore.

In fact, if you check out the average Facebook page you will find “Christians” fighting over which virtue was most important.  Hence, the question that we addressed on the show and the question I put before you today…

Is it ever OK for a Christian to lie?

As a point of reference please allow me to issue a clarification.  The Ten Commandments never mention the act of lying.  The 9th Commandment refers to “bearing false witness against thy neighbor.”  It is my belief that ALL of the Commandments are in place as a means of protection of the innocent.  Bearing false witness is wrong because it is harmful to an innocent victim.  Is it ever wrong to tell a falsehood in order to PROTECT an innocent person?

Consider the following:

Would you lie to protect the safety of your children?  If a man broke into your house and asked you if there was any one else in the house and you knew your daughter was sleeping in a room in the basement would it be wrong to “lie” to the intruder to secure your daughter’s safety?  Would you be more “righteous” if you ratted out your daughter because “I cannot tell a lie?”

What if you were coaching a football team and on the last play of the game your team scored the winning touchdown, but you noticed that one of your players was holding on the play.  Are you obligated as a Christian to go to the referee and report the penalty on your own player thereby cancelling the touchdown and awarding the victory to the other team?  Isn’t permitting a violation of the rules to occur and costing the other team a victory “bearing false witness?”

Or how about this nightmare.  What if you are taking your wife out to a swank event and just before you leave the house she asks you “do I look fat in this outfit?”  How do you answer?  Would you be gut-honest and tell her “Yes” or would you reassure her that she looks fine even though you do think she looks a bit heavy in the gown.

Are you catching my drift?  Is it ever OK to lie?

How about this one.  What if you are running for office and you are the deciding vote as to whether or not the killing of innocent babies in their mother’s womb will end.  Let’s pretend that you did date a 14 year old girl forty years ago but the rest of the allegations were bogus?  If you knew that admitting to dating a 14 year old girl would prevent you from ending abortion would it be wrong to deny any involvement?

My friends, unfortunately morality is not as cut and dried, black and white as we would like for it to be.  Jesus said that he would no longer write the law on stone but that he would write it on the “fleshly tablets of our hearts.”  We often hear about “the lesser of two evils” but is there ever a time when two “honest” values come in conflict and that we are required to choose between “the greater of two goods?”

The Bible tells us that “the letter of the law brings death but the Spirit of the law brings life.”

Let’s face the facts, my friends.  That is the conflict that Christians faced in Alabama.  Which is worse…the telling of a lie in order to save the lives of the unborn or admitting to the allegations and permitting babies to die?  The conscience of many Christians caused them to stay home and as a result the overturning of Roe V Wade just became less likely.  More babies will die…but at least a “accused liar” was not elected.

Those who regularly listen to my show are looking for an answer.  I feel obligated to tell them the truth.  Perhaps you can give me some guidance.  Is there such a thing as a greater good?

Don’t throw stones at me.  I’m just asking the question.

Is it ever OK for a Christian to lie?

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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When Ninnies Rule

It’s hard to blame anyone for thinking liberalism is a mental illness. Hear what leftids say, see what they do, and you’re well on your way to thinking that.

Social Justice nincompoopery was on display recently at a recorded meeting of the New Brighton, Minnesota, city council. Note particularly the so-called men at the council table: not a peep out of any one of them. Are they dummies stuffed with rags?

The fun starts with one councilwoman piously jabbering about “white privilege” in a roomful of white liberals. Another councilwoman takes exception to this “You didn’t build that” twaddle, and dares to remark that she and her family worked for what they have and never got anything handed to them just because they’re white. At this point Mayor Johnson flips out and accuses the councilwoman of—you guessed it—racism. Any dissent from the party line automatically results in being called a racist.

In the ensuing verbal melee, the councilwoman resorts to an ancient formula to ward off criticism: “I know more people of color than you.” Whoop-dee-doo for you, lady. Let’s have a contest: whoever can borrow the most virtue from adjacent persons of color wins a latte.

At this point the mayor burst into tears and lamentations.

It’s distressing to think that there are actually places governed by such people. It’s monstrous to think they aspire to governing the country, and are very well represented in our Congress, our courts, and our bureaucracies. They own the Democrat Party, the nooze media, and Hollywood. They are the biggest racists around: everything, to them, is about race. Oh, and gender! And when argument fails—I was going to say “rational argument,” but then I remembered that there isn’t any—passion takes over. That generally happens rather quickly.

Meanwhile, back at the college, America’s universities are knocking themselves out trying to create a Christless Christmas.

Get a load of this memo to the staff at University of California, Irvine, instructing employees to “ensure that office celebrations are not indirectly celebrating a religious holiday.” That one little word, “indirectly,” opens the door to a whole fiesta of inanity. What can you possibly do that some moron cannot spin as “indirectly celebrating” Christmas—which is, in case you didn’t know, is a holiday making the birth of Jesus Christ? How indirect is indirect? Wearing red and green checked socks? Atheists are very touchy about such things!

To make sure there’s no hint of Christianity involved, and to guarantee “inclusiveness” by excluding Christianity, the university exhorts its peons to “display diverse symbols.” We wonder how much “diversity” would suffice, bearing in mind at all times that none of it shall in any way refer to—ooh!—“religion.” And what if you offend, indirectly, by leaving something out? With all the “genders” touted by academics these days, that would be pretty easy to do. “You dastard! Where’s the symbol of my gender? You left it out on purpose, just to hurt me!” Maybe it’s a gender no one else has heard of yet—but ignorance is worse than no defense at all.

Other colleges—and more than a few towns, for that matter—have shifted into full Druid mode, replacing Christmas with a generic “Winter Festival” that may excite a few hard-core New Agers, but means virtually nothing to nearly everybody else. They’ve already tried, with Kwanzaa, to make up a whole new, totally artificial “holiday” to take the place of Christmas, and failed. So they’ll move on to a Winter Festival: maybe that will take. The poor teachers’ unions pushed Kwanzaa in the schools until they were blue in the face, but it never caught on.

It’s all part of a comprehensive effort to fundamentally transform America into a Third World basket case ruled by imbeciles. God help us if we ever again let them take power over our country.

But if we do, why should He?

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Sickness Pays, Even When You Are Not sick

“The system is designed to create chronic disease. There’s no money in being healthy. There is no money in being dead. All the money is in being chronically ill. ”

-Dr. Irvin Sahni MD

After traveling from Boise, Idaho to Missoula, Montana to Orlando, Florida then onto Houston, Texas, we have tallied up about 150 ministry hours of driving over the last 6 weeks. With that, comes a toll on your physical body, and it caught up with one of my family members, at least for a minute.  Let me explain.

Keep in mind, there is a balance between a natural/holistic remedy and western medicine. I have always been cautious when it comes to either side of the aisle.  It seems that without fail, fear of not using either of their remedies is always what is pushed until you submit, and I for one will not go down that road.

During our final tour this last month, one of my family members had told me that her eyes were becoming blurry and that she could not see the road signs which were relatively close. Thinking that she only had to have her contacts replaced, she set up an appointment the following day when we would arrive at our next stop.  Upon examination, the doctor stated that she had a drastic change in her visual tests. The doctor then said that the only time that she sees such a big change is when someone has diabetes, which we were not going to own.  This family knows who the Healer is (Acts 10:38).

The doctor went and purchased a blood test, which revealed that her blood was up about 152 mg/dl  higher then it should have been. After receiving her new contacts, the eye doctor then suggested going to the emergency room as soon as possible.

So, we set up an appointment the following Monday at the local clinic. Of course, by this time, I had plenty of time to ponder as to what was going on.  Flags were already going up at every turn.

When we finally arrived for the scheduled appointment, the nurse wanted to take a blood test. The nurse took the first blood test and then suggested another, and we consented. After the blood tests were done, we were told that the blood needed to be sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, which was going to take at least a week for results to come back in.

Before we knew it, the nurse told us that she had good news for us.

She begins to tell us that she didn’t think that it was this or that, or even the other thing but that my family member has type one diabetes and that she will have to be on insulin for the rest of her life.

I asked, “What was good about that dim prognostication?”

Furthermore, I asked how she could have come up with a prognostication that she had type one or two diabetes and how it was that she could make that diagnosis without getting all the blood results?

At this point, we knew that she was taking directives from someone in that clinic. Sincere as she was, she was lost; she continuously stumbled over as to how she was making this unsubstantiated claim. She ended up seeing the point we were making with our questions.

A couple of minutes later, she comes in with a “deep concern” as to what might be happening with our family members pancreas and that she now needs to take a couple of pictures to see what may be blocking insulin from getting into her blood and wouldn’t you know it, out of nowhere comes in another nurse to start to “teach her how to use insulin twice a day for the rest of her life.”

At this point, I got on the phone with an EMT and a nurse that we trusted and told them what was going on.  I discovered that though diabetes is not to be played with, we were dealing with a system that is not about healthcare, but rather looking to create productivity and to match and connect a diagnosis with insurance codes to tap into the money.

How many of these young, sincere nurses and doctors get out into their field only to find that they are being used to be salesmen and women for the pharmaceutical companies who make billions every year off the sicknesses that they simply misdiagnose and therefore, are guilty of creating?

At this point, I told this nurse, who by the way had no business bringing this grim diagnosis, what her suggestions were and that we were not going to do anything until we had more information.

Of course, more fear comes from this nurse as to the importance of getting hooked on their remedy because if not, our family member may become blind, and possibly may even die, which we were not buying.

The long of the short of it is that we got to an experienced and caring doctor who told us that this lady had no business giving any diagnosis, that insulin was not the answer, and it would be remedied after a little rest, a good diet and exercise.

So, before taking the doctor’s word for any diagnosis that may come down the pipe (There is a reason that they call it “practice”) which pushes you to dependency on the medical and pharmaceutical industry, you may want to take a step back, read and listen carefully as to what the woman that pressed into Jesus knew from experience.

And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.  And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?  And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” (Luke 8:43-48)

The lists of fraud in the medical industry are astounding, to say the least. Below are some incredible links for you to review.


© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Can Government Force Businesses To Participate With Sexual Sin?

On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case involving Christian bakeshop owner Jack Phillips.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) recounts the story that led to the recent events on their website.

“In July 2012, two men came into Jack’s bakeshop requesting a wedding cake for their same-sex ceremony. In an exchange lasting only a few seconds, Jack declined the request, saying he could not design cakes for same-sex wedding ceremonies. Jack offered to make the couple any other type of baked good or sell them a pre-made cake, but, because of his faith, he could not design a cake promoting a same-sex wedding ceremony.”

However, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado said if he’s going to open a business to the public he has to make all services available to everyone in the public.

Mr. Phillip’s attorney rebuffs, “[F]or citizens like Jack Phillips, the court has created a novel exception to the First Amendment — you’re entitled to believe, but not entitled to act on those beliefs. You’re not free if your beliefs are confined to your mind. What makes America unique is our freedom to peacefully live out these beliefs.”

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution tells us that Congress can make no law regarding religion, but also it may not infringe on the exercise of that religious belief.  In this instance, the unconstitutional threat of both is being advanced.  In essence, the government is attempting to force Jack to sin by disobeying his Christian faith.

Founding Father George Mason, in the Virginia Declaration of Rights, wrote, “That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience.”

Beyond religion and the exercise thereof, Jack’s God-given right to contract is also being denied.

Contracts are indispensable to the foundational freedom of choices.  Because of this, the Founding Fathers specifically provided in Article I, Section 10, of the Constitution, that state governments could enact no “law impairing the obligation of contracts.”

So you see the Constitution prohibits government from stepping between contracting parties and rewriting their agreement such as “No shirt, No shoes, No service.”

Unfortunately for Americans’ liberty, the government now believes it is a 3rd party in every contract in America.

It is imperative that we understand the government has limited jurisdictions in areas where God has ordained them to protect our individual rights. The homosexuals, in this case, still maintain their rights by refusing to do business with the baker.  However, the baker’s rights are emphatically denied when he is forced to participate with what his conscience deems sin.

Make no mistake, homosexual marriage, in fact, is not marriage and God’s Word declares that practicing homosexual intercourse is sin. Therefore, the government cannot force an individual to celebrate or condone someone else’s sin.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Lots Of Investigations But No Prosecutions Or Incarcerations

Congressional and special counsel investigations of government officials are a categorical joke and an insult to the American people.  In four separate investigations of then President Bill Clinton, including Ken Starr’s special counsel investigation into the Clinton Whitewater land deal and the firing of the employees in the travel office, the government spent almost $80,000,000.  What did the American people get for $80,000,000?  The net result of those investigations was an indictment of Bill Clinton for lying under oath over a sex act in the oval office.   And people think Donald Trump is depraved.

The U. S. House of Representatives drafted Articles of Impeachment against Clinton.  That resulted in Clinton being tried in the Senate.  But because the Democrats controlled the Senate at the time, Bill Clinton skated impeachment and removal from office.  Yes, Bill lost his law license and had to pay $850,000 to Paula Jones and her lawyers to shut them up.   Nevertheless, questions still remain about the Whitewater land deal, the travel office firing, Hillary’s fabulous investment in cattle futures and the dead bodies that seem to appear on the path of Bill and Hillary’s climb to political office, including the presidency.  So much for special counsels.

Then there are the great and wonderful Congressional investigations into government wrongdoing.  Let’s see!  The Congress investigated the Fast and Furious gun running deal that ended in the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry in 2010 by Mexican cartel thugs using a gun supplied by the U.S. government.  Congress came up empty handed, (again) even after filing a Contempt of Congress citation against U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder.  In collusion between President Obama and AG Holder, Obama claimed presidential privilege and information naming the perpetrators at ATF who supplied the guns was shielded.  What did we learn?  Nothing!  Who went to jail?  No one!

Congress held hearings on the IRS targeting conservative groups for “special” treatment just before the 2012 presidential election.  Lois Lerner, at the head of the targeting scam, claimed her 5th Amendment rights and went deaf and dumb.  IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and his predecessors provided false testimony to Congress and conveniently lost Lois Lerner’s e-mails that were requested by Congress.  Commissioner Koskinen held his post as IRS Commissioner all the way up to October of 2017 because Trump somehow overlooked his firing.  He should have gone to jail.  President Obama, in an interview with Bill O’Reilly stated that there was “not even a smidgeon of corruption” at the IRS.”  He lied and he knew he was lying.  Now Lois Lerner wants her testimony sealed in the civil case against the IRS so she won’t be subjected to threats from angry taxpayers.

In just another worthless Congressional investigation, no one was indicted.  No one was prosecuted in a court of law.  No one was found guilty and went to jail.  Who lost?  The taxpayers.  The taxpayers had to pay out millions of dollars in settlements to the over 300 conservative organizations that suffered needlessly at the hands of the IRS targeting for a liberal political agenda.  Another very powerful federal agency was politicized and sent the rule of law and the constitution into exile.

On September 11, 2012 four brave men died needlessly in a terror attack on the Consulate in Benghazi, including our U. S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  Obama and his political cronies said the attack was caused by a negative Islamic video and promptly threw the video maker in jail.  The Ambassador had made hundreds of requests to the State Department (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) for more security but the requests were denied or ignored.  It is said that Africa-Command stood down during the attack and didn’t launch a military rescue.  Who gave the stand-down order?  We don’t know.  But someone ordered an un-armed drone to survey the situation while the men were dying.  Well at least we have pictures of the attack.

The whole terrible tragedy cried out for a Congressional investigation.  Congress cried foul and held hearings in multiple committees to try to get to the bottom of it and pin the blame on someone.  There had to be a responsible person or persons that should have or could have prevented the attack.  In her testimony before one of the committees, in usual Hillary cover-up fashion, yelled out loud, “what difference does it make.”  In Hillary’s tortured mind, it must be a right-wing conspiracy.  She lied to the families of the men when they were flown home in caskets from Libya and told the families the attack was caused by the stupid video.

So what did we learn after all the time and money spent in Congressional committee hearings and witness testimony on the Benghazi attack?  Nothing!  Who was responsible?  Who was tried and went to jail?  Or who was demoted?  No one!

Once again, Americans find themselves in another corruption scandal by the female half of the Clinton racketeering enterprise that ran for president a second time and lost.  (Boy that must have really stung for someone who is used to winning by any means, criminal or otherwise, especially losing to that loose-mouthed Trump.)

When Secretary of State, this very astute political animal ran a private server in her home to transact State Department business with hundreds, if not thousands, of classified material running through her un-secured server.  Her state department cronies were also receiving classified material that ran through Hillary’s server.  Why did she do this?  To shield any of her e-mails from FOIA requests, or to be able to delete e-mails that might be incriminating, which she did.  Some of that classified material ended up on sex pervert Anthony Weiner’s laptop, sent there by Hillary confidant, Huma Abadein, Weiner’s wife.  Over 30,000 Hillary e-mails suddenly disappeared and laptops and Iphones destroyed.  Hillary lied under oath before the U. S. Congress but was never charged.  She probably lied to the FBI but was never charged.

And then there is the “pay for play” Uranium One deal where somehow $145,000,000 ended up in the Clinton Foundation right after Russia took control of Uranium One and 20% of the entire American raw uranium resources and Bill Clinton raked in a cool $500,000 for a speech in Russia.  Coincidence?  You’ve got to be kidding!  Criminal?  You bet!

So the FBI started an investigation into Hillary’s un-secured server.  What happened?  Will tell you what happened, it was a blatant cover-up by corrupt FBI agents.  On top of that, FBI director Comey, in violation of Department of Justice protocol and without legal authority, exonerated Hillary Clinton in a speech on July 5, 2016, three months before the November 2016 election, bypassing the Department of Justice and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.  This happened but a few weeks after former President Bill Clinton met with AG Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix Airport tarmac, which the FBI tried to cover up.  The result!  Hillary skates!  Bill Clinton skates ….. again!  Comey skates!  Loretta Lynch skates!  Obama skates and the two corrupt FBI agents skate, that is up until just recently where both were demoted and stripped of rank when it was learned they had poisoned the Hillary investigation.

So where is the big Congressional or FBI investigations into the Clinton’s Uranium One and the “pay for play” Clinton Foundation deals.  Are they being investigated?  We don’t know!  Will it be a fair and partial investigation?  After seeing what we have seen in the last week or so, we have grave doubts.

A few days ago newly appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray gave testimony before a Congressional Committee on the two FBI agents that were caught red handed trying to influence the Hillary Clinton investigation, in Hillary’s favor of course.  Director Wray copped out and said the issue was being “investigated” by the “independent” FBI Inspector General and he couldn’t comment.  Now if you think that Inspector Generals are “independent”, fair and impartial, let us take you back to the IRS Inspector General who did essentially nothing regarding the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.  Lerner skated!  IRS Commissioner Koskinen skated!  Obama and God knows who else skated!

Then there is the Mueller so-called “independent” special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the possibility of now President Donald Trump or his campaign advisors being implicated in collusion with the Russians.  In five months, Mueller has spent almost $7,000,000 and has indicted a couple of campaign advisors for crimes that had nothing to do with the 2016 election, or Russian interference or collusion.  Mueller is a close friend of former FBI Director James Comey.  His attorney staff is made up of Obama groupies who have donated thousands to Obama and other Democrat candidates.  “Independent, fair and impartial?”  It defies credulity!

Sure, those who have been paying attention know all that we have written here, but what are they going to do about it?  Nothing, just like the U. S. Congress investigations do nothing!  And just like special counsels spend millions of your tax dollars on witch-hunts that only uncover low-level perpetrators for low-level crimes.  The “big fish” always get away, or are let go to swim again and commit more political crimes, ala the Clintons.

So what’s the point of all this?  It’s the establishment and deep state conducting business as usual in a corrupt government that cannot be reined in because the only thing that can rein government in is “We The People.”  Sadly, the people are disengaged, apathetic, disinterested, asleep and for the most part, don’t care.

As an example, in last week’s article (“If You Ain’t Mad Yet, You’d Better Get Mad“) we encouraged our readers to boycott San Francisco over their sanctuary city policy, the Kate Steinle murder and the acquittal verdict of the killer.  We set up a web page with a sample letter and the San Francisco contact information including phone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses.  We said that if our effort didn’t go viral, it would be a token effort and token efforts always fail.  Not only did our suggestion to contact the San Francisco mayor and Board of Supervisors not go viral, only one person relayed to us that they had sent our sample letter.  As further evidence of the lack of interest, only a few people, out of all of the people that read our articles, were curious enough to at least look at our sample letter on the website page.  Most just brushed it off.

So here is the question.  If those that care about America’s future are privy to all of the injustices going on around them and won’t lift a finger to right any of the injustices, they are, forever, stuck with those injustices.  Acquiescence is approval!  That goes for the deep state, the establishment, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, government cover-ups, out-of-control illegal immigration, our broken health care system, environmental overreach, regulation and propaganda, high taxes and high debt, the hopelessly corrupt Veteran’s Administration, socialist brainwashing of our next generation, college academic lunacy, failing infrastructure and the attempt to annihilate American sovereignty to be replaced by one-world-order.

We predict this is what will eventually happen.  The large preponderance of the American population will go on about their business of not caring what government does and acquiesce to the injustices, the growing waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, further loss of freedoms and exploding government spending.  All the do-nothing Congressional investigations and special counsels to hold government accountable will not fix any of the real problems while the American people look the other way.

But there will be a significant segment of the population that will one day finally get fed up with acquiescence to the injustices and revolt ….. violently.  This segment is heavily armed.  Thus, will the third American Revolution be born.  What will trigger that revolution is anyone’s guess, but the trigger could be something small and innocuous, like the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings on a sunny April 15th morning, tax day USA.


© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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The “Regulation Freedom” Amendment And Daniel Webster

“The politician that undertakes to improve a Constitution with as little thought as a farmer sets about mending his plow, is no master of his trade. If that Constitution be a systematic one, if it be a free one, its parts are so necessarily connected that an alteration in one will work an alteration in all; and this cobbler, however pure and honest his intentions, will, in the end, find that what came to his hands a fair and lovely fabric goes from them a miserable piece of patchwork.” Daniel Webster, 4th of July Oration, 1802.

We live in a time of constitutional illiteracy.  A recent survey found that only 26% of Americans can name the three branches of the federal government. Yet every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows all about how to amend a document he never bothered to read.  Our lawyers were indoctrinated in law school with the Supreme Court’s perversions of our Constitution, and know nothing of our actual Constitution. We should read and learn the Constitution we have before we tinker with it or jump on the bandwagon of tinkerers.  Otherwise, we destroy the “fair and lovely fabric” we were given.


Under our Constitution, Congress makes the laws, and the President enforces them. The powers of “making” and “enforcing” are separated so that the President and Congress may act as a “check” on each other.

But 100 years ago, Congress starting passing laws they had no constitutional authority to make, and delegated the details to be written in by agencies within the Executive Branch. This process continued and resulted in the Code of Federal Regulations which contains the huge body of regulations made by agencies within the Executive Branch. And thus we got the unconstitutional administrative law state under which every aspect of our lives is being increasingly regulated and controlled. [1]1

And now appear those who, under the promise of limiting the regulatory administrative law state, propose an Amendment to our Constitution which would legalize it!

  1. Only the Legislative Branch has Constitutional Authority to make Laws

Article I of our Constitution created the Legislative Branch of the federal government.  Section 1 thereunder says:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

That means what it says.  Only Congress may make laws [and laws are restricted to the powers granted in the Constitution]; and laws may be made only by elected Senators and Representatives in Congress.

  1. The Executive Branch Enforces the Laws Congress makes

Article II of our Constitution created the Executive Branch. A primary function of that branch is to enforce laws passed by the Legislative Branch.  Since the President’s Oath is to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, he is obligated to refuse to enforce any Act of Congress which is unconstitutional.

  1. Rulemaking by Agencies in the Executive Branch

But during the early 1900s, Congress began to make laws outside the scope of the handful of powers granted to the federal government, and delegated the details to be written by unelected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch.

This is now routine practice: Congress passes an overall statutory framework, and bureaucrats in the Executive Agencies write the rules to flesh it out. The Agencies themselves are often unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers granted in the Constitution. [2]

To illustrate:  Congress passed – without reading – the over 2,000-page Obamacare act. Then it went to the Department of Health & Human Services (an unconstitutional federal agency) to have tens of thousands of additional pages of regulations added to fill out the framework.

This unconstitutional practice resulted in the infamous Code of Federal Regulations. The Code is so huge it’s difficult to impossible to keep up with the rules and revisions which pretend to regulate one’s trade, business, or profession.

The administrative law state and agency rules are unconstitutional!  They violate Art. I, § 1, US Constitution, and are outside the scope of powers granted to the federal government.

So, what’s the solution?

  1. The “Regulation Freedom” Amendment

Roman Buhler of the “The Madison Coalition” says we should support the “Regulation Freedom” Amendment to the US Constitution:

“Whenever one quarter of the Members of the U.S. House or the U.S. Senate transmit to the President their written declaration of opposition to a proposed federal regulation, it shall require a majority vote of the House and Senate to adopt that regulation.”

Do you see the trap the amendment sets?  It would legalize rulemaking by federal agencies in the Executive Branch and would thus supersede Article I, §1 of our Constitution!  And the entire existing Code of Federal Regulations and the rulemaking process itself – which now violate the Constitution – would be made constitutional! [3]

The amendment would thus bring about a fundamental transformation of our Constitution from one where Laws are made by elected Representatives on only a handful of enumerated powers; to the administrative law state where laws are made by unelected, nameless, faceless bureaucrats in the Executive Branch (the same branch that accuses, prosecutes, and judges violations).  The executive agencies would make whatever Rules they please—and they would stand unless Congress, which often doesn’t even read the laws they pass, overrules it.

It protects 2nd Amendment Rights? 

In an email dated November 10, 2017, Mr. Buhler said his proposed amendment “protects 2nd Amendment Rights”.

But his amendment does the opposite – it legalizes all the existing federal regulations which restrict firearms and ammunition. Look at Title 27, Chapter II, Subchapter B, Parts 478 and 479 of the Code of Federal Regulations.  As of now, every rule in Parts 478 & 479 is unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers delegated in the Constitution; violates Article I, §1; and violates the 2nd Amendment. But with Buhler’s proposed amendment, all those rules would become constitutional!

Furthermore, the amendment would provide constitutional authority for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to make whatever future rules they want – and they would all be constitutional unless Congress objects and votes against them.

So the amendment vastly increases the powers of the federal government by legalizing what is now grotesquely unconstitutional.

  1. Daniel Webster’s Warning

We are in a state of moral, religious, intellectual, and psychological decline. We don’t know what our Constitution says, and didn’t bother to find out. We elected people who didn’t know and didn’t care – and they made a mess.

To fix the mess, we must learn and enforce the Constitution we have and elect people who know it and obey it.  We can gradually downsize the federal government to its enumerated powers. And as to Buhler’s proposed amendment, heed Daniel Webster’s warning:

“…If an angel should be winged from Heaven, on an errand of mercy to our country, the first accents that would glow on his lips would be, Beware! Be cautious! You have everything to lose; you have nothing to gain. We live under the only government that ever existed which was framed by the unrestrained and deliberate consultations of the people.  Miracles do not cluster.  That which has happened but once in six thousand years cannot be expected to happen often. Such a government, once gone, might leave a void, to be filled, for ages, with revolution and tumult, riot and despotism…”Webster’s Oration.

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[1] Administrative law judges in Executive Branch agencies decide whether violations of agency rules have occurred. The agencies thus act as lawmaker, prosecutor, and judge!  Isaiah 33:22 says God is our Judge, Law-giver, and King. Because humans are corrupt, our Framers separated the functions into three separate branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.  And since the Oath of Office requires persons within each branch to obey the Constitution – not the other brancheseach branch has a “check” on the other branches.

[2] Where’s the constitutional authority for the Dept. of Education?  Energy? Agriculture?   Housing & Urban Development?  Labor?  Environmental Protection?  etc., etc., etc.?

[3] Our existing, but long ignored, Constitution limits federal power to the enumerated powers.  But the proposed amendment would supersede that limitation because it permits the exercise of federal power on whatever the Executive Agencies make rules about!

© 2017 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

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Always Believe The Women–Really?

By Joan Swirsky

It’s become de rigeur for public figures and media personalities to repeat the tired mantra: Always believe the women. This refers, of course, to any accusation of sexual harassment, no matter how far in the past it took place and even if it was interpreted at the time as innocent flirting.

Leftists seized on the harassment lawsuits that took place at the Fox News Network last year, when Andrea Tantaros, Gretchen Carlson, and other broadcasters walked away with multimillion-dollar settlements after accusing the late chairman, Roger Ailes, and the host with through-the-roof ratings, Bill O’Reilly, of sexual harassment.

Seeing that their Russian-collusion fairy tale was going in the wrong direction––indeed pointing every day to massive collusion between Democrats and Russia––the by-now hysterical anti-Trumpers figured that the sexual-harassment gig was a sure-fire way to bring down their nemesis and rake in some big bucks at the same time.

In true Keystone Kop form, however, it was overwhelmingly Democrats who started falling like flies––movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, actor Kevin Spacey, editor Leon Wieseltier, Today Show host Matt Lauer, comedian Louis C.K., Congressman John Conyers, Senator Al Franken, on and on.

But Republicans did not go unscathed. Judge Roy Moore, candidate for a senate seat in Alabama, whose accusers waited 40 years to come out of their victim closets, managed to spend those 40 years in public life, including running for office, without a single accusation being hurled in his direction.

What’s wrong with this picture?

For one thing––and it’s a big thing––all the people who say “always believe the women” are operating on the presumption of guilt! What happened to the constitutional right to the presumption of innocence, to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?

Uh uh…not for the leftists who have spent the past fifty or more years crying “separation of church and state” to defend their loathing of Christianity, and “a woman’s right to choose” to defend their fetish for pre-birth infanticide. To them, ironically, the sanctity of the law stops, both figuratively and literally, when lawyer Gloria Allred enters the scene.


Two recent incidents reminded me why casting doubt on all these newly-minted victims is more right than wrong.

In the first instance, I was watching the TV show “Blue Bloods” in which Detective Danny Reagan was part of a jury deciding the fate of an accused murderer. From his seasoned tenure as an NYPD detective, Reagan doubted the charge, in spite of testimony that convinced most of the jury of the defendant’s guilt.

“But there was an eyewitness,” one juror reminded him, to which the detective turned his back and asked the juror what color his tie was. The best she could do was guess “red,” which turned out to be wrong. And the point was made: even if you’re directly facing a person, spending hour after hour with him, looking at his expression, his posture, his outfit, the report you give of his appearance is not always reliable. And that is under good circumstances and not in the chaos and adrenaline and frenetic nature of a crime scene.

The second thing I witnessed was the TV show “Judge Judy,” where not one but two people, in two separate cases, looked directly at a sitting judge and––wait for it––lied to her face! As it happens, Judge Judy worked for years in the New York City criminal courts and can spot a three-dollar bill from a mile away.

She could teach a thing or two about vetting credibility to the sanctimonious arbiters of morality among us––including Ms. Allred, RINOs like Mitch McConnell, and just about every broadcaster on the fake-news shows of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS.

Do any of them know about the characters, the moral fiber, the mental-health history, or the political activism of the moist-eyed damsels in distress who are now claiming victimhood? My bet is a categorical no, they don’t!

And yet they consider testimony from women who have never uttered a peep of objection before this recent outbreak of outrage and reports from four decades ago credible. Now that is incredible!


Is every woman now claiming to be the victim of harassment lying? Probably not. There will always be schlubs like Harvey Weinstein, jealous of the cool guys and angry from years of rejection, who get some power and promptly abuse it by using women like so many throwaway rags.

There will always be predators like Bill Clinton who you can picture cackling to himself at just how much exploitation and abuse he could get away with.

And there will always be hypocrites like Matt Lauer, creepy crawlers like Kevin Spacey, phonies like Charlie Rose, and unfunny gropers like Al Franken whose treatment of females––in spite of their delusions about supporting women––speak volumes about their lack of both character and impulse control.

I mention these men particularly because they either admitted to the charges against them or were fired or stepped down as a result of their bosses seeing such persuasive and overwhelming proof of their excesses that there seemed to be no doubt of their guilt.

Hard to believe, isn’t it, that these men have mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives, daughters?  Clearly, that’s why some woman (probably) coined the word “ugh”!

But in most cases, the presumption of guilt is dead wrong. As I wrote in a previous article, “Sexual Harassment––Puhleeze”:

“If you didn’t have the character or courage or moral discernment to call a wrong a wrong when it was taking place, don’t expect sympathy years later when it appears that all you’re doing is jumping on a lynch-mentality bandwagon. [And] if you didn’t come out volubly and convincingly against the immoral predations of Bill Clinton and in support of the many women who claimed harassment and even rape during the ‘90s, don’t expect sympathy years later when your grievances all point to rabidly partisan politics.

That’s exactly what we’re witnessing today….a political witch hunt, the ultimate goal of which is to bring down the presidency of Donald J. Trump.

At this point, the nefarious Deep State is reeling at their abject failure to destroy their archenemy––the man who is systematically dismantling their labyrinthine network of secrecy and possibly sedition.

The fake-news media (and farcical talk shows like “The View”) have also utterly failed even to dent the chief executive’s buoyant enthusiasm and mountain of accomplishments.

And this latest and most transparent attempt to ensnare the POTUS in their latest gotcha game will fail as well.

But before this egregious epidemic goes further and the Democrats among us continue to spit on the Constitution they loathe, some grown-up should step forward and speak up for due process. If not, a lot of innocent men are going to pay a steep price and a lot of innocent women may be the next targets to be falsely accused.

[BIO: Joan Swirsky is a New York based journalist and author whose website is She can be reached at]

© 2017 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

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It’s The Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) Stupid

Al-Qaeda is simply an especially virulent outgrowth of Wahhabism. And ISIS is just an especially virulent outgrowth of al-Qaeda.  Robert Spencer, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS

Yet despite all this and more, most Americans know very little about ISIS. And that’s not just Americans who know what they know about world affairs from watching network news shows. Even the nation’s highest authorities and our intelligence apparatus have shown that they know very little about the Islamic State. Robert Spencer, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS

Despite three previous New York terrorist attacks, despite 9/11, it didn’t take long for CNN to blame this latest attack on President Trump.  They reason that because he said the capital of Israel is Jerusalem and that’s where the American embassy belongs, that this has inflamed Islamists to these reactions.  And this never would have happened if President Trump’s chain migration policy had been in place.

Bomber Immediately Identified as Terrorist

The bomber, a Bangladeshi immigrant living in Brooklyn, has been identified as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah.  He strapped a pipe bomb to himself and set it off in a New York City subway. Police are saying it was “absolutely an attempted terrorist act.”  The New York Police Department said Ullah has been living here for seven years and this was definitely a terrorist attack inspired by ISIS.

He was walking in one of the tunnels underneath New York City’s Port Authority when the bomb apparently malfunctioned and went off.  Fortunately, the explosion was small, and the bomber was injured, but police captured him alive at the scene.  He had wires attached to him and a five-inch metal pipe bomb and battery pack strapped to his midsection as he walked through the Manhattan transit hub.

Investigators briefly spoke to the alleged bomber, who told them he made the explosive device at the electrical company where he works.

Three other people were slightly injured when the bomb went off.  They were taken to local hospitals, treated, and released.  One person was seriously injured and is in Bellevue Hospital.

The morning traffic jams in one of the busiest places in our country, was unbelievable.  All MTA trains were bypassing Port Authority-42nd Street as police investigated the incident.  All New Jersey Transit buses were not stopping at Port Authority. The New York Waterway was also running extra ferries.

Of course, Google has chosen to censor that ISIS was involved in this terrorist attack.

FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Investigates

And, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force also is investigating the incident.

Well happy days, the FBI is in on the investigation, and we know that in February of 2012, former FBI Director Robert Mueller helped to purge hundreds of counterterrorism training documents after a months-long review found inaccuracies and other problems in their description of Muslims.

The review was triggered after a September blog in Wired magazine revealed training documents that reportedly called the Prophet Muhammad a “cult leader,” claimed “devout” Muslims have been generally violent for hundreds of years and made other controversial statements.  President Obama wouldn’t want the truth taught to FBI agents, and of course, Director Mueller followed these obscene orders.

And don’t forget what Homeland Security Officer Philip Haney told us in his book, See Something, Say Nothing.  He did all within his power to protect America from the internal and external threats from jihad.  He thoroughly documented the government’s lack of willingness to protect the nation from a deliberate, explicit and strategic attack from within our borders.  The Department of Homeland Security under President Obama required Haney to scrub records of Muslims with terrorist ties.

Muslim Brotherhood Operatives

Remember what former FBI Agent John Guandolo said!

“The primary Islamic advisors regarding the Islamic threat who are inside the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and others are Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives or Muslims ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.” John clarified that the average FBI agent hasn’t any training in how to question Islamic suspects using sharia which Muslims would understand.  The hired Islamists within the DOJ are ones who do the translating, and complaining.

In 1998, Guandolo was with the FBI investigating the Nairobi bombing of the US Embassy.  He also worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the bureau’s Washington field office.  And, after 9/11, John began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.

John was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” in 2006 by FBI Headquarters and created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training Program focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement.  He knows the workings of the Department of Justice, especially the FBI.  His website is

What About Las Vegas

Called the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States, 58 people were murdered while attending a concert below the Mandalay Bay Hotel where the shooter, Stephen Paddock, allegedly had two rooms.  There are far too many questions related to this horrible Las Vegas attack, but one thing remains clear.

John Guandolo, clarified why the conclusion must be that the Islamic State was responsible.

  • Last spring, the Islamic State identified Las Vegas as a target by using video imagery of blood over the city.
  • Then in September, they issued another threat against Las Vegas.
  • They reaffirmed the target shortly before the attack and told Muslims to stay away from large events where there were thousands of non-Muslims.
  • On Monday after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility.
  • Later Monday ISIS issued another statement claiming Steven Paddock was a soldier of the Caliphate and a martyr for the cause.
  • On Tuesday morning ISIS issued a third message again confirming they were responsible for the Vegas attack.
  • On Thursday, October 5th, after four major releases, including an on-line graphic only used for ISIS operations, they released a video showing a blood smear over the Mandalay Bay Hotel. They claimed Paddock had been converted six months earlier.
  • ISIS has claimed dozens and dozens of attacks and all have been true.

The Las Vegas attack has disappeared from media.  The families who lost loved ones still do not know what really happened or why.  There are way too many questions that will never be answered by FBI investigators, who said they had found “no connection with an international terrorist group.”

California Burning

All it takes is a match.  A magazine published by members of al Qaeda called for Western Muslims to wage war within the United States, urging them to engage in lone wolf attacks, including setting forest fires. According to ABC News, a May 2012 issue of Inspire magazine surfaced on jihadi forums with one article titled, “It Is of Your Freedom to Ignite a Firebomb,” which gives detailed instructions on how to build an “ember bomb” in a forest in the United States, and suggested Montana as a choice location due to the rapid population growth in forested areas.

California is dry as a desert bone right now, and forest fires are burning all over the southern part of the state.  Is ISIS involved?  Very well could be.


Do I believe the intelligence community knows what they’re doing regarding Islamist terrorism? I do not.

Do I believe our President has people knowledgeable of this threat in his administration?  I do not.

Do I believe we’re safe from future attacks?  I do not.

Do I believe Islam is a peaceful religion?  Hell no!

Do I believe the Islamic goal is Islamization of America?  I do.

Do I believe stealth jihad is the plan to overtake our country?  I do.

Do I believe there are voices of concern who are being heard?  Very few.

The one person who knew the dangers and how to solve them was destroyed by the intelligence community, and by globalist establishment insiders.  We need him back, and you all know who he is.

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American Radicals Colluding With ISIS, Al-Qaeda To Destroy Trump, Claims Author

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“In America, you are entitled to your own opinion. But you are not entitled to overthrow the democratically elected president of the United States and inflict irreparable damage on our country. That, however, is what Donald Trump’s enemies on the Left and Right are doing. Through a variety of underhanded tactics―lies, leaks, obstruction, and violence―they are working to delegitimize President Trump and drive him from office before he can drain the swamp and take away their power.” — Edward Klein

“Former President Barack Obama has been holed up in his Washington, D.C. mansion smoking marijuana, eating cannabis-infused Gummy Bears and playing video games, according to an explosive new book from Edward Klein.” — Todd Starnes, Fox News Contributor, Talk Host

“On Saturday, November 4, the radical-left fascists who call themselves Anti-Fascist or “Antifa” claim they will begin their revolution against the Trump administration, especially the President. While most of the media are ignoring the threat, those in the know believe it just may happen eventually. One expert, who once was the editor of the New York Times, believes Americans got a small taste of the terror on Tuesday night in New York City.” – Jim Kouri

A new book by a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and best-selling author reveals for the first time an FBI field report about the collusion between American anti-Trump radicals and foreign ISIS/al-Qaeda operatives.

In his latest book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trumpset to be released on Tuesday, Oct. 31,  Edward Klein reveals to the public findings from an FBI investigation into the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.

The FBI report was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017. While certain names have been redacted, Klein reveals how the FBI followed a group of Americans anarchists/radicals who traveled to Germany to join their German counterpart Antifaschistische Aktion to protest Trump’s attendance at a meeting of G20 leaders and central bank governors.

Evidence gathered from a variety of intelligence sources showed the Americans took part in the violence there. “There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS…Making some sort of common cause with Americans who are determined to commit violence against the U.S. makes them potentially very useful to radical Islam,” writes Klein based on the report.

Klein notes that the FBI paid particular attention to a group of anarchists from Oakland, sister city to Berkeley, California, site of the campus of University of California at Berkeley and the scene of several violent protests.

“Now that the bureau has determined [ISIS/al-Qaeda] have followers in the radical U.S. resistance movement in the United States, it is clear there will be additional violence in the attacks on law enforcement and U.S. institutions, including banks,” he writes.

In an article written for the Daily Mail, Klein continues:

“Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb], the report continued.

“The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group. There is evidence from informants that he is helping the Oakland group acquire the weapons they are seeking, primarily bomb-making equipment and toxic chemicals and gasses.

“One of the men from Oakland traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS; the purpose was for training in tactics, but was thought to be primarily a bonding visit to discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S.

“While in Hamburg, several of the Oakland-based criminals were photographed throwing Molotov cocktails and wielding iron bars, which have been their weapons of choice, though they are almost certainly on the verge of upping the caliber of their weaponry for use in the U.S.”

Klein notes, “Despite having their faces covered by masks, they were positively identified.”

Previous FBI Director James Comey also “collected intelligence on the connections between Middle Eastern jihadis, European radicals, and the American anarchists who are part of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ movement,” writes Klein, quoting an an FBI source who had access to Comey’s intelligence reports.

The American anarchists communicate with the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations online on a variety of websites especially on what’s known as the Dark Web, on which they also find instructions how to make bombs.

Tellingly, Klein notes,

“As the Trump administration has demonstrated it’s serious about destroying the Islamic State, and depriving ISIS of territory in Iraq and Syria, the alliance between the American radicals and ISIS has grown even closer. The Internet chatter between the Americans and the Islamists is astronomical.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses …

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al-Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

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After 17 Years: Why Are We Still Waging War In Afghanistan?

Major General Smedley Butler, the most decorated U.S. Marine in history wrote a book:  War is a racket!

In Butler’s book, he described and criticized the workings of the United States government in its foreign actions and wars, such as those he took part, and the American corporations and other imperialist motivations behind them.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower said the same thing during his last speech as president of the United States.  He called the factions creating wars, “The military industrial complex.”  It’s made up mega corporations in the business of warplanes, munitions, textiles, boots, rifles, foods, tanks and everything that soldiers need to fight wars. Profits, profits, profits!

What kind of men make up the military industrial complex?  As Butler said they generate and buy wars by creating conflict where no conflict occurs.

Even the German Nazi Hermann Goring said, “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

The United States started the Korean War by making up a story that we needed to combat communism from spreading.  Over 33,000 young men lost their lives in that pointless and useless conflict.  But the military industrial complex made a fortune!

The United States started the Vietnam War, which, again, began as a civil war between the people of one country.  Again, we ramped it up, and sold the public as to Nam’s purpose.  Over 58,300 kids paid with their lives for Robert McNamara and Lyndon Baines Johnson’s pointless and useless war.  But again, as William Lederer wrote in his book Our Own Worst Enemy, the big money corporations made billions on war production.  It lasted for 10 solid years while accomplishing nothing.  Except we dropped more bombs than WWII and sprayed Agent Orange that killed more people and created horrific birth defects in the Vietnamese for decades.  Who made Agent Orange?  Monsanto, and they continue to poison the world with their GMO crops and Round-Up weed killer.

Personally, I think the CEO and stockholders at Monsanto should be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity and the natural world.  They destroy every living thing they inject, spray or change DNA.

About the only thing that stopped the Vietnam War—college kids marching and burning draft cards, and refusing to go to war. The Kent State killings made huge impact on the “Silent Majority.”  How did the military industrial complex sneak around that problem to create the Iraq War and/or continuation of the Afghanistan War?  Make our military a volunteer army so if a kid gets killed, he chose to join the U.S. military, so he chose his own death.

In reality, the men and corporations of the military industrial complex chose his death.  All soldiers remain chattel and chowder for our war machine.  No heroes exist in war—only lucky guys that dodged that bullet with their name on it.

Today, after 17 years, George W. Bush started a war in Afghanistan and later in Iraq, more than 4,100 of our finest youth lost their lives and thousands walk with prosthetic limbs.  Obama continued it and Trump continues those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We’ve spent in excess of $5 to $7 trillion.  Our country drowns in $20 trillion in debt.  What did we accomplish?  We killed bin Laden six years ago at a cost of $7 trillion and thousands of young kids’ lives sacrificed.

Mind you! We spent that $7 trillion to fight a bunch of goat herders, war lords and poppy growers, most of them illiterate.  And, we keep training their men to stop the insurgents, when most of them ARE the insurgents. So, we’re training them to kill our soldiers.

And, because we support a volunteer military, less than one percent of American youth serve our country.  Thus, no big outcry because so few suffer death or dismemberment.

But the military industrial complex corporation stockholders continue making a killing.   As General Butler said, “War is a racket; it’s all about money; it’s not about freedom; it’s all about money.”

For the record, doesn’t knowing this make you sick to your stomach?  What could we have done spending $7 trillion in our own country?  How about building homes for 1.5 million homeless Americans?  How about supporting 13 million children living below the poverty level?  Any ideas on solving the health care crisis to cover all Americans in need of health care?  How about stopping 13 teens from dying of overdoses of drugs hourly, 24/7?  I suspect that $7 trillion would have covered everyone for decades.

How about African-Americans slugging it out in our inner cities?  Any chance $7 trillion would build new schools, gyms, pools and after school activities? Any chance we could pay inner city teachers double their current salaries to teach in those Godforsaken inner-city schools where violence, incest, drugs and killings remain the norm?  How about cleaning up Chicago and Los Angeles?   How about building a wall on our southern border to keep out drugs?  That $7 trillion would have made our country vibrant, vital and successful beyond imagination!

As we move into the “Season of Peace on Earth”, I bet the men of the military industrial complex have already planned the next war for our kids to go get killed and maimed.  And, we citizens will sit by complacently without a whimper.  Goring hit it dead on the head!

Why are we still waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan?  Answer: because most Americans don’t give a damn!  And that my friend, is what the men of the military industrial complex count on!

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Problems Not Getting Addressed Much Less Solved

There are still serious issues getting zero attention by state legislators or very little and the same goes for CON-gress as well as more tragedy for our fellow Americans.

Long time readers know I was the catalyst in filing a legal motion against the Texas PUC (Public Utility Commission) in an effort to stop installation of those dangerous ‘smart’ meters on every home, apartment building, business and hospitals here in Texas. It was through this effort I met the most wonderful woman, Thelma Taromina, who became a close friend. A true warrior who sadly passed away from cancer on April 6, 2015. Another dear friend, Tommy Cryer, was our first attorney. Sadly, he passed away June 4, 2012.

We fought, as many were in states like Illinois, California, Maine and Florida. Our state legislatures drown in special interest money just like the prostitutes in CON-gress; the energy companies pour massive amounts into campaign coffers. Tens and tens and tens of thousands of dollars later (all donations from citizens here in Texas), we were beat down by the appeals court in Austin. There was no more money to go to the Texas Supreme Court and why bother? Just like my Seventeenth Amendment lawsuit, the fix was in while 95% of our state legislature sat on their fat asses and did nothing.

Then it was up to me to try and find a law firm that would file a RICO against the energy companies here in Texas; we had those energy corporations nailed with a paper trail a mile long. Fat chance. Of the 32 I wrote, 29 had ‘conflict of interest’ due to their representation in some way with one of the energy companies or affiliates. The rest never responded. I then sent off a letter to Larry Klayman and never heard back. He knows me, not well, but I was surprised when I received no response.

Well, you’ll love this one about our U.S. Postal Service. I mailed the letter as you can see on the envelope, April 22, 2016. It was returned to me as undeliverable on August 23, 2017. The address was correct.

How about this one? I mailed March 1, 2017 which was returned to me November 20, 2017. Bannon didn’t leave the White House until mid-August 2017.

In 2016, the U.S. Post Office lost a whopping 14 pieces of mail I sent certified; that’s about $6.50- $7.00 each. Do you know the ONLY mail guaranteed for delivery is overnight express? That’s right. I paid all that money and tough luck. I had to re-do the contents of all those envelopes and spend the money twice. This has been going on for years with my mail.  I filed a complaint in writing with the Post Office’s Inspector General and got back the usual bird cage lining.

One box I received a few years ago had a big orange sticker across the top: Opened by Homeland Security. That’s right. Under the draconian ‘Patriot Act’. They opened a box addressed to me from Amazon which contained books.

I am not against the U.S. Post Office but it is one of the WORST run businesses in this country. Billions in debt and still CON-gress refuses to bring it into the real world because they’re just as incompetent. And, because employees of the post office have a huge union that votes.

Getting back to ‘smart’ meters, if you don’t know anything about those dangerous meters (likely one on your house or it’s coming), add my columns on this critical subject to your Christmas or winter reading list. Is it any wonder we’re a sick and dying nation? Here in Texas our only victory was a Band Aid. You could ‘opt out’ for a huge fee and a grossly high monthly fee for a meter reader to come out each month. Those ‘smart’ meters decimated one job sector: meter readers.

My fight against the ‘smart meter’ – Aug 15, 2011
Smart Meters – The new silent killer – Sept 2, 2011
‘Smart’ Meter That Does NOT Save Energy – Sept 24, 2011
Update on my fight against the smart meter – Jan 24, 2012
New: My Statement to the Texas Public Utility Commission – August 21, 2012 (Act surprised: The video part has been removed by the PUC)

I believe there are one or possibly two class-action lawsuits I think are still working their way through the system out in California. This battle is still being waged though newspaper rags aka ‘mainstream media’ in states call us ‘fringe’ nut cases. Nothing has changed with those dangerous meters which is one chapter in my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.

ALERT: Smart Meters Are Burning Down Homes, & What You Need To Know, August 6, 2017. I raised this issue years ago when houses were badly burnt right after a ‘smart’ meter was installed (in Nevada one homeowner died) – will your insurance company pay for the damages when the energy companies claim it wasn’t their ‘smart’ meter that caused the fire?

This a ‘smart’ meter – short video: “If you have a ‘Smart’ Meter on your home, you may want to pay attention to this story. This Canadian homeowner was shocked to find out he was responsible for $5000 in damages caused by his Smart Meter catching fire. Is this fair? There are so many layers to this story. Please stay tuned for the follow up.”

Watch this and you’ll understand why we fight. “Pervasive Technology Damages Mitochondria and Increases Cancer Risk” Must-See Documentary Reveals Dangers of Smart Meters

“Total Chaos” – Cyber Attack Feared As Multiple Cities Hit With Simultaneous Power Grid Failures, April 21, 2017 – Tying everything together under the big ‘smart’ grid is a guaranteed recipe for total disaster.

The blame rests squarely with YOUR incumbent in your state legislature and your governor for allowing those dangerous meters on any building in your state. So, keep voting for an incumbent in the upcoming primaries and nothing will change.

H.R. 2552 to stop taxing seniors social security is still rotting away under a Republican controlled CON-gress who say they care so much about seniors. Keep voting for your incumbent in the upcoming primaries and important bills like this will continue to die every two years.

Where’s AARP? They have the money to saturate this country in TV ads demanding the House get this passed as well as the Senate so President Trump can sign it into law. Instead, not a peep. I have never belonged to AARP, thank you.

“If approved, H.R.193, better known as the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” would end U.S. participation in and funding of the widely ridiculed “dictators club” while protecting American sovereignty under the Constitution. Support for the effort is spreading like wildfire.” New American article.

Introduced January 3, 2017 it’s still rotting in committee. Keep voting for your incumbent in the upcoming primaries and our military will continue to be used as cannon fodder to fight their global, insidious, undeclared ‘wars’ for establishment of world government by force. Not to mention all the treaties supporting the great hoax known as ‘global warming’ and gun treaties.

H.R. 899 introduced February 7, 2017, to abolish the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education – ALL $65 BILLION funded this year with debt is still rotting in a House committee. The finest educational system in the world ruined by that cabinet fleecing the American people and cheating all of America’s children out of a good education. But, keep voting for those incumbents in CON-gress during the upcoming primaries and nothing will change.

And, of course, the big daddy: Abolishing the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve Banking Act of 1913. I wonder why Rand Paul during his years in the Senate has not taken up this number one issue with the same ferociousness as his father, former Congressman Ron Paul? Well, now he’s trying to recover from that criminal, unprovoked physical attack upon him by his neighbor.

Once again, I explain the greatest heist against the American people, the thievery, in my 44-pg, 2017 edition of Why A Bankrupt America booklet. I hope you get copies and give them as Christmas gifts to friends; employers to your employees. We have to educate our fellow Americans or nothing will change. Please be advised the last date I can ship to make sure you get your order before Christmas will be December 12th.

My last book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, which is almost 400 pages with 33 pages of endnotes – the drop dead order date for Christmas delivery is December 13, 2017.  Excellent discounts for multiple orders.

I could go on but do want to cover a couple other things. Last week my column was on another little girl allegedly murdered by her mother’s boyfriend. Little Mariah Woods. He’s in jail. The autopsy report has not been released. I said in my column likely the autopsy report would show the 3-year old had been raped. Update: Mariah Woods was sexually abused by mom’s boyfriend before death, court documents say. Apparently, the mother knew, not only about the daughter, but her minor sons as well by that POS she brought into her home.

Remember the slaughter at the church last month here in Texas that killed 28 innocent people? Ryland Ward, age 5, is a survivor but his mother and two sisters, ages 5 & 7 were killed. Ryland’s other sister, age 9, did survive. Dad wasn’t at church that day. The mother died trying to shield her four children. Little Ryland is still in the hospital and doesn’t know his mom and sisters are dead. He will be in the hospital until mid-January.

His grandma thought it would be nice if people could send him a Christmas card to help cheer up that little boy. Or just a note with pictures of pets. What a great little project if you have children so they can be part of a little boy’s life. Not asking for money, just a few minutes of time that can make such a difference. If you’d like to send one: Ryland Ward, PO Box 174, Sutherland Springs, Texas 78161. I did.

I’m sure most of the country has heard of yet more destruction and sorrow for our fellow Americans – the five fires raging in the Southern California area. Oh, my God. The destruction is beyond words.

Horses by the dozens, dogs, cats and other wildlife burned to death. Thankfully, so far only one person has died. These extensive picture arrays are heartbreaking and truly frightening. I know and have been to all the places where the five fires are burning. In some places wind gusts of 80 – 90 mph just whipped through canyons making the fires spread so fast people barely got out. Wildlife, dogs, cats, all burned to death in untold numbers. These fires are truly what you can call apocalyptic.

California continues to burn as fast winds create whole new blazes, while flames leap freeways and astonishing photos show the more than 128,000 acres that have been scarred by the uncontrolled infernos

Entire lives wiped out at random: Wild winds fan ‘out of control’ 45,500-acre-fire across Southern California, randomly destroying some homes as neighboring plots survive unscathed and forcing 27,000 into evacuation

California burning: Fast-moving wildfire races towards San Diego area, destroying an entire retirement community in its way as MORE strong winds whip flames and the state struggles to contain destruction

Dozens of race horses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars perish in California wildfires which have forced 230,000 to flee their homes

I live on a real tight budget, but made a small donation to The Animal Rescue Site because like Hurricane Irma in Florida, it’s such huge areas. Like Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and those horrible fires in Northern California that destroyed over 10,000 homes and business, the victims of those fires have lost everything or close to it. Just horrendous.

Please keep them in your prayers as it won’t be much of a Christmas for thousands of both the Northern (less than two months ago) and Southern California fires. If you’re thinking of the Red Cross, perhaps you might change your mind: Red Cross Demands Branches Remove Crucifixes to Be More Secular Instead, as I did, donate a little something to The Salvation Army

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Temporary Trials – Eternal Glory

Ps. 33:12 – Prov. 14:34

History has taught us that living a righteous life with a sincere desire and determination to serve Christ and keep His commandments can be much easier with far fewer obstacles and stress, depending on the generation you are born into.  Of course, I’m referring to nations and societies that understood and recognized the truth that there is an omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient Creator that has established and set forth a law system that every little nuance of His creation must follow if they desire to exist and flourish!  This fact certainly holds true for mankind and their societies!  To deny this truth has, and will always ultimately and inevitably lead to chaos and destruction.

On the contrary though, history has also shown that nations and societies that build their foundations on the eternal, indestructible cornerstone of Jesus Christ and His teaching will flourish, prosper and grow, until they decide to move off the foundation of God’s Word.

For a brief period in the history of a people who determine that they are going to follow after righteousness in all areas of their existence, living a Godly life and demanding that all others in their society live “peaceably” and follow the moral concepts set under God’s laws, and demand justice and righteous punishment for those who violate these eternal laws will prosper!  The evil doer (criminal and “sinner”) were the ones that society ostracized, shunned and punished.  When a society begins to turn from God’s moral principles, it is up to His people to cry aloud and demand a return and compliance to His immutable  moral precepts and laws.  If  His people, (church) also give in to the temptation and desire for “fitting in” in order to get along, then a nation is doomed!  Cancer has set in, and their dying will be a long and agonizing death.  In a society that chooses this path, eventually those who refuse to compromise will become the “enemy” of a corrupt society!  They will become the “prey” of the wicked!  (Is. 59:15But praise God, this is when the true people of God will stand forth as lights in a darkened world!  (Phil. 2:15Prov. 13:9)

There is one recurring fact and truth that history has recorded without fail in all nations that for a brief period in their existence endeavored to follow and govern themselves by God’s righteous laws, judgments and statutes: and that is simply that all of them soon turned back to serve other gods!  (Jer. 2:11)  And also, that the remnant that wouldn’t follow after the pernicious way of the masses, soon found themselves on the “outside” of mainline society.  They soon were evil spoken of, mocked, ridiculed and even persecuted for their unwillingness to compromise!  (II Tim 3:12 – II Peter 2:2)  Such is the type of nation America/Babylon has now become.  The “few” that refuse to bow to the nation’s many idols are now beginning to see the persecution of the righteous begin.

Temporary Trails

Over the last several years some people have misunderstood, and misinterpreted my writings and teachings.  Some feel that I don’t offer enough praise to our Savior, and not enough encouragement and hope to those who read the articles and hear the teachings.  Recently I have been told that I have not conveyed a message of hope.  Obviously, it bothers me that my teachings are received that way, when it is my sincerest desire to uplift and encourage all who read or listen to them.  Some feel that perhaps there isn’t enough “praise” in the teachings.  That perhaps we need to sing and shout and have a revival.  Dear reader, singing and praise is wonderful!  It is a practice we all need to pursue.  The sacrifice of praise is a beautiful attribute, but it can be,  and in many cases can become a shallow and empty endeavor!

All the praise and sacrifice mankind can give without active obedience, and action in the war against evil is totally empty, and not desired by a Holy God! (I Sam 15:22)  All through the scriptures we are instructed to “serve” God, and obey Him, to do His commandments and demand Godly judgment on evildoers.  The apostle Paul continually praised his Savior not by having “sings” and feel-good revivals, but by obeying his Creator even unto death!  He reproved, rebuked and exhorted with much patience, all those who would hear and pay heed!  Our “sacrifices” of tithes, offerings, praise and singing are totally empty without a full and complete commitment to obeying our God in the fullness of His instructions to His people .  Isaiah 1:11-20 clearly explains how much He detests our empty offerings and praise!

In this writing, as usual, I am endeavoring to prepare the few righteous that are striving against the vast number of evildoers in our society today!  To help you to understand that if you dare to live righteously and without compromise in an evil society, you will be persecuted!  But we must rise up and stand against evil doers!  (Ps. 94:16).  We are to endure the trials, persecutions and hardships as good soldiers!  To put on the whole armor of God to fight the good fight of faith without fear of the evil ones!  (II Tim. 2:3, Eph. 6:11, I Tim. 6:12, II Tim. 4:7, Ps. 23:4, IITim 1:7 and Heb. 13:6)

In the eyes of a “modern, enlightened” society, you will be called the evildoers!  (II Pet. 2:12)  Do not be discouraged, dismayed, or overwhelmed!  We will overcome in Christ our Lord!  His power and glory in those who obey Him, will overcome the evil one!  (Rom. 12:21 – I John 2:13 – Rev. 12:11 – I John 4:4)

He that overcometh shall inherit all things!  (Rev. 2:7 , 2:26, 3:5 & 21, 21:7)

I have written this to exhort and encourage you to stand and fight for His Glory!

© 2017 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

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Our Biblical Foundation In Politics, Part 6

What we have been discussing in this series is something that is unheard of in today’s society and that is just what is the foundation of our political system.  It has actually become illegal to teach our history in our public schools!  It is illegal because references to God are not allowed.  It is a pathetic shame that the history of this great nation is not allowed to be taught simply because it is based on Christian principles and teachings.  Many deny it but facts are facts.

One of the Founders, Benjamin Rush, Physician, educator, member of the Continental Congress, signer of the Declaration of Independence, founder and Vice-president of the Philadelphia Bible Society, and Father of American Medicine, Father of Public Schools Under the Constitution, stated: “The Bible, when not read in schools, is seldom read in any subsequent period of life… [T]he Bible… should be read in our schools in preference to all other books because it contains the greatest portion of that kind of knowledge which is calculated to produce private and public happiness.”[1]

Even the author of the First Amendment, Fisher Ames, stated “[I]f these [new] books … must be retained, as they will be, should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book?”[2] Benjamin Rush stated that there are three things that public school should teach.  The number one subject is to love and serve God.  Keep in mind this is the Father of Public Schools!  The second thing public schools are to teach is to love and serve country.  The third thing public schools are to teach is love and serve family.  This is not even considered acceptable teaching in today’s schools but that type of teaching is what made America the greatest nation in the world.  Understand why he listed these three things in this order.  God is the most important.

Country must be maintained under godly rule or it will become an enemy of the family.  Samuel Adams concurred with this statement: “Every citizen will see-and I hope be deeply impressed with a sense of it- how exceedingly important it is to himself, and how intimately the welfare of his children is connected with it, that those who are to have a share in making as well as in judging and executing the laws should be men of singular wisdom and integrity.”[3]

In all of this some would ask, Where is the church in all of this?  It should be smack dab in the middle of it but is usually nowhere to be found.  When the Revolutionary War began at Lexington Green there were seventy patriots against seven hundred British soldiers.  The leader of the patriots was Reverend Jonas Clark who had trained his members for the battle he knew was forthcoming.  The next battle was at Concord and the militia leader there was Reverend William Emmerson and the members of his church, who he also had trained.[4] Reverend John Peter Muhlenberg also led what became as the 8th Virginia Regiment.  “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven,” preached Rev. John Peter Muhlenberg, from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1.

He closed his message by saying:

“In the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things. There is a time to preach and a time to fight. And now is the time to fight.”

This was John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, a 30 year old member of the Virginia House of Burgesses who was also a pastor.

At the end of his sermon, January 21, 1776, John Peter Muhlenberg threw off his clerical robes to reveal the uniform of an officer in the Continental Army.

Drums began to roll, men kissed their wives, and they walked down the aisle to enlist.

The next day, Pastor Muhlenberg led 300 men of his church to join General Washington’s Continental Army as the 8th Virginia Regiment.[5]

We see nothing of this kind of political involvement from today’s pastors except in rare occasions.  Most pastors are too afraid to even preach the Word let alone take a stand for our Constitutional rights.  Most pastors won’t educate their flock on the differences of each Party’s platform and how those platforms compare to God’s principles and dictates, which is allowed under present law.  They are so afraid of offending anyone.  If the pastors of the Revolutionary War were cowards as the pastors are today, we would still be British subjects.  Even back in the 1950’s when the Johnson Gag Order came down the church didn’t fight it.  Cowards!  You either take God’s mandate seriously or go home.

When we look at just how involved the church was at our founding in every area of society we can look at the education that was available.  For over 200 years we used a simple book called the New England Primer along with the Bible and we were putting fourteen-year olds into Princeton and Yale.  By 1860 there were 246 colleges in America with the majority run by ministers. America’s pastors were so involved in the education of America that by 1860 91% of all college presidents were Christian pastors and more than a third of all faculty were pastors as well.83  Only seventeen of the 246 colleges and universities founded by the end of 1860 were not affiliated with a denomination.84  The “School Master of America”, Founding Father Noah Webster stated:  “to them [the clergy] is popular education in this country more indebted than to any other class of men.”84

The pastors of America were more important than any one group of people from the establishing of the Colonies to the developing of our governmental system, education system and defining the moral foundation that all of it was grounded upon and defending it with their very lives.  Oh, to have those kinds of pastors today throughout America!

Our written history has proven that it was purely the influence of the Christian pastors and their teaching the true principles of God that gave us our unmatched educational system, our governmental system that is second to none other in the history of the world and even our free market economic system that has produced more wealth than any other form of government in the history of the world.[6]

Charles Finny warned pastors if the failed to preach the Word of God.  He was right then and he is right today: Reverend Charles Finney reminded the pastors of his day:

Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.[7] We have been at this position for some time, but the church has not had the guts to take a stand against it.  Therein lies the problem.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. If these new books must be retained as they will
  5. Black Robe regiment preacher John Peter Muhlenberg there is a time to preach and a time to fight and now is the time to fight
  6. Roger Anghis, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, pp. 170-171, (Westbow Press, 2012)
  7. Roger Anghis, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, pp. 172, (Westbow Press, 2012)

America vs. Sodom And Gomorrah: What’s The Difference?

In recent days we have seen a parade of women coming forward to tell of the abuse done to them by powerful men. In the Senate we have Al Franken, with multiple women saying his last name would be complete only by adding “stein” to it. Then there is former Vice President Biden along with former President George H.W. Bush; in media, figures such as television host Matt Lauer as well as host Charlie Rose. In Hollywood the list is very long beginning with Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and other. What is happening?

We need to see that this is the fruit of the revolution that swept America in the 1960’s which some have called the sexual revolution. I think there is a better term for it that I will share in a moment. The two leading figures in this revolution are both now dead. The female leader, Betty Friedan, died eleven years ago in 2006; and the male pied piper died this year, Hugh Hefner. Consider the message they preached: Hefner told men that the good life was living for bodily pleasures, that fornication and adultery were not sins, but rather the natural way a healthy man lived. He use persuasion through his publication and by living out this belief, becoming wealthy in the process. What many don’t know is that early on he began promoting sodomy as well. If life is all about bodily pleasures, then who cares how that happens? We could sum up his philosophy as “Sodom and Gomorrah.” Hefner promised that if you followed his Sodom and Gomorrah philosophy your life would be happy, happy, happy.

Video of the sermon

The female pied piper had a similar message for women – the women’s liberation movement was about empowerment. I think a good summary of her philosophy was that women should have sex before marriage, and a career after marriage. She advocated adultery – a woman disregarding God’s law to get what she wanted. It was fine, according to Friedan’s philosophy for a woman, to sleep her way to the top. Isn’t that essentially selling your body for fame and fortune, a form of harlotry, albeit not just for money but also for fame? Wouldn’t it be appropriate to see that Friedan was teaching women to become harlots? You might call her philosophy ‘mother-of-harlots.’ Friedan promised that if you followed her mother-of-harlots philosophy as a woman, your life would be happy, happy, happy.

Consider how the Sodom-and-Gomorrah philosophy interacts with the mother-of-harlots philosophy. Harvey Weinstein expects the women in Hollywood to submit to his sexual abuse to advance their careers. Meryl Streep called him ‘god’ at the 2012 Golden Globes because he had such power to make or break anyone’s career in Hollywood. Now why did the women submit so readily? Because they followed the mother-of-harlots philosophy that doing anything to advance their career was worth doing; and after all, there is nothing wrong with fornication or adultery. The mother-of-harlots taught them that this glamorous life and career would make them happy, happy, happy.

Well if that’s the case, why all this complaining now? Is it the case that not everyone is happy, happy, happy?

One Academy Award nominated screenwriter wrote, “Gwyneth Paltrow says now is the time to put an end to these attacks on women. But where was she years ago when Harvey got “handsy” with her? Looking the other way while earning millions and garnering Oscars. Meryl Streep claimed she was clueless about Weinstein’s repulsive antics. Time to award her her greatest Oscar yet — for playing someone deaf, dumb, and blind while living as a troglodyte in the Gobi desert.”

What this current outbreak indicates is that the Sodom-and-Gomorrah philosophy and the mother-of-harlots philosophy have run headlong into a solid brick wall.

That brick wall is called reality. The reality of the Laws of the Universe established by the Creator of all things. You cannot violate God’s Law and not face the consequences. As a of mine friend says, you don’t really break God’s Law, you break yourself on God’s Law. Fornication and adultery have consequences, consequences that are beyond the rampant outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases. A soul is broken by these sins. 1 Corinthians 6:18 states, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.”

What we see in the evidence of all the scandals, the firings, the crashing reputations and careers is that the Sodom-and-Gomorrah and the mother-of-harlots philosophies are lies. They do not bring about the good life, the blessed life, and those who follow them destroy themselves. And what needs to be recognized at this juncture is that a society that accepts and follows these philosophies is a civilization on the road to destruction.

But there is an exit ramp on the highway to hell, the road sign reads “Repent” – have a complete, through and through rejection of the Sodom-and-Gomorrah and the mother-of-harlots philosophies. Repentance involves sorrow for sin, confession of it as an evil we repudiate, and a rebuilding in our minds and hearts of the truth of God’s Holy Law. God’s grace gives a second opportunity both for individuals and for a whole society. In fact, the Bible is replete with encouraging accounts of those who repented and turned around. Their world was transformed and their lives restored. It is high time for America to Repent.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

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Roy Moore And Alabama’s Historic Moment To Restore America

MONTGOMERY, Alabama stand firm. You have no idea of your importance in history as this coming Tuesday’s election proves to be the pivotal point for the future of America with you, dear people,  at its base.  Actually a SECOND pivotal point, the first being the election of Donald Trump as President of the U.S.

We came through a frightening looming disaster with a presidential possibility from Hellary.  For George Soros the election was in the bag, for the bag, and by the bag. So much so that fireworks were purchased and set on the banks of the Hudson River set to go off at the conclusion of the results.

Newsweek Magazine released an issue with Hillary’s mug shot on the cover titled, Madame President, which was released–TWO DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION. Yep, it was all in the bag. So they thought.

Never before has this writer observed the huge amount of corporate prayers being sent up by millions of Americans as took place before this past presidential election. This writer was one of those, rising before dawn each morning, getting on my knees and praying for the preservation of our country. These were all earnest Abrahamic Prayers asking God to open the way for Donald Trump to be placed in office.

Millions upon millions of Christians who had stopped voting long ago, came out of the shadows with their votes, and I believe were urged by God, and President Trump now sits in the Oval Office.

THE SECOND PIVOTAL POINT is coming up this Tuesday the 12th when Alabama votes for their new Senator.  The Libs have their colons in a twist over this one. Judge Roy Moore is a patriot who is pro-life, does NOT agree with gun control or ‘sanctuary cities’, and has proved to uphold the law for the sake of all society.

First let’s get this our of the way:

Judge Moore’s Accuser ADMITS SHE FORGED That Year Book Message.

Beverly Young Nelson was the latest to come forth and state that Judge Moore had made improper advances toward her. And to prove it, she showed her high school  year book with a personal message, a bit flirtatious,  handwritten and signed by Judge Moore 40 years ago. Really? We saw a photo of that page of the yearbook that was published in the lying media.

This columnist was the first to point out that the message on that year book was NOT the handwriting of a man, BUT A WOMAN! Others came to examine it and came to the same conclusions. 

Nelson had ambulance chasing lawyer, Gloria Allred represent her. Then her story greatly expanded. Under close scrutiny Nelson finally admitted that she had forged that message on the high school yearbook.

Just last week, Nelson’s stepson went public stating that his mother is lying. One of Nelson’s boyfriends from that same era said the same thing.

Nelson claimed she worked as a waitress at a local restaurant where Roy Moore ate dinner EVERY NIGHT. And his wife stayed home while he ate out every night and sat at the bar where Nelson “personally served him?”  NONSENSE!!

There is so many more lies she told but we don’t have space to print them all. However, two waitresses and a former policeman who frequented the restaurant during that time, all say that ‘they never saw Roy Moore even once in that place. The cop said he knew Moore personally and never saw him there.

And guess what? They NEVER saw the accuser working there either! One of the waitresses (a retired church music director) wrote a letter to the media pointing out that none of Nelson’s physical descriptions of the restaurant or parking lot (where Moore supposedly locked her in his car and tried to seduce her), were correct.

Another yarn was that Roy Moore was banned from the mall because of his coming onto young girls. RESIDUE OF A BULL!! The mall was contacted and the manager said that ban NEVER happened and that was backed up by security.

So as can be clearly seen, ALL of these false accusations were created by George Soros and the Communist Party that hopes to take over America. DO NOT FALL FOR IT.

During my years as an evangelist, I preached throughout New England. After one tour there, I received a handwritten letter from a woman who thanked me for my services and how blessed she had been by attending them.

As a courtesy, which I would always extend, I wrote her back on my stationary thanking her for for her encouraging note and wishing her God’s Blessings. It was actually very generic.

Then, all hell broke loose.  This woman showed up at my post office in Forest Hills, New York carrying a large box, asking them when I would be coming in to pick up my mail. This went on for over a week. Fortunately I was out of the area.  The postal worker said, “Do you really know him?”

She then said, “Yes I DO know him, in fact here is personal letter I recently received from him.” She showed the envelope from my personal stationary that had that postal box as my address. The postal worker then said, “What is in that box you are always carrying?”

“A wedding dress,” she said matter of factly, opened the box and showed him. Yep, she declared, she was going to marry me even I knew nothing about this, nor my wife, nor did I remember her. I shook hands with many people following each service.

When I flew down to the PTL Club in North Carolina for my regular appearance, there she was again with her box. She managed to go down there and got a job in the restaurant to wait for me to come. Security had to be called to get her out of there.

She would next proclaim this big story of how I came on to her and she had fallen in love with me and……A church of God woman minister contacted me by phone and raked me over the coals since I would not talk to her or meet with her, then accused me of thinking I was too big to talk to her….etc. etc. etc.

She would later brag that she kept me out of New England. Yes, all my services there were cancelled on the spot based on this mentally disturbed woman whom I did not even know. Nobody contacted me to check on this yarn. They eagerly took the word of a very unstable woman.

Many ministers were jealous of the ministry God had entrusted into my hands and were anxious to find anything they could use against me. I thought I had left all that jealousy behind when I left show business.

For example, after a spectacular week at the Millville (New Jersey) Assemblies of God where many miracles took place, the pastor, Rev. Garret Kenyon, stood before the congregation and said, “I don’t understand why God would use someone like Austin Miles….who was once a circus ringmaster…when my parents were missionaries and God has never used me like that!”

I kid you not. I was told that by friends of mine in that congregation who heard him say it from the pulpit.

Since that time I have never personally answered any letter from someone unknown that may come into my mailbox. This is why many with high public profiles distance themselves from people.

Roy Moore was targeted by George Soros and The Communist Party for destruction since they want a Democrat who is pro-abortion, supports Sanctuary Cities, and gun control in the Senate. And that is Democrat Doug Jones running against Moore.

It is vital that good patriots work together to get the conservative vote out in Alabama for next Tuesday. We must spread the news of these latest revelations  especially that the yearbook inscription is indeed a hoax. All the opposition against Moore consisted of lies.

So Alabama, it is in YOUR hands. Do not let the Northern Democrats influence your votes. Reject anything they try to pull off as phony. You are the one state that can help us bring America back to greatness. This is your moment. So talk to neighbors, people on the streets, in the shops and use the phone to get the word out, then, get out and VOTE for Roy.

And please share this on social media, your news sites and all of Alabama. We Americans are counting on you.


Photo Caption: Beverly Young Nelson and Gloria Allred

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Thanks Mr. Talbot

Finally, the cat is out of the bag. My book Partners in Crime: The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination is already available at and other bookstores online.

Writing this book has been a real tour de force for me. Though I have been interested in the Kennedy assassination for many years and I had been writing notes, most of which I incorporated into this book, the idea of writing a book about the JFK assassination came to my mind around April of this year. Having it ready before the end of the year was an apparently impossible goal, but worked hard and I accomplished it.

Though I began working based on my old notes, I realized that I had to become current with recent research, which, with a few exceptions, brought nothing new. Reading some of the new books about the Kennedy assassination was sort of frustrating, because most of them just repeated the very same old lies and misinformation told by the Warren Commission. Probably the most asinine of these books is Gerald Posner’s Case Closed. According to Posner, Oswald was a mentally disturbed individual who acted alone and there was not conspiracy behind him: case closed!

A book that I found useful, though, in what I call the assassination “post-cover-up,” is Oliver Stone’s JFK: The Book on the Film. Stone’s 1991 film JFK provoked a veritable tsunami of ad hominem abuse, insults, vituperation and vilification in, mostly by CFR members in the mainstream media, against both film director Oliver Stone and District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana, Jim Garrison. Stone’s film JFK was mostly based on Garrison’s suspicions that the CIA was behind the Kennedy assassination. Stone, an unrepentant liberal, was the first surprised by the fierce opposition and relentless attack on him and his film, which began even before it was shown in theaters. Evidently, Stone had no idea of what his opponents’ true motives were.

When I read books, sometimes I agree with the author, sometimes I disagree, and sometimes I even strongly disagree. If I write a review, I avoid personal criticism and try to be as specific as possible about the points on which I disagree with the author. There is, however, a book I read during my research whose author’s opinions really incensed me. I am talking about David Talbot, whose book The Devil’s Chessboard I read because it was highly recommended by the critics.

Talbot, a San Francisco bleeding heart “progressive” liberal, is the former editor in chief of In a 1213 article, Talbot strongly criticizes author Philip Shenon because in his book about the Kennedy assassination, A Cruel and Shocking Act, “following the conspiracy trail Shenon quickly takes a wrong turn down the ‘Castro-as-mastermind’ path.”[1]. One must keep in mind that most American “progressives” follow the line created by CFR reactionaries that Castro is untouchable. So, in Talbot’s view, pointing to Castro as a possible culprit in the Kennedy assassination turned Shenon into a conspiracy nut.

Nevertheless, in 2013 Talbot published The Devil’s Chessboard, a book that is a notable addition to the post-cover-up disinformation campaign.[2]

In his book, however, Talbot not only didn’t mention that Castro was the only one of the suspects who publicly threatened the Kennedy brothers with assassination, but puts all the blame for the JFK assassination on Allen Dulles. But, as one of the book’s reviewers in pointed out, “Talbot has rightly castigated the Dulles brothers but is remiss in examining their puppet masters, the real wire-pullers.”

This reader is right on the money. In his book, Talbot reaches the conclusion that “Nobody occupied a more central position in the Dulles brother’s circle than the Rockefeller brothers, Nelson and David.”[3] The only problem with this asinine assumption is that it is absolutely wrong. It was the Rockefeller brothers who controlled the Dulles brothers, and not the other way around. And the Rockefellers also controlled Fidel Castro.

Nevertheless, I don’t think that Talbot’s omissions and errors are the product of sloppy research or faulty analysis of the facts. I think that Talbot is a dishonest writer who pushes his own political agenda regardless of the facts. Proof of this is that, far from mentioning Castro’s possible links to the JFK assassination, he devotes thirteen pages of his book to paint a rose-colored, disingenuous image of Fidel Castro as a Latin American hero.[4]

As the saying goes, however, every dark cloud has a silver lining. Perhaps taken by his admiration for the two assassins, Castro and Guevara, Talbot expresses his approval because Castro, “was not only intellectually formidable and politically fearless; his dream of national liberation was backed up by guns,” and also because Castro and Guevara, “put the hard-core thugs of the old regime against a wall,” and shot them.[5]

So, if you believe the fancy tale that the “progressives” drive to take your guns is because they want to make America safer from violent crime, you are wrong. Actually, they don’t want you to be armed when they knock at your door to take you to the wall to be shot, and we should thank Mr. Talbot for reminding us about that.

Speaking about the death of the Cuban tyrant, President elect Donald Trump said: “Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.”[6] Evidently, this is a legacy that David Talbot and his liberal progressive friends in San Francisco and Berkeley love from the bottom of their hearts. That’s why I always call them “regressives.”

© 2017 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

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  1. David Talbot, “The JFK Assassination: CIA and New York Times are Still Lying to Us,”, November 6, 2013,
  2. David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard (New York: Harper Perennial, 2015).
  3. Ibid., p. 551.
  4. In a letter to Castro, Che Guevara advised: “Hatred as an element of the struggle; a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy. We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it: to his home, to his centers of entertainment; a total war.” Ernesto (Che) Guevara, Message to the Tricontinental Conference, April 16, 1967. It is good to remember that Guevara’s hatred turned into fear when he was captured in Bolivia. According to witnesses, Guevara dropped his own fully functional rifle, with a near full magazine, and begged, “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! I am Che Guevara and I am worth more to you alive than dead!” See Dan White, “Che Guevara Worth More To You Alive Than Dead,” The Historical Truth Project, November 26, 2014.  The fool apparently ignored that to Castro and the CIA he was worth more dead than alive, because dead men don’t tell tales.
  5. Most of the people Talbot call “thugs” actually were farmers whose land was stolen and small business owners whose properties had been “confiscated” by Castro and his thugs.
  6. Eugene Scott, “Donald Trump: Fidel Castro is Dead!,” CNN, November 26, 2016.

Chatting Sexual Harassment With Liberal Relatives

After spending the last four months moving from Florida and settling into our new home in West Virginia, Mary and I are on the road again. We are flying to campaign for Judge Moore in the Alabama senate race. Moore’s democrat opponent, Doug Jones, is a horrible deceitful man. Jones supports slaughtering babies even up to the point of birth. Jones supports Planned Parenthood trafficking baby body parts for profit. American loving Alabamians, you must get out and vote against Doug Jones. Jones is an anti-America and Trump-resistance operative disguised as a good guy.

We drove 3 hours to Baltimore the day before our flight to fly out of BWI. This gave me an opportunity to visit and chat with several relatives. Most of my black relatives believe Trump is racist. They reject truth/facts, clinging to their emotion-driven loyalty to democrats.

Sexual harassment is a hot topic. I wanted to get my liberal democrat relatives’ thoughts regarding sexual harassment. Each of them believe sexual harassers should be punished. They also believe much of what is now labeled “sexual harassment” is simply men being men and women being women in the workplace. In a word, “biology”.

A Trump hating black female relative said she fears that labeling everything sexual harassment will create an extremely threatening atmosphere in the workplace. A woman accusing a man of sexual harassment is like dropping a nuclear bomb on his head. It is impossible for a man to defend himself without a majority thinking he is guilty. My female relative believes fear of sexual harassment allegations will impact men hiring women.

This same relative is a retired Baltimore city police officer. She said being a rare female black officer had its challenges. She witnessed female cops being sexually harassed. My relative said she instructed fellow cops how to treat her. She won their respect. She has lifelong friendships and fond memories of her career in law enforcement.

Folks, we instinctively recognize sexual jerks. Mary and I attended a great church in which members greeted each other with a hug. Mary stopped allowing a member to hug her because she felt he was a sleaze. I would hate to see that church abandon it’s warm greeting because of a jerk to two.

Leftists always launch bogus narratives. If we dare disagree or submit facts proving their narrative untrue, Leftists attack; calling us intolerant, haters, racists, sexists and homophobic. For example. Leftists say women “never” lie about sexual harassment. If anyone dares to say a woman should have proof before destroying a man’s life, Leftists launch a shock and awe campaign to brand that person a supporter of sexual assault. That person shuts up, runs and hides.

The investigation video of a woman accusing a cop of sexual assault was posted on youtube. The beautiful sophisticated young woman gave an extremely compelling tearful account of the officer ordering her out of her car and fondling her private parts. The cop’s dash-cam confirmed that he gave her a traffic ticket without her leaving her car. After showing the cop’s accuser the dash-cam video, the investigator asked why she tried to destroy the officer’s life. She replied, “He stopped me unfairly.”

A relative recalled his ugly divorce. He said, “I fought her in court as the mother of our kids (not disclosing her adultery). She fought me like I was Mike Tyson”. She lied, accusing him of abusing their kids. Despite any evidence of abuse, my relative was screwed; the judge ruled against him.

This was interesting. My liberal democrat relatives thought 20 year old sexual harassment allegations were laughable; not to be taken seriously. Therefore, the 38 year old allegations against Judge Moore did not impact my relatives’ opinion of him. LOL…they hate Moore solely because he is a Republican.

Surprisingly, my democrat relatives disobeyed political correctness; verbalizing thoughts that would cause Leftists to high-tech lynch a conservative. A democrat male relative brought up the mixed messages women send in their dress and behavior that we males are not suppose to notice. He said during praise and worship in church, he has seen women twerking in stiletto high heels.  It is pretty challenging for a guy to keep his mind on God when a woman is flip flopping her derriere in the next pew.

My democrat male relative’s comment about women sending mixed messages is valid. Psychologists are sounding the alarm about sexualizing little girls’ bodies and fashions.  Radio talk show host Glen Beck said he was shocked and frustrated by how hard it was to find tops for his daughter that did not expose her bellybutton.

A relative has coached kids football for 30 years. He said he has watched cheerleaders’ dance routines become progressively raunchier; twerking and so on, with female parents cheering the little girls on. “Git it girl! That girl is gonna be something when she grows up!” He dared mention to a female parent that he thought the cheerleader routines were getting too sexy. The parent accused him of being a dirty old man. This shut him up.

When Mary and I ran an arts center, we allowed local Hispanic dance groups to practice there. On numerous occasions, we were shocked by the sexy dance moves the kids were taught. The more the girls well executed the sexy dance moves, the more female parents excitedly cheered them on. Mary and I were cautioned to keep our mouths shut; told that it was a Hispanic “cultural thing” that we did not understand.

My 89 year old dad shared with me that back in his dad’s day, it was exciting to see a woman’s ankle when she stepped up onto the streetcar. Today many women dress leaving little to the imagination. Male relatives educated me about a new street term, “camel’s hoof”. I feel a little embarrassed just mentioning it. The term refers to what young guys say they see when women wear skin tight pants.

A relative said he believes over sexual exposure has a numbing effect on men. Has over sexual exposure sparked more people needing deviancy to become aroused?

The consensus of my liberal democrat relatives was women cannot have it both ways. Women cannot flaunt their sexuality and become outraged when men notice. Again, my relatives said “real” sexual harassers should be punished.

My wife said a woman has the right to walk down the street nude and men do not have a right to touch her. I said, “I agree. As a black man, I have a right to attend a KKK rally and yell, ‘Where are the white women?’ My behavior would be unwise.”

Like ambulance chasers, suddenly TV lawyers are soliciting sexual harassment cases. All I am asking is that we not allow ourselves to be manipulated by those who exploit the issue of sexual harassment. Let’s deal with every allegation fairly and honestly.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Is President Donald Trump Cyrus The Great Of Our Time?

May 14, 1948, almost seventy years ago, was the rebirth of Israel. The conditions surrounding Israel’s re-birth was anything but simple. In fact, it was hard. Israel’s journey from her early beginnings to the present has been fraught with great suffering. It is a tribute to the indomitable will and spirit of the Jewish people that they persisted in their valiant struggle to re-gather again in the land of their birth.

In ancient days, a noble and just Persian king, Cyrus the Great, rescued tens of thousands of Jewish people from captivity in a foreign land and empowered them to return home and rebuild their sacred temple. By his action of freeing an entire people from captivity and restoring their rightful dignity and place in history, Cyrus the Great, the author of the first code of Human Rights, cemented a bond of friendship between the Jews and the Persians.

Next year in Jerusalem was the wish of diaspora Jews, dispersed from their homeland yet acknowledging their spiritual and historical home to Israel, specifically, Jerusalem. Psalm 137 referred to as the well-known lament of the Babylonian Jews who wept ‘by the rivers of Babylon’ and declared, ‘If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither.” The perennial prayer, “Next Year in Jerusalem” has finally been answered.

We, the spiritual children of Cyrus the Great commend President Trump’s foresight and courage to declare that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital. And, we pray that Israel succeeds in taking the steps necessary for making the New Jerusalem a place of hope and lasting safety for the Jewish people as well as people of all religions and for those with no religion at all.

Israel is a sovereign state but hardly safe. She is surrounded by nations and peoples who are bent on her destruction. It is tragic that her neighbors and she have not been able to find an equitable way of living side-by-side with mutual respect and in peace. I earnestly hope that ways can be found for a peaceful resolution to this destructive impasse.

Today, Israel has reunited Jerusalem and provided unrestricted freedom of religion. Access of all faiths to the Holy places in the unified city of peace is assured. The story of the rebirth of Israel is truly a miracle, yet challenges have remained, challenges that threaten the existence of this ancient country filled with so rich a culture.

As we watch, we pray for Israel and the Jewish people, for an everlasting peace and prosperity.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Conservative Dupes In The Russia-Gate Probe

Rush Limbaugh has interviewed former prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy about how Robert S. Mueller’s Russia-gate investigation has turned out so badly for President Trump and his associates. That’s funny. Back in May, McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, wrote an article for National Review appearing under the headline, “Robert Mueller: A Solid Choice for Trump-Russia Investigation ‘Special Counsel.’”

Here’s what McCarthy, described as one of the nation’s most prominent voices on legal and national security issues,  said: “Bob Mueller is a widely respected former prosecutor, U.S. attorney, high-ranking Justice Department official, and FBI director. He is highly regarded by both parties…He is a straight shooter, by the book, and studiously devoid of flash.” Using “Bob” seemed to imply they are friends or associates.

Limbaugh himself said that Mueller “has perhaps the best and the cleanest reputation in all of official Washington. He is Mr. Integrity. He is Mr. Cultured. He is Mr. Mannered. He is Mr. Sophisticated. There isn’t a soul in Washington who dares utter nary a negative word about Mueller.”

Seven million dollars later, there has been a lot of flash, leaks, a few pleas, some indictments, and Trump’s presidency is on the line. McCarthy, a buddy of Limbaugh who also appears on his radio program, now thinks Mueller is building a case for impeachment. They didn’t recognize Mueller as the hatchet man for the Deep State that he really was.

Clearly, McCarthy was fooled bigly. So were many others. It is an indictment of the “conservative media” that failed to do their digging into Mueller’s real record.

Forgive me for tooting my own horn, but I said from the beginning that Mueller was going to take down Trump. How did I know? Did I have insider information? No. But I did have access to the objective facts about Mueller’s disastrous tenure as FBI director. All that a journalist had to do was review history and consult knowledgeable sources. These facts included implicating the wrong people in the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, working with the Muslim Brotherhood to purge FBI materials of the truth about radical Islam, and failing to reform the FBI’s internal security system after Russian spy and FBI agent Robert Hanssen was caught.

Mueller is the ultimate symbol of what has gone wrong with our system of government. In an honest world, he should have been forced into retirement in disgrace.  Instead, he is running a Star Chamber proceeding targeting our elected president.

McCarthy’s May 17 column declared, “Democrats are so Trump-deranged that I suspect, despite Mueller’s solid reputation, they will claim the fix is in if impeachment does not appear to be on the horizon in short order. But most people will give Mueller a chance. And he deserves that.”

This is how conservatives, led by National Review, rolled over and let things get out of control.

I knew where it was heading. My June 9 column was titled, “Trump Should Say ‘You’re Fired’ to Special Counsel.” I wrote, “Since Mueller can’t indict Trump, his investigation could produce impeachment charges against Trump, which would be filed by the House if the Republican majority disappears in the 2018 elections.”

This has been the plan all along. Charges of impeachment, based on obstruction of justice and even sexual harassment allegations against Trump, will be lodged. For now, the process continues. “House Overwhelmingly Rejects Trump Impeachment Vote,” said the Daily Caller on Wednesday. The vote was 364-58.

Mueller and his Deep State allies understand that the impeachment process is at an early stage and that clueless conservatives can be counted on to keep saying (to themselves) that there is really nothing to worry about.

By the middle of June, McCarthy seemed to be having second thoughts about the work of honest “Bob” Mueller, the “straight shooter.” He wrote an article under the headline, “Mend, Don’t End, Mueller’s Investigation.” McCarthy was now saying, “The alarm bells that led to Mueller’s erroneous appointment cannot be un-rung. But legal surgery needs to be done, lest Mueller’s amorphous mandate lead to Scooter Libby 2.0, or worse, another Iran-Contra epic — a fiasco that seemed to have a longer run than Phantom of the Opera.”

It looks like Mueller had a case of Trump-derangement syndrome. Perhaps that stemmed from Trump’s open disgust with the U.S. intelligence community, also known as the Deep State. It appears that Trump understood that the U.S. was losing in the world because our CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies were seemingly unable or unwilling to defend America and its interests. America’s enemies had been winning and growing more powerful under former President Barack Hussein Obama. Why? This is the area that cried out for an inquiry.

Now, in December, however, McCarthy has concluded that something has gone wrong in the investigation and that the “straight arrow” Mueller is now targeting Trump personally for charges of obstruction of justice and is making a case for impeachment.

Once again, because of his prestige, background, and credentials, he made news.  “Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy is also saying this is now an obstruction of justice investigation and the ultimate goal is to impeach President Trump,” said Sean Hannity on his Fox News show. Yes, but McCarthy and other legal experts and scholars had assured us that Mueller was honest and a straight shooter.

Patting myself on the back, I wrote last May that Mueller had fooled a lot of people and that his appointment was good news for the Swamp but bad news for Trump. I noted the evidence that Mueller had badly mishandled the anthrax investigation after the September 11, 2001, attacks, and that he was being criticized for a cover-up in the case and sued. That same month, May 2017, I wrote a column under the headline, “Special Counsel Mueller Will Get His Man,” explaining more of the corruption surrounding Mueller’s tenure as FBI director. I cited evidence that Mueller purged government materials of information that identified the nature of the Islamic terrorist enemy. I said Mueller was determined to get Trump and would pursue the president.

Here’s what I wrote: “Those who say there is no evidence of a crime in Russia-gate miss the whole point. Mueller will produce evidence of a crime out of nothing if he has to.” I predicted a flimsy “obstruction of justice” charge against Trump, based on Mueller’s probe of Michael T. Flynn. This is exactly what we are seeing come to pass.

My column explained, “Mueller’s job is to damage and destroy a President elected by the people. His job is to protect his friend, former FBI director Comey, who used a spurious document, the ‘Trump Dossier,’ to conduct an inquiry that has turned up nothing.” This was apparent from the beginning.

Another motive is to divert attention away from the other problems in the FBI that we have seen on display in such incidents as the Las Vegas massacre (where the FBI seems to have no clue on motive), left-winger James Hodgkinson’s planned massacre of Congressional Republicans (the FBI blamed it on “anger management” problems), and FBI involvement in the attempted assassination of Pamela Geller in Garland, Texas (an FBI undercover agent was among the Jihadists).

Finally, there’s Mueller’s handling of the case of Robert Hannsen, the most damaging spy in FBI history. He had spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States for 22 years, from 1979 to 2001, and was caught before Mueller took over as FBI director. But Mueller was responsible for making sure something like this never happened again. He was supposed to carry out reforms to catch infiltrators and spies. The Inspector General said that Hanssen had escaped detection “because of longstanding systemic problems in the FBI’s counterintelligence program and a deeply flawed internal security program” and had recommended a central repository for the receipt, collection, storage, and analysis of derogatory information concerning FBI employees “with access to sensitive information.” By 2007, the Inspector General said that the FBI had “not yet established” such a repository, which could help identify security risks and spies.

This failure may help explain why and how we had an FBI agent with an anti-Trump bias named Peter Strzok reportedly running investigations of Trump and Hillary and having an affair on the side with another FBI employee. He was a security risk on the Mueller Special Counsel payroll. He hasn’t been fired, just reassigned.

Although various conservative outlets carried my columns about FBI corruption and Mueller’s game plan in Russia-gate, I was never invited on the conservative talk shows or quoted in Breitbart about Mueller’s desire to take down Trump. I was virtually alone in warning about what was to come. People like McCarthy and Limbaugh, with their claims about Mueller’s honesty, made what is happening today possible. They were dupes, now with egg on their faces.

The stakes are enormous. The fate of an elected president hangs in the balance. From the FBI point of view, a corrupt agency and corrupt agents are at risk of being exposed and punished.  What I fear is that the same Russian operatives who wrote the “Trump Dossier” are pulling the strings in the FBI itself. Hence, Russia-gate is a diversion from corruption and moles within the FBI. It’s a big mess, as Trump might say.

At this point, it doesn’t look like Trump is willing to fire Mueller and issue pardons for Mueller’s victims. Convinced that Mueller was an “honest” man and a “straight arrow,” Trump may have waited too long. Firing Mueller at this point might make him look desperate and accelerate demands for his impeachment.

In the meantime, conservative defenders of Mueller should explain in detail how and why they went so badly wrong. It would be appropriate for this mea culpa to begin on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.  It turns out that he flunked out of his own fictitious Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. His claim about being right 99.9 percent of the time has taken a huge hit. But he won’t lose his job. Trump will.

[Read Cliff Kincaid’s book “Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World.” Book is out of print and supply is limited.]

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The GOP Could Parish For Lack Of Knowledge

The republican party, originally founded July 6th, 1854.  The Grand Old Party was established to combat the scourge of slavery.  The democrat party was never going to advocate for the freedom and unalienable rights of black slaves.  Thus, those seeking liberty for all Americans were forced to form the Republican party.  Back in 1820, the United States congress had agreed the Missouri Compromise, under which Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, but slavery was forbidden anywhere else in the Louisiana Purchas north of 36` 30.’

However, in 1854 the principle was threatened by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, under which the white inhabitants of the two territories were to decide by referendum whether slavery be allowed there or not.  There were numerous Americans in the northern states who disapproved of slavery, including many northern Whigs and a very few northern democrats to form a new political party.  The original impetus emanated from anti-Nebraska meetings in the North Western states of Michigan and Wisconsin to figure out what actions to take if the Nebraska Act passed.

The meetings were not only opposed to slavery, but demanded the opening up of the west by small homesteaders and the building of railroads.  In Michigan there were meetings in Kalamazoo; Jackson and Detroit and after the act had passed in May, the new party was formally founded in Jackson, Michigan in July.  Leading figures were individuals ranging from Austin Blair, a free soiler lawyer who was prosecuting attorney of Jackson County to Frederick Douglas, an escaped slave and abolitionist who became arguably the greatest orator of the nineteenth century.  He was also a successful businessman.  Douglas vigorously promoted the belief that every man should be free to make his life a good one, by his own efforts and a belief in God.  It was his own personal research of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Biblical scriptures that helped him come to the logical conclusion to join in the effort to for a political party.

The republican party has always been the better of the two major political parties.  The platform was centered around the eradication of slavery, the preservation of our recognized unalienable rights, including the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, lower taxes and in more recent years, promoting life over abortion.

After all, it was the republican party that was known for the embracing and promoting the concept of not impeding the right of black Americans to succeed in business, education and even government positions of authority.  As a result, early on a good number of Black Americans were elected to congress and other government positions during reconstruction.  The republican party platform is a marvelous reflection of the best intentions of great Americans who understood that all of God’s people are worthy of same chances in life.

Unfortunately, in recent years the republican party has sort of lost the right way.  That is because of being run by political deep state trolls, swamp dwellers and elitists who have succumbed to the spell of being untouchable and indifferent toward those of us who want America to thrive as an independent sovereign republic.  We want our republic to be protected from the ravages of leftist dictates and other actions designed to literally destroy her from within.   It is as plain as all outdoors that the republican party came close to being roped into either participating in or watching while leftist democrats and rinos catapult the United States into a long lasting miserable state of decline, loss of sovereignty.

The good news is that we now are blessed with a good president who understands that a strong independent America with secured borders will be a greater blessing to ourselves and our allies.  In addition, we will now be in a better position to prevent the destructive missions of Islamic terrorists and other enemies.  I firmly believe the tide of destruction against America will boomerang back to those engaged in participating in such endeavors.  In the coming days, increasing members of the republican party and more Americans in general will again seek out and operate in the time honored principles that made the United States the envy of the world.  Then the Republican party will not perish for lack of knowledge.  Don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience, on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST and everywhere else via, and weeknights at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PT on also follow me on spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Mueller Probe, Political Bias, And Deep State Sabotage

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.  —Albert Einstein

Only in the Deep State swamp world would you try to put war hero General Michael Flynn in jail, but let Bowe Bergdahl off completely.  —Amil Imani, author, Persian born American citizen who loves the USA

Our President is right, the FBI is in tatters. He tweeted, “ So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday ‘interrogation’ with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times … and nothing happens to her? Rigged system, or just a double standard?”

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  The Deep State sabotage of our President, his administration, and supporters is far worse.

Mueller is charging Manafort with something that happened years ago and which has absolutely nothing to do with this fake news Russian investigation.  No one in the DOJ is doing anything to stop this perversion of justice.

Political Bias in the Mueller Probe

Andrew Weissmann, a veteran Justice Department prosecutor who is one of Mueller’s top lieutenants in the fake Russian investigation, sent a Jan. 30th email to Obama administration holdover Acting AG Sally Yates that lauded her for standing up to Trump.  She had refused to implement Trump’s travel restrictions on seven Muslim majority countries linked to terrorism, and Weissman emailed Yates to declare he was in aweHe said, “I am so proud, and in awe.  Thank you so much.  All my deepest respects, Andrew Weissman.”  Trump fired Yates the next day.

Of the 15 attorneys currently on staff for Mueller, at least seven have donated to Democratic candidates and campaigns, including Hillary Clinton. The rest have not made political donations, according to federal records; and none of the attorneys on Mueller’s roster donated money to Trump. The entire Mueller team is a Who’s Who of liberal activism; they are the Deep State.

Peter Strzok is the Lois Lerner of the FBI, and he is the one who signed off on the fake Russian investigation.  Strzok (pronounced Struck) is the former top FBI counter intelligence official who was removed last August from the Russia investigation, but we are just now finding out he was sending anti-Trump, pro-Hillary text messages to his girlfriend, Lisa Page, with whom he was having an adulterous affair.  She worked as a top FBI lawyer under Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe.

Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hman, is also a devout Hillary and Obama supporter.  Her Facebook page, which has been wiped, was filled with adoring comments on both Clinton and Obama.

The agent’s role in the Clinton email investigation is now under review by the Office of Inspector General.  Strzok is directly tied not only to the Clinton email server probe, but to the Trump Russia investigation, and he oversaw the bureau’s interviews of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton in both cases.  He also led the probe into classified Huma Abedin emails.

Strzok is also the one who changed the language in James Comey’s draft letter about Hillary Clinton from grossly negligent, to extreme carelessness. The shift from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” was key because the federal law that covers how classified material should be handled calls for criminal penalties for “gross negligence.” Judge Napolitano says there is little difference in either term, but I would have to disagree.

He even helped former FBI Director Comey draft Hillary’s exoneration statement that freed her from any investigation.  Sean Hannity has stated the obvious, “The fix was in on the Hillary Clinton investigation.”  Strzok is also the guy who was okay with the FBI not investigating the DNC’s hacked server.  He was fine with that.

In his FBI position, Strzok also enjoyed liaison with various agencies in the intelligence community, including the CIA, then led by Director John Brennan.

The guy’s a total full-fledged partisan, and Mueller had to let him go because it was discovered how partisan he was operating.  Yet, every one of Mueller’s investigators is partisan, and they’ve spent $7 million taxpayer dollars on this bogus investigation so far.

Strzok and The Clinton Created Dossier

House investigators have regarded Strzok as a key figure in the chain of events when the bureau, in 2016, received the infamous anti-Trump “dossier” and launched a counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling in the election that ultimately came to encompass Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance of a Trump campaign associate.  The fake dossier was compiled by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and the firm’s bank records, obtained by House investigators, revealed that the project was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.  Why no investigation?

In early October, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes personally asked Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller and who has overseen the Trump-Russia probe since the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, to make Strzok available to the committee for questioning.  Three subpoenas were issued for various witnesses and documents, and nothing happened.  After a month went by, they formally recommended to Nunes that the DOJ and FBI be held in contempt of Congress. Nunes continued pressing the DOJ, including a conversation with Rosenstein as recently as 29 November 17.

After the latest revelations on Strzok, Nunes directed his staff to draft contempt-of-Congress citations against Rosenstein and the new FBI director, Christopher Wray.

Unless the DOJ and FBI comply with all of his outstanding requests for documents and witnesses by the close of business on Monday, Nunes said, he would seek a resolution on the contempt citations before year’s end.  Rosenstein agreed to permit House investigators to interview FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as long as he’s not questioned about special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing Russia investigation.  Oh really?  We can’t ask him questions about Mueller’s investigation???

The discovery of Strzok’s texts raises important questions about his work on the Clinton email case, the Trump-Russia probe, and the infamous dossier matter.  There are two extremely compromised Clinton partisans, Peter Strzok and Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe.  Mueller’s withholding Strzok’s anti-Trump texting from House Intel committee undermines the credibility of both the Trump and Clinton probes.

The DOJ contacted Paul Ryan’s office to establish a date for Strzok’s appearance before House Intelligence Committee staff, along with two other witnesses long sought by the Nunes team.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge says FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is the key witness, who was said to have handled Christopher Steele, the British spy who used Russian sources to compile the fake dossier for Fusion GPS.

Democrat Andrew McCabe is also facing three federal inquiries for (1) sexual discrimination by Robyn Gritz as mentioned in my last article, and subsequent retaliation against the complainant, (General Michael T. Flynn) (2) campaigning as an FBI official for his wife, which is a violation of the Hatch Act, and (3) ethics violations relating to campaign payments to his wife.

General Flynn, who led the Defense Intelligence Agency, worked closely with Gritz to find terrorists overseas. He said it’s a shame the FBI let go of someone with years of national security experience.  “She was one of the really bright lights and shining stars early on who got it when it came to the kind of enemy that we’re facing, and I just thought she was a real pro.”

The WSJ reported that the political organization of Democrat Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign for state senator of the wife of an official at the FBI who later helped oversee the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use.  Jill McCabe ran for a Virginia State Senate seat as a Democrat in 2015, and she is the wife of Deputy FBI Director McCabe. Virginia’s Democratic party also gave over $200K to her campaign.

The Journal also stated that it was McCabe who told lower-level FBI investigators to “stand down” in their inquiry into whether illegal influence-peddling or financial crimes were being committed at the Clinton Foundation. Meanwhile, McCabe did not recuse himself from the investigation into presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails, despite an apparent conflict of interest involving his wife.

McCabe and Strzok Set up Flynn Interview

Strzok’s allegiance to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was unwavering and very well known, and we know that McCabe had a personal vendetta against Flynn because he supported Robyn Gritz’ accusation of sexual discrimination against McCabe.

Sean Hannity reported that a former U.S. intelligence official, with direct knowledge of General Flynn’s 24 January 17 interview, said McCabe had contacted Flynn by phone directly at the White House. White House officials had spent the “earlier part of the week with the FBI overseeing training and security measures associated with their new roles so it was no surprise to Flynn that McCabe had called,” the source said.

McCabe told Flynn “some agents were heading over (to the White House) but Flynn thought it was part of the routine work the FBI had been doing and said they would be cleared at the gate,” the source said.

“It wasn’t until after they were already in Flynn’s office that he realized he was being formerly interviewed. He didn’t have an attorney with him,” they added.

The source also told Hannity, “With the recent revelation that Strzok was removed from the Special Counsel investigation for making anti-Trump text messages it seems likely that the accuracy and veracity of the 302 of Flynn’s interview as a whole should be reviewed and called into question.”

What is the FD-302?

The FD-302 form is used by FBI agents to “report or summarize the interviews that they conduct” and contains information from the notes taken during the interview.  How credible are the reports of interviews filed by FBI agents working a case? In fact, such reports are known to be so unreliable that in one case, a federal judge refused to be interviewed by agents unless he was allowed to review their report and make corrections.

The process is thus: two FBI agents ask questions and listen to the answers—without tape recording or obtaining a certified transcript. Instead, they return to their office and, based on their recollection and any notes they may have taken during the interview, write up a summary of what transpired. Summaries are, in most cases, written hours later, sometimes even the following day.

Knowing the FBI agents in this interview of General Flynn, I would question their notes.

“The most logical thing to happen would be to call the other FBI Special Agent present during Flynn’s interview before the Grand Jury to recount his version,” the former intelligence official added.

Professor Glenn Reynolds and the Giglio Violation

Glenn Reynolds is a law professor at the University of Tennessee.  I have spoken to him in the past.  Glenn runs the wildly popular Instapundit website at PJ Media and has a huge following.

On 5 December 17, Glenn posted a comment from a former judge and Instapundit reader on the General Michael Flynn arrest and plea deal.

Glenn believes the General Flynn investigation was flawed because Flynn was not notified that the main witness against him was removed from the investigation for bias.

If General Flynn was not aware of this it is Giglio violation.

Via Instapundit:  A reader who is a former prosecutor and judge sent in this:

Did the prosecution tell Flynn’s lawyer that their main witness against him was removed for bias? Since Strzok led the interview and his testimony would be needed to establish untruthfulness, he is a critical witness not just a prosecutor. If not disclosed, would this not be a Giglio violation? This is the kind of misconduct that can get a case dismissed and a lawyer disbarred. It is a Constitutional violation. This has bothered me since I heard about it.

The Giglio v United States case: is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the prosecution’s failure to inform the jury that a witness had been promised not to be prosecuted in exchange for his testimony was a failure to fulfill the duty to present all material evidence to the jury, and constituted a violation of due process, requiring a new trial.


Former CIA analyst, Frederick Fleitz says, “the Russia probe is an intentional Democratic trap, and President Trump should pardon everyone, and that’s what Republicans on the Hill should be calling for.”  Fleitz also stated that he believes there is a good possibility that General Flynn did not lie to the FBI, even though he admitted as much.  He says his friend Michael Ledeen posted an article on Pajama Media. Ledeen says the guilty plea is about the politicization of “justice,” and General Flynn admitted guilt in order to stop the pain for himself and his family.  He even said, “I doubt Flynn — or Mueller, for that matter — believes he misled government officials.”

Ledeen also believes that because Flynn’s conversation with Pence took place in the middle of the night, that there were bad communications, because he had no need to lie about the Kislyak conversations.  “I think Flynn copped a plea to end the torture, and to save his family from prosecution.”

The General’s plea stops years of investigations into Flynn’s business dealings, and the financial bleed of legal fees that have destroyed this family. Please donate to his legal defense fund.

Where is equal justice?  Where is the Rule of Law?  If we hear nothing from our AG after the passage of the tax relief bill, then we have to ask, “Where the hell are you, AG Sessions?

President Trump, pardon them all, number one on the list…General Michael T. Flynn.

P.S.  Please don’t forget NewsWithViews this Christmas and all through the New Year.  We are not supported by some big leftist conglomerate, we’re supported solely through donations from readers.  All of us are working together to bring you the latest unfiltered news.  You can donate here.

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‘Human Rights’ Tribunal Grills Dead Authors

As you read this, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in the case of “Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. V. Colorado Human Rights Commission,” about a Christian baker who refused, on religious and artistic grounds, to create a custom wedding cake for a pair of homosexuals. This is the court’s Hell-sent opportunity to wipe out religious freedom for Christians in America once and for all.

They’re also about to erase artistic freedom, by giving “gays” the power to dictate the content of a work of art. A one-of-a-kind custom wedding cake is a work of art.

As a novelist, this alarms me. Either I plug “gay” characters into my stories, or not be allowed to write any more stories: that’s what I’m afraid of.

But the Colorado Human Rights Commission is already several steps ahead of me. They have hired a medium to interrogate the spirits of dead authors so that their books can be rewritten to conform to the demands of modern pressure groups.

Their first target was the late F. Scott Fitzgerald, whose novel, “The Great Gatsby,” has been called into question by a transgender plaintiff. Here follows part of the transcript of that séance.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, it has come to our attention that in your book, ‘The Great Gatsby,’ you depict all women as having vaginas.”

“I’m sure I never mentioned that.”

“Nevertheless, you imply it—simply by never creating any female character who does not have a vagina.”

“I thought those were called ‘men.’”

“Don’t get smart with us, buster!”

The ghost of Scott Fitzgerald sighs. “All right, I admit I sort of took it for granted that all the women in my book were endowed with female body parts.”

“We’re going to rewrite your book and change that!”

“Go ahead—and then I’ll haunt you.” [At this point, the medium lost contact with Fitzgerald.]

The next deceased writer to be questioned was Kenneth Grahame, author of “The Wind in the Willows.”

“Mr. Grahame, your ‘Wind in the Willows’ has sparked complaints from several oppressed minorities. Were you not aware, as you were writing it, that not one of your various animal characters ever self-identified as a member of a species other than the one assigned to it at birth?”

“By Jove, it never entered my mind! In fact, I don’t think I understand what you’re trying to say to me, sir.”

“Let us explain. Your book would have been much more inclusive, and less hateful, if, for instance, you had written that your Mr. Badger came out of his house one morning and announced that from now on he would self-identify as a female luna moth and was to be addressed as Ms. Luna Moth.”

The ghost of Kenneth Grahame snickers. “Where I come from, anyone who talked like that would wind up in a padded cell.”

“Where you come from, Grahame, is neither here nor there!”

“England, actually. Although my address is currently in Heaven.”

“You can’t stop us from rewriting your book, you know!”

“I also know that if Badger were real, he’d take a large and painful bite out of you for doing that to him.”

This upsets one of the interrogators. “Did you hear that? He just used two archaic and unlawful binary pronouns, ‘he’ and ‘him’—and in the same sentence, no less! I must insist that he be prosecuted!”

“You can’t prosecute me. I’m already dead. And now I think I’ll go back to messing about in boats with Rat and Mole. Ta-ta, old thing!” [The medium loses contact with Grahame.]

“This isn’t working,” complains one of the commissioners. “Can’t we go back to persecuting living authors?”

“The dead ones will change their tune once we start rewriting their books,” replies the chief commissioner. “Remember, we’re re-engineering the world to create a utopia. Who’s next on the list?”

“We have a complaint about Tolkien excluding gay hobbits…”

My nightmare is that this satire will someday turn out to be real.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Is Feminism Ruining Relationships?

I have to confess that all of this talk about sexual harassment of women is driving me a bit crazy.  I also know that it is getting more and more risky to speak out against the established narrative as presented to us by the national thought police.

I know I’m in danger of being called a misogynist, but my tongue is beginning to swell from being gnawed on by my recently crowned molars.  At the risk of opening myself up to criticism from the feminazi mafia I have made the decision to choose my own manner of mutilation.

The soon-to-be slings and arrows hurled my way by the man haters lurking in the etherzone will be much less painful than the self-flagellation that comes from\personal censorship.  A wise man once said “to thine own self be true” and with that thought in mind I am going to attempt to draw first blood.

In all of the cackling about equality, and equal rights I find it amusing that we allow the fall-back position of so many “strong” women to be “he harassed me.”  Sex was designed to be a participatory exercise and in a nation that now declares all “genders” equal how are women able to get away with playing the role of the helpless, weaker victim in this charade of sexual victimization?

Whoa Nelly.  Before you start accusing me of being soft on rape, please understand that I think I know what rape looks like and agree with the Biblical standard of rape being a death penalty crime.  But “sexual harassment” is not rape…so spare me the moralizing, please.

Sex in the workplace is nothing new.  In fact, it has for decades destroyed more marriages than Hustler Magazine. Satan himself was the first single guy in recorded history to hit on another man’s wife and his philandering led to the downfall of the entire human race.

Yes, my friends, all adultery begins with flirtation and, like it or not, many a romance began with a pat on the rump or the twist of a tongue.  If Adam had simply manned up and defended his wife’s honor perhaps Matt Lauer would still have a job.  In sexually liberated America fornication has replaced bobbing for apples as the activity of choice of most unmarried couples.

I wonder how many of the “strong” women that Lauer “victimized” took his bait in hopes of trading a little affection for a possible career boost.  Sex is often about power and you will never convince me that modern professional women are not aware of the power that lies a few inches below their belly button.  For every woman that was appalled by Lauer’s advances there were probably ten who swallowed the hook.

Puhleeze…spare me the “he took advantage of me” sob stories. I was in attendance at the Million Woman March in Washington and I saw a boo-coo number of signs extolling “P-ssy Power.”  (Those were their words not\mine.)  So evidently our feline friends understand a bit more than they let on about the concealed weapon they carry in their pant suits.

Look folks, as much as we would like to we cannot have it both ways.  We can’t have our cake and eat it too.  How in the world can the “liberated” American female cry inequality while holding the power of sex like the sword of Damocles of their male co-workers?  Sorry to be so pig-headed, but I think men deserve better treatment than that.

It takes two to tango and a woman can say “no” just as easily as a man can.  One can only imagine the number of men in the work place who have been jerked around by some pretty thing batting her eyes and swinging her hips only to receive a face-palm when they “misread” the bread crumbs that she dropped as she walked by.

Let me drop\another truth crumb and then you are free to hurl your epithets my way.  Modesty is a thing of the past in America.   When fornication has become nothing more than another social activity it is apparent that women are not always offended by WHAT a man says to her in the workplace, but rather WHO the man is that says it.  If she likes the dude it is flirting.  If she doesn’t, it is harassment.

I recently saw a statistic that explained that nearly 70% of men under the age of 30 are not married.  As the old saying goes, “why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free?”  In this age of “P-ssy Power” the charge of sexual exploitation begins to ring hollow.  Are we to believe that ALL American women are virtuous?

We are going to have to make a decision here in the good ole US of A?  Are men and women equal or not?  This selective outrage regarding pre-fornication dialogue is not going to end well.

Why do you think the girls loved to hang around Al Franken?  Remember, the old commercial, “membership has its privileges?”   How does one defend himself from sex charges when all he was doing was putting some bait in the traps?

Feminism is ruining relationships.

No wonder pornography and blow-up sex dolls are becoming so popular.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

The “Why” Of Racism In America

This week, former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick received his “Muhammed Ali Legacy Award” from singer Beyonce’ at the annual banquet.  Beyonce’s fame stems from her Superbowl “Black Power” songs that criticized White Americans for being racists.

Kaepernick spoke about the inequality facing Blacks in America. In the last bastion of racial equality in America, on the sports field, he created a national division of Whites and Blacks by kneeling against the National Anthem and America’s Stars and Stripes.

He blames White Americans for African-Americans’ struggles in a racist society.  However, he never mentioned that American taxpayers spent in excess of $3 trillion in the past 50 years since Lyndon Baines Johnson created “The Great Society” welfare system.  Very little of that money changed Black Americans’ behavior or conditions in the inner-city projects, jobs, 70 percent children from out of wedlock births, millions on food stamps and Section 8 Housing.

How does White racism figure into this national tragedy?  Are Whites at fault for Black men fathering 7 out of 10 children out of wedlock?  Are whites guilty that as high as 78 percent Black students drop out of high school?   Are Whites guilty of not providing jobs for illiterate Black kids who drop out of high school?

Unfortunately, the call for endless diversity and multiculturalism by America’s elites creates conflict, confusion and bewilderment. Americans stand guilty as to racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and nativism.

Racism In Choices and Nature

But after centuries of mixing different ethnic groups, diversity becomes a pariah and misnomer.  Every night on local news stations, racial unrest dominates most big cities.

African-Americans struggle with racism in America because they remain a minority ethnic group.  Where they dominate in Africa, other races struggle to survive racism.  Racism in Mexico remains a steadfast component to keep people of color at the lowest economic echelons.  Japan features strong racism, so much so, it does not allow immigration into that country.

In reality, from my worldwide travels, I discovered ‘racism’ stems from biological differences. It stems from tribal dissimilarities.  Every race, when in power, practices racism against subordinate ethnic groups.  Racism plays out in the animal world everywhere on this planet.

At best, humans must come to respect one another when they cannot understand each other.  They must honor each other’s lives while they choose to remain in their own tribes.

Multiculturalism Creates Racism in All Countries

Sweden, once the most peaceful and vibrant country in the world, today, struggles with rapes, crime, car bombings, failing schools, parallel societies, conflicting religions and a fragmenting society.

What changed?  Sweden along with the rest of Europe began immigrating Moslems from the Middle East and Africa.  They imported Indians from the Sub-Continent.  They introduced aberrant cultures and religions into their midst as a grand social experiment by intellectuals bent on proving that ethnic groups and cultures might live in happy celebration of their cultures within an alien culture.

One Moslem imam boasted: “Sweden will become Europe’s first Moslem caliphate.”

France faces similar consequences to its endless immigration.

French writer Giulio Meo said, “In 2017, the French authorities are sending compensation to more than 2,500 victims of the jihadist attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis, who will be compensated with 64 million euros. Important victories were also attained by anti-terrorism forces. According to an enquiry by the weekly L’Express, in the last two years, 32 terrorist attacks were foiled, 625 firearms were seized, 4,457 people suspected of having jihadist links were searched, and 752 individuals were placed under house arrest. But the general impression is that of a country “failing from within”.

“After two French girls were murdered by an Islamist in Marseille last month, the social commentator wrote that France is experiencing a process of national and civilizational decomposition that authorities have decided to accompany and moderate, without claiming to fight and overthrow it, as if it were unavoidable.”

Fact:  every culture strives for dominance.  When it finds itself in large enough numbers, any culture competes with any adjoining culture. Today, Moslems contend for dominance in every city their numbers grow in Europe.  Moslems struggle for dominance in Australia, Canada and America.  Today, Chinese immigrants in Vancouver, Canada control that city via their majority numbers.  The Canadian Chinese ran native Canadians out of that city with money, businesses, hiring, housing and numbers.  Vancouver no longer remains a Canadian city.

Multiculturalism decomposes any country where it takes a foothold.  It starts small, such as a city like Lewiston, Maine; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Freemont, California and Dearbornistan, Michigan.  Take a look at Spanish Miami, San Diego and Los Angeles.  Look at Chicago, Illinois.

All of them decompose into mini-third world countries: poverty, failing schools, illiteracy, welfare, crime, drugs and loss of the rule of law.

I spoke about the “Perfect Storm Gathering Over America” at a political club last fall.  If you want to be shocked into what’s coming, this 42-minute video needs to be seen all over America.  Why? Because your children face this future with an added 100 million immigrants within 30 years.

“Perfect Storm Gathering Over America” by Frosty Wooldridge

With every 1.1 million added immigrants added to the USA annually and another 100 million by 2045, our culture cannot nor will it survive the onslaught of multiculturalism.  It’s that simple. We either stop immigration or we become the victims of it.

Islam Is Not a Nice Religion” by Anne Marie Waters:  This 8-minute video profoundly exposes Islam’s intentions and actions:

View this video to see uselessness of endless immigration. It solves nothing, but in fact exacerbates population growth:

In a five-minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

As you can see from the video, no amount of immigration will solve the starvation, misery, suffering or hopelessness of people around the world.  Why? Because they keep adding 80 million, net gain, annually.

But on a sociological level, America, Europe, Canada and Australia find their countries becoming “Everybody Else’s Countries.”  Whether it’s the impact of cultural conflict, religious conflict or linguistic chaos — first world countries will not survive the “Clash of Civilizations.”

As stated, all cultures and ethnic groups compete for dominance.  With 100,000,000 added immigrants from 196 different countries by 2050, the USA finds those millions pulling for their own culture, ethos, language and religions.  America today, already fractures and fragments in the big cities with Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter calling for a separate Black Country.  With the advent of more terrorist Muslims, you will see them demanding Islamic caliphates in the USA much like Europe.

Our country faces ultimately pulling apart at the seams. It will not be able to hold in the center as “Americans.”  Kaepernick and Beyonce’ work to make that happen.

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Pearl Harbor Survivor Remembers: A Day Of Infamy

December 7, 2017, Pearl Harbor Day, marks the 75th anniversary of the Japanese air attack on U.S. naval and air installations at Pearl Harbor, HI, at 7:53 a.m., Dec. 7, 1941, without a declaration of war.

It was then the worst attack on American soil in history: Some 2,403 died, 2008 of them Navy personnel; another 1,178 were wounded.

Eighteen Navy ships, including the U.S.S. Arizona, were sunk or damaged. Almost all the planes at the island bases were destroyed or damaged while still on the ground.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt memorably called December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in infamy” in his dramatic speech to Congress, which then declared war on Japan.

Only the sneak attack on America by radical Islamic terrorists on 9-11-2001 in New York resulted in more deaths. But for many Americans of this generation — and millions of immigrants, legal and illegal — the significance of Pearl Harbor is not fully known, or appreciated.

One for whom it does “live in infamy,” is Pearl Harbor survivor S. J. Hemker, now 98, of Banning, California. A retired three-war combat Navy veteran — WWII, Korea, and Vietnam —and an American Legionnaire, Hemker remembers Pearl Harbor up close and personal:

“Ordinarily, we would have been at sea. We were at Pearl Harbor because we had to repair an engine that had been sabotaged at the shipyard back in California. I was up on the fantail of our ship, the USS New Orleans, a heavy cruiser, with the Chief Master at Arms. The Quartermaster was there, getting ready to raise the flag,” Hemker recalls.

“It was 7:53 a.m. when we saw the Japanese planes. They were flying so low I could see the pilots’ faces in the cockpit. They were grinning at us as they went down toward Battle Ship Row. Grinning at me and the Chief. They were so close, you could have thrown something at them and hit them. A potato, maybe. They were that close. Just skimming the top of the water. Torpedo planes. The pilots grinning at us,” Hemker reluctantly, but vividly recalls.

“The loudspeakers blared: ‘Man your battle stations – the Japs are attacking’. All hell broke loose… It was terrible, horrible, …,” he says, pausing in his remembrance.

“I spent the next eight hours down in the magazine loading for our five-inch anti-aircraft guns. We fired everything. If we had been hit, that would have been it for us in the magazine. We would have been blown up. We had a big crane over the top of our ship. I think that’s what saved us,” he states matter-of-factly as to his own circumstance., then somberly relates:

“The Arizona capsized. Thirteen hundred men went down with her. Half the guys I was with in boot camp died on the Arizona. That’s where the Memorial is today. They say that oil still leaks out every day. Those guys…they’re still down there,” Hemker says quietly, his voice trailing off, as if physically turning away from a memory, and reality, which is still too painful to talk about.

Getting Hemker to talk about it at all is no easy task. Like many of his fellow World War II veterans, he still doesn’t talk about his war experiences, never expects any thanks or gratitude, and never, ever boasts about it, despite the fact that after Pearl Harbor he served America in battles and combat zones for the duration of WWII, in the Korean War, and in Vietnam.

Hempker, a widower, roguishly handsome into his 90’s and possessed of a sly sense of humor, for years charmed the ladies in the Legion Auxiliary with his country gallantry. He is universally admired by his comrade veterans in the American Legion. “I’m not able to do what I used to do, but I do what I can,” he says.

Hemker’s beloved wife died more than 30 years ago. For the last thirteen years of her life, Hemker’s wife was bedridden, unable to perform the most basic of everyday tasks of life, totally dependent. It says a great deal about the kind of man S.J. Hemker is, that for all of those thirteen years Hemker cared for her, seeing to her every need, lovingly dedicating his life to her care, until her death did them part.

Hemker had four sons. All four,  like their father, are veterans who served in the Vietnam war. Hemker had no biological daughter. But, in his declining years, he has for more than thirteen years lived in his own room in the home of a loving daughter-in-fact if not of biology, Sue McConnell, and her husband,

No daughter has rendered more loving care to a father than has Sue McConnell to S.J. Hemker.

“I call him my ‘Dad’ because he is that to me. I couldn’t love him more,” says Sue, has known Hemker for thirty-seven years and become his daughter in fact who has through the years as risen up in fury when the VA has done its duty to

Reflecting on Pearl Harbor seventy-five years after surviving it, Hemker, who has lost his eyesight,  but not his vision for America, observes:

“We Americans should never forget. If we forget our past and those who died, we won’t have a future. A free one, anyway. Look at what happened on 9-11. More people were killed on that day then were killed at Pearl Harbor. It can happen again,” he warns.

“I don’t think people remember Pearl Harbor and what it means, the way they used to do,” Hemker concludes. “That’s too bad. A lot of us can’t forget. An awful lot of really good people died to keep America free. They shouldn’t be forgotten.”

© 2017 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

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China Intensifies Persecution, Execution Of Christians And North Korean Women

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A freelance undercover journalist who goes by the name Janelle P recently met with Roman Catholic nuns and Protestant missionaries to discuss their work among North Korea’s sex-trafficked women who are currently hiding in China.

Those lucky enough to escape the brutal border guards of dictator Kim Jong-Un’s massive military must now contend with the anti-Christian policies in China. There have been disturbing reports emanating from China that reveal that President Xi Jingping has implemented an economic crackdown on the country’s poorest and most marginalized people — the Christians, both North Korean refugees and Chinese citizens who follow Jesus Christ.

According to Janelle P, reporters who are seeking the truth and not some hidden political agenda have uncovered what may be the most unfair and treacherous pay-for-play scheme ever created. “China’s Communist Party Chairman Xi Jingping has mandated that impoverished Christians and churches take down symbols of Jesus Christ and the cross and replace them with his likeness. The penalty for not adhering to this obvious idolatry is a threat to withhold government resources,” she wrote in an emailed press statement

Under the Chinese Communist philosophy, citizens and migrants rely on the heavy-handed government for all creature comforts including shabby, second-hand clothing, minimal shelter, and even the ability to purchase food. While the world sees and hears about the Chinese economic boom, few are witness to the degradation and mercilessness of a country with an underbelly of corruption, brutality and injustice.

The Chinese battle against Jesus Christ and his teachings continues daily which has only increased the ongoing efforts to enforce atheism.

While the Asian superpower with populous numbering in the billions now enjoys a growing population of more than 100 million believers, upwards of 1 million Christians reside in Yugan county region alone. They have been widely viewed as a threat to state-sponsored secularism and as such remain one of the poorest locations on the globe.

In its attempt to prevent the conversion of more believers, the atheist government subsidizes a huge propaganda campaign to convince members of China’s Christian population that strong ties exist between their poverty and their foolish faith. The brainwashing process includes the claim that only the Chinese government in the tradition of Chairman Mao Tse Tung and not the Son of God, Jesus Christ, can help lift them out of the gutter, provide safety and security, and help restore nutritional and health needs.  [YouTube Video]

In other words, government is the answer to their silent prayers whether they like it or not.

“China utilizes what has been called a ‘poverty-relief fund’ to assist its most vulnerable citizens when they suffer economic setbacks. The government recently made it abundantly clear those that do not strike down Christian images and replace them with large posters of Pres. Xi will be cut off from these life-supporting resources. The brutal attempts to coerce people of faith amounts to an official worship the Communist leader or starve policy,” wrote Janelle P.

The news report indicates that more than 600 Christian symbols have been removed, and more than 450 images of Xi have been put in their place. Many of the images of Jesus and the cross were displayed inside the private homes of the poor Chinese citizens.

The message to Christians across China has been heard loud and clear: either turn your back on Jesus Christ, or go hungry. [YouTube Video]

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Muslim Mosques – Military Bases in America?

The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…” ―Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Recently, I was watching a video of former F.B.I. agent John Guandolo talking about the “Islamic Terror” attacks in America that have taken place since September 11, 2001.

During his exposition on “Islamic terror” within American borders, he brought up the question as to what would you think if a foreign country established military bases here in America.

Muslims are establishing Mosques in America, which is the same thing.

It is a sign of conquering, and as you know, out of their own mouths, the Muslims are not coming into America to assimilate, they are here in an attempt to dominate.

Furthermore, this is what they are taught to do through the teaching of the Koran.

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” –Hassan al-Banna

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran is the highest authority in America, and Islam is the only accepted religion on earth.” – Omar Ahmed, The founder of the Council on America-Islamic Relations

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.” Mustafa Carrol CAIR Director Houston, Texas

What is even more disturbing is that the number of Mosques in the United States has jumped up to 74% since September 11, 2001.

The US survey 2011 counted a total of 2,106 as compared to 1,209 in the year 2000.

As of 2016, there are as many as 3,000 mosques in America, with a total number of 3.3 million Muslims residing in this country.

[YouTube Video]

The slow siege (Deuteronomy 28:43), of course, comes on the heels of the CIA-controlled media doing their lying best to sell Muslims (On the heels of the homosexuals that are being used to help upend American Sovereignty) to the American people not only as the victims, but also the advocators of a peaceful religion (Judges 5:8).

The victims? The religion of peace?  Really!

Below are some verses taken directly from their book of peace, the Koran.

And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of unbelievers — Koran 2: 191

Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends, rather than the believers — for whoso does that belongs not to God in anything — unless you have a fear of them. God warns you that you beware of Him, and unto God is the homecoming. – Koran 3:28

Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him; in the next world he shall be among the losers. – Koran 3:85

This is the recompense of those who fight against God and His Messenger, and hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they shall be banished from the land. That is a degradation for them in this world; and in the world to come awaits them a mighty chastisement,… – Koran 5:33

‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!’ – Koran 8:12

And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged. – Koran 8:60

O Prophet, urge on the believers to fight. If there be twenty of you, patient men, they will overcome two hundred; if there be a hundred of you, they will overcome a thousand unbelievers, for they are a people who understand not. – Koran 8:65

Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. – Koran 9:5

Christians and Jews are perverted. God assail them! How they are perverted! – Koran 9:30
O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you harshness; and know that God is with the god-fearing. – Koran 9:123

But those who disbelieved will have cut out for them garments of fire. Poured upon their heads will be scalding water. – Koran 22:19

So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds. – Koran 47:4

Here is a list of Muslim Terror Attacks in America since 1972.

The first number represents those killed while the second number represents the injured.

2017.10.31    USA    New York, NY    8    15
A ‘radicalized’ migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.

2017.05.19    USA    Tampa, FL    2    0
A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.

2017.04.18    USA    Fresno, CA    3    0
Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.

2017.01.31    USA    Denver, CO    1    0
A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office by a ‘radicalized’ Muslim.

2017.01.06    USA    Fort Lauderdale, FL    5    6
A convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.

2016.11.28    USA    Columbus, OH    0    11
A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.

2016.09.17    USA    St. Cloud, MN    0    8
A former refugee goes on a stabbing spree at a shopping mall while speaking of Allah and asking potential victims if they are Muslim.

2016.09.17    USA    NYC, NY    0    31
A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents. He also shot two policemen two days later.

2016.08.20    USA    Roanoke, VA    0    2
A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a ‘radicalized’ man yelling praises to Allah.

2016.06.13    USA    Orlando, FL    49    53
An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.

2016.02.11    USA    Columbus, OH    0    4
Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling ‘Allah Akbar’…

2016.01.07    USA    Philadelphia, PA    0    1
A man shoots a police officer three times ‘in the name of Islam’.

2015.12.02    USA    San Bernardino, CA    14    17
A ‘very religious’ Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.

2015.11.04    USA    Merced, CA    0    4
A student vowing to behead and ‘praise Allah’ stabs four others on campus.

2015.07.16    USA    Chattanooga, TN    5    2
A ‘devout Muslim’ stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.

2015.05.03    USA    Garland, TX    0    1
Two Muslims stage a suicide assault on a conference critical of Islam.

2015.02.14    USA    Detroit, MI    0    2
Two men are stabbed by a Muslim who first verified that they were unbelievers.

2014.12.18    USA    Morganton, NC    1
A convert to Islam shoots an elderly man three times in the head after watching ISIS videos.

2014.10.23    USA    NYC, NY    0    5
Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.

2014.09.25    USA    Moore, OK    1    1
A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.

2014.06.25    USA    West Orange, NJ    1    0
A 19-year-old college student is shot to death ‘in revenge’ for Muslim deaths overseas.

2014.06.01    USA    Seattle, WA    2    0
Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.

2014.04.27    USA    Skyway, WA    1    0
A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.

2014.03.06    USA    Port Bolivar, TX    2    0
A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

2013.08.04    USA    Richmond, CA    1    0
A convert “on a mission from Allah” stabs a store clerk to death.

2013.04.19    USA    Boston, MA    1    1
Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.

2013.04.15    USA    Boston, MA    3    264
Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as ‘very religious’ detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.

2013.03.24    USA    Ashtabula, OH    1    0
A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.

2013.03.14    USA    Vancouver, WA    0    2
Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.

2013.02.07    USA    Buena Vista, NJ    2    0
A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.

2012.11.12    USA    Houston, TX    1    0
A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

2012.06.15    USA    Mission, TX    0    3
A man shoots his daughter, her boyfriend and her mother for letting the girl date a non-Muslim.

2012.01.15    USA    Houston, TX    1    0
A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.

2011.09.11    USA    Waltham, MA    3    0
Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.

2011.04.30    USA    Warren, MI    1    0
A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.

2010.04.14    USA    Marquette Park, IL    5    2
After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to ‘take them back to Allah’ and out of the ‘world of sinners’.

2009.12.04    USA    Binghamton, NY    1    0
A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for ‘persecuted’ Muslims.

2009.11.05    USA    Ft. Hood, TX    13    31
A Muslim psychiatrist guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.

2009.11.02    USA    Glendale, AZ    1    1
A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too ‘Westernized.’ (10-20-09)

2009.06.01    USA    Little Rock, AR    1    1
A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.

2009.04.12    USA    Phoenix, AZ    2    0
A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.

2009.02.12    USA    Buffalo, NY    1    0
The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.

2008.07.06    USA    Jonesboro, GA    1    0
A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.

2008.01.01    USA    Irving, TX    2    0
A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their ‘Western’ lifestyle.

2007.02.20    USA    Nashville, TN    0    1
A Muslim cab driver runs over a Christian after arguing about religion. The young man’s ankle and hip are broken by the vehicle.

2006.07.28    USA    Seattle, WA    1    5
An ‘angry’ Muslim-American uses a young girl as hostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.

2006.06.25    USA    Denver, CO    1    5
Saying that it was ‘Allah’s choice’, a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.

2006.06.16    USA    Baltimore, MD    1    0
A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim medical student in an unprovoked terror attack.

2006.03.03    USA    Chapel Hill, NC    0    9
Calling it the will of Allah, an Iranian immigrant plows his SUV into a crowd of students as ‘retribution’ for foreign policy overseas.

2004.04.15    USA    Scottsville, NY    1    2
In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.

2003.08.06    USA    Houston, TX    1    0
After undergoing a ‘religious revival’, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4″ butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.

2002.10.22    USA    Aspen Hill, MD    1    0
A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.

2002.10.14    USA    Arlington, VA    1    0
A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.

2002.10.11    USA    Fredericksburg, VA    1    0
Another man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas.

2002.10.09    USA    Manassas, VA    1    1
A man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas two days after a 13-year-old is wounded by the same team.

2002.10.03    USA    Montgomery County, MD    5    0
Muslim snipers kill three men and two women in separate attacks over a 15-hour period.

2002.10.02    USA    Wheaton, MD    1    0
Muslim snipers gun down a program analyst in a store parking lot.

2002.09.23    USA    Baton Rouge, LA    1    0
A Korean mother is shot in the back by Muslim snipers.

2002.09.21    USA    Montgomery, AL    1    1
Muslim snipers shoot two women, killing one.

2002.09.21    USA    Atlanta, GA    1    0
Muslim terrorists gun down an employee at a liquor store.

2002.07.04    USA    Los Angeles, CA    2    0
Muslim man pulls out a gun at the counter of an Israeli airline and kills two people.

2002.05.27    USA    Denton, TX    1    0
Muslim snipers kill a man as he works in his yard.

2002.03.19    USA    Tuscon, AZ    1    0
A 60-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim snipers on a golf course.

2002.01.06    USA    Tampa, FL    0    0
Fifteen year-old flies plane into an office building in Tampa. Suicide note reveals his admiration for Osama Bin Laden and desire to commit a terrorist attack.

2001.09.11    USA    New York, NY    2752    251
Islamic hijackers steer two planes packed with fuel and passengers into the World Trade Center, killing hundreds on impact and eventually killing thousands when the towers collapsed. At least 200 are seriously injured.

2001.09.11    USA    Washington, DC    184    53
Nearly 200 people are killed when Islamic hijackers steer a plane full of people into the Pentagon.

2001.09.11    USA    Shanksville, PA    40    0
Forty passengers are killed after Islamic radicals hijack the plane in an attempt to steer it into the U.S. Capitol building.

2000.03.17    USA    Atlanta, GA    1    1
A local imam and Muslim spiritual leader guns down a deputy sheriff and injures his partner.

1997.04.03    USA    Lompoc, CA    1    0
A prison guard is stabbed to death by a radical Muslim.

1997.03.23    USA    New York, NY    1    6
A Palestinian leaves an anti-Jewish suicide note behind and travels to the top of the Empire State building where he shoot seven people in a Fedayeen attack.

1994.03.01    USA    Brooklyn, NY    1    0
A Muslim gunman targets a van packed with Jewish boys, killing a 16-year-old.

1993.02.26    USA    New York, NY    6    1040
Islamic terrorists detonate a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 in an effort to collapse the towers.

1993.01.25    USA    Langley, VA    2    3
A Pakistani with Mujahideen ties guns down two CIA agents outside of the headquarters.
1990.11.05    USA    New York City, NY    1    0    An Israeli rabbi is shot to death by a Muslim attacker at a hotel.

1990.01.31    USA    Tuscon, AZ    1    0
A Sunni cleric is assassinated in front of a Tuscon mosque after declaring that two verses of the Qur’an were invalid.

1989.11.06    USA    St. Louis, MO    1    0
A 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her parents for bringing ‘dishonor’ to their family by dating an ‘infidel’ African-American.

1980.08.31    USA    Savou, IL    2    0
An Iranian student guns down his next-door neighbors, a husband and wife.

1980.07.22    USA    Bethesda, MD    1    0
A political dissident is shot and killed in front of his home by an Iranian agent who was an American convert to Islam.

1977.03.09    USA    Washington, DC    1    1
Hanifi Muslims storm three buildings including a B’nai B’rith to hold 134 people hostage. At least two innocents were shot and one died.

1974.04.16    USA    Ingleside, CA    1    0
A man is killed while helping a friend move by Nation of Islam terrorists.

1974.04.01    USA    Oakland, CA    1    1
A Nation of Islam terrorist shoots at two Salvation Army members, killing a man and injuring a woman.

1974.01.24    USA    Oakland, CA    4    1
Five vicious shooting attacks by Nation of Islam terrorists leave three people dead and one paralyzed for life. Three of the victims were women.

1973.12.24    USA    Oakland, CA    1    0
A man is kidnapped, tortured and decapitated by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.12.22    USA    Oakland, CA    2    0    Nation of Islam terrorist kills two people in separate attacks on the same day.

1973.12.20    USA    Oakland, CA    1    0
Nation of Islam terrorists gun down an 81-year-old janitor.

1973.12.13    USA    Oakland, CA    1    0
A woman is shot to death on the sidewalk by Nation of Islam terrorists.

1973.12.11    USA    Oakland, CA    1    0
A man is killed by Nation of Islam terrorists while using a phone booth.

1973.11.25    USA    Oakland, CA    1    0
A grocer is killed in his store by Nation of Islam terrorists.

1973.10.29    USA    Berkeley, CA    1    0
A woman is shot repeatedly in the face by Nation of Islam terrorists.

1973.10.19    USA    Oakland, CA    1    1
Nation of Islam terrorists kidnap a couple and nearly decapitate the man, while raping and leaving the woman for dead.

1973.07.18    USA    Washington, DC    8    2
Nation of Islam members shoot seven members of a family to death in cold blood, including four children. A defendant in the case is later murdered in prison on orders from Elijah Muhammad.

1973.07.01    USA    Bethesda, MD    1    0
An Israeli diplomat is gunned down in his driveway by Palestinian terrorists.

1973.01.19    USA    Brooklyn, NY    1    1
Muslim extremists rob a sporting goods store for weapons, gunning down a police officer who responds to the alarm.

1972.04.14    USA    New York, NY    1    3
Ten members of a local mosque phone in a false alarm and then ambush responding officers, killing one.

It amazes me how Americans are trying to figure out how all of this is happening to their country when Scripture is very clear in the matter as to why….

“I am the Lord your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright.

But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;

And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:

I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror….Leviticus 26:13-16

The answer, Matthew 3:2.

The Big List of Muslim Terror Attacks continues.

© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

If You Ain’t Mad Yet, You’d Better Get Mad

It is difficult to describe how we felt when we learned that Kate Steinle’s killer would only be charged with a “felon in possession of a firearm,” a low level beef at best, considering the severity of the crime he committed in snuffing out Kate’s life on a San Francisco pier, at the dawn of her adulthood.  We suddenly grew red faced with the raw emotions of anger, incredulity and disbelief.  In short, we were mad as Hell!

If a man steals a car and then runs over a person (even accidentally) and kills that person, he will be tried, convicted and sentenced under an involuntary manslaughter charge, plus car theft.  Kate’s killer was a felon in possession of a firearm, which resulted in the death of an innocent bystander.  That by definition is involuntary manslaughter.  There was no question that the bullet came from the gun that the killer fired that killed Kate Steinle, whether accidental or not.  It made no difference that the bullet ricocheted off the concrete.  The killer’s illegal action led to the death of another person.  He should have been punished with many years in prison, if not executed.

But he wasn’t. Shockingly, a San Francisco jury acquitted him.  The jury was not allowed to see his many drug convictions or his five deportations, even though that was material evidence that led to his character and being in the country illegally.  The fact that the killer was given sanctuary in San Francisco under their Sanctuary City policy was also not admitted into evidence.  The fact that he was roaming around free as a bird because of that Sanctuary policy was never exposed to the jury during the trial.

The jury was composed of six men and six women.  Three of those jurors were immigrants.  It is not known whether the immigrants were legal or illegal but that contingent of immigrants may very well have played a role in a “not guilty” verdict.  The killer pulled the trigger but the sanctuary city mindset was tattooed on the bullet.

The trial was a sham and an egregious miscarriage of justice.  As it stands right now, no one has atoned for Kate Steinle’s death.

Fortunately, a federal arrest warrant has been issued for the killer on other federal charges, so it is likely he will do a few more years in prison ….. before they deport him.  But if the FEDS deport him, he will just come back across the border and head straight for a sanctuary city, like San Francisco.

A porous southern border, lax illegal immigration enforcement and Sanctuary City policies killed Kate Steinle.  The hue and cry against this injustice should be heard loud and long across the land.  If people are as angry as we are, there are two specific actions they can take so that Kate Steinle’s death will not be in vain.

  1. Americans must unite around a no-tolerance illegal alien policy. All illegal aliens should be deported, even if it costs billions of dollars.  That would send a message that coming to America can only be accomplished by legal means.  Make them all go through the front door.  Any other policy spits on the rule of law and insults lawful Americans by making them pay to support law breaking illegal aliens and suffer the indignities, lost jobs and lower wages due to a rampant illegal alien invasion.
  2. Americans and businesses must unite around a boycott of San Francisco and the State of California to punish them for their sanctuary policies. Quit visiting the city by the bay and take your vacation and business dollars elsewhere. 

NOTE:  We have prepared a sample letter to the Mayor of San Francisco and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, telling them Americans and businesses are going to boycott their city because of the city’s Sanctuary City Policy.  To see the sample letter and San Francisco and Governor Jerry Brown’s contact information, including telephone and fax numbers and individual e-mail addresses, click HEREOverload their phones and e-mail addresses with your anger and disgust.  Phone ’em.  Fax ’em.  E-mail ’em, or call ’em.  If the federal government can’t control sanctuary cities, maybe the people can.  The city of San Francisco needs to pay for the death of Kate Steinle!

Who said Americans won’t do the jobs performed by illegal aliens?  Many of those in our age group (60’s, 70’s and 80’s) cut their teeth on picking berries, apples, pears and peaches in their teenage years.  Some of us picked cotton.  Our first job was picking Logan berries at the age of 12.  We were excited about earning a little extra money so that we didn’t have to beg our parents for an allowance.

Good Lord, when are Americans going to get mad enough to do something to right the injustices that happen to us every day.  Illegal immigration is a festering sore on our bodies, our emotions, our laws, our financial wellbeing and our economy.  If this sore goes untreated, it will kill us and it will eventually kill American freedom and sovereignty, if it hasn’t already.

Here are some other actions Americans could take, or lobby government to change the laws.

1)         Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force.  If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.

2)         Build the wall ….. NOW!

3)         Enforce current law already on the books.

4)         Track all foreigners who over stay their visas and deport them.

5)         Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation.  There should be no hearings or other administrative procedures.  Illegal aliens should not be entitled to due process because illegal aliens should have no rights.  They should not be entitled to driver’s licenses or other government services.

6)         Severely punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees.  As an employer we took validating citizenship very seriously.  If there was any question, we investigated.  Fine the employer $10,000 for every alien they illegally employ.

7)         As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a valid visa or green card.

8)         Loosen the child labor law regulations so that teenagers can learn about work, salaries and responsibilities by working on the farms and picking America’s crops.

9)         Pass Kate’s Law giving mandatory 5 year sentences to illegal aliens that come back across the border after being deported.

In a previous article on illegal immigration we wrote:

As reported by the Texas Department of Public Safety:  “According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.”

“According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.”

In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien.  There may even be a Kate Steinle in there somewhere.  Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well.  And this is just one state.  Are you beginning to get the picture?  Are you angry yet?  If not, why not!

Ladies and gentlemen, Americans cannot and should not look the other way when a national injustice is staring them in the face.   How bad does it have to get before people of courage and conviction rise up and right that injustice?  Sadly, most of the suggestions we have made in this article will never be implemented because the Congress is impotent and the people are lazy or plain don’t care.

However, our readers and other Americans have a chance to make a difference today.  Check out our “Boycott San Francisco” web page.  Copy and paste our sample letter into your word processor and mail it, or e-mail it to the San Francisco Mayor and the Board of Supervisors.  Or call or fax them.  We have also provided their phone and fax numbers on the web page.  If you don’t like our wording, change it.  We’ve done the hard work and made it easy for you.  Make San Francisco pay for Kate Steinle’s death by letting them know you are going to boycott them.  The killer didn’t pay, but justice demands that someone must pay.  Make that someone the City of San Francisco.

If this doesn’t go viral, it will be a token effort.  Token efforts always fail.

© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

With The November 2017 Elections What Should Republicans Do Now?

With the recent victories by Democrats in the November 2017 elections, there is much talk about what Republicans should learn from this and what they should do now.

One argument is that Republicans must more clearly “embrace Trump.”  That is, they should align themselves with the President and demonstrate their allegiance to his policies and his persona.

Others say that it’s time for Republicans to distance themselves from “The Donald” and seek to win more support from liberals and independents.

It might not surprise you that we at the Institute on the Constitution, too, have an opinion to share.  Michael Peroutka, our Founder and current member of the Anne Arundel County Council in Maryland, championed this opinion earlier in the month.

“The Donald” is not the standard.  Neither, of course, is “The Hillary.”

The allegiance of anyone who holds or desires to hold elective office should be to the Constitution, which includes the Declaration of Independence, and to the Moral Law.

After all, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

So you see, nobody takes an oath of office promising to obey the President.

The Oath is before the governed to the God who gave us our rights.  Their obligation is to preserve and protect the Constitution and “The Truths” just mentioned above, which are found in the Declaration of Independence.

This is the place to stand.

Make no mistake; “Truth” is not a concept we can disregard because it is part of the way our Creator made the world. If we disregard the concept of “Truth” and adopt evolving definitions of “Truth”, would we have much security for our rights?

It may sound simplistic but I believe people voted for Trump because they were tired of the abuse of a godless and corrupt regime who were arbitrarily creating so-called truths of their own.  All the while this new concept of truth fundamentally transformed the foundation of our Biblical, Constitutional Republic.

Unfortunately, the new regime of Republicans has shown themselves largely to be just as bad as those they replaced.

And so, the frustrated people, looking for honest, decent, Constitutional and God-fearing government…are still looking.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

Proper Punishment For False Accusers

Below is the solution for dealing with crimes committed by vicious tongues firing off words as weapons. The tongue can be so volatile, with the ability to destroy so many lives, even starting wars, that an entire chapter of The Bible, James 3, was devoted totally to that troublesome untamed slippery organ.

That chapter begins: “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in WORD, the same is a perfect man and able also to BRIDLE THE WHOLE BODY. James 3:2. (emphasis mine)

So to be able to control your whole body and lusts begins with not offending in word. So watch your mouth. And how are words formed? By the tongue.

Verse six states that, “The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.”

God’s Word in verses 7 and 8 nails the problem: “For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind: (8) But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”  Let that sink in.

The most serious of all is using the tongue to spread false witness against someone, which also is lying. Those who misuse their tongues in this way will not be protected even if you go to church every Sunday. Deliberately spreading false witness against anyone, which is also lying, will usher you into the White Throne Judgment Room which is the last step before being tossed into the lake of fire.

It should be noted that bearing false witness is serious enough that it is included in the chapter showing the 10 commandments…Exodus 20:16. This was important enough for God that He included this among his very first instructions to His people.

For the George Soros Democrat Communists who hate God and the church, here is the explanation of The White Throne judgment. When you die, you are partway between Heaven and Hell. On the way you will be ushered into the White Throne Room where you will be asked to explain your sins, especially deliberately ruining reputations, tearing apart families, stealing from people who have worked hard to support their families, causing chaos on innocent people and destruction of their property along with all sexual sins.

All the oratory skills you may think you possess will not be able to stop the judgment you face. The lever will be pulled and you will be plunged into hell.

The news media has no integrity or truth about them. They slant news in an effort to serve The Communist Party which is based on lies and intends to enslave the entire world. The newspapers print absolute untruths about those they want to destroy. Remember, lying too is a SIN. When one lies to bear false witness against someone that is a twofer sin, meaning double the punishment.

Bearing false witness is very much in the news these days, spread by the Democrat Communists who are trying to force President Donald Trump out of office so the communists can have full rein of leadership.

They have made false allegations about President Trump and will use anything that will be a negative for him. A headline today blared; First Lady sparks OUTRAGE for her White House Christmas Decorations. Unbelievable headline to attempt to reflect badly on the most classy, dignified First Lady we had ever had.

The papers printed as truth that Russia manipulated the election resulting in Trump being seated in The Oval Office. THAT IS TOTAL NONSENSE. The only people who put Donald Trump in the White House were the millions of Christians, many who had not voted in years, who came forward, out of the shadows, and VOTED.

The Soros Democrat Communist Party are terrified of what President Trump can do to clean up the swamp and are desperate to get him out of the White House.

The next most feared man in the world (for these traitorous trash bags) is Judge Roy Moore, who is about to become Senator of Alabama. THAT is why the hysteria in the invented headlines accusing Judge Roy of whatever they could think up. Suddenly, many women came out of nowhere claiming he came on to them…now get this…over 40 years ago. Their testimonies were so far out in left field that the crows couldn’t even get there.

Everything they swore happened has proved to be a lie. The most damming of all was the Communist (MSM) newspapers and TV who labeled him as a ‘pedophile” and ‘child molester.”  NONSENSE!  The Soros news media pulled that description out of the air since none of the so-called “victims” said that.

The Fake News Media also claimed that Judge Moore hung around the Mall in Alabama to try and get young girls to go off with him…again; this is what the NEWSPAPERS said. Now HEAR YE–HEAR YE! The owner of that mall was contacted along with a couple of employees and everyone contacted said there was NEVER a ban on Judge Roy from coming into the Mall during the time period sworn to by false witnesses or any other time.

The latest witness, Beverly Young Nelson, was trotted before the cameras by a lawyer who obviously never studied ‘legal ethics’ in law school. Ms. Nelson’s ambulance chasing lawyer, Gloria Allred, will lie and bear false witness to win a case for anyone she represents.

Ms. Nelson’s ‘testimony’ was awash in tears with strained emotion that could have been better performed by an Indiana Community Theater Acting class. Her lies quickly unraveled. An ex boyfriend of hers stated that her entire testimony was a lie, AND her stepson also said her testimony was a lie.

Serious offenses have been committed and punishment must be executed. Jurisprudence demands that the punishment must fit the crime. But does it?

Is the punishment based upon the defendant’s standing in society? It would seem so. No matter how serious the crime, one can either get a slap on the wrist, or years of confinement and hard labor in the politically controlled courts of today.

So what kind of punishment should be mandatory for those who bear false witness? Let’s see what God’s Word says about this. Here it is in Deuteronomy 19: 18-19:  “And the judges shall make diligent inquisition; and behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; (19) then ye shall do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother; so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.”

So there it is, from the mouth of God showing how serious a matter this misuse of the tongue can fertilize.

Here is the solution.  When such an evil allegation arises, and there is a prison penalty for the action, if true, then the false accuser MUST receive the very same prison sentence that the victim, who was falsely accused of committing, would receive. This would absolutely put a stop to this lying once and for all.

It is now the fullness of time to require this to be made into law. What these evil doers have tried to fraudulently pull off on an innocent man will wind up in their own laps and God requires a penalty for the false accusers. Legal experts, Arise!

Democrats, please, for your own sake, pay attention: Yes, The Lord is a God of Love and he does everything with love. But are you aware that there are things that God hates? And George Soros and Democrat Communists, you are doing everything He hates. It is certain that you knew nothing about the White Throne Judgment. And it is doubtful that you are aware of these offenses to God as listed in Proverbs 6:16-19:

These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look (cockiness), a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A FALSE WITNESS THAT SPEAKETH LIES, AND HE THAT SOWETH DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN.”  (All emphasis mine).

Democrats, that is the message for the day. You are doing all the things that God hates. Please think about this. There are many of you that I really like. Hopefully, one day soon, you will become the person God intended for you to be. Then you will really know what life is about.


Please share this on social media.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Mothers: For The Love Of Your Child STOP Doing This

I had intended to make this week’s column on another issue, but once again, yet another innocent little angel has been murdered.

Three year old Mariah Wood’s body was found this past Saturday in a ‘creek’ deep enough divers were used in the search. That beautiful toddler went missing a week ago today in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Guess who was the last to see her?

Yep. The boyfriend, Earl Kimrey, who claimed he checked on Mariah at 1:00 am and told her to go back to sleep. What? Isn’t a child already asleep at one in the morning? Sure, babies and toddlers wake up during the night, but according to reports the mother had already checked on the child at midnight. No explanation was given as to why Kimrey allegedly needed to check again an hour later.

The biological father, Alex Woods, who has been involved in a custody issue with the mother said:  “Someone just walked right up in there, grabbed the 3-year-old out of the bed and she didn’t cry, she didn’t scream? ‘Nobody heard anything? Four people in the house, two adults and two kids, someone just comes up and snatches the baby and walks out?'”

The police and FBI weren’t buying it, either. They believed the child was dead within a short period of time. Kimrey was arrested in the early hours Saturday morning and charged with hiding a body, obstruction of justice, second-degree burglary, felony larceny and possession of stolen property.

Police believe little Mariah’s body was moved to the creek so she didn’t accidently drown in the middle of the night. The arrest warrant said Kimrey obstructed justice by “removing Mariah Woods’ body from the scene of her death, and did conceal (the) death and body, knowing that (she) died from unnatural causes.”

While positive identification was not confirmed, the police believe (they know) the body is Mariah. I saw the initial headline last week and while I prayed for the best outcome, reading the details about the boyfriend I knew they were likely looking for a dead child.

During the past week the mother, Kristy Woods, who also has two minor sons, was naturally beyond distraught. Her little angel gone from their trailer in the middle of the night. I am truly so, so very sorry for Kristy and her family. Little Mariah, I have no doubt has been welcomed into the arms of our Heavenly Father.

But, I have to write this because it didn’t have to happen. It did NOT have to happen. The live-in boyfriend, Earl Kimrey, is a criminal: “Kimrey has a criminal history that dates back to 2005, a larceny conviction in Alamance County. He was given probation and a suspended jail sentence. He was convicted in Onslow County in 2012 of assault or threatening of a government official and being drunk and disorderly. He was given probation and a suspended sentence. In 2015, he was convicted of larceny, this time in Brunswick County. He was given probation and a suspended sentence.”

How the hell did this guy continue to get probation?

Kimrey is given the presumption of innocence. If he doesn’t cop a plea he will go to trial. There will be no Merry Christmas for the mother, her little boys, the whole family shattered.

If you think this is a rare incident, think again. If you read my Killing Fields series you know women across this country bring men into their home/apt who rape and or kill the girlfriend’s child and the mother. So many are pregnant.

The majority of the killers have rap sheets for drugs, domestic violence, you name it and yet, these mothers bring these men into their homes and we see tragedy over and over and over.

Whether it’s because the man is a pedophile, drugs or just plain evil, these men should NEVER be brought into a home with children.

The Killing Fields of America, 10-20-12
The Killing Fields of America – Infants, babies, teens, 11-16-12
Killing Fields of America – The Deadliest Of The Deadly, 3-12-13

Each time one of those columns was posted my email box was flooded from Americans shocked at what is going on in this country. I’m not but it still hurts each time I see another Mariah story.

One simply must ask the most difficult questions. Did Mariah’s mother know her boyfriend had a long rap sheet? How could she not? If you date someone and then ask the guy to move into your home with your three minor children one would think the mother would know all about the boyfriend’s past. This guy had three convictions on his record. Things like that follow you around. Employment, applying for credit, probation officers and so forth. Kimrey was apparently employed by an HVAC company. Did they know his criminal history?

In 2010, a 10-year old, Hailey Dunn, went missing in Colorado City, TX, about 30 miles east of my town.  A massive manhunt with the Texas Rangers leading the investigation. That’s all that was talked about around here for months. Everyone praying little Hailey would be found alive.

Sadly, her remains were found in April 2013.  Guess who was the last to see Hailey alive? You got it. The boyfriend, Shawn Adkins. He was and still is the only person of interest but never arrested and remarked to more than one person that killing someone would be just like killing a deer.

Both the mother and boyfriend failed polygraph tests.  Police had been to the home for a domestic violence situation where Adkins finally admitted to threatening the mother and daughter. What would most mother’s do at that point? You kick the SOB’s backside right out the door. Didn’t happen, but what did happen during a search of the home makes me puke:

Colorado City, TX:Investigators found more than 100,000 pictures and videos depicting pornography and deviant acts, including child pornography and bestiality, on electronics seized Jan. 7 during the investigation into Hailey Dunn’s disappearance, according to Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs.

“The seized items included a memory stick and CD-R found in the bedroom of Hailey’s mom, Billie Dunn, and suspect Shawn Adkins.  Those were seized during a consensual search of their home, where Hailey was last seen on Dec. 27. Dunn denied the images belonging to her or Shawn Adkins, saying she has no idea where they would have come from.  Adkins told Tatro he was unable to comment about the development at the request of his attorney.”

The mother, Billie Jean Dunn, was charged and jailed for lying to police regarding the whereabouts of her dear boyfriend at the time of her daughter’s disappearance and for possession of drugs. She moved away from this area. What I want to know is why Shawn Adkins has never been charged by the feds for child porn? After a diligent search on the Internet I could find no indictment or anything by the feds.

Domestic violence is NEVER okay. Yes, I’ve read and watched enough about domestic violence to have a good understanding of how difficult it is for the majority of women out there to get out. How after the boyfriend (or girlfriend as in the case of Jodi Arias who butchered her ex-boyfriend, a sweet, kind man, Travis Alexander) kills a loved one, someone invariably says, “I didn’t want to interfere”. Really? Should that become the new most popular inscription on a headstone?

If you know someone, help them. Talk to them. Get help in helping that single woman or mother trapped. Domestic Abuse Hotline. 1-800-799-7233, 24/7. Their counselors are well trained to help both the victim (and, yes, men are also victims of domestic violence) or a friend or family member who suspects or knows what’s going on.

As for dating and having some guy move into your home and into your child/children’s life, for the love of those children DO YOUR HOMEWORK. It’s a damn sad situation, but evil walks this country in massive numbers. The predators are out there who want your child. While I wish I didn’t think it, likely the autopsy of little Mariah Woods will show she was raped; sick SOBs usually go for both vaginal and anal rape of a child.

Even though I’m up there in years, I’m not dead and do know what it was like dating but I NEVER brought a strange guy into my home after my divorce when my daughter was only a year old. No way. Not with my precious daughter in my home. No introductions for a long time if the dating even lasted. Sometimes dating is just that. Of course, things have changed so much over the decades but evil never takes a holiday.

I know, it seems so, well, uncomfortable snooping into a new boyfriend’s background, but for YOUR safety and if you’re a mother, DO IT. If you’re a friend or family member of a teen or woman dating a guy that seems ‘off’, gives evasive answers in response to perfectly innocent questions, like where they went to school, what they do for a living and things like that, talk to your friend or family member. Tell them you’re doing it because you love them and don’t want to see them become another statistic.

Start by going to the Internet: Ways to Check If Your Boyfriend Is a Criminal

Yes, it does take time to do research and sometimes a small fee to search records but isn’t your life worth it? Isn’t the life of your precious child/children worth doing what has to be done in this day and age?

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King Of Kings

This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. —Luke 2:12-13 NASU

The political climate at the birth of Christ was more volatile than we know it today in America.  If someone wanted to make an accurate movie about the times Christ was born in, it would be a fascinating movie full of war, espionage, national and personal struggle.  Rome was the terrible beast of Daniel’s vision, and had devoured most of Europe into the Middle East.  The Jews left in Judea were under the rule of Roman governors whose primary aim was to keep the captive nations in relative peaceful submission.

Just before Christ’s birth were the days of Julius Caesar.  The Roman Empire was being ruled by a triumvirate of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus, until Julius Caesar’s adopted son/nephew Caesar Augustus became the emperor of Rome in 27 B.C.  Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus had been busy extending the Roman Empire and conquering more kingdoms, nations and lands, so that by the time Julius Caesar was killed and Caesar Augustus inherited the rule, the Roman Empire was a prolific world power.  Their subjugated territories generally loathed their very oppressive rule, and the land of Judea was no exception.

What’s suspiciously missing in most accounts of this world history is the equally powerful Parthian Kingdom.  In fact, from (about) 64 B.C. to 225 A.D., Parthia and Rome were considered co-equal world powers.  (Think world superpowers akin to USSR/USA.)  This matters to the Christmas story, and it matters in history.  It’s important we grasp the dynamics of this to some extent, but it’s hard to find an accurate expounding of it.

Rome’s aggressive kingdom’s eastern boundary vacillated along the Euphrates River, with Armenia being a hot spot of contention for dominion.  I’m going to expound on this a little because it’s quite important.  The Scythian Kingdom was north of the Parthian Kingdom, above the Black and Caspian Seas.  Parthia was akin to the ancient Persia Empire in geography, and in its early days was in the Persian Empire.  Rome had moved across Europe and northern Africa and had taken dominion through the Middle East up to about the Euphrates River, and was constantly trying to subjugate Armenia.

Because Rome was the terrible beast of Daniel’s vision, you have to envision a formidable adversarial empire bent on conquest.  They had brutally overthrown Carthage in the famous Punic Wars and expanded across north Africa, through Egypt and into the Middle East.  They were still trying to expand east beyond Judea into what was Parthian territory.

Israel had fallen to Assyria in stages, with their capital Samaria falling in 721 B.C.  This is really important and most of what I’ve observed in western Christianity doesn’t get this right.  Israel and Judah were two different countries since the days of King Rehoboam, Solomon’s son.  They never merged again, and the northern kingdom of Israel was ten tribes, while the southern kingdom of Judah was two.  Israel fell to Assyria in 721 B.C., and while the Assyrian king took Israelites into captivity, it was in no way the entire nation of Israelites.

In fact, there were waves of captivity along with waves of mass emigration.  In 745 B.C. Israelites were carried into captivity, and then five years later Tiglath-pileser, the Assyrian King, invaded Israel and took captive three and a half tribes:  Naphtali, Reuben, Gad and the ½ tribe of Manasseh.  [See 2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chron 5:26]  At this time scores of Israelites could see the writing on the wall and fled Israel over the next decade.  Spain, Iberia and the Black Sea region were territories the Israelites resettled.  The Israelites who migrated to the Black Sea region were known as Scythians.  This is such a big deal, so big that I want to sidebar on it…

The Scythians derive their name from “Sacae” or “Saka”, which in Hebrew terms refers to the ancestor Isaac.  [Hebrew drops the vowels, and variances are run accordingly.  For example:  iSaaC becomes variances of S-C with any combination of vowels inserted.  Hence, the SaCae named themselves according to their ancestor patriarch Isaac.  The Persians called the Scythian tribes the “Sacae”.  The Encyclopedia Britannica called the Saka and Scyths “synonymous”.]  This is equally a big deal when you realize that Latin writers (think Rome again) use “x” for “c”.  So Rome referred to the Scythians as “Saxoi” or “Saxones”, from where we get “Anglo-Saxon”.  The reason this is such a big deal is part of the scattered Israelite tribes can be traced quite easily to the Scythians/Saxons.

More sidebar:  When Paul wrote in Colossians 3:11, “Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free, but Christ is all, and in all.”  He is writing contrasts, opposites.  And he places Scythians opposite of Barbarians.  “Barbarian” literally means foreigner or alien, which clearly implies Scythians were NOT foreigners.  They were in fact, fellow Israelites.

We discover that roughly 27,000 Israelites were taken captive when Samaria fell in 721 B.C. [2 Kings 17:6]  One-third of Israel were taken captive thirteen years earlier in 734 B.C.  That roughly leaves about two-thirds of the Israelites as migrants, or refugees to other lands.

End sidebar.

The reason this migration of Israelites is so important is because we need to realize they didn’t die and they weren’t in Judea; they simply moved and renamed themselves.  Scythia and Parthia were neighbors sharing a north/south border.   The Jews in Judea in the days of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem were Jews of the tribe of Judah.

Parthia was established in 521 B.C., about 200 years after the fall of Israel and Samaria.  It was a 500 year kingdom under ONE dynasty:  Arsacid.  They were known to be of common origin with the Scythians and were subjects to King Darius under Medo-Persia until they revolted and placed themselves under Scythian protection for a period of time.

I need you to connect the dots to really gain understanding here.  If they were common origin with the Scythians, they were most likely in part or whole Israelites.  The indicators of this are many.  Arsaces was the first king of Parthia, and from where they get the Arsacid dynasty name.  The Parthians used an Aramaic title for king, known as MLKYN, which literally means “king of kings”.  It is derived from the Hebrew word for king used 2500 times in the Bible:  MLK.

Parthia was ruled by what was called a “Council of Parthians” which consisted of two primary groups:  Kinsmen and Wise Men.  The Kinsmen were the royal house of the royal Arsacid male bloodline, while the Wise Men consisted of the Senate (secular leaders) and the Magi (priests).  The Wise Men and Magi were known jointly as Megistanes.

Kings were elected by a concurrent vote of the two houses.  The Parthian empire was based on a feudal system that foreshadowed medieval Europe’s feudal system.  Parthian rulers were well-educated and multi-lingual.  The Magi (priests) numbered upwards of 80,000 and were considered a hierarchy of priests descended from ancient times.

I’m going to skip a lot of history here and nutshell that Parthia was under Greek’s rule during the days of Alexander the Great, but revolted and declared their independence in 256 B.C.  Parthia actually won their independence in 237 B.C. and shortly thereafter eastern Scythians merged into Parthia.

There were a series of famous Parthian kings from the line of Phraates and a long line of battles for territory and sovereignty over the next several decades, which eventually culminated in a series of battles with Rome.  I’m going to go over some of the history of this because it is so very important, and try to stay with me, even if it seems irrelevant.  As I continue, keep in mind that one of the primary roles of the Wise Men and Magi is the anointing, placement and deposing of the kings.

The Parthians suffered loss by the Seleucids in 129 B.C., which is the time of the Maccabees.  This is significant because the Maccabees gained independence in Judea for a short-lived time here.

A curious thing happened in 62 B.C. when Pompey made a promise to Parthia for territories in exchange for support in their war against Armenia.  After the war, Pompey reneged his promise to Parthia and Rome grievously insulted Parthia by not calling the Parthian King Phraates III by his title, “king of kings”.  From that point on, Rome and Parthia were adversaries and the Euphrates River became the recognized border between their empires.  Note that this is about sixty years before Christ’s birth.

Crassus attacked Parthia in 53 B.C. and Rome suffered severe losses.  Parthia retaliated three years later by attacking Rome’s eastern provinces.  A series of battles form 40-37 B.C. caused Parthia to capture Judea and push Rome out of Asia Minor.  Phraates IV captured 35,000 Roman soldiers.  The Jews asserted their independence from Rome in this time and placed a Jewish prince, Antigomus, to rule Palestine as a Parthian satrap.  (They would have been under Parthian rule at this time.)  Note how close we are to Christ’s entrance.

In 37 B.C. Rome counterattacked and regained their territories.  Mark Antony had the Jewish Vassal King Antigomus beheaded and King Herod replaced him.  Now the dots should be connected.  It was in this year, 37 B.C., that Mark Antony (yes, famous with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt) invaded Parthia with 16 legion and 113,000 man army to try to recover the seven legions of soldiers captured under Crassus.  Parthia dominated this battle.  Rome lost 10,000 men and retreated in winter through Armenia.  Rome recaptured the land west of the Euphrates at this time, and a sort of treaty was reached agreeing to a co-existence on their respective sides of the Euphrates.  Rome had yet to win a significant battle against Parthia and Caesar ordered peace with Parthia at all costs.

I’m not going to join the ranks to declare exactly when Christ was born, as there seems to be credible evidence for a few different dates.  However, we do know Herod the Great was the Roman King at the time of Christ’s birth.  Now see what happens…

Matt 2:1  Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Remember that Wise Men was the proper title of Parthian Megistanes.  The Greek word translated “wise men” is “magian”,  which literally means “Persian astronomer or priest”.  Parthia governed Persia at the time, so the wise men were Parthian nobles &/or priests.

Parthian Megistanes did not travel lightly.  They would have traveled with an entourage of servants, family, animal handlers, etc. under a military company of troops.  Because they were traveling with so much wealth, they would have had an impressive infantry around them.  Josephus and other historians record such caravans into the tens of thousands.  At the very least it would have been a company of a couple thousand, but more likely 20,000 or more.

Matt 2:2 Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”  

The Parthians were Scythians (who were part of the scattered tribes of Israelites).  Therefore the Parthians were Israelites.  The Magi were the priests of Parthia (who were of a hierarchy of priests who descended from ancient times).  The Magi were none other than the Levitical priests!  The Magi were responsible for keeping the line of the kings of Israel.  The Magi (Persian priest) were responsible for following the kingly bloodline.  While their first inclination would be the kingly bloodline in Parthia (the Arsacid dynasty), they would equally be familiar and aware of the bloodline of Judah, as David’s royal bloodline is heir to the throne over all Israel, and is the bloodline the Messiah was prophesied to come.

The bloodline of Judah resided in Judea, while the scattered tribes of Israel were in various places.  Ample research indicates the Scythians/Parthians were predominantly of the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim*, of whom the priestly tribe of the Levites would be interspersed within.  Their ancient knowledge and traditions would 1) know the prophecies and 2) would know the timing of Daniel’s prophecy and 3) would know how to watch and interpret the signs.

It was no small feat for the multi-thousand ensemble of priests, royalty, military and servants to pack up and travel to Judea!  What would make foreigners even care about someone born in another country??  They wouldn’t!  Unless it mattered to them personally!  And of course the Israelites would care a great deal about fulfilled prophecy and the “King of the Jews”.  They would risk national security to acknowledge the birth of the long-awaited “King”.  They would bring gifts of frankincense (anointing oil), gold (royal treasuries), and myrrh (embalming oil, prophetic) because it would be entirely appropriate and fitting for the Megistanes to anoint and acknowledge the birth of the King.

Matt 2:3  When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Jerusalem is a trading city that would receive caravans regularly.  Three travelers would not have caused the alarm of the entire city.  But a massive military escort from their enemies under a peace treaty entering their territory inquiring of a King would greatly alarm both Herod and the city.  Recall their peace treaty that neither empire would cross the Euphrates River, and now a military escort in the tens of thousands had entered town.  Thirty years ago the Parthians had crossed the Euphrates and taken back Judea.  To squash the revolution Mark Antony had the Jewish vassal king beheaded.  This would have been in the forefront of Herod and Jerusalem’s thinking.  Surely they were trembling at the fear of war!

The Parthian Megistanes had an immediate audience with King Herod and an inquiry was made.  Herod feigned compliance, but it was probably more because he didn’t have the troops to defend should the Parthians have an aggressive intent.  [He would have less troops because they were under a peace treaty.]

Herod conferred with Jewish hierarchy about their prophecies to ascertain Bethlehem from Micah 5:2.  (Why would Persian priests care about Israeli prophecies??)  The Jews and wise men would have been familiar with Daniel’s prophecy (9:25-26) and known the timing was upon them for the Messiah…

So this Christmas season marvel at the pinnacle of history in the birth of Christ!  It is a story unparalleled in all of time!  The Scriptures should come alive as we envision the Parthian Magi traveling with their tens of thousands to worship the newborn king!  Marvel at the revelation of His Name, (which we now understand is the title of the Parthian kings):

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.  His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.  He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.  And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.   From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.  And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” —Revelation 19:11-16 (NASU)

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Clinton-Lynch Airport Meeting: FBI Documents Released To Watchdog Group

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on board a parked plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona.  The meeting occurred during the then-ongoing investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, and only a few days before she was interviewed the Justice Department and FBI.  (Judicial Watch filed a request on June 30 that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General investigate that meeting.)” — Jill Farrell, Director of Communications, Judicial Watch.

On Thursday, in the middle of a number of top news stories, a well-known watchdog organization released a 29-page Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) file directly related to the controversial June 27, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona, airport tarmac tête-à-tête between then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her boss’ predecessor former President Bill Clinton, according to Judicial Watch’s director of communications, Jill Farrell.

Perusal of these latest government documents reveals that then FBI Director James Comey and his underlings were more concerned about leaks of that meeting being reported in the media than the actual Lynch-Clinton meeting itself.  The new documents also show that then-FBI Director Comey seemed to learn of the meeting from news reports.

The new documents were obtained by Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request seeking:

  • All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure.
  • All records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the aforementioned investigation. This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, the Democratic National Committee, and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
  • All records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.

These latest FBI documents show how the agency’s officials were concerned about a leak that Bill Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in order to “maneuver” a private meeting with his predecessor’s attorney general.  The breaking story in the Observer is seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of emails about the source of the article.

FBI official(s) write “we need to find that guy” and that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt to stem any further damage.”  Another FBI official, working on AG Lynch’s security detail, suggests instituting non-disclosure agreements.  The names of the emails authors are redacted. There are no documents showing concern about the meeting itself. 

The FBI officials appeared at first to be deceptive with Judicial Watch by claiming “they could not locate any records related to the tarmac meeting.”

However, in a related legal action, the Justice Department claimed it located emails in which Justice Department officials communicated with the FBI and admitted that they had communicated with the FBI.  As a result, by letter dated August 10, 2017, from the FBI officials stated, “Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist. As a result, your [FOIA] request has been reopened….”

On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on board a parked plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona.  The meeting occurred during the then-ongoing investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, and only a few days before she was interviewed the Justice Department and FBI.

Judicial Watch filed a request on June 30, 2016, that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General investigate the suspiciously timed meeting between the head of the government agency investigating a presidential candidate’s suspected criminal acts and the candidate’s husband who was a two-term POTUS.

“The tarmac meeting also came just days before former FBI Director James Comey held the July 5, 2016, press conference in which he announced that no charges would be filed against Mrs. Clinton.

In his subsequent, May 3, 2017, testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey claimed the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting was the “capper” among “a number of things” that had caused him to determine that Department of Justice leadership “could not credibly complete the investigation and decline prosecution without grievous damage to the American people’s confidence in the justice system,” Jill Farrell noted in her released statement.

“These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The documents show the FBI worked to make sure no more details of the meeting would be revealed to the American people.  No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until Judicial Watch caught the agency red-handed hiding them.  These new documents confirm the urgent need to reopen the Clinton email scandal and criminally investigate the resulting Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation.”

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Patriot Michael Flynn Targeted By Deep State Globalists

What the enemy used to hurt you, God uses to prosper you. Not all angels reside in heaven.  Many walk the battlefield, both abroad and at home. Veteran Michael T. Flynn is one of them.  Don’t doubt me, Flynn is one of our toughest warriors, and he will survive.

Mueller’s Illusory Investigation

Nothing that former National Security Advisor (NSA), Michael Flynn has given Mueller is in any shape or form damaging to Trump. What he has provided occurred during the transition period when all incoming presidents contact foreign governments in anticipation of making deals with them or discussing policy. Russia was one of 13 or more nations, the leaders of which were contacted by Flynn.

In other words, this is nothing but a “vapor” play on Mueller’s part, the last vestiges of a failed investigation, and the charges against the General were the simplest ones they could get him on, and they were repetitious.

Socialist Media v. Truth

The media is all a twitter over this news, and they’re delighted to report that Michael Flynn lied to the corrupt FBI in relation to his phone calls to the Russian ambassador, but this is old news.  We knew this last February when the FBI leaked the General’s private calls with foreign officials to the leftist media.

The socialist MSM has a short memory when it comes to former President Obama.  In the fall of 2008, prior to his election, Obama was busy interfering in President Bush’s policy toward Russia. One of his foreign policy advisors, Mike McFaul, made a trip to Moscow to meet with various Russian officials and interest groups, speaking off the record and answering questions. [Link]

In a WSJ editorial entitled, The Flynn Information, it states, “He pleads guilty to a charge the FBI once said it wouldn’t prosecute.”  And yes, it is a witch hunt.  So, now that people are finally being charged for lying to the FBI, didn’t Hillary Clinton say that she never sent any classified emails from her private server?

The MSM is acting like this repeat story is new. Flynn misled others on a discussion he had with a Russian diplomat before the inauguration.  What he did was legal and there are no charges related to his discussion with the Russian diplomat.  Forgetting or not reporting on this discussion when asked by the corrupt FBI involved in the corrupt Mueller investigation is his crime.  Flynn’s resignation in February was related to the same event.  

After the General resigned in February as NSA, CNN reported that Flynn changed his story about his conversations with Kislyak, but that the FBI did not plan to pursue charges in the case.  CNN’s government sources said that it was not believed that Flynn intentionally misled the FBI.

A National Review article by David French reports on the charges against Flynn, and he writes, “If this is all there is, then Flynn is the victim of a monstrous injustice.”  Check it out, Flynn is being charged with lying to the FBI about activity that isn’t criminal.

In Andy McCarthy’s latest National Review article, he says much the same thing, “There was nothing wrong with the incoming national-security adviser’s having meetings with foreign counterparts or discussing such matters as the sanctions in those meetings. Plus, if the FBI had Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) recordings of Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn what the conversations entailed.  Earlier this year, McCarthy argued that it remains unclear why the Obama Justice Department chose to investigate Flynn.

Here is General Michael T. Flynn’s plea agreement.  Everyone knows the National Security Adviser calls heads of state for the new incoming President.  Only when the President is Trump and the adviser is Flynn is there an investigation.

NSA Responsibilities

ABC News reported that “Flynn was to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians to lay the groundwork for mutual efforts against ISIS in Syria.” That’s what an incoming national security adviser is supposed to do in a transition between administrations. The NSA does this in every administration transition, they talk to the heads of foreign governments.

If this were part of the basis for a collusion case arising out of Russia’s election meddling, then General Flynn would not be pleading guilty to a process crime.  He would be pleading to an espionage conspiracy.  In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself.  (Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony.)  At the end of the day, this remains a process crime, which basically is minor.

There is no collusion with Russia, and this attack against Michael Flynn, destroying his reputation and finances is nothing more than the last refuge of a failed investigation.  The charges against Gen. Flynn are weak, and while Flynn lied, there was no crime to cover up.

Americans are outraged at the time and money spent by Mueller’s Clinton supporting attorneys to destroy this administration and those who support this President, and we know the real criminal acts have been by the FBI, Comey, and Mueller.

Flynn’s Calls to Foreign Dignitaries

A recent article in The Hill claims the White House is saying the Obama administration approved Mike Flynn’s calls with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

According to court documents, Mr. Flynn lied to investigators when he told them that he did not ask Russian Ambassador Kislyak to refrain from retaliating against U.S. sanctions imposed by the Obama administration in response to the alleged Russian meddling.

Mr. Flynn also lied when he told the FBI that he did not lobby Kislyak to oppose or delay a United Nations Security Council vote condemning Israeli settlements, a resolution strongly condemned by Trump.  He admitted that he asked Russia to delay a U.N. vote seen as damaging to Israel, but diplomats said it was not the only country he and presidential adviser Jared Kushner lobbied. [Link]  It failed, with the UN Security Council adopting a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building on land Palestinians want for an independent state. The vote was 14 in favor and one abstention by the United States.

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, told Fox News’ Eric Shawn that Michael Flynn deserves a medal, and…

American voters need to remember that Obama officials illegally leaked contents of some of these recorded conversations to the press during the transition, and the Washington Post published a story which said that the phone calls between Flynn and the Russian ambassador had been listened to and transcribed, and there was nothing illicit on them.

The Corrupt FBI

Yes, Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and yes, it was wrong.  He had two other choices, tell them the truth, or refuse to talk to them.  What most Americans don’t understand is that Flynn knows exactly what the entire DOJ, CIA, and FBI are all about.

Back in July of 2017, I wrote an article about Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, and the fact that he is under investigation.  Robin Gritz, a decorated counterterrorism agent, had filed a sexual discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against Andrew McCabe and other top FBI officials.  Once she filed the lawsuit, McCabe began investigating Gritz personally looking for any dirt on her he could find.  In 2014, Mike Flynn backed up the sex discrimination charge brought by Gritz against McCabe and other top people at the FBI.  Surprise…two years later Flynn is the subject of a McCabe-led FBI investigation about how he supposedly colluded with the Russian ambassador.

Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo has made it clear that the entire DOJ is infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood, and we know without a doubt that Mike Flynn is an expert on the Islamic terrorist enemy.  Read his book, The Field of Fight!

Sebastian Gorka has made it clear that senior FBI agents and Obama holdovers consider Donald Trump as the enemy, and that includes Mike Flynn.

As for Obama, he hates General Flynn, this is why Flynn was being surveilled by the Obama administration during the transition.  Flynn was the head of Obama’s Defense Intelligence Agency.  Obama parades Islam as a religion of peace, but Flynn has a much different view on militant Islamic terrorism and he was constantly lobbying for foreign policy that would deal with militant Islamic terrorism in the way he thought it presented a threat.

Robert Mueller, Guardian of the Swamp

So why is Mueller out to crucify Flynn? Obviously to get to President Trump, but there’s more.  When Flynn was head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and afterwards, he blew the whistle on the U.S. and its allies willfully allowing Islamic terrorists to flourish in Syria.

That didn’t ingratiate him with the Deep State…neither did his expose’ in The Hill about Fethullah Gulen, his charter schools, and the support this Islamic mullah has received from the left, the CIA and the DOJ.

We’ve always known that Mueller is part of the Deep State.  His buddy, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein put him in power as the Special Counsel for this bogus Russian Collusion investigation.  And what does Mueller do?  He brings in a huge team of partisan hacks, all of whom worked for or supported the corrupt Clintons and Obama administration.

Mueller, Rosenstein and former FBI Director Comey are all good friends, and Mueller should have recused himself from the Trump investigation.  Their aim is to destroy President Trump.

The entire Mueller team isn’t even based on US law, and they continue to break the law by leaking to the press about this fake investigation.  Knowing Mueller’s involvement with the Uranium One scandal alone should have resulted in immediate termination.

This whole rotten investigation should have long ago been shut down, and if the media were actually doing their jobs instead of their partisan lies, this entire Flynn story wouldn’t have even seen the light of day, and the Flynn family wouldn’t have been financially destroyed.  Remember folks, the media lies with impunity, the state libel laws were destroyed because of one of the worst rulings by the Warren Supreme Court in 1964.

And this just in…Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department’s Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok, a former deputy director for counterintelligence at the FBI who was removed from the staff of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III earlier this year, after Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged anti-Trump texts with a colleague.

Obama Officials Never Prosecuted

Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan both lied to Congress.  He has since admitted he testified in the “least untruthful manner he could think of.”  But he’ll never be prosecuted, yet General Mike Flynn is indicted.

And what about Hillary, she’ll never be charged for lying to congress, even though everyone knows she did.  This entire Russian investigation is about destroying the President chosen by America’s electorate.

The timing of the charges against Michael T. Flynn are not coincidental.  It was down to the wire on our President’s tax cuts which have passed in the Senate. Mueller pulled this off on Friday, 1 Dec 17 to sweep the tax cut deal off the front pages, the democrat sexual predators out of the news, and the sanctuary-city-protected illegal alien who murdered Kate Steinle away from our thoughts.  Mueller has done this to target our President, and a great veteran who has given 33 years of service to his nation.


Michael T. Flynn is a patriot with exemplary service to this country.  He and General Stanley McChrystal were two men who actually knew exactly how to fight the Islamic enemy, and both were fired by Obama.  Like many veterans, this man needs our support, but Mike Flynn needs it now because the Deep State has targeted him like no other veteran.

Mike’s youngest brother, Joe Flynn told me, “The Flynn family is grateful for the support of Mike’s legal defense fund, but it has been a long and arduous ordeal and it will have long term effects. Mike needs your help, he has to put his family home up for sale to pay legal bills.  This has been devastating to the family of a patriotic Christian man.  Please help us support him.”

Many veterans have emailed me wanting to help.  One who served under General Flynn and General McChrystal told me that, “Mike walks on water and doesn’t even get his feet wet.”  The veterans love this man.

Won’t you please help him save his family home and pay his exorbitant legal fees by donating to his legal defense fund…Mike deserves your help especially this Christmas. He stood for freedom, stand for him!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Kate Steinle: Legally Killed in San Francisco by An Illegal Alien

One night in 2015 in San Francisco, California, an illegal alien, deported five previous times, and a felon, shot Kate Steinle in the back from a distance as she stood on a pier.

Tony Bennet sings, “I left my heart in San Francisco….”  But, because of Sanctuary City ordinances put into place by Mayor Edwin Lee and the city council, American Kate Steinle suffered death in the “City by the Bay.”

Illegal Mexican Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, deported five times, admitted shooting Steinle, and faced life in prison, but instead, the jury found him not guilty.  He legally killed an American citizen.

Found guilty of a felon carrying a gun, he may serve 18 to 36 months before being deported for a sixth time.  Which, at current enforcement rates at America’s borders and over 240 Sanctuary Cities across the USA, Zarate will be able to legally kill another American again.

Unfortunately, according to Dr. Steven Camarota’s research at  (Center for Immigration Studies), because our immigration laws remain unenforced as to landlords, employers and Sanctuary Cities, 500,000 illegal aliens jump America’s borders annually.  Estimates range from 11 million to 20 million illegal aliens remaining in the USA.

Financially, immigrants send cash transfers back to their home countries at a rate of $120 billion annually.  Mexico enjoys cash infusions of $24 billion annually.  The remaining figures disperse into Central and South America, and finally, India, Indochina and Africa.  You might call it, “Financially bleeding America to death.”

At the same time, both Republicans and Democrats insure employers do not face lawful action against them for employing illegal migrant by not enforcing our stringent laws.  It’s costly to hire illegals at a charge of $2,000.00 per illegal caught and up to five years in jail for the employer. It means the CEO’s of McDonald’s, Marriott Hotels, most restaurants, Hormel Foods, Tyson Chicken, landscape, roofing and other contractors would see jail time.  But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and big money makes sure those laws remain unenforced.  Additionally, big money makes sure that E-Verify never becomes law, so that employers may continue their 21st century slave labor.

Sanctuary Cities, their mayors and city councils insure that American citizens suffer death from murders, rapes from rapists, burglaries from felons, drunken car accidents, and billions in welfare costs from anchor babies, schooling, food and medical care for illegals.

President Truman pushed the Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952 through Congress in the closing days of his administration. Under Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) any US citizen that knowingly assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that declare their jurisdictions to be “Open Cities, Counties or States are subject to arrest; as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to enforce this law. Police officers who ignore officials who violate Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) are committing a Section 274 federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by an illegal alien.

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

“Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”

Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.

Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.

And yet, San Francisco’s Mayor Lee and California’s Governor Jerry Brown support and encourage illegal migrants into that state along with over 240 cities nationwide with Sanctuary City ordinances to protect criminal aliens, sex trafficking offenders, drug dealers and anchor baby mothers.

How many American suffered death at the hands of illegal aliens?  Start off with 9/11 and work down from that point in time.  Over the past 50 years, it’s into the tens of thousands.

“March 30, 2016 – As many as 7,500 Americans annually — 20 per day — are killed by unlicensed drivers, and Rosenberg calculates that more than half are the victims of illegal immigrants.” Source: Fox News

What does this verdict indicate?   First of all, a loss of the rule of law as to allowing 500,000 illegal aliens to cross into America annually.  It shows contempt for federal laws by 240 Sanctuary Cities including their mayors and city council members.  It shows that governors like Colorado’s Hickenlooper or Cuomo of New York, and Mayors like Raham Emanuel in Chicago and De Blazio in New York enjoy immunity from our laws.  But American citizens become collateral death statistics in the meantime.

It means our national ethos faces extinction because the rule of law no longer applies to all those illegally crossing our borders or the firms that employ them.  It means we lose a sense of one country, one people, one ethos and the common good.  It means we must all be fearful for our lives in Sanctuary Cities around the country.

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Our Biblical Foundation In Politics, Part 5

One of the problems we have today is we don’t teach about our government much at all and virtually nothing about the Constitution and the Bill of rights.  These courses, what little that is taught, are taught usually in high school.  After the Revolutionary War we began teaching the history of our nation in early elementary school.  Noah Webster stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”  We were teaching catacisims out of the Constitution in 1828 to elemenatary students that Justices on the Supreme Court today couldn’t answer.

Last week I mentioned theologian John Locke.  He wrote the Two Treatises of Government and Richard Henry Lee, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence stated: “We copied the Declaration of Independence from John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.”  Early in our history all government classes in school read John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.  It was required reading because that is where our Declaration of Independence governmnent came from.  This hasn’t been taught in our schools in over fifty years.  It won’t, or really can’t be taught today because it references over 1500 bible verses in relation to government.

In a school book used in our schools in 1843, The Young American Book of Government and Law, it discussed political parties, pro and con.  What was stated concerning the con is very interesting as we see the fulfilment of it today. “Thus one party always begets another; and as ambitious individuals are apt to put themselves at the head of these several parties, and excite them against each other, there is usuallya agood deal of bitterness between them.  It has often happened that persons have become so devoted to party, as to forget their country; and in some instances patriotism has been swallowed up in party spirit.”  This is what has happened in today’s politics in both parties.  Both parties ignore the principles of the Constitution and the will of the people and are more concerned with the party’s agenda then the will of the people and the rule of law.  This is the result of allowing globalists, which are in both Party’s, take control of the party instead of keeping nationalists that have the concern of the people and implimentation of the constitutional principles.  George Washington in his farewell speech warned us about loving party more than country: “Let me warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party. . . [In elective governments]], it is truly their worst enemy.  The alternative domination of one faction [party] over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to a party dissention . . . is itself a frightful despotism.  The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to mske it the interedst and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.” [1]

Understand that everyone has a world view and this will include what they believe should be allowed in the public arena.  Again, we must be careful of the type of person we allow in places of authority.  In Sante Fe, Texas a few people did not approve of prayer before a sporting event or at graduation so they took the school to court and under judge Samuel Kent he administered this ruling concerning prayers at the school: The court will allow that prayer to be a typical nondenominational prayer, which can refer to God of the Almighty or that sort of thing,  The prayer must not refer to a specific deity by name, whether it be Jesus, Budda, Mohammed, the Great God Sheba or anyone else.

And make no mistake, the court is going to have a United States marshal in attendance at the graduation.  If any student offends this court, that student will be summarily arrested and will face up to six months incarceration I the Glaveston County Jail for contempt of court.  Anyone who thinks I’m kidding about this order better think again.”  This is a ruling from a so-called non-partisian judge.  It is as if he has never read the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights.  This ruling violates our First Amendment right of freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof.  But that is his world view of prayer.  He should have been removed from the bench for violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land.

Take United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  She believes that the US Supreme Court should use international law to ajudicate some cases even though they are sworn to using only the Constitution. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court embraced the practice of consulting foreign legal decisions on Friday, rejecting the argument from conservatives that United States law should not take international thinking into account.

After a strongly worded dissent in a juvenile death penalty case from Justice Antonin Scalia last month that accused the court of putting too much faith in international opinion, Justice Ginsberg said the United States system should, if anything, consider international law more often.

“Judges in the United States are free to consult all manner of commentary,” she said in a speech to several hundred lawyers and scholars here Friday.

She cited several instances when the logic of foreign courts had been applied to help untangle legal questions domestically, and of legislatures and courts abroad adopting United States law.[2] The United States Supreme Court also used international law to overturn the Texas sodomy law because they found nothing in our Constitution that gave them the right to do so and their world view is the Texas law unconstitutional.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently bragged to the leftist American Constitution Society, “Our island or lone ranger mentality is beginning to change.” Several justices “are becoming more open to comparative and international law perspectives.” American lawyers’ and judges’ “perspective on constitutional law should encompass the world.”

During a visit to Europe in 1998, Justice Sandra O’Connor claimed that “In the next century, we are going to want to draw upon judgments from other jurisdictions. We are going to be more inclined to look at the decisions of [the European] court…and perhaps use them and cite them.”

In a recent TV interview, Justice Stephen Breyer commented that “…the world really, it’s trite but it’s true, is growing together…And how [people are] going to live together across the world will be the challenge and whether our Constitution and how it fits into the governing documents of other nations I think will be a challenge for the next generation.” His incoherent style aside, Breyer’s words are ominous coming from one who has sworn to uphold the Constitution.

The trend that these justices celebrate has shown itself in several recent high profile cases. In ruling that states may not apply the death penalty when the perpetrator is judged to be mentally retarded, the court’s majority opinion cited a brief for the European Union as evidence that Europeans would not approve of the practice.

The ruling against the Texas sodomy law was supported by reference to a decision of the European Court of Human rights, which had invalidated an Irish sodomy law. After describing the European case, the US decision claimed that “There has been no showing that in this country the governmental interest in circumscribing personal choice is somehow more legitimate or urgent” than it is in Europe, as if we had a duty to bow to European standards of personal liberty. I don’t think Americans need the aid of Europeans to understand liberty and the means of preserving it.[3]

One has to wonder why these justices have not been removed from the bench.  The laws in this country can only be judged by what our Constitution allows.  They have violated their oath to uphold the Constitution multiple times.  The globalists that are in our Congress will do nothing to remove them.  They themselves are as guilty as the jurists.  We are as guilty for not removing the members of Congress that refuse to call for the upholding of our Constitution.

Foot Notes:

  2. Justice Ginsburg backs value of foreign law

Socialism In America: Where It Began And Failed

What we often do not hear regarding the history of Thanksgiving is the other side of the story. The Pilgrims faced dire problems due to certain decisions that they made. For example, during their first winter in Plymouth, half of them died, and famine was the norm for the first two years:

“1621 was a famine year.

In his History of Plymouth Plantation, the governor of the colony, William Bradford, reported that the colonists went hungry for years because they refused to work in the field. They preferred instead to steal food. He says the colony was riddled with ‘corruption,’ and with ‘confusion and discontent.’ The crops were small because ‘much was stolen both by night and day, before it became scarce eatable.’

In the harvest feasts of 1621 and 1622, ‘all had their hungry bellies filled,’ but only briefly. The prevailing condition during those years was not the abundance the usual story claims, it was famine and death.

But in subsequent years something changes. The harvest of 1623 was different. Suddenly, ‘instead of famine now God gave them plenty,’ Bradford wrote, ‘and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God.’ Thereafter, he wrote, ‘any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.’ In fact, in 1624, so much food was produced that the colonists were able to begin exporting corn.

Video of the sermon

What happened? After the poor harvest of 1622, writes Bradford, ‘they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop.’ They began to question their form of economic organization.

Until this time they had required that ‘all profits & benefits that are got by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means’ were to be placed in the common stock of the colony, and that, ‘all such persons as are of this colony, are to have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock.’ A person was to put into the common stock all he could, and take only what he needed.

It sounds like ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ They were practicing an early form of socialism, and that is why the Pilgrims were starving. Bradford writes that ‘young men that were most able and fit for labor and service’ complained about being forced to ‘spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children.’ Also, ‘the strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak.’ So the young and strong refused to work and the total amount of food produced was never adequate.

To rectify this situation, in 1623 Bradford abolished socialism. He gave each household a parcel of land and told them they could keep what they produced, or trade it away as they saw fit. In other words, he replaced socialism with a free market, and that was the end of the famines.

Many early groups of colonists set up socialist states, all with the same terrible results. At Jamestown, out of every shipload of settlers that arrived, less than half would survive their first twelve months in America. Most of the work was being done by only one-fifth of the men, the other four-fifths choosing to be parasites. In the winter of 160910, called “The Starving Time,” the population fell from five-hundred to sixty. But when the Jamestown colony was converted to a free market, the results were every bit as dramatic as those at Plymouth.”

So, the first socialist experiments in America were abject failures. The question then is, why are we following those paths of failure rather than the road of success? The mistake they made was a misinterpretation of Scripture. We read of the early church in Acts 2:44-45, “And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.”

Many have concluded that the early church was practicing a form of socialism where no one owned anything individually but held all things in common. But look at what the text itself actually says, “sold their possessions and goods.” These were things they actually owned. And further investigation shows that these sales of goods and possessions were completely voluntary. Look at Acts 5:3-4, “But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? Whilst it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.” So the property sold belonged to Ananias, he had the power to keep the property or once he sold it to keep the proceeds for himself and his wife. His sin was in lying about how much he was giving, not the fact that he did not give the whole proceeds of the sale of that land. Socialism was not being practiced by the early church, rather it was voluntary generosity was on full display.

The problem with socialism is that it is a violation of God’s Law, the eighth commandment: Thou shalt not steal. Property is a God-given right. One element of that right is the right to keep the fruits of your own labor. This is another reason why slavery, unless it is voluntary or due to bankruptcy, is against God’s Law. Slavery is stealing the fruits of another man’s labor, a violation of the eighth commandment.

As we have been studying Philemon, the Apostle Paul’s epistle to his disciple Philemon, we have seen the clear arguments against slavery clearly established. Paul was telling Philemon that he ought to emancipate his slave Onesimus, which history tells us he did in response to this epistle.

We find that both Philemon and Onesimus went on to do great things for the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are heroes of the Christian Faith, heroes we do well to emulate.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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San Francisco… Out Of My Heart Forever

I, for one, will never visit San Francisco again.  I will not even take a flight that will touch down at the San Francisco airport to change planes.  If I did, I’d be supporting the San Francisco tax base which is used to support criminal illegal aliens.

I’m not just disgusted by the trial of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, 45, acquitted of murder and involuntary manslaughter charges, as well as assault with a deadly weapon, I am sickened by it.

Jurors convicted the Mexican citizen of being a felon in possession of a firearm, which could bring a three-year sentence.  He admitted to killing Kate Steinle as she and her father walked along the San Francisco wharf together.

To read the actual reasons Kate Steinle is dead (including violations by more than one department of the federal government), go here to read the lawsuit filed by the Steinles against numerous government departments whose responsibility it was to keep her safe.

In essence, the City of San Francisco (and the complicit State of California) have created an unsafe environment for American citizens so they can provide special privileges for illegal aliens under the false flag California chooses to call “Justice.”

It used to be a beautiful city.  Wells Fargo Bank was one of my clients during the 1980s and I spent quite a bit of time there.  Wells Fargo was one of the best banks in the country at that time.  Today, they are caught in criminal credit card violations for which no one goes to prison… a reflection of the attitudes of the federal regulators and the City of San Francisco where Wells Fargo’s corporate headquarters resides.

Keep in mind, throughout history evil has always imploded on itself.

Did you know that 22% of federal prisoners are suspected illegal immigrants?  Do you realize it costs American taxpayer citizens $87.61 per day (or $31,977.65 per year) to pay for the prison upkeep of just one criminal?  It totals hundreds of billions of dollars… dollars you work for every day.

From 2010 to 2014, ICE released a 30,558 illegal criminal aliens from prison.  Did you know that after their release 121 of them were charged with homicide?  Sounds like a small number by comparison to the 30,558… tell that to the families of the 121 who were murdered.

We hear a lot about how special the “Dreamers” are and how important it is for them to be able to continue their educations in the United States.  “Dreamers” are illegal aliens who go to school under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  They are so grateful to be studying at American universities and colleges, 2,139 DACA recipients have lost their permits to remain in America due to their criminal activity.

Hispanics aren’t the only ones tearing our nation apart.

Black consumers are being told by Black Lives Matter to buy Christmas gifts only from black-owned businesses.  I guess that means that all whites should not buy from any black business… isn’t the Black Lives Matter message “Shop by color”?  So if you are racially sensitive and if you’re white, stay out of black communities.  Don’t buy anything from them because Blacks don’t want to do business with you.  They want business from fellow blacks.  I’ve always supported blacks supporting black communities (though not quite like this).

Colin Kaepernick (of the San Francisco football team – where else?) began the trendy “one knee” stance while the pre-football game national anthem played.  It shows total disregard for our military and the men and women who have died defending America.  It shows total disregard for the American people who love their country and their flag.  Then many overpaid and under-educated teammates joined him in his protest – and NFL football ratings have gone down ever since.  I will do all I can to help the trend… down, down, down for the NFL and Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner who handled this fiasco (and others) so badly but thinks he is worth a $50 million per year (plus medical benefits for him and his family) for life.

You can’t make this stuff up!

The men who think a football field is the appropriate place for political protests won’t really feel the result of their behavior until it’s time to negotiate their next contract.  Until then, their ability to run with or kick or pass or receive a football and get paid millions of dollars for doing so makes them feel they are making powerful political statements.  In reality, all they are doing is ruining the game and those who finance it:  the fans – most of whom love their country.

It’s fascinating to watch multi-millionaires demonstrate because they are victims!

The economy of the old Soviet Union was never strong and corruption, always present in big governments which must always grow as the population increases, made the USSR vulnerable to corruption.

Communist China faces the same problem (even after Mao killed over 65 million people to implement communism… that form of government stupid American university professors teach their uninformed students is wonderful; those student become violent in their support of it; they – and their hero, Bernie Saunders – call it socialism but even Karl Marx admitted socialism is a high-speed railroad to communism).  Stalin killed 40 million Russians to get communism implemented.  Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful form of government?

Under communism the government represents total power.  It is huge and, as we have learned since President Trump began cleaning the swam, the corruption runs very deep indeed in America’s theoretically non-communist government.

My use of the word “theoretically” merely means that too many people still believe they are free and are living in a republic (if educated) or a democracy (if uneducated).  In truth, however, government considers itself the only important, dominant element of American life. Most of those who “serve” the people as elected officials consider themselves elites who reside high above the rest of us in their own mythical world of power and corruption… a communist attitude.

There is no better example of government gone wild and out of control than the San Francisco trial of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate for the murder of Kate Steinle.  Zarate was clearly guilty of murder – at the very least, manslaughter.  The comrades of San Francisco found him innocent and because he has already spent 29 months in confinement he will probably see little, if any, time behind bars in California.

What happened in San Francisco is a small indication of the total lack of moral values, the total lack of appreciation of what it means to be born an American citizen, and shows a lack of appreciation for citizenship that results in a mindless devaluation of our nation.

For example, the Millennials who flood the streets and willingly resort to violence if it means preventing a conservative from speaking an opinion with which they disagree think we should have open borders.  Their university professors haven’t gotten around to telling them that without borders there is no nation (the professors – men who will never be recognized for their intelligence – probably don’t know.).  One of the things required to establish a nation is a clear statement of its borders.  In other words, if America has no borders, there is no America.

Gee, you don’t suppose that’s part of the plan, do you?

The dumbed-down generations (at least two of them… maybe three) have reached a point in American society where truth has no value.  Without truth there is no freedom, just political correctness where one group of powerful people can tell the rest of society what they may and may not think and say because if you disagree with them you are guilty of hate speech.  In Great Britain you can go to jail for hate speech.  In reality, the only hate speech being spewed through society comes from the mouths of the politically correct and powerful elitists who think themselves better able to run your life than you are.

It is reminiscent of the old Soviet Union.

According to Gorbachev’s Prime Minister, Nikolai Ryzhkov, the “moral [nravstennoe] state of the society” in 1985 was its “most terrifying” feature:  “[We] stole from ourselves, took and gave bribes, lied in the reports, in newspapers, from high podiums, wallowed in our lies, hung medals on one another. And all of this – from top to bottom and from bottom to top.”

It sounds like America, 2017, doesn’t it?  It reminds me of the $3 trillion Donald Rumsfeld announced was missing from the Defense Department in 2001… he didn’t know what had happened to all that money – but they were looking for it.  It was never found… and Rumsfeld made his statement the day before 9/11/2001 so it got little attention as Americans sat in disbelief over the loss of over 3,000 fellow citizens.

It also reminds me of Representative Maxine Waters who just a few days ago told her black audience to remember that Congressman John Conyers is a friend to women… an icon in the black community.  Of course, Waters hasn’t had a cogent thought in her head for… possibly her entire life.  As Gorbachev’s Prime Minister, Nikolai Ryzhkov, said just before the fall of the USSR, “[We] stole from ourselves, took and gave bribes, lied in the reports, in newspapers, from high podiums, wallowed in our lies, hung medals on one another.”  He could not have defined the actions of Waters (and other politicians) more successfully had he tried.

We free illegal alien murderers in San Francisco, while Michigan voters elect John Conyers to office so he can sexually insult and intimidate women for the 50 years he’s been in Congress.  Even died-in-the-wool liberal Cokie Roberts admitted on television that all women in Washington knew better than to get on an elevator with Conyers,

We have so many women coming forward to accuse Senator Al Franken of Minnesota of putting his hands where they do not belong that it’s hard to keep an accurate count.

Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze made equally painful comments about lawlessness and corruption dominating the Soviet Union in its final days.  During the winter months of 1984-85, he told Gorbachev that “Everything is rotten. It has to be changed.”

“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong,” Frantz Fanon said in his 1952 book Black Skin, White Masks (originally published in French as Peau Noire, Masques Blancs).  “When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted.  It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit with the core belief.”

If that doesn’t define victims, liberal progressives and most Millennials, I don’t know what does.

During their final days as a world power, the Soviet Union allowed cognitive dissonance to rule its better judgment… as so many Americans are doing in 2017.  The handwriting on the wall was pretty clear for Gorbachev. The Soviet economy was failing.  They did none of the necessary things to save their economy.  In 2017, the handwriting on the wall is pretty clear for the American people.

The economy is failing.  The number of closed retail outlets tripled this year over last. Read this article.   Don’t confuse a climbing stock market with a successful economy.  President Trump is doing all he can to save it, but he is having to crawl over the body blocks of liberal progressives (both Republican and Democrat) to do so.

The people and the Congress do none of the necessary things to save their economy. Why?  Go re-read the definition of cognitive dissonance. That’s why. We have a classic fight going on between fear-motivated people who want government to take care of them and who willingly pay the price of lost freedom to get that care (evil), versus those who value freedom and the self-responsibility it requires (good).

As Eduard Shevardnadze said, “Everything is rotten.  It has to be changed.”

As I would say it, “There is no Rule of Law in America today.”

No one listened then; no one is listening in America now.  The primary reason?  Cognitive dissonance.

Kate Steinle was murdered by her government.  The State of California, the City of San Francisco and the federal government have one primary responsibility as legitimate governments:  Provide for the safety of citizens.  They did not.  How legitimate then are they as governments?

California is so focused on making sure illegal aliens have access to the benefits people like Kate Steinle worked hard and paid taxes to provide, they forgot about her safety and the safety of all other citizens… and tourists.  I invite you to join me in avoiding any kind of California vacation or doing business with any online California-based businesses.

Why would you want to add to the tax base of a government that so abuses American citizens?

Such comments as those from Soviet leaders Nikolai Ryzhkov and Eduard Shevardnadze a mere half-dozen years before the failure of what Reagan termed “the Evil Empire” should cause chills down the spines of any American reading the quotes for in many ways our government has become “the Evil Empire.”

The words spoken by Soviet politicians just before their fall are a mirror image of this nation’s social and political disorder as I write these words.

Say a prayer that President Trump will be able to succeed… and another prayer that the Never Trumpers like Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Corey Gardner (R-CO), John McCain (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and all the others are in the final days of their treasonous service.

You might also want to say a prayer that McConnell wakens Senators so they begin passing some of the 300 Bills approved and sent to them by the House of Representatives – laws which have been ignored by McConnell, McCain, Gardner, Corker, Thune… one of which is Kate’s Law.

© 2017 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall:

The Distortion Of Reality To Conform To An Artificial Narrative. Objective The Destruction Of America

By A.M. Byrd

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does the truth become error because nobody will see it. Mahatma Ghandi, “Young India” 1924-1926

If I could, I would exchange the word “error” for lie. Truth is self evident and empirical.

Is conspiracy a bad word? The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines it as a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal. You can insert whatever notable displeasure you have with something, here…but how about good conspiracies? Recently, my daughter and some of her closest friends and relatives (including myself) conspired to plan and execute a surprise birthday party for her fiance’…was that bad, too?  So enough with the boogey man word, conspiracy as necessarily and perpetually a bad thing.

That being said, more often than not, conspiracies form to effect detrimental change…and therein lie even darker reasons for the horrid events that change the way some of the people think, act and speak forever after. Consider 9/11! Just because you see something “with your own eyes” doesn’t mean that perception is reality…even less likely to be fact is the inculcation of disinformation that follows such an event which efforts to explain such visual trauma. Anyone detached from the promulgation of such disinformation OR with 2 weeks of physics could tell that those buildings did not collapse because of 2 planes (?) that were flown into them. A lie cannot be twisted into truth just because someone doesn’t want it to be exposed.

I was 12 years old when the murder of JFK was accomplished. I watched my father, the strongest man I had ever known till then, as he wept and hung his head in spiritual agony, saying over and over, “Look what THEY have done”…the Imperial They! What did he mean by the word THEY? It troubled me, but for many years it was more or less just a nebulous concept in the back of my mind, until I grew older and started seeing things change, and NOT for the better.

It’s time to ask some hard questions: WHAT is the purpose of mind numbing events such as an assassination…and furthermore how do such events effect the trajectory of our nation.

According to David Talbot, who writes in his book, “The Devil’s Chessboard”:  “Over the final months of the JFK presidency, a clear consensus” emerged within (Allen) Dulles’s sinister network of financial, intelligence, and military associates: “Kennedy was a national security threat. For the good of the country, he must be removed. And Dulles was the only man with the stature, connections and decisive will to make something of this enormity happen.” Not to mention he had friends in media who would push the propagation of lies to support the false narrative of a lone wolf assassin.

Consider a book by Peter Janney, “Mary’s Mosaic”. It will take your breath away. Ben Bradley wasn’t necessarily the benevolent newsman everyone saw in “All the Presidents Men”. There was a very dark veil over Washington being advanced by people like James Jesus Angelton. Just because a president was murdered in broad, sunny daylight, doesn’t mean that a single shooter killed him. But the trauma so stuns the intellect, that the brain shuts out the horror and in it’s place a false narrative can be implanted, one that has much darker intentions. The prostituted national security system (FBI, CIA, remainder of the OSS,) not to mention the friends of highly placed gov’t officials in the industrial complex, could not afford to lose those dollars…

It was well known that Hoover despised JFK…enough to cover up (after the fact) any conspiratorial plan to murder him? The most ostentatious display of unchecked power ever seen by the world’s eye witness? You can bet on it. How about the other side of the coin?  George De Mohrenschildt, a known German counter-intel operative, conveniently committed suicide on March 27, 1977. He was 65. On April 1, 1977, his widow, Jeanne, gave the assassinations committee a photograph of Oswald standing in his Dallas backyard holding the rifle that investigators determined was used to shoot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, and yet it was widely reported that Marina Oswald’s benefactress, Mrs. Ruth Paine, reportedly found the picture in her garage…SO, which is it?

“ …the shooting itself still has enormous cultural resonance. In this telling, it marks a wrenching transition from a calmer age of trusted verities to our vortex of post-modern angst”…to borrow words from John Cassidy in the New Yorker, Nov 20, 2013.

Let’s go back a bit further, to 1913, when the free people of America were instantly changed into indentured servants when the Banksters, their willing puppets in Washington DC and their counterparts in Europe took control of our nation, our treasure and We The People’s fates. A vast amount of information has been written on that subject by much more auspicious authors than I; I encourage the reader to not take my word for it; do your own investigating. The duplicity of the Controllers is positively staggering. But why does this make any difference to us today? Because people need to finally come to the understanding that the nation of America, in particular, has been under the fog of redesigning since 1913…perhaps before!

I know the current atmosphere of pressure on our limited time for reading and research; we are all very short on time, it seems. However, it is actually a part of their diabolical little plan for “us”. Keep the proletariat so busy and pressured, they won’t have time to think let alone read! But you MUST take time, if you are to understand the import of the information many of the superior writers here at News With Views dedicate themselves to, to bring you facts and truth.

Please consider reading an outstanding exposure of the unconstitutionally “founded” Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”. The following is from “JFK and the Federal Reserve”.  Griffin writes:

“ If you look at a copy of EO 11110 you will find that it does not order the issuance of Silver Certificates. It orders an amendment to EO 10289. If you then look up EO 10289, you will find that it says: The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby designated and empowered to perform the following-described functions of the President without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President. “Those functions did not include the power to issue Silver Certificates. The purpose of EO 11110 was to add that power to the list. The exact wording of the Order was:
Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof, the following sub-paragraph (j):
(1) ‘The authority to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury’ ”

Griffin goes on, “Therefore, my statement in The Creature from Jekyll Island is correct. EO 11110 did not order the printing of Silver Certificates. It ordered the amendment of a previous executive order so that the United States Code would authorize or “empower” the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Silver Certificates if the occasion should arise.” …another little tidbit that plays into the Unseen Hand of Fate. Larry Becraft expertly explains EO11110 here.

To my original point, the next question is how in the world did we get this far down the road to destruction? And why mention JFK’s assassination to example it? The answer lies not in the acts themselves, aforementioned, but in the goals they advance. The objectives of the people involved in the workings, seen and unseen, of the nation before, during and after such event and traumas. So here, and throughout this piece we will be talking about the mind’s ability to be manipulated by external stimulus and fooled by people who commerce in lies for a living.

The question is WHY? Ahhhh, The eternal question…when someone(s) or some force is determined to alter a reality in order to (realign) perceptions, they must first confuse the mind and obscure the facts in order to create chaos in the thought patterns of the contemporary populace in preparation of inserting a false narrative that will be compounded by further adulterations of manufactured concepts which serve to advance the goal of the hidden hands at the levers of power.

Consider “Post Modernism”. What is it and how does it impact the exampled scenario.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson from the University of Toronto gives us an insight to this postulation, and whom I will quote extensively in this piece. “It is an ideology that attributes everything to racial disparity and oppression, and sites the current specter of victimization as a recasting of classical Marxism”. Marx’s formulaic theory insisted that the struggle was a result of rich against poor, bourgeois against the proletariat, the controllers of industry against the servants of industry. “This was reformulated in the late 60’s and early to mid 70’s as oppression due to group identity” (us vs the establishment was the mantra of that period). Dr. Peterson quipped, “It’s a formula that can be learned in about a day” and can be used to ‘explain’ or complain “about every displeasure and dissatisfaction in life”. The murder of a president can so boggle the mind, it allows substitute facts to take root. Discomfort with the true facts of a situation is called Cognitive Dissonance, which then allows for an artificial personal narrative of reality to take hold.

As we see over the past many decades, American culture has changed drastically from our foundational values of honor and dignity, to basically no moral structure at all. “If it feels good, do it” instead of the moral and lawful underpinnings of a Constitutional environment. Remove that which gets in your way and provide enough emotional chaos to paralyze the public consciousness. That’s why assassinations are important tools of those wishing to alter the national conscience. Our national conscience has been being reshaped since 1913, deeply altered in the past 16 years and most detrimentally transformed in the past 8. We remember what the alleged ‘president’, Barry Soetoro, alias “Obama”, said on Oct 30, 2008 in Columbia, Missouri: “We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”…and he meant every single syllable of that statement. Marxist Progressives uniformly hate our Constitutional form of government.

Dr. Peterson continues, “The PC condition really took off in the 90’s, then subsided a bit. However, now it has come back with an absolute vengeance and can be directly traced to the domination of radical leftist thought and indoctrination in the universities, especially in the liberal arts.” Let’s look back again to the anti-war movement of the late 60’s…post JFK murder. JFK wanted to get out of Viet Nam and The Powers That Be saw gazillions of military and industrial contract US dollars at risk. The banksters who make unimaginable hordes of interest off loans to the gov’t were nearly apoplectic!

The people who went on to “teach”, rather, indoctrinate the young minds attending these erstwhile universities, were those very same radicals who inflamed the anti-war movement. That was their cover story, anyhow. Their real mission was to transform their personal Marxist beliefs into identity politics. And it has largely worked on the sheeple who dare not look at the seething problem it presents. Cognitive dissonance seems to be winning. “It has required almost NO intellectual effort and leaves a person with an overwhelming sense of moral superiority, which is very attractive to the ego”, opines Dr. Peterson. The failed “war on drugs” took care of that little problem. Drugs were the anesthetic vehicles used to sedate our children, allowing their minds to be receptive to the propaganda that would be implanted by these monsters of the socialist left. Even now we see a dominant feature of children categorized by behavioral issues being plied with barbiturate sedatives and benzodiazapines. How many of our children have been diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, SAD, as the list of emotional maladjustment’s serves the purpose of drugging our children into compliant little robots?

Here is an example of how devious these descendents of the MK Ultra experiments are: from Sean Parker a co-founder of Facebook: “The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first” of the social media outlets…”was all about ‘how do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?…And that means we need to give you sort of a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or post or whatever. And that’s going to get you to contribute more content…and that’s going to get you…more likes and comments”. Wonderful, little tech billionaires who are now employing the behavior/reward system and the FB public is nothing more than Pavlovian dogs, salivating at the anticipation of the next like or share. How do you say CONTROL?

Or how about this one? “ Roger McNamee, a former investor of Facebook, is warning that the tech giant Facebook has absolved itself from all responsibility and using tactics” that Nazi monsters like Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s hideous minister of propaganda, would envy. Mr. McNamee likened tech methods to another pernicious pusher of propaganda, spinmaster extraordinaire and educator (no less) Edward Bernays. “Speaking in Washington, ‘the former investor said everyone was now, in one degree or another, addicted to the site’ while he feared the platform was causing people to swap real relationships for phoney ones”. No kidding! Divide the populace and conquer their brains.

Dr. Peterson observes, “Universities are turning our young people into ideological avatars, to go act out these pernicious doctrines in the real world. The recent practice of “screaming at the night” (like obedient little wolves) “is a form of narcissism amplified by social media and media in general” Emotions…always emotions. What ever happened to fact and logic? They are now just archaic concepts that do not fit the narrative of creating only emotional responses to the unmitigated fantasy the media and the Powers That Be desire to advance. Keep people emotionally off balance and they are much easier to manipulate. I could rest my case on that note, but I won’t.

So, what is the danger? “The danger is increased, intensified polarization, which we’re seeing non-stop at the moment…the script is being pushed far too hard by the Radical Left” (think: Progressive dissension in our own government by people like Maxine Waters, Chucky Shmucker, Nancy Legosi and even the infamous hero of Hanoi, John McShame. Just because there is an “R” behind someone’s name doesn’t make it so). Progressives do not have party affiliation in the United States. Their affiliation is with the global Masters of Deception. Dr. Peterson continues “This destructive push to the far left is happening faster than most people understand. The ideology has infected everything in the 30yrs and under environment, especially in the (tech) world through their Human Resource depts.” Those who wish to reconstruct our culture demand a certain bias from their new hires…and it is a bias to social justice reformation.

“Victim identification”, or using the victimology doctrine “is a form of justification for the use of political power”…currently, everyone is being taught to be a victim of something…being offended seems to be a right of passage. “If you can ascribe to yourself moral superiority through some form of victim hood, then you are justified in the use of force”. We see this everywhere now; It is the complete breakdown of society that the global designers are after. To accomplish a breakdown of the general society allows the designers to come in with their “new” design and implement it to “cure the chaos”. Additionally, anyone “not on board” with the ‘New Androgynous Social Identity’ is labeled as an outlier and a hater. In other words, never let a good crisis go to waste. Create the crisis and then slither in with the antidote…We could call it the Hegelian dialectic…OH WAIT! SOMEONE ALREADY HAS! 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel…In his work on “logic” for instance, the “opposing sides” are different definitions of logical concepts that are opposed to one another. It didn’t matter that the premises might be false, just that they were in flaming opposition. Sound familiar?

Enter the dog whistle of “White Supremacy”. George Ciccariello-Maher, a Drexel professor claimed he wanted white genocide for Christmas. “Whiteness is a structure of privilege and a structure of power that when it feels threatened, it lashes out”. Could the opposite inference be that blackness is a structure of slavery which rightly advocates violence as a way to conquer the prejudice. Nothing could be father from truth.   NOTHING! Violence solves nothing, not even wars. Violence turns men into beasts, nothing more. Behavior modification and psychological reconditioning is a well worn carpet for the devious left. Many of the MK Ultra and the LSD experiments of the military were on unsuspecting targets during the late 50′ and into the 60’s. The universities were ground zero for those ‘out of clinical environment” observations.

Dr Peterson puts his finger on the button: “One of the precursors of genocide was victimization. This allows a victim to lash out at the hypothetical perpetrators before they can do anything” to the “victim” because the victim is being (you guessed it) VICTIMIZED! “It’s a false anticipation created by the adoption of a false narrative” designed to do just exactly what people are falling for! Let us look at an example. “Hitler claimed the Jews were victimizing Germany, so once you are a victim, and have all the moral status that goes along with BEING a victim, then you can’t do any wrong in the defense of that victim hood”. The circular reasoning here is astonishing.

Now enter tyranny. Once you have a nation full of victims, false narratives and a quasi-anarchist environment, the Collectivists can slither in with their special form of tyranny. Tyranny is used to secure the radical change the powerful desire for the ascension of their personal/professional desires. This copious cancer is power, greed and control and it’s as old as time itself. It was first exercised in the Garden of Eden, when persuasive DOUBT was introduced to the human mind…and it hasn’t gotten any better. The Fed Reserve, IRS, control of all the worlds financial instruments (the dollar isn’t really a dollar) the turning over of power from the people to the Govt, the 17th Amendment, political assassinations, coups against the Constitution of astronomical proportions, and used against the very people the Constitution was written to protect at all cost. That’s one of the reasons the 2nd Amendment is so dangerous to them. A nation full of Bible toting, apple pie eating, flag waving, gun owners is a giant stop sign to their plan. Too bad. I will cling to my Bible, my Constitutional rights, my gun and my tightly held Christian beliefs that there is an Eternal Power much larger and much more dangerous to the Darkness of Evil.

The ebullition of the toxic, nuclear waste dump site known inclusively as the Washington DC swamp, is replete with mercenary hedonists, also known as corporate lobbyists, who are nothing more than former and future gov’t. officials and/or staffers continuing to serve only themselves, and their ever more insatiable, ravenous Congressional critterdom which simply can never accrue enough wealth unto themselves. It has purposefully and with relish, impugned, blackened and scandalized our constitutional system until it is but a fading shadow of it’s former self. We USE to be a nation of laws and virtue…it is now nothing more than a means to an end…our end; the Constitutional foundation of America, which the Powers That Be want to suffocate into antiquity by replacing it with a socialist cacophony of elites who see themselves as the reborn aristocracy of Collectivist Kings and Queens. The monarchy never died…it just took a vacation from our view.

They do it by distorting reality, restructuring our language and dismissing such national pride as saluting our flag, singing our national anthem and putting our hands over our hearts and thanking God above for the immense good fortune to be born into a country that was originally designed to protect the GOD given rights of liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness for all…not just the privileged few who happen to lie and cheat their way to the top…

So how does the “Imperial They” bring us to our knees? By altering our CULTURE…by political correctness and “reformed” social justice….and by guilt…white privilege guilt to be exact. Why else dilute our Americanism with immigrants who do not wish to assimilate?

The progressive elites distance themselves from the illusion of ‘fairness’ they have created for us…
There IS no right/left paradigm; it’s a false hypothesis promoted to ultimately create chaos and confusion. It’s a distraction! The distraction and distortion of reality to advance an artificial narrative…everyone needs a bad guy, and “both sides” of the fence are convincingly bringing this alternative concept to bear on the minds of average, ordinary American’s and of many other nations as well. The elitists live together in lofty psychological palaces all over the world; they eat together, party together, conspire together and they all lie in harmonious unison.

Then November 8, 2016 happened. The election of Donald J Trump changed all that, and it upset their carefully crafted apparition of a dual party system. The People believed in this duality and voted accordingly. The PLAN was to install Hillary Clinton as the heir apparent to the Obama legacy of destruction, and she would have joyfully pushed us lock, stock and barrel over the edge of national identification into the waiting arms of the unified world system…the goal of globalist hyenas everywhere. When she predictably lost the election, even though by every means-tested scam her corrupted mind could imagine, the Imperial They couldn’t tolerate the upstart American Citizens who rejected their Socialist agenda to “right the world” for the good of the many (since the good of the individual is non-existant in their sphere of reality…unless it’s their OWN good…then individualism reigns supreme). It’s just not acceptable for the average deplorable. Their aristocratic contempt for the average human being is positively staggering.

Bill Whittle on the Frankfort School

Absoolutely outstanding documentary about cultural Marxism in the USA…Curtis Bowers, the grinding down of america (buy the movie on amazon for as little as $10.+ (11 minute trailer will give you great insight)

Must See DVD: Cultural Marxism, the Corruption of America

Victor Davis Hanson
[YouTube Video]
[YouTube Video]


Trump Wins, Obama Appointee Loses

A constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people constituting a government; and government without a constitution is power without a right. All power exercised over a nation, must have some beginning. It must be either delegated, or assumed. There are no other sources. All delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation. Time does not alter the nature and quality of either. Thomas Paine

Slush Fund for Democrats

Ah yes, far leftist, Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren was the creator and promoter of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). It was rammed through by a Democrat-dominated Congress in 2010. Under the statute that created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the director is appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate, and the deputy is appointed by the director.  Yes, the democrats set up this unconstitutional CFPB to launder money for their liberal causes.

Warren’s CPFB is the most partisan agency in the federal government in terms of donations to candidates, according to campaign finance data.

Elizabeth Warren, who lied about her heritage to get a Harvard professorship, claimed she was part native American.  She is not. She is a hardcore leftist communist who is hellbent on funding socialist Democrats through a government agency accountable to no one.  Fauxcahontas Warren is a total fraud.

Dodd-Frank Act

Employees at the CFPB, which was created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, contributed nearly $50,000 during the 2016 campaign with all of that money going to aid Hillary Clinton or her rival, socialist Bernie Sanders.  Agency employees made more than 300 donations during the campaign. Not one went to a Republican candidate.

So, what is the Dodd-Frank Act?  It’s the result of the sub-prime mortgage thought up by Democrat President Jimmy Carter and implemented by Democrat President Clinton.  The federal government threatened lending institutions, banks and otherwise, to loan money to people who would never be able to pay it back so they could buy homes.

Another two democrats, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were the authors of the act which was bludgeoned through by Obama to supposedly punish Wall Street and expand lending to average Americans. The real truth was this horrid law is actually one of the biggest expansions of the federal regulatory state. As a result of the new standards, Dodd-Frank’s regulatory structure slashed the percentage of individual Americans who could qualify for a mortgage from 52 percent before President Obama to 26 percent afterwards. Lovely, right?  Typical of the Dems to screw the middle class.

Five years after the law’s passage, the National Association of Realtors said the percentage of first time home buyers had plunged to the lowest point in three decades and was preventing a healthier housing market from reaching its full potential.  Thanks again to the socialist Democrats.

The CFPB is another coverup allegedly to protect consumers who were being victimized and set upon and ruined by these greedy, horrible lenders who wanted their loans paid.  What a house of cards, all created to cover up and again to mask the incompetence of the left, but they created it to regulate the financial industry!

President Chooses Mulvaney for CFPB

Our President decided to throw a wrench in this democrat controlled pile of dung, and he appointed Mick Mulvaney for the temporary position of Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after current director Richard Cordray stepped down. However, Cordray said he was taping a Deputy to run the agency.  This was a move to attempt to prevent the White House from naming a successor, and to keep their dirty democrat money laundering outfit being run by their own people.

The White House saw Cordray’s CFPB step up its work in the months since Trump’s election, going farther into what Weekly Standard journalist, Shannen Coffin, calls the agency’s “regulatory overreach.”

Mulvaney is a conservative budget-cutter who once called the agency a “sick, sad” joke.  “It’s a wonderful example of how a bureaucracy will function if it has no accountability to anybody,” Mulvaney, a former South Carolina representative, said in a 2014 interview with the Credit Union Times. “It turns up being a joke, and that’s what the CFPB really has been, in a sick, sad kind of way, because you’ve got an institution that has tremendous authority over what you all do for a living.”

When asked by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) about the comments during one of his confirmation hearings to become Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director in January, Mulvaney stood by them.

Leandra English Claims Directorship

During Barack Hussein Obama’s reign, nary a challenge came against any of his Executive Orders (EO), his biased new programs, his appointees, his costly vacations, or his actions with our allies and foreign governments.  The Republicans were silent.

Now however, we constantly see every Trump EO challenged by the left and slowed by the right, along with every appointment and every firing, especially that of dirty cop James Comey.  This CFPB mess is a new twist that is so unconstitutional that it boggles the mind.

Leandra English was tapped as acting director by outgoing Director Cordray, and she filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against Trump and Mulvaney, the nominee for CFPB’s interim leader.  She claims she is the rightful acting director of the CFPB because she was appointed by the acting director, and the court should therefore bar Mick Mulvaney from taking the job, claiming a provision in Dodd-Frank Act lays out the line of succession which supersedes the Federal Vacancies Act. All unconstitutional rubbish.

Judge Rules for Trump

U.S. district judge Timothy Kelly (a Trump appointee) ruled against English after holding an emergency hearing on the matter Monday. Mulvaney began working as acting director this week.

When Mulvaney showed up on Monday 27 November 17 at the CFPB, he brought a bag of donuts, and told everyone to ignore anything that came from Leandra English.  Watch this minute long Mulvaney speech, it’s fabulous.

Director Mulvaney explained that the CFPB will be totally different than it was under Obama, that we have a new chief, and elections have consequences.  He also explained that there will be a 30-day regulatory and hiring freeze, that everything stops until he has an opportunity to familiarize himself with the agency.  Mulvaney said he plans to protect people without trampling on capitalism.


Mick Mulvaney certainly seems to be an exceedingly wise choice by President Trump.  And with what this director knows about this agency, I would not be surprised if he didn’t recommend that the agency be totally dismantled in the future.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Sacrificing Their Own To Get Trump

The words “national reckoning” are appearing with some regularity in media reports about various sex scandal cases. It’s almost as if there is an unseen hand in the media orchestrating or coordinating in advance the presidential race in 2020, a year already being labeled “The Year of the Woman.” It’s designed to create an opportunity for California Democratic Party Senator and staunch feminist, Kamala Harris, to run as a presidential candidate. In this culmination of the “national reckoning,” she’s ready to take on the male power structure and break the glass ceiling. Where Hillary failed, Harris will succeed.

It’s as if our whole society is being indicted for the alleged misconduct of a few disciples of the late Hugh Hefner, who happened to be a funder of Democratic Party causes.

It’s time for caution, objective reporting, and the truth, rather than partisan political advantage. The proof exists in the cases of Democratic Senator Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers.  When evidence exists, such as a photo, documentary evidence of a settlement, or admission of guilt, that’s one thing. But charges alone do not convict anyone of anything. That’s why the case of Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore case is so different. He has denied the charges and evidence for them seems weak, non-existent, or in dispute. One accuser seems to have relied on a forgery.

Strangely, the cavalcade of allegations and charges has ignored the role of Playboy’s liberal founder in exploiting women, polluting the culture, and creating an atmosphere in which sexual exploitation and abuse occurs. Instead, we are being told that we have got to come to grips with America’s oppression of women and take the next step toward a Marxist paradise. That means Trump and his backward Christian supporters like Roy Moore must go. America already elected a black man, Barack Hussein Obama, who is still acting like he’s president. The logical next step is for a feminist to take the presidency. Her name is Kamala Harris. The plan is already set in motion. This is the script they are writing and following.

Harris is “fast on the rise as a prominent and powerful feminist voice,” declared the Washington Post, the liberal tool of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos which began the assault on Roy Moore.  Aggressively taking on her male colleagues in the Senate, Harris said, “This is not a time for courtesy. This is a time for courage.” She can be counted on to lead the effort to expel Moore should he win the Alabama race on December 12. She will attempt to ride this train all the way into the 2020 presidential race.

But without a “national reckoning” about media malpractice and misdeeds, another serious disease in the body politic, there is reason to suspect that the liberal media are sacrificing their own sexist allies in the Democratic Party for “the greater good.” The ultimate goal is getting rid of Trump, assuming that “Russia-gate” doesn’t do the trick.

This is why the media reluctantly exposed Bill Clinton as a womanizer and Hillary has been thrown overboard.

The stakes are huge. As analyst Trevor Loudon noted at the recent America’s Survival conference in Washington, D.C., the Democratic Party and its allies were “freaked out” by Trump’s 2016 presidential victory. Loudon suggests the goal is to elect another black president in 2020, possibly a black female such as Senator Kamala Harris. The senator’s sister, Maya Harris, is a veteran operative working with Steve Phillips, the author of the Obama-approved “Brown is the New White” strategy of taking power.

With the economy improving and the workers who went for Trump in 2016 probably sticking with him in 2020, the “progressive” strategy has got to be to rile up another segment of the coalition – women. Hence, female potential voters, a majority of the population, are being conditioned to believe that sexism and the capitalist system’s “patriarchy” are stacked against them, and that they have no alternative but to make their mark on the political process by voting for the first woman president. With Hillary out of the way, a real radical feminist can be nominated and elected. Harris fits the bill. She’s black and female. In addition, there are new Democratic constituency groups – potheads and felons, who can perhaps make up for the white voters sticking with Trump.

The sheer number of sex scandal cases has been enough to convince almost anyone that America is infected with so much moral corruption that it can only be solved by giving a woman the presidency. But the media’s adoration of Hugh Hefner, the dirty old man and pervert, demonstrates they could care less about abusing women for the benefit of men. Most liberals still adore him because he put some of his money into causes like abortion and gay rights, drug legalization, and the ACLU. In other words, the liberals took the dirty money and were bought off.

Accused serial sex abuser Bill Cosby was a regular at the Playboy mansion. As the Washington Post put it, Cosby “partied with Hugh Hefner and was a regular at the magazine mogul’s Playboy Mansion bacchanals,” a term which means “an occasion of wild and drunken revelry.” Various news organizations then ran articles quoting Hugh Hefner, aka “Hef,” as saying he was shocked — shocked– by allegations that Bill Cosby molested a 15-year-old girl at his Playboy mansion. There was no follow-up investigation into the fact that Playboy, according to researcher Judith Reisman, had pioneered the depiction of little girls as sex objects.  Dr. Reisman, now a research professor at the Liberty University School of Law and Director of the Child Protection Institute, discovered that deliberate child sexual images were planted in Playboy.

Over the years, in addition to funding the liberal-left, Hefner had contributed thousands of dollars to Democratic Party candidates. He even gave then-presidential candidate Barack Obama $2,300 in 2007, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Hefner, described by one brave feminist as “the ultimate advocate for the objectification of women,” may even have inspired the activities of Senator Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers. But “can’t touch this” is the approach to beloved “Hef” and his place in American history.  Media reports described him after his death as an American icon or a cultural icon.  He ruined countless lives.

The cases of abuse we are reading about are terrible. But Hefner was the trailblazer who made it all possible and acceptable through the sexual revolution that brought America record rates of sexually-transmitted disease, including HIV/AIDS. My 1992 book, The Playboy Foundation: A Mirror of the Culture?, noted that Hefner’s “Playmates” had suffered from venereal diseases, attempted suicide, procured abortions, used illegal drugs, and engaged in orgies to please Hugh Hefner.

But our media did not shed any tears for them. They didn’t rush to tell their stories. They didn’t demand the records of who visited the Playboy Mansion.

Hefner and his daughter Christie, a “feminist” active in the Democratic Party, made tens of millions of dollars exploiting women and then passed on some of the obscene profits to the media, in the form of Hugh Hefner “First Amendment Awards.” The list of winners and judges is a who’s who of the liberal media establishment that includes Michael Moore and Bill Maher. Rep. Maxine Waters served as a judge.

At a recent memorial service in Chicago, where Playboy was originally based, “Hef” was fondly remembered by such liberal icons as Jesse Jackson. It turns out that “It was Jesse who brought Martin Luther King to the mansion in Chicago,” Hefner said in a film about Playboy. Like King, Jackson had his share of extramarital affairs. Jackson admitted having sex with a female employee and fathering an illegitimate child.

The adoration for Hefner, after the cultural damage he inflicted, demonstrates that the left is not sincere about holding men “accountable.” Instead, they are creating national hysteria over touching and groping for the ultimate purpose of unveiling another accuser or even a series of accusers against Trump. You can bet these women are being prepared and rehearsed even now.

© 2017 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid has written two books on Obama, two on the United Nations, and many on media bias.  His public policy group America’s Survival, Inc., has produced several films and videos on America’s first Marxist president and was instrumental in disclosing Obama’s communist connections in Chicago and Hawaii before he was elected. Cliff can be reached at

Illegal Alien Murderer Of Kate Steinle Found Innocent

Society is now less convinced of the absolute accuracy of the criminal justice system.  —Tom Price

I am convinced that, because the criminal justice system is run by humans, it is naturally subject to human error. There is no rational basis to believe that this same type of human error will not infect capital murder trials. —Tom Price

Illegal Alien Murderer Found Not Guilty

A beautiful young American daughter is dead because our southern borders are sieves.  An absolutely obscene and abhorrent verdict has been rendered in the case of the illegal alien who murdered this lovely young woman.  The perpetrator walks free, and a young American girl and her parents get no justice.

The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office argues that Garcia Zarate intentionally aimed a gun at Steinle and fired at her, before throwing the weapon into the bay and running away. The defense paints the shooting as a freak accident, arguing that the gun accidentally discharged and the bullet ricocheted on the concrete pier 78 feet before hitting Steinle.

The sanctuary city of San Francisco has found the illegal alien invader who murdered Kate Steinle, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, not guilty.  The system is broken. No more proof is needed.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Steinle was fatally shot in the back in 2015. He was protected from another deportation by San Francisco’s sanctuary policy restricting cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Garcia Zarate said the shooting was an accident, but he shot the firearm into multitudes of people on the San Francisco pier.  He stated that he first shot at a sea lion, and that he had stepped on the gun and it went off.  His story changed, but when he fired the gun, he claimed the bullet apparently ricocheted off cement and hit Kate in the back, killing her.  After he shot her, he kicked his firearm into the San Francisco bay.

Zarate was released from jail despite federal authorities requesting he be held for a 6th deportation.  He has seven prior felony convictions, and that information was kept from the jury in this murder trial.

Steinle’s 2015 death put San Francisco and its “sanctuary city” policy in the spotlight, as city officials got blowback for refusing to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.

The attorney for this illegal alien actually took a verbal shot at our President over this verdict.  Unbelievable.

President Trump’s Policies

Throughout the campaign Donald Trump pushed for a southern border wall to stop the influx of illegal aliens many of whom are gang members and criminals.  Why the hell hasn’t our congress helped Trump build that wall and protect Americans?

President Trump vowed to remove criminal illegal aliens from the U.S. immediately and pledged to get a law passed banning sanctuary cities.  He vowed to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities.  Mayors of New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Providence spoke out in defiance of a possible nationwide, anti-sanctuary city law.  These sanctuary cities are committed to lawlessness, and they refuse to protect American citizens who live there.

Had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.  In an April, 2017 Hill article it was reported that statistics show that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

Federal Judges, the Courts

On 20 November 2017, the Chicago Tribune reported that a federal judge permanently blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order to cut funding from cities that limit cooperation with U.S. immigration authorities.  U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick rejected the administration’s argument that the executive order applies only to a relatively small pot of money and said Trump cannot set new conditions on spending approved by Congress.

And just how many times have liberal judges blocked our President’s travel bans of countries known for Islamic terrorism.

Attorney General Sessions

Our Attorney General made the following statement:

When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public’s safety at risk. San Francisco’s decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle. While the State of California sought a murder charge for the man who caused Ms. Steinle’s death—a man who would not have been on the streets of San Francisco if the city simply honored an ICE detainer—the people ultimately convicted him of felon in possession of a firearm. The Department of Justice will continue to ensure that all jurisdictions place the safety and security of their communities above the convenience of criminal aliens. I urge the leaders of the nation’s communities to reflect on the outcome of this case and consider carefully the harm they are doing to their citizens by refusing to cooperate with federal law enforcement officers.


AG Sessions is right.  These jurisdictions are run by officials we’ve elected.  Research must occur on these people before we vote in the primaries, otherwise we continually end up with the likes of Michigan Democrat John Conyers who has been in office for 52 years, and Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy who has been there for 42 years.  We were stuck with Maryland Democrat Senator Barbara Mikulski for 42 years before she retired in January of 2017.  There are many more and everyone knows them.

It’s time to retire these people who have sucked off the taxpayers for decades.  They need to go home and work for a living.  Here in Tennessee we’re thrilled to be rid of Bob Corker in 2018, but we also wish we could dump Lamar Alexander tomorrow, both have been very destructive not only to Tennessee, but to the nation at large.

The people we elect are those who appoint and confirm judges, and the courts have done considerable damage to the policies our President wishes to implement.  The judges in those very courts are responsible for impeding our President from protecting America’s citizens, which he is constitutionally commanded to do.  The Congress is responsible for not following through with the policies of the President to protect American citizens from illegal invaders.

So, what do we do?  Again, it’s up to the American citizens.  We cannot sit idly by and hope that the few who care about the citizenry will be able to fight this alone.  It is up to us, and again that means calling, writing and raising holy Hannah with the congress critters. Here are the numbers, please use them daily!

White House Email: –

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to who is my and enter your zip code or state.

P.S. Please help us keep NewsWithViews alive and well by supporting our efforts.  The many authors who bring up-to-date news into your email every day are not paid.  They do what they do for love of country.  Paul Walter, the publisher and CEO of NWVs, escaped from communist Slovenia.  His love of this nation is why he started this great website.  Monthly donations keep NWVs alive and healthy.  Please add this website to your Christmas list.  Monthly donations keep us in the black.  Thanks so much, you can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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If You Break The Law You Must Face Justice

This column is primarily written for leftists, rinos, and others who struggle with the concept of right and wrong.  If one steals, they must make restitution.  If an individual murders another person, he or she are required to pay for their evil deed in like manner. Unless of course, leftists are there to protect the murderer.  When parents do not properly bring up their children in a correct manner, then the nation shall end up on the wrong path toward destruction from within.  If a human being stupidly attempts to defy the laws of gravity without the necessary safeguards, that individual will suffer the smashing consequences.

Likewise, if an individual or a teeming horde of illegal immigrants stream into our republic, they must be legally be brought to justice and deported.  If not, our nation will be overrun by those who at the behest of the political left in America help transform the United states into a bastion of leftist hoopla.  That would result in an unstoppable national decline.  It is with no surprise, but dismay none the less to witness the Cloward Piven strategy influenced media outlets like the Boston Globe, Cleveland Plain Dealer and many others that attempt to turn the support of patriotic Americans against president Trump’s policy that focusses on the principle that being in the country illegally is a crime that should be addressed.  After all, the United States is a nation of laws.  At issue is the adjustment President Trump made to Barack Obama’s overly lenient deportation policy at the department of Homeland Security.

Despite claims by leftist activists, the president’s goal is not the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, most of whom have no intention of becoming a positive part of American society.  Even the vast majority of DACA offspring are not doing much to improve their lot in life above that of leeches living off of the generous U.S. taxpayer funded welfare payments.  Today the clarion call to allow anyone from anywhere into our country, no matter their motivation is in complete opposition to the intent of the Founding Fathers regarding immigration.

In a letter to John Adams, George Washington stated, immigrants should embrace our way of life so that, “by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”  Alexander Hamilton concurred, and said “The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that, love of country which will almost invariably be found closely connected with birth, education, and family.” Hamilton also said, the preservation of a national spirit and national character.

It goes without saying, that the Founding Fathers desired immigration.  They understood that the immigration of people who desired to be a positive addition to our republic was crucial to the growth of the republic.  But they did not want the dregs of the planet to flood into America just because they want in.  But rather, they looked for the best of what the rest of the world had to offer.  The Founders wanted those special people who wanted to live the American ideal, accept our ways, to become Americans, not underminers of our republic.

President Trump was elected to resurrect in federal immigration policy the practice of allowing only legal immigration that benefits both our republic and those coming in legally to become Americans.  So, if anyone comes into the United States of America illegally with or without the goal of molestation of our nation, then they should be uprooted, rounded up and booted out.  Then if they return, be locked up for a substantial amount of time.  Such a policy should be enacted and made known to all other nations as a fair warning.  If you break the law you should face justice, even if you are an illegal immigrant, no matter what the open border, sanctuary city leftists say.  Let’s meet and talk things over on the Ron Edwards experience talk show, Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada or everywhere via, or weeknights at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PT on or via podcasts.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Oracle Of The Soul: Discovering Gems Of Understanding

With all the bad news lately concerning firings of Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, NPR executives and more to come—I am sick of bad news.  We continue a war in Iraq and Afghanistan for 17 years with ZERO results other than our finest kids being killed.   We’re $20 trillion in debt, but Congress forces us to take in 1.2 million immigrants annually to place them on welfare rolls.  Our country endures being turned upside down and completely at odds with itself as to clashing cultures from endless immigration, incompatible religions streaming into our homeland by the millions, and angry people from around the world being allowed into our midst.  Where’s the next Moslem terrorist attack?  And which of us will die because of our own elected Congressional critters who lack the common sense to close our borders to all immigration?  Because we know another Moslem attack will happen!   Please enjoy this vignette that will be included in my forthcoming book in 2018:  A Book of Wisdom and Joy.

As you grew up, you experienced different lessons along your life-path.  You discovered a hot stove hurt when you touched it.   A candle flame caused pain when you passed your finger over it.  A rosebush thorn made your finger bleed.  A bee sting caused you terrible agony.

(Delicate Arch offers a “gem” of understanding to those who seek it out in the desert of Arches National Park.  You must climb to reach it. You must experience heat, altitude and struggle to attain your goal.)

From those experiences, you avoided the obvious in your daily meanderings.  Marching into your teens, you discovered friendship, jealousy and betrayal.  A bully beat you up. A girlfriend undermined you in your pursuit of a boyfriend.

In nature, you learned to run for cover during a lightning storm.  When a dog gave chase, you picked up a stick to protect yourself.

You learned life-lessons either by your parents advising you or you learned the hard way by direct experience.

As you grew into your twenties, relationships grew more complicated, you worked a job with acerbic bosses and cantankerous fellow employees.  You discovered many different aspects to how people operate in the world.

Along the way, you picked up new understandings and created game plans on how to deal with your circumstances.

All the while, you became a better you.  But sometimes, you wondered about your choices or predicaments.

I’m reminded of the ancient king who held court each day.  He beckoned the local sage for words of wisdom. Each day for a year, the sage brought the king an overly ripe piece of fruit along with a witty statement.  When the sage left, the king tossed the fruit into a hole in a pillar where it fell to the basement, untouched.

One day, after the sage gave the king the overly ripe fruit, he turned to exit, but noticed the king tossing the fruit into the pillar.

“What are you doing?” asked the sage.  “Did you not know I gifted you with a gem in the middle of each fruit?”

The king made an excuse before the sage exited the throne room.  Quickly, the king ordered a knave to recapture the fruit.

The king cut it open to reveal a valuable gem. He said, “I never knew such beauty could be found inside an aged piece of fruit.”

The king ordered his staff to recover the gems from all the fruits in the basement.  The gems of knowledge enlightened him, which allowed him greater understanding.  He became a better king for all the people of his realm.

The great writer Thomas Moore said that every person faces the deadly turpitudes of living: obsessions, addictions, depression, loss of meaning, judging others, violence, anger, hate and prejudice.

It’s your challenge to connect with the divine in you.  You might call it the “spiritual” within you.  Choose to identify with your higher self.  That quest creates a transformation that leads to your better well-being and better choices.

When bad things happen to you, decode the experience to see the gem.  As you discover the synchronicity of the lesson, take advantage of it.  Synchronicity coupled with purpose equals “coincidence.”

Once you step into the “flow” of life, those synchronicities multiply because your energies coordinate with the natural vibrations of the universe.

Engage these talents: walk in the light, walk tall, walk with a song, walk strong, walk wise, walk with hope, walk with joy, walk with purpose and walk with passion.  People notice your demeanor.  You attract them to their own higher self.

Take advantage of a bitter experience, betrayal of a friend, unfair treatment by another or any of the overly ripe experiences of life.  You will find a “gem” in the rotten fruit that will enhance your life beyond all ordinary understanding.


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