Washington Despises What Judge Roy Moore Stands For

This week Republican voters in Alabama chose Judge Roy Moore as their nominee for the United States Senate.

You might say that Washington just can’t stand what Judge Moore stands for.

Judge Moore prevailed by more than ten percentage points despite the fact that both the President and the Vice President visited Alabama to campaign against him.

But what made this election more remarkable was the fact that a Political Action Committee with strong ties to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell poured more than thirty million dollars into a negative radio and television campaign attempting to smear the integrity of Judge Roy Moore.

Last week Republican voters in Alabama chose Judge Roy Moore as their nominee for the United States Senate.

It didn’t succeed.

But, in my view, it brought two truths into sharp relief.

First, it shows just how much the establishment despises what Judge Moore represents. Remember , this is considered a Republican seat so the expensive campaign was not designed to maintain a Republican majority in the Senate.

You see, Moore is a stalwart adherent to and defender of the the need to acknowledge and obey divine Authority and to follow the Constitution. And neither the Bible nor the Constitution are welcome in today’s Washington.

Secondly, Moore ‘s victory reveals that the people of Alabama saw through the negative campaign onslaught of the past few weeks, kept calm and voted for a man who has demonstrated that he will stand on principle, obey his oath, and defend the Constitution even when to do so carries a severe personal price.

For someone such as myself, who has studied and taught about a biblical and constitutional approach to government for more than 20 years, this is an epoch event  one that I pray will be studied and imitated at all levels of government.

Learn more about your Constitution with Michael Anthony Peroutka and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka: Michael@theAmericanView.com

The Islam Conundrum

A dictionary defines religion as,

‘The expression of man’s belief and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the Creator and Governor of the universe.’

By this definition Islam qualifies as religion, and so do numberless other faiths. A definition this broad is ambiguous and must be further defined with the specific tenets and practices of the belief.

Simply because someone or some people say that they believe in a superhuman deity and revere him, the belief is accorded the privileged status of religion?

It is generally assumed that religion addresses issues of importance to daily life as well as matters that transcend it. Religion is thought to exercise a civilizing influence by ordering the social life, promoting spirituality, as well as advancing an array of human virtues. Zoroaster, for instance, based his faith on the triad of goodly thoughts, goodly speech and goodly deeds: Moses framed the fundamentals of his faith in the Ten Commandments; and Jesus placed love at the core of his religion.

Many people adhere to religion for providing them with comfort and a compass in life. It is these assumed benevolent features of religion that confer its special status. Yet concern with religion overreaching has led societies to enact safeguards against that possibility. Some, for instance, feared that Christ was a rebellious Jew aiming to challenge the ruling Romans. Perhaps to assuage this fear, Christ emphatically proclaimed, ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.’ But to this day, there are those who still believe that the Christ was a mere social revolutionary.

In the case of Islam, there is no ambiguity at all. The mosque and the state were one and the same from the very start. During his lifetime, Muhammad embodied in his person all three branches of worldly secular governance—the legislative, the judiciary and the executive—as well as the religious domain. As a messenger of Allah, he transmitted Allah’s laws, adjudicated according to those laws and implemented Allah’s design. He also prescribed a set of religious instructions for the spiritual life of the faithful.

After Muhammad, Islamic rule was continued by Caliphs and Imams. To this day, wherever it is able, Islam governs as the state, either directly as is the case in Saudi Arabia, or indirectly as practiced in places such as the Islamic Republic of Iran.

When religion crosses the line that separates it from the state, serious problems present themselves. In the case of Islam, the rule of the people, by the people, for the people is supplanted by the rule of Allah, by the faithful to Allah, for the pleasure of Allah.

Other problems arise. Liberty, deeply cherished by democracies, is replaced by submission—unquestioning obedience and adherence to the dictates and precepts of the all-knowing and all—wise Allah. It is this total form of submission that, among other things, prompted Muslims to systematically burn libraries of the lands they invaded. They justified their action by contending that the Quran, the comprehensive unerring book of Allah, contained all perfect knowledge that humanity needed. To this day, in places where Islam rules many books are banned, newspapers and magazines are systematically either censored or shut down, and other non-print media are methodically blocked.

The contempt for free inquiry is encapsulated in the statement of Muhammad,

Al—elmo noghtatan katharoho al—jaheloon‘—Knowledge is only one dot, expanded by the ignorant.

Once liberty is surrendered for submission, a host of serious consequences present themselves. The individual becomes little more than a passive obedient vessel of Allah and his perspective of himself and life drastically changes. Once he submits to the all—powerful, all—knowing, and all—alls, then he is absolved of the responsibility of having to chart his own way in life.

There is considerable allure in submission to a powerful being that is willing and able to take care of the person. It is not a bad arrangement. The problem is that all past claimants have invariably been proven as either frauds or failures in honoring their part of the bargain. Islam is no exception. A cursory glance is enough to show the condition of Muhammad’s flock. In spite of huge material wealth, Muslims in the oil—rich countries are imprisoned in the paralyzing mentality of submission and all the terrible ancillaries that go with it.

There is no reason to believe that Muslims have inferior intelligence. Their state of existence is strictly a function of the doctrine of Islam: a doctrine of nihilism, ignorance, and violence that denigrates this life and fixes the starry eye of the faithful on the next life. A case in point is the Islamic madrassahs in places like Pakistan. Never mind the girls. Girls are not in the calculus—women are incidental in Islam. Consider boys. Millions of young boys are enrolled in madrassahs—religious boarding schools—learning very little beside memorizing and reciting the Quran. This is a case of total submission: Islam at its best, as championed by the oil—money—flushed Saudi patrons of the Wahhabi sect.

Sadly enough, instead of Muslims marching out of the suffocating swamps of submission to the meadow of liberty, Allah’s faithful aim to drag the rest of humanity into the deadly Islamic quagmire. Islam may have been an improvement to the life of the savages that roamed the Arabian deserts some 1400 years ago. The 21st century world, in spite of all its problems and challenges, is not willing to surrender to the clearly failed and failing Islamic experiment.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Black Fan Turns Off NFL

Saturday night working in my wood shop, I heard a reporter on the radio say, “Trump has found someone else to pick a fight with, the NFL.” Clearly, the reporter wanted listeners to believe Trump was the bad guy. And yet, fake news media swears their reporting is not biased.

Leftists are outraged because Trump said, “The NFL should fire or suspend players who kneel during our national anthem.” I totally agree with our president. I suspect a majority of Americans also agree. Strictly from a common sense business point of view, shouldn’t team owners stop their players from doing things that turn off football fans? America and football fans have been extremely good to these spoiled brat wealthy players. Pro athletes live lives far above most Americans in terms of finances, power and influence. Fans do not deserve pro athletes slapping us in the face.

My immediate response to Trump’s recommendation to the NFL was, “Amen brother! Thank God for Donald Trump!” Folks, I am so sick of wimpy politicians. More and more our country is turning into a bizarro-world in which politicians are terrified of offending Leftists, scrambling to meet their absurd demands. Trump is a straight-talkin’ real man with backbone; a long awaited breath of fresh air in the international political arena.

On Sunday, seeing NFL coaches and players in locked arms, protesting Trump for criticizing players who dis our flag was devastating to me as a football fan. We tune in to watch football, not to see players giving our nation their middle finger. By NFL owners, coaches and players saying screw you Trump, I feel like the NFL is saying screw you America and fans.

I caught the NFL’s shameful protest on the Steelers/Bears half time show. I tried to continue watching the game, but my conscience would not allow me to do so. Too many men have suffered and died for our flag to remain flying high. I cannot watch a football league that is supportive of players disrespecting our flag, our country and their fans.

Adding insult to injury, the NFL partnered with fake news media in accusing Trump of being divisive for standing up for our country. See how Leftists operate? They attack our principles, values and traditions. When we push-back defending ourselves, Leftists call us haters and the aggressors.

The politicization of a once Sunday pastime is a prime example of what happens when you allow Leftists aggression to go unchecked. Don’t give them an inch. Kaepernick taking a knee during our anthem should have been nipped in the bud, not tolerated. Outrageously, Kaepernick’s disrespect for America has spread like a virus via causal contact throughout the entire NFL and beyond.

Leftists are never satisfied. White America has bent over backwards making special concessions for blacks; affirmative action, racial quotas and so on. Blacks are only 12% of the population. It took the votes of millions of white Americans to elect a non-deserving black president for two terms. Have you noticed that every new law, lowered standard or new entitlement is never enough? If I were white, I would say, “For crying out loud, what do I have to do to make Leftists and blacks stop branding me a racist? What else must whites do to make Kaepernick and his fellow black millionaire football players happy?”

Have you ever heard the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus or Black Lives Matter say anything good about white America? No. These racial hate profiteers relentlessly promote their evil bogus narrative that America is still a hellhole of extreme racism against blacks. Their lie is destroying the NFL.

A relative said though Kaepernick has never suffered racism, he is a hero for standing up for other blacks. I challenge Kaepernick and all his Leftists supporters to tell me where in America are blacks suffering massive racism. Folks, there is no such place. Blacks are not routinely murdered by police. Blacks are routinely murdering each other in record numbers.  This is what wealthy high profile black players should be protesting, off the football field.

Like it or not, NFL players are role models. Emulating the pros, 8 year old football players are taking a knee during our National Anthem. Folks, that is a disgrace.

I lost something Sunday. Pro football was something a few liberal black relatives and I enjoyed without getting into our political differences. We would text each other during games about scores, great plays, bad calls and so on. That pleasure has ended.

I am pretty much done with NFL football this season. Thank you president Trump for once again confronting Leftists, standing up for us. You the man!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Police Adviser: Moore Primary Victory In Alabama A Rejection Of ‘Kook Morality’

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Judge Roy Moore’s 10-point victory in the Alabama Senate Republican primary is a striking rejection of kook morality,” John M. Snyder said in the nation’s capital today.

“Let us commend Moore as he now moves on to the unusual general election in December occasioned by the confirmation of former Sen. Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General,” Snyder added. The former National Rifle Association (NRA) official has been named the “dean” of Washington gun lobbyists by  the Washington Post and New York Times

Snyder said that, “Hopefully, Moore’s success is an indication that America is waking up, is fed up with the Satanic immorality put forth as politically correct by many of the powers that be, and ready to deep-six that nefarious gang.”

“Moore, now 70,” Snyder pointed out, “has been known for years as a champion of traditionally solid moral values.”

“During the campaign, Moore said, ‘our foundation has been shaken.  Crime, corruption, immorality, abortion, sodomy, sexual perversion sweeps our land.  When we become one nation under God again, when liberty and justice for all reigns across our land, we will be truly good again.'”

“Moore has been persecuted for his support of traditional Judaeo-Christian values,” Snyder recalled.  “He has been removed as Alabama chief justice twice, once for refusing to remove a monument to the Ten Commandments from the state hall of justice, and, a second time for telling local officials to ignore the U. S. Supreme Court ruling favorable to same-sex marriage.  He seems four-square in his commitment to what public officials and others should be committed.”

“In addition,” said Snyder, “Judge Moore is an avid supporter of Second Amendment values.  He opposes bans on semiautomatic firearms and high-capacity magazines, and an expansion of background checks.  He sees that as a backdoor attempt at gun registration.  He supports national reciprocity for the carrying of concealed firearms by individuals with state OKs to do so.

“It will take time, effort and treasure to clean up the mess in Washington and the rest of the country.  The election of Judge Moore to the U.S. Senate in Alabama’s special election in December could be a giant step in that direction.”

“For some time now observers and relevant experts generally have agreed that between 80 and 100 million people own about 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. In the last several years, though, FBI national instant criminal records checks indicate tens of millions of Americans purchase tens of millions of firearms each year,” notes the former editor for the National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s) magazines.

That means more and more Americans are buying more and more guns.  According to at least one expert mathematical estimate, there now are between 412 and 660 hundred million firearms in private hands in the United States (http://weaponsman.com/?p=33875).

Snyder also quoted figures from a national poll service: “A recent Pew Research Center study on ‘America’s Complex Relationship With Guns,’ shows that household gun ownership is up seven percentage points over the last two years to 44%, and that most gun owners cite protection as a major reason for owning a gun.  The figures are 67% for protection, 38% for hunting, 30% for sport shooting, 13% as part of a gun collection, and 8% for their job.”

Snyder stated, “Citizen firearms possession has the support of many in the law enforcement community.  Some high-profile law enforcement executive officers even advocate personal civilian firearms ownership.  At least one of them, Sheriff Wayne Ivey, the chief law enforcement officer in Brevard County, Florida, states that each citizen should acquire a handgun, learn how to use it, get a permit to carry a concealed firearm, and carry it at all times.”

A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center indicates that nearly two million more Americans obtained their concealed carry permits last year, setting a new record for the fourth year in a row.  CPRC says 16.3 million U.S. citizens have CCW permits, up from 4.5 million just a decade ago.

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University.  He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation.  He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

America’s DACA Nightmare Caused By Obama And Congress

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA) said at a Congressional meeting, “Dreamers’ parents did a great thing sneaking their kids into America.”

If ever an elected Congressional House member made a more absurd and outlandish statement about the DACA fiasco, Nancy Pelosi takes the cake.

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) said, “It’s inhumane to not give Dreamers an amnesty.”  But he made no attempt to enforce our borders or work laws for two decades in Congress.

First of all, Congress and the past five presidents created the DACA nightmare.  None of the presidents and none of the Congresses enforced America’s laws by stopping illegal aliens at our borders, and failed to enforce our employment, transportation and housing laws that specifically make it a federal violation to employ, transport and/or house an illegal alien.  It costs them $2,000 per illegal hired and up to five years in prison.

Those elected representatives failed since the 1986 amnesty that allowed 4,000,000 (million) illegals instant citizenship for breaking our laws.  It never addressed the employers drawing those illegals into America.

While Senator John McCain, (R-AZ) promised us enforced borders, he did nothing in the past 31 years to defend our country.  He wasn’t alone, Pelosi failed us, also.  Our presidents failed us.  All of them!

Secondly, Barack Obama violated Constitutional Law by creating an unlawful DACA executive order that could not and does not stand in a court of law.  How did he succeed in giving 850,000 “Dreamers” a gift?  Congress feared racial uprising, pure and simple for the first black president.

Third, powerful forces in Washington DC, lobby and pay for votes and non-compliance of our laws.  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce openly supports illegal immigration.  Big corporations support it with lobbyists and money.  Junk food chains, restaurants, hotels, motels, roofing companies, landscape companies, meat and chicken packing companies crave illegal workers.  Famers love illegals to give them 21st century slave labor.

Unfortunately, according to www.NumbersUSA.org, illegal aliens, their wives and children cost American taxpayers $296,000,000,000.00 (billion) year after year after year.  As long as the profits roll up to the CEO’s across America, they use their influence to keep the borders open for all to cross.

Congress and presidents make certain ICE and the Border Patrol cannot do their jobs.  Congress creates protocols of catch and release.  They make certain illegal aliens make it across the border.

Former Speaker John Boehner, (R-OH), purposefully squashed any chance for E-Verify to become law and House Speaker Ryan, (R-WI) continues along that same path.  Our own leaders knowingly suppress any chance for enforcing our laws with E-Verify.

But of course, illegals brought their children to create a “purgatory” for them and a nightmare for American taxpayers. Obama played on everyone’s emotions.  However, as a U.S. Senator, he did nothing to stop the invasion.  As president of the United States, he facilitated ever-greater numbers of illegal immigrants.

Today, we face an enormous conundrum: if we give amnesty, then more illegals will cross with their kids.  We already pay for 350,000 ‘anchor babies’ annually, but DACA presents a greater threat down the road:  every DACA child may ‘chain-migrate’ his or her entire family. That could mean another six to eight million people added to our population.  The cost to American taxpayers screams off the charts.

With $20 trillion in debt today, expect $30 trillion in debt within ten years.

Amnesty must begin with provisos:

In reality, the majority of Dreamers run from their twenties and into their thirties.  They are not kids.  They knowingly broken our laws for decades, but did nothing to change their status.

Additionally, the mainstream media purports that most dreamers pursue college, nursing and teaching.  Few pursue higher education!

If Congress gives them a free pass, you may expect another run on the border for desperate people around the world to come to America illegally.

One prominent journalist said, “Besides, is there anyone who believes we can ignore the law this time, but then 10 years from now kick millions of illegals out of the country who supposedly came here as children? It’s not going to happen because we’re setting a precedent for ignoring the law in this situation. Either we’re going to enforce the law or we’re going to have this exact same problem down the road, except even worse. Ronald Reagan was suckered into a “one-time” amnesty in return for promises of security that were never delivered. How can Republicans in Congress be so stupid as to learn nothing from his example? Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.”

What to do?

Give them guest worker visas good for a certain amount of time, say 10 years. If they perform, take no welfare, maintain jobs and keep a lawful record—consider them for citizenship with the proviso that they cannot chain-migrate any of their family members and that their parents must be deported for breaking our laws.  (Please realize their parents are part of the 20 million illegals within our country breaking our laws daily.)

Force Congress to enforce our borders and our internal employment laws with E-Verify. Cut off the source of the draw for illegals.

Enforce our employment laws internally by allowing ICE to check all identification of workers at plants and companies around the country.

We either maintain our laws and our borders, or, we lose our country to ever increasing millions of illegal migrants.

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The NFL A League Of Hypocrisy

While growing up on the shores of Lake Erie in Cleveland, one of our favorite autumn pastimes was going to old Municipal Stadium to watch the Cleveland Browns, when they actually won football games.  I’ll never forget witnessing the Cardiac Kids pulling out many last minute victories, just after many of us would think it was all over.  In fact, the first Monday Night Football game was televised from Cleveland 42 years ago on September 21, 1970.  At the time, for a young guy, it was a thrill of a lifetime to witness the Browns defeat of Joe Namath and the New York Jets 31-21 in front of 80,000 rabid fans including myself.  My school grades were very good, so I was allowed a rare evening outing on a school night.

The image I had of football growing up was one of team work, striving to be your best, a high moral code that was stressed by my own high school football coach and, patriotism, a positive piece of the fabric of America, etc.  The current pathetic display of public disrespect toward the United States by the highly paid NFL players is a glaring example of the self centered attitude of cry babies who exaggerate problems and only foster division.  The great Jim Brown, who himself has been deeply involved with social issues concerning past racial injustice and economic development recently said “we should not disrespect the flag or our country.”

NFL commissioner no good Goodell (a deeply leftist ideolog) is an encourager of NFL players publicly disrespecting our national flag. In fact it does not bother him, that the players are setting a bad example for younger Americans.  Despite the fact our economy is the bedrock that allowed for them to make millions of dollars throwing a ball around and tackling one another, many NFL players would rather encourage disgruntlement than trying your best to succeed in American society.  I do not decry their nice salaries, whatever the market will bare is fine with me.

I find it rather hypocritical, for no good Goodell and others like Lebron James to complain because the president of the United States does not agree with NFL players and others disrespecting our flag, our republic and the heroes who fought and in some cases died to protect their freedoms.  Another glaring sad development in this sordid affair is that most NFL players and commissioner Goodell are products of a leftist oriented government school system.  It is that very system that indoctrinates students against rather than teaches American students about the United States.  For too long, American students have only been presented negative details and even lies about our republic.

Because of the relentless effort of government school educators and university professors many, including most football players are convinced that even the good about America they may stumble upon, is not worthy of recognition or respect.  That includes that fact they are blessed to live in a republic that offers them opportunities they could not dream of achieving anywhere else.

Many NFL and NBA players complain about oppression in America.  But I have yet to hear or read about any of those hypocrites expressing concern about the real oppression of black Christians being slaughtered and enslaved by Islamic brutes today in Islamic countries.

Not that long ago, RG 3 was forced to turn his shirt with a Christian message inside out, because it did not meet “NFL policy.”  Sometime later, hardly anyone uttered a word when the Islamic quarterback conducted a press conference with a Castro shirt on while wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs.  So now it is heralded as “freedom of speech” to kneel or turn your back on the American flag in protest of “inequality.”  Only brainwashed Alynski inspired rich dolts could be warped enough to feel unequal.

I’ll never forget when Dallas Cowboy players were not allowed by the leftist Goodell to wear a special patch in honor of police officers murdered by a Black Lives Matter supporter who shot them while they were providing protection for the very leftist haters who were protesting against them.  Antifa anyone?

My fellow American, what you are witnessing is an orchestrated and increasingly bold mission of those seeking to dissolve the cohesiveness of the republic through complaints, both real and mostly imagined.  If you go on a cruise and a disagreement breaks out, you do not try to sink the vessel to resolve the issue.  Unfortunately, many of those participating in narcissistic anti flag protesters have no regard for anyone but themselves and their destructive Cesar Chavez inspired ideology. They are willing to sink America into oblivion.

To prove my point, over the past twenty years, those who consider themselves to be African Americans (even though they were not born in Africa) have been the overall most abused, robbed, raped, car jacked, and murdered segment of the American population.  Was it mostly Trump supporters, young white males, KKK goons, police officers, or republicans committing those atrocities?  No, no, no, no and no.

If those hypocrites were true to their convictions, they would do us all a favor and move to Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela, or maybe try their luck in Lebanon, China, or Russia.  Those spoiled athletes and others of their ilk believe it is ok to rail against our republic and the flag, because they have free speech rights.  Yet, they and other leftists are filled with enraged hatred against others who like president Trump, who do not share their hatred of the police, America, the flag, the Constitution, etc.

They can dish out disrespect, but they cannot take any constructive criticism, which reveals a self- evident boatload of hypocrisy that is one of the hallmarks of their leftist ideology. But through it all and God’s grace, the republic will rise above this and other dubious developments.  You can tune in and enjoy the not so dubious Ron Edwards Experience talk show on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nev. Fridays beginning October 6th 2017 at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT also worldwide on SHR Media and www.americamatter.us.  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary weekdays at 6:29 AM PT, 9:29 AM EST during AM News on www.americamatters.us and AM 118 KCKQ Reno, Nev.  At 5:12 PM EST, 2:12 PM PT It’s The Edwards Notebook commentary during MoneyTalk with Melanie on SHR Media and www.highplainspundittalkradio.com. Your weekends are made a little better with a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary during the weekend overnight instalment of the Captain’s America radio show emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla. at 4:30 AM  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Football Hates America

All over the Western world, the leftids are kicking it into high gear. In America, we’re getting inundated with meaningless “protests” by millionaire football players. More on that later. For the moment, let’s hop into our private jets and see what the libs are up to in Australia.

Come November, Australians will vote on whether to inflict “gay marriage” on their country. For a time, a friend Down Under tells me, the “Yes” vote looked like it was in the bag. But as the vote draws near, the “No” vote is gaining ground: and one of the reasons for that is the bullying behavior of the Yessies.

As leftids see it, you’re not allowed to be opposed to the redefinition of matrimony and anyone who does so must be rigorously punished. So they got up a petition to revoke the medical license of a doctor who stood up for real marriage, throwing in a death threat for seasoning. They’ve been able to get other likely “No” voters fired from their jobs. A former prime minister, known to be on the “No” side, was physically assaulted by a Yessie.

The less violent among the Yessies have been content merely to cancel lifelong friendships they’ve had with persons who think marriage ought to be reserved for a man and a woman. Leftids just can’t conceive of anyone holding that opinion. Again we see the leftids being everything that they accuse us of being: fanatical, intolerant, determined to impose their belief on others regardless of the cost. With this crowd, projection is everything.

Hello, Australia: be guided by America’s experience. Once they get their “gay marriage,” their demands won’t stop. They’ll go on to demand “trans” bathrooms, legalization of polygamy, recognition of pedophilia as “a lifestyle”—whatever card is next in the deck. They’ll never stop, and they cannot be appeased. It would be folly to try.

Meanwhile, we’ve got football protests.

Remember Tim Tebow? He used to “take the knee.” (I promise not to use that expression again: you’re surely as fed up with it as I am.) Tebow knelt on the football field to give thanks and honor to God; and for that they ran him out of the league.

Just last year, the Far Left was gunning for the NFL. Lawsuits over the Washington Redskins name. Howling over the concussions suffered by football players. They really seemed to be going all out to get football banned. Why? Because Americans liked it and they don’t like America.

But suddenly we had all these vacuous “protests” over this or that “injustice,” all this flap about America being racist and bad and just plain awful—and the football team owners saw their chance, and grabbed it. All aboard the Social Justice Express! In a display of toadiness worthy of an award, the owners declared their “solidarity” with the players. What better way could they have found of mending football’s fences with the Left? “See? See? We’re on your side, dudes! We hate America, too! Don’t you see us showing our disrespect for the National Anthem?” They’ll find themselves funding Antifa, if they don’t watch out.

Because the “protests” are not about anything concrete, there’s nothing America can give the protesters that will satisfy them. In their eagerness to curry favor with the Left—somehow a lot of people have gotten the impression that leftids rule America—the NFL owners spit in the faces of the fans, most of whom love and respect America and are proud to stand for the flag and for the anthem.

What kind of wacky business model is this—insult your customer base and tell them that you loathe them? But the owners think the fans are so addicted to football that they’ll keep on watching the games week after week, keep on buying NFL jackets and T-shirts and huge inflatable football players for their front lawns, and just grin and bear it all the way to the Super Bowl.

That won’t stop the stupid protests, which have become an end in themselves and a useful tool of leftid propaganda.

You can’t appease people who will be unsatisfied no matter what concessions you make, no matter what you give them. Leftids aren’t made that way.

The only thing that must be done is to put them out of business, once and for all.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit today. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Stop Conceding The Truth To The Lying Left

If you do anything today make sure you take the time to read this powerful article written by Kurt Schlichter.  Until we realize that the LEFT HATES US and that they are playing for keeps we will never understand the battle before us.

God is Love and Jesus is the Truth.  So would I be wrong to state that the greatest expression of Love is Truth?

LOVE CONQUERS HATE the piously passive pew sitters tell us.  But they miss the point.  Love fights.  Love defends.  Love protects.  Love gets involved.  Love engages lies with the Word of TRUTH.  That is what Jude meant when he wrote that we should “earnestly contend for the faith.”

Can’t you see that love conquers hate by confronting it…not loving it?  Love is a person who destroys hate with Truth.  The Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth!!

Contending for the Truth is greatest expression of love.  Jesus is Truth.  Defending Truth is the greatest example of love.

But one four-word statement from Mr. Schlichter’s commentary jumped up and gob-smacked me like a sloppy lick from our German shepherd’s watery tongue.


That is what we have done my friends.  We have conceded their lies.  We have accepted their lying precepts.  We have compromised away our authority because we have refused to stand up and speak the Truth.  The Left’s entire plan of attack has centered around lies and in our desire to appear  “Christian” by being “tolerant” we have yielded the solid moral ground upon which our only sure foundation can be built.

The American culture war is being lost because of lies.  The Left’s lies.  They are incapable of winning if they are forced to deal with the Truth  American’s future has been destroyed not because The Left  have taken the low road, but because we have abandoned the high road.  There is no high road anymore.  That was the path that the church was supposed to guard.

To Wit:

The Lying Left has told us that there is a separation between God and morality.  They have steered the ship of state into moral anarchy by simply lying to us that there was separation between the church and state.  The Church simply rolled over and accepted the Lordship of government over the Lordship of Christ.  The Devil told Eve that if she would simply shrug off that moral law that she would be like God.  Today, the American church fears the government far more than they fear Almighty God.

The Lying Left told us that we could have sex without consequences.  They fought for the right of a woman to control her right to reproduction.  They told us that sex was for pleasure and a child was a burden.  The Church accepted that lie, lowered the bar, and yielded control of the sexual urges to The Pill.  Fornication is now commonplace and church members proudly “shack up.”  Personal morality undergirds corporate morality.  Right is right and wrong is wrong.   Jehovah is not at all inclusive.  He is the one who originally stated the premise that it is “my way or the highway.”  Wide is the path but narrow is the gate.  Despite what The Left tells you…few find it.

The Lying Left told us that a fetus was not a person.  The argument was so absurd that at first no one took them seriously.  But on January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court ruled in defiance of the Supreme Being that an unborn baby was simply a blob of cells.  We knew better then and we know better now.  Nearly 70 million lives later the LIE continues to carry the day.  Heck, today we fund the murder of the innocent in a feeble attempt to be compassionate.  Pastors refuse to broach the subject.  Politicians cast lots with the lives of innocent babies as the payoff to continued political power.  The Church has believed the lie.  Babies die as the Church holds fundraisers for meaningless causes.

The Lying Left told us that a man can marry a man.  They said that the Constitution guarantees them freedom from discrimination.  They said any two adults can make a family.  They told us that love has no gender and that holding fast to the standard of Biblical marriage is hateful.  They indoctrinate our children in this lie in government schools where your mandatory tax dollars support their lying.  They told us that no one chooses their gender.  They tell us that God “made them that way.”  They tell us we shouldn’t judge people.  Christians don’t even read the Bible they claim to follow.  They let the Lying Left tell them what the Bible really says.

I could go on.

We have to understand the disaster of letting lies go unchallenged.  Instead of agreeing that there is a separation between the church and state we should invest our energy in challenging that lie.  As soon as you acknowledge that a woman has a right to choose to murder her baby the battle has already been lost.  We strike out before we ever reach first base.

Racism is a made up issue.  Feminism is a lie that only gives men the right to be irresponsible. Man made climate change is a fraud.  Micro-evolution is as phony as a $3 bill.  The Left created the generation gap.  Large families are a blessing not a curse.

Everything the Left does destroys what was good.  They use lies to create a crisis where none existed.  They create it.  Market it.  Promote it.  Force us to pay for it.  Only to watch it destroy us.  We proudly partner in the suicide of moral values.

Instead of opposing the Lies of the Left our churches have adopted, endorsed, and Christianized them.  We have ignored God’s command to “have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”  Ephesians 5:11

“Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  For what fellowship have righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?”  2 Cor. 6:14

We must shake off the Lies of the Left.  We must oppose them…expose them…and destroy them.  We must stop trying to be nicer than Jesus.

Only the Truth can make us free.  It is time to stop conceding the Truth to the Lying Left.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Marxist Colin Kaepernick Leads The NFL Into The Gutter

As a former NFL player, I am one American who will have nothing to do with any NFL Team that cannot find the corporate courage to stand for the millions of courageous past great Americans whose sacrifice gave meaning to our flag and national anthem and to the millions upon millions who still dream to come to its free shores. —Burgess Owens

Burgess Owens was one of the speakers at the 46th Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum council meeting in St. Louis, MO.  He is an amazing man, a beautiful Christian and a fine speaker.  His above quote is absolutely how so many of us in America, the greatest country on earth, feel about these ungrateful NFL players.

Colin Kaepernick’s biological mother is white, as were his adopted parents.  His biological mother disagrees with his protest.  His white adopted upper middleclass parents say they stand with him.  Kaepernick couldn’t get more over-the-top in dissing the country that has made him a wealthy and privileged man.  On Independence Day he traveled to Ghana which he claims is his ancestral home.

American soldiers have fought and shed their blood on battlefields for this spoiled American millionaire brat to spew his invective against our country because his leftist Islamist beliefs claim our law enforcement personnel are brutalizing black Americans.  Racial inequality is what Kaepernick and his adopted parents are claiming.

Sorry, but I just don’t buy this drivel.  Every opportunity is given to black Americans through affirmative action and more.  Police are being blamed for protecting themselves from thugs, and everyone knows it, but the black community is using this as a reason to be destructive.

Kaepernick and Castro

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who last made headlines by refusing to stand during the playing of the national anthem before an NFL football game, continued to act as a lightning rod for controversy by appearing at an August 2016 press conference wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with photographs of ’60s Nation of Islam leader and black power advocate Malcolm X and Communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

A slogan on the shirt read, “Like Minds Think Alike.”

The shirt depicted scenes from a 1960 meeting between Castro and Malcolm X. Kaepernick wore it to a news conference after the 49ers’ third preseason game, which was when his refusal to stand during the national anthem became a major national story.

A Miami Herald reporter from a family of Cuban exiles got into a heated argument with Kaepernick over the picture of Castro on his shirt.  The quarterback kept emphasizing the fact that Malcolm X was also on it, saying the slain civil rights activist’s willingness to meet Castro proved he was “open-minded” about aspects of the world.  The reporter again asked him about Castro, and Kaepernick said, I’m not talking about Castro and his oppression.  I’m talking about Malcolm X.

The reporter accused Kaepernick of changing the conversation because Castro was too uncomfortable to talk about, especially when he remains largely reviled by Miami’s sizeable Cuban immigrants.  So, what does Kaepernick do?  He praises the social initiatives of Castro claiming Cuba has the highest literacy rate because they spend more on education!

I guess this millionaire football player hasn’t a clue of how much America spends on education and obviously the propaganda and brainwashing of our government schools worked well on Kaepernick.  Neither does Kaepernick have a clue of what Castro and Malcolm X stood for.

Communist Fidel Castro

Kaepernick praised Castro’s social initiatives!  Obviously, he hasn’t a clue of what the people went through once they helped overthrow the Batista regime and installed the lying Communist as their dictator.

Castro failed to hold the free elections he had promised the Cuban people. He put to death hundreds of his former political enemies in hasty trials intended more as propaganda than as judicial proceedings. Then he proceeded to fill Cuba’s jails once more with political critics, including many of Castro’s former comrades, anti-communist labor leaders, and other veteran opponents of the Batista regime. The press was placed under strict censorship. Foreign-owned property was expropriated arbitrarily without fair compensation, and in many cases without any compensation at all. Only the communists emerged unscathed from Castro’s repressive and vindictive actions.

Sounds just lovely doesn’t it Kaepernick!

Malcolm Little, alias Malcolm X

Malcolm was a converted Muslim and he spent time in prison for drug dealing, gambling and prostitution rackets.  He spent much of his time in seedy nightclubs. At age 19, he was arrested for the first time for allegedly stealing and pawning his half-sister’s fur coat. A second arrest followed for allegedly mugging an acquaintance at gunpoint, and a third arrest came after he burglarized a series of Boston-area homes. Sentenced to state prison in 1946, his cellblock mates called him “satan” for his habit of pacing around and muttering curses at God and the Bible.

Following the example of his siblings, Malcolm joined the Nation of Islam and struck up a correspondence with its leader, Elijah Muhammad. Like Marcus Garvey and his Back to Africa movement, the Nation of Islam preached black self-reliance and empowerment. It also taught that whites were a race of “blue-eyed devils” created millenniums ago by an evil scientist.  Malcolm spent a decade as head of the Harlem mosque, in addition to launching a Nation of Islam newspaper, giving speeches at dozens of universities around the country, participating in debates with mainstream civil-rights leaders and occasionally meeting with foreign heads of state.

Malcolm X eventually broke with Muhammad’s Nation of Islam.  He also originally disagreed with integration, but later changed his mind on that as well.  He moved farther to the left, and he mentored and guided Louis X (later known as Louis Farrakhan), who eventually became the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X advocated for equality as he saw it.  If it could be obtained through peaceful means then so be it.  If not…then he advocated by any means including violence.  One of Malcolm’s more famous speeches from 1964 is called The Ballot or the Bullet.  And yes, toward the end of his life Malcolm moved towards black nationalism and socialism.

The Truth of These NFL Protests

An attorney called into the Rush Limbaugh program and what he said was absolutely spot on:

I hear the so-called smart people all over the news media, our politicians are talking about that these players somehow have a right to protest. If they want to take a knee, that’s their right, their freedom of speech right.

They couldn’t be more wrong. This is Constitution 101 class stuff. The First Amendment does not apply to these players. There must be state action for the First Amendment to apply. And the NFL is not the state. They have an absolute right to fire those players because of their speech. There’s no right for them, they do not have a right to protest whatsoever.

He is spot on, we do not have a right when employed to make political statements.  We are hired to follow the direction of our employer.  And the NFL does not allow these political demonstrations.  All of these football players who take a knee should be immediately fired.

NFL’s Rule Book is Clear

Here’s what it says:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.  During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking.  The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition…it should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.  Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choices for violations of the above, including first offenses.

President Trump’s Criticism

Now the media is claiming that President Trump’s criticism of these spoiled fools disrespecting America is sparking even more protests.  Well, tell you what, I rarely watch football, but I will never watch the NFL again in my life.  Buh bye!

Does the NFL not see what is happening to it? Does it not see the half empty stadiums? Does it not see reduced ratings? Does it not see how divisive all of this is? It is turning football fans into something else. Donald Trump didn’t do that, but he’s being attacked for defending America!

When President Trump criticized the NFL last weekend for permitting some players to protest during the National Anthem, the President called that conduct disrespectful and called on NFL owners and leaders to stop it.

Commissioner Roger Goodell responded by attacking the President. Goodell called the President’s criticism divisive and then he arrogantly claimed the President’s words suggest what he called an “unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players.”

Excuse me Goodell, but the divisive ones are your players, and you are going to lose more than money.  Football used to be an escape, but you’ve allowed it to be another pile of leftist B.S. by uneducated and wealthy spoiled brats.

Our President said to fire these fools, and that’s what the American people are saying as well.  And tell you what, it’s why we love him, because our President echoes what we are saying and thinking!

High School Coach Fired for Praying

Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy lost his job after he refused to stop praying on the field after games. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to reinstate Kennedy.  In two opinions totaling 62 pages, the appeals judges said Kennedy could not prove he was exercising his First Amendment rights as a private citizen when he insisted, against orders by the Bremerton School District, on taking a knee at the 50-yard line after football games and praying.  Link

So, a small prayer after a game gets this coach fired, but these egocentric NFL punks can offend countless Americans with impunity.

True Heroes Take a Knee

They take a knee in honoring their fellow soldiers and friends.

They take a knee in prayer, weeping for their brothers, sons, and daughters.

On their knees, they come together to honor the heroes who led them.

And they bow a knee to pay final respects to the ones they lost.


America has granted more freedom and liberty to all her people than any other nation.  This NFL action by these millionaire sports figures is disgraceful and disrespectful to America’s citizenry and especially to her veterans.

Our beautiful National Anthem says it all.

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it.  It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.

And this is why we stand with our hands over our hearts.

P.S. There are many causes that need funding, and one of them is NewsWithViews.  Please help us keep this website alive and well and coming into your mailbox every morning.  Monthly donations really do help us keep freedom and liberty alive.  Please send your donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

I Never Said Anything About It Being Donald Trump

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” –Adolph Hitler

Over and over again, the American people are played by the dupes of ill designing men and they refuse to be ashamed of what they fail to address concerning those who are playing them (Jeremiah 8:5).

Case in point, this last week I posted a meme on my live stream that showed the tyrant Adolph Hitler taking pictures with children to win the people over, as well as a picture of him as Time Magazine’s 1938 “Man of the Year.”

A man responded, “I am tired of people equating Adolph Hitler with Donald Trump.”

“I never said anything about Donald Trump! You did!” I replied.  “Did you see something that I may have overlooked?” (2 Corinthians 11:14)

We all have something to learn.

I have been posting these memes for years and now that Donald Trump is president, I am equating him to Adolph Hitler?

Look at what Louise Solmitz, a Hamburg school teacher in 1932, said of Adolph Hitler.

“How many look up to him with touching faith as their helper, their savior, their deliverer from unbearable stress.”

I went on and said that regardless of who serves “We the people” in this country, we are to, like the good advice given by Patrick Henry, “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.”

So, I lay to the feet of present day America that you look to the past that you might know, through the Scriptures, the future that lies in front of us.

Are We as Asleep as the Germans of the 30’s?

“Politicians brought the Nazis to power and started the war. They are the ones who brought about these disgusting crimes.” – Karl Doenitz, German admiral and would-be fuehrer after Hitler

On Nov. 20, 1945, the Nuremberg Trials began, bringing Hitler’s Nazi criminals to justice. By this time, several countries were destroyed, and 50 million people, 2.5 percent of the world’s population, lost their lives – including 12 million Jews, German dissidents, political opposition, intellectuals and others who were exterminated in Nazi concentration camps.

The world watched in horror as in the courtroom filled with Nazi criminals was played video footage of famished men, women and children who were mercilessly shot, starved and/or tortured, and then thrown carelessly into mass graves, all because they did not fall in line with the ideology of Adolf Hitler.

During the opening of the court proceedings, it is important to note that the prosecutor said, “The laws of God and man have been violated, and the guilty must not go unpunished.”

Just imagine if the Nuremberg Trials, per se, would have taken place at the first unconstitutional acts of Hitler’s wicked regime. Hitler could have easily been stopped in the 1920s with relative ease by the German people who still had the freedom to do the right thing, and did it not.

Instead, they acted as if Hitler had nothing to do with their personal lives.
Friends, as no one took Mussolini, Mao or Stalin seriously at first, many fellow Germans thought Hitler was an average run-of-the-mill wacko who posed no threat.

Horrifically, they were dead wrong.

One of Hitler’s first moves when he rose to power was to attack his own Reichstag, only to blame it on his political opposition. He then proceeded to eradicate the Constitution of Germany in only six years.

Hitler no longer abided by the law, but instead promulgated his agenda by force.

Where were the 80 million people in Germany to stand up against this monster?

As Karl Doenitz blurted out, it was the politicians (and the people) who were responsible for bringing the Nazis to power.

On a daily basis the crimes of Hitler and his regime were evident. So obvious were the atrocities that after church the Germans were wiping the ashes of the incinerated victims off their cars.

Their lack of action turned them from victims to accomplices.

What does this have to do with America today?


It is clear to see that over the last four administrations, America’s government is emulating many similarities – likewise setting itself at war with God, abusing power and trampling on the Constitution.

Where are the 312 million (323.1 million in the present) Americans to stand up and magnify the laws of our republic?

Have Americans today forgotten the price of their blood-bought freedoms, paid for by hundreds of thousands of veterans who laid down their lives, fortunes and sacred honor?

In the 1800s, after much bloodshed through the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson made one wrong move, causing him to be tried for impeachment.

Johnson simply removed the secretary of war from office without the consent of Congress. Americans were so jealous over their liberties they would not tolerate the least offense.

It would do us well to follow in our forefathers’ footsteps, lest we, like
Germany, become accomplices to America’s overthrow through our apathy and lack of repentance – to our own demise.

As it says on the Supreme Court Building, “Justice (is) the guardian of liberty,” right under Moses holding the Ten Commandments. We must follow the preamble of our Constitution and “establish justice” (Isaiah 51) in order to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

America: Simply put, prevention is better than cure.

Time magazine merited the murderous dictator Adolf Hitler “Man of the Year” in 1938. Josef Stalin was also declared Time’s “Man of the Year” in 1939 and 1942, who, like Hitler, was responsible for committing heinous crimes against his own people. This brings one to ask what other criminals have been labeled “Man of the Year” by Time magazine. You may be surprised.

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© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Those That Can Fix It Just Keep Kicking The Can

“Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen and that is the basic building block of the universe.”  —Frank Zappa

On November 8, 2016 the American people assessed the damage inflicted on the nation by years of collectivist mis-government and delivered a thundering verdict at the polls. The election of Donald Trump signaled the culmination of one process in our politics and the beginning of another.  What culminated was the growing disenchantment of the American public with shopworn practices generally called “liberal” but which in their devotion to big government and hostility to individual freedom are in fact illiberal and reactionary.

What began was a painstaking effort to restore America to the path of greatness from which it had been derailed by more than a generation of excessive government.  By creating an opportunity for such restoration, the election of Donald Trump was a marvelous beginning.  But it is crucial to stress that it WAS a beginning and that years of work and struggle remain before our liberties are once again secure.

The federal government of the modern era spends far more money and exercises far more power over our daily lives than our founding fathers could possibly have envisioned and far more than the average citizen of the present hour can possibly imagine.  And driven by the dynamics of the welfare state psychology, that spending and the accompanying power have been expanding at a giddy rate that is equally hard to fathom.

Most observers are now willing to admit, the end result of all this spending and government regulation has been a cataclysmic failure.  We have created such enormous and costly burden of government spending, taxes and regulation on the home front that we have crushed the productive vigor of the economy while feeding the fires of inflation and excessive increases in the money supply.

Simultaneously, we have seen a drastic weakening of our national posture oversees.  Despite the constant outcries that we hear about the military-industrial complex, the truth is that we have actually financed our recent binge of domestic handouts by siphoning money from essential military needs.

In all these respects, the task confronting the Trump Administration and the country can be summed up under a single heading:  “To reclaim control of the political system, the economy and the freedom of the average citizen from the elitists who have created all this enormous power and who, because so much of it is insulated from popular authority, still exercise tremendous influence on national policy.”

A major part of the problem is the sheer size of the federal government.  The central government has grown to such monstrous proportions that it has sucked the lifeblood from our states and local communities, profoundly changing the nature of our federal system.  But at the same time, it has become so huge that it is often beyond the control of federal officials – at least the elected ones.  To a degree that the average American only dimly comprehends, it runs according to its own momentum.

It is this enormous, rudderless federal government that is the basic source of our economic problems, i. e. run-away spending, confiscatory taxation and oppressive regulation, which together have crushed the life out of our economy.

Until President Trump is able to push his budget and tax rate cuts through Congress, the projected outcome will be a continually declining standard of living, the continued loss of jobs, more government intervention, higher inflation and the ultimate prospect of financial panic and collapse.

At first blush the reader of our column will be inclined to believe that this author wrote the previous passages, but they would be wrong.  We took these passages right out of a booklet by William E. Simon, Treasury Secretary under President Ronald Reagan.  The passages were written in 1980 over 37 years ago, in a short book entitled “A Time For Action.”  The only changes we made were to the date where we substituted November 8, 2016 in place of November 4, 1980 and substituted President Trump for President Reagan.  It’s an excellent short book and we encourage everyone to read it.

In 37 years nothing has changed except that the problems have grown worse ….. much, much worse.  For much longer than that, the Progressives and the fully embedded “Deep State” have thwarted any hopes of changing course.  So entrenched in their beliefs that they are “right” and their in-exhaustible lust for power, they are doing everything to impede or outright stop Trump from implementing his goals of America first, plentiful jobs, a healthy economy and peace through unbeatable military strength.  Their hidden goal is to destroy or discredit Trump by any means to the point that he will be politically impotent, if not forced to resign.  They have academia, the news media and a majority of the American people and now the entire sports community behind them to complete that goal.

This cabal of Progressives, academia and the news media attempted to do the same thing to President Reagan but were essentially unsuccessful, that is until the following four Presidents, at which time they became even more entrenched in America’s political system.  Under President Obama their entrenchment only strengthened.  The “System” they have created may actually be impenetrable.

The inescapable slide of America in the direction of all past countries, societies and cultures cannot be denied. What usually precipitates the destruction comes on the heels of three specific growing conditions.  The first condition is societal apathy, the second moral decay and the third, solidification of inflexible “Systems”, leading to rapidly increasing regulations, higher taxes and rising central government power.

Laws and special interests drive the “System” and as laws increase, the “System” becomes more inflexible, unsustainably expensive and grossly inefficient.  Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the “System” into corruption.  The “System” becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort.  Sometimes violence is the only way to change the “System”.  It is certain that one President in even two terms will not change the “System.”  The fix, if there is a peaceful fix, could take several generations.

People react to the seemingly impenetrable “System” by becoming more apathetic and resigned to the inevitability of the “System”, without considering the possibility that the “System” can be changed.  They feel helpless and impotent.  Or, maybe they are just plain lazy and the fight has gone out of them. But the reality is, it will take a great deal more effort to defeat the “System” than sitting on the couch watching “Dancing with the Stars” or Sunday Night football, hoping that someone else will do the job.

The “System” is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the “System” in the executive, judicial and legislative branches. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests.  Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms and secret meetings.  All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged.  Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles.  Sources of the “System’s” power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional.  The “System” exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people’s money and special interest agendas.

Examples of the “System” are almost endless. Unions, socialists, environmentalists and the broad category of government, at every level, drive America’s public education (or should we say indoctrination) “System”.  Attorneys, judges, court clerks and tens of thousands of state and federal rules, drive the judicial “System”, such that if justice ever finds a court, it will have become a worldwide miracle.

Special interests, including internationalists, corporations, unions, socialists and environmentalists, drive federal, state and local governments and each is part of the “System.”  Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the “System.”  Even the good politicians, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the “System” if they want to get re-elected.

The “System” gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, the New Deal, Social Security, the Great Society, expanded welfare, free cell phones, Medicaid, Medicare and Obama Care with each one just another name for socialism.

The “System” brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The “System” gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing.  American currency is valueless, supported by a government-created mirage.

The “System” gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal “System” bias.

The “System” gave us liberal colleges that now only espouse one liberal viewpoint and silences any other, sometimes violently.

The “System” gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily regulated and his basic freedoms must be denied.   The “System” gave us the international fraud of man-caused global warming.

The “System” gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual or individual rights.  Under this ideology the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless.

So you see ladies and gentlemen, this “Old Wreck” of a country is in dire straights.  Those sent to fix “her” are drunk with power and corrupt.   The essential parts necessary to fix the “Old Wreck” are no longer being manufactured and are out of memory.

If Trump is not successful and the cabal of Progressives, academia, the news media and over half of the American population (the “System”) take him down and regain partial political power in 2018 and full power in 2020, the “Old Wreck” of America will be impossible to repair.  As long as those that today have the power to “fix it”, keep delaying or kicking the can down the road, a future Reagan or Trump will never be elected because Americans keep allowing history to repeat itself over, and over, and over again in furtherance of their own demise.  As long as Senator’s Collins, Murkowski, Paul, Portman and McCain keep the Republican Party from completing any meaningful legislation, the Republican Party is impotent, if not dead and will be replaced by the other party at the next election.

Many of our readers lament that we describe the problems but never the solutions.  “What are the solutions?”  There are no peaceful solutions as long as the Progressives, academia, the news media and over half the American population are in the majority and control the political process.  That’s reality.  Is there another solution?  Sure there is, but it’s very messy and violent and the outcome may not yield the desired result.

Do you “AGREE” with our assessment?

© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Some Kneel In Protest Others Interpose And Protect

This past weekend has been an interesting one to say the least. Football players are being praised or protested by some for “kneeling down” during the National Anthem, while on another football field coach Joe Kennedy was fired for “kneeling down” to pray before a game.

Despite the paradox we live in, I want to give attention to a subject worth more than the show of multimillionaire entertainers who can’t seem to clearly articulate what they are even doing, and that is the concept of interposition.

You see, America was established through interposition, and that very thing keeps us free from tyranny today.

Interposition was birthed around 2,000 years ago when our Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, absorbed the penalty of suffering and death on behalf of sinful humanity.

Following Christ’s example, this sacrifice has been witnessed generation after generation by Americans who have enlisted in our armed forces, heeding the call to lay down their lives for our country and her citizens in the cause of freedom.

Many don’t realize that interposition is also precisely what the Declaration of Independence was all about.  Look at the following words from the Document:

…And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

This doesn’t only apply to our founders and our military. Hazarding everything for the sake of the governed is precisely what we should expect from our state and local officials as well.

Unfortunately, interposition is a seldom-used act. It exists as the proper, legal, and required means of protection for citizens from tyranny at all levels of civil government.

To better understand this concept let’s take it to the football field.  You see, interposition has everything to do with a victory or a loss on the field.  The job of the offensive line is to promote the freedom of forward ball movement by “interposing” itself between the tenacious defenders whose goal is to stop the liberty of the forward momentum of the offense.  Now what would happen if after the quarterback received the snap the offensive line, rather than interposing between him and the defense, dropped to their knees in protest, or worse, they joined the defense and attacked the defenseless ball carrier?  As a former quarterback, I can still feel the pain of the sack that would follow.

If we translate this to individual rights and liberties, our sheriffs, police, local judges, legislators, and appointed officials are duty-bound to get between the people and the lawless threats to our liberties, including those of lawless federal government agencies.

As Americans we all know our teams will return again and again to compete for the big Bowl.  I suggest we take our enthusiasm and resources to discover which state delegates, senators, sheriffs and judges will hold the frontline on their feet, not their knees.

Unlike professional sports, “Liberty is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Pope Francis Accused of Spreading Heresy And Embracing Radical George Soros

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

One of the most often quoted statements attributed to the father of Communism, Karl Marx, is that Religion is the opium of the people, a translation of his German statement “Die Religion … ist das Opium des Volkes.”

Several dozen Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have formally accused Pope Francis of spreading heresy and are suspicious of his relationship with American left-wing political figures.

In a 25-page letter delivered to Francis last month and provided Saturday to The Associated Press, the 62 signatories issued a “filial correction” to the pope — a measure they said hadn’t been employed since the 14th century.

Under Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic Church has been subtly changing the Holy See’s positions on the definition of sin. He has also opened the Vatican’s doors to some of the most radical people one can imagine such as the multi-billionaire leftist George Soros and his henchman and associates.

Instead of speaking out against America’s abortion industry or issues such as transgender bathrooms and same-sex marriage, this Pope has condemned people who are prosperous and successful, sided with illegal immigrants even though they break laws, and suggested the church should be a refuge for the poor.

Pope Francis — who has become the progressive and far-left Democrats’ favorite Pontiff –reportedly “sidelined conservative cardinals, installed like-minded allies in key jobs, taken personal control of the Knights of Malta for defying him, and generally sent the signal that behind his amiable smile and humble talk lurks a radically liberal agenda,” according to Fox News and Newsmax.

What troubles many Catholics in the United States is the Church’s adversity towards President Donald Trump and his stands on U.S. sovereignty, border security, illegal immigration and radical Islam. “There appears to be no doubt that Francis dislikes Trump who is pro-life, charitable and given to personal expressions of being a Christ-centered American. The Pope despises Trump but supports and likes Hillary Clinton, who believes in government-paid abortion programs, and who can’t get through one day without lying and proved herself to be a greedy and hugely dishonest politician who bilked Haiti’s suffering population out of millions of dollars in aid money. Her? The Pope likes. Her and her adulterous husband,” said former police captain Charles McMillan, who claims to be a devout Catholic and whose brother is a Catholic priest.

During President Trump’s first year in the White House, the United States is dealing with what’s arguably the early stages of rebellion.  Political turmoil and social tumult followed eight years of a federal government run by aging campus-radicals such as President Barack Obama and his appointees who openly defied the U.S. Constitution. They were aided by members of the mass media and big-pocketed radicals such as multibillionaire George Soros

Information obtained from Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta’s emails and DCLeaks documents from George Soros’ own Open Society Foundation corroborate that Soros’ private intelligence agents/detectives secretly meeting with top Vatican cardinals, according to the documents. It’s a bold step and presents a very real threat to Christianity, liberty and capitalism.

For example, while preparing for a Papal visit to North and South Americas, the Pope’s minions working in the Vatican went out of their way to get cozy with what’s commonly called the radical fringe of the U.S. Democratic Party.

“Basically, from what we’ve gleaned from the Wikileaks and DCLeaks material, the Pope is actually colluding with one of the world’s wealthiest — some say wickedest — neo-Socialist who is hell bent in creating a single ruling entity for the entire planet. His vision dwarfs even the world described by George Orwell in his cautionary tale 1984,” claims political consultant and attorney Michael Baker.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Why President Trump Endorsed Luther Strange

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.  — Sun TzuThe Art of War

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. — Sun TzuThe Art of War

Our President has endorsed Luther Strange for Jeff Session’s Senate seat, and he has good reasons.  Donald J. Trump knows exactly what he’s doing.

Jeff Session’s former Alabama Senate seat should have been filled by conservative Mo Brooks, whose voting record in the House perfectly reflects our President’s policies.  However, the people of Alabama eliminated him from the running and instead chose Strange and Moore who are now in a runoff.

Luther Strange is, of course, an establishment insider, and Mitch McConnell wants him elected.  Strange is not a choice of true conservatives, thus I’ve heard countless numbers of people endorse Judge Roy Moore, and I am absolutely appalled and for good reason.

Roy Moore Wants a Constitutional Convention

Moore believes that by opening the Constitution he can get a marriage amendment.  Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths (or 38) of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment.  Once affirmed, it becomes part of the Constitution. Judge Moore has rejected this way of adding an amendment, and wants a Constitutional Convention.

Moore has been contacted by countless authorities on the Con-Con.  He has declined to listen to anyone regarding the 1787 Convention precedents. Neither has he viewed Chief Justice Warren Burger’s letter to Phyllis Schlafly regarding the dangers of a Con-Con, Phyllis’s many writings that a Con-Con could not be controlled, the words of James Madison regarding another convention, and the writings of scholars who know the dangers of a second Convention, etc.

Fellow attorneys have contacted Moore about his desire for a Convention, and normal protocol is that he take their calls, but Moore has refused.  His attitude is smug and full of hubris.  He refuses to hear dissenting viewpoints, certainly not the norm for judges of sound and moral character.

There is nothing to prevent a convention from being expanded to issues not raised in the original petitions calling the convention. An Article V convention could lead to a constitutional crisis where everyone’s rights and liberties are on the auction block.  But Moore won’t listen or even read dissenting opinions.

Moore’s Law Professor Speaks Out

Guy Martin, Jr., a minister and former law professor who taught constitutional law to Roy Moore in law school, has an op-ed in an Alabama newspaper speaking out against Moore’s candidacy. What he has to say about Moore is not the least bit surprising.

Roy Moore did not get along with his colleagues in law school or on the Supreme Court. The arguments were not over Christianity.

In law school, the arguments arose from what Disraeli called “falling into a deep groove of illogic and being helpless to allow reason to pull you out.” If Moore’s analysis of a case was tantamount to thinking 1 + 1 = 3, and his classmates reasoned otherwise, there was no backing down by Moore. The class was willing to fight to the death against illogic that no legal mind but one in America would espouse.  Moore never won one argument, and the debates got ugly and personal.

Guy Martin, Jr. stated that Moore violated years of precedent established by Jefferson, who once wrote that he only hoped he could serve our country like Christ wanted him to. Yet, Jefferson fought to ingrain the principle of religious freedom in our Constitution, at a time of state-sponsored churches and religious persecution.  Professor Martin believes we could easily end up with the Democrat if Moore is the chosen Republican candidate for Senate.

This is a wake-up call: the instant Moore wins the runoff is the instant his tarnished reputation as a twice-removed Chief Justice will scald the airwaves of CNN and MSNBC.

The DNC will pour money into the campaign coffers of Doug Jones, smelling blood in solid Democratic support for Jones and from moderate Republicans.

In Washington, Moore would be “Senator Irrelevant,” the poster child for stubborn resistance to common sense legislation such as repeal of Obama Care and decrease in taxes, standing on some piece of sideways’ thinking nobody in or outside the Swamp would respect.

A vote for Moore will be a vote for Doug Jones and against the conservative cause.

Moore, the Ten Commandments, and Dominionism

And last, but certainly not least, orthodox Christianity has the solid teachings of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but there are heretical Christian doctrines, and Moore subscribes to one of them called Dominionism/Reconstructionism.

As a believer in this doctrine, Moore espouses a theocracy, which is control of government and societal spheres of influences only by those who believe as he does. (Theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.)

Moore also believes in a theonomy which posits that Biblical Law is applicable to civil law, and theonomists propose Biblical law as the standard by which the laws of nations may be measured, and to which they ought to be conformed.  In other words, Old Testament (OT) Mosaic Law, other than a few dietary laws, rules the land.

Biblical Truth

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law. Christ goes on in Matthew to explain the differences in the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ, the latter which we, as Christian believers, are now under.

Judge Moore used the 10 Commandments as a monument for righteousness, but those 10 commandments were part of the 613 Mosaic Laws which passed away with the death of Christ.  They no longer exist; the new law is the Law of Christ.

The Mosaic Law is a unit…Torah is singular, even though the law contains all 613 commandments.  We can’t even separate the 10 commandments from the unit.

Mosaic Law Defined Sin

Please bear with me on this short Biblical explanation…

The Mosaic law came for many reasons, one of the biggest ones was so that we’d know sin.  Remember that Moses gave the law initially, 10 were written with the finger of God, the others were written down by Moses as God gave them to him.  The second batch were given by angels, (Acts 7:53, Gal 3:19, Heb. 2:2).  The Mosaic law was given because of sin, until Christ came, but also to reveal the Holiness of God, so we’d know the standard of righteousness God demanded for a proper relationship with Him.  It was never given as a means of salvation however, faith is always what saved, even with OT saints.  Mosaic Law was given to tell our OT saints their rule of conduct for life, it was again, a knowledge of sin.

And that’s why the clear-cut teaching of the New Testament is that the Law of Moses has been rendered inoperative with the death of Christ.  The law in its totality no longer has authority over any individual.  That’s what Romans 10:4 says.  He, our Savior, is the end of the Law, and that includes all 613.  Hence it has ceased to function. The law can’t function in either justification or sanctification…it came to an end in Christ.  For the believer, it has been rendered inoperative.  It has ceased to function for all.

And Hebrews 7:18 states that the Mosaic Law was disannulled.  Now we have the new priesthood.  Most want to retain the 10 commandments from the law, but what does II Cor. 3:2-11 say… “not in stone, but hearts of flesh.”

Judge Moore’s 10 Commandments

Roy Moore gained national attention with his 10 Commandments in stone.  But the 10 Commandments passed away with Christ’s death because they are part of the Mosaic Law.  We are under the Law of Christ Nine of the laws of Christ repeated in the New Testament sound very much like the 10 Commandments, and they are similar, but not taken from Mosaic Law. If we do not kill or steal, commit adultery, take the Lord’s name in vain, bear false witness, or covet, honor our father and mother, etc., this is not because of the Law of Moses, but because of the Law of Christ.  If we break that law, we aren’t breaking the Mosaic Law, but the Law of Christ, Ephesians 2:11-16, and Ephesians 3:6.  All the Laws of Christ are encompassed in “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Bottom line, God explains that yes, the Law is a unit comprised of 613 commandments, and all of it has been invalidated.  There is no commandment that has continued beyond the cross of Christ.  The Law is there and can be used as a teaching tool to show God’s standard of righteousness, and man’s sinfulness and need of a substitutionary atonement.  It can be used to point one to Christ (Gal 3:23-25).

However, it has completely ceased to function as an authority over individuals.  The old law has been disannulled, and we are under the new law … the Law of Christ in Galatian 6:2, and the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8:2.  This is a brand-new law totally separate from the Law of Moses.  The Law of Christ contains all the commandments applicable to a New Testament believer.

There seems to be so much confusion over the relationship of the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ and it’s because many of the commandments are similar to those found in the Mosaic Law, and people conclude that certain sections of the Law have thus been retained, but that is not the case.

Judge Moore and Dominionism

Unfortunately, the Judge has promoted the 10 Commandments because he is a believer in Dominionist theology.  As I explained above, this doctrine wants to control the government and all spheres of society.  Those not believing in this doctrine are relegated to second class citizenship.

Thirdly, the hard core Dominionists still believe in stoning of sinners in the streets, including homosexuals, adulterers, disobedient children, those who take the Lord’s name in vain, etc.  This belief system discounts the saving grace of faith that many find when they come to salvation in Christ and a full knowledge of God as redeemer.  (For more information on Dominionism/Reconstructionism, go [here], [here], [here], and [here].)


Our illustrious and brilliant President has never supported a Constitutional Convention, and neither has he supported the heretical doctrine of Dominionism/Reconstructionism.  Quite obviously, this is why our President has endorsed Luther Strange rather than Moore.  The Judge is not a man who should be in our Senate because of his dangerous and erroneous beliefs.  Neither am I a fan of Luther Strange, but I believe our President has a far better chance of passing his policies with Strange rather than with Moore.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Tax Reform Talk: This Week’s BS

America has watched the Republican controlled criminal syndicate called the U.S. Congress fail miserably on their promises to repeal the proven disaster called Obamacare. As has been said at least a million times since those incumbents were sworn back into office this past January, they had 8 YEARS to prepare a full repeal of that unconstitutional legislation. When it came time to introduce a constitutional repeal a new circus came to town.

Along with the song and dance came the now worn out chant of ‘repeal and replace’. There can be no ‘replace’ as the U.S. Constitution does NOT authorize Congress to legislate medical care, treatment, act as an insurance agent or rape Americans in the form of a tax to pay someone else’s premiums and a tax penalty for not purchasing a product in the marketplace. A free market is the only solution that will work for all Americans.

I fully understand how time is at a premium for Americans but I’ve given 27 years of my life and forfeited a steady paycheck (I figure a loss of income at $1 million +) doing what I can to educate Americans on what I have learned. Whether it be plans for world government, education, fiat currency – you name it. It’s been more than a decade since I went fishing; my favorite sport. My last vacation was with my late husband in 1991. Other than going to see my now 90-year old mother and if I’m lucky, a couple of siblings, there has been no vacations.

I’m not alone as there are many hundreds of wonderful top-notch writers/researchers who have made the same sacrifices. And it does take sacrificing your time. All of us having tried to bring Americans cold, hard facts which brings me to links like the ones below. Please make time to read them because they explain things like why a replacement is in violation of the supreme law of the land. Pass the links on to friends, family or someone who have expressed their anger at what’s going on but might not know as much as you do on the issues.

The Obamacare Repeal Circus Continues, 7-17-17: “Well, I guess the answer to the question I put forth in my January 16, 2017 column has been answered over the past seven months: Obamacare: how badly will congress screw up fixing that disaster?

“What do you do? How about this from that caller’s idea of dismantling Obamacare using a one page bill: Make a list of the major issues with Obamacare which the House did regarding taxes and voted to repeal : List of Obamacare Taxes Repealed  The Senate has to vote for their bill that reconciles with the House. But, it worked. Republicans made a list of taxes that had to go, brought it up for a vote and it passed.

“How about stop the tyranny and write a one-page bill: Henceforth Americans will be able to purchase insurance coverage plans across state lines thus encouraging more competition and lower premiums for Americans. The House votes to pass it on a straight party line and so does the Senate. The one-page bill then goes to President Trump to sign into law.

“A one-page bill: Males and women long past child bearing years will not be forced to pay for expensive maternity plans in any insurance plan they decide to purchase. Like a 21-year old guy working his way through college and a 70-year old lady who is long done having children have been forced to pay exorbitant premiums for plans that make maternity care mandatory. What crap. One-page bill, get rid of that. And, down the list you go.”

Instead it’s another gigantic all in one crap shoot. How’s that working out?

As I write this, one more attempt is underway to get a ‘less than perfect’ bill, a ‘step in the right direction’ bill passed. One of the most corrupt scum bags to ever serve in the Senate, John McCain, is against the bill.

Navy Releases McCain’s Records

“The one thing that the McCain campaign does not want to see released is the record of McCain’s antics on board the USS Forestal in 1967. McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

“WMR has learned additional details regarding the deadly fire aboard the Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, on July 19, 1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin. The additional details point to then-Lt. Commander John McCain playing more of a role in triggering the fire and explosions than previously reported.” Juan McCain is nobody’s hero. He’s a liar and a crook of the highest order.

So, once again we have another attempt to continue screwing up by individuals alleged to be qualified to serve in the U.S. Congress.

Obamacare, Amnesty, Judges, NSA, Blackmail and Cover Ups, 6-1-14
Let’s talk about Obamacare subsidies, 1-6-14
Replace Obamacare With Nothing, 10-13-13
Employers, doctors, Obamacare and US Supreme Court Cases, 12-15-12
Obamacare: Nullification, equal protection and important court cases, 7-10-12

Now there’s more political vomit addressing tax reform. President Trump campaigned on lowering the tax rate for corporations to bring the money home as well as incentives to bring millions of jobs back to the U.S. where they belong. From his lips to God’s ears.

From the political whores in the Outlaw Congress we’re being treated to the same bilge I’ve been hearing for nearly three decades: Let’s make the tax code simple. Let’s do a FAIR tax (no such thing), blah, blah, blah.

How many times have YOU heard this same BS from ‘conservatives’ in Congress each election cycle? Of course you have. It’s a staple for Republicans every couple of years. We want you to keep more of your money! Bollocks!

During a senate debate on C-SPAN many years ago I watched the late Sen. Fred Thompson [R] in response to a question about tax reform nonchalantly say, “We probably won’t get to it this year”. Why should tax reform bother Fred? A highly paid actor and a multi-millionaire many times over. Too bad he had so little knowledge of what the U.S. Constitution says or the big, fat lie told to Americans for more than 100 years.

Exclusive: Trump, GOP to cut top rate to 35 percent: “President Trump and Republican leaders plan to cut the top tax rate for the wealthiest Americans to 35 percent and dramatically reduce taxes on big and small businesses, according to details leaked to Axios.”

Naturally, the Democratic/Communist Party USA is opposed to anything other than their Marxist ideology: “Most Democrats have already drawn a red line on tax reform: 45 out of 48 Democratic senators signed a letter saying they wouldn’t support any tax bill that adds to the deficit or offers new tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans.” That article has very important, detailed breakdowns of proposed bill.

Yes, Mr. President, taxes MUST be cut way down for businesses to jump start some life into a stagnant economy but federal ‘income’ tax cuts for wealthy or the dying middle class (the poor pay no income taxes in general) is a continuation of the lie that the federal ‘income’ tax applies to domestic Americans which it does NOT. That I will stake my life on.

The U.S. government does not need a personal income tax even if the tax code did require domestic Americans to pay one. I’m not going to re-hash all the details here because I have painstakingly laid it all out in the re-release of my booklet, Why A Bankrupt America, which everyone should get copies of and start handing them out. Why the crooks and liars in Congress – YOURS and MINE – violate their oath of office every day. Where your federal income taxes really go and it’s NOT what people believe. Why YOUR incumbent in the Outlaw Congress refuses to come clean about the true nature of the personal federal income tax and its nexis to the privately owned ‘Federal’ Reserve.

How do we change all this?

1. What I have been hammering for more than 20 years: Vote out your incumbent. Yes, YOUR incumbent. I am so sick to death of seeing polls giving Congress a 9%, 11% or 12% approval rating and then six months later when things are even more screwed up turn right around and reelect 92-94% of the SAME lying, incompetent SOBs. How in Hell do people think anything will change if you keep employing the same people who have run our country into the ground? Voters, again, choose their own destruction, 5-11-14

Many years ago I wrote several columns on the insanity every election cycle I hope you’ll read over coffee, lunch or over a weekend. In them I list all the issues Congress critters refuse to even address.

Pelosi & her Brassiere Brigade 1-8-07
Change not possible with same players 3-3-08
Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, 5-18-2010 – Look at the chart in that column
Electing New Band Aid Pushers, 5-23-12
Primary voters still voting for their own destruction, 3-7-16
Four important bills languishing in Congress, 3-10-14

Just like today with important bills rotting in committees:

Seniors To Get Screwed – A Third Time? 6-19-2017. Stop the federal income tax on social security. That bill has all of 12 co-sponsors; all Republicans. Still sitting in committee. That bill should already have passed with bi-partisan support so Trump could sign it into law. Instead, it’s not even a priority on the SS subcommittee’s agenda. Where are the Democrats who whoop and yell how much they care about seniors? Same BS that comes from incumbent Republicans. I say they’re all damn liars. The one bill that will help seniors the most and the Republican controlled subcommittee won’t even move it forward.

Why no support for these solutions (bills) in Congress? 2-27-17

2.  STOP supporting all the entrenched ‘conservative’ organizations that do nothing but conserve corruption and lies. Why I don’t support “conservative” organizations, 9-8-13

Kelleigh Nelson did a series on this with FACTS not speculation and for that a few ‘conservatives’ got mad if memory serves me correctly. Blind party loyalty is a killer. Let me tell you the amount of research time Kelleigh put into that series was probably a hundred hours or more. For Christ’s sake people, stop the loyalty towards incumbents just because they support one issue you like while screwing us the other 99% of the time. I think it’s safe to say the majority of those who identify as conservatives in this country don’t support Black Lives Matter or ANTIFA yet they continue to support individuals and their organizations who are hell bent on supporting legislation that destroys America and the Constitution.

President Trump, Heritage Foundation is the controlled opposition
Enemies on the Left, False Friends on the Right – The link goes to Kelleigh’s archive page as her series is 23 parts. I learned so much about many organizations claiming to be conservative. Some I know of, some I didn’t. That series a must read, can’t stress that enough. Conservatives have to stop supporting organizations that are selling out either by design or ignorance.

3.  Conservatives and independents: Make your label a constitutionalist. Let people know you support the constitution not the joke being passed off as conservative. For almost 8 years under Bush, Jr., ‘conservative’ Republicans held the majority in both the House and Senate and still we have Roe v Wade with 3,300 innocent unborn babies butchered everyday by abortionists in this country. Give us the House. Give us the Senate. Give us the White House. We’ll bring back those conservative values! BS. Now nine months with all three and we still have Roe v Wade and 3,300 murdered babies EVERY DAY. All conservatives in Congress have done with total control over the past 20 years is protect Roe v Wade.

4.  The cut off dates in all 50 states to get on the ballot is quickly approaching.  If you can’t run for Congress call your county Republican committee and find out who is running against your incumbent. Get in touch with the challenger and work hard to help them beat every congressional incumbent we can in next year’s primaries because that’s really when the election happens.

Besides big bucks from the Republican machine to keep establishment incumbents (most are now globalists, too many are ignorant incompetents conserving the status quo and too many are nothing but clones who don’t know their arse from their elbow) the biggest obstacle is going to be vote fraud. Again. That’s how the shadow government keeps all those dogs in office election after election after election. Alleged losers have to demand recounts by hand and forensic examinations of all machines used to count ballots or we’ll continue ending up with RATS like Paul Ryan and all the rest of the incumbents who refuse to tell YOU the truth.

Hannity keeps saying on his radio show Republicans could lose their majority in the house if they don’t repeal Obamacare. No, Sean. You replace the current Republican incumbent with a challenger who is a constitutionalist not another ignorant lackey. Today is a very important vote in Alabama, by the way. If you live in Alabama, please get out and vote for former Alabama Chief Justice of their Supreme Court, a true constitutionalist, Roy Moore.

[As regular readers know I do a podcast every Thursday. My guest on last week’s show was Larry Parks. He’s an expert on the money issue for the past 40 years. Larry gave a very important presentation on how the worthless currency we’re forced to use is hurting union member’s pensions. Very important show so please listen and forward the link to friends, family and union members if you know any. Podcasts can be listened to any time of the day or night and on every type of gadget out there. [Link]

© 2017 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Moderate Islam Is Not Islam

We humans are torn each day by conflict, sometimes in our professions, other times in our family, sometimes in our country and in the world at large. Human beings are unique. We are driven to search for the meaning of things. We want to make sense out of things and find a purpose to continue.

I believe that there is an unfathomable Being who is the Fashioner of this universe, including us. We refer to this Being as God, He, and so forth, in a futile attempt to encapsulate this Being into our extremely finite minds.

I also believe that this Being is not a dot commer. He doesn’t sit around and wait to fill orders or requests. Neither does He interfere in the details of our lives. What He has done and does, to my understanding, is to establish certain rules and parameters that give each one of us tremendous leeway on how to play the game of life.

Each one of us, according to these rules and parameters, receives a “hand” for playing the game. It really doesn’t matter what kind of hand we start with, it matters how well we play the hand we are dealt. Do we enlist ourselves in the service of good and combat evil, or do we just squander away our time?

I believe that prayers are primarily for giving us comfort, for calming us down, for helping us take the steps needed to mend our ways, to do all we can to be worthy humans. Also, to clear our hearts and heads from the dross of daily worldly entanglement, to help put matters in proper perspective, to live at peace with both our gifts as well as our limitations, to aid us in entertaining good thoughts, uttering good speech and doing good deeds.

When prayers are said with the above mindset, they are already answered prayers. Death is inevitable. It is the journey that invariably follows birth, sooner or later. Let us hope that we all do justice to our gift of humanness in this life and wing to the next with a minimal sense of shame and shortcoming.

I believe we all have a purpose in life. We all are here for a reason and we can’t leave before our time is up. We have to put in the time. Putting in the time is the rite of passage, right?

Many people have asked me why I have put my life in harm’s way by tangling with Islam and why I do what I do. Born in a Muslim family and having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascism visits on the people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate and violence. Islam is wrapped in deception as a spiritual dogma or religion and is more dangerous than Nazism, Communism and Fascism.

My writings aim to help people decide if they want to rank with the Islamists or if they want to truly live as free men.  The truth shall set you free, it is said, but first it will shatter the cozy, sweet world you live in.

Nowadays, we hear from the non-Muslim world about the moderate version of Islam and moderate Muslims. In my view, being a Muslim and not being radical is simply not possible. Freedom lets a person make choices and be up-front about it. And that’s where I part with those who would prefer to be sheep and have sheepdogs hem them in.

Many non-Muslims are obviously very well-meaning with regard to Islam, but they are also extremely naïve and ignorant of the facts. They seem to think that Islam is just another religion of love and peace and Muslims should be given full freedom to practice their religion. Do they also believe that thieves, misogynists, rapists, child-molesters and any and all manner of practicing evils should be given complete carte blanche to carry on with what they value and believe? These well-meaning people are just as deluded as the fanatic jihadists by refusing to acknowledge the fact that one cannot be a Muslim and not abide by the dictates of the Quran.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam. It’s the nature of the faith to deny any separation of religion and the state or religion and society. There are numerous sects within Islam. One and all are extremes and not in the least amenable to change. Keep in mind that Islam claims that it is the perfect eternal faith for mankind. Splits have occurred and will continue to occur in Islam. Yet, reformation has not happened in nearly 1400 years and is not going to happen. Islam is carved in granite, just the way it is. No change. Allah’s book is sealed.

There are indeed some Muslims who are moderate in the way they practice their religion. These people, for the most part, are cultural Muslims. They don’t practice Islam the way it is mandated. They pick and choose. Therefore, “moderate Islam,” is no Islam at all. It just is not possible.

Islamists have created fear not only in a non-Islamic world, but in the hearts and minds of those who consider themselves to be Muslims. Islamists wage their war under the name of Islam. They receive immense direct and indirect support from the rank-and-file of ordinary Muslims. It is this passive support of so-called moderate Muslims that keeps the Islamists alive. And it is the Islamists who are intent on showing no mercy to any and all who do not share their ideology, be they Muslims or not. Millions of Iranians who were born into a faith they did not choose, a faith that was inflicted upon them by invaders of a foreign culture, a faith that forbids them to leave or revert to their pre-Islamic heritage and other Iranian religions, remain Muslims in name only.

An example: former fanatic President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmadinejad is a true Muslim who was instilled from his upbringing with Islamic superstitions, prejudices and hatreds. He was indoctrinated, from the moment of his birth, by an extensive ruthless in-power cadre of self-serving mullahs and imams who intended to maintain their stranglehold on the rank and file of the faithful-their very source of support and livelihood.

The fanatic Ahmadinejad is every bit as bloodthirsty as Hitler. Every jihadist is.

The majority of Iranians are against the mullahs’ rule and many are staunchly pro-Western and pro-American. However, a minority supports the mullahs for a variety of reasons, such as jobs, influence and simply for money. And a much smaller minority composed of the people we call the 3Fs — fools, fanatics and frauds, do support the Mullahs. Further, the mullahs have severely dis-empowered the opposition by systematic harassing, jailing and killing.

The mullahs’ days are, however, numbered and we will witness the rule of true Iranians, the majority of whom are worthy human beings. No totalitarian rule can survive without a segment of the population, for one reason or another, supporting it. Yet, time is not on the side of the mullahs. By their mismanagement, thievery and oppression of the masses, they have created explosive internal conditions. Any significant support of the presently splintered Iranian opposition will be the tipping point-a tipping point that will assuredly topple the mullahs.

In conclusion, our best hope for humanity and civilization to survive is to firmly resist Islamofascism in all its forms. As an Iranian-American, I have experienced first-hand the Islamic tyranny as well as the blessings of liberty. I find it my solemn duty to do all I can to battle Islamofascism, the most dehumanizing active threat of our time.

© 2017 Amil Imni – All Rights Reserved

No E-Mail available

Dear Colin Kaepernick: America’s Spoiled Brat

Dear Colin Kaepernick:

Your disrespect for our country’s flag demands deeper inspection, wider understanding and greater comprehension of its significance to our nation.

Ultimately, when enough people dishonor their country, disobey its laws or do not participate in its most honored traditions—that society faces ultimate disintegration.  Look at Somalia, Sudan, Congo, Pakistan, Mexico, Venezuela and other failed countries around the globe.  Their people flee to Canada, America and Europe because they face the loss of the basic components of a function nation: lack of food, jobs and loss of personal freedom.

You enjoy sports hero status.  You enjoy $114 million in your bank account.  You enjoyed a free college education, where you took affirmative action Crip-courses because you played football.   Other than play a game that produces nothing but entertainment for the masses, you haven’t produced anything of value in America.

What do I mean by that?   Teachers, truck drivers, clerks, doctors, nurses, construction workers, lumber jacks, farmers, waitresses and other workers produce goods and services that make our society work.  Entertainers produce nothing of value other than diversions to our workaday lives.  They might be called the ‘royalty’ of America, but they don’t produce anything.   Yet, many complain the loudest like Whoopi Goldberg, Rob Reiner, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Obama and you.  None of them served our country.  You didn’t serve your country.

Instead you’re an entertainer, but as you sit on the bench, not a very good one.

Yet, you influence millions of impressionable youth.  If you realized your incredible gifts that your country bestowed upon you—you wouldn’t dishonor America with such gusto and vitriolic disrespect of our flag.  To dishonor Old Glory equates to degrading our U.S. Constitution that makes your freedoms possible while you continue to produce nothing that moves our society forward. You sow seeds of disrespect and social anarchy that produce the violence perpetrated by Black Lives Matter who sing, “Kill a cop when? Now!  What’s good about dead cop number 10?  Dead cop number 11.”

Have you thought about contributing like Martin Luther King, U.S. Representative Barbara Jordan or other black Americans who work FOR our country?

Instead, you’ve inspired a whole generation of white and black high school football players, basketball players and baseball players to sit or kneel in disrespect of our nation’s most treasured gift—the U.S. Constitution that protects our freedoms.

You’re inspiring negatives and social anarchy in a positive country that guarantees your freedom to kneel by the blood of military veterans’ lives.  Every white, black and Hispanic pro football player makes millions of dollars.   Most Americans make only thousands of dollars in their lives.  As a professional football you have an inspirational platform that few others can access.  Compared to your fortunate status, most Americans make an average $38,000/annually as compared to the average professional football player’s $1.9 million annual salary.  You make $19 million annually.

In Berkley, California, ANTIFA followers chant, “No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All!” How long can we survive that kind of message?  The former mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, Chokwe Lumumba, attempted to create the “Republic of New Afrika” by separating South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana out of the Union. Blacks only would live in those states. He died two years ago before succeeding.

If you think it’s better in Africa or China or India or Mexico or Indochina or Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or Iraq or Venezuela—move to those countries for a couple of months.  Venezuela right this minute suffers total societal breakdown because of guys who made choices like you.  Try to make $114 million in those places.   Try to find a grocery store with food!  If you faced that reality, would you not get down on your knees and pray to God for your good fortune to be an American, an African-American, any American?

Reality check; in those countries, most people struggle for food and water their entire lives.  In Moslem countries, they behead women, kill anyone on a dime and maintain dictatorial regimes that would toss you in jail for your actions.

In my family, my grandfather served in the U.S. Army in WWI.  He got shot and lived with a limp all his life as a farmer who produced food for America’s tables.  My father served as a U.S. Marine in WWII and thereafter for 27 years, but died while serving in 1964.  Many members of my family served in the Navy, Air Force, Marines and Army—-as have millions of men and women over the last 240 years of our country’s existence.

When did you serve?  What sacrifices have you made for America?  What have you done to benefit your country other than to disrespect every military veteran man and woman who offered his or her life in order to bring freedom to every person of every color and race and background?

While many blacks, whites and Hispanics march against our country, every person of every color, every background, and under the age of 18 enjoys the freedom and privilege to a free education. Millions around the world beg, clamor and yearn for a chance to honor the American flag.  Experts tell us that over 100 million people would move to America to enjoy our freedoms tomorrow if given a plane ticket.

But you dishonor our country by your actions and words.  What have you done to defend America?

Answer: you’ve done nothing.  But you benefited for doing nothing by the blood, sweat, tears and lives that allowed you to disrespect our flag, our heritage and our country.

From Washington to Eisenhower to Patton and every combat soldier from Valley Forge to Gettysburg to Afghanistan—they died for your freedoms.   In fact, during the Civil War, over 500,000 white men died to free your forefathers from slavery.   Nonetheless, slavery continues in many parts of Africa today.  Slavery built the Roman Empire.  But America stopped it with the blood of its citizens in 1865.

They served so spoiled brats like you could earn $114 million for doing nothing to protect, honor or defend your country.  Defend and honor—or defame and despise—we each benefit because of the blood, sweat, tears and lives of other citizens.  That fact alone should leave no room for disrespect of our flag, our heritage and our country.

If you win your dishonoring of America and degrade it to the point of mass disrespect and violence, what will you do when anarchy rages through the streets of America?

For every athlete making millions of dollars in the NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS, PGA and NTA, your actions inspire our youth to their highest and best.   For every entertainer from Meryl Streep to Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Madonna (who wants to blow up the White House) and even Rosie McDonnell who hates America— your words and actions influence our youth to strive in the world or tear down everything that makes our country viable.  If you continue on the negatives Mr. Kaepernick, your actions inspire disrespect, violence and social upheaval that could break down America into a failed country.  Then, who will protect you and how will you make your millions?

How do we stop the breakdown of our civil society by athletes and other entertainers as well as the mainstream media?

I propose mandatory two years of military service or civilian service like Ameri-Corps for every American-born man and woman, and every immigrant who comes to this country. No exceptions.  We must inculcate honor and respect for our country.

We must demand education and graduation from high school for every person born or whom moves to America, to create an educated person with a mind that can think critically and act responsibly—and contributes.   We must demand the pledge of allegiance to our flag in every classroom in America every day.   Honorable citizenship creates a viable society.

Without it, you, Colin Kaepernick and Madonna, et al, would not be millionaires nor would you be able to disrespect our nation’s flag and our country.  Ultimately Colin, we wouldn’t survive as a viable country.

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Destroying Monuments And Lies About Race

While in Baltimore visiting my 89 year old black dad, I thanked him for filling me and my four younger siblings with the Word of God. I told Dad how I would hear a minister on TV begin reciting a verse from the Bible and find myself reciting the verse along with him. I wondered how I knew that verse from the Bible. Then, it dawned on me, Dad filled us with the Word of God when we were kids. Dad chuckled and told me a story.

Aunt Nee asked Dad to deliver a payment to the Christian book store for a book she ordered. While browsing the store, a thick book of Bible stories with beautiful illustrations caught Dad’s eye. An older white woman saw Dad’s interest in the book. She approached Dad and asked him questions about himself.

The book cost $5.95. Dad asked if he could put the book on lay-a-way. Overhearing Dad’s conversation with the store clerk, the white woman offered to pay for the book. Dad said back then, he was not much of a reader, only comic books. Dad’s voice cracked and his eyes welled up when he told me this next part of his story. He told the white woman, “If you’re kind enough to buy me this book, I promise to read it.”

Dad read his five kids bedtime stories from that book which filled us with the Word of God. Dad said that book turned him into an avid reader which led to him becoming Dr Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus, author and pastor of numerous churches. Dad also became Baltimore City Fire Department’s first black Chaplin. Dad’s encounter with the kind white woman in the Christian book store happened over 50 years ago. Seeing him get emotional while telling me about the incident surprised me.

In the early 1960’s, our school bus of black students from neighboring Pumphrey was the first to integrate Brooklyn Park Jr/Sr High School in Maryland. At my 50th high school reunion, I learned that white coach Mangum regularly brought black athletics to his home on weekends for his family’s cookouts and mentoring. I never knew blacks and whites socialized outside of school.

I am confident most of you could share wonderful tales of interracial friendships, acts of kindness and people overcoming their differences. Leftists are the ones who seek to keep the racial divide going.

Leftists love to promote rare incidents of racism while purposely ignoring the normalcy of Americans getting along.

By voting for Obama, white America clearly hoped to end our racial divide and apologize for slavery. Meanwhile, Leftists relentlessly promote their lie that America has not changed racially since the 1950s. Leftists say the only way to make things right (fair) in America is for government to control every aspect of our lives, get rid of the Constitution and force us to behave according to their socialist/progressive beliefs (anti-Christian, anti-America and anything goes morally). This is why Leftists cheered every time Obama overrode the Constitution with an illegal executive order that repealed another of our Constitutional rights.

During my Baltimore visit with Dad, several relatives stopped in to say hello. They were sympathetic to Colin Kaepernick who started the movement to dis our flag. They also sided with the thugs who are destroying Confederate monuments. Every black relative I spoke with was doing well, living their American dream. And yet, their anti-America and anti-Trump mindsets felt like an impermeable black cultural thing. Fake news media feeds their negative views of America and Trump. All my truths in defense of America and Trump fell on deaf ears. I felt like a stranger in a strange land, a voice of truth crying in the wilderness.

Jesus instructed his disciples, “If any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” This is the approach I’ve taken with my relatives who refuse to believe the truth about the greatness of America and Trump striving to make her great for all Americans. I move on spreading truth elsewhere.

Unfortunately, I am hearing news reports of more American institutions, churches and so on getting rid of confederate symbols and monuments. All this mayhem over historical monuments is bought and paid for by George Soros.  I hate seeing Americans surrendering to Soros’ hired evil hit squads. Leftists have launched their minions to wreck havoc in our streets because they cannot tolerate having a president in the White House who has America’s best interest at heart. Pure and simple.

I long to see a John Wayne American who will say, “Screw you, we’re not taking down historical monuments.” Bullies are typically cowards. All we need is people willing to stand up to them.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Miracle Of The U.S. Constitution And the 2nd Amendment

Monday was a special day in the history of our land – it was Constitution Day, the day we celebrate and give thanks to God for the miracle in Philadelphia. I use the word miracle carefully, it was used by both George Washington and James Madison in their correspondence describing the results of the Constitutional Convention. Having gone through that difficult experience in the stifling heat of Philadelphia in the summer of 1787, they knew from the start that the prospects for a good outcome were slim. They saw the apparently intractable differences of the States which the delegates represented. They understood that those differences would not easily be resolved. One State, Rhode Island, refused to send any delegates at all to the Convention. From the start, things did not go well.

On Thursday June 28th when things looked particularly impossible, the venerable aged statesman Benjamin Franklin arose to speak. Addressing George Washington, he said:

“Mr. President:

The small progress we have made after 4 or five weeks close attendance & continual reasonings with each other — our different sentiments on almost every question, several of the last producing as many noes as ays, is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding. We indeed seem to feel our own wont of political wisdom, since we have been running about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those Republics which having been formed with the seeds of their own dissolution now no longer exist. And we have viewed Modern States all round Europe, but find none of their Constitutions suitable to our circumstances.

In this situation of this Assembly groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the Divine Protection. — Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending providence in our favor. To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance.

I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth — that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that “except the Lord build they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall be become a reproach and a bye word down to future age. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human Wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, and conquest.

I therefore beg leave to move — that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service.”

Many of the delegates later testified that this call to prayer changed the whole direction and tenor of the convention. Even though they agreed they had no money to do what Franklin suggested, the individual delegates began to pray for God’s intervention, and He answered those prayers. That is why so many declared what took place that summer, what concluded on September 17th, as a miracle. God intervened, prayers were answered, the impasses broken through, the necessary compromises achieved, and the results brought the blessings of liberty to their posterity now going on 230 years. This is quite remarkable.

Today the Constitution of the United States is the oldest and most successful national constitution in the world. It took a miracle; it was an answer to prayer. And for these reasons and many more, today we specifically give God thanks, praise and adoration for the miracle He did on our behalf in Philadelphia. We must never take it for granted.

And it was Daniel Webster who exhorted us:

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”

You know as well as I do that we are in dire straits today because the U.S. Constitution, though it is the Supreme Law of the Land, is not understood by a majority of citizens, but what is even more tragic is that it is not known or obeyed by the majority of those who swear an oath to uphold it.

The New York Times recently published an interview with retiring Federal Judge on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge Posner admitted, “I pay little attention to legal rules, statutes, constitutional provisions.” When confronted with a case with some form of legal obstacle in the way he said he would look to circumvent whatever prevented him from reaching his desired result, “When you have a Supreme Court case or something similar, they’re often extremely easy to get around,” said Posner. When judges make law instead of applying Constitutional law already made, they do not defend us from tyrants, but rather become tyrants themselves.

I had an interesting encounter with law enforcement last Friday evening at the County Fair. We had gone to the fair, primarily, to see what our girls had won in the competitions they entered. At the gate after buying tickets, an officer from the Sheriff’s department called me aside. I was wearing Second Amendment gear, but with an empty holster. He asked me if I was Law enforcement of Federal, State or Local jurisdictions. I replied that I was not. He asked me if I was carrying a firearm, to which I replied that I was not. I proceeded to show him my empty holster and explain to him why I did so. The Maryland State Constitution in its Militia provisions, as well as the U.S. Constitution in its five statements regarding the Militia and the Second Amendment to our Constitution, are all sworn to be upheld and followed exactly as they were designed to operate by our Founders by every office holder in Maryland. If those oaths made before Almighty God were adhered to by the Governor, by the Judges, the Legislature, and even the Sheriff, my empty holster would be filled. How can the police carry weapons when they derive their power from the people, if the people cannot carry firearms? My empty holster is a protest against a civil government who will not obey their oath of office and for that violation they shall have to give an account on judgment day to Almighty God. The officer said he agreed with me, but before I went on to enjoy the fair, I paused to thank him for his service to our community.

Now that may seem rather odd. Thanking a man who has sworn an oath before Almighty God to do a certain set of things he is not doing. I wasn’t thanking him for what he was not doing, but thanking him for those things he was doing for the good of our community. If that seems odd, let’s look at how this played out in Scripture. We know what Paul is going to do in the epistle to Philemon. Philemon was a slave owner and one of his slaves, Onesimus had not only run away but apparently stolen from his master. Onesimus had encountered the Apostle Paul in Rome where Paul was under house arrest. Through the preaching and teaching of the Apostle, Onesimus had come to faith in Jesus Christ. After beginning to disciple Onesimus, Paul sent him back to his master Philemon with this Epistle. In this epistle Paul is going to ask Philemon not to do to Onesimus what he had under Roman law the power to do – punish him severely. We know in some instances in accordance to Roman Law that punishment for a runaway was punishment unto death. Rather, Paul is going to make an astonishing request, that Philemon emancipate Onesimus and send him back to discipleship under Paul and ministry with Paul in spreading the Gospel in Rome. Paul is going to gently rebuke Philemon and graciously ask him for a very large favor. Before he does that, look at what he says. Philemon 4-5, “I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers.”

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

What Is The Real Danger In America

Almost every day we hear about one radical group or another demanding that they get their way even if it violates the rights of the rest of America.  I truly believe that this mindset is the result of the liberal ideology of ‘everybody gets a trophy’.  When that was first implemented my kids were still in grade school.  I was even a Democrat at the time and I knew that this would create big problems later on if that idiotic concept was followed through with for too many years.

I think I understand why they thought this was a good idea but still think the concept is/was without merit on any level.  What the fools that initiated this didn’t even think about is the real world does not operate in that manner!  Liberals are obsessed with equality and on the surface, that is a good thing but they want equality on the end and that is impossible.  The only way that can happen is take away from those that worked harder and give it to those who couldn’t or as in most cases, wouldn’t work hard.  Life is not fare.  Scripture says that it rains on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45).  If we are not trained to accept loss or defeat we will be unable to deal with real life.  That is exactly what we are seeing today with the riots because the Democrat candidate lost and now the will of most of the people, conservatives that is, is being implemented.

I don’t recall conservatives having meltdowns, rioting, burning police cars and the businesses of innocent people because Obama had been elected.  That is the difference between those that have been raised to deal with life and those who were raised to believe that you always get what you want no matter how it affects others.

The miserable group Black Lives Matters, which Obama invited to the White House, even though they advocate for the killing of all cops, is an example of these immature brats.  They are, in reality, a cancer on a civil society.  It’s time to expose the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. The evidence is in their rhetoric and written on their shirts.

If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you’ll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, “Assata Taught Me.” 

They’re referring to infamous cop killer Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. In 1977, Shakur was convicted and sentenced to prison but quickly escaped and has been a fugitive in Cuba ever since. She’s also on the FBI’s most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials during training sessions. Lee Stranahan has more

BlackLivesMatter—the activist group that demands a “racial justice agenda” that includes constant criticism and activism against police—invokes the words of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at “all its events.”[1]

These immature people seem to think that they can do anything they want and it must be accepted.  This group was founded after a black known for criminal activities was killed when he attacked a Hispanic person.[2]  In Ferguson we saw riots when another black criminal, Michael Brown, who had just robbed a convivence store and then was shot when he attacked a cop attempting to take his gun and then tried to walk away.  The cop ordered him to stop but he turned and charged the cop. For some reason these fool protestors don’t seem to think that the cop has a right to defend himself.

We have had cops gunned down just because they are cops.[3]  Then in Dallas at a BLM protest 5 of Dallas’ finest were gunned down.  Breitbart Texas reported on July 7, that Micah Xavier Johson killed five police officers, and wounded six others (including one civilian) at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas. The former Army Reservist said he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. He was killed by Dallas PD when officers sent a robot to where he was hiding and detonated a bomb. As reported, a Facebook profile search showed that Johnson’s profile photo showed him dressed in a dashiki, holding a clenched fist in the air. His cover photos was a black liberation flag and a black power fist. And although he did not expressly say he was a member of the black militant Muslim Nation of Islam, he had liked pages relating to the deceased founder, Elijah Mohammed. He also liked several militant and black separatist groups such as The New Black Panther Party and the African American Defense League.[4]

There are also complete fools that seem to think that everything is offensive and must be banned.  Late last week, Daniell Rider of Killeen, Texas posted a photo and a message to the craft chain’s Facebook page, saying cotton  – a prime export of the pre-Civil War South – in a glass vase was “so wrong on so many levels.”

“There is nothing decorative about raw cotton. A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves,” she wrote. “A little sensitivity goes a long way. Please remove this decor.”[5]  In another cotton controversy, the president of Nashville’s Lipscomb University offered an apology after cotton stalks were used in a centerpiece at a dinner at his home for African-American students. After the dinner, a student complained on social media that the centerpiece was offensive.[6] This behavior is nothing but a sign not being able to cope with everyday life.  If these snowflakes find the display of cotton so offensive I wonder if they buy anything made of cotton?

If BLM was/is so concerned about the black community why are we not hearing about the convoys of trucks taking food and water to the black communities devastated by hurricanes Harvey and Irma?  It’s because they don’t care about the black communities unless they can get publicity or make a profit.  Kind of like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

We can’t forget about the women’s march, you know the one where they wore, excuse the term, ‘pussy hats’.  I have yet to understand what point they were trying to make with those hats.  And how about the people, especially blacks, that walk around with a Che Guevara tee shirts.  These uneducated fools use him for a symbol of hope and freedom and they don’t even know he hated blacks, murdered gays, hated music and burned books. The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worst than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Path on the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”[7]

What is the real danger in America?  Ignorance period but especially ignorance of history.  Those who don’t know history will no doubt repeat it.  We don’t teach it.  We don’t rehearse what mankind has learned throughout the ages with our kids.  One of our Founding Fathers, Noah Webster stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”  This has not been done for the last 50 years and the results are what we are seeing on the news every day.  People say that education has gotten so expensive, which it has because of federal government involvement, but the cost of ignorance may be the loss of our freedom and our national sovereignty.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Exposing black lives matter for what it is promotion of cop killing
  2. Profound racism black lives matter John Perazzo
  3. Two police officers shot in their patrol car in Brooklyn
  4. War police father executed dallas cop sues BLM Soros
  5. Woman’s complaint against hobby
  6. Woman’s complaint against hobby
  7. Michael J Totten truth about Che Guevara

Of Climate Change, Science, Experts: A Meditation

A few months ago, a friend of mine, his son who had swung left, and a few others, debated man-made climate change (MCC) over email. Being in this group, I was copied on each installment, but did not participate. I was asked why, and have been asked on other occasions whether I had anything to say about MCC.

I tend to reply that I’ve not researched the topic extensively, and can’t speak to it with any confidence. There’s abundant information online, of course; what’s missing are hours in the day sufficient to research everything out there. The topic has come up again, as MCC proponents have a field day in the wake of two destructive hurricanes, Harvey and Irma. A third, Maria, may have hit by the time this is posted. All of us (I hope) are praying for those who lost loved ones in these storms, for rebuilding efforts which may take years in some cases, and that tragedy and hardship not be turned into an opportunity to score political points (for a change).

What research I’ve done on climate matters was mostly to inform students in contemporary moral issues and critical thinking classes, where I isolated three perspectives: (1) Global warming is not real. For whatever reason, scientists are misreading their data, seeing something that isn’t there, perhaps generalizing falsely from local events such as glaciers in retreat after a few years of unusual warmth. (2) Warming is indeed happening on a long-term, global scale, but we’re not the cause. Earth’s climate has warmed and cooled many times over planetary history, from various causes including fluctuations in solar energy; the climate, in any event, is far too vast for our paltry activities to affect it significantly. Volcanoes affect it more than we do.

The third perspective — (3) — holds that global warming or climate change is happening, that human activity, especially burning fossil fuels for energy and expelling the byproducts into the atmosphere for well over a century now, is causing the planet to heat up. (3), as I understand it, does not say every single year will be hotter than its predecessor, or will manifest violent hurricanes like this year has, just that over a long period of time, average temperatures will rise, sea levels will rise as polar ice fields melt, and on average, weather phenomena will increase in destructive force, be it hurricanes, severe winter storms, or droughts leading to forest fires.

So will it be door #(1), door #(2), or door #(3)?

Here is where I cannot speak with the confidence I have when speaking about, e.g., elite directedness of modern times, or philosophical critiques of secular ethics.

What I can say is that #(3) appears to be the one chosen by the majority of scientists and scientific organizations, something dissent alone can’t negate. Unfortunately, #(3) also has immense globalist appeal, given the adage that “global problems call for global solutions.”

If (3) is by some chance true, then claims like those of Naomi Klein in her This Changes Everything (2014) have to be considered. Whether you agree or not with Klein’s view that “the free market” is at fault in creating the present situation (I don’t, as I don’t think we’ve had anything remotely resembling actual free markets in decades), the conclusion remains: we find other ways of powering our civilization or face the consequences: a hotter, more hostile world; what author James Howard Kunstler calls The Long Emergency (2005) highlighted by dislocations that will make the present ones look tame by comparison as millions of people abandon flooded coastal cities, others migrating en masse from regions turned uninhabitable.

Alarmist? Perhaps, but many scientists will tell you that MCC is an established fact. Major scientific organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science have endorsed it. At least one online course I ran across earlier this year dispensed for free, presents information intended to debunk (1) and (2) above. The course’s main architect, John Cook of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, had earlier created this site, organizing information he maintains refutes “climate change denialism.”

Cook and his associates have assembled some interesting information. But they packaged it within an image of science I found rather naïve and dated. (Cook’s views on the “scientific consensus” are criticized here.)

Again, a brief disclaimer: I am not a scientist, climate or otherwise. I am a trained philosopher who for a number of years specialized in history and philosophy of science — especially the physical sciences — turning to moral philosophy and political economy only later.

This I can certify: what is found in most science texts is an image of a neat, disciplined, pristine method of formulating hypotheses to explain neutral data, testing them step by step whether by further observations or by experiment, then pronouncing them confirmed or disconfirmed — almost as if done by robots instead of human beings subject to all the biases and frailties human beings are subject to, including being forced to work in organizations that do not fund themselves.

So MCC aside for the moment, how well-confirmed are most scientific results, really?

One can point to “studies” in various disciplines that clearly reflect the biases of those who put up the money, because the researchers wanted or needed further grant money, and one of its conditions was obtaining “acceptable” outcomes. They overstate what evidence validly permits, and may bury contrary findings. Does at least some science work this way?

Please allow me to digress …

As a bored public high school student in search of real intellectual stimuli I chanced to run across a curious volume in a local library: The Book of the Damned (1919) by one Charles Fort (1874 – 1932). Fort had a curious hobby. Upon receiving an inheritance, it became his career. A voracious reader, he’d mastered several scientific disciplines just by reading leading texts. He combed scientific journals and periodicals, antiquarian newsletters, and newspapers. Whenever he found something that did not fit the prevailing theories, he made a note of it. Soon he had thousands of notes, organized by subject matter: astronomical curiosities, unexplained weather and aerial phenomena, out-of-place artifacts, medical mysteries, etc. “Anomalism” was born: assemblages of “facts that don’t fit,” with wry commentary on the “scientific” manner of dealing with them: shoving them into the cognitive equivalents of windowless museum basements and forgetting about them.

Fort used his notes as the basis for four books: the above-mentioned The Book of the Damned, New Lands (1925), Lo! (1931) and Wild Talents (1932). He commented drily on “dogmatic Science” (cap S) as surrogate for God. Fort was more a provocateur than a serious theorist. He formulated intentionally ridiculous notions which left whole ranges of obvious facts unexplained and claimed them to be as well supported as the dogmas he saw imprisoning the minds of scientists.

The history of ideas manifests system-builders and system-smashers, one might call them. Among the system-builders: Plato and Aristotle, Aquinas, Newton, Lavoisier, Adam Smith, Kant, Darwin, Einstein, who left their respective disciplines large, logically-structured edifices of thought (systems). Among the system-smashers: the old Sophists who taunted Socrates in Plato’s dialogues, modern “outsiders” such as Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, aggravated skeptics such as Fort, and a couple of folks we’ll encounter below.

Modernity was a system-building endeavor. Postmodernity has been a system-smashing one.

It is not clear why some thinkers are drawn to one and not the other. Fort’s biographers state that his father was an abusive tyrant, from whom he fled as a teenager. His hostility to the authority of Science was then a projection. How very Freudian.

System-builders are confident of human reason’s capacity to grasp reality (or some part of it) as it is. System-smashers are just as convinced that the effort is delusional. They point to the smorgasbord of conflicting and competing systems in every domain, this being a problem even if we’ve mastered a certain instrumental rationality by manipulating objects into technology.

System-building takes itself seriously, is carefully argued, etc. Much system-smashing is literary provocation. Its purveyors use irony and rhetoric. They play mind games with their audience. Postmodernists, whatever else one says about them, are good at this.

Fort’s books sold reasonably well. At the end of his life, his health and eyesight failing, he was said to have laughed aloud upon learning that his writings had a cult following, organized as the Fortean Society, dedicated to continue poking holes in the pretenses of “scientistic” positivism. The Society published Fort’s unused notes and continued collecting anomalies that seemed to surround every major theory in every field of science. Fort’s books have stayed in print, and though for obvious reasons he was roundly dismissed as a crank, his work continues to fascinate those who have followed in his footsteps compiling anthologies of “misfit” facts such as physicist William R. Corliss (1926 – 2011), founder of The Sourcebook Project and editor of anthologies such as Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts (1978) and Unknown Earth: A Handbook of Geological Enigmas (1980); or more recent writers with substantive alternative hypotheses on ancient and unknown civilizations such as Graham Hancock (1950 –        ), author of Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization (2002), Magicians of the Gods (2015), and other works.

As a university student (still bored), I encountered the far more orthodox The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962, 1970, 2012) by Thomas S. Kuhn (1922 – 1996). My first exposure to Kuhn’s ideas was in a world history class. The professor discussed them with all the calm and neutrality of a leftist professor going off on conservatism. My curiosity was piqued, and I tracked the book down.

Kuhn’s thesis was that a mature “normal” science is always governed by a conceptual system embodied in concrete problem solutions he called a paradigm. Paradigms — exemplified in works such as Newton’s Principia or Lavoisier’s Chemistry or Darwin’s Origin — guided research in the science, its first premises not tested or challenged. Paradigms dictated use of the language of the discipline, as well as guiding authors of textbooks used to train the next generation who “stood on the shoulders of giants” as it were. Invariably a paradigm could not solve every problem it faced, however. These became anomalies — defined more precisely as violations of expectation. Eventually enough would accumulate to jeopardize allegiance to the paradigm (particularly among the young!). The science would enter a “revolutionary” crisis that ended with its embrace of a new paradigm able to solve the problems, often with new terms or old ones used in new ways. A new period of “normal” science would begin.

Physicist and early quantum theorist Max Planck (1858 – 1947) observed: “A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” That’s the basic idea.

Kuhn denied that scientific practice could be shoehorned into the formal-logical methods positivists taught. He experienced the wrath of colleagues who had Science on a pedestal, was accused of “irrationalism” for saying the decision to embrace a new paradigm was a matter of “faith.” Despite a couple of careless uses of that word his overall message was nothing of the sort, and he spent the rest of his life trying to clarify the complex rationality of an enterprise conducted by fallible humans working in organizations.

More extreme was the unabashed system-smashing of Paul Feyerabend (1924 – 1994), who authored the controversial Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge (1975, 1988, 1993, 2010). Although Kuhn’s and Feyerabend’s names are often linked, both classified as “historicists” (i.e., those who see science as a historical phenomenon operating within institutions, and not a formulaic, frozen-in-time abstraction), Feyerabend’s views differed from Kuhn’s. For one thing, he rejected the idea that “mature” scientists should embrace a single paradigm. He advocated pluralism: multiple paradigms. Conformity of thought, he argued, might fit the needs of a church but is totally inappropriate for science.

He argued extensively that the most important scientific advances had not proceeded according to an single, identifiably rational method. Scientists had opportunistically used a variety of sometimes incompatible ideas and methods at hand, so that early modern physics and astronomy incorporated ideas from Christianity, Platonism, astrology (Newtonian “action at a distance”), mysticism, and so on. Some of their claims seemed contrary to “plain fact,” as when Copernicus removed the Earth from the center of the universe in the absence of a physics able to make sense of such an idea (he was dead well over a century before Newton came along). Positivism’s naïve just-the-facts-ma’am view of science would have stopped physics and astronomy 1543 – 1686 in its tracks! With “plain fact” not on their side, early physicists advanced their main claims not just through argument but with storytelling and propaganda (Galileo wrote dialogues; some of his “experiments” as with dropping objects from the leaning tower of Pisa probably never took place).

Feyerabend’s point was that if science was more “anarchic” than “rational,” “anarchism” might help us in the present! It might free us from the “tyranny” of a “dogmatic Science” that was stifling our creativity within the cubicles of industrial civilization and robbing us of the potential richness life might have. According to him, the only abstract “rule” that could be guaranteed to work independent of situation was “anything goes”: not a rule but a jocular, system-smashing rejection of abstractions. The idea: “proper scientific method” is always situation-specific. Feyerabend (unlike Kuhn) did not suffer fools gladly. He ridiculed critics who misread “anything goes” as an abstract rule. He mocked them by openly defending “relativism”: resulting from comparing the richness supplied by history and anthropology to the desiccated requirements of positivist abstraction. (One of his favorite targets was George Soros’s hero Karl Popper.) He has since been called “the worst enemy of science” by those who haven’t read him, but believe “scientific” minds should get the last word on all things human, including designing (or redesigning) societies.

Arguably, Feyerabend put an end to a certain way of viewing science — at least, if we look at the enterprise as it is, a human-all-too-human endeavor, instead of accepting the mythology that has surrounded it (touted by positivists, atheistic materialists, and technocrats).

End of long digression. Why this dissertation? Because there are abundant reasons for rejecting the presumptions of those who believe MCC on the mere authority of a naïve empiricism: who see science as mere data aggregation and integration, using a “method” frozen in time; and have occasionally been caught seeming to “cheat”: fudging data so that MCC seems better supported than it really is (e.g., “Climategate”: for contrasting views see here and here). As critics of MCC have pointed it, the scientists behind it receive government grants as well as lavish funding from elite foundations. In fairness, MCC “deniers” also receive substantial support from private sources (e.g., the Koch Brothers and Exxon).

Scientists are supposed to be the experts. But can we trust the objectivity and neutrality of the experts? Among the phenomena of the Trump era is a profound skepticism towards “expertism” as a repository of biases (most of them left-liberal, or globalist, these two often going hand-in-hand). The experts predicted Trump would lose in a landslide. Their major pronouncements about the economy going back well over two decades were wrong. They did not see the end of the tech bubble in 2000. In 2008, Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke failed to anticipate the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, embarrassing himself in January of that year saying that the Fed “is not currently forecasting a recession.” The experts fail to see the role of top-down financialization in consolidating wealth and power at the (globalist) top via a system that removes labor’s share of national income. Their “paradigm” blocks their view of the forest so that they see only the trees.

Skepticism about experts isn’t limited to political economy, obviously. These days it crosses over a wide range of topics: so-called scientific medicine based on invasive procedures and the use of (expensive!) pharmaceuticals, which rejects alternative practices such as nutrition-based “holistic” or “integrative” healing, the use of dietary supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.; whether GMO foods pioneered by powerful global corporations such as Monsanto are proven safe for human consumption and for the ecosystem; whether there is a causal relationship between vaccines (e.g., the MMR vaccine) and autism; whether the theory of evolution is as well-established as the scientific community maintains, well enough established to exclude intelligent design, and whether it is truly empirical or the product of a (materialist) worldview; whether there is a correlation between race/ethnicity and measurable average intelligence; and whether it is true that men and women have the same innate cognitive predispositions, so that workplace “imbalances” can be attributed to sexism/misogyny. There are doubtless others I haven’t thought of.

Again, a few of these I’ve looked at. Most I have not, at least not at length. But there is a discernable pattern running through nearly all of them, which is the same as the pattern often employed to circumvent careful consideration of the idea of history being directed by a globalist superelite or super-oligarchy. The pattern includes dogmatism and just-the-facts-ma’am appeals: “It’s true (or false) because we say so or because our studies say so” (the right rejoinder to any such study is to ask, “Who funded it?”), followed by ridicule (“that’s a conspiracy theory!”), or a similar device to avoid dealing with specifics offered, ending with an authoritarian gesture and a return to the official narrative.

In the case of MCC, this progression now sometimes ends with a threat: that “climate change denial” be criminalized, “denialists” prosecuted and jailed, just as those who deny that Hitler and his minions killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, as opposed to some smaller number, are jailed for the thought crime in some countries. This, in fact, is the origin of the term denialism in the context of MCC: a propagandistic term intended to invoke Holocaust denial in the reader’s subconscious.

When ideas, questioning authority, and independent thought generally are criminalized, watch out! Just recall the line attributed to Voltaire (1694 – 1778) (he probably didn’t say it, but it’s true nevertheless): “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Applying: if you want to know if specific ideas or theories or policies have been afforded a special, unmerited status in institutions (academic, governmental, or corporate), find out if you can question them without the roof caving in — without, that is, being fired from your job, having your reputation trashed by social media trolls, etc.

Skepticism toward expertise has caused sufficient alarm that there is now pushback. Authors speak, often at great length, of “how we lost our minds” and of “American stupidity,” not just in articles (here, here, and here) but books (e.g., this one and this one). What these authors are dead set against is the possibility of epistemic equivalence suggested by the idea that what we have is a clash of worldviews, not just a resentful rebellion of “the stupid” against “the informed,” or “uneducated bigots” versus “educated cosmopolitans,” etc. Very similar is the authoritarianism of those who reject moral equivalence between conservatives and historical preservationists currently demonized as white supremacists and neo-Nazis versus leftists who self-identify with “progress” (which Trumpism has so rudely interrupted!).

You’re probably wondering: where does all these leave MCC? What should we conclude about it??? Especially given that if we conclude wrongly, either way, we could end up paying a steep price!

I will say — reminding readers of my disclaimers! — I don’t see MCC as crazy, or crackbrained, or false just because globalists like it and can make use of it! Another topic I studied was systems thinking, and one of the things I noticed is how sensitive complex systems are to what can perturb them. It also became clear: complex systems adjust themselves to perturbations. The largest complex system in our civilization’s proximate environment, the ecosphere, could adjust our civilization out of the picture! I therefore dissent from many of my fellow alternative writers, including a few on this site. No need to take my word for anything. I recommend readers go to the sites linked to above and see if they have refutations for what they find there. Was “Climategate” real, or blown out of proportion?

I cannot decide for you! I don’t have that kind of authority!

What I believe we do have is a new knowledge problem of some magnitude. What was the “old” problem? Just the philosophical question of how we acquire knowledge (through the senses, pure reason, or some other means including revelation). Its presumptions are problematic. I will not dwell on them here, as this discourse is already too long. The “new” problem: our own institutions and their hierarchical structures, enabling epistemic authoritarianism to pass for truth, are in the truth-seeker’s way, made worse by the fact that the circumstances necessary to decide complicated problems like MCC cannot pay for themselves in a fast-paced society devoted to instant gratification and mass entertainment. Nuanced debate and discussion, based on a careful but slow weighing of many opinions and considerations, is not “marketable” in a culture of WhatsAppers and Twitter addicts.

This is a problem because few have the time, skills, or inclination to do their own research. We need institutions we can trust. I have extensive notes on this problem, in the context of the general breakdown of academia in our time, which I hope to incorporate into a future slim book — a story in itself! Suffice it for now, I am not a postmodernist, like Fort or Feyerabend, however much I sympathize with their crusades against epistemic authoritarianism. Truth exists; and we must not do what the postmodernists do in face of the difficulty of finding it, which is to conflate institution-bound authority with what is true and proven, cry foul when it turns out we were bamboozled, and then throw up our hands in gestures of despair.

What we could use is support for smaller, parallel institutions that have been growing for years in the face of the insufferable political correctness that has ruined academia and is now trying to erase everything that might offense some minority. In every dominant institution, feelings have trumped truth. If we had institutions of knowledge-seekers free from the need for money, and therefore from outside control, who did not answer to corporate donors, etc., there might be hope for (among other things) a trustworthy answer to the MCC question before it’s too late, before our so-called leaders, whoever they might be, make decisions we will live to regret. Since we do not have such institutions on a scale large enough to matter, I am not all that optimistic.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money every day.

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, the device became unusable, and I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, 98% finished as of this writing. In it, a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $62/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of September, it will be time to write my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Teachers Of Destruction

Robert Chandler in his 2008 book SHADOW WORLD tells how Plato explained the differences between images and reality in their simplest and perhaps purest form some 2,400 years ago. He selected the shadows made by a fire in a cave to explain the difference between what we see and the reality surrounding us in the sunlight outside the cave. Shadows are only imitations of really living things, the Greek philosopher observed. The shadows on the wall of the cave present the appearance of material things, not their true nature.

From the beginning premise, doubtlessly drawn from his own observations, Plato takes a second step, which helps us to understand deception in the modern world.   If one held people as prisoners in a cave, Plato surmised, with chains preventing them from turning their bodies and heads, the fires behind and above them at some distance would cast shadows on the wall. Since restraints would hold the prisoners in place, the shadows could be used to manipulate and shape their perceptions, which would naturally lead to a phenomenon in which the images cast on the cave wall would become truth in the eye of the beholder. “To them,” Plato concluded, “the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.” As a result, the prisoners, once in the world of sunlight outside the cave, would find that they believe the “shadows of the images” more than the living creatures and actual things in the world around them.

Plato’s discussion in THE REPUBLIC about the problems of distinguishing between image and reality provide a backdrop for the narrative in the analysis. For Plato, the puppets on the wall of a cave, shown as shadows from flickering fires behind the captive audience, served to mislead and manipulate the perceptions of objects and events. Today, we call such activities propaganda and disinformation, whose purpose is to deny and deceive. And now you can better understand what has been happening with the shadow government we’ve been hearing so much about only since Donald Trump got elected.

Robert Chandler said in his book SHADOW WORLD, Resurgent Russia, the Global New Left and radical Islam says the American people, held like the prisoners in Plato’s cave, are being fed a constant psychological diet of images designed by Russia’s clandestine specialists doing all they can do to constraint the growth of America’s power and influence.   At the same time, America’s home-grown and international cultural Marxists or progressives-socialists-marxists- in ideological solidarity with Russia – are centered on tearing down what they call “corporate America,” and Islamic militants are poised to crush what they see as the depravity of U.S. culture and enforce a status of dhimmitude before America’s toxic perversion can infect Muslim societies.  (dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through Jihad.)  The arsenal of political weapons chosen in the assault on America by one or more of the three antagonists include subversion, propaganda (open and covert), disinformation, direct action (agitation) and active measures, terrorism, agents of influence, immigration and a particular emphasis by all three groups on the life-blood of political warfare: denial and deception.

Since few in the United States are countering the images cast by these three hostile centers, Americans, when they are released from the dictatorship of the images cast inside Plato’s modern cave and having reached the sunlight of reality, do not perceive the dangers swirling around them. Therefore, it will be difficult to correct the pictures that deceive Americans. These perceptions have been keenly shaped by the propaganda and disinformation spewed from the Russians, cultural Marxists, and Salafists, Americans can be expected to resort to the human psychological process of cognitive dissonance, which will screen-out factors in the real world that do not fit the images so carefully fed to them.

The open question is whether these images are so strongly inculcated that they are resilient to correction that expose their baseline of denial and deceit. If the propaganda and disinformation programs against the United States by Russians, home-grown and international progressives-socialists-marxists, and radical Islamists are so strong that Americans will resist seeing the threatening realities operating deeply inside the world’s shadows, their response options will be severely constrained.

A case in point here could be the Americans who still believe planes flew into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/2001.

On September 16th, CNN ran a declassified story about President Ronald Reagan and the Russians and the Russian ruling elites and the people at-large have been rankled about their loss of Russian power and influence in the world after the December 31, 1991, the Kremlin foreign policies have been pursued on a dual track, one open rail and another underground wrote Chandler. The Russian Federation’s intelligence service remained extremely active inside the United States right from the beginning. Midway through its first decade, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSS), copycat successor to the KGB, had intensified its espionage activities in the United States, Russia maintained several of the Soviet Union’s international fronts, such as the World Peace Council, World Federation of Trade Unions, and International Association of Democratic Lawyers to advance Russian national interests. Moreover, members of the American progressive-socialist-marxist movement have maintained their connections with the surviving Soviet-Russian fronts.


“The Party’s not over” proclaimed a tongue-in-cheek unifying theme of “Marxism 2000,” an international conference of progressives-socialists-marxists held at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Sponsored by the Association for Economic and Social Analysis that operated out of the Department of Economics, the September 2000 forum promoted:

…Marxian approaches to social theory and radical social change. We especially seek to stimulate and facilitate open discussions, rethinking, and extensions of Marxism. In our view, they can and should form an important part of developing effective movement in the twenty-first century for an end to class exploitation and the current forms of political, cultural, and psychological oppressions (including those based on race, gender, and sexual orientation)


Former President Barack Obama’s Community Organizing filled this need.  Most presidents move quietly into the background but not Obama.  He opened up his office a short distance from the White House and is now being offered $400,000 by Wall Street to hear him speak. It is also likely to be a source of criticism as many will remember this hyprocrit’s record attacks against Wall Street bankers for making huge salaries while average Americans were suffering from the ravages of the 2008 financial crisis.


Hundreds of participants sampled the radical agenda, which was rich in a range of topics suitable for America’s social and cultural transformation to “move Marxism’s future forward.” Most of the conference participants were university professors, including both presenters and attendees. They were an affable crowd and spoke big words about serious matters. Among them were several hard-nosed radicals, some could be heard arranging private evening discussions about revolutionary agendas.    Chandler inadvertently crossed-paths in the university parking garage with Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos, leader of the indigenous revolt in Chiapas, Mexico.


Having said all of the above by Chandler brings us to the recent article in the 9/18/2017 NEW AMERICAN entitled: America’s Cultural Revolution.  While the Trump election may be the focus of the frightful explosion of vicious verbal violence and actual physical violence that have beset America, the real forces of play have been building for many years, carefully nurtured by a new class of professional revolutionaries: tenured radicals, community organizers, politicians and their elite promoters in the “mainstream” media, major corporations, and tax-exempt foundations.

Those with memories long enough and those who have studied 20th-century political history may recognize in the current tumult many familiar contours that are strikingly similar to the horrendous communist convulsion in China known as Mao Tse-tung’s “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.” This is not mere coincidence; there are direct, as well as ideological, ties connecting Red China’s Cultural Revolution and Mao’s murderous, fanatical Red Guards to the unfolding chaos that is enveloping our nation. The frenzied Antifa/BLM/LGBTQ/enviro-climate zealots are the vanguards of a Maoist culture that has taken root in academia, Hollywood, Big Labor, and Big Business, and if allowed to thrive unchallenged will undoubtedly result in now-unimaginable death and destruction, as did Mao’s “glorious experiment” in Orwellian social transformation.  Don’t miss this 14 minutes YouTube! It’s happening today

During the terrifying decade of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), Chairman Mao sent millions of youth into the schools, streets, and countryside to terrorize the Chinese people into total submission.  These Red Guards – mostly high-school and college students, but – also including elementary-school pupils – accused and denounced their own parents, grandparents, and siblings, as well as their neighbors, teachers, and professors, of such “crimes” as being “capitalist roaders,” or “rightists,” or of showing “bourgeois tendencies,” or expressing “politically incorrect thought.”


Many of these young communist accusers actually played lead roles in physically attacking, humiliating, torturing, even killing the accused “enemies of the people.”   Even many leading Communist Party officials were arrested, tried, imprisoned, and then “re-educated” and “rehabilitated”- or killed. Tearing down and destroying tens of thousands of churches, shrines, temples, statues, and monuments was also a key part of the Cultural Revolution, to cleanse the nation of the “Four Olds”: old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Does this sound familiar, William Jasper author of the article asks?

In the years before 1966, the Chinese Communist Party had prepared the way for this enormous, violent convulsion with intensive ideological indoctrination similar to what we are witnessing here today. In China, as in Russia and other developing countries, the Marxist-Leninist revolution emphasized “class warfare,” pitting poor against rich, peasant against landlord. However in the United States and other wealthy developed countries with a large middle class, other differences and hot-button issues must be exploited to divide and conquer: race, immigration, amnesty, etc. So in the interest of examining the ties and parallels of America’s current trends to the ongoing revolution of “Mao Tse-tung thought,” Jasper then sets forth a few examples of recent manifestations that illustrate the depth and breadth of the crisis we have:

All White People are Racists,  According to Critical Race Theory, as taught in many of our high schools and colleges, America is systemically, irredeemably racist especially since the acceptance of multiculturalism.  All Men are rapists. That sweeping charge, made by a character in Marilyn French’s bestselling novel The Women’s Room (1977), has become feminist dogma, as taught in Women’s Studies and Gender Theory classes in high schools, colleges, and universities. “All men are rapists and that’s all they are, “charged self-described “radical feminist” French. “They rape us with their eyes, their laws and their codes.”

Bias Response Teams. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has brought to national attention a burgeoning threat that has been proliferating below the radar on campuses:  These teams monitor and investigate student and faculty speech, directing the attention of law enforcement and student conduct administrators toward the expression of students and faculty members.  Many of these teams tend to cast a wide net when defining “bias.”

Prison (or Death) for Climate “Deniers” – “The police would start to identify the most influential Global Warming Deniers,” under Professor Richard Parncutt’s  proposal, and “These individuals would then be charged and brought to justice.”  Because global-warming (GW) “deniers” will be responsible for the death of millions of people, says Parncutt, they must be imprisoned until they confess their errors and prove their contrition.

Conservatives Out, Communist In- Over the past year, left-wing students and faculty members have prevented a number of well-known conservative authors, pundits and scholars from speaking at colleges and universities, or have raucously (sometimes violently) disrupted their talks. No further explanation here. We’ve seen it on the T.V. News

The Revolution Eats Its Own – Some of the Democrat “progressives” responsible for the cultural revolution in America are already beginning to get a taste of this experience.  Pelosi was shouted down during a DREAM ACT gathering and this is only the first of such assaults that Democrats can expect because the chickens are coming home to roost…

In the interest of space and your time, copies of this article are available in the Sept. 18, 2017 magazine NEW AMERICAN for $3.95 plus S & H. To place your order, visit www.shopjbs.org or call (800) 727 TRUE. This magazine also gives Constitutional grades to our elected officials which helps us know how to vote- 24 issues for $49

I’m sure readers are asking, “Well, Betty, what’s your answer to our dilemma.” Essentially “our perception of reality” has been changed so we mistake evil for good and embrace our own destruction so allow me to be so bold as to suggest A.G. Jeff Sessions begin prosecuting usurpers and insurgents or resign. So far, he’s totally incompetent.  Let’s remember Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. And last but not least 1/3 of our government is involved in Satanic pedophilia.

We also need to get rid of the U.S. Department of Education, return education to the states and save  government money spent on reeducating students, commodities for the New World Order by these “teachers of destruction”  in these worthless colleges and universities.

Education can return to on- the- job training by mentors which long ago proved successful. What is really distressing is that many “adults” today aren’t half the boys our ancestors were. In reality, it was common years ago for young children to assume adult responsibilities. Today we have snowflakes! Apprenticeships at age eight weren’t unusual. What Satan meant for evil can be turned around for good if our country simply repents and turns again to Creator God.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com

The Mistake Of Pandering To Antifa/Black Lives Matter

I cringed when I heard fellow black conservatives who I respect on TV saying that while they condemn the violent behavior of Antifa/Black Lives Matter some of their grievances against America are warranted. I wanted to scream at my TV, “Hogwash!”

These conservative blacks on TV are merely trying to create peace and civility by agreeing with some of the bogus accusations of racism dreamed up by Leftist intellectuals. They are also trying to prove they are not Uncle Toms. I think it is a huge mistake to pander to lies about America; acting as though very little has changed racially since the 1950’s.

As a black person, I know the Black Code. It is the same as what Michael Corleone said to his brother Fredo, “Don’t ever take sides against the family. Ever!” Many blacks and Leftists believe to qualify as an authentic black American, one must harbor a deep seated resentment against white America.

Watching black conservatives on TV saying Antifa/Black Lives Matter have some legit grievances regarding white privilege, I found myself scratching my head. For the life of me, I have no idea what millennial blacks who have never suffered a moment of “real” racism in their lives are so enraged about; whining, complaining and destroying property.

Let’s get real folks. Since the election of Obama, being black is in vogue like never before. Everywhere you turn, American businesses and whites are walking on eggshells, pandering to blacks. This is an undeniable truth that I am not allowed to say out loud, especially as a black person. Leftists will verbally beat the crap out of me on social media.

My 89 year old black dad suffered “real” hardcore racism. He paved the way for these black ungrateful domestic terrorists created by Leftists’ lies.

After spending months at sea as a young Merchant Marine, Dad and the other black seaman were super excited about their much needed shore leave when their ship landed in St Petersburg Florida. Dad and his fellow black shipmate were heartbroken upon hearing that they had to stay on the ship because of St Petersburg’s curfew for blacks. While his black shipmate went on a cussing rant, Dad said he cried.

When Dad was finally allowed to leave the ship, locals attempted to hang him just because he was black. Dad’s life was saved by white shipmates. I remember when Dad was in his 50s, he met for dinner with an old white friend. I later learned it was one of the sailors who saved Dad’s life.

In 1957, blacks were finally permitted to take the test to become a Baltimore City Firefighter. Dad passed the test. Working conditions at the firehouse were horrific for Dad. He was not permitted to use the same eating utensils or drink from the same coffee pot as the white firefighters. Despite humiliating working conditions, Dad won Firefighter of the Year two times. Dad’s weapons for defeating racism were his faith in God, prayer and striving for excellence. Over the years, Dad mentored numerous blacks into becoming firefighters. One of Dad’s young black recruits became Anne Arundel County Maryland’s first black Fire Chief.

In the 1960s, an exclusive white country club offered free membership to Baltimore City firefighters. The club was stunned when Dad and my two younger brothers showed up. Dad said all the whites got out of the swimming pool when he and my brothers got in. Dad kept frequenting the club and the white members eventually got over it.

Folks, I could go on and on with horrific tales of “real” racism blacks suffered back in the day. But praise God, this is a new day in America. While Leftists claim a majority of white Americans are racist, white America voted for the worst president in U.S. history  two times because he was black. I know. I know. As a black person, blacks consider me disloyal to my race for telling the truth about Obama.

Is there racism in America? Absolutely, along with every other sin in the heart of man. Is there enough racism to stop anyone from achieving their American Dream? Absolutely not. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for everyone who chooses to go for it. Anything else promoted by fake news media, democrats and Leftist Hollywood is a lie. Pure and simple.

The loudest black voices trashing America are super wealthy Leftist blacks who could not have achieved their mega success without the enthusiastic support of white America. And yet, they are dissing our flag and national anthem. They are cheerleaders for the destruction of historical monuments and clamoring for us to throw out the U.S. Constitution. Shamefully, rich Leftist blacks are using urban blacks as pawns to further Leftists’ socialist/progressive agenda.

Colin Kaepernick is the pro football player who inspired youth across America to disrespect our flag. In essence, Kaepernick is also dissing the men who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our flag flying high.

In 2016, Kaepernick’s net worth was $22 million. Kaepernick signed a football contract for $126 million. After declining performances and him dissing our national anthem, Kaepernick was let go only receiving $39.4 million of his contract. http://read.bi/2xniq6h Oh how racist white America has screwed this poor black man. I am being sarcastic folks. I could call Kaepernick an ungrateful spoiled brat idiot. But Kaepernick is really a tragic example of how decades of Leftists spewing hatred for our country has infected the minds of our youths.

Please black conservatives, do not pander to Leftists’ lies about our country in an attempt to prove your loyalty to your blackness. Only by spreading the truth will we defeat Leftists’ insidious divisive evil and unite us as Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist


© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Governor Moonbeam Welcomes Blood Donors With HIV

SACRAMENTO: California has long been known as “the land of fruit and nuts” which began with an agricultural description, later becoming a recognized human condition.  Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) is about to sign a bill, SB 239, crafted by legislators allowing, now get this, HIV positive people to become blood donors. Being who he is, he will sign the bill. This knuckle headed idiotic governor is beyond belief but is backed overwhelmingly by his fellow Demoncrats.

HIV becomes AIDS resulting in a very prolonged dreadful death. Blood has been screened to make certain that the blood given for transfusions is pure, which HIV is not. A friend of mine who was active in church years ago received such a blood transfusion during a time of surgery, which turned out to be contaminated with that virus due to clumsy screening of the donated blood. This family church man was stricken by AIDS as a result and died.

That nutty bill was introduced by California State Senator Scott Wiener, a San Francisco Democrat. His name certainly fits his goals. The Wiener said that not allowing ‘gays’ to donate blood is, here we go again, “discriminatory.”  This bill, according to Wiener, if passed, would also apply to people who donate semen (fertility clinics) without disclosing they have HIV or AIDS.

Jeff Stone, a Republican senator and former pharmacist from Murrieta, said the law should remain unchanged as someone exposing anyone to HIV would “condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives along with intense suffering.

Our thanks to Radio Host Bob Boyd (Issues in Education) for alerting us to this latest exploit of a no brains governor.
Bonus Gov. Moonbeam item: Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed another law that would add a box on Driver’s Licenses and Birth certificates in order to check a, sit down, a THIRD SEX box. Remember, the government changed the marriage license from Bride, groom, to Party one, Party two. Yep, the Left Coast is the land of fruits and nuts. Is it possible to present a Certificate of Insanity to Governor Moonbeam?

Why wait until North Korea sends a nuclear bomb to America before we nuke the bowl cut hair leader (and his headquarters) who has threatened to wipe the United States off the face of the earth, while he is testing his nuclear missiles? This is crazy. We should bomb him as soon as he makes public statements that he is going to strike us. This will not only end the problem, save American lives and property; but will be an example to all the nations in the world to keep them in line.

Muslims, who have caused nothing but chaos and death in the world are cowards who look for SOFT TARGETS, like nursing homes, hospitals and schools. First of all, they should have all been deported from our country right after 9/11 with others banned from entering The United States. That is only logical. Now Islam is calling for “lone wolf” attacks in Miami, Houston and other cities affected by recent hurricanes via social media, according to news reports Friday. This would be ultimate ‘soft targets’ for those monsters.

Those people have been greatly weakened by the destruction of the hurricanes, yet the Muslims now have targeted them for vicious attacks. The Department of Homeland Security outlined the warning Thursday in an unclassified “situation awareness” document that was obtained by CNBC.

Haven’t we had enough of the Muslim savages? They must all be deported and not allowed to return. And to all journalists: Please do not use the terms, Radical Islamists or terrorists, The enemy should be absolutely IDENTIFIED. Call them what they are, MUSLIMS in all accounts of their attacks.

And Lets think about this: The homeless go without eating. Elderly go without needed medicines. Mentally ill go without treatment. Troops go without proper equipment. Veterans go without benefits that were promised. Yet we donate billions to other countries AND EXCESSIVE IMMIGRATION before helping our own first. This MUST change.
Lighter News: This writer very much enjoys “America’s Got Talent.” Tyra Banks is now the Master of Ceremonies…MISTRESS of Ceremonies?…..this day and age it seems one sex fits everyone so we’ll keep it Master of Ceremonies.

When it was first announced that she would replace Nick Cannon I was skeptical. But she is EXCELLENT in that role. She is pretty, elegant, and keeps the show moving at a brisk pace with perfect timing. It is a joy to watch her.

Final thought:  Please Readers. Treat all living creatures with love. They have feelings too.


Photo Caption: Governor Moonbeam

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Slavery Mentality Brings About Nothing But Death

About 990 years before the birth of Christ, the children of Israel were released from Egypt after 400 years of slavery.  As expected, upon being freed from their long tenure under the tyranny of slavery, there was for a time much jubilation among the chosen people of God.  The hard hearted Pharaoh allowed the former slaves to leave Egypt with an immense amount of wealth, consisting of mostly gold, silver and assorted jewelry.

What began as an eleven day journey ended up being dragged out to a forty year trek of many traumas, punctuated with dramatic swings of attitudes, ranging from awe and reverence to disdain and unbelief in the almighty Yah.  Not long after gaining liberty, the sense of gratitude gave way to complaining about everything from manna, to no longer having the leeks, onions and garlic of Egypt.

The children of Israel were promised a land of their own, by God who provided all their needs including protection from the harsh elements of desert living.  In fact, the Lord promised the children of Israel a land flowing with milk and honey, where they would prosper and become a powerful nation.  But unfortunately, God’s chosen one’s lost their appreciation for being liberated.  They berated Moses and accused God of leading them out into the desert to die.

At times, the complaints were unrelenting.  Of course, the horror of past slavery occupied more of their attention than properly relating to the God who oversaw their liberation and the many blessings that could have been realized in a relatively short period of time.

The stinking thinking of the chosen people was best illustrated in the Biblical Book of Numbers 13 describing how the twelve spies were sent out to observe the land of Canaan.  All twelve reported glowingly about the bountiful food, fertile soil and even stated that it flows with milk and honey, just as God had said.   Rather than expressing and encouraging faith in God’s promises and saying “let us go take the land,” ten of the twelve spies expressed fear over the odds against them being able to occupy simply because of the size of the people.  They were enslaved by the small mindedness of the majority of the spies.  To his credit, Caleb tried to persuade his fellow Israelites to as he stated, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are able to overcome it.”

The people bought into the lie of defeat and continued to dwell in the desert for forty years.  God allows us to make decisions and use the words we speak to shape our destiny.  It was the people themselves, not God, or Moses who decided they could not possess the greatness God had waiting for them.  God provides the vision and provision, but we are to act in faith to secure it for ourselves.  If not, the of our dreams carcasses will drop in the desert of our own wrong thinking and speaking.

For the children of Israel to take possession of their land, the complainers and others who lacked vision and faith died off, so the believers and doers could cross the Jordan into their land and life of promise.

Today throughout our republic, the plague of a slave and bitter mentality is literally blocking generations of black and increasing numbers of other Americans from choosing to build a great life for themselves and their families.  Some march around in the dark of night like the walking dead seeking to destroy property they do not own and harm people who do not agree with their evil philosophy.

When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, Dad sometimes said that a nation is only as great as her families are strong.  It is imperative for us to learn from history and advance from it.  If not, America may be soon endure a long hard road of needless suffering, just like the children of Israel did until the dead weight of the slavery minded slugs were dropped off in the desert.   I firmly believe “We the People” can soon witness the elimination of the poisonous slavery and bitter mentality  and with God’s grace lead victorious lives of greatness.  God Bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Why States Can’t Prevent A Runaway Convention

The danger of an Article V convention (which made James Madison “tremble”, caused Alexander Hamilton “dread”, and Chief Justice John Jay to say that another convention would impose an “extravagant risque”) is this: the delegates to the convention can run away: instead of proposing amendments to our existing Constitution, they can write a completely new Constitution with a new – and easier – mode of ratification.[1]

The convention lobby implicitly acknowledges this danger when they say State Legislatures should   pass “unfaithful delegate” laws to control delegates.[2]

Accordingly,  Wyoming passed a delegate law earlier this year which purports to empower the WY Legislature to “immediately recall” any delegate who makes an “unauthorized vote” at the convention, and to charge with a felony any delegate who fails to follow the WY Legislature’s instructions on what he may do at the convention.  The Texas delegate law purports to make “invalid” any “unauthorized vote” at the convention, and to empower the TX Legislature to recall any delegate who violates his instructions.  But Tennessee takes the cake with its delegate law:  Not only does the TN law purport to “void” votes cast at the convention by TN delegates which are outside the instructions or limits placed on the delegates by the TN Legislature – and then to prosecute such delegates for a felony; the TN law also asserts that if all TN delegates vote or “attempt to vote” outside the scope of the instructions or limits, TN’s previously filed applications for an Article V convention are to be treated as “having no effect at all”.  Other States have passed similar laws.

Such laws are contrary to our Founding Principles and are based on false assumptions.  Accordingly, they are unenforceable and ineffective.

  1. Self-evident Rights and the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is the Fundamental Act of our Founding.[3] It declares that all men are created equal; our rights are bestowed by God; our rights are unalienable; and the purpose of government is to secure the rights God gave us.

The Declaration is not “law” – it is higher than law, for it sets forth The Divine Standard which a Constitution – and the laws made pursuant to the Constitution must meet.

It also declares that a People have the self-evident right to throw off their government and set up a new one.  With that Principle firmly in mind, let’s look at our first amendments convention; and then, at State unfaithful delegate laws.

  1. The federal convention of 1787

After our Revolution, we operated under our first Constitution, the Articles of Confederation.  But there were defects in the Articles, so on Feb. 21, 1787, the Continental Congress called a convention to be held in Philadelphia “for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation”.  The States also drafted instructions which purported to restrict delegates to proposing amendments.

But the delegates ignored their instructions and wrote a new Constitution [the one we now have].  In Federalist No. 40 (15th para), Madison invoked the Declaration of Independence and claimed, as justification for what they did,

“…the transcendent and precious right of the people to ‘abolish or alter their governments as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness,’…”

Yet State unfaithful delegate laws claim a power to divest The Representatives of the People – and to criminally prosecute them for exercising – what the Fundamental Act of our Founding declares is a “self-evident” right”!

  1. And what if the delegates make their proceedings secret?

 The State Legislators who vote for unfaithful delegate laws assume they will be able to know what is going on every minute of every day of the convention.

But Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 (where our present Constitution was drafted) shows that on May 29, 1787, the delegates voted to make their proceedings secret.

If delegates to a convention today vote to make the proceedings secret, the States won’t know what is going on – and can’t stop it. And if delegates vote by secret ballot, the States would NEVER know who did what.

You might think that with cell phones & cameras, it’s impossible to have a secret meeting. But the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which “induces” State Legislators to push the COS application for an Article V convention, is experienced in conducting secret meetings with State Legislators.  WATCH this 6.5 minute video of a Georgia TV crew which attempted to get into a meeting held at a Georgia hotel of ALEC and Georgia Legislators.

ALEC, which supports the COS application for an Article V convention, is funded by the Koch Brothers and other mega-corporations.  The Koch Brothers spend vast sums on State politicians (e.g., Texas), to get their support for the COS application.  Do the Kochs want an Article V convention so they can get a new Constitution which transforms us from a sovereign nation to a member state of the North American Union?  And if there is a convention, will armed guards keep the press out?  If delegates have been bought by the Kochs, will they tweet & text to the world what they are up to behind closed doors?

  1. State Legislatures are “creatures” of their State Constitutions, and have no “competent authority” to control The Representatives of The People at an Article V convention

 Americans have forgotten a Principle which is the basis of free government: That political power originates with The People.[4]  The People create governments by means of constitutions.  Since a government is the “creature” of its constitution, it can’t be superior to its Creator, The People.

This is why at the federal convention of 1787, where our present federal Constitution was drafted, our Framers understood that only The People were competent to ratify the new Constitution.  George Mason said on July 23, 1787,

“…The [State] Legislatures have no power to ratify it.  They are the mere creatures of the State Constitutions, and cannot be greater than their creators…”

Keeping that Principle firmly in mind, let’s look at Article V, US Constitution.

It provides that when two thirds of the State Legislatures (“mere creatures”) apply for it, Congress is to call a convention.  At that point, it is out of the State Legislatures’ hands – the bell has tolled, and State Legislatures can’t un-ring it.  Congress “calls” the convention (sets it up); but when it assembles, the delegates, as Sovereign Representatives of the People, are not answerable to State Legislatures (which are “mere creatures” of the State Constitution) or to Congress (which is a “mere creature” of the federal Constitution).  The delegates actually have the power to eliminate the federal and state governments – and that is precisely what the proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America does.

Delegates to a federal convention called by the federal Congress, to perform the federal function of altering or replacing our federal Constitution, are performing a federal function, not a State function.  The delegates don’t represent any government, federal or state.[5] They are supposed to represent The People; but in our corrupt time, they are more likely to represent the Koch Brothers (because they have the cash).

Dust off your copy of the federal Constitution we already have, read it and defend it.  It filled all Europe with “wonder and veneration”.  If you don’t do this, we will lose it.

© 2017 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah: publiushuldah@gmail.com


[1] The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America creates a totalitarian dictatorship.  The States are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government.  It is ratified by a national referendum [national popular vote] (Art. XII, §1).  Other proposed Constitutions are also waiting in the wings for a convention.

[2] The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) claims their model delegate bill “will eliminate the possibility of a ‘runaway convention’ the reason most often cited by scholars for their opposition to an Article V Convention.”

[3] Dr. Alan Keyes spoke of this on the radio some years ago; and I knew he had just handed me the Key to understanding our Constitution.

[4] See Federalist No. 22, last para (Hamilton).

[5] The term, “convention of states”, is a misnomer which gives the false impression that States control the convention.  In Rob Natelson’s speech on Sep. 16, 2010 [now removed from free access] he said he will no longer call it a “constitutional convention”, but will henceforth say, “convention of states” (pg.1-2).

This Chart illustrates who has the power to do what at an Article V convention.

It Must Be Magic

The worst error made by the leaders of the West between World War I and World War II was their failure to take Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” seriously. In that book, Hitler laid out everything he meant to do, and meant every word of it. The fact that most of what he wished to do was impossible was probably what prompted Western leaders to ignore it. But in trying to do those things, Hitler plunged the whole world into the worst disaster it had known since Noah’s Flood.

That was because he tried his level best to do all those things he dreamed of doing.

Leftids’ ideas, when they are candid enough to express them, seem equally impossible and profoundly asinine. That’s why we don’t take them seriously. But just because those things can’t be done doesn’t mean the Left won’t try to do them. We need to look past the craziness of their ideas and focus on the intent. These are the things that they intend to do, and it doesn’t matter whether they succeed or fail. Either way, it’ll be a costly mess with lots and lots of suffering involved—mostly by people who don’t deserve it.

Last week a law professor at William and Mary, James Dwyer, a man with long experience and still much influence in New York’s family court system, repeated his claim that parenthood is not a biological reality, not a fundamental part of being human, but only a creation of the state.

“The reason that parent-child relationship exists,” he babbled, “is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws.”

I didn’t know that! Did you? Here we were, thinking that being born to a mother and father was something that naturally happened without any help from bureaucrats, politicians, and lawyers. But then we’re not influential law professors, are we?

In 1994 Mr. Dwyer wrote a book, “Debunking the Doctrine of Parents’ Rights”—not self-published by some leftid loon, but by the California Law Review.

So we can be pretty sure we know where Mr. Dwyer’s coming from, and what kinds of things he’d like to do if he ever had the power.

Liberalism contains a heavy dose of pure loopiness, as Sally Quinn, widow of long-time Washington Post publisher Ben Bradlee, demonstrated in a recent interview.

Sally casts spells  When she puts the whammy on you, that’s it: you die. That’s what happened, she said, to three different people that she hexed. “I didn’t mean for them to die,” she says. Doesn’t know her own strength.

Sally says some of her friends and fellow noozies—did I mention she’s a “journalist”?—have asked her to put a hex on President Donald Trump and make him die. Such nice people, leftids. So far, she says, she has resisted the temptation—it’s sort of a bummer, to hex someone to death. But who knows how long she will resist it? The next time the president expresses some lingering doubt as to the reality of Man-Made Climate Change, he just might be letting himself in for a fatal hocus-pocus from Sally Quinn.

Sure, it’s ridiculous. But it does tell us what these nice people on the Left would like to do. Bear in mind that they are restrained by nothing recognizable as Christian morality or ethics, let alone the fear of God. And whether it’s superstitious poppycock like Sally Quinn’s, or hard-nosed worldly wickedness like Mr. Dwyer’s, it’s coming from the same source and seeks the same objective.

Would the German people, if they’d known what Adolf Hitler was going to let them in for, followed him right into catastrophe? Would the leaders of Britain and France, had they believed he would try to do the things he laid out in “Mein Kampf,” have let him come to power? We like to think the answer to both questions would be “No.”

In observing the actions and the words of leftids, never forget that just because it’s foolishness doesn’t mean it isn’t evil and can’t do us any harm. No matter how absurd it sounds to normal people, leftids believe in what they’re saying. And watch out, if they try to do it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Antithesis Of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum

Though those that are betray’d Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor Stands in worse case of woe.  —William Shakespeare

Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty.  No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean they will treat you the same.  No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean they’ll value you the same.  Sometimes the people you love the most turn out to be the people you can trust the least. —Trent Shelton

Dividing Eagle Forum

Back in early 2016, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum was torn apart by Cruz supporters. After Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump, a rift started in her organization and family. The coup, which emerged, was over Phyllis’s endorsement of Donald Trump, and her battle against a Constitutional Convention.

Six directors of Eagle Forum (the gang of six) have a hidden agenda, and most refused to return phone calls personally made to them by Phyllis to ask what their concerns were.  Phyllis eventually asked these six to resign and they refused. They were led by her youngest child Anne Cori, and included Eunie Smith, Carolyn McLarty, Rosina Kovar, Shirley Curry, and Cathie Adams.

Anne Cori

Phyllis was always loyal, actually loyal to a fault because she forgave, a true Christian.  She didn’t know how to give up on people, and her sense of humor carried her through even in troubling times.  She believed the good in those she loved.  It wasn’t until she was walked on so many times, that she had no choice but to let go of those who burned holes in her heart, including her very own daughter.  That’s when she asked these traitorous women to resign and they refused.

The gang of six wants control, and their goals are anathema to those of Phyllis Schlafly, who championed pro-life, fought the calls for a Constitutional Convention and upheld the sovereignty of America.  They are led by Phyllis’s youngest daughter, Anne Cori.  Anne’s husband is Tom Cori, a former corporate raider and member of the Carnegie Institute for Science, founded in 1895 by Pilgrims Society member, Andrew Carnegie.

It is this latter Institute for Science which is of interest. Tom Cori, husband of Anne Cori, is a Trustee. If you scroll to page 21 in the Carnegie Institute website, you will see Tom and Anne Cori listed as individuals who have made lifetime contributions of between $100,000 and $999,999.  This Institute promotes many freedom destroying programs, including common core and climate change.

These goals are anathema to Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum.

Rogue Eagle Council Sponsors

A year ago, I wrote, Treachery from Inside Eagle Forum Family, describing what occurred at last year’s Eagle Forum Council meeting where the gang of six and their cohorts attended and not only went against court orders, but were at times disruptive.

This year, the Gang of Six held their own Eagle Forum council meeting in D.C. a week before the real Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council in St. Louis.

The sponsors are telling, Heritage Foundation, Tea Party Patriots, Family Research Council, The Constitutional Coalition, and Concerned Women of America.

The Heritage Foundation

Heritage is a bastion of phony conservatism.  Heritage Fellow and CFR member, Richard Allen, wrote the job destroying NAFTA trade deal and President Ed Feulner described the passage of NAFTA as one of Heritage’s most important “scalps” or “victories.”

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans was the Heritage Foundation plan, exposed in a monograph written by Stuart M. Butler. Item #2 on page six of the document states, “Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance.”

Concerned Women of America

Beverly LaHaye is the founder and CWA is a competitor to Eagle Forum.  She is the wife of now deceased Tim LaHaye, one of the founders of the rightwing Council for National Policy.  Beverly would often feature CFR and Trilateralist members at her yearly conferences.

Tea Party Patriots

TPP has always been in bed with the likes of neo-cons McConnell and Ryan.  They are a very pro-Con-Con organization headed by anti-Trumper, Jenny Beth Martin, and co-founded by Mark Meckler, who is massively promoting a Convention of States.  Link

Family Research Council,

Tony Perkins is President of FRC.  He is another Dominionist and is actively campaigning for a Constitutional Convention.  In fact, his organization is promoting Judge Roy Moore of Alabama for AG Sessions former seat.  Moore is for a Con-Con and is a fellow Dominionist.

The Constitutional Coalition

The Executive Director is Donna Hearne.  She is also Encounter Host on Bott Radio Network St. Louis.  Hearne killed Phyllis’s national radio show and deleted all references to Phyllis and her archives from Bott Radio.

Hearne personally fixed the township election so that Phyllis would be defeated for Delegate to the Republican National Convention.  Despite Hearne’s treachery, Ed Martin saw to it that Phyllis was a delegate as planned, and she spent two weeks at the convention.

Donna Hearne has sponsored many of the Reconstructionist/Dominionist professors and pundits for years at her conferences. This likely plays into the reason she was a Cruz supporter. Cruz, his father, and many of his supporters, are Dominionists/Reconstructionists. They include David Barton, Flip Benham, Kevin Swanson, Tony Perkins, (president of the Family Research Council), would-be reality TV stars the Benham brothers, and Houston activist Dave Welch. Perkins is also a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization member.

Guest Speakers at Rogue Council

The top three guest speakers were Michele Bachmann, Mike Lee, and Ginni Thomas.

David Barton

Barton and his “Wallbuilders” are big promoters of the “Convention of States.”  They took over the first night of the rogue Eagle Council event in D.C.  The pro-Con-Con Wallbuilders led attendees through their view of history as part of a Capitol “tour.”  Phyllis’s Collegians conference had a Capitol tour last month for students, but without the Con-Con promoters.

The controversy regarding Barton’s writings is widespread and he has been taken to task by conservative history professors on his questionable Jefferson quotes.  Nelson Publishing pulled Barton’s books from the shelf, and fellow Cruz supporter, Glenn Beck, picked it up and published it, despite the falsehoods.

Back in 2011, Barton went on the John Stewart Show and actually stated that Sharia and the Constitution were compatible.  Barton is another dominionist and was a strong Ted Cruz supporter. [Link]

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann is pro-BBA and leans toward dominionism.  She was the Oral Roberts trained Word/Faith Congresswomen from Minnesota.  In 2011, she supported the Balanced Budget Amendment, which no one seems to have actually read except those who know the dangers of a Con-Con. [Link]  Both BBA bills would drastically transform our Constitution as well as raising our taxes, and would lead to an Article V convention.

Frank Gaffney

Gaffney is another Dominionist, and was also a guest speaker at the rogue council.  Both Bachmann and Gaffney supported Ted Cruz for President, and the latter was on Cruz’s advisory board. [Link]

Bachmann’s biggest contributor while in Congress was none other than pro-amnesty Club for Growth according to Open Secrets.  Club for Growth spent millions in Iowa campaigning against Donald Trump.

Michele Bachmann was interviewed by Phyllis Schlafly for the position of President of Eagle Forum, but was rejected.

Senator Mike Lee

Senator Lee now favors using Article V to amend the Constitution.  Initially he was against it, but has changed his mind after reading Mark Levin’s book and having several discussions with him.  Both these men are lawyers, and obviously neither worry one iota about the 1787 precedents and how our Constitution, once opened, will be thoroughly destroyed and replaced with the Ford and Rockefeller written New States Constitution, which first appeared in Rexford Tugwell’s book, The Emerging Constitution.

Last year, the RNC Rules Committee members from Utah were Senator Mike Lee and his wife, Sharon Lee.  Both were Cruz supporters who hoped to derail Trump.

Lee also supports legislation that will bring more Muslims into America. In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries. The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, is called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared). Link

In August of 2015, Senators Cruz, Grassley, and Sessions were all lobbying for legislation that would enact a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for immigrants who try to re-enter the country illegally after being deported. This was in response to the murder of Kathryn Steinle after Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an immigrant from Mexico who had repeatedly re-entered the United States illegally after being deported, allegedly fired the shot that killed the 32-year-old woman on July 1, 2015.

Sen. Lee was aligned with liberal Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Dick Durbin of Illinois to ease mandatory minimums for certain crimes, and is uncomfortable with such binding punishments for immigration offenses. He even threatened to oppose sanctuary cities legislation that includes mandatory minimums.

Virginia Thomas

Ginni Thomas is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and was also a guest speaker.


I’m surprised that she and her husband would attend without doing more investigation, but perhaps her allegiance lies with other guests and sponsors.

She is close with Family Research Council, Heritage Foundation, and Pete Sepp, Executive Vice President, National Taxpayers Union.  The latter of which was founded by James Dale Davidson, who long promoted a Constitutional Convention, and gave $100K per year towards that goal.

Davidson actually physically threatened Phyllis regarding her stance against the Con-Con.  Phyllis would have me call in to her radio program and tell people about the NTU and Davidson, and their plans for destroying our Constitution.

Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum Council Meeting

The real Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council will meet this week in St. Louis at the Airport Marriott Hotel.  Special guest speakers include David Horowitz, Corey Lewandowski, Boris Epshteyn, and Congressman Steve King.  And, in a coup late in their planning, they nabbed Steve Bannon!  He will be receiving the Phyllis Schlafly Award on Sunday at lunch.

This is the place to be!  Great conservatives will be there!


Phyllis Schlafly repeatedly said that defeating the Con-Con is the number one effort we need to be involved in, anything else we’re fighting will be moot if we lose our 1787 Constitution.

Today it is even more dangerous.  A case can be made that the movement for an Article V convention would be an open door for Sharia.  Amil Imani’s latest article makes that clear, Understanding The Threat Of Sharia Law in America.

The Rogue EF group having pro-Con-Con presenters at this pivotal time in the Con-Con battle is certainly not something Phyllis would have allowed or wanted. Our real grassroots Eagles will defeat Con-Con just as Phyllis helped to defeat it in the mid-80s.

Phyllis herself anticipated that Barton and other Con-Con promoters might try to slip it into the Republican platform in Cleveland, and indeed a Con-Con lobbyist attempted that, but our side was ready and resoundingly defeated it.

While grassroots Eagles have been working hard to defeat the Convention of States, Barton brags [here] that he has been writing state legislators urging them to pass it.  Yet Barton’s organization is picked by this rogue group to present to their small number of attendees.

Phyllis’s Eagle Council in St. Louis on September 21-24 will feature presentations and attendees who oppose the Convention of States, and who helped win an 18-4 victory against it in the States this year despite the lack of help by the group Phyllis asked to resign.

It is obvious the majority of attendees at the rogue group were former Cruz supporters, many of whom are Dominionists, and many of whom are for an Article V Convention, just like Cruz.  (For information on Dominionism/Reconstructionism, go [here], [here], [here], and [here].)

Phyllis was more than right when she chose to back Donald J. Trump for President.  I thank God we have him in our White House and Hillary Rodham Clinton was relegated to the dust bin.

Next up…meeting Corey Lewandowski and Steve Bannon at the real Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum Council in St. Louis, MO.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Social Security – The Second Government Socialist Trap

“The only reason that Democrats care for the poor, the downtrodden, the sick, the infirmed, the disabled, the Blacks, the Latinos, the LGBT crowd and other minority groups is for the votes they hope to garner by pandering to them, because political power is their only objective.  The only reason they lobby for and pass unconstitutional socialist legislation is to buy these groups off for their votes.  In their politically driven hearts they care not one whit for these groups.  Sadly, they cannot help themselves because after five generations of liberal indoctrination, this Progressive genetic disease is firmly embedded in their gene pool.”  —Ron Ewart

A few days ago, a columnist in the Washington Post wrote this:

“When Bernie Sanders launched his bid for the Democratic nomination, he was often asked whether he, a democratic socialist, would actually become a Democrat.   Now, more than a year after he ignited a movement with his unsuccessful bid, that question is moot.  The Democrats have become socialists.”

“This became official, more or less, Wednesday afternoon, when Sanders rolled out his socialized health-care plan, Medicare for All, and he was supported by 16 of his Senate Democratic colleagues who signed on as co-sponsors, including the party’s rising stars and potential presidential candidates in 2020: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand.”

The Democrats have now finally come out of the closet and admitted that they are avowed socialists.  For those of us with any intellect at all, who have been watching the Democrats for the last 60 years, have known for at least that time that Democrats were and are socialists.

With a close look at FDR’s New Deal and Social Security and his “Americans-have-many-more-rights-than-the-first-10-Amendments” speech in 1944, FDR was a socialist.  After FDR came Norman Thomas, five-times presidential candidate for the Socialist Party, made it official when he was purported to have said:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.  I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party.  The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

It is no coincidence that the meteoric rise of Progressivism came almost simultaneously with the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service and the Income Tax.  The 16th Amendment was the first government socialist trap turning American citizens into indentured servants to the almighty private Federal Reserve for the nation’s debt, which now exceeds $20,000,000,000,000 in direct debt and over $100,000,000,000,000 in indirect unfunded liabilities.  (That’s Trillions)

We may take some hits for writing this since millions of Americans depend almost entirely on Social Security benefits, but Social Security was the second Government socialist trap.  It is also very likely that Federal Reserve actions led to the Great Depression, which then led to FDR, the New Deal and Social Security.

In 1950 16.5 workers paid into the system that supported 2.93 million people receiving SS retirement benefits.  Today, that number has reduced to three (3) workers paying for 55 million SS retired recipients.  The hard fact is, the funding mechanism for Social Security and its affiliated programs are unsustainable and will be broke by 2036, if not sooner.  There is no SS lock box.  The lock box is filled with government IOU’s which the government will have to borrow in order to pay SS retirees, increasing the nation’s debt.

Social Security (SS) is not a constitutional right even though you are forced to pay money into it.  SS is entirely a social program invented by government that the government can take away any time it feels like it.

Your SS number was originally to be a totally private number but now it is essentially your debtor number for the nation’s debt.  It is also your national identification number that is used to identify you by government and private enterprise.  It can easily be hacked or created out of thin air by knowing how the number is designed.  It can be used to steal your identity and trash your credit.  The credit-reporting agency Equifax just reported that 143,000,000 American’s SS numbers and other private information have been stolen (hacked) by bad actors and now half the adult American population is exposed to identify theft.  That’s criminal negligence and should be prosecuted.

Your SS number is everywhere!  Not only does the government have your SS number but your doctor, your dentist, your insurance agent, the telephone company, your health insurer, your Internet provider and any one of many of your debtors, including your mortgage holder, has it in their files as well and on their computers subject to hacking.  Every time you want information from the government or one of these private agencies they ask you for your SS number.  But did you know that it is a federal crime for someone in private enterprise to “compel” you to disclose your SS number?

Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 408, paragraph (a)(8) states:

….. any person that discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any person in violation of the laws of the United States; shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both, except that in the case of a person who receives a fee or other income for services performed in connection with any determination with respect to benefits under this subchapter (including a claimant representative, translator, or current or former employee of the Social Security Administration), or who is a physician or other health care provider who submits, or causes the submission of, medical or other evidence in connection with any such determination, such person shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both.

So your doctor or other health care provider can compel you to disclose your SS number because of Medicare and Medicaid but no other private entity can and if they do they are guilty of a felony.

The Social Security System and your SS number have been battered, tweaked, changed, modified and bastardized by Congress and SS Administration rule making since it was signed into law by FDR in 1935.  Here are some highlights for SS Number disclosure requirements.

Date Requirements
1943 EO 9397 requires all federal agencies to use SSNs whenever the head of the agency finds it advisable to establish a new system of permanent account numbers for individuals.
1961 The Civil Service Commission adopts the SSN to identify federal employees.
1962 IRS begins using the SSN for federal tax reporting.
1965 Medicare enrollment requires enumerating those aged 65 or older with their SSN.
1966 The Veterans Administration begins to use SSNs to keep hospital admissions and patient records, and U.S. Indian programs begin using SSNs.
1970 Legislation requires banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and securities dealers to obtain the SSNs of all customers.
1972 Legislation authorizes SSA to assign SSNs to all legally admitted non-citizens at entry and to anyone receiving or applying for a federal benefit.  (Non-citizens!!!!!)
1975 Legislation requires an individual to have an SSN as a condition of eligibility for federal benefits.
1976 Legislation authorizes states to require an SSN for taxes, eligibility for state programs, driver’s licenses, and motor vehicle registrations.
1977 Legislation requires disclosure of SSNs for members of Food Stamp households.
1981 Legislation requires disclosure of SSNs of all adult members of a household that includes children applying for the school lunch program.
1983 Legislation requires an SSN for all interest-bearing accounts.
1984 Legislation authorizes states to require SSNs for beneficiaries of certain state-administered programs, requires persons engaged in a trade or business to file a report including an SSN to the IRS for cash transactions over $10,000, and requires an alimony payer to furnish the IRS with the SSN of the ex-spouse receiving the payments.
1986 Legislation requires an SSN for all dependents older than age 5 reported on a tax return, for commercial motor vehicle operator’s licenses, and for student loan applicants.
1988 Legislation requires an SSN for eligibility under Housing and Urban Development programs, for the parents of newborn children when a state issues a birth certificate, for dependents aged 2 or older of tax filers, for blood donors, and for all Title II (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) beneficiaries.
1989 Legislation requires that the National Student Loan Data system include SSNs of borrowers and that the SSNs of the parents of school lunch program applicants be provided.
1990 Legislation requires an SSN for eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs benefits, for each dependent aged 1 or older claimed by a tax filer, and for officers of stores that redeem Food Stamps.
1996 Welfare reform legislation requires the SSN to be recorded on numerous official documents, including professional licenses, driver’s licenses, death certificates, birth records, divorce decrees, marriage licenses, support orders, and paternity determinations. (In 1999, Congress would repeal the requirement for SSNs to be displayed on some of these documents, such as driver’s licenses and birth records).
1997 Legislation authorizes the Attorney General to require non-citizens to provide an SSN for any records maintained by the Attorney General or the INS. It also mandates that an SSN appear on driver’s licenses (repealed in 1999). Additional legislation requires an SSN applicant under age 18 to provide his or her parents’ names and SSNs.
2004 SSA is required to verify the last four digits of the SSN, name, and date of birth for voter registration in federal elections only when an individual cannot provide a driver’s license, except where a waiver applies.
2008 EO 13478 rescinds the 1943 EO 9397 requiring federal agencies to use the SSN when establishing a system of permanent account numbers and makes such use optional.

You might just as well have your SS number tattooed on your arm.  It is abundantly obvious that your Social Security number being private is gone forever.  Everyone has it, including the bad guys.

The advance of socialism in America starting with the 16th Amendment and then Social Security, has been fast and relentless, driven by Progressives buying votes.  In the early 60’s came President Johnson’s Great Society, which increased welfare costs almost exponentially.  Did the number of welfare recipient’s decrease?  Hardly!  It just drew more “pigs” to the government “pig trough.”  It has weakened the human fabric of America, increased urban poverty and broke up the nuclear family, especially in the black precincts, with a financial sledgehammer.

But that wasn’t enough socialism for the Democrats.  Along came more welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare and now Obama’s Obama Care that is sending health premiums skyrocketing and medical services into disarray.

Each one of these social programs is rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption and multiple government programs for bad actors to take advantage on the backs of the taxpayer.

How much do Medicaid and Medicare cost the American taxpayer?  Medicare spending grew 4.5% to $646.2 billion in 2015.  Medicaid spending grew 9.7% to $545.1 billion in 2015, probably due to Obama Care Medicaid expansion.  20% waste, fraud and abuse amounts to $24 billion down the drain because government can’t run any program efficiently.

Now along comes former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his socialist acolytes (Democrats all) and wants universal, single-payer Medicare for every person in America, without regard to the cost.

Add it all up ladies and gentlemen and America is broke and going deeper in debt.  It has been broke for decades, all at the hands of Democrats and Progressives.  Somewhere down the line someone is going to have to pay the lender and it could very well cause chaos and revolution in America.  If no one GETS IT and is willing to fix it, then chaos and revolution are virtually assured and another experiment with freedom will have failed ….. miserably and violently!

How many of you GET IT?

© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Are We talking about The Same President?

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

“Prevention is better than cure!”

You would think that the way today’s conservatives (yesterday’s liberals) are propping up Donald Trump and what he is really doing that they are talking of someone else. Yet, they are not! This is why it is so important to pay attention to what our representatives do rather than what they say (Matthew 7:16).  The man and the office are the same.

The political photo ops are taking place across the country with the new president helping with disaster relief, going into black communities and hugging and kissing folks, prayers at the administration’s table before session.  All of these are available online.  They’re everything good Americans want, and rightly so.

However, is this diversion to keep your eyes off of the ball and putting Americans back to sleep? (Matthew 24:5; Ephesians 5:14)

Of course, it is!

[YouTube Video]

The New American reported:

The Trump administration is asking Congress to renew a law giving intelligence agencies the authority to collect the communications of millions of Americans without a warrant — despite the fact that such surveillance led to charges that President Donald Trump is in cahoots with Russia.

The law in question is Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Section 702, which authorizes the National Security Agency (NSA) to intercept the communications of foreigners located outside the United States without obtaining a search warrant. The law expires at the end of the year unless Congress passes legislation reauthorizing it.

“Reauthorizing this critical authority is the top legislative priority of the Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats wrote in a September 7 letter to congressional leaders.

Sessions and Coats argued that the law’s privacy protections are sufficient to comply with the Fourth Amendment, which requires authorities to obtain a warrant based on probable cause before they conduct a search. However, as Nate Cardozo, senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told Reason, the government is “using [the law] to spy on Americans.”

This should hardly come as a surprise. As Agence France-Presse reminds us, “Section 702 was passed in 2008 to replace a previously secret and illegal warrantless wiretap program instituted after the September 11, 2001 attacks.” In other words, Congress retroactively codified a blatantly unconstitutional policy that was known to vacuum up data on innocent Americans.

[YouTube Video]

Pamella Geller posted this week that Trump was adhering to Sharia by not critizing Islam in his 9/11 speech.

This morning on “Breitbart News Daily,” Geller and guest host Raheem Kassam shared their disappointment with the lack of criticism of Islam in Trump’s speech at yesterday’s memorial service and lamented the idea that “globalist” forces inside the White House have shifted Trump away from his extreme anti-Islam rhetoric.

“We are now sure that it’s a pattern,” Kassam said. “So the positive will be that we can now move on this issue.”

“What the president is doing, and his administration is doing, is adhering to the Sharia; you cannot criticize Islam,” Geller said. She then declared that anti-Islam activists like her “have to make our voices known.”

“We have to, whether it is via Breitbart or comments or phone calls—yes, we have to tell the president that this is unacceptable,” Geller said….

On August 30, 2017, a headline reported Sebastian Gorka and Another Broken Trump Promise:

The specific problem was Trump’s apparent retreat from his repeated insistence on speaking about “radical Islamic terrorism” rather than a faceless, amorphous and ideology-free terrorist threat. Gorka continued:

Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will “Make America Great Again,” have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months.

This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week. …

The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost.

Furthermore, we already know that The Department of Homeland is stacked with Muslim Brotherhood ties and have re-defined what a terrorist is.

Original Definition Oxford English Dictionary “Government by intimidation.”

Here’s how they are defining terrorists:

  1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”
  2. Those that advocate for states’ rights
  3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”
  4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”
  5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”
  6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”
  7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful, or undesirable”
  8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”
  9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”
  10. “Anti-Homosexual”
  11. “Anti-Immigrant”
  12. “Anti-Muslim”
  13. “The Patriot Movement”
  14. “Opposition to equal rights for homosexuals and lesbians”
  15. Members of the Family Research Council
  16. Members of the American Family Association
  17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”
  18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol
  19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform
  20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition
  21. Members of the Christian Action Network
  22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order”
  23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”
  24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21
  25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps
  26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations”
  27. The militia movement
  28. The sovereign citizen movement
  29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”
  30. Anyone that “complains about bias”
  31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”
  32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”
  33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”
  34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”
  35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”
  36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance”
  37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance”
  38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons”
  39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology”
  40. “Militia or unorganized militia”
  41. “General right-wing extremist”
  42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N.
  43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”
  44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”
  45. Those that are “anti-global”
  46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”
  47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty”
  48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”
  49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack”
  50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”
  51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
  52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”
  53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”
  54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy”
  55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion”
  56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”
  57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear”
  58. “Rightwing extremists”
  59. “Returning veterans”
  60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration”
  61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms”
  62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling”
  63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes”
  64. “Anti-abortion activists”
  65. Those that are against illegal immigration
  66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner
  67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations
  68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”
  69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr
  70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)
  71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies
  72. Evangelical Christians

[YouTube Video]

While the new administration is pushing forth that which the preceding administration was pushing forth, and the one that preceded that administration, rest assured, the agenda is going forward.

The sooner that the American people understand that Donald Trump is nothing more than another pawn in the never ending game of politics, the sooner things can change for the better (Jeremiah 5:20-31).

Regardless of who you think your representatives are and are not, under the pretenses that they put up (2 Corinthians 11:14), it matters not.  This is between you and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, period. Repent! (Leviticus 26:14-46: Acts 20:21).

This is mercy! And it is a message that we all will be forced to receive either through accepting the message or rejecting it.

© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

American Wars Are Disobeying The Constitution

It has been just over 16 years to the day that Congress first passed the authorizations of military force after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Although Congress never intended them to serve as the underpinning to combat operations in countries from Yemen to Somalia, much less against groups like the Islamic State, the Senate on Wednesday rejected an effort to repeal them.

Senator Rand Paul, the most Constitutionally intelligent spokesperson for the repeal effort, pleaded, urged, and remonstrated on the Senate floor. “What we have today is basically unlimited war — war anywhere, anytime, any place on the globe,” Mr. Paul told his colleagues in a speech Tuesday afternoon. “I don’t think anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty believes these authorizations allow current wars we fight in seven countries.”

Paul continued, “We are supposed to be a voice that debates and says, ‘Should we go to war?’ It’s part of doing our job. It’s about grabbing power back and saying this is a Senate prerogative.”

Our Founding Fathers made it very difficult for Americans to be sent to war.  They had witnessed centuries of tyranny strengthening itself in countries where kings and parliaments used their own people as pawns and slaves in self-serving wars for more power and self aggrandizements.

So the Constitution they crafted did not grant the president any authority to unilaterally attack other nations.

“The Constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress,” said George Washington, “Therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.”

You see, the President of these United States is not the Commander in Chief of the army until Congress declares him so through a declaration of war.

James Madison asserted, “The executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war.”

The operative clauses to look up here are Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution, which grants Congress the power to declare war. The President, meanwhile, derives the power to direct the military after a Congressional declaration of war from Article II, Section 2, which names the President Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

So while cooperation between the President and Congress regarding military affairs is required, only Congress has the authority to attack or “declare” war; not the President.

Unfortunately, throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, many Presidents have engaged in military operations without express Congressional consent. The Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm, the Afghanistan War of 2001 and the Iraq War of 2002 are some examples.

Make no mistake, Congress has the duty and responsibility to debate and discover if, in fact, there is a need for war before they allow the young men and woman of our armed forces to be put in harm’s way.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Constitution Day—Sept. 17, 1787: Will We Preserve It?

The question facing America as the Constitutional Convention deliberated from May to September, 1787, was what kind of country the Founding Fathers would create for the nation. American patriots had won their freedom in a war of independence from England from 1775 until the Treaty of Paris in 1883, led by Commander-in-Chief and later President General George Washington, then and now the Greatest American.

The answer to that question in 1787 was a constitutional republic of limited central (or “federal”) government restrained in its authority to certain enumerated powers, only.  Authority for governance, except for matters expressly enumerated as held by the central government, was to remain with the States and “the people.” This limitation on the federal government’s power would be expressly commanded by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments which would follow with the adoption of the Bill of Rights on December 15, 1791.

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin. when asked by a citizen on the close of the Constitutional Convention, “what kind of a government have you created, Mr. Franklin?,” famously answered:

“A republic, Madam —if you can keep it.”

Ben Franklin’s challenge, “if you can keep it,” was serious: The United States of America was then the only Constitutional Republic, created “on the consent of the governed,” in the world. There was extreme doubt if this American great experiment in freedom, could succeed. The generation of the Founding Fathers did “keep it,” and bequeathed it to us of this generation as their progeny, their descendants in freedom. Will we “keep it” for the generations of Americans who will come after us?

That is, the  question facing America on September 17, 2017, is whether Americans can keep the free constitutional republic of limited central government powers created under the leadership of the Founding Fathers; or whether America will continue to be “transformed”  into a socialist state, with the federal government ignoring the Constitution’s  limitations on its authority and expanding to control, regulate, or dictate seemingly all areas of American life, in the name of “social justice,” transforming  the nation from individual freedom and personal responsibility under a limited government, to Socialism,  what famed economist the late Frederick Hayek aptly named “the road to serfdom.”

While the election of President Donald Trump in November, 2016, represents a defeat for Progressive Liberals seeking to “fundamentally transform” America, as former President Barak Hussein Obama put it,  into a European-style  Socialist State, the foaming-at-the-mouth backlash against the election of President Trump, an avowed “America First” patriot, by Progressive Liberals  in the government, media, and academia, as well as avowed Socialists, Communists,  Liberal Fascists and Black racial supremacists like the Black Lies Matter Movement reacting violently in the streets, evidence that  the fight “to keep” the Constitutional Republic the Founding Fathers created must continue to be waged vigorously if America is not be be “transformed” from a free Constitutional Republic  to Socialism.

Ever since the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, liberal “Progressives” have sought to undermine the Constitution, and the individual freedom and personal responsibility it at once protects and requires, and instead, by creeping incremental expansion of federal government authority, transform the nation from freedom of thought, religion, conscience, and enterprise, into government-dominated Socialism, all in the name of “social justice.” In that regard, Founding Father Ben Franklin observed also that “those who would exchange freedom for security, will have neither.”

Progressive Liberal Democrat Woodrow Wilson was the first U.S. President to openly argue that the Constitution should be discarded as outdated, and be replaced in by an “Administrative State” in which an elite ruling class of political and academic “experts” heading central (federal) government bureaucracies will create an American socialist utopia, from food stamps to to foreign policy, intruding into and dominating almost every aspect of American life.

An indication of the liberal “progressives” success in transforming American from the vision of the Founding Fathers into their own liberal “progressive” vision of a soft totalitarian state led by “experts,” i.e., themselves, is that few American children in government schools dominated by liberal “progressive” teachers and education bureaucrats, will be taught on Constitution Day 2017, or any day, of the historic importance of September 17, 1787, for our nation, and for the world. Consider just these aspects of that American history on this September 17:

On September 17, 1787, after weeks of often bitter debate by delegates of the States gathered at the Constitutional Convention at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Constitution of the United States, beginning with the words, “We, the People,” was signed by thirty-nine of the fifty-five delegates. The world was changed forever as America began its ‘great experiment’ in self-government.

Never before had a constitution been established in the name of “the People” of a nation, rather than by and in the name of a monarch, a state, or other governmental power. Many of the most erudite thinkers of the so-called “Age of Enlightenment,” did not believe that a constitutional republic of limited government “by, for, and of the people” could survive in a broad land containing a large and diverse population. America is still an ongoing experiment in liberty.

The Constitutional Convention had commenced on May 14, 1787, with a challenge to the conscience and integrity of delegates by George Washington, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army which had won the Revolutionary war. Washington, then and now the model American patriot, was elected President of the Constitutional Convention by unanimous vote.

“If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the Hand of God,” said Washington, who would later become the First President of the United States and be regarded as “the Father of his country.”

The delegates were learned American patriots who had studied history deeply to meet the task of creating a constitution fit for a free people. Thomas Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence but did not participate in the Constitutional Convention because he was in Paris representing the United States, wrote of the delegates with utmost respect as “a gathering of demigods.”

The Constitution the framers wrought in the name of “We, the People,” was one creating a government of expressly limited powers – a limited federal government,  not a national government of self-expanding powers.

The subsequently adopted “Bill of Rights,” contained in the First Ten Amendments, for which the efforts of James Madison earned him recognition as “the Father of the Constitution,” begin with five words limiting powers of the federal government over the people:

“Congress shall make no law…,” respecting an establishment of religion nor abridging the fundamental rights of free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, of press, of assembly, of petition for redress of grievance.”

These are rights which the Founding Fathers believed Americans were “endowed by their Creator,” as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. That is, the Founders believed these were natural rights, rights granted by the “hand of God, not the hand of a generous government.,” as the late President John F. Kennedy would express it.

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments reinforced the words “Congress shall make no law…” by mandating that the people and the states retained all rights not enumerated as possessed by the central government.

Never before in history had “We, the people,” had their natural rights so expressly protected by a constitution so expressly limiting the government as to its powers. By changing the relationship of the people and their government, limiting the power of government and making the retained rights of the people superior, the Founding Fathers changed the world. Ever after, the people of the world who have dreamed of the freedoms of Americans, have looked to the values expressed in the American Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution, as a model for liberty in a constitutional republic.

The framers of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers of America, were faced with a great challenge, and they met it. The Constitution which they framed was finally ratified by all states by January 10, 1791.

It has now endured for 230 years since it was signed on Sept. 17, 1787. That, the keeping of the free constitutional republic that the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us, is our challenge.

We owe a great debt to all those Founding Fathers and other Americans who came before us who preserved our freedom. We pay that debt by what we do to preserve freedom for those Americans who will come after us.


© 2017 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd: reeslloyd@aol.com

Is Firearms Foe Sen. Feinstein Out To Gut Christianity, Asks Washington Post’s Gun Dean

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Is Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein now targeting Christians as well as gun owners,” John M. Snyder asked rhetorically here today.

The Washington Post and New York Times named Snyder the “dean” of Washington gun lobbyists.

Snyder pointed out that, “The California Democrat for years has been a leading sponsor of anti-gun legislation with her proposals for mandatory national firearms registration and gun owner licensing, bans on semi-automatic firearms, bans on high-capacity ammunition feeding devices, and so on.

“Now it seems she is zeroing in on Christians, specifically Catholics, with her Committee questioning of a Trump nominee to the 7th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals because of the nominee’s Christian faith.  Feinstein got Amy Coney Barrett in the political crosshairs at a recent hearing.   The Senator complained directly to the nominee that, ‘the dogma lives loudly within you.'”

Barrett, a Catholic, is a law professor at Notre Dame University.

“Feinstein is concerned about Corbett’s opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage, and is part of the politically-correct gang that seems unable generally to appreciate Christian values and that actively opposes them,” Snyder said.

“Perhaps the elderly anti-gun, anti-Catholic California Senator, now 84, will become known as the ‘Wicked Witch of the West,'” he added.

“On the other hand,” Snyder continued, “we can hope and pray that Feinstein and others will see the error of their ways and come to a genuine appreciation of spiritual reality as superior beyond compare with political correctness.  Let all of us sinners come to a realization of the truth.  Let us all consider deeply the declaration of Jesus Christ that, ‘wicked designs come from the deep recesses of the heart: acts of fornication, theft, murder, adulterous conduct, greed, maliciousness, deceit, sensuality, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, an obtuse spirit.  (Mark 7:21-22).’

“Let all consider, also, St. Paul’s warning that, without repenting, ‘no fornicators, idolaters, or adulterers, no sodomites, thieves, misers, or drunkards, no slanderers or robbers will inherit God’s kingdom (1 Corinthians, 6:9-10).'”

“I think whatever a religion is, it has its own dogma,” declared the California senator during Barrett’s confirmation hearing . “And I think in your case, professor, when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern when you come to the big issues that large numbers of people have fought for years in this country.”

“Professor Barrett has argued that a judge’s faith should affect how they approach certain cases. Based on this Sen. Feinstein questioned her if she could separate her views from the law, particularly regarding women’s reproductive rights.”

But professor Barrett is already on record, and widely quoted, that a judge should recuse himself or herself when deliberating a case that conflicts with his or her religious convictions.

Most fundamental, however, is a judge’s willingness and ability to think clearly, rigorously and honestly. It is on this test – clear, rigorous and honest thought – we find the failure on the side of Sen. Feinstein

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.  The Trace designated him a power broker.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University.  He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation.  He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.



© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Understanding The Threat Of Sharia Law In America

I cannot overstate the dangers of Sharia law and its insidious creeping nature. Sharia law is a monumental threat to our laws that are grantors of our liberty. No effort should be spared in denying this Stone Age, misogynistic body of Islamic laws from invading our legal system.

The recent migration of Muslims to non-Islamic lands began as a seemingly harmless, even useful; trickle of desirable cheap needed labor. Before long, greater and greater numbers of Muslims deluged the new territories and as they gained in numbers—by high birth rate as well as new arrivals—Muslims began reverting to their intolerant ways by, for instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past.

What is Sharia?

Islamic rules are called Sharia law or the Islamic law. Sharia law is a misnomer, IMO—-for laws must be squarely based on justice and fairness to all, while Sharia law is nothing more than a primitive set of dogma stipulated by men for the benefit of Muslim men.

Some Examples:

Sharia law disenfranchises women from their legitimate equal rights with men; prescribes barbaric punishments such as stoning, amputation of limbs and death. Sharia law, contrary to what its advocates claim, does not limit application of its draconian provisions to Muslims only: it considers any and all disputes involving Muslims with non-Muslims also in its purview to adjudicate. Sharia law is inherently arbitrary, obsolete, and discriminatory to the extreme. Wherever Sharia law rules, injustice prevails.

Sharia law represents a twist to the concept of Blind Justice: It is indeed blind to justice. Even a cursory examination of Sharia’s family law, for instance, proves unequivocally its blindness to justice: it makes the shameful past laws, such as Jim Crow laws; seem as paragons of fairness by comparison.

These are the conditions on the ground wherever Sharia rules. Violence of all forms is endemic to Islamic law and is not confined to any fringes. Sharia law itself is the fringe–a fringe that is oppressive, hateful of others and violent to the core.

Who is promoting Sharia law:

In infidel lands, the slow acting yet deadly cancer of invasive Sharia is wedged into laws by powerful moneyed Islamic organizations coaxing and greasing the politicians to issue ordinances or legislate seemingly harmless provisions of Sharia. Islamic organizations and clerics who have a vested interest begin their Sharia campaign by asking for an ordinance or legislation for seemingly inconsequential things such as requiring stores to clearly designate and completely separate halal food and meat from the non-halal. What is important here is that ordinances and laws like this are the beginning of getting the government into the business of enforcing Sharia law. That’s the way they get a toehold and the camel’s head pokes into the room, so to speak. Before long, little by little, the rest of the terribly ugly stinking camel gets in the room and there will be no way to get it out

SHARIA is based on the principles found in the Quran and other Islamic religious/political texts. There are no common principles between American law and Sharia.

Sharia in American courts:

Sharia law is also creeping in through the courts. Sadly, some judges are just as corruptible as politicians and are amenable to powerful Islamic influences for handling cases before them.  The center for security policy evaluated “50 appellate court cases from 23 states that involve conflicts between Sharia (Islamic law) and American state law. The analysis finds that Sharia has been applied or formally recognized in state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy.”

Let me say it in other way:

The encroachment of sharia law into American jurisprudence and repeated calls by the left that American courts rely upon international law precedent are emblematic of a larger problem – the hijacking of our legal system by judicial ideologues unaccountable to the people, and virtually impossible to impeach or recall. In many cases, a judgeship is a lifetime appointment. Thus insulated from the electorate they are alleged to represent, leftist judges are free to tamper with our legal system to their heart’s content, ignore popular referenda and laws with which they disagree, and commit assorted other acts of misconduct. The Framers intended that judges be insulated from political pressures and gamesmanship, but the pendulum has swung too far the other way. Corrective action is needed to allow the electorate to recall or dismiss judges who commit judicial malpractice, such as those who rule sharia law acceptable in U.S. courts.

Sharia in Europe Today

When you study Islam in Europe today; you are seeing America in 20 years. Why? The actions by Muslims in Europe are based on Sharia law, the same Sharia law that is beginning to be implemented in America today.

  • Traffic cannot move in London streets as Muslims commandeer the streets to pray-a political result based on Sharia law.
  • Entire areas of Europe are no-go zones for non-Muslims, this includes the police. These are Islamic enclaves where only Muslims live. The Muslim-only policy is based on Sharia.
  • In England, an Anglican bishop calls for the rule of Islamic law for Muslims. The bishop is obeying Sharia law. In the schools only Islamic approved texts can be used. This is based on Sharia law.
  • Christians may not speak to Muslims about Christianity nor may they hand out literature. This is a political result based on Sharia law enforced by British courts.
  • Rape by Muslims is so prevalent that Sweden has forbidden the police to collect any data in the investigation that would point to Islam. Rape is part of Islamic doctrine as applied to non-Muslim women.
  • In London mass demonstrations by Muslims call for the end of British law and Sharia law to rule all people. This political action is based on Sharia.
  • In some English hospitals, during Ramadan fast (an Islamic religious event) non-Muslims cannot eat where a Muslim can see them. The submission of non-Muslims is based on Sharia law.
  • At British hospitals, Muslim women are treated only as Sharia law demands.
  • If a Dane says that he is proud to be Danish near a Muslim, it can be seen as hate speech and racism. This is in accordance to Sharia law.

Sharia in America Today

Here are current and historical events in America that are driven by Sharia law:

  • On September 11, 2001 jihadists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center. This was in compliance to the laws of jihad found in the Sharia law. The attack was a political action based upon a religious motivation.
  • All textbooks in America must be approved by Islamic councils that are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is in accordance with Sharia law.
  • American employers and schools are met with demands for time and space to do Islamic prayer. These demands are based on Sharia law.
  • The American banking system is becoming Islamized with Sharia financing. Our banking system indulges in Sharia financial law and does not know the rest of Sharia law.
  • Universities are asked to close swimming pools and other athletic facilities to be used for Muslim women.
  • Hospitals are being sued for not having Sharia compliant treatment.
  • No course at the college level uses critical thinking in the history and doctrine of Islam. Under Sharia no aspect of Islam may be criticized.
  • Muslim charities give money to jihadists, as per Sharia law.
  • Muslim foot-baths are being installed in airport facilities, using tax money. This is in accordance with Sharia law.
  • American prisons are a stronghold of proselytizing for Islam.
  • Workplaces are being made Islamic worship sites through special rooms and time off to pray. This is in accordance to Sharia law.
  • Islamic refugees bring all of their wives for welfare and medical treatment to America. Authorities will not act even when presented with evidence. Polygamy is pure Sharia.
  • We are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to implement constitutions that have the supremacy of Sharia law as their first article.

Tenets of Sharia Law

Why Do We Need to Know Sharia?

Examples of Sharia Law include the following: (from the authoritative source Reliance of the Traveller, The Sacred Manual of Islamic Law)

  • Requirement of women to obtain permission from husbands for daily freedoms;
  • Beating of disobedient woman and girls;
  • Execution of homosexuals;
  • Engagement of polygamy and forced child marriages;
  • Requirement of the testimony of four male witnesses to prove rape;
  • Stoning of adulteresses;
  • Lashing of adulterers;
  • Amputation of body for criminal offenses;
  • Female genital mutilation;
  • Capital punishment for those who slander or insult Islam;
  • Execution of apostates, or those that leave the religion of Islam
  • Inferior status for all non-Muslims, known as Dhimmitude.
  • Concept of Taqiyya: A Muslim may lie or deceive others to advance the cause of Islam.

To protect yourself, your children and your country.

ISLAMIC SCHOLARS CLAIM: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws of Allah, the Sharia.

Under Sharia law:

  • There is no freedom of religion
    ♠ There is no freedom of speech
    ♠ There is no freedom of thought
    ♠ There is no freedom of artistic expression
    ♠ There is no freedom of the press
    ♠ There is no equality of peoples-a non-Muslim, an infidel or a Kefir, is never equal to a Muslim
    ♠ There are no equal rights for women
    ♠ Women can be beaten
    ♠ A non-Muslim cannot bear arms
    ♠ There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people. Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.
    ♠ Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, Jaliyah, that must submit to Sharia
    ♠ There is no democracy, since that means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim
    ♠ Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens
    ♠ There is no Golden Rule
    ♠ There is no critical thought
    ♠ All governments must be ruled by Sharia law

Unlike our laws, Sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed

Islam wants you to surrender.

Below is a presentation of what this surrender to Islam entails and why it is imperative that all freedom-loving people arise and defeat the menace of Islamofascisim.

Amendment I of the Bill of Rights enshrines some of the most cherished ideals of freedom-loving people:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Islam considers itself the three branches of government. It enacts laws as it sees fit, adjudicates laws, and executes as it deems. Islam is anathema to the provisions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and much more.

Islam proclaims itself as the only legitimate religion for the entire world, grudgingly granting minor recognition to Judaism and Christianity from whom it has liberally plagiarized much of its dogma. Jews and Christians are allowed to live under the rule of Islam as “dhimmis” and must pay a special religious tax of jizya. Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, members of other religions, agnostics, or atheists are not even allowed to practice their belief or disbelief.

Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerating and welcoming non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is judged as apostate and automatically condemned to death.

Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam. The word is Allah’s, his chosen divines such as Ayatollahs and Imams are the only ones who are to make pronouncements squarely based on Allah’s word, the Quran. Any expression that deviates in the least from the Quran, the Hadith or the edicts of Islamic high divines is heresy and severely punishable. Hence, stifling of free expression is the major mechanism by which the Islamic clergy retain power and prevent constructive change in Islamic societies.

Freedom of the press is completely alien to Islam, since a free press tends to express matters as it sees it, rather than as it is stated in the Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything Islamic. The stranglehold of Islam on the individual and society is complete.

Peaceful assembly of the people is not allowed. The backward oppressive Islamic societies inflict great hardship on the citizenry and any assembly of the victims presents a threat to the suffocating rule. Islamic governments routinely prevent peaceful assemblies from taking place. Failing to do so, they unleash their hired thugs, the police and even the military against any assemblage no matter how peaceful and how legitimate is its grievance. The Islamic Republic of Iran which is vying with Saudi Arabia as the leader of true Islamic rule, routinely attacks any and all gatherings of its people, arrests them, imprisons them without due process, tortures them, and even executes them in secret dungeons. Journalists, academics, unionists, students, teachers, women rights groups who dare to petition the government for redress are labeled subversive and are severely punished.

Maltreatment of religious minorities and the non-religious is criminal indeed. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, the government has launched a systematic program of genocide against its largest religious minority—the Baha’is. The government is gathering a comprehensive list of Baha’is, their occupations, locations, properties and the like—action reminiscent of the Nazis. The government is banning Baha’i students from post high-school education unless they recant their religion, deprives them of engaging in numerous forms of occupations and trades, denies them from holding worship gatherings, and razes their holy places and much more. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not satisfied with its cruel treatment of the living Baha’is and has launched a war on their dead by bulldozing Baha’i cemeteries in several cities. Thus, is the rule of fundamental Islamism that is awaiting the complacent and snoozing world.

Oppression of women in general is tragic indeed. Men are allowed to have as many as four wives simultaneously and as many concubines as they wish or can afford. Men can easily divorce their wives and automatically have the custody of the children, if they so decide. Women have subservient status to men in all areas of the law. Equality under the law has no meaning in Islam. Just one example of the dreadful way of treating women in Islam is a case of a Saudi woman who was gang-raped. The Islamic court sentenced the woman to a prison term and lashes for having committed the “sin” of riding in a car with a male who was not her relative. This is a standard form of Islamic Sharia justice—a savage heritage of barbarism that ruled the Arabian Peninsula a few centuries ago.

Islam has a solution for every “problem.” It deals with homosexuals, for instance, by hanging them en mass and gloating about it, even though homosexuality is just as prevalent in Islamic lands as anywhere else. Recently an Ayatollah made a ruling on homosexuals. He said that they should be tortured before they are hanged. In Islam, the rulings of high-ranking clergy constitute the law and are binding.

Not only does Islam not allow freedom of assembly and the press, it is intrusively restrictive in every aspect of a person’s life. The way women should dress, the haircut of men, the music people are allowed, movies to watch, television programs to view, and even parties in the privacy of their home are subject to the ridiculous monitoring of moral police. Islam is hell-bent on outward morality and puritanical conduct while it is rotten to the core just below the pretentious surface.

Islam segregates by gender many public places and events such as beaches, sporting venues, public transportation, and even building elevators. Families are often prevented from attending a sporting event together or swimming together at a beach.

Egypt, the crown of the Arab-Islam world, demands that citizens declare Islam or only one of the two other religions, Judaism and Christianity, as their religion in order to receive the government-issued identity cards. ID cards are required for jobs, healthcare, education, a marriage license and a host of other things. If you are an agnostic, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Baha’i, you are forced to perjure yourself to receive the indispensable ID card. In a real sense, Islam, the pretender of high moral ground, compels people to lie in order to receive what is their birthright as citizens.

The fact that Islam is a splintered house complicates matters greatly. The faith is divided into Sunni and Shiites sects with numerous sub-sects. The divisions and contentiousness are so profound that members of one sect consider the other Muslims as apostates worthy of death.

The division goes back to the time of the Prophet himself. Shiites believe that the enemies of true faith subverted its chain of authority at Muhammad’s death. They claim that the Prophet, while on his deathbed, asked for a parchment to dictate his will and to appoint Ali, his cousin and son-in-law, as his successor. The Shiites claim that Umar, an influential disciple and commander of the faith, declined the request saying to the Prophet: hasbena ketab-ul-llah—sufficient unto us is the book of God. Before long, division and infighting started in earnest and continues to this day.

Oppression of Shiite minorities in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are only two glaring instances of this longstanding and irreconcilable intra-faith hostility. The Shiite majorities in other lands return the favor to the Sunni minorities, as is the case in Iran. The recent horrific sectarian killings in Iraq represent glaring instances of irreconcilable differences among the various claimants to the mantle of true Islam.

Ironically, Islamic associations routinely intimidate many newspapers, if they dare to print the truth about Islam. Legions of lawyers, both Muslims as well as hired guns, are on the lookout to intimidate and silence any voice speaking the truth about Islam. The media organizations that fall in line may receive generous advertising and other incentives from Islamic lobbyists.

I have asserted time and again that I am not against Muslims. I condemn Islam and those who support and promote it. In the same sense that I am not against slaves, I am against slavery and those who advocate and advance it. The very practice of Islam is tantamount to perpetuating and practicing slavery. Slavery enslaves the body, while Islam entraps the mind. Both ideals and practices are abhorrent and detrimental to the realization of our highest hopes as human beings.

In conclusion: Islam is a militant, political and savage cult created by one man: Muhammad. It is time that we treat Islam as the greatest threat to the human race. I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for a number of years. The Islamic treasury, flush with oil extortion money together with the help of useful idiots, is having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism; it is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. Free people must act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A New War Footing

North Korea continues to build an arsenal of nuclear weapons capable of reaching the United States and its allies.  It intends to use threats of imminent attack to intimidate Western states into conceding to its demands for resources.  The regime functions in a thuggish, uncivilized manner.  Its actions invite both a conventional and an unconventional response.  President Trump can learn much from Winston Churchill, who faced a comparable threat from the Nazis as Prime Minister and dealt with it brilliantly relying not just on conventional but also on unconventional means.  That adaptation is the best way to overcome the rigid command and control regime that is the dictatorship of Kim Jung Un.

In his Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, Giles Milton records how Winston Churchill relied upon a group of unconventional war minded thinkers and warriors to prepare for the Battle of Britain and wreak havoc behind enemy lines throughout the war.  The effects of those efforts were critical to allied victory and to reducing the loss of allied life.  President Trump would do well to adopt the same framework in his dealings with the hermit kingdom.

On the conventional side, the United States must do everything it can to encourage South Korea and Japan to adopt a war footing, to educate their citizenry that the war with North Korea is likely to come and to accept an expansion of U.S. and allied military operations within South Korea and Japan, including an expansion of the presence of American military, installation of new ballistic and anti-ballistic missile systems under American control, and expansion of allied air presence over South Korea and Japan and an expansion of allied naval presence in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan.  In short, we need to convince South Korea and Japan that the issue is no longer if North Korea will go to war but when.  We need to convince them to presume a state of war now and to take all measures necessary to perfect a war time footing through education of their people and through expansion of their strategic military posture and coordination with the United States.

In turn, we need to expand substantially and rapidly our offensive and defensive capabilities in the region until we are confident that annihilation of North Korea is achievable with minimal loss of allied lives.  In that regard, we need to implement now “ungentlemanly warfare,” by which I mean clandestine and unconventional operations to interfere with the ability of North Korea to exist and to maintain command, control and communication.  We need to rely on innovative and clever means of overwhelming the ability of the dictatorship to dictate.

We are indeed fortunate that our North Korean enemy is one of the most brutal totalitarian regimes on earth.  Its principal weakness lies in the fact that it depends fundamentally on commands from Kim Jung Un himself to implement each of its military objectives.  Its commanders in the field are pre-programmed to act in strict accordance with orders.  If those orders are not present, they are stymied by indecision because any act not in accord with the precise will of the Supreme Leader is punishable, often by death.  The military thus operates in fear and dependence, not inspiration and independence, and thus has virtually no ability to function without constant commands from the top.  Aware of that, we may orchestrate a comprehensive clandestine unconventional war right now, before Kim Jung Un completes construction of his primary arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Among the many “ungentlemanly” methods we can employ against the North are those dependent on cyber warfare.  We can clandestinely employ the brightest minds in the cyber world to develop and deploy all manner of cyber attacks on North Korea’s computer operating systems designed to disable those relied upon by the military, the state financial systems, and the government, effecting a total disruption in the systems upon which they rely for command, control, and communication.  We should aim at achieving intermittent and unpredictable breakdowns in their systems as well as in false initiation of orders, financial transfers, etc.  We should ravage their state economy in this way, cause military leadership to execute orders against their own forces, and interfere in everything from state propaganda broadcasts to imports and exports to military command to tax collection and to public transportation.

Ultimately, our cyber warfare efforts should aim at achieving a means to cause one massive instantaneous complex disruption of their entire command, control and communication systems so complete that it makes their warfighting capability impossible to effectuate.  Commanders would not know whether orders were legitimate, incapable of relying on any means of communication.  We should then undertake a prompt decapitation first strike, whereby we would employ electromagnetic pulse weapons to fry their electronic systems simultaneous with the delivery of massive ordinance, an overwhelming bombardment decimating their war fighting capability, followed by special forces interdictions to take out their leadership in every sector backed by tactical nuclear weapons if necessary at key targets.

The sad reality is that unless we presume a state of war now and prepare to take out this regime, it will fulfill its mission of amassing a nuclear arsenal capable of blackmailing the free world.  We cannot assume that Kim Jung Un’s threats to attack the United States, South Korea, and Japan are idle ones.  Nor can we assume that Kim Jung Un will act rationally.  We must assume the worst.  Based on that mindset, a new war footing, and the present implementation of “ungentlemanly warfare,” we can overwhelm the hermit kingdom and minimize the loss of American and allied life.

© 2017 Jonathan Emord – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jonathan Emord: jemord@emord.com

DACA Amnesty: Don’t Do It, Mr. President

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” Gustave Le Bon

While driving back from California headlines began breaking that President Trump was going to break one of his signature campaign promises.

I supported and voted for Trump because I believed because he was a billionaire in his own right he couldn’t be bought off. That in his heart, (I still believe) Donald Trump truly loves this country and the people who live in our great republic.

That he meant what he said regarding the never-ending hordes of illegals flooding across our borders, getting illegals deported, the badly needed wall on our southern border would get built, bad trade deals killed and putting America and American workers first. Drain the swamp he said but then turned right around and brought in more alligators to fill the swamp.

I’m not alone in appreciating the sacrifices Trump has made to become president. He did and does every day. No question in my mind many want him assassinated. However, just like any president, we the people must hold him to his promises.

Candidate Trump assured us he is not a politician, but for the sake of politics he is now willing to take a razor blade to the First Amendment: Congress Passes Unconstitutional Resolution Attacking Free Speech – Trump Eager To Sign It

While he has been able to get some important things done (This is one of them: Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants), President Trump has made a number of very bad choices regarding WH personnel and cabinet/agency heads: Brandon Darby: Border Patrol Agents Feel Betrayed by the Trump Administration

This I attribute to listening to the wrong people advising him.  If you think people aren’t upset about all this, think again. As I don’t fly commercial I just finished driving to No. California and back; family emergency. Everywhere and I mean everywhere, Trump was the subject of discussion.

It’s a funny thing but flashing press credentials really does get people talking. And talk they did from restaurant servers, convenience store clerks, hospital employees to nearly a dozen people I inter-acted with who I know while trying to help my disabled brother following his back-to-back near fatal strokes. Those that didn’t vote for Trump were blind loyalists to the Democratic/Communist Part USA and more than happy to vent their mindless clap-trap. However, those who did vote for Trump are sorely disappointed.

Some are more than just disappointed with full justification: Trump Slammed as ‘Con Man’ and Worse for Alleged DACA Deal

“That’s missing the point,” said Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian on border demands. “That’s always been my fear, that Trump would give away DACA for a fig leaf.”

“Krikorian said legal immigration restrictions are needed to mitigate the effects of amnesty. For instance, he said, if the United States does not restrict family-sponsored immigration, the DACA recipients will be able to sponsor their foreign relatives for residency — including, potentially, their parents, who brought them illegally in the first place.

“Amnesty opponents have hurled plenty of invective at Trump in the last 12 hours, but Krikorian’s might be the most stinging — tying him to 2016 GOP primary rival Jeb Bush . “The president is letting the Democrats set the terms of the discussion … This is pure Jebism,” he said…

“The Americans for Legal Immigration political action committee called Trump a “con artist” following the Schumer-Pelosi announcement. William Gheen, ALIPAC’s president, told LifeZette that Trump was worse than former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton because he had lied to the American people. “Trump deserves as much distain as we can muster to push back against his very clear and documented effort to plot an amnesty with Democrats,” he said.”

And then we have RAT Paul owned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mega-corporations Ryan who doesn’t miss any opportunity to continue protecting and rewarding illegal aliens:

Exclusive: Paul Ryan Reportedly Says No Chance for Border Wall at Private Dinner
Ryan: ‘Not in nation’s interest’ to kick out Dreamers

RAT Ryan and toilet scum Mitch McConnell are the quintessential examples of the swamp voters allegedly refuse to oust. But, then again, that’s exactly why vote fraud has become THE tool to keep challengers from winning primaries.

So-called ‘Dreamers’ are illegal aliens. DACA was another scam for Democrat votes by the illegitimate pretend former ‘president’ and dirty traitor, Barack Hussein. DACA was to ‘protect innocent children’. Sure, up to the age of 31.

American workers first, Mr. President?

9 Lies About DACA Trump Is Buying Into – “The majority of crimes by DACA recipients include: “Alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” USCIS has stated.”

“DACA recipients are not taking U.S. jobs away from Americans – < style=””>”As a study by the pro-immigration group FWD.us revealed, an amnesty to DACA recipients would mean the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants currently holding jobs in the U.S. would be able to remain at those jobs, rather than those opportunities potentially opening up for American workers. An ultimate end to the DACA program has the potential to open nearly 720,000 U.S. jobs for Americans, with the potential of more jobs in the future.”

DREAMer accused of brutally raping woman in Seattle suburb, Aug. 2, 2017 – “Salvador Diaz-Garcia (age 23), an illegal immigrant who was a recipient of Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, is now facing second-degree assault and rape charges in the vicious attack. He also faces child molestation charges for allegedly assaulting a 14-year-old the same day the rape occurred.”
Father of Murdered Florida Mother Reveals Suspected Killer Was DACA Recipient, Sept. 5, 2017. That murderer protected under DACA was 24 years old.
Sympathetic Media Scrambles To Trot Out Shiny ‘Dreamers,’ But Forgets All The Nightmares, Sept. 4, 2017

“Then there is the case of Oliver Funes-Machado, 18, who was charged in March with beheading his own mother. Funes-Machado was living with DACA status in North Carolina at the time and was originally from Honduras.

“Another case of Dreamer violence in North Carolina was highlighted by Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley in 2015. Emmanual Jesus Rangel-Hernandez (age 19) received DACA status after being placed in deportation proceedings following drug charges. USCIS admitted that they gave Rangel-Hernandez DACA status even though they knew about his gang membership. Rangel-Hernandez later would be charged with four counts of murder.

DACA Illegals Needed Because Blacks, Latinos Can’t Do the Jobs

DACA Amnesty May Trigger Flood of 4-6M Foreign Nationals, Not 800K. It’s called ‘chain migration’. President Trump has stated that isn’t going to happen. I’m sorry but I don’t believe him anymore on this issue. I voted for someone I thought had the backbone to stand up and say this is the way it’s going to be for national security and the American people.

I know, many have said Trump feels he has to deal with slime like Schumer and Pelosi to get anything done on this because dirty WIMPS like RAT Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are fighting him every step of the way. No, Mr. President. Compromising with the enemy is exactly how it got us here at the edge of the abyss.

For some, it doesn’t seem to matter if President Trump breaks his promises. Yes, I have said many times as have tens of millions of others – no, I would not rather have career criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, in the WH today – but I also hate being lied to and I do not reward political candidates who cave on their promises.

Dealing with Democrats? Protecting ‘Dreamers’? Here in Arizona that’s just fine with these Trump supporters – “If you were to deport them, where would they go?” Hagstrom, 60, a car-warranty manager, asked on his way to a Bible-study dinner at an upscale shopping mall. “To send them across the border would be inhumane almost. There’s no life for them there.” Sorry, but don’t be a fool. Hey, Mr. Hagstrom: Why don’t you and your wife take a half dozen into your home?

It’s the parents problem for illegal minors and DACA illegals to find family back in whichever country they came from. Illegal means illegal. Eisenhower didn’t have a problem deporting illegals of all ages but then again, he didn’t have to deal with treacherous America hating dogs like Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who I believe is in the early stages of dementia.

National border security is of no concern to Schumer, Pelosi and RINOs or they would have fixed the problem a long time ago: EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Images Show Armed Mexican Cartel Smugglers Crossing into U.S., Feds Confirm (August 2017). Of course, besides politics, let us not forget the all-powerful cha-ching interest in protecting illegals:

Catholic, Latin America, Poland Experts: ‘Bannon’s Comments Gave Cardinal Dolan Heartburn Because Bannon’s Right’

“This is where the difference between the argument in the U.S. and the Poles comes in. Could the approach be as simple as a realization that immigrants could fill the pews of U.S. Catholic Churches in decline? “Today the bishops’ number one issue is not abortion – it’s amnesty for illegal aliens,” says Dr. Manion. “Here again, Bannon embarrasses them.

“The Pew Trust says that thirty million Catholics have left the pews. Who’s going to fill them? Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles, the bishops’ point man on amnesty, is blunt: Hispanics should fill them. Most are Catholic and hold “deep conservative values,” he says. Apparently the Americans who oppose amnesty are selfish racists. One bishop actually calls them ‘Pharisees and hypocrites’.”

“America’s Catholic bishops want what Gómez calls ‘the Next America’ – a Hispanic one”. It’s likely this is another — including the monetary elements mentioned earlier — constituent factor behind the bishops’ support for DACA, and the opposition to the economic nationalism and strong border policies espoused by Bannon. But there’s another part of this not-so-holy trinity. Politics, of course.

“Look, the bishops expected Hillary to win,” explains Dr. Manion. “Obama gave them hundreds of millions a year to care for immigrants and illegals and refugees, and Hillary would have kept the party going. With Trump, a drop in illegals and refugees means a drop in funding, it’s that simple”.

I don’t give a damn what comes out of their lying mouths on a daily basis, actions speak louder than words:

DACA supporters linked to communists, jihadists – Blockbuster documentary exposes radicals working to undermine America from within – “In ‘The Enemies Within’ investigative researcher Trevor Loudon exposes the master plan to create a permanent liberal majority by flooding America with millions of voters hostile to its founding principles. But ‘The Enemies Within’ also claims forces dedicated to the destruction of the nation have even penetrated the national security bureaucracy, endangering all Americans and the entire system of constitutional government. This includes both the Communist Party and various Islamic groups linked to terrorism. Such extremists work at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party.” (Trevor Louden is one of the good guys and a proven researcher of facts.)

Not every Trump supporter is as forgiving as Mr. Hagstrom. ‘Angel Mom’ Mendoza: Trump Making Illegal Alien Crime Victims Feel ‘Like Props’

Do I feel sorry for illegal minors who must be deported? Yes. BUT – WHO SMUGGLED THEM ACROSS OUR BORDER IN VIOLATION OF OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS? Their parents and that’s who they need to blame.

Donald Trump didn’t smuggle them across the border and neither did any member of the criminal syndicate called the U.S. Congress – although piccolo pene racist, Rep. Luis Gutierrez would if he thought he could get away with it.

The bottom line is illegal means illegal regardless of how long that illegal has been here and regardless of age or country of origin must be deported. They can blame their parents because it’s their parents who ARE responsible for them being here illegally. No pathway to citizenship, either. That’s just another way of saying amnesty. They’re only still here because they’ve managed to keep from getting deported for years or decades due to a corrupt Congress – BOTH parties – and presidents from Ronnie Reagan (who started most of this flood) forward.  You don’t reward people for being able to elude the law by lying and cheating.

If you feel as I do, please send President Trump a post card which gets delivered immediately. The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500. Tell him: NO amnesty or ‘pathway to citizenship’ for DACA or any other illegal aliens regardless of age or country of origin. Stop breaking your campaign promises, Mr. President. You can also help burn up the WH comment line; please be polite even if you’re as angry as I am: 202-456-1111

IRMA. As I did with Harvey, please if you can make a donation. Yes, just like Harvey, sociopath SOBs tied up or just abandoned their dogs to die: Dozens of dogs abandoned, left unable to escape as Irma bears down – “Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control director Dianne Sauve said the agency recovered roughly 40 dogs in the days before Irma made landfall in Florida. Some were tied up, others were in pens or in enclosed yards, unable to escape. She said such abandonment is one of the worst things someone can do to their pet, saying “There is absolutely no excuse for doing that.”

No, there is no excuse and that’s only the ones they were able to spot before IRMA hit. County sheriffs around the state have said owners will be charged with a felony. Anyway, this time around because it was state-wide I made one $50.00 donation to the Animal Rescue Site because 100% of your donation goes to local humane societies and rescue groups in the affected counties. Of course I made my usual donation to the Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse; they have a whopping 92% of donations going where they say that money will be used.

And, God bless all the first responders, medical teams, law enforcement, humanitarian groups and great Americans regardless of skin color or anything else helping each other both before, during and now the long recovery from Harvey and Irma. We take care of our own and with your little donation, we can help even more.

© 2017 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Mr.President, Taxpayers Are Tired Of Funding Illegals

Do all children have some inherent right to live in America if they have done nothing wrong? If not, then why should the children of illegal immigrants have such a right? —Thomas Sowell

Fifty-seven percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program.  —Michael Snyder

Trump Supporters in Shock

Trump’s tweets about DACA have his supporters reeling.  American taxpayers have paid billions and billions supporting law breaking illegal aliens, and we’re sick and tired of it.  We voted for Trump because of his stance on illegals and our sieve southern border being closed.  Here’s what he tweeted:

They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own – brought in by parents at young age. Plus, BIG border security.

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!

The answer to his question seems pretty clear: The people who want to throw out those described are the tens of millions of Americans who voted for the guy who said he would do just that, that’s you Mr. President!

Our President says, “We’re not looking at amnesty, we’re not looking at citizenship, we’re allowing people to stay here.  We’re working with everyone, with Republicans, with Democrats.  We’re not talking about amnesty, we’re talking about taking care of people, people who have done a good job and were not brought here by their own volition, but very importantly, we have to have a wall.”

Sorry Mr. President, but if you think you aren’t giving them amnesty and citizenship and the right to vote, Congress or your successor will.  Just take a look at what Reagan’s amnesty cost us.  And what about taking care of the American citizens whose tax dollars funded these law breakers!  Your number one allegiance belongs to us, the American citizenry, not DACAs.

Meeting with the Enemy

After Schumer and Pelosi had dinner with the President, they came out and lied to the media. There is no deal with the President on DACA and the elimination of the border wall. Toss that!  It’s garbage from the lying leftists.

However, on the heels of the evening meeting with these two socialist-loving Democratic leaders, the President’s tweets are our clearest public indication yet that he is eager to sign a law that will protect those 800,000 or so immigrants from deportation in exchange for border security measures of some kind.

Sorry Mr. President, but on this one we’re not with you no matter what you think you’ll get in return for the amnesty of these illegals, and that’s what it is whether you call it that or not.  You will get nothing from the likes of socialists Schumer and Pelosi.  They will stab you in the back because they hate you, even more than the establishment globalists in the Republican party.  They want DACA and then amnesty for all the illegals who have broken the law and entered our country illegally and cost the American working citizens billions in tax dollars. Do Not Trust Them Ever!  They will burn you every time, and the illegals vote for Democrats.

You tweet us, “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!”

Just who the hell do you think paid for the education of these illegals?  The American Taxpayer did!  And just who the hell do you think they’re taking jobs from?  The American citizens!  And just who the hell do you think paid for the welfare to these people?  The American taxpayer!  And yes, 700,000 jobs are held by these illegals who were brought in by their families who broke the law, or they were sent across the border when Obama said, “Everyone come!”  Link  Just who the hell do you think paid for the cost of resettling these children in America?  The American taxpayer!

When are you going to care about us, the American citizen taxpayer???

Do You Remember What Obama Did?

President Obama’s de facto open border policy welcomed everyone, from unaccompanied minors to cartel members to Islamic terrorists, into our country.  Whether it’s called “refugee resettlement” or “amnesty,” the program clearly was intended to keep these underage illegals in the U.S.  The open border provided an entry way for more terrifying possibilities of who was entering our country.

It really doesn’t make much sense now, does it?!  Our homeless go without eating and our elderly go without needed medications.  Our mentally ill go without treatment because Reagan turned them loose from mental healthcare facilities.  Our troops go without proper equipment and our dear veterans do without promised benefits and proper medical care. And what do the sewer rats in our Congress do?  They unconstitutionally donate billions of taxpayer dollars to other countries as well as to illegal aliens who have entered our country illegally.

I know Mr. President that you are a decent and caring man, so I ask you Mr. Trump, “Where the hell is your concern for the American citizen who has sacrificed so much and who has watched our debt rise exponentially to where every citizen in America has that rotten debt albatross around their necks?

Time to stop it, and that means deportations, and it means giving jobs back to Americans. It means caring about America’s citizens before you care about these illegal aliens who have family in foreign countries they could go back to.  Make them come in like our ancestors did through Ellis Island.  Freedom is not free, we paid big time for it, and they have not.  They cheated, and stole into this country illegally, they broke the law and then used the welfare programs of this country with no respect for her citizens.

According to Rush Limbaugh, there is no other country in the world who takes in foreign children and gives them aid and comfort.  Send these children back to their parents and families in their countries of origin.

DACA and Fraud

Who is doing the research on DACA for the feds?  I have to wonder, because just a quick scan of websites tells anyone that DACA is ripe with fraud.  As many as half of the approximately 800,000 people who now have work permits under DACA may have lied on their applications to get approved, said Matt O’Brien, an attorney and until last year a manager in the investigative unit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.  The kind of fraud that was often flagged, he noted, involved lying about age.  Link

There you have it, and we’re to allow these people to stay in our country?

DACA and Murder

What about American families who have lost loved ones because Dreamers murdered them?  Is there no sense of protection for American citizens?  Apparently not, because illegals, and I include Islamic refugees, continue to rape, murder, and destroy citizens of this country.

A man charged with multiple murders was erroneously shielded from deportation under DACA, despite gang ties.  And, sympathetic media has scrambled to trot out shiny Dreamers, but forgets all the nightmares, and the nightmare list is very long.  Link

Trump Must Keep Campaign Promises

The reality is that DACA is still growing, they’re not sending their best and brightest (never have), it will cost Americans and our government a huge amount of money, it encourages more illegal immigration, it imports crime, it helps democrats, and it is fundamentally illegitimate. Link

Representative Steve King says Trump must reverse his amnesty course to what he promised in the campaign or the GOP will be finished in 2018 and 2020.

Excuse me Rep. King, you are right, but the GOP who has the majority in both houses of Congress is doing absolutely nothing to help Americans or this President.  They have a perfect opportunity to rectify every filthy thing the Democrats have instituted over the last few decades.  Instead they are working against the President’s policies (the wall, tax reform, Obamacare repeal, infrastructure, veteran care, etc.). They are slow walking everything that should have been passed the first three months Trump was in office.  Democrats would be verboten for decades if Republicans would pass Trump’s legislation, but they are so in bed with the filthy commie left’s agenda that they will destroy any chance of our President succeeding.

Amnesty Means Loss of Support

Sean Hannity is a long-time supporter of our President, but he made it clear on his September 14th program that Trump must keep his campaign promises on amnesty or his support is over.  Link

Steve Bannon, who following his White House exit returned as the head of Breitbart News, told CBS’ “60 Minutes” last week he didn’t agree with Trump’s decision to give Congress a window to save DACA legislatively, and that “the guys in the far-right” and “on the conservative side” were “not happy” with it either.

No Amnesty is a Good Amnesty by Ann Coulter spells out the truth of why, like Reagan’s amnesty in 1986, it ends up being far more illegals allowed into our country. Of the 888,637 fraudulent DACA applications, guess how many our government approved. Answer: More than 800,000. I suggest you read this important article.

Laura Ingraham tweeted, “When does the American working class, without any real wage increase in 15 years, who send their kids to overcrowded public schools, get amnesty?”

In another tweet to her 1.71 million followers, Laura called a pledge for more border security “meaningless.”  She’s angry and so are we.  A promise is a promise President Trump, and there is no way in hell that we believe Rush Limbaugh’s statement that 67% of Trump supporters don’t care about DACA.

Just read the negative comments on articles President Trump, if your Chief of Staff Kelly will allow you to see them.

Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

Both the left and right have pummeled our President with spewing fake news, resisting his policies, obstructing, and lying about him at every turn.  They want him to fail along with his policies and promises.

The President needs to stick to his agenda, reform the tax code, repeal Obamacare, repatriate corporate profits, cut government regulations, scrap trade deals like NAFTA, rebuild the military, build our border wall, give education fully back to the states and dump the NEA along with Betsy DeVos, fix the infrastructure, and above all, defeat Islamism and ISIS, and rid our nation of barbaric savages who wish to destroy our culture and overtake our nation.

People who don’t keep their promises can’t be trusted.  Remember what happened to George H.W. Bush who promised no new taxes. He gave us Bill Clinton.

It’s time to let your voice be heard!  No amnesty for DACA.

White House Email: – https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to who is my representative.com and enter your zip code or state.

P.S. Please help us keep NewsWithViews alive and well by supporting our efforts.  The many authors who show up in your email every day are not paid.  They do what they do for love of country.  Paul Walter, the publisher and CEO of NWVs, escaped from communist Slovenia.  His love of this nation is why he started this great website.  Please help keep it alive, monthly donations truly help us survive.   Donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Irma And Natural Disasters: God’s Wake-Up Call?

America is reeling from ongoing disasters. Hurricane Harry was the most expensive storm thus far in American history. With the current estimate topping 190 billion, more than the cost of Hurricane Katrina and Sandy combined. The devastation is so large it is hard to grasp. By current estimates, 70% of home damage costs in the track of the storm will not be covered by insurance. This means the recovery from the devastation will be long-lasting.

Video of the sermon

And now Irma, a hurricane that already battered the Caribbean making it the costliest storm in the history of that region, has come ashore to Florida. As it heads inland, the damages will soar. And we should not forget the wildfires torching 100s of thousands of acres in the West, Northwest, and Midwest. It appears that 2017 will break all records for disasters in these united States. Consider the history of Hurricane costs in the U.S. In the 1960s, 1 billion; in the 70s, 7 billion; in the 80s, 25 billion; and in the 90s, 67 billion; but then in the 2000s, 444 billion before we add in Harvey, pushing it to over 600 billion, and who knows how much Irma will add to this total? Even adjusted for inflation the increase is sobering. What is going on here? There are only three options to consider, each based on a differing worldview. The first, “A Worldview of Disasters, The Sovereignty of Nature,” view claims that pure chance is in control. This view is what we hear when people refer to mother nature. It appears she is arbitrary, so it is hard to do anything but prepare for the worst. “The Sovereignty of Man” view is a belief that man is ultimately in control of nature, his actions control and ultimately determine what happens here on earth. Human beings in this view are ultimately in the drivers’ seat. Thus, we have the claim of anthropogenic climate change. You have probably heard the leftist connecting these storms with man-made climate change. One of the more bizarre was in a promo for her latest propaganda piece actress Jennifer Lawrence:

“In an interview with Channel 4, a British public service television network, [she] blamed the recent hurricanes on Donald Trump’s voters, because they don’t believe in man-made climate change. During the lengthy interview on her new movie Mother!, the conversation turned political about halfway through… She then insinuated that the hurricanes were ‘Mother Nature’s rage and wrath’ at America for Trump.

‘You know you’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard especially while promoting this movie, not to feel mother nature’s rage and wrath,’ she stated.”www.lifenews.com

So she has conflated the worldviews of Sovereignty of Nature with the Sovereignty of Man, displaying her irrational thinking. Which one is sovereign, man or nature? She cannot think logically about this as she vents her own rage and wrath against Trump and the American voters. But let’s consider another worldview, the Biblical Worldview.

The Sovereignty of God means that God is ultimately in control.  Joel 2:12-13, “Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.” The NKJV translates, “And He relents from doing harm.” If God is sovereign, wouldn’t terrific storms also be under His sovereign control?

Rev. Richard Owen Roberts in his Treatise on The Solemn Assembly states:

“Consider the situation at the time of the Solemn Assembly called by the Prophet Joel. The people, as was common, were guilty of flagrant sin which had not been confessed and put away. God visited them with a remedial judgment – a plague of locusts of such proportion that nothing like it had happened before… a fierce drought had afflicted the land… The fields were ruined and the land itself mourned, the vinedressers wailed, and the beasts groaned while the herds of cattle wandered aimlessly because there was no pasture for them… The Prophet issued orders: ‘Gird yourselves with sackcloth, and lament, O priests… Come, spend the night in sackcloth… Consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly; gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the House of the Lord your God and cry out to the Lord… Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble… Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning; and rend your heart and not your garments. Let the priests say, ‘Spare Thy people, O Lord, and do not make Thine inheritance a reproach, a byword among the nations…’ Then the Lord will be zealous for His land, and will have pity on His people.’

[In] response to the corporate repentance of the people through the use of the divinely ordained means of the Solemn Assembly, the land rejoiced and was made glad… So great was the blessing bestowed by the God who delights in a broken and contrite people that He made up to them the years that were lost to the mighty army of locusts. The people had plenty and were satisfied and praised the name of the Lord who had dealt wondrously with them. They knew that God was in their midst, that He only was God, and that there was none other! …

Not only were Solemn Assemblies a very common aspect in the revivals of the Bible, but they were a very important part of the life of believers in America during all its early years [the historical record yields a vast number printed sermons from the colonial and founding eras.]

Our Fathers believed God was offended by sin. They themselves were deeply troubled both by the existence of personal sin in their own lives and by the presence of unconfessed corporate sins in the churches and in the nation. They regarded natural calamities as manifestations of the displeasure of God Almighty against sin and allowed such events as earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, epidemics, floods, and droughts to prompt them to special seeking of God’s face in fasting, prayer, and corporate repentance. They also sought the Lord in Solemn Assemblies in connection with wars, murders, rapes, etc., believing such outbursts of wickedness to be directly related to the general decline of moral and spiritual life in the churches.” (R.O. Roberts, The Solemn Assembly, 1989)

Are disasters judgments from God? Quite clearly throughout the Scriptures, disasters are often judgements of God for the sins of the people. Consider the greatest disaster ever to befall the earth, the Deluge of the whole earth. Genesis 6:11-13, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” Genesis 7:19-23 records, “And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.”

So clearly God does use disasters to punish evildoers for the sins they refuse to repent of.

Now we must note that not all suffering, not all disasters are directly due to the sins of those who may suffer the consequences of the disaster. For example, consider righteous saint Job. He suffered multiple calamitous disasters in his life, but none of them were due to his sins. He examined himself and could find no sin that was the cause of his suffering. So there is not always a direct line drawn. And there certainly is collateral damage from others’ sins.

Imagine we are all standing in a pond up to our noses in water. If one person throws a stone – as in a sin – when that stone hits the surface of the water there, is a wave moving out from that impact. Everyone who didn’t throw a stone is going to be suffering from the action of the one who did throw the stone. Those closest to the impact will take more water up the nose than those furthest from it. The sin of one affects us all even though it may be indirect.

So, when disasters strike at minimum we are receiving a wake-up call from the Lord: a call to examine ourselves, to examine the sins of the nation, and in humility repent of all sin. Could it be that God is using these disasters to wake up our nation? To lead us to repentance and revival, to return to Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength?

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

We Must Collapse The Establishment

The title of this column might sound radical but it is a truth.  If you grew up in the 1960’s like I did you will recall the term ‘establishment’ meant the government in general.  But it is really much more than that.  It has become an entrenched form of government that has begun to indoctrinate the population in the ways of a global society.  Everything that we do must be for the benefit of the global community.  Because America is the richest nation in the world and have the most resources of any nation including oil, we must become equal with lesser nations.  We have more oil than all of the Middle East[1]1 combined yet our ‘government’ will not allow us to access it.  Our trade deals have been to the benefit of the other nations and not us.  We must give up our wealth to lesser nations because we don’t have the right to enjoy the riches God has given us.

We have a government that has gone way too far to the left of what our Founders intended.  First off, the Founders intended a government that is small.  The Federal government was supposed to be very limited in scope.  Protect our borders, provide for national defense, and stay out of the States’ ability to ensure individual rights.  All powers NOT delegated to the Federal government were left in the hands of the State.  The Founders Preamble to the Constitution defines the parameters of this government:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish  Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”  What we have today is a government that has encroached on the liberties of the people to the point where States rights are now secondary to the Federal government.

Take for instance Our First Amendment that covers our ability to worship how we believe we are called to, free speech, free press, assembly and the right to petition the Government.  The Federal government has removed our right of worship.  It specifically stated: The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.  Most Christians believe, as the Founders did, that before we start a committee meeting we should ask our God for direction and guidance in the actions and workings of that committee.  I know some think that is foolish but our Founders did it all the time.  Congress is still opened with prayer and that was established by the Founders.  But the Federal government has now decided that prayer can no longer be allowed at city council meetings, football games, and even the start of a school day that used to begin with a prayer because it is “unconstitutional”. I grew up in the 1950’s and every day we would say the Pledge of Allegiance and there would be a short twenty-one-word prayer said at the beginning of the day.  Today you would be arrested for such supposed blatant violations of the Constitution.  In Massachusetts, a student has to have a permission slip signed by the parent to participate in the weekly reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Our nation is being taken over by progressive liberals that hate religion in general and Christianity in particular.  How did our Founders treat the concept of Christian prayers in the public arena?   There were many times when the Founders called for prayer.  It wasn’t just for a few people but for entire cities and states.2

We must get permits to assemble nowadays. If it is a right, remember it is the Bill of Rights, then why do we need a permit? We can speak freely without a permit and the fake news can print whatever they want, true or not, but the right to assemble requires a permit?  We see that the government has done the same with our Second Amendment: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  By requiring a permit to carry a gun is infringement, by requiring registration of your gun is infringement, by allowing a police chief to decide IF you deserve the right to carry a gun is an infringement.  These are things that the government has done to us little by little.  They’ve done it in the name of ‘protection’.  None of these things did the Federal government have the right to do.

If you look at heathcare the Federal government has no Constitutional right to control our healthcare. But they gave us Obamacare anyway.  The Federal government has no jurisdiction over education yet they control our education system, if that is what you really want to call it.  It is nothing but an indoctrination system for a one world government.

We, the people, have allowed the government to encroach on our rights and it is we the people who must stop it.  Our government was designed as a government of the people, for the people, by the people but it has become a government of the people, for the government, by the government.  It seems as if neither Party is willing to take a stand for the rights of the people.  Our elected officials do whatever they want without regard to the limits of the Constitution: Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) stated in a town hall meeting during the Obama administration that Congress pays no attention to the Constitution when writing laws: Pete Stark said during a townhall meeting that Congress could do basically whatever it wanted to do. He didn’t say anything about working within the framework of the Constitution, Amendments or Constitutional Conventions. He implied they could pass laws willy nilly regardless if the conflicted with the Constitution or its’ Amendments. He should never have been elected & should have been voted out long ago.[2] Why do we have members of congress that pay no attention to the Constitution?  We the people have not paid attention to what they are doing in D.C.! In the last election Congress had an approval rating of 11% but we returned over 90% of them to D.C.[3] I believe the most egregious violation of our Constitution was the election of Barack Obama to the presidency.  Our Constitution requires that only a natural born citizen can occupy that office.  Most people have no clue as to what a natural born citizen is (NBC).  They think it is anybody born in the United States. That would make an illegal immigrants child born in America a NBC.  The problem there is they use the 14th Amendment to make the child a citizen when even the author of that Amendment stated it was not for that purpose but to make the children of slaves brought to America citizens.

To understand what the Founders understood as a NBC you must look at the laws that they lived by at the time of the writing of the Constitution.  The main authority for the original meaning of “natural born” is William Blackstone, in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, Volume II, edited by St. George Tucker, a Founder, published in 1803, especially Chapter 10:

As to the qualifications of members to sit at this board: any natural born subject of England is capable of being a member of the privy council; taking the proper oaths for security of the government, and the test for security of the church. But, in order to prevent any persons under foreign attachments from insinuating themselves into this important trust, as happened in the reign of king William in many instances, it is enacted by the act of settlement,l that no person born out of the dominions of the crown of England, unless born of English parents, even though naturalized by parliament, shall be capable of being of the privy council.[4]  Notice what they considered a NBC, a child born of English parents.  That simply means that both parents must be citizens at the time of birth of the child.  Obama’s father was never a US citizen!  This simple fact was ignored by both Parties in 2008.  In 2016 Ted Cruz ran and well as Marco Rubio with no backlash from either Party.  Neither of Marco Rubio’s parents we citizens at the time of his birth and Ted Cruz was born in Canada and only has a Canadian birth certificate and his father didn’t become a citizen until 2006 and his mother was on the voter rolls in Canada which means she was a Canadian citizen.  Some claim that dual citizenship is available in Canada but that didn’t start until 1977.  Cruz was born in 1970.  To see a full explanation of this, see JB William’s article TED CRUZ – A CASE STUDY ON NATURAL BORN.[5]

The point of this is, our politicians have been ignoring our constitutional law for decades.  We have allowed it because we have not been engaged.  Our schools don’t teach our history, our Constitution nor do they discuss what our rights as an American citizen are.  This must change.  The Establishment does not want us informed.  They want us to be complacent.  We are complacent and if we stay complacent we will lose all the Founders gave us and 1984 will be our fate.


  1. The US has more than all the middle east put together
  2. Roger Anghis, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, (Bloomington: Westbow Press 2012), p. 29
  3. https://newswithviews.com/the-cost-of-apathy/
  4. http://www.constitution.org/abus/pres_elig.htm
  5. http://www.newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams279.htm

Highest Profile Government Body Filled With Felons

Note to Readers: This story is not a newly uncovered revelation. It has made the rounds already but worth revisiting to give us wisdom for upcoming elections. Research your candidates.

The highest profile U.S. Government Body is staffed with the greatest number of convicted felons on its rolls than any other group in America. Here is a breakdown of the bad deed doers who basically direct our lives and thoughts backed by the law:

**36 have been accused of spousal abuse

**7 have been arrested for fraud

**19 have been accused of writing bad checks

**117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

**3 have done time for assault

**71–repeat—-71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

**14 gave been arrested on drug-related charges

**8 have been arrested for shoplifting

**21 currently are defendants in lawsuits and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

So which organization is this? NBA or NFL?

Neither. It’s the 536 members of the United States Congress.

Yep, the same group of idiots that crank out hundred of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line….and the laws they pass they exempt themselves.

Oh yes, are you aware of this? You might want to sit down. Eighty one registered Communists occupy a seat in Congress.

Plus there are a large number of Muslims who occupy virtually every office of Homeland Security.  Sheer insanity!

“Readers, suppose you are an idiot. And suppose you are a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” 

Mark Twain 

Our thanks to Denny Guinta who furnished us with the congress stats.


Photo Caption: Congress in Session
Photo Credit: Becuo

We close with advice that can not be taken.  Here it is: My advice to you is to never take anyone’s advice.

© 2017 Austin Milles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Harvey, Irma And God’s Mercy

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6

By Monday morning, the 11th of September, praying Americans were thanking God for hearing our many prayers for Florida and Hurricane Irma’s devastation.

For days, we watched the arrival of a Hurricane that was supposed to be so huge that all of the State of Florida would be decimated.  The media constantly repeated that this was the biggest storm of the century, it was not.  They were so excited about this horrible storm that my husband could no longer stand listening to them, and muted the sound.

I am glad those in charge, the Governor, the police, the first responders, the EMT’s, and all others were on guard to remove people before this evil monster hit.  They did a fabulous job, and of course they’re getting no credit because credit would go to Republican Governor Scott and President Trump.

Lives were lost and property was damaged and destroyed, but far less than what was forecast, and I fully believe it is because we kept asking our God to move this thing, to take His Hand and still it, to stop the devastation, to quell the storm, to ease the wind, to calm the waters, and to bring peace.

And He did.  Praise His Holy Name.

If It Bleeds, It Leads

The news media never changed the story, it was going to be the worst Florida Hurricane ever.  But our God had other plans.  The golden tendrils of prayers we sent to the throne asking Him to quell this monster were answered.  Yet, we keep hearing horror stories, and there are areas that are devastated.  Key West, Key Largo, Jacksonville, Miami, St. Augustine, Marco Island, and Naples were some of the very hardest hit by Irma.

This picture is at the Dinner Key Marina in Miami.

Fernando Oropeza walks up the stairs after taking his dog Simon out for a walk at a hotel on September 10, 2017, in Fort Myers, Florida.  They were soaked.

In East Naples, a man inspects the damage to his neighbor’s home.

Yes, there is a lot of damage, but it could have been far worse.  Unbelievably, my friend who lives in Clearwater, never lost power, and that in itself is a miracle because Irma was forecast to literally take out the Tampa area.  My friends in The Villages were spared, friends in Coral Springs, and friends in West Palm and Eustis were spared.  Thank You Lord!

As Rush Limbaugh said on Thursday, the 7th, he watches the smaller outlets that report the changes in the forecast, whereas the larger ones are locked into what they decided from three days prior to the first land hit by Irma.  His viewpoint was that it could change from what was forecast, and it definitely did do that.  To God be the glory!

The Taxpayer Cost of Harvey and Irma

While at this point it’s hard to know how much damage there is, these storms seem likely to have caused $150 billion to $200 billion in total damage to homes and furnishings, vehicles, commercial real estate, and public infrastructure. This is comparable to the property loss resulting from Hurricane Katrina.  The federal government has approved aid, and will now approve more for Florida.  US taxpayers will have to foot the bill, but that’s not the end of it.

Nearly every single homeowner in the US has homeowner’s insurance.  Our insurance costs don’t have steep increases in years when there are no natural disasters, because the companies are in competition with each other.  But just wait for your bill after these two hurricanes.  There will be a steep rise because this is when the insurance companies make their money and build their extravagant buildings.  Yep, we’re about to be gouged again.

Years ago, I asked a secretary at our insurance company why the huge increase happened one year, and she said it was because we had to help pay for the natural disasters that year.  I told her I didn’t have any natural disaster, and I thought the increase was over the top.  We expect a much higher premium this year.

Be Cautious with Donations

The Hollywood elite have gathered together for a telethon to collect monies for various organizations, mostly the American Red Cross, (ARC) which I wouldn’t give a dime to.  Of course, Jennifer Lawrence is claiming hurricane Harvey and Irma are Mother Nature’s divine judgement and revenge on President Trump for his attitude towards global warming. Link  What a bunch of leftist horse hockey.  But this is what was spewed by Hollywood elitists, that global warming and climate change cause these hurricanes.

Hmmm, if the big earthquake comes and Lawrence is in California and falls into the sea, what divine judgement would that be?

Donors might be surprised to learn the American Red Cross (ARC) doesn’t make clear what percentage of their dollars will go directly to helping the victims of the storm.  Dating back to 2014, NPR and Pro Publica have reported that the Red Cross misstated how donor dollars are spent.

study released by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, concluded that the Red Cross had spent $124 million, one-quarter of the money donors gave for earthquake relief in Haiti in 2010, on internal expenses.  Their CEO earns $500,000 a year, but hasn’t had a raise since 2008.

I remember how angry people were when they found out that monies they’d donated after 9/11 to the Red Cross were not all going to 9/11 needs, but to various other areas.  People were astonished, and angry.

My uncles always told me they’d never give them a dime.  Why?  Because when these men were coming off the front in WWII, there was the Red Cross, charging 10 cents for a lousy cup of weak coffee instead of giving it to them.  But wait, there’s more…

Succumbing to pressure following the deportation of Danish Jews to Theresienstadt, the Germans permitted representatives from the Danish Red Cross and the International Red Cross to visit in June 1944. It was all an elaborate hoax. The Germans intensified deportations from the ghetto shortly before the visit to eliminate the overcrowding, and the ghetto itself was “beautified.” Gardens were planted, houses painted, and barracks renovated. The Nazis staged social and cultural events for the visiting Red Cross dignitaries. Once the visit was over, the Germans resumed deportations from Theresienstadt, which did not end until October 1944.

Here is a photo of Jewish children in the Theresienstadt ghetto taken during an inspection by the International Red Cross.

The Red Cross, told us no one was being brutalized or killed, and the camp was lovely, and of course there was no questioning or investigation of the people or the Nazis.

No, I wouldn’t give the lousy Red Cross a penny.

As for other large organizations, Brian A. Gallagher, President and CEO of United Way Worldwide, earns $1.2 million.

Christian Organizations Help

By contrast to the more excessive salaries, the Salvation Army CEO salary seems more reasonable, according to this quote from a 2016 article: “W. Todd Bassett, National Commander of the Salvation Army, was paid (along with his wife, who also works for the organization) an estimated $94,091 in salary and benefits in 2003 (including house and car). (Source: Fayetteville Observer).” The best approach is probably to look at a charity website and see if they have the CEO salary listed.

Christian organizations seem to be outgiving most others.  Samaritan’s Purse has an overall rating of 96.32, and gives nearly 90 cents of every dollar to help those in need.  That’s what you want to check when donating to any non-profit charity.  Franklin Graham’s organization is a nondenominational, Christian organization that provides spiritual and physical aid to people affected by disaster and poverty around the world. It focuses on helping victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine.  More information about Samaritan’s Purse.

I am not promoting them, just reporting that they have stretched their limits to help people in these hurricanes.  Please donate to the local food banks who need help as do the pet rescue organizations.  Do your own research and decide, but I would suggest you stay far away from organizations like the American Red Cross and United Way.


Whenever there are tragedies and natural disasters in America, her people, no matter their differences, always seem to come together, even if it’s just for a short time.  We’ve seen it time and again.  This is the norm, but then there are the few…

We’ve also seen the looters and those who refuse to help others in need.  Sometimes it can be a grave mistake.  And it all comes down to legalities rather than saving people from devastating storms.

The Marriott Hotel sent a rescue ship to the Caribbean after Irma, and left non-guests stranded on the dock.

The hundreds of people waiting on the dock in St. Thomas on Friday night, the 8th of September, had just survived a hit from Hurricane Irma that had crippled the airport and devastated pretty much every building not made of concrete.  Food and water were in short supply, and electricity was almost non-existent.  Hurricane Jose hadn’t turned north yet.  The people on the island feared they’d be wiped out with another storm on St. Thomas.

But a large ship with enough room to transport all the tourists was approaching the dock. Just in time, help had come.  But it hadn’t come, the ship refused to take on the passengers who were not guests of the Marriott although there was plenty of room to transport them to San Juan to get flights home.

The callousness of the Marriott for these people, both elderly and young couples with children, will cost them dearly.  Had they taken these people aboard and gotten them to San Juan, these folks would have stayed at Marriott Hotels the rest of their lives and talked about Marriott saving them for years. [Link]

Now they’ll tell everyone they know about the cold and heartless treatment of Marriott who left them stranded, and perhaps destroyed by another incoming storm.

God’s Hand moved Jose and another storm didn’t cause devastation, but no thanks to Marriott.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Hard Times Ahead

I perceive the Bible as a puzzle with all the pieces scattered throughout.  When the pieces of the puzzle are properly fitted together, the picture clearly forms. God’s story of his creation and the entire history of humanity on earth are unveiled, including a brief glimpse of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

I believe, what is taken place today is the devil, who hates God and everything he created, is determined to destroy God’s creation of life, all that is good, right, and just, through the reconstruction of a Techtronic, robotic, artificial intelligence, cyber world.

Jesus warns those with an ear to ear, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.  Luke 21

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.  On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

“Watch out that you are not deceived.  For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he, the Messiah’, and, ‘The time is near.’  Do not follow them.”

“Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, ‘Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth. The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image.

“A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of theLamb.And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who

receives the mark of his name.”  This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.  Then I heard a voice from heaven say, ‘Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Yes’, says the Spirit, ‘they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.’” Revelation 14

“The second angel pour out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died.

“The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood.

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.

“The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness.  Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pain and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.  (And their number was 200 million)

“The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘It is done!’  Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.”  Revelation 16

“At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.” Revelation 11

“From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.”  Revelation 16

“For there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.  If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive (If Jesus doesn’t return when he does, the devil, through these useful idiots, PTB and their mad scientist, would have killed every living thing on God’s green earth), but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” Matthew 24

“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”

“At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21

“But before all this they will lay hands on you (Christians) and persecute you.  They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors and all on account of my name.  (Why?)  This will result in your being witnesses (for God and Christ) to them.  But make up in your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves.  For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.  You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.  All men will hate you because of me.  But not a hair of your (spiritual) head will perish.  By standing firm you will gain life.”  Matthew 24

“I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one “like a son of man” with a crown of gold on his head and a sharpsickle in his hand.  Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.’  So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.  Another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle.  Still another angel, who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, ‘Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the

earth’s vine, because its grapes are ripe.’” Revelation 14

“At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.  And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” Matthew 24

“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed–in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 1 Corinthians 15

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 5

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness, and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap, for it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth.  Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”  Luke 21:34-36

Come Lord Jesus. Amen!

© 2017 Al Duncan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Al Duncan: alduncan@pacific.net

Racial Problems Must Be Allowed To Die A Natural Death

For the most part, believe it or not the United States is not a republic of seething racists running around looking for whom they may discriminate against.  In fact, the majority of those pointing the finger of blame at others as they accuse them of being racist, are themselves mostly likely to be guilty of such tom foolery.  In the city in which I currently live, the very people who are always at the ready to declare that conservative republicans are racist, are themselves are among the most racist or bigoted people I have the displeasure of knowing.

Fifteen years ago, when my family and I first moved here to Oakland County MI, we experienced the same old tired dislike from dopey democrats. Those people were not happy that an American family who happened to be black, dared to afford to be able to live in their nice community.  On the other hand, there were fabulous neighbors whom we are blessed to know as friends.  With the exception of one neighbor, everyone we became friends with is either republican or libertarian.  In fact, one of the leftist democrat neighbors had our political signs either destroyed or stolen during every election season.  We finally nailed down who it was after the election of Donald Trump for president.

It seems as if people who are always belly aching about racism are part of an orchestrated effort to destroy America from within.  It is called divide and conquer.  The overwhelming number of racists are limousine leftists, the leftist media, government and collegiate academia elites who socialize in homogenous lilly white groups who hate with a passion the very thought of upwardly mobile blacks, especially the men.

That is why great Americans like Lewis Latimer, Reginald Lewis, Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington and others are no longer taught about in government schools.  The leftists benefit from others including black Americans, who are suffering from a lack of authentic knowledge.  If black Americans are convinced by the leftists that the United States is a racist nation that is against them, they become a collectivist oriented ignorant enemy consisting of useful idiots, who will help their leftist controllers bring misery to America.  Some will continue to receive paychecks from either George Soros or some other globalist billionaire.   All the while not realizing that the leftist elites only appreciate blacks who are below them economically and socially.

Racial problems would die a natural death, if Americans were allowed to benefit from the blessings of real education, free market economics and a goal of higher personal morality.  Our republic can be made stronger when sovereign citizens maintain a sense of national unity and pride and are willing to focus and build upon the positives, both individually and in masse.   The leftists, including the dragon media and other gumps continue to play the stupid race card.  The reason is, they are hell bent on preventing the unifying economic nationalist agenda from succeeding.

Long ago, when Frederick Douglas read about and learned the truth for himself about our Constitution, Bill of Rights, along with Biblical passages that informed him that our rights come from God and are meant for everyone, there was nothing that could stop him from achieving greatness.  He also realized that a great America provided more opportunities for him to attain greatness, despite with the real democrat racists threw at him.  He was too busy and too blessed because of his efforts and righteous belief in Providential guidance to hate.  Douglas tried his best to convince the abolitionists and other “kind hearted” folks to present high moral standards and the philosophy of self help and Providential guidance to black Americans released from the bondage of slavery.  Most of those presented with such a way of thinking and acting lived much better lives on average than the ones who focused on the misery and legacy of slavery and racist democrats.

That is why today the leftist/bigoted democrats and other negative forces including academic bigots convince Blacks they are destined for nothing but a life of lack and few opportunities.  Unfortunately, far too many blacks buy into that leftist inspired hogwash. More often than not, they prophesy and then create their own life of misery for themselves and their children, one generation after another.  Our America is at a cross roads of endless possibilities.  I believe She will very soon, starting with the body of Christ seek God’s forgiveness for allowing the sea of crippling lies to permeate the minds of generations of Americans.  Then take the appropriate actions to return the republic toward the road of greatness as the land of the free, home of the brave and endless opportunities.   Racial problems can be allowed to die a natural death. Come on America, together we can do it.  Let’s meet via a page from “The Edwards Notebook” America’s best radio commentary now weekdays at 5:12 PM on Money Talk with Melanie via SHR media and highplainspundittalkradio.com overnights on Captains America radio show nationwide on dozens of radio stations emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer, Tampa, Florida.  The Edwards Notebook is now a part of the Morning News lineup on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada at 7:30 AM PDT, 10:30 AM EST.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Trump Advocates For Christian Baker At SCOTUS

I don’t know about you, but I dread continually having to point out what the federal government and its agencies are doing wrong. This week, I’m glad to say I get to bring something they are doing right.

President Donald Trump’s DOJ filed an amicus brief with the High Court Thursday in support of the Christian baker, Jack Phillips, who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple in Colorado in 2012.

Jack’s business was attacked based on his religious convictions.  The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees protection for one’s religious belief and the freedom to act on that belief, so long as it doesn’t bring physical harm or danger to anyone.  Those simple words, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or  prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” guarantee an American’s protection from government tyranny.

Practicing his Christianity by not participating in a sinful ceremony, Phillips refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple in 2012. The homosexual couple then filed a complaint, which was upheld by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC). The CCRC found Philipps in violation of Colorado’s public accommodation laws for refusing to sell the gay couple “wedding cakes or any product” that he normally “would sell to heterosexual couples.”

The Colorado Court of Appeals upheld the CCRC’s ruling, which Phillips is now appealing before the Supreme Court.

The question to be asked, though, is if Mr. Phillips, or any of us for that matter, are only free to believe and not act, what is the point in your religion?

Attorney General Jeff Session’s team argued,  “The government may not compel an unwilling speaker to join a group or event at odds with his religious or moral beliefs, otherwise, a graphic designer whose clients include ‘a Jewish affinity group’ could also be forced to make fliers ‘for a neo-Nazi group.’”

Just like in the case of Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman and dozens of other wedding vendors,  Jack offered to sell the men anything in his store, but that did not satisfy them — nor did the long list of area bakeries who would have gladly baked a cake for this homosexual couple.

Instead, they wanted to force Jack to use his creative talents to celebrate a message that violates his beliefs.

Referring to public accommodations laws, the AG’s offices rightfully emphasized that they “must yield to the individual freedoms that the First Amendment guarantees.”

This type of discrimination is exactly what Samuel Alito warned when the Supreme Court attempted to redefine marriage for everyone in Obergefell.  Alito stated, “I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.”

In conclusion, the President and his DOJ are fulfilling their constitutional oaths to the people and their God.  Now it is time for the Supreme Court to use it’s constitutional authority to stop this crusade against the freedom to exercise one’s religion, which it was responsible for starting.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Liberals And Earth Worship

We’ve been learning a lot, lately, about leftid religion. They, of course, profess to have “no religion,” although many of them claim to be “spiritual.” That means they expect to harvest the benefits of religion without undertaking any of the obligations. It also means nothing.

Recently the chair-biped of the art department at UC Santa Cruz went on a speaking tour to promote the new, exciting leftid concept of “ecosexuality”. And you thought your tuition dollars were being wasted!

It seems this professor is a real expert on the subject. She filmed a documentary four years ago called “Ecosexual Love Story” in which she and her “partner”—of course she has a “partner”—go around “making love to the Earth,” which is supposed to Save The Planet. These people are always going around saving the planet. She doesn’t say from what. She also teaches “ecosexercises”—please don’t ask what those may be, I’m sure we don’t really want to know—and has co-authored a book, “The Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm.” It seems the Planet is capable of sexual arousal when properly stimulated by idiots.

None of this would be anything but perverted silliness, if it stood alone. But then along came Hurricane Irma, and we soon see it doesn’t stand alone.

In fact, what we see is the full embittered wackiness of liberal earth worship.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence, a celebrity I never heard of, jetted off to Britain—another big old carbon footprint—to give an interview in which she delivered an extemporaneous psalm of sorts on “the rage and wrath” of Mother Nature.

See, the planet doesn’t just have orgasms. There’s also this powerful entity—a goddess, if you will—named Mother Nature who is apparently a registered Democrat who takes sides with the Left in American politics, and winged Hurricane Irma at America to punish Trump voters for not believing in the sacred doctrine of Man-Made Climate Change. “There is certainly,” proclaimed Ms. Lawrence, “an end of days feeling about it.”

Climate Change, which used to be Global Warming until the weather got cold, is the liberal apocalypse, their version of the Book of Revelation. Were anyone to suggest that God sends forth calamities because He is somewhat less than pleased with us, Hollywood and the nooze media and assorted Democrats would boo her off the stage. Maybe even demand she be prosecuted for hate speech and Climate Change Denial. As one leftid remarked last week, Climate Change Deniers “all deserve to die in jail!” The departure of Loretta Lynch from the attorney general’s office made this outcome unlikely—but liberals can dream, can’t they?

The interviewer didn’t think to ask Ms. Lawrence about all those people in the Caribbean who saw, if they lived to see it, their home islands savaged by the hurricane. Was Mother Nature punishing them, too—or were their sufferings just her warm-up tosses? I don’t know, maybe Climate Change Denial is really popular on the island of Barbuta. Or maybe Ms. Lawrence just says things without quite thinking them through.

Pagans worship things created instead of their Creator. The earth is God’s creation, and some of the college-educated leftids worship it. The others worship themselves and wish to take God’s place, hiding behind their idols of science and the state. The one thing they all have in common is their rejection of God the Creator—whether they worship the planet, the government, celebrities, or their own reflections in the mirror.

We laugh at them, but it wasn’t so funny when Loretta Lynch was huddling with Democrat senators to find some way to use the statutes on criminal organizations as a means of jailing Climate Change Deniers. In fact, it was extremely unfunny when it looked like their gal Hillary was going to be president.

Behind all the silliness lies a dark and false religious impulse.

Stalin the college professor would have been funny.

But Stalin the all-powerful dictator wasn’t funny.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in today and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

I think it was Rahm Emmanuel of the Obama administration who is credited with that statement about a crisis.  And Lord knows that Obama and his demonic crew took advantage every opportunity that they could to bring division to America.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book.  Unfortunately, most Americans have been slow to catch on to the tactics that the sons of Satan have employed to reap havoc on once-Christian America.

We would be wise to learn a thing or two from them.

There is a crisis going on in America and most Americans…Christians especially…are too wrapped up in their own lives to see the opportunity that lies before them.  After an un-precedential nine months of division the Lord has blown our way an opportunity to bring the nation together.  As tragic as the Harvey and Irma have been there still remains the chance to make America great again, but that will only occur if Christians arise and make the church great again.

I confess to you as I write this that I am tired…weary actually…from three weeks of working with the hurricane ravaged survivors in Texas…and now Florida…in an attempt to not only help those who are left destitute…but to bring a sense of neighborliness back to this land.  Our fellow citizens are suffering in Texas and we cannot let this crisis go to waste.

It is time for YOU to get involved and make the church great again.

We have had “boots on the ground” over the past 2 weeks making a difference in Texas.  We have raised thousands of dollars for food and supplies and our teams have done a yeoman’s job of serving the needy.

But they are getting wearing.  From boat rescues, to cooking hot meals, to cutting up trees, and stripping out drywall, our volunteers have served their neighbors in time of need.  Pastor Bill Dunfee and some men from his church in Ohio drove 30 hours ONE WAY last weekend to make a difference.  There is so much to do.

I spent last weekend in Gulf Coast town of Rockport which took a frontal blow from Harvey.  We spent our time on the ground connecting with Christian ministries with which we could work.  Small town local churches and faithful pastors who were willing to share the natural bread as well as the Bread of Life to those whose lives have been turned upside down.  This is one of those crises that we cannot let go to waste.

Can you help?   You can do it 2 ways.

Number one you can donate.  Simply go to CoachDaveLive.com and help us help them.  At the end of this commentary there will be a couple of short videos I pray you will watch.  You will see what we do with the funds that you donate.  We place it directly into the hands of those on the ground who can make the greatest difference with the money.  No overhead.  No bloated office staff.  No fancy motels.   Our crews sleep on the floors of churches.  The money goes to those who need it.

But just as importantly, we need BODIES.  I read all of the time about the mission trip that folks make to Haiti or South America.  We need churches and men’s groups to plan Mission Trips to America.  We have made scores of contacts on the ground and we would love to be able to plug your group in.

Couldn’t you find a group of 8 or 10 believers who will go serve their fellow man in Texas?

We will provide the housing.  We will provide the food.  We will provide the supplies.  But we cannot provide the man power.  We are a small, but effective army, and we are in need of recruits.

Won’t you help us make the church great again?  We certainly need your donations…but more importantly, we need your time.

Our plan is to rotate volunteers in over the next 6 weeks.  Pick a weekend, contact us, and we will plug you in.

Please take a few minutes and watch these short videos.

Check out this Korean Vet that we helped get back into a travel trailer after his home was destroyed.  WATCH

Here is a video with a Pastor after we put $2000 in her hands.  WATCH

This video shows the devastation and our outreach.  WATCH

We are doing great work.  The guys and gals on the ground are making the church great again.

Can you help?  Can you donate?  Can you load up a truck and come and help?  We will plug you in.

Let’s not let this crisis go to waste

Check out our https://www.facebook.com/SWATdeployment/ page.

Pass The Salt. Box 744  Hebron, Ohio 43025.  www.CoachDaveLive.com

All donations are tax deductible.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Parents Of Public School Students, What Are You Supposed To Do?

The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.  –Abraham Lincoln

Criminal and foreigner Barack Hussein Obama has, in the not too distant past, added to his long train of abuses against We the People in the education of American school children.

However, it didn’t begin with Obama.  This has been going on incrementally through administration after administration. “No child left behind” is really “No child left un-indoctrinated” through George W. Bush, which is nothing short of Communism.

In an attempt to level the playing field, they teach America’s posterity to shoot for the floor rather than aim for the stars.

Then, there is also, GLOBE. GLOBE stands for Global Learning & Observation to Benefit the Environment.  Mikhail Gorbachev is the head of an organization called Green Cross International, operating right here in the United States. Gorbachev is working to create world government and he is helping implement this education scheme.  He has also joined partnership with UNESCO, which is the source of much of the anti-American education curriculum, as well as the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.  This GLOBE program is funded and implemented through the Federal Department of Education, created under Goals 2000, and now carried over in “No Child Left Behind.”

And don’t forget about International Baccalaureate, which is a global scheme conceived in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 and now making its way into American schools.

Among the things it promotes are:

1) Earth Worship.

2) Evolution.

3) Socialized Medicine.

4) World Government.

5) Animal Rights (animals seen as brothers and sisters).

6) Redistribution of American Wealth to other nations.

7) Contraception and “Reproductive Health” (legal abortions).

8) Debt Forgiveness to third world nations.

9) Adoption of the gay rights agenda.

10) Elimination of the right to bear arms.

11) Setting aside massive amounts of private land where no human presence is allowed.

Back to criminal Obama. Obama illegally implemented an extensive overhaul of public education from kindergarten through high school, bypassing Congress, the voice of the American people, and forcing states to agree to major changes that none of his predecessors attempted.

Apparently, Obama, the self-proclaimed “Constitutional Scholar,” hasn’t taken the time to read Article 10 of the Bill of Rights. The federal government has no business whatsoever in the education of American children.

Obama sought to implement something called the Common Core Standards, which has been implemented in 46 states and D.C., drowning students with mostly “informational text” and historical documents.

Some of the non-fiction texts that will be implemented into school curriculum are “FedViews,” by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2009) and “Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” published by the General Services Administration.

In 2011 in the state of Arkansas, Middle School Teacher of the Year Jamie Highfill said, “I’m struggling with this, and my students are struggling. With informational text, there isn’t that human connection that you get with literature. And the kids are shutting down. They are getting bored. I’m seeing more behavior problems in my classroom than I’ve ever seen.”

The curriculum change in public schools has been a downward spiral for many years. America has been so dumbed down that 700,000 students per year graduate without the ability to read their own diplomas.

Add to students’ confusion the innumerable amount of errors in school textbooks ranging from misinformation to omission of facts or outright lies. These “errors” can be found in virtually every subject, especially in math, science and history.


In Texas, the State Board of Education found a total of 109,263 errors in math textbooks reviewed for use in 2008 alone. Yes, I said 109,263 errors. The board had to go so far as to place a possible fine of $5,000 per error found if they were not fixed by spring of the same year.


In textbooks all across America, science (the study of Creation) is well-known for being laced with the dangerous theory of evolution, which wars against Christianity, the Bible, God and His Law, which is the foundation of our Republic.

Andrew Jackson said, “The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests.”

That is why evolution was illegal to teach in schools at the time of the 1925 Scopes Trial.

In complete contradiction to America’s foundational principles, the National Education Association agrees with humanism. Humanism is summed up in the following excerpt by John Dunphy in his article, “A Religion for a New Age”:

“The Bible is not merely another book … it has and remains an incredibly dangerous book. … I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith. … These teachers must embody the same dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach. … The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of love thy neighbor will finally be achieved.”

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How far are they willing to go?


In Virginia, a state review committee found a slew of errors in many history textbooks. A committee of five historians caught errors ranging from the incorrect year John Rolfe married Pocahontas to quotes that do not even appear in historical records. One book illustrated Virginia soldiers in the Revolutionary War wearing red coats, when in fact they wore blue. Another textbook erroneously stated many colonial Americans were illiterate. In fact, literacy rates were extremely high.

Retired Library of Virginia historian Brent Tarter wrote in his review of one textbook, “Our Virginia,” “I also found some very significant omissions, some internal inconsistencies, and some erroneous or questionable descriptions and analyses of historical events. Some are so ludicrous and difficult to explain that I cannot understand where the misinformation came from.”

Muslim Indoctrination:

In recent years, American public schools have also been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.

As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings:

  • Learning to become a Muslim
  • Fasting for Ramadan
  • Learning the five pillars of Islam
  • Memorizing verses from the Quran
  • Adopting a Muslim name
  • Staging a Jihad (war against non-Muslims)

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They are even subjecting elementary school students to the D.A.R.E. program, which has statistically proven to educate the students as to how to commit the crime of drug abuse rather than prevent it.

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What of antidepressants prescriptions? They are simply attempting to set students up for the fall by prescribing dangerous psychotropic drugs.

Leon Eisenberg (Father of ADHD), in his last interview before his death, said“ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”

There has been a dramatic rise in the sale of antidepressants in the past decade alone. According to IMS Health, sales of antidepressants in the United States surpassed $11 billion in 2010.

Antidepressants are one of the most commonly prescribed drug classes. Four out of five physicians prescribing antidepressants are not even psychiatrists, and the drugs are increasingly being given for non-psychiatric uses.

This dramatic increase in usage could possibly be in direct connection to the controversial TeenScreen survey given to children as young as 9 years old in public schools. TeenScreen has been responsible for policing the mental health of students over the past decade.

More and more public schools have brought in the manipulative survey for children, setting them up for a prescription. For example, one of the questions asked is: “Has there been a time when you felt you couldn’t do anything well or that you weren’t as good-looking or smart as other people?” Another question is: “In the last year, has there been any situation when you had less energy than usual?”

Nearly 20 percent of students who take the survey are then labeled mentally ill, which leads to a prescription. This process is being sold as suicide prevention; however, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force found “no evidence” that screening for suicide risk reduces suicide attempts.

In past generations, parents would train their children in the way they should go, using the rod of correction (Proverbs 22) to drive foolishness from the hearts of their children, while the pharmaceutical companies compete for the position contrary to that which God commanded.

In the meantime, pharmaceutical companies are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars a day while America’s students are used as political and medical guinea pigs.

Most Americans don’t even realize that Obama was attempting to deputize the medical industry to screen the mental health of every American.

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Herein lies the “attention deficit.”  The deficit lies within the responsibility of the parents, not the child.

To further add insult to injury with the help of the NEA, students are being made a prey to teachers.

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The homosexual agenda is being forced onto the young.

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The real question to ask here is “Why are there public schools?”

Only you can answer that!


As I said, the federal government of the United States of America has no lawful authority over the education of the young.

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

For as much as I know that the American people would like to blame Barack Hussein Obama for all of his illegal acts and things he implemented, and rightly so, I have to divert from this criminal to the people that are responsible for sending their children off to the cesspool of Un-American, Un-Constitutional and therefore, illegal indoctrination of indoctrination centers known as public schools.

The reason this is happening: 86 percent of the American people who call themselves Christian conservatives are the ones sending their kids into public schools to be indoctrinated in a worldview they claim they despise.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

William Bennett, Former Education Secretary under Ronald Regan said, “In America today, the longer you stay in school, the dumber you get…”

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© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

News Media Ignored The 9-11 Benghazi Anniversary To Protect Democrats

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On Wednesday evening the former fiance’ of Benghazi victim Ambassador Chris Stevens — who was falsely reported by some as being gay — appeared on One America News Network to discuss her book about Amb. Stevens and to give her take on Hillary Clinton’s latest book explaining why she lost the election.

Film and television star Lydie Denier, a French national, fell in love with a young, idealistic U.S. State Department staff member Christopher Stevens in 1994. Even after they broke off their engagement, they remained close friends and she continued to admit he was the love of her life.

Unfortunately for Ms. Denier and the American people, the news media, political commentators and “No Trumpers” appear more inclined to zero-in on negative tales about President Donald Trump, and less enthusiastic about in-depth coverage of Battle of Benghazi.  In fact, new revelations — how they were framing people for causing the attack on the U.S. consulate —   show just how extremely corrupt President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their minions are capable of being.

Even now, Obama, Clinton and the Deep State are plotting the destruction of President Trump despite his successes and the renewed energy emanating from the White House.

One of the more sinister aspects of the investigation into Benghazi concerns the allegation that before choosing Sam Bacile’s (a/k/a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula) movie trailer The Innocence of Muslims to blame for the terrorist attack and deaths of Americans in Libya, they considered blaming an American Christian pastor and his own videotape regarding Islam. According to documents examined by investigators, Oregon-based Christian Pastor Jon Courson had created an instruction video entitled God vs. Allah

A non-profit watchdog organization discovered Obama administration documents that tend to prove President Barack Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were more concerned about covering up the 13-hour battle for survival that occurred at a U.S. diplomatic mission in war-torn Libya. Four brave Americans — including a U.S. ambassador — gave their lives on behalf of the American people during a full-scale battle that lasted about 13 hours.

While one of the security agents lay bleeding in that Benghazi diplomatic mission on Sept. 11, 2012, the U.S. Commander in Chief had his subordinates telephone the Internet company YouTube  seeking an anti-Muslim video and then he went to bed to rest up before his Las Vegas trip to raise campaign funds for his reelection, according to documents obtained by the non-profit watchdog organization Judicial Watch.

According to those documents obtained by Judicial Watch from “the most transparent administration” in U.S. history, diplomatic security agent David Ubben, as did former Navy SEALs-turned-CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, ran into the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in an attempt to save U.S. officials — including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens — who were under attack by Islamist terrorists armed with military rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).

Ubben’s leg was shattered by the same enemy mortar round that left Woods and Doherty both dead. While the security agent’s leg was shredded and bloody, he suffered with excruciating pain for twenty hours before a rescue plane arrived to assist him and other wounded Americans.

“The brave and professional security specialist [Ubben] was forced to lay in his own blood hoping that someone would arrive to help him. He had no idea that the CIA and military special forces were ordered to ‘stand down’ by someone,” said former military intelligence operative and police detective Michael Snopes.

“Judicial Watch  — not the politicians — managed to get the documents that provide evidence that the Obama White House called YouTube and the Commander in Chief — the Commander in Chief! — left for what he does best: campaigning in Las Vegas for cash,” Snopes added.

These released documents show that Obama White House staff members — possibly Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice and Valerie Jarrett — spent their time linking the terror attack to a YouTube video while Americans lay dead or dying or suffering in a compound that was located in a dangerous part of the world and had minimal security, according to the documents that should outrage all Americans.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

The UN Is Determined To Swallow America And Its Wealth

Ever since President Wilson’s failed League of Nations, to the United Nations (UN) created in 1945 after World War 2, an international movement has been underway to merge all nations into one-world-government under the umbrella of the United Nations and the iron fist of the world’s central bankers.  Although the original intent of a United Nations organization was to promote international cooperation, maintain world order and prevent war, the UN has assumed powers and has instituted international policies that virtually strip the sovereignty of member states, including the United States, but has not stopped wars.

Most of the policies the UN promotes and attempts to implement internationally, are based on socialist and Karl Marx principles.  Its alleged objectives are to promote human rights, foster social and economic development, protect the environment and provide humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disasters, or armed conflict.  The UN, for all intent and purposes, has become an international body that tries to enforce those socialist policies on all member states across the globe.  America capitulates to the policies of the UN, while the rest of the countries, like Russia and China, thumb their noses at them.  We “pay,” while the two other super powers get off scot-free and then get in our way when we try to use the UN to perform its stated objectives.

It must be remembered that most of the member states to the UN are either the poorest of the poor, or run by dictators and despots, Russia and China included.  The small ones beg at the door of the UN for money (our money) and aid (or special favors) and the UN gives it to them at our expense.  The two other super powers manipulate and exploit UN weaknesses for their own self-interests.  Climate change is just another way of the UN re-distributing the western world’s wealth to the rest of the member states.

The total annual budget of the UN is well in excess of $5 billion.  Twenty-four (24) member states, out of a total of 193, provide 87% of the funding for the UN, with the United States providing 22% of that 87%.  America’s share is well over $1 billion.

What does the United States get for that hefty contribution to the UN?

The UN gave us Agenda 21 wherein Agenda 21’s policies can be summarized thusly:

“Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels.”

Sidebar:  Several years ago we asked seven environmental groups the meaning of sustainable development and got seven different answers.

Voluntary! Non-binding! Hardly?  The United States has implemented most of Agenda 21 wholesale and the American people had no say in the decision.  But the above definition belies the underlying intent of Agenda 21 and that is government owning and controlling all land.  This “intent” has been publicly promoted in the following UN statement:

“Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”

Contrast this with Thomas Jefferson’s statement on American land ownership:

 “The right to procure property and to use it for one’s own enjoyment is essential to the freedom of every person, and our other rights would mean little without these rights of property ownership.”

It doesn’t stop with UN’s control of the land.  The UN wants to control all money, trade, fresh water, food, health care, the environment, the climate, the sea and establish an international army on a global scale.  In effect, the UN wants to become the world government to which all other governments must bow down.

The UN’s Agenda 21 policy is a direct threat to American sovereignty.  Nevertheless past presidents and all American planning agencies have implemented those policies without a treaty being debated and ratified by Congress as required by the Constitution.  Agenda 21 has been instituted in America in violation of the law and by stealth and the slight of hand, all at the direction of national and international environmentalists and socialists in bed with the UN.

What else has the UN imposed on the United States?

  1. An overt and covert socialist influence on our public schools.
  2. Massive UN and member state corruption
  3. Attacks on free enterprise and capitalism
  4. Interference in our elections (and you thought that just the Russians interfered in our elections)
  5. Propping up brutal dictators
  6. Promotes spending trillions of dollars to battle alleged climate change with no appreciable benefit (billions of American dollars)

Then there are UN Security Council Resolutions in their attempts to maintain world order and prevent war.  The UN has passed worthless resolutions sanctioning Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea.  In every case, the sanctioned nations have ignored the resolutions and have proceeded down the path of nuclear proliferation or continued to gas or kill their own people.

Where are we now with UN sanctions?  Saddam Hussein continued to gas and kill his own people in violation of numerous UN resolutions and thousands of Americans died stopping him.  Dictator Basar Al Assad of Syria has gassed his people on multiple occasions.   Iran and North Korea are still expanding their nuclear super weapons and missile technology while telling the UN where to get off.  Obama’s Iran agreement is not worth the paper it is printed on.

War with North Korea becomes increasingly likely as Kim Jong Un continues to explode nuclear bombs and launch what could eventually be nuclear tipped Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that could reach any part of America.  He does it in the face of UN resolutions and sanctions.  China has been no help and in fact has been a hindrance.

Russia, under X-KGB agent Vladimir Putin, has invaded sovereign territory in Ukraine and actually annexed parts of Georgia and all of Ukraine’s Crimea.  His troops are still in Eastern Ukraine.  Neither America (Obama) or NATO didn’t challenge him when he invaded Crimea and the UN stood by and did nothing.

China is claiming islands in international waters in the North China sea, setting up military air bases and ports in violation of international law.  What has the UN or America done to stop the invasion?   Absolutely nothing!

The UN’s attempt to maintain world order and prevent war is a miserable failure at the cost of over $5 Billion a year and over $1 Billion of American taxpayer dollars.

Both China and Russia sit on the UN five-member Security Council and can veto any UN resolution or action and yet China and Russia are open and notorious violators of international law and treaties.  America has to immediately reduce its carbon emissions under the Paris Climate Accord but China, a larger polluter than America, doesn’t have to start until 2030.  That’s fair, isn’t it?

What good is an international body, like the United Nations, that purports to maintain order and stop wars when member states can blatantly ignore policies of that international body and small wars, that America is forced to fight, continue unabated?  What has the UN done about Islamic terrorism?  Nothing!

What American interests are served by being a member state of that body?  What benefit does the American taxpayer get by paying over $1 Billion a year to an organization that does everything in its power to tear down American capitalism, free markets, sovereignty and freedom and instead implements policies that are contrary to American values?  Why would anyone pay someone else to destroy their culture of freedom and put them in chains?  Why indeed!

The United Nations has proven to be a toothless organization that sucks up billions of American dollars to pay a bunch of bureaucrats and diplomats to sit around twiddling their thumbs while “Rome Burns.”  If America continues its membership in the UN, it will swallow America in socialist swill and consume its wealth, its sovereignty and its freedom.

It is way past time for the United States of America to terminate its membership status in the UN and cease paying bribe money to an organization that would sooner see America as a third world country under the socialist thumb of an elite, international oligarchy, much like the European Union.  The UN and the rest of the 192 other member states want American money and they want it re-distributed all around the world.  After all, America has no right to be so rich.

To that end Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama has introduced H. R. 193, the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act.”  This bill calls for withdrawing the United States from the United Nations and ceasing payments thereto.  If the bill can make it to committee, it has a chance to expose the United Nations for the hopelessly corrupt organization it is and contrast UN socialist policies to American unalienable rights and individual freedom.

If enough Americans get behind this bill it might have a chance to make it to a floor vote, even though Democrats have shot down similar attempts at UN withdrawal.

A veteran freedom fighter, Tom DeWeese, has put together a Citizens Appeal for Legislative Action to support H. R. 193 and it is available on the American Policy Center website.

We urge our readers to take a look at Tom’s “Citizens Appeal” and support his efforts.  Tom and I gave back-to-back speeches at a freedom convention in Arizona several years ago.  He has been a guest on many of the same talk shows we have been a guest.  Tom has been a tireless fighter against Agenda 21 and UN actions and policies, while defending property rights and American sovereignty.  His efforts are well known all across America.  If there were many more Tom Deweeses, America wouldn’t be in the dire straights it now finds itself.

Tell us if you will SUPPORT Tom’s Citizens Appeal for Legislative Action.

© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

The Unabomber, Domestic Terrorists And The FBI

The reason I am submitting this story is because of the series that just aired on television about Theodore Kaczynski the Unabomber. The series claims to be taken from a true story. However, there are portions that are totally inaccurate and there is obsoletely no truth within those portions of the TV series. The FBI was given all the credit for finding Kaczynski in the series, when in fact it was others including two U.S. Senators who helped figure out who the Unabomber actually was. This is prior to the FBI’s false claim that they did all the work. The following is an accurate truthful story.

Prior to admitted Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski’s arrest I had profiled him with the help of the late Tony Snow of Gannet News Service and as a result, the FBI was aware that he had attended a radical environmentalist meeting on November 10, 1994 in Missoula, Montana, 30 days prior to his assassination of Thomas Mosser of Burson·Marsteller.

The following is a story taken from chapters of my 2004 book, BURNING RAGE – The Growing Anger Within My Country. In addition my involvement in the Unabomber case had become a major issue with radical environmental terrorist.

Gil Murray, president of the California Forestry Association (CFA) invited me to speak at the CFA’s annual conference in Sacramento in January of 1995. Murray and his staff thought informing their membership of the possibility of expanded terrorism against timber interests would be of benefit to those attending the conference.

Just as my speech was to begin, there was a commotion at the entrance to the conference room. At the doorway stood Andy Caffrey, a Humboldt County, California radical Earth Firster and one of his cohorts demanding entrance. When members of Earth First attended my previous speeches their attendance had always added a little excitement to my presentations. There had been no problems in the past, so Caffery was admitted. Most of these extremists who have challenged me publicly usually show up filthy and un-bathed, have long matted hair, and in desperate need of a good deodorant. Caffrey was no exception.

As part of my speech I always explained to the audience that Earth First is an organization that advocates anarchy, terrorism and revolution through their publication, the Earth First Journal. “Terrorists? Not us” is always the response by those Earth Firsters in the audience. This speech was no different and Caffery wanted his five minutes. I asked the audience if Caffery could speak to them. The response was overwhelmingly in favor, as many within this audience had never seen an Earth Firster let alone ever heard one and this audience wanted to hear what he had to say. As Caffrey began, it was obvious the anger within the audience grew as he spoke. Nadine Bailey of the CFA stood up, picked up her belongings and walked out. A couple of others soon followed. The audience was anything but impressed. Eighty-nine days later, one of the Unabomber’s bombs was delivered to Bailey’s CFA office.

I remember vividly the chain of events that led to my discovery that Gil Murray was killed by a bomb. The date was April 24, 1995. The very end of a news story stated that a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) office had been bombed and there was a death. The news story was no surprise to me as Earth First leaders have always compared the USFS and their leadership to Nazi Germany. The comparison was obviously not because of the mass execution of people, but rather as a result of the mass “execution” of trees. The radical group’s deep ecology religious beliefs place the value of trees and animals before the welfare and safety of humans.

While listening to the news report, I thought about the continual growing anger towards the USFS and Earth First by loggers, miners and ranchers. Surprisingly, there had been no violence by natural resource-dependent companies and employees. Allegations were numerous, of course, as Earth First members continually cry to the media about the violence directed at them and the press eats it up.

Upon arrival at my office my message machine was completely full of messages. There were messages from ABC, NBC, CBS and every major newspaper in the country. What surprised me was the bombing I heard about on my car radio was not a USFS office as reported but rather the CFA office and the death was the man who had asked me to warn his members about future violence against his industry.

Gil Murray was dead. He had been blown apart from the waist up. Even though the following is very descriptive, it clearly shows what happens when a bomb explodes in an office or a home. I for one cannot possibly imagine the impact and resulting effect this event has had on the thousands of people connected to the victim. When describing Murray’s death, author Ron Arnold wrote in ECOTERROR – The Violent Agenda To Save Nature – The World Of The Unabomber.

Gil Murray stood alone in the lobby. He laid the wooden container on the chest-high reception counter and opened it.

There was a brief flash.

The device expanded in all directions. Four streams of hot metal separated from the spherical blossom of light.

A blast of snipped-in-half wood screws and tiny melted machine parts shot straight down the hallway where Lisa Tuter had stood a moment before, slicing off drywall as it went and snapping into the kitchen wall at the back of the building nearly a hundred feet away.

A vortex jetted straight ahead, piercing the wall behind the reception desk and burying dozens of little projectiles in a row of steel filing cabinets in the next room.

The devise lid lifted on a gaseous ram, shredding the heavy false ceiling, pounding through heating ducts and piercing the roof deck, letting jagged sunlight into its slipstream.

The main thrust of the detonation did not throw Gil Murray back from the counter. It cut through him. It ripped off his face and an arm. It embedded the bulk of his chest in the wall behind him, then bowed the wall into an adjoining storeroom, toppling heavily loaded bookcases on the far side. It riddled the reception area with pieces of his body. What was left fell to the floor? The shattered false ceiling collapsed over him. Flames and acrid smoke billowed outward.

Total elapsed time: Less than seven-tenths of a second.

To take a human life in seven-tenths of a second is incomprehensible. How many hours, days and months of planning had this taken and why? All Kaczynski said later was, it was “because of his [Murray’s] beliefs.”

At that point, violence against the timber industry had taken on a new and horrifying twist. Earth Firsters had been responsible for millions of dollars in sabotage to logging equipment, but no one had anticipated a bomb would kill anyone. Among the many phone messages on my machine were numerous timber company officials wanting to know, “What do we do?” and “Will there be others?” They were obviously looking for help and most everyone within the timber industry knew the FBI was doing nothing to investigate the criminal acts directed at their industry.

Almost immediately, the FBI announced they suspected the bombing had been the work of the “Unabomber.” I knew at that point the Unabomber was part of Earth First and this could only mean one or more members of Earth First had taken the violence to a new level.

My thoughts were numerous, what could I do? Believing that the FBI would be interested in the information I possessed, I called the Unabomber Task Force in San Francisco. The agent listened for a few minutes, took my name and thanked me politely. They just weren’t interested. Was it because my conversation included information about Earth First? I later read a June 6, 1995 article in The Chicago Tribune titled “20,000 tips – no suspect, Unabomber recast as warped, not political.” I could not help but wonder how many of the “20,000 tips” people had called in were ignored.

Following my uneventful contact with the FBI, my attention turned to my elected officials. Not believing they would actually listen I called the offices of Senators Conrad Burns (R-MT), Slade Gorton (R-WA) and Patty Murray (D-WA). Was I surprised! I hit pay dirt. I now had two Republican Senators interested and one democrat who was not. I wondered if the reason Senator Murray was not interested was because of the outspoken views I had earlier shared with her staff. Two out of three Senators listened. Not a bad average and I had always heard politicians were inaccessible.

The staff of both Republican Senators reviewed the information and interviewed me about it. They determined the documents I had supplied regarding terrorism and the Unabomber were accurate and creditable. Following that process, Senators Burns and Gorton went out of their way to help. The Senators were interested; their staffs were interested, but how to get the FBI to listen?

Burns and Gorton sent letters to numerous branches of the Department of Justice with no success. It was not until Burns sent a June 24, 1995 letter to FBI Director Louis Freeh that things changed. The letter outlined the requests made by himself and Gorton to Michael Bromwich, Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. A portion of the letter stated:

As of this date, we have not had further response on this matter. As you will readily agree, many incidents have occurred since November that would peak one’s interest in just what Mr. Clausen has been telling the public. I would appreciate knowing what action has been taken on this matter. I look forward to your prompt reply.

Almost immediately wheels started to turn. What happened next was a total surprise. I received a phone call from FBI Special Agent Don Glasser. Glasser had been assigned to interview me about the information I possessed on the Unabomber case. I met Glasser in Seattle. He turned out to be the owner of a sailboat as I was, so over the course of an hour lunch we discussed both sailing and the Unabomber. I left wondering what would happen next as Glasser had not taken notes nor requested any documents from me.

It didn’t take long, before I received a copy of a letter the FBI sent to both Senators Burns and Gorton referring to Charles Mandigo of the Seattle office of the FBI as the contact person for the Senators. The information contained in the letter was an outright lie. It stated the FBI had interviewed me and was reviewing the information and documents I supplied.

I was outraged that the FBI would lie to United States Senators so I called both Senators offices. When the Senators discovered what had happened, apparently, they weren’t happy either. Shortly after, the phone rang again. It was Glasser. He apologized for the letter sent to the Senators and admitted they were not correct.

“Yes Don I know, I was there.”

“Can we meet again?”

Glasser came to my office in Port Ludlow, Washington. At the beginning of the interview I felt Glasser was pacifying me until at one point the agent looked at me and said, “You’re right.” I realized I had caught his interest and that interest appeared to be sincere. After five hours of reviewing the information, Glasser told me he was sure I was correct and yes the FBI was interested. He left me with his assurance the information would not be ignored. I met Glasser several times after that second meeting. I later gave Glasser a list of those attending the Montana Earth First/Native Forest Network (NFN) conference, which did contain the name of Kaczynski with a different spelling, “T. Casinski.”

The FBI was so convinced my information was correct; they sent undercover agents to Missoula, Montana. One of those was Special Agent Candice DeLong who had joined the Bureau in 1980 and had worked with Glasser on other cases. (Both she and Glasser had been involved in the investigation and arrests of the Puerto Rican terrorists Clinton released from prison in 1999).

After meeting with Glasser I decided not to wait for the FBI to act. I believed if I could get an article in the press it would push the FBI into acting. On August 2, 1995 I called Cynthia Hubert a reporter for the Sacramento Bee about what was labeled the “Eco-F**ker Hit List.” Of the 12 company names on the list, two of the top three were the last victims of the Unabomber. I didn’t believe this to be a coincidence. Cynthia’s story ran the next day. The following is a portion of her story:

“Hit List” had Unabomber Targets – Terrorist’s possible link to

underground newspaper probed by FBI.

The FBI is investigating whether the Unabomber used a “hit list” published in an underground environmental newspaper five years ago to select some of his recent targets, including the California Forestry Association in Sacramento.

The list, published in a 1990 edition of “Live Wild Or Die,” included the Timber Association of California, now the CFA, whose president was killed when he opened a mail bomb in April.

It also listed the Exxon Corp., which the Unabomber has mentioned in connection to his fatal attack on a New Jersey advertising executive last year….

Barry Clausen, a Seattle private investigator who specializes in “radical environmental groups,” said he believes the Unabomber used the “hit list” to select some of his victims. He has discussed his findings and theories with the FBI and the targeted groups, authorities confirmed Wednesday.

“I can confirm that we have met with this individual and we are very interested in what he has to say,” FBI spokesman George Grotz in San Francisco said Wednesday….

Clausen said he received his copy of the newspaper, which was published in Portland, Ore. from a member of the Earth First environmental group. “I am not saying that I know who the Unabomber is or that Earth First is involved,” Clausen said, “but I think this list is where he drew some of his victims.”

He and others familiar with such groups said they do not know who publishes the radical underground newspaper or whether it is still in circulation. Earth First members said the group is not affiliated with the newspaper and disavows the kind of violence perpetrated by the Unabomber.

Karen Pickett, an organizer for Earth First in Berkeley, said none of the information published in “Live Wild or Die” represents a call to violence. “The rhetoric is extreme, but it is a list of corporations that are doing harm to the environment and have been a target of direct action and protest, not murder,” Pickett said.

“Letter bombs and murder are not a tactic that have ever been used or suggested by the environmental movement,” she said….

The Unabomber last struck in April, when a package bomb mailed to the offices of the California Forestry Association in Sacramento exploded and killed its president, Gilbert Murray. The package was addressed to Murray’s successor, care of the Timber Association of California.

Last year Thomas Mosser, a New Jersey advertising executive, was killed when he opened a package later attributed to the Unabomber. Mosser lived on Aspen Drive and worked for Burson-Marsteller, a leading public relations firm.

In letters to East Coast newspapers in recent months, the Unabomber said he targeted Mosser because “among other misdeeds, Burson-Marsteller helped Exxon clean up its image after the Exxon Valdez incident.”….

Donn Zea, a vice president for the California Forestry Association, noted that the “hit list” was published at the height of the battle over proposition 130, a timber regulation measure backed by environmentalists. “We went toe to toe with many of those kinds of groups during that period,” he said….

Zea said he has a copy of the information published in the “Live Wild or Die” for at least two years and alerted the FBI to it after the bombing that killed Murray…

After Murray was killed, Zea said he retrieved the document from the CFA’s bombed-out-office and gave it to the FBI. Later the Unabomber mailed his 35,000-word manifesto to the New York Times, and the newspaper has since published excerpts from it….

Although some of the organizations said they were aware that they were on the list published in 1990, others said they had taken additional security precautions in recent days, since alerted by Clausen….

Several things happened following this story. Kaczynski’s world was unraveling. His manifesto was being dissected by the FBI, which had cross-referenced the name “T. Casinski” with the 20,000 tips they had received. It was then the FBI discovered David Kaczynski’s tip about his brother was in fact correct. This gave them two independent sources of information on the same person.

The phone rang, and this time it was FBI Special Agent Patty Jannett from the Seattle office. Glasser was out of town and the list of conference attendees I had given him could not be found. I explained to Jannett that Glasser had given the list to Doug Aukland, the domestic terrorism expert in their office. Jannett wanted to know if I had a copy and would I let her have it as soon as possible.

I told her I would be in Seattle later that day and would give her the list. I took the Kingston Seattle ferry to Seattle about noon, went to two other meetings and later in the afternoon called Jannett. She had been waiting for my call.

“Where are you.” She asked.

“Over by the Space Needle, I’ll drop off the list in about an hour.”

“Let me know exactly where you are and I’ll pick you up.”

Within minutes Jannett arrived. “Get in.” She said.

At this point I asked her for a ride to the ferry terminal, as it is one block from the federal building. She agreed. As we drove down Seattle’s First Avenue I explained to Jannett that I had received the information from an undercover agent in Montana and gave her his name. On the way to the ferry terminal Jannett slowed down at two intersections then ran the red lights. I remember thinking, either this lady is a real bad driver or the list is really important. Either way, I knew she wouldn’t be getting a ticket.

Shortly after, the undercover FBI agents in Missoula were joined by dozens of others. Kaczynski had been located in Lincoln just 53 miles north of Missoula.

Prior to his arrest the FBI and many others had dissected his manifesto, including the media and many of those I work with. There was no question; the Unabomber had used a book titled, Earth In The Balance – Ecology And The Human Spirit by Senator Al Gore to write most of his manifesto. Even though Gore’s book was used by this admitted eco-terrorist, Gore cannot be blamed for the actions of Kaczynski. However it is interesting that one of America’s foremost political leaders and the Unabomber share the same ideologies.

One of those that saw the similarities was Tony Snow of Gannet News Service who wrote a column on September 21, 1995 prior to the arrest of Kaczynski.

The article made a comparison of the Unabomber’s manifesto and Vice President Gore’s book, Earth In The Balance. Snows comparative analysis of Gore’s book and the Unabomber’s manifesto was so accurate; the puzzle was now beginning to make more sense.

Snow’s article ends with: “Gore and FC [Unabomber] disagree vehemently about means and ends – but both want to step in and seize control of other people’s inventions. Gore wants to regulate using the power of the state; the Unabomber wants to annihilate. This is the difference between a terrorist and a vice president.”

Henry Lamb of ēcologic did another comparative analysis. His analysis was between the manifesto and the writings of Earth First, Dave Foreman and the Wildlands Project ideologies. Yet, another accurate analysis of Kaczynski’s manifesto, making it obvious that Kaczynski was a follower of the most radical environmentalists.

But did Kaczynski really use Earth In The Balance to write his manifesto? During the week of June 10, 1996 American media chose to cover the story of the FBI investigating hundreds of Republican politicians. During the same week, only one news source covered the story of Al Gore’s book Earth In The Balance having been discovered in the cabin of Theodore Kaczynski. The June, 1996 issue of The American Spectator reads: “FBI agents on the scene are telling colleagues they were amused when, while tearing apart the shack of suspected Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, they came upon Al Gore’s 1992 eco-tract, Earth In The Balance.” Many sections were underlined in pencil, and there were copious notes in the margins.

The Sacramento Bee article mentions the publication Live Wild Or Die (LWOD). The following will give you a better idea of what LWOD is about. In early 1988 the first edition of LWOD was published. The publication was partially funded by Earth First cofounder Mike Roselle.

The second edition of LWOD contained the “Eco-F**ker Hit List” which was the list used by the Unabomber to select his last two victims and it was found in his cabin when it was searched.

Earth First claims this edition of LWOD was not of their doing, however that is simply not true. The LWOD publication containing the “Eco-F**ker Hit List” was given to me by long time Earth Firster Mitch Friedman. Friedman is currently the head of Greater Ecosystem Alliance in Bellingham, Washington. The Earth First Journal has publicized LWOD since the beginning of the radical anarchist, terrorist publication. Listed, as targets in LWOD were the Timber Association of California, National Rifle Association, Exxon Company USA, National Cattlemen’s Association, American Farm Bureau, Nevada Mining Association, Utah Association of Counties, Pacific Legal Foundation, Lindsey, Mart, Neil and Weigler, American Motorcycle Association and the Wilderness Impact Research Foundation.

When Brian Ross of ABC News asked me why I believe the Unabomber had used this list, the answer was simple. With eleven company names on the list, what were the odds of two of the top three being the last two victims of the Unabomber? Also, the name of the California Forestry Association had been printed wrong. The Unabomber sent his bomb to the Forestry Association of California when the correct name of the organization had been changed to the California Forestry Association several years earlier.

Thomas Mosser, a public relations executive Earth First claimed represented Exxon, had received one of the Unabomber’s bombs. This information also proved to be incorrect, as Mosser did not represent Exxon. Just another erroneous piece of information he took from the Litha 1993, Earth First Journal.

In subsequent years LWOD was published six different times. On page 38 of the August-September, 1996 issue of the Earth First Journal there was an advertisement for the LWOD anarchist publication. The August/September 1996, issue number 6 was released several months after the arrest of Kaczynski and the ABC News Story. The current authors remain anonymous. To give you an idea of the ideologies and outright filth contained within the publication, the following is exactly as it appears on the cover of the publication:


An article by Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin in the same LIVE WILD or DIE called for the assassination of the CEO of Shell Oil Company. It reads as follows.

In order to smash their movements we must organize commando type actions…but in a better and more effective way. For instance, pigs like David Duke and Tom Metzger, who have been advocating and leading the fascist movement in America, should be assassinated. We should infiltrate…in order to assault leaders and disrupt them, or hide at a distance and snipe at them with high-powered rifles. I have always felt that the underground guerrilla movements like the Black Liberation Army, Weather Underground and New World Liberation Front should attack Fascist movements and assassinate their leaders…. this is the only way to stop fascist.” The article concludes, “I think that the Nigerian government and Shell Oil are both racist and fascist in their pursuit of genocide in Ogoniland. And I for one very subversive anarchist amongst y’all am going to wage war on these motherf**kers. I urge you to do the same.

The article then lists names and addresses of Shell Oil Company’s corporate executives in several countries including the United States.

The most recent LWOD publication contains yet another “ECO-F**KER HIT LIST” along with a news article from the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). The first name on the new “HIT LIST” is once again the Timber Association of California with an X through CFA’s name and a written caption stating: “Who’s next?”

Following the arrest of Kaczynski, ABC News interviewed me on April 5, 1996 when I met with Brian Ross, David Rummel, Sarah Koch and an entire ABC News crew at the Alexis Hotel in downtown Seattle.

Ron Arnold, author of ECOTERROR, felt this was a significant event and so chronicled the process. His account is accurate and well written. This is how he described the ABC News story.

The door was open, so Barry Clausen entered room 414 of the Alexis Hotel. He stared bewildered. The furniture had been shoved into corners and stacked on end. A thicket of lights, reflectors, camera gear and the ABC News production crew crammed the space.

“I’m here for an interview.”

“They’re down the hall,” a soundman said. “You’ll see it. Their doors open, too.”

Clausen found the room, actually another part of the same larger suite.

“You must be Sarah Koch,” he said to the ABC news producer.

“And you must be Barry Clausen,” she said. “Thanks for breaking off your trip to Canada for us.”

The reference to breaking off my trip to Canada was made because when Koch called my office, I was aboard my sailboat. She was given my cell phone number and had been able to contact me there.

Note: We were in high winds and heavy seas between Seattle and Vancouver, Canada. Communications between Koch and myself proved difficult due to uncharacteristically poor reception brought on by the extreme weather conditions. My first inclination was to yell “no” into the phone but just as I was about to decline her offer, the phone went dead. Koch was persistent; she called back three times before we finally agreed to meet in Seattle the next morning. We docked the sailboat at Port Townsend, Washington, made arrangements for transportation, then I headed to Seattle for the interview.

“Well you guys flew up here from San Francisco.”

“Barry, this is David Rummel, our senior investigative producer, and this is Brian Ross. There’s coffee and pastries here if you’d like some. Now, what have you got for us to look at?”

Clausen gave them a stack of materials with several lists including the Live Wild or Die “Eco-F**ker Hit List,” the same one he had given the media – including ABC News the previous August. Clausen told them he’d been trying since then to get the FBI to realize that the Unabomber had to have some connection to Earth First or other radical environmental groups. They talked about the last two Unabomber victims and the possibility that they had been targeted from this list.

Rummel studied Clausen. He spoke bluntly: “What makes you think the Unabomber could have used this list?”

Clausen looked at him in near-surprise. “Look at how visually prominent this list is on the page. Your eye is drawn to it. What are the odds that two of the top three companies on that list were hit by accident?”

“But the name on the timber association is Roberta Anderson, not the guy the package went to.”

“Association directories have listed Bill Dennison as president for years. You can find them in any library. And small libraries still have old directories with the old name, Timber Association of California. The same applies to Burson-Marsteller. Thomas Mosser hadn’t worked there for a year, but his name was still in old business directories. And his home address was listed in the phone book.”

They took Clausen to the cameras and wired him for sound. Ross asked him to repeat their conversation.

“There are eleven names, or eleven company names, on the hit list. Two of the top three are the last two victims of the Unabomber. The number one name on the list is the Timber Association of California, with the current address.”

It was a nice day in Seattle, so the crew took Clausen for an outside shot walking side by side with Ross along the Elliot Bay waterfront. Ross asked Clausen why he thought the Unabomber was somehow linked to the radical environmentalists.

“Based on his beliefs and what he’s put in print with his manifesto and his letters, his way of thinking – his ideologies – conforms to that of Earth First.”

Off camera, he told the news crew he thought the Unabomber had been at a radical environmentalist conference in Missoula, Montana in November of 1994. “Thomas Mosser was killed 30 days after that meeting,” he told them. “I think that’s a weird coincidence.” He had compiled a partial list of attendees that suggested Kaczynski was at that meeting.

Ross was unimpressed. He asked if he knew he was there for sure.

“No, I don’t know. I wasn’t there. I didn’t see him. But it’s still a weird coincidence.”

It was nearly noon when they all went by taxi to the newsroom of the Seattle ABC network affiliate, KOMO-TV. Rummel asked Clausen to view some footage of Earth First in a screening room. Barry watched a patchwork of scenes showing conflicts between loggers and Earth Firsters.

When the tape was over, he walked out of the newsroom where Koch, Rummel and Ross were busy on the phone or watching the story wrote as it unfolded on her computer monitor.

“Barry,” she said, “I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s really distracting to have you there.”

“Sure no problem,” Clausen said, and backed off. He stood awkwardly near the newsroom entry for some time, probably ten minutes.

Brian Ross got off the phone and called excitedly to the three others. “Come here, c’mere, c’mere.”

Koch, Rummel and Clausen collected around him.

“I just had a long talk with my government contact. Get this: the FBI had Kaczynski’s name in their files two years ago as an environmental radical. They believed he was at the Missoula conference.”

Peter Jennings: (voice-over) The Unabomber suspect Ted Kaczynski – he was on the FBI’s list of suspects years ago….

Announcer: From ABC, this is World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

Jennings traced the new twists in the Unabomber story: The FBI had Kaczynski’s name in its files at least a couple of years before his arrest. It was there in 1994 as having a connection to a radical environmental group, and again in 1995 in the files as a possible suspect in the Unabomber case itself.

Following the ABC News stories, both ABC and I took a terrific bashing for their running of such a story, which featured the information I had given them.

Earth First cried “foul” because we dared to connect such a mad man as the Unabomber to their organization. After all, they didn’t actually advocate killing anyone. They only advocate and promote terrorism.

Earth First and their sympathizers generated many misleading or outright false articles in retaliation. Remaining true to form, they not only posted deliberate character assassinations against me on the Internet, but they also posted the phone numbers of ABC executives. This action ultimately resulted in a number of nasty, intimidating and threatening calls to ABC. At that time members of Earth First disowned Kaczynski. Just because he read their materials, they reasoned they were not responsible for his actions. Good logic, but there was more to the story.

Perhaps Earth First’s claim of no connection could have been accepted had not Kaczynski himself stated on January 22, 1998, as part of a plea bargain agreement, that he had used inaccurate rhetoric published on page 4 of the “Litha [June] 1993” Earth First Journal when he decided to kill Thomas Mosser.

Court documents state Kaczynski admitted he killed Gil Murray of the California Forestry Association in a letter he sent to the New York Times on June 24, 1995: “We have no regret about the fact that our bomb blew up the wrong man, Gilbert Murray, instead of William Dennison, to whom it was addressed….”

While addressing the court Steve Lapham, prosecutor for the government stated:

…The cabin searchers also found a copy of a letter to a radical environmental group known as Earth First, and that letter began, “This is a message from FC.” The F.B.I. calls us Unabom. We are the people who recently assassinated the president of the California Forestry Association.

Your Honor, in a letter to the New York Times dated April 20, 1995, the Unabomber stated in part, “We blew up Thomas Mosser last December because he was a Burston-Marsteller [sic] executive. Among other misdeeds, Burston-Marsteller [sic] helped Exxon clean up its public image after the Exxon Valdez incident…” A carbon copy of that letter was found in the defendant’s cabin.

It is also worth pointing out, your Honor that letter contained a number of misstatements, one of which was that Burson-Marsteller had anything to do with the Exxon Valdez cleanup; it did not. Also Burson-Marsteller was misspelled. The first name, Burson, did not contain a “t.” The relevance of that is, during a search of the defendant’s cabin, searchers also found a copy of the Earth First Journal dated June 21, 1993, in which the statement was made that Burson-Marsteller did have responsibility for the Exxon Valdez incident, for the cleanup of the image over that incident. Furthermore, in that Earth First article, the name Burson-Marsteller is misspelled in the same fashion it is misspelled in the Unabomber letter.

Furthermore, during a search of the defendant’s cabin, the Government found a letter written to Earth Firsters. Its title was “Suggestions for Earth Firsters from FC.” That letter stated in part, “As for the Mosser bombing” – and I’m quoting now – “our attention was called to Burson-Marsteller by an article that appeared in the Earth First, Litha,” which is the way of describing the edition of that journal, “June 21, 1993 page 4.”

When the court asked Kaczynski: “Mr. Kaczynski, do you agree with the factual representation just made by the Government’s attorney?”

The defendant: “Yes, Your Honor.”

Kaczynski himself stated he read Earth First publications and used them when he decided to murder, yet the press elected to keep Kaczynski’s confession under wraps. Very few elected to run the story. Even after the bashing ABC News had taken, they were quiet. Was this due to the enormous number of intimidating calls, and had continual threats against reporters by design had this impact on the media?

In a portion of the address on the package that Kaczynski sent to the California Forestry Association there was an error. He had mailed the package to the Forestry Association of California. The association was called the California Forestry Association. The package was opened by Gil Murray but had actually been addressed to Bill Dennison the former association president who had retired.

During Kaczynski’s plea bargain agreement, Bill Dennison read a prepared speech on behalf of himself and the entire CFA staff. Prior to his presentation Steve Lapham, prosecutor for the government, approached Dennison on three different occasions and requested he not read his statement. Lapham apparently had an opportunity to read the prepared speech and did not like the idea of Dennison referencing other groups and individuals. Dennison’s speech referenced other Earth Firsters who were awaiting trial for other felony crimes. His presentation was accurate, correct and informative. Dennison presented his speech to the court anyway. However, the press ignored what Dennison had said.

There is room to wonder if the American news services would have felt differently and covered the story if Kaczynski had been a member of a right wing militia group? Was the lack of media coverage because Kaczynski was instead a radical left wing terrorist with ties to an organization that, according to documents, the Clinton/Gore administration is protecting?

Or could the reason the press did not cover the story be because two of the biggest supporters of Earth First organizations are Ted Turner and Jane Fonda through the Turner Foundation? Wait a minute! One of their own contributes a huge amount of money to members of an organization whose ideologies promote terrorism and members of the press fail to mention that fact. Does this mean Turner along with the big dollar foundations have control over what the mass media produces and what the American people are “allowed” to know?

What possible reason could there be for not informing the general public that, according to Kaczynski himself, he was a “follower of Earth First” as I stated on national television many times?

Each new story and book about Kaczynski brings new information about the man the FBI had been unable to find for over a decade. An article in The New York Times on Sunday, March 14, 1999 was based on a new book Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski. The book shows additional activities by Kaczynski, admitted eco-terrorist. The story by James Brooke was titled: “Kaczynski Pioneered Environmental Sabotage, book Says.”

The article claims Kaczynski was also involved in more than 50 incidents of vandalism which included booby-trapping motorcycle trails with wires strung between trees, sabotaging mining equipment with sand, burning logging equipment, pouring sugar into snowmobile gas tanks, and destroying hunting and mining camps and vacation cabins with ax blows.

The information about Earth First and Kaczynski had been virtually non-existent until October 2000 when we finally saw a major publication write about the Earth First/Unabomber connection. The 11-page story in Outside magazine by Bruce Barcott told the entire world that, yes, Kaczynski was indeed a follower of Earth First as myself and numerous others have always known and stated publicly. 

My involvement with this case actually began in Montana in December of 1989. I had been hired as a licensed private investigator to investigate crimes of sabotage that had been directed at my clients. We now find out Kaczynski committed some of these terrorist acts. The crimes against my clients had cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses. Nationally, there had been an increasing number of incidents of sabotage to logging equipment, with a large portion of this sabotage centered in Montana.

The group most vocal in advocating the sabotage was Earth First. To me it was obvious, radical Earth Firsters were using the campus of the University in Missoula, Montana as a staging ground for their acts of sabotage. It later became apparent they were also using the Montana University for their campaign throughout the entire Western United States.

During the initial meeting spent with my new clients, I was told several students from the university, representing Earth First, had already been arrested for tree spiking. Among the people initially investigated was the universities own Professor Ron Erickson. After contacting USFS Federal Agent Mike Merkley, he informed me that Erickson was of interest to a Federal Grand Jury. However, Erickson was never indicted or charged with any crimes. The reason for the investigation became the subject of an article in the November 20, 1989 High Country News:

Erickson, who cites energy issues and air and water pollution as his main academic concerns, taught two classes on deforestation and environmental ethics last spring. The deforestation class dealt mainly with tropical forests, he says, and his ethics class only touched on tree spiking following a satirical tree-spiking skit by students at a campus festival in April.

With the help of Agent Merkley and the Idaho U.S. Attorney, I was able to obtain the information about Merkley’s investigation and the subsequent convictions in the tree spiking case.

Earth Firster John Lilburn was one of those subpoenaed before the federal grand jury, as were several others. Lilburn’s sister, Gwendolyn, had also been involved. Gwendolyn had received a severe beating by Earth Firster John “Spicer” Blaunt. Following the beating, she immediately left Montana and went to Denver where she contacted the FBI and eventually turned state’s evidence against five defendants.

Arvid Hartley and Neil McLain two of the defendants also cooperated with federal authorities and pled guilty to a misdemeanor in the tree spiking case. Daniel LaCrosse was cut loose on a Rule 29 (insufficient evidence). According to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Boise, Idaho, Jeffery Fairchild and John Blaunt were convicted of a felony. Lilburn testified against his fellow Earth Firsters to protect the life of his sister Gwendolyn, who is currently in the witness protection program as a result of death threats. Professor Ron Erickson ran for public office and is now a member of the Montana State Legislature.

Many, including Leo Giacometto, who was then the head of the U.S. Marshall’s Service in Montana, briefed me on the serious potential for danger in my new undertaking. Until recently, Giacometto had been in the position of Administrative Assistant to Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT). For several years Senator Burns had played a large part in assisting me with ATF and the FBI’s Unabomber Task Force.

Special FBI Agent Mike Byrne of the Seattle office, as well as several members of his staff had also met with me during my orientation in this case. In yet another briefing with FBI agents from San Francisco, they felt the need to alert me to the potential threat I was opening myself up to. They not only supplied me with useful information but also gave me a “hello number” to call if I needed assistance. A “hello number” is a phone number manned by the FBI, 24 hours a day.

Following the FBI briefings, and by reading the huge quantity of information distributed by Earth First the conclusion was unanimous, there was indeed a strong potential for violence. That violence would come not from the Earth First organization itself, but from the radical extremists within the organization. My first concern was personal safety. My clients had given me a free hand to investigate the criminal acts any way I felt appropriate.

I had just completed several undercover drug investigations and so my hair was still long and my face supported a straggly beard. All I had left to do was to quit bathing and I’d fit in with the rest of this radical ragtag organization. I decided the best way to discover the extent of the involvement with the acts of sabotage against my clients would be to infiltrate the Earth First organization. They were, after all, the logical suspects, as they had already advocated it in print to their followers that they had committed the terrorist acts many people in Montana were experiencing.

My plan was to begin by writing letters to the editor of many Montana’s newspapers criticizing logging, mining, ranching and everything else I could find to write about, in other words I became a radical anti-everything extremist, on paper. It didn’t take long before Earth Firster Keith Hammer called me. On November 16, 1989 Hammer met with my partner and myself at the Lighter Side Restaurant in Kalispell, Montana. Phil Knight and many others of Montana’s radical Earth Firsters followed suit. On November 22, 1989 Earth Firster Kelly Yarns sent me the first of what would be many letters. Knight suggested we meet in one of his two letters. Another arrived on December 27 from Missoula Earth Firster Bill Haskins. Clearly, my new “friends” believed they had a new recruit.

During the next year, time was spent as a member of this terrorist organization, which I chronicled in my first book Walking on the Edge. What I discovered was the intensity of their religious convictions that man is bad, industrialized technology is destroying the planet and the only way to save Gaia (mother earth) is through radical actions, including terrorism and anarchy.

Numerous terrorist acts still continue with some variation. The older Earth Firsters have moved on to continue their campaign against rural America and natural resource industries with the millions of dollars they receive from foundations.

© 2017 Barry Clausen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Barry Clausen: unfrend1@yahoo.com

Killing Bees In America And Worldwide Will Be The Death Of Humanity

Man’s devastation by poisoning of bees will be the death of all mankind

The world-famous Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson speculates: “If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.”

Each day, millions of middle class Americans across this country spray Roundup, Weed-Be-Gone, Termite Spray, Bug Killer, Wasp Spray and hundreds of other poisons onto their sidewalks, driveways, bushes, trees, flowers and onto their lawns.  They kill everything that pecks, slithers, crawls, flaps, bites and breathes.  Their mass slaughter includes bats, honey bees, flies, butterflies, mosquitoes, wasps, bumblebees and other pollinators.  Billions upon trillions of insects suffer death via poisons that disrupt their breathing or digestive tracks.

As human life menacingly expands across the planet, it devours the natural world. It kills the balance of the natural world. It murders just about anything that flies, bites or burps.  According to a High Country News report years ago, Americans kill 1 vertebrate crossing our roads (road kill) every 11.1 seconds. That equals to one million deaths every day of the year.(www.HighCountryNews.com)  That equals 365 million creatures lose their lives to tires, boat propellers, fans, boats, jet intakes, aircraft propellers and other mechanical devices every single day of the year.  Humans kill everything that runs, leaps, flies or swims—by the billions and trillions.

(Western honeybee pollinating a flower.)  Photography by Wikimedia Commons

But we shall pay for our transgressions when it comes to the pollinators: bees, bats, wasps, butterflies and other insects.

Consider the coming collapse of the $30 billion honey bee economy in the US.

“Since 2006 honey bees responsible for pollinating more than 100 crops—from apples to zucchini—have been dying by the tens of millions,” said a Huffington Post report. “As a new report from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) details, scientists are still struggling to pinpoint the cause of so-called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and time is running out. Currently, the survivorship of honey bee colonies is too low for us to be confident in our ability to meet the pollination demands of U.S. agricultural crops.”

The report said, “CCD has wiped out some 10 million bee hives worth $2 billion over the past six years. The death rate for colonies has hit 30% annually in recent years and there are now about 2.5 million honey bee colonies in the US, down from 6 million in 1947 and 3 million in 1990. That downward spiral leaves “virtually no cushion of bees for pollination.”

With mounting information, it becomes downright frightening. For example: take almonds. California harvests more than 80 percent of the world’s almonds. But you can’t grow the nut without honey bees and it takes 60 percent of the US’s remaining colonies to pollinate that one $4 billion cash crop.”

“If the death toll continues at the present rate, that means there will soon be barely enough bees to pollinate almonds, let alone avocadoes, blueberries, pears or plums. “We are one poor weather event or high winter bee loss away from a pollination disaster,” USDA scientist Jeff Pettis said in the report.

Jacques Cousteau worried about what humans were doing to the ecosystem: “If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed and if we are not willing to change, we will disappear from the face of the globe to be replaced by the insect.”

Scientists report several factors—from disease-carrying parasites to pesticides. What sickens me stems from the fact that we know our chemicals disrupt every living creature in a cornfield, wheat field, potato field, tomato patch and bean acre. Yet we pour, spray and inject more and more poisons.

A beekeeper said, “Bees are vital to our lives as they are among the primary pollinators of our food plants. It has been deduced that if our native bees were to die out the effect on crops and wild flowers would be utterly catastrophic. As these crops and flowers provide food for our wild and farm animals we could easily lose up to a third of our regular diet. This is a very real problem, and one that is not getting the attention it needs.”

Bees and other pollinators allow humanity to thrive.  Without them, we won’t survive the 21st century.   I finding it particularly galling if not a whole new dimension of “stupid” for our species to continue expanding our numbers while we diminish insect numbers, rodent numbers, big beasts and avian numbers at a rate of one million daily via road kill in the USA alone.

But the wholesale poisoning via such insane herbicides like Roundup makes me sick to my stomach.  Those poisons travel into the ground, into the angleworms, into the birds, into the bugs and finally into the water systems where they ultimately poison each and every one of us. How can we be this stupid?

We wonder why 1 out of 3 Americans suffers from the biggest killer in the USA: cancer.  How stupid can we prove ourselves?   How absolutely out of touch and in denial of reality can we be? What kind of intellectually and morally bankrupt greedy money-mongers make TV commercials parading Roundup to millions of really stupid, ignorant and uninformed Americans too fat and too lazy to bend down and pull out the weeds on their driveway with their hands?

To think that within another 37 years, our country will grow by 137 million Americans while the rest of the world adds another 3 billion people—all capable of using Roundup and hundreds of other poisons to kill the bees of the world.  We prove ourselves to be the smartest—dumbest species on this planet.  I’ll toss in arrogant, self-righteous and insanely dull of mind to boot.

Tama Janowitz puts the earthly competition between insects and humans this way: “Long after the bomb falls and you and your good deeds are gone, cockroaches, will still be here, prowling the streets like armored cars.”

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Importance Of Being The Church

By Pastor Mike Spaulding

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11

One of the most blessed things Christians are privileged to participate in is the life of a local assembly of believers. It might surprise readers to learn that the Bible in both Testaments speaks almost exclusively within the context of local bodies. The Old Testament speaks specifically about the nation, tribes, and families of the Hebrew people. Their story of failure and success in being obedient to God and in becoming the people He desired them to be is a primary storyline of the Old Testament. The New Testament reads like a manual for righteous living within the context of the local church family.

Think about this friends – Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience, Mark a Gentile audience, Luke for the benefit of Theophilus, John to Christians generally speaking, Paul to the churches in Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossae to name a few. One thing these letters have in common with the possible exception of Luke is that they were written to churches. One could argue that Paul’s letters to Timothy were written to an individual believer but even then Paul was instructing Timothy on how to handle issues within the body of believers.

My experience has been that most modern day Christians have not considered these truths. If they did, the number of people who deprecate the church would not be so high and alarming. I’ve seen many developments during my walk with Jesus Christ but none quite as surprising as the great number of people who have become indifferent to the local bodies of Christ. Researchers have a name for these people. They are called the “dones.” The name derives from the common attitude expressed by this demographic that they are “done” with the church, as if simply walking away from the local body is an answer to their frustration and is always a God-led decision.

Let me begin by admitting along with all those that have had a negative experience with a church, that the church has a lot of “warts.” What I mean by that is that the church has a lot of blemishes. The reason is simple. Churches are comprised of people and people make messes. There are plenty of things that people rightly point to and say, “See that’s the reason I don’t belong to a church.” Whatever your beef with the church is I’m sure you feel justified in remaining in that mindset. There are a couple of issues you need to consider if that is you though. One is that your perspective on the church is not shared by Jesus Christ. Jesus gave His life for His bride the church (Ephesians 5:23, 25). You are at odds with Jesus if you think the church is not worthy of your presence. Plainly stated friends, Jesus views His bride a lot differently than you do.

Additionally, your “feelings” shouldn’t be the determining factor in whether or not you are part of a local body of believers. Feelings are a horrible barometer of truth. Knowledge should be the primary consideration. Let me illustrate. How many people have ever had doubts about their salvation? The answer is lots of people struggle with “feeling” saved. The real question you should ask yourself is this: Do you know that you are saved? Have you made a profession of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s Cross to pay the penalty that sin demands? Do you know that those who are saved are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession (1 Peter 2:9)? Do you understand that Christ is building up His body by removing the impurities in us all (malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy, slander – 1 Peter 2:1)? Do you also understand that as those impurities are removed we are made a stronger “spiritual house” together (1 Peter 2:5)? Being a part of the body means going through life together, sharing one another’s burdens, laughing and crying together, struggling to right wrongs together, and sharpening each other’s thinking on subjects of great importance to every believer today.

Being a part of a local body of believers is a birthright (John 1:12-13) that too many Christians have sold for a bowl of slop just like Esau sold his birthright. Only after Esau had flippantly given up his blessing did he realize what a huge mistake he had made. Unfortunately for him and his posterity, this one decision set his life on a course of judgment and sorrow.  He lived his life for himself and for his own satisfaction and paid a steep price. His children and children’s children suffered greatly for Esau’s wrong thinking.

When I speak with people who have hardened their hearts against the church I often hear in their words the hissing of our enemy who says to people, “You don’t need to fellowship with your brothers and sisters. You can do this alone. Remember how hurtful they have been? Who needs that?” Friends, in the end times days we live in the enemy’s strategy is clearer than it has ever been – divide and conquer.

It still surprises me that some Christians trot out the worn out excuse that, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.” No one is saying that going to church makes anyone a Christian. What people who use this excuse are often trying to say is they can be spiritual without the local body. But being spiritual is not what we are to pursue is it? Christians are called to pursue godliness not adopt some form of spirituality as a mind salve.

God has determined that the best possible context for His people to grow in grace and knowledge of Him is the local church. That is the thrust of Acts 2:41-42 which is the passage dealing with the beginning of the church at Pentecost. We read in verse 41 that three-thousand people were “added.” The question is what were they added to? Clearly the local body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ is in view. In verse 42 we find a great outline for what the church should look like even today. Note that this group of believers banded together to receive the apostle’s teaching (which was Jesus’ teaching – Matthew 28:19-20), to share their lives with one another (fellowship), to celebrating Christ’s death on their behalf (the breaking of bread here can be understood as sharing meals together but it is more likely a reference to the Lord’s Table or Communion which was still very fresh on the apostle’s minds. See 1 Corinthians 11:26), and to prayer. That is a very good foundation for any local body.

Without the local body of believers, Paul’s discussion of every believer having a gift that he or she should exercise for the benefit of other believers makes no sense at all. Who cares if someone has the gift of prophecy if that person never leaves his or her living room to share it with an assembled group of believers that recognize themselves as the body of Christ?

Now don’t mishear me brothers and sisters. You can have a local body of believers meeting in someone’s home. That’s how the first church plant I was involved in started. But at some point as you grow and more families join you it becomes impossible to continue in that setting.  You will need a larger meeting place with rooms for children and a nursery and bathroom facilities. Sounds like a building that people use for their weekly gatherings to me.

Another feature that I have noticed over the years that is emblematic of the “dones” is that they become in many cases narrowly focused on a doctrine or two and those specific doctrines become their litmus test for association.  There is an easy explanation for this. In a home church setting there is almost always a type “A” personality who sets the course of study and teaching and who functions for better or worse as an elder or pastor. His views on the Bible, on what are important and what isn’t, and on a number of other things become the de facto home church by-laws and guidelines. Step outside of the home church leader’s perspective and you’ll find yourself alienated. In many cases this same doctrine or “pet tradition” was at the center of controversy and served as the reason why an individual left a church in the first place. This raises an interesting question. Who is there to keep that home church leader in check?  Who is there to say, “Wait that doctrine does not line up with the Bible”? The answer is no one. There is as the Bible says wisdom in a multitude of counselors.

In addition to receiving a word of encouragement, equipping, and sometimes correction through a carefully developed teaching sermon by Holy Spirit filled and led elders, believers also need to understand that our lives in Christ are shaped together by worship through singing, by our interactions with other believers as often as we meet together, by our service to one another when needs arise, by our receiving from the Lord’s Table, and by our common submission to the Word of God. These activities are nowhere encouraged nor pictured to be participated in isolation from one another. It is simply an untruth that some believers convince themselves is biblical.

Friends, the body of Christ is a multifaceted organism that grows and changes by nature. That is because the body of Christ is comprised of many different people with different perspectives on a host of topics. By standing together over time, we are made sure in the things we believe and why we believe them. A healthy body will have much discussion and debate over the years. But therein lays a secret to the church’s longevity. Doctrine focuses ministry and ministry develops servant-hood. All who claim Christ by faith are to be disciples and are to make disciples and the best way to fulfill this commission is to be an active part of a local body of believers.

Another passage from Paul’s letter to the Philippians is a good place to close this exhortation. In 1:27 Paul offers some words of encouragement to the believers in Philippi. He says to them, “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ;…standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel;” and then in 2:2 he says essentially the same thing, “make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” And then Paul identifies the foundation for being of one mind and one spirit in 2:3-4 – “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

Folks, Paul is speaking about body life here. The context of the writing of the overwhelming majority of the New Testament is the local church. We learn how to be humble when we serve other people. We learn how to be untied in spirit as we grapple daily with the short comings of others as well as our own. Conceit, pride, selfishness, and ego are chipped away piece by piece all within the context of the local body of Christ as we travel this faith road together.

My encouragement to you dear reader, especially those who may have given up on the local church is to prayerfully reconsider your stance. Please seek out a local body of believers and ask God to lead you in that effort. I believe that as you pray for God to lead you, He will do exactly that; to a group of believers who have been praying for God to bring you and your family.

© 2017 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:  drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com

Americans Have Lost No Rights

Kind of figured that the title would get your attention!  I’m certain you are curious, and probably thinking I’m insane.  Please allow me to satisfy your curiosity and try to prove my sanity.  You may find that I’m really not as far off base as you may think.  I will endeavor to explain the biblical truth on this topic, and establish the fact that men do not have rights in any form; civil, human, constitutional or God given.  You cannot lose something you never had.  The blessings of liberty come only by obedience to God’s laws, and fulfilling the duties they require.  PS. 119:45 “And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.”  And only where Christ is the head of a nation is there liberty.  (II cor. 3:17) The blessings of liberty, peace, prosperity and security can be, and are only found in believing and by obeying God’s laws in all spheres of society.  (PS. 29:11, PS 132:15, PS 33:12-Prov. 10:22, Prov. 11:11 -Is. 44:3)  These are only a few references to prove that all blessings flow from God Almighty to an obedient people.  (Deut. 28:2)  Men are granted blessings for performing their God-ordained duties and responsibilities.

Ecc 12:13 ,” Let us hear the conclusion of the whole duty of matter:  Fear God, and keep His commandments!  For this is the whole duty of man.”  (Emphasis added)

Many will cry and protest this article and proclaim that men have certain God-given unalienable rights!  The Declaration of Independence says so!  You are absolutely right!  But you must read on my friends, to understand and fully realize that these men understood that these “rights” were truly blessings granted to us by God for doing our duty to Him!  You will read in the Declaration of Independence that it is the duty of the people to overthrow a government that interferes with the “blessings” of liberty!  But only a righteous and virtuous people will fulfill that duty. These men also said in many of their personal writings and comments, that only an obedient people to God’s Word deserve the blessings of liberty.

John Adams, the second president of the United States said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Samuel Adams said, “While the people are virtuous, they cannot be subdued; but when they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader”.  May I add, even if they are “fake”, threats and attacks as 9/11 and others have been, and even more are still being contrived and enacted and carried out or allowed by our own elected officials, and/or agents of George Soros and others, to scare a sinful, callous and cowardly people into submission.

People, why would a Sovereign, Holy and Creator bless us with the gifts of liberty when we have done nothing to fulfill the duties that are required to obtain and keep them?

The “patriots” that tout and proclaim The Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights as the foundation and protector of our “rights” either don’t want to understand, or can’t understand, the fact that the Giver and Protector of our blessings, or what we call rights, is Jesus Christ!  Alone!  Why would He bless us with the means to defend ourselves or properties when we didn’t exercise the duty as blessings expressed in the Second Amendment to protect the 60,000,000 totally innocent babies slaughtered in their mother’s womb?  (Prov. 24:11-12, Jer. 22:3).  The second amendment neither guarantees nor protects our “right” to keep and bear arms!  God gave us a duty to keep and bear arms to protect the innocent, and our blessings of liberty! (Luke 22:36, Num. 1:18-54)

Why should the same Creator “protect” our blessings of being allowed to proclaim the truth of His Word and to speak His Word to demand “righteous” judgment on evil, which is the breaking of His laws.  We, the ones who claim to be His people, the called out ones, the church, have not done our duty to cry aloud and show the people their transgressions against His Word, and we are now losing the blessings of the liberty to speak the Truth! (Is. 58:1, Is. 59:15, Gal. 4:16)

 Why should we be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, when an unborn child isn’t even safe and protected in its mother’s womb?!

There is no need to further demonstrate why the rest of our so called “Bill of Rights” are ignored by our courts and Legislators!  We have failed to do our duty to the glory of God, and use our liberties to glorify Him and protect and preserve our fellowman and their blessings.  We have become a selfish, self-centered and self-righteous people who “whine” about our troubles and trials, but have tolerated countless evils all around us.

To sing or pray for God to bless America is at best arrogant, ignorant, or even outright blasphemy!

There you have it.  Now what will we do with this very plain spoken truth?

© 2017 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

Intercept The Nest NK Missile Launched?

The United States Missile Defense Agency has recently performed exercises to demonstrate the effectiveness of its medium range ballistic missile intercept capabilities.  While not a perfect record, the instances of interception are sufficient to alert Kim Jung Un that reliance on an offensive ballistic missile capability is folly not only because U.S. and allied retaliatory strikes are certain to end all life North of the 38th parallel but also because Un’s first strike capability may be mooted before a single ballistic missile hits its target.  Using the effectiveness of our intercept capability to strategic advantage the time may soon arrive when we would do well to prove the intercept not solely by shooting down a test missile but by shooting down a missile launched by Un that passes over allied territory.

Under United Nations’ resolutions, Un’s nuclear program, including his launch of test weapons over the territories of South Korea and Japan, are clear violations of international law.  When the President is satisfied that the U.S. Missile Defense Agency has maximized the effectiveness of the intercepts such that he can with a high degree of certainty count on those systems to take out ballistic missiles before they reach their targets, why not deploy the land and sea based systems sufficiently to enable an effective defense against multiple simultaneous launches by North Korea?

Then, we could give Un an ultimatum.  We could explain that his repeated launch of medium range ballistic missiles over the territories of South Korea and Japan are in violation of international law and pose a direct threat to the security of those nations.  We could then explain that if any future launch would place a North Korean missile over an allied nation’s territory, it will be destroyed before impact.

That will then place Un in the position of either having to test our resolve by launching a missile over allied territory or refrain from doing so in favor of launches that do not cross allied territories.  We would then be free to destroy any missile launched that passes over the territory of Japan or South Korea.  The actual deployment against Un’s actual missiles would have a major effect on North Korean confidence in the nation’s offensive ballistic weapon capabilities.

While blunting directly the threat posed by Un is increasingly a necessity for the United States and its allies, doing so will not contain the overall threat posed by North Korea.  North Korea poses a threat through its support of terror and its reliance on unconventional means to deliver nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.  North Korea is also able to launch a major conventional attack on the South, but doing so would likely provoke a tactical nuclear response and an overwhelmingly destructive American and allied military campaign against the North that would be rapid and overwhelming, resulting in the annihilation of the North,

By taking additional, more direct steps now to counter North Korea atop reliance on economic sanctions, the United States and its allies are likely to prove Un’s threat less ominous.  With each instance whereby we prove the threat lessened, it diminishes not only the persuasive force of Un’s extortionate demands but also his lease on life.  At some point, a challenge from within the regime or inspired by China may topple Un, particularly if his jingoism does not cause the United States to blink or make concessions, as was the unfortunate history of our diplomacy prior to President Trump.

Presently China benefits from strategic intelligence it gathers from U.S. and allied response to Un’s saber rattling.  If China perceives a pattern in American response that suggests a lack of resolve to defend its own or allied interests in the region, China’s appetite for overthrowing Taiwan will increase, as will its expansion of military control over the South China Sea and the islands it contests with Japan.  From China’s vantage point, that benefit is outweighed by disadvantage if the United States acts resolutely to defend its own and its allies’ interests by means that prove the Un threat incapable of effectuation, and if the United States greatly expands its offensive military capabilities in the region.

President Trump will do well to avoid negotiation with Un, maintain an ever expanding and tightening American military encirclement, denuding and defanging of North Korea, and rise to thwart more directly the demonstrations of offensive capability offered by Un.  Contained and increasingly proven to lack an effective offensive capability, Un will be less able to maintain his hold on power and less able to curry meaningful support from China.  China will also find it more difficult to expand its influence in the region.

© 2017 Jonathan Emord – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jonathan Emord: jemord@emord.com

The American Taxpayer’s Cost Of DACA’s Illegal Immigrants

Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems. —Timothy Murphy

Eliminate Illegal Amnesties

As a candidate, Trump pledged to “immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties.”  So, why is our president repeatedly expressing empathy with the participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)?

Now he is saying to Congress, “Legalize DACA or I will revisit it.”  What? Supporters of Trump have already said they will exit the Trump train if he legalizes illegal aliens who broke the law.  Daily Caller says Trump is allowing Dreamers to stay and even Rush Limbaugh is fine with it.  Excuse me Rush, but this is screw the taxpayer again!

Illegal aliens, who are eligible for DACA needed to have entered the United States illegally before 2007 and be 15 or younger at the time of their arrival. They also had to be younger than 31 years of age when DACA was officially created in June 2012.

Although there are over 1.3 million people who are eligible for Obama’s DACA program, of those who applied, approximately 800,000 individuals have it.

DACA and Fraud

New research has shown that DACA itself is a jumbled mess of fraud and unaccountability.

“There’s a ‘huge’ rate of fraud in the DACA program,” a former insider warns, and many of the people who are in the DACA program have provided false information in order to escape deportation and remain in the U.S.

“As many as half of the approximately 800,000 people who now have work permits under DACA may have lied on their applications to get approved,” said Matt O’Brien, an attorney and until last year a manager in the investigative unit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.

So why in hell would we want to give these lawbreakers and liars free citizenship in the United States?  And why doesn’t the Trump administration know this?

DACA and Crime

Many participants, referred to euphemistically as “dreamers,” arrived in the United States as small children and have little recollection of their birth countries. DACA does not give them residency status, but temporarily protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. The protection can be revoked at any time and some of these illegals have lost their DACA protections after being arrested for vicious crimes, yet many are still not deported.

What about American families who have lost loved ones because Dreamers murdered them?  Is there no sense of protection for American citizens?  Apparently not, because illegals, and I include Islamic refugees, continue to rape, murder, and destroy citizens of this country.

A man charged with multiple murders was erroneously shielded from deportation under DACA, despite gang ties.  And, sympathetic media has scrambled to trot out shiny Dreamers, but forgets all the nightmares, and the nightmare list is very long.  Link

Then there’s the parental program, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, or DAPA, which was blocked by a federal judge in Texas after 26 states sued. Republicans saw it as a “backdoor amnesty” and argued that Obama overstepped his authority by protecting a specific class of immigrants living in the United States illegally.

These illegals need to be deported because they broke the law to get here.  Sound harsh?  Not really, when you realize some of these “children” were teens when they came here.  If they haven’t any relatives in any state who could take them in, then fine, let them stay. However, if they have one family member in another nation, they need to go back and immigrate legally as our ancestors from Europe did when they came through Ellis Island.

Why won’t much deportation happen? Because the Democrats are against it, the Republicans are against it when nobody is looking.  Chicago, California, and New York are against it, a dozen large businesses are very against it, the media are against it, the Loony Tune Left is against it, academia is against it, the Latinos no matter how badly they’re behaving is not enough to deport them, and the Millennials don’t give a damn.

That leaves us, the taxpayers, who should be screaming at the top of our lungs about these illegal alien lawbreakers milking us for decades.  Yet we have a bunch of socialists in Congress who don’t give a rat’s ass about the taxpayers.  Needless to say, it’s why we must be screaming constantly at these rotten “servants” of the people.

Congress Gets Six Months

Why is Trump giving Congress six months to do something?  This was an Executive Order by Obama that should have been undone and the majority of these people deported to their countries of origin. DACA creates an amnesty and the infamous and euphemistic sounding “path to citizenship” for illegals who violated American territory with their illegal invader parents.  It is nothing more than an extension of the anchor baby concept to foreign-born non-citizens.  Senator Jacob Howard, who introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigner or aliens.  So, who changed it?

The anchor baby scam was invented 35 years ago by a liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the children born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens.  Unconstitutional poppycock.

The Conniving Congress

Our President has said the Dreamers have no reason to worry, but American citizens have big reasons to worry since this is now in the hands of Congress and a Republican party who is not capable of governing.

Pelosi and her fellow democrats, led by Luis Gutierrez and his Latin supremacists, filed a discharge petition to begin the trickery that could ultimately lead to a vote on the so-called DREAM Act, and I mean an immediate vote.  Knowing the desire of both the left and right for amnesty and their fake bleeding-heart liberalism, they will easily pass this and send it to lily-livered McConnell, who will not promote the votes to kill it, and it will go to the President’s desk.

Even if the President vetoes the rotten amnesty, these vile Trump hating spineless weasels in our Republican Majority Congress, will spit in his face and override the veto.  That’s what Trump is dealing with.

Michelle Malkin, a former Trump bashing so-called-conservative wrote a fabulous article wherein she states, There is No Such Thing As a Deserving Dreamer!  She is absolutely right, they are all about “I, I, I, me, me, me, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie and deserve, deserve, deserve,” when they deserve nothing!  They are lawbreakers who are bleeding America’s taxpayers dry.

Of course, the Associated Press refers to these illegal aliens as undocumented citizens.  Oh yes, I really want these demanding lawbreakers given free citizenship in the United States, when my ancestors worked hard to get here, and worked hard to make America a great country.

Deportation Costs Less

Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the number of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs, and that’s only for 11 million.  We all know it’s up to 50 or 60 million illegals.  Multiply $750 billion by 5.5 more million and see what it’s costing us.

The feds have replaced America’s aborted babies with these illegals, many who never assimilate into society as our European ancestors so willingly did.

“Sometimes people say, look we couldn’t deport everybody because it’s prohibitively expensive,” Mr. Camarota said. “But if your only concern is fiscal cost, it’s pretty clear that letting them stay is a hell of a lot more expensive.”

Deportation in the Past

Eisenhower deported over a million illegal aliens in 1954.   They were loaded onto trains, buses and planes and deposited deep in Mexico’s interior to prevent them from returning.

Back then, prominent U.S. senators were troubled by a government program that allowed some Mexican workers to enter the country legally. Sens. Herbert Lehman, D-N.Y., and Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., the Chicago Tribune reported, “charged that the recruitment program makes it easy for Communists and other subversives to enter the United States.” Lehman estimated the daily flow of troublemakers as “perhaps many hundreds.”

Well, today it is far more, and we have become overrun with illegal aliens and Islamic refugees, the majority of whom are sucking America’s funds dry and have put us in debt that will never be repaid, and that’s not to mention the death and destruction caused by these aliens.

Advisor Kushner Joins with Dems on DACA

“President Donald Trump’s son-in-law set up a secret back channel to help a top Democratic Senator lobby White House officials in favor of the “DACA” amnesty for 800,000 young illegals.  [Link]

Socialist Sen. Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democratic Senator, spilled the beans in an interview with Reuters, where he described how he worked with Jared Kushner and liberal Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to promote the DACA amnesty in April and July.

In addition, Durbin said there had been telephone calls between him and Kushner as well as calls and meetings with then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, now chief of staff. They had, and increasingly still have, President Trump surrounded with the globalist mindset.

Sessions apparently wants DACA destroyed, as does Steve Miller, who understands MAGA, but we’ll have to see how long Steve lasts with a McMaster bullseye on his back.

Bleeding American Taxpayers

DACA and DAPA and every other illegal amnesty needs to be destroyed.

A Drexel University professor has openly encouraged people to destroy government property of ICE vehicles in order to stop DACA deportation.  Not only should he be charged with inciting illegal activities, but he should be fired from Drexel.  George Ciccariello-Maher teaches Global studies at Drexel University, and he made headlines last December when he tweeted out that the one thing he wanted for Christmas was “white genocide.”  This bozo is a white boy.

Given the competitiveness of admissions, it is all the more outrageous that the University of Miami is offering Dreamers a full scholarship worth $62,000, as well as lower GPA and SAT standards. [Link]  The Dreamer scholarship is “renewable for up to four academic years or such time as is required to complete the baccalaureate degree.”  So, illegals who have broken the law get a free ride, while again American taxpayers take it in the arse.

To top it off, Janet Napolitano, former Sec. of Homeland Security under Obama, filed a lawsuit  protesting the phase out of DACA by the administration, declaring that it is being done by executive whim. Maybe Trump should have just had his DHS Secretary write a memo. Then they could treat it as if it were a law.

The reality is that DACA is still growing, they’re not sending their best and brightest (never have), it will cost Americans and their government a huge amount of money, it encourages more illegal immigration, it imports crime, it helps democrats, and it is fundamentally illegitimate.  [Link]

It’s up to us!

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P.S.  We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  It is up to all of us to keep the free flow of information available.  Thank you for continuing to help NWVs stay alive and coming into your mailbox every morning.  Please donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Actress Jennifer Lawrence Sez Texas Destruction Due To Voting For Trump

LA LA LAND USA —Yep, it’s official. President Donald Trump caused the deadly hurricane that struck Houston. It is all his fault doncha know.  Film actress Jennifer Lawrence made this clear on Channel 4 in London at the site of her latest movie premiere, Mother.

Yep, President Trump’s a rascal by golly, who causes nothing but destruction and can even manipulate nature that to our knowledge is only manipulated by God. These movie stars seem to think they ARE God who can advise us on all issues and stick their noses into the politics of our country which most of them do not have to live under.

Here is another daffy Hollywood “star” who thinks she is qualified to analyze all activities politically, support those who would make all America Communist as she remains in gated communities while enjoying mass wealth. We recently discussed the Plague of Stupidity that has stricken America, which apparently is accompanied by the Plague of Ignorance. Apparently a double plague is more common than thought.

Babbling on to the British media just before the screening, the actress suggested that “the recent hurricanes to hit the U.S.are punishment—Mother Nature’s—for voting Donald Trump into the White House. It’s scary,”  the movie actress told the Channel 4 reporter. She also babbled on about all things political including the “settled” science of man-made climate change and the election of Donald Trump who rejects man-made climate change. She was attempting to imply that it was God who was upset with those who voted for Trump.

All of this is total nonsense! It was God Who put Trump in the White House to give America one more chance. She has no knowledge of God, Mother Nature, or science. And God is not punishing Trump for rejecting man-made climate change which is a hoax to justify a world wide tax “in order to stop global warming which will burn up the earth without such a tax to fight it.”

Al Gore has pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars fronting that ruse. We are told that he is promised a billion dollars if he manages to get that tax through.  He made a documentary titled, “Inconvenient Truth” the title of his book, borrowing words from this columnist. He was given an Academy Award for this documentary which was only so-so by industry standards. There was so much pressure on this that he was given a second academy award for the music of the film. That music was absolutely terrible.

This writer is the easiest person in the world to please with music. Frankly, I would not want to live in a world without music, or dogs. But Gore’s music can be described by a term in the Bible—it stinketh!  Talk about payoffs and politics! A lot of money changed hands over that atrocity.

It is to be noted that a few actors got together to petition that those statues given Gore be taken back. Unfortunately nothing came of that.  Also, his follow up documentary—More Inconvenient Truths—absolutely bombed at the box office. There were only a few people at the showings. Folks are beginning to catch on.

Let’s discuss man-made climate change as invented by Gore. After all he told us that he invented the internet and of course, he brags, he and Tipper (his wife at the time) were the inspiration for the movie, Love Story. Sure!

Climate is dictated only by the sun, which makes it hot, or cold. Nothing else. It has nothing to do with man, carbon, cow farts or hair spray. The sun only dictates climate, hot or cold. NASA confirmed this to me.  Due to man’s own mishandling, we do have smog, bad air quality and downright pollution. Those problems are all due to OUR actions but nothing to do with the planet being hot or cold.

We respectfully ask Jennifer Laurence to please simply stick to her acting even though many of us will not be in the audience. As for the rest of us, isn’t it ridiculous that we buy expensive tickets to their movies, plus more than double that amount for refreshments such as coke and pop corn which makes these film actors and actresses obscenely wealthy so that they can try to sabotage our way of life by their meddling? And insult families and God?  Ridiculous!

Oh yes, in closing, here is an acute case of the Plague of Stupidity:
“My fear is that if North Korea nukes us, Trump gonna get us into a war”?!  —US Rep Maxine Waters…


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Bernie Sanders’ Religion vs. Christianity

There is a new ice-cream from Ben and Jerry’s called, Bernie’s Yearning.

The entire top of this pint is covered with a thick disc of solid chocolate. Underneath is plain mint ice cream.

The chocolate disc – we are told – on the outside wrap of the pint, represents the huge majority of economic gains that gone to the top one-percent since the end of the recession. Beneath it, the rest of us.

Video of the sermon

Eating instructions:

    1      Take back of spoon and whack huge chocolate disc into lots of pieces.

    2      Let the ice cream soften up a bit, mix the pieces around–and there you have it, Bernies Yearning.

    3      Dig in, and share it with your fellow Americans!

[What is the picture?] breaking up real income inequality. www.fastcompany.com

Whack the rich and mix into the rest – i.e.. redistribute wealth, steal from the rich and give to the poor.

So, what does Bernie yearn for with a truly religious zeal? Larger more intrusive, more dictatorial civil government. He hopes from more socialist medicine, more control of everyone and everything so that civil government can be the savior of mankind. Sanders is a devotee of the religion called Marxism and the civil government is his savior.

Not only that, but perhaps you remember what Sanders did back in June 2017:

“During a confirmation hearing for Russell Vought, President Trump’s nominee for deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, Sanders expressed his indignation at an article Vought had written in January 2016 about a controversy that erupted at Vought’s alma mater, Wheaton College… Sanders, in a blatant violation of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, was applying a religious test for an office of public trust.

Specifically, Sanders doesn’t think Christians are fit to serve in government because [in his own words] they’re bigots. Basic Christian theology, in Sanders’s view, ‘is indefensible, it is hateful, it is Islamophobic, and it is an insult to over a billion Muslims throughout the world.’

Sanders conflated Vought’s thoroughly commonplace understanding of Christian theology with racism and bigotry…The Left, itself a kind of secular religion, does not really think it’s okay to be religious—to hold strong convictions about eternal salvation or the divinity of Jesus Christ. Progressives believe this is disturbing and un-American. The irony is that the opposite is true, as John Adams put it: ‘Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.’

Understand, too, that the progressives who now run the Democratic Party will turn a blind eye to the exclusivity claims of Muslims and other religious groups they think they need in their political coalition. But they will not suffer Christians.” thefederalist.com

Sanders is not alone. These so-called Progressives hate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those who adhere to Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. They believe that Christians stand in their way, the path of establishing salvation they believe they will usher in here on earth. They understand that Christians have absolute loyalty to Jesus Christ and the Word of God and they will not bow to the Marxist regime that denies that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

Death Of The GOP Establishment

Ever since the election of Donald Trump we have seen both side of the isle go into meltdown.  Most of the hatred and vitriol is from the liberals who are seeing their power structure torn down.  When you really look at it Donald Trump is doing everything for the betterment of the American people and the country as a whole.  The Democrats are against everything Donald Trump is doing.  Let that sink in for a while.

The surprising resistance is from the Republican elite.  Jeb Bush thought it was his turn.  He’s part of the globalists that have infiltrated the Republican Party.  Globalist believe that America must join with the rest of the world and do things that benefit the world as a whole and not just the American people.  Fools that they are don’t see that allowing America to be what America has always been is the best benefit to the world.

We see that the Republican Party is full of those that want what the Democrats want, open borders, trade deals that benefit other nations instead of America.  When Trump announced his bid for the presidency the 16 candidates were all globalists.  He beat them all.  He beat them because Americans want to keep America sovereign.  Most Americans want the United States out of the United Nations.  It has become nothing but a bully platform for Islamic nations and the far left agenda that is bent on a One World Government.

There are complaints that Trump is not getting anything done.  That is not all his fault. The majority of the blame falls on the shoulders of two RINO leaders in Congress, Senator Mitch McConnell and Representative Paul Ryan.  IF they were true leaders of their Party they would be pushing the president’s agenda instead of the Party’s agenda.  It was Trumps agenda that the people voted for not the globalist agenda of the Republican elites.

Trump called for the repeal of the worst healthcare disaster in the history of mankind, Obamacare.  The Republicans easily mustered the vote while Obama was still in office: House Republicans pushed forward with another vote to roll back the Affordable Care Act on Friday, passing a bill that would repeal several major pillars of President Obama’s landmark 2010 law, including the requirement that Americans have health coverage.

The legislation, the latest of more than 50 bills by congressional Republicans to repeal all or part of the health law, would also halt federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

The 240-189 vote will not change anything in the health law or Planned Parenthood, however, as Obama has indicated he would veto the bill if it ever reaches his desk.

It is not even clear that the bill will pass the Senate. Several Republicans, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, have said the legislation does not repeal enough of what the GOP calls “Obamacare.”

Internal Republican divisions over the bill threaten to derail a legislative strategy that GOP congressional leaders had hoped would allow Congress to force Obama to veto a repeal bill.

The current bill was passed through a process known as budget reconciliation, which will prevent Democrats in the Senate from filibustering the bill and allow Republicans to pass the law with a simple majority, if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) can come up with 51 votes. 1  They proudly took a stand against big government intrusion into a private industry that was the best the world had to offer.  Yes, it had problems but government takeover is never the solution.  But they voted to repeal it knowing full well that Obama would veto the bill.  Ah, but they looked good.  Now we have a president that would sign the bill and for some strange reason they couldn’t muster the votes to get it to Trumps desk for a signature.  There is one reason for this and one reason only, the Republicans were doing nothing but grandstanding with the vote while Obama was still in office.  Even the traitor to the American people, John McCain voted to repeal while Obama was in office but because of his outright hatred of Trump was the deciding vote to stop the repeal.  McCain is now more popular with Democrats than he is with Republicans.  He is a Viet Nam veteran and a POW but there are many questions about that like why do they call him ‘songbird’.  Something to research.  He is in the wrong Party.  He’s commented on the Democrat Party: “I think the Democrat Party is a fine party, and I have no problems with it, in their views and philosophy.” The Democrat Party has more of the communist ideology that an American ideology.  But McCain is part of the GOP establishment.  Senators like him and Lindsay Graham, Orrin Hatch, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of and Susan Collins have stabbed the American people in the back time and time again because of their support for the Democrat ideology over the ideology of the American people.  They are the most well know of the globalists in the Party but in reality any globalist is a threat to America’s sovereignty.

John Kasich of Ohio, and member of the GOP establishment, is one of the worst offenders of the American people.  He is a rabid anti-Trumper because of Trumps stand on illegal immigration and refugees from nations that hate us.  Kasich believes that we should give amnesty to all illegals and refuge to anyone from anywhere in the world for any reason disregarding the probable dangers to the American people.

We saw Trump cross the isle this last week because the Republican so-called leadership could not get something done, as usual.  Trump wanted funding to the relief efforts for Harvey but the Republicans, purists that they are, wouldn’t move forward to help the American people.  Even when the vote came down, ALL the opposing votes were from Republicans!  90 in the House and 12 in the Senate. Under these devastating situations for the people in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida, how could anybody vote no?  Only the GOP Establishment who want only their agenda no matter what.

I believe, along with Lou Dobbs that this is the beginning of the end for the RINO’s in D.C.  It should be.  They are supposed to represent the American people but they only care about their agenda, which for some reason has left the American people out in the cold.  The 90 Representatives and 12 Senators that voted against this bill and the leadership that failed to lead should be Uber drivers after the 2018 midterm elections. They have become enemies of the American people.

© 2017 Roger Abghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Obamacare repeal

Bearing Crosses

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

One of my favourite illustrators was Annie Vallotton, who is best known for her stick figure illustrations which feature in the Good News Bible.

Who would have thought that simple black and white pictures could convey powerful messages; but in Annie’s illustrations it would be fair to say that the holy-spirit certainly speaks through them.

The most striking illustration which always intrigues me is one of many people all carrying crosses.  In the illustration there are young and old people, and some are very small children.  The crosses are also of different sizes.   The caption reads:

“he must forget himself, carry his cross, and follow me” Mark (8:34)

The picture indicates we are all carrying some sort of cross in our lives, and a good friend explained to me once that our crosses are made lighter by Christ inside us who bears the heaviest part of that cross for us. I love that. There are sometimes issues in our lives that could crush us if it were not for a strength that is bigger than our own weak selves.

People are very good at wearing crosses, you see them all around you, but they are not very good at carrying their cross or of knowing how to.    We talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk.

Crosses can make a statement of faith or also a statement of fashion.   You sometimes see large diamond studded crosses hanging round a person’s neck, and you sometimes see them being paraded down the aisles of a church.   But who it is that wears them is not always a true reflection of truth. You see their hypocrisy. Fashion has infiltrated churches and watered down the message of the cross.   There are many theologians who are now fashion-statement bearers.

Therefore, discovering the truth, or having the truth revealed to you, for many Christians, has become a singular journey now outside the confines of organized religion, church buildings and fellowship.

The Conversion of the Church of England

 It is very sad to say that if you are looking for answers you will not find them today within the Church of England as a whole. Many Christians have lost all respect for what is known as the General Synod of The Church of England in the UK who can make decisions which, if approved by the Houses of Parliament, can define the law and also influence the spiritual lives of their congregations. Unfortunately, they have failed to convey the message of the gospel and the many people which they should have really helped, stand outside its walls.  Weakness is epitomized in many of the clergy who cannot speak the truth in love, or offer hope to people who look for true answers.

It is disappointing that the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu is reported as saying “The sooner the practice of so-called conversion therapy is banned, I can sleep at night”.

One might initially think the conversion he speaks of is the conversion of the church, but his remarks are aimed at the counselling and the help that many people seek for unwanted same-sex attraction.

By calling it ‘so called conversion’, he suggests that people are being forced or manipulated into seeking help to change their nature, rather than return to their basic nature and to what they feel is right.   The church, in this respect, overlooks the thousands of people who have found great help and support in talking to someone who understands; which includes people who were sexually abused as children and feel their same-sex attraction is somehow connected to that experience!  It includes the many people who feel their need for a fathers love became sexualized at some point in their lives.   It includes the similarities in a person’s childhood or a trauma that can be identified in so many stories, which at least offers some basic understanding of the spiritual war they may be experiencing.

Whereas, proponents of banning this help can recount many stories of people who were not helped by therapy, there are also thousands of stories of people who have been greatly helped and supported in overcoming the desires that they experience.

Should the church be trivializing and dismissing the very real changes that many people want and have experienced.   Why are their stories being silenced?

Often opponents to present day therapy will bring up the use of electroconvulsive therapy or castration which was once used against people with homosexual tendencies, but this is not used in modern day counselling.   However, ECT, electroconvulsive therapy is still widely used for mental health conditions which can include depression or psychotic episodes.  It could be considered to be a violation by any number of people.  It may certainly be a cruel answer to a spiritual problem.   You can read about how ECT is used today here:

The motion to bring about the banning of therapy was bought to the General Synod by Christian gay rights campaigner Jayne Ozanne stating “the therapy is potentially harmful with no place in the modern world”.

But here is the hypocrisy.   It is reported the Church of England overwhelmingly called for a ban on such therapy for gay Christians after overwhelmingly affirming transgender people in the church.   What sort of double standard is this that would remove the choice from one group of people and then affirm the choice of another, and are they aware that organisations, who offer help for unwanted same-sex, also have to offer help to many trans-gender people who regret the transition that they made?

Children and adults who look for answers as to why they have certain feelings often feel extremely rejected by God.   There can be no denying there is a certain amount of suffering and bullying that they may have experienced.  Society is cruel on many people for many different reasons.   They will however sometimes look to the church or the medical profession for an answer.   They should be more consciencous of what they say in the position that they are in.   Sadly, they are not.

From strongly criticizing and condoning certain behaviours to affirming or being indifferent to certain behaviours they have failed on both accounts to give the correct understanding, merely because they are fashion statement bearers.    There is no real spiritual love in their actions.

Spiritual and physical abuse within religion has destroyed many believers.

Annie Vallotan

When drawing her many sketches for the Good News Bible it is reported than Annie Vallotan would often draw them up to 90 times to get each illustration right.   She wanted to make her drawings simple and she wanted to convey the truth.   I am only guessing the truth was more important to her because of those repeated efforts that she made.   Something wasn’t quite right with the picture.

The illustration of the many people all carrying crosses indicates a message which should resonate with many people if they are lovers of the truth, and if they wish to follow Christ.

My understanding is that God loves people who go to him, but he has never told them to stay just as they are

Fashion wearer or truth bearer?   It is good to have discernment when faced with those wearing crosses who give you advice, if you are really searching for the truth.   It really is a matter of life or death.   Who do you listen to?   Maybe, the still small voice of God himself.

Will you bear your cross, or will you just wear it……?

Will you sleep easy tonight?

© 2017 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Who Are the Palestinians Anyway?

“And Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had acquired, and the souls they had acquired in Haran, and they went to go to the land of Canaan, and they came to the land of Canaan….. And the Lord appeared to Abram, and He said, ‘To your seed I will give this land,’ and there he built an altar to the Lord, Who had appeared to him.” Genesis 12:5,7

“When one looks into what the Palestinians say about themselves, how each family describes its lineage, there is no trace of a ‘Canaanite’ ancestry. Most of the families find their origins in Arab tribes, some of them with Kurdish or Egyptian background, and there are even – by word of mouth – widespread stories of Jewish or Samaritan ancestry.”   Pinhas Inbari, “Who Are the Palestinians?”

As the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs continues to drag on, with no end in sight, several things have become clear. There is a history of the Jewish people and one for the Arab Palestinians, and one of these histories gives the possessor a stronger claim to the ownership of the land.

If one wants to weigh in their opinion of the matter, for whatever reason, it is important to look into the competing historical claims. Along with histories there are traditions, and one of these two groups has traditions that reflect the importance of the land to their history. The history and traditions should have been conveyed from generation to generation, from ancient times to this present day, and this is reflected in each group’s narratives.

Anyone who has read Genesis in the Bible  has read of the Jewish roots in Israel, which began when God directed Abraham to go to the land of Canaan, today’s Israel. His family lived there until the generation of his grandson, Jacob. At that time there was a famine so Jacob moved the family to Egypt. After 210 years in Egypt, Moses brought the Israelites home to Canaan. There they established a kingdom in their homeland, built two Temples to God, and maintained some kind of presence for at least the 3000 years since the first Temple, which was built by King Solomon.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus was documented as living in Jerusalem through the writings of the New Testament. In regard to the narrative of the Jews, the NT is especially interesting for all the historical detail it contains. Most of this history is confirmed by the writer Josephus, who documented the history of the time.

Every day the traditions and Biblical writing is confirmed by new archeological discoveries. Stamps have been found bearing the names of Biblical personages, and many other proofs of the Temples and Biblical characters have been found. Archeologists are digging in the City of David currently and are excavating a large home which they believe to be King David’s palace. When I visited the site, they had just uncovered what they considered to be ancient toilets!. Now, it may seem strange, but what could be more authentic than an ancient toilet to prove a building housed important people, and why would archeologists make up such an explanation for these very toilet-shaped artifacts? So it seems, 3000 years ago, King David used a kind of ancient toilet in his palace. Similar items have not been found in normal homes of the time, which gives credence to the idea that this was the home of someone important.

There are many such sites in Jerusalem and around the city that prove there was a Temple and there was a Jewish people as described in the Bible and by Josephus.

For centuries it was understood by the world that Israel had been Jewish and there had been Temples and important kings there. No one had contested this proof of the Jewish homeland in Israel.

Recently, many questioned the Palestinian Arab narrative of their roots being in Canaan, because they offered no proof. There has been no history and no record of any nation called Palestine. The name itself originated when the Roman name -“Palestina” – was given to it, following the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. Roman Emperor Hadrian gave the name in the hopes of erasing its Biblical name “Judea.” So the name is not Arabic and has absolutely nothing to do with the Arabs. The Jews called themselves Palestinians when they lived in the land under other rulers, but never did any Arabs use that label for themselves until the last century.

Today the Palestinian Arabs continue to add to their history and narrative. Their leaders are reiterating that the origin of the Palestinians is the Canaani people. As we know, the Israelites destroyed their community and they either died or fled, and today DNA tests reveal that the remnant of the Canaani people may be today’s Lebanese.

Regardless, some Palestinian Arabs maintain that they are the Canaani and that the Israelites stole their homeland. Today, after thousands of years, they have decided to re-claim their homeland. They failed to show any interest in doing this when Jordan occupied the “West Bank” from 1948 until 1967. But when the Jews won the land back in 1967, the Palestinians suddenly remembered they were indigenous and they wanted their “homeland” back.

Recently writer Pinhas Inbari researched Palestinian Arab families in the area to try to ascertain their traditions and family history. He could not find one family who traced their roots back to the land of Canaan.

He writes, “Not a single Palestinian tribe identifies its roots in Canaan; instead, they all see themselves as proud Arabs descended from the most notable Arab tribes …of Iraq, or Yemen. Even the Kanaan family of Nablus locates its origins in Syria. Some Palestinian clans are Kurdish or Egyptian in origin, and in Mount Hebron, there are traditions of Jewish origins.“

There was a video on March 23, 2012, featuring the Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security, Fathi Hammad, linking the Palestinians’ origins to Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula:

He stated, “Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the north, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians; we are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are part of you. Egyptians! Personally, half my family is Egyptian – and the other half are Saudis.

Inbari also looked into other narratives of the origins of the Palestinian Arabs. For centuries before the birth of modern Israel, the area was considered to be part of southern Syria. Even then, there was no desire for an independent state. The Palestinians wanted to be part of Syria.

As Inbari wrote. ”At the 1920 riots, Haj Amin al-Husseini held up a portrait of King Faisal of Syria and showed it to the Jerusalem Arab crowd: ‘This is your King!’ The crowd responded: ‘God Save the King!’ The focus of much of the protest at the time was on the imposed separation of British Mandatory Palestine from Syria, which came under a French Mandate. The goal was reunification not Palestinian independence.”

Most nations have a flag. The flag the Palestinians of today use was only adopted as their flag in 1964. It happens to the flag of the Baath party of Syria. In fact, historically, “The flag of Palestine is, then, one of the flags of ‘Greater Syria’.  It expresses a pan-Arab commitment, which the flags of Jordan, the Baath Party, and the Hashemites during their short-lived regime in Syria also upheld.”  (Inbari)

King Feisal of Syria was adamant that Palestine area should remain in Syria, but of course, King Feisal’s reign on the throne had to end. When it did, the Palestinians became cut off from Syria, which forced them to seek separate roots for their identity. That’s when they first came up with the idea that they were Canaani.

How does the PA counter the story in the Bible that puts Isaac as the first-born son and heir to Abraham and the one from whom the nation of Israel will come? In the Palestinian version, Ishmael is considered the first-born son and the rightful heir. This is problematic, not only because we consider the Bible to be inerrant, but in later stories, it is clear that Isaac is the older brother, while Ishmael did not grow up with Isaac and his parents. Hagar was sent away with her son by Sarah. From this, it cannot be reconciled that Ishmael is the child of the promise, but only Isaac.

That also set in motion the rewriting of much of Jerusalem’s history. Just this year, due to the Palestinian influence in UNESCO, many of the historical ancient Jewish sites were stripped of their Jewish history and given new identities as Palestinian sites. Even the two Temples were wiped out with a stroke of a pen, or computer keys, and we’re told there were no Temples. That means that the New Testament lied when it said Jesus was in the Temple or on the mount on certain occasions, and he was said to have been studying in the Temple with the priests. But if one believes the Palestinians, there were no Temples and no priests to teach the young Jesus. Of course, the Palestinians answer this by saying Jesus wasn’t even a Jew, but a Palestinian Muslim.

They don’t take that statement to its logical next step. If Jesus was a Muslim, what is Christianity? How did the New Testament come to be written by Jews, in a Jewish context, describing Jewish traditions and holidays?

It seems the Palestinians have painted themselves in a corner. Will they now rewrite the entire New Testament to prove how Jesus was a Palestinian Muslim? In fact, as preposterous as it seems, Muslims have already attempted to do so, within the Koran.

You might ask, how could Jesus have been a Muslim hundreds of years before Mohammed? No problem for Muslims, they now say Jesus was given a copy of the Koran by Allah himself. Makes perfect sense, right?

This contradiction is no problem for those who make up history, rather than rely on factual evidence. Jihad Watch leader Robert Spencer has covered this rewriting by Muslims of Christian tradition. They have written a forgery called the Gospel of Barnabas.. In this hoax, they state that Jesus said that the Messiah’s name would be Mohammed!  But even though this “book” is a hoax, it is readily available from Amazon.

As we have dug deeper, we see that the rewriting of the Bible has already been done. Muslims have rewritten the Jews and the Christians out of the Bible and are trying to change the understandings the world has gained from ancient documents, ancient traditions, archeological evidence and the body of knowledge we have accepted for millennia.

Jews and Christians need to stand together and speak against these lies and forgeries. If the UN, as represented by UNESCO, has bought into the hoaxes, how long before this heresy begins to affect the public at large? We can’t ignore this; such lies have to be answered.

© 2017 Cathy Sherman – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cathy Sherman: yofeee@gmail.com

A National Gathering Of Mothers For Truth, Family, Freedom Sweeping The Nation

By Kimberly Fletcher

If the women who spoke at the women’s march in Washington D.C. this past January spoke for you then don’t waste your time reading this article.  If, however, you were as shocked by the blatant display of vulgarity, hatred and anti-American rhetoric as I was, then read on.  This is for you!

In a time when diversity means silence, tolerance means violence, commonsense is politicized and deception abounds, it is time for a better message.  The mothers of America are ready to deliver that message September 23, 2017, at the Mom’s March for America.

Before you roll your eyes at the idea of yet another march protesting this thing or that and wasting a bunch of time accomplishing nothing, pause, sit back and read on because this is a march unlike you’ve ever seen before.

The Mom’s March for America is national gathering of mothers, centered in the Heartland of America—and broadcast live across the nation—to celebrate the powerful influence of mothers on our nation and stand united for truth, family, freedom and the constitution that protects our divine, inherent rights as mothers.

The Mom’s March for America is not a physical march walking down the street, shouting and carrying signs. We’ve been there and done that and what has it accomplished? This is a Cultural March toward a higher standard of decency, civility and liberty.  It is a celebration of the biggest cultural movement happening in America—the march that mothers make every day in their homes, neighborhoods, and businesses as they nurture their families, influence their communities and shape our nation.

For years we’ve been bombarded with a constant dose of doom and gloom. The media and educational institutions repeat the same old tired message over and over. We’re told we’re killing the planet and nothing we do will change it.   We’re told racism will never end, women will never be equal to men and hunger will never be conquered.  No matter how much we spend, how much time we give or how much good we do, the message is always the same–it will NEVER change.

But as we know, it is all a lie for political gain. Texas has proved to us that we can get along.  Decency and humanity still abounds in the hearts of Americans everywhere.  That is a story worth telling and message of hope worth sharing. But it is not a message or story the enemies of freedom want you to hear. But it is obviously a message that resonates with mothers with thousands of mothers in more than 3,000 cities in every state in America have signed the Declaration of Mothers and joined the march—proclaiming that truth is self-evident, family matters, and freedom is worth fighting for.

So why should you join the Mom’s March for America?

Because we’ve been on the defense way too long and the enemies of freedom are stepping up the game. We can’t win this battle in four-year cycles.  We need to gear up for the long game. And it’s time to bring in the offensive line—the Moms!

There is an all-out assault on freedom. As Rush Limbaugh said a few years ago, the objective is “converting this country into pure, undisguised, unmistakable socialism with an expansive, growing government, with attack after attack on achievers, on prosperity, on capitalism, on successful people—the effective elimination of the constitution.”

We need to strengthen, support and encourage each other in the battles before us.  Our nation is being destroyed from the inside out. We can’t fight it from the outside in and expect to win. There are forces seen and unseen trying to steal the hearts and minds of our children—the future of America. We are the first and last line of defense.

I believe this is the very reason the Lord it put on my heart to hold the Mom’s March for America–to unite us together as mothers to stand for truth–even when it is inconvenient or unpopular; to sustain the Constitution even when it means we’re wrong, to promote liberty even when it’s really hard.  As mothers, we are the keepers of the culture. We set the standard for decency, civility and liberty in society; and our nation will only rise as high as the bar we set. It will go no further.  It is time to raise that bar and raise it high! We need to band together as mothers and stand for truth and defend our divine rights as mothers to protect, teach and nurture our children. In today’s cultural climate promoting a love of liberty in the home has become vital to our nation’s survival.

Why should attend the live event in Omaha Nebraska for the Mom’s March?

Because when you show up, it sends a powerful message.  When we unite together it makes us stronger. We need to band together as mothers to support and encourage each other so that we may be more prepared to fight the battles before us from without and within.

Our nation is in crisis and if it is to survive the mothers must be part of the solution.

Benjamin Rush, one of our Founding Fathers, attested to this when he stated, “The women of America have at last become principals in the glorious American controversy.  Their opinions alone and their transcendent influence in society and families must lead us on to success and victory.”

Join Sarah Palin, Candy Carson, Missy Robertson and many more awesome moms in Omaha, Nebraska for this national gathering of mothers. Jump in the car and bring your sisters, daughters, mothers, friends and join us face to face. This isn’t just an event, it is the beginning of a movement of mothers unlike we’ve ever seen. The mothers of America have just engaged!

© 2017 Kimberly Fletcher – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kimberly:kfletcher@homemakersforamerica.com

BIO: Labeled by the media as “an unabashed America-loving homemaker”, Kimberly Fletcher is the president and founder of Homemakers for America, author of “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope” radio host on Omaha’s The Answer, and contributing writer with Townhall.com.  Kimberly is an Air Force wife and mother of 8 children, who has made it her personal mission to educate and inspire the women of America to realize their immeasurable worth and powerful influence on society simply by being who they are.  Though she travels all over the country speaking and sharing her love of liberty, her most favorite place is cuddled up on the couch with her children and a good book.



Social Media

Twitter @proudhomemaker

Facebook Public  https://www.facebook.com/KimberlyRachelleFletcher/

Personal https://www.facebook.com/krfletcher

Black American Says Antifa Must Not Be Tolerated

Moving to a tiny town in the hills of West Virginia took me out of the loop for about a month; no TV or internet with horrible cell phone service and too much static on the radio to listen to Rush. Upon finally getting back on line, I learned that the airways have been dominated by a bunch of scumbag haters calling themselves Antifa.

I’m a black original member of the Tea Party movement, singer/songwriter of the “American Tea Party Anthem.”  Outrageously, fake news media grants respect to Antifa which is boldly and arrogantly inciting hate and engaging in violence which fake news media falsely accused the Tea Party of doing. Fake news media’s insidious deception is the epitome of evil.

Antifa terrorists throw Molotov cocktails, urinate on police cars, burn our flag, destroy public property and physically assault anyone who disagrees with them. In my history of speaking and performing at over 500 Tea Party rallies, rally sites were left cleaner than we found them. Grandmothers typically brought cookies to share with our team. And yet, fake news media insultingly gives Antifa moral high ground over the Tea Party.

I probably sound like a broken record repeating myself. Time after time, fake news media has shown us that they have no intention of being honest, fair or balanced. Their sole purpose is to further their Leftists’ homey’s anti-American and anti-Christian socialist/progressive agenda. Being blatantly hypocritical does not deter fake news media in the least. They will do or say whatever necessary to defeat us everyday Americans; remove Trump from office to block the implementation of his make America great again agenda. Given this truth, why on earth would anyone on our side attempt to work with or please fake news media? It is insane.

It is not surprising that despicable fake news media is secretly cheering on Antifa’s violence. Meanwhile, media slime-balls are aggressively selling their lie that white supremacists represent mainstream conservatives (cookie-baking Tea Party grandmothers at rallies with their grandkids who wave American flags while singing “God Bless America”).

As I stated, I have been actively involved in the Tea Party from its beginning. Never have I witnessed any of the violence, rapes, hate-mongering racism and disrespect for private and public property we have witnessed from left-wing hate groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

It blows my mind that these spoiled brat hate groups are given respect and a pass to break the law; politicians ordering cops to stand down. Folks, why is our country tolerating such evil?

Morally bankrupt fake news media demands selective law enforcement. They believe minorities, women and illegal aliens should be allowed to break the law at will. And yet, fake news media acts as though simply disagreeing with their agenda is illegal and seek to prosecute all white, Republican and conservative offenders. As the kids say, the whole situation is “wacked” (crazy and nonsensical).

But for some reason, far too many public voices and wimpy politicians are putting up with fake news media’s dictates and their minions breaking our laws. When will someone in government have the courage to say, enough is enough? If you break the law (physically attack people, destroy property and so on) your derriere will be thrown into jail regardless of your political affiliation. I get a bit weary hearing my wife Mary angrily rant that these Leftist bullies pull their lawless stunts because they know they can; confident they will get away with it.

Remarkably, high profile Leftists who support violence against Trump supporters are treated like paragons of virtue by fake news media.  This is the same media that branded the Tea Party a violent mob in the minds of millions for peacefully protesting Obama using our Constitution as toilet paper.

Due to him being a faithful viewer and fan of CNN’s Don Lemon, I had a heck of a time convincing my 80 something year old black dad that the Tea Party was not a bunch of redneck racists. “Dad, I travel the country on the Tea Party Express tour bus. I sit in the back of the bus only because there is a huge flat screen TV for me to enjoy watching football.”

During Obama’s reign of terror, fake news media promoted the lie that everything in America was sweetness and light. Time prevents me from listing all the pain, suffering and tyranny Americans experienced under king Obama.

We have seen this tactic before of the American left organizing to wreck national havoc whenever a Republican is in the White House. Leftists’ goal is to deceive a majority of Americans into believing Republicans implementing their America-first agenda is racist, evil and causing great suffering. This is why suddenly, all of these supposed victimized hate groups are emerging from their caverns of darkness. It is all a scam to lay a bogus guilt-trip on decent Americans. Please do not fall for it.

Pressure your representatives to lock up Leftist bullies whenever they break the law. Stand firm in support of the change we voted for last November. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”
Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

A Message Of Glorious Hope From The Mom’s March For Our Children And America

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. —George Washington

My sweet momma read the Bible to me, along with all the wonderful childhood books, as well as the once conservative Chicago Tribune.  I learned to love, to cry, and to watch politics, all because of what my mother taught me through books.  She was a mom who would be in this gathering of mothers.

Now those same kinds of wonderful mothers are bringing us back to the glory roots of American society and culture.   Sarah Palin, Candy Carson (wife of Dr. Ben Carson) and Missy Robertson (Duck Dynasty) join the list of power moms speaking at the Mom’s March, a national gathering of mothers on September 23rd in the Heartland of America, Omaha, Nebraska, and broadcast live across the nation. Thousands of mothers in every state in America have signed up to join the march in person or online. Public gatherings to view the march are being organized in several states.

I was fortunate to hear Candy Carson last year at Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum Council meeting, and she is an amazing speaker, and an absolutely delightful Christian woman.

Sign the Declaration of Mothers

The Declaration of Mothers is the standard and foundation for the march, and at the top of that list is, “Our Rights Come from God.”  Please join the thousands of moms in more than 3,000 cities in every state in America who have signed the Declaration proclaiming truth is self-evident, families matter, and freedom is worth fighting for.

National Map of Light keeps track of how many mothers have signed the Declaration and are joining the march in heart and spirit.  These women recognize the powerful influence of mothers and stand united for truth, family, freedom and the U.S. Constitution which protects the divine, inherent rights of mothers.

Mom’s March for America isn’t a physical march walking down the street, shouting, and carrying signs. It is a cultural march toward a higher standard of decency, civility, and liberty.

“The Mom’s March isn’t about politics, parties, or presidents,” says Kimberly Fletcher, “it’s about standing for, and promoting, the principles and values America was founded on—the principles and values that made us the freest, most prosperous nation on earth.  Mom’s March for America is a movement, uniting mothers across the nation to stand for truth, family and freedom.”

This event is for the women of America who are frustrated with the decline in our culture and are seeking a voice for their values.  Listen to the minute and a half video by Kimberly Fletcher, Founder and President of Homemakers for America Inc.

Countering the Evil

The Mom’s March for America doesn’t mention other marches, but what it really does is show America that civility, decency, love of country, and hope for our future still exists in the heartland of our country.

So, in effect, they are countering the evil and darkness of the women’s march promoted by Islamist Linda Sarsour.  Remember the spewed filth from Ashley Judd, filth that should never be uttered by a lady, which she proved she was not.  And there was Madonna telling us she wanted to blow up the White House.  All of these foolish women donned “pussy” hats to prove they were women who were for murdering their unborn babies and hating the President elected by the people.  They called themselves nasty women and that was an understatement.

This is why we all need to sign the Declaration and turn on the light, and wipe out the evil in our culture with mothers who love God, who stand for truth, who reverence the family and who cherish freedom.

How to Help

For event details, go here.  Check out their press release, and please help by donating what you can.  A good portion of the funds needed to cover costs have been met, but they are still relying on America’s mothers to help hit the target.  It’s up to us to help fund this wonderful gathering from our own pockets, no George Soros help with this one!

Check out their media kit and send it far and wide to radio stations, local newspapers, talk show hosts and Fox News.

Show up in Omaha!  This is our chance to shout out that America still has the values our parents and grandparents were raised with, the very same culture and values that made America great.  Stand up for the Moms of America.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Why DACA And All Paths To Illegal Immigration Is Bad For America

One of the reasons that the left supports illegal immigration, DACA, or dreamers pouring into America is the effort to drown out our American heritage.  In fact, the deferred action on childhood arrivals (DACA) was devised by former president Obama to force his successor to make a very unpopular decision.  But what Obama did not calculate was that someone with the thinking skill set of president Donald J. Trump would emerge and correctly put the responsibility on congress to do their job and legislate on the matter.

Of course, the leftists and rinos are salivating at the prospect of illegal immigrants being allowed to drag their offspring into the United States indefinitely.  Why? One might ask.  Are leftist activists who run around beating up people for praying in city parks and standing in support of many good aspects of American culture, are so concerned about the horrible conditions many illegal immigrants escaped from?  Or are the suddenly scared straight over confederate era statues originally erected by democrats like Nany Pelosi’s father did when he was mayor of Baltimore?  Are the leftists authentically concerned about the blacks, particularly black men whom they say receive a bad break being born in America?  If you said yes to those questions, I question your ability to discern truth from fiction and the condition of your thinking cap.

The obvious truth is, the collection of societal complainers for the most part, do not, nor have they ever truly cared about the condition of black Americans, particularly black men.  If they did, the economic policies the leftist politicians foisted upon cities like Detroit when they assumed power during the 1960s would not have been modeled after Marxist or Keynsian economic theories.  Those policies literally killed off much of the steel, auto, textile, clothing, shoe and other industries in inner cities years before NAFTA and GATT wiped them out even further.  To this day, the overall economic upwardly mobile track of black Americans is a fraction of economic advancement since before the full influx of leftist economic and regulatory policies that crippled urban economic engines.

To add insult to leftist injury, the leftist infiltration of the government school system totally obliterated the good quality of education standards. As a result, Americans were in many cases purposely rendered unqualified to enter college, get a decent job or start their own business.  That and other developments such as a steady media diet of distortions concerning current events and issues such as race relations, and economics has caused uncalculated damage.

For those blessed to receive a collegiate education, what really transpires is well coordinated indoctrination against God, America, the Founding Fathers, capitalism, the traditional family, the constitution and now democrat party Confederate era statues that now freak out snow flake and embittered students.  So now, after decades of indoctrinating students against reality, morality and high intellectual development, we are witnessing a generation or two that places more emphasis on emotion than setting a goal to seek and do what is right.

Leftists in academia and the dragon media fully understand that in order to destroy America from within, many people have to be focused emotionally on the issues.  For example, DACA was designed to skirt around our laws against illegal immigration.  “Oh how cruel it would be to boot the little dreamers out of the country,” they say.  But yet, no concern about harm of allowing illegals to bring their offspring into the country and not even instruct them to appreciate being here or to assimilate.

The emotional leftist DACA lovers like trained seals go yelping noisily in the streets in support of every single idea, issue and government decision that is detrimental to our republic.   The promoters of DACA believe the “DREAMERS” should not be punished for the actions of their parents. So why should Americans today be punished for the actions of their great grandparents, or even their European ancestors?

It is said that the beginning of knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Proverbs 1:7

As long as the leftists are allowed to control education, the media, major Christian denominations and elsewhere, America will remain a fools paradise and a haven for self-destruction.

Wake up America and seek righteous wisdom, before it is too late and you sink to oblivion.  I would that you choose life.  Look forward to choosing to listen to the best radio commentary in America “The Edwards Notebook” weekday mornings during AM News on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nev.  7:30 AM PT, 10:30 AM ET.  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:15 AM ET, 7:15 AM during MoneyTalk with Melanie via SHR media and highplainstalkradio.com as well as regularly during the weekend edition of the Captain’s America show nationwide via flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer and am860theanswer.com.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Contagious Plague Of Clinical Stupidity Has Struck America And More

SACRAMENTO— Governor Moonbeam does it again proving that this plague is beyond restorative remedy. What is more, the disease is highly contagious with no effective antidote available. It can strike anyone within hearing distance of those infected.

The most vulnerable of those who are captured by this disease are Democrats, news reporters, movie stars,  and especially, political figures. Indeed, that malady seems to be a requirement to be a successful politician.

Jerry Brown occupies the governor’s chair in the ultra liberal state of California, so much so that drivers find they must frequently have the front end of the cars re-aligned since they constantly bear to the left when driving in that state.

As is well known, California is plagued by a vicious gang called, Ms-13. They have committed countless murders, thefts, drug dealing, prostitution, human trafficking and overall violence. That gang from Guatemala slipped through our borders as “refugees” and set up shop.

Deport them all? Nah. That would be unconstitutional and un-American donchah know.  But Governor Moonbeam came up with a brilliant liberal solution that would solve the problem. Now sit down as you read this.  He has established a program he calls, Advance Peace, with a budget of $1.5 Million to offer cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful and not kill anyone. This money comes from our tax money and Sacramento’s General Fund. That is how our tax money is spent. California is already $500 Billion (with a B) dollars in debt. Meanwhile, California’s infrastructure is crumbling.

This genius program is called, Advance Peace, which offers huge cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful. In other words, California has surrendered to liberal nuttiness.

It is to be remembered how the New York Mafia had a “protection racket” where they approached store owners offering to protect their stores from damage from hoodlums for a fee. If they don’t pay up, thugs come and trash the store.

Governor Jerry Brown studied to be a Jesuit Priest, turned instead to Buddhism. To become a Buddhist, one must first empty out his mind, to make total room for Karma. Apparently, Governor Moonbeam is still a member in good standing.

Our deepest appreciation for a correspondent with the handle, Icraig, who supplied this information when the original had been misplaced as well as info on the Cecil Rhodes statue below.

SOUND OFF!   The best of people and the worst of people have been on clear display in Texas where Hurricane Harvey caused such destruction. People came from everywhere to help rescue people and animals. Donations to help were staggering. That is except for Black Lives Matter. They did not help one bit even though most of the victims were black.  .

Not one BLM individual showed up to help. These people take but never give. And they receive quite a bit of money from George Soros. They feel like every individual on earth owes them.

However blacks took full advantage of the disaster to loot flooded houses and businesses. Savages! This is how stereotypes are birthed. We create our own stereotypes by our own conduct and behavior.  So don’t be so outraged when you are caught in a stereotype web that you weaved yourself.

Others took full advantage by price gouging which is the worst example of taking unfair advantage, by jacking up prices on everything during emergency situations. Cases of bottled water were sold for $99.00. For this writer, price gouging during emergencies is the most hideous kind of crime and should result in the worst kind of punishment with no mercy. The same should be for looters who make bad situations worse. That is not supposed to be how it works.

A tip of the beret to Jet Blue Airlines that made flights available to get out of the area to any destination for $99.00. This was a very honorable decision that actually helps victims of this calamity. To our knowledge they are the only airline to do this. May God richly bless people with a kind heart who put others first.

Blacks Demand Cecil Rhodes Statue be Demolished at Oxford

Blacks have again disgraced themselves with this latest demand to demolish the statue of Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Oxford University, the most prestigious university in the world. Mr. Rhodes died over a century ago.

Some black students are there under scholarships. Going through Oxford is the ultimate accomplishment. Yet, these black students have chosen to squander their time there by engaging in identity politics rather than taking advantage of the education available in this prestigious university.

Any black, no matter how low their IQ, squeals and yells when they are refused a scholarship that they do not merit, accusing Oxford of Racism. Only a few receive scholarships.

One who did, Ntokozo Qwabe, who is only in Oxford as a beneficiary of a Rhodes scholarship, has boasted about the need for “socially conscious black students” to dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and decisively! These blacks use racial politics and cheap guilt-tripping to ruin the life and fabric of a beloved university.

The black students there have this ludicrous notion that a bronze statue of Cecil Rhodes should be removed from Oriel College because…”it’s symbolic of “institutional racism” and “white slavery”. Nonsense!  The headline of the Daily Telegraph was: “Oxford will not rewrite history.”

Oxford Historian RW Johnson stated to the black students: “What you are trying go do here is no different from what ISIS and the Al-Queda have been doing to artifacts in places like Mali and Syria. You are murdering history.” 

It is not whites undermining blacks. It is blacks undermining themselves. I do not want to hear the words, ‘white man’ or ‘white privilege’ or ‘black man’ again. We are all people. And we are all of one race….the human race. Please people–Wake Up!


So far we have,142 thousand-009 signatures. We should get a million. If you do not sign it you will have no right to complain when Soros meets his goal of turning America into a 3rd world Communist nation with the United States made a part of the New World Order.

Here is the petition to sign:

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

A Climate Of Fear

Tyrants always make you wonder, don’t they, how they get away with it. True, they’re always surrounded by a phalanx of loyal yes-men who, in protecting the tyrant, protect themselves. But they lord it over great masses of ordinary people, totally dominating them. How do they do it?

It’s easy to see how barbed wire and firing squads serve to keep the serfs in line. The people let you rule them because they’re scared to death you’ll kill them.

Fear in its less flagrant forms is a big part of how the Left dominates the nations of the West, once called “the Free World” but now considerably less free. Here, leftids in power use fear to stay in power.

Fear of what, though? After all, they’re not rounding us up and shooting us.

But they don’t have to shoot us. Once a Canadian “human rights” tribunal gets its claws into you, they never have to let go. Not only in Canada, but now in places in America dominated by the Left, your business can be ruined, your reputation shot, and your life turned into an endless hassle by assorted government agencies that seek out particular targets and apply harsh sanctions to piffling “offenses.” Using the wrong pronoun. Declining to take part in a “gay wedding.” Expressing the wrong opinion anywhere on a college campus. Setting up a grass-roots organization to support conservative political candidates. The IRS is watching you. In a school in Camden, New Jersey, police—yes, the police—were called in to deal with a third-grader who called a brownie “a brownie”—racism, you know.

And if the government overlooks you, the trolls on social media won’t.

So the Left in our country has created a subtle climate of fear, from which the veiled threat of violence is not entirely absent. “By any means necessary,” say the thugs of Antifa. People have learned to notice that.

Even more subtle, and numbingly effective, is the way they come after your self-respect. Once you’ve lost that, you’ll find it hard to stand up to anyone.

One of the ways they erode your self-respect is to force you, through fear of what might happen to you if you don’t, to say things you know to be false, and to pretend to believe in, and support, things you know to be both abominable and ridiculous. This is where the “transgender” business comes into its own.

We know—I pray we know—that just because a man says he’s now a woman doesn’t mean he is, in fact, a woman. But a lot of us will say he is, because who needs the tribulation of being publicly vilified and denounced as a “hater,” a “trans-phobe,” or a “Neanderthal”? You can also win that booby prize by asserting Climate Change Denial, defending America and her history, or criticizing Black Lives Matter. If you do, the self-anointed Smartest People in the World will come crashing down on you. What defenseless student can stand up to a professor’s mockery, let alone the threat of being flunked out of the course? So we go along to get along, and our self-respect is sacrificed on the altar of expediency. Self-abasement then becomes habitual, and tyrants feast on it.

Watching these things happen to our country is not a pleasant pastime.

But it ought to be remembered that there are tens of millions of us, and that we have the strength, if only we can find it and steel ourselves to use it, to declare, in no uncertain terms, “Enough, no more!”

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in today and visit. It only takes a single click to get you there.

Public Schools Throughout The Nation Mandate Islamic Indoctrination

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In April, NewsWithViews.com published a news story about Islamic indoctrination in the San Diego, California, schools. Now we have discovered the indoctrination is spreading to school districts such as Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Parents throughout the U.S. have been objecting to a school program called Access Islam.” The federally-funded program is directed at grade-school children is also featured on various websites. States such as Maryland and Massachusetts are now joined by New Jersey, where Morris County’s Chatham Township has jumped into the legal fray.

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a non-profit, public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, announced that it is representing two Chatham Township (Morris County), New Jersey mothers who are being lambasted by members of their own community.

“Their crime: appearing on Fox TV’s Tucker Carlson Show to voice concerns about the Islamic indoctrination of Chatham Middle School seventh graders,” according to a TMLC press statement.

While seventh graders in this public school are taught: “May God help us all find the true faith, Islam,” they are prevented from even mentioning the name Jesus Christ even during the Christmas season.

Richard Thompson, Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented: “The promotion of Islam is worse than what the mothers presented to [when they appeared on Fox News Channel’s] Tucker Carlson show. After viewing one of the videos which the seventh graders were directed to watch, I can’t imagine any objective person saying this is not Islamic indoctrination. Clueless school administrators across our nation are allowing this type of indoctrination to take place and it’s up to vigilant parents to stop it. Libby and Nancy should have been praised, not pilloried.”

Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, with sons in different classes in the seventh grade, detailed their concerns in person to the Chatham Board of Education at their public meeting. Superintendent Michael LaSusa indicated that any change to the curriculum was unlikely, and the next day also refused their request to meet privately with him to discuss their concerns, according to the Clarion Project.

According to their attorney Richard Thompson, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer were subjected to personal attacks throughout their campaign to stop Islamic indoctrination at the Chatham Middle School. They were defamed as “bigots” and “Islamophobes”, “hateful”, “ignorant”, “xenophobes”, “intolerant”, “racist”, “closed minded”, “sad and ignorant” in social media, and the list goes on. The attacks significantly intensified after their appearance on the Tucker Carlson Show.

Commenting on the community’s reaction, Nancy Gayer stated: “It’s just not fair that within this unit of study the Chatham school district taught one religion to the exclusion of all others, and for the community to be so unkind and unwelcoming towards us, just for having raised legitimate questions as concerned parents.”

Libby Hilsenrath added, “One of my fundamental obligations as a parent is to guide the religious and secular education of my children. That’s why I will continue the fight against the Islamic indoctrination now taking place at Chatham, regardless of the personal attacks.”

Nancy Gayer contrasted the World Cultures and Geography lessons on Islam to her son’s previous experience in fourth grade when he was precluded from including a short quote from the Bible, “he who lends to the poor, lends to the Lord.” (Prov 19:17)

The quote was a part of his video presentation related to gathering warm clothes for underprivileged children. Nancy said that her son’s teacher informed him that the brief Biblical quote “belongs in Sunday school, not in the classroom.” Obviously, based upon the World Cultures and Geography lessons being taught to children within the same school district, this abridgment of religious speech does not apply to Islam.


As part of the school’s “World History” curriculum, high school students in Maryland were taught extensively about Islam — without any context of current events — and required to list the benefits of the religion.

In one homework assignment obtained by a news outlet, the question was asked: “How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?” The correct answer was, “With tolerance, kindness and respect.”

One parent, John Kevin Wood, who objected to the mandatory class said, “I don’t force my religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.”

His wife, Melissa, noted, “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars?”

The couple asked that their daughter be excused from this part of the curriculum and given an alternative assignment, a request which was refused. The father was told that the assignment must be done or his daughter would receive a zero. Students are allowed to opt out of other modules in the high school, for example, sex education.


Charges that teaching materials about the Middles East are biased and funded by Saudi, Palestinian, and other Arab states were levied against Newton high schools.

One of the books the schools recommend as reading material included extremist writings by Muslim Brotherhood leaders Sayyid Qutb and Yusuf Qaradawi, who is known for his sermons calling for the murder of Jews and homosexuals.

Newton school officials have continuously refused to make school curricula and teaching materials available to residents.

Public pressure previously forced the high schools to discontinue using the Saudi-funded Arab World Studies Notebook, which makes spurious charges against Israel. The book has been rejected by a number of other school districts as well.

School officials claimed the book helped to develop the students’ “critical thinking skills.”

A number of anti-Semitic incidents were reported in Newton high schools during use of the book. School officials, in violation of mandatory reporting procedures, failed to inform parents and police of the escalating incidents.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

The Tragedy Of Harvey And The Need For Constitutional Prayer

Hurricane Harvey first made landfall as a Category 4 storm near Rockport, Texas, on the evening of August 25, 2017.  The storm has since devastated communities in both Texas and Louisiana, claiming many lives, inflicting countless injuries, destroying or damaging tens of thousands of homes, and causing billions of dollars in damage.

Authorities raised the death toll from the storm to 50 as the latest statewide damage surveys revealed the staggering extent of the destruction.

The Texas Department of Public Safety said more than 37,000 homes were heavily damaged and nearly 7,000 were destroyed, figures that did not include the tens of thousands of homes with minor damage.

Mirroring the sentiment of our founders – taken from the Declaration of Independence “With a Firm Reliance on Divine Providence” – President Donald Trump recently issued a proclamation designating September 3, of this year to be a National Day of Prayer for the victims of Hurricane Harvey and national response and recovery efforts.

This call for prayer from the Chief Executive of these United States is not only constitutional, it is his duty.

You see, the first role of the President of the United States is to ensure the safety and protection of the People.  Doing so requires the aid of our Creator and benefactor of those rights that every individual, regardless of party or creed, cherish.

Thomas Jefferson summarized this sentiment in his second inaugural address:

“I shall need, too, the favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our forefathers, as Israel of old, from their native land, and planted them in a country flowing with all the necessaries and comforts of life; who has covered our infancy with his providence, and our riper years with his wisdom and power; and to whose goodness I ask you to join with me in supplications, that He will so enlighten the minds of your servants, guide their councils, and prosper their measures, that whatsoever they do, shall result in your good, and shall secure to you the peace, friendship, and approbation of all nations.”

Our dependence on the God of Heaven is what created, preserved and keeps us united as Americans.  Evidence of this can be found in the so-far 144 national calls to prayer, humiliation, fasting and thanksgiving by United States presidents since 1789.

There have been 67 Presidential Proclamations for a National Day of Prayer with many presidents signing multiple National Day of Prayer Proclamations in the same year.

Please understand this is not just a Presidential thing either. The website nationaldayofprayer.org notes that records indicate there have been 1,419 state and federal calls for national prayer since 1775 and counting.  This, of course, includes Texas Gover- nor Abott’s recent statewide call for prayer.

I conclude this week by asking all of you to continue to pray for the victims and good Samaritans alike of this national tragedy. That the benevolent sovereign power of the Christ King would continue to help, and restore our hearts to His aid and comfort.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

Same Agenda Moving Forward Regardless of Who Is The President

“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months.” – Sebastian Gorka

While the establishment media is doing its best to divert America’s attention from the real issues by focusing your attention on Nazi criminal George Soros-backed paid provocateurs (John 10:10) attempting to stir up domestic insurrection, I felt it my duty to turn your attention where it needs be turned.

Take a look with me here.

We have seen treasonous Hillary and her criminal, traitorous, political husband Bill Clinton, who have yet to come under that special prosecutor that the president promised.

Criminal and foreigner Barack Hussein Obama, now being called out for his political espionage, continues to create war within (Psalm 9:17).

Treasonous Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are still at the side of the president, and all the well knowing what these two have done and are continuing to do.

Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein, James Comey and the list goes on.

All remain at large to upend American sovereignty to the highest bidder (Matthew 7:16).

In other words, the swamp has not being drained.  It still remains.

Many of those in the swamp are funded by George Soros.

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” -2 Corinthians 11:14-15

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To further solidify the point, this last week, The Daily Signal reported, “Why Are Trump’s Justice Department Appointees Protecting the IRS?

Various media sources have reported that federal District Court Judge Reggie Walton has ordered the IRS to finally respond to various legal requests for information and documents made by the conservative tea party organizations that sued the agency.

But the question that no one is asking is why that order was even necessary, and why the Justice Department, which is now supposedly under the control and authority of the new administration, hasn’t reversed its obstinate, inflexible, and stubborn defense of the IRS.

It was over four years ago that the inspector general for tax administration at the Treasury Department released a report detailing that the IRS had targeted conservative nonprofit organizations seeking tax-exempt status, and that then-IRS employee Lois Lerner admitted what had been happening at an American Bar Association meeting in Washington.

The inspector general report found that officials were delaying the processing of applications and requesting voluminous, unnecessary, and irrelevant information, due to the perceived opposition of the nonprofits to liberal policies being promulgated by President Barack Obama and their association with the tea party movement.…

The Justice Department’s lawyer, Laura Conner, told Walton that the IRS should not be forced to “respond to far-reaching inquiries.” But Walton asked, “Why hide the ball? If there’s nothing there, there’s nothing there.”

Then, we have the Sons of Liberty Media reporting this week “Sebastian Gorka and Another Broken Trump Promise.”

President Donald Trump promised a change on Islamic terror, but all the change agents are gone.

The specific problem was Trump’s apparent retreat from his repeated insistence on speaking about “radical Islamic terrorism” rather than a faceless, amorphous and ideology-free terrorist threat. Gorka continued:

In his resignation letter, Gorka said:

 [G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are — for now — ascendant within the White House. As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.

Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will “Make America Great Again,” have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months.

This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week.…

The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost.

Gorka himself has been known to equivocate on this issue, but he was one of the last, if not the last, member of the Trump administration who was upholding any part of Trump’s campaign promises: to speak honestly about the motivating ideology of the jihad threat; and to reverse the Obama administration’s policy of denial and willful ignorance regarding the motivating ideology behind the global jihad threat.

In 2011, the Obama administration initiated a massive purge of counterterror materials that spoke honestly about the ideological roots of the jihad threat.

The Obama administration instead mandated that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies not study Islam.

This was a direct result of Muslim groups — many of which had links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood — demanding the removal of such material.

Those who are committed to protecting us were directed at the highest levels to downplay and deny that Islamic terrorism had anything to do with Islam.

Since this is false, that directive has deformed our counterterror response ever since.

But Donald Trump campaigned on the implied promise to change all that.

Say what you will Americans, namely those who blindly follow behind their favorite jersey (politicians) regardless if they do what they promised to do or not, you are the problem when it comes to addressing the truth of the matter and holding those responsible by righting the wrongs when it comes to upholding their oaths.

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not the victims… But accomplices.” – George Orwell (Luke 22:48)

© 2017 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Good Lord, Why Do Americans Put Up With Corruption?

“Your individual, natural, God-given rights, are only as good as the depth of your willingness and courage to defend them.” Ron Ewart

Last week in our article entitled “The Distorted Window Through Which Americans Perceive Reality” we talked about the great goodness in the American people.  The American people ARE good and generous, as donations of food, clothing, money and volunteers to the Hurricane Harvey victims attest.  The outpouring of neighbor helping neighbor during this national calamity is inspiring.  And yes, local, state and the federal government are stepping up to the plate as well with leadership, equipment and money.  Nevertheless, we wonder why Americans cannot see how tyrannical government has become and how many freedoms we have lost since we drifted away from self-reliance, individual responsibility and constitutional liberties.

We allow hordes of illegal aliens to invade our country every day and say we can’t do anything about it because we must be compassionate, without acknowledging the dire consequences that that irrational compassion will inflict upon us.  Obama, with his executive orders, has made matters far worse.

We allow our government to slap chains on our wrists and ankles with millions of laws, rules and regulations, without so much as a whimper.

We allow national and international socialism and radical environmentalism to tear down the very foundation of our sovereignty and freedom while we look the other way.

We allow our children to be indoctrinated and brainwashed with the new international, one-world social order and environmental and religious extremism and say we don’t have the time to get involved.

We have allowed special-interest groups to replace the consent of the governed, even though our in-action leads to our own enslavement.

We have allowed a fourth branch of government to grow and metastasize throughout our institutions, a fourth branch that answers to no one, in the rising stench of out-of-control bureaucracies, like the EPA, the BLM, the USFW, the Department of Education and most definitely the IRS.

We allow waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, negligence and incompetence to thrive in our government institutions and don’t demand that the perpetrators be summarily fired, fined, or jailed.  We stand back and do nothing while they get promoted and ask for more money to do their job “right”.   We allow government unions to blackmail the taxpayer and put roadblocks in the way to fire incompetent people.

We allow government contracts for mega projects and military hardware to escalate into cost overruns that exceed original estimates by several factors.  Millions grow to billions and then trillions and not even a ho-hum is uttered.

We have allowed entitlements to grow and grow to the point where one day the piper will have to be paid and government will take our savings, or our very souls to retire the debt.  Or some foreign country that holds the debt will confiscate our major assets because we can’t pay.  Some say our unfunded liability now stands in excess of $100 Trillion dollars and yet government is offering more of the same that will only make matters worse and increase our debt beyond any capability of ever paying it.  We will, for all intent and purposes, go broke, if we stay on the same path.

We shrink in fear and horror when we must send our brave men and women into harms way to protect our national interests.  We place a greater value on capitulation and appeasement rather than on strength and victory, in spite of the lessons that history has taught us.  However, we will admit that with the Trump presidency, capitulation and appeasement have been significantly diminished.

We allow our government to cut deals with other countries that violate our very sovereignty and economic security and we do nothing.   (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA, Law of the Sea Treaty)

We allow the government to force us to tag every one of our feed stock and domestic animals with a micro chip and notify the government of any movements of those animals, as well as letting them know where we live by GPS coordinates, under the U. S. Agriculture Department’s National Animal Index System (NAIS).  How soon will it be before every American is required by government to have a microchip inserted under their skin, or in their earlobe?  And both parties will sanction the policy in the name of national security.  Some corporations are even floating the idea.  How is this any different than the numbers that were tattooed on the arms of Jews in World War II, in the Nazi death camps?

We allow presidents to codify UN social and environmental policies into law by executive order, without ratification by the U. S. Congress, in violation of our Constitution.

We allow our courts to subvert the meaning of the words in our Constitution and fabricate out of thin air, government rights and powers that don’t exist.  (i.e. Obama Care)  We have become so soft that we have allowed the government to convince us that our security is more necessary than our liberty.

But even worse, we have allowed the entertainment industry to redefine our standards of decency.  It has become acceptable to call women, bitches and ho’s.   We spit on the rule of law in rap and hip-hop, as well as in film.  Swear words, once banned, are now common on TV and radio.  The “F” word in movies has become so rampant as to render any story line meaningless.

It is now Ok to demean personal achievement as being, “trying to be better than anyone else.”  Or we tax the Hell out of it.

We have allowed common courtesy to go out the window.  Because of a negative 24-hour news cycle, our children are exposed daily to the worst within us, instead of the best.

While with science, we have eradicated many diseases that were fatal to us, we have allowed honesty, integrity and honor to be diminished from our culture.  We have allowed depravity and bad behavior to define our values, instead of demanding good behavior from each other and those around us.  In other words, almost anything goes today and we find it acceptable!  In the end, lowering the bar of decency could very well be our undoing as a free society.  It has happened before.

This was America, the land of the free, before we decided to become too civil, too compassionate, too cowardly, too weak, too politically correct and too depraved.  The result of our folly is to have lost our will to confront the enemies of freedom while we seek earthly pleasures.

Everyone cries out for solutions but that solution will never come until we act as one in the defense of the document that secures our individual rights and freedom, our Constitution, no matter what the price or the consequences.  We will not be free so long as we allow the worst in us to define who we are.  Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to give birth to this great Nation and our freedom.  How on Earth can we dishonor their sacrifice by standing by and letting what they built descend into the sewer of abject socialism?

If you do not believe in your heart that all creatures cry out for freedom, you do not understand nature.  If you are not aware that your government is doing everything within its power to strip you of your freedom, your eyes are not open, or you choose not to see.  If you do see and do nothing, some may call you a coward.  If you do not know that freedom has a price that you must pay, you are naïve and lack wisdom.  If you stand by and watch while others take up the “sword” of freedom, your soul shall find no peace and your children and grand children shall bear the scars of your inaction.

The government’s only hold on you is that they assume you will be law-abiding citizens.  But what if the laws are too many, contradictory, wrong, or unconstitutional?  What then is your duty to obey the law?

Be there not man among you who will rise up against government tyranny that is coming at us from all directions?  Let us show the rest of the world that we are still free people and are willing to do whatever it takes to defend that freedom.  Let us show the politicians and the bureaucrats that we have a spine and that we are “mad as Hell and we aren’t going to take it any more.”   If we do nothing, government will not hear us and do exactly as it pleases.  And it is.  The question is, “WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH IT?”  Yes, Americans are good people but that isn’t enough to preserve liberty.

Has America lost her will to be free?  Some of us haven’t, but it would appear that way too many of us have.  The question is, will it take a revolution to restore the greatest experiment with freedom that ever existed on planet Earth?  Or, will we restore freedom by peaceful means, before revolution becomes the only solution?

In spite of the negatives we outline here, we are still a great people and there remains a core of courage and wisdom in us to act.  Join with us in this fight for freedom, it being the noblest of all causes.  We are individual Americans and we cannot be defeated, unless we decide that security and mindless compassion, at any price, trumps liberty.  Let the goodness within us replace the evil that has overtaken us and let that goodness direct us to the great heights that American can still attain, but only under freedom.

We are taking action to preserve freedom for a specific segment of America.  For over 11 years we have been helping rural landowners through our organization the “National Association of Rural Landowners” (NARLO).  We provide the tools (powerful no trespassing signs, a rural handbook, consulting) for rural landowners to fend off attacks by local, state and the federal government and the tens of thousands of rules, regulations, restriction and ordinances landowners must face every day.  We offer DISTRIBUTORSHIPS for our powerful No Trespassing signs so the landowner can make a little extra money.  We can act as advocates on the individual landowner’s behalf in response to alleged land use or environmental regulation violations.  We can even help if the landowner is having trouble with the IRS.  In short, we are a one-stop-shop for the American rural landowner.  In the spirit of freedom, please consider JOINING our worthwhile and necessary efforts.

© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Why Americans Should Love Their Odds

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, the picture is worth a whole lot more. 2016 marked a major turning point for the United States – away from global Marxism back towards American exceptionalism, freedom, liberty and justice for all.

But it wasn’t the end to an all-American movement, it was just the beginning.

The Picture of Hope

Everywhere you see RED the people voted for President Donald J. Trump to turn this country around. Every RED county voted to end the Obama era lawlessness and march to global Marxism. They all voted against D.C. establishment career politicians in favor of a D.C. outsider who promised to represent the will of the legal American citizen.

This means that as we head into the 2018 mid-term elections, with 435 House and 34 Senate members up for reelection, the same RED counties have the power to Repeal and Replace Congress… if they work together in strategic fashion, with a take-no-prisoners attitude the same way they seized the White House in 2016.

99% vs. 1%

Americans have finally come to the realization that the battle is not right vs. left or republican vs. democrat. It’s 99% of Americans vs. the 1% career political elite who serve no interests but their own. 99% of Americans want America to be great again, no matter past party affiliations. All of them have been ignored and abused by their elected representatives.

To put a fine point on the matter, try to name one member of congress who has not violated their oath of office? Try to name just one who has not violated Article IV – Section IV of the U.S. Constitution, even today.

“The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”

The answer is not ONE member of the House or Senate has kept their oath to uphold, defend and enforce the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, democrat or republican. NOT ONE! Yes, the 1% includes the anti-American media, which makes them appear more powerful than the people.

Only the People can “drain this swamp”

No matter how much Donald Trump might like to “drain the swamp,” alone, he can’t. No one person could. The “swamp” is vast to say the very least. 97% of federal employees, every branch and every agency combined, supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders in 2016. This means we have approximately 3% who are not part of the anti-American swamp…

For Trump (or anyone else) to succeed in “draining that swamp,” better defined as a cesspool or sewer, they will need “the people” to help with that process. Congress and the courts aren’t standing at odds with Trump… they are standing at odds with America!

In 2016 the people focused on seizing control of the people’s White House. In 2018, they must focus on seizing control of the people’s congress and they can do it… in fact, based upon that RED map above and the fact that this battle is really 99% “We the People” vs. 1% they the career politicians, I like our odds a lot.

If you don’t love these odds, it’s because you are not yet engaged with all fellow Americans determined to Make America Great Again! WE are the only solution WE have…

REPEAL and REPLACE CONGRESS state-by-state, district-by-district. If we don’t, there will be no one to blame but ourselves!

© 2017 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams: JB.USPU@gmail.com

Robert E. Lee Finally Revealed and Marine Colonel On The NFL Flag Flap

We all watched in disbelief as the streets of our cities became the staging area for uncontrolled spontaneous nervous breakdowns as mobs of misfits, all paid by George Soros ($25.00 an hour plus all expenses, travel, food etc.), who provided weapons for them as well, to cause as much injury and destruction as possible. Charlottesville, Virginia will go down in history as the flash point for The Soros staged “outrage over slavery” protest. Isn’t this a little late?

The purpose of the mayhem was for mobs to pull down the statue of Robert E. Lee, then pulverize it with the stated goal of tearing down all statues of historic people. Isn’t there a legal penalty against vandalism and destruction of a National Work of Art?

Why Robert E. Lee?  The Soros useful idiots declared it had everything to do with ‘slavery.’ Slavery? That was done away with years ago. Why now?  And what did Robert E. Lee have to do with slavery?  Read his history below.

Simple explanation: Soros wants to tear down anything to do with our history. When one wants to conquer a country, as Soros is determined to do with the U.S. the best way to start is by erasing that country’s history. The less people know about their history, the more vulnerable they are for take-over.

How much is really known about Robert E. Lee?  Pull up a chair. The public schools and colleges today have their assignments, to dumb down all students, so chances are this history is not really known these days. May we introduce Robert E. Lee:

Robert E Lee was married to George Washington’s granddaughter. He worked with General Ulyssis S. Grant during the Mexican-American war and became a decorated war hero defending this country He believed slavery was a great evil and his wife broke the law by teaching slaves to read and write.

After the civil war he worked with Andrew Johnson’s program of reconstruction. He became very popular with the northern states and the Barracks at West Point were named in his honor in 1962. He was a great man who served this country his entire life in some form or other. His memorial is now being called a blight. What?

No American military veteran should be treated as such. People keep yelling, “You can’t change history.” Sadly you can. This is no better than book burnings. ISIS tried rewriting history by destroying historical artifacts. Is that really who we want to emulate?

As they tear down this “blight” keep these few historical facts in your mind. No military veteran and highly decorated war hero should ever be treated as such. This is not Iraq and that is not a statue of Saddam.

IN ADDITION: Lee was also very torn about the prospect of the South leaving the Union. His wife’s grandfather George Washington was a huge influence on him. He believed that ultimately, states’ rights trumped the federal government and chose to lead the Southern army.

His estate, Arlington, near Washington DC was his home and while away fighting the war, the federal government demanded that Lee himself pay his taxes in person. He sent his wife but the money was not accepted from a woman.

When he could not pay the taxes, the government began burying dead Union soldiers on his land. The government is still burying people there today. It is now called Arlington National Cemetery.  To make a point, again the land,  belonged to Robert E. Lee. DO THEY WANT TO TEAR THAT UP ALSO? Probably.


This piece and the public letter sent to the NFL by a Retired Marine Colonel made my day. Because of the insult to America by these rag tag football players, I will never buy a ticket to an NFL game nor will I watch it on TV. And these are all multi-millionaire blacks who are protesting against unfair treatment. Hows that again?  Take a look at the letter below and send it on.

Retired Marine Col. Jeffery Powers wrote to the NFL commissioners the following:

“Commissioners, I’ve been a season pass holder at Yankee Stadium, Yale Bowl and the Giants Stadium.

I missed the ’90-’91 season because I was with a battalion of Marines in Desert Storm. 14 of my wonderful Marines returned home with the American Flag draped across their lifeless bodies. My last conversation with one of them, Sgt. Garrett Mongrella was about how our Giants were going to the Super Bowl. He never got to see it.

“Many friends, Marines, and Special Forces Soldiers who worked with or for me through the years returned home with the American Flag draped over their coffins.

“Now I watch multi-millionaire athletes who never did anything in their lives but play a game, disrespect what brave Americans fought and died for. They are essentially spitting in the faces and on the graves of real men, men who have actually done something for this country besides playing with a ball and believing they’re something special! They’re not! 

My Marines and Soldiers were!

“You are complicit in this! You’ll fine players for large and small infractions but you lack the moral courage and respect for our nation and the fallen to put an immediate stop to this. Yes, I know, it’s their 1st Amendment right to behave in such a despicable manner. What would happen if they came out and disrespected you or the refs publicly?

“I observed a player getting a personal foul for twerking in the end zone after scoring. I guess that’s much worse than disrespecting the flag and our National Anthem. Hmmmmm, isn’t it his 1st Amendment right to express himself like an idiot in the end zone?

“Why is taunting not allowed yet taunting America is OK? You fine players for wearing 9-11 commemorative shoes yet you allow scum on the sidelines to sit, kneel or pump their pathetic fist in the air. They are so deprived with their multi-million dollar contracts for playing a freaking game!

“You condone it all by your refusal to act. You’re just as bad and disgusting as they are. I hope Americans boycott any sponsor who supports that rabble you call the NFL. I hope they turn off the TV when any team that allowed this disrespect to occur, without consequence, on the sidelines. I applaud those who have not.

“Legends and heroes do NOT wear shoulder pads. They wear body armor and carry rifles. They make minimum wage and spend months and years away from their families. They don’t do it for an hour on Sunday. They do it 24/7 often with lead, not footballs, coming in their direction. They watch their brothers carted off in pieces not on a gurney to get their knee iced. They don’t even have ice! Many don’t have legs or arms.

“Some wear blue and risk their lives daily on the streets of America. They wear fire helmets and go upstairs into the fire rather than down to safety. On 9-11, hundreds vanished. They are the heroes.

“I hope that your high paid protesting pretty boys and you look in that mirror when you shave tomorrow and see what you really are, legends in your own minds. You need to hit the road and take those worms with you!

Time to change the channel.”

Powers originally sent his letter to former Florida congressman Allen West. West then posted the letter on his news website.

As of last week, at least 18 NFL player had protested the anthem by either kneeling during the anthem or raising their fists, according to USA Today Sports.

This column is grateful for our anonymous retired minister friend who sent us the Robert E. Lee Stats and the Marine’s letter.


Photo 1 Caption: Robert E. Lee Memorial Statue
Photo 2  NFL Players Disrespecting American Flag

Our President And First Lady Make Us Proud To Be Americans

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.  —Steve Maraboli

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.  —Mark Twain

The Trumps in Texas

The very best kind of people are the ones who come into your life and make you see the sun where you once only saw clouds.  They are the same folks who believe in you so much that you start to believe in you too. They are the very once in a lifetime kind of people who love and care for others.

Our President and first lady are those kinds of people.  In their visits to Texas and Louisiana to help people who lost so much, they brought cheer, hope and joy. Watch the smiling faces of the Texans who got to meet the President and our beautiful first lady.  Many of those faces were black Americans who love our President.

What is shown in this video is the reason the globalist establishment hates him.  They know he is the real deal, and they are the fakes in grave danger of losing their power because layer by layer he alone is removing the chains of slavery they have put in place to be used for legal tyranny.

Social Security gun ban? Repealed. Trans-Pacific Partnership? Withdrawn. UN Climate Treaty? Withdrawn. Unvetted refugee admissions? Ended. Catch-and-Release at the border? Prohibited, and so much more. Today, Donald Trump is expected to also end Barack Obama’s DACA amnesty program.  I pray he does!

The President is doing what he can. The GOP, however, is actively trying to stop him, and we know why, because most of them are aligned with the same agenda as the left, the destruction of America’s freedoms, her rule of law, and her Constitution, of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The President’s Day of Prayers

On September 1st, President Trump signed a proclamation declaring Sunday, the 3rd of September, a “National Day of Prayer” for the state of Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

One of my email friends wrote, “Today in Church our pastor specifically mentioned that we included prayers for ‘The Day of Prayers’ as requested.   I wouldn’t call it a mass movement, but I see more signs that more people are praying for our nation than has happened in a long time.”

We should be praying daily for our country, and for our President and his family for guidance, wisdom and protection.

Those Without Compassion

The ugliest thing I have ever seen is a human being without compassion.  We saw Obama playing golf while Louisiana flooded in August of 2016.  Eleven people died and 40,000 homes were damaged by floods in Louisiana. Obama did speak with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate from his vacation spot in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.  The former president was briefed on the resources and support and then went back to playing golf, he never changed his travel plans.

So, Obama played golf, Hillary slept, and Donald Trump went to Louisiana with a semi load of needed supplies.  Had Obama or Hillary sent supplies for the people, the photo-op by the leftist media would have been spectacular, but not with Trump. Everything he did was done silently, with the help of Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9.

This is the fabulous man we voted for…a man with a heart for America’s people, and with an open pocket book.  Can you imagine just for a moment what the secret service thinks when our President eagerly mingles with the people, shaking hands, taking pictures, hugging everyone, passing out meals, giving them needed supplies.  I know they are worried sick, but I also know that God has His Hands on this man, President Donald J. Trump.

The Laughable Insane Leftist Media

The President and first lady boarded Air Force One for Texas and immediately Melania Trump was attacked from the leftist media and crazy whack job Lynn Yeager, contributing fashion editor from Vogue.  Why?  Because FLOTUS was wearing her standard beautiful stilettos.  This is her normal dress, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Here is a picture of Lynn Yeager allegedly blending in with the people, but back in 2007, she excoriated the news media for attacking how political women dress. Of course, Lynn Yeager is not someone I’d want to follow in how to blend in with the people.

Note that when FLOTUS arrived in Texas to help with Harvey survivors, she was wearing tennis shoes.  To think these media idiots have nothing better to do but attack our beautiful first lady for her dress, especially when she is such a class act at all times.  And I loved her FLOTUS hat!

There’s certainly a big difference between our present first lady, who is always dressed appropriately and always knows proper protocol, compared to our former first lady who occasionally made our eyes bleed with what she put on her body.

I cannot remember anything that Michelle Obama ever wore that resembled attire I would want to emulate.  Here are some examples.  Yet, the media never said a negative word about what adorned this woman’s body, or whether she was dressed appropriately as First Lady of the United States of America.

Designers Refuse to Dress Melania Trump

There are many liberal designers who are refusing to dress Melania Trump, and it is their loss.  She has her own revenge.  Link

Stylist Phillip Bloch said, “Fashion people are fickle and fake. They are starting to see she is a beautiful woman who is married to the president, and it is an honor to dress her.”

Not since Jacqueline Kennedy has there been a first lady who needs less help.

“She doesn’t need couture. She can buy off the rack, and it looks beautiful,” Bloch said. “She knows her size, and she knows what works on her. She luxuriates in minimal.”

And she always looks absolutely gorgeous.  And we’re proud to have her as our first lady, a beautiful, intelligent, kind and giving woman, next to the man who is working to save our beloved country.


Donald Trump and I are the same age, we grew up in the country during her very best times, other than Viet Nam, and we know what it’s like to love our country and love her people. Our President wants to Make America Great Again…great like the country we grew up in and loved.

I’ll leave you with these wonderful quotes that describe our President.

“One who is kind is sympathetic and gentle with others. He is considerate of others’ feelings and courteous in his behavior. He has a helpful nature. Kindness pardons others’ weaknesses and faults. Kindness is extended to all — to the aged and the young, to animals, to those low of station as well as the high.”  Ezra Taft Benson

“There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.”  Nathaniel Branden

And to that, I say a big AMEN!

P.S. Again I come to all the avid readers of NewsWithViews and ask you for support.  Running a website this large is a huge operation and a huge monetary cost.  Please help us to keep bringing the truth into your home every morning.  Won’t you add NWVs to your monthly donations, every little bit helps this website stay alive.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Islam’s Onslaught of America: Stopping Jihadists By Halting Immigration

Part 17: The flood of potential America-hating Jihadists must be stopped, and stopped now

In 1952, Congress passed the McCarran-Walter Act that gives a sitting President the authority to restrict immigration into the United States and removal of anyone determined to be engaged in subversive activities.  Carter used it and Obama used it.

With the terror attacks within our country in the past year, Trump needs to use it and expand it to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Ethiopia and more.  Those countries prove hotbeds for Muslim terrorists training for their jihad against America.  Immigration via the refugee program remains their ticket to killing our citizens.

Obama revised one of his Executive Orders to kick Russian ‘diplomats’ out of the United States.  McCarran-Walter, co-authors of this act were both Democrats. Harry Truman, also a Democrat, vetoed it but the Congress overrode his veto.  Truman was a Democrat but also a ‘Progressive’ in the same vein as today’s Progressives.

“In fact, Presidents Truman and Teddy Roosevelt were considered founders of the Progressive movement,” said George Phelps, former U.S. Army officer.  “Obama’s E.O. 13694 authorized the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities determined to be responsible for or complicit in malicious cyber-enabled activities that result in enumerated harms that are reasonably likely to result in, or have materially contributed to, a significant threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economic health or financial stability of the United States.”

According to the law, President Trump maintains complete authority to restrict entry of immigrants from designated countries based on the McCarran—Walter Act and Obama used an Executive Order to do the same thing when he had the Russian diplomats removed from the US.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (Pub.L. 82–414, 66 Stat. 163, enacted June 27, 1952), also known as the McCarran–Walter Act, restricted immigration into the U.S. and is codified under Title 8 of the United States Code (8 U.S.C. ch. 12). The Act governs primarily immigration to and citizenship in the United States. It has been in effect since December 24, 1952. Before this Act, a variety of statutes governed immigration law but were not organized within one body of text.

H.R. 5678 was named after its sponsors, Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nevada), and Congressman Francis Walter (D-Pennsylvania).

President Harry Truman, a Democrat, vetoed the Act because he regarded the bill as “un-American” and discriminatory.  Truman’s veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate.

Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:

“I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions, which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. … However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. … I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation’s downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.”

The Act abolished racial restrictions found in United States immigration and naturalization statutes going back to the Naturalization Act of 1790. The 1952 Act retained a quota system for nationalities and regions. Eventually, the Act established a preference system, which determined which ethnic groups were desirable immigrants and placed great importance on labor qualifications.

The Act defined three types of immigrants: immigrants with special skills or relatives of U.S. citizens who were exempt from quotas and who were to be admitted without restrictions; average immigrants whose numbers were not supposed to exceed 270,000 per year; and refugees.

The Act allowed the government to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaged in subversive activities and also allowed the barring of suspected subversives from entering the country. It was used to bar members and former members and “fellow travelers” of the Communist Party from entry into the United States, even those who had not been associated with the party for decades.

This video showing Muslims marching in Chicago recently that read, “Death to America”, shows you why Trump needs to enforce this precious McCarran-Walter Act.

It expanded the definition of the “United States” for nationality purposes, which already included Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, to add Guam. Persons born in these territories on or after December 24, 1952 acquire U.S. citizenship at birth on the same terms as persons born in other parts of the United States.

A 1962 guideline explained procedures under the Act:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 requires an alien to apply for a petition for naturalization. This form may be obtained from any office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a division of the Department of Justice, or from any court authorized to naturalize aliens.

Today, more than ever, we need to keep Muslims out of our country. That march in Chicago with the banner “Death to America” indicates the trauma of our future as to Muslim immigrants.

Why People Still Support Donald Trump

The scare quotes around the title are on purpose. This is a rejoinder to an article on the mainstream Bloomberg View with that title.

The author, Clive Crook (whose background includes stints with the super-oligarch voice The Economist among other elite publications and organizations) put forth two hypotheses to answer the question. One he rejects. The other meets with his approval.

The one he rejects: a substantial fraction of the U.S. population consists of “racist idiots” (his phrase). Enough said. This seems to be the view of a lot of leftists.

The one he likes: “a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustrations, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.”

It’s a start!

Crook continues: “I’m a liberal on immigration — but it isn’t racism to favor tighter controls if you believe that high immigration lowers American wages. It sure isn’t racism to believe that the laws on immigration should be enforced, and that “sanctuary cities” violate that impeccably liberal principle. It isn’t racist to say that many of the Charlottesville counter-protesters came looking for a fight. Casting Trump supporters as fearful of change is risible — he was hardly the status quo candidate.”

All of which is helpful and in some cases, obvious. Crook might have noted that many of these people were genuinely fearful of some of Clinton’s proposals, such as bringing “Syrian refugees” to the U.S. by the tens of thousands. They follow current events. They know of the terror attacks by Muslim immigrants in France, the U.K., and most recently in Spain. They know Muslims are terrorizing native populations in Germany, Sweden, and elsewhere, committing violent crimes including gang rape. These immigrants are not going to assimilate. It would be against their religion. Thinking Americans realize that the EU establishment, committed to open borders, globalism, and multiculturalism, is out of touch with most ordinary citizens. They do not want this happening in the U.S. beyond the extent the combination of globalism and political correctness has already allowed it to happen.

Crook’s discussion criticizes the Democratic Party for its own bigotry, for regarding Trump voters as “bigoted” and “stupid,” terms embodied in Hillary Clinton’s now-infamous denunciation of the “deplorables.” Surely such attitudes explain why Clinton lost states Barack Obama had won handily four and eight years ago, even if Democrats still refuse to see it. Obama, whatever his faults, was smart enough not to run his initial campaign openly condemning his fellow citizens as “deplorable” and neglecting to campaign in their states. He came a hair’s breath away later, with his reference to “bitter clingers.” Because of the backlash he may have continued to think it, but he didn’t say it again.

Clinton came across as openly elitist, arrogant, and believing she was entitled to be the First Woman President. This in addition to her personal history of dishonesty and corruption. Her party establishment, moreover, had embraced the cult of identity politics including fetish-like obsessions with sexual minorities few normal people can identity with. That the mostly Democratic mainstream media jammed this down their throats, gloating visibly when a Christian business was destroyed by a lawsuit from a lesbian couple or a woman jailed for refusing to sign marriage licenses that would violate the laws of her state, alienated those across the aisle. Their answer to this sort of coercion was to vote for Donald Trump. Even though he was a billionaire he seemed to identify with their concerns, not just when he talked about bringing back decent paying jobs but when he refused to be intimidated by self-righteous mainstream career talkers like Megyn Kelly.

Continued vicious gestures like the one from bimbo celebrities like Kathy Griffin, desperate for attention, their careers sinking due to their utter lack of talent, only reassured Trump’s base that their decision was the right one.

I’d look deeper than even this for why many intelligent people supported and continue to support Donald Trump. The establishments of both dominant political parties have been in decline at least since 1990 if not earlier. In 2015-16, completely out of ideas, they simply collapsed. Common people wouldn’t put it this way, of course. Most would probably have been open to a mainstream candidate if he spoke to their needs. But when they looked at those on stage, they saw only empty suits with nothing new to say. More than that, they saw reasons to withhold their support.

Hillary Clinton promised only a continuation of the policies of Bush II and Obama: policies of war and domestic economic stagnation, with more wealth and power concentrating at the top. Her relationship with Wall Street was obvious, and well-known. Neither she nor her husband ever saw a war they didn’t like, and as “corporate Democrats” the latter’s “welfare reform” began the repeal of what few safety nets had existed for the poor since the 1960s. Hillary might not have won the nomination had she not cheated Bernie Sanders with “superdelegates.” Among the revelations of the infamous leaked emails was how DNC insiders worked directly to secure the nomination for her, when Sanders (for better or for worse) had the support of the grassroots. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, received the most votes her party has ever gotten — slightly over 1.2 million, around 1% of the popular vote — because disaffected Democrats voted for her instead of Her Royal Clintonness. Others, of course, simply stayed home on Election Day. A few voted for Trump out of sheer spite.

With the GOP, the case for the collapse of the mainstream is even clearer. The GOP tries to self-identify as conservative in some sense of that term. Guys like Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) write tomes trying to redefine it, so as to save it from an outsider like Trump and his “uninformed” base. But at least since the 1950s, much of what passes for conservatism in the Republican Party has been more about what is good for big business than a principled defense of liberty within the bounds of tradition, Constitutionally limited government, the rule of law, and a sense of the role of the transcendent in human life — all of which matter at some level in “red” states outside the Beltway and the corridors of the elites.

Conservatism in this sense (some now even have a separate name for it: paleoconservatism) follows the strain of thought that began with Edmund Burke’s criticisms of the French Revolution, went through Max Weber’s defense of “the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism,” continued through Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind (orig. 1953), after which it began to disappear. William F. Buckley had defended a version of it in his God and Man at Yale (1951), criticizing the leftist-secularist elitism of his alma mater, before opting to become “pied piper for the Establishment” (John F. McManus’s memorable phrase; see his 2002 book with that title). Mostly banished from visible corridors of academia well before the PC era, traditional conservatism also ran counter to the increasing incursions of vocationalism there. Patrick J. Buchanan may be its last visible defender. There are scholars like Paul Gottfried, author of Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt (2002) and numerous other books and articles, long exiled to tiny Elizabethtown College and probably fortunate to be employed academically. A handful of other such people subsist at tiny, poorly funded think tanks or have been forced from intellectual professions altogether. (A guy I worked with briefly at a think tank now sells real estate, his talents going to waste.)

What replaced the earlier conservatism was neoconservatism, which began its ascendance in the Republican Party during the Reagan years at the hands of such thinkers as Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, and eventually Irving’s son William Kristol, the Robert Kagans and Paul Wulfowitzes and others who surrounded the Bushes and other establishment types. The neocons wanted power and influence, were good networkers, and by the 1990s had eclipsed their predecessors. They went on to form the Project for a New American Century. Neoconservatism was less about education, values, and social issues — one reason political correctness also ascended mostly unopposed — and more about imposing the “liberal democracy” of “the exceptional nation” on the world, at gunpoint where necessary. Neoconservatism was more about economics and war. With a nod to the ghost of Woodrow Wilson, it would “make the world safe for global capitalism” as the world’s default economic system following the Soviet collapse. (To see how this brand of global capitalism really works, I recommend John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004)).

The U.S. (and British and Israeli) war machines went on to wreck the Middle East, killing thousands of people and displacing hundreds of thousands more. The neocon establishment supported “economic integration,” i.e., open borders, outsourcing manufacturing jobs to third world countries for cheap labor, and importing cheaply made Chinese goods that costed less but lasted less than six months on some occasions, forcing consumers to buy more.

It seems fair to say that with mass immigration, Democrats wanted peoples who fit their vision of multicultural Utopia but especially the votes of people who had no idea what Constitutionally limited government even was and would support an expanding welfare state. Republicans wanted cheap labor for business. Was it not clear that this sort of thing would soon encounter pushback? Ask the thousands of people whose lives were turned upside down by the downsizing of U.S. manufacturing.

When Trump stood alongside his fellow GOP competitors, most of whom were political photocopies of one another, when all is said and done, he had little competition. When he responded to Megyn Kelly’s query about his remarks about women with, “We don’t have time to be politically correct,” the base cheered. His brashness and utter absence of PC horrified the mainstream but struck them as refreshing! At last they had a champion, someone who spoke to their issues in their language!

I confess I did not take The Donald seriously at first. Assuming him serious, I, too, thought the attacks which began long before the start of 2016 would undermine his candidacy. I began to watch more closely when they didn’t: when, if anything, the attacks backfired. I heard Trump provide a truthful description of American foreign policy as “a complete and total disaster.” I also encountered this, from an intellectual who realized that the country’s political-economic mainstream had collapsed, and I knew Trump’s candidacy would not be put down so easily.

Thus what we had were two party establishments, both of which answered to Wall Street and other corporate lobbyists and donors, both of whom furthered a globalist and technocratic agenda both at home and overseas, while feathering the nest of the U.S. / British / Israeli war machines. The “exceptional nation” flexed its muscles abroad over and over again, while the George Soroses of the world of the super-oligarchs bankrolled the destruction of traditional American culture. Higher education seemed to have fallen into the hands of an increasingly militant cultural left.

Into this wasteland walked Donald Trump.

The “experts” were unanimous: he would lose. It would be the biggest landslide in history. I don’t think even he expected to win.

He did, of course, and on November 8, 2016, everything changed!

The establishments blew their gaskets, slowly when not rapidly!

The cultural left hated Trump because of his resistance to PC. The corporate-globalist establishment hated him because he represented massive foot-dragging against “free trade” dogma. Both, as we saw, wanted the borders open for their own reasons, and if traditional culture and communities was destroyed, well, those were the breaks: it was just the “inevitability of progress” or the workings of the global “free market,” after all.

The idea had been floated that Trump could not have won without illicit help.

Enter the Russian-hackers-influenced-the-election narrative!

It was true enough that someone had penetrated DNC computers and delivered damning information to WikiLeaks. Seth Rich, who had worked for the DNC, was murdered under somewhat unusual circumstances. D.C. police insisted it was a botched robbery attempt although Rich’s possessions had not been stolen. Despite the cries of conspiracy theory, we don’t know the truth here.

What we now know, as I reported following Paul Craig Roberts, is that there were no Russian hackers.

The Great Fishing Expedition of 2017 continues, however, with former FBI chief Robert Mueller at its helm. Mueller is a leave-no-stones-unturned kind of guy, investigating not just allegations that Russian agents colluded with the Trump campaign, but every business deal and contact Trump or members of his family have ever made or had that involves Russia in one way or another, going back as many years as it will take to find something illicit.

No one so far has produced a shred of publicly available evidence that any of these deals broke any laws. What we have are accusations, insinuations, and hearsay based on sources whose anonymity is telling.

The question arises: will that stop the Great Fishing Expedition? I very much doubt it. The events at Charlottesville, and more recently the Hurricane Harvey tragedy in southern Texas, have temporarily pushed it from center stage. It will be back, of that we can be assured.

The party establishments are determined to destroy this presidency if they can. Although he denies it, I believe Mike Pence is being groomed to replace him following the equivalent of a coup. Pence is basically an establishment figure. He won’t have an easy ride, but I predict that should he become President, his Christian pretenses will slowly disappear and allow the cultural left to continue to dominate the domestic agenda. Globalism will get back on track and continue its march toward a world state.

So why do many people continue to support Donald Trump?

For starters, few outside the Beltway and “blue” areas believe in “Russian hackers” or other shadowy personalities that allegedly helped the Trump campaign. Even fewer believe the West should continue on a collision course with Russia that can lead only to war.

And whatever the fate of his presidency, those outside the Beltway and “blue” culture will go to their graves disbelieving the newer narrative about a sudden insurgency of “white supremacy” and “hate groups.” They will go to their graves rejecting official explanations of how great open borders are, because this conflicts openly with their lived experience as well as on-the-ground reports from around the world. They will continue to wonder not just about the reliability but the honesty of “the experts” in numerous arenas — just follow the money. This especially applies to the economy which many on Main Street do not believe the economy ever truly recovered outside elite enclaves in big cities and on Wall Street which has benefitted from QE monetary expansion and corporate stock buybacks.

None of the Russia investigations touted by inside-the-Beltway bigwigs, none of the scolding from left-leaning media about all those terrible white people, and none of the cooked unemployment statistics, are going to make this visceral skepticism go away. Look to the behaviors still coming from the party establishments, especially Democrats and other leftists, continuing their Clintonian arrogance when not rationalizing the open violence of domestic terror groups like Antifa, for why common people continue to support Donald Trump.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable. I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $36/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of September, it will be time to write my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Fired FBI Director Comey’s Deceit: Exonerated Hillary Before The First Witness Was Questioned

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Transcripts released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that were reviewed by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed that the controversial FBI Director, James Comey, started drafting his statement exonerating then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the infamous email investigation prior to the FBI’s questioning of key witnesses, according to both Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina).

The Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley and Graham, who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, requested all records relating to the drafting of the statement as the committee continues to review the circumstances surrounding Comey being canned by President Donald Trump.

“Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation.  The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy,” the senators wrote in a letter today to the FBI.

Last fall, following allegations from Democrat lawmakers, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) began investigating whether Comey’s actions in the Clinton email investigation violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits government employees from using their official position to influence an election.  In the course of that investigation, OSC interviewed two FBI officials close to Comey: James Rybicki, Comey’s Chief of Staff, and Trisha Anderson, the Principal Deputy General Counsel of National Security and Cyberlaw.

OSC provided transcripts of those interviews at Grassley’s request after it closed the investigation due to Comey’s termination.

Both transcripts are heavily redacted without explanation, a bad habit the FBI and other agencies developed during the Obama administration.

According to Grassley’s press statement on Friday, the transcripts do indicate that Comey began drafting a statement to announce the conclusion of the Clinton email investigation in April or May of 2016, before the FBI interviewed up to 17 key witnesses including former Secretary Clinton and several of her closest aides.

“When I recall the many times the FBI came into a local police department and began to bully local cops and made wild accusations — Sheriff Joe Arpaio comes to mind — it makes my blood boil to hear about these illegal shenanigans by FBI agents,” said former police sergeant and U.S. Marine Tony Rappaport (HPD-Ret.). He added, “The Democratic Party has turned the FBI into their own goon squad. President Trump has enough ammunition now to fire [Robert] Mueller as the special counsel investigating the so-called Trump-Russia case. Mueller is part of the Clinton-Obama political gang who use the justice system to silence their political opponents.”

The drafting of Comey’s statement to give Hillery Clinton a “pass”  also occurred prior to the FBI entering into immunity agreements with Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson where the Department agreed to a very limited review of Secretary Clinton’s emails and to destroy their laptops after review.  To this day, the FBI and Comey have refused to explain the reason for destroying the Clinton-connected computers.

In July during a special press briefing by Comey, he shocked many Americans when he exonerated Clinton despite noting “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information.”

“In their letter, the two chairmen requested all drafts of Comey’s statement closing the Clinton investigation, all related emails and any records previously provided to OSC in the course of its investigation. OSC is the permanent, independent investigative agency for personnel matters in the federal government and is not related to Robert Mueller’s temporary prosecutorial office within the Justice Department,” according to the press release.

Judicial Watch recently issued an announcement that its attorneys filed three separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Department of Justice seeking all of the records regarding the FBI’s Acting Director Andrew McCabe’s political activities, travel vouchers, and employment status.

One of those named by Judicial Watch in one of their lawsuits is none other than Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has been exposed as a liar by his own state police department following the violent riot in Charlottesville.

McCabe’s wife, Jill, received over $500,000.00 from the Democratic Party leadership for her political campaign at the same time her husband was supervising the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her email scandal.

The first two lawsuits specifically seek records of McCabe’s political activities involving his wife’s failed campaign for political office and interactions with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

McCabe had previously testified before the Senate’s Intelligence Committee to report on “World Wide Threats,” and the committee’s Democrats had a field day attacking President Donald Trump using the self-proclaimed nonpartisan McCabe.

But McCabe is anything but a nonpartisan public servant and Trump should have replaced him even before firing Director James Comey, say active and retired law enforcement officers. In fact, McCabe’s wife received close to half-million dollars for a political campaign that was filtered through Bill and Hillary Clinton’s close friend and business associate Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who chaired the Democratic National Committee.

Andrew McCabe was also the head of the FBI group involved in the scandalous Clinton Foundation probe. It was he who allegedly made the decision against recommending Hillary Clinton be charged criminally, which Director James Comey also recommended to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch made headlines herself when she secretly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane in Arizona a mere four days before Comey announced the decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with any crimes.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Our President, Sacrificing Everything To Save America

Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.  —Napoleon Hill

The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.  —Charles Spurgeon

Our country was sliding into total destruction, there was little hope.  Then Donald J. Trump announced that he was running for President.  From that moment on, he stepped into the fire of hatred from the left, the neo-con Trotskyite right, and the Communist media.  It has never stopped.

He spoke like us, he said things we’ve said to each other, and it all resonated with America’s people.  We knew he was our last chance to save our country, and we knew that the Lord God gave us this chance.  Maybe it’s our Nineveh, and that’s okay, we’ll take it.  If you don’t know about Nineveh, read the Book of Jonah.

Donald Trump is not perfect, and he never will be.  He will make mistakes, but I believe he is trying to do his very best for all of us.

For Love of Country

What did our President give up to bring back the America of his youth?  Everything!  He gave up running a wonderful business, a beautiful home life, privacy, and people who respected him.  He and his family have lost business revenue, lost reservations at Mar-a-Lago, and lost respect they truly deserve.

Mr. Trump has been lied about, pilloried, and held in disdain by media, the Democrats, and even his own weak left-leaning spineless party.  College professors to media personalities have called for his assassination, including a New York play depicting our President and his wife’s murders. And a former comedian photographed herself pretending to be an ISIS terrorist holding the likeness of our President’s dismembered head.

This is the decay of our culture promoted by the Communist media and socialist left, and encouraged by the right.  Their agenda has been stalled by the election of our President, and that’s why they hate him and want him destroyed. He is fighting the DC Swamp.

Destroying the Swamp Rats

Our President has pledged to drain the swamp, not hire from it. He needs to start hiring people from the heartland of America who have brilliant resumes, who worked themselves to the bone to elect him, and who could fill any administration position.  That swamp in DC is the most vile and evil nest of vipers and rats in our country, and there’s only a few who are not sheltered within it.  My friend Bud Hancock said it perfectly, and gave me permission to share his words with my readers.

I just read, and reviewed the video of the sermon by Pastor David Whitney in NewsWithViews titled, “What Lawyers are Practicing Today, (Hint: It’s not Law).”  Interesting what he said about the “swamp” and it made me think a little harder about that statement and how it relates to “draining the swamp.”

I have seen swamps, both in person and in movies.  I fail to see how anyone could actually “love a swamp” due to its very nature, the muddy water, the slime in it, the dangerous, unseen creatures who inhabit it.  I know in my heart that when God created the earth, there was not a swamp to be seen.  They are the very antithesis of the habitation to be desired by any person made in God’s image.  However, the critters best fitted for life in a swamp, poisonous vipers, rats, reptiles etc., will leave the swamp briefly, showing themselves openly for short periods of time, even causing some misguided souls to think of them as beautiful creatures.  But when the first sign of their enemies, and their destruction appears, they immediately scamper back to their nasty hiding places in the swamp.  They do so because they love the swamp.  It conceals them from the destruction that they would receive if they deserted the swamp for any extended period of time.  And, because they do love the swamp, they will utterly attack and destroy anyone who threatens to do away with them and/or their means of concealment-the swamp.

I admire Trump, or anyone else who truly desires to drain the DC swamp, but, the possibility of such an event occurring, especially if attempted by a mere human, is remote at best.  The day is coming when the King Triumphant will judge every swamp creature and will remove them from their concealment, exposing all their nasty, foul deeds.  When he does that, the swamp will not only be drained, it will cease to exist.  Just my humble opinion and I am anxiously awaiting that event!

This is what our President is dealing with, a swamp filled with rats who would destroy him at any opportunity in order to ensure their globalist agenda will prevail.  And, it is why we must pray mightily every day for our President.  We must pray a hedge of protection about him, pray the guidance of the Holy Spirit upon him, and pray for God’s wisdom to guide this man who has given up everything for us.

The Race Card

Now these fools who hate Trump because he’s not a globalist, because he loves his country, because he wants it to be great again, are calling him a racist.  Soros and his minions have hired America’s uneducated fools, and here’s the proof, to create a new civil war of conflict and strife throughout America.

Oh, they tried the sexual attacks before the election, and when they didn’t work, they resorted to the race card again.  The cry of racism against Trump was never a factor until he decided to run as a Republican for the office of President of the United States of America.

They forget that Trump is well-known for hiring minorities.  They also forget that when he bought Mar-a-Lago, he was the first club in Palm Beach to open it to Jews and Blacks.  Link

Donald J. Trump has dated a black woman, married two immigrants, employed thousands of blacks, Asians and Hispanics and has Jewish grandchildren.  So, if he is a racist, then I’m the Easter bunny.

Trump’s Love of All Americans

Trump wants all Americans to succeed, and he truly means all Americans. He has fought discrimination, and given a helping hand to so very many throughout his entire life.

  • Trump sheltered black singer, Jennifer Hudson, rent-free after her family was murdered. [Link]
  • Trump sued the City of Palm Beach over 30 years ago, when he bought a segregated club, Mar-A-Lago, to open it to Jews and blacks. Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. [Link]
  • Donald Trump showed his true character with Dr. Ben Carson during one of the campaign debates, and Dr. Carson has never forgotten it.
  • Donald Trump paid to ensure a Mexican American boy would graduate from college when he saw a news story about his terminally ill mother. [Link]
  • Donald Trump sent $10 K to a hero black bus driver, Darnell Barton, after seeing a news story about how he saved a woman from jumping off a bridge. [Link]
  • Lynne Patton has been a member of the Donald Trump circle since 2009. She is the vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and also a senior assistant to Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump. Lynne even narrated a YouTube video in which she defended the Trump family against accusations that Donald Trump is racist.

According to her bio on the Eric Trump Foundation website, Patton is responsible for planning all of the Eric Trump Foundation’s fundraising events. She also helps the foundation’s relationship with St. Jude’s Research Hospital as senior assistant to Donald Trump’s three oldest children.

And… our President has signed a law taking aim at the funding of Planned Parenthood, and his budget proposes to cut all funding to same.  Thousands of black babies per year are aborted, and the PP clinics are purposely built in black neighborhoods.  Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, wanted the black race destroyed.  She said, “Colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated.”  Link  Trump wants to stop the slaughter.

Politics v. Business

Frank Cooke spent his life in business.  He told me how he had to learn and adapt, and get the right people in place for business to be successful.  He said he was sometimes a millionaire and other times dead broke, and he knows how successful businessmen think. Here are his comments about our President:

Been thinking… you know Trump is a very successful entrepreneur.  He thinks like one.  So, getting a business off the ground is always rough going.  But nurturing your newborn baby means you have to evolve quickly especially during the child’s early years.  Always remember Trump started with very little political experience and no “political bench strength.”  Startup businesses go through different phases of growth… many small steps at the onset to larger ones moving from small to mid-size to large.

Our wise old Fox President Trump has paid dearly for the wisdom he has now at 70.  Keep in mind he is in the game of “his business vision” not politics.  He just may be “exploring the landscape,” seeking the right talent to move the golf ball to the next hole. This time next year he will have changed out probably 80% of the White House staff.


Bud and Frank are both right.  Our President has a huge battle on his hands and has given up so much to save the country he loves.  He needs us to help him.

Our country had founding fathers who gave all, they mutually pledged to each other, their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to build this nation.  Every other country in the world is run by kings or tyrants where the people are their subjects.  Only America is unique in that “we the people” are the rulers.

Our Founders created a great country, and Trump is trying to save it from destruction.  Trump said he wanted the government given back to the American people where it rightfully belongs, and he’s fighting to do just that.

One of our nation’s greatest military men said this to me, “These are definitely difficult times our nation faces. It is being torn apart by minority groups on both sides…and always remember that 2% of the passionate will always defeat 98% of the indifferent unless this latter group wakes up and takes responsibility for who we elect into political office.”

It’s up to us.  We need to step up and demand that our servants in Congress help our President accomplish his goals.

Email: – https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to who is my representative.com and enter your zip code or state.

P.S.  We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  There are so few really strong conservative websites, and NewsWithViews is one of the best.  Thank you for continuing to help us stay alive and bringing the latest news and research into your mailbox every morning.  Please donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Are you an American Slave? The Federal Reserve, Charlie Gard, and Socialized Medicine

Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass is not just a children’s story. It presented a place where nothing was as it seemed to be. I think it to be an apt parable of where we are today. We are through the looking glass in America. We are told ad-naseum that we are the freest country on earth – yet that is no longer true. We are told that slavery is one of those very great evils of our past and that we must now expunge all memory of that era by destroying all the Confederate monuments that are still standing today, as well as any monument to anyone who held slaves at any time. Why must we do this? Because, we are told, slavery is such a great evil that every trace of it must be eradicated even if it requires the use of violence.

But is that all true? Are we the freest nation on earth? Was slavery eradicated back there on December 6th in the year of our Lord 1865? Consider the language of that Amendment to the Constitution called the 13th; “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime.…” So, if there is an exception then it hasn’t ended. What ended that day was the institution of private slavery, where some individual owned another individual as property. That exception clause in the 13th Amendment quite clearly established that the civil government in America claimed that it alone could be the slave master. And what a slave master it has become.

Video of the sermon

“The United States has the worlds highest incarceration rate and hosts more prison inmates than all other developed nations combined. This trend of ‘mass incarceration’ began in the 1970s following ‘the War on Drugs’ with incarcerations increasing rapidly from the 1980s to 1990s…while the majority of incarcerated Americans are White, African Americans are disproportionately incarcerated as compared to what percentage of the population they make up…In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the worlds population, it houses around 22 percent of the worlds prisoners.

There are about 320 million American citizens. According to a collection of 2005 – 2014 data as presented on prisonpolicy.org, the American criminal justice system holds more than 2.3 million people in 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 942 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, and prisons in the U.S. territories.” Factmyth.com

Perversely, “Corporations have lobbied for a broader and broader definition of ‘crime’ in the last 150 years. As a result, there are more (mostly dark-skinned) people performing mandatory, essentially unpaid, hard labor in America today than there were in 1830… The United States has the largest incarcerated population in the world. No other society in history has imprisoned more of its own citizens…The vast majority – 86 percent – of prisoners have been locked up for non-violent, victimless crimes, many of them drug-related…

[And the Corporations that profit enormously from this slave labor are household names] Wal-Mart – Although their company policy clearly states that ‘forced or prison labor will not be tolerated by Wal-Mart,’… Wal-Mart purchases its produce from prison farms, where laborers are often subjected to long hours in the blazing heat without adequate food or water.” returntonow.net

But you say, “Not to worry, I am a law abiding citizen, I will never be put in a cage by the civil government.” But does that mean you are not a slave?

Consider the disaster that befell our country in the year of our Lord 1913 – the creation of the Federal Reserve. It is no more Federal than the Federal Express. It is a privately held banking interest for the profit of its owners. When it was created it was given the sole power to create currency for our country. If you print money backed by nothing, you go to jail. When they print money backed by nothing they get to loan that money – which costs them nothing – to the American people at interest, which means we have to pay them with our labor and material wealth for something that is essentially worth nothing.

And we cannot escape the Biblical principle of Proverbs 22:7, “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Now that word servant translates the Hebrew word `ebbed, is also translated manservant, bondman or slave.

So we could translate “the borrower is slave to the lender.” Indeed, as Jesus reveals this truth in his parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:24-25: “And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.” In the ancient world, slavery was often in the result of financial insolvency.

Consider the wicked slavery President Woodrow Wilson sold us into on that cold morning two days before Christmas. It was his Christmas present, it wasn’t for the American people but private bankers. The America people were sold into debt slavery that very day for a debt that we did not owe.

To understand it, consider just the people in this sanctuary as a country unto ourselves. What if a decision was made to give Harry the sole and exclusive power of printing currency – the currency we all must use in every financial transaction. He prints the currency at our expense and then he loans it to us. So at the beginning of the year we each line up and ask Harry for a loan of $100. He very magnanimously offers us the terms of just 1% per year payable on December 31st. We agree to this because we are forced to used his currency alone for all financial transactions. We buy and sell with each other for 12 months and then comes December 31st. Let’s just say to simplify the illustration, we all wind up with the exact same amount of money at year’s end. We line up to pay Harry. What are we obliged to pay him? $101. But we each only have $100. We cannot borrow from each other for we are all indebted to him. We cannot print our own money or we go to jail. What are we to do? He alone can print currency, there is no other source. We must borrow the dollar from him that we owe him. But we still need currency to do business, so we need to borrow $100 for the next year, but we only get $99 because the interest ate up that other dollar. You see now what happened in 1913, America in its entirety was sold into debt slavery. We can never pay back the debt which we owe to the Federal Reserve – they are our masters. This is why I can literally guarantee you that Congress will raise the debt ceiling – they have to be able to pay the thieves at the Federal Reserve.

Consider the definition of slavery in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary: “slavery is the obligation to labor for the benefit of the master, without the contract of consent of the servant.“ Did any of us consent to have the Federal Reserve as our master? I know I did not.

But you might say, “So what, I can live my life and my pay check still buys groceries, so I’m not concerned, I don’t consider myself a slave.” Very well.

Consider the terms of chattel slavery – the master owned the body of the slave and could dispose of that slave any way he chose, including taking the life of his slave. And everyone is taught to say, “Things might be bad, but at least we don’t have that in America, after all we are the freest country on earth.” But then came March 25, in the year of our Lord 2010. Obama Care was passed.

“Buried deep within Obamacare is a provision that takes away health care from you and your doctors, by taking away payment for critical health care that may be needed to save your life. It is called The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). [More truthfully called death panels]

The board will be independent of you, your doctors, your hospitals, Medicare, Congress, the judiciary, the democratic process, ultimately even the Constitution itself…IPAB is to be composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. But the board and its powers are so dangerous that even President Obama never made any appointments.

Starting next year, if Medicare spending is projected to grow faster than the rate of economic growth per capita plus 1 percentage point, IPAB is empowered to make a proposal that will cut Medicare spending at least to the targeted growth rate. IPAB will be proposing such Medicare cuts every year starting next…

“Burke Balch, director of the Powell Center, said Obamacare ‘authorizes Washington bureaucrats to create one uniform, national standard of care that is designed to limit what private citizens are allowed to spend to save their own lives.’

‘We are convinced most Americans do not believe that the government should limit the right of Americans to use their own money for health care necessary to save their lives. Yet, that is exactly what Obamacare does,’ he said.” wnd.com

But you say, “No problem, no one will suffer with this plan in place.” But consider what just happened last month to our East on the other side of the pond.

Charlie Gard’s fight for life touched the world.

The tot had a disease called mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital had said Charlie should be allowed to die in dignity, and applied for permission to have his ventilator switched off.

But his parents fought determinedly against this decision – raising more than £1.3 million to pay for pioneering treatment in the US.

What happened in the legal battle?

April 11 – Charlie’s distraught parents were told by a judge at the High Court that his life support machine will be turned off – ruling that it would be cruel to try and extend Charlie’s life further.

May 25 – The couple begged senior Court of Appeal judges but they upheld the High Court ruling.

May 31 – The tot was given a last minute reprieve when Britain’s Supreme Court agreed to review the case, but they then ruled that Charlie’s life support must be switched off.

June 27 – The European Court of Human Rights ruled that they would not intervene  – which meant his life-support was expected to be stopped on Friday June 30.

June 30 – After a heart-wrenching plea from Chris and Connie, Great Ormond Street agreed to grant them more time with little Charlie to say goodbye.

July 10 – The case returned to the High Court when the family asked for permission to take the terminally ill tot to the States for a “miracle” treatment. More than 490,000 people signed a petition calling for him to be allowed to travel.

July 17 – A US doctor flew into the UK to meet with British medics. Dr. Michio Hirano believes he can help Charlie.

July 19The US Congress gave Charlie US citizenship after Dr. Michio Hirano, 56, was unable to convince British consultants that his experimental treatment offers a lifeline.

July 22 – Great Ormond Street call cops after staff receive death threats over the case.

July 24 – Chris Gard and Connie Yates withdraw their application to take their son to America for treatment after admitting damage done to the 11-month-old’s muscle and tissue is “irreversible” – and he will not live to see his first birthday.

July 25 – Great Ormond Street Hospital tells Charlie Gard’s parents their son’s ventilator won’t fit through their front door after they launch a court bid to take their son home to die.

July 26 – Following a deeply emotional day in the courtroom, a judge gave Charlie’s parents until 12.00pm on July 27 to reach an agreement with GOSH on his end-of-life care – failing which he will be transported to a hospice for his final days.

July 27 – The 12.00pm deadline for an agreement over Charlie’s end-of-life care passed, with it unclear if a compromise over treatment had been reached.

Eventually, the judge Mr. Justice Francis approved a plan which would see the tot “inevitably” die shortly after being moved to a hospice.

July 28 – Charlie’s mum Connie revealed that he had lost his battle with his illness, and had died a week before his first birthday. In a statement the pair said: “Our beautiful little boy has gone, we are so proud of you Charlie.” Thesun.co.uk

“The hospital refused to give Charlie back to his parents. The matter ended up in the courts, and, finally, in the last several hours, the European Court of ‘Human Rights’ ruled that the parents should be barred from taking their son to the United States for treatment. According to the ‘human rights’ court, it is Charlies human right that he expire in his hospital bed in London. The parents are not allowed to try and save his life. It is ‘in his best interest’ to simply die, they ruled.

In Europe, ‘Death with dignity’ supersedes all other rights. In Europe, a mother may kill her baby but she is not allowed to keep him alive….The doctors may be the final authority on what kinds of medical measures they personally should take, but they are not the final authority over life itself. It is one thing for them to say, ‘I will not do this treatment.’ Its quite another for them to say, ‘You are not allowed to have this treatment done by anyone. You must die.’ The former is reasonable. The latter is euthanasia. This baby [was] euthanized. By barbarians….This is what happens with socialized medicine.  If the State runs the health care system, ultimately they will be the ones who decide whose life is worth saving and whose is not. Thats not just a byproduct of socialized medicine — its the point [of socialized medicine].” Theblaze.com

In 1947 Britain adopted socialized medicine – Obama Care by another name. Charlie Gard is the future of slavery in America.

If you are not permitted with your own money to save your own life by medical treatments that are available, then are you free? If you don’t own your own body then who does? What Charlie Gard has shown us is that the State, that is human civil government, claimed to own his body. His parents were not free to make such simple decisions as to take their son for treatment at another facility in another country that would help him live. Parental rights have expired in Britain and are dying in America. The Medical Industrial Complex has endured a takeover by Big Brother, the civil government in America – and the shadow of Charlie Gard shows us clearly the end game of that take over.

Euthanasia by civil government makes logical sense. We know that the promises politicians in Washington have made regarding Social Security payouts, Medicare and Medicaid payments are unsustainable. They have made more than 100 Trillion dollar promises they cannot keep. What now appears on the horizon is that solution provided in Obama Care – simply kill the problem. Eliminate what they call the “useless eaters” so you don’t have to pay them Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. And then pass more death taxes to steal their retirement savings and investments as well.

When a civil government rejects God’s Law, as ours effectively has, look out my friends for neither your life, your liberty, nor your property are safe from the thieves. We have descended into a Kleptocracy – a government of the thieves and by the thieves and above all for the thieves.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

America Is Losing Her Morals

I’m sure we have all seen a post on Facebook or Twitter or some other social media that says: The Election of Trump Did Not Create the Left’s Hate, It Revealed It.  There is so much truth to that statement.  From the night of his winning the election we have seen a complete and total meltdown of the left.  It has come to the point that anything conservative must be silenced, made illegal and beat into submission.

The worst part of this is the fact they are now demanding that we can no longer have conversations or debates to weigh out the pros and cons of any particular situation.  The only opinion allowed now days is the liberal opinion.  Debates are not allowed.  This is the same position that Hitler took in Germany in the 1930’s.  Anti-fa is using the same tactics Hitler’s brown shirts used.  The only way he got away with that was he disarmed the populace.  We are not defenseless.  It does take a lot for a uprising of the general population the manifests into violence because we would rather work through ‘diplomatic channels’ but when that fails we have been known to dust off our arms and fix things.

The attitude displayed by the left is being pushed and funded by those that are wanting a New World order.  George Soros is the main person behind this violence against conservatives and conservative values.  In an interview in 2014 with Germany’s BILD he stated: “I’m going to bring down the United States by funding Black Hate groups.  We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The Black community is the easiest to manipulate.”  We have the proof that he is doing just that.  Last week, radical Marxist protesters at the University of California, Berkeley managed to shut down a scheduled speech by right-wing gay provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos. Reports now indicate that the protests were funded by leftist billionaire globalist George Soros, the city of Tucson, several large corporations, and a major labor union.

Protesters at Berkeley “broke windows, set off fireworks, and threw smoke bombs and flares, creating a dangerous environment for students and the public” in anticipation of Yiannopoulos’ speech on February 1. They wore masks and started a large fire just outside of the building where Yiannopoulos was supposed to speak, and set off fireworks and hurled rocks at police officers. At least six people were injured in the violence as Trump supporters were assaulted by the protesters.

The Daily Caller reports that Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged the shutdown of the Yiannopoulos event, was behind the protests that turned violent. On February 2, the group released a statement on its site in which it called the shutdown “righteous” and encouraged similar protests to continue to take place:

What happened at UC Berkeley is part of the kind of broad, powerful and meaningful protest which needs to continue on an unprecedented scale to OUST this regime from power. These protests should be supported and defended by all those who value critical thought, the ability to pursue and debate what is actually true, science and scientific thinking, the space to dissent — and all who oppose this whole fascist direction and reordering of the world with its unparalleled threats to all humanity and the planet itself.[1]

Soros has his fingers in many pies that support leftist ideals.  Planned Parenthood, ACLU, he funds Snopes which is one of the worst ‘fact checking’ organizations around, Open Society Institute and dozens of others. The Soros family has long supported Planned Parenthood. Last year, George Soros gave Planned Parenthood an additional $1.5 million to help it respond to the release of undercover videos showing the sale of body parts from aborted fetuses. His son donated another $1 million around the same time. His donations to Planned Parenthood since 2000 total more than $20 million.

The March’s other “premier partner,” the Natural Resources Defense Council, states on its website that it receives funding from Soros’ Open Society Foundations. “The George Soros-backed Open Society Institute and Foundation to Support Open Society gave NRDC over $2.2 million since 2008,” the group says.

These two groups are merely the most prominent recipients of Soros money. Fifty-six of the groups listed as “partners” of the March have received some financial support from Soros. Donations range in size from $24,000 to more than $34 million over the last 15 years. Many of the donations are to pro-choice groups and to organized labor.

All told, Soros’s donations to these groups add up to nearly $90 million between 2000 and 2014. When asked about Soros’ support, a spokesperson for the foundation said in a statement that there was “no truth” to “false reports” that George Soros was funding protests directly.[2]

This insanity has our Founders spinning in their graves.  They never intended our great nation to turn into the type of nation we fought the Revolutionary War to separate from.  Our Founders always encouraged debate.  They believed that one should be able to look at all sides before making a decision.  They believed in compassion for our fellow man not the welfare state that the left is demanding.  We have seen the lowest of human behavior whenever there is a natural disaster or even just rioting.  Innocent peoples’ businesses are always targeted by these sub-human low lifes.  They burn and loot stores that have nothing to do with what they are rioting about.  Even in Houston there are looters shooting at rescuers.  Cajun Navy is a Louisiana-based informal organization of private recreation boat owners who assist in flood search-and-rescue efforts.

Bob Price reports for Breitbart that there are three Cajun Navy groups doing rescue work in the Houston area, where thousands remain stranded in flood waters from Hurricane Harvey.

Yesterday, one Cajun Navy group saved the life of a woman they found floating face down in a flooded roadway.

But Clyde Cain of Louisiana Cajun Navy told CNN that the rescuers are being shot at:

“We have boats being shot at if we’re not picking everybody up. We’re having to pull out for a minute. We’re dropping an airboat right now to go rescue a couple of our boats that broke, and they’re kind of under attack.”

To protect the volunteers, members of the Louisiana Cajun Navy were ordered to stand down. A message on the group’s Facebook page said that the team members are safe after they were shot at by looters posing as people needing rescue during an attempt to rob and steal the Cajun Navy boat.[3] I have seen videos of looters in stores that have been closed and they are breaking into the cash register stealing the cash from a person that has lost all of his inventory because of the flooding and these people think that they have a right to take whatever they want. Some home owners have shot looters that were trying to get into their house.

This is just the tip of the iceberg concerning the mindset of these people.  College kids come out of college with no knowledge of our country’s history, our Constitution or our Bill of Rights.  They believe that most conservative ideals should be outlawed.  They have become ‘snowflakes’ of the worst kind.  I don’t personally remember the time right after Pearl Harbor but my parents told me that young people flocked to recruiting stations to sign up to defend our country.  Today if one of these sissified pansies even sees a word they don’t like they have to find a ‘safe space’ to be able to cope with someone expressing a different point of view.  Late last spring, college students at top schools across the country were busy furnishing rooms on campus with coloring books, Play-Doh, bubbles, and other items that you might find in a toddler’s toy chest. But they weren’t stocking these rooms with toys for children—they were doing it for themselves.

These students were creating so-called “safe spaces” to provide their peers shelter from words and ideas they don’t like. For instance, when a feminist dissident spoke at Brown last year, 35 students gathered in another room filled with calming music, cookies, and pillows to take refuge from her words. 

Before Christina Hoff Sommers, a widely-respected conservative feminist, spoke at Georgetown University in April, students posted a sign outside another designated “safe space” that read, “All are welcome to come if they feel triggered or upset by today’s events.”

And now, students at Mizzou, Yale, and colleges nationwide are staging mass protests, demanding their “safe spaces” be respected.[4]

Now it has gotten to the point where a piece of fruit in a try will trigger a need for a safe space.  A Greek Life retreat at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) was promptly cancelled this weekend after a banana peel was found hanging in a tree.

“To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at IMPACT,” Interim Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Alexa Lee Arndt remarked in an email between Greek leaders, according to The Daily Mississippian. “Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi.”[5]  Really?  A banana peel?  If Pearl Harbor happened today what would happen to America?


  1. Soros funded group behind violent UC Berkeley protests
  2. George Soros funds riots
  3. Houston looters shoot volunteer, rescuers target whites and Trump supporters
  4. Progressive Yale and Missouri students seeking safe spaces from differing opinions actually making campuses less safe
  5. https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=9679

George Soros Petition Filed In D.C.

WASHINGTON FINALLY! A petition to stop George Soros has been crafted and put up on the White House website. It already has 67,952 signatures in the short time this has been up.  Soros, who was born in Hungary, is also a resident and citizen of New York, owning two elaborate homes there, one in Katonah, New York and the other in Southampton, Long Island. I did a column on how and why Soros CAN be arrested and charged with Treason and Sedition. Here is that link.

His business office is in New York City located at 250 W. 55th street as well as an apartment in Manhattan. He CAN be prosecuted for Treason and Sedition since he is trying to overthrow the President of the United States and undermine the U.S. Government.

The petition has been filed with the U.S. Government which can be pulled up at this link.

The petition states: 

Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United State, and has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government, the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists, and have all of his personal an organizational wealth and assets seized under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

There is a spot on the petition link above to sign you name. Every reader should sign this.

George Soros is the one man responsible for all the chaos, confusion, violence, destruction, and obstruction of justice, not only in the U.S., but indeed the entire world. He has manipulated currency in various countries including our own to devalue the monetary system. The ‘depressions’ we went through were not coincidental. Our economy was manipulated into depression by Soros.

It is he and he alone who agitated the blacks into a race war that would never have happened otherwise. He totally funded the Black Lives Matter violent protests. He has almost 200 non-profit political organizations for the sole purpose of destroying our government and the political system itself so this nation can morph into a Communist nation and be a part of the New World Order where Soros will become the universal potentate.

The Communist Party in America is not as big as we have been led to believe. That was proved in the past election. Donald Trump was voted in by real citizens, millions upon millions of them, mainly Christians, who had been relegated to the shadows, but in mass, charged to the polls and cast their votes, sweeping Trump into the Oval Office.

Communists are good at misrepresenting numbers. Those who lived in the Soviet Union felt that every other person was an active Communist who might turn them in or arrest them. The truth is, only about 2 % of the Soviet Union was Communists but they managed to bully the citizens into compliance. Nobody dared to ask any questions of anyone since nobody really knew who was who. It was all fear based.

Soros is one of the richest men in the world. His personal bank account holds 29 Billion dollars. The interest alone on that amount of money would be a fortune to anyone. Indeed, one could not spend the interest on that money during a lifetime.

Soros owns most of the politicians in D.C. His money put many of them in office. So that will be an obstacle to seeing these charges carried out. I was amazed at the number of Congresspersons and Senators, including John McCain who is owned by Soros. You can see how they all, on both sides, are viciously fighting to block everything President Trump tries to do.

Soros owns and controls most of the news media. It should be obvious when you read the headlines. For example, everything President Trump does, wherever he speaks, there is an immediate story the next day proclaiming; “Trumps Approval Rating Dips to New Low following his speech at ……..”  First of all, how can they get a poll that quickly? They cannot. I am sick and tired of this residue of a bull following everything President Trump does or says.

Everyone KNOWS how the Soros newspapers and newscasts stated constantly during the campaigns that Hillary’s poll numbers outpaced Trumps’. That was a lie. All of those poll numbers were fake to discourage voters from making the effort to vote for Trump. It didn’t work. Since Soros owns the newspapers, newscasts and journalists, they will print or broadcast everything Soros tells them to.

The voters, who showed up without fanfare spectacularly dumbfounded George Soros, the Democrats and Communists all over the world. They were dazzled in confusion. If the people in the old Soviet Union would have realized that there were much more of them than the Communists, who had kept them in fear since it was believed there were many more of them.

It is the same today. We totally outnumber the enemy. Let’s really make an impression on them by signing the petition to charge George Soros. I urge every reader to click on the link to the petition and sign your name.

Every free American should take part in this. It is OUR battle for the very soul of our country.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Democratic Republic Dies; New World Government Survives, Part 2

[Note: Correction to Part 1,

These loyal supporters against our enemy North Vietnam were barred from entering the escape route in an area fronting Saigon’s Capitol, (not Sole Korea). They were barricaded behind the capitol’s iron gates while our choppers hastily lifted up the few remaining military and departed.]

In Part 1 of this series Albert Gore, the global warning scammer was listed as one of the charlatans. Click to Google search to find article on Al’s net worth.

The following is an excerpt on Google of Gore’s biography:  “In 2005, Gore founded a liberal news channel called Current TV with Joel Hyatt. The cable network eventually grew to reach more than 60 million households across the United States. Gore announced in January 2013 that Current TV was going to be sold to Al-Jazeera, an Arab news network. According to the Associated Press, Gore said Current TV and Al-Jazeera shared a common mission “to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling.

“Gore was expected to receive about $70 million for his 20 percent share of Current TV. Not everyone is thrilled with his decision to sell the channel, however. Time Warner Cable dropped the channel from its line-up soon after hearing about the deal. Some Current TV personnel, such as former governor Eliot Spitzer, quit rather than work for the channel’s new owners. In 2014, Gore sued Al-Jazeera for allegedly trying to illegally take $65 million in escrow funds connected to the deal, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

“Around this time, Gore published his latest books, The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change (2013) and Earth in the Balance: Forging a New Common Purpose (2013). He saw years of work come to fruition in 2015 with the launch of the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite, nicknamed DSCOVR, in 2015. DSCOVR has a special camera that “will monitor specific wavelengths that alert scientists to the presence of certain materials like ozone, aerosols, and volcanic ash,” according to a statement on Gore’s official website.

“In 2016, Gore appeared at a TED conference in Vancouver, Canada. His talk was called “The Case of Optimism on Climate Change.” He pointed to the decreasing cost associated with renewable energy and the recent agreement reached at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference as reasons for a more positive outlook for the future.”

Gore’s business is to make millions of dollars by publishing books, making movies, and giving lectures and using the internet to exploit an unproven scientific base that the earth is warming because of  mankind’s pollution where many experts on the subject, using temperature changes state factually that history proves otherwise;  that the records show that they are typically cyclical.

This example of sophistry is really a coordinated plan to incorporate Gore’s goals to align the United States within the European climate change mantra which would cause the United States to lose its national independence and places the U.S. under the iron fist of the Global Elite.  President Trump, using his authority, refused to bite this apple and in addition not to fall for the TPP, “Trans Pacific Partnership.”

Like the WTO agreements NAFTA, the TPP are an attempt to set the rules that violated U.S. sovereignty. The majority of the Democrat Party and those rancid establishment neocons, the Republikrats, agree with the proponents of the new world order.  Despite the desires of Trump and the informed, educated public minority  the benefits of Industry setting up production in the United States isn’t wanted by the establishment. There are water walkers in both parties ie; the billionaires who side with George Soros, whose sole purpose is world government, and those billionaires who tepidly call themselves Republicans liked what Hillary offered…complacency.

International American businesses, whose headquarters are located within the United States, but whose production plants are centered in foreign countries don’t really believe that the low U.S. 15% corporate tax will be sufficient to cover the transfer of their production plants to be built on U.S, soil and still afford the increased cost of U.S. wages compared to the unique tax avoidance benefit arrangements that Europe and Asian governments offer to retain their production, gratis those foreign governments.


This is quoted from a documentary titled “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the World Order: “Citing source data is the “scientific method”, but does not seem to apply to Conspiracy Theories.  A thousand sources may be quoted, yet will not convince the skeptics, the realists.  “There are none so blind as those who will not see,” or there is something more sinister at work such as knowledge of the truth, that does not want you to know.

“If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of the media, foundation grants, and education and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most opinions available.  The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the financial powers behind it, have done all these things and promote the “New World Order” (NWO) as they have for over seventy years”

List of CFR members:

Col. House’s relatives controlling the CFR, Karen Elliot House is Chairman of the Membership Committee, and member of the nominating committee, along with Jeanne Kirkpatrick; David Rockefeller (deceased 2017) after serving as Chairman 1970-1985 and being Director Emeritus,” after serving as a Director 1949-1985, Peter G Peterson serving as Chairman 1970-1985 and “Director Emeritus. “after serving as a Director 1949-1985, Peter G. Peterson is chairman,, Admiral B.R Inman is Vice Chairman, while former Congressman Foley Democratic  and Jeanne Kirkpatrick were serving on the Executive Committee.  CFR has several levels of corporate membership, founders, premium members and associates. As of June 7, 2013 members and corporations are listed in Wikipedia as in CFR membership.


The Rockefellers

David Rockefeller, one of the key motivating factors in promoting global government followed the footsteps of his father, John D, Rockefeller who played a leadership role incorporating “The Council on Foreign  Affairs” as the American branch of (RIIA)  Royal Institute od International Affairs in New York on July 29, 1921.  The founding members included Colonel House, mentioned previously as a Rothschild agent. He authored the famous “fourteen points” purported as President Wilson’s idea in the Covenant of the League of Nations.  Others included the potentates of international banking J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, of the Warburg bank interests in Germany, Otto Kahn and Jacob Schiff…the same clique which had engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1911, but ratified in 1916 by Woodrow Wilson who before he died stated that “I have betrayed my country.  There are powers that of which I can not speak.”

The League of Nations was established but the Versailles Treaty was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.   Colonel House, along with other internationalists, realized the Americans would never join any scheme for world government without a change in public opinion.  After a series of meetings, it was decided that the “Royal Institute of International Affairs“ would be formed into two branches, one in the United States and  one in England.

Jump ahead sixty years to 2003 to the meeting when David Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller, where he addressed the CFR membership and made the following statement:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years….It would have been impossible for the us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during these years.  But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.  The supernatural sovereignty of an international elite and world bankers is surely preferable to national auto determination practiced in past centuries.

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for moderate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure…one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

In contrast to the purpose of the CFR, the realty is obfuscated when it publicizes its purpose as a host of many views, and advocates none.  It claims to have no affiliation with the U.S. government, unless we the public do not count that a Council member was elected president of the United States…dozens of other Council colleagues were called to serve in cabinet and sub-cabinet positions as is described in its official publication “Foreign Affairs” along with many members of congress, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs, the Federal Reserve and many other Federal bureaucrats.  In an article from “Foreign Affairs, Kingman Brewster, Jr. wrote “Reflections on Our National Purpose.”  Our purpose should be, according to him, to do away with our nationality, to ”take some risks in order to invite others to pool their sovereignty with ours…”

In other words, these “risks” include disarming to the point where we would be helpless against the “peace keeping” forces of a global UN government.  We should be delighted to surrender our sovereignty to world government in the interests of the “world community. “Richard N. Gardner,” former deputy assistant Secretary of State in an opinion in Foreign Affairs stated that the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than the from the top down…An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault…”    These warped globalists ignore the fact that world  order equates to loss of freedom given to the unelected foreign bureaucrats located in Brussels. But of course, these advocates for the NWO are the very creators of it, the international bankers and the international corporate leaders who wish all power to be centered to benefit their coffers.

This is what we are witnessing today because of the lower standards of our public schools, the elimination of civics and the distortion of history by school books to the extent little is reflected in the brilliance of our founding fathers  and the reality of the times and conditions within the colonies where slavery was recognized throughout the civilized world.

Today, subversive factions and a large majority of dumbed down people consider the writers of our Constitution as monsters, and hypocrites, but refuse to recognize Washington, Jefferson, Adams and others were real futurists who believed slavery would be outmoded as the price of slaves were not economically feasible or practical, the cotton gin soon was invented and mechanization soon would have replace slavery.

Of course, they never considered the economic superiority of industry and modern industrialization of the Northern States and the disparity of income in the agricultural South or the subjugation of the negro during and after the Reconstruction period when slaves were nominally free, but placed under the Democrat yoke of the KKK.  That really is now the crux of descent by the Communists, Marxists, nihilists and NWO promoters.

© 2017 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress: kressretired1982@outlook.com

Connecting The Dots A Real Challenge

As I sit down to draft this article, the State of Oregon is experiencing more than 15 forest fires – one consuming more than 100,000 acres with no end in sight. Houses have burned.  I think I heard one report that maybe by Halloween the fires would be under control. A number of camping grounds were closed to the solar eclipse.   All these forest fires are due to lack of proper forest management by U.S. governmental agencies which includes minimum timber harvesting.


The big promotion for the eclipse at the Oregon coast left grocery store owners getting the shaft when they ordered extra mounts of produce and only regular tourists turned out and many cancellations at hotels, motels, etc.  But while some cloud covering at the coast was a disappointment, thousands headed for Madras, Oregon miles from the coast where they experienced three and four hours of bumper to bumper traffic and more than 400 planes flew into this city of 6,000+ who did a great job of accommodating all the visitors who came from a number of different countries and tears were seen rolling down the cheeks of some who were witnessing this alleged historical event. One single engine plane went down in a nearby canyon killing both on board. And the Portland airport had heavy arrivals flying in from all around the world experiencing long security lines and looking to rent cars to drive to their GPS location to watch the eclipse.  In my mixed up mind I wonder over what state the sun that began in the West in Oregon met the sun that normally rises in the East.  Go Figure!


Also being reported on the news is Hurricane Harvey being foretold near Corpus
Christi and Houston , Texas  by Sunday involving perhaps 4.6 million people with powerful category 4 winds and lots of rain. The National Hurricane Center indicates weather conditions are deteriorating and water levels rising. There is no doubt about it, without question, the extremes of weather in the U.S. are breaking all records too numerous to mention and  what about all those sink holes that just open up and swallow cars?  More and more people are investigating the treaties signed by the U.S. and Russia on weather modification, noting the disruption, death and chaos brought about in the wake of volatile weather. But I guess I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind readers about Nikola Tesla’s High Frequency Active Research Program called HAARP in Alaska and remind you about Hurricane Mathew in Florida in 2016.


But perhaps the best news is that the federal grand jury in Las Vegas refused to convict in the Bundy ranch standoff between the Bureau of Land Management and supporters of ranchers Cliven Bundy near Bunkerville in April 2014. Most of you reading this won’t have a clue how this all developed and how it has unfolded through the years but former prosecuting attorney Judge Jeanine Pirro currently on FOX with her weekly show tells the whole story how then Senator Harry Reid attempted to sell publicly-owned open range to CHINA for untold pounds of gold into is graft holdings. Dirty Harry, as Judge Jeanine calls him, had a great-great uncle Remus Reid, a horse thief, who was sent to Montana Territorial prison in 1885, escaped in 1887, later convicted and hanged in 1889. Senator Reid’s office says Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory, with a business empire, valuable equestrian assets and much more.

Decades of persecution by the federal government led Western farmers and ranchers to a breaking point and Obama administration’s aggressive use of executive orders to bypass Congress and enacting its own “environmental” regulations indicated we could expect an intensification of the adversarial attitude by federal agencies towards ranchers, farmers and rural property owners unless President Trump intervenes.


On January 4, 2016 Oregon rancher Dwight Hammond and his son Steven began their second prison sentence, entering the Federal Correctional Institution, Terminal Island, a low-security prison in Los Angeles Harbor.  They were prosecuted as “terrorists” under the federal Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 for controlled burns on their own property in 2001 and 2006 that got out of control and spread to around 150 acres of federal Bureau of Land Management lands (on which the Hammonds own/have grazing rights). The fires caused no real damage and no threat to lives, homes, or property of other citizens. In fact, the BLM acknowledged that the 2001 fire for which the Hammonds were prosecuted had actually “improved range conditions” on public lands. (1)

In their first trial, the federal judge ruled that sentencing the Hammonds as terrorists to the five-year sentence demanded by federal prosecutors would “shock the conscience” of the court. It shocked the conscience of many other observers as well. But the Federal Department of Justice was relentless in this case, appealing the Federal District court’s more lenient sentences. It demanded that those dangerous “terrorists” serve the full five-year prison term.[1]


In stark contrast, the BLM, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, and other federal agencies are notorious for starting “prescribed burns” that regularly rage out of control over many THOUSANDS of acres, often destroying public buildings and facilities, as well as private homes, ranches, and livestock – not to mention forests, grasslands and wildlife habitat – and gravely endangering human life.  In fact, in December, shortly before the Hammons reported to prison, the federal government reversed itself on compensating farmers and ranchers in North and South Dakota who lost tens of millions of dollars in property and livestock destroyed by the 2013 Pautre Fire, a “controlled burn” started by the Forest Service. After initially promising to expedite remuneration to the struggling farmers and ranchers victimized by the federal arsons, the federal government first delayed all recompense procedures, and then, ultimately, refused compensation altogether, forcing their victims to spend their own money on lawyers to sue in court for redress and compensation  (1).


The Pautre Fire is but one of many flagrant abuses that are fueling the widespread smoldering resentment against federal agencies in the Western states. That smoldering resentment erupted into white-hot flashpoints, such as the armed Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada in 2014 and later the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon near the Hammonds’ ranch which ultimately ended  with Robert  LaVoy Finicum being shot dead at a roadblock by troopers of the Oregon State Police on his 55th birthday on January 26, 2016.  The Arizona rancher had become a spokesman for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon when Ammon and Ryan Bundy, sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy came to Oregon to join in the protest takeover of the federal wildlife refuge (which was closed for the winter). It all began on January 2 as a protest against the prosecution of the Hammonds, as well as a protest against the federal government’s oppressive control over such an enormous swath of “public lands” in the Western states.

Finicum was driving a pickup truck with four passengers, including two women, all of whom were arrested and taken into custody. One of Finicum’s passengers, Ryan Bundy was wounded, reportedly in the shoulder, during the arrest. Ammon Bundy and leader of the occupation, was arrested, along with an additional passenger and the driver of a second vehicle. They were traveling with Finicum from the Wildlife Refuge to the town of John Day, Oregon, where the occupiers intended to meet with the Grant county sheriff for protection and local ranchers.[2]

Various news accounts referred to the shooting as a “gunfight.”   The eyewitness testimony of Victoria Sharp, an 18-year-old-woman who was in the back seat of Finicum’s truck when the shooting occurred, said no occupants of the vehicles fired any weapons; the only shooting that occurred was on the part of the police and FBI. Sharp’s  account of the shooting has been posted on a number of websites and social media.   After being arrested with the other survivors of the shooting and taken to Burns, Oregon, for questioning, she was released. The other female passenger, Shawna Cox 59, mother of 12 children and a Tea Party member, was released three days later, on January 29. Her testimony was similar to Sharp’s.

I tried to listen to the 1- 1/2 hour You Tube and took a few notes which included the statement by Cox about resources under the ground in the Western states being the problem not the ranching. And then it got interesting as I think I heard her mention Oregon’s Democrat Senator Ron Wyden, uranium and Russia and a Three Quarter billion dollar Congressional bill and Oregon Democrat Senator Jeff Merkley and Oregon’s Legislative Investment fund all tied to the underground minerals (Hedge funds),  and something about Clinton Uranium to China in 2000 and then uranium to Russia.    At the 33:52 minute on the YouTube shots are fired by the Oregon State Police killing Finicum but it was a set up by the FBI.  At 42:00 minutes I heard the names of James Comey, Mueller, Loretta Lynch, Kate Brown (Oregon’s governor), Harry Reid, the Pantsuit Mafia aka Clinton Foundation and something about an assassination. Unfortunately this UTube is hard to find. If we can get this information to Judge Jeanine, after some investigating, maybe she can fill in the blanks.

And then I receive on August 14, 2017 an e-mail, “Why Did Hillary Send Mueller to Moscow with Uranium in 2009?” when Jerome Corsi on Inforwars (8/1/2017) tells about Mueller’s secret mission to Russian which coincided with Clinton efforts to sell 20% of US uranium to the Kremlin.


The vast majority of America’s population is now concentrated in urban and suburban areas, and most Americans have probably not set foot on a real working farm or ranch other than on a grade-school field trip. Few have any knowledge of, or appreciation for, the desperation of farmers and ranchers who are being hammered on all sides and driven off their land, oftentimes land that has been cared for by their families for generations. Urban dwellers depend for their “news” on the “prostitutes” in the big-corporate networks, which uniformly dispense a radical “pro-environment” bias that generally characterizes farmers and ranchers (along with loggers, miners, manufacturers, and, in general, all producers) as nasty polluters and exploiters who are despoiling Nature for ugly “Profit.”  President Trump has bravely been calling them “fake” news.


Ironically, (and in many cases, intentionally) this radical enviro ideology has led to policies that have destroyed hundreds of thousands of family-owned farms, ranches, and properties, making  us all more dependent on the huge, corporate agri-business farms and feedlots that the enviro-activists claim to abhor and oppose. Thousands of farmers and ranchers are facing extinction, and many know that, like the Hammonds and many others. They could also go to prison for an unintentional violation of an arcane, unreasonable, and unconstitutional federal regulation. Like swarms of locusts, federal regulators from the EPA, BLM, USFS, etc. are driving these hardworking producers who feed America into the ground. A relentless bombardment of threats, fines, regulatory takings, lawsuits, and other means of perpetual harassment is killing what remains of our family-owned farms. As a result, America has become a nation of robots  facing the greatest crisis in history which will include rising food prices and shortages.


Former Nevada Senator from 1987-2017, ten months ago at age 75 was exercising in his home with an elastic band when it snapped, throwing him into cabinets, causing him to allegedly lose sight of his right eye. He’s now filing a lawsuit against the maker of the elastic hand.  But as a Senator he said the fight between BLM and Bundy was not over. Reid should know. The Director of BLM is none other than then Senator Reid’s former Senior policy adviser on land-use issues (2003 to 2011) Neil Kornze.  Kornze has no prior experience in federal land management but Reid has often described him as “perfect for the job” to cover for Reid’s graft and character assassination.  Nidal Malik Hasan can scream Allahu akbar while killing 13 people at Ft. Hood and Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid called Bundy a Domestic terrorist?

Now here is where we need to begin connecting the dots. The Green Party Environmental movement claims to be based on science but contains all aspects of a religion and has the backing of the United Nations.  Its adherents have stopped the BLM from properly harvesting dead trees and cleaning all the underbrush in these forests that are susceptile to lighting strikes that start the fires and careless campers which we are experiencing right now again in Oregon. If we dig a little deeper, we find the environmental movement is a cover for our vital resources such as uranium that has been found under the ranches in Eastern Oregon.

John T. Flynn in his 1949 book THE ROAD AHEAD said we should not take one more step into socialism and we should hold the line for the American way of life. That is imperative, he wrote. We have been led along step by step and in our ignorance and folly and confusion we have yielded at each step. At some point along this course we will make the final critical surrender which will make reversal of the course impossible.  James Madison warned about gradual and silent encroachment and this, dear readers, is the point at which we have now reached and these ranchers are taking a stand.

© 2017 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com


[1] 2/22/2016 New American- Part I

[2] 2/22/2016 New American – Part 2

Avoid Trouble If You Can

Looking back on the wonder years of my childhood growing up in Cleveland, because of my father I learned quite a few life lessons before his untimely death when I was only twelve years of age.  Among the many points Dad made sure he drove home was to never start trouble with people and try to avoid trouble if others start it.  But if there is no way to avoid it do not run, but stop it.   For the most part, Dad’s meaningful advice served me very well.

In later years while attending City College in New York City, I enrolled in Thai Chi classes.  One of the best indicators of the quality of your sensei is their approach to encountering trouble.  When he stated “the more proficient you are in Thai Chi, the more you hope to avoid physical confrontations, if possible.”  When sensei said that, I knew I had arrived at the right class.  While observing the political situation throughout the republic, I am somewhat dismayed.  My displeasure is not centered around the different ideological battles.  In a society where liberty and freedom of expression are paramount, there will be openly expressed differences of opinion.

Unfortunately, after a multi decade government school mission of indoctrinating American students against the principles of personal responsibilities, liberties and freedom of speech, we are witnessing gangs of Cloward-Piven-Alynski strategy goons wreaking globalist havoc against the right to speak your mind.  When I view the American landscape, I am reminded of an old saying, if you move your feet, you lose your seat.  The American church moral authority has been replaced by humanist/globalist amoral leftist activist groups and government brutes.

The founding fathers understood, that for “We the People” to remain free, we must maintain a high degree of morality, particularly when it comes to self governance.   In a society of decency and morality, people recognize the right of others to say what they want and live according to the values they believe in, so long they do not infringe on the rights of others, like the leftists of today seek to do.  Of course, you should be free to express your beliefs to anyone, but they are equally free to choose not to listen.

But once true morality is ushered out of society, it is replaced by immorality which snakes in through many ways including Antifa styled fascism, a growing political persuasion of the day among the ill informed.  The majority of the founders of this republic  relied upon a firm belief in God and His instruction on morality enumerated in the Bible.  It was a firm belief in the word of God that gave life to the concept of your right to live for your own sake, not the government’s unconstitutional dictates.

The Founding Fathers and many others understood that for America to be great, her people had to be good.  Those that oppose liberty also recognize that premise and worked to rid the United States

The Founding Fathers and many others understood that for America to be great, her people must at least strive to be good.  Those that oppose true liberty also recognize that premise and worked to rid the United States of her Judeo/Christian moral conscience so that liberty can be replaced by tyrannical fascism.  In fact, one of the main proponents of fascism today and since it’s founding is the democrat party.  Democrat party politicians and members have a long history of destroying freedom for others.  In the past, democrats utilized the Ku Klux Klan to plunder the rights of black Americans and spew hatred toward Jews.  Today, Antifa gumps are the democrat party choice of brutalizing those who desire liberty, want to protect our borders and preserve our sovereignty.

Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, John Conyers and Margaret Sanger award winner Hillary Clinton and most democrats do not desire a great America of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  They long to lord over us through globalism and are attempting to literally destroy the stable traditional family concept.  They are also on a maniac mission to rid society of positive American history and Judeo/Christian ethics.

For a long time, those of us on the right, meaning constitutionalists, patriotic Christians, Conservatives. etc. have gone out of our way to work things out with leftists.  That is the case, even though they seek to destroy liberty, prosperity, wipe out Christianity, the Constitution, Bill of rights and more.  But the time has come that we can no longer avoid the trouble of seriously dealing with those who are seeking the eradication of our exceptional nation.

Just as the founding fathers sought Providential guidance and protection, I believe we must do the same.  The time to officially end compromising with the leftists ATIFA types who want to turn America into another Venezuela is over.  We have already crippled our republic by giving in to leftist demands.  Our military has been demoralized, the economy slowed down, education dumbed down, even biblical teachings watered down.

It is great to avoid trouble if you can.  But since we cannot hide from it, it must ultimately be defeated.  PG time is over. It is do or die time for the republic.  “We the People” can either choose life or death for America. I would that we choose life.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed by a page from The Edwards NoteBook as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth weekdays at 7:29 AM on AM 1180 KCKQ during AM News and www.americamatters.us.  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:15 AM on MoneyTalk with Melanie via SHR media and high plains talk radio and Saturdays on the weekend Captain’s America show nationwide on over 56 radio stations emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer and am860theanswer.com

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Hypocrite Republicans Criticize Pardon Of Sheriff Joe

Hypocrite: someone who conveniently forgets their own faults to point out someone else’s.

For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul. Job 27:8

John McCain and his leftist buddy, Jeff Flake, along with Speaker Ryan all criticized Trump’s decision about Maricopa County’s former lawman. The pardon “undermines Trump’s claim for the respect of rule of law (lex rex) as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions,” said McCain.  Remorse for following the law??? How about your remorse Senator for allowing all our POWs and MIAs to die in Nam because you refused to release classified records!

What in hell is wrong with these three globalist neo-cons who are no more in the conservative camp than is Soros, the very one out to destroy Sheriff Arpaio.  Yeah, we know.

Flake said he would have preferred that Trump “honor the judicial process and let it take its course.” Arpaio was convicted of contempt of court for refusing to obey a judge’s order to stop patrols that focused on Hispanics as part of Arpaio’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants. He had yet to be sentenced but could have faced 6 months in jail. Please folks, vote the bums out.

Sheriff Joe enforced the laws, pro-amnesty Senators McCain and Flake ignore them. [Link]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

I’m really tired of Sessions’ ability to evade doing the job he was hired to do, and he’s recused himself far too many times.  Yes, Sessions bailed out again, this time on Sheriff Joe.  The civil contempt lawsuit against Arpaio was brought by the ACLU and its counsel Covington & Burling, the law firm of Eric Holder.

The President had, before trial, asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to review the Arpaio prosecution and to consider dropping the criminal charges. This request by President Trump was perfectly proper and within his authority as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. Arpaio’s attorney, Larry Klayman, at the outset had suggested this approach to Sheriff Joe.

Klayman stated, “However, as was true of my similar request to have Sessions review the on-going and equally political prosecution of Cliven Bundy, Sessions abdicated his responsibility and refused the president’s lawful request, apparently claiming, without legal basis, that the request was improper.”  What total bull dung!

The latest outrageous determination by the DOJ is again protecting Hillary Clinton.  According to a delusional and very corrupt official in the FBI named David M. Hardy, who is the FBI records management section chief, there isn’t enough public interest in the Hillary Clinton case to justify releasing her records.  What?  Are you kidding me?  How many times did we hear, “Lock her up!”  Link

Why the hell isn’t Sessions cleaning house?  Is he another spineless weasel enjoined to the uni-party globalists?

Klayman is right, it’s way past time Sessions should man up and start doing the job he was hired to do.

Soros Tries to Destroy Arpaio

Every single thing Joe Arpaio did in Arizona as Sheriff of Maricopa County was legal.   Soros sunk an astonishing $2.3 million into a campaign aimed at defeating Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, according to a filed campaign finance report.

In all, Soros’ independent campaign, Maricopa Strong, spent $3.2 million on ads attacking the six-term sheriff. Texas billionaire John Arnold kicked in $500,000 and Laurene Powell Jobs of California, widow of Steve Jobs, another $250,000.

Soros also took aim at Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, funding an independent campaign called Arizona Safety & Justice, which has spent $1.4 million to bounce him out of office.

Both Montgomery and Arpaio have decried Soros’ spending and filed campaign finance complaints, contending they weren’t properly notified about campaign ads.

Guilty of Upholding the Law

America’s Sheriff, Joe Arpaio was found guilty of misdemeanor criminal contempt without the benefit of a jury of his peers by guess who?

The guilty ruling, by Clinton appointed U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton is the latest chapter of a nearly decade-long saga of legal proceedings against Sheriff Joe initiated by leftist groups opposed to his aggressive policing of illegal aliens. The 85-year-old Arpaio should never have been charged, and thankfully our President pardoned him for good reason.

The charges against Arpaio stem from a civil rights suit demanding he cease “racial profiling” in his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office’s immigration enforcement operations. After a federal judge issued an order demanding certain practices, Arpaio was charged with contempt for continuing to try to enforce the law as he saw fit.  Link

Racial profiling is used against the sheriff because Arpaio went after illegal aliens, most of whom were Hispanics.

John McCain and Fellow POWs

McCain’s hypocrisy in damning Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Joe smells to high heaven. The Arizona Senator was among the most vocal critics. “Trump pardoning the sheriff ‘undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law,’ McCain tweeted.”  What hogwash!

Remember, back in 2008, Jerome Corsi reported that McCain had been funded by Soros since 2001, and Soros was behind the removal of Sheriff Arpaio.  We also know quite a bit about McCain’s past, which is a far bigger scandal than anything America’s favorite Sheriff has ever done.  Let’s look again at McCain’s history.

As a former Viet Nam POW, we know that McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969. It was hardly a secret in veterans’ circles that McCain had spent much of the war producing Communist propaganda broadcasts since these had regularly been played in the prisoner camps as a means of breaking the spirits of those American POWs who resisted collaboration.

But there is a far bigger scandal, which I touched on in a previous article.

Sidney Schanberg’s massively documented expose about McCain’s role in the POW/MIA cover up, is the greater scandal.  Schanberg is one of America’s greatest wartime journalists, a Pulitzer Prize winning former top editor at The New York Times. In the years since then, other leading journalists have praised Schanberg’s remarkable research, now giving his conclusions the combined backing of four New York Times Pulitzer Prizes, while two former Republican Congressmen who had served on the Intelligence Committee have also strongly corroborated his account.

McCain fought against the release of classified Vietnam POW records and insisted they be sealed.  He and John Kerry buried the evidence. He also voted against a Senate Select Committee recommendation to investigate possible POWs left behind that were classified as MIAs.

McCain purposely suppressed information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam.  Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus, the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books, most likely to protect himself.

In 1993 the front page of the New York Times broke the story that a Politburo transcript found in the Kremlin archives fully confirmed the existence of the additional POWs, and when interviewed on the PBS News hour former National Security Advisors Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted that the document was very likely correct and that hundreds of America’s Vietnam POWs had indeed been left behind. The reality of Schanberg’s POW story is now about as solidly established as anything can be that has not yet received an official blessing from the American mainstream media.

McCain also had his POW records sealed, which is not consistent with someone proud of their record.

The Obama Pardons

The very same Republicans, Democrats and media who are excoriating Trump’s pardon of Arpaio never batted an eye at the fact that former President Obama commuted the sentences of over 1000 people in jail for drug crimes.

In addition, the same politicians never expressed a hint of disapproval at the fact that Obama pardoned 74-year-old Oscar Lopez Rivera — a radical Marxist responsible for an era of domestic terrorism in Puerto Rico, hundreds of bombings, and a massive attempt to overthrow the government (“seditious conspiracy”).

And what about Obama’s commutation of Bradley Manning who was convicted of violating the Espionage Act, stealing government property, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and multiple counts of disobeying orders.

Born Bradley Manning, Obama likely commuted his sentence because of his sexual identity confusion as a statement and a slap in the face to the religious right.  Manning now calls himself “Chelsea” Manning.

Here is the full list of Obama’s pardons.

The Clinton Pardons

Barbara Olson wrote the premier book on Bill Clinton’s pardons of cronies and friends when he left office.  Her book, “The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House,” exposes a true abuse of power by an American President.

Marc Rich is the businessman who faced criminal prosecution for illegally trading with America’s enemies, Those enemies included Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini,  Khadafy’s Libya, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, Kim Il-sung’s North Korea, Communist dictatorships in Cuba and the Soviet Union itself.  Link

Rich was on the FBI’s most wanted list and was facing prosecution by Rudy Giuliani in 1983, when he fled to Switzerland and lived in exile.

The outrageous Marc Rich pardon is still paying off.  Rich’s ex-wife Denise donated $450,000 to the fledgling Clinton Library and “over $1 million to Democratic campaigns in the Clinton era.”  The flow of funds from those connected to Marc Rich or the pardon scandal have continued to the Clintons.

Rich died in 2013. But his business partners, lawyers, advisors and friends have showered millions of dollars on the Clintons in the decade and a half following the scandal, a scandal even Barney Frank and Obama found appalling.

Here is the full list of Clinton’s pardons.


The Republican hatred of our President is unparalleled in American history, and their hypocrisy should be obvious to the American electorate.

P.S. Again I come to all the avid readers of NewsWithViews and ask you for support.  Running a website this large is a huge operation and a huge monetary cost.  Please help us to keep bringing the truth into your home every morning.  Won’t you add NWVs to your monthly donations, every little bit helps this website stay alive.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Five Reasons Why President Trump Was Right To Pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio

1- Apraio’s prosecution was a political “revenge prosecution” initiated by the Obama DOJ to stop Sheriff Arpaio from rigorous enforcement of the immigration laws.

As previously reported, the case against Arpaio began with the 2007 traffic stop that resulted in the arrest of Ortega Melendres, a Mexican tourist who was a passenger in an automobile stopped in Cave Creek, Maricopa County.

Melendres charged the Maricopa County sheriff’s officers were “fundamentally stopping brown-skinned people with the pretext of looking for criminals.”

The case developed into a class action lawsuit that caught the attention of Tom Perez, then in the Civil Rights division of the Obama Justice Department.

As explained in an article published by the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation, Inc., the Obama administration unleashed Perez to utilize the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, authored by then Democratic Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware – a law that gave the Obama administration under Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch a club with which to “police the police.”

That club in the form of “consent decrees” allowed the leftist “open borders” administration of Barack Obama eight years to utilize the Justice Department as a club to intimidate and force any state and local government law enforcement authority attempting to enforce immigration laws to buckle under various charges of civil rights violations.

Thorough court-ordered “consent decrees” the Obama administration Justice Department forced Sheriff Arpaio’s office in Maricopa County to accept a consent decree imposed by an Obama-sympathetic U.S. district judge that effectively put the MCSO under the direction of a court-ordered federal monitor.

Arpaio, a target of the Obama administration for years because of his determination to enforce strictly existing immigration laws, was seen by Perez as implementing in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) a “systematic policy” that set law enforcement rules and procedures to be intentionally discriminatory to the rights of Hispanics.

Perez began his legal career as a LaRaza attorney in Maryland. He currently is Chair of the Democratic National Committee, a major force in moving the Democratic Party in a hard-left direction.

  1. DOJ staged prosecution to oust Arpaio from office.

Largely as a result of the adverse publicity from facing criminal contempt charges, Arpaio lost on Nov. 8, 2016, his seventh bid to be elected Maricopa County Sheriff.

The challenger, Paul Penzone, a Democrat and a former Phoenix police sergeant who lost to Arpaio in 2012, won the sheriff’s election, 54.9 percent to 45.1 percent, running on a campaign designed to be sympathetic to Arizona’s growing Hispanic voter base.

Throughout the entire case, Perez pursued Arpaio with a vengeance.

On Jan. 5, 2012, when the Department of Justice dropped the initial criminal case against Arpaio in favor of pursuing the civil case, the Department of Justice sent the author an email, explaining, “If MCSO wants to debate the facts rather than fixing the problems stated in our findings, we will do so by way of litigation.”

According to information provided the author by a credible whistleblower, while the Department of Justice was prosecuting Arpaio from 2008 to 2010, the National Security Agency conducted electronic surveillance of the various Arizona-based federal judges on the case, as well as on Arpaio, and on the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

At the same time, Department of Justice attorneys under the direction of Attorney General Eric Holder maintained an on-going telephone back-channel discussion with the federal judge assigned to handle the case.

That the Department of Justice conspired to defeat Arpaio is suggested by the timing of his criminal indictment.

On Oct. 2, 2013, U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow ruled that Arpaio and his agency had relied on racial profiling and illegal detentions to target Hispanic.

Snow ordered Arpaio to make mandatory changes in MCSO office law enforcement procedures, requiring officers to radio the basis for each traffic stop before contacting people in the vehicle, the video recording of all traffic stops, increased training for and monitoring of MCSO office employees, and the implementation of comprehensive record keeping.

On May 12, 2016, Judge Snow held Arpaio in civil contempt of federal court, ruling that Arpaio an three of his aides violated the judge’s 2013 order that was meant to curtail “racial profiling” by MCSO officers.

In mid-October 2016, with the election approximately three weeks away, the Justice Department announced that lawyers were preparing to file criminal contempt of court charges against Arpaio for his alleged violation of Judge Stone’s orders in the Melendres case.

Then, on Nov. 4, 2016, four days before the election, Politico reported Soros had contributed $2 million to a Soros-funded PAC, Maricopa Strong, to defeat Arpaio.

Largely as a result of the adverse publicity from facing criminal contempt charges, Arpaio lost on Nov. 8, 2016, his seventh bid to be elected Maricopa County Sheriff.

The challenger, Paul Penzone, a Democrat and a former Phoenix police sergeant who lost to Arpaio in 2012, won the sheriff’s election, 54.9 percent to 45.1 percent, running on a campaign designed to be sympathetic to Arizona’s growing Hispanic voter base.

  1. Charged under the wrong statute and denied a jury trial.

Arpaio’s attorney, Mark Goldman, Goldman & Zillinger PLLC in Scottsdale, AZ, sent to Attorney General Sessions a letter dated June 22, 2017, that was requesting the Department of Justice to consider various pleas before the start of the bench trial then scheduled to begin on Monday, June 26, 2017, before U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Several efforts were made to contact Attorney General Sessions directly and through trusted intermediaries in an effort to get Justice Department attention to Goldman’s letter.

Attorney General Sessions was insolated within the Justice Department so that all attempts to communicate with him failed.

Ultimately, Goldman’s letter was ignored, and with the Justice Department’s failure to intervene in the case, Judge Bolton began the bench trial against Arpaio as originally scheduled.

That letter, included here in the Scribed.com file below, went unanswered.

Arpaio Sheriff Arpaio 2017 06 22 Letter to Att. Gen. Jeff Sessions

“The criminal contempt allegations stem from an alleged failure of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Offices (MCSO) to comply with an Order of the Court (preliminary injunction) dated December 23, 2011,” Goldman’s letter read.

“This charge relates back to the prior Obama administration and a time when the Sheriff’s practices were in direct opposition to the Obama administration in regards to immigration policy,” Goldman’s letter continued. “The Sheriff was enforcing the law. The Obama administration appears to have been interested in doing the opposite for apparent political reasons.”

In the letter, Goldman argued the Obama Justice Department allowed Arpaio to be charged with criminal contempt misdemeanor charges under the wrong statute, precisely because the statute of limitations on the correct statute had run out, and the incorrect statute allowed Judge Bolton to deny Arpaio the right to a jury trial.

Here is what Goldman wrote:

In regards to other aspects of the prosecution, we request that you reconsider the DOJ’s prosecution of this matter because it was incorrectly brought under 18 U.S.C. Section 401. Section 401 relates to a simple criminal contempt of a lawful order. The matter should have been brought under 18 U.S.C. Section 402. Section 402 applies to contumacious conduct that is also a separate crime as more particularly described in the attached Petition. The allegations in this matter compel it to be prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. Section 402 that entitles the offender to a jury trial in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 3691. Additionally, Section 402 offenses come with a one-year statute of limitations.

Given that the matter was not charged under the correct statute, and consequently the Department of Justice has deprived Sheriff Arpaio of his jury trial right and the applicable statute of limitations, in the interest of justice we request that you move the Court to dismiss the criminal contempt proceedings or, at the very least, move the Court to stay the trial pending a full review of this matter by your office.

Time is of the essence for the reason that this matter

Goldman also argued the Obama Justice Department had timed various announcement coincident with Arizona voting deadlines in 2016, so as to influence voters to defeat Arpaio’s bid for re-election – an effort Goldman claimed was successful.

“The announcements had an undeniable effect upon Sheriff Arpaio’s campaign to be elected to a seventh term in office,” Goldman wrote. “The impact on Sheriff Arpaio’s re-election campaign is clear.  He is no longer Sheriff.”

  1. Obama holdovers in the DOJ Public Integrity Section

The irony of the case is that the criminal misdemeanor contempt charge is being pressed against Arpaio by the Public Integrity Section (PIN) of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice – the section within the Justice Department that holds exclusive jurisdiction over the prosecution of alleged criminal official misconduct.

“How can the Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department prosecute me when all I did was to honestly enforce immigration laws on the books?” Arpaio asked Infowars.com in an exclusive telephone interview.

“The Public Integrity prosecutors who are still after me are all Obama hold-overs who went so far as to charge me under the wrong statute so they could deny me a jury trial, refusing to drop their open-borders amnesty agenda,” he argued.

“If this is Attorney General Sessions’ idea of ‘public integrity,’ then Sheriff Arpaio is right and Barack Obama is still running the Justice Department,” Arpaio said.

“How is it that Attorney General Sessions ignored a letter Sheriff Arpaio’s attorneys had hand-delivered to his office, when all Sheriff Arpaio requested was that the Justice Department consider insisting the Public Integrity Section would allow me my right as a U.S. citizen to a trial before a jury of my peers?” Arpaio asked.

“It’s ironic that Sheriff Arpaio is being persecuted by an Obama hold-over Justice Department Public Integrity Section that thinks denying him a jury trial doesn’t implicate them in official misconduct for which they should be charged and criminally prosecuted,” Arpaio insisted.

  1. Arpaio’s attorneys prepare federal ethics charge against District Judge

After filing on Monday, Aug. 14, with the U.S. District Court two motions – one asking for acquittal and the other asking for a new trial, lawyers for Arpaio are preparing to file after sentencing, a federal ethics charge against Judge Bolton.

Arpaio’s attorney, Mark Goldman, Goldman & Zillinger PLLC in Scottsdale, AZ, explained to Infowars.com in an exclusive telephone interview and follow-up email that the judge in the case, U.S. District Susan R. Bolton, was so biased against Arpaio that she could have written her opinion before the trial even started, stating her prejudice from the start that Arpaio was guilty of misdemeanor civil contempt guilty conviction.

“The court, in its findings of fact and conclusions of law totally ignored all of the overwhelming evidence at trial that exonerated the Sheriff,” Goldman told Infowars.com.

“Most importantly, there was no testimony or other evidence produced that in any way proved that the order was ‘clear and definite’ which it must be in order to prove that the order could be disobeyed in the first place,” he continued.

“Not only did the government fail to prove that the order was clear and definite, we proved that it was not clear and definite,” Goldman insisted.  “The government’s own star witness, Tim Casey, admitted under cross-examination that the order was ‘ambiguous.’  Just about every witness testified that the order was misunderstood at the time.  No one testified that the order was clear and definite.”

Goldman explained that the Obama Department of Justice had charged Arpaio under the wrong statute, both because the statute of limitations had run out on the correct statute and by charging Arpaio under the wrong statute, Judge Bolton could deny him a jury trial.

“There was not testimony that the Sheriff ever told anyone that he was violating or going to violate the order,” he said.

“The government had the FBI and the DOJ working on this case, yet they couldn’t find one person to state that the Sheriff ever suggested that he’d violate the order,” he pointed out.

“Finally, it was proved at the trial that no one at the Sheriff’s department understood the voluminous 40-page order while it was in effect,” Goldman argued.  “Only in hindsight did they learn what the order meant after the Melendres court issued a subsequent order!”

© 2017 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Islam’s Onslaught of America: Our Apathy Will Bite US

Part 16: Muslim push, honor killings, and our apathy

“Interesting” letters fly across the Internet into my computer inbox concerning this series on Muslims in America.   Most Americans understand exactly what I expose as to the end result of the Islamic conquest of Western countries.  Quite a few letters arrived from Detroit, Minneapolis and New York City—where Muslims wreck havoc on welfare rolls, Section 8 housing, bullying, pushing old ladies off their bicycles for kicks and schools completely overwhelmed.  Several Muslims didn’t like anything I exposed as to their religion’s end game.

One of my long time friends became angry with me because she enjoys several Muslim friends whom she regards highly.

Qur’an 3.28:  “Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming.”

NOTE: By ‘guarding carefully’, a Muslim should deceive the infidel. Acting as a friend is fine as long as it is to benefit the Muslim and protect Islam.

That’s the rub.  Muslims may be just as nice as you and me in their own countries.  While they remain in small numbers, they “nice” you into their “niceness.”   Incidentally, Sir Winston Churchill in 1899 said it best, “Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.  No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

While they remain in a minority in this country, you can bet your bottom dollar they remain “nice” because they can’t step out of line until they grow greater numbers that allow them bigger “push” for their culture and mores.  You can already see it happening in Detroit, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; New York City, Philadelphia, Miami and more.  Over 10,000 of them ended up on our nation’s Capital Mall last year as they bowed their heads and raised their butts to the sky.

Even after the Paris, France slaughter of 12 cartoonists, Muslim-Americans by thousands congregated in Garland, Texas to “honor the prophet.”   Muslims honored the killers in Paris, France telling television crew reporters that the Charlie Hebdo journalists caused their own deaths.  Muslims never condemned Nice, France or Ohio State University atrocities.

We face a totally Muslim war-like mindset born out of the 6th century.  The Koran commands that each follower “Convert or kill all non-believers.”  Former president Obama thrived in that mindset because he lived in Muslim countries with his Muslim fathers throughout his formative years.  Whether he told you he’s a Muslim or not, his action speak to his affinity to Islam. As seen on my video interviews, he admitted to being a Muslim.  He told all of us in his book Audacity of Hope, that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Up until that time when we see more and more Muslim confrontation of our American Way of Life, we face an escalating siege of Muslim numbers along with their growing embedding of their agents into our governance.

Council on American Islamic Relations fronts terror groups and pushes for Sharia Law in America.  They don’t make any bones about it.  Muslims started an Islamic Party in Washington, DC last year.  They expect to take chunks and pieces out of our Constitution to institute their Sharia Law.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” –Omar Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations), San Ramon Valley Herald, July 1998.

Islam equates to a political-religious-economic cancer that spreads quietly at first, but once it gains a grip on a host’s country, it spreads quickly and without mercy.  You watched the short videos in this series.  They don’t make any bones about their intentions. They flat out destroy everything in Europe as we speak.  As the one historian said, “They need an enemy.”  If not us, they kill each other with prolific frequency.

Qur’an 3:56 “As for those disbelieving infidels, I will punish them with a terrible agony in this world and the next. They have no one to help or save them.”

In less than a decade at current Muslim immigration, they will increase to 10 to 15 million.  If only 5 percent of them radicalize in our country, we face one hell of a living nightmare of violence, terror and dozens of “Paris, France” slaughters.   You can also go to www.Military.com  and watch a film about “Terrorist Training Camps in the US” and at last count there are 22 nationwide.

Okay, I am only one journalist.  I may not reach the entire country. I may not ever interview on Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Charlie Rose, Robert Siegel or Wolf Blitzer. Although I have tried dozens of times in the past 20 years!  But they WILL interview people who witness the next Fort Hood killings, Boston Marathon killings, Times Square bomber, San Bernardino and another dozen violent Muslim acts that WILL occur in our country because we sat on our butts watching it happen.

Sickeningly, those two folks in the Sydney, Australia coffee shop lost their lives to a Muslim because no one stood up to stop Muslim immigration.  That poor kid beheaded on the streets of London or another man who suffered death in Ottawa, Canada—all of them experienced Muslim terror.  Everyone in America and other Western countries whisper in fear, but won’t speak up.

The simplest way to stop it: halt all Muslim immigration. In fact, if we hope to save ourselves, deport all of them before that 5 percent of radicals can and will kill our citizens.  If not, more and more stories will chronicle more and more “honor killings”, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages, gay killings, schools being stopped from serving pork, schools cannot celebrate Christmas or anything that makes our country our country.  In fact, we will ultimately lose our country to Islam or be caught up in a bloody civil war.  That’s what Muslims thrive upon—war!

© 2017 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com