By Dennis Linthicum

August 10, 2024

As some would tell us, we are sitting on the edge of extinction.

Actually, I doubt it… mainly because I read history and I agree with the Ancients, “There is nothing new under the sun.

The media likes to tell us that the Harris team has it all wrapped up. But this too is puffery. Unfortunately, the majority party here in Oregon always falls for fake media news and think the same way. But they are all struggling against reality; they can’t defeat truth.

We have something better. We have something real and tangible. We have something the deep-staters can’t replicate but can only dream about.

We have purpose. We know why math exists and we know what design is – something intentional, created by a thoughtful agent. We still recognize male and female, appropriate and inappropriate, reasonable and unreasonable.

We cherish our freedom and realize it requires personal responsibility.

We are not yet trapped in the steaming sewer of unworkable, far-left, dystopian or godless ideologies. We still know what math is, how logic works and when we need prayer.

We are the rational, prudent, courageous, and tenacious individuals who have steadfast principles, insight and discernment. And, in fact, we are not losing the war, the censors are. This is why the media is trying to convince us about things that are not true.
So, here’s how we win – We win on the personal level.

Across every county in Oregon we can win within our own neighborhoods, one relationship at a time. When we stand firm with faith, real-world common-sense, integrity and accountability others will see the difference. Eventually, we will bring the weight of truth to bear on the absurd. Then, the existing political machine will collapse under its own incompetence.

There are 36 counties in Oregon. Each of these counties is filled, literally filled, with people who know truth from fiction. They know the land; know their communities and they also know what they saw and heard. They can recall their very own experiences and they remember.

They can see the turmoil brought to our doorstep by the chaos from the top. They have long suffered under bureaucratic over-reach that served no purpose other than to grow the empire of the state.

They know that, “in our day,” boys were boys, girls were girls and teachers were respected. They remember when their schools taught reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic and not sex-ed all day, every day.

They knew and taught that “F___” was vulgar and disrespectful. It wasn’t meant to be used as a colorful descriptor added into every sentence to serve simultaneously as an adjective, verb, adverb, noun, pronoun, or other meaningful part of the English language.

They can remember going to that new burger place – McDonalds. They recall Mom and Dad, being amazed at the rows and rows of burgers, sandwiches and fries that came off the line and immediately into your hands.

They also remember when their first-home was $25,000, and when farm-fresh-eggs were just that.

I don’t mention these things because I long to go fetch eggs from the coup again, or because I’m a Luddite. Remember, technology is my bailiwick. I’ve been engineering, managing and programming large-scale software projects for most of my life and our home has never been connected to any public-utility electric-service provider. We have lived off-the-grid for thirty years and I have installed multiple arrays, inverters, charge-controllers, and batteries so I understand the value of new technologies.

Rather, I mention these older times because they hearken to a time when relationships were real, and work was hard and hot.

Our families could bake cookies for school, church, or a day in the park, before the bureaucratic elites told us, “this is not Safe!” We weren’t afraid of that which didn’t exist and the collectivist mind held no sway.

My campaign for Secretary of State finds itself in a tough spot. The political machine caters to collectivists. It panders to the wealthy, the big-moneyed and the well-connected and that makes us feel small and insignificant.

The progressives along with their media cohorts and nefarious multi-nationals realize that they can game the system, create monopolistic authority and control the tyranny through technology while strip-mining tax dollars and benefits without any oversight.

But this is their weakness and why we can win!

What makes our “win” possible is the individual.

What makes us really different is we have true relationships. Our relationships are with real people. They are flesh and blood. They are people, not artificial bots playing with statistical anarchy. They are family members, friends and neighbors. The people we know are individuals who are endowed by their creator. That’s powerful!

This is where our strength sits. It sits within the hearts, minds and souls of each of us. Now, let’s use that power, let’s set Oregon back on the right path.

Donate today! And, know that every dollar counts. Whether large or small and I appreciate your handsome generosity.

Lastly, if you are able, please help your county Republican group organize a plan to raise donations for the “Linthicum – SOS” campaign.!

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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