By Reverend Glynn Adams

October 22, 2023

“See to it that no one misleads you.” —Matthew 24:23

“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the traditions of men rather than according to Christ.” —Colossians 2:8

If you want to know and hear God’s voice in the days ahead, be ready to have Him speak of cleansing before He speaks of direction.

In my last article I warned you that it is a terrible thing for a people or nation to ignore the warnings of God. I gave you the example of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s sermon warning the deceived German People to wake them up and see their dangerous course of forsaking God for a demonic National Socialists government and if they did not change their religious way that unbelievable tragedy was looming.

In this article, I want to warn you again using history’s most remembered disaster – the HMS Titanic. Buried 12,000 feet beneath the North Atlantic in total darkness, gone from a world it momentarily defined, the Titanic refuses to die. Many movies, documentaries, and at least 130 books have attempted to reveal the moral and spiritual mysteries and the drama of deception played out before the world on the decks of the Titanic.

The Titanic was the grandest of the grand, built at the height of the Industrial Age, a time when technology ruled as a “god.” The Titanic represented all the power, wealth, luxury, and arrogance of its age. The ship was promoted as “unsinkable,” with her 16 watertight compartments. Several passengers wrote in their diaries that they overheard people claim, “even God couldn’t sink this ship.”

Yet the unthinkable happened to the unsinkable on April 14, 1922. One deception led to another. Passengers boarded brashly confident in their safety and the ill-fated Capt. Edward J. Smith was also boldly confident, cranking up the speed to set a new trans-Atlantic speed record, even as the vessel approached the well-known Atlantic ice fields.

And so, it will be as the great ship of this world plunges at breakneck speed, setting new global and economic records, into the freezing and darkening waters of end-time deception. For most, it is not what we know but what we don’t know that will define a destiny of destruction, both temporally and eternally. Yet, professing believers and unbelievers, plunge proudly ahead where deception abounds, thinking we are “unsinkable.”

Pastors, people, presidents, potentates and the poor are all on board man’s prideful ship, speeding headlong into the darkness of deception. Never in human history have the forces of Satan so gathered in our nation to lead mankind into deception and perdition. The greatest warnings to you and me who are in Christ comes from our Lord Himself and from His disciples. Most in America will not heed the warnings and as Paul said in II Thessalonians 2:9-12, they will be gripped by “strong delusions” and will “believe a lie.”

In our culture in America today, the greatest key to avoid personal and collective shipwreck is ignored or deemed relatively insignificant. I’m talking about the Word of God – the Bible, the very inspired Word of God Himself is being disregarded or disdained. Yet it alone provides the key to life, revealing the dangers lurking not only in the swirling waters around us but in the dark and turbulent waters ahead!!!!

I warn you if your pastor is having happy church and preaching smooth words rather than preparing you for war to resist this evil overtaking our nation that you have a talk with him and if he will not listen, flee from him and that demonic place of deception immediately!!! Jesus said that you become like your teacher. The most dangerous place to be in these last days of deception is in an institutional religious system that does not preach the whole council of God or does not speak against the demonic world system. A pastor is not a friend of yours if he remains silent in these days of so much demonic activity!!!

Today, we must speak up against this evil overtaking our nation. We must be more concerned about what God thinks of what we say and not what man or government thinks or else we are not free but in bondage to men and Satan. If someone attacks us for being political, we must cheerfully ignore their criticism. To allow the voices of this world system to silence us is exactly how Hitler rose to power in Germany and implemented his police state. How many of the followers of Jesus Christ in America are silent and playing it safe today?!!! It is sinful to cower and please Satan and men and those who remain silent and play it safe will suffer the consequences from God!!! We must grow some backbone and quickly!!

I tell you right now that Jesus promised us that we would be persecuted, criticized and reviled – and will be hated. For this world system hated Jesus first. So, when I am criticized and called names, I praise God who allows me to participate in what He is doing on our planet in our time!!!! I fear God who can cast a soul into hell and I don’t fear man who can only kill me or cast me into prison. People who follow God and make attempts to play it safe need only to read the Parable of the Talents and see what happened to the one who was given one talent and buried it – played it safe.

God has made it clear to us, and we are not listening, that we are to speak up and be the conscience of America and that the followers of Jesus Christ must exist apart from the state and must be free to criticize the state. In Proverbs 24:11-12, “Rescue those who are being taken away to death, hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not He who weights the heart perceive it? Does not He who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will He not repay man according to his works?”

Where in the world do we get the idea that we are to be silent if something is political or exalts itself against the Word of God? Jesus is the most political figure in human history and we are made in His image. The biggest lie of our day is separation of church and state. The church must speak up!!! We better wake up and get into the Word of God or many are in for a rude awakening when many who think they are in Christ when they stand before Him and He says, “Depart from Me, I never knew you!!” HATH GOD REALLY SAID? You can know you are in Christ when you live out the ways of Christ in obedience.

Now I want to talk about the police state that is being implemented in our nation as I write this article. We are well on our way to being a police state. Mentally, most citizens of this nation have already accepted the idea of a police state because we have been programmed to accept it.

The fastest way to implement a police state is through culture. Culture is a world system. Culture is a powerful and pervasive life influencer and exerts the greatest influence in our lives during our earthly sojourn. The power and force of culture is so great that it can literally “lord if over” our lives. When culture becomes “lord,” Christ is no longer our Master but our mascot.

From God’s point of view, if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ then He is LORD of your life so your “kingdom” is not of this world. The world and the world system are not your home. You are a “stranger and pilgrim” (1 Peter 2:11), largely alien to the earthly culture in which we find ourselves. We are “fellow citizens” with the saints and of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19) and we are not to love this world or the things of this world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15) and that goes for culture!!! If you love this world, you are an adulteress. “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4) HATH GOD REALLY SAID? Yes, He did, we just had it explained to us by Scripture!!!

We are an “ambassador” of the Kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 5:20), with exclusive loyalty to the LORD Jesus and His Word!!! For this reason, we are said to be “in the world but not of the world.” For as Jesus is and was, “so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17) When Paul exhorted, “Be not conformed to this world….,” he knew the culture imperative and was well experienced in the powerful pull of prevailing culture to lure the weak and unsuspecting followers of Christ to deception. That is why we are cautioned over and over, “Do not be deceived,” or “See to it that no one misleads you” because there is someone or something out there that wants to deceive or mislead you.

Most followers of Christ in America are in bed with our culture and we are in a large part of this world system. We read where God called Israel an “adulterer” and many in the Body of Christ can assume the same name. We in America are looking for a custom-made God – one made in our own image. One that we can do as we please!!! The entire seeker-sensitive movement of the last generation, fueling the church-growth movement, has been culturally driven rather than Christ-driven. We have, in effect, sold America a false gospel based on a culturally re-defined Christ with a new “relevant” and marketable message from a God made in our own image whose modern message is not the pursuit of holiness but the pursuit of happiness.

There is a reason why “Your Best Life Now” has become the leading mantra of our time in both church and culture. It is born of spiritual fornication seeking the temporal blessings of the culture rather than eternal hope in Jesus Christ. It is a re-defined faith that markets perfectly to the “ME” generation and this deceptive false message is seducing both saints and sinners in this nation. We have churches in America filled with lost people still in their sin but bless God they have great self-esteem and their feelings now trump faith. Feelings and self-esteem are temporal and they won’t last.

All of this has resulted in the so-called church culture being no different than other people of the world because they are of the world system of Satan. Our churches today have as many divorces as the world, sexual sins as the world, sexual perversion as the world, and on and on without end. It is just a small leap from religious bondage to this world system bondage and the police state. All this comes from the wisdom of man and the judgment of God for our sinful ways.

I will sadly and boldly announce to you today that we have become a nation that does not love their children. We are so involved in this deceptive culture and so far from the ways of God that most people who claim to be a follower of Christ does not even bother to “train their children in the way they should go.” We let the public school system train our children and our religious Sunday Schools teach them the ways of this world. We don’t bother to equip and train our children to handle what they will face in the ways of this world, our culture, and our public–school systems. We just throw them out into our deceptive and wicked culture, into this wicked world system and godless public-school systems.

I give you parents in America a warning!!! We have allowed our culture and nation to become evil and wicked. Everywhere our children go, they will face this evil and wickedness. This means that parents must be vigilant and must teach their children how to avoid this evil and wickedness. Each generation must serve as the watchman for the next. We have not done this in America. Jesus said in Matthew 18:5-6, “And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

There is more – because we have not resisted the evil and wickedness that has overtaken our nation. We don’t realize it but what we let slide in our generation will escalate in subsequent years in our children’s generation. When we fail to address the evil and wicked in our generation, we can guarantee that something bad will happen on our children’s watch!!! What our children see us regarding complacently will be viewed as acceptable and soon become the norm.

Every day we refuse to address the evil and wickedness in our nation, the forces of darkness become more powerful and bold. We are in the biggest spiritual mess we can be in and it will get worse. Today we are looking for a place to have fun, to be entertained. We fill our sports arenas to overflowing but we ignore the things that will and are destroying us. That is in itself demonic and deceptive. As my favorite pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.

We are so deceived and dumb down that we can’t see what is going on in our nation. Men like nations think they are eternal. When I was in my 20s, I thought this would never end. But now that I am almost 86, it is much harder to hide from reality as this year I have lost four golfing buddies and friends. America has had her season. We were once the envy of the world with our Christian values and work ethic. We showed the world the blessings from God in liberty, freedom, and prosperity.

We can’t imagine no America no more than the Romans of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the near East, thinking, “This will endure forever and never end.” Forever was about 500 years. How many more years will America be America? Due to our apathy and deception, we have lost our Republic and our Constitution. Everyday we lose more of our liberty and freedoms. We are losing our families and homes that made this nation great. We are losing our children and the next generation to carry on. No one is coming to take a stand and stop this evil; the church and citizens have that responsibility!! But the disobedient and carnal minded see no need to stand or act!!!

We are headed for more bondage and the police state has already exercised its demonic authority on some of our citizens but we remain disengaged, deceived, delusional, and ignorant. Unless, we return to the God who made this nation great, the carnage will continue and the police state will become more evident and brutal!!! All this carnage has come about in our nation because so-called Christians and citizens are expecting someone else to take a stand against evil so we just wait for someone else to act.

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Special thanks to Seduction of the Saints by Charles Crismier, Dark Covenant by Donna Howell and Allie Henson, America’s Last Call by David Wilkerson, Raise Your Voice by Myles Rutherford, Revival or We Die by Michael Brown, Prepare America by Bob Winters, Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas and America’s Setting Sun, Arthor Unknown)

[Be sure to see the movie “Police State” by Dinesh D’Souza coming to theaters this week near you]

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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