By Pastor Glynn Adams

February 23, 2025

When Jesus went up, the Holy Spirit came down, and the disciples of Jesus went out!!! Jesus had demonstrated with His life, plus He gave all who would follow Him, instructions on how to continue His ministry on this earth.

Jesus said, “If I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” (John 12:32) “And I say to you that you are Peter (petros – a small stone) and upon this Rock (petra – large rock/bed rock) I will build My church (ekkelsia – those who assemble in My Name) and the gates of hell shall not overpower it.” (Matthew 16:18) I will draw all men to Me and I (Jesus) will build “My” church; not the pastor, not the professional religionists, and not anyone but Me.

But His disciples have a part. Jesus commanded us to go “make disciples” and “teach” them to observe all that I commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20) Jesus also gave the twelve power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. He sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to preform healing (Luke 9:1). In case anyone thinks Luke 9:1 is just for the twelve and not us, in Luke 10:1, he sent out seventy others. The gospels show us what Jesus did to make disciples while on this earth. The Book of Acts is what the disciples of Jesus did in the First Century and the remainder of the New Testament is expanded revelations by Paul and company to help us better walk as Jesus walked and to minister like the disciples that Jesus trained. When did all this change? The disciples of today are to be doing the same thing Jesus’ disciples did in the First Century. Has anyone heard from Jesus that this has changed?

But today man is building the church. He is using a building, get the best location, make it big and beautiful, get the right programs, get the right staff, get the offerings big enough, and use the ways of the world, and on and on. With Jesus, making disciples was about quality not quantity. This building of the church has become a personal ambition with our pastors. He must have more in church this Sunday than last Sunday. He has one thing on his mind – “numbers.” Whatever happened to the slower process of lifting Jesus up with our lives and our testimony and witness of what Jesus did for us, reaching people who are being drawn to Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and making disciples. When did Christianity change?

Man building the church has become demonic. Our way has opened the door to doctrine of demons and demonic strongholds. James 3:14-17 says, “But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. This wisdom if not that which comes down from above but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.” HATH GOD REALLY SAID?

Jesus, who was perfect in all His ways, had approximately one hundred twenty quality disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit. He ministered to great multitudes but left many behind because they would not come His Way. Because most of our churches in America will not come His Way, we are losing the disciple battle in America. Socialists and Muslims are making disciples by the thousands. This evil is overtaking our nation while the church of the living God is showing the world that our false version of Christianity is not working. Jesus has the Way and we must repent and get back to it because our way has brought us evil. And as a result, we have no power to resist evil and many of our disciples and new members have become pricks in our eyes, and thorns to our flesh, and are troubling us on all sides in the land in which we live. (Numbers 33:55:56) God Bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams

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