By Dennis Linthicum

April 10, 2024

In the midst of this Primary season, attempting to enumerate the multitude of failures and bankrupt ideas emanating from the Democrat Party proves daunting. The sheer scale of exorbitant taxes, incessant spending, and superfluous regulations emanating from Salem (and Washington, DC), along with their lasting costs and ultimate burdens, defies measurement.

Nevertheless, these issues are too substantial to remain concealed for long. Yet, they are also too intricate to be easily dissected and too insidious to be readily discerned.

Periodically, they erupt to the surface despite the dearth of mainstream media investigative journalism. Serious problems persistently seep through the fragile facade of single-party rule.

Today, I’ll speak to one issue. I am endorsing one person as the best representative for District 28 in the battle for Oregon’s future – Diane Linthicum!


Voters know that I am banned from the ballot because I participated in a constitutionally protected right, as a minority member, to deny a quorum to the majority party. Ten Republican Senators are currently banned from running for the State Senate by an arbitrary decision made by the Senate President (D).

Voters across the state, in districts both near and far, will be deprived of familiar choices as their current elected office-holders are barred from the ballot.

The Democrats accomplished this by creating a clever two-part fraud which struck at the heart of our constitutional form of government. The first part of the package was a poorly worded and laughably imprecise ballot initiative that altered Oregon’s constitution – Measure 113.

Measure 113 intentionally placed minority party members in an ethical quandary. Constitutionally, it demolished the quorum requirement while also compelling legislators to balance their moral principles against the political ramifications imposed by the Democrat majority.

Legislators across the US understand that they are elected to represent the ethical values of their district. While it may be valuable to consider perspectives from other areas, such as downtown Portland here in Oregon, their primary duty is to prioritize the beliefs and values inherent in their contract with their own constituents. They are elected to uphold the principles of the communities that have entrusted them with their vote.

Ballot Measure 113 was marketed by public employee unions with a simple sloganeering campaign, “Do your Job.” Appropriate representation, fairness and justice were simply tossed into the garbage with last night’s pizza box. The ethical issues hidden below the surface were akin to finding the remains of half of a worm in one’s apple. It was never realized until the fruit was consumed.

Most people were unaware of the complexities of this ballot measure. People have long placed their trust in our founders’ principles and hold genuine concerns about government waste, accountability, and responsibility.

Yet, no wolf-trap was ever set with a livelier spring than the Measure 113 trap baited by the Democrats with HB 2002.

Details of Deceit

In the 2023 legislative session, the Democrats introduced a controversial bill labeled as a “reproductive health” and gender-altering measure (HB 2002).

The original version of the bill included a legal mandate that imposed criminal prosecution on healthcare workers—such as surgeons, general practitioners, anesthesiologists, receptionists, nurses, counselors, physician assistants, therapists, janitors, county public health service providers, and others—who shared any information, with a parent or guardian, about an abortion or gender-altering service provided to their minor child, regardless of age.

Every Democrat party member –every member– in the legislature arrogantly fueled this tragedy against children, parents, and healthcare service providers. The Democrats pretended it was perfectly legit to let all of the above monetized interests play in their secrecy game, just not Mom and Dad, or legal guardians.

Today, we know, it was never about choice, sound medicine, appropriate healthcare, or saving lives. This fuse was purposefully lit to create a conflagration that would engulf traditional Republicans into an incomprehensible choice: surrender one’s senate seat, or surrender one’s values, morals, and ethics?

Given our traditional understanding of Life, ordered Liberty, individual cognizance, and personal responsibility, Republicans were left with no choice. We halted the business of the senate, denied quorum, and insisted on negotiations. I knew this was where we had to stand in order to safeguard Life, Liberty, and parental rights.

HB 2002 was nothing more than a convoluted web of unscientific, unfounded, and politically motivated theories bound to harness Measure 113. I see it as akin to chumming for sharks in the South Pacific. To lure the unsuspecting, through the practice of chumming, is extremely dangerous because no one can see the unintended consequences until they leap from the deep.

Overall, this political stunt epitomizes political law-fare.

Now that Oregon has broken the ice, we may see other states weave these post-modern, first-world cultural phantoms into the strategic framework of the Democrat party’s approach to weaponizing the law against their ideological opponents. This closely mirrors the battles facing President Trump as several Democrat strongholds across the nation try to prevent him from appearing on the ballot as well.

Call to Action

I am not allowed on the ballot, but Diane Linthicum is!

Diane has been my Chief-of-Staff for the past eight years for Senate District 28. She has also managed my private sector business operations for 25 years. Most people already know Diane since she also serves as Senate District 28 Constituent Services Director.

She is a skilled policy analyst and Diane has keen insight into the legislative process and is willing to, “Just say, No!” to detrimental policy ideas.

During our early years as newlyweds, Diane embarked on her career in banking and accounting before deciding to dedicate herself to being a stay-at-home mom for our children. She enthusiastically embraced the role of homeschooling our kids and concurrently juggled multiple endeavors. From being an independent DK book distributor to owning and operating an Espresso stand and a licensed commercial kitchen, Diane’s determination never wavered as she pursued various ventures.

Diane is uncompromising and faithful. She will vote to protect our 2nd amendment rights and is a proud concealed carry holder. She has always been a medical freedom fighter and will never back down against vaccine mandates and state sponsored censorship.

Diane believes we need:

Less Government – Not more
Lower Taxes – Not more
More Freedom – Not less

Diane is, by far, the best qualified candidate to serve in Senate District 28 and I am asking you to support Diane!

Electing Diane will send a powerful message to the elites in Salem – You can’t keep faithful patriots out of office regardless of your unprincipled and double-dealing shenanigans!

The battle for Oregon begins now – your support is vital!

Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

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