By Glynn Adams

June 2, 2024

The Bible speaks clearly about God’s intent, purpose, and mission of Jesus Christ but you have to read and study the Word of God to understand it. Evidence abounds in Scripture that Jesus came to restore back to the sons and daughters of God dominion of the earth and the Kingdom that Adam lost in his fall. Adam did not lose heaven; he lost a kingdom and dominion of the earth. So, Jesus Christ’s visitation on earth was to reintroduce the Kingdom on earth, restore dominion of the earth to man, and to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21)

Because we have failed to learn the true intent, purpose, message, and assignment of Jesus Christ and because we have ignored the Kingdom message of Jesus, we have no answer for the evil overtaking our nation and how to resist it. Instead of the sons and daughters of God having dominion over the earth and specifically the culture in America, the Kingdom of God laws and will of heaven are not ruling and reigning over America. Instead, Satan and his demons are ruling and reigning over America.

The sons or daughters of God who are seriously seeking for answers, truth, and purpose will find this article very interesting and hopefully life changing. We must get back to a Kingdom mindset. For years we have been lied to and deceived by pastors and denominational religious systems who are deceived into following religious traditions and rituals instead of reading the Word of God and being instructed by the Holy Spirit of the true message of Jesus Christ and His purpose.

If you are not reading the Word of God yourself and studying and researching for the truth, then someone else will guide you away from the truth. We must look forward to what is ahead – more true revelation of Jesus Christ and completing our purpose in this life in Christ!!!!

So, for us to discover the original intent, purpose and mission of Jesus, we must consider His own declarations recorded in the Word of God concerning Jesus’ purpose and mission for coming to earth. A Scripture verse in Luke 19:10 that is overlooked and misinterpreted, tell us why Jesus came to earth. I quote Jesus’ own words, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is lost.” The word “that” is not a personal pronoun talking about people being lost but something that was lost. Adam did not lose heaven; he lost a Kingdom and dominion of the earth in his fall.

Jesus came to reintroduce the Kingdom to His children, to restore dominion of the earth back to man, and to preach the Kingdom of God message. Jesus did not come to earth to start a religion called Christianity!!!! We have as our example in the Book of Acts of the church Jesus built but in the Third Century, Constantine became Emperor of Rome and perverted the Church Jesus built turning it into a religion called Christianity created by man, with the ideas and intent of man, and run by man.

Jesus Christ came to earth, born of a virgin, and began His ministry proclaiming the Kingdom of God. It was the most radical proposal ever presented to the mind of man, the proposal to replace the present world order, the Kingdom of Darkness with God’s order, the Kingdom of God which means – “the rule of God.” We have diced and sliced Christianity up so much that it is hardly recognizable by Biblical standards.

“From that time on Jesus began preaching, ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Mathew 4:17) “And Jesus was going about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.” (Matthew 4:23) He told His disciples as you go, preach this message, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Mathew 10:7) Look at all the parables Jesus taught in Matthew 13 concerning the Kingdom of God. “The Kingdom of God is like-The Kingdom of Heaven is like.” Look at the Lord’s Prayer. “Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done, on earth as it is done in heaven.” The second phrase explains the first, the coming of the Kingdom of God was the doing of the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven by His children on earth!!!

Jesus made it clear in Luke 4:43, when He told the people, “I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also for I was sent for this purpose.” HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!! Is that clear? But that is not all, Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, ”And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Do we get that? The gospel, “the good news”, of the Kingdom, “the rule of God” must be preached to the whole world before His second coming. Now we know when He is coming back but not the day or hour. Folks, this is important – God’s children will determine when Jesus returns when we have preached the gospel of the Kingdom to America not to mention the whole world. We are to preach what Jesus preached for it is “good news” to people when they learn about the Kingdom of God.

Jesus stayed with His disciples for forty days after His resurrection (Acts 1:3). To talk about what? Farewell conversations about everything in general? No. He did not talk about the cross, or the resurrection but He talked to His disciples about the Kingdom of God. Is anybody beginning to see why the religion of Christianity is so screwed up and perverted today? The greatest loss that has ever come to the Christian movement in America is the loss of the Kingdom of God message. The Good News has been lost.

Space does not permit me to post all but Jesus referred to the phrase “the Kingdom of God” or its equivalent “the Kingdom of Heaven” more than one hundred times. He sent out His disciples to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. His purpose is our purpose; His mission is our mission! If Jesus made the Kingdom of God the center of His message and the center of his endeavor, the greatest need for us in America and the nations is to rediscover the Kingdom of God. We need nothing so much as we need something to bring life together into total meaning and total purpose and give total meaning to our otherwise fragmented lives.

Our religion has confused us and we in America are being pushed and pulled and beckoned to, enticed and bludgeoned from all directions. But the most intelligent person that ever existed says the Kingdom is the total answer to man. He said in Mathew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

You can read in Matthew 6:25-32 to see what things will be added to you. However, seek first something other than the Kingdom of God and everything else will be subtracted from you. Isn’t that what is happening to us in America today? Our freedoms from God, our Constitutional form of government, our food supply, our economy, our currency, and our way of life in America are being subtracted from us. Why? Because we have ignored the Kingdom of God message rather than seeking His Kingdom first and exercising dominion on the earth. As a direct result, Satan and his demons are ruling, reigning and having dominion over us rather than God.

My friends, forget what you have been taught by some pastor and his religion. You miss the Kingdom; you miss Jesus!!! The only message Jesus preached was the Kingdom of God – “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17) Jesus did not preach on healing, He healed. He did not preach on deliverance from demons, He delivered people from demons and demonic sicknesses. Jesus hung out with sinners and ate with sinners because He loved His neighbor as Himself. Jesus went to where the people where and He ministered to them. These are the things we are to do in the Kingdom because we are in His image and likeness and we have been created to do the works of Jesus. “Jesus said in John 14:12, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father.” Did you get that? Our religious ways are destroying us!!!!

The solution for the American Church- “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Repent means to change your thinking and change from our religious ways and think the Kingdom of God. “Do not be afraid little flock for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the Kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!

The Body of Christ having lost its absolute – the Kingdom of God – needs nothing so much as it needs a rediscovery of the absolute, the Kingdom of God. This would result in bringing unity back into the Body of Christ, discover the power of the Holy Spirit and give the Body of Christ the nerve and backbone to face a hesitating and confused world with, REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND.

It would also cause the Body of Christ to fight this spiritual war between good and evil raging in this nation which would eventually reset the “rule of God” in America. This would certainly change the erroneous direction the present-day Body of Christ is headed – to leave a mark on this nation instead of a blur. May God forgive us for messing this up so badly!! We can’t even recognize our responsibility or pray for repentance in the Body of Christ today. How in the world are we going to get out of this mess?

Talk about perversion – The Kingdom message in America has been perverted into an individual experience now and we all are going to walk the streets of gold in the hereafter. These two perverted experiences, the now and the hereafter, have vast, vast areas of life and people in our nation who have been left out and ignored – the unredeemed – the social, the culture, the economic, and the political.

But we continue to have our fun times at seminars, podcast, and getting together preaching to the choir and telling the choir what is wrong in America while our nation is dying and going to hell and we are so busy we don’t have time to organize a plan and implement a resistance force against evil!!! Well, God has the plan – the Kingdom of God if we will just get in on it!!!

And while we sat around and our flesh thinking of self and our inner experiences and dreaming of being raptured to the streets of gold, an alien demonic philosophy called the Chaldean spirit has moved into the soul of Christianity and America and we have a crippled Body of Christ that is stumbling across this nation leaving a crippled and destructive result. We stumble because we are disobedient to the Word of God and to His Kingdom. Just look where our flesh, which is hostile to God and will not obey the Word of God, has carried us today?

Our vacuum is being filled by earthborn totalitarianisms such as Secular Humanism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Progressivism and the New World Order demonic elites and they have said to the cowardly and frightful Body of Christ in America, “If you will stay in your buildings, we will give you your inner experience now and your hereafter experience about heaven, but we will take over the rest – the economic, the social, the culture, the political and to hell with your God and WE will direct all things to OUR ends with YOUR means.” Because we are cowards and religious, we gave in to them rather than resist!!!

The judgment of God is upon America and more is coming. Our enemies are coming after us and we will know it when the Chaldean Spirit is let loose in America because the wholesale persecution and killing of anyone associated with Jesus Christ and His Church will begin because it is believed that it was the Chaldean Spirit that was operating in the First and Second Century against the Body of Christ.

Does anybody have any shame for our disobedience, our pride, our arrogance, and our sinful behavior against our King who died on Calvary so He would have a people who would present His Kingdom of God to a lost and dying world but may soon be outlawed and lay in perverted ruins having been overtaken by the demonic New World Order in once faithful United States of America? It is time to be a true Christian in the Kingdom of God and to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven.

God bless, I remain His warrior, His ambassador of the Kingdom and watchman, Glynn Adams (More on the Kingdom in my next article. Thanks to the Late Myles Munroe, the late E. Stanley Jones, the last Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Frankie Shaeffer, Reggie McNeal, John W. Whitehead, and Frank Viola whose books and tapes have helped me see the reality of the Kingdom of God)

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