By Dennis Linthicum

August 27, 2024

Do you find yourself wondering where the radical left is taking Oregon?

The mainstream media hopes that if they don’t report the facts, or communicate things that are actually true, then the truth will never come out or even see the light of day.

Is that how truth works—NO!

Truth is not consensus. Truth doesn’t come from polling data; Truth is Truth. Every human heart knows this, regardless of how they view it, ignore it, review it, redact it or clean it up.

Here’s one for you: this year, Oregon’s State Auditors discovered $2.9B worth of errors across 11 state agencies and organizations.

This is akin to misplacing 2,900 homes, worth $1M each. That’s a lot of million-dollar homes to misplace in a state with only 4.2 million people.

It turns out existing office-holders do not survive because of the pristine, error-free and benevolent nature of their policies, but through the sustenance of their power. But, like the decay that besets an old carcass in the desert, their power is slowly diminishing.

This is mainly because of the hard truths spilling from the news. These realities can no longer be ignored – inflation, housing, transportation, energy, food supplies, public-service degradation, forest management, air quality, immigration, organized crime, cartels, fentanyl, and behavioral health are all signposts that demand accountability.

Unfortunately, each of these issues aren’t just newspaper headlines, they are the issues of life. They impact real people, people who live and work in our neighborhoods.

When people are drained of hope, free-volition and responsibility they become like leaves blowing in the wind. The majority party seems to relish this state of affairs because they believe these individuals should be huddled up and pushed about in various government programs. They think of government like an all-controlling, super-duper leaf-blower.

But… what if people want to control their own lives?

What if Oregonians want freedom? This is the heart of my campaign—give people freedom as their inherent right. Show them the accountability, transparency, and truth that their tax-dollars so rightly deserve.

We should never be afraid; we should argue for truth at every step and remember freedom is costly. Oregon alone can restore its renown by winning freedom with its own hands and restoring our state’s former stature, in this upcoming election.

If you are unfamiliar with my campaign, here’s some background:

I am running for the office of Oregon’s Secretary of State because our state is at a crossroads. My wife, Diane, and I have had the privilege of living in Klamath County for over 3 decades. As we celebrate 44 years of marriage, our roots in Oregon run deep, with our children building their lives and families here in the Pacific Northwest, as well.

I earned my BA in Economics from UCLA and followed that with a Master’s degree from Biola University. My career has been a journey through the cutting edge of technology—software development, database management, and beyond. Whether in California or Oregon, I’ve been at the forefront of sectors as diverse as defense, semiconductor manufacturing, and private sector portfolio management services. I’ve spent my life engineering solutions in a world where truth, precision, and accountability matter.

My entry into politics wasn’t planned—it was driven by a sense of duty. In 2009, I was encouraged by a friend from church to run for Klamath County Commissioner. I stepped up, challenged the status quo, and won. It was then that I saw firsthand the overreach of government, the wasteful spending, and the erosion of our freedoms. I knew I couldn’t stand by and watch our rights be trampled underfoot by a bloated bureaucracy.

As an Oregon State Senator since 2017, I’ve fought relentlessly to expose the pitfalls of big government. I’ve been a consistent voice against the encroachment of federal and state overreach, advocating for policies that restore power to the people of Oregon. I’ve seen how government “solutions” often create more problems than they solve, and I’ve made it my mission to hold those in power accountable.

But my work isn’t done. The office of Secretary of State must be a watchdog for our democracy, not a lapdog for political elites. We face a critical moment where transparency, integrity, and truth are under siege. My commitment is to audit every corner of our government and ensure that every penny is spent wisely. Every Oregonian deserves to know that their constitutional and civil rights will be fully protected to ensure the stability of their families, lives and livelihoods.

This campaign isn’t just about me—it’s about all of us who believe in the principles that made this country great. We are not mere spectators in our government; we are its foundation. Together, we can turn the tide, reclaim our freedoms, and restore accountability in Oregon.

Stand with me as we fight to preserve the values we hold dear. Together, we can set Oregon back on the path of truth, integrity, and prosperity.“

Donate TODAY!

Thank you!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
The Gateway Pundit – Joe Hoft Show
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

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