By Karen Schoen

October 4, 2024

“The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution” – Thomas Jefferson

Do any of our legislators know what is in the US Constitution? Have any of them read it?

I bet you could count on one hand the number of legislators who have read it, and understand what it is, and what it means. Legislators are supposed to go to Congress, carrying our wishes, and write laws that we can read and agree to, making our lives easier.

I believe that process stopped as soon as the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and Americans stopped paying attention. How many laws have you read before they were voted upon? I bet you could count those laws on one hand.

Stupidly, we thought, I elected Congressman “Smith”.

He looks so nice. He speaks so well. I know he will do what he says. He will take care of us.

Ha!! The only one they will take care of is themselves!

While listening to the discussion by our Representatives about funding another CR to fund OBiden/Harris’ regime, I realized that if we do not get rid of these people, no matter who is president, nothing will change. Everything stays the Status Quo. The U.S. National Debt gets bigger everyday, as the beat goes on.

I realize these Legislators (and I use that term loosely), have NO IDEA about what is IN the Constitution. If they did, they would realize that the States are empowered to handle most policies, not the Feds. States have a lot of legislative power. Sadly they don’t use it.

You, student in the front row! What was the MAIN cause of the Civil War? Ding Ding Ding! Yes, Correcto-Mundo: States Rights! Winner, winner, turkey dinner!

If legislators only knew the constitution, and conducted some oversight we would not be in this mess. I’ll throw a novel idea out here: What if the Supreme Court reviewed bills for their Constitutionality, before they even got processed through Congress?

This is up to Us!

After destroying what is left of the economy, the supply chain, and our border, U.S. legislators went home. After destroying our communities, schools, hospitals, culture, and families with Newbies, legislators went home. Are your children safe? Your family members, are they safe? As of today, Joe Biden and VP Harris promise a path to citizenship to Newbies that we will pay for.

Once home, legislators conduct Town Halls. Will you go? Will you confront them, regarding their treachery? Will you GET INVOLVED?

Not too long ago, immigration ran very smoothly in America…until the Democrats realized they could increase their VOTER BASE, by exploiting America’s generosity of allowing immigrants to come to America and participate in our political process while getting Entitlements. Hence, we are now broke. Too much outgoing in entitlements; and not enough income tax revenue coming in. 60% of taxpayers are supporting the entitled non-workers.

Tip O’Neill, 1977-1987, Liberal Speaker of the House, facilitated getting the Constitution and Civics courses,  REMOVED FROM SCHOOL STUDY PROGRAMS. Tome to put them back.

When I went to school in the 50-60’s, in grades 3-5 we studied the Constitution and Civics. Every student could recite key passages, comprehended the 3 branches of government, knew all the Presidents, understood checks & balances. We could discuss and debate in the world of politics. Now, students have no idea who is the Vice President, let alone know their own rights.

Our so-called leaders know absolutely nothing about how this government works! Sadly, as shown by their actions (or inactions) – most do not even care. The game of politics has become nothing more than an elite club, designed to screw those not favored or involved and  to keep the poor and middle classes oppressed. The elite class, and this system, continue to oppress the poor and working classes. What better thing to do, than to teach the students that the Constitution is a living, breathing document subject to change at the whim of a politician or justice? Think about that for a minute.

America is a Nation of Laws that ALL must follow. Americans are ALL EQUAL under the law.

This is what we were taught, before Civics was removed from schools.

How can the law be different, for different individuals? That would be like playing football, with each player having a different playbook with different rules! How can you win if you don’t know the rules?

The Constitution works the same. How can you protect Liberty and Freedom – if you have no idea where YOUR RIGHTS come from? Or if you have no idea what your Rights are?

The American Experiment of Self-Governance works as long as each individual can read, write, do math, understand their rights are granted by God, and know the laws they must follow.

When you change any part of that basic plan, you are DOOMED TO FAIL!

The Democrats learned if they fill America with newbies,  who understand nothing, and teach them nothing, Newbie’s will rely on the Democrats for everything. When newbies vote Democrats into office, it’s because the Democrats tell them what to do. A person speaking Spanish has no idea what is in a contract, when a lawyer says, “Sign Here.” Once that trust bond is initiated, lack of information ensues, hence diversity occurs – not assimilation.

The Constitution is CLEAR!

The President has LIMITED POWERS ON PURPOSE, to ensure he cannot become:

Dictator, Emperor, King, or Tyrant! Their only real job is to protect Americans against Invaders and follow the Constitution.

When they do NEITHER, is this not… TREASON???

The Democrats are done with the America people.

We are only needed for two things: Our Vote and Money. The problems with America today is Americans have become complacent, lazy, and ignorant. Congressman “Smith” takes care of everything, we can depend on him.

Will you still believe that, when your property is gone? When you have no rights? When you are enslaved to work?

It is easier to accept a lie, than to research the truth. We are about to lose our country, our freedom, our identity  as American Citizens.

If the Democrats win this election, we have a 100% chance that the United Nations under Agenda 2030 becomes our governing system, as Comrade Kamala has already signed up for that train ride.

We lose everything we own, and they will be happy. The American  people will be replaced by the Newbies.

If the Republicans win the election, we have a 50-50% chance to keep our country, but only if we elect the right Republicans, and conduct vigilant oversight.

The choice is clear: Slavery or Freedom.  Is America worth saving? Join me on the radio

Radio Host: The Prism of America’s Education
Sat & Sun 7 AM ET, 5PM ET

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