By Glynn Adams

June 21, 2023

I am amazed at the Marxists radicals whose influence we were fighting against in the 80s and 90s are still influencing us from their graves today. The likes of Friedrich Nietzsche, John Dewey, the Frankfurt School, Betty Friedan, Aldous Huxley, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keyes, Saul Alinsky and Margaret Sanger – just to name a few and there are so many, many more. They gave speeches, wrote books, and appeared on TV telling us what they were going to do and the church and citizens in this nation completely ignored them!!!!!

As a matter of fact, this systematic movement started back in the early 1800s and continues on to this day. I was in a group in the early 80s and 90s, and we were warning the church and citizens of the dangers these people were to our culture and this nation and we were completely ignored and some fired from our churches. I learned a long time ago that when someone says they are going to destroy your nation, you at least need to check it out and see if they can or will carry out the threat. You just don’t ignore a threat!!!!

In our arrogance and pride, we refused to listen to anyone because after all we were the great American Church of Jesus Christ and we were America that no one would dare attempt to bring down our mighty nation. “There is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 16:25 NKJV). This way of death has been fulfilled in our nation and has resulted in the destruction of our culture, our values assaulted, our nation invaded by demonic, occult Globalists, and faithful Christians and citizens demonized as extremists and bigots.

All part of a systematic plan designed by men and women using the Marxists Ideology to change the thinking of the Church and American Citizens. They have moved this nation from a Christian worldview to a Globalists/Socialists worldview. Many of us are deceived into thinking that Jesus will come to deliver us from our grave stupidity, arrogance, and deception.

Some even believe that Jesus will rapture out His disobedient and lawless Church. In our deception we cannot see an enemy destroying us today and we cannot see the work of God today – His judgment severely on this nation. If you don’t think God will judge a disobedient nation and leave them to their devices or the demons they refuse to resist, you don’t know your Bible!!!!

The very people we ignored in the 1900s up until the 90s are dead but they still influence us from their graves. Postmodernism is a term so widely known these days that you might think it is simply a word that’s become attached to a vast but vague set of contemporary ideas. But its origin is actually very traceable – right to none other than Friedrich Nietzsche. Postmodernism argues that truth and reality are created by man and not by God – that something is true “if it works for you.”

Truth is neither absolute nor binding over the entire globe but merely situational and subjective. What’s more, postmodernism is a dominant worldview in America today, largely because Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most widely read authors on college campuses. Nietzsche is best known for declaring “God is dead,” but few know that he went on to say that not only is God dead but that “we killed Him.” Nietzsche hated Christians and his words are still alive today speaking to our culture from his grave.

John Dewey is known as the father of modern education in America. This influential education guru was a Fabian Socialist, a signer of the Communists Manifesto I and the founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union. Early on the goal of Dewey was to form a Department of Education, centralize education under the Federal Government, and do away with local, community school boards that set the standards for the education of their children. He promoted Secular Humanism and the pastors and churches in this nation completely ignored him and he still influences us today in America from the grave.

I will mention Saul Alinsky and the Frankfurt School who did the most damage to our nation. They devised a systematic plan to take young executives, highly educated and intelligent and secretly place them into all areas of life in America where they could influence the Marxists Ideology. These committed disciples of Alinsky went into text book publication, media, movies, video games, television, radio, law, corporate world, coaching, and anywhere else that would influence our culture and to make more disciples of the Marxists Ideology. We warned the pastors and churches but they mocked us and many of us were fired from our churches. From the grave, they have done the most to destroy this nation and this nation ignored them and would not resist them.

One more who still speaks loudly from her grave – none other than Betty Friedan. She formed the group known as NOW – the National Organization for Women. She started the women’s liberation movement that got the mothers out of the home into the work place. This was the start of the destruction of the American Family. She also got laws passed against men in the courts, developed shows on sitcoms that showed men as stupid and out of touch – also begin a program to feminize men. Betty Friedan wanted a quiet revolution and she still speaks revolution from her grave today and her revolution lives on!!! The church and the citizens ignored her and it cost us dearly!!!

Oh, by the way – it was Betty Friedan who wrote and led Congress to pass the Welfare Act that gave welfare payments to young black girls to have babies and the more they had, the more money and benefits they received. Also, if they married, or a male was found in the house, the benefits were cut off. The last I checked, this program is still in effect and our black men have a 80% chance of going to prison if raised without a father in the home. The demonic world of Betty Friedan lives on today in America and the pastors and churches in this nation were silent and completely ignored her!!!! They are so many more I could list but it would take ten pages.

Whether you want to believe it or not, we have lost the culture war in this nation. Christians, because of our total disobedience to the Word of God and our failure to resist these demonic men and women, they went on to influence and destroy our culture because we ignored them and we never showed up to resist their systematic war against our nation. As a result, our thinking has been changed to “positive thinking” and a total disregard to what the Bible says. The days of Mayberry USA and Ozzie and Harriet are gone forever. The pastors, churches, and citizens are silent, are deceived about what is going on in our nation and show little to no action in resisting the enemy invading this nation. I see little evidence that most of them even care what is going on!!!

We won’t see our Congress and government ever go back to the original intent of American’s Founding Fathers. We are not going to witness prayer, Bible reading, and posting of the Ten Commandments in our public school again. There will be no drastic decline in divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion, and homosexual marriage. The undermining of our national sovereignty and parental authority will not be reversed. And we will not return to unlimited religious freedom. America will soon become a very difficult place to live especially when digital currency is implemented along with the Chinese Social Credit System!!! Where are our plans to resist this coming change?

Do not misunderstand me here. I am not advocating that God’s People and citizens retreat from the culture. I am saying that Christians and citizens have never engaged the culture in this nation -ever- with the full force, power, and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ that has clearly been given to us. Instead of engaging in this war against our nation, God’s People have played their religious games and have ignored the kingdom dominion, power and authority mandate given to us to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven!!!! What is called the church in America today is actually the same religious spirits Jesus fought against in His day that were responsible for putting Him on the cross. Rome did not crucify Jesus; the religious leaders of Jesus’ day had him crucified. The religious crowd in our institutionalized denominational sects in America won’t defend their nation against their enemies but will defend their doctrines of men to the death!!!

Jesus built His church in the First Century by training and equipping His twelve disciples to minister and walk as He walked. He did not instruct them to build big buildings, to be religious in a building but to go out to where the people were to preach the gospel of the Kingdom, to bring down strongholds, to heal the sick, and to cast out demons and not to waste time dealing with people totally uninterested with His gospel of the Kingdom message.

Jesus is clear in Matthew 13:11-16 that God gives to men and women like His twelve disciples who are totally dedicated to the LORD Jesus Christ to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God. But to those who only want things or favors from Jesus will keep on hearing but will not understand, and will keep on seeing but will not perceive. For the heart of these people has become dull and with their ears they scarcely hear and they have closed their eyes lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and return, and I should heal them.

Jesus just described most of the pastors and church attenders in America who say they are following Christ but are following their denominational institutional religion. Our pastors and church members are blind and full of demons. If America does not repent of our wicked religious ways and train up a church in the way we should go, this nation will continue to fall to the Globalists who have already captured this nation, they rule this nation rather than God, and we have become a religious people and a dwelling place of demons and we are under the severe judgment of God. Many pastors and churchgoers in our nation are now joining the Globalists/Socialists movement forgetting their theological differences “so we can all work together and get along with each other.” Can I say this is deception at its worse; where did Jesus say compromise with evil?!!!!

If the church in America will repent and turn back to the ways of God, we can hold back the demonic Globalists enough to stop their advancement in this nation and in certain areas, can take back parts of America. But we must constantly be resisting their efforts to overtake us. We will have to be constantly on a war footing and on the alert. At this point, perhaps this is the best we can hope for. We are not as committed to freedom as our enemies are committed to destroying our freedoms. We are too carnal and religious and our enemies have us in a real bind. We can have some freedoms but we must always be ready to defend them.

Perhaps in time, we will become faithful and obedient enough that God will grant us more freedoms. The Word and my spirit tell me this Globalist demonic cabal will not be completely defeated until Jesus returns to earth. We have waited too long to resist this evil and we are stuck with it, and that is only if we repent and change our religious ways!!!

I do know this – unless we get a revelation of who Jesus really is and what His purpose for us is – a sovereign King who demands our total obedience, submission, commitment, faithfulness, and allegiance, we will remain in bondage to the Globalists demonic elites. In our religion we have developed a false concept of who Jesus is and what He expects from us!!! In our religious traditions of men, we have made Jesus in our own image. He loves everybody and He forgives everything because of hyper-grace, we don’t have to obey His commandments because of Jesus’ death on the cross and we can do pretty much what we want to do because that is the image we have made of Jesus. That is a false doctrine straight from the pits of hell!!!!

Let’s read the Word of God and see what it says!!!! As Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-27, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice lawlessness. HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!! We just read it!!!!

Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them – repeat DOES THEM, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock. But everyone (in America – pulpit, choir loft, deacon board, pew) who hears these sayings of Mine and does not do them – repeat DOES NOT DO THEM will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell. And great was its fall.”

A rude awakening is happening in America and the storms are here because lawlessness abounds among the pastors and churchgoers in America and many of them will hear, “I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice lawlessness – you practiced disobedience, you did not seek first My kingdom, you did not resist the evil overtaking your nation and you do not know Me or the Words I said to you. You have disobeyed your Sovereign King and there is a price to be paid!!!

We sat back today and even before the 80s and could have stopped this demonic invasion in our nation in its tracks if we would have only taken a stand against this evil!!! But pastors and church members wanted to be left alone because the churches were growing and they wanted no controversy of any kind to interfere with that growth. Now God’s storm and judgment is upon us because of our disobedience to Him and if we don’t repent of our blatant religious ways, the storm and judgments of God will continue to increase and eventually our nation will suffer ultimate destruction!!!!

“Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. But RESIST HIM STEADFAST IN THE FAITH……(1 Peter 5:8-9) No, the American Pastor and church members have refused to obey God and His Word and choose instead to ignore our enemy and he has devoured America!!!

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Brannon Howse and his wonderful books on the radicals who have stolen our nation and so many other good pastors whose books I have read and this article contains much of their information)

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