This week I took a step back and observed what the Obama legacy left for President Trump and America. Obama called for the TRANSFORMATION of AMERICA. What exactly did that mean? To transform something means you must destroy its current status. Obama’s battle cry left me with a question…why are Americans so ready to give up the American way of life which as brought so much greatness to America and humanity and turn to socialism when this ideology is failing all around us?
While talking to a friend, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Americans aren’t ready to give up their life, liberty and personal property at least 70-78% of the population aren’t. It is just that our vocabulary has been altered and definitions are changed for each specific group. This makes communication/conversation almost impossible. The majority of Americans really want the same things. So why are we so divided and full of hate? Americans in general are not full of Hate. Hate addresses about 10% of the population but the media hypes HATE continually so that number grows….unless we stop it now.
Where is all this hate coming from? Hate is an emotion which must be learned. No one is born with the desire to hate, yet here we are hating each other and allowing 535 people in Congress, those in the CFR, the IMF, the UN, the media and Hollywood to determine that we should hate each other while giving them the power to control 300 million people to stop the hate. About 10,000 people have decided they are richer, smarter and more powerful and must make all of the decisions to control every aspect of our lives.
Let’s understand first up that this political game is about POWER, not service to country, environment, children, education, animals, health or humanity etc. It is all about power. They want it. You are in the way because the only way to get power from you is if you give it to them. So let’s not give it to them, simple. Wrong, nothing in life is simple. We allow these massive lies and manipulation to focus on hate so much so we stop paying attention to the real threat, the destruction of American values.
In order to find the stop hate, we must accept the premise, everything happens for a reason and every action has a consequence. (This premise is omitted from school study so please remember it) Then as Herman Cain says, you must first isolate the enemy, learn their plan and then come up with a solution. Let’s start by isolating the enemy. Who promotes hate?
The easy enemy is the left funded by billionaire, (who stole our money because we let him), George Soros. But remember, Soros is not acting alone. As always, there are others hidden in the shadows pulling the strings. George is the one most visible in this globalist group of criminals so let’s focus on George.
George is hell bent on destroying America as the Americans are the last strong hold to complete One World Governance. Why America? Why Americans?
America has more natural resources than any other country in the world. See the Donald Trump special on the Science/Discovery channel called, “What’s America Worth?” Once you see the film, you will understand the riches that belong to America, We the People. Americans can own their business, person, and land. If you understand your rights and what you own the government has little control over you unless you let them regulate you to death.
To George, destroying America is a game and he gets to play god. He has said this on several occasions. George’s money is behind every aspect of anti-Constitutional, anti-American behavior. Imagine the good George could have done, if only George would have put his money to constructive use instead of destruction. But communists can only destroy.
George and company are evil and rich and getting richer each time one of his puppets writes a new rule or regulation to destroy an American product or industry. These regulations benefit a favored donor class or corporation by eliminating competition. Remember George made billions destroying the UK pound by manipulating the currency.. Now I will bet he has a hand in destroying any hope of BREXIT. George promotes and funds groups promoting HATE of the west. George is a Marxist who HATES America. These NWO rulers detests the fact that Americans are individuals and ALL ARE EQUAL under the law. So they marginalize people, force them into groups, promote hate against other groups while promoting violence. Then society breaks down. People give up privacy for control to fix the chaos. Mission accomplished.
Let’s make sure you get the picture of how our government is working today to divide and manipulate us to hate each other.
- George and friends write the legislation, then both R & D follow without reading because they are rewarded by George and company at the end. Remember the destructive energy legislation denying American companies permits to drill in the Gulf? (DOI was issued a contempt citation – HA, no enforcement.) Petrobus (Brazilian co funded by Soros.) became the recipient of $2Billion while Americans paid higher gas prices and beg for work. You are led to hate the oil company.
- Then our corrupt congress (D & R) fight over bills that no one reads because George and company tells them how to vote. Legislators put on a great show to make sure you think they care. They only care about controlling your wallet and your land. Using Obamacare – you are guided to hate the health insurance industry yet bail them out with taxpayer dollars. The after a 7 year platform of repeal, the GOP liars surface when the vote counts and instead they vote to screw American again with more lies. Maybe they should be forced to become part of Obamacare. I love when they dodge that proposal. But we are at fault for reelecting the same criminals.
- Congress allows non-elected agencies following UN guidelines to regulate American industry and private property (you will see UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development all over government web sites.) EPA closes farmland using the ESA to favor a 2 inch fish. You are told to hate the farmers. Usable lumber goes up in flames in CA. Environmentalist close lumber companies for endangered species and refused to allow underbrush clearing. You are told to hate lumber companies while you watch billion of dollars in lumber go up in smoke while houses and farmland are destroyed. Counties no longer have a say in the quality of their drinking water because we gave the power to unelected bureaucrats like Water Management Districts and Environmental Departments following the UN guidelines of getting NGOs in place to eliminate elected officials. Then they create a rift between environmentalist groups creating hate.
- Globalists use the environment and the man made global warming hoax to eliminate products, close industry causing loss of competition and jobs all so their friends can make a killing by control prices and production. They offer huge subsidies to buy these products so their friends can purchase the overpriced products with taxpayer rebates or subsidies, (our money). Coming up with programs that make no sense is the goal. The army was forced into using biofuels for $15 a gallon. How does that make sense? You must hate all those supporting fossil fuels.
- WE the People, the taxpayer paid for the golf cart or solar panels to prop up the new company’s balance sheet, so others will invest into while those in the know, trade short or go bankrupt causing new investors to lose money and get you to bail them out. Who invested in Solyndra? Who made out when Solyndra went under? Did you get a tax rebated golf cart?
- In the meantime, Congress gives our tax dollars to the non – elected bureaucrats to create more phony UN regulations that inhibit our rights and steal our property. They use our tax dollars to purchase land at an inflated price so people will sell. If there is no sale, not to worry they make up a zoning issue and eventually they will get you off your land. As long as the results are the same, you lose your land and the land falls into the hands of some UN group called an NGO. We continually see stories restricting land use. Who has the right to tell you what you can and can not do on your own land? According to the constitution, no one. According to the Globalist bible, Agenda 21, they have the right to regulate: healthcare, food, education, energy, production and distribution of goods and services, water. Everything must be controlled in order to be “fair”.
- When land comes off the tax roles for green regulations, shrinking county budgets. The residents are stuck making up the difference or maybe they will lose their land too. Not to worry more land for UN NGO’s to buy. Time to hate home/land owners.
- With the help of George’s big bucks in the form of media coverage, news, radio, tv, movies and sports, everyone says the same message without question. Children’s movies are full of propaganda: There are no more movies about real life heroes using self-reliance, common sense, respect. No one for kids to look up to. Only fake superheroes. Hate propaganda is fed to your children indoctrinating hate at an early age. Do you know what your child is reading? If your child does not carry the group message, your child is considered evil. Time to hate the evil thinkers.
- One group is chosen to be demonized and the others are set against them while everyone denies it is happening.
- In the meantime, China (our biggest debtor) will eventually have some plan to cash in on their equity, OUR LAND
- All of this is done while Congress sits and says, “Repealing Obamacare is so hard.”
- And the American people watch this bad movie instead of demanding that these legislative fools work for us and should do the job we hired them to do.
So let’s take a look at one day in America in the news and see if UN Agenda 21 is still in play. Just because no one calls Agenda 21 by name, means it is being followed through projects. How do you destroy Freedom and Liberty? One regulation at a time.
- Obama halved spending on Border Fencing, Infrastructure, Technology–Leaving 1,300 Miles of Mexico Border Unfenced -Agenda 21: calls for regionalism not nationalism. Lenin, “Take away a man’s heritage and he will follow.” Collapse the entitlement system by overloading it, getting more people on the entitlement roles. Create an underground group of people who have no allegiance to America, are easily manipulated and will promote “Hate”. Trump is doing the opposite, so he is demonized instead of being recognized for all of the improvements to the economy, border, and foreign leadership. Children are taught to HATE TRUMP: Remember Obama, MUM MUM MUM, remember Trump with a severed head.
- Regular business with government is no longer done without the government becoming a partner aka fascism. Grants are issued to promote one business or industry over another, skews competition and pricing and picks market winners and losers regardless of the harm to the industry. Then wars are called for in that industry War on Coal…You will learn to Hate coal companies.
- Do you hate the incandescent light bulb? Bush regulations destroyed the cheap American light bulb so Americans now must get lighting from expensive Chinese companies. Agenda 21 at its finest. Redistribution of wealth as the new bulbs from China closed the American factory.
- Illegals use Federal Tax Id numbers not SSI numbers to get mortgages Why is an illegal allowed a pass to steal someone’s identity? No one talks about that. When discussed it is always the fault of the person who’s identity was stolen, never the illegal. After all the illegal is the victim because our poor immigration laws are unfair. Our children learn to Hate the Americans who live here. White Americans are guilty. Children are taught about “White privilege” and to hate whites.
- Children are taught to ignore their parents after all, “No one over 30 knows anything.” According to Al Gore, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, the children belong to the government. . . Children are taught to Hate the family unit.
- Children are taught that God does not exist, the Government is their provider of rights. Be eliminating God and morality we have eliminated self respect, responsibility, respect of others, common sense, purpose and reasoning. In its place we get sex, drugs, suicide, pedophilia, abortion, trafficking, porn, abuse and murder. Children are taught to love depravity it is exciting and hate family, God and America.
- Our children are taught that the school/government provides the truth. They are good. Anyone who disagrees is evil; you must HATE the evil God. If you do not agree, you are evil and should be shouted down. .
Once a group is isolated and turned into victim status, regulations pop up to demonize anyone who does not agree. These regulations have nothing to do with the good of humanity. Instead it has to do with controlling the people through the emotion of hate. UN Agenda 21 controls people using different emotions all to promote a One World Government under socialism. The communist Pope just said that the US better get in line with the One World Government. I don’t remember electing him.
Socialism Hates individual Freedom
Socialism eliminates “injustice” by transferring rights and responsibilities from individuals and families to the State which actually creates injustice.
Socialism destroys true liberty: the freedom to decide all matters that lie within our own competence and to follow the course shown by our reason, within the laws of morality, including the dictates of justice and charity.
Capitalism is strengthened by individualism, excellence and freedom of choice.
When I was a child my parents took me to see the play South Pacific. This song stuck with me, called: You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught.
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
Our schools follow this song to the letter.
So my friends will you stop the teaching of Hate in school? POTUS gave us the opportunity to control our state curricula but if we leave it to the present crowd, we will get more HATE. It is our chance to make a difference.
Will you go to and sign up to become a textbook reviewer?
Will you go to your school board and expose the texts full of hatred? Will you correct your children, friends, family and neighbors?
Remember: Either you are a victim or an activist. You can’t be both. Slavery or Freedom? The choice is yours.
© 2017 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved
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