By Steven Yates

August 6, 2024

“I can imagine what can be, and can be unburdened by what has been.” —Kamala Harris ???

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people, you think you just fell out of a coconut tree” — [loud cackle] — “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what you came before you.” —Kamala Harris ???

“The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.”  —Kamala Harris ???

It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.”  —Kamala Harris ??? (on covid)

“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future….” —Kamala Harris ??? (at a pro-abortion rally, Howard University)

It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears.”  —Rod Serling, The Twilight Zone

“You’re caricatures, all of you! Without your masks, you’re caricatures!” —Jason Foster, “The Masks,” The Twilight Zone, Season 5

We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”  —Rod Serling, The Twilight Zone

Ever feel like you’ve been taken out of your regular life and inserted into a Twilight Zone episode?

The past five weeks certainly seem that way.

I think it began with the planned first and now only debate between Trump and Biden, June 27, which everybody realized within the first few minutes was going seriously sideways for Joe Biden.

Some of us had been saying from the start that the man was cognitively impaired, and that all you had to do to was compare statements he made years ago to statements in 2020, few and far between as those were, or earlier in his political career.

The Democrat Party gaslit the country for three and a half years about this! Kamala Harris was part of the gaslighting!

Did Biden’s handlers, and perhaps their handlers, see that he’d fallen behind Trump in all the polls in swing states? Did they decide to pull the plug on their figurehead in the hopes that they could replace him with someone who wouldn’t lose the upcoming election in a landslide?

It definitely looks that way! In the spirit of my last article, it’s a surmise — a likelihood, consistent with what we’ve seen.

The Twilight Zone aspect here was how the official narrative changed with the abruptness of an earthquake. Democrats and controlled corporate “legacy” media went from blanket denial (“it’s a conspiracy theory!”) to open admission that Biden was too old and should step aside.

What came my way was: Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, possibly other powerful Democrats, simply called him up and told him, “You’re done.”

Biden wasn’t going to defeat Trump and it was becoming obvious. We know what those with real power think of the very possibility of a second Trump term. And their every effort to date to stop the Trump juggernaut with the weaponized legal system had either stalled or ended in failure!

Thus, on July 13: the assassination attempt. Having done two articles on that, I doubt there’s much more to be said. Author and investor Doug Casey was recently asked what would have ensued had Trump been killed. What he said:

I’d say that the 30 to 40% of the country who are MAGAs would’ve gone wild. It’s a semi-religious movement at this point, and they won’t take losing their savior lying down.

If he’d been killed, it would’ve immanentized the Eschaton. Generally speaking, the public killing of a semi-religious figure is big trouble. You saw that with the riots that followed the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, even more so with the death of George Floyd in 2020. In an unstable country, even a worthless common criminal can be apotheosized and set off riots.

I’d previously doubted that such an event would be controllable. But there’s the likelihood that the Deep State’s guns (or worse) would have come out to put the rebellion down, and more besides (more lockdowns “for your safety”?). The MAGA movement is not centralized and well-organized. MAGA groups trying to get revenge on their own couldn’t begin to stand up to Homeland Security backed forces.

Remember those hollow-point bullets?

No Deep State effort to kill Trump would have been launched if those ultimately behind it did not believe they could contain the consequences.

That surmise ought to give MAGAs a few sleepless nights.

Returning to Joe Biden — and to the Twilight Zone sensibility that has fallen over us this past month — he was belligerently defiant. Remember?

Until he wasn’t.

Again, the narrative changed with earthquake-suddenness and he quit his campaign: Sunday, July 21. With a letter posted as a tweet!

He was out of sight until the following Wednesday.

In the Twilight Zone?

His speech that night contained no lapses into word salad but was nevertheless a strained, dismal affair acutely uncomfortable to watch.

Both because he was visibly struggling to read the script on the teleprompter, and because there wasn’t a word of truth in anything he was saying.

All the official narratives about protecting democracy in America were on display.

Without even a glimmer of free, independent thought.

You’d think America was entering a new economic golden age, with its border newly secured, inflation now under control, etc.

Not a place where homeless encampments have gotten so numerous and embarrassing to the official story on the Bidenista economy that in California at least, the “unhoused” are, as I write, being removed by force.

So much for sensitivity in that hotbed of Jacobin cultural leftism….

Biden “passed the torch” not to a “new generation” but to Kamala Harris, his hand-picked successor and former border czar (and what a catastrophe that was!).

Another narrative-quake. Another case of memory-holing the old so the new could be brought in and celebrated.

The prevailing assessment of Kamala had been lukewarm at best — until she abruptly became the First Would-Be Woman-of-Color President.

Without having won a single delegate in any primary.

So much for democracy. Especially given how much ink the pundit class has spilled on how “our” democracy “hangs in the balance.”

To say that she underperformed as informal “border czar” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Memory-holed now, of course, as much as possible.

Trump called her “dumb as a rock.”

What comes to mind is, What does intelligence have to do with anything?

She’s controllable. She’ll have her handlers just as Joe did.

They won’t care that she’s 100 percent behind abortion death mills, for example. That’s a means of keeping left-liberal women under one prevailing brand of cultural hypnosis.

As a lifelong Diversity-Equity-Inclusion beneficiary— … oops, I forget, we’re not supposed to say that, that’s raysssist!

More hypnosis.

She’ll keep that agenda alive, even as she continues the present administration’s open borders. She’ll support more giveaways to Ukraine and Israel while the Western economic situation — the real economy, that is, the one people of ordinary means struggle to survive in, with the worst homelessness crisis since the Great Depression — continues to disintegrate.

Conceivably opening the door to Universal Basic Income and Central Bank Digital Currency which she’ll doubtless support even if she can’t begin to grok it.

Be all this as it may—

It’s crucially important that Trump not underestimate her, or the sudden groundswell of support by those in the grip of this new narrative.

She’s not Hillary Clinton, who came across as a cold-as-ice technocrat.

Kamala is warm and oh-so-bubbly, with that beloved cackle of hers!

Over $126 million flowed into her coffers almost immediately after Biden ended his campaign.

The figure has since swelled to over $300 million.

She now has Barack (and Michelle) Obama’s endorsement.

This is all you need to know. Those with real power are putting their eggs in her basket.

She’ll wear out the anti-Trump broken record: “Convicted felon!” (said while adopting her former prosecuting attorney mask). “Insurrectionist!” “White supremacist!” “Sexual predator!” “Russian-controlled!”

She also has J.D. Vance’s “childless cat ladies” remark made to Tucker Carlson three years ago. (More on that in my next article.)

Who knows how many more weaponized words and phrases will emerge between now and November?

Useful to remember, too: two whole generations, Millennials and Generation Z, have grown up never knowing a world without political correctness, anti-white racism / white guilt, and male-hating brands of radical feminism, and without the pseudo “transformative” politics (“Change you can believe in!”) exemplified by the Barack Obamas of the world.

A substantial fraction of Gen Z (born from 1997 – 2011 or thereabouts) is now of voting age.

Most are almost native leftists, at least to some degree, and contemptuous of aging white guys like me (and probably many of you, my readers).

“OK, boomer…” is one of their mantras.

Kamala could win, therefore!

Virtually everyone agrees that Biden’s ending his campaign and Kamala’s suddenly becoming Girl Wonder before Establishment Democrats and in the controlled corporate media have changed the dynamic.

Now Trump (age 78) is the old man — the “old and angry white male” — in addition to the other presumed baggage he carries.

“But it’s all untrue!”

The assault on E. Jean Carroll probably did not happen, for example. The woman couldn’t even remember what year it was! Trump was convicted in New York of concealing payments to a porn star under what come down to bookkeeping mistakes. Again, no one knows what really happened between them, if anything.

This case, prosecuted entirely by Democrats (the judge was also a Democrat) followed changes in the law to make felony prosecutions for bookkeeping errors possible.

The New Normal is post-truth, post-ethics.

It’s all about power now.

As I’ve argued at length, this is where secularism takes a world.

Not even The Science still matters.

We were told in corporate media that Biden had caught covid.

He’s been vaxxed, and twice boosted.

Did anyone even notice the incongruity, how this violates the official narrative that the covid-19 “vaccines” were “safe and effective”?

Is anyone out there thinking?

Did Rod Serling comment above anticipate today’s moment with startling accuracy, well over 50 years ago?

Or is it that the power elites no longer care if we’ve figured out their scams.

I wonder if Biden will resign the presidency at some point between now and November.

He’s said he would focus on his remaining months in office … but we know how much his saying this means.

His simply resigning on his handlers’ command would allow them to test-drive a Kamala Harris presidency for a few months!

The World Economic Forum and other branches of the Global Corporatocracy will find out from first-hand observation whether she’s sufficiently pliable, and how well her distracting presence enables the narratives they want.

You know, that future in which you own nothing, have no privacy, but are happy (eating bugs).

The globalist agenda:

(1) the slow removal and eventual abolition of everything “traditional,” including the two-parent family (different sexes);

(2) a borderless mass consumer marketplace based on debt-serfdom, where people buy and sell compulsively and thoughtlessly on credit; a handful of corporations make all the crucial decisions and attribute their success to “the free market”;

(3) the ideals of “everybody’s equal” and “all lifestyles are equal,” but “some are more equal than others” (recognizing that DEI is as Orwellian as Orwell himself); alongside the myriad gosh gee whiz! and look over there! distractions these divisions bring about in a poorly-educated society;

(4) most important of all: world government (“global governance,” the “rules-based liberal order”) also answering to global corporations: what I’ve variously called GloboCorp or the Global Corporatocracy; others, the Great Reset, and still others the New World Order: secular and pagan, techno-feudalist, run by and for sociopaths, where your peasant life will matter a little if it serves “the system” but is easily disposable (like an unborn fetus) if it doesn’t.

Not to worry; there will be plenty of escapist mass entertainment of all varieties!

We may even still be allowed elections every two and four years, and they will still be called “democratic.”

Welcome to The Twilight Zone!

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Steven Yates is a (still recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored more than 20 articles, book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself. In 2012 he moved to Chile. He is married to a Chilean national.

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

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