By Glynn Adams

July 28, 2024

Through Jesus Christ, our LORD, we can know God and the rules that He established in order for a nation to have an orderly and peaceful society.  However, we have failed to recognize that one sense of responsibility to ourselves, our families, to each other, and to our communities is that we cannot live by whatever we think is right in our own eyes, and do what we feel or believe but rather live by what God has established is right and void that which God has established is wrong.  That is the responsibility of the Body of Christ in our nation to ensure that all citizens do that.

Our Founding Fathers valued freedom and liberty.  Freedom is not the right to do what you wish to do – it is the capacity to do what you ought to do without someone pointing a gun at your head and making you do it or making a law to prevent you from doing it.  Paul says in 1 Timothy 1:8-11, “But we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for the righteous man but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.”

Not only was Paul entrusted to this glorious gospel but so is the Body of Christ in this nation.  Our pulpits as well as the Body of Christ are silent refusing to proclaim the law of God to these lawbreakers, unrighteous, ungodly, and immoral men and women who are running loose in this nation doing what they wish to do, saying ungodly things, and committing ungodly acts as never before in this nation.

Why are we silent?  Our Founding Fathers warned that we cannot maintain a Republic, where freedom and liberty abounds, without a moral and righteous people being responsible to the gospel in order to maintain a “God consciousness” among the citizens so they would respect God’s laws and precepts. This the Body of Christ in this nation has not done.

As Mike Huckabee, formerly of Fox News, says, “America is being lost not because of our politics (or the likes of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama), America is being lost because of our immorality.” (emphasis mine) Let me take that a step further because that is too general.  America is being lost because of our immorality and we have all this immorality because the Body of Christ, who is responsible for maintaining a morality in a nation, has not been responsible themselves.  Shame on us!!!!!

God says in Proverbs 22:28, “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set.”  The Body of Christ in our nation has not moved the ancient boundaries but they have allowed and remained silent while the ungodly, the unrighteous, the immoral, the lawless, the rebellious, and the profane destroyed and dissolved those ancient boundaries. To wit, the Word of God, Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.

Our children are being taught the ungodly and profane ways in our public schools and universities and the Body of Christ in this nation remain silent!!!   Evil men and women, following the Communists Manifesto, are destroying our families, our Constitution, destroying the foundations of Christianity in our nation as well as causing division and unrest and the Body of Christ remain silent!!!

Evil men and women are polluting our culture, assaulting our Christian values and demonizing us as extremists and bigots for holding to our Christian beliefs we have held for generations and the Body of Christ is silent!!!  We completely ignored the Word of God and the spiritual war we are to engage in.  II Corinthians 10:5, “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God……”   The Body of Christ is disobeying the Word of God which seems to be no big deal in the average American Culture Church today!!!

The Body of Christ in this nation along with the ungodly and immoral are living in a way that seems right unto a man but the ways thereof are the ways of death.  What the Body of Christ is doing now in America does not work and it can’t work, and the Word of God says it will never work.  Now someone has to adjust.  This is no longer freedom and liberty in America but anarchy and chaos and the Body of Christ is silent!!!

The Body of Christ in this nation is not paying attention to the Word of God and correction.  Christ’s Body is to have the mind of Christ but the body in America has their own mindset now and we have become so “self-centered” in our ministries.  It is all about “our pastor,” “our church,” “our building,” “our TV ministry,” “our numbers,” and “our pride” in boasting how much we are helping God out.

Sadly, my heart is broken because the Body of Christ has become a bunch of hypocrites – we claim we are going to win the world to Christ while we are losing our own nation.  We have turned this nation over to the ungodly, profane, lawless, unrighteous, rebellious, immoral, the sexual perverted, and murderers to do what they want.  Where is our witness when we are lawless and on our way to Marxists Socialism and under God’s judgment?  In Acts 1:8, Jesus indicated we shall be his witnesses of what He has done in our lives and our nation but also indicated we should secure our own Jerusalem first before going to the remotest parts of the earth.

It is truly decision time in America.  God will get our attention one way or the other!!!!!!!  We can continue our ineffective American Culture Church way or repent, and embrace God’s Kingdom Way.  “There is a God, our God can be known, He is involved in our world, He has set boundaries for us, and there are consequences for doing what He says, and consequences for failing to do what He says.” (Mike Huckabee) We are now suffering the consequences for failing to do what He says and it will get worse if we don’t repent.

One day our children and grandchildren will ask us, “What did you do to help America and avert our tyranny and bondage.  Did you not care what happens to us?”  Our early Founding leaders warned us over and over again that we would not be able to maintain this form of republic government without Godly people.  Modern-day so-called Christianity has failed to realize that the Founders felt the role of Christianity would be as important in our day as it was in theirs.

The New Testament Church in America would be the organization that would keep America on the straight and narrow way.  Engaged members of the Body of Christ, discerning the times were to fuel the flames of freedom, stress morality, and be the watchman on the wall to alert the citizens of dangerous and ungodly trends.  The pastors and churches have failed to do this and our silence in the face of evil facing us is evil in itself.  As a consequence of our failure to be the church to act and speak for God, darkness and hell has moved into our nation.   When Satan is allowed into a nation, blessings flee and curses come in like a flood.

Here are just a few curses that are now   in our nation:  Evolution and relativism are taught to our children, sodomy is granted legal protection in our nation, the Bible, prayer, and Ten Commandments are out, (Don’t be fooled by the posting of the Ten Commandments in the schools in Louisiana and Tennessee), Abortion is still with us, our Christian heritage has been deleted from our history.  God is no longer welcomed in our nation by a very large percentage of citizens today, and He is no longer in our culture.  We have fallen into some of the worst depravity a nation can have.  We now call evil good and good evil.  We are now the world’s largest debtor nation as God says debt is a curse; the borrow is slave to the lender.

Just look at our curse of open borders and debt:   Our federal debt was 5.8 trillion at the end of 2008.   Today it is over $34 trillion with an additional 75 trillion of unfunded liabilities – Medicare, Social Security, Federal Retirements, etc. and every day we spend $2.4 billion on interest for the debt.    In reality, how massive is our debt?  If we would spend $10 million a day to pay down our national debt, it would take us about 273 years to pay off the first $1 trillion and it would take us about 3,822 years to pay off $14 trillion.  Do you understand our debt can never be paid off – someday we will default and all hell will break loose!!!!!

The Romans and Great Britain thought their empires would last forever but they came to an end.  Most Americans cannot wrap their head around the possibility that the “empire” called America is coming to an end.   I don’t know if America will experience another Great Awakening.  Our current church system is living the betrayal of the ages against Jesus with our happy sermons and false religion and I don’t see how God can revive us!!!

Repentance must come and our way must be the way of Jesus and not religion.  “People must repent on Biblical terms again.  The average sinner has no sense of the enormity of their guilt, no sense of the enormity of their crime, no sense of the enormity of their insult against Deity, no sense of their rebellion against God, no sense of God’s righteousness, of His holiness, of his Justice, the justice of His wrath and anger.  People must have God so descend on them that they would repent because they had a revelation of the holiness of God, and in the light of that, they have seen the enormity of their sin against God and God had so penetrated their minds and hearts they would fall to the ground in brokenness over their spiritual condition.” (Paris Reidhead) Now that is a person that will obey God and run from religion!!!

I’m sure of one thing – if Pastors and the Body of Christ in America remain asleep and continue to avoid repentance and a returning to God, we will go down.  Decision time is upon us and what we do in the next few weeks, will determine our fate!!

Jesus is our Sovereign Lord and King.  We have no opinion and we have no interpretation but we are to obey the Word of God.    In sovereign nations around the world, if people disobey the king or ruler it carries with it serious consequences!!!  So is it in the Bible but deceived people don’t realize or believe it!!!

If you want to know what God is going to do in America today, then read the Word of God to see what He did in the past.  Many disregard the Old Testament, but God in the New Testament said on two different times, “What was written in earlier times was written for our instruction.” (Romans 15:4, I Corinthians 10:11) If you will not use your freedom for obedience to Him, then, like in the Old Testament, He will let you go into bondage.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?

The average pastor and church member in America will not obey Jesus because they do not know or love Him.  In worship, their heart is far from Him, and in America, we have made us a Jesus in our own image!  When you truly worship God, you declare obedience to Him.  That is why pastors and church members are false because they do not know the Word of God and Jesus.  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Joel C. Rosenberg, “Implosion”, Milt Green, “The Great Falling Away”, and many others that made this article possible)

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