When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon. —Thomas Paine
Politics have no relation to morals. —Niccolo Machiavelli
When a person is charged with a crime in a communist country, they are presumed guilty, and the burden of innocence is on the accused. In America’s Constitutional Republic, everyone charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law. The burden of guilt is on the accusers to prove the charges.
However, today the media tries cases in the court of public opinion to influence public support for one side or the other, and we well know what side the MSM supports. Media remains silent regarding Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Podestas, Obama and his administration, but they shout guilt from the rooftops if the person is a constitutional conservative.
The court of public opinion is about mob justice. This court is based on reputation, revenge, public shaming, and the whims of the crowd. Facts matter, but there are no standards of accuracy. This court delivers reputational justice. Sometimes they are right, but many times they have been wrong. Public opinion has convicted many innocents without a jury trial, the Duke LaCrosse case, Clarence Thomas’s confirmation proceedings, the Cambridge police, Ferguson, Missouri and countless others.
Roy Moore’s guilt or innocence is being decided by public opinion. Media is the judge; no charges have been filed because the Statute of Limitations has long ago run out.
Moore To Sue Washington Post
How many times in the past have we voted for the lesser of two evils? Too many. Sadly, the people of Alabama chose Roy Moore instead of the true conservative, Mo Brooks, and now his reputation is being destroyed. Moore is planning on suing the Washington Post, but can he even succeed knowing the NYTs v. Sullivan supreme court ruling in 1964 gave media impunity via the first amendment.
The SCOTUS decision extended the First Amendment‘s guarantee of free speech to libel cases brought by public officials. The Supreme Court sought to encourage public debate by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts. Moore would have to prove “actual malice” in a libel case against WaPo. Certainly, he knows this as a judge, especially since the case originated in Alabama in 1962.
Remember that Roy Moore was a democrat when all of this was going on. Limbaugh says, “Interestingly, no one said a word when he was a democrat, but now that he’s a republican, it’s big news.”
Targeting Conservative Men
We all realize that conservative public figures are targets by the establishment and leftist media, and if they can’t call someone a racist and prove it, they’ll use sexual innuendos to destroy the person’s credibility. How many times have we seen it? Cosby, O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, Eric Boling, Charles Payne, Sean Hannity, and on and on, many charged from decades ago, and yes, some are guilty. They even tried it with our President while he was campaigning. Guilty or not, the goal is exposure and destruction.
Guilt today is defined with something as simple as a man telling a female co-worker that she looks nice. C’mon people, this whole thing is so out of hand with such obvious leftist attacks that even the guilty are starting to look innocent. Nevertheless, there are a few who definitely go over the line of decency.
Years ago, in the corporate world, men made passes at good looking women all the time, including me…yes, before age did it’s wrinkling thing, I was once young and pretty, as so many of us were. Women knew how to shut men down and move on, but today, these feminists want to destroy the men for even speaking compliments. It’s why men no longer even hold doors open for women, the feminists have destroyed and weakened the stronger sex. Many men are now afraid of women. We can thank the likes of socialists and pro-aborts, Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinem and Betty Freidan. But back to Roy Moore…
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Let me clarify from the very get go, I don’t like Moore for many reasons and I wrote about it in my recent article, Why President Trump Endorsed Luther Strange. If you missed it, check it out. There were several things I mentioned, Moore’s heretical Christian beliefs, his push for a Constitutional Convention, failure to return fellow attorneys’ phone calls, and the fact that his law professor and fellow law students detested him. One former law professor even stated that he violated years of precedent established by Jefferson. He also is a twice removed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.
So, no, I don’t like him, but we all know the leftist media will lie through their teeth to destroy those who are allegedly conservative. Even when their claims are false, they hope to cast a pall over the person’s reputation.
WaPo broke the first story with Deborah Wesson Gibson accusing Moore. She sure looks fishy to me since she works for Democrats in general, has worked for the DNC and is now working for Doug Jones, the Democrat running against Moore. Leigh Corfman, said that Moore sexually touched her over her underwear when she was 14 years old. Moore has emphatically denied ever meeting Corfman. Her story is rather questionable inasmuch as she’s been divorced three times, filed bankruptcy three times, and has claimed that local pastors have made sexual advances towards her, but even with all that, it doesn’t mean she’s lying. Two other women have claimed similar stories.
Now a fifth woman has come forward with a tawdry story and she is represented by none other than liberal attorney, Gloria Allred. During a press conference with Allred at her side, Beverly Young Nelson said Moore trapped her in his car 40 years ago, choked her, and tried to take off her clothes before she fought him off.
Nelson said Moore, 30, signed her high school yearbook: “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, D.A. 12-22-77 Olde Hickory House.”
Bill Still and a few others, none of whom are experts in handwriting analysis have decided this is a forgery. Maybe it is, but that would be up to experts to prove.
Everyone Knew the Rumors
The New Yorker (liberal magazine) reported that Roy Moore may have been banned from the local Gadsden, AL Mall for annoying teenage girls when he was in his thirties.
The former deputy district attorney for Etowah County in the early 80s, said she could not confirm that Moore had actually been banned, but said it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated high school girls and trolled the local mall. Even local law enforcement said they had heard about Moore’s reputation of cruising at the mall.
The author of the article stated he had talked to two officers who had said they had heard the rumors about Moore. One officer stated, “The general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates. I was told by a girl who worked at the mall that he’d been run off from there, from a number of stores. Maybe not legally banned, but run off.” He also said, “I heard from one girl who had to tell the manager of a store at the mall to get Moore to leave her alone.”
The second officer said, “A friend of mine told me he was banned from there.” He added, “I actually voted for Moore. I liked him at one time. But I’m basically disgusted now, to be honest with you. Some of the things he’s said recently, I’ve changed my tune completely about this guy. When I heard what he said on ‘Hannity’ the other night,” he said, referring to an appearance Moore made on Sean Hannity’s radio show last Friday, “I almost stood straight up. The thing about how he’s never dated anybody without their mother’s permission, that appalled me. That made me want to throw up. Why would you need someone’s permission to date somebody? I’m probably gonna write in Luther Strange.”
As for older men dating teenage girls, “It’s not so uncommon that people would necessarily look at it askance,” said Nicholas Syrett, a University of Kansas professor who recently published a book on child marriage in America. “The South has a much longer history of allowing minors to marry, and obviously there’s some courtship or dating, whatever you want to call it, leading up to that.”
Hubris Cost Moore
Moore should never have gone on Hannity’s radio show. He should have plainly stated to media that this was a witch hunt and was being done by the vast left-wing conspiracy. Instead he thought his words would vindicate him and they didn’t. Here is the 15-minute radio interview with Sean Hannity where he stated that he “generally” didn’t date teens during the time of the allegations. What does that mean?
On Hannity’s 13 November 17 show, Sean stated that if the allegations are true, it is beyond disgusting, beyond reprehensible, and Judge Moore should step aside and leave the senate race, that these are very serious allegations.
The Daily Caller reported that Media Matters used last weekend to attack Sean Hannity’s advertisers and cost Sean advertising revenue. Of course, they lied about what Sean actually said.
Republicans Attack Their Own
During AG Sessions testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Nov. 14th, 2017, he said about the accusations against Judge Moore, “I have no reason to doubt these young women.” He never should have uttered those words. Better yet, he should have said, “In America, a person is innocent until proven guilty, and thus I have no comment.” I’m starting to believe that Sessions is such an establishment insider that we’ll never see him accomplish what our President has promised.
Of course, leftist Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Willard Mitt Romney, and John McCain have already stated Moore should step aside. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, McCain sang a different tune during his 2008 presidential campaign when he faced his own accusations of sexual misconduct with a lobbyist 30 years his junior.
Now the RNC has pulled their funding from the Judge. Some republicans are suggesting Luther Strange take Moore’s place, but I’d rather see Mo Brooks run against Democrat Doug Jones who believes in abortion up to the minute of birth.
Our president believes that if these allegations are true, Judge Moore will do the right thing and step aside. Perhaps this is why Donald Trump backed Luther Strange over Moore. I do not believe that Moore’s hubris and arrogance will allow him to step aside.
Am I skeptical of these charges? Yes, because of those who exposed them, and because we know the left wants the Senate returned to Democrat control to stop the righteous changes President Trump has laid out for America. However, the latest charges against Moore are now growing legs, and it looks as though, “Where there’s smoke…”
We cannot afford to lose this Senate seat. We need Moore to step aside, a Republican Conservative Constitutionalist to replace him, and the vote to be delayed.
© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net