By Pastor Glynn Adams

September 1, 2024

If the citizens and Christians of this nations allow the Marxists Democrats to lie their way into the White House and the Congress, we will face a judgment of our own making like no other nation in the history of mankind.  If we are not awake now to what is going on, then the coming judgment will wake us up but it might be too late!!!

I am very concerned about this election because I have read the Bible and in it one can see what God does when His people are disobedient and refuse to get engaged in a spiritual war raging all around them!!!  This election is not about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris but is a spiritual war between God and the New World Order demonic elites.  Except for a very few, Pastors and Christians, most in the Body of Christ are deceived and are not engaged in this spiritual and cultural war.  Yet God ask the question, “Who will stand up for Me against evildoers?  Who will take his stand for Me against those who do wickedness?” (Psalm 94:16)   Horrible judgment is coming to America if we don’t start obeying the Lord Jesus!!!!

During World War II, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer faced evil in his day against Hitler.  He warned the church but they made friends with the Third Reich and were destroyed.  “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoffer was in prison and was hung with piano wire by Hitler before the end of the war)

Christians today show no spiritual interest in resisting this evil that has overtaken our nation and have reduced Christianity to going to a building on Sunday Morning to have their ears tickled and made to feel good in their sins.  I am in a group called the Salt and Light Brigade with Coach Dave Daubenmire and he has a daily podcast called and this group is heavily engaged in this culture and spiritual war raging in this nation.  Coach and the group need hundreds, no thousands of pastors and church members to engage with us but they refuse.  This easy “just say you love Jesus and you are saved” and spiritual apathy has caught up with the Body of Christ in America!!!

Since the sixties, the merchants of evil have been selling us corruption disguised as freedom.  The brilliant and malign techniques they have employed using the Marxists ideology to change America’s mind on issues like abortion, homosexuality, church-state separation; and more is not by accident but a deliberate and systematic plan to deceive us that was carried out by Saul Alinsky and the Frankfurt School.  The leaders have changed but it is still the Marxists Ideology plan being carried out!!!

These Marxists have systematically and secretly marched through our institutions changing our nation while most citizens and Christians were sound asleep.  Even when we were told about this evil scheme of Satan, citizens and Christians still refused to become engaged in the war raging against us in this nation.  We must have more in the Body step up to assist the Remnant of God in resisting the enemy in this nation.

The enemy is being exposed more and more each day and by God’s grace, truth will win out in the end.  Coach Dave and his salty warriors are fighting these New World Order cabals but most of the pastors and church members are still on the sidelines spiritually asleep and playing religious games.

Many faithful writers are engaged in this spiritual war to be a wake-up call for all who cherish traditional values, the innocence of children, and the very existence of this great nation.  We are living in dangerous times and to get out of this, all hands must come together to fight these demonic Marxists strongholds seeking to destroy us!!!!!  God will not hold those guiltless who refuse to help!!!

Despite decades of relentless attacks on our moral and spiritual foundations, many think America is still a Christian Nation.  I personally do not.  Christian nations are nations that obey God and Christian people that obey God, make their nation Christian.  The sole reason this nation is in the spiritual mess we are in is because those who call themselves Christians have not obeyed God and His Word when it comes to resisting the evil overtaking this nation. deny self, take up your cross and follow Jesus and His ways.  Since the sixties, the Marxists have had more influence on this nation and have made more disciples of Marxism than Christians have of Jesus Christ.  This is shameful and God will not hold us guiltless!!!

Folks, we are currently a captured nation, we are ruled by Satan and not by God.  We have become a habitation of demons, demonic strongholds, and false gods.  Many of our pastors and churches are now exhibiting Marxists ways in their churches.  But the greatest problem in Christianity today is we are so divided by denominations that we will not come together under the banner of Jesus Christ and do spiritually what must be done to get out of this spiritual mess!!!  Judgment is coming!!!

I could continue this conversation for days talking about the downfall of Christianity in America.  Our divorce rate is the same as the world as our marriages are failing like the world.  Most Christians love this world and its world system and we succumb to the culture around us just like the pagans.  Needless to say, Christian Researcher Barna, in a recent survey says there was almost no difference between those professing to be born-again Christians and non-Christians.  Judgment is coming!!!

Also, Barna says, not only do too many Christians apparently think and act just like unbelievers these days but the number and variety of different and contradictory Christian world views and practices – all presumably based on the same Bible – have grown astronomically.  Let’s fact the facts America, in recent decades, it seems, myriad new types of churches have evolved to accommodate every conceivable temperament and world view, regardless of whether that world view is biblical.  An example is the new “Metropolitan” churches created especially for homosexuals.  The rest of the Body of Christ is silent about these non-biblical churches.  We must remember God has clearly given us a solution to deal with these churches in Matthew 18:15-17 but the Body remains silent in the face of evil.  Judgment is coming!!!

The Body of Christ in America need to repent and get back to absolute obedience, commitment, submission, faithfulness, and allegiance to Jesus Christ and His Word.  Jesus must be LORD of all and every facet of our life.  Unless, we repent and change our ways, the judgment of God will continue!!!  While I am at it, Donald Trump cannot solve all our problems in America.  Our problems are not political but spiritual.  When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, I and many others warned this nation and especially the Christian Community that Donald Trump was a stop-gap and a protector of the Body of Christ and Christians were to double down against the evil in this nation AND WE DID NOT!!!

I will remind you that it is “God who sets kings and brings down kings” (Daniel 2:21) and when Israel was disobedient to God, He would then take away a good leader and replace him with an evil leader.  That is exactly what happened to us in America in 2020 because of our disobedience to God.  Instead of resisting the evil that had overtaken this nation, we sat on our ass and did nothing and let Donald Trump take all the heat!!!!  And God removed our President and gave us an evil President – a Marxists figurehead: Joe Biden!!!! HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Judgment came to us in 2020!!!  Will God give us another evil leader again in 2024?

Folks, we are in the same non-spiritual mode today we were in when Donald Trump was up for reelection in 2020 and all went wrong.  I can tell you that I am very concerned that another Marxists could be elected our President for the same reason.  I see no repentance, I see no spiritual influence on our culture, I see no resistance of evil and we are seriously divided in our churches – some Marxists, some Christian, and not many Christians engaged in this spiritual war raging in our nation!!!  Judgment is coming!!!

So, how is our spiritual mess in America going to be fixed.  The Body of Christ must repent before God and agree with God to change our wicked ways.  We carry this out by agreeing with God that we will not present Christianity in such a shallow way that doesn’t require the love of truth.  We will no longer present a dumbed- down version of Christianity but one that requires honest introspection, courage, self-denial and patience.

We agree with God to stop the compartmentalization and trivialization of Christianity into a mantra of belief – but not separated from works, from obedience, commitment, submission, faithfulness and allegiance.  We agree to basic honesty, integrity, love of truth, and true repentance from the heart.  We agree to stand with other deeply and committed believers and pastors who have stood firm and held back the tide of Marxists atheism from totally sweeping over our land.

In America, we can have a real and much needed great awakening but we must go to our rooms, close the door, and ask the Holy Spirit to take a good, hard, honest look at ourselves.  Upon conviction, repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness and agree to walk as He walked in obedience.

Let me say something here.  Many in the Body of Christ do not read the Word on a daily basis.  The Bible is clear in John 15:4-6, “Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in Me.  I am the Vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit for apart from Me, you can do nothing.  If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”  If you won’t abide in Christ and His Word, hell is coming to you!!!

A partial Judgment is now going on in America.  God will relent on our judgment if we will repent and change our wicked ways and become obedient to Him and His Word.  Jesus is serious but we have made church a game of numbers and going to a building on Sunday.  No nation, except the nation of Israel, has been warned more about our disobedience than America – judgment is coming hard upon this nation!!!   It’s way past time we take what God says in His Word seriously!!!

“Will we continue to allow God and Jesus Christ to be erased and minimized or will we stand boldly for the One we claim to serve.  Will we continue to bow the knee to Caesar or is there no King in America except Jesus Christ for us?” (Rob Pue, Wisconsin Christian News)

“Who will stand up for Me against evildoers?  Who will take his stand for Me against those who do wickedness?” (Psalm 94:16) God will not hold us guiltless if we ignore these questions!!!

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian, the “Religious Trojan Horse” by Brannon Howse, and “The Killing of Uncle Sam” by Rodney Howard- Browne and John L. Williams)

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