Lloyd Marcus

My patriotic mood began re-watching Whitney Houston’s spectacular performance of our National Anthem at Super Bowl XXV in 1991. Whitney’s rendition was re-released as a single after the 9/11 terrorists attacks. She donated all proceeds to charity.

Serendipitous, these remarkable quotes about America appeared on my radar.

“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Abraham Lincoln

Wow! Lincoln said it right there in his Gettysburg address that America was founded upon the principle that all men are created equal. Leftist schools have taught our kids for decades that America was founded by evil white guys with no desire for equality. Yes, it took awhile to reach our goal of equality for all Americans; 600,000 dying in the Civil War to free the slaves and years of civil rights battles paved the way to elect our first black president. But, we got there folks. We got there!

“The thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is he will die on his feet before he’ll live on his knees.” George Washington

I pray that Christians will stop kneeling to wicked cultural demands and begin standing up again for Godly principles. Far too many youths are Marxist zealot domestic terrorists because we’ve allowed leftist schools to poison their minds about their God, their family and their country. Outrageously, across America “yutes” are scolding, lecturing and punishing their parents for being Christians, patriotic Americans and gun-owners.

“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Black s Matter, ANTIFA and various other anti-christian and anti-American hate groups do not want “brotherhood” as desired by Dr King. They want to punish white America. They demand that whites physically kneel to blacks and beg forgiveness for their sin of being born white. The people in these groups are wicked and must not be tolerated. At the top of your lungs, scream the word, “No!” to them.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12

America is a Christian nation, brilliantly and divinely founded upon biblical principles. Stating this truth enrages BLM and ANTIFA causing them to vomit green-slime and their heads to spin around backwards. Evil is repulsed by good. Alexis de Tocqueville said “America is great because America is good.”

Folks, in these final months leading up to the November election, the Democrat/communist party will launch every wicked scheme in their depraved playbook to attack the American people to stop them from reelecting one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history, Donald J. Trump.

We have so much work to do. This is all hands on deck. This election is our last stand to save our founding father’s divinely-inspired vision of America. Please talk to your neighbors, family and friends encouraging them to vote for Trump. Let them know what is at strike. Here is a list of 42 crazy disastrous things Biden will implement if elected.

I’ve awakened 2am in the morning, turned on my TV and have encountered lie-filled news stories trashing Trump. The hits on Trump just keep on comin’. This is what we are up against folks.

A large percentage of the country get their news from mainstream (fake news) media. Consequently, they are clueless regarding many important issues.

For example: My sister is one such low-info Christian voter. I recruited her awesome alto voice to sing in the choir at the recording session of my Trump Train 2020 song. The choir was mostly white, all Trump supporters. She noticed that they were good friendly everyday people, not the rabid racists portrayed by media. Her eyes popped out of her head in disbelief when I told her San Francisco gives tourists maps to avoid the piles of human feces on the streets left by vagrants. She had no idea that Trump was responsible for black unemployment being its lowest in U.S. history.

We flew many of our singers from the east coast to California to perform in the Trump Train 2020 song music video. Upon landing in California, my sister was stunned to see the “all gender” restrooms with signs welcoming transgenders at the airport. This opened the door for me to educate her about the extreme LGBTQ agenda that Biden and the Democrats want to implement across the country. My buddy, Robert Kirk, brilliantly exposes the wacko California LGBTQ mandates in his award-winning comedy short film, “Nightmare in Paradise.”

I suspect my sister will vote for Trump. In the Trump Train 2020 music video, she is the beautiful black woman singing the solo line, “Don’t you feel the engines roar!

Please spread the Trump Train 2020 music video far and wide to counter Neil Young’s song, “We Got to Vote Him Out!”

I am the eldest of 4 boys and one girl. My sister was Dad’s princess. He purchased her first car, a brand new Fiat. He made me work to purchase my first “used” car. The good news is Fiats were lemons; just kidding.

Seriously folks, we must do everything in our power to reelect our remarkable president. This election is our last stand to save America as founded. America is counting on you.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

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