By Glynn Adams

October 8, 2023

“But we know that the Law is good if one uses it lawfully realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous man but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane…….” —1 Timothy 1:8-9a

“For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (blatant immorality) and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” —Jude 4

It is a terrible thing for a nation or a person to ignore the warnings of God.  It is also a terrible thing for a nation or people to ignore history – to ignore the writings of those who have learned the lessons of life as is the case of our Founding Fathers.  It is a terrible thing to ignore the fallen human nature of mankind, and what he is capable of doing to other humans, and it has been a terrible thing for America is guilty of doing all of these things!!!

On November 6, 1932 – Reformation Sunday in Germany, Pastor Bonhoeffer gave a sermon at Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church to get the people to see the dangerous course of forsaking the ways of God for a Satanic National Socialists government.  Rather than stroke the egos of those German elites slumbering in the pews, Bonhoeffer’s sermon was calculated to wake them up and if they did not arise as the true Church of Jesus Christ but continued to play at having church, unbelievable tragedy was looming.

This is exactly where America is today but we are in much worse shape than Germany was in 1932.  The purpose of my article is to scare the hell out of you to get you to see the danger we as in as a nation.  This article is a bold call to wake you up and to stir you up to respond to our collapsing culture and nation.  We are drowning in a flood of evil and if we continue to remain silent and do nothing, unbelievable tragedy is looming for America.

If the followers of Jesus Christ and the citizens of America continue on our present course of religion and do not radically change our ways back to the ways of Jesus Christ, we are witnessing and could be living out the final days of liberty and freedom in America.  There is ample evidence of this in the stern warnings the Founders gave to us on how to keep our liberty and freedom.

America today is a lawless nation and those who claim to be leaders and followers of Jesus Christ are the most lawless in this nation.  We have forsaken the ways of God.  We are no longer salt and light to our nation.  Every one of us is guilty of allowing Satan to accomplish more in our nation than he should have been allowed to do.   We have not come together as followers of Jesus Christ and in obedience to Him to resist this evil as we are commanded to do in Scripture.  In most places in this nation, we are no longer relevant.  Unlike our enemy, we are divided.

 Our pitiful definition of soft and smooth preaching of “grace” has led us to lawless living which has set us up as a lawless society that will eventually lead to a lawless leader called the Antichrist.   We have wildly missed the mark concerning the true reason we are in the ministry.  Look how bad it has gotten in our nation with the atrocious sins of abortion, injustice, confusion over sexual orientation, gender identity and transitioning, pedophilia, and other social and cultural issues we are facing in America and most of those who claim to follow Christ have ignored what is going on and have remained silent!!!

Today, very few preachers will address these cultural issues for fear of offending someone.  Shame on us.  Our silence is bringing judgment on our nation and eventually destruction.  God will surely judge us for lowering His standards to make sure many could continue in their sin!!!!

I will say it again in stronger terms – America is the home of an apostate church full of people who choose to ignore the Word of God and what is going on in our culture.  It is not a lawless world that ushers in the end time but a lawless church.  It is not a lawless world that ushers in apostasy but the Church through weak and soft preaching.  Soft preaching produces soft and lawless saints – front row, back row, pulpit, deacon board, or choir!!!

Whenever God’s voice is refused to be heard, order will unravel.  The result of that process is that the voice of God is no longer comforting to us; but is now confronting us and we ignore the warnings and continue to sleep.  When you don’t permit the Word of God to enter into your world and hold you accountable, chaos and confusion will enter your life.   Our generations in America are calling into question the veracity of the Word of God.  Many see no need to read the Word anymore or to listen to God.   To refuse the Word of God puts one in a very dangerous place.  The absence of strong voices in our churches and culture, usher in godless and lawless societies!!!

Due to our apathy, ignorance, and immorality, we are losing our liberty and freedom in this nation.  We should know that liberty and freedom did not come to us via the Constitution but they are a gift of God.  We must surely conclude, however, that we have spit in the face of God over our gift of liberty and freedom from Him.

We did not value the gift from God because we have made no effort to learn the lessons our Founding Fathers gave to us on how to keep our liberty and freedom.  We have enjoyed the gift but deep down we take liberty and freedom for granted and arrogantly believe we will always have it regardless of what we do!!!   While those who are followers of God and citizens have slept, evil and ungodly men have crept into our nation and we are no longer a Republic.  We have lost our Republic because we have allowed and committed the very things our Founders feared.  Make no mistake, everyone is guilty!!!

Many volumes have been written by our Founding Fathers and others on liberty and freedom.  In America, we are a lawless nation, asleep in our churches which puts us in great distress and evidence abounds that unless we have abundant, radical changes by the followers of Jesus Christ in this nation, we will not get our Republic back.  From about the last part of the 1800s to present, we have broken all the principles and safeguards and we are very close to the final days of liberty and freedom in this nation.

Now only were we not paying attention to the fact we were breaking all the principles and safeguards, no one was speaking out and the Institutional denomination religious groups, the Remnant, mega churches along with the pastors were silent while evil men were stealing our nation, corrupting our educational systems, leading our nation into sexual perversion, gender dysfunction, immorality and on and on and the followers of Jesus Christ were silent!!!!  God is surely judging us for our blatant disobedience and silence!!!!

We live in a culture today that is addicted to sound bites, 24/7 news, and 140-character tweets.  The art of conversation, honest and forthright, earnest and true, has largely been lost.  We no longer know our history and the great men and women who birthed this nation.  We were the first nation in history to be founded upon the reasoned consent of a people intent on governing themselves.  Our Founders warned us that we could not maintain our Republic without moral and virtuous citizens.

 Today, because we have violated all the rules given to us by our Founding Fathers and we have, in recent years, openly proven time and time again that we are no longer capable of self-government.  The proof of that is evidenced by the current condition of our nation and our record of who we have elected as President, Senators, and House of Representatives since the late 1800s.

Our Founders attempted, albeit imperfectly, to create a free society based on the realities of human nature and thousands of years’ worth of human experience.   But today many have looked on our Founders as “old fashioned.”  We paid no attention to tyrants; because we are after all Americans and we have greater faith in our good intentions than in our own fallibility and we thought we were so smart in our ability to cheat the realities of human nature than in the lessons of human history.  Our pride in our good intentions and our ignoring of the realities of human nature has made it easy for evil and ungodly tyrants to capture our nation and now the tyrants of Satan rule over us rather than God!!!!!

We are a nation in a relentless search for vulgar pleasures with which they fill their souls.  Each citizen lives apart and is totally unaware of the destiny of all the rest.  His children and personal friends are for him and he gives no thought for the whole human race around him.   We exist only for ourselves and in ourselves.   We could care less what is happening in our culture and to our neighbor.  We desire pleasures and entertainment and we desire them now!!!   This happened because the followers of Christ were silent and did not resist the evil before us.

Meanwhile, while Americans are enjoying the good life, the globalists ruling powers, having taken each citizen one by one into its powerful grasp, and having molded each one to its own liking by television, media, movies, video games, talk show hosts, news, social media, and ultra mind control, then restricted our liberty and freedom and the followers of Jesus and citizens remain silent.  This has reduced our citizenry down to nothing more than a flock of self-centered, pleasure lovers with the government as shepherd.

We have become in America what our Founders feared the most, uneducated, ignorant, immoral, pleasure seekers, silent, apathetic, disobedient to God and inattentive citizens.   Our Founders were certain that such people are incapable of self-rule and being free and that a rise in ignorance, there would be a proportional rise in apathy toward public affairs.  Today in America, we can fill millions into a sports arena on any weekend for pleasure and entertainment but are hard pressed to get 25 people who will attend a city council or school board meeting to hold someone accountable. When citizens are unaware of what their elected politicians are up to, fertile soil for corruption and tyranny will occur.   To hell with liberty and freedom – give us entertainment!!!!

Our Founders feared an immoral nation for it soon would become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master.  The Founders and others have commented that it has never been found in history one single example of a nation which has been morally corrupted, that afterwards was restored to virtue.  Our Founders believed that a nation is endangered not by the great corruption of the few but by the laxity of the many.  The Founders did not believe liberty was doing whatever you wanted but being empowered to do as you ought according to laws that both respect your rights and that you had a voice in making.

The beginning of the end for our Republic was sealed when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in Congress in 1912 on Christmas eve with a minimum forum of Congress present.   The church was asleep for a debt-based system is a curse – “the borrower is a slave to the lender.”   Then our educational system was corrupted to indoctrinate our children.  Then our churches became corrupt as evil and ungodly pastors moved the people from the ways of God to religion and apathy.  The rest of us remain silent!!!!

We don’t have enough children in the pipeline to maintain a nation because of abortion and many are not having children   What children we have we are not training them in the way they should go nor have the parents trained and equipped them for what they will face in this evil and drug infested immoral corrupt culture, public schools, and universities.  Then, we the religious, send our children to Sunday School to learn Bible stories and draw pictures of Jesus and Moses!!!  In reality, we are sending them out into a moral corrupt culture unprepared as lambs among wolves!!   Oh, by the way, what evil we let slide in the past and today and we did not resist, will escalate in subsequent years and our children will have to deal with it in their day.  We have been poor watchman for our children!!!

Our original states delegated authority to form the federal government for limited duty with rights to protect the citizens from government.   The federal government was NEVER to dictate or decree policy to the states – our states were considered sovereign nations such as France, Spain, and Great Britian and had authority to control borders and wage war.   But eventually, the federal government, with the help of the politicians in Congress and corporations along with demonic secret societies and globalist, it was easy to slowly shift the power from We The People and the states to the federal government when the citizens and church are ignorant of the way our Constitutional Republic was originally set up by our Founders.

God does not reward the guilty of religion, lawlessness, rebellion, no plan, division, immorality, apathy, pleasure seekers, the ignorant, incapable of self-governing, not engaged, and disobedient but it brings us judgment.   If God’s People would have just showed up at the battlefield in obedience like David and Joshua to resist this evil, we could have won this war being waged against us and we would still be a Republic with our liberty and freedom!!!

There is something that needs to be said here to those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.  In Colossians 2:8-15, the Scriptures say we are to see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the traditions of men – that’s religion.  But you are to be focused on Jesus Christ for in Him we have been made complete and He made you alive to gather with Him.  He cancelled out all your debt.  He disarmed the rulers and authorities and He made a public display of them having triumphed over them through Him.

How then has the Body of Christ in America allowed a defeated Satan to capture this nation, we are ruled by Satan and not God, and we have become a dwelling place of demons and you ignore what Satan is doing as he is stealing this nation, corrupting our culture and destroying our seed and you are silent and do not stand against this evil?  If all you do is attend some building on Sunday, then you have missed Christ and you need to go back and repent and do this right otherwise you are in for a rude awakening when you stand in your religion at the judgment before Christ and He says, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.”

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Liberty’s Secrets by Joshua Charles, Raise Your Voice by Myles Rutherford, Dark Covenant by Donna Howell and Allie Henson. and Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas just to name a few)

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