By Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum

May 25, 2024

If you are still wondering about who you might vote for in the Secretary of State’s race, let me help. I’ve got some notions that will be worth your time.

This Secretary of State’s (SOS) office is an executive position and it is entirely partisan.

By this I mean that Democrat candidates appear only on their party ballots, while Republican candidates appear solely on their Republican party ballots. In the November General Election, these respective party candidates will each face the challenge of convincing all Oregonians of the validity of their ideas.

I mention the partisan nature of this office because our friends and neighbors often think that this statewide position requires Republican candidates to abandon their values and pursue some tepid hodgepodge of watered-down policy goals. Unfortunately, this leads to initiatives based upon mutually inconsistent philosophical positions which eventually weaken and dismantle our long-standing reliance on independence and self-governance.

This is wrong. Republicans should always be striving to implement their values in the public square. After all, Republican values, principles and beliefs are key to Making Oregon Great Again.

Republicans are not the culturally backward, rural bigots, that the leftist media would have you believe. Nor are they lazy, stupid, radical or afraid of the future. To the contrary, most Republicans carry a worldview that is truly capable of solving our problems because their worldview still adheres to traditional values like truth, logic, reason, integrity, and accountability.

The Democrat party, on the other hand, has turned cultural homelessness, crime, student-unrest, drug-abuse, and vandalism into another hustle for more tax-payer funded bureaucratic solutions. More money won’t solve these problems, because using Reagan’s eloquent rhetoric, “more government is the problem.”

These problems are so detrimental to the public and reflect so poorly on our Democrat-party overlords that the SOS purchased a Misinformation, Disinformation and Mal-information (MDM) software platform to bring artificial intelligence to their aid. This is a terrible precedent.

The SOS is using the software to censor, filter and counteract news and information in the public sphere. The Democrats are in a spot where they need to engage in censorship tactics to keep their leftist election propaganda on-track.

My pledge to you is that I will terminate this MDM program because it is an unconstitutional and repugnant assault against our republican form of self-governing principles.

My victory is a key part of the solution. First, we’ll need to stop the Democrat-party propaganda machine, then we can build a fair and level playing field for all Oregonians.

We don’t need any more go-along, get-along, happy-camp Republicans who will ride along with the Four-Modern-Horseman of the Apocalypse – Tax, Spend, Regulate and Rule.

We need men and women who will stand and say, “enough is enough!”

Our upcoming Republican Primary gives Republicans the opportunity to fight for openness, integrity and transparency in both our election system and the SOS office.

Now is our Republican opportunity!

Here’s some more information about me and my candidacy:

Election Website
April 16, Oregonian interview
A series of newsletters on election integrity

Your support is vital and
your VOTE is appreciated!

Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

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