By Pastor Butch Paugh

April 2, 2023

What?! Who?! Me?! Never! I would never make a deal with the devil! But we all have! Perhaps Ignorantly! But we have! An almost innumerable amount of deals have been entered into that absolutely however unknown at the time, were deals with the devil. The “god” of this world, (age) and in with keeping with the “times” and “accepted” limits put on us by society (the age we live in). Most “deals” seem totally innocuous and innocent and the correct thing to do at the time or “age”. Let’s name a few, shall we? Social Security, Medicare, HUD, Food stamps, and government -(taxpayer)- funded health care. Let’s add this one comment about all of these above mentioned “deals.” They have led to massive fraud, greed and tremendous amount of immorality to obtain the “benefits” of these deals with the devil. After saying all of that, I will tell you that this article is not specifically about the church playing the “whore” with the world, or current age. Although the methods used to “soften” the people to accept the deals of this world or age has worked very well. Now, let’s look at some of the other “deals” we have intentionally made with the devil, with our consent through our silence! But always though compromise, cowardliness and greed. Please keep in mind that the “few” examples I listed previously are all in direct disobedience to Gods word, (Ex20:1:4, Ps9:17, Mt 6:24, Phil4:19). As we review “some” of the other “deals” we have continued to make with the devil/world/age it will be easier to understand our journey into destruction. When we connect the dots and keep in mind that the ones who should have known better and warned society ,the church, jumped right into the “deals “ with all others (Eph4:27)

The enemy comes to us offering ease of life, freedom in all areas, but along with these “deals” come the seeds of destruction and the chains of slavery. (II Peter chapter two). In the name of freedom and prosperity we have made many deals with the devil. (Hos 4:6/7 Mat 10:10)

1- In 1962 we made a deal by compromise with the “supreme” court ruling God out of the public life including schools. We said very little, and as a nation did virtually nothing in opposition to this attack on our children’s mind and souls. After all our children have to get an education after all we can’t afford a Christian school and we don’t have the ability to home school.

2- In 1973 the same “supreme” court overruled God’s law’s proclaiming that women had a constitutional right to kill/murder the unborn Life in her womb. “Some” protested most were going to stop the slaughter with their “vote” After nearly 50 years of voting the “right” people in office 70 to 100 million children were destroyed. But we did speak up and we voted! (Pro24:11/12).

3- In 1993 Bill Clinton said that when it comes to being a sexual pervert in the military just “don’t ask and don’t tell”. We said overtly or covertly, that sounds fair. After all what an individual does in private is his own business. We made a “deal” again violating Gods law for such “crimes”! (Lev 20:13 /Roms1:26/27/II Peter2:6)

4- In 2015, once again mans “supreme” court ruled that sexual deviants could legally be “married”, and once again with very little outcry from society or the “church”. One very courageous Christian lady in Kentucky was willing to go to jail for her Christian convictions on this issue. Most made a deal to keep the peace in their families and not have others call them a bigot, racist, Nazi or terrorist!

5- In 2017 once again the nine black robed “gods” ruled that the sexual perverts, pedophiles, child molesters and rapist could legally adopt children! You say “Pastor”, that’s not fair! All of them wouldn’t do that! However,they ALL have in them the propensity to commit these abominations! Most are already reprobate and will continue to follow their pernicious ways into further decadence (Romans 1:28) If evil isn’t dealt with quickly with Gods word as the guide it will spread until it can’t be stopped by man! (Ecc8:11).[6]

6- Now praise God, we have states that have been pressured by some righteous people that are sick and tired of all the absolute insanity caused by sin affecting their society and their children’s future taking a stand! (Deut28:28). The “deal” we have made with the devil is by tolerating and allowing this perversion to “peaceably” co-exist in society. By not eradicating it as Gods law directs, this “cancer” will never stop until it finally and totally destroys its “host”. In our case we have been a willing host for all the reasons already listed.[7]

7- Lets now expose the deal with the devil that brought all the destruction, chaos and damnation to our nation. That the majority of “us” have agreed to through ignorance, apathy and compromise. All we have mentioned and much, much more came through what Christ warned us about in (Matt 6:24)! Let’s face the simple fact that as a nation, including most of the church has “worshipped” a false god! All of the “benefits” we have accepted through our fleshly lust for ease of life in this present world /age have totally enslaved us! We tolerate and accept manifold evils because we don’t want to bite the hand that feeds us. We couldn’t pay our bills without the “benefits “our “god” grants to us!

This article is not “throwing” stones at anyone in particular. I’m guilty of being a part of the “deals” made with the devil. Yes, many were made before I was born. But the agreements/contracts have still bound me and most others to the “deals”. Ignorance of Gods law is no excuse in this case. All are held guilty, but the one that call themselves Gods chosen are held much more accountable (Luke12:48/Mt. 7:15-23]

We were told clearly that the Devil/Satan the god of this world is a liar and the father of liars! (John8:44) The enemy even has “preachers” and ministers to deceive the masses (II Cor11:13)

The deals we have made with the devil have destroyed America beyond any hope of help. But praise God, we as individuals still have a blessed hope through Jesus Christ! By his grace through faith in his blood sacrifice we can make void our “deals” with the devil!

One word of warning in closing, we must be willing to lose all to receive the gift of eternal life and be willing to count our earthly possessions on earth but “dung” to win Christ (Phil 3:8) .To break deals with the devil and society WILL cost you ! (II Tim 3:12/Heb 11:35/40) It’s all part of the “BEAST” system.

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