By Karen Schoen
April 22, 2023
How many American’s think LGBTQ + is a new fad? It is not. It is an ancient action we now see in many ancient artifacts. This message of depravity was often promoted in some form of theater //puppetering and was used to reinforce the desires of the ruler. Humans nature shows that man is an emotional animal. When logic and reason are shadowed by emotion and the emotional button is pushed human will do or say anything to belong. They must become part of the group and will pick up the narrative of the group regardless of truth or fact. Everything points to: I have a desire to belong, to be accepted. So the leader will dictate what clothes to wear, what words to say, how to act in the prescribed manner. One must follow the script or suffer the consequences. The greatest consequence of all is being canceled. In the meantime, while everyone focus on the horror of being canceled the Elite Globalists are stealing America.
Being canceled on social media feels just like it did getting punched by the bully in school. You know in your heart the Elite are wrong. There is no such thing as climate change. You need CO2 and fossil fuels to live. The economy does suck. The border is wide open for your replacement. Covid and vaccines were lies. Donald Trump may not be as bad as you were told. Inflation and lower wages are transitory. Eventually we learn that all their programs are based on lies. They are solving problems that they have created. They are offering solutions that don’t work. Only their Propaganda is mind control and it works. 2 generations of Americans know nothing abut America, can’t read, write or do math and have little or no common sense. rhis group will continue to do as they were told without question. Accept the dialogue regardless of whether or not it is true.
For years I have been saying that America is repeating the Roman Empire. Instead of sending the masses to the arena, we are sending them to the movies, video games or social media. Instead of clapping for the gladiators, we clap for the best performance. We become or supply prostitutes, Queen’s, Dancers, and when everyone is drugged up or drunk, we sell our bodies. Not to worry if there is a baby from the distorted sex, we are told to have an abortion. We are following Ancient rituals that dictate the subjects must sacrifice children aka abortion aka murder. Today the same ritual with its new name, Abortion, is paid by the US taxpayer. I call it murder We are paying for murder. The Communist Elite made the populace dumb and compliant so we would accept their insane policies, designed to fail but be expensive. We are repeating the Roman Empire. Is America worth saving? What are you doing? Doing nothing is complying. Boycotts work.
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